2007 Annual Report


2007 Annual Report
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t
“This program
changed my life.”
“It felt great to finally have housing.”
“I now know my
greatest strengths
are courage,
hope and faith.”
“In my new beginning
I think I will start to
find myself.”
New Beginnings’ mission is to provide
shelter, advocacy and support for
battered women and their children and
to change attitudes and social institutions
that foster and perpetuate violence.
Comprehensive services are
provided through four programs:
The 21-bed Emergency Shelter is staffed
24-hours a day, and provides for basic needs, such as
food, clothing, personal care items, and bus tickets.
Safety planning, individual advocacy, parenting classes,
support groups for women and children, and children’s
advocacy are some of the services offered at Shelter.
Advocates provide links to community resources, such
as education and job training programs, resources like
physical and mental health services,
and access to permanent housing.
“This program changed my life
and helped create the space
for me to heal my life. I feel that
I accomplished a lot during my
stay here — thanks to the staff,
other residents, and volunteers.”*
New Beginnings serves survivors of
domestic violence from a broad range
of communities and backgrounds. We are the major provider of domestic
violence victim services in Seattle,
Shoreline, and Lake Forest Park.
The women and children we serve
may have suffered multiple forms of
ongoing violence including physical
battering, sexual assault, emotional
abuse and stalking.
*Some photos are of models and not program participants. All the stories are true.
In the Community Advocacy
Program (CAP), those currently in
an abusive relationship and those who
have left an abusive partner find the
support they need. CAP offers support
groups and one-on-one advocacy
based counseling, screening for a
weekly family law clinic, a chemical
dependency/domestic violence
support group and counseling, legal
advocacy and parenting classes. CAP
also houses our 24-hour Help Line.
The Social Change Program
focuses on domestic violence
prevention and education. Our teen
advocacy in local schools presents
dating violence prevention curriculum
that helps young people recognize
and avoid abusive relationships. Other trainings for
volunteers, advocates, and professionals in healthcare,
education, and human resources increase awareness
and knowledge of domestic violence issues.
The Transitional Housing Program (THP)
is a community of 17 furnished apartments for single
women and women with children. Each household
may stay for up to eighteen months, so residents can
rebuild their lives and pursue goals including securing
permanent housing, achieving self-sufficiency, and
increasing work or life skills.
Dear Friends,
To an individual caught in an intimate partner’s abuse, a life of affection and respect
can seem impossible. So too the goal of a community where loving relationships are
supported, and where violence is not tolerated can seem elusive.
And yet, we see individual successes every day: lives changed, lives saved. And we see
broad changes in community attitudes. Standing up close, movement is difficult to see.
But step back and the change is clear. This annual report provides an opportunity to
step back and to reflect on 2007 — a year of program improvements, new partnerships,
and growth in our social change program — as we continue our core services, and meet
the increasing needs of those with mental health concerns, drug and alcohol use, and
immigration issues.
We provide excellent services, and assist in changing many lives. But we can reach only a fraction of those who live with violence. The efforts we all make — family,
friends, police, prosecutors, helping professionals — reach many more. Together we are
making a difference.
Thank you for being a part of the New Beginnings community:
• For your contributions
• For your commitment to change
• For your faith that change is not only necessary, but possible
Together we are creating the community we deserve.
Kara Masters
Lois Loontjens
B oar d P r es i d ent
E x ecutive D i r ecto r
P.S. For more information on our work to end domestic violence, please visit our new website at www.newbegin.org.
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 1
S h e lte r an d A dvo cacy
Tools for a New Beginning
hen women and their children seek refuge at the
Emergency Shelter, each family arrives with different
and complex needs. Some children must change schools
unexpectedly, so their mothers struggle to maintain a sense of normalcy. Other families are seeking protection through the legal system or trying to access affordable housing.
When Katrina and her two sons first came to the shelter, they
didn’t know what to expect or where to begin to start a new
life. A Shelter advocate first worked with Katrina on making a
plan that helped her identify barriers to her family’s safety and
When Katrina determined that her family needed medical help
and long-term housing, her Shelter advocate connected Katrina
to resources that met her family’s specific needs. Once it was
safe for them to leave, Katrina and her two boys were able to
move into permanent housing. They were also able to obtain
the medical care they needed at a local health care facility.
In 2007, we offered more than 7,500
bed nights to 281 women and
children. Services also include support
groups and life skills classes that build
self-esteem and new skills. Advocates
also provide activities that focus on
strengthening families living at the
Shelter. All of the women and children
we serve at Shelter, like Katrina
and her sons, receive individualized
counseling to help them begin a new
life full of opportunities.
“It felt great to finally have housing.
Being homeless and lacking a
foundation created a lot of stress
on top of the violence.”
we sincerely thank you
$ 5 0 , 0 00 OR MORE
Manuela & Terrence Crowley
$ 10 , 0 00 TO $49,000
Luann & Eric Berman
And one donor who wishes to remain anonymous.
$ 5 , 0 0 0 TO $9,999
Michael Allison & Elizabeth Records
Colymbus Foundation
Lydia & Ed Boehl
Brian & Amy Deen
Anne Gittinger
Robin Major
Kara & Ken Masters
Tom & Margaret McPhee
Joe & Dee Strecker
And one donor who wishes to remain anonymous.
$ 1, 0 0 0 TO $4,999
Margaret Akin
Greg & Mary Beth Alwood
Jean & Andrew Barless
Brooke & Sean Barnes
Jammie Baugh & Joe Arbanas
Annette & Daniel Becker
Ronnie Behnke
Elaine Berg & Leo Longo
Nancy Bogue
Kathryn Buchanan
Rachel Byrne
Andrea Carino
Eleni Carras
Steve & Lani Cavit
Laurie & Thomas Chirichigno
Lynne Cohee & Matthew Smith
Julie Cook
Gail Cottle & Ren Brown
Deborah Cowley & Mark Dexter
Fred M. Dahl Jr.
Celeste & Carl DaVault
Richard Deposit
Margot Dick & William Ross
Jane Ann Dimer, MD
Mary & Jim Dunnam
Vera Ellich
Linda Fernyhough
Linda Finn
Laurie Frankel & Raymond Lee
Jill & Bill Gallagher
Jill Geary
2 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
Mike Gerke & Susan Campbell
Dolly & Dave Gibbons
Cathy & Keith Gleason
Gregory & Valerie Gorder
Henry & Connie Grenley
Bill Hall
Norris Harper
Jane Hawkins
Vincent Healy
Mary & James Hirshfield
George Jakotich & Erin Allender
Galen Jefferson & Bruce Campbell
Kathryn & Jack Jones
Kevin Judson & Emily McLuen
Brad Kaloper
Danica & Victor Kaloper
Jennifer Kelly
Chris Korol & Greg Lauckhart
Thom & Gwen Kroon
Dianne & Sven Larsen
Inge & Les Larsen
Lois Loontjens
Sarah Mack & Tom Bartholomew
Brian & Kristin Madden
David Martin & Aurora Almeda-Martin
John & Linda Mason
Ruth & Richard Masters
Sunny & Jeff McArthur
Shelley McIntyre
Gail McKee
Shane McRoberts & Stephanie Diemel
Patti Moree
Theresa Mottet
Kathleen Nering
Molly Nordstrom
Thomas & Kristin Ogren
Sue Painter
Judy Peterson
Daryl & Dede Petrarca
Judith Pflugrath
Emily Pickering-Pulfer
Linda Pruitt
Rebecca & Jim Robertson
Bruce Sako
Lisa & Craig Schafer
Rachel Schindler
David Sebba
Karen & Tim Shaffer
Susan & Dennis Shay
Susan & David Sigl
Tonya Stone
Brad & Lynanne Struss
Sue Wilson Tabor
Andrea Carino & Charles Thompson
Jackie & Larry Toombs
James Tucker
Katy White
Charlie & Nancy Wiggins
Judie & Charles Wischman
Cris Wittress & Chris Knappett
Flora Jang Wong
Kathy & Grant Word
Karma Zaike
And six donors who wish to remain anonymous.
$ 5 0 0 TO $ 9 9 9
Anne & Gregory Adams
Terri Albertson
Dr. & Mrs. E.C. Alvord, Jr.
Kari Anderson
Beth Andrus & Mark Fleming
Betsy Balch
Patty Barrier
Marjorie Batey
Christine & Mike Bayless
Julie & Rick Berg
Jessica Berliner
Ron & Terri Bernards
Mark & Patti Blumenthal
Gordon & Jacklyn Bradley
Chris Bridenbaugh
Maria da Gloria & Terry Brown
Linda Griffin Brown
Caron Carlyon
John Castleton
Sung-Eun Choi
Catherine & Mark Cole
Catherine Conolly & Rodney Brown
Jann Curley
Lynn Dissinger
Katie Dutcher & David Miller
Jill & J. Michael Early
Molly & Daniel Eckman
Clarice & Dan Edwards
Julie Elliott
Roslyn Ellison
Lisa Fernow
Susan Friedman
Wendy Gelbart & John Meyer
Kim Golik
Carla Haug
Lucy Helm
Betsy Hentz
Allan O. Hess
Minda Hevly
Kalen Holmes
Laura Hubbard
Heather Jensen & Jimmy Hung
Judy Wight
Kathryn & J. Ward Kennedy
David Kenney
Cori Kirkpatrick
Lois Knutson
Megan Kruse & Bob Mucklestone
MichaelAnne & Marvin Land
Susan & Eric Lansverk
Barbara Larimer & Robert J. Royer
Carrie & Bill Larson
Lyn Lee
Shelby & Andrew Lemmel
Catherine Lile
Wendy Lister
Melissa Lockard
Jana Mohr Lone & Ronald Lone
Elizabeth & Jim Lund
Ramoncita Maestas & Roy
Shari Marion-Hoff & Dale Hoff
Sandy & Charles Marks
Laura Martin
Claudia Martin
Mark Masterson & Wanda
Terri Maupin & Peter Crouch
Janet & Stanley McCammon
Adrienne & Jim McCoy
Celeste McDonell & Michael Garrison
Mona McPhee & Ty Brender
Betsy & John Metzger
Jane Mills & Dan Drais
Jane & Dan Morrow
Caitlin Moughon
Le g al A dvo cacy
Legal Services that Empower and Protect
urvivors of domestic violence can also use legal channels to stabilize their lives through New Beginnings’
legal advocacy services. New Beginnings partners with the King County Bar Association to offer a Family Law
Neighborhood Legal Clinic.
