currents - Newport News Shipbuilding
currents - Newport News Shipbuilding
CURRENTS A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding DEC 09 REMINDER: NNS’ 2013 Food Drive to End Wednesday, Dec. 11. Ford Outside Machinist Crew Goes 596 Days Accident Free p. 2 View Photos Featuring 4Q13 EIA Honorees p. 3 NNS-Sponsored 2014 HRT “Go Pass” Program p. 4 Everett Jordan (far left), The Apprentice School’s director of Education, unveils a sculpture at the entrance to the new school on Dec. 6. The 2,300-pound sculpture was cast by Eastern Shore artist David H. Turner. Photo by John Whalen NNS Celebrates Apprentice School Grand Opening On Dec. 6, Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) officially opened its new Apprentice School, located at 3101 Washington Ave. in downtown Newport News. Apprentices, faculty and staff were joined by Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, U.S. Reps. Bobby Scott and Rob Wittman, Virginia Delegate Chris Jones, Newport News Mayor McKinley Price, HII President and CEO Mike Petters, NNS President Matt Mulherin, Armada Hoffler Holding Co. President and CEO Lou Haddad, and other business and community leaders at the front doors of the school for a celebratory event. A 13-foot tall bronze sculpture cast by Eastern Shore artist David H. Turner was also unveiled at the school’s entrance. The 90,000-square foot building triples the school’s instructional space with facilities that include eight computer labs, two video teleconferencing classrooms, a physics lab and a 600-seat gymnasium. The school currently accommodates about 850 apprentices and provides office and workspace for faculty, adjunct faculty and staff. “While this facility looks mighty impressive from the outside, it’s what will take place inside that is most remarkable,” Mulherin said. “It’s the people—the students, the faculty, craft instructors and staff—who will bring it to life. They will charter a new and exciting course while honoring the traditions and shipbuilders who came before them.” View a video of the Grand Opening of the new Apprentice School on Yardnet. Dec. 9 - 13, 2013 An NNS shipbuilder hammers Ford’s starboard anchor to its chain during an evolution overseen by PCU CVN 78’s Deck Department. U.S. Navy Photo Ford’s Starboard Anchor Attached to Chain Newport News shipbuilders attached Gerald R. Ford’s (CVN 78) starboard anchor to its chain on Friday, Dec. 6. As shown in the photo above, the project was overseen by Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) CVN 78’s Deck Department. The attachment of the anchor chain marks another progressive milestone in Ford’s construction. CVN 78 is currently docked at Pier 3 to complete outfitting and testing. The ship is scheduled for delivery to the U.S. Navy in 2016. NNS Employee Information Phone Line: 1-877-871-2058 CURRENTS p. 2 596 DEC 09 Days and Counting In December, Gerald R. Ford’s (CVN 78) Outside Machinist Crew on second shift celebrated 596 accident free days. The crew is responsible for working with a variety of tools and machinery in propulsion plants to outfit Ford. “Each of the shipbuilders in this crew have focused their attention on safety through daily ‘Take 5’ talks, following correct R.E.C. (recognize, evaluate and control) processes and good housekeeping skills,” said Dwight Porter, X43 foreman. “Because of their attentiveness to details, communication and looking out for one another, they have been able to maintain an accident free record for more than a year. I’m proud of them and proud that they have been able to go home to their families in the same condition they came to work.” X43 Outside Machinist crew (L to R): Foreman Dwight Porter, Quentin Pope, Vandale Barnhill, Robinson Cadeau, Gladys Hunt, Seth Mathis, Taari Johnson and Devaughn Hall. William Logan is not pictured. Photo by Ricky Thompson Seth Mathis, outside machinist and member of the crew’s safety task team, says the crew not only talks about ways to stay safe, but discusses lessons learned. “We learn from mistakes,” said Mathis. “By talking about accidents and how they have occurred in the past, we are able to understand what went wrong and how to prevent them from happening again.” Outside Machinist Taari Johnson added, “We also