From the Director WSAA Board of Directors
From the Director WSAA Board of Directors
Winter 2015-2016 From the Director WSAA Board of Directors Teri Shine, Executive Director, WSAA Member Winter has finally arrived to Wickliffe and with it the beauty of blue skies, crunchy white snow, a crispy breeze, and long shadows of the afternoon. We are gearing up for the annual Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle. The event is once again sold out, but we are still looking for volunteers to help manage the fun on Saturday, February 6th. Donations will be gratefully accepted up to the opening of the doors that night. Please contact me or Sue Bell with donations of time, money, or basket items. 2015 was a busy year. Frank Foti and Mark Tennant brought you play by play coverage of the Blue Devil home football games. You could listen to the broadcasts via the WBDN (Wickliffe Blue Devils Network) with a link at the WSAA website. The Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees were introduced at the first home football game of the season. Mary Siefert Cheraso, Dennis Nemura, Leigh Mann Guido, Tony Cira, and Matt Zelina received a warm, windy and rainy welcome. Mike Sheredy was absent due to his coaching of his Maple Heights Mustangs football team. (Continued to page #2) Post Class Tom Ansberry 1965 Susan Skufca Bell 1982 Jim Campbell 1982 Diane Cziraky Cerri 1977 Rondelle Cicirelli Secretary 1982 Mark Cline 1975 Frank Foti 1974 David Hintz Chairman 1982 Dave Krych 1971 Roger Mikulandra 1982 Nancy Krihwan Perlic 1966 Connie Kosanovich Powall Legal Counsel 1983 Teri DiMattia Shine Director 1972 Debbie Vitantonio Treasurer 1976 Committees If you are interested in helping out on one of the many WSAA Committees, please contact the committee chairperson or Teri Shine at [email protected] Achievement Hall of Fame Dave Hintz All Alumni Day Diane Cziraky Cerri [email protected] Athletic Hall of Fame Robert Smith Basket Raffle Committee Susan Skufca Bell Golf Outing Rich Wilson Membership/Rep Contact Tom Ansberry Memorabilia Teri DiMattia Shine Newsletter Nancy Krihwan Perlic Susan Skufca Bell Publicity/Marketing Dave Hintz Scholarship Jim Campbell Schools Support Frank Foti Social Media Nancy Krihwan Perlic [email protected] Teacher/Staff Relations Nancy Krihwan Perlic [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] In This Issue Letter From the Director 1-2 2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle 5-6 Save the Dates 2 Facebook & Facebook Trivia 7-8 Wickliffe’s Bicentennial 2017 2 Memory Lane Treasures 10 3-4 Class Reunions & More 12-14 Just What Does the WSAA Do? SAVE THE DATE FOR WSAA EVENTS From the Director (Continued from page #1) Thanks to Bob Smith for coordinating the selection, dinner, and game festivities. All Alumni Night (Homecoming) festivities were again inside the gate. Diane Cerri and Chris May succeeded in creating an exciting night of fun, food, and friends. The party continued on to the Firehouse in Willoughby Hills. Thank you to Petti’s Pizza, Dunkin’ Donuts, and SweetBerry Market for their donations of pizza, donuts, and cider. The next WSAA Board meeting will be on Tuesday, April 5th, starting at 6:45 p.m. in the WHS cafeteria. Annual Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle, Saturday, February 6, 2016 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community Center in Wickliffe. This is the year for Achievement Hall of Fame inductions. The deadline for nominations is currently April 15, 2016. Please visit the website at to find the forms and the nomination criteria. We Welcome all Teachers and Staff to Join in Alumni Activities & Events By Nancy Krihwan Perlic The WSAA continues to search for alumni who would like to join the Board in any capacity. We are in search of a Treasurer, Website Director, and Vice President. Please contact any Board member or committee chair with your ideas or wishes to join the team. The Wickliffe Schools’ teachers and staff have played a very important role in the lives of each and every Wickliffe alumni. We would love to see you at WSAA events. We are frequently asked what is happening in the lives of our retired teachers. We would enjoy hearing special memories or events that you can share. Please let us know your thoughts by writing an article for the Devil Doings. Please forward