NYHETER UKE 32 - 2013 EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY AND DAVID WINGO PRINCE AVALANCHE Temporary Residence TRR222 / TRR222LP 0656605322223 / 0656605322216 CD/LP Explosions in the Sky og Ola Podridas David Wingo har gått sammen og laget soundtracket til David Gordon Greens siste film, Prince Avalanche. Filmens handling er satt til det øde landskapet i Texas’ Bastrop State Park, og EITS og Wingos neddempede musikk kler dette perfekt. Platen spiller også som et album og ikke som et tilfeldig samlet knippe lydsnutter, og anbefales på det varmeste. REVOCATION REVOCATION Relapse RR7216-2 / RR7216-1 0781676721627 / 0781676721610 CD/LP Revocations forrige album, Chaos of Forms, plasserte seg på NRK Pyros liste over topp ti-metalalbum i 2011 og nå er den selvtitulerte oppfølgeren klar. Teknisk trash/death metal drevet av den strålende gitaristen Dave Davidsons kompromissløse riffbriljanse. “Some of the out-and-out technicality that Revocation are known for has fallen away a little in pursuit of a more holistic, song-driven approach. It’s a great move, making the high points feel even higher and allowing Davidson the space to really stretch out in the solos.” 5/6 TRASH HITS THE LOVE LANGUAGE RUBY RED Merge MRG436 / MRG436LP 0673855043623 / 0673855043616 CD/LP Spector-orkestrering, Bacharach-pop, garasjerock og finner sammen når The Love Language nå gir oss sitt tredje album, Ruby Red. Primus motor Stuart McLamb har benyttet seg av et tyvetalls musikere og med hjelp fra dem har han skapt sitt hittil beste album. “This is the album that should have followed McLamb’s quaintly lo-fi debut and ensuing tours, as the small army of collaborators brings his pop music vision to life.” 7.5 PITCHFORK 7/10 UNCUT Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 1 NYHETER UKE 32 - 2013 MEDICINE TO THE HAPPY FEW Captured Tracks CT183CD / CT183LP 0817949018412 / 0817949018405 CD/LP 18 år etter oppløsningen er Medicine tilbake med et splitter nytt studioalbum. Kjernetrioen i bandet, Beth Thompson, Brad Laner og Jim Goodall, er på plass, og det er svært lite som tyder på at såpass mange år har gått. ”…shoegaze-indebted noise-pop that makes Medicine as welcome now as they were in 1995” PITCHFORK CHRIS SHIFLETT & THE DEAD PEASANTS ALL HAT AND NO CATTLE Side One Dummy SD1528 / SD1528-1 0603967152821 / 0603967152814 CD/LP Foo Fighters-gitarist Chris Shiflett har samlet noen venner under navnet The Dead Peasants, og sammen gir de oss deres coverversjoner av en rekke honky tonk-klassikere originalt utført av folk som Waylon Jennings, Buck Owens, Chet Atkins osv. THE MOUNTAIN GOATS ALL HAIL WEST TEXAS Merge MRG481 / MRG481LP 0673855048123 / 0673855048116 CD/LP Reutgivelse av The Mountain Goats’ briljante 2002-utgivelse All Hail West Texas som har vært utgått i en årrekke. Syv bonusspor er lagt til og det følger også med et 1.800 ord langt essay hvor John Darnielle forteller detaljert om albumet og prosessen med å spille det inn. 9.0 – Best New Reissue – PITCHFORK JERRY LEE LEWIS SOUTHERN ROOTS – THE ORIGINAL SESSIONS Bear Family BCD17312 / BAF218011 5397102173127 / 5397102180118 2CD/2LP Southern Roots var Jerry Lee Lewis siste store utgivelse (før han igjen gjorde et brukbart comeback i 2006) og over dobbel CD og dobbel LP (begge av deluxe-typen selvsagt) får vi her albumet samt en rekke outtakes hvor Jerry og den notoriske produsenten Huey Meaux utfolder seg. “I knew Jerry and I would fight, but in the end we’d come out with the record. We fought, but we delivered.” HUEY MEAUX Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 2 NYHETER 32 - 2013 DUMB NUMBERS DUMB NUMBERS Joyful Noise JNR115CD / JNR115LP 0656605482729 / 0656605482712 CD/LP Australske Adam Harding har alliert seg med et stjernelag av folk på debuten sin, Lou Barlow, Dale Crover, Murph, Bobb Bruno fra Best Coast m.fl., og tatt navnet Dumb Numbers. Sammen gir de oss feedback-dynket pop av beste sort. David Lynch står for coverdesignet. HUNX AND HIS PUNX STREET PUNK Hardly Art HAR073CD / HAR073LP 0098787307320 / 0098787307313 CD/LP Tidligere har det vært lyden av 60-tallet og girl groups som har preget Hunx og hans Punx, men nå er fokuset flyttet over til punken, 80-talls hardcore, og nordvestkystens riot grrrls. MINKS TIDES END Captured Tracks CT184CD / CT184LP 0817949018429 / 0817949018535 MINKS gir oss 80s-inspirert pop og er på mange måter sammenlignbare med fantastiske Destroyer. CD/LP Sjekk ut albumet her: KENDL WINTER