take time to do our job correct the first time, be aware of our surroundings and communicate to each other. All of these factors combined have enabled us to stay accident free.” NNS’s 2013 Food Drive to End Wednesday, Dec. 11 Newport News Shipbuilding’s 2013 Food Drive to benefit the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank will end Dec. 11. Labeled boxes are located inside designated buildings (first floor), warehouses and at piers, docks and trailers. Shipbuilders or departments wishing to donate cash to the Foodbank for their use in purchasing perishable food items may do so. Deliver cash/checks (checks made payable to the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula) to Brenda Roth (O18) in Bldg. 520-1 by noon on Wednesday, Dec. 11. Read the NNS Food Drive Distribution A Memo for more information. Apprentice Named CoSIDA First Team Academic All-American Senior Electrician Apprentice Brock Bullock has been named first team Capital One Academic All-American® by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). Bullock holds a 3.9 grade point average and is a member of the apprentice crew responsible for installing the new ElectroMagnetic Aircraft Launch System and aircraft retrieval system on Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). This year, Bullock led the United States Collegiate Athletic Association with a school-record 142 tackles while making 65 solo tackles, 11 tackles for loss, two interceptions and three fumble recoveries. The Fredericksburg, Va., native snagged first-team All-USCAA honors, USCAA all-academic and USCAA player of the week after a single-game school-record 24 tackles at Southern Virginia University. Bullock has been highly praised from his lead instructor Ron Liles and craft instructor Paul Newton for his work ethic and how he’s been a team player in working with the younger apprentices. Apprentice School Football Coach Paul Hoffman echoed the comments about Bullock on the field. Apprentice School Football Coach Paul Hoffman congratulates Apprenitce Brock Bullock. Bullock was named first team Capital One Academic All American® by CoSIDA in December. Photo by Dar Deerfield Mook “This is a prestigious honor that shows well for the school, athletic program as well as the company,” he said. “The younger apprentices would be well advised to watch and learn from the singular focus and effort he puts into not only on the field but as well as on the job.” DEC 09 CURRENTS p. 3 2014 NNS Calendars Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) will be distributing 2014 calendars during the week of Dec. 16. Look for additional information from NNS Communications and in next week’s edition of Currents. Participants of the tour on Nov. 19 included CVN 72 Petty Officers and Capt. Kevin Terry, SUPSHIPNN, Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carriers, Fred Freeman, Supply Chain Management program manager, and Larry Horne, NNS Marketing representative. CVN 72 RCOH Ship’s Force Sailor of the Quarter Tour USS Abraham Lincoln’s (CVN 72) Program teamed with Business Development to host the second CVN 72 refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) “Ship’s Force Sailor of the Quarter” tour of Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) on Nov. 19. The tour included a visit to the Heavy Plate Bay, Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (SMOF), Machine Shops and the Foundry. The tour is designed for Petty Officers who are part of the Commanding Officer’s program to recognize excellent performance by the ship’s crew, are designed to showcase NNS capabilities, construction processes and shipbuilders. Following the tour, a question and answer session was held to answer Sailor questions about the shipyard and to understand workloads and impacts that other projects throughout the yard may have on RCOH. W-2 Name and Address Verification Employees should review their name and address on their pay stubs for accuracy. W-2’s will be mailed to the address that appears on the check stub. The first and last name printed on the stub should appear exactly as it does on the employee’s social security card. Address changes must be submitted to the U.S. Postal Service first and then submitted on form NN 9-1 in person at the employment office in Bldg. 500, online on the HR Yardnet website, faxed to 688-1837 or mailed to HRIS Dept. O13 Bldg. 500-2. To submit a name change, contact the employment office at 380-4878 for instructions and required documentation. Changes submitted by Jan. 6, 2014 will be reflected on the W-2. Employees who claimed exempt for tax year 2013 must submit a new W-4 card no later than Feb. 14, 2014. Failure to submit a new card will result in withholding at single with zero exemptions. View Photos Featuring 4Q13 EIA Honorees Photos of honorees from the 4Q13 Excellence In Action (EIA) Recognition Ceremony are now available for viewing on the EIA Yardnet website. EIA nominations for 1Q14 recognition are being accepted, by divisions, now through Monday, Dec. 16. All nominations must be submitted to the division’s Leadership Development Council (LDC) for consideration. To obtain a copy of the nomination form or to view a listing of divisional representatives visit the EIA Yardnet website or contact Yasmine Robinson (O09) at 380-2428. Shipbuilder Appreciation Night at the Norfolk Scope Start your holiday shutdown at the Norfolk Scope for Shipbuilder Appreciation Night on Friday, Dec. 20. A signed Admirals jersey will be given away in addition to other prizes. Discounted tickets are available for shipbuilders, family and friends to purchase online from a home computer at sales_intro.php (use promo code NNSB002). Tickets can be picked up from the Scope box office the evening of the event. Contact Jeremy Bustin (O29) at 3804384 or Kimberly Zayakosky (O29) at 380-4460 for questions. Norfolk Admirals photo. Shop HII’s Employee Discounts Still have holiday shopping to do? Don’t forget as an HII employee, you have exclusive discount offers from local and national businesses, from automotive to wholesale clubs. Start shopping at HII Employee Discounts from a home computer at: employee/discounts/ CURRENTS p. 4 DEC 09 2014 HRT “Go Pass” Program This past July, in an effort to reduce parking congestion and to make the commute to work less costly and more convenient for shipbuilders, Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) distributed 1,000 free Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) “Go Passes.” Due to employee feedback and the success of the pilot, the program will continue, however, all passes previously issued will expire Dec. 31, 2013. NNS Employees who have met the requirement of using the pass at least five times per month will automatically receive a 2014 “Go Pass” and will be notified via email or by their foreman when the new passes will be available for pickup. Employees currently with 2013 passes who did not meet the “five rides per month” ridership requirement will not be eligible to receive a 2014 pass; these passes will be redistributed to other employees that would like to utilize the HRT bus service. This will increase HRT usage and reduce the demand for parking spaces. New Opportunity to Win a 2014 “Go Pass” Interested employees, who are not currently enrolled in the NNS-sponsored HRT “Go Pass” program, will be eligible to enter a lottery to receive a FREE six-month pass. Employees should complete a NNS/HRT program form and send it to Department O67 – Lottery, Bldg. 78-1 no later than Thursday, Dec.19. Employees who are selected will be notified via email or by their foreman the week of Jan. 6. Forms will also be available from supervisors and foremen on the waterfront. Questions about the program may also be directed to (757) 688-3094. 2013 HRT “Go Pass” Winner Bruce Cashwell (051) said, “I really appreciate receiving a GoPass365. It has been a fantastic experience. So nice to ride to work in comfort and the drivers have been great as well.” This HRT “Go Pass” program is just one of several initiatives the company implemented to improve parking, reduce traffic volume and to offer more commuting options. NNS also encourages employees to share a ride with a co-worker. Employees who carpool will be able to use the group rider lots. SEEKING LEADERS Visit for more information on how you can build your career with Newport News Shipbuilding. Job Title Requisition Number Department Location General Foreman 5612BR X09 NNS General Foreman 6375BR X10 NNS Supvr Test Inspection 1 6256BR O38 NNS Mgr Product Training 2 6402BR O39 NNS Mgr Security 3 6397BR K03 NNS Supvr Material Handling 1 6343BR O53 NNS DATEBOOK DEC 13 DEC 17 The African American Shipbuilders Association (AASA) will hold its 4th Quarter General Membership Meet and Greet meeting at 8 p.m. at Celebrations in Newport News. This year’s theme is “Share the Joy, Bring a Toy.” We are encouraging all attendees to bring an unwrapped toy for a child 12 years or under to be donated to a local charity. All shipbuilders and friends are welcome. For more information, contact Purcell Robinson (E83) at 688-5220. L.E.A.R.N. and SHIPs Network will co-host an after work presentation by Huntington Ingalls Industries President and CEO Mike Petters from 4:30-6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. Prizes and refreshments will follow the presentation. The event is open to all employees. Shipbuilders can sign up on the L.E.A.R.N. Yardnet website beginning Dec. 3. Production Planning Course to Begin in January East Carolina University’s Production Planning Course will begin on Jan. 28. The course will be taught at Newport News Shipbuilding (Bldg. 907) and will cover master planning, material requirements planning, production activity control and inventory management. NNS employees are eligible for tuition reimbursement. Shipbuilders interested in tuition reimbursement should apply for pre-approval for tuition under the shipyard’s education assistance program. The ed assist link can be on the O35 Yardnet website. For questions, contact Stan Balson (O44) at 688-2149. Editor: Lauren Ward Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. Visit the archives. [email protected] (757) 380-4622 To submit a story, visit The deadline for submissions is COB Wednesday for publication the following week. NNS Logo Store Holiday Sale TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 On the lawn beside B520, at the corner of 41st Street and Washington Avenue 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. –1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. CREDIT CARDS AND CASH ACCEPTED WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 6:30 a.m. North Yard by turnstiles 11:00 a.m. In yard by 42nd Street turnstiles 2:30 p.m. In yard by 31st Street turnstiles CASH ONLY Please contact Kimberly Zayakosky at [email protected] or 380-4460, O29 Communications, with questions. Employee Classifieds DEC 09 Audio & Video VENTRILOQUIST Custom Video Ventriloquist Messages sent to your E-mail. For greetings, proposals, invitations or gags. (757) 576-0559 iPHONE 5 - Sprint iPhone 5, like new condition w/otterbox, applecare. headphones,charger never been used (JAILBROKEN) (757) 303-1187 TV - Element flat screen tv 15” with remote. $75. (757) 218-2946 SILVER STAR DJS - Fun Weddings and Parties with Silver Star DJs. Book now for a great time - guaranteed! (757) 356-1166 Auto cont. Auto cont. Hobbies cont. 03 CHEVY - Cargo Express 3500, 160,000 miles, excellent cond, AC, cruise, tow package, $5,000 obo (350) 016-0000 66 MUSTANG - Coupe, 6cyl auto, red w/ black int, garage kept, runs & looks good, maint hist, $13,000 ob (757) 334-3925 BASS GUITAR - Schecter Omen Extreme 4 string, vintage sunburst, excellent condition. $300. Have pics (757) 775-2022 10 FORD ESCAPE XLT - auto 4 cyl (27mpg) white very clean non-smoker no accidents 74k highway miles $12,400 (757) 503-3192 06 MUSTANG GT - Premium 4.6L auto, lots of upgrades, 52,500 mi, 18in rims, shaker 500 stero, $15,000 (252) 287-5553 SNOWBOARD SET - 160 cm blue Matrix Head snowboard with strap bindings and size 10 boots. $150 (757) 528-2170 TIRES AND RIMS - 25535R20 inch Rims and tires less than 500 mi on wheels came off 05 Acura universal 5 lug, 5x120mm $1,000 OB (757) 714-6346 SUBARU LEGACY - 97 Wagon AWD/ Power/Tilt/Cruise. NEW T-Belt/Waterpump/ Tires/Clutch/O2Sensor/AC & Complete Engine Reseal! $3,500 (757) 926-9980 SNOWBOARD BOOTS - Burton Invader men sz 7 w/ custom binding size small $50 OBO. Like New (757) 439-2963 JET MODULE - Jet Plug-N-Play computer module -Jeep Wranger TJ w/ 4.0L engine. Add HP, fuel economy & mins to install. $15 (757) 812-1233 XBOX 360 SKYRIM - Skyrim for the Xbox 360. Works fine. $25. Text (757) 771-2350 TONNEAU COVER - Ford super