From the Director WSAA Board of Directors


From the Director WSAA Board of Directors
FALL 2015
From the Director
WSAA Board of Directors
Teri Shine, Executive Director, WSAA
The WSAA is gearing up for
another busy season. Mark
your calendars for many upcoming events and activities.
The Athletic Hall of Fame was
held on September 10th with
the induction of six new
alumni. It brought together
prior inductees, alumni, and
families. Look for the article in
this issue of Devil Doings.
Tom Ansberry
Susan Skufca Bell
Jim Campbell
Diane Cziraky Cerri
Rondelle Cicirelli
Mark Cline
Frank Foti
David Hintz
Dave Krych
Roger Mikulandra
All Alumni Night will be held on October 9th with our
festivities inside the fence of the WHS stadium
starting at 6 p.m. Join us for light refreshments.
After the football game, the party will move to the
Firehouse Grille on Chardon Road in Willoughby
Hills at 9 p.m. Friends and family are welcome to
join any of the activities. Memory Lane will also be
open from 5:30-8:30 that night. Come and visit and
see the wonderful treasures our alumni have donated.
Nancy Krihwan Perlic
Donations are being accepted and encouraged for
the annual Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle to be
held on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the OLMC
Community Center in Wickliffe. We encourage you
to get your classmates together to create a themed
basket from your class. Anyone donating a basket
or cash donation/gift card with a value of $25 or
more by December 15th will be entered into a random drawing for 4 tickets to the Basket Raffle. Tickets for the event will go on sale in November.
(Continued to page #2)
Basket Raffle Committee
Connie Kosanovich Powall
Legal Counsel
Teri DiMattia Shine
Debbie Vitantonio
If you are interested in helping out on one of the many WSAA Committees, please contact the
committee chairperson or Teri Shine at [email protected]
Achievement Hall of Fame
All Alumni Day
Athletic Hall of Fame
Golf Outing
Membership/Rep Contact
Dave Hintz
[email protected]
Diane Cziraky Cerri
[email protected]
Robert Smith
Susan Skufca Bell
[email protected]
Rich Wilson
[email protected]
Tom Ansberry
[email protected]
Teri DiMattia Shine
[email protected]
Nancy Krihwan Perlic
Susan Skufca Bell
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dave Hintz
[email protected]
Jim Campbell
[email protected]
Schools Support
Frank Foti
[email protected]
Nancy Krihwan Perlic
[email protected]
Teacher/Staff Relations Nancy Krihwan Perlic
[email protected]
Social Media
In This Issue
Letter From the Director
All Alumni Night
2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle
Facebook & Facebook Trivia
Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees &
Listings for All Halls of Fame
Memory Lane
Reunion Recaps
From the Director (Continued from page #1)
We are always looking for new volunteers to inspire
our group and bring in more active members. Meetings are held four times a year with additional participation at our events. Our next board meeting will
be Tuesday, September 29th at 6:45 pm in the WHS
cafeteria. Spread the word and join us in taking this
group to the next level.
The next WSAA Board
meeting will be on
Tuesday, September
29th, starting at
6:45 p.m. in the
WHS cafeteria.
Teri DiMattia Shine, Class of 1972
WSAA Executive Director & Historian
[email protected]
We Welcome all Teachers and Staff
to Join in Alumni Activities & Events
By Nancy Krihwan Perlic
The Wickliffe Schools’ teachers and staff have played
a very important role in the lives of each and every
Wickliffe alumni. We would love to see you at all the
Alumni events.
We are frequently asked what is happening in the
lives of our retired teachers. We would enjoy hearing special memories or events that you can share.
Please let us know your thoughts by writing an article for the Devil Doings. Please forward to:
[email protected]. Is there anything the
WSAA can do for you? Please let us know.
Join us for the annual All Alumni Night
before, during and after the homecoming
football game on Friday, October 9th right
inside the gates of the WHS football stadium.
See more about it on page 3.
Keep your letters coming!
We’d love to hear from you.
Do you have a great idea for a feature
story? Please write to us and share your
stories, pictures, memories, or other
thoughts about the newsletter.
Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association
Devil Doings Newsletter
PO Box 195
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Annual Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle,
Saturday, February 6, 2016 at Our Lady of
Mount Carmel Community Center in Wickliffe.
More details on pages 4-5.
email the editors, Nancy Krihwan Perlic
at [email protected]
or email Susan Skufca Bell at
[email protected]
Join us for our annual Homecoming Event – All Alumni Night
on October 9, 2015 at Memorial Field at Wickliffe High School
Light refreshments available at our tent from 6-8 p.m.
Visit Memory Lane in the WHS library &
the Athletic and Achievement Hall of Fame showcase
on the first floor near the gymnasium
The party will continue after the game at the Firehouse Grille & Pub
in Willoughby Hills (Stark Drive and Chardon Road)
Go Blue Devils!
