Spring 2008 - Hawaiian Humane Society


Spring 2008 - Hawaiian Humane Society
March 2008
Diary of a lost pup
Patches, a lost puppy found wandering the streets, shares his experience with the
Hawaiian Humane Society.
Tuesday, July 17 – 2:38 p.m.
I wandered anxiously through Ewa Beach disoriented and unsure of how to find my way home. I was
extremely thirsty and hadn’t eaten for a day.
In 2007, the Hawaiian Humane Society
received more than 15,000 calls for services
for lost and found animals, cruelty investigations, rescues, emergencies and more.
Wednesday, July 18 – 9:00 a.m.
I still couldn’t find my way home and wasn’t picking
up any familiar scents. I spotted a large white truck
and a woman called out to me in a friendly voice but
I was unsure of the stranger.
’t find
“I couldn ome.”
my way
It’s essential that dogs have
a collar, tag and microchip
with current owner records
with the Society.
The Humane Society’s Investigative Team is
10 officers deputized by the Honolulu Police
Department. They investigate reports, pick
up stray and abandoned animals, and educate families about responsible pet care.
Wednesday, July 18 – 10:20 a.m.
Her name was Francine Fujiwara and boy did she
smell like a million dogs! She works for the Humane
Society as a humane investigator.
Since I had no ID, Francine brought me to the Society. Her truck was like a doggie limo. I had my own,
climate-controlled animal compartment. I knew
things were looking up.
Owners sometimes believe their pet will
never get lost. Regardless, it’s essential that
dogs have a collar, tag and microchip with
current owner records with the Society.
Investigators scan lost pets for ID and use their
laptops to find owner contact information.
Continued on page 2
President’s Message
Pigs need your compassion too
At the Hawaiian Humane Society, we care about so much
more than animal companions. We care deeply about the
welfare of all animals, and something important has come to
my attention that will affect the way you shop.
Due to consumer demand for what is known as “hot pork,”
thousands of pigs needlessly suffer in transit from Canada to
Hawaii, just so they can be slaughtered here and cleverly labeled
in supermarkets as “island produced pork.” The animals suffer
days in transit under stressful conditions with painful deaths
due to stress and dehydration.
With the support of Hawaii’s animal welfare community, the
World Society for the Protection of Animals – as well as national
and international organizations – is launching a media
campaign urging the halt of long distant pig transport and
urging the public to shop for imported “chilled” pork.
This year, you’ll see Hawaii island humane societies becoming
more involved in larger efforts concerning the welfare of all
animals, and not just our beloved pets.
Your help is needed in making Hawaii a better place for people
and animals. Join the Hawaiian Humane Society’s Animal Advocates Team by calling 356-2212. Ask your legislators where they
stand on animal welfare issues and voice your concerns. Also,
vote for candidates who favor stronger animal protection laws.
With Aloha,
Pamela Burns and Daisy
President & CEO
Diary of a lost a pup... continued from page 1
Wednesday, July 18 – 2:45 p.m.
I arrived at the Society and was
placed in “dog holding” until
a veterinarian technician was
ready to evaluate my health and
Spayed and neutered animals tend to live
longer lives, the number of health problems
is reduced or eliminated, and they’re less
likely to run away.
This also helps control unplanned litters: in
While healthy, I was too young to six years, one female dog and her offspring
undergo neuter surgery.
can be the source of 67,000 puppies and
within seven years, one female cat and her
young can produce 420,000 kittens.
e a lot.”
taught m
Thursday, July 19 – 9:00 a.m.
While waiting to be eligible for
surgery, the Society placed me
with a foster family where I
learned some manners and skills
like “sit” and “stay.” But mostly, I
got over my shyness and learned
how to have fun with people.
To be eligible for spay or neuter surgery,
puppies and kittens must be at least 8 weeks
old and 2 pounds.
Animals that are either too young, underweight, or require medical attention for a
short time are placed with foster families.
Thursday, Sept. 13 – 3:54 p.m.
At 8 weeks, I was reassessed by
the Society’s veterinary staff and
was deemed ready for surgery.
“The adoption
process was ea
Adoption counselors help families select
the animal companion that best suits their
After a few days of recovery, I was Nearly 95 percent of adoptable animals find
placed in the adoption kennel
new homes. This includes dogs, cats and a
and waited patiently for the right wide variety of smaller pets.
family to choose me.
Friday, Sept. 14 – 11:00 a.m.
I met many families but one spe- The Society’s adoption fee covers everycial family committed to welcom- thing a pet needs for a healthy start. More
ing me into their home.
than $230 in services includes spay/neuter
surgery, health examination, vaccinations,
With the paperwork in order and
post-adoption healthcare for two weeks and
the $60 canine adoption fee paid,
so much more.
I left the shelter and was excited
to meet the rest of my
A City & County dog license also needs to
new family.
be purchased for $10 for dogs 4 months
and older.
“A special family
welcomed me hom
I am a frequent visitor of the Humane Society’s off-leash dog park. If you see me
playing, stop by to say hi!
Owners pay for dogs that bite
In October 2007, Kahala resident Mariko
Bereday was found negligent for failing
to keep her dog leashed on Kahala Beach.
On Mother’s Day 2005, the dog attacked
a 21/2 -year-old boy and his family was
awarded $856,000 – the largest award for
a dog-bite case in Hawaii.
This case emphasized the importance
of adhering to animal laws because pet
owners are liable for personal or property
damage, regardless of lack of knowledge
of a pet’s aggressiveness.
An estimated 40 percent of Oahu families
have dogs; that’s more than 158,000
dogs in neighborhoods everywhere. The
majority of these pets is sociable and
enjoy and crave human contact. However, any canine can bite regardless of size
or breed. In Hawaii in 2006, an estimated
1,100 people were treated for dog bites– a
relatively small number.
The Humane Society encourages you to
educate family members:
Never chase or tease dogs.
Always ask the dog’s owner for permission before approaching him, even
if you have met before. Refrain from
looking directly into his eyes. Move
slowly toward him with the back of
your hand extended below his chin so
that he can see and sniff your hand.
Refrain from patting the dog on his
head, which may frighten him.
If a dog jumps at you and acts
Stop and present any available object,
such as a purse or backpack, for the
dog to bite.
Shake and pull the object while the
dog is grabbing it, and slowly back
away to safety.
When you are near a safe area, let the
dog have the object and retreat.
“Responsible dog ownership is key in
preventing bites,” said Julie DeNucci,
the Humane Society’s animal behavior
coordinator. “Start socializing your dog
as soon as he comes home and integrate
him to the family. Enroll him in an
obedience class then practice what you’ve
learned in class. Encourage the entire
family to participate in teaching him
basic obedience commands.”
The Hawaiian Humane Society offers
free workshops, available by appointment
to business and community organizations. Call 356-2206. The 45-minute Mr.
Bugs Dog Bite Prevention workshop includes a 10-minute video and workbooks
for participants. Workshop information
includes recognizing the four major types
of dog behavior, tips on avoiding being
surprised by a strange dog and what to
do if chased or attached.
Pamela Burns
President & CEO
Gina Baurile
Community Relations Coordinator
This newsletter is published
quarterly by the
Hawaiian Humane Society.
2700 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Phone (808) 946-2187
Fax (808) 955-6034
Your financial support enables the
Hawaiian Humane Society to further
all of its programs and goals. All funds
raised for the Society serve the people
and animals of Hawaii. Though
united with many humane societies
across the country in a common
concern for animals, we are
an independent Hawaii organization
and receive no funding from national
organizations. We are also not an
Aloha United Way agency.
Do not disturb a dog who is sleeping,
eating or caring for puppies. Never
sneak up to play.
A child who finds an injured or lost
dog should ask a parent or guardian
for help.
If a strange dog approaches, remain
still with your hands at your side; he
will most likely sniff you and go away.
You should never try to outrun a dog;
back away slowly instead.
‘Pay your blessings forward’
with a gift to the animals
Our lives are blessed with
many caring friends,
family and even animals. Tribute gifts to the
Humane Society offer a
unique and lasting way to
thank those who’ve made
a difference in your life.
In 2004, Eric Kawamoto
wanted to give his wife
Leslie Ann a Christmas
In 2004, the Kawamoto’s adopted
gift she’d never forget.