duty Tonneau cover for short bed truck. Hard cover. Tan color. Great shape. $350 obo (757) 508-2421 XBOX ONE - Brand New, One Day One Edition. Comes with best buy reciept for warrenty purposes. $625 (757) 642-1499 12 HARLEY - Sportster 72-less than 200 miles-Riden regularly short distances$8,599. (757) 399-0186 XBOX COMPONENT - Xbox 360 wireless internet adaptor. Works great. USB plug in. $20. Text (757) 771-2350 FIBERGLASS TOP - Fiberglass cargo top for 2000 GMC, short bed, dark blue, $500 (804) 725-9680 XBOX 360 GAME - Battlefied 3 for Xbox 360. Works great. $20. Text (757) 771-2350 86 CHEVY S10 - $1000 OBO-New inspruns great-4-speed-4-cylinder-many new parts (757) 897-1543 XBOX 360 WHEEL - Microsfot Xbox 360 racing wheel with foot pedals. Force feedback. $45. Text (757) 771-2350 XBOX 360 GAME - Red Dead Redemption Game of the Year Edition. Great condition. $15. Text (757) 771-2350 HAMPTONROADS DJ - Book Wedding & Parties! (757) 621-0464 your 1999 CAMARO - 2 dr Coupe, 3.8 liter, V6 Auto Trans, 4 New Tires, 55 series, New state inspect. 168,000 mi. $3,000 OBO (757) 871-5729 13 HARLEY - Black Denim Softail Slimscreaming eagle black pipes, engine guard, sundowner seat & stock parts. $19,500 (757) 508-8307 TURNTABLE - Turntable, am/fm radio, cassette player, speaker, several classic 70’s albums $85. (757) 898-9095 M35A2 6X6 TRUCK - 1967-LDT 465 TurboMultifuel powered, ex. cond., hardtop, heater, winch, troop seats and bows. Recent service. (757) 923-0137 JEN’S PORTRAITS - Professional and affordable photos. Families, weddings, maternity/newborn portraits and more! Call today! (804) 815-4163 95 TRACKER - 30 miles per gallon. Great starter vehicle. Transmission JUST replaced!!! $150 (804) 832-8075 EXPERIENCED DJ - customized playlists suited for any event! (757) 869-1876 02 CHEVY - Impala, 130k miles, great condition, very clean, asking 3,500 OBO (757) 968-9127 250GB XBOX SLIM - xbox360Elite 250gb. turtleBeachX12, GOWJudgement, forza4, codmw2, deadIsland, skyrim\oblivion +more; $180 (757) 303-9228 CAMPER SHELL - Dark red camper shell for 05-up Nissan Frontier. Fits Ex-Cab or Crew with long bed. $550 (757) 713-3008 BUG GUARD - new, for small truck. Orig. $60, selling for $30 (757) 509-1849 Auto 26 CHEVY - ANTIQUE,30k original miles,new tires, very clean. Making room in garage. $9,750 (757) 868-8050 TRUCK BED COVER - Soft roll-up truck bed cover for 05-up Nissan Frontier. Fits ex-cab & crew w/ long bed. $175 (757) 713-3008 TIRE 15” - ONE 235/70R15 Firestone tire with good tread $20. (757) 567-4504 98 FORD TARUS - AC, silver, needs trans. repair, $675 (757) 509-1849 93 TOYOTA CAMRY - 5-speed, AC, cass stereo, dark green, good ride, needs some work. $775 (757) 509-1849 97 ASTRO VAN - 97 astro van 197,000 miles, asking $1,800 obo. (804) 854-0989 PAINTBALL GEAR - like new, Spyder MR5 Milsim gun, new sniper barrell and Xmas: empire tank, remote control, 4+1 Harness, pballs & more $400 OBO (757) 828-5728 Boats & Marine Supplies DUCK BOAT - 07 14ft Tracker Topper Jon Boat, 07 Merc. 9.9, trlr, livewell, bilge pump, depth finder. $4k obo (757) 715-5444 BOOK - Mickey Mantle “Yankee Slugger” w/ pics 60’s vintage $55. (757) 812-9763 BOOK - Davy Crockett hardcover book landmark 1955 14 CH $25 (757) 812-9763 MAGIC LESSONS - magic, juggling & balloon art. Lessons $30/hr (804) 815-4163 Computers NVIDIA GTX 570 - Selling factory overclocked GTX 570 GPU. $175 (757) 532-1446 HP PC BUNDLE - new condition, 2.8 ghz, 64bit win7, 3gb ram, 500gb HDD, comes with 18.5” monitor, $320 retails 450, new condition (757) 303-9228 HP PRINTER - HP Deskjet 5550 Printer (used) and Tri-Color Ink Cartridge (new) $25 (757) 409-2562 Furnishings/Appliances CHEAP WOODSTOVE - New Napoleon 1100C woodstove (never intalled). Why pay $2,300 when you can get it for $1,200 and save on heat (757) 897-2253 DINNERWARE Cavalier Sussex dinnerware set of 4, black/white flowers 26 pcs made in USA $35 call (757) 812-9763 HP PRINTER - HP all in one printer, copier & scanner with driver. $25. Great condition (757) 310-2738 QUEEN BDRM SET - all wood, NO mattress, dinette set, bronze & glass, 4 ch, 1 stool, bakers rack sold as set only. Moving (757) 594-9371 COMPUTER REPAIR - PC/Laptop repair, Virus removal, Program re-installs, etc… $85+ parts (757) 688-7201 BABY