Jasmine, a resident at Transitional Housing, went to the
Legal Clinic to create a parenting plan with a legal advocate.
Since her child’s father has a history of substance abuse
and domestic violence, Jasmine wanted to ensure that her
daughter’s visitations with her dad were safe and positive
experiences. Once the parenting plan was in place, Jasmine’s
legal advocate helped her to obtain an order of protection as
well as work with Child Protective Services.
The Community Advocacy Program’s legal advocacy services
offered 465 hours of pro bono services to 124 survivors of
domestic violence in 2007. The Legal Clinic offers assistance
with a variety of family law issues, including custody, visitation
and divorce. Pro bono family law attorneys assist in preparing
initial documents, such as parenting plans, and legal
responses in a confidential, supportive environment.
The result: monitored visitations held in a secure place.
Skilled legal advocates fully consider the dynamic of power
and control between the survivor and the abuser; they advise
clients about legal solutions that protect not only survivors’
rights, but also their safety.
Lance & Chloe Mueller
Chris & Catherine Mueller
Zoë Myers
Jan & Michael Nall
Dr. Susan Nattrass
Leigh Nelson
Dennis O’Neill
Shelby Patient
Cindy Paur & W. Lee Singleton
Sandra Lynn Perkins & Jeffrey Karl Ochsner
Katherine Postell
Elizabeth Romney
Autumn & Adam Roth
Sandi & Ken Schram
Bill Schwartz
Anne Senter
Lori Shelden & Bob Shelden
Lynda Silsbee & Jay Smith
Gary & Diane Stauffer
Natalie & Ben Stephens
Nan Szendre
Linda Tessier
Pam Van Straubenzee & Jeremy Mercer
Ralph & Debbie Walker
Elizabeth Wallwork
Ginny Ware & Russ Moulton
Mike Wearne
Linda Whatley
Land Wight
Holly & Dave Wight
Amy Wirtanen
Lisa Woods
Alexandra & Tom Wright
Natalie Yount
Marcia Zech
Josh Ziemer
And eleven donors who wish to remain anonymous.
$250 TO $499
Carla & Mark Ainsworth
Elisabeth Albertson
Susan Alveshere
Eileen & Jon Anastasio
Lisa & Michael Anderson
Susan Anstead
Marisa Arbanas
Molly Baker
Michael & Kristine Bartanen
Ruthanna Bayless
Terry Beattie
Arnold & Judith Bendich
Geoffrey Bergler
Jennifer Berry
Alan & Sally Black
Linn & Don Blakeney
Denise Bocek
Kurt & Stephanie Boehl
Beatrice Booth
Christa Bormann-Atlas & Roger Atlas
Edgar & Elisabeth Bottler
Douglas Bowden
Jeff & Deidre Bradley
Rebecca Brenneman & Laird Harris
Jennifer & Geoff Brown
Jacqueline Bryan
Lynn Burgess
Sekou Caldwell
Heather Cameron
Corinne Campbell
Shirley & John Cannell
Kerry Carlson
Douglas Carter
Angela Bern Castagnola
John Cell
May Che
Eva Cherry
Sue Clark
Cameron & Becca Cohen
Connie Condon
Debbie Constantine
Norma Cooper
Clo Copass & Doug Fleming
Richard Corff & Elizabeth Robinson
Mark & Laurie Cottle
Arthur Coumbe
Debbie Covey
Felicia Cummings
Karen Dahlgard
Sarah Davies
Patricia & John Davis
Dominique De Give
Natalie deMaar
Laura Doyle
Dave Eckberg
Brad Edwards & Karen Koon
Peggy Elder
Steve & Sherrill Elliott
Anne Ensminger & Spencer Curtis
April & Bruce Ericson
Rosanne Esposito-Ross
Mindy Exum
Anne Fennessy & David Moseley
Nancy Finnerty
Sally Fiorini
Beth Fleming
Jeanene Fontana Brough
Heather & Phil Frank
Elizabeth Fritzberg
Kim Fuchs
Missy & Jerry Gallegos
Alden Garrett & Charlie Eriksen
Terri Gilbert & Scott Houghton
Michele & Daniel Glasser
Carolyn Glauner
In November, duque salon
in Ballard hosted a spa party
to thank New Beginnings’
volunteers and donors. Guests
were treated to hand scrubs,
skin analysis, and hair styling.
Refreshments were provided
by Hey Jude Catering. Left to
Right: Robert Duque, Giovanna Duque, New
Beginnings Executive Director Lois Loontjens,
volunteer event coordinator Theresa Mottet,
Autumn Bruno, Bruno Duque, and Nikki Duque.
The Cottrell-Gould Living Trust
Debbie Lynch Grantham
Sarah Greenthal
John & Mary Gustafson
Sabina Havkins
Chris Hazelmann
Mary & Tom Herche
Susan Higgins
Ann Hightower
Rich & Jacquie Hill
Gaynor Hills & Greg Fleming
Margaret Hobart & Linda Dimeff
Ray Holden & Ya-Pei Holden Chang
Margaret Hooks
Ruth M. Hoover
Sara Hoppin
Ellen Huff
Kelly & Eric Jaeger
Bill & Diane Johnson
Stephanie Johnson
Janet & Tim Jorve
Dan Kalish
Erin Karp
Jonathan & Mary Kauffman
Susan J. Kelly
Karen & Philip Kezele
Chloe Kieling
Steven Kim
Eric Klunder & Jennifer MacCormack
Erin Krawiec
Kristin Lamey
P. Lang
Tamara Layton & Mike Fancher
Anne Levinson
Marni Levy & John Hughes
Kristi & Dan Lin
Sandra & Malcolm Lindquist
Naomi & Henry Lombard
Louise & David Luthy
Susan Mackey
Kerry March
Gillian Marsden & Roswell Bond
Carol & Gregory Matheson
Kaaren Mathiesen
Sandy Mattice
Stephen & Terri McCormick
Joanne McDonald
Connie McLaughlin
Monica McNeal
Maria Milano & Robert Howie
Vivian Miller-Rahl
Victoria Kaleff
Nicole Morris
Rebecca Morrow
Tammy Mullarky
Jill Ostrem
Amy & Jesse Pannoni
Charles & Lisa Parker
Suzanne Patneaude
Annie & Greg Pearson
Sandra Piotrowski
Margaret Powers & Martin Johnson
Doris & Charles Ray
Tiana Reschke
Ann Rinehart & Gina Young
Jill & John Robb
Alice Roberson
Terri Rose
Susan & Steven Ross
Merridy & Michael Ruggiero
Janine Rutherford
Virginia Sainsbury
Paula Sandler & John Higgins
Skylar Sherwood & Brian Eskridge
Jane & Eugene Silberberg
Goldie & Don Silverman
Judy Simpson
Anne Smith
Patricia Solberg
Katherine Sorensen
Angela Staiger
Lisa & Doug Stewart
Annette Stofer
Jeanne & Rob Suarez
Lynette Sundholm
Andrea Taylor
Lynn Tissell
Carol Toschi
Teresa Tranholt-Hochstein
Todd Uyeda
Andrew Verprauskus &
Michaelanne Ehrenberg
Beverly Ann & James Walker
Melissa & Richard White
Linda Williams-Rorem
Shelley Young
Edward Young
Monir Zandghoreishi
Tammie Zarfos
Susan & Werner Zehnder
Violet Zuvela
And thirteen donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
$ 10 0 to $ 2 4 9
Joy Abbey-Adams
Mary Abbott
Nancy Abramson
Nancy Adams
Liz Akiyoshi
Linda & Alan Alhadeff
Peter Allender
Stephanie Ambrose
Roberta Anderson
Nancy & Keith Anderson
Jeffrey & Michele Andrus
Karen & David Aoyama
Elizabeth Austin
Jack Austin
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 3
C o m m u n it y Advo cacy
On the Path to Self-Sufficiency
or those seeking to end abuse in their lives, a helping
hand can be in the form of a parenting class, children’s
programs, legal advocacy, or support groups. The Community
Advocacy Program (CAP) holds several support groups for
survivors of domestic violence coping with many different
issues, including substance abuse recovery.
One woman recently shared her story with other group
members: “Through all this I have stayed clean and sober. I feel strong emotionally. I am here and it is the right time.
The work I do on myself is not a goal but a process, a lifetime
process. Thank you for being here and not judging me.”
Hopes and dreams have a chance to blossom in this environment. And survivors of domestic violence have an opportunity
to create their own new beginning at CAP.
Over 500 women and children have received
2,500 hours of support in their journey to safety
and stability from the Community Advocacy
Program. Support groups are held in a safe
setting that allows survivors of domestic violence
to share difficult emotions and struggles.