to: [email protected]. Teri DiMattia Shine, Class of 1972 WSAA Executive Director & Historian [email protected] 440-666-9306 Is there anything the WSAA can do for you? Please let us know. Wickliffe Celebrates Bicentennial in 2017 By Dave Krych Keep your letters coming! We’d love to hear from you. Do you have a great idea for a feature story? Please write to us and share your stories, pictures, memories, or other thoughts about the newsletter. The City of Wickliffe will be celebrating its Bicentennial in 2017. Dave Krych, WSAA board member and Wickliffe Council President, is looking for any old photos of Euclid Avenue to display for their event. Dave is starting a committee for the bicentennial. Contact him if you are interested in helping. Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Devil Doings Newsletter PO Box 195 Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Contact Dave at [email protected] if you can be of assistance. Email the editors Nancy Krihwan Perlic at [email protected] or 2 WHAT DOES A DONATION TO THE WSAA MEAN TO ALL WICKLIFFE ALUMNI ? SCHOLARSHIPS - Each year the WSAA awards six one thousand dollar scholarships to graduating seniors attending two year, four year, trade or technical schools. WSAA Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle the main fundraiser the WSAA has each year raising money for scholarships other events offered throughout the year for all alumni. All Alumni Night - Homecoming weekend Ice Cream Social - Held at Penitentiary with presence at the parade, entry ticket and refreshments at the game, tours of the memorabilia room, and alumni social after the game. Glenn providing ice cream treats and free train rides for kids of all ages provided by the Lake Shore Live Steamers. 3 WHAT DOES A DONATION TO THE WSAA PROVIDE TO ALL WICKLIFFE ALUMNI ? Athletic Hall of Fame - Inductees receive Achievement Hall of Fame - Inductees formal recognition at a reception, dinner, and a plaque which is displayed at WHS in the main hall. Inductees are also honored at a home football game. receive formal recognition at a reception, dinner and a plaque which is displayed at WHS in the main hall. 2006 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Nominations for the 2016 Achievement Hall of Fame are now being accepted. 2015 Past Drawings for Great Prizes IPad 2 Giveaway Drawing for those that registered on WSAA website. WSAA Website - Provides director’s letter, in memoriam section, pictures, calendar of events, class blogs, database, Achievement & Athlecic Halls of Fame and more. A chance to win four free tickets to the 2016 Super Bowl Basket Raffle in a drawing with a $25.00 donation in either cash or items of equal or greater value for the baskets. Devil Doings Newsletter - Several times a year a newsletter keeps all alumni up-todate with events and offers an array of interesting articles. 4 Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Facebook group page - Provides ongoing interaction with alumni, trivia questions, interesting facts, and up-to-date information on WSAA events. 2016 SUPER BOWL TAILGATE BASKET RAFFLE By Susan Bell and Lori Ondecko The Raffle committee has begun work on the 2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle which is scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2015 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Community Center. The basket raffle is our largest fundraiser of the year, and money raised at this event is earmarked for our scholarship fund. It’s a fun casual evening with classmates, friends, family, faculty and staff. You don’t have to be an alumnus to attend. Tickets will be available beginning November 15, 2015. Every year we rely on the generous donations of alumni, friends and family of WSAA, community organizations, and businesses to create over 150 baskets/prizes. This year anyone donating a basket or cash donation/gift card with a value of $25 or more by December 15th will be entered into a random drawing for 4 tickets to the Basket Raffle. No donation is too small. W e hav e a drop off box at th e W ick liffe M iddle School available from September 14, 2015 to February 3, 2016. A few bags of tortilla chips along with various jars of salsas/dips can be transformed into a festive Mexican basket. Cake mixes, frostings, a sack of sugar/flour, measuring