FURNITURE - Baby Walker & Carrier seat. excellent condition. Ideal for 6 mths12 mths old. $20-$25. (757) 218-5607 SPACE SAVER - Metal frame keyboard drawer for desk. Monitor sits on top $15. Pics available. (757) 898-9095 BABY ITMS 4SALE - Snug-A-Bunny Cradle Swing-Fisher Price $80, Play Pin $30, Girl Mini Mouse Walker $15 (757) 812-4282 Hobbies WOMEN’S SOCCER - TWSL Indoor reg now through Dec 20. Season starts Jan 10. Price starts $45. Play in NN. (757) 409-2562 STAR WARS - replica model light sabers, actual size, all metal, serial no. in trophy boxes. Serious inquiries (757) 509-1849 SECTOR9LONGBORD - lightly used graphics are still colorful\legible. It’s a Sector 9 Carbon Decay 2011 model. 170 retail -90$- (757) 303-9228 GUITAR CLASSES - 1-on-1 (in NN) No stress. R&R, blues, folk, jazz, Christmas music, etc. Weekly/Bi-weekly scheduling. Call/text (757) 528-7017 CURIO CABINET - Glass curio cabinet. About 60” T, 18”W, 18”D. Glass on all 3 sides with mirror in back. $50 (757) 713-3008 BEDROOM SETS - IKEA King or Queen in like new cond. Both sets have dresser & 2 night tables. (757) 869-9027 ARMOIRE - Ethan Allen solid golden oak double door Armoire with drawers, shelves & storage $1200. (757) 812-9763 BR FURNITURE - Stickley Cherry 4 post Canopy queen bed, night stand, triple dresser, armoire, $6,500 (757) 812-9763 PIANO - Antique piano, great character & detailing. $200. Call or text your e-mail for pictures. (757) 535-9279 Employee Classifieds DEC 09 Furnishings/Appliances cont. Free Items cont. Real Estate cont. Miscellaneous Items cont. CHANGING TABLE - Graco Cherry wood changing table with changing pad. Gently used. $50 OBO (757) 768-9273 FIREWOOD - Popler, oak & maple logs 15’ long are stacked & debranched. Bring your own saw & load your truck. (757) 876-9327 HOME FOR RENT - Briarfield/Big BETHEL 3BD/1BA, Cent A/C-Gas, W/D HU, 20X20 CARPORT,NEW CARPET, $950/ Mo + Dep (757) 771-3250 ENGAGEMENT RING - 1/2 carat engagement ring. Appraisal & pics avail for review. Make offer. (757) 812-2719 JUMPEROO - Gently used rainforest jumperoo. Clean from non smoking pet free household. $20 OBO (757) 768-9273 GOT PAIN? - Free sample of good smelling, fastest working all NATURAL pain relief lotion. IT’S GREAT! Call (757) 660-3564 FLOOR CLEANER - Hoover Floor Cleaner Great shape. $65 (757) 218-2946 PAN RELIEF - Herbal Ingredients Rub on Gel Product. Good on knees & feet. Free samples. (757) 218-5607 BABY BASSINET - Baby Bassinet, Sits on a regular bed. Protects Newborn rolling off bed or from other sleeping in the same bed (757) 218-7063 BABY GEAR - (2) Baby harnesses for adult to wear($10 & $5) (757) 218-7063 EDDIE BAUER - Eddie Bauer Baby Carseat, Stroll and Pack n Play ($100) Colors: Red/ Black/White (757) 218-7063 BABY GEAR - Jeep Baby walker($20), Old School Baby Crib($10), Baby Crib($70), Infant Bouncer Seat($15), Baby Tub ($10) (757) 218-7063 BEABA BABYCOOK - Beaba brand babycook brand new in box comes with beaba cookbook and extra freezer pods asking $120 OBO (757) 768-9273 LARGE OAK DESK - Dk stain, corner style w/drawers, compnt cab at ends. Have pic. $150 OBO (757) 812-0536 HOME OFFICE - 2 office desks U-shaped cherry laminate - $200 ea. One matching 2-drawer lateral file $100. (757) 371-6522 TV CABINET - 22d x 63w x 55h, Cherry wood, 3 drawers, glass front cupboard w 3 shelves, 36” TV opening. (757) 528-2170 SOFA - Nice brown sofa w/ center console & massagers in cushions. The outer sections recline. $250; (757) 838-6645 KILN CREEK (NN) - 2 MABR/2.5 BA Townhouse, 1,479 SQFT, Open plan, screen porch, pool, tennis, park, $163,900. For photos (757) 771-7655 FOR RENT - 4/BR, 2/BA, 1,865 sq.ft, fireplace, 2-story home in Portsmouth $1,275. (757) 344-4465 HOUSE FOR RENT - Newly renovated 3BR/2BA home in Hampton;stove,fridge,& W/D incl; new HVAC; quick access to I64/ I664; $950/mo. (919) 395-3498 FOR RENT - Water front!!Near Ft.Eustis & I64. Upgraded 3 bd,3 full bath Boat ramp and RV storage. $1,400 Avail 3/1/14. (757) 268-1882 FOR RENT - Townhouse in Hampton (Walkers Landing)1BR+loft, 2 full baths, 1,560 sqft, balcony, washer + dryer $900/ month (757) 532-0913 HOME FOR RENT - Gorgeous newer 4BR/2.5 bath 2400 sf. home 11 miles fom NNS in Burbage Grant NE Suffolk. Pics avail. $1,695/mnth (757) 373-3468 