Support groups help survivors to learn more
about intimate partner abuse and use resources
available to lead a life free of violence. Support
group attendees also learn to cope with grief,
set boundaries, manage anger, communicate
“Since 1891, The Woman’s Century Club has supported
women in all stages of life. Our founders were suffragettes, so we study our own history and see a huge, vital
need to reach out to others that are struggling. Our
relationship with New Beginnings is a continuation of
our investment in the betterment of women everywhere.”
effectively, and rebuild self-esteem. CAP assists
survivors of domestic violence to discover what is
best for themselves and their families in order to
grow, learn, and find safety.
K ay e Mar ks , member of The Woman’s Century Club
Tania Backus & Jeffrey Jensen
Lee Badovinus
Sarah Banks
Barbara Barbee-Pelzel & Robert Pelzel
Blake Barnes
Jeri Bates
Daisy Beach
Beth Beam & David Bucher
Christine Beck
Susan & Kurt Beckett
Maureen & Dennis Bekemeyer
Melanie Bell
Connie Benson
Martin Berg
Dorothy Beverly
Karen & John Bianchi
Ginny Blache
Laurie Bohn
Sharon & Lawrence Boileau
David Bond
Joanie Brennan
James Brewer & Mary Roberts
Aaron Burby
Ann Burnet
Robin Burns
Kathleen Burton
Michelle & Dave Busch
Rebecca & Brian Butler
Scott Buttles
Malcom & Carol Campbell
Sally Campbell
Oliva Carey
Debbie & Andy Cargile
Sherry Carlson
Peter Carpenter
Constance & Arlington Carter
Ethel Mae Peroff & Marguerite Carvalho
Steve Cavitt & Lynn Yoshioka
Kay Chomic
Robert & Chris Christiansen
Grant Chyz & Laurie Lootens-Chyz
Linda Heuertz & Ken Clatterbaugh
Beverly Cofrancesco
Frank & Joan Cohee
Helena Cohen
Jodee & Matt Cohen
Gail & Michael Coie
Donna & Jack Coke
Dr. Chris Coleman
Yvette Colpitts
Joe Como
Greg Cooper
Kara Craig
Emily Crigger
Gillian Crossan
Peggy & Guy Crow
John Dalton
Aysen Rose Darlington
Bob Davidson & Malei Young
Esther Davis
James Davis & Dinah Donaldson
Rhoda Joy Dear
John & Georgeanne Delahanty
Stacy & Jeff Deuel
J. Patrick & Lea Dobel
Deanna Dockter-O’Donnell
Mark & Kary Doerfler
Lorraine & Irwin Dreiblatt
Marilyn & Dan Dubitzky
Teresa & Andrew Dul
Paige Eagle
Susan Eberhart
Ralph & Joan Eckles
Wendy Eckman
Nancy Ellingham
Muriel Ellingson
Bill & Lee Ellis
Lyn Englehartson
4 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
Peter Engrav
Joan Enticknap
Gayle Erickson
Jeff & Janet Esfeld
Jill Evans
Rebecca Evans
Dorothy Fagerberg
Dwight Fagothey
Charles & Nita Farrell
Henry Feldman
Judith & Fred Fiedler
Elvira Fife
George Finkle & Eileen Farley
Lynda Firey-Oldroyd
Hugh & Patricia Fitzgerald
Penelope & Paul Fredlund
Lori & Christopher Frey Butler
Dot Fuller
Christine Galbraith
Gary & Faye Gallagher
Susan Garrett
Linda Geis
Catherine & Scott Gelband
Natalie & Irvin Gendler
R. Thomas Gibbons, II & Susan K. Gibbons
Elizabeth Gilchrist
Harvey & Wendy Gillis
Michon Godbey
Rosemary Gordon
Margaret Gottlieb
Stacy Grano
Louise Grant
Nancy Griffin
Naomi & Keith Grim
Lynn & George Guttmann
Penelope Haase
Patty Hansen
Hylton & Lawrence Hard
Heather Hart & J. Christopher Baird
Helen & John Harte
Donna Gates Hawkins & James Hawkins
Marcie Headen & Kathi White
Alan Healy
Map Heeres
Lauren Hemingway
Tracy & Drew Herion
Liz Heron
Janet Hesness
Nancy & Leon Hevly
Janice Hickey
Shannon Hill-Hanson & Eric Hanson
Karen & Steven Hoffman
Nancy & Charles Hogan
David & Ruth Horowitz
Helen Howard
Peter & Jean Hsiang
Fiona Hsiung
Karl & Sally Hufbauer
Patricia Hunter
Patricia & Douglas Ikegami
Cindy & Justin Jed
Ian C. Jirka
G. Ted & Kristina Gurnsey Johnson
Gwen & Steve Johnson
Patrice Johnston
Brent Jones & Amy Knowles
Cathy Jones-Smith
Cristina & Mike Jorgenson
Barbara & Douglas Kanaya
Adria & Jeremy Katka
Valarie Kaye-Sherer & Michael Sherer
Jo Ann & John Kelly
Joan Kelly
Lynsey Kelly
Mary Jo Kenner
Joan Kiefner
Heidi & Eric Kiersky
Lynn Klainer
Carol Pearce Klein
Ginger & Jack Knutsen
Dobbsie Koeman
Cynthia Kohut
Jackie Kolla
Lynn Miller & Mark Kratz
Scott Kreiling
Georgi & Steve Krom
Michael Kuntz & Nathan Sobers
Roy Kuraisa
Frances Kwapil
Shanna La Mar
Stephanie LaBoo
Isabel Landsberg
Katherine Langer
Margaret Larson
Florence Larson
Anna Lew
Colleen Lincoln
Marilyn Littlejohn
Carol Liu
Melissa Lloyd
Carol Loforte
Deborah Logan
Donald Logan
Ruth Lucas
Miriam Lucian
Gwendolyn Lundberg & David Aggerholm
Lauren Lungo
Sarah Luthens
Paula Lyons
Monica Mabe
Maria Mackey
Margaret Makar
Brenda & Don Mallett
Todd & Katherine Mason
Diane Mathers
Robert Matisse
Celia Matson
Karen McAleese
Debra McCormac
Dennis McCurdy
Susan McIntosh
Mike & Peggy McKasy
Maryanne McNamara
Ann & Alan Merrihew
Barbara Meyer
Kristin Michael
Teresa Olson Miller
Shirley Miller
Colleen Mills
Justin J. Mills
Debbie Mizrahi
Eva & Adam Monsen
Bob Morgan & Lynn Graves
Jacqueline Morgan
Alicia Morgan
Dorothy Mottet
Joy Moulton
Maria Murphy
Ushani Nanayakkara & Steven Gill
Kelleigh Nebergall
Kathleen Nelson
Gail Neuenschwander
Marjorie Newman
Sheila Ng
Cori Nickerson
Jeneen Nixon
Martha Noerr & T. Jeffrey Keane
Villette Nolon & Steve Cissell
Jeanette Norris & Steven Buck
Lois North
Maxine Northey
Adele Nugent
Rosemary O’Connell & Robert May
Karin Ogren
S e c o n d A n n ual
Fall Friends and Fashion Breakfast
n October 21 2007, 260 women
and men gathered in the Nordstrom Downtown Store to support
New Beginnings. We want to thank our
guests and the corporate sponsors
who came together in honor of
Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Through your generous support, this
event raised more than $100,000 for
New Beginnings’ programs.
“I was sinking in burning
chaos, frantically paddling
to get somewhere. I think
New Beginnings is my life
raft. They have given me
information and knowledge
as tools. These tools are my
paddle to help me get to
where I need to go.”
Julie O’Leary
Phylis Osborn
Warren & Jana Ostrom
Amy Page
Sharon Parchia
Barbara Passmore
Karen Pauler
Anne Payne
Polly Pearson
Dorothy Pearson
Cynthia Pellettiere
Pamela Perret
Sam Perry & Alisa Bieber
Julie Peterson
Marie Peters-Terry
Hilde Pfurtscheller & Karl Herman
Debby & John Phillips
Thomas Pilkinton
Ruth Pipe
Susan Plummer
Barbara Porter
Jeannette Privat
Shirley & Craig Purkey
Kathryn Raich & David Jones
Carolyn & Al Rasch
Dorothy Regal
Stephen & Denise Reibman
Jane Reich
Betsy Minor Reid
Helen & Jack Remick
Jeff Richards
Bernie & Katherine Richards
Robert & Peggy Rinne
Spafford Robbins
William Roberds
Katie Robertson
Emily & Ben Rollins
RaeAnne Rousso
Elyse Rowe
Jennifer Rubinstein
Colette Rush
Beth Rutherford
Marilyn & Joseph Sabo
Jill Salmi
Neil & Stephanie Sandvik
Melissa Sargent
Eric Schmidt & Kristin Ann Henderson
Jennifer Schoenwald
Sheila Schultz
Linda Schultz
Paul Schwartz & Debra Revere
Laura Scott
Carolyn Searles & James Goldman
Julie Seserko
Bonnie Shaffer
Laurie Sheehan
Jeff & Anni Shelley
Tsering Short
Judith Shoshana
Scott Shoultz
Margaret & Christopher Shuhart
Joan & Edward Singler
Cheryl Sjoblom
Gloria Janeen Smith
Susan Snover
Susan & George Soltman
Richard Stahl
Norm Stamper
Ed & Kathy Sterner
Elaine Stevens
Douglas & Joan Stewart
Peyton Storli
Loretta & Ken Story
Dick & Hope Stroble
Rozalyn Strong
Naomi F. Sugar & Eric Feldman
Megan & Travis Sullivan
Margaret Sundberg
Title Sp o n s o r
P r e m i e r Sp o n s o r
Ma j o r Eve nt Sp o n s o r s
Columbia Bank
Lane Powell
SAFECO Insurance
Ev e nt U n d e rwr it e r s
Friends and Fashion Breakfast Committee members
pose for a group shot after a successful event raising
over $100,000 to support essential services for survivors of domestic violence. Left to Right: New Beginnings
Board Member Brooke Barnes, Chris Bridenbaugh,
Sandy Lindquist, Event Chair Gail Cottle, Jammie Baugh,
and April Ericson.
