March 7, 2010 - Saint Jane Frances
March 7, 2010 - Saint Jane Frances
THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 6 - 7, 2010 In this issue . . . ........................... p7 SFC Parish Mission ........................... p12 Bible Study and Prayer ........................... p15 Religious Education Week Activities from the from Pastor the Pastor S Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: everal weeks ago I spoke about steps being taken by the Church of Long Island to address serious financial problems and the actions being taken. In my words to you I spoke of the concerns most Pastors share: 1. What is the role of the Pastor of the parish in the process of people choosing the Voluntary Separation Package and in assuring the continuance of vital ministries? 2. What impact does the impending centralization of jobs and services have on the Pastors running the ministries in the parish? 3. What is the scope and nature of the new Diocesan evaluation tool for all employees? Who does these evaluations? Since then, the Pastors have gotten together with other Pastors in . . . continued on p3 The Parish Family of St. Frances de Chantal PASTORAL STAFF X201 Rev. Gregory Cappuccino Pastor Rev. Lito Amande Associate Pastor X232 X228 Rev. Francisco Gius Garcia Assosciate Pastor X207 Deacon Robert O’Donovan Pre-Cana, CYO X217 Deacon Joseph Torres Baptism Program Sr. Lauren Hanley Spiritual Dev. Director Sr. Jocelyn Panzetta, CIJ Faith Formation (Adults) Mrs. Ellen Zafonte Faith Formation (Youth) Mrs. Donna Mugno Faith Formation (Children) Mrs. Amy Markin Business Manager Ms. Ele Ruth Melendez Parish Social Ministry NEW PARISHIONERS We warmly welcome all new parishoners to our parish family. New members are encouraged to register by filling out a Statement of Intent to Register, which you may obtain from the Receptionist. You will then be sent a census form through the mail. X243 X206 X204 X209 X203 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the Parish for an appointment to schedule a Baptism. We encourage parents to begin the process during the fourth month of pregnancy. Baptisms are not held during the season of Lent. To make an appointment or for further information, call the Parish Office and ask to be connected to extension (X217). X240 X212 Rev. Francisco Gius Garcia Youth Ministry Ms. Elisa Vignali ON BECOMING A CATHOLIC Those who seek information about becoming a Catholic are invited to undergo the RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.) The RCIA is a process designed for adults who are non-baptized, baptized in another Christian tradition, baptized Catholic but not fully initiated by the reception of Confirmation and the Eucharist. Please contact Sr. Jocelyn Panzetta (x206) for more information. X223 Liturgical Music AUXILLIARY STAFF SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least 6 months before your wedding date and prior to making reception plans. Call the Parish Office for an appointment with a priest or deacon for the initial intake. All couples are required to attend Pre-Cana. X233 Rev. Antonio Pascual In Residence Rev. John Rowan In Residence Mrs. Gloria Zamot Mrs. Mary Anne Russo Sunday Pre-school Faith Formation (Special Ed) Mr. Joe Manza Facilities Manager X234 X205 X205 X227 PASTORAL COUNCIL Charles Bopp Barbara McGuire PARISH TRUSTEES Edward Ciulla Alice Reilly Claire Reisert Elizabeth Desmond Michael Cucci Anthony Nuzio Michael Gifford Keith Klotsche SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON REGIONAL SCHOOL Leeann Graziose, Principal MASSES Saturday: Sunday: Monday - Friday Tel: (516) 785-5709 8:30 AM, 4:00 PM & 5:30 PM 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM MASS FOR THE DEAF 3rd Sunday of the Month at 3:00 PM in the Chapel SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday Saturday p2 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tel: (516) 785-2333 Fax: (516) 826-7645 Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM AT THE PASTORAL CENTER CHAPEL Holy Hour & Benediction NOVENA: Miraculous Medal and Rosary Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary Our Church is open daily from 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:00 6:00 9:00 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PM - 9:00 PM AM - 3:00 PM AM - 12:00 PM THE HAWTHORNE HOUSE (THRIFT SHOP) Thursday, 8:00 PM Monday, 7:30 PM Friday, 9:30 AM Tel: (516) 679-8061 Monday - Thursday Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM . . . continued from Cover Page their local area (Deaneries) and developed ways to communicate their concerns to the Diocese. The Bishop heard and responded to the Pastors in a positive and frank exchange. Many questions were answered. Clarifications were made and new developments were put into place. Here are some of the areas which were addressed: 1. Role of the Pastor. The Pastor is the decision-maker for all who work for the parish. However, all decisions must be made in the context of maintaining a balanced budget. 