Zoe from the Humane Society.
Leslie’s commitment to
helping animals inspired
Eric to sponsor a dog acquaintance area, where adopters and
animals can get to know each other.
Since then, the Kawamoto family has made Society tribute gifts
a family tradition. They’ve dedicated a tree to their veterinarian
Scott Harada; a tree to Leslie’s father and dog lover, Franklin
J.K. Leong; and a park bench to lost pets.
Tribute gifts to the
Humane Society offer a
unique and lasting way to
thank those who’ve made
a difference in your life.
Popular tributes include memorial plaques ($100) and personalized stepping stones ($250) placed in the Society’s garden pathways. Plaques can also be placed near shade trees or even on a dog
kennel ($1,000). Garden, park and shelter benches ($2,500) as well
as adoption counseling rooms, pet acquaintance areas, and Cat
House rooms ($5,000) are also available.
For information on recognition opportunities, contact Keith
Kraughto at 356-2221 or [email protected].
Rigo Neira joins as Director
of Operations
An animal welfare veteran with a decade of
experience in animal protection & control,
cruelty investigation and shelter management, Rigo Neira joins the Hawaiian Humane
Society as its Director of Operations.
“The Hawaiian Humane Society has a solid
reputation and is a nationally recognized
leader in the animal welfare community,” said
Rigo. “Working here was an opportunity that
I couldn’t let pass.”
His division encompasses many of the
Society’s critical public services: adoptions,
lost and found, veterinary services, animal
arrivals and feral cat sterilizations. He also supervises a team of more than 10 investigators
in field services, which covers animal rescues
and response for all of Oahu. Each year, the
Society receives more than 15,000 calls
for service, which includes cruelty investigations, barking dog complaints and dog bite
His 2008 initiatives are improving customer
service in all areas, increasing the number
of reclaimed lost pets and continuing to
promote responsible pet care. Rigo’s plans
include strengthening relations between the
Society and its community counterparts including the Honolulu Police Department, the
veterinarian community and pet owners.
Right: Rigo and Cash, who was adopted
from Colorado’s Larimer Humane Society.
Pair indicted on first-degree cruelty to animals
In January, Saturnino Palting and Nelson Domingo were indicted by an Oahu grand jury on charges of first-degree cruelty
to animals and second-degree theft. Both crimes are class C felonies punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
On Dec. 16, 2007 Frank Manuma, brought his dog Caddy, to the
Moanalua Golf Course. Frank planned a round of golf before
his afternoon shift as a volunteer security guard and had permission to leave his pet at an equipment shack near the clubhouse
while he golfed. When he returned, Caddy was gone.
“We worked closely with the Honolulu Police Department in
investigating the case,” said Kawehi Yim, community relations
director. “We are confident that the prosecuting attorney’s
office is pursuing this case to the fullest extent possible allowed
by law.”
On Dec. 21, the Society held a press conference announcing
an award of up to $2,500 for the arrest and conviction of those
involved in the theft and slaughter of Caddy. Also on-hand
to answer reporters’ questions were the Manuma family and
Senator Clayton Hee, who authored and championed the felony
animal cruelty bill. Governor Linda Lingle signed the bill into
law in June 2007.
Newspapers across the globe picked up articles about the case.
Caddy’s story touched the local community, and even former
On Dec. 21, the Society held a press
conference offering a reward of up
to $2,500 for the arrest and conviction of
those involved in the theft and slaughter of a pet dog owned by
the Manuma family. (From left: Mr. and Mrs. Manuma, Sen.
Clayton Hee, President & CEO Pamela Burns and Humane
Investigator Keoni Vaughn.)
Hawaii residents, who voiced their opinions through countless
letters to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Honolulu Advertiser
editors as well as by phone inquiry to both the Humane Society
and the prosecuting attorney’s office. The court case is scheduled for March 31, 2008.
Humane Society rescues dog
trapped in storm drain
While most of us began the new year with joy and laughter,
Phil Lum of Hawaii Kai spent the day anxiously searching for
his dog Yogi. Frightened by new year’s eve fireworks, Yogi had
bolted from home.
Phil had just placed lost dog ads in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and on craigslist.com and
was about to post flyers in his neighborhood
when he received a call from the Hawaiian
Humane Society. Yogi was found and his ID
helped the Society locate the Lums.
descending deeper and deeper into the drain. Exhausted and
desperate to get home, Yogi finally relented to his rescuers.
The Society’s humane
investigators are on-duty
all day and every day and
respond to more than 15,000
“Animal rescues with happy endings are
the rewards of this job,” said Vernon Ling,
Society investigator. “Rescues are just one
aspect of what our team faces daily. We also
investigate animal cruelty cases and educate
the public about responsible pet ownership.”
The Society’s humane investigators are onduty all day and every day and respond to
more than 15,000 calls for service
every year. Call response is based upon priority level and top
priority is always a situation in which the animal or someone is
in danger.
calls for service every year.
Yogi’s five-day journey began when terrified by fireworks; he raced down a storm
drain for safety and couldn’t get out. Humane investigators
responded to a call about a barking dog in distress. For nearly
two hours, Society officers Vernon Ling and Nicholas Maurer worked with the fire department to lure the dog that was
Dog-gone it!
Give us more parks and we’ll give you a better neighborhood
Oahu’s four off-leash dog parks
have meant happier dogs, less barking in neighborhoods, and new
friends for thousands of people
and pets who enjoy these gathering
With more than 330,000 dogs
in Oahu families, neighbors are
rallying together and making
off-leash pooch parks a reality. It
takes patience, perseverance and
consensus-building to get these
parks established and no group
knows this more than Ala Wai K-9
Playground Association. Its efforts will culminate in 2010 with
the opening of a 32,000 sq. ft. Ala Wai off-leash park that will
serve thousands of families in the Waikiki neighborhood. With
its abundance of high-rise homes, residents saw the pressing
need for an open area for dogs to play, exercise and socialize – all
of which make dogs better neighbors.
“We are 200 supporters strong and we
know that having an off-leash park is as
much for the dogs as it is for the people
who enjoy making friends.”
–Sandy Eldrich, vice president
Ala Wai K-9 Playground Association.
“The K-9 Playground Association was formed after Waikiki
residents were ticketed for meeting in areas where canines are
prohibited,” said Sandy Eldrich, vice president of the Ala Wai
K-9 Playground Association. “We are 200 supporters strong and
we know that having an off-leash park is as much for the dogs as
it is for the people who enjoy making friends.”
The non-profit Association partnered with the City to establish
the park and the public-private alliance enables both to share
resources and minimize expenses. The association’s responsibilities include fence building, a water system installation, and
general park maintenance.
Initially, the Association’s biggest opponent was a nearby school
that was concerned about possible health issues and the distraction of park users. A compromise was made so that park hours
will be from 5 p.m. to sunset.
For Hawaii Kai residents, an
off-leash romp in the park
is coming even sooner. Park
champion Hui ‘Ilio Hawai‘i is
working hand-in-paw with the
City for a 2008 opening. The
park will be located in the vacant lot adjacent to the Hawaii
Kai Park and Ride.
You can be a Park
Create a Pack. Talk to
other dog owners and form a core group of neighborhood
volunteers. Invite the Humane Society to join your neighborhood effort.
Sniff Around. Find out if an area is already in consideration
by contacting the Department of Parks & Recreation at
768-3003. Visit other parks. Search the Internet for resources,
guidelines and issues. Great places to start: www.dogparkusa.
org and www.akc.org/canine_legislation/dogpark.cfm
Make Friends. Present your proposal to the Neighborhood
Board. A Board recommendation is essential but their approval is not a guarantee for park development.
Dog Friendly Parks
Dog Fancy magazine named San Diego “DogTown USA” in
recognition of the city’s 60-plus hotels and 50-plus restaurants that welcome dogs. In addition to off-leash dog parks,
the city is home to California’s best off-leash beaches.
Oahu’s off-leash parks:
The Bark Park – Diamond Head Road (privately owned)
McInerny Dog Park – Hawaiian Humane Society (privately owned)
Mililani Dog Park (a city park)
Moanalua Dog Park (Oahu’s first
city park)
Visit www.hawaiianhumane.org for locations of all parks
and beaches where dogs are welcome.