utensils, decorative cupcake papers, bakeware, and cookbooks create a fun and useful bakery basket. You get the idea. Are you an artist? Som e of our m ost popular priz es each year are han dm ade jew elry, crocheted afghans, scarves, hats and gloves, fleece blankets, wood projects, framed photography, and floral arrangements. Are you an independent consult for a unique product line? Do you sell Avon, 31, Longaberger, Tupperware, Origami Owl? Donations are a great way to get your name out there. Do you have a favorite restaurant, hair salon, auto shop or florist? N ex t tim e you are th ere ask the owner or manager for a gift certificate. We have a donation letter with our tax information to give them. Are you a business owner? Do you h ave a serv ice that you w ould lik e to donate? Tax preparation, salon services, landscaping, window cleaning, auto repair, car detailing, house painting, etc. In addition to certificates for services, monetary donations may be made to purchase electronics and other popular items. Do you enjoy getting together with friends from school? P ut your creative heads togeth er an d make a themed basket from your class. Popular baskets include spa baskets (soaps, candles, towels…) food baskets (chocolate, wine, Mexican, Italian, junk food), movie baskets, pet baskets, and holiday baskets. Do you own a vacation condo/home or have a time share you can’t use? W ho doesn’t like to travel! In addition to hotel stays, theme park tickets, and other staycation items, generous friends and alumni have donated stays in the Dominican Republic, Myrtle Beach, and Cancun. Remember the WSAA is a non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, purchase tickets or arrange pick up or drop off of donations, please contact: Donations Susan Bell [email protected] 440-257-0119 Tickets/Volunteers Lori Ondecko [email protected] 440-364-0409 or 5 Thank you to all our donors. W ithout your generous donations we could not continue to positively impact the lives of students and alumni of Wickliffe City Schools. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle Volunteers are needed in the following areas: Gold Donor Donations - Solicit donations and pick up as needed September through January Tim Reid 1962 Donations to Memory Lane Creating baskets - Help us create baskets in December and January once donations are received Laura Getz Whitney Super Bowl Squares – We need a chairperson and square sellers the night of the event Photos and memorabilia from her mother, Martha Scott Getz Joslin (deceased), class of 1948 “Eggs” – We need a chairperson, committee members/sellers who are responsible for filling 3000 eggs that are sold the night of the event. Eggs are stuffed with tickets for baskets, candy and door prize vouchers. Committee would also sell eggs the night of the event and distribute door prizes. 1972 Donations can be mailed in or made at our website using PayPal or a credit card. Set up – Volunteers are need to assist with set up of baskets and tables both the evening prior to the event and the afternoon of the event. Volunteer Chairperson – We need someone to oversee the volunteers and create a schedule of work times. Volunteers are needed to sell basket tickets and 50/50 tickets the evening of the event. The more volunteers the shorter the shifts. Please support your Alumni Association. Donations may be made in memory of a friend, teacher or loved one. Desserts and Beverages - WSAA supplies desserts, coffee and water the day of the event. Assistance is needed setting up the food station. If you have questions or are interested in helping in some way, please contact: Make checks payable to: WSAA Send to: WSAA ATTN: Teri Shine PO Box 195 Wickliffe, OH 44092 440-666-9306 [email protected] Lori Ondecko [email protected] or 440-364-0409 6 Visit the WSAA Website The WSAA website is a great way to catch up with old friends and keep up with WSAA activities. Join the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association group Facebook page today. K eep up-to - date with current alumni news and events along with trivia questions where your comments and special memories are encouraged. We don’t care if you know the answer; just give your best guess or share your special memories. Our database currently has over 6000 alumni, staff and faculty. We are thankful to