Newsletter 4 - Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K


Newsletter 4 - Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K
Volume 4 Issue 4
Mrs. Castillo’s and Mrs. Russo’s Journalism Classes
Ruth K’s Got Talent
Ruth K’s Got Talent
Bobcat Makes it BIG!
New Years Resolutions
Toys for Mystic Force
Art Week
School Dance
Jump Rope for Heart
Yearbook Cover
Dear Alicia
Show our school your talent!
Every year, our PTA team has
a talent show, where students
get to show their talents. This
year more than 20 acts were
performed. The participants
could either do an individual or
a group act. The performers
were required to be at school
by 5:45 P.M on the day of the
show. The time limit of each
performance could be no longer than three minutes, and it
was mandatory for the students
to bring their own music,
props, etc. This event took
place on December 15th from
6 to 8pm, in the elementary
cafeteria. Auditions were
held on November 16th, 17th,
and 19th from 3:15 to 4:30
p.m. Kayra Yuzbasioglu stated, “At first, I was nervous,
but when I got on stage it was
a really fun experience and I
would love to do it again”.
The purpose of this event was
for Bobcat students to have
fun and showcase their talent.
There was no charge to watch
or participate in the show;
however, pizza and water
were sold. The adults in
charge of this year’s talent
show were Nadine and other
PTA members. If you have a
talent or you love performing, you should come on out
next year!
By: Marie Agasse, Emilie Sharma, and Oriana Simone
Former Bobcat Makes it BIG!
On Tuesday, January 5th
2016, a very special guest,
Marcel Santos, visited our
school with a special
presentation. Marcel Santos is Mrs. Vidal Santos’
son. He attended the Art
Center College of Design
On December 14, 2015 Mrs.
Mayorga and Mrs.Chipy’s Dra- in California. He is an inma classes performed a Holiday dustrial and concept prothemed show in the Elementary \
duction designer artist. So
cafeteria. They performed
far, Marcel has been doing
for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and
this for five and a half
first grade students. The kids
enjoyed the show very much.
years. He has worked for
The show was a success!
Disney Interactive, Walt
Winter Wonderland
By: Grace Pajon , Ella Simon,
and Kayra Yuzbasioglu
Disney Imagineering,
Marvel, Aerospace, Lucas
Films, Hasbro, Walt Disney, and Honda. Marcel
recently worked on the
new Star Wars movie,
“Star Wars: The Force
Awakens.” Marcel says
that working on the movie
was very humbling and
nerve racking because he
had to please many fans.
Marcel has worked on
other movies such as Iron
Man 3, Captain America
2, and Guardians of the
Galaxy, but he said Star
Wars Episode 7 was the
best movie he’s worked
on. Marcel loves what he
does and can’t wait to
help create more movies.
By: Noah Dorfman and
Valeska Lander
Page 2
Flow Chart
Do you make a new resolution every year?
Is it time to make
some changes?
Do you keep track of
the resolutions you
have accomplished?
Skip it. Enjoy the new
Go for it.
Good Luck!
Get it together
What are your
thoughts on resolution?
It’s stressing me
out just thinking
about it.
They’re good
By: Paula Cortinez, Maxine Hyland, Sofia Losada, and Jonathan Souto
Mrs. Russo– “Not to stress out by
the things I can’t change.”
Ayelen Posada-“Get Better
Mrs. Rodriguez- “To complain
Mr. Moss - “Work very hard , to
heal the world.”
Vivienne Hyland-“Reach for
my goals”
Daniel Caro-“Be mor e positive”
Noah Dorfman-“Spend more
time with friends”
Mrs. Castillo- “Keeping my
distance from negative people.”
Mrs. Perez- “Workout more,
four times a week.”
Kimberly Silva-”Put more
effort into things.”
Mrs. Mitchell– “To eat better,
exercise more, be loving towards family, and stress less
about little things.”
By: Paula Cortinez, Maxine Hyland, and Sofia Losada
Mrs. Boundy- “Eat healthier.”
Page 3
Words of Wisdom
“Life is like a book,
just because there is
one bad chapter,
doesn’t mean it’s the
end.” - William Perez
Toys for Mystic Force
Every Christmas our school
holds a toy drive where toys
are donated to children that
don’t have the chance to
spend the holidays at home
with their families. This year
the toys that were collected
were donated to The Mystic
Force Foundation. This foundation was created by Silvia
and her husband, Dr. Steven
Vanni to help raise money
and awareness to fund research for childhood cancer.
On Christmas day, the toys
were given to the children
that were ill with cancer. The
reason our school holds this
toy drive every year is to
make children happy on
Christmas morning. Both
counselors, Mrs. Deleon and
Mrs. Cuenca, were in charge
of the toy drive. Mrs. Cuenca and Mrs. Deleon would
like to thank all the students,
families, parents and teachers that helped make this toy
drive a success.
By: Jean Paul Davila and Nelson
By: Jean Paul Davila, Nelson Parra
and Kelsey Varona
Kite Surfing Winner!
Andrea Gasc won a kitesurfing
competition on December 6 in
Crandon Park. She got 3rd place
overall and 1st place in her division. There were about 50 participants.
By: Sofia Iacobacci
It’s an Artsy Week!
Have you ever wondered
what “Art Week” is? Art
week is an event where
you make decorations such
as pop art, super hero
walls, and media center
walls. These projects can
be seen at Art Basel and
they work together to make
this experience unforgettable. The grades that participated were second through
eigth grade. “Art Week”
was held throughout the
entire school. This event
By: Nicholas Baron and Grace
By: Daniel Caro, , Gianmarco
Ranalli, Alessandro Simone, and
Matias Wainfeld
It’s a Party!
Part 2:Plants Off To Space!
Students in Mr. Moss’ class
are making a hydroponics system made from scratch. It will
be sent to N.A.S.A to test how
well the plant grows in water
and dirt.
took place from the 7th of
December all the way to the
11th. “Art Week” is an
event that happens every
year at our school. The leader of the event is April
Pullo. April helped to make
this week possible. To enter
“Art Week”, people had to
pay a fee of 10 dollars. Art
Basel stages high end art
projects and the most popular Art Basel shows are in
Miami Beach and Hong
Kong. ”Stay artistic!”
The middle school dance
was an amazing event and
it occurred in the elementary cafeteria. It was from
3:15 to 5:30 on Friday,
December 4th. There was a
discriminate amount of 8th
graders and some 7th graders, but most of the dancers
were 6th graders. The dance
had a backdrop to take
pictures, a DJ, black and
white lights, and food
which included pizza and
drinks. The DJ was the 8th
grade math teacher named
Mr. Giordano, better known
as Mr. G. The best part of the
dance for Maxine Hyland
was when the beat dropped
in the dubstep songs. There
were many remixes played at
this dance. So far, this has
been the second middle
school dance of the year.
Everyone considered this
dance to be the best dance
By: Christopher Carvalho, Jean-Paul
Davila, and Daniel Santana
Page 4
Did You Know?
It Takes Heart To Be a Hero!
Every year, our school participates in “Jump Rope for
Heart” and “Hoops for
Heart.” Both events took
place in the basketball court
on December 14th and 15th
of 2015. Second through fifth
grade were able to participate
in “Jump Rope for Heart”,
while all of middle school
students participated in
“Hoops for Heart”. Students
were encouraged to raise a
goal of $20,000. All the money that is raised goes to good
cause, The American Heart
Association. Our school holds
this event to help raise money
for people fighting heart disease. All second through fifth
graders were allowed to participate if they raised any
amount of money. Students in
middle school were required
to raise at least $1 to participate. Activities that took
place were hula-hooping,
basketball, and jump rope.
Overall the students had fun,
even though the field was
under construction.
Cnidophobia- Fear of
Coulrophobia- Fear of
laying down. Don’t do hard
exercises, but just a few
light ones, or ones that make
you tired. Before lying down
you want to make sure that
you lie down in a comfortable environment, free of
mess. Another way of not
oversleeping is to ask your
parents to wake you up early. This can be done in many
ways such as splashing water on you, make loud noises
or simply just shake you
awake. There a few things
Kymophobia- Fear of
Demophobia- Fear of
Epistemophobia- Fear of
Gatophobia- Fear of cats
Hematophobia- Fear of
By: Vivienne Hyland, Ayelen
Posada and Kelsey Varona
Dear Alicia
Welcome to Dear Alicia
our first question is: How
do you not over sleep?
One way of doing this is to
set an alarm. This may
seem easy but you want to
make sure you set your
alarm at an appropriate
time that suits you best.
Another way to handle this
is going to sleep early. This
is hard for most people to
do, so here are a few suggestions: exercise before
Aviatophobia- Fear of
Chromatophobia- Fear of
By: Mia Erlichman, Valeska
Lander, and Nataly Pedrazzoli
P.T.A. print enough yearbook covers for the students.
The grades that participated
the most were kindergarten
through 3rd grade. After all
the votes were collected, our
parents: Carolina Luczkow,
Olga Vida, and Juliana Arraras volunteered to count
the votes. They love helping
our school out. The winning
was extremely colorful. We
can't wait to see how the
yearbook will turn out!
Aurophobia- Fear of gold.
Botanophobia- Fear of
And the Yearbook Cover is...
Every year at our school
there is an event that the students get the chance to vote
for a yearbook cover. This
year about an estimate of 100
students participated. There
was six cover choices to
choose from. Dr. Rodriguez,
Mrs. DeLeon, and Carolina
Luczkow were the ones who
chose the covers. The students had to pay $1 in order
to vote. All the funds raised
went to the company
"Jostens," to make the cover.
The money raised helps the
Ancraophobia- Fear of
By: Sofia Iacobacci and Sofia
Superhero Award
you should avoid like setting
your alarm too early or too
late. These are just a few
ways of not over sleeping.
That’s it for this Dear Alicia!
If you want your questions
answered, drop them off in
room 265.
By: Christopher Anderson,
Alicia Jitta, Yesenia Monserrate, and
Emilie Sharma
Nine people were nominated
for the Superhero Award. The
two winners for the Superhero Award were Mr. Sosa and
Joseph Kurtz.
By: Gregory Kelly and Emilie Sharma