Upcoming Events Calendar
Tuxes & Tails A Night in
Hollywoof set for April 26
Lights! Camera! Action!....On April 26,
the Humane Society will roll out the
red carpet for A Night in Hollywoof, its
annual Tuxes & Tails gala at the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel.
Guests will be treated to a night in Tinseltown starring delectable food, canines on
the red carpet, and live and silent auctions.
You can be part of the supporting cast by
donating auction items and cash donations to help the event reach its financial
goal. Please call Peggy Loop at 356-2225
for information.
A special mahalo to the fat cats and top
dogs whose stars line the Hollywoof Walk
of Fame.
Event co-chairs:
Vicky Cayetano and Ginny Tiu
Committe members:
Sharon Shiroma Brown
Robert Bean
Pamela Burns
Mitch D’Olier
Christina Doane
Nicholas C. Dreher
Ernest H. Fukeda Jr.
Ford Fuchigami
Lisa George
Michael Ito
Mi Kosasa
Susan Kosasa
Lynn Lally
Matt Levi
Naomi Loewe
Princess Dialta Alliata Montereale
Mark Nakatsukasa
Pauline Namuo
Norman M. Noguchi
Davis Nguyen
Terri Otani
Mary Philpotts
Mark Polivka
Mel Sakurai
Gil Sato
Shareen Sato
Lawrence Rodriguez
Patricia Rodriguez
Blossom Tyau
Joyce Tomonari
Dr. Lawrence Tseu
Kathleen Yoshinaga
March 29 workshop teaches
the teacher
The Hawaiian Humane Society and the University of Hawaii Outreach College are offering a non-credit workshop that supports teachers in integrating humane education
in curriculum lesson plans and activities. The class also includes an introduction on
the connection between animal abuse and human violence and innovative approaches
to service-learning.
The program benefits teachers and non-profit organizations that work with youth,
churches and other organized youth groups.
The Saturday, March 29 class offers full ($75) and half-day ($55) sessions. Price
includes training materials.
For more information or to register, visit www.outreach.hawaii.edu/noncredit.
Is your pet
ready for his
The Hawaiian Humane Society wants
your pet photos for its 2009 Pets in
Paradise calendar.
A cover pet and 12 top picks will be
selected. All other photos entered will
be featured in the calendar’s collages.
At $15 per entry, photos must be of
animals only (no people) and received
by June 30. While high-resolution
digital photos are recommended, hard
copies will also be accepted. The entry
form and contest guidelines are available at www.hawaiianhumane.org or
call 356-2290.
Hawaii’s history of Poi Dogs & Po
One of the first references to
Hawaii dogs was penned by
an officer of English explorer
James Cook. In 1779, he wrote
about diminutive dogs with
up-curved tails “and short
crooked legs, long backs and
pricked ears.” Ancient petroglyphs of Hawaiian dogs
closely match that description.
By the 1850s, the mild-mannered Polynesian dogs were
interbred with European
breeds. The Europeans also
brought their values of dogs as
companions, which took hold in the islands. Poi dog eventually came to
describe a pet of unrecognizable breed—thoroughly mixed, as is poi.
Exactly when the first cat landed in Hawaii is still a mystery. Hawaii’s mild
climate gave rise to both feral and pet populations. They were commonplace by 1809 when Englishman Archibald Campbell compiled a 400word vocabulary that included a Hawaiian word for cat: Popokee. In 1836,
Reverend Lorrin Andrews compiled a Hawaiian vocabulary that included
three words for cat: Po–poki, Uau and Oau. Hawaiian scholar Nathaniel
Emerson explained the origins. Po–poki is an imitative vocalization for
‘poor pussy.’ Oau (pronounced oh-ow) comes from the Hawaiian imitation of “meow.”
This excerpt is from the Hawaiian Humane Society’s Poi Dogs &
Popoki book, which can be purchased at the shelter or online at
Wanted! Pre-1945 family pet photos
The Humane Society seeks Hawaii family photos of
and with pets before 1945. Photos may be used in
future Society publications or on display at the shelter.
Contact Gina Baurile at gbaurile@hawaiianhumane.
org or 356-2223.
Say it in Hawaiian
• Cat – po–poki
• Horse – lio
• Lizard – mo‘o
• Owl – pueo
• Rabbit – la–paki
• Rat – ‘iole
• Chicken – moa
• Cow – pipi
• Dog – ‘i lio
• Duck – koloa
Royal Pets
Prince Edward in 1864
(son of Kamehameha
IV and Queen Emma)
and dogs.
Kamehameha V and
his sister Victoria
owned a spoiled and
pampered pet parrot
Pahua, who chattered
constantly in Hawaiian, sat on a perch
at ‘Iolani Palace and
clawed visitors he disliked.
Queen Lili‘uokalani owned a pet tortoise that was
well-known in the kingdom.
Most popular pet names…to da “Max”
Hawaiian Humane Society’s records reveal Oahu’s most popular
pet names.
1. Buddy
2. Coco
3. Baby
4. Tiger
5. Daisy
According to Veterinary Pet Insurance, “Max” is the nation’s favorite
name for both cats and dogs.
Dogs 1. Max 2. Molly
3. Buddy
4. Bella
5. Lucy
1. Max
2. Chloe
3. Lucy
4. Tigger
5. Tiger
Tribute Gifts
Ryan Abe’s Birthday
Russell & Dorene Kakuda
Hawaiian Humane Society Staff
& Volunteers
Happy’s This & That Fund
Irene Zane
John Alexander & Family
Hays Alexander
Aaron Hartfiel
Kurt & Becca Smudzinski
Sarah Barron
Stephen Rodgers
Dr. Nancy Hedlund
Merryann Jancovic, Ph.D.
Pat Munoz & Luther Bjornsen
Mauricio & Lisa Munoz
John T. Hill
Linda Marie Chapla
Don Blakeley
Scott D. Moore, Ph.D.
Officer J. Hinazumi
Jeanne Marn
Linda Bulatao
Lori Takara
Karen Ho
Dona Stewart-Ho
Katie Burns
Francesca Dalleo
Dad Isa
Kelli L. Isa
Larry & Patricia Rodriguez
Susan L. Beazley
Angela N. Golis-Yamamoto
Lynn Haring
Aileen Hiramatsu
Tan Tek Lum
Linda Ross & Dr. David P. Reid
Sharon R. Shigemasa
Pamela Burns
Scott Dodd
Janet Li Jin
Daniel L. Dudden
Mark Rust
Geraldine Anderson
Carolee for Christmas
Terri Fujii
Shelly Kaplan’s Birthday
Lauren Holthaus
Jeff & Monica Sauer
Dave & Jan Sauer
Doug & Suzanne Chang
Sue Chang
Mary Kudo
Adele Chong
Jim & Bet Schuler
Lori Takara
Adele Chong
Jon Chong
Emily Lanter’s Bat Mitzvah
Larry & Lynne Leonard
Miranda Scott
Alissa Reiter
Patricia Colvin
Andrew & Lynette Colvin
Tony Laramie
Cindy A. Jarvis
Erin Shimabukuro’s Birthday
Jeffrey D. Han
Lt. Col. Ben W. Cotton, Jr.