have received member information from class contacts, but this information may now be outdated. You can join by going to the Wickliffe Alumni website at and click the big Facebook link on the home page or just click the LIKE button in Facebook on the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association group page. Tell all your Facebook friends who went to Wickliffe to join the group today. Please visit the website today at to update information and to see all the great things the Alumni Association is doing. We encourage you to include your email address to get last minute announcements or reminders for special events such as the All Alumni Night and to continue to receive your copy of the Devil Doings Newsletter. Planning a class reunion? Post the details on the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Facebook page. Looking for help planning a reunion? Can’t find a classmate? Maybe someone in the group has helpful information. Note: If you do not receive the electronic newsletters, please check to be sure your e-mail address is correct. Re-register if you cannot remember your login or password. Please email [email protected] to submit trivia questions or suggestions for ideas on our Facebook page. If you submit trivia questions, please include your name, graduation year, and the answers (if you know them). 7 Mark Linton Mrs. Collins, my first grade teacher, taught me how to read and instilled a love for reading that still exists today, 62 years later. Tidbits, trivia questions, & memorable answers are available on the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Facebook group page Andrea Randi Ross Ok I'll be the oldster! Mr. STOKER and Mr. PENROD! Loved those guys. Taught me how to use my imagination and to treasure it. To look beyond the obvious and enjoy laughter! Lisa Walunis DuPerow Mrs. Feltham changed my entire outlook on life. She believed in me and encouraged me beyond belief. Did a Wickliffe School teacher impact your life, how and who? Mary Ann Plovock Mr. King who taught Spanish and took an interest in the lives of his students; Mr. Durcy who spent many extra hours teaching me Geometry until I finally got it. And Mr. Grillo who taught me to always know the meaning of a word. Some of the wonderful answers posted on the WSAA Facebook page are listed below. Many Wickliffe teachers made a difference, and the kind comments reflect only a small portion of those that posted. Kathy McConnell Moody Mr. Bill Hawley...he pointed me in the right direction. I will never forget him. Linda Gilson Jones I was fortunate to have had many good teachers from kindergarten to graduation from high school in Wickliffe! Teachers I especially liked, admired, or learned a lot from were: Mrs. Mlakar (1st half of 5th grade and Mrs. Lanning 2nd half of 5th grade), Mrs. Smith, art teacher at Worden, Mr. Frank (taught me to play the clarinet and got me in the band! Expanded our knowledge to many types and styles of music). Mr. Fatica (6th grade - recognized a bit of artistic talent in me and gave me the challenge of designing and producing the monthly hallway bulletin board!)...Mr. Byers (7th grade soc. studies, 9th grade English Lit, 12th grade English Lit.....had high expectations for his students...prepared us for college and life!) Mrs. Foy (7th grade English - I remember having to memorize poems, speeches, the Preamble to the Constitution and then recite them before the class)....Mr. Cycler (8th grade math), Mrs. Greer (10th grade English...she inspired a love for writing), Mr. Hetherington (he made a difficult subject, Chemistry, interesting) and Mr. Stocker (Art - enjoyed his class....a wonderful person!). Maria Continenza Albanese Every. Single. One. Mrs. Ploetz, Mrs. Pavlish, Mr. Rueger, Mrs. Mlakar, Mrs. Probert, Mr. Srail, Mr. Maxwell, Ms. Smaldone, Mr. D'Amore, Mrs. Feltham, Mr. Wolfgram, Mr. Benz, Mr. Platz, Ms. Capasso, ....the list goes on! 70s & early 80s! Angela Okicki Becker There were a lot.....but Mrs. Young was my teacher in first and fourth grades.....she passed away during my fourth grade year......I used to go over her house and visit her while she was sick. Don Coburn There were several and for several different reasons. However, Mr. Ranallo comes to mind. He made me want to learn five syllable words and larger! Be that as it may, he was a fine