2. The Bishop is requiring all parishes to work within a healthy, balanced budget. Monthly statements of revenue and expenses are to be sent to the Diocese. All monies that parishes owe for insurance, pensions, benefits and assessment must be paid through electronic banking procedures. As we make future financial decisions, we need to be mindful that at present, the parish owes approximately $250,000. to the Diocese for back assessments. Working within these legitimate guidelines, the Pastor, with the advice of his Finance Committee is in control of all parish monies. This means everything cannot remain as it has been. 3. In regard to the Voluntary Separation Packages, all eligible employees are free to choose whether or not to take the package. The Pastor cannot deny their right to freely choose. However, the Pastor can discuss with them possible ways of implementing the Separation Package to assure the continuation of vital ministries in the parish. Those eligible for this package are now discerning their choice. I will meet with each and if the package is taken, I will stagger their leaving so that this transition is smooth and provides for the least disruption in the parish. No matter what their final decisions may be, I am so grateful for the love, expertise and fidelity to the parish that have marked all who minister here. For those employees accepting the Package, a date will be set to honor them in the near future to express our gratitude for their generous giving of themselves to the parish of St. Frances de Chantal. 4. The Diocesan evaluation tool for all employees has not been developed nor will it be implemented at this time. 5. The restructuring of a central office of services to provide more efficiency in each Diocesan entity will be a more gradual process. The Pastors, through their Deaneries, are to be involved in a proactive way to advise and help give shape to further development. Once again, I acknowledge and thank all for the significant increase we have seen weekly in Sunday collections. You have, and continue to do your part. I now must do my part to insure that our expenses and revenues leave us with a balanced budget. I will continue to keep you updated as we go along this process. Love, 1st Reading: 2nd Reading: R������� ��� ���� S����� Exodus 3: 1-8a, 13-15 1 Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12 Gospel: Luke 13: 1-9 Reflection Questions for this week Adults: What changes can I make in my daily life to atone for my past sins and failings and to help me do better in the future? Children: Who among my friends is in most need of a helping hand? What can I do this week to show them God’s love? St Frances de Chantal RC Church p3 Financial & Living Stewardship February 27-28, 2010 $ 21, 607.12 Children $ This week last year $ 19, 140.07 Children $ 5 31.55 Amidst the economic difficulty the entire country is going through, let us do whatever we can to support our Parish. 68.18 ATTENDANCE Weekened of February 27 - 28 Saturday 4:00 538 5:30 230 7:00 153 8:30 226 10:00 612 12:00 548 Sunday 5:00 TOTAL Total Last Year 5 263 2,570 1,551 Mass Intentions Monday William Ortiz 9:00 AM Margaret Rose Coll Tuesday March 9 7:00 AM Angelina Muzio 9:00 AM Mae Gronell Wednesday 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Thursday March 10 Meredith Becker Ann Garilli March 11 7:00 AM Theresa Vales 9:00 AM Mae Gronell Friday March 12 7:00 AM Louis & Rosa La Russo & deceased family members 9:00 AM Giovanni Givvcu Saturday March 13 8:30 AM Rae Nuzio 4:00 PM Capozzi & Lo Bianco Families 5:30 PM Ed Lloyd Sunday March 14 7:00 AM Frances Moore 8:30 AM Thomas Snedecor Jr. 10:00 AM Don Mooney 12:00 PM For the People of the Parish 5:00 PM p4 March 8 7:00 AM Michael Battistelli We are grateful this week for all stewards in our Parish who recognize the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in daily life. Your gift of your 5 loaves and 2 fish support the various programs of our parish. We pray for those who died this past week Jerome J. Finazzo Sr., Richard Raffio, William Dick Alice S. D’Agostino We pray for the sick Joseph Newmeyer, Jane Mc Kenna, Fran Middlemiss, Ed Scheihing, Thomas Rausa, Patricia McNamara, Lita Dy, Madelyn Francioso, Abergail Lee, Phyllis DeVito, Patricia Ferraro, Richard Sierra, Avery Yarbro, Ryan Duggan, Kevin McSweeney Richard Brzeski, Linda Costello, Mary Benenate, Ann Kelly The names from this list have been entered in the Intercessory Book. They are now on a permanent prayer list. St. Frances Memorial Mass Sunday, March 7 at 5:00 John Joseph & Augusto Pereira, Jeannette Dreizen To assist those who attend the LECTIO DIVINA under Fr. John Rowan Readings for NEXT WEEK 4th Sunday of Lent Weekend of March 13-14, 2010 1st Reading: Joshua 5: 9a, 10-12 