AND THE SUMMER GOLD IT CAN BE DONE! K Records K248 / KLP248LP 0789856124824 / 0789856124817 Old-time americana/bluegrass drevet av banjo og Kendl Winters hjemsøkende vokal på Calvin Johnson-produserte It Can Be Done!. CD/LP Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 3 NYHETER 32 - 2013 KEN CAMDEN SPACE MIRROR Kranky KRANK180 / KRANK180LP 0796441818020 / 0796441818013 Ken Camden, kjent fra Implodes, med soloalbum nummer to for Kranky. Eterisk space-kraut inspirert av romferder og Karlheinz Stockhausen. CD/LP ALL PIGS MUST DIE NOTHING VIOLATES THIS NATURE Southern Lord LORD177 0808720017724 All Pigs Must Die består av medlemmer av Converge, The Hope Conspiracy og Bloodhorse, og gir oss her sitt andre album, Nothing Violates This Nature. Lytt til platen her: CD CENTURIES TAEDIUM VITAE Southern Lord LORD178 0808720017823 Mørk, eksplosiv hardcore sammenlignbar med band som Baptists og Nails fra Centuries på Taedium Vitae. CD 8/10 METAL HAMMER DEAD IN THE DIRT THE BLIND HOLE Southern Lord LORD176 / LORD176LP 0808720017625 / 0808720017618 Politisk ladet grindcore på CD og LP fra Atlanta-trioen Dead in the Dirt på The Blind Hole. CD/LP Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 4 NYHETER 32 - 2013 POP 1280 IMPS OF PERVERSION Sacred Bones SBR104CD / SBR104LP 0616892138044 / 0616892138143 Industriell synth-punk på album to for Sacred Bones fra NYC-kvartetten Pop 1280. Albumet er produsert av Martin Bisi (Sonic Youth, Swans, Bill Laswell). CD/LP BLONDES SWISHER RVNG Intl RVNG021CD / RVNG021LP 0610079237131 / 0610079231245 CD og dobbel LP som gir oss Blondes nye album, Swisher. Minimalistisk, men melodisk techno. CD/2LP MONTAG PHASES Carpark CAK85LP 0677517008517 LP som samler Montags tolv singler fra 2012. Krautrock/synth med gjesteopptreden fra Au Revoir Simones Erika Spring. LP WYMOND MILES PASSION PLAYS Sacred Bones SBR108LP 0616892139249 Ny sjuer fra The Fresh & Onlys-sjef Wymond Miles med den nye låta Passion Plays på A-siden og en cover av The Terminals’ Batwing på B-siden. 7” Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 5 NYHETER 32 - 2013 THE REVEREND HORTON HEAT LIVE AT THE FILLMORE Yep Roc YEP2264 0634457226425 The Reverend Horton Heat live fra legendariske Fillmore Theater i San Francisco i 2010. CD ISIS CELESTIAL Ipecac IPC145 0689230014522 Remastret utgave av Isis-debuten Celestial fra 2001. CD BIRD NEST ROYS COMPILATION Flying Nun / Captured Tracks FNCT005LP 0817949018351 Komplett Bird Nest Roys på dobbel LP pakket i et flott gatefold-cover. 2LP THE CLEAN VEHICLE Flying Nun / Captured Tracks FNCT004LP 0817949018252 2LP Dobbel LP som gir oss The Cleans debutalbum, Vehicle, på disk 1 og bandet live fra Fulham i 1988 på disk 2. Omfattende hefte med dyptpløyende liner notes, sjeldne bilder osv. 8/10 UNCUT Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 6 NYHETER 32 - 2013 THE INNOCENTS CLASSIC – THE REPRISE, DECCA WARNER AND A&M RECORDINGS Ace CDLUX011 CD 0029667055826 CD i begrenset opplag på 1.500 eksemplarer som gir oss The Innocents komplette innspillinger for Reprise, Decca Warner og A&M, 28 spor i alt. DIVERSE ARTISTER FOXY R&B – RICHARD STAMZ CHICAGO BLUES Ace CDCHD1375 CD 0029667055222 Richard Stamz var en fargerik soul- og R&B-DJ i Chicago på 50- og 60-tallet og han drev også egen etikett, Paso Records. Her en samling med utvalgte Stamz-anbefalte bluesperler. DIVERSE ARTISTER BEATING THE PETRILLO BAN – THE LATE DECEMBER 1947 MODERN SESSIONS Ace CDTOP21373 2CD 0029667055420 Dobbel CD med spor som ble spilt inn for Modern-etiketten sent i desember 1947, rett før den såkalte Petrillo ban-en slo inn 1. januar 1948. 49 spor i alt med alt av Moderns største navn på den tiden. DAVID PORTER GRITTY, GROOVY & GETTIN’ IT Stax CDSXD142 CD 0029667055628 David Porter var en halvdel av det legendariske låtskriverteamet Porter/Hayes (Soul Man, Hold On, I’m Coming osv), og i likhet med Isaac Hayes fikk Porter sine soloalbum gitt ut av Stax. Her hans første, Gritty, Groovy & Gettin’ It i utvidet utgave med bonusspor. THE STAPLE SINGERS THIS TIME AROUND Stax CDSXE139 CD 0029667055321 Mid-price-reutgivelse av The Staple Singers 1981-album This Time Around. BETTYE CRUTCHER LONG AS YOU LOVE ME Stax CDSXD141 CD 0029667050920 Bettye Crutcher var en av de mest suksessrike låtskriverne tilknyttet Stax, men fikk også sitt eget album i 1974, rett før Stax la ned driften. Her i utvidet utgave med seks bonusspor. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 7 NYHETER 32 - 2013 DARRELL BANKS THE COMPLETE VOLT RECORDINGS Kent Soul CDKEND402 CD 0029667240222 Darrell Banks karriere endte brått da han ble skutt og døde i 1970. Han rakk dog å spille inn et album og demoer til et annet for Stax/Volt før han døde. Her er hans komplette innspillinger for etiketten. THE RIOT SQUAD THE TOY SOLDIER EP Acid Jazz AJX329S 7” 0676499032978 David Bowie var i en kort periode i 1967 med i The Riot Squad og på denne sjutommeren får vi fire spor hvor den senere superstjernen bidrar med sin lett gjenkjennelige vokal. THE JAMES HUNTER SIX MINUTE BY MINUTE Daptone DAP303 LP 0823134030312 Soul/RnB på LP fra britiske James Hunter som på Minute by Minute har alliert seg med Daptones Gabriel Roth. Bandet spiller på Notodden bluesfestival 2. august som support for Van Morrison. “This is inarguably his finest album.” 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC JOHN DOE A YEAR IN THE WILDERNESS Yep Roc YEP2141LP LP 0634457214118 LP-utgave av John Does A Year in the Wilderness fra 2007. PLEASURE FUTURE NOW Beat Goes Public CDBGPM256 CD 0029667525626 Pleasures 1979-album Future Now i ny utgave. Disco/quiet storm. “Without question, Future Now is among Pleasure’s most essential albums.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC ULTRAISTA REMIXES Temporary Residence TRR228LP 2LP 0656605322810 Dobbel LP hvor Ultraista (Nigel Godrich og Joey Waronker) er remikset av bl.a. Four Tet, David Lynch, Prefuse 73, Zero 7 med flere. Begrenset opplag på 2.000 eksemplarer. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 8 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 16. AUGUST barbarossa bloodlines Memphis Industries MI0272CD / MI0272LP 5060146094092 / 5060146094115 CD/LP There were plenty of reasons for Londoner James Mathé to simply keep course after the release of his well received debut album, Chemical Campfires in 2008 on Fence Records: a flourishing reputation as one of Britain’s most exciting acoustic troubadours, a prominent spot in Johnny Flynn and Jose Gonzales’ backing bands, the roar of applause from the audience at a sold-out show at New York’s Bowery Ballroom still ringing in his ears. But Mathé had other ideas. “I loved the acoustic scene, but knew it was not all I was about,” he remembers. “So I dug out all my old Casiotone keyboards, drum machines and analogue synths and just started writing.” Bloodlines, then, is a compelling reinvention and sees Mathé’s emotive missives from young adulthood rewired into elegiac electronic anthems, dusted with huge spectral gasps of reverb and soul-wrenching organ melodies. Unusually for such an electronic album, it was recorded on vintage analogue gear and straight to tape. “I really fancied getting back to basics,” says Mathé “I was tired of trying to iron out all the mistakes in modern production. I wanted to record live to tape, keeping all the mistakes in, warts and all.” From the sultry ache of opener Bloodline – a nod to Massive Attack’s Unfinished Sympathy “about not picking up the bad habits of the generation before you”, says Mathé – to the Pharrell Williamsinspired urban crunch of ‘Turbine’, all the way to ‘The Load’, written when Mathé was indulging in his love of Jurassic 5 era 90s hip hop, Bloodlines is a brilliantly varied listen that pulls and paws at your heartstrings. If there’s a gloriously loose, tenebrous feel to songs like the blue-eyed electro-soul ‘Pagliacco’, it might have something to do with the Londoner’s organic approach to song writing. “I just sit down with my dictaphone and make sense of what comes out afterwards. The best stuff usually comes when I’m hungover or not really thinking. The minute I try to be clever with words, it just sounds shit,” Mathé laughs. Instead, the album’s lyrics burn with a simple, poignant immediacy and Mathé sings them with touching, soulful grace. Recently signed to iconic London label Memphis Industries (Field Music, POLIÇA, The Go! Team, Dutch Uncles), Mathé is influenced by everything from soul men Stevie Wonder, D’Angelo and Levon Helm to Dirty Projectors and Sufjan Stevens. Tender yet triumphant, Bloodlines marks Mathé as one of Britain’s most versatile and adventurous artists. Following support slots with Junip and label mates POLIÇA, Barbarossa will be performing live across the summer including festival slots at Glastonbury and Bestival. Tracklist: 1. Bloodline 2. Turbine 3. Butterfly Plague 4. Pagliaccio 5. S.I.H.F.F.Y. 6. Battles 