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tubanytt uke 4
NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 BON IVER BLOOD BANK Jagjaguwar JAG 134 0656605213422 Fire splitter nye låter fra en av 2008s mest omtalte og kritikerroste artister, BON IVER! Utgivelsen har allerede fått massevis av oppmerksomhet så regn med etterspørsel etter denne. Tracklisting: Blood Bank / Beach Baby / Baby’s / Woods. CDEP Hør tittelsporet her: http://www.myspace.com/boniver 2CD TIGER LOU A PARTIAL PRINT Startracks STAR 1531212 7332315312121 Det tok 3 år med turnering og hardt studioarbeid før TIGER LOU var klar med oppfølgeren til kritikerroste The Loyal. Resultatet er et av de mest gjennomførte og stemingsfylte albumene som har kommet fra Sverige på svært svært lenge! Her er det ingen billige effekter eller trasige nødriff, men en dyster og majestetisk besluttsomhet som griper deg, og holder fast fra albumåpner The More You Give nærmest motvillig drar i gang det hele, til det drøyt 9 minutter lange tittelsporet ebber ut, og etterlater deg lengtende etter mer. Musikken drar veksler på alt fra THE CURE, INTERPOL, MARK KOZELEK og A PERFECT CIRCLE til landsmennene i LOGH, ISOLATION YEARS og HELLO SAFERIDE. Første opplag inneholder en bonusdisc der samtlige låter forefinnes i fjonge remix-versjoner. ”Ett ord - lysande!” 5/6 – NÖJESGUIDEN ”…en kalasbra skiva.” 4/5 – GROOVE ”Det är deppigt, vemodigt och samtidigt skört. Som en vinterdepression som det sprakar och gnistrar om.” 4/5 – SUNDSVALLS TIDNING EAGLES OF DEATH METAL HEART ON (New Edition) Downtown VVR 950269 0602517950269 Re-release av dette latterlig fete albumet, som I tillegg til instant classics som Wannabe In LA (playlistet av bl.a. Radio Tango, Bandit, MTV og P3), har blitt utvidet med to frekke bonusspor – As Nice As I Can Be og Fairy Tale In Real Time. EAGLES OF DEATH METAL spiller på Rockefeller 9. mars, og alle som har sett dem live, f.ex. på Øyafestivalen 2007, vet at det blir en konsert du ikke ønsker å gå glipp av! CD ”Spill det på bar. Spill det høyt.” – DAGBLADET ”…et intelligent og underholdende dragsug av en rockeplate, badet i en fornemmelse av undergang og ødeleggelse.” – BERGENS TIDENDE ”…Eagles of Death Metal er mer virile og oppegående enn noen gang.” - AFTENPOSTEN Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 THE GOURDS HAYMAKER! Yep Roc YEP 2195 0634457219526 CD Alt.country-rockerne THE GOURDS er ute med sitt ellevte album, Haymaker!, og enkelte nettsteder melder om deres sterkeste album til nå: ”…The Gourds have released their finest record yet. This kind of country loving can’t be anything but sweet.” 8/10 – Popmatters.com Anbefales til fans av OLD 97’S, CLEM SNIDE, STEVE EARLE, SCUD MOUNTAIN BOYS osv. http://www.thegourds.com/ zZz RUNNING WITH THE BEAST Anti EPIT 70032 CD 8714092700329 Amsterdam-duoen zZz ble dannet I 2001, og leverer med Running With The Beast sin debut for etiketten Anti (TOM WAITS, NEKO CASE, THE LOCUST mm). Deres noe uortodokse lineup tar utgangspunkt i trommer og kirkeorgel, men det er gjort plass til både synth og bass på dette albumet, som veiver mellom MORPHINE, CRAMPS, DOORS og JOY DIVISION, for å nevne noen. Det er skittent, frekt, småslemt og akkurat passe mørkt og psykedelisk. Det er rock, det er dansbart og det er sexy! 12. februar spiller de på Revolver i Oslo, og det bør bli en legendarisk aften! http://www.myspace.com/zzz CHATHAM COUNTY LINE CHATHAM COUNTY LINE - REISSUE Yep Roc YEP 2199 0634457219922 Reutgivelse av CHATHAM COUNTY LINEs debutplate fra 2003. CD “…a solid, beautiful collection of terrific songs and equally terrific performances” Allmusic.com PSYCHIC ILLS MIRROR EYE The Social Registry TSR 066 http://www.myspace.com/psychicill 0656605756622 Småsær og psykedelisk støyrock fra PSYCHIC ILLS, et band som har mye til felles musikalsk med labelkompisene i THE GANG GANG DANCE, men også med band som PERE UBU og SPACEMEN 3. CD “Psychic Ills have that dance band by accident thing going for them in a big way. Everything about them is bewitching, really, evacuating, an unlikely future-primitive grind.” – Village Voice “This NYC quartet set their stall somewhere between oceanic guitar abstraction and the brittle crunch of psychedelic guitar rock, feeding their extended chugging jams through a thick fog of fuzz.” – The Wire Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 DARKTHRONE THE CULT IS ALIVE Peaceville CDVILED 132 0801056713223 CD Ny versjon av DARKTHRONEs mesterverk fra 2006, nå til lavere pris. Den opprinnelige versjonen (CDVILEF 132) er utgått, men vi har fremdeles noen eksemplarer igjen av den limiterte Norwegian Edition (CDVILEF 132X). COSTE APETREA SURPRISINGLY HEAVY Lion Music LMC 250 CD 6419922002506 COSTE APETREA startet sin karriere allerede I 1972, som gitarist i det legendariske svenske progg-bandet SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA. Siden da har han gjort mye forskjellig; jazz, pop, etno, metal – you name it! Surprisingly Heavy inneholder 12 spor som viser alle sider ved denne virtuose instrumentalisten, men som tittelen mer enn antyder, hovedsaklig lener seg mer mot den tyngre delen av hans musikalske spekter enn den jazzete. En skatt for alle fans av progressiv rock! http://www.myspace.com/costeapetrea VISION DIVINE 9 DEGREES WEST OF THE MOON Frontiers FRCD 400 CD 8024391040027 Italienske VISION DIVINE ble opprinnelig dannet som et soloprosjekt for OLAF THORSEN (LABYRINTH), men ble raskt et fullverdig band. De har allerede skapt seg et navn i den progressive metal-verdenen, og med deres nye album ser det ut til at de virkelig skal befeste sin posisjon som et at de beste nye bandene innen genren! Sanger er ingen ringere enn FABIO LIONE (LABYRINTH, RHAPSODY), og produsent er selveste TIMO TOLKKI (STRATOVARIUS)! http://www.myspace.com/visiondivineband AIRLESS FIGHT Lion LMC 251 6419922002513 Spansk melodiøst hardrock-band i stil med f.ex. HAREM SCAREM og WHITESNAKE. Muy bien! CD http://www.myspace.com/airlessrock Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FRED NEIL DO YOU EVER THINK OF ME? Rev-Ola / Cherry Red CRREV 047 5013929434721 CD Verdens mest berømte ukjente låtskriver. Låtene hans er covret av BUDDY HOLLY, ROY ORBISON, THE LOVIN’ SPOONFUL, TIM BUCKLEY, JEFFERSON AIRPLANE og ikke minst HARRY NILSSON, som gjorde Everybody’s Talking kjent gjennom soundtracket til Midnight Cowboy. Dermed har FRED NEIL skrevet en av verdens syv mest spilte låter. DIVERSE ARTISTER THE BIRTH OF BOSSA Él / Cherry Red ACMEM 163CD 5013929316331 CD Alle vintage bossa nova-innspillingene fra 1958, inkludert de to minuttene som forandret verden; JOÃO GILBERTOs Chega De Saudade. Samlingen inneholder også låter med LUIZ BONFA, OS CARIOCAS, SYLVIA TELLES, LAURINDO ALMEIDA, AGOSTINHO DE SANTOS, gitaristen GAROTO, samt et helt album med ELIZETE CARDOSO. CHARLES MINGUS A NIGHT AT THE CAFÉ BOHEMIA Giant Steps / Cherry Red GSCR 029 5013929852921 2CD THE CHARLES MINGUS JAZZ WORKSHOP live fra New Yorks Café Bohemia i desember 1955. Dobbel CD som også inneholder studioinnspillingen The Pithecantrhopus Eectus Session, gjort bare noen uker senere i januar 1956. BENNY HILL SINGS ERNIE – THE FASTEST MILKMAN IN THE WORLD Wisecrack / Cherry Red CRAIC 001 5013929790124 CD BENNY HILL ja. For en mann! Tittellåten her var faktisk #1 i Storbritannia i 1971. Inneholder ellers en blanding av låter og spoken word. Nærmere 40 år gammelt reinspikka tullball med andre ord. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 BON IVER BLOOD BANK Jagjaguwar JAG 134LP 0656605213415 EP Fire splitter nye låter fra en av 2008s mest omtalte og kritikerroste artister, BON IVER! Utgivelsen har allerede fått massevis av oppmerksomhet så regn med etterspørsel etter denne. Tracklisting: Blood Bank / Beach Baby / Baby’s / Woods. ANE BRUN CHANGING OF THE SEASONS DetErMine DEMVA 08 7320470100820 LP Særdeles lekker vinylutgave av ANE BRUNs Spellemann-nominerte album Changing Of The Seasons. Begrenset opplag! THE WELCOME WAGON WELCOME TO THE WELCOME WAGON Asthmatic Kitty AKR 045LP 0656605604510 Herlige the WELCOME WAGON er endelig tilgjenglig på vinyl. LP VG, Plan B, Dagsavisen, Aftenbladet WILL SHEFF / CHARLES BISSELL SHEFF COVERS BISSELL / BISSELL COVERS SHEFF Jagjaguwar JAG 122 0656605212272 7´´ Syvtommer hvor OKKERVIL RIVERs frontmann, WILL SHEFF, covrer en låt av THE WRENS’ frontmann, CHARLES BISSELL, og vice versa. Låtene det er snakk om er hhv. Ex-Girl Collection fra The Meadowlands og It Ends With a Fall fra Down the River of Golden Dreams. Et must for enhver indiefan! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 TIGER LOU A PARTIAL PRINT Startracks STAR 1531211 7332315312114 LP TIGER LOU – også på vinyl, med flott utbrett-omslag! STEPHEN O’MALLEY KEEP AN EYE OUT! Table of the Elements TOE 101 0600401101117 LP Stephen O’Malleys (SUNN O)))) bidrag til Table of the Elements Guitar Series er endelig i lager! JEREMY JAY LOVE EVERLASTING K Records KLP 202 0789856120215 LP Fire nye låter fra den lett eksentriske indiepop-hipsteren JEREMY JAY. Nytt album, titulert Slow Dance, kommer i mars/april! MUSIC GO MUSIC WARM IN THE SHADOWS Secretly Canadian SC 176 0656605017617 LP Tredje tolvtommer ut fra indieverdenens ABBA. ANGELO SPENCER ET L’ORCHIDÉE D’HAWAIÎ MUSIC IS MY SWEAT / THE GREAT SALT LAKE K Records IPU 121 0789856212118 LP Fin syver med sprekt cover fra ANGELO SPENCER og KARL BLAU. Country-grunge? PSYCHIC ILLS MIRROR EYE The Social Registry TSR 066LP 0656605756615 LP Vinylutgaven av Mirror Eye, inneholder selvsagt koder for nedlasting av albumet. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 NYTT FRA BASICK GEHENNA VII VII VII GUARDIANS BSK 017CD 5060187460009 In a time where metal bands are two-a-penny but quality prospects are few and far between, Gehenna VII VII VII stand as a genuinely unique proposition in an increasingly overcrowded marketplace. After a recent change in personnel, retreated to the practice space in order to produce their most progressive material to date; Where once there was raw fury now stood controlled aggression; each member showing a greater understanding of their instruments and in turn branching into bold, epic territories that built on their roots rather than severing them. The newly recorded and self produced debut EP ‘Guardians’, is the utterly devastating end product of all that hard work. For Fans Of: Parkway Drive, Architects, Lamb Of God, Misery Signals. NYTT FRA COLLECTOR’S CHOICE PETER BROWN STARGAZER CCM 993 Discoklassiker fra TK-labelen fra mannen bak MADONNAs Material Girl. GENE PARSONS KINDLING CCM 995 Album fra 1973 fra The Byrds-trommisen Gene Parsons med bl.a. RALPH STANLEY som gjest. JEANIE GREENE MARY CALLED JEANIE GREENE CCM 996 1971-album originalt utgitt på Elektra. Sjelfull rock à la JANIS JOPLIN. MARLIN GREENE TIPTOE PAST THE DRAGON CCM 997 Soulrock-obskuritet spilt inn i Muscle Shoals Sound Studios i 1972, originalt på Elektra. GRAHAM BOND SOLID BOND CCM 2000 Britisk 60-talls R&B fra med bl.a. GINGER BAKER, JACK BRUCE og JOHN MCLAUGHLIN i backingbandet. LEIBER-STOLLER BIG BAND YAKETY YAK CCM 2001 Storbandrock fra 1960 under ledelse av en av tidenes låtskriverduoer. PETULA CLARK OPEN YOUR HEART: A LOVE SONG COLLECTION CCM 2002 Sviskesamler fra tidenes mest suksesfulle kvinnelige artist på britiske hitlister. NYTT FRA CODE 7 HIRAX NOT DEAD YET SMG 047CD 5907503802474 Selfmadegod continues to release Hirax material for the European territory. The time has come for the 22-song CD “Not Dead Yet”. The disc consists of “Raging Violence” (1985, Metal Blade) and “Hate, Fear And Power” (1986, Metal Blade), the classic first two albums. Started back in 1984 by characteristic singer Katon W. De Pena, Hirax are indisputable pioneers of American thrash metal/crossover. The front cover images have been created by renown artists Pushead (Septic Death) and Mad Marc Rude. ENEMY SOIL SMASHES THE STATE LIVE SMG 046DVD 5907503802467 The Enemy Soil Smashes the State Live DVD release is a must for all of the Enemy Soil fans all over the world that never got a chance to see the influential political grindcore band live, as well as for those who want to see how the various incarnations of the group performed, presented here using raw video originally captured on analog camcorders. Enemy Soil from Virginia, USA, despite being broken up for over a decade, has seen its classic Relapse 7” from the mid-‘90s reissued and its select discography Enemy Soil Smashes the State! (of which the DVD is a companion release) repressed numerous times. The various members of the band have gone on to form several other bands, not the least of which being City of Caterpillar and Pig Destroyer, and have gone into such diverse groups as Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Frodus. Featuring neverbefore seen live footage of 24 songs taken from shows from 1996 to 1998 and the set from the 2001 reunion gig at CBGB’s in New York City, Enemy Soil Smashes the State Live is packed with over an hour of music, including a previously unreleased live in the studio audio recording, a photo and flyer gallery, and liner notes. This marks the first time that video of Enemy Soil is available for a mass audience. AGAINST THE PLAGUES ARCHITECTURE OF OPPRESSION ATP 0001CD 0877319001871 A power act of blasting musical and ideological expression, presented in different extreme metal styles. Palpable agressiveness, but also lots of melodies, different styles, many atmospheric and rhythmic changes makes the material a collage of emotions. “THE ARCHITECTURE OF OPPRESSION” as its own tight package, is one monster of a black/death metal release. The band is a result of 5 very experienced and gifted musicians - members/ex-members from such hordes of metal as Damnation (Varyen), Luciferion/Lost Horizon (Wojtek) , Forests of Impaled (Adrian), Malevolent Creation (Marco)and Vex (Logan) . “One of the best symphonic black metal album of the year” – Metal Bite Magazine “Against the Plagues have already all the aces ready in the sleeves of black leather jackets by which they are easily able to redeem their own spot on the top of the genre as far as extreme metal is concerned.” – Metal Rules “Against The Plagues is never tedious, as the band like a chameleon changes approach at will while retaining an identifiable core sound. Fans of Symphonic Black Metal will love it” – SOD magazine “Against the Plagues serves these guys’ purpose to continue each of their musical journeys at least with an interesting musical and lyrical concept, creating lots of mystic and atmospheric elements around their relatively extreme black/death metal that will break that stupid, glazed grin on your face into smithereens” – Metal Maniacs IGNIS FATUUS SLOWIANSKA TRWOGA WIECZNYCH OLD 25CD 5908311409008 Debut album by Ignis Fatuus is devoted to the primordial power of Black Metal. “Slowianska Trwoga Wiecznych” (“Slavic Fear of the Eternal Ones”) is raw and dirty sound, lyrics about power of nature and pagan culture. Over 30 minutes of frostbitten, raw black metal. Lyrics in Polish. There was only one attempt to record that material which gave it dark, raw atmosphere characteristic to Polish Underground from the nineties. Ascetic, raw booklet reminding of atmosphere of early days of black metal. All copies hand numbered. This release is limited to 1300 copies. MURDERPLAN LET’S ROLL ASC 003 0620953355127 While many Swedish bands are busy operating in the mainstream charts or some others are preparing their nostalgic reunions, Murderplan are preaching the gospel of world domination from the middle of the battlefield. Malevolent down-tuned riffs are complemented with soaring melodic leads while Mr. Söderlund stands knee-deep in blood and oil, spitting out his venom relentlessly. The band stands as a fearless voice, unbound and brutally honest, emitting some of the most overwhelming death metal ever produced. SORT VOKTER FOLKLORIC NECRO METAL TC 004 0620953355226 Sort Vokter was a one album project by four insane Norwegians amongst which Ildjarn and acolyte Nidhogg (both of the Ildjarn fame) participated. The album has remained a classic throughout the years, mainly due to the impact it had on many subsequent black metal artists and most of all its originality. Many have even claimed that despite the low-fi song writing on this album, attempting to recreate an opus with the same type of atmosphere present on this album would be impossible. The project is long gone now, but thankfully these madmen left their mark with this a temporal milestone. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 A FOREST OF STARS THE CORPSE OF REBIRTH TC 005 0620953337321 Few are the ones in the current Black Metal scene who have the guts and, above all, the creativity to push the boundaries of the genre. This is precisely what A Forest of Stars, one of the new emerging bands from England, has done in their first album The Corpse of Rebirth. The four sorcerers in A Forest of Stars conjured the souls of their fellow Victorian era occultists chose to make this album an atemporal, unique and spellbinding one, with influences ranging from progressive music to raw black metal and sharing a similar artistic framework with bands such as Ved Buens Ende, Solefald and In The Woods. NYTT FRA COLD SPRING SATORI CONTEMPTUS MUNDI CSR 113CD 0823566471523 Brand new CD from UK Dark Ambient / Fortean Electronics act Satori - Neil Chaney (Pessary) and Justin Mitchell (Cold Spring boss). This is a collaboration between Satori and Magus Peter H Gilmore, High Priest of the Church Of Satan. Satori provide their trademark deep, underground, pounding electronics, here with a ritualistic dark soundtrack atmosphere, while Gilmore bestows a seething tirade against the weakness of the modern world! Two 20+ minute tracks, the 2nd being a deeper, instrumental mix of the title track. NADJA/ATAVIST/SATORI INFERNAL PROCESSION… CSR 111CD n/a Split release from Canadian Shoegaze / Droners Nadja (Aidan Baker and Leah Buckareff), Manchester Doomers Atavist and UK Fortean Electronics / Dark Ambient act Satori. Released to coincide with their UK joint tour. Ltd x 1000 copies in a 6-panel outsized sleeve. PRURIENT THE BLACK POST SOCIETY CSR 85CD 0823566448921 “The Black Post Society” embraces and accepts the depression of not having anything left to hunt. The mask without a face to hold. The depression of the hunter after the deer is killed. It is better to be hungry than to have eaten. As fantasy shatters under the whip of reality, erotic malaise settles in the nest of the mind inverting this dormant fuel to rekindle the endless cycle of sexual chaos. Black Industrial / Power Noise from this highly respected US act! SATORI KANASHIBARI CSR 95CD 0823566471622 CD version of the 2007 album from UK Dark Ambient / Fortean Electronics act Satori - Neil Chaney (Pessary) and Justin Mitchell (Cold Spring boss), originally issued on LP by Dogma Chase, Japan. “Kanashibari” is the Japanese term for sleep paralysis (literally “bound or fastened in metal”). The album explores this phenomena, manipulating Fortean sounds and deep dark ambience. NYTT FRA ÉL / CHERRY RED BRIGITTE BARDOT LOVE IS MY PROFESSION / UNE... ACMEM 164CD 5013929316430 1957 and 1958 were pivotal years for the young Brigitte Bardot. Hard on the heels of her breakthrough with And God Created Woman, they involved an idyllic comic role in the popular Une Parisienne opposite Henri Vidal and Charles Boyer, followed by arguably her most scandalous film, En Cas de Malheur (Love is My Profession), which had the Catholic Legion of Decency up in arms. BB also fell in love with the jazz guitarist Sacha Distel and their headline-grabbing romance was for two years the seemingly singular obsession of the international pop media. BB’s activity of the period is compressed into our edition: Both of the rare film soundtracks, Ray Ventura’s much sought- after jazz tribute to the Bardot legend, La Belle Bardot, completed by Sacha Distel’s performance of his paen to his lover, ‘Brigitte’. Nothing here is in print digitally and all pieces are highly collectable. NYTT FRA PULVERISED SEANCE AWAKENING OF THE GODS ASH 054CD 4000168054880 Hailed as one of Swedens biggest export and yet remarkably underrated bands of all time, technical Death Metal masters SEANCEs legacy is restored with a perfectly fitting album Awakening Of The Gods. Never abandoning their technicality-infused style and now peppered with a mammoth dose of Thrash elements, this is undoubtedly an album that will remain as another classic album in many years to come. A lesson in sonical violence indeed! Featuring past and present members from Witchery (Tony Kampner aka Toxine, Rille Rimflt and Micke Pettersson aka Mique Flesh), 11 intoxicating tracks were recorded and mixed at Linkpings HellSmell Studio, with the finishing touches by world-renowned mastering engineer Peter In De Betou at Tailor Maid