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21 GOSPEL: Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32 Eucharistic Bread and Wine March 14 12:00 PM March 14 5:00 PM 7 Joan Oliva 3 Pat Divver 8 Rita Aragona 4 Denise Fasano 9 Florence Stigi 5 Delores Markin 10 Frank Mauro 1 Frances Pierro 6 5 Volunteer needed 1 Janet Egan LECT Grace Hyatt 6 Jim Egan Helen Vella 3 Gloria Moran 4 Jeanne Burke 5 Joan Noonan 1 George Winkler 6 Ann Cullen 2 Clare Riesert 7 John Martin 3 Paul Martin 8 Susan Loud 4 C. Harrington 9 Volunteer needed 5 Volunteer needed 10 Volunteer needed 1 George Bomici 6 Theresa Clese 2 Gerladine Prozek 7 Geraldine Palmeri 3 Nancy Clair 8 4 Phillys Murphy 5 Betty Piche LECT 2 Volunteer needed 1 Joanne Walsh 6 Angela Lewis 2 Charles Rizzuto 7 Angelo Migliaro 3 Fara Rizzuto 8 Maureen Gerber 4 Helen Smith 9 Carol Russo 5 Madeline Lombardi 10 Rosemary Castellaneta 1 Carol Bart 6 Jeannie Ingelese 2 Hank Baumann 3 Volunteer needed 4 Laurie Sage 5 Gabriel Marino St Frances de Chantal RC Church Alt-Serv 4 Alt-Serv Bob O’Brien LECT Mike Alliksen 3 Alt-Serv 2 Volunteer needed Alt- Serv Charles Bopp LECT 2 LECT Sp Eucha Min Joan Mooney Alt-Serv 10:00 AM 6 LECT March 14 Lee Bonelli Alt-Serv 8:30 AM 1 LECT March 14 March 13 - 14, 2010 JR LECT 7:00 AM Sp Eucha Min March 14 Sp Eucha Min 5:30 PM Sp Eucha Min March 13 Sp Eucha Min 4:00 PM Sp Eucha Min March 13 Sp Eucha Min Liturgical Assignments Weekend of Alt-Serv NEXT WEEK’s 1 Logan VonRunnen 2 Kaitlyn VonRunnen 3 Brendan VonRunnen 1 Ron Pipia 2 Pauline Prostowich 1 Catherine Litvaitis 2 Katie Lincoln 3 John Casella 1 Kathleen Casella 2 Rose Caracappa 1 Kyle Akley 2 Allyson McQuillan 3 Kalya McQuillan 1 Andy DeRiggi 1 Lauren Juchem 2 Anna Grippo 3 Christopher Juchem 1 Clare Mundy 2 Jim Mundy 1 Teresa Maria Clark 2 Kepler June 3 Arianna Gaffney 1 Elizabeth Woods 1 Taylor Melecio 2 Mary Migliaro 3 Caitlyn Velayo 1 Christine Healy 2 Eileen Cook 1 James Graham 2 Gianna Tirino 3 Michael Sarlo 1 Anne Natale 2 Ronald Franco - The Eucharistic Bread and Wine for the weekend of March 28 was donated by Gabriella Petrucci and Ester Aghagarm in memory of their mother Clara. The Altar Candles - The Altar Candles for the week of February 28 were donated by Kathy & Charles Schnepf and Gerry & John Brozek in memory of Anne M. Murray. - The Altar Candles for the week of March 14 were donated by Margaret Mechler in memory of her husband Valentine. p5 Faith Formation Children and Youth Come and visit the school and see displays from the Religious Ed Classes. Sunday, March 14th after the Masses Bake Sale in the Smulski Room of the school. Support the Religious Education Classes’ efforts to raise money to help our friends in HAITI!!! UPCOMING DATES: + March 19 Stations of the cross “For, By and About the Confirmation Prep Classes” + Ongoing – Registration for September 2010. If you have not received your re-registration in the mail, please contact the Religious Ed Office. + New Family Registration will be May 15: 9 AM – 12 NOON. To commemorate the season of Lent, we invite you to spend time with the Lord in . . . music, personal and communal prayer and meditation, with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation starting February 20 and all Saturdays* of Lent, from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P.M. in the Church *February 27, March 6, 13, 20 & 27 We join our sacrifices and prayers to the one sacrifice of Jesus on the cross! St Frances de Chantal RC Church p7 St Frances Cares PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY CALENDAR MARCH 2010 AA Friday, March 5, 12, 19, 26 Room 15 8:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. ALANON Monday, March 1, 8, 15, 22 Room 15 12:30 .PM - 2:00 PM BAGELS AND BINGO Wednesday, March 10 Room 12 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM DEBTORS ANONYMOUS Thursday, March 4, 11, 18, 25 Room 12 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM DIVORCED & SEPARATED CATHOLICS Tuesday, March. 9th & 23rd Smulski Room 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM DIVORCED & SEPARATED FACILITATOR TRAINING Thursday, March 4th & 11th Smulski Room 7:00PM to 9:30 PM MOTHER’S GROUP Tuesday, March 9th & 23rd Rooms 22 & 24 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SUPPORT Tuesday, March 16th Room 12 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM The Parish Social Ministry Office is in need of Metro Cards. Donations in any denomination would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support! p8 PARENTS OF HOPE LENTEN PRAYER SERVICE Tuesday, March 2nd Church 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM RECOVERY GROUP FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION Friday, March 5, 12, 19 & 26 Sunday, March 7, 14, & 21st Hawthorne Basement 7:30 PM to 9: 00 PM ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MEETING Tuesday, March 2 & 16 Room 26 