Jun & Steven Matsuo
Liliha Library Staff
Sheryl Lynch
Michael Smith & Family
Judith Erlanger
Michael, Joyce & Mackenzie Deba
Michelle Dega
John Luciano
Lisa Arcella
Rita Smith
Sarah L. Pestle
George & Katie Diskant
Jeanie McInerny
The MacMasters
Colette A. Lindgard
The Smudzinski Family
Kurt & Becca Smudzinski
The Eby Family
Kurt & Becca Smudzinski
Mattheson Marie
Alexandra Hankins
The Spiezio Family
Capt. & Mrs. Bradley Kaplan
Ginette Eldredge-Merry
Maureen Eldredge
Mattheson Marie
Jennifer Lee
Evan Masutani
Stephen Masutani
Lori Takara
Linda Bulatao
Joanne Halsey
Jean Rushworth
Louise Medina
Ellen L. Akaka
Ginny Tiu
Benjamin & Vicky Cayetano
Sage Minato
Charissa Minato
Robert & Joy Torrey
Ninia M. Strungis
Virginia Nicol & Aaron Moriwake
Susan E. Nicol
James Tripp
June & Reginald Chambers
Dr. Dan Severson &
Dr. Renee Nagata
Donna M. Tomita
Toni L. Tudor
Timothy E. Fern
In Honor of People
Christopher Espinoza
Ron & Sanne Higgins
Carolyn Nicol & Glen Fukunaga
Susan E. Nicol
Jamie Goya
Stuart C. Rinehart
Joanne Halsey
Lori Takara
Dr. Scott Harada
Eric & Leslie Ann Kawamoto
Susan Nicol
Virginia, Aaron & Marie
Olivia Orme
Tatiana Fudo
Rad Renton
June & Reginald Chambers
Amy Rhee
Jenny Sung
Jaydee & Jolen Wagner
Kimberly Louis
Winnie Wilson
William D. Wilson
Tish Wolf
Kimberley Haines
Alia Yamafuji’s Birthday
Vee & Robert Yamafuji
Aaron Yonamine
Sue Agostinelli
Jill & Ron Young
Art & Betty Joao
In Honor of Pets
Abandoned black alley cat of Hilo
Jeanine & Roger Holmes
Acapito Bean
Robert R. Bean
All Loving Pets
FEDEX OneCall Team 53
Azuki Bean
Kris N. Nakagawa
Bop, Keiko, Keiki, Kaina
Betty Taylor & Mark Reed
Mary Jane Butler & David Wilson
Richard C. Harp
Courage Kashiwamura
Eric & Teri Kashiwamura
Lanikai Elementary Public
Charter School
Craig & Keala Souza
Gracie & Thor
Denise Ellinwood
Happy’s This & That Fund
Raymond Lyau
Lynne & Chantelle Zane Randall
Debbie, Ken, Steven & Gerry
Douglas & Joycelyn Wong
Nathan, Kahea & Kui Wong
Irene Zane
Kaupili Magic
Michael Y. Ichikawa
Kiki the Daschund
Jean Stubler
Andrew & Beth Aoki
In Memory of People
Merryann Jancovic, Ph.D.
Edith Abe
Melvyn & Carol Kohama
Lora Eichler
Kyung H. Eichler
Deanne “Dee Dee” Acosta
Tokiko Bazzell
Health Sciences Library UH School
of Medicine
David Fitzpatrick
Girard & Miyuki Lau
Sam Carter
Doris Bain
Martha J. Urann
William Judd Huckins
Richard & Barbara Bonnardel
Clifford & Catherine Kobayashi
John I. Seth
Marty Hutchins
Maile R. Chun
Sara J. Farnham
Peter Iszard
Ed Furuike
Natsuko Kamehiro
James Y. Kamehiro
Lucy’s 1st Birthday
Anita K. Nihei
Lorraine, Joseph & Wesley
Michael Barientos
Maggie T. Dog
Jay & Lisa Maddock
Gerald (Jerry) Blake
Martha M. Purdy
George Kelly, Sr.
Bill & Elaine Lindsey
Manele & Koele Schultz
The Thomas Family
Mary Kimball
Louise Woolley
Eleanor Wakano
Winifred Kapukini Chun Ching
Samantha Ching
Mahina Komeiji
Kawena Komeiji
The DeFault Family
Misha & Rusty
Joyce & Patrick Hada
Cindy Chong
Donna G. Wallace
Jan & James Kawata
Peggy Hoefer
Franklin J.K. Leong
Eric & Leslie Ann Kawamoto
Yu Liang
Grace L. Chu
Lois Lim
George M. C. Lim
Marchia Nishimoto
Yoshiko Chu
Grace L. Chu
William T. Henne
Robert Cooling
Mary Ellen & Ford King
Christy Y. Kohama
Irma Cunha
Paul & Naomi Loewe
Rusty Lim
George M. C. Lim
Ralph S. Dobbins
Jack & Marilyn Gagen
Rusty Wong
Lester G Wong
Elizabeth Ernest
John Adolph & Linda Aono
Donald M. Fujimoto
Kazuko Igarashi Fernandez
Rosendo Fernandez
Ronald W. Tilton
Rose Fontanilla
Clark M. Miyazaki
R. Timothy McCabe
Kay Iwane
Patsy Okino
Mrs. E.K. Freitas
Beverly M. Suenaga
Six-Pack & Deepak
Terry R. Joiner
Tsutae Funakoshi
Lynn Funakoshi
Patricia Janet Mills
Lisa Lichtenstern
Lance, Jennifer & Sarah Mills
Sophie the Ratt
Grant E. Marcus
Shigeru Furuya
Edith Kimura
Dean Higuchi
Gabi & her pets
Clifford Cordeiro
Taro & Jiro
Chiyo Nakano
Penny Garrett-Toma
Herman T. Toma
Michael Matsuda
Fay Hendricks
Sandra N.L. Ing
Wallace & Amy
Sandra Kim
Albert Y.G. Ho
Cindy Krantz
Yodi & Lucas
Naomi F. Morita, M.D.
Fin Hollinger
Elizabeth D. Hollinger
Bruce R. MacPherson, II
Bruce & Cecilia MacPherson
Shigeru & Jill M. Maeda
Kay Y. Maeda
Charles Marsland
Pauline L. Grigg
Donald K. Martin
William M. Vannatta
Minori & Gladys Masui
Doris Mayeshiro
Ann Moriguchi
Ray K. Moriguchi
Nora Nakagami
Carol & Jerry Nakagami
Kely Emi Nakata
Marc & Lori Fujimoto
Albert Ngum & Zeke
Mary E. Kagawa
Masaru Nishiki
Myrna K. Sen
Philip Norris
Jean C. Hindman
Sheryl H. Sims
Norma Nuetzel
Christl Coleman & Nicole Baily
Verna K. Olson
Douglas R. Olson
Diane Ponce
Gilbert Ponce
Stephen Rowland
Cheryl Mitsuka
Jacquline Paikuli Watson
Jeanne Rusch
Larry K. Sato
Patricia Drummondo
Adele Sawada-Omori
Michiko Suzuki
Keala Shidaki
Ted & Thelma Murphy
Anthony “Buster” Shim
Clark M. Miyazaki
Jack Simpson
Patricia A. Paterson
Barbara Stafford
Dorothy M. Evans
Jeremy Stewart
Lloyd & Kae Baker
Mary Tabata
Janice Tabata
Erick Tamaye
Shiori Tanaka
Helen T. Shiraishi
Kevin Throckmorton
Eileen Wallenhorst
Gavno Viscovich
Susan V. Hogan
Robert E. Webb
Alice H. Webb
Stephen Weers
Stanley & Janet Bukes
Ann R. Weers
Lesley & Jeffery Young
Grace Westover
Dorothy L. Liu
Samuel Winber
Mook Lan Lo Winber
Duke M.M. Wong II
Jocelyn, Douglas & Nathan Wong
David H. Yamane, Sr.