Productions (Dimmu Borgir, Dismember, Meshuggah, Hypocrisy, etc). SEANCE is now awakened, bow and none shall defy! TRIBULATION THE HORROR ASH 045CD 4000168045888 There are many who duplicate and imitate, but so few have possessed the real integrity of what Extreme Music truly represents and Swedens Deathrasher squad TRIBULATION has done just that. With an acute penchant for merciless yet catchy vile Death Metal; passages that twists and torture slowly but lacerates like a whirlwind, this debut full-length album will blister and cut through like napalm. The Horror is a remarkably formidable album of Death Metal holocaust! DECEIVER THRASHING HEAVY METAL ASH 053CD 4000168053883 Strategically reunited for a new album, Swedens DECEIVER launches a final full-length album entitled Thrashing Heavy Metal. Traces of early Mercyful Fate, King Diamond and Judas Priest are easily evident and impeccably fused with the aggression of Thrash Metal. Thrashing Heavy Metal is without a doubt one of the finest swansong album, and clearly to prove the point that Thrash Metal and Heavy Metal are both match made in Hell! Recorded and mixed at the infamous Abyss Studio under the enormous engineering talents of Tommy Tgtgren (Dark Funeral, Marduk, In Aeternum, etc). Mastered by Nicklas “Terror” Rudolfsson (Runemagick, Swordmaster), and also featuring the album cover artwork by Israeli Metal artist Eliran Kantor (Testament, Aghora, Sickening Horror, To-Mera, etc). BURIAL HORDES DEVOTION TO UNHOLY CREED ASH 050CD 4000168050882 A constitution of dark faith and inexorable nature, Greeces BURIAL HORDES has earned their ranks in the Black Metal sovereignty with Devotion To Unholy Creed, a follow-up of their sophomore album War, Revenge And Total Annihilation. In the habitual tradition of BURIAL HORDES, Devotion To Unholy Creed sears through the unbelievers and still preserving the authenticity of Black Metal ideology! Fans of early Marduk and Mayhem will revel with this soon-to-be cult classic. ASSAULTER SALVATION LIKE DESTRUCTION ASH 049CD 4000168049886 The harsh sounds of apocalyptical Thrash are clearly evident in ASSAULTERs new diabolical offering! Salvation Like Destruction is a hideous display of unprocessed Blackened Thrash Metal like no bands have dared to tread on. Featuring Simon Berserker of ex-Destroyer 666 fame, ASSAULTER is indeed the real definition of pure ravagement at finest! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 26. JANUAR SKAMBANKT HARDT REGN Dog Job DOG 008 / DOG 008LP CD/LP 7090001911774 / 7090001911798 SKAMBANKT ER TILBAKE – NYTT ALBUM ”HARDT REGN” SLIPPES 26. JANUAR Tracklist 01. Vår Bør 02. Kom Hell 03. Løgnprofitør 04. Det Tar Tid 05. O Dessverre 06. Feil 07. Trygge Rammer 08. Slukk Meg (For Eg Brenner) 09. Malin 10. Når Du Ber Din Nød 11. Tanker Som Mareritt Denne gangen har bandet tatt med seg en haug med gitarer og forsterkere til Bekkstudio på Jæren. Ved stranden og med den store og høsttunge jærske himmelen som tilskuer har bandet bodd og spilt inn det som er Skambankts hittil feteste album. Førstesingelen, Malin, ble sluppet til radio og for digitalt salg allerede i oktober og har vært i rotasjon på P3 i hele syv uker allerede. Ganske nøyaktig to år etter at deres kritikerroste andreplate Eliksir entret VG-listens åttendeplass er Skambankt tilbake med nytt album. 26. januar 2009 slippes bandets tredje album Hardt Regn. For å få full kontroll på denne utgivelsen, har bandet denne gangen både produsert og spilt inn alt selv, mens mixen er gjort med hjelp fra bandets trofaste medspiller, Mike Hartung. Den nye tilnærmingen har oppsiktsvekkende nok ført til en mer detaljert og raffinert produksjon, uten å være i nærheten av å miste det intense trøkket bandet etter hvert har blitt så godt kjent for. Med dette albumet ønsker Skambankt å bevise at de har kommet for å bli. Låtskriver, vokalist og gitarist Terje W. Røthing forklarer: ”Vi har siden Eliksir-utgivelsen og påfølgende turnèring forstått at vi er et band folk har begynt å ta på alvor. Vi har derfor også tatt denne utgivelsen mer seriøst en noen gang før. Det har vært en påkjenning, men vi er fantastisk fornøyd med sluttresultatet”. Hardt Regn kommer også på limitert og påkostet vinyl! FORHÅND 26. JANUAR JORN LIVE IN AMERICA - DVD Frontiers FRDVD 020 DVD 8024391002032 En 90 minutter lang live-DVD med en av vår tids ubestridt beste hardrockvokalister! Vår egen JØRN LANDE og hans kumpaner leverer varene så det gnistrer i et sett basert på både egne låter og en trivelig bunke covere av bl.a. DEEP PURPLE, THIN LIZZY og WHITESNAKE. Live In America fanger JORNs første konsert noensinne i USA, foran et entusiastisk Atlanta-publikum, da bandet headlinet festivalen Progpower 2006. Dette regnes som en av de mest suksessfulle konsertene noensinne i festivalens historie, og nå kan vi også ta del i herlighetene! Tracklist We Brought The Angels Down http://www.myspace.com/realjorn Blacksong Duke of Love Are You Ready Cold Sweat Drum Solo Out To Every Nation Guitar Solo Straight Through The Heart Godless And Wicked Soulburn Devilbird Perfect Strangers Gonna Find The Sun The Whitesnake Medley: Come on/Sweet Talker/Crying in the Rain/Here I Go Again/Give Me All Your Love Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 26. JANUAR DÄLEK GUTTER TACTICS Ipecac IPC 109 CD 0689230010920 Tracklist 1. Blessed Are They Who Bash Your Children’s Heads Against A Rock 2. No Question 3. Armed With Krylon 4. Who Medgar Evers Was... 5. Street Dictation 6. A Collection Of Miserable 7. Thoughts Laced With Wit Los Macheteros/Spear Of A Nation 8. We Lost Sight 9. Gutter Tactics 10. 2012 (The Pillage) 11. Atypical Stereotype One of the most vicious – and viciously original – hip hop outfits in the world, New Jersey duo dälek are proof that genre-blending doesn’t necessarily entail genre-blanding, investing hiphop with an experimental edge and an ear for sonic extremity, weaned as much on Sabbath, Melvins, My Bloody Valentine and Faust as the brutalist bricolage of the Bomb Squad, Mobb Deep, Schooly D and Wu Tang. Dälek’s fourth full-length album for Ipecac, Gutter Tactics is a liberating crawl through sewers sonic and metaphorical, the outfit’s trademark bipolar personality – mellow vs aggressive, ethereal vs earthy – reconciled into a single sonic entity. The overall murk of the sound itself makes good on producer and founder okt0pus’ mutterings about “David Lynch lighting – shadowy, claustrophobic, but shoved with detail,” his aural edifices rich in texture and shading. MC dälek’s inimitable flow is deeper and more truthful/painful than ever, essaying the nightside of the psyche with an articulate rage. Gutter Tactics is the next step on dälek’s long journey through the dark night of the soul – join them if you dare. FORHÅND 26. JANUAR WINO PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM Southern Lord SUNN 99 0808720009927 CD Finally, fans of underground cult guitar hero Scott “Wino” Weinrich can rejoice - Wino’s first solo album is upon us! Over the last 25 years Wino has defined heavy music, starting with The Obsessed and Saint Vitus and continuing through mindblowing power trios Spirit Caravan and The Hidden Hand, his six string virtuosity is matched perfectly with his soulful vocals and powerful lyrics. Tracklist 1. Release Me 2. Punctuated Equilibrium 3. The Woman In The Orange Pants 4. Smilin’ Road 5. Eyes Of The Flesh 6. Wild Blue Yonder 7. Secret Realm Devotion 8. Water Crane 9. Gods, Frauds, Neo-Cons and Demagogues 10. Silver Lining After the demise of The Hidden Hand, Wino decided to enlist the help of some friends to help realize his latest musical vision, players who would help realize his songs the way he wanted them. This more “Wino”-focused direction was fleshed out with the help of amazing musicians: Jean Paul Gaster (Clutch, The Bakerton Group) on drums and Jon Blank (Rezin) on bass. Punctuated Equilibrium was recorded by J. Robbins who has worked extensively with both The Hidden Hand and Clutch in the past. “This is the culmination of a very old dream, one that has come true in many different ways,” says the master himself. “One of the main things I have learned is how I understand “success”. To me, it’s not all riches and glory so much as the impact on others lives. My main philosophy that guides me is that I was given a gift, a Musical gift which I use to bring happiness to others. It is also important not to overlook your own needs, but putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is to me most important! “Punctuated Equilibrium” is how my personality has been described, as told in the lyrics.” Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. FEBRUAR DORO FEAR NO EVIL AFM Records AFMCD 233-9 /-2 CD 0884860000727 / 0884860000529 Tracklist Standard Edition: 1. Night Of The Warlock 2. Running From The Devil 3. Celebrate 4. Caught In A Battle 5. Herzblut 6. On The Run 7. Walking With The Angels 8. I Lay My Head 9. It Kills Me 10. Long Lost For Love 11. 25 Years Limited Edition Bonus Tracks: 12. Wildfire 13. You Won My Love 14. Herzblut (Video Clip) She is a phenomenon: the one and only “Metal Queen”, Doro Pesch! No other female voice in the traditional Hard Rock/Metal scene has been around as constantly with a creative output like DORO. No matter if you take the stormy beginnings with her band WARLOCK or their following, exceptional solo career, DORO always tried to deliver their fans something special, something memorable. Heartfelt passion always was her engine throughout all this years, honesty, respect and friendly behaviour towards music press and fans only increased the iconic status that the girl from Düsseldorf built throughout her impressive career. But her mission is not accomplished yet - not at all! On December 13 th 2008 the Metal Queen and her true fans will celebrate “25 Years DORO” in the big ISS Dome in her home town, Düsseldorf. Another memorable concert is secure… Then, after 2 previous single releases (with “Celebrate” peaking at #3 in the Spanish charts!), the new DORO album will see the light of day on January 23rd 2009! Entitled “Fear No Evil”, this piece of work is a step back to the roots without denying all phases of DORO´s fantastic career. Just listen to “The Night Of The Warlock” (the title says it all!), the anthemic “Celebrate”, the great ballads “Herzblut” and “Walking With The Angels” or aggressive tunes like “Caught In A Battle” - the variety of “Fear No Evil” is impressive in every way. Have no fear to discover DORO´s best album since the 80´s! FORHÅND 2. FEBRUAR EL CACO HEAT Black Balloon BLNCD 014 CD 7070401090149 Tracklist 1. The Glow 2. Heat Heat 3. Individuals 4. The Manual 5. I Am Doubt 6. Am I Wrong 7. 13.000 8. Fields 9. Grinding The Diamond 10.One Week Fem solide album på åtte år. Det er det ikke mange norske band som kan skryte av. Ikke mange band generelt sett heller. Med «Heat» beviser EL CACO at de kan nettopp det. EL CACO følger sin to-års syklus for utgivelser og er i tradisjonen tro klare med et nytt forrykende album. Denne gang med ny trommis, og Fredrik Wallumrød er ikke bare en solid forsterkning, han gir bandet en ny dimensjon. Maestro Daniel Bergstrand har nok en gang sittet i produsentstolen, og med splitter nytt studio har «Heat» rett og slett blitt EL CACOs beste og mest velproduserte album noensinne. Og det sier ikke lite. Fra åpningen med «The Glow» til avslutningen i «One Week» tre kvarter senere har EL CACO gitt oss en oppvisning i storslagen og hardtslående rock. Singelen «Heat Heat» er rett og slett et monster og dukker opp på stadig flere radiolister. El Caco har en enorm norgesturné på gang og kommer til å spille «overalt» det neste halvåret. Så gjør deg selv en tjeneste. Kjøp albumet og sørg for å se et av norges desidert beste band på en scene i nær framtid. ”Bandets tunge vandring mellom 70-tallsrock og moderne stonermetal sitter som et håndtrykk støpt i Walk of Fame.” - MANN - SCREAM MAGAZINE NØKKELPUNKTER . Annonseres i all relevant presse . Stor norgesturné i forbindelse med utgivelsen . Video til «Heat Heat» og «The Glow» kommer snart. . Spilt inn og mikset i av DANIEL BERGSTRAND (IN FLAMES, MESHUGGAH, etc. etc.) i Dug-Out Productions . Mastret av Björn Engelmann (IN FLAMES, CARDIGANS, KAIZERS ORCHESTRA etc. etc.) i Cutting Room. . Klare for Sentrum Scene under by:Larm . Slippes i nydelig digipack CD og på lekker 180 gram dobbel gatefold vinyl Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. FEBRUAR PHOSPHORESCENT TO WILLIE Dead Oceans DOC 013 / DOC 013LP CD/LP 0656605131320 / 0656605131313 In 1975 Willie Nelson recorded the album To Lefty FromWillie, 10 songs in which Nelson pays homage to Lefty Frizell, reinterpreting his favorites from the Frizzell catalog and stamping themwith his own unique voice, reshaping them into his own new classics. Now Phosphorescent has done the same for Willie Nelson by bringing us To Willie. Here, Matthew Houck has selected 11 of his favorite Willie Nelson songs and does much more than just simply cover them. He has not selected the greatest hits, but rather digs deep, offering renditions of hidden Nelson gems and lost classics. The songs collected here seem cracked from Phosphorescent’s proprietary mold with Matthew Houck’s unmistakable voice leading the way. They feel lived in, they feel weathered and they feel just like Phosphorescent. Phosphorescent’s 2007 breakthrough album Pride sounded best at the latest of hours—it was narcotic, dreamy and fraught. Following the release of this insomniac masterpiece, Houck toured relentlessly with a solid rock band, turning the meditations of Pride into another beast entirely. Loose and booze-fueled, Phosphorescent put on electrifying performances night after night inwhich Houck stepped out as confident frontman and band leader. Without question, those hard-living months on the road greatly impacted the To Willie sessions. Houck’s swagger and confidence shines