Gene Juarez Salons & Spas
Cozen O’Connor Attorneys
Group Health
Seattle Pacific Industries
Watson Wyatt Brans & Co.
I n -ki n d Sp o n s o r s
City Catering Company
Masins Furniture
Musically Speaking
Sheila Swenson
Marcie Swift & Dave Reeck
Thalia Syracopoulos
Rashelle C. Tanner
Gillian Theobald & L.A. Heberlein
Joan Thomas
Cindi & Kelsey Thompson
Diane & Robert S. Thompson
Drew Thoresen
Margery Thorgrimon
Katina Thornock
Eric & K. Terry Thorsos
Bonnie Timm
Goldie & Stanley Tobin
Caroline Tobin
Molly Torres
Laura Townsend Faber
Elizabeth Trimble
Kimberlee Trimmer
Douglas Trippel
Annika & Casey Trupin
Julie Tubbs Luthy
Frances Turean, Esq.
John Van Bronkhorst
Lisa Van Dam
Molly & Dirk van der Burch
Peter & Tjitske Van der Meulen
Gina Vangelos & James Schneidmiller
Rene Vaughan & Scott Walker
Deb Vaughn
Rachel Waggoner
Wendi Walsh
Cherie Ware-Braley & Ronald Braley
Kathleen & Christopher
Martha & Fred Watson
William & Tamie Waugh
Helen Wergeland
Margie Wetherald
Patricia & Bernt Wikstrom
Gordon Wilcox & Virginia Voorhees Wilcox
Shirley & Douglas Wilkinson
Kate Willette
Jacqueline & Walt Williams
Judith Wood & Cal Van Zee
Susan & Douglas Woods
Kathryn Woods
Sara Woolverton
Lori Worgan
Marni Wright
Holly Wylam
Alan Yates & Linda Tweedie
Barbara Yeakel & Jerome Kidd
Joanne Young
Cheryl & Rich Zahniser
Betsy Zickler
And fifty-nine donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
U p to $ 9 9
Lisa Abbott
Evelyna Acedilla
Elizabeth Alexander
Barbara Allan
Jennifer Altena
Anne Amemiya
Bill Ames
Sarah Andersen
Mary Ann & Bill Andersen
Nancy Arens
Lenore & Jacob Arnautoff
Margaret Arsenault
Emmalee Ashland & Julie Sheriden
Anne Aumell
Gilbert Aust
Dorothy & Hall Baetz
Lindsay Bagley
Steve & Julie Baima
Cheryl & Kevin Baldwin
Nancy Balthazor
Louise Band
Angelica Barajas
Susan Barash
Roberta & Bill Barkley
Karin Barthold
Kathleen Bartholomew
Linda Bartlett
Pamela Baumann
Kelly Beckley
Kent & Jessica Beckton
Phyllis Bell
Bessie & Ronald Bell
Beth Huppin Bennett
Lynn Bentley
Robert & Lynn Bergelin
Alan & Ardith Bergman
Jean Bergquist
Allison Bergstrom
Michelle Berman
Louis & Shirley Bernstein
Chrys Bertolotto
Isabel Betker
Joseph & Sharon Betzendorfer
Reva Biback
Carol Bills
Janet Blanford
Patricia Blaustein
Cheryl Bleakney
Sharon Bloodgood
Clarence & Hildur Bodine
Susan & Thomas Bohn
Brenda Bole
Rebecca Borek
Suzanne Bottelli
Karen Boulton & Jonathan Briggs
Ann & William Bowden
Barbara Boyd
Muriel & Robert Boyd
Carole Brandt
Eleonore Brazel
Karen Brender
Gretchen Brevoort & J. B. Dickey
Joyce & David Brewster
Herb & Shirley Bridge
Linda Kaye Briggs
Claire Bright
Mei Brill
Maureen Brinck-Lund
Brad & Debbie Briscoe
Patricia & Thomas Brockman
Nancy Bromberg
Lauren Brown
Tara Brown & Michael Wozniak
Rose Buckley
Catherine Buller
Scott & Julie Burke
Florence Katz Burstein
Karen & William Byrd
Barbara Calvo
Lynette Cameron Cronin & Blake Cronin
Leanne Carden
Diane L. Carlisle
Bill & Emmy Carlyon
Ellen Carmody
Frances Carr
Katherine Carson
Irene Carter
Catherine Carter
Susan Cary
Gaye & Michael Cason
Marica Chandler
Rachael D. Chavez
Jinjoo Kim Chun
Barbara Clagett
Madison Clagett
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 5
K id s’ C lu b
Envisioning a Safe Future for Children
hen asked what safety meant to them, each child
created a different symbol: Mariana drew a picture of a
lion, Brian pictured himself surrounded by an army, and Tina
colored a pretty house on a hill protected by a fence.
“Safety” can mean any number of things for the youngest
survivors of domestic violence. Witnessing violence, however,
is one thing these children have in common. Brian, who had
been quiet about his fear of violence at home, finally opened
up: “I did this picture because I want my mom and me to be
safe anywhere.”
The group reaffirmed Brian’s feelings. By sharing common
ground, the group helped Brian make sense of the violence
that changed his family’s life.
Kids’ Club, a program for children
affected by domestic violence, gives
children the chance to express their
feelings, relieve stress and learn
information about abuse. Kids’
Club groups comprise children
ages six to nine years old or nine
to twelve years old. In 2007 we
held Kids’ Club groups at both the
Transitional Housing Program and
the Community Advocacy Program.
Home Court Support, an organization of the Seattle
Supersonics’ family members, coaches and staff, sponsored
a Valentine’s Spa Day. Over 30 New Beginnings program
participants enjoyed pampering haircuts, manicures, brow
waxes, and massages followed by a catered lunch. Left to
Right: Home Court Support members Ayana Clinton, Robbie
Harriford (with baby Emma), Michele Rock, Kate Ridnour,
Kim Wilks, and Jennifer Carroll.
Nanette Clarey & Catherine Coucoules
Betty May & Edward Coburn
Donna Cochener-Metcalfe & Chris Metcalfe
Brian & Shelby Cohee
Claire Cole
Elizabeth Colehour
Cheri & Mark Constantino
Susan Corcoran Hayes
Andrea Corey
JoAnne Coy
Lindsay Craig
Martha & Robert Cram
Catherine Cranny
Gail Crouch
Amy Cunningham
Beth Curry-Sturdevant
Brigitta Dahl
Patrica Mitchell D’Alessandro
Tom D’Angelo
Mary & Charles Davis
Patricia Gilosa DeAngelis
Robin Dearling
Shirley Deen
Steven & Sibby DeForest
Holly DeGrazia
Debbie Delaney
Jaqueline Delecki
Jeff Dernbach
Paul & Kay Dewar
Maureen & Lillian DiGiacomo
Mary Dobson
Marie Dolack
Fred Dong
Rosie & Tom Donnelly
Robert & Peggy Dorse
William Downing
Marlena & Albert Drew
Shane Drollinger & Lenore Drollinger
William Dubay
Joyce & Gwinn Dunham
Ruth Dunlop
Joy Durham
Jean & Marvin Durning
Chuck & Colleen Eccleston
Margaret Edgar
Jennilyn Edrosa
Lisa & Thomas Edwards
Isabel Egglin
Claudia Ehreth
Daniel Eiben
Steve & Liz Ellmann
Bertha Elo
Angela Engelhardt
Anne Eskridge
Timmie Faghin
Mary & Robert Faine
Blanca & Tim Farrelly
Thea & Alexander Fefer
Patricia Ferrell
Ruth Ferris
Diane Fessler
Linda & N. Craig Fetters
Nancyhelen & Henry Fischer
Clifford Fiscus
Kari Fisher
Rhetta Fisk
Ellen Fix
Judy Fleissner & Christina Gamache
Karyn Fleming
Mary Vinton Fleming
Elizabeth & E. Michael Flynn
Steven & Linda Foley
Theodore & Helen Fosberg
Robin Fox-Quayle & Bruce Quayle
Steven & Katrin Frank
Allan & Celia French
Leslie Frosch
6 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
Flo Fujita
Carol Furry
Thomas Galantowicz
Erin Galvin
Josie Gardner
Colleen & Al Gawle
Ann & Martin Gelfand
Beth Gendler
Holly & Darryl Genest
Charlene Gerlach
Jeff Gerson
Juliana & Peter Giese
Nancy Gilbert
Judy Giniger
Karen Gleason & Jon Polzin
Klara Glosova
Crista Goddard
Jean Godden
Jacqueline & James Goedde
Miriam Goldstein
Steven Goldstein & Mary Casey-Goldstein
John & Louise Gonsalez
Dwight & Dorothy Gowdey
Relta Gray
Jennifer & Dennis Green
Karen Greene
Fran Greenleaf
Marissa Greer
Amy Griffen
Debra Griffin
Janet Gryczan
Susana Guedes
David & Teresa Guenther
Mylinda Guillen
Kathleen Gylland
Phyllis & George Haas
Jennifer Haddon
Yvonne Hall
Gregoriann & John Hanna
Carol Hannum
Marie Hansen
Sharon Hargraves
Allison Harmon
Sarah Harmon
Faye Harold
Judith A. Harper
Tara Harrison
Jeanne & Robert Harshbarger
Anita Schulman Hart & Eugene Hart
Jan Hart
Elaine Hayes
Margaret Healas
William Heath
Ashley Hedeen
Johanna Hedge
George Heedly
Susan Helf & Kenneth Cofield
Dr. Marcia Helme
Sarah Henderson & Eric Speckman
Robin Hendricks
Cammy Hendrix
Susan Hermanides
Nancie Hernandez
Theresa Hickox
Rosamond Hirschorn
Leigh Hofheimer & Jon Nachman
David Hokari
Michael & Ina Holley
Beisy Holmquist
James & Jane Holt
Trish & Doug Honig
Jan Hood
Craig Hoover
Nancy & Hoover Hopkins
Jennifer Hopkins
Joan Horn
Margie Huff