7. The Load 8. Saviour Self 9. The Endgame 10. Seeds FORHÅND 16. AUGUST SUPERCHUNK I HATE MUSIC Merge MRG480 / MRG480LP / MRG480DLX 0673855048024 / 0673855048017 / 0673855048000 CD/LP Superchunk will release I Hate Music, their tenth studio album, on August 16. The band has also announced tour dates throughout the late summer and fall. Tracklist: 1. Overflows 2. Me & You & Jackie Mittoo 3. Void 4. Staying Home 5. Low F 6. Trees of Barcelona 7. Breaking Down 8. Out of the Sun 9. Your Theme 10. FOH 11. What Can We Do After taking nearly a decade off following the release of Here’s to Shutting Up, Mac, Laura, Jon, and Jim decided to shout it out again in 2010 with Majesty Shredding, an album perfectly described by its own title. It’s a celebratory set of whoa-whoa-whoas from a group so thrilled by making music together again that they can’t contain themselves. The band’s forthcoming release, I Hate Music, is Majesty’s dark twin. It’s similarly aggressive—often moreso (see “Staying Home”)—and every bit as energetic. It reflects the joys of a life spent immersed in music (“Me & You & Jackie Mittoo,” “Trees of Barcelona”), but there’s a dark undercurrent as well. That title isn’t tongue-in-cheek, but it’s really more a question than a statement: When you’re 20, lazy co-workers and romantic missteps number among your biggest worries; two decades later, life’s bigger questions knock louder and louder, demanding answers. I Hate Music is an album about love more than anything else: love of life, love of living, love of people, and yeah, love of music. It defies its own title so completely and diligently that it never even seems like a fair fight: There’s no pain this deep or yearning this severe without the type of love earned over a lifetime. “I hate music – what is it worth? / Can’t bring anyone back to this earth” goes the first line in “Me & You & Jackie Mittoo.” That song and its ten companions can’t relive the past or resurrect those lost, but they can keep them close enough to see and hear and celebrate. It’s dark in here, but if we conjure the right words and sounds, maybe we’ll find our way out. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 9 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 16. AUGUST NO AGE AN OBJECT Sub Pop SPCD1041 / SP1041 CD/LP 0098787104127 / 0098787104110 Tracklist: No Ground I Won’t Be Your Generator C’mon, Stimmung Defected An Impression Lock Box Running From A-Go-Go My Hands, Birch and Steel Circling With Dizzy A Ceiling Dreams of A Floor Commerce, Comment, Commence With An Object, their fourth full-length album, No Age has forgone the straight and narrow route, landing in a strange and unexpected place, feet planted in fresh, fertile soil. This new LP finds drummer/vocalist Dean Spunt exploding from behind his kit, landing percussive blows with amplified contact mics, 4-string bass guitars, and prepared speakers, as well as traditional forms of lumber and metal. Meanwhile, guitarist Randy Randall corrals his previously lush, spastic, sprawling arrangements into taught, refined, rats’ nests. Lyrically Spunt challenges space, fracturing ideological forms and complacency, creating a striking new perspective that reveals thematic preoccupations with structural ruptures and temporal limits. As the title An Object suggests, these eleven tracks are meant to be grasped, not simply heard. Whether in the fine grit of Randall’s sandpaper guitar scrapes on “Defector/ed,” or Spunt’s percussive stomp and crack on “Circling with Dizzy” and “An Impression,” these are songs that pivot on the sheer materiality of music-making, incorporating the process every step of the way. Still, this is hardly a work of avant garde noise music. These songs are hummable, political, recognizably rooted in underground rock, and informed by an understanding of sound as a material to be shaped, handled, and worked over. It is an aesthetic in which the relationships between guitar, percussion, and vocals—as well as those between rhythm and melody—become relationships between things. These relationships are built into An Object at every level. In collaboration with friend and Grammy-nominated designer Brian Roettinger (5 E.P.