through like never before—on songs like Reasons to Quit and I Gotta Get Drunk Phosphorescent rumbles with a soulful groove that was a fixture of the live show, but was never touched upon in previous recordings. Recalling the finest moments of the late-‘70s work of Waylon Jennings and Nelson himself, Phosphorescent has delivered a glorious hangover of an album. It is so much more than a collection of Willie Nelson cover songs—it is a full-blown new classic. FORHÅND 2. FEBRUAR LADYFINGER (NE) DUSK Saddle Creek SCE 129 CD 0648401512922 At a time when the world’s two biggest rock bands have released their long-awaited, return to form albums and the last few years have seen some of the best shows being performed by bands who originally formed 20 years ago, Ladyfinger (ne) could not have made a more fitting album. Nods and winks to the past meet a sound of the not-toodistant future, and with one foot in the sounds of early 70’s classic rock and another in the punk and hardcore scenes of the late 80’s and early 90’s, Ladyfinger (ne) bring you Dusk. Recorded once again with Matt Bayles (Mastodon, Minus the Bear, Isis), Dusk is Ladyfinger (ne) at the peak of their powers. Witness Chris Machmuller’s confidence in his vocals grow exponentially and Pat Oakes’ powerhouse drums finding a firmer root to propel every snare hit and bass kick. An album clearly born of playing local dives and national tours over the last couple of years, Dusk is a statement of intent. The dynamics of each song and across the album are more evident, from the opening 1-2 punch of Over and Over and the bass growl of ADD, through the sharp riffs and aggressiveness of Work Party, the plaintive Plans, and into the hit-in-the-making Let’s Get Married. We’re not going to sit around and tell you this is going to save rock and roll. We’ll leave that up to the big boys. But for now, this saved rock for us. We think it’s going help to save it for you, too. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 16. FEBRUAR ZEROMANCER SINNERS INTERNATIONAL Trisol TRI 359 4260063943591 CD ZEROMANCER er tilbake! Nytt album slippes 16. februar 2009. Mer info kommer. - Scream Magazine Tracklist Sinners International Doppelgänger I Love You My Little Tragedy It Sounds Like Love (But It Looks Like Sex) Filth Noir Fictional I’m Yours To Lose Two Skulls Imaginary Friends Ammonite - Råere, tøffere, bedre.” - Tønsbergs Blad FORHÅND 16. FEBRUAR THRONE OF KATARSIS HELVETE – DET ISKALDE MØRKET Candlelight CANDLE 271CD CD 0803341251083 Tracklist 1. The Winds of Blasphemy 2. Lysets Endeligt 3. The Darkest Path 4. Det Iskalde Mørket 5. Summoning the Horns FANTASTIC NEW ALBUM OF BLASTING BLACK METAL FROM NORWAYS FINEST THRONE OF KATARSIS was spawned in 2003 in Norway by the demonic visions of Grimnisse and Vardalv. Their prophecy was and still is to craft purified and atmospheric occult Black Metal in the true vein of the early 90-ties Norwegian Black Metal, and focused on spreading the unholy message through their blasphemous lyrics. Their line-up is simple, yet effective: Vardalv play the drums and Grimnisse take care of the rest of the instruments. March 2004 the now infamous demo recording entitled Unholy Holocaustwinds was unleashed upon the world. There were initially only released 40 copies of the demo, but after massive unforeseen response and requests the demo has been re-released on pro-printed MC and 10 LP by German Warfront Production and on MiniCD by UK based Paradigms Recordings. Unholy Holocaustwinds was recorded on a four-track cassette recorder, partly in the Liarlund Forrest. There was also recorded a second demo in mid 2004, entitled Blodslakt, but this demo was only handed out to a few selected. Blodslakt was never officially released, bearing in mind a future full-length album would contain the same material. Late 2004, accompanied by two talented session-musicians on bass and guitar, THRONE OF KATARSIS did their first live performance at John Dee, Oslo, Norway. Apart from a live gig at the Karmygeddon metal festival, THRONE OF KATARSIS spent 2005 focusing on recording their debut full-length. The recording process took place at Black Dimension Studio owned and operated by Stein Sund of Thundra. After being offered a couple of record-proposals from different labels in 2006, THRONE OF KATARSIS finally decided to settle on Candlelight. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 16. FEBRUAR N.A.S.A. THE SPIRIT OF APOLLO Anti EPIT 70012 CD 8714092700121 Sinnsykt hip-hop-prosjekt, med en gjesteliste du ikke har sett maken til! Blant de medvirkende finner vi DAVID BYRNE, CHUCK D, SEU JORGE, METHOD MAN, RZA, JOHN FRISCIANTE, KAREN O, OG LIGNENDE’ DIRTY BASTARD, TOM WAITS, KANYE WEST, LYKKE LI, SANTOGOLD, SIZZLA, GEORGE CLINTON og M.I.A.! Mer info kommer! http://www.myspace.com/nasa FORHÅND 16. FEBRUAR GRAND DUCHY PETIT FOURS Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 482 CD 0711297488227 Nytt prosjekt, bestående av BLACK FRANCIS og hans ledsagerske VIOLET CLARK. Mer info kommer! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR THE PRODIGY INVADERS MUST DIE Take Me To The Hospital/Cooking Vinyl HOSPCD 001/HOSPCD 001X/HOSPBOX001/HOSPLP 001 CD/LP 0711297880120/0711297880151/0711297880106/0711297880113 THE PRODIGY er tilbake! Deres nye album kommer 23. februar, og allerede fredag 27. februar spiller de for et totalt utsolgt Sentrum Scene! Mer info følger! FORHÅND 23. FEBRUAR LAMB OF GOD WRATH Roadrunner RR 78862/RR 78865 CD 0016861788629/0016861788650 Wrath blir albumet som kommer til å sette LAMB OF GOD på metal-kartet, slik Cowboys From Hell gjorde for PANTERA! I sommer spiller de support for METALLICA på deres 2 utsolgte konserter i Oslo Spektrum! Mer info kommer! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 2. MARS REVOLTING COCKS SEX-O OLYMPICO 13th Planet THP 009 4046661122626 CD Nytt album fra AL JOURGENSEN & CO. Mer info kommer. Tracklist HookerBot3000 Keys To The City (Vegas Mix) Red Parrot Robo Bandidos Cousins Touch Screen I’m Not Gay Abundant Redundancy Lewd Ferrigno Wizard Of Sextown HookerBot3000 (Disco-A-Go-Go Mix) FORHÅND 2. MARS NEKO CASE MIDDLE CYCLONE Anti EPIT 69732 CD 8714092697322 On March 3, 2009, Anti- Records will release the eagerly awaited new NEKO CASE album Middle Cyclone. The fifteen-track collection is CASE’s first release since 2006’s Fox Confessor Brings The Flood, the best-reviewed and best-selling album of her career. Middle Cyclone was produced by CASE with DARYL NEUDORF and recorded in Tucson, Brooklyn, Toronto, and Vermont. It features CASE backed by her core band - guitarist PAUL RIGBY, bassist TOM V. RAY, backing vocalist KELLY HOGAN, multi-instrumentalist JON RAUHOUSE, and drummer BARRY MIROCHNIK - along with numerous guests including M. WARD, GARTH HUDSON, SARAH HARMER, and members of THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS, LOS LOBOS, CALEXICO, THE SADIES, VISQUEEN, THE LILYS, and GIANT SAND, among others. In addition to twelve new songs written by CASE, Middle Cyclone includes covers of Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth by SPARKS, and Don’t Forget Me by HARRY NILSSON. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVI NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 16. MARS THE REVEREND PEYTON’S BIG DAMN BAND THE WHOLE FAM DAMNILY SideOneDummy SD 1361-2 CD 0603967136128 Tracklist 1. Can’t Pay The Bill 2. Mama’s Fried Potatoes 3. Worn Out Shoe 4. DT’s Or The Devil 5. Your Cousin’s On Cops 6. John Hughes (The Water Tower’s Heart Is Sore) 7. The Creek’s Are All Bad 8. Them Old Days Are Gone 9. Walmart Killed The Country Store 10. I’d Love You Baby 11. Everybody’s Getting Paid But Me 12. What’s Mine Is Yours 13. Persimmon Song With ordained minister, Kentucky Colonel, and Wildman virtuoso The Rev. Peyton up front on the national guitar, his wife the lovely and equally insane Washboard Breezy, and little brother Jayme Peyton keeping time on the kick and snare, this is a band that somehow crosses the barriers between indie rock/punk rock kids, scenesters, and traditional blues fans. Over the past four years of touring, the band has managed to sell over 25K copies of their previous self-released albums, almost entirely from the road. “They Sound Like Robert Johnson on crack … they get one hell of a sound.” – Nuvo Newsweekly “They made a woman who was wheel chair bound for 20 years get up and dance.” - Colorado Springs Independent “Gifted at guitar/dobro, writing, and singing, The Rev. Peyton is a triple threat.” – Blues News International “The trio concocts a rousing, hyper and authentic brand of Blues that sounds like what might come out of that secret meth lab nestled deep in the backwaters of the Mississippi delta.” - Cincinnati CityBeat FORHÅND 23. MARS MONO HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND Conspiracy CORE 077 5425015710778 CD Just in time for their 10-year anniversary, MONO return with their fifth studio album, the absolutely massive Hymn To The Immortal Wind. Tracklist 1, Ashes In The Snow 2, Burial At Sea 3, Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 4, Pure As Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) 5, Follow The Map 6, The Battle To Heaven 7, Everlasting Light After touring almost non-stop for five years, the band hibernated for over a year to focus solely on writing Hymn. The result is their most thoughtful and eclectic album to date. Written and arranged with a hopeful, romantic narrative in mind, the songs string together like chapters in an epic love story. The music is naturally majestic, with MONO’s trademark wall of noise crashing beautifully against the largest chamber orchestra the band has ever enlisted. The instrumentation is vast, incorporating strings, flutes, organ, piano, glockenspiel and tympani into their standard facemelting set-up. Recorded to analog tape with long-time friend and producer Steve Albini, there is an intimacy captured here that is at once beautiful and a little terrifying. The creaking of old wooden chairs as the orchestra rocks in their seats (both literally and figuratively), puckered lips rolling along flutes, and even the conductor’s opening cue can be heard during the hauntingly quiet opening moments While Hymn continues to mine the cinematic drama inherent in all of MONO’s music, the dynamic shifts now come more from dark-to-light instead of quiet-to-loud. The maturity to balance these elements so masterfully has become MONO’s strongest virtue. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVII NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MY DYING BRIDE FOR LIES I SIRE Peaceville CDVILEF 245X / CDVILEF245 0801056824721 / 0801056824523 2CD/CD My Dying Bride has become the leading light of doom metal since their debut album ‘As the Flower Withers’ was released on Peaceville Records back in 1992. Influenced by acts such as Celtic Frost and Candlemass, and with their heavy atmospherics, the band carved a huge worldwide following over the years and remains greatly respected today as one of the pinnacles of the genre, as well as one of the most instantly distinguishable metal bands. ‘For Lies I Sire’, My Dying Bride’s tenth studio album, is set for release March 23rd 2009 & consists of 9 songs of crushing doom, recorded & mixed at Futureworks in Manchester, UK, with long-time producer Mags throughout the second half of 2008. It is the band’s first album since re-signing to long-time home Peaceville Records, and looks set to become another quality addition to the MDB catalogue, such is the scope of this latest journey into the depths of despair. This album is the follow-up to 2006’s hit, ‘A Line Of Deathless Kings’, and is the first studio album with new members Dan Mullins on drums, Lena Abe on bass, and violin/keyboard player Katie Stone. 2008 has seen a successful year for the band, having released their live CD/DVD ‘An Ode to Woe’, plus their high profile ‘Unholy Trinity’ shows re-uniting the ‘Peaceville three’ (Paradise Lost, Anathema & My Dying Bride). Featuring some seriously heavy-as-hell somber doom, ‘For Lies I Sire’ wades effortlessly & poetically through tales of darkness & gloom, this time textured with the much-anticipated return of the often-missed violin, last featured well over ten years ago. AS DEFINED BY THE BAND: Huge great slabs of utter misery carved from darkest Obsidian, laced with literary glories and beautifully crafted melodies. From tears of forlornness and grief to hatred and anger, this recording features truly atmospheric, enchanting and often deeply moving passages. “For Lies I Sire” is My Dying Bride celebrating their past, present and future, with their most defining and impassioned album to date. Within here ‘tis not just total doom, it’s majestic and miserable too. Suffer ye, amongst this most melancholic of metal, forged by the masters of misery. FORHÅND 20. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE AT WACKEN OPEN AIR 2006 – A NIGHT OF EMPERIAL WRATH Candlelight CANDLE 231DVD 0803341253940 DVD FANTASTIC LIVE DVD RECORDED AT A SOLD OUT WACKEN FESTIVAL IN 2006 Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold Tracklist sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of 1. Infinity Burning (medley) the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining per2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit formances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. 4. An Elegy of Icaros The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a 5. Curse you all Men! running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open 6. With Strength I Burn Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled 7. Towards the Pantheon 8. The Majesty of the Nightsky by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says 9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new 10. In the Wordless Chamber heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. 