Save the date for our annual scholarship
fundraising event
WSAA Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle
on Saturday, February 6, 2016
at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Community Center
Donations are welcome to create a themed basket and
will be accepted starting on September 14th
See the website or WSAA Facebook group page for more details on these
and other events
By Susan Bell and Lori Ondecko
The Raffle committee has begun work on the 2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle which is scheduled for
Saturday, February 6, 2015 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Community Center. The basket raffle is our largest
fundraiser of the year, and money raised at this event is earmarked for our scholarship fund. It’s a fun casual evening with classmates, friends, family, faculty and staff. You don’t have to be an alumnus to attend.
Tickets will be available beginning November 15, 2015.
Every year we rely on the generous donations of alumni, friends and family of WSAA, community organizations, and businesses to create over 150 baskets/prizes. This year anyone donating a basket or cash donation/gift card with a value of $25 or more by December 15th will be entered into a random drawing for 4
tickets to the Basket Raffle.
No donation is too small. We have a drop off box at the Wickliffe Middle School available from September 14, 2015 to February 3, 2016. A few bags of tortilla chips along with various jars of salsas/dips can be
transformed into a festive Mexican basket. Cake mixes, frostings, a sack of sugar/flour, measuring utensils,
decorative cupcake papers, bakeware, and cookbooks create a fun and useful bakery basket. You get the
Are you an artist? Some of our most popular prizes each year are handmade jewelry, crocheted afghans,
scarves, hats and gloves, fleece blankets, wood projects, framed photography, and floral arrangements.
Are you an independent consult for a unique product line? Do you sell Avon, 31, Longaberger, Tupperware, Origami Owl? Donations are a great way to get your name out there.
Do you have a favorite restaurant, hair salon, auto shop or florist? Next time you are there ask the
owner or manager for a gift certificate. We have a donation letter with our tax information to give them.
Are you a business owner? Do you have a service that you would like to donate? Tax preparation, salon
services, landscaping, window cleaning, auto repair, car detailing, house painting, etc. In addition to certificates for services, monetary donations may be made to purchase electronics and other popular items.
Do you enjoy getting together with friends from school? Put your creative heads together and make
a themed basket from your class. Popular baskets include spa baskets (soaps, candles, towels…) food baskets (chocolate, wine, Mexican, Italian, junk food), movie baskets, pet baskets, and holiday baskets.
Do you own a vacation condo/home or have a time share you can’t use? Who doesn’t like to
travel! In addition to hotel stays, theme park tickets, and other staycation items, generous friends and
alumni have donated stays in the Dominican Republic, Myrtle Beach, and Cancun. Remember the WSAA is a
non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, purchase tickets or arrange pick up or drop off of donations, please contact:
Susan Bell
[email protected]
Lori Ondecko
[email protected]
Thank you to all our donors. Without your generous donations we could not continue to positively
impact the lives of students and alumni of Wickliffe
City Schools.
2016 Super Bowl Tailgate Basket Raffle
Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
Donations - Solicit donations and pick up as
needed September through January
Gloria Caruso Nadolski
Creating baskets - Help us create baskets in
December and January once donations are
Lynette (Grahek) David
In memory of Claude Winning, Class of 1939. Born May 4, 1921, passed
away July 1, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
In memory of John David, who enjoyed the WSAA and its events, especially All Alumni Night and the Super Bowl Basket Raffle.
Linda R. (Ehrbar) Daly
Super Bowl Squares – We need a chairperson
and square sellers the night of the event
In honor and with thanks to my band directors at Wickliffe SchoolsCharles Baker, Chuck Frank, John Sanchez, and Michael Elias. Grateful
for so many wonderful memories of my time spent in band where I
formed lifelong friendships and learned many valuable life lessons.
“Eggs” – We need a chairperson, committee
members/sellers who are responsible for
filling 3000 eggs that are sold the night of
the event. Eggs are stuffed with tickets for
baskets, candy and door prize vouchers.
Committee would also sell eggs the night of
the event and distribute door prizes.
Donations to Memory Lane
Gloria Caruso Nadolski
Graduation photos of friends of Mary Louise Caruso and other memorabilia from the class of 1939, 1929 yearbook
Lois Bizak
Yearbooks from 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, & 1956
Set up – Volunteers are need to assist with set
up of baskets and tables both the evening
prior to the event and the afternoon of the
George McFadden
Yearbooks from 1926, 1929, 1934, & 1952
Bill Kendra
Volunteer Chairperson – We need someone to
oversee the volunteers and create a schedule of work times. Volunteers are needed
to sell basket tickets and 50/50 tickets the
evening of the event. The more volunteers
the shorter the shifts.
Yearbooks from 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1980,
1981, 1982, 1983
Please support your
Alumni Association.
Donations may be made in
memory of a friend,
teacher or loved one.
Desserts and Beverages - WSAA supplies desserts, coffee and water the day of the
event. Assistance is needed setting up the
food station.
Make checks payable to: WSAA
Send to: WSAA ATTN: Teri Shine
PO Box 195
Wickliffe, OH 44092
If you have questions or are interested in helping
in some way, please contact:
Lori Ondecko
[email protected] or 440-364-0409
By Teri Shine
The annual event was held at Penitentiary Glen in
Kirtland with Frank Foti of the Lake Shore Live
Steamers providing train rides and Teri Shine distributing ice cream to the attendees. It was a beautiful
day with only a few alumni in attendance. Frank also
provided train rides to the guests attending a wedding picnic in the pavilion. It was a day full of fun,
families, and good will.