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM WANTAGH DEAF SENIOR GROUP Thursday, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 Room 15 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM MASS FOR THE DEAF Sunday, March 21 3:00 PM *Hospitality to follow in Room 15 WIDOWS/WIDOWERS SUPPORT Wednesday, March 3, 10, 17 & 24 Rectory Basement 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM WIDOWS/WIDOWERS SOCIAL Tuesday, March 9th & 23rd Rectory Basement 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM YOUNG VINCENTIANS BREAD & SOUP DINNER Sunday, March 21st Auditorium 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM YOUNG WIDOWS SUPPORT Tuesday, March 2nd & 16th Rectory Basement 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM PSM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Thursday, March 25th Room 26 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM St Frances de Chantal RC Church p9 Bishop Molloy Retreat House – Jamaica Estates Woman’s Retreat – Saint Frances de Chantal & friends Please join us for a wonderful retreat entitled, “Baptized into the Priesthood of Christ” In this Year of the Priest as we pray for all of our priests throughout the world, we should also remember that each one of us was baptized into the Priesthood of Christ. We are part of the Priesthood of the Laity and God calls us to rejoice in that! Relax as the retreat team helps you to come to a deeper appreciation of God’s overwhelming love for you. I promise you that when you step out of the doors of the retreat house and go back to your normal life you will feel loved, strengthened, happy and peaceful. I urge you to give yourself this precious gift and consider bringing a loved one along. A friend gave me a retreat weekend as a birthday gift this year! Why not try it? The retreat begins on Friday evening April 16th with dinner at 7pm and runs until Sunday April 18th at noon (right after Mass). The suggested offering is $175.00 and includes all meals which are delicious and prepared by a chef…NOT YOU! You will be staying in a cozy, private room. There will be conferences, workshops, prayer services, Reconciliation, and Eucharistic celebrations. There are also opportunities for private conference and for personal prayer, reflection, socializing and rest. You can choose to attend all or some of these activities. A non-refundable deposit of $50.00 is required to hold your room. If this poses any financial difficulty, please don’t let that detain you! Speak to me, and we will arrange a free will offering. Rooms will fill VERY quickly on this weekend so PLEASE send me your deposit along with the registration sheet below as soon as possible! If you have any further questions, or to register for the weekend, please give me a call at (516) 826-4772 or email me at [email protected] or fill out the form below. God Bless You and I hope you can join us for this beautiful experience. Fondly, Margie Woods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______________________________________ Name Address ________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Is this your first retreat? Yes Email No _______________________________ Is this your first retreat at Bishop Molloy? Yes No I have enclosed a $50.00 deposit with a check made out to, “Bishop Molloy Retreat House”. I will need a ride there and back. Yes No I am willing to be a driver. Yes No Please mail this form to: Margie Woods, 1481 Lakeside Drive, Wantagh, NY 11793 p 10 St Frances’ Young Vincentians ����������������������������������� The Young Vincentian students have actively assisted people in the local community. They work in soup kitchens, hold food and coat drives, assisted at the Thanksgiving Dinner, held Senior Citizen BBQ and Super Bowl party, rang the bell for the Salvation Army, visited sick children in the hospital etc. The Bread and Soup Dinner is our way of helping internationally where the need is the greatest. This year’s dinner is focused on the earthquake victims in Haiti and the long term need to help them. It is estimated that 250 thousand people died as a result of the quake; millions have been displaced and billions of dollars in damages have been recorded. The Youth Ministry Young Vincentians is the Youth Group of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Our 12th Annual Bread and Soup dinner will be held on ����������������������������������������We hold this dinner to raise the community’s awareness about World Hunger and collect funds to help alleviate some of the pain and suffering that is experienced by so many. After the dinner, a Young Vincentian will give a talk about hunger from a teen’s perspective. Then the Young Vincentians will present their original skit written for the event. The dinner is a free will offering; that is you decide what is the “cost” of your meal. We suggest that the cost be the amount you would normally spend on Sunday