11. I am the Black Wizards We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger 12. Inno a Satana and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. Running time: approx 70 min. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat Bonus material: A selection of on and off for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long stage bootleg material. live the Emperor! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XVIII SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 4 - 2009 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Abigail Williams Airbourne All That Remains Anathema At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Avantasia Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Burzum Carburetors Carcass Carpathian Forest Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Diverse Artister Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Evile Execration Funeral For A Friend Grand Magus Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Lamb Of God Lumsk Machine Head Mayhem Melvins Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Nickelback Opeth Paradise Lost Porcupine Tree Sabaton Satyricon She Said Destroy Slipknot Staind Storm Susperia Taake Tesla Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST In The Shadow Of A Thousand... Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) Overcome The Silent Enigma Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda Hades Rise The Metal Opera Gold Edition Alleviat The Fathomelss Mastery Come Death Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever Symphonies Of Sickness dual... Morbid Fascination Of Death Full Fathom Five Godspeed On The Devil’s... Eternal Kingdom Dark Thrones & Black Flags Scars Of The Crucifix Worldwide Metal Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... From Dirt Witchcult Today Anthems To The Welkin...box Ruun Serpent Saints Enter The Grave Redux Version Syndicate Of Lethargy Memory And Humanity Iron Will Angl In The Absence Of Truth The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal New American Gospel Det Vilde Kor The Balckening (Tour Edition) Wolf’s Lair Abyss Nude With Boots Cover Up The Art Of Partying Redux An Ode To Woe Assassins Given To The Rising Dark Horse Still Life - Special Edition Gothic Nil Recurring The Art Of War Nemesis Divina This City Speaks In Tongues All Hope Is Gone The Illusion Of Progress Nordavind Cut From Stone Taake Forever More Shogun Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir CANDLE 215CD RR 79638 10067 CD CDVILEF 256 MOSH143V DOG003 CDVILEF173 AFMCD 150-9 TABU028 CDVILEF 242 MOSH332 BOB086CD BDM 0138726 MOSH 018D CDVILED194 WM 001CD RR 79235 MOSH359L CDVILEF 237X MOSH 273V MOSH 369 FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD011 RISECD100 CANDLE187CDSE TABU022 CANDLE183CD MOSH 353X VEND 033 RR 79112 RISECD113 CANDLE218CD IPC81 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10032CD TABU023 RR 80165 AMAZON012CD IPC105 THP008 MOSH331X CDVILEF207X CANDLE217CD NR050 RR 80282 CDVILED 183X CDVILED 244X CDVILEF 235 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 TABU 030 RR 79385 RR 79022 FOGCD004 TABU024 KAR 043 FRCD 394 RR 79858 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Band Of Horses Balkan Beat Box Blitzen Trapper Bloc Party Bronx Brun Ane Brut Boogaloo Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Cold War Kids Core The Crowell Rodney Danielson Division Of Laura Lee Eagles Of Death Metal Einsturzende Neubauten Ellingsen Haakon Explorers Club Farmers Market Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford,Jim Forster,Robert Gaslight Anthem Giant Sand Gogol Bordello Grand Archives Grand Café Gutter Twins Hellacopters (International) Noise Con... Iron & Wine Jurado Damien King Crimson Lama Lambchop Lukestar Los Campesinos! Magnolia Electric Co. Mudhoney My Little Pony Of Montreal Okkervil River Postal Service Rumble In Rhodos Sadies Sawhney Nitin Shins Skambankt Stevens Sufjan Sun Kil Moon Supersuckers Taraf de Haidouks Tomahawk Travis Wainwright III Loudon Welcome Wagon Wolf Parade Wovenhand Yeasayer DVD TITTEL Full Fathom Five Clutch Chaos In Motion Dream Theater Emperial Live Ceremony Emperor Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO Enslaved FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 Farewell to The Kings Of Rock Gluecifer Christmas Isaak Chris Clearing The Eye Isis Live Kaada/Patton Live From Chicago Miller,Steve Band Sinamorata My Dying Bride The Misanthrope Nocturno Culto The Roundhouse Tapes Opeth The Concert DVD Roadrunner United Roadkill Extravaganza Satyricon If All Goes Wrong Smashing Pumpkins Comin’ Atcha Live! 2008 Tesla BEST.NR WM 002DVD DVD 09245 CANDLE101DVD TABU014 IPC102DVD MIG 011 SOUND 006 IPC80DVD IPC96DVD CHS10035 DVDVILE6 DVDVILE7 DVDVILE 11 RR 09369 FOGVD002 CHS 10036 FRDVD 018 TITTEL BEST.NR Antony & the Johnsons Backyard Babies Cease To Begin Nu Med Furr Intimacy The Bronx (III) Sketches Dirty Living Somewhere Carried To Dust Does You Inspire You IV Loyalty To Loyalty Golonka Love Sex & Gasoline Trying Heartz - The Best Of Violence Is Timeless Heart On The Jewels The Plum Album Freedom Wind Surfin’ USSR Flight Of The Conchords Float Point Of No Return The Evangelist The ‘59 Sound Provisions Super Taranta The Grand Archives Put A Little Grease On My Axe Saturnalia Head Off The Cross Of My Calling The Shepherd’s Dog Caught In The Trees In The Court Of The Crimson Ki Guidebook To Lamaland Oh (Ohio) Lake Toba We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed Fading Trails The Lucky Ones Think Too Much Skeletal Lamping The Stand Ins Give Up Intentions New Seasons London Undersound Wincing the Night Away Eliksir Songs For Christmas April Get It Together Maskarada Anonymous Ode To J. Smith Recovery Welcome To The Welcome Wagon At Mount Zoomer Ten Stones All Hour Cymbals SC104 BDBLI002 SPCD745 CRAW38 SPCD 755 WEBB 185CDI WEBB 197CD DEMCDD 09 MMR 003 G210190 SLANG 1051258 KAN 342 YEP2157 VVR 1051742 MMPCD 063 YEP 2187 SC 180 IMT 012 VVR 886803 919782 TERMOCD 002 DOC007 IPC101 SPCD715 SD1348 BCD16993 TIN01702 SD 1358 YEP 2188 SD1334 SPCD 754 RMR 001 SPCD 761 KING050CD BHR 220 SPCD710 SC 175 DGM0501 STACD 008 SLANG 1051218 PM03 WEBB 187CD SC120 SPCD765 STACD 007 PRC 160 JAG 124 SPCD595 BLNCD 012 YEP2148 POSITIVIDCD 001 SPCD705 DOG007 AKR 028 CV006 ABT 5019CD CRAW40 IPC89 VVR 1051932 YEP2181 AKR 045 SPCD720 SF 020 WRF002 VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Darkthrone Motörhead Of Montreal Sunn O))) Wovenhand Dark Thrones & Black Flags BBC Live In Sessions Vol. 1 Skeletal Lamping Domkirke Ten Stones VILELP 237 BOBV 107LP PRC 160LP SUNN 94LP SF 020LP ARTIST Doro Isis Motorpsycho Skambankt Zyklon-B SINGEL/EP TITTEL BEST.NR Celebrate (The Night Of ....) Not In Rivers, But In Drops The Nerve Tattoo Skammania Blood Must Be Shed AFMSG 233-5 IPC 99 PSYCHO04 DOG004 CANDLEP 235CD Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIX