August - Albertian Institute of Management
August - Albertian Institute of Management
Industrial Visit to W.F.B. Baird & Co. @ CSEZ A IM organized an Industrial Visit to W.F.B. Baird Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd. located in the Cochin Special Economic Zone for the 1st semester students, on 3rd August. The company operates in Kerala since 2005, and they are into weaving, dyeing and finishing of Linen fabric and primarily supply to the American and European markets. Its parent company based in Ireland has been in operation since 1912. They have a proud association with some of the world's best and most beloved fashion brands including 'Club Burgoyne'. The students were taken through the various functions like Weaving, Dyeing & Finishing, Quality Assurance, etc. The senior supervisors at the plant were kind enough to give details of each stage of the process, and their various facilities having a total capacity of 25000 meters of fabric. It turned out to be a wonderful experience for the management students to comprehend the application of management principles and practices in Baird. First Semester MBA Students and Mr. Gopesh C. R., Asst. Professor & Placement Coordinator, with Mr. Premkumar, General Manager - Human Resources, W.F.B. Baird (India) Pvt. Ltd. Albertians Continue to Score in Campus Placements [email protected], 9947524657 2 013-2015 batch students continue to capitalize on the placement opportunities provided by the institute. Mr. Midhun Joseph got selected as Sales Manager at Decathlon Sports (India) Ltd., Mr. Dhivine K. Vince joined 'Tanishq' at their Customer Service Department and Mr. Cristy George was selected by Wellworth Group as Marketing Executive. An array of organizations participated in the Campus Placement Process in the last month including Bandhan Bank Ltd., Premier Distilleries, RAK Ceramics, Zeztate, DCB Bank, etc. The placement cell is in discussion with certain other popular recruiters for placing the leftover students in the batch. Issue : 7 Fr. Antony Arackal, Manager, AIM is inaugurating the Onam Celebrations O Aiswarya A. V., MBA 1st Semester student of AIM is performing Kuchipudi at Nrutharchana Dance Fest at Changampuzha Park, Edappally. She is a member of Sathyanjali Academy of Kuchipudi Dances, Kochi. "I don't believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and then make them right" - Ratan Tata 4 Volume : 6 Website : e-mail : [email protected] nam, the State festival of Kerala, is being celebrated at the Albertian Institute of Management on 21st August 2015. In Kerala, it is the festival celebrated with most number of cultural elements and is reminiscent of Kerala's agrarian past, as it is considered to be a harvest festival. Fr. Antony Arackal, Manager, AIM, inaugurated the Onam celebrations by lighting the traditional lamp. He said that the people are transforming into common men only during Onam days. The changes are in their dress, social habits, simplicity, cultural thoughts, oneness etc. Once Onam is over, they forget all these values. This attitude should be changed and all of us should maintain August 2015 consistency in our thoughts and deeds, he opined. Fr. Christy David, Asst. Manager, AIM, mentioned the need of extending and applying the underlying beliefs and concepts of Onam in our daily life. The first semester MBA students took initiative to organize the celebrations with Onam Pattu and Thiruvathira Kali. Onam Songs by the students, by Mrs. Shiny C. M. and Mr. Peter Afraini was really a feast for ears. Malayali Maran and Malayali Manka competition was held, in which Mr. Anurag and Miss Emimol respectively emerged victorious. Vadamvali and Ooriyadi competitions were held for the students. The major attraction of this years' celebration was the Shinkari Mela, in which the students dance to the tune. The celebrations were concluded with a sumptuous Onam Sadya. Onam 2015 - Glimpses Colloquium on Marketing @ AIM D r. Sreedhar Kavil, former Chairman, Dept. of Marketing, St. John's University, New York, addressed the students on the topic 'Marketing Perspectives in a Global Economy', on 5th Aug. 2015. Globalization has made everyone go global. Apple manufactures its computers in China. They are coming down to India to manufacture 480 million cell phones. Whether you like it or not, you are going to be in the global market. Global players are coming to expanding markets like India. Small nations that were not there in the International market are now its biggest players. Vietnam has replaced Brazil as the biggest exporter of Coffee in the world. Some MNCs have incomes larger than many nations. Developed countries request large companies to invest in their host nations but companies like Apple refuse to send money out of China. Nokia, which was the most Talk by Dr. Sreedhar Kavil, President, Kavil Consultants, New York successful company in the world for 14 years, came to India, they got into dispute with the government and this spread a negative image among the investors who wanted to invest in India. Mr. Rajan George, CEO, RG Consultancy also addressed the students. Colloquium on Securities Market @ AIM A IM organized a colloquium on the topic "Global Economy and Indian Securities Market" on 31st July 2015. Mr. K. Sukumaran, Dean, School for Investor Education and Financial Literacy, Mumbai, was the Resource Person. He is also designated the SEBI Chair Professor in Investor Education and Financial Literary. India is growing as a Global Hub for Financial Investments and Mr. Sukumaran, NISM, is addressing the students the country is having a vibrant securities market, Mr. Sukumaran said. He told the students that the country is looking for more dynamic approach on the part of the students to learn the intricacies of India's Securities Market. He appreciated the risk taking capacity of the youngsters of this country. The money invested in securities market is growing at a faster pace than any other investment, he opined. He spoke on the Modus Operandi of the securities market in India. He also explained the Regulations made by the SEBI to protect the retail investors in India. He spoke on Regulations on Intermediaries, Mutual Funds, Merchant Banking etc. He explained to the students the measures taken by SEBI and the Govt. of India to protect the interest of the investors. He advised the students to participate in Certification Examination on 'Securities Markets Foundation', which is an on-line examination conducted by National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM). Feather in the cap of AIM M athew Paul and D'Cruz Medayil Rockey, third semester students of AIM secured third prize in the Business Quiz competition organized by the National Institute of Personal Management (NIPM) in association with Synthite Industries, Kolenchery on 3rd August 2015. Forty four teams participated in the competition. October Fiesta... - The South India Management Fest Aegle ‘15Come Compete and Conquer 2 Mathew Paul and D'Cruz Medayil Rockey receiving the Certificate and Trophy from Mr. Jiji Thomson, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Kerala "Progress is often equal to the difference between mind and mindset" - Narayana Murthy, Co-founder, Infosys 3
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