Dinner. It is said that a hero is someone who saves another’s life. Won’t you be some child’s hero? Please join us at the dinner. Simply fill out the reservation form and drop it in the collection basket or at the Parish Center. If you can’t make it, please make a donation (if by check, to St. Vincent de Paul) and send it to St. Frances Parish Center. We thank you for your support. Dinner Reservation Name______________________ The simplicity of the dinner is to recognize that so many of our spiritual brothers and sisters do not enjoy a meal we consider a sacrifice. Number in Party ___________ Our group is blessed to have caring local merchants who donate the soup and bread or provide items that we raffle away. That way each dollar that we raise at the dinner goes to helping the people of Haiti. To see additional information about the Young Vincentians and the Bread and Soup Dinner use Facebook and search “Young Vincentian Bread and Soup” ���������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� St Frances de Chantal RC Church p 11 p12 May God protect you all and may you see the light of Jesus even in the darkness of war. + IN MEMORIAM February 14 – February 20, 2010 Iraq 63 Iraqis Afghanistan Pvt Mark Marshall 29 England Cpl Sean Dawson 22 England Pvt Jason Estopinal 21 Dallas GA Cpl Guy Mellors 25 England Cpl Noah Pier 25 Charlotte NC Pvt Eric Currier 21 Londonderry NH Cpl Alejandro Yazzie 23 Rock Point AZ PO Sean Caughman 43 Fort Worth TX Pvt Larry Johnson 19 Scranton PA Pvt Kyle Coutu 20 Providence RI Sgt Jeremy McQueary 27 Columbus IN Cpl Kielin Dunn 19 Scotland Sgt David Walker 36 England Ltn Douglas Dalzell 27 England Cpl Joshua Birchfield 24 Westville IN Cpl Gregory Stultz 22 Brazil IN Sgt Michael Cardenaz 29 Corona CA Sgt Christopher Eckard 30 Hickory NC + 47 Afghanis and Pakistanis To date 4,378 American casualties in Iraq and 1,005 in Afghanistan “War is always a defeat for humanity.” - Pope John Paul II St Frances de Chantal RC Church Bulletin Board RCIA RCIA will be using the Pastoral Center Chapel on the following Monday evenings for their Prayer Experiences in preparation for their reception of the Easter Sacraments Monday, March 8th Monday, March 22nd Monday, March 29th Those parishioners who usually meet for the Novena to the Miraculous Medal and Rosary will be meeting in the Church on those days. __________ ADULT RETREAT The Antioch community invites you to a weekend retreat of stories, reflection, prayer, Mass, relaxation, great food, and fun times on March 19th to 21st at St. William’s in Seaford. This is not a sleepover retreat, so it’s a great opportunity to try one if you’ve never gone on a retreat before. All are welcome to join us for this amazing weekend! For further information contact Jen at (516) 633-8659 or Bill at (516) 343-4676 or visit antiochweekend. __________ SENIORS IN NEED OF SHOPPING CARTS The Parish Social Ministry office is in need of portable shopping carts for our seniors who do not drive and use them when doing their local shopping. If you can donate one, it would be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you for your support. __________ COME ONE!! COME ALL!! Join us for a special Family Mass on Easter Sunday, April 4th at 10:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing all families for this joyous celebration. Everyone welcome! __________ HOLY TRINITY DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOL Titan Club presents our annual Spring Craft Fair Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. LENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLE Michael J. Aguanno, Robert Cirolia, Philip Corrigan, Capt. Bryan Crossman, Tyler Daly, Scott Dickson, Valerie Dickson, Ian Sage Donley, Stephanie Goaley, Kathryn Goaley, Pvt. Kieran J. Grogan, Jack Hall, Steven John, Sean Meehan, Joseph Morcerf, Jennifer Newsom, Brian Paduano, Capt. Joseph M. Palumbo, Eleanor Panca, Paul Panca, Christopher Piegari, Christopher Price, Sean Patrick Riordan, Noel Sawyer, Joshua Sider, Christopher J. Smith, Corporal Craig Torres, Monica Tretola, CW02 Jason P. Williams, Frances Yehl LENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLE We continue to pray for: p 13 For more information, please call 516.433.2900 or email us at [email protected] __________ DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION Please join us in the Chapel located in the Pastoral Center on Friday mornings after the 9:00 a.m. Mass to pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. __________ ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON SCHOOL NEWS Tuesday, March 9th Our Creative Arts Program begins today after school and offers our students the opportunity to enjoy a variety of enriching and fun classes. There will be a closed School Board meeting tonight at 7:30pm. Wednesday, March 10th Today is Spring Photo Day. Students in grades K-8 can dress up and have their