November 2015 – Volume 93 – Issue #11
November 2015 – Volume 93 – Issue #11
Volume 93 November 2015 Issue #11 Advent Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky Prime Bishop As we approach the end of November the Church enters the season of Advent. The first Sunday of Advent is always the Sunday closest to November 30th, the Feast of Saint Andrew, the Apostle. In this way there are always four Sundays of Advent before the feast of the Nativity of our Lord at Christmas. This season can be looked at in several different ways as a season of extension or preparation. As an extension, Advent occurs immediately following the Solemnity of Christ the King as the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. Although we say that the Solemnity of Christ the King ends the liturgical year and Advent begins the New Year, there certainly is a connection. Throughout Ordinary Time, we often hear about the teachings and actions of our Lord Jesus Christ in His ministry. This season culminates with us acknowledging that Jesus is the true Lord of our lives and our world, that He is Christ the King. But then in Advent the response to this acknowledgement is to desire Jesus to once again come into our world. As Christians today we wait for the culmination of all things in the return of Jesus Christ. We still acknowledge this each and every time we proclaim the Nicene Creed during Holy Mass, “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.” We also remind ourselves that the very last words of Scripture tell us of the situation in which we find ourselves. At the conclusion of the Book of Revelation we read, “It is I, Jesus, who sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root of and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let everyone who hears say, “Come.” And let Website of the P.N.C.C.: everyone who is thirsty come. … The one who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:16-17, 20) As Holy Scripture closes with these words, these are the words of the Church for today. We wait for the return of Jesus. The church, the Bride of Christ, says “Come, Lord Jesus.” The season of Advent is an extension in that it is the response to the acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord. This season is also a preparation. Certainly I imagine that in our world today we tend to look at these few weeks in this way, of course maybe not as the season of Advent, but rather as a secular preparation for Christmas. As the month of December begins there is certainly much pressure to get ready for Christmas. In fact we can sometimes see that Christmas sales and displays might have been present even since the time of Halloween. We are encouraged to get our homes ready by decorating. We are encouraged to get ready by spending countless hours in stores looking for just the right gift for everyone we know. But all this is not the season of Advent. Advent encourages us to get our hearts, our minds and our lives ready for the arrival of the new-born Messiah on the Solemnity of the Nativity. Like the prophets of long ago, we know that Jesus is coming into the world and we must work to make ourselves ready. This certainly occurs within the liturgical life of the Church, via the celebration of the Sunday Masses and also with the celebration of Rorate Masses in Advent which honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. These Masses have always had a special place in my Advent preparation. The faithful gather in the (Continued on Page 3.) Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 2 God’s Field — November 2015 Email Addresses for the P.N.C.C. Offices The email addresses for the staff of National Church Center and God’s Field are: God’s Field — Rola Boża Publication Information the Prime Bishop Anthony Mikovsky [email protected] Secretary to Prime Bishop — Julie Orzell [email protected] P.N.C.C. Treasurer — Joan Scheuneman [email protected] God’s Field - Rola Boża Editor — Julie Orzell [email protected] Questions or concerns? Call us at 570-346-9131 or 570-346-2125. Identification Statement The Official Publication of the Polish National Catholic Church, GOD’S FIELD - ROLA BOŻA, is published monthly for the U.S. $48.00; Canada $62.00; Foreign $87.50 per year by Polish National Catholic Church 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505-4109 Individual issues of God’s Field are available for purchase from the National Church Center for $2.00 each (pickup) or prepaid $4.00 each (U.S.); $5.25 each (Canada); $7.30 (Foreign). The deadline for article submissions is the 1st of the month; publication date is mid-month. Submissions received after the 1st will be included in the following month’s issue. Email articles and photos to [email protected] and to [email protected]. If your submission was successfully delivered via email, you will receive an acknowledgement email stating that your submission was received. To ensure clarity of graphics, please send JPEG or TIFF formatted pictures with a resolution of at least 300 pixels per inch. Please identify individuals in photographs or caption photographs. Typewritten articles and photographs may be submitted to: God’s Field Polish National Catholic Church 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505-4109 Send payments and address changes to GOD’S FIELD 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505-4109 CONTROLLER: Most Rev. Anthony A. Mikovsky 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505 Opinions expressed in various articles published in God’s Field do not necessarily reflect the doctrine of the P.N.C.C. PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR ZIP +4 CODE OR YOUR POSTAL CODE WITH YOUR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION ADDRESS. IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE THE ENTIRE ZIP +4 CODE OR YOUR POSTAL CODE, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOU. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 (Advent - Continued from Page 1.) early morning, oftentimes while it is still dark, to honor the Blessed Virgin as an example for all Christians who wait for Jesus, the true light. During these Masses the ancient prophesies regarding the Messiah are read and we also read of their fulfillment in the history of the life of Mary from the time of the annunciation until the birth of Jesus. And of course there are also many other ways to honor this Advent season in our homes as well. Many families light an Advent wreath, especially before the evening meal within their homes. Meditations or prayers are read and the light multiplies from one candle to four as the time for the birth of Jesus draws closer. There is also the tradition of an Advent calendar. On each day as the number is counted down a small door or drawer is opened on the calendar revealing an image or portion of Scripture. Each of these family devotions gives us the feeling that we are in the time of waiting and expectation. 3 day of our lives we are waiting and striving to bring Jesus into the world. In prayer we desire to be in contact with Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives. We receive Holy Communion to unite ourselves with Him. We want Jesus to be a part of our family life, our work life and our worship life. We want Jesus to be born into every one of our thoughts and actions. And of course we desire this not only for ourselves, but also for those we love, for our families and our parishes. Each prayer, each act of love, kindness and mercy is, in some ways, filled with the plea, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Within the family, Advent is also a great time to begin to set up the Nativity scene. The manger can be placed out, as well as some of the people and animals that are not as crucial to the story. Of course Mary and Joseph would be saved for Christmas Eve and the Christ Child for Christmas Day, either after returning from Midnight Mass or early in the morning. This too reminds us that Advent is to be a time of preparation, and as we prepare our homes we should also be preparing our hearts and lives for the arrival of Jesus. I often think that it is for this reason that although I certainly am lifted up and rejoice in the hymns of Christmas and Easter, it is the hymns of Advent that speak to me most strongly. They are the hymns of my daily life. These hymns cry out “Come Jesus” just as my prayers and good works do. So many of these hymns are familiar to us, but do we take time to contemplate the words, “Send forth, O Heavens,” “Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus,” and many others. During this season of Advent, I encourage you to listen to the words of the Advent hymns and make them a part of your daily prayer life. As an example, I’ll share one of my favorites. “O Come Divine Messiah! The world in silence waits the day, when hope shall sing its triumph, and sadness flee away. Sweet Savior, haste; Come, come to earth: dispel the night and show Thy face and bid us hail the dawn of grace. O come, Divine Messiah, the world in silence waits the day, when hope shall sing its triumph and sadness flee away.” Although I certainly see in Advent both an extension of the liturgical year past and a preparation for the arrival of Jesus, in another sense I always look at Advent as the best expression of where all Christians are now within our spiritual lives. Each and every Let this Advent be a response to the acknowledgement that Jesus is the Lord of our lives and let it be the time of preparation to accept Him, not only at the Solemnity of the Nativity, but to welcome and accept Jesus each and every day. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 4 God’s Field — November 2015 God’s Field Subscription Information God’s Field annual subscriptions are available to individuals and parishes in hard copy format. The subscription rate is $48.00 per year for 12 issues to U.S and $62.00 per year for 12 issues to Canada. This rate is based on the cost of printing, mailing supplies and U.S.P.S. First Class Flat Rate (U.S) and International First Class Flat Rate (Canada) mailing costs. Single issues of God’s Field are available for purchase from the National Church Center for $2.00 each (pickup) or prepaid $4.00 each (shipped within the U.S.) and $5.25 each (shipped to Canada). These rates will remain in effect until further notice. Until March 1, 2016 the National Church Center will send one issue of God’s Field per month to every parish. It is our hope that each U.S. parish will contribute $48.00 annually and each Canadian parish will contribute $62.00 annually to continue receiving a hard copy issue. If a parish wishes to order additional annual subscriptions they may do so at a cost of $48.00 (U.S.) or $62.00 (Canada) per subscription per year. Due to increased costs of printing and mailing, as of March 1, 2016 the National Church will no longer provide copies to parishes that have not prepaid for annual subscriptions. Please note that the gratis online version of God’s Field will continue to be available to everyone on our website at We do not accept groups of individual parishioner subscriptions from parishes, nor do we accept multi-year subscriptions. Individuals are responsible for ordering and pre-paying for their own personal subscriptions annually. Prepaid annual gift subscriptions from individuals for another individual are accepted. Beginning in 2011, parishes should have ceased collecting funds for parishioners’ God’s Field subscriptions. The National Church has not received any funds from parishes for this purpose since 2011. Individuals and parishes who wish to receive an annual hard copy subscription to God’s Field should send a check or money order in USD, payable to God’s Field, along with current name and full mailing address. Please include zip+4 (U.S.) or postal code (Canada) to ensure delivery of your subscription; if you do not include a complete, valid mailing address including zip+4 or postal code we cannot guarantee delivery by the Post Office. Only prepaid subscriptions will be mailed, so please send in annual subscription payments prior to the end of the subscription year so that your subscription continues to be sent to you. If your annual subscription is not prepaid, you may experience a gap in monthly issues of God’s Field. Parishes and individuals may copy and use the form, below, and send with payment to: God’s Field 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505 Thank you. The Staff and Management of God’s Field—Rola Boża God’s Field Annual Subscription Form Name: Street Address: City: State/Province: Check No. and Amt: Postal Code: (Zip+4) Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 5 2016 P.N.C.C. Home Liturgical Calendars The Polish National Catholic Church will have a limited number of full color 2016 home liturgical calendars for sale on a firstcome, first-served basis. This calendar with original photographs for each month includes information concerning P.N.C.C. holy days. We urge you to order your calendar(s) as soon as possible. Calendar prices have remained the same as last year’s, although the shipping costs have increased. The chart below can be used for calculating your costs. Quantity Cost per Calendar Calendar Cost Subtotal U.S. Shipping Canada Shipping (USD) U.S. Total Canada Total (USD) 1 $3.50 $3.50 $2.08 $5.58 $3.46 $6.96 2 $3.50 $7.00 $2.72 $9.72 $4.98 $11.98 3 $3.50 $10.50 $2.72 $13.22 $6.06 $16.56 4 $3.50 $14.00 $3.22 $17.22 $8.22 $22.22 5 $3.50 $17.50 $3.22 $20.72 $9.30 $26.80 6 $3.50 $21.00 $3.22 $24.22 $10.38 $31.38 7 $3.50 $24.50 $3.72 $28.22 $11.46 $35.96 8 $3.50 $28.00 $3.72 $31.72 $12.56 $40.56 9 $3.50 $31.50 $3.72 $35.22 $14.72 $46.22 10 $3.25 $32.50 $4.22 $36.72 $15.80 $48.30 11+ $3.25 $35.75+ Depends on package weight & recipient’s geographic location* Depends on package weight & recipient’s geographic location* *PLEASE NOTE: We cannot predetermine the cost of shipping on orders of 11 or more calendars because this cost is calculated by weight and geographic location of recipient. You will be invoiced for this cost in your shipment. Remember that an additional $30.00 is required for ad setup for a sponsor (quite often a funeral director) and specific parish information regarding Sunday services, telephone numbers, name of pastor, etc. Please place your order as soon as possible so that we can ship your calendars to you before the New Year. An order form can be obtained online at: SEND PAYMENT AND ORDERS TO: P.N.C.C. CENTER Attn: Julie Orzell 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505-4109 Total payment (including calculable shipping costs) must accompany order. Please make checks (in USD) payable to: Polish National Catholic Church. (You will be invoiced for shipping costs if they must be calculated at the time of packing.) Thank you for your continued support of this church-wide endeavor. If you pick up your order at the National Church Center, there will be no shipping charge. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Anthony A. Mikovsky Prime Bishop Polish National Catholic Church Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 6 God’s Field — November 2015 The Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds One of the last remaining items in the P.N.C.C. Action Plan for 2015: A Year of Regeneration focuses on The Solemnity of Humble Shepherds. It calls for the Future Direction Sub-committee to prepare and make available a pamphlet that will include prayers and Scripture readings for this special day in our Church. The pamphlet will be distributed and used throughout the P.N.C.C. as a tool to increase learning, spirituality and promotion of Sacred Vocations. The Solemnity of Humble Shepherds will be celebrated this year on Sunday, Dec. 27th, 2015. that we establish the Solemnity of Humble Shepherds. This solemnity was to be a reminder to all Polish National Catholics that God chose humble shepherds, poor ordinary people, to be the first to receive the good news of Jesus’ birth. Having heard the good news of the birth of Christ, the shepherds were the first to come and worship Him. Everyone at the Synod agreed and the Solemnity of Humble Shepherds has been celebrated in the Polish National Catholic Church ever since. It serves to remind us of God’s providence, which uses the poor and lowly in His work of regeneration and salvation. The P.N.C.C. “A Book of Devotions and Prayers” and “An Abridged History of the Polish National Catholic Church,” published by the P.N.C.C. National School of Christian Living Commission, provide a wonderful background of all of our Church solemnities. I’d like to share with you some of the writing related to Humble Shepherds and encourage you to work to increase your own personal spirituality and learning by taking the time to read the history of The Solemnities in their entirety. Both of the referenced publications are available through the P.N.C.C. Book Department. Today, as we recall how the shepherds and our ancestors in the faith were looked down upon, we should remember to always treat others with love and respect. This solemnity should be an encouragement to the poor, the humble and the lowly today, knowing that God cares for them and may be using them in a special way. “In 1904 the First General Synod of the Polish National Catholic Church was held in Scranton, PA and in 1906 this Synod was reconvened to complete its work. At these gatherings Father Hodur proposed Website of the P.N.C.C.: During the Holy Mass on this day we pray for our Prime Bishop, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Seminarians. We also pray for sacred vocations to the Holy Priesthood, that those whom God has called may answer His call and serve His people as shepherds.” Respectfully Submitted, Kathryn Nemkovich Future Direction Sub-Committee Member Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 7 From the National Youth Chaplain I am preparing to attend this year’s edition of the National Youth Workers’ Convention in a couple of weeks. As every year, I begin to connect with some youth ministry mentors anticipating seeing each other one year older, with youth ministry challenges that we commiserate about, and discuss new resources available to us. In conversation, I was offered two blogs which I thought were of note in this fledgling youth ministry year. I offer them to you and I hope they are of value to you. Please keep the youth workers in your prayers from across the country during the days of 11/19-22 (as well as Convo 2016) as they undertake this amazing ministry to our youth; thanks! The first is from Paul Turner, a long-time youth worker, speaker, and blogger of all things youth ministry. He’s the youth pastor at Pleasant Grove Assembly in Birmingham, AL and writes regularly at I have lied to myself more times than I can count. False beliefs make their way into my heart, and they affect my actions and sabotage my future — and I know this is true of other youth pastors as well. But we don’t have to live this way! Confront these seven lies with the truth, and watch your life and ministry turn around: 1) I’m an impostor. Sometimes we may feel as if we shouldn’t be up in front of students because of sins we’ve committed or because the passion we feel for working with teenagers isn’t as strong as it once was. We might even feel as if we don’t deserve to be in youth ministry. The Truth: We’re all recipients of God’s grace. The apostle Paul said, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do” (Romans 7:15). You’re redeemed, and God knows exactly who you are — just like He knew who Gideon, Jacob, and Paul were when He called them. 2) Everyone is against me. It’s easy to point our fingers at others (pastors, deacons, parents, etc.) and say that they’re the reason we can’t succeed. But this paranoia is unhelpful, and it will isolate us. The Truth: There are some people who will be against you. For whatever reason, they may not like you or your vision for the ministry, or maybe they just think your skinny jeans are dumb. But remember, there are more people who want you to succeed than fail — you just need to learn how to identify these people in your life. 3) I have to have a certain amount of students in order to succeed. Numbers, numbers, numbers! I, for one, really struggled with this one — maybe you do, too. In order to see yourself as a successful youth worker, do you feel as if you have to get more and more teenagers in your youth group? The Truth: Numbers have their place, but more important than the size of your youth ministry is the health of your youth ministry. Adding lots of students to an unhealthy ministry means you’ll have a lot of unhealthy students. Jesus taught twelve students for three years, and I think that turned out pretty well. Small and healthy beats big and sick. 4) I am the ministry. I call this the Jack Nicholson effect. It’s when we say things like, “This ministry would fall apart without me.” Or, like Colonel Jessup in A Few Good Men: “You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.” Egomania is a beast that is hard to get back in its cage once it has been released. The Truth: We’re not the ministry — we’re servants of the Most High God who called us first to be His sons and daughters. He requires us to die to ourselves and allow His Spirit to work through us. If the ministry would fall apart without you, then maybe it should just fall apart. Anything built without God’s hand will fall apart eventually (1 Corinthians 13:1112). 