Jan16Messenger - First Churches of Northampton


Jan16Messenger - First Churches of Northampton

Important Dates
1/1 Happy New Year,
Office Closed
1/5 🎉 Sue Stone
1/7 & 1/21 Common
1/7 🎉 Michael Kushin
1/8 & 1/15 Art & Soul
1/18 Martin Luther King
Day, Office Closed
1/22 🎉 Kasey Corsello
_____________________January 2016
PASTOR’S PAGE ~ Are We There Yet?
If you have ever taken a long drive with young children,
you have heard this question! Our family had multiple
strategies to make the time pass quickly. Before iPods and
iPads, we played games like “Your Car, My Car”, “Eye
Spy”, and finding car license plates from as many states
as possible. (My record is 40!) I read an entire Harry Potter
book aloud stuck somewhere on the New Jersey turnpike.
I have completed all verses of “100 Bottles of Beer on the
Wall”. Sometimes we left in the evening and drove while
the kids slept. If we don’t have a good plan, we will be
stuck trying to find a more creative answers than “No, we
1/23 🎉 Heidi Rademacher are not there. You will know we are there when we stop,
get out of the car, and kiss the ground”. The bottom line is
Looking For…..
there needed to be a sense of adventure and purpose to
Christian Ed….….….. pg 3 the trip itself, not just in the goal of the destination. How
Peace & Justice……. pg 4 we journey matters.
Vision Team…………. pg 5
Missions………………. pg 6 “Are we there yet?” may not be an effective question, but it
Art & Soul…………… pg 7 is important. What is behind the question matters. It may
Calendar……………… pg 8 mean other things-Is everything OK? Are you paying
attention to my needs? Do my opinions matter?
Sometimes the point of getting “there” is not very clear. It
is important to ask and find out what might be behind the
plaintive, bored question. Being included, heard, and
taken seriously matters, sometimes more than the
question itself.
Questions can shake things loose, and help us discover
new insights. Last Fall I completed 44 hours of
Leadership Coaching training. One of the core
competencies is asking impactful, powerful questions,
such as “What do you really want?” “How will you know
when you get there?” “Where is God leading us in the
present moment?” “What is one thing you can do right
now, today, to take a step closer to where you want to
go?” I have been asking myself questions like this and recording daily thoughts
in my journal. It has lead me to face fears, question assumptions, and it has
also been incredibly energizing. Energy comes with greater clarity. I am
learning to love the questions, and the journey.
Are you “there” yet? Are we at First Churches “there” yet? What does the
destination look like? It is a great time to ask these questions. At our December
Church Council meeting, we talked about where we are, and one person said,
“We are no longer worried about our survival. We are stable and happy.” I saw
a lot of heads nod in the circle. That is something to celebrate! We may not be
“there yet,” especially if “there” means perfection, but we have come to “here”
and it is energizing to know that change can happen. So what’s next?
In the New Year I would like to more often play the role of the kid in the back
seat asking questions about where we are going. I know we still need to drive
the car, get gas and tune the engine. The staff and I will work to keep the car
on the road. But it is also time to plan the next trip. Where do you want to go?
Pull out your Atlas (or Bible) and allow yourself to dream a little. I look forward
to hearing more from you! Let’s live into the questions!
Pastor Todd
PS – The Vision Team is ready to kick off 2016. There first events begin soon.
Read below and circle February 6 on your calendar!
The Vision Team is ready to launch our “Holy
Conversation” about First Churches’ future. We invite
you to two events coming soon:
• January 31 - The Launch
During worship we will begin with celebrating the
beginning of this conversation, and clarifying the
journey. After worship, you are invited to share some of
your hopes and ideas on newsprint at Coffee Hour. • February 6th from 10 AM to 2 PM - Stage One: A Half Day Retreat on
Congregational Strengths and Health We will begin to explore our assets and strengths for the future, and how we
can best maximize our resources for faith and mission. The process will
include time for small group conversations, and well as personal reflections on
your place in the future of the church. This is a HIGH PRIORITY meeting to
listen to one another and to hear the Holy Spirit in our midst. Our process is
not a roadmap with the destination set. It depends on what comes up in
conversation. We will also have a chance for written input so everyone can
participate at some level. Please RSVP, either by Sign Up Genius or at Coffee
Hour, so we can plan lunch and child care if we have enough need. Our Vision Team includes MJ Adams, Heidi Rademacher, David Entin and
George Naughton and Pastor Todd. They have been meeting for three months
to discern a good process and begin gathering data to use along the way. More
ways you can be involved will be coming soon.