Kate Hunter & James Hauser
Cynthia Hunter
Barbara Hurst
Debra Huston
Pablo Barcenas Ibinarriaga
Jena Inghram
Margarita Ioselovich
Elizabeth Irish
Nancy Irvin
Nancy Irwin
Shigeko Ito
Marlene Ivy
Caroline & Steve Jaffe
David Jam
Jessie Janzen
Joan Jeffery
Jeanette Johnson
Tanya & Edward Johnson
Christine Johnson
Gerry Johnston
Shirley & Gary Jones
Peter Jones
Sheila Jones
Barbara Kaiser
Deanna Kaulay
Sharon Kean
Nancy Kennedy
Ann Kennedy
Tim Kershner
Lori Kesl
Julie Key
Barbara & Eugene Kidder
Miry Kim
Benjamin Kindzia
Carol King
Gwendolyn Kinglsey
Joeke Kingma
Florence Kirrage
Stuart Kolodner & Deborah Simonds
Teresa & Bernard Koslosky
Darcy Kovacs
Ray & Nancy Krueger
Diana Kurtz
Joyce & Stephen LaBoo
Jan Lambert
Carmen Laponte
Margaret Larkin
Bonnie Larson
Bobbie & Walfred Larson
Jack Lattemann
Eleanor & Daniel Laxdall
Anita Leake
Patricia & Louis Leatham
Liza & Eric Lee
Vaughn & Barbara Lein
Estella Leopold & V. Crane Wright
Coral Letnes
Carol & Geo Levin
Sandra Lew-Hailer & Harvey Hailer
Sandra Lewis
Robyn & Ronald Lewis
Jenny Lewis
Lynanne & Steven Lewis
Nancy Lieurance
Renee Lillie
Sharon Lindenau
Jeff & Kathy Lindenbaum
Adelle Lindgren
Luann Linn
Janice Linville
Leona Locke
Jenny Loertscher
Larry Lord & Joanne Greene
Betty & John Love
Emily Lunde
Juni Luyombya
Janet & Levin Lynch
Michael Mabrito
Moira MacDonald
Jessi MacLeod
S o cial C h an g e
Educating to Create Change
local child care center invited the Social Change Program
to present information on domestic violence. During the
session with parents, the trainer discussed intimate partner
violence and how violence affects children’s development.
The Social Change
At the end of the presentation, a parent approached the
speaker. “Thankfully I caught your presentation when I came in
to drop off my child tonight because I’m in an abusive relationship,” explained the parent.
resources to over
The trainer was able to give information on New Beginnings’
services and safety planning to the woman and her child. The
training imparted vital information about domestic violence
and provided the tools and resources for those seeking help.
“The Social Change presentation was
informative in many ways and really showed
what to look for in all aspects of relationships,
good and bad. I liked that it wasn’t just the
trainer talking, but we got to get up and input
our own information which helped to think of
it more like a real-life situation.” S e attle h i g h s c h o o l stud e n t
Marilyn & John Mades
Dorothy Malinski
Jeannette Mandanas & David Jam
Bruce & Beth Manger
Helen Maronek
Joan Marsh
Cathy Marsh
Amanda Martinka
Jennifer Martinson
Helen Matekel
Jenny & Peter McAuliffe
Michelle McBeath
Marc McClintock
Kate McCoy & Spencer Thal
Barb & Phil McCoy
Mary Kae McCullough
Jemima McCullum
Philip McEachern
Anne McGuire
Hilary McKenna
Christine McKnight
Bronwyn McNutt
Michelle Merlino
Nathan Messer
Ariana Meyrich-Blomquist & Peter Blomquist
Ayako Miki
Kathleen Miller
Bettylu Miller
Katie & John Milne
Karen Milt
Sarah Minahan & Richard Bilheimer
Susan Mise
Terri Modin
Alex Mogilevsky
Janice Monti
Sharon Moon & James Schruder
Mardell Moore
Michael Moore & Liz Bell
Nancy Moores
Robin Moore-Slater
Roderick & Becky Morcom
Lawrence & Elizabeth Morgan
Richard & Joanne Morrill
Kathy Mortensen
Cynthia Mott
Linda & Jerry Mullin
John & Teresa Mundel
Lisa Murray
Marylee & Eugene Natkin
Ann Naumann
Ronald & Mary Nece
Jeff & Shirley Nelsen
Kristi & Douglas Nelson
Sherry Nevins
Linda Newman
Laureen Nicolay
Bailey Nieder
Catherine Nolan
Patricia Noonan
Julee Nurmi
John C. Goudge
Carol Fyall & Keith Officer
James & Susan O’Hare
Laura & Rob Olin
Sandra Olsen
Martin & Vicki Olsen
Cynthia & James Olson
Tori Olson
Patricia Olson
Karen Omahen & Larry Murante
Gordon & Elizabeth Orians
Mary & Steven Overman
Robin Ozerkis
Thomas Palm
Sandra Jo Palm
Margaret Palo
Niko & Rachel Pamboukas
Ellie Parker
Laurie Parnell
Pam Pasion
Donita Payne
Ramona Payson
Brenda Peach
Trisha Pearce
Julie & David Peha
Margaret Pehrson
Patricia & Steve Penrose
Christine Perry
Augie Petroff
Elizabeth Pfender & William Clark
Martha Phillips
Chad & Leslie Pittman
Lora & Scott Poepping
Gary Pokrzywinski
Sylvia Pollack
Barbara & Richard Polovitch
Brahmy Poologasingham
Jennifer Porter
Cindy Potter
Janice Price
Carol & S. Blaine Price
Nancy Prichard
Nancy Prior
Paul & Mary Pruitt
Polly Purvis & David Fine
Renee Putrich
Libby Rain
Merlin Rainwater & Greg Foster
Ann & Tracy Redding
Stacey Rengli
Lynn Retallick
Linda Richards
Lance & Cindy Richmond
Beverly Ricker
Ruthe & Robert Ridder
Arnold Robbins
Chris & Elizabeth Robinson
Brenda & Kevin Robinson
Roger Roffman & Cheryl Richey
Stacie Rolfs
Program provided
education and
2,000 adults in 2007. Social Change
works with a variety of adults, children,
high school students and community
groups. Training sessions focus on topics
such as dating and gender violence,
Washington Dental
Service employees chose
New Beginnings as the
recipient of a $6,500 gift
in 2007. Left to Right:
Karen Smith and Carol
Cunningham from Washington Dental Service with
Emily Emerson, Social
Change Program Director.
sexual respect, and healthy dating
relationships. Trainers guide group
discussions that provide information and
tools to understand the danger signs of
an unhealthy relationship, the connection
between gender expectations and dating/
domestic violence, and why all people
deserve healthy relationships.
Kimberly & John Rooney
Carol Root
Peter & Marian Rose
Harley & Yuriko Rosnow
Maeve Ross
Ib & Ellen Rossen
Jennifer & Thomas Ryan
Sandy Ryder
Jeanne & Victor Sack
Marci L. Sako
Vivian Sandaas
Joan Sandler
Alison Sands
Jennifer Sandvik & John Castleton
Dale Santkuyl
Sara Satterlee
Doug Sauvage
Robin Scarlett
Susan Schaumberger-Hogue
Dr. Barbara Schinzinger & Dr. Jorge Garcia
Karen Schneider-Chen
Betsy Schneier
Carol Schouboe & Bruce Elzinga
Ann & Craig Schulz
Rochelle Schuster
Rosalye Schwartz
Helen & Henry Schwartz
Lisa & Douglas
Sandra Scudder
Roxanne Seubert
Emily Shaffer
Janet Sheppley
Susan Shjerven
Rebecca Shoji
Bob Shupe & Carmen Hoffman-Shupe
Solveig Sieberts
Kelley Sigl
Pamela Silimperi
Ruth Sinton
Caren Skube
Amanda Slepski
Casey Smith
Nancy Smith
Shelby Smith
David Smukowski
Janet & Gary Sommers
Patricia Southard
Mary Beth Spencer-Davis
Alison St. Clair
Linda Staley
Rebecca Standish
Marge Staszak
Amanda Steinvall
Elizabeth Steppe
Sandra Stevens
Carrie Stewart
James Stewart
Kay & John Stimson
Brooke Stout
Amanda Strombom
Parvin Strong
Pat Stroud
Barb & Stuart Sulman
Mary & George Sutter
Shelly Sutton & Kenneth Nakatsu
Kathy Suzenich
Elice Swanson
Jessica Tarzan
Jamila Adia Taylor
Julia Taylor
Dorothy & David Teeter
Carole Terry
Hazel Thomas
Mary Thomas
Karen M. Thompson
Kim Thompson & G. Michael Janecke
Susan Titan
Kody Todd
Shari Toenyan-Miller
Carrie & Michael Toppano
Ann Touza
Claudia Townsan
Jill Trekell
Bonnie Trichia
Flora Trippett
Constance Trowbridge
Miriam Tungate
Jeanne Turgeon
Dana Carol Twight
Traci Underwood & George Perantatos
Delores & Loren Van Duzen
Silvia Vega
Madeleine Veigel
Brenda Veland
Gary & Helen VonErichsen
Nancy Vye
Melanie Wade
Margaret & Craig Wagner
Patricia Wagner
Richard Wagner
Ed Waldock & Melinda Jodry
Susan Wallace
Richard & Sandra Walston
Mary Ellen Walter
Gloria Warrick
Karen Waters-Vitalich
Dan Watson
Dorothy Watson
Margaret Way
Myria Weber
Joseph & Jo Kelly Welch
Melet Whinston
Ursula Willaredt-Wong
Barbara & John Williams
Vija Williams
Libby Williams & Craig Rusk
Anne & Daniel Willott
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 7
Ow n i n g U p!
Engaging Our Youth to Make Healthy Choices
wning Up! is a project in Seattle middle schools facilitated by the Social Change Program. This project helps
teens navigate the world by helping young people talk about
the responsibilities of adulthood and healthy relationships.
Initially the project was successfully running groups for girls.
As the program became popular among young women, male
students grew curious. So, a group of boys petitioned their
middle school to form another Owning Up! group just for
One facilitator described working with the young men as
“breaking through the shame that is heaped on adolescent
boys because they felt comfortable showing their struggles
not only to me, but more importantly, to each other.”
The bluegrass community
rallied to support New
Beginnings at the First
Annual Bluegrass Festival.
King Country Hayride
(featured in photograph),
Dysfunction Junction,
Moses with Cliff Perry, and
Loose Digits performed to
raise over $700 for services
to end domestic violence.
Susan Winslow & Dick Winslow
Dawn Wood & Brad Jencks
Jay & Rhonda Woodworth
Sarah B. & Bryan Yates
Peggy Yeakel
Frederick & Sheri Yeatts
Darby Young
C. B. Young
Laura Yu
Dianna Zaorski
And fifty-six donors who wish to remain anonymous.
O r ga n i z ati o n s
$ 5 0 , 0 00 OR MORE
The Foster Foundation
$ 10 , 0 00 TO $49,000
Danica Children’s Foundation
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Schuler Family Foundation
United Way of King County
$ 5 , 0 0 0 TO $9,999
D.V. and Ida McEachern
Charitable Trust
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Co.
Howard and Sheri Schultz
Kibble & Prentice, A USI Company
Moccasin Lake Foundation
New Ventures Group
North American Coffee
Partnership / Pepsi Cola Co.
Swedish Medical Center
The Boeing Company
University Village
Washington Dental Service
Wiggins & Masters PLLC
Women’s Century Club
$1,000 TO $4,999
Amgen Foundation Matching Funds
Badgley, Phelps, & Bell
Boeing Employees Credit Union
Bullitt Foundation
Cascade Natural Gas
Church of the Ascension
Cohesion, Inc.
Columbia Bank
Cozen O’Connor Foundation
Deloitte LLP
The Estate of Lois M. Osland
The Fishing Company of Alaska
Green Lake Church of 7th Day Adventists
Group Health Cooperative
Community Foundation
K&L Gates
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority
Lane Powell
LeRoss Family Foundation
Leslie Fund, Inc.
The Loomis Foundation
Perkins Coie LLP
PLUS Foundation
Raikes Family Foundation #1
Regence Blue Shield
8 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
In 2007, with the assistance of a male AmeriCorps volunteer, we
expanded the program to include groups with boys. We have
hired a full time Prevention Educator who co-facilitates the
groups. There are now 7 groups for boys and 8 groups for girls
at Pathfinder, Denny, Meany and Mercer Middle Schools and the
Delridge Community Center. Owning Up! students learn about
how to unpack our societal gender messages to discover the
roots of violence against women. Through role-playing and group
discussion, students discover tools to set relationship boundaries
and be an ally to those in unhealthy relationships.
“Having an Owning Up! group at Pathfinder
K-8 over the past three years has supported
our students in developing stronger
boundaries and healthier relationships.” David D o ck e n d o r f, P r i n cipal
Resource Group International, Inc.
Richmond Beach United Church of Christ
Riddell Williams, P.S.
RSM McGladrey
SAFECO Insurance
Safeway Foundation
Safeway, Inc.
Seattle Pacific Industries, Inc.
Sterling Realty
University Rotary
Villeneuve Associates
WaMu Matching Gifts Program
Wells Fargo Bank
Windermere Foundation
Wyman Youth Trust
$ 2 5 0 TO $ 4 9 9
$500 to $ 9 9 9
$ 10 0 TO $ 2 4 9
Bayview Manor Retirement
Bear Creek Middle and Upper School Parent
Teacher Fellowship
Campus Business & Professional Women
Eastlake DECA
Fashion Group International –
Seattle Chapter
First Congregational Church of Bellevue
Gene Juarez Salons and Spa
Haller Lake United Methodist Church
Larry Taylor Auctioneer, Inc.
O’Donnell Foundation
Phoebe Foundation
Route 7 Productions
University Congregational
United Church of Christ
WaMu Employee Giving Campaign
Ballard Mailbox and Shipping Center
Bank of Scotland
Circa Neighborhood Grill & Ale House
Citigroup Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Control Contractors, Inc.
Epilogue Books
GE Foundation
GeoEngineers, Inc.
Goodrich Corporation
Kenworth Employees AYD Club
LAGU Foundation
Lake City Emblem Club #189
Lake City Florist
New York Life Insurance
Matching Charitable
Peter Stoner Architects
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle Women in Money
Investment Club
A Garden of Distinction
Bright Horizons Foundation for Children
Dysfunction Junction and
Seattle Bluegrass
Earl B. Gilmore Foundation
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Knarr Tavern
Martha Rose Construction Inc.
Merck Partnership for Giving
Northshore UCC
Pacific Groundwater Group
Qwest Women
Seattle Divorce Services
Skacel Collection, Inc.
St. Dunstan’s Church
Zerene Salon
Seventh Generation
Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc.
University Friends Meeting Inc.
Varney Bay Studio
Wedgwood Presbyterian Church
U P TO $ 9 9
Jacobson Jarvis & Co. PLLC
Renton WA City Employees
United Airlines
Aunties Attic and Collectibles
Christ Episcopal Church
Fremont Abbey Arts Center
The Martha Club
Holland America Line, Inc.
Creative Ideas for Living
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Caitlin Allen & Orijit Ghoshal
Rita F. Amer
Joy Anahonak
Nancy & Keith Anderson
Maria Anderson
Amalia Andrade
Nancy Bardeen
Sue Bates-Pintar
Marjorie Batey
Jaci & Bill Berni
R. Blackman
Janet Blanford
Erika Bliss
Lydia & Ed Boehl
Joanie Brennan
Sally Bresnan
Ashley Brothers
Kathryn Buchanan
Donna Buckingham
Calvin Caley
Darlita Camlo
Sherry Carlson
Carletta Carrington Wilson
Susan S. Carter
Betty Cheung
Carolyn Clark
Lorijo Claunch-Jones
Sandy Click
Helen & Al Coe
Dr. Chris Coleman
Isabel Corrado
Mary & Jay Craig
Evelyn Crichton
Michale Crooks
Mindy Dalziel
Ann Darlington
Kelli & Steve Daum
Celeste & Carl DaVault
Dorothy Davick
Anne De Santis
Edward Dean & Carol Bell
Tanya Denver
Heather Dew Oaksen
Bob Dickerson
Deborah Dillard
Marie Doman
Molly Douce
Mary & Steve Dougherty
Laura Doyle
Dawn Dralee
Ann Durkin
Kristin Edstrom
Susan Edwards
Sarah Eggebraaten
Paula Eggertsen
Dorothy Fagerbere
Deb Failkow
A n n ual Gala
A Mother’s Courage, A Child’s Future
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who contributed to the success of the
2007 Annual Gala, A Mother’s Courage, A Child’s Future. Together we raised more
than $290,000 to sustain the work to end domestic violence in our community!
C o r p o r ate Tab le Sp o n s o r s
MediaCast, Inc./Diana & Jim Judson
Wells Fargo
C o r p o r ate Sp o n s o r s
T itl e Sp o n s o r
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Ma j o r Ev e nt Sp o n s o r s
The Boeing Company
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Kibble & Prentice / a USI Company
New Ventures Group
North American Coffee Partnership
Swedish Health Services
Wiggins & Masters PLLC
Betty Falskow
Lori Fazio
Karen Fisher
Hugh & Patricia Fitzgerald
Linda Frank
Lenora Frankfurter
Deborah Freng
Georgann Freudenstein
Lori & Christopher Frey Butler
Aviva Furman
Renee Gage
Jeni Gaisser
Jill & Bill Gallagher
Jean Goto Mar
Lynn Gering
Debbie Gilbert
Daniel Grabb
Judy Greenaugh
Nancy Griffin
Janean Grismore
Denise Hamel
Jan Hart
David Owen Hastings
Jane Hawkins
Barbara Hayes
Mollie Hechtman
Taj Heniser
Cara Henley Johnson
Lucy Hoffman
Michelle Honey
Heather Hopper
Peter & Jean Hsiang
Joseph Hudson
Betty Hurtado
Anna Israelssori
Kristina Iwai
Peggy Jaiteh
Jessie Janzen
Lois Jarden
Natalie & Edmond Jarva
Galen Jefferson & Bruce Campbell
Kathryn & Jack Jones
Gerry Joyce
Sandra Kane
Kathleen Kasparck
Ann Kelley
Alison Kelly-Rostholder
Najma Khalid
George Kimball
Kathleen Kinder
Julie Klouse
Donna Knudtson
Theresa Kosteaka
Jeannett Kunnen
Katherine Langer
Julia Lebert
James Lee
Robin & James Lee
Betty Lennox
Nancy Lewis
Leslie Lindsay
Jessica Linnenkohl
Micki & William Lippe
Glenn Lorbiecki
Pamela Lucarelli
Sharon Mackenzie
Mary Manchester
Charles Mandigo
Erin Martin
Kara & Ken Masters
Celia Matson
Mary Mauthey
Bridget McAlonan & Timothy Eichfeld
Pam McCammen
Det. Pam McCammon
Karen McCoy
Connie McCullough
Kendra McElree
Karen McHegg
Badgley, Phelps & Bell, Inc.