5) My way is the best way (a.k.a. everyone else is stupid). Have you ever had what you thought was an amazing idea, but after you executed it, the result felt hollow? Victories can be very unsatisfying when the only person to high-five in the end is you. Or have you ever forced an idea through only to watch it fail miserably? A mouth full of crow is pretty unpleasant. (Continued on Page 8.) Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 8 God’s Field — November 2015 (From the Youth Chaplain - Continued from Page 7.) The Truth: Your way might not always be the best way for your youth ministry or church. Listening to other voices is critical in order to test out ideas. If someone disagrees with your ideas, this doesn’t make that person is stupid. They may be ill-informed, but they’re not stupid. It’s our job to educate others as to why something will work, and then we must articulately answer any questions about why it may not. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). Our ideas need other people’s input in order to make them better. 6) Everything depends on me. Robert Schuller had a saying: “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” Do you ever feel as if you’re the only one who can do things for your youth ministry? This lone wolf mentality may make us feel holy, but it leaves us weak. This is the Elijah effect: Elijah believed he was the last prophet serving God, when in fact God had hidden 100 prophets in two caves (I Kings 18:4). The Truth: Everything does not depend on us. We may be the head of the spear, but no one chucks just the head of the spear at an oncoming enemy. Ministry requires teamwork. Building a team around yourself gives you the protection, feedback, support, and leverage to allow God to do big things. Isolating ourselves is unproductive and dangerous and only leads to more lies. 7) You have to work harder. I used to say, “You may do a lot of things better than I do, but you can’t outwork me.” Have you ever told yourself this lie? It may make us feel as if we’re getting more done, but it will only lead to burnout. Telling ourselves we need to work harder is like a pilot saying, “I have to get out of the plane and push it to make it go faster.” Yeah, that doesn’t work. The Truth: Work smarter not harder. All the needless hours we work to make ourselves feel valued could be spent in training others, becoming more organized, and educating ourselves so as to make these hours matter even more. To believe a lie is to chain ourselves in place forfeiting forward progress emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Let Jesus set you free from the lies that have held you down and watch yourself and your ministry move forward. Website of the P.N.C.C.: I’d like to continue the conversation with anyone who’d like to share. Let’s talk about topics like: Which lie has been holding you back the most? Which truth will be your greatest challenge to accept? The second, Quick Tips For Small Groups, is from Brian Aaby, the director of YS SEARCH & COACHING, assisting churches with personnel placement and providing coaching guidance for youth leaders. Brian served for 17 years as a youth pastor and then founded and led Youthmark since 2008. Brian speaks nationally at churches, camps, conference, and events: I’m of the belief that there are some who are just naturally intuitive in how to lead a small group, but a much larger portion of the youth ministry leadership population need some training and experience; either way, I hope these quick ideas may be a blessing to you and your leadership of a small group. Opening Questions: Because the goal of a small group is often community, take some time to get everyone to talk so that when the conversation gets a little more serious, all participants will already feel more comfortable speaking. [Questions like “If you had to be in an existing reality TV show, which one would you choose? Why?] Don’t Rescue The Silence (too quickly): Leaders/ Facilitators often fear silence. When you ask a question, don’t rescue the group by providing the answer; some are processors and are willing to speak, but just need time to form their thought (likewise, don’t correct the answer, even when wrong, rather, ask the rest of the group, “what do you all think of that answer?”). Know Where You’re Going, But Allow Alternative Routes: If you’re studying a passage (or using a curriculum) know the major areas you want to touch on, but know that your group may have an alternative route to get to the destination. Allow for rabbit trails (some of the best learning can take place by allowing students to ask questions or tell stories that take you a different direction). People Watch: Shepherding a group requires great attention to the dynamics of those gathered. Notice the silent one (he or she may be screaming something by their non-verbals). Pay attention to those who sit together and those who may seem to avoid each other (Continued on bottom of Page 9.) Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 9 NCC Statement on Recent Middle East Violence and Acts of Terrorism Over many years, the National Council of Churches has often expressed our aspirations and sorrows, our confidence and fears, related to an eventual peace in the Middle East. At this time, Inter-communal violence is consuming Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Terrorism and civil conflict are raining fire upon Syria and Iraq. Horrific acts of terrorism have recently taken place in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad and many other cities around the world. Afghanistan is sliding back into chaos. Refugees are fleeing the region and entering Europe in large numbers with no end of suffering on the horizon. Religious minorities are being persecuted, and sectarian strife is affecting Christian, Muslim and Jewish populations. As we approach the celebration of the birth of Christ our hearts are filled with sorrow and fear that peace will remain out of reach in the Middle East for much longer than we could ever have imagined. We have no illusions that establishing peace will be easy. We lament that the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is ever more elusive and negotiations (From the Youth Chaplain - Continued from Page 8.) – catching these things early (and naming them privately) may lead to greater dynamics later. Change-Up: Every so-often break the routine and do something completely different. For me, this means I take the group on an experience instead of just doing regular group [examples: meal night, people watching project at a mall, serving project, athletic event of someone in the group]. Speak It Into Existence: There are times when a group simply needs to hear that you love them and believe in them (even when they are acting Website of the P.N.C.C.: are not taking place. We pray for a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict. We call upon religious communities to build upon their historic legacies of inter-religious relationships, dialogue and action. When all these are in sight, we can envision peace. And yet such a vision seems hard to fathom today. Still, we remain people of hope. The Lord we follow, Jesus Christ, died a violent death. But he was resurrected from the dead in the singular miraculous event that is at the core of our belief. Thus the hope of resurrection, and of the eternal life and profound peace it symbolizes, permeates our being and calls us to be vigilant in our hope for peace in the region where he lived among us. We witness to this hope for peace with our fellow Christians in the region. We stand together with our Muslim and Jewish and other sisters and brothers of goodwill who seek peace there. As the National Council of Churches, we will continue to encourage our churches and congregations to support a renewed peace settlement as the only option. And we call upon the United States government and the United Nations to enforce previous commitments towards a just peace and do everything to ensure that a just peace has a chance to emerge from today’s chaos and destruction. Adopted by the NCC Governing Board, November 17, 2015. unlovable). You give permission to them by naming the fact that you love being with them and that you see them maturing. Keep It A Safe Place: Unfortunately just about every environment a student enters has the potential for harm. You have the opportunity to establish a group as a place of refuge! Encourage them to avoid the foolish chatter & jokes and establish an affirmation environment. What other quick tips do you have for successful small group leadership? For the Youth of our Holy Church. Bishop Stan Bilinski / [email protected] Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 10 God’s Field — November 2015 A Story and a Confession Greetings:! Let me introduce myself as the sole lay representative on the Sacred Vocations Commission of the Polish National Catholic Church. On this Commission, I am fortunate to have the privilege to serve with a great group of clergy. One advantage as the lay representative, especially during last month Pastor Appreciation Month - is that I have the opportunity to impart to my brothers and sisters something more appropriately shared from one who is not currently a member of the clergy. Let me begin my story and a