picture taken. Tonight is our Family Night Out Fundraiser at Wendy’s. Come join us to support our school and get a night off from cooking! Thursday, March 11th Today the 7th grade will host our monthly school Liturgy. It is also a 1⁄2 day dismissal for Report Card Conferences with teachers and parents. Friday, March 12th Today is another 1⁄2 day dismissal as Report Card Conferences continue again today. __________ CYO BOYS BASEBALL Registration for the 2010 CYO baseball season will be held in the school building on March 13, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The fee is $130 which includes all fees and uniforms. Games begin April 19, 2010 and run through June 20, 2010. For additional information please contact Tony Greco at 826-4015. __________ p14 GODSPELL Plaza Theatrical Productions, Inc., will be presenting live on stage the Broadway Musical GODSPELL on the following Sundays: March 14, 21, 28 at 2:00 PM at the Showplace at Bellmore Movies, 222 Pettit Avenue, Bellmore. Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew and featuring a sparkling score, Godspell boasts a string of well-loved songs including the international hit, “Day by Day.” As the cast performs “Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord,” “All For The Best,” “All Good Gifts,” and “By My Side,” the parables of Jesus Christ come humanly to life. The show is fitting for this Lenten Season. Producers Kevin and Phyllis Harrington (of St. Raymond’s Parish in East Rockaway) would like to offer all of our parishioners a $5 discount off the regularly priced $20 ticket. For reservations, please call the box office at (516) 599-6870. __________ Please support our Bulletin by placing an advertisement for your business. For details you may contact Amy Markin at 7852333 x203 or The Church Bulletin Inc. at 631-2494994. LENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLE All profits support our Athletic & Theater programs. Holy Trinity is located at Newbridge Road (Rt 106) & Stewart Ave in Hicksville, NY. SQUIRE PANCAKE BREAKFAST The St. Frances Squires will be having a Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, March 7th at the Knights Hall located at 1869 Wantagh Ave. (by Hemingway’s) and will run from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The breakfast will consist of delicious pancakes, sausages, rolls, juice and coffee. It is “all you can eat”. The cost for an adult is $6. For children 12 and under, it is $3 and for a family of 4 it will cost $12. The Squires are sponsored by the St. Frances Knights of Columbus of our parish. It is the official youth group of the Knights of Columbus. They are dedicated to the support of our church and community. Over the past year they have collected food for and donated money to the St. Frances Outreach Program. They also have donated to The Inn, Salvation Army and Haitian Relief. The funds raised will be used to continue to support these programs and the activities of the Squires. Further information can be obtained by calling 826-9889 or 785-1663. __________ LENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLE LENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLENTLE VENDORS WANTED! NEW & EXCITING MERCHANDISE ȨǾȵȐ Lɜɤȇɴ ǸȽȇ @ɑǸɴȐɑ /(&7,2 ',9,1$ LV /DWLQ IRU GLYLQH UHDGLQJ VSLULWXDO UHDGLQJ RU ´KRO\ UHDGLQJµ DQG UHSUHVHQWV D WUDGLWLRQDO &KULVWLDQ SUDFWLFH RI SUD\HU DQG VSLULWXDO UHDGLQJ LQWHQGHG WR HQJHQGHU FRPPXQLRQ ZLWK WKH 7ULXQH *RG DQG WR LQFUHDVH LQ WKH NQRZOHGJH RI *RG·V :RUG ,W LV D ZD\ RI SUD\LQJ ZLWK 6FULSWXUH WKDW FDOOV RQH WR VWXG\ SRQGHU OLVWHQ DQG ÀQDOO\ SUD\ DQG HYHQ VLQJ DQG UHMRLFH IURP *RG·V :RUG ZLWKLQ WKH VRXO +HUH DW 6W )UDQFHV ZH KDYH WZR /(&7,2 ',9,1$ VHVVLRQV HDFK ZHHN RQH RQ 0RQGD\ HYHQLQJV DW SP LQ WKH /LEUDU\ WKH RWKHU RQ 7XHVGD\ PRUQLQJV DW DP LQ WKH 6PXOVNL 5RRP ,Q WKHVH RQH KRXU VHVVLRQV ZH FDUHIXOO\ UHDG WKH WKUHH %LEOH UHDGLQJV WKDW DUH DVVLJQHG WR WKH QH[W 6XQGD\·V 0DVV 7KHQ )U -RKQ 5RZDQ OHDGV XV LQ D VWXG\ RU FRPPHQWDU\ RQ WKH UHDGLQJV HVSHFLDOO\ WKH *RVSHO :H FRQFOXGH ZLWK SULYDWH SUD\HU DQG D 3VDOP RI SUDLVH $OO DUH ZHOFRPH EHJLQQHUV DV ZHOO DV DGYDQFHG 7KLV LV D JUHDW ZD\ WR SUHSDUH IRU 6XQGD\ 0DVV HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH KLJK VHDVRQV RI /HQW DQG (DVWHU E ma nue l Cake & Cookie Shop decorators & upholsterers Workwear, Footwear, Sportswear, 516 - 785- CAKE Sporting Goods & Camp Supplies Custom Upholstered Furniture 3649 Merrick Rd, Seaford Uniforms, & Accessories Wood Re-Finishing, Re-Upholstery Equipment, All Sports & Cheerleading R & L Car S e rv i ce Slipcovers & Window Treatments Custom Screen Printing & Embroidery Oversized Late Model Town Car Bring In This Ad for a Free Free Designer Service to JFK $43. - to LGA $47. Preferred Customer Card Same Owner & Location Since 1953 516-826-0554 A $20 Value! 