‘s, Nouns, Losing Feeling, Everything In Between), the band prepared and assembled the physical packaging of An Object, including jackets, inserts, and labels, fusing the roles of manufacturer, artist, and musician into one. It is this sense of the total work of art that underlines An Object as the culmination of two years of touring, writing, and performing, finding No Age moving into new terrain at the height of their powers. An Object was recorded by longtime No Age collaborator Facundo Bermudez and No Age at Gaucho’s Electronics in Los Angeles. FORHÅND 16. AUGUST ZOLA JESUS VERSIONS Sacred Bones SBR102CD / SBR102LP CD/LP 0616892138846 / 0616892138945 Tracklist: Avalanche (Slow) Fall Back Hikikomori Run Me Out Seekir Sea Talk Night In Your Nature Collapse CD Bonus Track- Avalanche** On the heels of her Conatus world tour, Nika Roza Danilova was offered an opportunity to perform at one of the most prestigious modern art museums in the world, NY’s Guggenheim. Rather than doing her standard electronic set she decided she wanted to work with a classical composer who could arrange her songs for a quartet. She recruited legendary industrial pioneer JG Thirlwell (Foetus) to do the arrangements who since his work as Foetus, has been scoring and composing symphonic arrangements for a variety of projects including currently scoring aDUlt swim’s Venture Brothers series. Thirlwell’s oeuvre runs the gamut from orchestrations, big band, and cathartic noise-rock to abstract electronics, sound sculpture, and chamber music, thus making him the perfect collaborator to help realize Danilova’s vision. Danilova explains her intentions with this album, “Versions is about the bone of the music; taking approximations from past records and turning them inside out. With all framework exposed, the songs are given a new medium in which to evolve and bloom into their own tiny worlds.” Removing the bulk of electronics from these songs gives them the space to breath, thusly opening them up to be received by a much wider audience who perhaps don’t haven’t previously ventured into the techno-pop/ industrial arena. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 10 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 16. AUGUST JULIANNA BARWICK NEPENTHE Dead Oceans DOC069 / DOC069LP 0656605136929 / 0656605136912 CD/LP Julianna Barwick’s art is equal parts force and beauty. Her music finds its motor in significant events in her own life, but they are abstracted into a sense of sonic wonderment, a radiance that you could say is her signature sound. That radiance has been taken to new zeniths with Nepenthe, her third full-length album, which was recorded in Reykjavík, Iceland, in the dark cold days of February. “Everything I was making was visceral – the record represents some serious emotional stuff,” she confirms, while at the same time she raves with enormous positivity about the unique recording environment. Alex Somers (musician/producer of Sigur Rós, Jónsi, Jónsi & Alex) invited her to Iceland in the first place. For Julianna, who was blown away at a Sigur Rós show in 2002, it was a dream come true. “That was the fastest email I ever wrote: “Yes!” Who would say no to that?” Somers produced and engineered the record and brought in local Icelandic musicians who turned out to make crucial contributions: string ensemble Amiina, guitarist Róbert Sturla Reynisson from Múm, and a choir of teenage girls. Tracklist: Offing The Harbinger One Half Look Into Your Own Mind Pyrrhic Labyrinthine Forever Adventurer Of The Family Crystal Lake Waving To You “[The Magic Place] has the feel of a modest classic of post-millennial ambient music, the kind of record that sounds gorgeous and immersive on first listen and never loses its sparkle, whether playing in the background or filling a room with its swells.” PITCHFORK, BEST NEW MUSIC “[Barwick’s] ethereal multi-tracked harmonies have the devotional quality of gospel choirs, and the oddball allure of Bjork or Yoko Ono. At times, watching Ms. Barwick’s set was like watching someone give birth, in the magic-of-life sense…The music was dense and asphyxiating. The end of each number came as a relief – the small pleasure of a chance to breathe between the greater pleasures of not wanting to have to.” NEW YORK TIMES FORHÅND 16. AUGUST GOLDEN SUITS GOLDEN SUITS Yep Roc YEP2340 / YEP2340LP 0634457234024 / 0634457234017 CD/LP Golden Suits is the first solo project of Fred Nicolaus from the band Department of Eagles (Fred Nicolaus and Daniel Rossen of Grizzly Bear). Tracklist: 1. Swimming in ‘99 2. Under Your Wing 3. I think You Would Have Been Mine 4. You Can’t Make Your Mind Up 5. Restaurant Song 6. Didn’t I Warn You 7. Wash It Away 