Join the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association group Facebook page today. Keep up to
date with current alumni news and events along
with trivia questions where your comments and
special memories are encouraged. We don’t care
if you know the answer; just give your best guess
or share your special memories.
You can join by going to the Wickliffe Alumni website at and click the
big Facebook link on the home page or just click
the LIKE button in Facebook on the Wickliffe
Schools Alumni Association group page. Tell all
your Facebook friends who went to Wickliffe to
join the group today.
Planning a class reunion? Post the details on the
Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Facebook
page. Looking for help planning a reunion? Can’t
find a classmate? Maybe someone in the group
has helpful information.
Please email [email protected] to submit
trivia questions or suggestions for ideas on our
Facebook page. If you submit trivia questions,
please include your name, graduation year, and
the answers (if you know them).
Wickliffe Celebrates
Bicentennial in 2017
By Dave Krych
The City of Wickliffe will be celebrating its Bicentennial in 2017. Dave Krych, WSAA board member
and Wickliffe Council President, is looking for any
old photos of Euclid Avenue to display for their
Contact Dave at [email protected] if you
can be of assistance.
Question: Where does this old phone booth
Tidbits, trivia questions, & memorable
answers are available on the
Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association
Facebook group page
sit? Do you know what business it is in front of?
I would like to know the story as to why it is
there, does anyone know?
Feel free to add the names if you
know them. Does anyone know the year?
A couple of the Answers:
Linda Bodemer Torer - OK...this is one that I
have no idea.
A few of the Answers: This picture has had
the most views on our Facebook page to
date (3,910).
Jim Czeck - In case Superman needed a place
to change
Sam Siple - Let's see, I recognize Doug
Dieken, Ron Jeremy, Tom Selleck, Ron Burgundy.
Sandra Lastoria Hershey - The only thing I
recognize is the bleachers.
Scott Barwidi - Front row left to right: Roland
Kowalski, Robert Smith, back row Dan
D'Amore, Tom Rosneck, Pete Wolfgram and
Greg Nackley
Dave Granito - They look like the 70's version
of Magic Mike
Kathleen McCurdy Martin - Simple
answer..,my dad just thought it would look
cool! It is an English phone booth, not sure
where he got it from though.
Eric Tanski - Classic line up. Great teachers/
coaches/role models every one of them. Only
wish I could grow a Nackley stash
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2005
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2006
Paul Laspina
Dominic DiMatteo
Douglas Drenik
William Bares
Pat Gucciardo
K. Michael Benz
Frank Fitz
Edward Bernetich
Chuck Paschke
Richard Benz
Greg Drenik
Jayne Kennedy Overton
Mary Sivak-Gilbert
Kathy Buckley
Dominick Casadonti
Frank Foti
Donald Figer
Sonya Ming Bianco
Robert Mrosko
James Rosneck
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2008
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2007
Eugene Caruso
Richard L. Shank
Erwin Will
David J. Krych
Peter Gamier
David Maurice Massey
Daniel C. Paschke
Sharon Ruth Inman
Kevin Porter
Laurence N. Benz
Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2009.
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2010
Ken Ranallo
Phyllis Ann Speirs Farinacci
Vincent “Sonny” Mazzolini
A. Melvin Alexander, MD
Ralph Simmonds
Robert Edward Farone
Rick D’Amico
Anthony Corpora
Terry Mulroy
Stacey Richardson Crawford
Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2011
Jack Biondolillo
Tom Rosneck
Phil Drenik
Patrick McDowell
Vicky Kozlina DeLisa
Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2013
Click on Induction Year to view profiles 2012
Peter Christopher
Gloria Jean Whitmer Majeski
Kelly Burkhardt Conti
Michael J. Allen
Lauren L. Murphy, PhD
Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2014
Members of 1974 Baseball Team & Coach Ken Panallo
Al Benz
Brian Derov
Ray DiMattia
Cecily Dubusker
Click on Induction Year to view Profiles 2015
Dennis Nemura
Mary Seifert Cheraso
Leigh Mann Guido
Tony Cira
Matt Zelina
Mike Sheredy
Harry Grubbs
Fred Kuhar
Kerry Kramp
Patricia Hintz Jewell
Vincent Granito
Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductees
By Bob Smith
The Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association is proud to introduce the Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductees. These exceptional athletes were inducted into the Hall of Fame on Thursday, September 10th at a dinner held at the Pine Ridge Country Club and honored at the Blue Devil home game on Friday, September
Dennis Nemura
Class of 1961
played center from 1962 until 1965. He graduated
from the Academy in 1965 and honorably served his
country as a naval officer on various destroyers until
Dennis is the latest member
of the formidable 1960 Blue
Devil NEC Championship
football team to be inducted
into this Athletic Hall of
In 1973, after leaving the Navy, Dennis earned his
MBA from the University of Chicago and went on to a
highly successful management and executive career
in the packaging industry.
He quickly made his mark on
the gridiron when, as a sophomore, Dennis earned a
starting position as center on a heavily talented offensive line.
Dennis retired in 2001, briefly moving to the mountains of Colorado and then to Tuscon, Arizona where
he currently lives with his wife Margery. Dennis enjoys golf, skiing, volunteering and travel.