confession. It was a few weeks ago, as I was meeting with a student in my office about his future career and educational aspirations. I was asked, “Dr. P, your walls are covered with so many credentials, plaques, awards and recognitions, so which one means the most to you?” 35 years for me to thank him for being an amazing role model; to thank him for the picture that continues to speak to me today and for the opportunities he provided me in our Church. As we have recently gone through October, the month of Pastor Appreciation, I hope by sharing this simple reflection you would consider taking the time to reflect on your pastor, and other clergy who have impacted your life, and express your appreciation for all he does - both seen and unseen. Thirty-five years is far too long to wait to say thank you to one who changed and influenced your life. As St. Paul wrote: "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching." (1 Tim. 5:17). Perhaps you may consider one or more of these suggestions of how you can “stop the presses,” to express your thanks. Immediately and without thought I went over to one of my bookcases and pulled forward a worn, tattered and simple picture. The words on the picture have faded over the years from sun and just normal wear and tear. I handed the picture to the student, who read the simple message and stated, “Those are powerful words.” I nodded in agreement and asked the student to flip it over and read the other side, which contains the date I received the gift, and from whom. He had a puzzled look on his face as the words on the back did not resonate with him like the front of the picture did. I explained that in 1974 Father Senior Banas gave me this gift as recognition for something I did. I continued by explaining how this person served as a major influence and role model in my early developmental years. I shared how he taught, lectured, preached, listened, scolded, praised and always served as a source of encouragement to me. The student asked more questions and then I confessed to him that I had never “stopped the presses” of my life to thank Father Senior for being such a guiding force in my life as he laid the foundation for my understanding of Jesus Christ, and for me to become a leader, professional, and public speaker. He provided avenues to foster the growth of gifts that he saw in me that others did not. In my confession to the student, I also noted that it was 35 years later when Bishop Stan Bilinski, my wife and I visited Father Banas in Ware, Massachusetts. It took Website of the P.N.C.C.: Send an email of encouragement. Send a card or letter. Coordinate a special meal . Coordinate a standing ovation after mass. Paint him a picture. Send a card from the whole parish. Create an appreciation video. Purchase a gift that is personal to him. Design a “Best Pastor” T – Shirt. Place an article in the local newspaper. Facebook the world celebrating your pastor and watch the likes roll in. Celebrate every day, especially during October, honoring your pastor. Thank you for taking the time to read and hear my story and a confession. To all our pastors, thank you for all that you do, for answering the calling of Jesus Christ, placing our souls as more important than anything in this world, and for all that you will do for us, our communities and His Church. Lastly, thank you to those priests who have made an amazing difference in my life, but especially, Father Senior Banas, Father Ruda, Father Senior Ratajack, Father Roman, Father Jason and Bishop Stan. Respectfully, Jim Ploskonka Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 11 The Gospel – The Liturgy of the Word Ends Most Rev. John F. Swantek, Prime Bishop Emeritus We have come to the proclamation of the Gospel, the principal reading of the three Mass readings. This is the Good News of Jesus Christ, His teachings and mission to redeem and save humankind. Here we meet our Lord Himself Who speaks to us, revealing eternal truths which we could never have discovered by ourselves. In the Mass this reading occupies a special place, and its importance is shown by the numerous ceremonies associated with it. Unlike the first two readings, only a deacon, priest or a bishop is permitted to read the Gospel. The minister, who is to proclaim the Gospel, prays that he may be worthy to read this sacred text; he also asks the ranking minister present to bless him. All rise as the minister goes to the lectern to begin the reading. Standing for the proclamation of the Gospel began in the East in the 4th century and shortly after in the West. He greets the faithful with, "The Lord be with you," and they respond, "And also with you." As the Gospel is announced, the cleric makes a small sign of the cross on the forehead, lips, and breast and the faithful do likewise. With the cross on the forehead we ask God "to help our minds that we may understand the teachings of Christ." The cross on the lips is a sign that we may tell others of the truths of the Gospel, and the cross on our breast signifies that “we may be filled with love for the teachings of Jesus." During the proclamation of the Gospel in the Old Catholic Churches two altar servers stand on the sides of the lectern with lighted candles. In Solemn High Mass there is a Gospel procession with the Deacon carrying the Gospel Book. With him is the Subdeacon who will hold the Book as the Deacon reads or chants the Gospel. Two altar servers with lighted candles will stand on the sides of the Gospel Book. Before the Gospel is proclaimed, the Deacon will incense it, showing the greatest respect for the Gospel as well as acknowledging the presence of Christ Himself in this sacred work. This is analogous to the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament during Benediction as we kneel in the presence of Christ in the Sacrament. At the conclusion of the proclamation of the Gospel, the Minister who read the Gospel or a higher ranking minister kisses the Book. The making the sign of the Website of the P.N.C.C.: cross on the forehead, lips, and breast, kissing the Gospel, and the incensing of the Gospel Book became practices in the Church in the 11th century. The ceremonies that are identified with the reading of the Gospel during Mass acknowledge the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who speaks to us. The acclamations said by the faithful at the beginning and the conclusion of the Gospel; "Glory be to You, Lord" and "Praise be to You Lord Jesus Christ;" are directed to Christ Himself. In the early days of the Church, men had to remove their head covering and princes would take off their crowns during the reading of the Gospel. At this same time, knights would draw their swords and hold them extended during the reading. In the 11th century, the Gospel Book was carried in the Palm Sunday Procession to take the place of Christ. While during the synods, a throne was erected for the Gospel Book to show that Christ was presiding at this holy gathering. It is interesting to note that at the conclusion of the Gospel reading in the traditional setting, the minister would say; "Through the words of this Holy Gospel, may our sins be wiped away." It is interesting that the reference works that I used had no commentary on this ending. Perhaps it is self-evident. HOMILY – SERMON During the synagogue service there would be readings from the Laws and the Prophets. Following the readings, one would give an explanation of them. While in the earliest description of the Eucharistic Liturgy in 165, St. Justin Martyr wrote: "When the reader has finished the president (Bishop) gives a discourse, admonishing us and exhorting us to imitate these excellent examples." For quite some time, preaching was the prerogative only of the bishop. Eventually priests and deacons were permitted to preach. A homily is preaching the Word of God that follows a Scripture reading. In Catholic theology "there is and can be no doubt that the word of God is one of the chief means of Grace." (Pulpit Orator, 1904) In 1909, the Synod stated the following: "Hearing of the Word of God, (Continued on Page 12.) Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 12 God’s Field — November 2015 (The Gospel - Continued from Page 11.) preached according to the teaching of Christ the Lord, has sacramental force, that is, it causes in us the same effect as does the receiving of the other Sacraments. The homily is delivered after the Gospel, but at one time in the past it was preached after the Mass had been celebrated. At St. Casimir's Parish, Wallingford, CT, the priest would go to the sacristy after Mass, remove the Mass vestments, don a surplice and stole and come out to preach. If the homily is to have sacramental value, the minister must have the intention of preaching the Word of God in conformity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the listener must have the intention of receiving the Word of God as food for eternal life. In the homily we must encounter Christ. In the Middle Ages, however, there was a de-emphasis on preaching and an accentuating of the Liturgy and paraliturgical services. CREED The Nicene Creed, which follows the homily, is a profession of faith which had its origin in the Council of Nicea (329). It was later amended by the Council of Constantinople in 381. When the Arian controversy arose in Alexandria regarding our Lord, Jesus Christ, being coeternal with the Father, the emperor convoked a council of bishops to meet in Nicea in 325 to resolve this problem. After a number of sessions the council fathers drafted a document expressing the fundamental teaching of the Church. The Creed would be completed by the Council of Constantinople in 381. Previous to this Creed there was a profession of faith that was made by those who were to be baptized. The Nicene Creed is said on Sundays, Solemnities, and important feasts. blessings consisting of requests for individuals and general needs. The Christian Church adopted this practice which is found in St. Justin Martyr's description of the Mass as it was celebrated in 165. The intercessory prayers are found in the Liturgy of Church in both the East and West. Unfortunately these Prayers of Intercession disappeared in the Western Church by 590. The only trace of them is