Geraldine M. Sakoda
Ruth M. Akana Zane
Irene Zane
In Memory of Pets
Josh & Valerie Longbottom
Takeo & Barbara Kudo
Deborah Yamamoto
Marilynn C. Metz
Casey Jones
Noreen N. Mattos
Harley & Jazzman
Lisa Mann
Lani & Maile
Karen Miller
All Fish
Beverly Sin Len Page
Chamomile & Haupia
Kathleen E. Kiyuna
Haupia, Pua Kea & Miki
Estella M. Grantham
Mac, Michon & Marcus
Darrell & Sheila Strahan
Amber, Buffy & Princess
Francis & Clara Morikawa
Arthur A. Kluvo
M. Claire & Martin Allard
Bette T. Uyeda
Aorta & Prinny
Gail I. Butchart
Luke & Christine Caron
Grant I. Loo
Hisaka Sugiyama
Karelyn Lee
Charlaine T. Higashi
Mary Bergmann
Lawrence J. Kobashigawa
Ch Ashburton Foxglove
Janice Ibaraki
Chloe & Maggie
Marcia Schultz
Hugo “Boss” Bareng
Yolanda Hein
Cindy Krantz
Ciao-Ciao & Bella
Patricia P. Rose
Karen Francis & Roderick Nystul
Pamela DaGrossa
Raymond & Constance Akase
Hunter & Buster
Lance & Kathey Mehle
Alice Nunogawa
Debra Lee T. So
Inky Song
Eric Miji
Leslie Allen & Milton Ebesu
Bill & Carol Decker
Ipo Ono-Goeas
Jeanne Ono-Goeas & Gary Goeas
Pamela Burns
Jake Ishikawa
Albert Ternora
Faith I. Kanno
Karen Francis & Roderick Nystul
Sandra H. Isono
Christy R. Yano
Faye K. Taira
Cutie & Tuff; In Honor of
Snuggles & Da Gang
Julie & William DeCosta
Eleanor Wakano
Phyllis N.T. Shea
Roslyn & Daven Chun
Bear & Gus
Amy N. Onoue
Benno, Hasso, Reuben, Kikat,
Mistah, Buddy, Nibble Niele
Leslie C. Kayser
Carl & Armelle Farden
Boy Acoba
Carolyn & Simeon Acoba
Andrew & Lynette Colvin
Mary J. Amundson
Robert M. Crone
Brighteyes & Gundi
Diane L. Stonebrink
James & Vickie Farmer
Edward & Marlene Wilcox
Buddy & Mr. Uchida
Linda I. Temple
Patricia M. Domingo
Shirley O. Ikeda
Caddy Manuma
Lloyd & Kae Baker
Merle S. Miura
Scott Dodd
Noreen N. Mattos
Bert & Helen Tanonaka
John W. Lynch
Frank & Tina
Paul & Naomi Loewe
Sookyung Shutoff
Gigi Piniol
Loretta S. Piniol
Donna G. Wallace
Girly Girl
Lisa Ann Asari
Goliath Meisels
Elizabeth R. Meisels
Gus, Patti Sue & Barbie
Anne Slocum Main
Gary & Jennifer Herald
Hans Gunther Chang
Kay K. Hirata
Ned & Lani Nedbalek
Kaliko Asato
Sharon S. Asato
Mikini, Kakani, Hoku, Maks
& Max
Melissa J. Lange
Marylyn Kudo
Ann K. Kinoshita
Lillian A. Steinkamp
Mitzi & Beau
Lisa Lewis
Keith K. Ho
Andrew Afaese
Muffy Mikko Nishida
L.M. Nishida Weatherproofing Inc.
Lawrence & Elaine Nishida
Albert & Marilyn Kadota
Carole H. Toguchi
Kimo & Sam
Jan N. Inao, M.D.
Kimo, Mitze & Ginger
Jane Potts
Koakoa Lapa & Miki’ala
Victoria Trowbridge & Allen
Murphy Tomita
Bruce Wade & Liane Sunn
Donna M. Tomita
Grace & Roy Kawakami
Jennifer & Jonathon Grems
Nicole K. Mariani
Caroline Oda
Kona Coffee Beans
Stephanie McLaughlin
Maydell M. Kahawaii-Smith
Kona Turner
Renald & Joy Fukuoka
Elizabeth G. Matthews
Oscar Kondo
Sandra & Mike Irish
Maggie Schultz
The Thomas Family
Wilson & Quincy
Jon & Sandy Tsujimura
Arlene D. McMurtray
Ann Gorbitz
Ray K. Moriguchi
Selwyn M. Yee
Sniffy & Pampers
Lee Ellis
Steven & Estrellita Komura
Joyce H. C. Lau
Snoopy, Tucker, Crispin &
Gerald & Connie G.W.
Zima-Girl Carlos
Sharon S. Asato
Prince & Brandy
Lydia & Dwight Tanaka
Princess Aiko Bird
Harold & Eveline Tasaka
Pamela T. Garrison
Jack & Marilyn Gagen
Purrsy Boy, Pretty Girl &
Kit Yoshimura
Paul & Violet Yoshimura
Ridge Kalahui
Sharyl Masuyama
Kurt & Keri Ann Kajiyama
Runty & Sunny
Hiroshi & Janet Kato
P.G. Verrey
Sachiko Mamiya
Matthew Mamiya
Donald M. Fujimoto
Sammy Okino
Patsy Okino
Paul & Judith Kikuta
Stephen & Sherry Humphrey
Sandy Parsons
Lori Campbell
Patricia Carroll
Sarah & Brandi
Jane R. Claffey
Scrunch, Gus & Moto
Barbara S. Jurkens
James & June Vinton
Shadow & Lady
Michele A. Efron-Youngblood
Elizabeth G. Matthews
Wayne & Diane Iwaoka
Donna Tsukamoto
Sparkle Domingo
Samuel & Lily Domingo
Larry Stubblefield
Squine & Fudge
Eleanor Wakano
Starfire & Rider
Naomi F. Morita, M.D.
Streaker, Beardsley, Fred
& Aka
Denise Ellinwood
Deane T. Chun
Susan K. Miller
Amie L. Jackson
Ramon & Charlene Arjona
Tessie Fukumoto
Lianne S. Wong
Wendy Ann N. Wakai,
Martha Y. Tamura
Tinker Bell, Hina, Lani &
Leilani Schuman
Tinker, Pyoo, Ohia &
Sharon Tasaka
Tracey & Timothy Kelley
Martin & Christina Denny
Zoe Kawaa
Yahna Kawaa
Gifts of Love
Bernard A. Abbadessa, D.C.
Brigitte Abbot
Tsuneko Abe
Rosa F. Abelaye
Charles W. Adcock
John Adolph & Linda Aono
Aiea High School
Band Booster
Dale & Katherine Aina
David D. Aiu, Jr.
Glen Y. Ajimine
Robyn L. Akahoshi
David R. Akana
Susan & Moses Akana
Carol A. Aki
A & B Foundation
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Charles A. Alexander
Grace C. Alexander
Allcom Distribution Corp
David S. Allen
Judy R. Allen
Leslie Allen & Milton Ebesu
Kandee K. Almond
Aloha Petroleum, Ltd.
Georgiana Alvaro
American International
Ms. Carole Anamizu
Eve Anderson
Tam J. Anderson
Barbara A. Anglin
Aon Foundation
Laura F. Aono
Michie Aono
Tsugio & Frances Aoyama
Linda H. Arakaki
Steven Y. Arashiro
Terrance & Susan Arashiro
Architects Pacific, Inc
Francis & Bridget Arrastia
Art’s Obedience
Dayne Y. Asato
Warren H. T. Au
William E. Aull
Melody L. Awa-Faurot
Jeffrey A. Babcock
Patricia Bagasol
Ruth S. Ballard
Andrew Barbour
Sandra Barker
Clifford & Cynthia Barroga
Sarah Barron
Gabriele M. Barthlen, M.D.
Ruth Alison Bastis
John Baumer
Robert R. Bean
Jill M. Beaupre
Donald O. Beckwith
Sally M. Belles
Joan S. Bellinger
Marilyn Bevins
Kenneth E. Blake
Victoria S. Blake
Roger Blankfein, DVM
Deborah Bocken
Francie E. Boland
Henry Boland
The Boston Consulting
Group, Inc.
Emily Brand
William F. Brandt
Jo-Anne K. Briseno
Robert E. Britts
Thomasene Brodhead
Douglas M. Brooks
Patricia A. Brown
Virginia L. Brown
Joanne E. Brykczynski
BSC Corp. dba Sanrio
Neil Burkart
James S. Burns
Kevin Burns
Pamela Burns
Burt’s Union Service, Inc.
Cades Foundation
Cades Schutte, LLP
Madeline Cahoon
Michael & Faye Caldonetti
Annette M. Camacho
Danelo & Ann Canete
Danielle R. Canne
David W. Cardell
Rosaleen Carlin
Cornelius J. Carmody II
Luke & Christine Caron
Kevin M. Carr
Rose & Henry Carvalho
Daniel & Carol Case
Case, Lombardi & Pettit
Emily O. Castle
The Cat Clinic
Central Building Company
Central Pacific Bank
A Chan
Joan A. Chan
Brenda Sue Chang
Mary Ann Chang
Steve Chapman
David & Ursula Chappell
Wieland C. W. Chee
Angela Cheng
Chevron Texaco
Grant & Julie China
Carol A. Chinen
Carolyn & Burt Chinen
Brandy Ching
Christina N. Ching
Desiree K. Ching
Han & Meredith Ching
Damon K. Chong
Luther H. Chong
Keith K.S. & Stella Chow
City Mill Company, Ltd./
Chung Kun Ai Foundation
Irene K. Clark
Mark D. Clement, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R.