In Celebration of Kurt Boehl’s 40th Birthday
Group Health Cooperative
K&L Gates
Regence BlueShield
Resource Group International, Inc.
Riddell Williams P.S.
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Special thanks to Joeke Kingma,
Hawkeye/Cohesion and
Tim Kimble Design
Tomilynn & Dean McManus
Mona McPhee & Ty Brender
Karen Meek
Carolyn Merritt
Laurie Merwin
Marv Meyers
Bud Miles
Chelsea Mohr
William J. Morani Jr.
Patsy Morris
Jane & Dan Morrow
Theresa Mottet
Lisa Mottet Main & Kendall Main
Zoë Myers
Aya Nakazato
Bonny Oborn
S. Ogburn
Patricia Ohlenroth
Amy & Jesse Pannoni
Tracey Parsons
Colleen Paul
Karen Pauler
Brenda Pederson
Marie Peters-Terry
Augie Petroff
Lisa Port
Julie & Chris Prentice
Carolyn & Al Rasch
Lelach Rave
Chhantarn Real
Marcia Richardson
Piefer Rijkaart
Suzie Rinne
Stacey Robinson
Becky Rogers
Michele Rooney
Anita Ross
Gayle Sackett
Jennifer Samson
Julie San Clemente
Liz Santiago
Anne Saunders
Monica Schilling
Meaghan & Jeremy Schillinger
Connie Schnell
Helen Schuda
Marci Scott
Rita Shaw
Andi Shechter
Bethany Shoola
Debbie Shuster
Wayne Simoneaux
Mary Simpson
Katherine Simpson
Joan & Edward Singler
Susan Snover
Kelly Spenhoff
Heather Stark
Marge Staszak
Erin Stewart & Curtis Martin
Annette Stofer
Brooke Stout
Brenda Sutphin
Sue & Somchai Suwiwattanakul
Stuart & Alison Swanberg
Robin Tartow
Erica Teets
Lynn & Laurel Throssell
Stella Thurkill
Dana Carol Twight
Huib Van Leeuwen
Kim Villeneuve
Eric Vockeroth
Gail Wainwright
Barbara Walkover
Bruce & Donna Wallen
Dorothy Watson
Penelope Webster
Susan Weggeman
Paula Wesson
TOP Left to Right: Gala Co-Chair Judy Simpson, New Beginnings’
Executive Director Lois Loontjens, Gala Co-Chair Rachel Byrne
and Board President Kara Masters. BOTTOM: Ginny Ware,
Transitional Housing Program Manager, smiles with her guests
in attendance at New Beginnings’ Annual Gala Auction held
in May 2007. Left to right, front row: Margot Dick, Ginny Ware,
Sandi Schram, Ken Schram. Left to right, back row: Bill Ross, Katie
Dutcher, Russ Moulton and Development Director Zoë Myers.
Melet Whinston
Lois White
Kathi White
Jennifer White
Dorie D. White DDS
Charlie & Nancy Wiggins
Shannon Williams
Angie Windus
Shelly Winsby
Barbara Yenkel
Todd Yoshina
Sheryl Young
Margina Young
Grady Zech
And six donors who wish to remain anonymous.
Anderson Zurmuehlen & CO., P.C.
Atlantic Street Center
Aunties Attic and Collectibles
Avikai Salon
Ballard Organics
Ben Bridge Jewelers –
Alderwood Mall
Boys & Girls Club Ballard Branch
Broadway Grill
Campus Business & Professional Women
Carney Badley & Spellman, P.S.
Catherine’s Plus Sizes
Cece’s Playhouse
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints
Circa Neighborhood Grill & Ale House
City Church of Redmond
Dave Syferd & Partners
Elliott Bay Cafe
Equity Office
Essential Baking Company
Estate of Anna Ragaz
Fallon & McKinley
First Free Methodist Church
of Seattle
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
Flying Apron Organic Bakery
Flying Colors Quilters
Forrest Pruzan Creative
Fremont Gardens
Gardner Bond Trabolsi PLLC
GHC Consulting Nurse Services
Grace’s Kiddie Corner
Great Harvest Bread Company
Hacket, Beecher and Hart
Hanna Andersson
Home Court Support
Hos Brothers Construction Inc.
In The Beginning
Java Bean
Kensho Uniforms
Kibble & Prentice Employees
King County Dept. of
Knitters in the Narthex
Lucky Palate
Luxottica Retail CSC
Lynnwood Bowl & Skate
Made With Love
Madison Market
Madison Park Salon
Maggie Bluff’s Restaurant
Meadowbrook Community
Care/ MLLC
Moving Comfort
Mrs. Cooks
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 9
Tr a n s iti o nal H o u s i n g
Free of Violence, THP Residents Build New Futures
hen Riley moved into her transitional housing apartment, she came with nearly nothing. Her excitement
in finding a safe home for herself and her children filled the
unit with hope and joy. However, finding shelter is just one
obstacle this family must overcome in rebuilding their lives.
THP families also struggle with the emotional, physical and
financial consequences of abuse. That’s why New Beginnings advocates assist survivors of domestic violence in
making sustainable plans for themselves and their family.
Education is one area that can help a survivor of domestic
violence, like Riley, find her path to self-sufficiency.
With funding from the Sunshine Lady Foundation, an organization that enables survivors of domestic violence to pursue
undergraduate degrees, New Beginnings can support
women interested in getting a college degree. Riley graduated from college this past spring. Her advocate observed
that “Riley’s motivation to succeed and THP’s support for her
through the ups and downs helped her see herself and her
future in a new way.”
Nathan Hale High School
North Seattle Rotary
Northwest Administrators
Northwest Nurseries, Inc.
Older Women’s League
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Pacific NW Doll Collectors Club
Pajama Program
Pathfinder School
Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy
Pioneer Organics
Quark Expeditions
Queen Anne Co-Op Preschool
Red Salon
Salon Services & Supplies, Inc.
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle Central Community College – Parent Child Center
Sepehr Egrari, MD FACS
Seventh Generation
Shoreline Community College
Women’s Center
Simoneux Estate
Small Changes (Community Magazine
Recycling Program)
Sony – BMG
St. Dunstan’s Church
St. Monica’s Guild
Starbucks Coffee
Swanson’s Nursery and Greenhouse
Target Corporate Offices
Targeted Genetics Employees
The Bellevue Club
The Confectionery
The Martha Club
The Women’s Connection
Thistle Theatre
Trader Joe’s
University Congregational
United Church of Christ
Verizon Northwest
Victoria’s Secret
Western Ventures Construction
Wild Palms
Women Who Do Things with Their Hands
World Technology Services
Young Heroes
Zipper Zeman Associates
Riley is just one of 71 women and children that THP served in
2007. The families in the Transitional Housing Program receive
respect, support, and opportunities for personal growth, such
as individual counseling with a mental health therapist. In
addition, advocates connect residents to community resources
that provide long-term aid, advocacy and housing that in
2007 resulted in 75% of THP residents moving to permanent
housing after leaving THP.
“Thank you for allowing me to live at the
Transitional Housing Program because here
I found peace, stability and support. Thank
you for helping me to rebuild my self-esteem.
Thank you for your patience. Thank you for
your humane warmth. I thank you for all the
positive experiences, for our happiness, and
for the healthy environment that we had. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
F e d e r al
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
Family Violence Prevention
and Services Act
U.S. Department of Homeland
Federal Emergency
Management Agency
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Community Development
Block Grant
Emergency Shelter Grants
McKinney Homeless
Assistance Act Supportive
Housing Program
U.S. Department of Justice
Grants to Encourage Arrest
G ove r n m e nt &
Oth e r F u n d e r s
Victims of Crime Act Crime
Victims Assistance
Ot h e r
C iti e s
United Way of King County
City of Seattle General Fund
City of Shoreline General Fund
Cou nty
King County Community
King County Housing and
Community Development
Stat e
Emergency Shelter Assistance
General Fund
Office of Crime Victims
Advocacy, Domestic
Violence and Legal
10 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
“Wear the ugliest bridesmaid’s dress you can find
and come out for a night of bowling, fun and an
opportunity to support New Beginnings” declared Jill
Gallagher’s Annual Bridal Bowl invitations. That’s Jill
wearing the hat in the center front row. Bridal Bowlers
thoughtfully contributed over $500 in donations as
well as school supplies, toys, books, diapers, gift
cards and journals.
Vo lu nt e e r s
Together, We Can Make a Difference
very year, thousands of King County residents dedicate
a day to make a difference in our community. New
Beginnings was fortunate to be one of 120 organizations that
benefited from The United Way’s Day of Caring in 2007. For
several years, Microsoft has sent a crew of volunteers to help
maintain the Transitional Housing Program facilities. In 2007,
33 Microsoft volunteers helped give an extreme makeover to
both THP and the Emergency Shelter.
THP volunteers busily weeded and pruned in the gardens,
some were power washing the patio, and others were tilling
the flower bed soil. A couple of brave souls pulled out a huge,
overgrown juniper bush. The bush was finally removed after
several hours of hard work and despite a swarm of yellow
jackets. Months later, the site of this troublesome bush is now
a pretty garden welcoming residents to their homes at THP.