516 221 0468 Cell 516-641-0004 516 - 781 - 8070 1438 WantaghAve., Wantagh Call for pricing on other locations 1891 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh NEW LOCATION 180 Glen Cove Road AMERICAN L & E Bagels CENTURY 21 HOMES Carle Place The Best In Old Tyme Bagels! (In 5&10 Shopping Center) 516-742-7223 YOUR HOMES Open 365 Days! BETTY TRIQUET 516 - 679 - 9575 Notary Public 3346 Jerusalem Ave Parishioner Lic Salesperson Park Avenue Service COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 785-9586 Wantagh & Park Ave., Wantagh 826-4600 Buying or Selling “Lets Make it Happen” Celebrating Over 75 Years of Quality • Catering • Private Parties for all Occasions • Rehearsal Dinners FRESH FOOD MARKET “When being delicious is necessary” 1166 Wantagh Ave. 781-6400 Cherrywood Center JIM DANDY Drive-In Cleaners & Shirt Laundry 1272 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh Opp St. Frances 221-1144 Sunday Mass Parking Class “A” Roofing & Siding • Roofing • Architectural Roofing • SBS Roofing • Repairs • Siding • Gutters Since 1989 (516) 826-5514 Sr. Citizen Discount Parishioner Nassau Lic. #H1896880000 10% Off w/Ad NYC Lic. #883429 WORLD GYM FITNESS CENTER Weight Loss – Diabetics – Osteoporosis – Hypertension – Cancer Kids Gym & Kids Programs – Fight Child Obesity! Sport Specific Training 3728 Park Avenue, Wantagh Prince Umberto Pizzeria 516 - 221 – 7823 10% OFF Any Catering Order 1910 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh Please Patronize Our Advertisers 516 - 826 - 5555 Your Full Service Jeweler Appraisals • Repairs Done on Premises Open M-S 10-6 Most Watch Batteries $4.99 1174 Wantagh Ave. 826-3349 Parishioner #136 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • WANTAGH ABBEY, INC. AFFILIATE: BELLMORE FUNERAL HOME 2340 JERUSALEM AVE. No. BELLMORE, N.Y. 781-2022 785-0312 CORNER OF PARK AVE. & BEECH ST., WANTAGH FREE EXPERT PAINTING SERVICE Neat, Prompt, Professional Wantagh Car Care Center Early Bird Breakfast and Dinner Menus • Complete Automotive Breakfast served all SPINAL Diagnosis & Repair day ~ Open 7 Days 798-9505 EXAMINATION 892 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh Family Restaurant Free exam does 735-5531 824 Hicksville Rd., Massapequa not include X-Rays or treatment Dr. George Ruggi Brother Knight Wantagh Ave. Chiropractic Office 785-6655 LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: DOUGLAS T. MICHALEK WILLIAM J. HOOVEN A HOME FOR FUNERALS Ask for Pat Peragine TRAVEL CONSULTANT SUNSET TRAVEL Res 785-0666 Office 783-1200 2600 Merrick Rd. • Bellmore 3200 Sunrise Highway Wantagh (1 Block West of Wantagh Ave.) Licensed Master Plumber 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE No Overtime Mon-Sat 7am - 7 pm “Dignified , Personal Service” MANNYʼS LIMOUSINES Nobody Does It Better Specializing in Weddings & Proms, Airports, Atlantic City, Romantic Nite in NYC. We Specialize in Clean, Prompt, Courteous Service (516) 785-0158 (516) 826-6393 Call Us - You Won’t Be Sorry! Fax 785-1231 Serving Our Community Since 1948 Completely Renovated & Updated Facility Family Owned & Operated Largest Chapel in the Area 516 – 785 – 3380 3863 Merrick Road, Seaford (East of Rt. 135) BLESS OUR HOMES S.A.S. REAL ESTATE Local Sales Agents Needed Call For Information 1237 WANTAGH AVENUE Tony Smith WANTAGH, NY 11793 Owner/Broker (516) 781-5050 ATTORNEY AT LAW Accidents • Personal Injury 1873 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh 7 8 3 - 7 4 7 4 PAT DOLAN PLUMBING Wantagh 603 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 516-731-5550 Director Of The Year Multiple Listing Service of Long Island Realtor of the Year Long Island Board of Realtors W i ll i a m M . G ol d r ick 798-8943 •Wallpaper Removal & Hanging • Water Damage Repair • Expert Plastering• Stain & Varnish Moulding • Fine Painting • Benjamin Moore Paint • Many References in Your Area Licensed & Insured 221-5300 GREENS KEEPER Professional Landscape Services FREE Est. 516 783-9254 If you are a safe driver, you should pay less. That’s our stand. If you’re a safe driver, I can help you save money on your car insurance. Call me today for a free quote Gregory Harrington 749 Wantagh Avenue (516) 579-8700 [email protected] East Meadow 2515 N. Jerusalem Road E. Meadow, NY 11554 516-826-1010 Our Newest Location EAST ISLIP 62 CARLETON AVENUE (631) 581-2828 CERIELLO’S 1161 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh “Our Services Rendered In All Localities” BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant - Need Help Call 785-4070 516 - 679 – 9210 INNOVATIONS $69.99 Special 6 Foot Hero + salads! Open 7 Days Hot & Cold Catering Homemade Fresh Sausages, Mozzarella, & Ravioli PAT PERAGINE-BROSNAN Lic. RE Broker 221-REMAX (7362) X 214 3366 Park Avenue, Wantagh The Real Estate Leader Pray for a cure of DeRiggi, DeRiggi, & DeRiggi Multiple Sclerosis Attorneys At Law In Memory of Real Estate, Wills & Estates Cheryl Manne 516 - 799 – 7380 Friend and Parishioner 5788 Merrick