8. Find A Way 9. Little One 10. Dearly Beloved After co-writing many of the group’s best known songs, Nicolaus was inspired to write a solo album after a strange year that saw him get chased out of an apartment by a rat infestation, go through a painful breakup, travel to Germany to learn about his grandfather’s death in WWII, go broke, and lose forty pounds. The result is a collection of ten songs that combine nostalgia, sentimentality, skewed references to a book about suburban marriage in the 1950s, personal confessions and abstract non-sequitors that take a shot at the sublime. Musically, the songs follow the thread of Department of Eagles’ swervy take on classic pop in the vein of Randy Newman, Van Dyke Parks, Paul Simon, and Lennon and McCartney solo. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 11 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 23. AUGUST PURE BATHING CULTURE MOON TIDES Memphis Industries MI0273CD / MI0273LP 5060146094122 / 5060146094139 CD/LP It’s a rare and beautiful thing when a band emerges fully formed, but it makes perfect sense in the case of guitarist Daniel Hindman and keyboardist Sarah Versprille’s Pure Bathing Culture. Having backed folk rock revisionist Andy Cabic in Vetiver, the New Yorkers partnered up and moved West in 2011, settling in Portland, Oregon. Building off their past experiences as musical collaborators, in a short time the duo have created a sound that is undeniably their own: soaring synths, chiming keyboards, and shimmering electric guitars move in lockstep with bouncing drum machines. Sarah’s crystalline voice floats on top of it all with divine purpose. It’s a sound that looks back momentarily for inspiration -- Talk Talk, Prefab Sprout, Cocteau Twins -- but then fixes its gaze firmly on the present. Further developing the sound of their acclaimed four song, self-titled 2012 EP, at the start of 2013 they set out to record Moon Tides, their first full length album. Again, they chose to work with producer Richard Swift at his National Freedom studio in rural Cottage Grove, Oregon. Throughout 2012 Swift had called on the duo to help him with other studio projects (Versprille sings on Foxygen’s latest LP and Hindman adds his sprawling guitar work to Damien Jurado’s excellent Marqopa) which only helped to cement the threesome’s musical partnership. Like the earlier sessions for the EP, they worked quickly in the studio and improvised parts around the basic song structures that they’d carefully composed up in Portland. Dan explains, “Pretty much all tracks (vocals and instruments) are all first or very early takes. Richard is kind of a stickler about this and I actually don’t go in with a clean, pristine idea of what I’m going to play on guitar or any other instrument for that matter, so there’s actually a lot of improvisation as far as performances in the studio go. ”It’s this compassion and warmth in Pure Bathing Culture that set them apart. The music is uplifting. It invites self-reflection. It never feels alienating. “Pendulum” is a perfect mid-tempo album opener that pulses and shines. Other standout tracks from the album -- “Dream The Dare”, “Twins”, “Scotty” and “Golden Girl” -- are slices of reverb-drenched, soulful, danceable electropop, that musically and lyrically tap into an introspective worship of the natural and psychic mysteries that surround us. Pure Bathing Culture’s debut album Moon Tides is optimistic modern music for souls who seek to explore the infinite. Tracklist: 1. Pendulum 2. Dream The Dare 3. Evergreener 4. Twins 5. Only Lonely 6. Lovers 7. Scotty 8. Seven 2 One 9. Golden Girl 10. Temples of the Moon FORHÅND 23. AUGUST MANDOLIN ORANGE THIS SIDE OF JORDAN Yep Roc YEP2338 / YEP2338LP CD/LP 0634457233829 / 0634457233812 Tracklist: 1. House of Stone 2. Turtle Dove and the Crow 3. There Was a Time 4. The Runaround 5. Cavalry 6. Black Widow 7. The Doorman 8. Morphine Girl 9. Hey Adam 10. Waltz About Whiskey 11. Until the Last Light Fades On Mandolin Orange’s third release, This Side Of Jordan, there’s a Lightnin’ Hopkins lyric, “If fate’s an old woodpecker then I’m an old chunk of wood.” “I love the imagery that creates,” Andrew Marlin, the duo’s lyricist says, “You just picture death as this woodpecker that just lands on your shoulder and starts chipping away at you until there’s finally nothing left.” In 2011 around the release of Mandolin Orange’s acclaimed Haste Make/ Hard Hearted Stranger, Marlin