baseball coach, actually one of the best coaches I've ever had. He taught English and baseball, and I learned both pretty well from him! Gene Kutina Ralph Simmons was a mentor, coach and a true teacher. Mark Cline Mrs. Sell in high school and Mrs. Skaggs at Lincoln. Both were teachers. I was able to not only learn my school lessons from but also learn how to grow in life lessons. Melissa Mason-Kulchock Mr. Ranallo, Mr. Elias, Mr. Hall, Mr. Santoro, & Mrs. Rayl all helped me in different aspects of my life for different reasons! Loved going to Wickliffe schools & now so do my kids. Marjorie Haney Mrs. Judd was my favorite teacher ever. She engaged me and challenged my imagination. Mr. Ranallo was such an excellent teacher of English lit. that I was way ahead of my peers when I began as an English major in college. Allison Rockwell Wegener Mr. Griffith was the only teacher that taught me science so I could understand it. He was awesome!! Lisa Grubiss-Greger Mr. Milavec, Mr. Penrod, Mr. Jim Fatica and Mr. Platz and Senora Whitehorn. They were some of the most upstanding teachers I ever had. I loved having each of them for so many reasons. Proud to be a Blue Devil. Tim Hennies There was a great guy at Wickliffe that wasn't a teacher but the wrestling coach in the 60's an early 70's. He was a full time police captain but coached wrestling at night. He taught me the fundamentals of the sport and the discipline that you would need in life. Being a know it all kid I didn't realize till later in life how it did help me. I took those lessons and used them to teach other kids. I have coached over 20 yrs in Mentor an 4 back at Wickliffe and now I'm back at Mentor trying to give kids that guidance to succeed in life. I never had a chance to thank him. He has passed away but thank you Coach Davis. Tim Hennies class 66 Amy Minadeo Yates Mr. Richard Benz. He made me love biology and learn as much as I could about it. I continued my love of biology in college with studying Neuroscience. Thank you Mr. Benz!!! 8 2005 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 2006 ACHIEVEMENT HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2005 Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2006 1958 Dominic DiMatteo 1939 1961 William Bares 1959 1962 K. Michael Benz 1965 Frank Fitz 1963 Edward Bernetich 1967 Chuck Paschke 1975 Richard Benz 1969 Greg Drenik 1977 Jayne Kennedy Overton 1970 Mary Sivak-Gilbert 1978 Kathy Buckley 1972 Sonya Ming Bianco 1984 Dominick Casadonti 1973 Robert Mrosko 1984 Frank Foti 1974 James Rosneck 1993 Donald Figer 1985 Paul Laspina Douglas Drenik Pat Gucciardo 2007 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 2008 ACHIEVEMENT HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2008 Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2007 1949 Richard L. Shank 1966 Erwin Will 1961 David J. Krych 1971 Peter Gamier 1961 David Maurice Massey 1974 Daniel C. Paschke 1973 Sharon Ruth Inman 1980 Kevin Porter 1986 Laurence N. Benz 1980 Eugene Caruso 2009 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2009. 2010 ACHIEVEMENT HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2010 Ken Ranallo Coach Phyllis Ann Speirs Farinacci 1958 Vincent “Sonny” Mazzolini 1961 A. Melvin Alexander, MD 1961 Ralph Simmonds Coach Robert Edward Farone 1979 Rick D’Amico 1962 Anthony Corpora 1994 Terry Mulroy 1981 Stacey Richardson Crawford 1988 2011 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2011 Jack Biondolillo 1962 Tom Rosneck 1966/Coach Phil Drenik 1974 Patrick McDowell 1978 Vicky Kozlina DeLisa 1986 2013 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2013 2012 ACHIEVEMENT HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2012 Peter Christopher 1972/Staff Gloria Jean Whitmer Majeski 1974 Kelly Burkhardt Conti 1981 Michael J. Allen 1981 Lauren L. Murphy, PhD 1994 2014 ACHIEVEMENT HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2014 Members of 1974 Baseball Team & Coach Ken Panallo Al Benz Coach Brian Derov 1971 Ray DiMattia 1957 Cecily Dubusker 1998 2015 ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2015 Dennis Nemura 1961 Mary Seifert Cheraso 1982 Leigh Mann Guido 1983 Tony Cira 1986 Matt Zelina 1987 Mike Sheredy 1999 Harry Grubbs 1958 Fred Kuhar 1964 Kerry Kramp 1973 Patricia Hintz Jewell 1975 Vincent Granito 1983 Memory Lane Treasures consisted of nine members and held practices once a week. Though much hard work and cooperation, they were admitted to the old band.’ ‘The greatest event for the band (forty-five members) this year has been its participation in the Ohio State Band Contest in Akron.’ HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF ‘24 From the 1926 Wick-Leaf by M. Kralick ’25 The class of ’24 embarked upon its high school career in 1920 with ten students on its roll. This class rapidly decreased until only three students were left. To Thomas Brooks belongs the honorable title of “first editor of the Wickliffe-Leaf”. It was he who laid the firm foundation for the future success of Wickliffe High School’s first paper. Two members of the class of ’24 scored high in basketball, and for a tem each captained their teams to victories, All three students have taken active part in the different high school organizations and each has shown his adaptability to character roles on the stage by his performance in various plays,. Indeed one of the young men of this group might well be named the “famous lover of the stage.” ‘In 1925 eighteen students met with Mr. McCormick for the purpose of organizing a school band. They set about choosing and securing instruments. With much hard work and cooperation the boys were able to play at the County Fair the following fall. Girls received an invitation to join (in 1928). Six girls responded and after a few special lessons, they were able to sit in with the old band. During the past two years the band has played at many prominent places. If has had the honor to play under the direction of John Philip Sousa at the Cleveland Exposition, and on the excursion boat to and from Cedar Point. It has broad cast over W.H.K., played at various football games, and at the County Fairs. It took part in the County Musical Festival, Decoration Day Exercises here and in other towns, and also played at various entertainments and affairs in Wickliffe.’ In addition to these achievements, the three students proved themselves popular at all social events. They were a game sort of group and their entry into activities was marked with a certain enthusiasm characteristic of them. On the evening of June 15th, 1924, the honor of being the first class to graduate from Wickliffe High School was conferred upon them. ‘It soon became evident that new instruments would be needed. It was thought well, therefore, to organize a junior band. This junior band 10 To Those Who Have Gone Before Us Class of 1965 By Tom Ansberry One of the questions asked of me at our recent 50th class reunion was if I had a list of those classmates who have passed on. My estimate is that we have lost between 50-75 classmates. Here is the limited list of those I can confirm: Bob Acton, Norm Allison, Dee Armitage, Barry Bennett, Ned Calcavecchio, John DeCapua, Al DelCalzo, Jackie DiSanto, Janie Furlong, Paul Gadke, Tom Judge, Greg Kazek, Linda Kerin, Mike Leposky, Eve Mondato, Carmen Matteo, Dan Maurer, Drew McComb, Danny McCurdy, Hank Nadolski, Annette Nastasi, Trish O’Grady, Rich Piendzik, Nancy Schartner, Weegee Schroter, Peggy Shirey, Barb Starman, John Thomas, Dennis Travarca, Tony Valletto, Kevin Weston, & Barb Woodworth. There are another 25+ class members with unknown whereabouts; they could also be deceased. If you know of any deceased classmates not noted, please let me know as it would be remiss to not recognize their passing. In loving memory of all our fellow classmates who have passed away, the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association website ( has an “In Memoriam” section. Please take a moment and view the names; let us know if you have a friend or loved one who went to Wickliffe and should be included. (On the “Directory” tab, choose “In Memoriam” from the drop down list, click to open). Please use the provided form to have a departed classmate honored on this page or send the information directly to [email protected] The following information is required: Full Name, Date of Birth/Date of Death, Year Graduated. NOTE: Copy of the Obituary or Link to Obituary or Copy of Death Notice or Copy of Funeral Home In Memoriam Card From one reunion to the next, classmates’ addresses, emails, and phones numbers change. Many of our classmates who listed work emails have retired; some have moved or gotten rid of land lines in favor of a cell phone. As you can imagine, it is difficult to track down our classmates. The best way to keep your information current so you can be kept abreast of Class of ’65 and other alumni events is to register at the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association website at: ( Feel free to contact me if you need help navigating the site or if you are on Facebook, ‘Friend Me’ to keep in touch. Details of future reunions and events will always be in the Devil’s Doings Newsletter and on the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association group Facebook page. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LIST OF THOSE HONORED ON THE WSAA WEBSITE 11 “Fun”draiser SAVE THE DATE FOR UPCOMING REUNIONS By Darla Myers Western Caribbean Cruise - February 20th The Class of ’81 had a creative way to raise funds for their reunions. Darla Myers planned a casino bus trip on November 7th, 2015. Over 45 classmates and friends packed the bus to Meadows Casino in Pennsylvania. Participants not only had a great time at the casino but enjoyed drinks, snacks and chances to win prizes on the bus. The prizes included a 3D Blue-ray player, lottery tickets, and many gift certificates to local establishments. A great time was had by all. 2016 for the Class of 1966 50th Reunion. Even though this is a reunion, anyone is invited to join us. Check out: for all the details. Contact Carilyn Nigro Harper at 440-666-7073 should you need assistance. Class of “66” 50th Class Reunion Dinner - Friday, August 5th, 2016 at the Wickliffe Italian & American Hall. If you haven't been contacted, please contact Carilyn Nigro Harper at [email protected] or call her at 440-666-7073. Updates will be posted in future editions of this newsletter and on the WSAA Facebook group page or WSAA website Class of ‘66 Reunion Blog. We are hoping for everyone from our class to be there. 60’s Era Reunion Saturday, August 6th, 2016 at the Mentor Holiday Inn. Contact Pat Suback Alves at [email protected] with any questions. Reunion Announcements & Commentary Welcomed We would love to help get the word out for your reunions! Write up an announcement or “save the date” and we will publish the information for you. Give us the place, date, time and any other information you would like your classmates to know. Never had a reunion? Step up and organize one yourself. It’s easy with our help. We can get the word out for volunteers to help you form a committee. If you had a great reunion, share the information with us by sending us a recap and pictures. Send info to: [email protected] 12 SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION ON CLASS OF “66” CLASSMATES DO YOU KNOW WHERE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE? Missing Classmates Larry Arbaugh Jim Becker Steve Bench Janis Bestgen Kinter-Ursich Becky Bolon Jackie Brzytwa Fiktus Janet Cadden Braichta Zelma Carcelli Liptak Virginia Collcchio Fiebig Rae Marie Curtis Spauling Beverly Davis Huff Dan DiCillo Kristine Dimond Dorry Pat Filbin Herbst Bob Fisher Bob Gallik Stephen Gianelos Carol Golic Stolowski George Grady Dave Hamilton Chris Harris Ed Herbst Vince Horton Donna Ivone Radolph Connie Janes Lewis Melody Jenkins Seman Karen Jennison Mazza Linda Johnson Colleen Kelly Whittington Karen Kennedy Burkett Charlie Keyser Debbie Keyser James Kintz Marian Korber Jack Kovacs Barb Kroll Mines Janet Kula Mucciarone Gary Mesker Harold Mueller Nick Musacchio Janice Myers Gerbasi Dominic Nardy Jeff Nickels Don Noe Nancy Novak Stislow Janet Novakovic Oltmanns Cathy Parsons Brady Payne Nancy Perushek Cunningham Craig Polzer Diane Prudak Buchan Cheryl Quate Erdmann Fran Richter Meinke Pat Sands Koran Sheila Senger Kozar Larry Shaffer Larry Smith Richard Sonday Jerry Stafford Cliff Stepp Cathy Strachan Linda Stuprich Christine Swetel Molnar Ed Tadiello Loretta Tango Schmidt Janet Tosti Parsons Dan Tretinik Loretta Vidmar Carolyn Willis Zaveri Ed Zirzow IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATON ON ANY OF THE PEOPLE LISTED, PLEASE CONTACT Carilyn Nigro Harper at [email protected] or call her at 440-666-7073 Retirement, cell phones and outdated e-mail addresses are making the search challenging so your help would be greatly appreciated. We hope that relatives, friends or neighbors have the information that we need. Our 50th Reunion will be here before you know it and we do not want to overlook any classmates for the event. We will be having a dinner at the Wickliffe Italian & American Hall on Friday, August 5th, 2016. 