Mary Seifert
Class of 1982
The following year, Dennis picked up where he left
off by earning an honorable mention on the Division
I All-Ohio team roster, a first for any athlete in Wickliffe High School history. He was also honored by being named to the UPI 1st Regional Press and All NEC
According to many, including
Coach Don Lewis, Mary is
arguably the best all-around
female athlete to ever come
through the halls of Wickliffe
High School.
As a senior, Dennis anchored an extraordinary line
on an offense that led the NEC in all scoring categories and helped the Blue Devils to an NEC Championship title. He was again honored by being named to
the Cleveland Press All Scholastic and All NEC team
rosters and again to the All-Ohio team roster, this
time as 1st team center, a feat even more remarkable given that in 1960 there was only one Division I
All-Ohio team as opposed to the seven All-Ohio
teams today. During his high school career, Dennis
racked up 8 letters in football, track and field and
golf while maintaining his status as an honor roll student.
That is not such an outrageous statement to make
for someone who dominated girls’ basketball, volleyball and softball all three years that she was eligible
for varsity sports and holds records that still stand to
this day.
Mary was a hard-hitting three-year varsity starter on
the girls’ volleyball team, selected into the News Herald all-star team and voted Most Valuable Player.
In softball, Mary is a two-time All-Scholastic shortstop who scored 104 runs, batted in an additional
After graduation, Dennis was appointed to the US
Naval Academy at Annapolis Maryland where he
(Continued on page #10)
Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductees
(Mary Seifert Cheraso continued from page #9)
athletic history almost immediately. In her first year
running for the Blue and Gold, she managed to rack
up an impressive record. Leigh set meet records at
the Chagrin Valley Conference Championships, Solon
Relays, AAA Sectionals and the Willoughby South Octonary in the 100 meter hurdles and 1600 meter relay and came away with individual championships in
the 100 meter hurdles and the long jump events. She
culminated her sophomore year by finishing 2nd
overall at the Octonary.
114 runs and compiled a career .534 batting average. Mary was voted Most Valuable Player in her junior and senior years, was member of many area allstar teams and voted the News Herald Player of the
Basketball, however, was where Mary truly excelled.
She averaged 22.3 points and 16 rebounds per game
and her performance was even better in tournament
play with a 30 point average and 40 percent shooting
from the field. In the final tally, Mary amassed 981
points, 775 rebounds and 222 steals in the three
years she played basketball at WHS. Her singleseason scoring record of 468 points and single-game
record of 14 offensive rebounds has yet to be broken. As a senior, Mary was voted the AAA Player of
the Year in girls’ basketball and softball, the first female athlete to ever achieve that honor.
During her junior year, she continued setting school
and meet records throughout the season. Leigh took
home championships in the long jump, 100 meter
hurdles, 400 meters, 800 meters and 1600 meter
relays in a number of meets including Orange and
Solon relays and the AAA districts and regionals.
As a senior, Leigh took home championships again in
the hurdles, long jump, 800 meters and 1600 meter
relays culminating in a state qualifying performance
in the 1600 meter relay at the AAA regionals. She
was awarded Most Valuable Player, the Lloyd-Morse
Scholar/Athlete Award and Female Athlete of the
Year honors in addition to maintaining a 4.0+ GPA.
Mary owns and operates a beauty shop called Shear
Madness and lives in Wickliffe with her husband Bill
and their three boys, Gino, Salvatore and Antonio.
Leigh Mann Guido
Class of 1983
During her high school career, Leigh performed at the
highest levels in both volleyball and track and field.
Leigh attended Indiana State University on an athletic scholarship but did not compete due to injuries.
She attained her undergraduate business degree
from the Ohio State University in 1987.
She was a three-year
starter on the volleyball
team and was voted News
Herald Player of the Week.
She continued an athletic career in the sport of body
building winning Northeast Ohio and state championships and placed 10th in the nation in the heavyweight division.
Leigh is a financial advisor and lives in Tarpon
Springs, Florida with her 17 year old son, Noah and
her 14 year old daughter, Alexa. It is no surprise that
both Noah and Alexa are competitive athletes.
It was her domination on the track, however, that
brings Leigh to the WSAA Athletic Hall of Fame.
This 10-time CVC champion and 4-time district champion began to leave her mark in Wickliffe High School
Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductees
Matt Zelina
Class of 1987
Anthony Cira
Class of 1986
A three-sport letterman,
Matt played football, basketball and was a member
of the track and field squad.
While playing hoops for the
Blue Devils, he averaged 8
points per game over three
seasons. Matt also participated for four years in the
throwing events as a member of the track and field
team where he consistently threw shot put and discus 50 feet and 145 feet respectively.
Tony, played football, basketball and baseball during
his career with the Blue
Devils. The gridiron, however, was his domain.
During his first year on the
varsity squad, Tony displayed his taste for aggressive football by earning
the Most Valuable Player—Special Teams honor; an
impressive feat given that he was only a sophomore.