Meanwhile, Shelter volunteers painted, organized, tackled yard
work, and completely re-finished the kitchen. Advocates and
shelter residents were astounded by the difference Microsoft
volunteers had made in just one day!
TOP: Thirty-three Microsoft
employees participated in
United Way’s Day of Caring by
doing yard work, landscaping,
painting, cleaning and more
at the Transitional Housing
Program and the Emergency
Shelter. These volunteers
inspected a tough juniper bush
that was home to a nest of
yellow jackets.
MIDDLE: The juniper bush
is finally removed thanks to
the hard work of Microsoft
BOTTOM: Months later, the
site of the juniper bush is now
a welcoming plot filled with
blooms, a reminder of Day of
Caring volunteers’ generosity.
Kathleen Alluise
Helen Garcia
Mahsa Karavan
Laura Musikanski
Nancy Slater
Margaret Alquist
Tzinorah Goldberg
Melanie Kelsey
Vi Nguyen
Emily Smith
Brooke Barnes
Rebecca Goldberg
Tara Kessel
Debbie Nguyen
Pamela Smith Mentz
Tamara Bauman
Ashley Goodman
Lisa Ketelsen
Eun Jin Park
Susan Suffion
Andrew Bjorn
Tiffany Greco
Leah Kim
Kellie Parker
Manami Takahashi
Rachelle Black
Kip Greenthal
Debbie Kirchhauser
Tom Patrick
Yoshiko Tanaka
Gail Blackstone
Mary Guiberson
Kathleen Knowles
Judy Pflugrath
Nathan Thompson
Angela Bolender
Steven Gwost
Jardima Kroeker
Maddy Phillips
Teresa Todd
Teresa Bowens
Judith Hale
Linda Kwon
John Phillips
Sherry Toy
Patricia Breslin
Andrea Hamley
Kristin Kyrka
Suzanne Phillips
Jessica Tran
Doris Brettell
Pennie Hardwick
Molly Lampi
Debby Phillips
Christine Underwood
Erin Brown
Shannon Harris
Isabel Landsberg
Elizabeth Porterfield
Kathryn Van Nimwegen
Matthew Burke
Heather Hart
Donna Larsen
Shu Chi Quay
Robin VandenHeuvel
Denise Burningham
Jane Hawkins
Moni Law
Siri Quigley
Gayle Villarreal
Emily Camm
Bonnie Hedman
Linda Leigh
Julianne Real
Kareem Wahlgra
Ashika Chand
Kathy Heffelmire
Charlotte Levy
Melissa Redding
Jennifer Wang
Clanci Chochran
Marcia Helme
Rachel Love
Karie Roberts
Jenika Webber
Liane Claassen
Cathy Helwig
Julie Lucas
Elyse Rowe
Jacquie Webster-Patton
Shallon Counts
Marina Hench
Linda Maiolatesi
Wendy Ruef
Kathi White
Michel Daliva
Lori Hendon
Kristin Marks
Lavina Sadhwani
Adrienne Wickland
Sharon Davis
Marta Horvath
Quayana Mathews
Marcie Sako
Holly Wight
Marie Doman
Clare Howell
Brandon Maust
McCall Schenthal
Helen Williams
Laura Doyle
Sandra Hunter
Victoria McArdle
Caroline Schiek
Kay Williams
Josie Eskow
Nicholas Hussey
Suzanne McCallum
Marilee Seabrook
Maria Williquette
Sp e cial t ha n ks to:
Mari Fujino
Sandra Jackson
Emily Metcalf
Nicole Seaver
Suzy Zerbe
Jeff Hoffelner
Sachiko Furuya
Bonnie Johannes
Andrew Mever
Angela Sherrill
Sara Zier
Tsubasa Furuya
Lorri Jones
Pauline Morrison
Alicia Sieferd
Sara Zittlau
Sandy Galle
Sandra Kane
Michelle Mott
Goldie Silverman
V o luntee r Database S upp o r t
Celia Viveros
L egal A d v o cacy Inte r n
2 0 0 7 A nnual Rep o r t 11
2 0 07 fi nan cials
Statement of Financial Position*
December 31, 2007
2007 revenue
Current Assets
Property & Equipment
$ 1,141,393
$ 1,542,586 Total Assets
United Way
Temp. Restricted
Current Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities
$ 1,034,554
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Property & Equipment
Temporarily Restricted $
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
*Independent Audit by Peterson Sullivan P.L.L.C., Certified Public Accountants
2007 expenses
Fund Raising
Social Change
The Flying Colors Quilters
reached a landmark in
2007 for making over
3,000 quilts for New
Beginnings’ women and
children. Their works of
art and comfort will surely bring happiness
to many families for years.
12 N ew B eg i nn i ngs
N ew Begi n n i ngs
Board and Staff
2007 BOARD
Kara Masters
P r es i d ent
Annette Becker
V i ce P r es i d ent
Judy Simpson
S ec r eta r y
Autumn Bradley Roth
T r easu r e r
Brooke Wight Barnes
Jane Brenneman
Rachel Byrne
Lynne Cohee
Norma Cooper
Celeste DaVault
Michael Gerke
Norris Harper
Dianne Larsen
David Martin
Mona McPhee
Amy Pannoni
Tiana Reschke
Michael Wearne
Additional community
volunteers, serving on
the Development, Finance,
Personnel, and Public
Affairs committees:
Deadria Boyland
Ginny Ware
Manage r
Manage r
Sarah Mack
Jim Davis
Jill Gallagher
Theresa Mottet
Susan Shay
Rebecca Robertson
Veronica Brown
Carolyn Crisera
A d v o cate
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
Becky Hall
Karen McCoy
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
P r o g r a m A ss i stant
Cara Henley Johnson
Anna Swartz
H elp L i ne C o o r d i nat o r
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
Kiana Swearingen
Lois Loontjens
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
E x ecut i v e D i r ect o r
Lorraine Williams
Liz Santiago
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
P r o g r a m D i r ect o r
Kaila Kosko
Diane Pabich
Manage r
Tamara Bauman
P r o g r a m A ss i stant
Pam Smith Mentz
L egal A d v o cate
Cindy Obtinario
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
C he m i cal Depen d ency S pec i al i st
Sharmila Chitnis
Sara Parker
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
A d v o cate
Sarah Jayne Barrett
Roberta Petersen
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
A d v o cate
Kate Schumacher
Manage r
Dan Donaldson
F ac i l i t i es A ss i stant
April Glass
S helte r H o useh o l d
C o o r d i nat o r
Donnetta Vessell
A d m i n i st r at i v e D i r ect o r
Emily Emerson
Emmalee Ashland
D i r ect o r
T echn o l o gy S pec i al i st
Susannah Davis
T r a i n i ng C o o r d i nat o r
Denise Haugen
F i nance Manage r
Nikki Dally
Rebecca Goldberg
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
P r e v ent i o n E d ucat o r
Megan Ham
Billie Miller
Zoë Myers
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
V o luntee r
C o o r d i nat o r
D i r ect o r
Becca Fugate
Quest Inte r n
Elisabeth Galczak
Thaddius Moore
A m e r i C o r ps
Cait Allen
A nnual F un d
C o o r d i nat o r
W o m en ’ s A d v o cate
Kaila Kosko
P r o g r a m A ss i stant
Teryn Peroff
C h i l d r en ’ s A d v o cate
“I have been a survivor of domestic violence
for at least 20 years. I want to share my
appreciation for my advocate’s work this
past year in giving me strength and hope.
Her professional, yet personal manner,
assured me that she knew what she was
talking about. She totally understood where
I was coming from when at times I was
confused or still allowing myself to suffer in
the pain of domestic violence. I stand up
and applaud my advocate for helping me
get back hope, strength, dignity – going
above and beyond any expectations.”
Rebecca Brenneman and Laird Harris hosted
a lovely Garden Party in early autumn for
New Beginnings’ supporters. Guests explored
different garden elements while learning new
techniques and tips from Richard Greenberg
of Earth Wizardry Landscape.
2007 highlights & accomplishments
for kids and teens were expanded to include two Kid’s
Club groups at CAP and THP, a “teens-only” space at the Shelter
and a Teen Empowerment Group at Transitional Housing. We also
increased activities and resources for both parents and children,
such as a monthly Family Fun Night at the Emergency Shelter.
provided Owning Up!, a teen dating violence prevention
curriculum, to middle school students in five Seattle schools. The program occurs during the school day and is also a part of the curriculum at a local alternative school.
New Beginnings provided interpretation services for 25% of
shelter residents and for 44% of Transitional Housing residents
that identified as immigrants and/or refugees.
For the first time, men participated in offering direct services as
volunteers to survivors of domestic violence on both the Help
Line and within the shelter.
out to a friend
loving relationships
SUGGEST training on
domestic violence for faith leaders
Ask your
to talk to patients about
domestic violence
Encourage your
your children respect
for loved ones
to a
MAKE survivor’s story
language that spreads violence
out against abuse
a domestic violence
support group
GIVE time or money to your
local domestic violence agency
Call a
domestic violence
for help
24 H O U R S (VO I C E O R T T Y)
Are you
worried about
your partner: Call
“In my new beginning I think I will start to find myself. I want a safe life. I want to give a better life to my
daughter by going back to school, getting a better job…
getting a better life for her and I. I think she deserves it
and I think I deserve it. That’s my new beginning.”
The Social Change Program conducted a “Make a Change”
poster distribution party in August of 2007. Thank you to Judy
Simpson Creative Services and the New Beginnings Public Affairs
Committee. A special thank you to The Boeing Company for
printing these powerful posters.
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