found in the Liturgy of Good Friday. The Prayers of Intercession are not found in the Tridentine Mass. Later in the West we find a commemoration of the Living before the Consecration and a Commemoration for the Departed after the Consecration. At this time the celebrant quietly mentions the names of the living and the departed for whom he is praying. Those sitting in the pews should also quietly mention their loved ones and friends. In the past there have commemorations read by a deacon from the diptychs. Diptychs are a pair of narrow tablets joined together, usually made of wood. The inner surfaces served as a writing surface. They would be used for writing the names of those who would be remembered; they could be bishops with whom his Church was in communion and other important persons. This practice appeared about the 4th century. MASS OF THE CATECHUMENS AND MASS OF THE FAITHFUL The Nicene Creed was added to the Eucharistic Liturgy in the 6th century in Spain, in France in the 8th century, and in Northern Europe in the 10th century. When the emperor visited Rome in 1014, he was appalled that the Creed was not said during the Mass. After that visit, the Bishop of Rome added it to the Roman Mass. Because of its importance, all stand as the Creed is being recited. Since the 8th century it was required for all to genuflect or make a profound bow at the words "And became man." For many years the Mass was looked upon by scholars as having two essential sections: the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful. The Mass of the Catechumens went from the beginning of the Mass up to the end of the Gospel. This section of the Liturgy consisted of prayers of preparation, Prayers to the Father, Scripture citations, Lessons, Gospel and Homily. During this part of the Mass, which we could call instructional, one would be exposed to the teachings of the Church. One desiring to become a member of the Church had to enter the catechumenate, an instructional program to prepare those who desired to be Baptized. This program would last for two or three years. It would concentrate on the basic teachings and spirituality of the Church. It must be realized that a catechumen was not yet a member of the Church, therefore he could not remain for the entire Mass. Our word catechism is derived from the word catechumenate. PRAYER OF INTERCESSION Also at the Mass of the Catechumens were members In the Jewish synagogue liturgy were several Website of the P.N.C.C.: (Continued on bottom of Page 15.) Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 13 Formation of Seniorates of the Polish National Catholic Church The idea of seniorates was first broached by Bishop Hodur at the November 26 - 27, 1934 meeting of the Great Council held in Buffalo, NY in response to a suggestion by Władysław Proń that “Parish committees have their own central committee so that they could meet every so often and discuss matters of economic nature.” Bishop Hodur said that he had an idea whereby “our Church would be divided into seniorates (according to seniority), at the head of which would be older priests, and the clergy and lay representatives of the parishes would meet regularly and discuss the actual matters of the Church for its benefit and development.” He also said that these seniorates “would have a sort of autonomy regarding the character of love, solidarity and co-operation with the bishop.” Bishop Hodur also presented his plan for Church Administration at a Clergy Conference held in the auditorium of All Saints Church prior to the Seventh General Synod, to be held in 1935. He said that “The Administration, in the opinion of the First Bishop, should be streamlined. In the eighteenth century absolutism ruled in the world, the whole world was subordinated to this system, and only Poland opposed this system, and therefore it fell. It is happening similarly in present day Poland, where a tendency to create a strong government can be observed. Such a problem also arises before us in the National Church. I have the intention to propose a project, that the Church Council should have the authority to move bishops, if a need should arise. Influencing this project is experience acquired easily in America as in Poland. To streamline the administration of the Church, we would institute a division into seniorates, or seniorities. To streamline this administration, we should institute uniform societies in the whole Church.” The relevant section of these comments is that he was going to propose a Seniorate structure for the church at this or subsequent Synods. I didn’t find any reference to this proposal in the minutes of this Synod. Nor could I find any discussion of the procedure or qualifications of the priests who would be in charge of the administrative districts called Seniorates. However, perhaps they were left to the discretion of Bishop Hodur and the Grand Council, as so many Constitutional changes at past Synods were. Website of the P.N.C.C.: At the September 2, 1937 meeting of the Great Council held in Scranton, PA, Bishop Hodur identified the ‘seniorates’ as Provincial authorities when he said that “the Great Council of the Polish National Catholic Church (P.N.C.C.) is the highest instance during the period between synods since it includes all the dioceses which are represented not only by bishops, clergy, but also lay representatives as well as by provincial authorities, which we call seniorates, the Full Council takes responsibility for that which will be resolved in the spirit of our Church.” At this meeting, there were seven Seniors: four from the Central Diocese; Father Stanisław Szufladowicz, Father Józef Zawistowski, Father Rene Zawistowski, and Father Professor Teofil Czarkowski; one from the Western Diocese: Father Senior Michał Zawadzki, Cleveland, Ohio; one from the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese Father Senior Siemiętkowski and one from Eastern Diocese: Father Senior Józef Sołtysiak. Father Senior Józef Sołtysiak wrote a paper entitled “On the Seniorate of the National Church,” which he read at the meeting. His report was later printed in two parts in Rola Boża (God’s Field), the first part in the Oct 9, 1937 issue on pages 342 through 344, and the second part in the Oct. 23, 1937 issue on pages 359 and 360. Between the November 26 - 27, 1934 and September 2, 1937 meetings of the Great Council, at least seven Seniors were elevated. There may have been more, but these were the only Seniors present at the 1937 meeting. The focus on the use of the seniorates continued. The Supreme Council, April 26 and 27, 1960, meeting minutes reported that an intensive internal mission of the Church would begin in the territories of the seniorates. That the seniorates were an important part of the Church’s communications effort can be seen by Prime Bishop Zielinski’s report to the April 16 and 17, 1968 Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council held in Scranton, PA; that he planned to visit every seniorate in the entire P.N.C.C. He reported the positive results he received as a result of his visitations. All of the seniorates in the Central Diocese have been visited. His plan is to visit the (Continued on Page 14.) Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 14 God’s Field — November 2015 (Formation of Seniorates - Continued from Page 13.) seniorates in the Eastern Diocese next, then the Western Diocese and finally the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese. He also said that he makes arrangements with the ordinary of the diocese regarding the visitations. Seniorates were also tasked to to provide other services to their dioceses. Bishop Gnat’s report to the 17th General Synod gave a description of the tasks assigned to the Eastern Diocese Seniorates for the preparation of Synods. He said “For this year of 1986, each area of the Diocese had active participation in preparing the Synod that you are now attending. For example, the Northeast Seniorate was responsible for the program book as well as the general Pre-Synod Committee here in the parish; the Southwest Seniorate was responsible for the lighting system, which is my own invention but done by somebody else -- in front of us, the timer clock, timer lights -- as well as the balloting committee from the Southwest. The Central Seniorate spent a lot of time on the Rules and Regulations. And I know it’s a dangerous thing to just mention a few, but each part of the Diocese had their input into this week’s General Synod.” Seniors also served as lecturers at Priests’ retreats. Seniorates also have been used as the means of disseminating information from national commissions. Very Reverend Peplowski at the 18th General Synod said, “In response, the Commission had thought that it would be a good idea, and we were supported by the Prime Bishop, to have a Commission member conduct a seminar for the clergy of the various Seniorates throughout the Church; and also, perhaps, even to make the person from the National Liturgical Commission available for meeting with peoples who are involved in music ministry, organist ministry, choir directors, choirs themselves, people like that, just to kind of talk about this new pew book, to highlight some of the opportunities that are there for the parish which were not present, perhaps, in the form that they are now, in the past, and so, we were hoping to prepare a seminar program for traveling throughout the various Seniorates of the various dioceses of the Church.” Mr. Albert Micka, the coordinator of Fund Raising for the National Church Center was invited to give updates at numerous times to the various Seniorates as well as Diocesan Synods. Website of the P.N.C.C.: The duties of Seniors were defined by changes to the Constitution and Laws of the P.N.C.C. through many General Synods. At the Seventh General Synod, Sept. 27 - 29, 1946, held in Scranton, PA, Article 7, Paragraph 2 was amended by adding “Seniors.” after the word Bishops. The 2010 Constitution defines the Duties of Seniors in Article XIII: “Seniors are charged with such duties as are assigned them by their Diocesan Bishops. They fulfill strictly all orders of their Diocesan Bishops and assist them in the following matters: (1) they oversee the Seniorate District entrusted to them; (2) they conduct conferences with the clergy and lay representatives of their Seniorate Districts and prepare and send accurate reports to their Diocesan Bishops; (3) they conduct retreats with the priests of their Seniorate Districts and Seniorate District meetings at least twice a year; Seniorate Meetings: There shall be at lest one (1) meeting held every year encompassing representatives of all Parishes in a given Seniorate. All Pastors, all Priests and three (3) duly elected representatives of every Parish within the given Seniorate shall have the right to vote at the meetings of the Seniorate. The administrative Senior shall preside at the meetings; a vice chairperson and recording secretary shall be elected at the first meeting after the Diocesan Synod. Provisions shall be made at each meeting to devote some time to matters related to the cooperation with pastors and parish committees, clarifying areas of authority of each administrative branch within the Seniorate. (4) they verify the Parish record books, vital statistic registers, incorporation papers, and in general all official documents, including but not limited to bank accounts, checks and orders of the Parish, upon the express order of their Diocesan Bishop; (5) upon the express order of their Diocesan Bishop they summon Parish Committee meetings and together with the Parish Pastors they summon Parish meetings within their Seniorate Districts for the discussion of Parish problems; (6) together with the Parish Pastors they prepare the Parish for the official visitation of the Diocesan Bishop and the Prime Bishop; (7) they assist in the collection of funds for the Church’s purposes as instituted and enacted by the Synods; (8) they install Parish Pastors; (9) they carry out all other functions entrusted to them by their Diocesan Bishop.” Apparently, by the Ninth General Synod, held in1954, there were enough questions about why there Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 are more Seniors in the Church than there are Seniorates, that the Synod passed the following amendment to the P.N.C.C. Constitution, Article XII “in the matter of Senior Priests: In the case of transfer from one parish to another, the dignity of elder priest does not extinguish even though the obligations of Senior are fulfilled by another priest. The dignity of a Senior of the Polish National Catholic Church is permanent.” There are 19 Seniorates in our 5 dioceses: the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese has 4 Seniorates Texas, Northern, Central and Southern; the Canadian Diocese has 2 Seniorates - Eastern and Western; the Central Diocese has 5 Seniorates - Mohawk Valley, New York/New Jersey, Plymouth, Philadelphia and Scranton; the Eastern Diocese has 3 Seniorates Central, Northeast and Southwest; the Western Diocese has 5 Seniorates - Illinois, Indiana, Northeast, Northwest and Florida. Synod itself, I believe that Seniorates were formed following the 1935 Synod. Apparently the position of Senior Priest came into being before the establishment of Seniorates. At the Seventh General Synod in 1935, seven Senior Priests are listed as delegates: Father John Misiaszek, Father Stanisław Szufladowicz, Father Rene Zawistowski, Father Józef Leśniak, Father Józef Sołtysiak, Father Franciszek Siemiętkowski and Father Józef L. Zawistowski. Sources: • 1897-1957 Album Sześćdziesiątej Rocznicy Polskiego Naridowego Katolickiego Kościoła. Editor, Andrej Namitkiewicz, The Polish National Catholic Church, Minutes of the First eleven General Synods, 1904-1963, translated by Theodore L. Zawistowski, Compiler and General Editor, Casimir J. Grotnik., East European Monographs, 2002. • The Polish National Catholic Church of America, Minutes of the Supreme Council 1904-1969, translated by Theodore L. Zawistowski, Compiler and General Editor, Casimir J. Grotnik., East European Monographs, 2002. Conclusions: Seniorates came into being when it became clear to Bishop Hodur that division into dioceses did not distribute the load enough. Diocesan Bishops needed help in administration just as much as the Prime Bishop did. Since the idea of Seniorates was only brought up in the clergy meeting prior to the 1935 and not at the (The Gospel - Continued from Page 12.) of the Church who were classified as public penitents. They were enrolled in the Sacrament of Penance called Canonical Penance. It was a very rigid penitential program which could last for many years, even up to ten or more years. Because of sin one is separated from both God and the Church. The penitent during this period of penance was considered outside of the Church. He would be restored to the Church, only after fulfilling a rigid period of penance and through prayers of reconciliation by the bishop. After the homily, a deacon would ask the catechumens and the public penitents to depart from the assembled. The Mass of the Faithful consisted of the Offertory, the offering of the gifts by those present, the Consecration during which the gifts of bread and wine, through the action of the Holy Spirit, would be changed into the Body and Blood of our Lord and Website of the P.N.C.C.: 15 Joseph Francis Seliga Chairman, Commission on History and Archives Savior, Jesus Christ. Following the Consecration the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist would be given to all who were present. For a period of time there existed the practice in which the faithful would take home the Consecrated Bread and place it in a special receptacle in the home whereby one could receive Holy Communion every day. During this period Mass was not celebrated daily throughout the Church. Today we refer to the Mass of the Catechumens as the Liturgy of the Word and the Mass the Faithful as the Liturgy of the Eucharist or the Liturgy of the Sacrament. Since the liturgical renewal, the Church has used more Scripture during the Eucharistic Celebration. Before the renewal, one will notice how often citations from the Psalms would be used in the various parts of the Mass. But with the renewal, where Psalm citations were only used, we now find verses from the Gospels and other Books from Scripture. Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 16 God’s Field — November 2015 Convo 2016 Committee Eastern Diocese - Polish National Catholic Church Convo 2016 will be held from July 25 – 29, 2016 at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, New Hampshire. Please save the date and mark your calendars. The Convo 2016 Committee has been meeting and is planning for an exciting week of worship, prayer, learning and Christian fellowship. The Committee is very conscious of the increasing costs of our Convos and is trying to keep the cost down as much as possible. We are asking for individuals, parishes and organizations to be sponsors for Convo 2016. A sponsorship is $500 and we already have five Convo 2016 sponsors. These funds will be used to reduce the cost to attend the Convo. Please follow us on Facebook at: Convo 2016. If you have any questions please call or email us at: [email protected] We thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration and support of Convo 2016. May God bless you and we hope to see you at the Convo. Sincerely yours in Christ, Eric R. Nemkovich Very Rev. Robert M. Nemkovich Jr. Rt. Rev. Paul Sobiechowski Convo 2016 Chaplain Bishop of the Eastern Diocese Convo 2016 President Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 17 The Spójnia, Inc. Board, together with the entire Polish National Catholic Church and the Polish National Union of America, continues to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center. The ongoing “Valuing Memories and Building the Future” Campaign has been set up to raise funds to update the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center so that it can be maintained into the future and remain a beautiful place for the youth of the Church to gather, to pray and make fond memories. We continue to encourage everyone, but especially those who have great memories of the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center and Spójnia Farm, to please consider supporting this campaign by donating at least $25.00 for the 25th anniversary of the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center. A pledge form can be found online at: Or you may make checks, corporate matches or other gifts payable to Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center and send them to: Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505 Please help in ensuring that the memories of the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center will be available for many more youth, for many more years to come. Thank you and God bless you for your support of the Polish National Catholic Church and the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 18 God’s Field — November 2015 Central Diocese Holy Mother of Sorrows Parish Happenings Dupont, PA Each month, volunteers from Holy Mother of Sorrows P.N.C.C. Parish and Sacred Heart R.C. Parish, Dupont, PA work together at a food bank distribution in Holy Mother of Sorrow’s Frank Bednash Memorial Hall. This monthly community project benefits the less fortunate citizens in Dupont, PA and surrounding areas. Holy Mother of Sorrows Parish welcomed the 201516 SOCL class, taught by Leslie Shumlas. Ms. Shumlas’ and her students Natalie, Abigail, Jacob, Layla and Hannah will spend the school year studying about the Church and the Bible and working on many projects and lessons. We wish them a wonderful year of learning! Our hardworking volunteers work hard every month. Our SOCL class is ready for the year. Holy Mother of Sorrows Y.M.S. of R. Branch #2 held its 10th Annual "Father-Son" Penn State tailgate event on Saturday, October 17, 2015 in the Frank Bednash Memorial Hall, Dupont, PA. The afternoon and evening were filled with fun, delicious food and fellowship. More then 20 members attended, including some from St Stanislaus Cathedral Parish. Angelo Conforti, Jr., Angelo Conforti, Sr., Jack Wall and Nick Kazinetz help with the cooking. Anthony, Walter and Andrew Shumlas, along with Zach Voras, enjoyed relaxing and watching the game. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Submitted by Very Rev. Zbigniew Dawid Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 Eastern Diocese 19 Pulaski Day Parade Northampton, MA The Polish Heritage Committee of Northampton sponsored its 29th Annual Pulaski Day celebration on October 12, 2015. It began with a memorial Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church, followed by the Parade commencing from the Church and ending with a special program and ceremonies at Lampron Park . This event is held each year to celebrate Polish Heritage and honor the Late General Casimir Pulaski, Father of the American Cavalry who was killed in the Battle of Savannah on October 11, 1779. This observance was established in 1929 when Congress passed a resolution designating October 11th as General Pulaski Memorial Day. The Parade included many veterans groups, local high school bands, drum corps, Polish Societies and Polish School children from Indian Orchard, MA. St. Valentine’s P.N.C. Church participated and its contingent included our Bishop, Paul Sobiechowski, and his wife, Karen (Holy Trinity Cathedral, Manchester, NH), Fr. Adam Czarnecki and his wife, Danuta (St. Valentine’s Parish, Northampton), Fr. Sr. Fryderyk Banas, (Holy Cross Parish, Ware MA), Fr. Randy Calvo, (Holy Name of Jesus Parish, South Deerfield, MA) and the St. Joseph Children’s Folk Dance group from our sister church in Westfield, MA directed by Carol Ruszala, as well as many parishioners from St. Valentine’s and St. Joseph’s Parishes. The program at Lampron Park included our own Bishop Sobiechowski giving the invocation, Parade Marshal, Caroline (Czaja) Topor, President of the Kosciusko Foundation, New England Chapter who laid the wreath at the Liberty Tree, David Narkewicz, Mayor of Northampton, and several state senators and representatives presenting Proclamations. The keynote speaker was Attorney Richard Szlosek, a Northampton native who often writes about the history of the city and its various demographic components. There was a rifle salute, taps and singing of the National Anthems — both Polish and American. Miss Polonia, Natalie Wolanski, and Jr. Miss Polonia, Julia Swiatkowska, were introduced. At the closing of the program, the benediction was given by our Pastor, Fr. Adam Czarnecki. Following the parade and program all participants were invited to a reception. The Silver Moon Band provided Polish music for our dancing and listening pleasure. The Pulaski Day Parade celebration was a wonderful event and a great time was had by all. We are looking forward to next year’s celebration. By Krysia Newman Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 20 God’s Field — November 2015 The Very Rev. Fryderyk S. Banas Celebrates 65th Ordination to the Holy Priesthood The Very Rev. Fryderyk S. Banas, pastor of Holy Cross Parish Polish National Catholic Church, Ware, MA observed his 65th anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood in our Polish National Catholic Church on October 19, 2015. He has been involved in the life of the Church from his early years, having grown up a member of the Holy Mother of the Rosary Parish, Chicopee, MA. Fr. Sr. Banas and five other deacons were ordained to the priesthood in 1950 by the late Bishop John A. Misiaszek, Bishop of the Central Diocese, in St. Stanislaus Cathedral, Scranton, PA. The six new priests received the blessing of Prime Bishop Francis Hodur following their ordination. Bp. Hodur’s instructions to them were very valuable, but most beneficial was his request that they be "good priests." Father Banas' first assignment was assisting the late Bishop John Z. Jasinski as assistant at the Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral in Buffalo, NY. On August 13, 1951 he was assigned as pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, Hazleton, PA, and a few Website of the P.N.C.C.: months later as administrator of SS Peter and Paul Parish, McAdoo, PA. On September 15, 1953, Bishop Misiaszek, fulfilling the request of the faithful of St. Adalbert's Parish in Dickson City, PA, assigned Father Banas as pastor where he served the parish for 24 years. On January 1, 1957, Father Senior Banas became pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, Throop, PA and served there simultaneously with serving St. Adalbert's Parish. In May 1977, the late Prime Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski assigned Father Senior Banas to the pastorate of Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral in Buffalo, NY. As Bishop Jasinski's assistant, Fr. Sr. Banas traveled briefly to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada to celebrate Holy Mass for the faithful of the newly organized parish in an Anglican church school until a resident pastor would be assigned in 1952. On August 4, 1964, the late Prime Bishop Leon Grochowski elevated Father Banas to the dignity of "Senior Priest" in the Church. He was installed officially at St. Adalbert's Church, Dickson City, PA Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 on November Grochowski. 21st by Prime Bishop Leon In February 1979 he was assigned as pastor of Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Fall River, MA, where he served until May 1989 when he assumed the pastorate of Holy Cross Parish in Ware, MA. He has served the people of Holy Cross Parish for the last 26 years. Father Senior Banas has held many positions on several Church, Diocesan, Parish, PNU and civic organizations. He was chaplain of the Diocesan United Choirs as well as the United Church Choirs; he was chair of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission; he served the Central Diocese Clergy Hospitalization Group with Ministers of Life; he was a member of the Diocesan Matrimonial Commission for many years; he served as recording secretary for the Central Diocese Clergy and Central Diocese Conferences for 20 years; he was an instructor at the Rev. Hieronim Savonarola Seminary, Scranton, PA for 20 years; he served on the United Polish National School Societies Commission for more than 20 years; and he assisted at the Central Committees of the Maria Konopnicka and Ladies Adoration Societies. In the early 1950s Father Banas was appointed by Governor Fine of Pennsylvania to serve on the Board of Directors of the Scranton State Hospital; he served two terms as director on the Board of Directors of the Polish National Union of America, Spojnia; he was the P.N.C.C. representative on the National Board of Directors of the Polish American Congress; he was one of the early charter members of the Polish American Congress branch formed in Scranton, PA by the late Prime Bishop Leon Grochowski. Website of the P.N.C.C.: 21 Father Senior Banas was the first delegate of the American Polish National Relief for Poland, a charitable organization founded by Prime Bishop Leon Grochowski and Dr. Karol H. Sitko. During this time he spent 5 months in Poland negotiating an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs, headed by Stanley Zawadzki. During this time he was crucial in ensuring that American surplus foods and other items were distributed to the members of our parishes in Poland, as well as to the needy Polish citizens. Bishop Anthony M. Rysz continued this work of charity after Father Banas' return home. Bp. Rysz was then succeeded by Atty. Ernest J. Gazda, Sr. For 65 continuous years Father Senior Banas has served with dedication, loyalty and devotion to our Blessed Lord and Saviour, our Polish National Catholic Church, Church societies, institutions and various organizations. Father Senior Banas’ work has filled his heart with joy and satisfaction, and he gives grateful thanks to God for His innumerable blessings, inspiration and guidance which made all this a reality. Of the six priests ordained in 1950, five have been called by the Lord into His heavenly Kingdom; they are: Fr. Sr. John Slysz, Reverend Fathers: Marian Gorzela, Chester Pliska, Nicholas Zolnerowicz and Bishop Anthony M. Rysz. Father Senior Banas is the son of the late Stanley and Valeria Szczepanek Banas. For 32 years, his dear mother, assisted him by word and deed, inspiration and sound motherly advice up to the time of her passing into eternity on January 15, 1984. Article from Straż No. 5, October 2015, Volume 117. Photo from The Messenger, Vol. 4, Issue 3, September 2015. Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 22 Website of the P.N.C.C.: God’s Field — November 2015 Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 23 2016 Eastern Diocese Winter Youth Gathering When: Saturday – January 2, 2016 Where: Holy Trinity Parish in Webster, MA Schedule: 10:15 A.M. – Holy Mass 11:15 A.M. – Interactive Presentation on the Holy Name of Jesus 12:00 – Pizza and Soda 12:30 PM – 2:30 P.M. Bowling and a visit to the Firehouse Cost—$5.00 per person - To register please contact either: Fr. Sr. Rob Nemkovich - [email protected] or Fr. Randy Calvo - [email protected] Come see your friends in Christ over the Christmas Vacation. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 24 God’s Field — November 2015 Father Jan Twardowski “Love people before it’s too late: they’re gone so quickly.” Jan Twardowski urodził się 1 czerwca 1915 r. w Warszawie, w Kongresówce. Jego rodzicami byli Jan Twardowski i Aniela Maria Konderska. Kilka tygodni po jego narodzinach, z powodu I wojny światowej, jego rodzina przeniosła się do Rosji. Po 3 latach powrócili do Warszawy. Tu, w 1935 r. ukończył Gimnazjum im. Tadeusza Czackiego (z poziomem maturalnym). W 1932 r. rozpoczął współredagowanie gazetki młodzieżowej "Kuźnia Młodych" - prowadził kolumnę, do której pisał wiersze, opowiadania i przeprowadzał wywiady z różnymi pisarzami. Jan Twardowski was born on June 1, 1915 in Warsaw, Congress Poland. His parents were Jan Twardowski and Aniela Maria Konderska. Several weeks after his birth, due to the events of World War I, his family moved to Russia. After 3 years, they returned to Warsaw. He finished Tadeusz Czacki Middle School (with High School level) in 1935. In 1932 he began working with the youth newspaper "Forge of the Young". He had his own column there, for which he wrote poems, short stories, and interviewed various writers. Po ukończeniu gimnazjum, rozpoczął studia z literatury na Uniwersytecie Józefa Piłsudskiego. W 1937 r. opublikował swój pierwszy tomik poezji. After Middle School, he began studying literature at the Józef Piłsudski University (University of Warsaw). In 1937 he published his first book of poetry. Podczas II wojny światowej brał udział w różnych operacjach organizowanych przez Armię Krajową; walczył w Powstaniu Warszawskim. During World War II he took part in various operations organized by the Armia Krajowa and fought in the Warsaw Uprising. Po wojnie wstąpił do seminarium i rozpoczął studia teologiczne na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. W 1948 r. został wyświecony na kapłana. W 1959 r. został mianowany rektorem kościoła Sióstr Wizytek. Jego prace były publikowane w popularnym magazynie katolickim Tygodniku Powszechnym. Rozgłos zyskał w 1960 r. po opublikowaniu pierwszego tomiku poezji "Znak ufności". W 1980 r. otrzymał nagrodę PEN Club im Roberta Gravesa za całokształt twórczości, a w 1996 r. Order Uśmiechu. W 2000 r. Twardowski zdobył nagrodę Ikara a w rok później otrzymał nagrodę TOTUS . After the war, he joined a seminary and began studying theology at the Warsaw University. He became a priest in 1948. In 1959 he became a rector of the Visitationist Church. His writings were published in a popular Catholic magazine, Tygodnik Powszechny. He gained fame in 1960 after publishing his first poetry book, "The Sign of Trust". In 1980 he received the PEN Club and Robert Graves lifetime achievement awards, and, in 1996, the Order Uśmiechu (The Order of the Smile). In 2000, Twardowski won the Ikar prize, and was rewarded with the TOTUS prize a year later. Najbardziej popularne dzieła ks. Twardowskiego dotyczą głównie tematyki religijnej, ale religijność znaczy dla niego więcej niż stan poetycki lub pobożności; jest to raczej czczenie i uwielbienie istnienia, próba teodycei pomimo wszystko - Father Twardowski's enormously popular work deals mostly with religious themes, but religiousness means more to him than a poetical or devotional state; it is rather praise and adoration of existence, an attempt at theodicy in spite of everything - in spite of Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 pomimo doświadczeń. Nie ma tu dramatycznego odwoływania się do sacrum. Poezja Twardowskiego czyni świętym świeckość i zwyczajność. Jego twórczość charakteryzuje się poczuciem humoru i świadomą prostotą zawartą w mistrzowskim rzemiośle. Znalazły tu swoją prostą ekspresję żartobliwe rozmyślania teologiczne i czułość i miłość do niedoskonałego stworzenia. Jednak ta ekspresja wydaje się nieodwołalna i konieczna, tak jak jest koniecznym zachowanie wiary w świat, w którym ludzie mogą żyć bezpiecznie i w harmonii, czując się jak w domu. "Gdyby święty Franciszek był współczesnym poetą, pisałby tak jak Jan Twardowski", zauważa poetka Anna Kamieńska. Jan Twardowski zmarł 18 stycznia 2006 r. w Warszawie. Pochowany został w krypcie Świątyni Opatrzności Bożej na obrzeżu stolicy Polski, pomimo faktu, że chciał być pochowany na warszawskich Powązkach. Ks. Jan Twardowski jest najpopularniejszym polskim poetą współczesnym. Największe nakłady książek mają nie nobliści, Miłosz czy Szymborska, ale cichy, skromny ksiądz, katecheta i opiekun chorych dzieci, który zawsze powtarzał, że "Właściwie poetą nie jest, a tylko pisze wiersze". 25 experience. There is no dramatic appeal to the sacred. Twardowski's poetry makes sacred the secular and ordinary. His work is marked by a sense of humor and a conscious simplicity within his masterful craftsmanship. Tongue-in-cheek theological ruminations and tenderness and love towards an imperfect Creation find simple expression here. Yet this expression seems irrevocable and necessary, just as it is necessary to keep believing in a world where people could live securely and in harmony, feeling at home. "If St. Francis were a contemporary poet, he would write the way that Jan Twardowski writes," observes the poet Anna Kamienska. Jan Twardowski died on January 18, 2006 in Warsaw. He was buried within the crypts of the Sanctuary of Divine Providence on the outskirts of the Polish capital, despite the fact that he wanted to be buried at the Powązki cemetery in Warsaw. Fr. Jan Twardowski is the most popular contemporary Polish poet. The largest editions of books are not of Nobel Prize winners, Milosz and Szymborska, but of quiet, humble priest, catechist and caregiver of the sick children, who always reiterated that "Actually he is not a poet, he only writes poetry". Submitted by Rev. Adam Czarnecki Powiedziano Miłości: - Napisz swoje imię. Napisała. Powiedziano: - Odczytaj. Odczytała. Powiedziano: - Policz litery. Odpowiedziała: - Nie uczyłam się rachować. They told Love: 'Write your name down.' So she did. They said: 'Read it out now.' So she did. They said: 'Count the letters.' She said: 'I Never learned to count.' Trans. Jan Rybicki (Continued on Page 26.) Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 26 God’s Field — November 2015 (Fr. Jan Twardowski - Continued from Page 25.) Proszę o wiarę Stukam do nieba proszę o wiarę ale nie o taką z płaczem na ramieniu taką co liczy gwiazdy a nie widzi kury taką jak motyl na jeden dzień ale zawsze świeżą bo nieskończoną taką co biegnie jak owca za matką nie pojmuje ale rozumie ze słów wybiera najmniejsze nie na wszystko ma odpowiedź i nie przewraca się do góry nogami jeżeli kogoś szlag trafi. Asking for Faith I'm knocking at heaven and asking for faith but not the makeshift kind that counts the stars but doesn't notice chickens not the butterfly kind that lasts a day I want the kind that's always fresh because it's boundless that follows its mother like a lamb that doesn't grasp but understands that picks the smallest words can't answer everything and doesn't come undone if someone croaks. trans. Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh Szukałem Szukałem Boga w książkach przed cud niedomówienia o samym sobie przez cnoty gorące i zimne w ciemnym oknie gdzie księżyc udaje niewinnego a tylu pożenił głuptasów w znajomy sposób w ogrodzie gdzie chodził gawron jak gapa w polu gdzie w lipcu zboże twardnieje i żółknie przez protekcję ascety który nie jadł więc się modlił tylko przed zmartwieniem i po zmartwieniu w kościele kiedy nikogo nie było i nagle przyszedł nieoczekiwany jak żurawiny po pierwszym mrozie z sercem pomiędzy jedną ręką a drugą i powiedział dlaczego mnie szukasz na mnie trzeba czasem poczekać. Kiedy mówisz Nie płacz w liście nie pisz, że los ciebie kopnął nie ma na Ziemi sytuacji bez wyjścia kiedy Bóg drzwi zamyka… to otwiera okno odetchnij popatrz spadają z obłoków małe wielkie nieszczęścia potrzebne do szczęścia a od zwykłych rzeczy naucz się spokoju i zapomnij że jesteś gdy mówisz że kochasz. I Was Searching I was searching for God in books through the miracle of not talking about myself through hot and cold virtues in the dark window where the moon is pretending to be innocent but married so many fooling people in a familiar way in a garden where a rook walked in the field where in July the grain hardening and yellowing with the help of an aecetic who did not eat and thus prayed before a sorrow and after a sorrow in the church when nobody was there and suddenly He came unexpectedly like cranberries after the first cold snap with His heart in His hands and said why are you searching for me for me you sometimes have to wait. When you say Don't cry in your letter don't write me fate gave you a kick there is always a way out when God shuts a door He opens a window take a breath take a look clouds are raining small great misfortunes necessary for happiness learn peace of mind from ordinary things and forget that you are when you say you love. Translations by Jan Rybicki Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 Volume 93, Issue No. 11 27 Western Diocese śp. Very Rev. Joseph F. Kobylarz The Very Reverend Joseph Francis Kobylarz, beloved husband of Lillian (née Lucas), loving brother in law of Felix (Lorraene) Lucas and Violet Staley, passed away on October 22, 2015. A lifelong member of the Polish National Catholic Church, Fr. Sr. Kobylarz was born in Peckville, PA. He was a member of St. Adalbert’s Parish in Dickson City, PA and later a member of SS Peter and Paul Parish in Passaic, NJ. Fr. Sr. Kobylarz entered the Savonarola Theological Seminary in Scranton, PA where he completed his theological studies. In 1956 he was ordained to the priesthood by Rt. Rev. Joseph Kardas in Chicago, IL . Fr. Sr. Kobylarz dedicated 59 years of service to the priesthood of the P.N.C.C., where he served for 54 years as pastor of Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish in Chicago, IL. Prior to his retirement in 2012 Fr. Sr. Kobylarz also served as Assistant Pastor at All Saints Cathedral, Chicago, IL, Administrator to St. Francis Parish in McHenry, IL and St. John the Baptist Parish in Chicago, IL. Fr. Sr. Kobylarz is also survived by many nieces and nephews. His Funeral Mass was on Tuesday, October 27, at SS Cyril and Methodius Parish, Chicago, IL. The family requests donations be made to SS Cyril and Methodius P.N.C.C., 5744 West Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639-1240. The 2016 Liturgical Reference Calendar The 2016 Liturgical Reference Calendar – Ordo is available for ordering. The cost of the Liturgical Calendar is $12.50 per book for pickup-up orders or $15.25 per book for mail orders to U.S.; $18.60 per book for mail orders to Canada. To order, please fill out the order form, below, and make check or money order payable to The Polish National Catholic Church – LRC and send to: The Polish National Catholic Church – L R C Attn: Secretary to Prime Bishop 1006 Pittston Avenue Scranton, PA 18505-4109 PLEASE NOTE: All active pastors andPolish administrators will receive one copy of the 2016 LRC. If a pastor, National Catholic Church - LRC 1006copies, Pittston Avenue administrator or parish wishes to order additional please use the form, below. Scranton, PA 18505 Ordos will be shipped as soon as they are available. 2016 ORDO Quantity Cost/Ordo Total 2016 Liturgical Calendar (Ordo) - $15.25 U.S.; $18.60 Canada TOTAL ENCLOSED Shipping Name and Address: Thank you for your order. Website of the P.N.C.C.: Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1 28 Website of the P.N.C.C.: God’s Field — November 2015 Official P.N.C.C. Facebook Page: PNCC1