13 Class Representative Contacts Class Contact 1941 Gloria Caruso Nadolski Phone # Email 440-943-0918 1942 1943 Class Contact Phone # Email 1980 Beth Wilson Fish 440-247-5352 [email protected] 1981 Laura Strmac Hannan 440-255-8849 [email protected] Barb Helm Monacelli 440-974-9577 [email protected] 1944 Bob Gould 440-944-0473 [email protected] 1982 Susan Skufca Bell 440-257-0119 [email protected] 1945 Vivian Yeager 440-943-5914 440-285-7245 [email protected] 1946 Joan Humiston Muller 440-943-3269 [email protected] Bernadette Nicoletti 1983 (Martens) 1947 Gene Stewart 216-383-9791 [email protected] 1984 Jim Hartley 330-721-6602 [email protected] 1948 Martha Scott Joslin 440-974-1311 [email protected] 1985 Bryan Levon 440-585-4359 [email protected] 1986 Lisa Gundling Henkel 440-357-8395 [email protected] 1987 Carlette Blatnik Hengst 440-446-9138 [email protected] 1949 1950 1951 Patsy Sterman Ward 440-944-2944 Barb Selan Nemeckay 440-974-3567 [email protected] Mary Jane Siciliano Frascarelli 440-943-5106 [email protected] 1988 Scott Tennant 440-585-0622 [email protected] Joanne Funk Muncey 440-943-0671 [email protected] 1989 Traci Hewitt Giarelli 440-449-2022 [email protected] 1954 Betty Carroscia Skrjanc 440-944-2346 [email protected] Albertone Mus1990 Laura grave 440-944-0442 [email protected] 1955 Ronald Duff Holman 216-561-1496 [email protected] 1991 Jennifer Lastoria Roberts 440-585-9678 [email protected] 1956 Ruthann Tirabasso Yuhas 310-821-8602 [email protected] 1957 Louise Vitantonio 440-953-9499 [email protected] 1958 Jean Armbruster Gagnon 440-585-1823 1952 1953 Joan Oldenburgh Brewster 1959 Bruce Weitman David Lorah Bill Wikoff 330-298-1541 [email protected] 440-585-4216 [email protected] Lori Kortovich John Salvia 1960 Mary McCurdy Priest Vishey 440-247-2207 [email protected] 440-516-5356 [email protected] 1993 Jack Denson 614-578-2920 [email protected] Emily Ruffner Casey Marian Krihwan Linsz Sharen Torkar Rowan 1964 Beth Illes Johnson 1965 Tom Ansberry 1966 Nancy Krihwan Perlic Carilyn Nigro Harper 440-251-0281 [email protected] 1995 Michelle Jones 440-632-1397 [email protected] 1996 Joe Iacobucci 312-437-2704 [email protected] Sharon Hinojosa Schuldt 216-523-1500 [email protected] 770-429-8198 [email protected] 1997 Tina Dukes Perry 216-731-5103 [email protected] 1998 Brian Engelking 440-257-6826 330-650-9358 440-238-6469 440-944-9094 440-357-8297 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 773-255-0564 [email protected] 1994 Laura Frak 1961 Elaine Tirabasso Hibshman 216-991-8665 [email protected] 1962 Tim Reid 1963 Jim Hubbell [email protected] 1992 Ilona Wheeler Anderson 440-951-0370 [email protected] 440-943-6278 [email protected] 440-944-7966 [email protected] Yvonne Foulkrod Jennifer Goodson [email protected] 440-428-8827 [email protected] [email protected] 734-604-4810 [email protected] 646-247-0510 [email protected] 1999 Morgan Metcalf [email protected] or 614-507-0921 [email protected] 2000 Heidi Dill 440-944-2552 [email protected] 440-285-8012 [email protected] 2001 Annie Reilly Harstine 440-646-9484 [email protected] 1967 Nancy Mauceri Leovic 440-585-4108 [email protected] 2002 Olivia Whites 1968 Bruce Gamiere 419-782-2889 [email protected] Olivia_L_Whites@progressive. 440-487-1000 com 1969 Kathy Komaromy 440-479-8082 [email protected] 1970 Irene Weiss Kerro 440-944-8039 [email protected] 2005 1971 Stephenie Havanas 440-975-9633 [email protected] 2006 440-943-0559 [email protected] 2007 1972 Lu Ann Urankar Zibert 440-255-1904 [email protected] 2008 1973 Jacque Hale 440-975-0705 [email protected] 2009 1974 Gloria Whitmer Majeski 440-951-0776 [email protected] 2010 1975 Mark Tennant or 440-466-6273 [email protected] [email protected] 2011 1976 Debbie Hennie Vitantonio 440-944-7606 [email protected] 1977 Terry Jo DiBaltzo 440-602-9858 [email protected] 1978 Marianne Silvestro Drenik 440-975-8946 [email protected] 1979 Marien Spisich Kaifesh 216-896-2678 [email protected] Pat Suback Alves David Krych 2003 2004 Stacey Anne Matiyasic 2012 2013 2014 2015 440-944-3003 [email protected]
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