Christl Coleman &
Nicole Baily
Elaine L. Collins
Steven W. Colon
Harold & Edna Conroy
ControlPoint Surveying,
Harry K. Cook
Dorothy C. Cooper
William J. Corba
Linda & T. J. Corcoran
Kleona Corsini
James & Hannah
Krysten Coulter
Jack Covington
Crazy Shirts, Inc.
Richard A. Criley
C.B. Crockett, Jr.
Christopher & Marcia Croft
Doris & Merle Crow
Duane & Mrs. Bonita
Thomas R. Cunningham
Marilyn Cupchoy
Maria Da Silveira
Marie Daguay
Katherine N. Daido
Gordon H. Damon
Mike & Pearl Daniels
William C. Darrah
Sandy Date
Robert & Mary Decker
Elizabeth Flora Deinert
Sherry L. Demicilio
Stan & Ruth DeRieux
Marie Derigo
Scott Devenney
Susan E. Dewitz
Concetta M. DiLeo
Ray & Marchen Dingle
Paul G. Dodds
Anna Doell
Laurie A. Doerschlen
Linden T. Doescher
Joyce B. Doheny
Kathleen D. Domen
Dian A. Dooley
Minja Draves
Koren K. Dreher
Nicholas & Koren Dreher
Pat & Grace Duarte
James & Anne Marie Duca
Archie & Diana Dung
Charles & Page Dwight
Michael & Jacqueline
Sally H. Edwards
Lucius & Joann Eldredge
Eileen R. Elfsten
Jacinda Elias
Janet & Mike Elinski
Norman & Deborah Day
Rosemarie Emery
Emmanuel Episcopal
Todd Enokawa
Isami & Zora Enomoto
Ernst & Young LLP
Lee Ann Errett
Antonio Espiritu
Roger C. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Eyre, Jr.
Richard E. Farley
A. Sonia Faust
Kathy Fay
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Finance Factors
Sarah E. Fincke
Jefferson Finney
First Hawaiian Bank
First Hawaiian Foundation
First Insurance Company
of Hawaii, Ltd.
Barbara Fischlowitz-Leong
& M.J. Leong
Judith Flanders
Cynthia M. Flating
Mervy Fong
Joseph & May Foo
Ada J. Forbes
Cynthia B. Foster
Lisa E. Fowler
Mary Lou Foy-Failla
Richard L. Fried, Jr.
Jack R. Frost
Cheyenne F. Fry, D.V.M.
Benjamin & Laura
Walter & Kay Fujimoto
Jo Ann & Russell Fujita
M. Fujita
Julie Y.H. Fujiwara
Robert Fukuda & Anna
George & Lei Fukuhara
Harry M. Fukuhara
Arlene S. Fukunaga
Dr. & Mrs. Francis H.
Ann Fukushima
Linda S. Fukuya
Lloyd I. Funada
Darrell Fung
Monica M. Furuhashi
Howard & Tomeyo Furuya
Jan Futa
Hana I. Gabrielson
Daniel & Jennifer Gage
Jack & Marilyn Gagen
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Ana Garaa
Anthony L. Garcia
Sheryl P. Gardner, M.D.
Alexander Gaston
Tia Gaurani
Harriet M. Gee
Geico Philanthropic
Francis & Jayne George
Jolene F. Gerell
Monique A. Gevas
Maimona Ghows
Gregory Gibbons
Glaucoma Center of Hawaii
William F. Gleason
Andrew M. Goddard
R. Chris & Debra Godwin
Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Colleen F. Goto-Ono
Green Thumb Inc.
Troy Griffin, Jr. &
Annemarie Newman
James Griffith
Karen & Chester Griffith
Jess H. Griffiths
Phyllis M. Guard
Robert T. Guard
Carolyn K. Gugelyk
Dede Guss
Joyce H. Haas
Robert Hackman
Stacy Hadano
John S. Hagan
Thomas J. Halvorsen
Berton Hamamoto
Tomeo & Jane Hamanaka
John J. Hamill
William M. Hamilton
Pat M. Hammers
Charles Hanebuth &
Cynthia Surrisi
Hank’s Haute Dogs
Kenneth C. Hansen
Happy’s This & That Fund
N. Harada Properties, Inc.
Lloyd Haraguchi
Jean H. Hashimoto
Diane & Mark Hastert
Emi Hata
Joy S. Hatakeyama
Marsha L. Hayakawa
Hope C. Hearst
Carol Heck
Marie B. Heck
H. John & Lea Heide
Sibyl N. Heide
Henderik & Anne Heins
Andrew Henry
Gary & Jennifer Herald
Josephine Herr
Charlaine T. Higashi
Cheryl L. Higashida
Garrick H. Higuchi
Leona W.L. Higuchi
Terrie A.K. Higuchi
Edith S. Hiltbrand
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Beach Resort & Spa
Ian M. Hirasa
Kay K. Hirata
Linda Hirsch
Lawrence O.T. Ho
Monika Ho
Dawn Hofmann
Christina M. Hom
Lynn C. Honda
Gregory & Stephanie Hong
Elsa L.D. Honma
Honolulu Board of Realtors
Mary Ann Horii
Jeanelle Horner
George M. Hudes
Lehua Hulihee
Dr. David M. Huntley
Roberta Husher
Michael Hyer
Janet M. Hyrne
Rita S. Lavarone
Gerald & Lorna Ichiki
Irene E. Igawa
Linda K. Iha
Florence S. Ikei
Marshall T. Ingraham
Ann Inouye
Insurance Associates, Inc.
Kenneth T. Isekawa
Julie Ishibashi
Wendy Ishibashi
Juney M. Ishida
Gayle P. Ishima
Hideo Ishizaki
Jennifer Isobe
LeeAnn M. Isobe
Janell A. Israel
Cynthia Iverson
Gertrude K. Iwaida
Tad & Carol Iwanuma
Brian M. Iwasaki
Linda C. Iwasaki
Deborah & W.A. Jackson
Kyle Jacobi
Paul Jacoby & Barbara Lynn
Japan Animal Groom &
Nurse Culture
Elizabeth Jenkins
Fredrick E. Johnson, Jr.
Gary & Melanie Johnson
Jeanne, Jerry & Malia Joiner
Carla B. Jolis
Pamela & Michael Jones
Joycelyn M. Jurek
Just So Charitable
Tammy Kaetsu
Raymond & Corinne
Shirley N. Kaiura
Nanea M. Kalani
Heather Kaman
Kumiko Kaminaka
Joan Kaneshiro
Crystal K. Kapua
Eric & Teri Kashiwamura
Herbert & Deborah
Alan M. Kato
Yahna Kawaa
Gary Kawai
Eric & Leslie Ann
William Kawato
Francis & Betty Ann Keala
Katherine P. Kealoha
Mary Killian Keegan
Donna L. Kekauoha
Sithiporn Keller
Thomas J. Keller
Christopher & Pamela
Paula Kennedy
Nicole K. Kepa
Patricia F. Kesling-Wood
Robin H. Ketterer
Ivan J. Ketterman
Craig D. Kim
Lisa K. Kim
Diane M. Kimura
Stanley Kimura
Ms. Maita M. Kindig
Caroline S. Kishida
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Susan S. Kitamura
Lani Klebesadel
Jennifer M. Ko
Barbara D. Kobayashi
A.C. Kobayashi Family
Ellen M. Koenig Memorial
Dennis & Barbara Kohara
Katherine E. Kohashi
Susan A. Kohler
CDR John Koller, (Ret.)