Catherine Linbergh will return to do a special
Godly Play lesson on Epiphany with the children
on January 3rd. I would love to have the
confirmands stay and help through out the
January 3rd service as scripture readers, offering
takers, and cup bearers during communion, if they
are willing and able.
Confirmation classes will officially begin on January 10th (please get your covenants back
to me before then if you’d like to participate.
Finally, looking ahead, don’t forget that the teens will have a sleep over at St. John’s on
January 15 from 8pm -8am. It was awesome last year and will be even better this year as
we’re inviting the youth from Readfield who we met on the December retreat to join
us.Pastor SarahMonday Lunch Bible Study: MONDAY LUNCH BIBLE STUDY
The Prophetic Imagination of Isaiah
“The lion and the lamb shall lie down together…Your
swords and shields shall be beaten into plowshares
and pruning hooks…God will raise you up on Eagles’
The book of Isaiah stirs the imagination and hope for
a better world. Jesus quoted more from Isaiah than
anywhere else in the Bible. There are 37 hymns that
refer to Isaiah in our hymnal. “Comfort, Comfort, O
My People…Prepare the Way…Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty…Here I Am Lord…
Eagles’ Wings…” Our Monday Noon Bible Study will explore these writings in depth, searching for meaning
in the historical context as well as modern relevance. Join us in Pastor Todd’s study
starting January 11. We meet weekly except for holidays.
As the person who is most directly involved with our organ each week, I would like to
extend a special thank you to everyone who contributed to the organ fund. I am so grateful
that our congregation was able to raise the initial funds that paid for the restoration of the
wind chests. It was then beyond wonderful to me that people continued donating, enabling
us to be eligible for a grant of an additional $5,000.
I love playing this organ, and it means so much to me that its care and gradual restoration
are important to the members of the congregation.
Thank you for your incredible generosity! I am so moved and touched by all that you have
With great appreciation,
Dana The First Churches staff wishes to thank all of you for an incredible Advent season, and for
a wonderful 2015. You have all supported many many wonderful organizations and
Missions. (Check out pg 6!) You create a welcoming atmosphere, where all people are
welcome to participate on any level. You make it easy to come to work.
Thank you for all you do to support the staff as well as our community, both local and
global. From singing in the choir, cooking for Cathedral in the Night or the Cot Shelter,
serving on the many committees, to offering a warm smile. You all give 150%, and we all
strive to match your enthusiasm.
Thank you and please have a happy and safe holiday,
~ Vanessa Keillor, Church Administrator on behalf of the staff of First Churches
Peace and Justice will be meeting on
Monday, January 4 at 7 pm in the church
parlor. As always this meeting is open to all
interested people. We need to discuss
issues, priorities and how to focus our
energy on the priorities we choose. There is
additional money that is available for peace
and justice work which gives us additional
A joint committee is currently working on
coming up with a bill that will pass in both
the House and the Senate. The Climate
Action Now legislative team is meeting
tonight. Information for what you can do to
help get solar power back on track will be
available after church on January 3 and at
the Peace and Justice meeting on January
There is a critical need for public support
for solar power. The Senate passed a bill in
July that is very supportive of solar energy.
The house passed a bill right before the
legislature went home for the holidays.
That bill would significantly harm the solar
industry in Massachusetts and set back
the plans of many cities and towns to
install community solar projects.
Saturday, January 9th from 1-3 pm there
is a panel on resettling Syrian refugees at
Congregation B'Nai Israel on Prospect
Peace & Justice is a co-sponsor of the
showing of Merchants of Doubt on
Saturday, January 16th at the Coolidge
Room in Forbes Library starting at 10 am.