had a near fatal accident. “It was scary,” Emily Frantz, the other half of the North Carolinian duo says, “But ultimately it brought us together during a time when we needed a nudge in that direction.” This Side Of Jordan is the story of that healing process, with tales of love and loss, told honest and bare. The opener, ‘House of Stone,’ quietly fades in with the hush of Frantz’s fiddle then Marlin’s guitar joins her, blooming. It’s a moment of beauty and a gentle easing into the record that’s drenched deep in the old time music of Southern Appalachia. Frantz explains of old time, “They’re simple songs that just anyone can play with anyone they don’t know, but music is what they have in common. And I think that’s so much of what we value in that kind of music.” That old time tradition brought Marlin and Frantz together at a local jam in Chapel Hill in 2009. Recorded at the Fideltorium in Kernersville, North Carolina with bassist Jeff Crawford and a backing band, This Side Of Jordan still maintains Mandolin Orange’s modest aesthetic. Marlin and Frantz have rambled through the dark and came out together on This Side Of Jordan holding onto some promise, more confident than ever. They’ve made simply structured songs with easy chords and humble harmonies. These are the hymns that Mandolin Orange was meant to offer. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 12 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 30. AUGUST volcano choir repave Jagjaguwar JAG238 / JAG238LP 0656605223827 / 0656605223810 CD/2LP Jagjaguwar is pleased to announce the second long-player from Wisconsin six-piece ensemble Volcano Choir. Repave builds exponentially from the musical relationship built on their 2009 debut,Unmap, and finds the band operating as a fully-realized unit, crafting their new album together over the past three years at the Fall Creek, Wisconsin studio, April Base. Tracklist: 1. Tiderays 2. Acetate 3. Comrade 4. Byegone 5. Alaskans 6. Dancepack 7. Keel 8. Almanac Repave, out August 30th, was created by band members Jon Mueller, Chris Rosenau, Matthew Skemp, Daniel Spack, Justin Vernon, and Thomas Wincek. FORHÅND 30. AUGUST KING KHAN & THE SHRINES IDLE NO MORE Merge MRG486 / MRG486LP 0673855048628 / 0673855048611 CD/LP It has been a lengthy hiatus, but we have finally finished our latest “masterpiece” and named it after an incredible indigenous-rights movement that is happening right now called Idle No More. I was born and raised in Montreal and spent a lot of time on the Kahnawake Mohawk Indian reservation. Tracklist: 1. Born to Die 2. Bite My Tongue 3. Thorn in Her Pride 4. Luckiest Man 5. Better Luck Next Time 6. Darkness 7. Pray for Lil 8. Bad Boy 9. So Wild 10. Yes I Can’t 11. I Got Made 12. Of Madness I Dream Idle No More is probably the most refined piece of music we have made to date. The songs are about the state of the world we live in today. Originally, I was going to call the album Of Madness I Dream, but then I became very enthused about the amazing work of the Idle No More movement. Everyone I asked had never heard of it, so I contacted the leaders of the movement and, with their permission, decided to rename the album Idle No More in hopes that it would increase the world’s awareness of this miracle that is taking place for the indigenous peoples of the world. If you are not familiar with Idle No More, look it up and GET INVOLVED! It took a long time to make, but we are very proud and pleased to bring you this album. I hope that the future will brighten up every time it is played. Ultimately, John and Yoko were absolutely right: LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED! Peace and Love, King Bama Lama Khan Emperor of RnB Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 13 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 30. AUGUST RICHARD BUCKNER SURROUNDED Merge MRG499 / MRG499LP 0673855049922 / 0673855049915 CD/LP Incident: I packed up most of the familiar and brought in a few new sound dispensers and bearding effects with certain re-enactors in mind. Restraints suggested surrender, though, so I sent the scraps to a magician for repurposing. Tracklist: 1. Surrounded 2. When You Tell Me How It Is 3. Beautiful Question 4. Foundation 5. Portrait 6. Mood 7. Go 8. Cut 9. Lean-To Synopsis: Part I. An insomniac waits, armed with redactions as Part II. Morning arrives in a prosecuting funk with a pack of frequently-lost answers. Part III. Silhouettes are staged in the recesses while the interrogator bears down. Part IV. The subject is declared evanescent Part V. and the sentence is reduced to a simmering loop. Resume: 1964-1985: Born to transients and miseducated in 30 locations. 