Ginger Kolonick
Steven & Estrellita Komura
Jane N. Koseki
Donna L. Kowalczyk
Lt. Col. J.J. & Mrs. Caroline
J. Kratz
Keith & Candice Kraughto
Donna A. Krueger
Donald R. Krug
Suzanne L. Kruppa
Derek M. Kubota
Bonnie L. Kuchler
Brett K. Kumabe
Perry T. Kunishige
Clayton K. Kunitake
Winston & Jacquelyn
Michele L. Kurashima
Linda Y. Kurata
Linda L. Kuribayashi
Kelvin & Phyllis Kurio
Florence Kuroda
Edward & Yoshiko Kurosu
Amy L. Kuwaye
Lyn Kux
Martha J. Labenz
Lynn & James Lally
Marianne Lam
Lansing Simonds Moran
Richard K. Y. Lau
Carole Learnard
Terese Leber
Ann E. Lee
Deanna Lee
Dwynwen Lee
Henry C. Lee
John & Toshiko Lee
Juliet Lee & Chantal Kano
Karelyn Lee
Linda A. Lee
Morris & Hiroko Lee
Romy Lee
Terrence K. Lee
Susan Leigh
Alma K. Leong
Denis C.H. & Diantha
Didi P. Leong
Wayne C. Leong
Nancy L.S. Leslie
Delta R. Lightner
Ruth Limtiaco
Ian Lind & Meda ChesneyLind
William & Helen Lindemann
Louisa R. Lindow
Governor Linda Lingle
Erinn Liu
Richard & S. Loo
Tori-Lynn Loo
Jack & Marie Lord
Beth K. Lozanoff
John Luciano
Theresa Luke
Laurie Lum
Leighton & Valerie Lum
Reynold J.Y. Lum
Wesley C. Lum
Lum & Hiromoto,
CPA’s Inc.
Paul & Kaoru Lyddon
Margaret P. Lyman
Debbie Y. Macaranas
Susan MacKinnon
Yoko MacMahon
Mary W. MacMillan
Edward & Mimi MacNaughton
Thyrza MacNaughton
Helen S. MacNeil
Macy’s West G.I.F.T.
Marcia L. Magno
Cesley-Ann M. Mahaulu
Susan Mahn
Eddie A. Mak
Jon & Sellina Mann
Sandra Mann
Marcus & Associates, Inc.
Charles & Diane Marshall
Wayne & Sheryl-Lynn
Teruo & May Maruyama
Ralph & Cyntha Matheny
Gayle M. Matsuda
Ann Matsumoto
Glenn & Jo-Ann
Mark & Pamela Ann
Matsumoto Shave Ice
Iris M. Matsumura
Jun & Steven Matsuo
Sharon N. MatsusakaBrewer
Ron, Cathleen & Ryan
Noreen N. Mattos
Allan J. Matusevich
Marybeth M.Y. Maul
Connie Maupin
Julie C. Mayeda
Ian McCallum
Stephen & Dani McCarthy
John & Elizabeth McCreary
Major John F. McDaniel,
USAF (Ret.)
Bruce & Patricia McIntyre
Janice Meguro
David D. Mehan
Gerald & Connie G.W.
Elizabeth Merrill
Stephen & Susan Metter
Mark Metz
Michael Migita
Kelsey A. Mihara
Sally Mist
Iris Miura
Allen & Sue Miyahara
Warren Weber & Jennifer
Harold & Amy S.K. Miyamoto
Michael & Mona Miyamura
Alison A. Miyasaki, CPA
Warren & Chris Miyasato
Linda Miyashiro
Sharyn L. Miyashiro
Alan Miyashita
Kazuko Mizushima
David & Cheryl Moats
Julie L. Molloy
Monarch Insurance Services, Inc.
Jason R. Montgomery
Melinda C. Montgomery
Yung Yong Moon
Catherine E.L. Moore
Alice R. Moreland
Michael G. Moreno
Aileen A. Moriguchi
Earl T. Morioka
Jackson S. Morisawa
Aiko N. Morita
Gary E. Morris
Abelyn E. Morton
Sharon Moscovic
Tammy & Shane Motoda
Stanley & Gail Muranaka
Robert J. Murphy
Gail Myers
Ethel Y. Nada
Jarenn S. Nagaishi-Choi
Clara M. Nagano
Walter T. Nagao
Alvin A. Naguwa
Gwen S. Naguwa
Michael Naito
Ralph K. Naito
Karen S. Nakagawa
Charlene & Leonard
Raymond & Janet Nakai
Beatrice & Thomas
Cheri Nakamura
Nao Nakamura
Ronald M. Nakamura
Lawrence & Donna
Suzann A. Nakano
Kathleen & Scott Nakasone
Unyong Nakata
Cheryl Namiki
Christina & Gerald
Shontaz L. Naweli
Eric Nedzweckas
Neiman Marcus
Daryle S. Nekoba
Robert J. Nering
Michael Nevin
Peggy Newton
Nichiyo Air Service, Inc.
R. Chester Nierenberg,
Marilyn & Herbert Nii
Dennis & Gail Niimi
David & Hallah Nilsen
Sandy Nip & Buddy
Paul & Emily Nishimura
Shirley N. Nishimura
Glenn & Joy Nishino
Daikichi & Joyce Nishita
Susan J. Nitta
Robert T. Nogami
Norman & Ann Noguchi
Junedale K. Nojiri
John L. Noland
Patricia L. Nolin
Richard & Marjorie
Gary & Barbara North
Valerie A. North
Christine T. O’Brien
Brian T. O’Connor
Caroline Oda
Laura M. Ogasawara
Violet & James Ogata
Keiko Sasada
Mark Ogino & Paul
C. Maureen O’Guin
Mark & Frances Oka
Keith & Colleen Okada
Mr. & Mrs. Blake T.
Richard & Grace Okita
Yoko Okumura
Grace T. Okutani
Olson Family
Shizuko O’Neal
Sabrina K. Ongos
Amy N. Onoue
Ichiro & Sanaye Onoye
Susan & Lambert Onuma
David & Patricia Osaki
Osborne & Ho, Inc.
Roy & Darlene Oshiro
Kathleen K. Ota
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Randy Overton
Katharine C. Owen
Stanley N. Oyama
John Pampalone & Connie
K.J. & Anna Pang
Margaret Pang
Cheryl N. Paresa
Arlene H. Park
Judy Q.U. Park
Ruth F. Park
Faye Parker
Jack Parker & Christine
Marjorie B. Parker
Patterson Family
Homer & Ann Pearce
Andrew J. Penn
Colette Pentecost
Norali V. Perry
Lynn Peters
Robert & Patricia Peters
Louis & Flori Petri
E. Alan Phillips & Audrey
B. Buyrn
Jennie Phillips
Mary Philpotts-McGrath
Eugene M. Pijanowski
John H.R. Plews
Tim & Laura Poell
Jaya & Andrew Poepoe
Jeffrey M. Pollack
Katherine A. Ponton
Lynn & Joe Porto
Jane Potts
Laura H. Powell-Soares
Brian & Denise Poziembo
Margaret Scafuri
Robert Preddy & Martha
Carol Pregill
Pamela Princenthal
J.M. & Diane Prior
Redfield D. Proctor
Robert & Nanako Puckett
Ted & Leilani Quong
Diane & John Radcliffe
James & Kathleen
Darlene Reinhold
Janis A. Reischmann
Camille Y. Rellinger
Cyndi Reynolds
Ribbon Productions
Arvilla & Vee Richardson
Shaunagh Robbins
Athena Robello
Conrad Rodenbeck
Maricel G. Rodil
Connie Rodrigues
Lawrence & Patricia
Scott F. Rogers
William T. Rogers
Karl & Patricia Rohlfing
Scott & Ingrid Rolles
William H. Roome
Andrew Rosenberg
Madelyn Ross
Glenda K. Rother
Betty Royce
Judith Rubano
Kathleen Rush
Maija N. Russell
Moani Russell
Anthony Rutledge
Arthur J. Ryan
Cole Sadamoto
Gordon T. Saiki
James Y. Saiki
Christine T. Saito
Dianne S.L. Saito
Paul Sakai & Tom Tierney
Marsha Sakamaki &
Richard Saas
Shari Sakami
Neil I. Sakamoto
Randolph & Stephanie
Bert S. Sakuda
Victor Salazar
Namie T. Salz
Rosemarie Sam
Philip Sammer
Louise K. Sanford
Marlene & Kanrad Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin S. Sasaki
Richard & Marvela Satake
Hidemi Sato
Alice Saul Real Estate
James A. Schaefer
Karen Scharff
Matthew J. Scher
Shirley Schick
Jane E. Schoonmaker
Steven & Lisa Schulz
Ann S. Schwab
James & Monika Scola
Merrill F. Scoppetto, Jr.
Karen S. Seddon
Sei Giving Fund
Glenn H. Seo
Sue Serikawa
Carl & Lu Seyfer
Celia Shen
Rick Y. Shibasaki
Charlene S. Shibuya
Donna L. Shigemura
Kristin S. Shigemura
Davis & Olinda Shindo
Kenneth & Esther Shioi
Susan H. Shishido
Tokio & Sally Shito
Steven & Laura Jean Short
Earl & Nancy Simao
Judith Simon
F.E. Simons & V.S. Latham
John & Stephanie Sims
Sirius Puppy Training
James & Kimlynne Slagel
Gail Slawson
Cecelia B. Smith
Michael R. Smith
Susan Smith
S. Steven & Pam Sofos
Stephany L. Sofos
Tom Sofos
Eileen M. Soong
Leroy M. Spencer
Gary Sprinkle & Pamela
Elizabeth Lee Stack
Tita M. Stack
Gary D. Stahl
Barbara Stakk & Bill Quirk
John & Barbara Stephan
Mayumi Stiteler
Lynette Stobie
Kathy R. Strack
S.A. & G.E. Strickland
Edward & Betty Stroup
Nathan J. Subeldia
Miyuki Suemura
Judy Sugita
Florencio & Gloria Supnet
Dai Woon Sur
Michiko Suzuki
Yukiko Suzuki
Aileen N. Sylva
Manuel & Margaret
Janice Tabata
Phyllis N. Tabusa
Stephen J. Tabussi
Taren Taguchi
Terilyn K. Takahashi
Cheryl Takaki
Naomi Takasaki & Ed
Brian & Wendy Takatsuka
Darrell Takebayashi, M.D.
Dr. Randall & Mrs. Sadie
Wayne & Kathleen
Carol S. Takemura
Jerald & Elizabeth Takesono
Erin C. Taketa
Jean T. Taketa
Leslie Y. Taki
Glae Takiguchi
Townsend N. Takushi
Clifford & Elaine Tamanaha
Paul Tamaoka
Gail M. Tamashiro
Ben A. Tamura
Hazuki T. Tan
Alan & Joni Tanaka
Lynn K.T. Tanaka
Raymond M. Tanaka
Rodney S. Tanaka
Richard & Ellen Tangonan
Katherine Y. Taniguchi
Todd Taniguchi
Bert & Karen Taoka
Harold & Laverne K.T.
Gayle S. Tasaka
Takumi Tashima
W. John S. Taylor
Elma F. Taylor Fund
Rosemany Adam Terem
Sandra L. Terp
Elden & Barbara Thelen
Allyn R. Thompson
Laura Thompson
Shelley B. Thompson
Mary & James Thrash
Barbara B. Tilley
Sachin Timbadia
Ben Tirnauer
Ginny Tiu
Hans Tobler
Ron & Shirley Todd
Lorraine Togami
Lisa Tojo
Shirley Ann S. Tokunaga
Faye Y.M. Tom
Michael & Marlene Tom
Spencer & Sharyl Tom
Barbara & Rodney
Al & Joyce Tomonari
Jann S.H. Tompkins
Bruce H. Tornquist
Eric M. Toyama
Mabel A. Trafford
Thuy Tran
Edward J. Treschuk
Margaret P. Trevor
Ruth D. Tschumy
Mitsuyo Tsuchiya
Tyler & Sharlene Tsuda
Candace Tsuji
Shizuko Tsuruda
Richard M. Tuggle
Thurston & Sharon TwiggSmith
Raymond L. Uchytil
Alfredo & Belen Udani
Kenneth T. Uemura
Jeff & Beverly Uhr
Karen S. Umeda
Glenn Umemoto
Eleanor S. Urakawa
Arthur & Ruth Ushijima
Alison A. Uyeda
Russell Uyeda
Lloyd S. Uyehara
Machiko Uyehara
Seisuke Uyehara
Gregg & Janet Uyetake
Edward S. Van Lier Ribbink
Margaret S. Van Poole
Dr. & Mrs. Lothar M.
Patches Vetter
Janice Vincent
Visual Impressions
Kenneth & Sharon Von
Mary & Paul Wagner
Mary Wahlman
Lisa Ann Wainee
Myra N. Wakuzawa
Johnny & Bubba Walker
Cindy L. Walter
Craig A. Walter
Juli M.K. Walters
Jason Walthall
Charles B. Wang
Foundation, Inc.
Daralee J. Wang
Marie Wang
Megan M. Ward
Rebecca S. Ward
Susan & Michael Ward
Julie A. Wassel & Barb Craft
Landon Watanabe
Rachel & Michael
Leinee L. Watase
Patricia & James Wayman
Leisa Weaver
Joseph Wee
Lynn L. M. Wells
William Wells
Karl & Sheila Wensel
Faith Wenzl
Iwalani D. White
Paul White & Jennifer
Charles K. Whitten
Ronaele R. Whittington
Charles & Jeanne
Barbara S. Wilcox
Wilma Wilkie
Cynthia Williams
Myra L. Williams
Jay S. Wilmoth
Shelley Wilson-Bloom
Michel P. Winge
Chrystal Wong
Jocelyn, Douglas & Nathan
Lester G Wong
Michelle W. Wong
Patricia A. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph K. M.
Ruddy & Gwendolyn Wong
Shirley K. Wong
Susan L. Woo-Schaffer
Workplace Solutions, Inc
World Navigate, Inc.
Brian M. Worth
Carol Jean Yakuma
Melvin & May Yamachika
Patrick & Janice Yamada
Stuart & Sue S.T. Yamada
Lois H. Yamaguchi, Esq.
Mika Yamaguchi
Frances & Rodney
Gayle S. Yamamoto
Louise Yamamoto
Ronald & Judy Yamamoto
Kristen S. Yamane
Thomas & Jane Yamane
Alan H. Yanagida
Joan Yasuda
Karen Yasukawa
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W.F.
Yim Investment
Management, LLC
Gareth & Anna Yokochi
Colin Yokoyama &
Elizabeth TabataYokoyama
Barbara & Elton Yoneda
Audrey R. Yoneshige
Kari Ann Yoshida
Edward & Marina Young
Felix Young
John & Cleta Young
Randy & Rose Young
Mihae Yu, M.D.
Alan E. Yue
Thomas K. Yue
Ann C. Yuen
Noelle Yuen
Eva L. Zane
Irene Zane
Ralph & Juana Zane
Patricia Zane
Thomas C. Zimmerman
O. S. Zukeran
The Hawaiian Humane
Society gratefully acknowledges these supporters who
donated $100 or more
between November 6 &
January 24.
The Humane Society would
also like to acknowledge its
supporters who contribute
monthly by credit card or
payroll deduction. To establish an automatic donation
system, contact Jim Callahan
at 356-2224 or jcallahan@
Donating your car,
truck or motorcycle
to the Hawaiian
Humane Society
will benefit Hawaii’s
animals and provide
you with a valuable
tax deduction.
To learn more, please
go to “donate” on
our web site:
or contact us
at 356-2224.
Waggin’ Tales
The Holiday Toy Drive was a success! Thanks to the
hard-working elves at Hawaiian Agility Handlers Association who donated 108 toys. Humane Society customer
service staff Dmitri Welch and Richard Robello gratefully
accept the donation.
Queen “Kong” of Christmas! At 2 years old, Kynslie
Limebrook is already learning about philanthropy. For her
birthday, and with the help of her mother Aubrie, she donated
a variety of Kong toys for the Society’s shelter pets.
Looking for a few good men (and women).
A group of 10 from the Kaneohe Bay Marine
Corps spent a day at the Humane Society exercising dogs, socializing cats and assisting the
animal care department. The Marines donated
time to the shelter before their upcoming deployment. Animal Behavior Coordinator Julie
DeNucci (right) ensures the group handles the
animals properly.
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