There will be a discussion following the
film. The showing of Merchants of Doubt is co-sponsored by the
League of Women Voters, Northampton; Represent US
Western Massachusetts; Climate Action Now; Arise for Social
Justice; Leeds Civic Association: Amherst Branch, NAACP;
Forbes Library, and First Churches Peace & Justice
Committee. (sonyclassics.com)
Click here for more information about this film
Last month Oonagh received a note from our friend Irlanda in Guatemala,
“Oonagh buen dia.
“Hello Oonagh -
le cuento que estuvimos agradeciendo al
creador por los niños, la mayoría salio bien
en sus clases, solo 3 perdieron el año y al
mismo tiempo agradecimos por la ayuda de
su familia, su persona y de su iglesia y en
especial por los niños que mandaron los
materiales. se prendieron velas y se le dio
una pequeña refacción, hubo chuchitos y
I tell you we were thanking the creator for the
children, most of whom came out well in their
classes, only three did not pass the year and at the
same time we thank you for the help given by you,
your family and the church, and for the children
especially who you sent materials. We lit candles and
had a little refreshment, we had chuchitos (a stuffed
corn pastry) and coffee.”
For everything there is a season...
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up
what is planted;
A time to weep...and a time to laugh;
A time to tear....and a time to mend...
A time to...
Vintage time pieces and old paper clock
faces, as well as words from the Hebrew
book of Ecclesiastes and a Buddhist prayer
of forgiveness, will guide our personal and
collective soul musings and creative
responses as we breathe out the
complexities of 2015 and open to the gifts,
possibilities and challenges of 2016 (Think:
Election Year. We need all the words of
grounding wisdom we can find!). DWELL: Listening with the Eyes of
the HeART
Friday, January 8, 2016
art making inspired by sacred texts, the
presence of Spirit and the nurture of
Lyman Hall, First Churches
129 Main Street, Northampton
(enter on Center Street)
freewill offering will be taken.
10:00am-noon, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month
[Please note: due to First Night activities, there will be NO Art Wind Down on Friday,
January 1, 2016.]
Overheard by a newcomer at the last week's Wind Down: "How come I didn't know
about this sooner? This is SO wonderful!"
A quiet, encouraging space in a gorgeous room to reflect, reconnect and renew through
creativity. Supplies and suggestions provided. All you need to do is be.
Suggested donation $10-20 per session but pay whatever you are comfortably able.
JANUARY 2016!!!!
Jan 3rd
10am Worship & Sunday School
Rev Buteux preaching
5pm Cathedral in the Night (CITN)
Jan 4th
1pm CITN Women’s Tea
5pm Cot Shelter Meal
7pm Peace & Justice
Jan 5th
12pm Peace Vigil
Jan 6th
6:30 Trustees
7:00 Deacons
Jan 7th
4:30 Missions
6:00 Common Ground
Jan 8th
10am Art & Soul’s Dwell
7pm Choir Practice
Jan 9th
1pm Panel Discussion of Syrian
Jan 10th
10am Worship & Sunday School
2:30 CITN cooking
3:30 Raging Grannies
5pm CITN
Jan 11th
12pm Bible Study
1pm CITN Women’s Tea
Jan 12th
12pm Peace Vigil
Jan 14th
12:30pm Dorcas Lunch @ Brewmaster’s
Jan 15th
10am Art & Soul
7pm Choir Practice
Jan 16th
10am Merchants of Doubt Viewing,
Forbes Library
Jan 17th
10am Worship & Sunday School
5pm CITN
Jan 18th
1pm Cathedral in the Night Women’s
Jan 19th
12pm Peace Vigil
Jan 20th
7pm Council
Jan 21st
6pm Common Ground
Jan 22nd
7pm Choir Practice
Jan 24th
10am Worship & Sunday School
5pm CITN
Jan 25th
1pm Cathedral in the Night Women’s
Jan 26th
12pm Peace Vigil
Jan 29th
7pm Choir Practice
Jan 31st
10am Worship & Sunday School
5pm CITN