1986-1993: Exhaled on both coasts while failing to write. 1994: Traipsed into the hamster wheel with a first release. 1995-2006: Spun out, locked horns, drove around and remembered none of it. 2007-2010: Tooled in indoor erosion and root rot for a silenced score. 2011-2012: Took up avalanche-embracing. 2013: Surrounded. FORHÅND 30. AUGUST THE DODOS CARRIER Polyvinyl PRC265CD / PRC265LP CD/LP 0644110026521 / 0644110026514 Tracklist: 1. Transformer 2. Substance 3. Confidence 4. Stranger 5. Relief 6. Holidays 7. Family 8. The Current 9. Destroyer 10. Death 11. The Ocean Meric Long and Logan Kroeber recorded The Dodos new album, Carrier, in their hometown of San Francisco. After guitarist Chris Reimer passed away in early 2012, The Dodos reassessed everything about the band - in particular Long’s songwriting. “Chris was a huge influence on the way I think about guitar, songwriting, and music in general,” reveals Long. “Seeing how he could transform and shape sound with an electric guitar inspired me to explore more tones and use those tones to begin writing a song.” And so, when he began to formulate the tracks that would ultimately comprise Carrier, Long employed two principles he inherited from Reimer: patience to let a song develop and a judgment-free enthusiasm for sound. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 14 NYHETER 32 - 2013 FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER tony joe white hoodoo Yep Roc YEP2348 / YEP2348LP 0634457234826 / 0634457234819 CD/LP In just a few weeks, the heralded hit-maker and swamp-rocker Tony Joe White will enter his seventh decade. After more than fifty years of playing music, handfuls of chart topping singles, and collaborations with some of the most revered musicians of the century, White is set to release a brand new album, Hoodoo, via Yep Roc. Tracklist: 1) The Gift 2) Holed Up 3) Who You Gonna Hoodoo Now? 4) 9 Foot Sack 5) Alligator, Mississippi 6) The Flood 7) Storm Comin’ 8) Gypsy Epilogue 9) Sweet Tooth Hoodoo features autobiographical songs about his life growing up on farm and learning the blues (“9 Foot Sack”), cautionary tales of rural Mississippi (“Alligator, Mississippi”), and a tale of his trek homeward after the Nashville flood of 2010 (“The Flood”). Despite his illustrious past, White feels no pressure to top himself. “There’s not a push nowhere,” he concludes. “Maybe I’ll stop playing shows and making records when the songs quit coming to me. But they still come to me. You see, I don’t work for a song-but once I get a hold of it I don’t let go. I just keep writing, and when I do, I want to go out and play it for somebody. It’s the songwriting that keeps me going.” FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER THE SADIES INTERNAL SOUNDS Yep Roc YEP2353 / YEP2353LP CD/LP 0634457235328 / 0634457235311 Tracklist: 1. Tiderays 2. Acetate 3. Comrade 4. Byegone 5. Alaskans 6. Dancepack 7. Keel 8. Almanac Consisting of brothers Dallas and Travis Good, drummer Mike Belitsky and upright bassist Sean Dean, The Sadies’ inspired culmination of psychedelia, country and western and instrumental rock has made them the preeminent torchbearers of cosmic Canadiana music. Internal Sounds was recorded in Toronto. Though Gary Louris was an integral part in making the album, it was produced by Dallas Good. “There was a conscious effort to deliver a finished product that wouldn’t suffer from a deadline or budget. We recorded this record over a span of a year, in session for twenty plus days. By the end, we’d spent every dime we had and used up every favour. There is usually a sense of immediacy to our records, maybe because we make a lot of them. I didn’t want that this time” says Good. This time, Peter J. Moore was enlisted to mix with The Sadies, a first for them. Internal Sounds also welcomes Canadian legend Buffy Sainte-Marie who contributes her haunting voice to the closing track “We Are Circling”. The Sadies continue working to make a greater live show and better albums, integrity intact. Internal Sounds is The Sadies continuing to grow, and getting better with each step Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] 15
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