The following season saw Tony earn a starting spot
on the roster at tailback and the honors just kept
coming. In addition to reclaiming his title as Special
Teams MVP, Tony was also voted Team MVP, 1st
Team Chagrin Valley Conference, 1st Team All Lake
County and was listed on the All State roster.
It is his performance on the football field, however,
that brings Matt to the Hall of Fame. As a two position player, Matt saw plenty of action and enjoyed
much success on both sides of the ball.
As a senior, Tony helped the Blue Devils secure a
first-ever playoff appearance while attaining MVP
honors in addition to the CVC’s Most Valuable Offensive Player, All Lake County, All District Offensive
Player of the Year, All District Back of the Year and
All State 1st Team.
As a linebacker, Matt was named Defensive MVP for
the county and district in both his junior and senior
years. As a senior tight end, he racked up 32 receptions for 545 yards and 6 touchdowns breaking a
school record. The highlight of Matt’s high school career was being named First Team All Ohio his senior
After graduation, Tony attended and played football
at Murray State College and started his career at Lincoln Electric in Cleveland Ohio. Tony currently works
for the Lee County (FLA) government in the trades.
After graduation, Matt continued to play football for
Bowling Green University as a fullback and linebacker
and in 1991 he helped the Falcons to win the MAC 8
Championship at the California Raisin Bowl.
Tony lives with his wife Jenny and four children, Anthony, Crystal, Steven and Joseph in Cape Coral,
He left Bowling Green in 1991 with a B.S. in mathematics and has been working as a software engineer
for 21 years. Matt has been involved in multiple successful software startups in the healthcare industry.
Tony’s biggest fan was his father, Ralph Cira, who
was by his side at every game.
Matt lives in the Toledo area with his wife of 23
years, Lee, and their two children, Eric and Evan.
Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductees
Mike went on to play football at Walsh University
where he played three positions. He graduated with
a degree in education and is now teaching and
coaching at Maple Heights High School. Over the last
12 years of coaching, Mike helped take his Mustangs
to two state finals culminating in 2010 with a state
championship title.
Mike Sheredy
Class of 1999
A three-year starter for the
Blue Devils, Mike was a
force to be reckoned with.
As a sophomore, Mike
started all 10 games at outside linebacker and was the
3rd leading tackler on the team and was received
Honorable Mention, Chagrin Valley Conference and
Special Mention, News Herald Div. III-IV All Star
Visit the WSAA Website
The WSAA website is a great way to catch up with
old friends and keep up with WSAA activities.
In his junior year Mike was considered one of the
most feared tacklers in the CVC on arguably the
greatest team in Wickliffe football history as the Devils earned their first undefeated season. Mike’s defensive stats were off the charts. He compiled 44 first
hits, 19 solo tackles, 135 assists, 4 sacks and caused
2 fumbles. Mike still holds the school single-season
record with 198 tackles. Post season awards included
First Team All CVC (LB), First Team All Lake County
(LB), News Herald Division III-IV All-Star Team First
Team All Northeast Lakes District Division IV (LB)
and Second Team All State (LB).
Our database currently has over 6000 alumni, staff
and faculty. We are thankful to have received member information from class contacts, but this information may now be outdated.
Please visit the website today at to update information and
to see all the great things the Alumni Association is
We encourage you to include your email address to
get last minute announcements or reminders for special events such as the All Alumni Night and to continue to receive your copy of the Devil Doings Newsletter.
As a senior, Mike had another great year at linebacker and wingback as he led his team to a 7-3 record in an injury riddled season for the Blue Devils.
Head Coach Greg Nackley said, “As his coach I always felt that as long as Mike was on the field we
had a chance.” He certainly tried to give the Blue
Devils every chance at winning with his 428 career
tackles. Post-season accolades included First Team
All CVC, Conference MVP, News Herald Defensive
Player of the Year, Defensive MVP Lake County, Associated Press Defensive MVP, First Team All State,
Honorable Mention All-American and for the first time
in school history, Mike was chosen as the Division IV
Note: If you do not receive the electronic newsletters, please check to be sure your e-mail address is
correct. Re-register if you can not remember login or
“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be
happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to
be responsible, to be compassionate. It is above all
to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have
made a difference that you lived at all.”
QUESTION: Gloria Caruso asked what happened to the tradition of the “Senior Book”? The seniors always looked forward to seeing it, and I’d love to see it again. As a member of the class of
1941, I was lucky to receive the book from Class President of 1940, Eugene Johnson. The responses were always a little funny and yet good.
ANSWER: Gloria, what a coincidence you should ask this question. Page 14 displays a few pages
from the first “Senior Book”. When the pages of that book were filled, a new second book was
started and the names of graduates were either entered or autographed. A similar but different
tradition continues to this day. The senior class presents a scrapbook to the principal at commencement. The second book and most of the scrapbooks are located in Memory Lane.
Every year up to this time a member of the
incoming class has always appeared to receive
the book and no one has failed to respond in
an appropriate and adequate manner.
Originally the book, bound in expensive sealskin, consisted only of blank pages, but it is
rapidly being filled. Each class makes contributions detailing its abilities, achievements and
talents: “a bit of verse; a bit of humor; a bit of
advice; a bit of history; a bit of admonition”.