Rd., Massapequa GOLD BUYERS L I TOP $$’s ALWAYS FOR GOLD, DIAMONDS, WATCHES & COINS $$ 516-308-3796 $$ 1134-A Wantagh Ave, Wantagh SPIGA BAKERY CONCORD DRIVE-IN CLEANERS 781-1400 3350 Park Ave. Bob Audette, Owner echniques dance studio, ltd. by michele & maria 1176 Wantagh Ave. 679-0056 Specialty Breads • Italian Pastries • Butter Cookies • Custom Cakes Biscotti • Gelato 2685 Merrick Rd., Bellmore 516-557-2688 TUTORING/EXAM PREPARATION Secondary • College Level American & European History Regent, Advanced Placement, College Prep NYS Certified: 35 Years Experience R. Gaudino 679-1038 Don Scanlon Lic. RE Broker CRB, GRI, CBR DR. GERALD CICCARELLO Notary Public Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 781-5225 2098 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh American Homes Al Cornella Your Home Lic. RE Broker 1897 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh 516-826-4600 Located Next to Wantagh 5 & 10 #136 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • 8:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by quiet prayer concluding with Benediction. 8:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by quiet prayer concluding with Benediction. “The Cost of Discipleship” led by Sister Jocelyn in the Pastoral Center Chapel on Tuesday, March 2nd and 9th from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday, March 3rd and 10th from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Father John Rowan is giving one hour Bible Study sessions on the three readings for the following Sunday’s to help us think about their meaning and application for our life and prayer. Monday’s at 7:30 p.m. February 22nd, March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd in the Library, and Tuesday’s, February 23rd, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd in the Msgr. Smulski Room. All are welcome! Bring your Bible. Our Young Vincentians invite you to a Lenten Bread & Soup Dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym. All are invited, no reservations required. All for the cost of Free-Will offering. The evening is, “Festive with a message as presented in a skit by our youth!” Your cost? A Free-Will offering with all proceeds going towards the continuing efforts to provide the life’s basics for the devastated people of Haiti. Everyone is invited! –4– Father John Rowan is giving one hour Bible Study sessions on the three readings for the following Sunday’s to help us think about their meaning and application for our life and prayer. Monday’s at 7:30 p.m. February 22nd, March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd in the Library, and Tuesday’s, February 23rd, March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd in the Msgr. Smulski Room. All are welcome! Bring your Bible. Our Young Vincentians invite you to a Lenten Bread & Soup Dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym. All are invited, no reservations required. All for the cost of Free-Will offering. The evening is, “Festive with a message as presented in a skit by our youth!” Your cost? A Free-Will offering with all proceeds going towards the continuing efforts to provide the life’s basics for the devastated people of Haiti. Everyone is invited! –4– Lenten Bread & Soup Dinner, Sunday, March 21st Bible Study Lenten Bread & Soup Dinner, Sunday, March 21st Bible Study Lenten Prayer Experience “The Cost of Discipleship” led by Sister Jocelyn in the Pastoral Center Chapel on Tuesday, March 2nd and 9th from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday, March 3rd and 10th from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Lenten Prayer Experience “Awakening Our Faith in Challenging Times” presented by Father Kevin Cronin, OFM in the Church on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, March 15th, 16th & 17th with the Homily at the 9:00 a.m. Mass and with a talk at the 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Lenten Parish Mission “Awakening Our Faith in Challenging Times” presented by Father Kevin Cronin, OFM in the Church on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, March 15th, 16th & 17th with the Homily at the 9:00 a.m. Mass and with a talk at the 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service. Lenten Parish Mission Special Lenten Programs Holy Hour in the Convent Chapel Thursday Evenings Holy Hour in the Convent Chapel Thursday Evenings Special Lenten Programs Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Saturday Mornings 8:30 a.m. ��������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� Weekday Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Schedule Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Saturday Mornings 8:30 a.m. ��������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� Saturday 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass Schedule
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