The contributions in these pages reflect more
fully the spirit, life, and sentiments of all senior
classes. In addition, every senior’s name is
immortalized in this book by his own handwriting.
The “Senior Book” has become a tradition at
Wickliffe High School. This book is handed down
by every senior graduating class to the next succeeding senior class. The transfer of this book
take place at the commencement exercises held
at the close of the year accompanied an appropriate ceremony. At the proper time in the program, the president of the senior class approaches the front of the platform and in the
presence of the audience, makes a speech containing ritualistic admonitions interspersed with
humor and containing a challenge to any worthy
member of the incoming class to present himself
and demonstrate his fitness to receive the book.
All composition in the book is hand engrossed
in colors and illuminated in letters original with
each class. Artistic color sketches appear frequently throughout the book making it a rather
unique production.
Only alumni and members of the senior class
are allowed to look at the contents of the book
until such time as the book is completed or is
finished by the necessary number of the
classes after which it is to be placed among
the achieves of the school.
By Teri DiMattia Shine
In a leather bound book with very delicate pages,
dating back to the year 1929, are memories of
Wickliffe High School and its rich history. This precious book ends its entries with the Class of 1965.
As you page through the thirty nine years in this
book, you will find each senior’s name listed in
beautiful script or calligraphy. Almost every page
has some kind of detailed artwork to reflect the
times or perhaps the class flower.
Class achievements in a variety of categories are
listed and the individual’s names that achieved its
honors are capsulated throughout the book. Poetry and special words to the future classes are
also among the pages.
This very special treasure has been donated to the
WSAA for Memory Lane for all to enjoy.
Western Caribbean Cruise - February 20th
2016 for the Class of 1966 50th Reunion. Even
though this is a reunion, anyone is invited to join
us. Check out:
for all the details. Contact Carilyn Nigro Harper at
440-666-7073 should you need assistance.
In loving memory of all our fellow classmates who
have passed away, the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association website ( has an
“In Memoriam” section.
Please take a moment and view the names; let us
know if you have a friend or loved one who went to
Wickliffe and should be included. (On the “Directory”
tab, choose “In Memoriam” from the drop down list,
click to open). Please use the provided form to have
a departed classmate honored on this page or send
the information directly to [email protected]
The following information is required:
Class of “66” 50th Class Reunion Dinner Friday, August 5th, 2016 at the Wickliffe
Italian & American Hall. If you haven't been contacted, please contact Carilyn Nigro Harper at
[email protected] or call her at
440-666-7073. Updates will be posted in future
editions of this newsletter and on the WSAA
Facebook group page or WSAA website Class of ‘66
Reunion Blog. We are hoping for everyone from our
class to be there.
Full Name,
Date of Birth/Date of Death,
Year Graduated.
NOTE: Copy of the Obituary or Link to Obituary or Copy of Death Notice or Copy of Funeral
Home In Memoriam Card
At a recent event, it was heartwarming to see, now
aging adults, having such close relationships with the
“kids” that they grew up with during their school
Reunion Announcements &
Commentary Welcomed
One gentleman from the Class of ‘66 told his story
about a lifelong school friend that became terminally
ill and the connection they had right to the end.
We would love to help get
the word out for your reunions! Write up an announcement or “save the
date” and we will publish
the information for you.
Give us the place, date, time and any other information you would like your classmates to know. Never
had a reunion? Step up and organize one yourself.
It’s easy with our help. We can get the word out for
volunteers to help you form a committee.
A classmate from the Class of ‘81 proudly stated “We
are like a family. Mess with one, you mess with us
all. We may fight amongst ourselves, but when you
mess with us, we band together.”
The Class of ‘82 has been known to not only celebrate all the major reunions but also special milestones like birthdays.
It would be great to hear about other classes with
close bonds, classmates who have enjoyed each
other’s lifelong company, and other heartwarming
stories. Send stories to WSAA Devil Doings Newsletter editors at [email protected] or
[email protected].
If you had a great reunion, share the information
with us by sending us a recap and pictures. Send
info to: [email protected]
CLASS OF 1985 “30th” REUNION
By Gloria Caruso Nadolski
By Bryan Levon
Where, oh where have these years gone? Our 1941
class of 34 pupils has dwindled to 4. We still enjoy
getting together and had our “mini” 74th reunion at
Max & Erma’s on July 9th 2015. The few girls that
make up the last of our class are Gloria Pinto Nerone,
Mary Ciancibello D’Agostino and Gloria Caruso Nadolski. All but Mary were able to attend reunion luncheon (the stormy weather that day got to her back).
On July 25th, the Wicklifffe Class of 1985 held its 30
year reunion. The Firehouse Grille and Pub in Willoughby graciously provided the setting for our reunion.
We have held reunions every 5 years and have enjoyed catching up with old classmates
and friends. It is so nice to see them well and hear
how their families and children are doing.
Other attendees were Gloria Nerone’s sister,
Theresa; Georgia Saxby, widow of Classmate Douglas Saxby; and Cindy Nadolski Bishop, our driver.
We have a good core group that shows up to all of
the reunions. This year we were fortunate to have
some classmates make long missed appearances. A
fun time was had by all.
Ann Carroscia, widow of our classmate Charles, is a
yearly participant too, but the storm was expected to
cause flooding near her home in Chardon, so she
stayed home.
I feel very blessed to have spent my school years
with such a good close knit group of classmates.
Here's to hoping that we continue to get more surprise attendees in the future!
We always have a good “gabbing” time and we hope
and pray that we’re all here to celebrate our 75th!
Can you imagine still partying 75 years after graduation? WOW!!
At first, our reunions occurred every 5 years, but
when we had our 50th we thought that having a reunion every year was better as we got older. Due to
illness or other unforeseen occurrences, we missed
celebrating years 58, 59, and 62.
We love getting together, and we keep in touch during the year between reunions. How lucky we are to
have each other for friends.
Georgia Saxby, Theresa, Gloria Nerone, Josephine
Kausek, Gloria Nadolski, Cindy Bishop
Wickliffe High School
That 70’s Reunion Recap
By LuAnn Urankar Zibert
On July 25th 2015 the classes from 1970 through 1979
met at Deekers in Mentor for the 4th Annual WHS “That
70’s” Reunion. Our reunion team is Dave Krych ’71, Lu
Ann Urankar Zibert ’72, Teri DiMattia Shine ’72, Mark Cline
’75, Terry (T.J.) Debaltzo ‘77 and Marianne Sivestro
Drenik ’78.
Each year we see new faces along with those who make it every year. Classes celebrating milestones usually affects
the attendance as well. On Friday night this year, the class of 1970 celebrated their 45 th year reunion, and the
class of 1973 had a party to celebrate their 60th birthday. On Saturday night the class of 1973 had the largest turnout of alum with 32.
Our D.J for the evening was the class of 1971’s very own Dave Krych who played a great mix of music from 7 until
11. At 9 p.m. each class gathered to have their pictures taken. It was funny to see people who had yet to meet up
during the evening finally find each other during the class picture. There were hugs and handshakes all around.
There is no charge for this reunion, but we do ask for a small donation to help us with expenses. You eat and drink
on your own tab. We welcome anyone to join us no matter when they graduated or what school they went to. It’s
all about friends — reconnecting with old ones and making new ones. Even a little rain shortly after 11 p.m. did
not dampen the mood as everyone had fun revisiting old memories and making new ones.
We have a standing date with Deekers on the last Saturday of July. All that changes is the year. So mark your calendars now for July 30, 2016. We can’t wait to see you.
(Pictures continue on page #18)
WHS 1960's 10 YEAR ERA
By Tom Ansberry
By Pat Suback Alves
Graduates from the Class of ’65 gathered to celebrate a
milestone – our 50th class reunion. Attendance for this
monumental event was significant. In addition to those
who still live locally, a large number of classmates travelled long distances to come home to celebrate. The reunion was held on August 1st at the Holiday Inn in Mentor.
Although we booked a private room (thanks to the suggestion of Lauren Murphy), we made sure to plan our 50th
to coincide with the ‘60s Era Reunion. This allowed time
to reminisce not only with our graduating class, but also
friends from nearby classes. The gathering of graduates
and spouses filled the room to near capacity. We had approximately 60-65 class members in attendance. Graduates from the ‘60s could be seen circulating between our
private room to the lobby, restaurant, indoor bar and outdoor patio to catch up with old friends and make new
The 9th annual WHS 1960's 10 Year Era Reunion was held
on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Mentor. This year we changed locations and had many positive comments about our change, so we want everyone to
know that the Holiday Inn is the spot for the 10th 60's
Reunion next year on Saturday, August 6th 2016.
This year's reunion had people from each year, 1961
through 1969 and we even had a 1970's attendee! A
great collection of old stories and many laughs were
spread through the lounge and patio while sipping on the
special "Blue Devil Cocktail" that was created by the Krave
Lounge bar staff. If you didn't try one this year, put that
one on your bucket list for next year! It was fabulous.
As always, we had a 50/50 raffle that was won by Paulette
Davies and split with the committee. Thank you all for
buying tickets!
Although many beloved teachers and classmates who
have attended reunions in the past were not able to make
this trip, they were remembered and reminisced about,
and we know they were with us in spirit.
Save the date for next year: Saturday, August 6, 2016
from 6:00 p.m. until you’re tired of having fun. We'll be at
the Holiday Inn, Mentor, 7701 Reynolds Road (Rt 306),
Mentor Ohio, in the Krave Lounge. Join us, have a Blue
Devil Cocktail and toast to our 10 Years of Reunions for
the 1960's classes!
Many of our 50th reunion pictures are posted on the Wickliffe Schools Alumni Association Facebook pages. With all
the reminiscing, time got away from us, but we managed
to snap a class picture toward the end of the evening with
those classmates who were still in attendance. Most everyone had a cell phone and took pictures (a lot of selfies
with classmates). It would be interesting to see who the
most photographed classmates were (undoubtedly it had
to be all the good looking gals), so share them on WSAA
Facebook group page!
For further information about the WHS 1960's
10 Yr Era Reunions, you can send your emails to
[email protected]. We have posted pictures of
this year’s reunion on the WHS 1960's 10 Yr Era Reunion
Facebook page and will be posting details throughout the
year so leave a message or a comment. Looking forward
to seeing you all next year!
(Pictures on Page #20-21)
Pat Suback Alves 1966 and Linda Smith Poole 1966
WHS 1960's 10 Yr Era Reunion Committee
Mr. Charles Frank, former Wickliffe
High School Band Director, attended
the 60’s Ten Year Era Reunion.
He had a great time mingling between the 50th Reunion for the
Class of 1965 and the other nine
years at the Holiday Inn in Mentor.
Class Representative Contacts
1941 Gloria Caruso Nadolski
Phone #
Phone #
1980 Beth Wilson Fish
440-247-5352 [email protected]
1981 Laura Strmac Hannan
440-255-8849 [email protected]
Barb Helm Monacelli
440-974-9577 [email protected]
1944 Bob Gould
440-944-0473 [email protected]
1982 Susan Skufca Bell
440-257-0119 [email protected]
1945 Vivian Yeager
440-285-7245 [email protected]
1946 Joan Humiston Muller
440-943-3269 [email protected]
Bernadette Nicoletti
1947 Gene Stewart
216-383-9791 [email protected]
1984 Jim Hartley
330-721-6602 [email protected]
1948 Martha Scott Joslin
440-974-1311 [email protected]
1985 Bryan Levon
440-585-4359 [email protected]
1986 Lisa Gundling Henkel
440-357-8395 [email protected]
1987 Carlette Blatnik Hengst
440-446-9138 [email protected]
1951 Patsy Sterman Ward
Barb Selan Nemeckay
Mary Jane Siciliano Frascarelli
440-943-5106 [email protected]
Joanne Funk Muncey
440-943-0671 [email protected]
1988 Scott Tennant
440-585-0622 [email protected]
1989 Traci Hewitt Giarelli
440-449-2022 [email protected]
1954 Betty Carroscia Skrjanc
440-944-2346 [email protected]
1955 Ronald Duff Holman
216-561-1496 [email protected]
1956 Ruthann Tirabasso Yuhas
310-821-8602 [email protected]
1957 Louise Vitantonio
440-953-9499 [email protected]
1958 Jean Armbruster Gagnon
Joan Oldenburgh Brewster
1959 Bruce Weitman
David Lorah
Bill Wikoff
330-298-1541 [email protected]
440-585-4216 [email protected]
1960 Mary McCurdy Priest Vishey 440-247-2207 [email protected]
Lori Kortovich
Marian Krihwan Linsz
Sharen Torkar Rowan
1964 Beth Illes Johnson
1965 Tom Ansberry
1966 Nancy Krihwan Perlic
Carilyn Nigro Harper
440-944-7966 [email protected]
[email protected]
440-516-5356 [email protected]
1993 Jack Denson
614-578-2920 [email protected]
Emily Ruffner Casey
773-255-0564 [email protected]
1994 Laura Frak
440-251-0281 [email protected]
1995 Michelle Jones
440-632-1397 [email protected]
1996 Joe Iacobucci
312-437-2704 [email protected]
Sharon Hinojosa Schuldt
1997 Tina Dukes Perry
216-731-5103 [email protected]
1998 Brian Engelking
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
440-585-9678 [email protected]
1992 Ilona Wheeler Anderson
216-523-1500 [email protected]
770-429-8198 [email protected]
440-944-0442 [email protected]
John Salvia
1961 Elaine Tirabasso Hibshman 216-991-8665 [email protected]
1962 Tim Reid
1963 Jim Hubbell
Laura Albertone Musgrave
1991 Jennifer Lastoria Roberts
440-951-0370 [email protected]
440-943-6278 [email protected]
440-974-3567 [email protected]
[email protected]
440-428-8827 [email protected]
Yvonne Foulkrod
Jennifer Goodson
[email protected]
734-604-4810 [email protected]
646-247-0510 [email protected]
1999 Morgan Metcalf
[email protected] or
[email protected]
2000 Heidi Dill
440-944-2552 [email protected]
440-285-8012 [email protected]
2001 Annie Reilly Harstine
440-646-9484 [email protected]
1967 Nancy Mauceri Leovic
440-585-4108 [email protected]
2002 Olivia Whites
1968 Bruce Gamiere
419-782-2889 [email protected]
1969 Kathy Komaromy
1970 Irene Weiss Kerro
440-944-8039 [email protected]
1971 Stephenie Havanas
440-975-9633 [email protected]
440-943-0559 [email protected]
1972 Lu Ann Urankar Zibert
440-255-1904 [email protected]
1973 Jacque Hale
440-975-0705 [email protected]
1974 Gloria Whitmer Majeski
440-951-0776 [email protected]
1975 Mark Tennant
1976 Debbie Hennie Vitantonio
440-944-7606 [email protected]
1977 Terry Jo DiBaltzo
440-602-9858 [email protected]
1978 Marianne Silvestro Drenik
440-975-8946 [email protected]
1979 Marien Spisich Kaifesh
216-896-2678 [email protected]
Pat Suback Alves
David Krych
[email protected]
[email protected] or
[email protected]
2004 Stacey Anne Matiyasic
440-944-3003 [email protected]

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