HOUSE FOR SALE - Carrollton - Ashby Neighborhood; ~1/2 acre, 2,300 sqft, pool, large deck, many upgrades, $286K (757) 303-7585 NUWAVE OVEN - Nuwave oven and LaLann Juicer. $65 each. Good condition (757) 218-2946 ROOM FOR RENT - $115/week,$100 deposit. All utiltiies included,cable & wifi. Use of washer & dryer. (757) 947-4408 TABLE N CHAIRS - Small kitchen table &4 Chairs, no pics. nice condition, do not need and taking up storage (757) 478-1673 LIGHT SHOW - - Lights come to life with music @ 108 Sheffield Way NN Food Bank Donations are Welcomed! (757) 329-5826 EXTRA INCOME - Earn an extra $50-$500 per month part-time from home. Call for info. (757) 746-2065 LUXURY CONDO - Eagle Harbor 2BD/2BA plus loft, FR, DR, & KIT. Includes appliances, washer and dryer. $1,175 a month (757) 676-5651 CONDO FOR RENT - 3BD/2BA, washer/ dryer, trash, p/up, new windows, reduced $995 Ft. Eustis/Lee Mills-about 1,200 sqftAVL NOW! (757) 812-4282 FOR RENT - Boarding house apart $600/ mon w/o util. Shenandoah Rd. Hampton ~6 mi from NNS. (757) 217-5178 JACKET - Dark blue with tan trim with Enterprise CVN-65 patch XL $35. (757) 898-8095 ANTIQUE - Ceramic Black American salt & pepper shaker mother & child detachable $85 call PICS available (757) 812-9763 SOPRANOS - Complete 1st & 2nd season DVDs in Box Set $25 (757) 812-9763 WREATHS/DECOR - All Holiday wreaths, swags, centerpieces, garland, funeral/ wedding flowers, decor (919) 475-9035 Real Estate WALL CABINET - glass cabinet hangs on wall, holds 25 small things. $50 (757) 713-3008 Free Items HOME FOR RENT - NewMarket,7 mins to work! 3bd/1bath W/D,stove/fridge/central air/gas heat/large yard $850mo + deposit req’d. (757) 599-1242 Miscellaneous Items LADIES SWEATERS - Ladies sweaters for sale - Express, GAP, NY&CO, etc. All sizes. Make offer. (757) 329-2361 CANDY WREATHS - Beautiful holiday wreaths made of your favorite candies! Only $10! (757) 323-0744 CATERING EVENTS - For all your catering needs (Weddings, Banquets, Showers, Fundraisers, Meetings, etc,) Located in Gloucester. (804) 824-9600 MOBILE DETAIL - make it shine on the spot. We come to you an clean your car or truck inside and out! (252) 287-5553 BRIDAL RING SET - 1-1/6 carat Neil Lane Bridal Ring Set. Warranty still valid. Avail upon request. $5,600 obo (757) 570-3569 CHAIR - Late 1800’s Captain’s Chair from Upstate New York $50. Pictures available (757) 812-9763 TREADMILL - Treadmill proform xp 542s incline, cooling fan, distance calories up to 10 mph many more features like new $250 (757) 218-2946 WEIGHT BENCH - Weight/sit up/ incline bench; adjustable. $65. (757) 218-2946 WINTER GIFTS - Soft handmade scarves, texting gloves, ear warmers & more! Customizable colors. (804) 307-2822 08 LADIES ROLEX - Stainless Steel Rolex Datejust, Mint condition. $5,000. Pics on request, a must see! (757) 771-4226 HOME REPAIRS - Handyman home repair services. Free estimate. (757) 310-1194 FOR SALE - IOW, Carrsville Area, 10.3 wooded acres, NEW Price! (757) 569-0495 HAIR TOOLS - Gold n Hot, full set w/oven plus elec straighting comb. Used 2X on mannequin. Make offer. (757) 371-3904 HOUSE FOR RENT - House available for rent. 951 Ivy ave 1 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 bath. $600 month. Pay utilities: electric & water. (757) 469-0362 HELPING HANDS - General home cleaning, one time or special occasion cleaning welcomed, licensed & insured, free estimates. (757) 371-3904 HOUSE FOR SALE - Move-in ready House in Hampton Langley. 147K, 3BR/1BA, remodeled interior/kitchen/BR, NEW $7K HVAC Gas Pac (757) 759-2549 MEN’S RING - Tungsten carbid men’s ring. Size 10. Silver with blue stripe. $50 (757) 713-3008 A/C SERVICE - Keep those holiday guests warm, for less money, this holiday. Clean & service your heat pump (757) 771-3441 JOKER ILLUSIONS - Pro Magician. Perfect for your New Year’s Party! Call before 2014 and get %15 off your booking! (804) 8154163 BALLOON ARTIST - Perfect for birthdays & social events! Book your show before 2014 and get %15 off! (804) 815-4163 SPERRY’S - Ladies Size 5.5 Sperry’s Angelfish. Brand new in box, never worn. $40 OBO, Orig. $85.(757) 329-2361 BRIDAL SHOES - Ladies white bridal/ wedding shoes w/beading and sequins. Size 7, $20 (Orig $70) (757) 329-2361 DRESSES - 15 diff Evening Gowns, Holiday Party, Wedding, Cotillion, Dances. Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10. (757) 329-2361 EXERCISE BIKE - Exercise Glider to get fit and trim. Good condition. Easy to fold. Hardly ever used- $50. (757) 218-5607 BOXING STAND - White boxing stand with heavy bag&speed bag incl. Gloves also incl. Pic avail. $200 obo (757) 927-4941 PILATES CHAIR - Malibu Pilates Chair with 3 DVD’s. Collapses for easy storage. $100 OBO (757) 846-6800 TREE REMOVAL - Free estimate. Licensed/ ins. 10% off senior citizen & shipyard employees (757) 592-6497 ENGAGEMENT RING - Engagement ring from Zales - has total of 34 diamonds, $500 (pd $1,300) (757) 871-5729 SPORTING GOODS - Used refrigerator $300 obo / large air hockey machine $400 obo (252) 395-0162 BEL’S PCS - Wanting a Clean Home for the Holidays? No worries, leave it all to Bel’s PCS. Free quotes (757) 814-6295 DUAL FUEL STOVE - ProCom Stove, 25,000 BTU. $250. Perfect for man-cave or garage. (757) 869-6645 Employee Classifieds DEC 09 Miscellaneous Items cont. Miscellaneous Items cont. WEIGHT SET - sets- 200 lbs & 7ft olympic bar. $165. (757) 218-2946 6 CEMETARY LOTS - “Garden of the Sermon on the Mt” Peninsula Memorial Park. Will sell for $2,500/ea. (757) 969-8405 ELLIPTICALS - Ellipiticals $65-150 and exercise bikes-$40-150. (757) 218-2946 RING& WED BAND - 1 Carat, 3 Stone Round Bril cut Engagement Ring w/ Wedding Band. Appraisal $3,000. Make offer. (757) 329-2361 LAWN CARE - Mow, Fertilize, Weed Control, leaf removal, Prune bushes-small trees, Flowerbed Maint (757) 871-4589 CHRISTMAS DECO - lights, miniature houses, too many items to list. Call for appointment. (757) 594-9371 Lost & Found FOUND WATCH - Found watch on 35th street outside gate. (703) 763-9799 Wanted 90 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE Last start of the new year! Get healthy, fit and feel great! Ask how you can get each month free! (757) 726-7794 GIFTS - personalized wine charms choose your colors for football, bday, golf, beach, garden or basketball (757) 236-0789 LARGE CONTAINER - 55 gal or larger plastic container for water collection. Free or low cost. (757) 812-0536 CHEESECAKES - Bring one of these cheesecakes to the next family get together and theyll love you text or (757) 502-5531 SCHOOL BOOKS - Fund. ofHR Mgmt 4th ed. or Leadership 6th ed.-$40 ea. Mgmt (Schermerhorn) 11th $50. (757) 880-7934 VAN RIDERS - Van coming thru Franklin Suffolk Windsor and Smithfield. 3rd shift (757) 653-8664 LIVING LOCKETS - Create a locket that tells your story w/Origami Owl jewelry. 2 FREE charms w/ order (757) 871-7158 STRESSED? - Indulge yourself in a customized Spa service; (757) 291-1789 RIDE SHARE - Ride Share/Car Pool member fm Whaleyville/Gates Co. area to NNS. 1st shift. Call (757) 705-3498 CHRISTMAS GIFTS - Santa’s attic Craft Show Dec 12&13, Hampton city hall lobby, 12-5 TH & 10-6 Fri, (757) 727-6784 HOLIDAY SAVINGS - $10 off one hour session or longer throughout December. (757) 723-3829 TALK TO SANTA - Would your child like to talk to Santa? Santa Calls will be on Dec19th, age 4-9 for info (757) 727-6784 ZUMBA FITNESS - Join the party @ Vybez 1, located @ 405 S. Parliament Dr. VB (Tues-Fri from 6:30-7:30pm)(757) 814-6295 DAYCARE - M-F, 6 am-5 pm, Experienced and located close to Shipyard. Infants and up for full or part time. (757) 679-0305 CORNHOLE BOARDS - Brand new homemade Cornhole Boards tournament set with Bags for $100. Not slick, white primer, customizable. (757) 759-2549 WORK BENCH - Weight Bench - Great cond, hardly ever used. Weights are also included. Txt for pic $100. (757) 310-3543 LANDSCAPING - Gutters (cleaning & installation), Mowing, Fences, Decks, etc. 535-9279 (757) 535-9279 CHILDCARE - All ages, M-F 6am-6pm, Exp & Ref, 2 open in Hampton (757) 947-4408 FRUITCAKE - Colonial Fruitcakes- dried fruit in 3 Flavors-Southern w/Peaches, New England w/Blueberries & Classic. $25 eac (757) 404-5889 Pets AQHA MARE - 12 yrs, professionally trained, English & Western. Bay, 14.2 hands, very sweet, exp show horse; $4,500 (757) 846-3987 CHRISTMAS PUPS - Chihuahua puppies, CKC registered, parents on premises, 3 males/1 female, $400 (804) 725-9680 HUSKY PUPS - $375; 1F/4M. Vaccinated, dewormed. Call (757)208-5539 2 PARAKEETS - 2 Budgie Parakeets. Same sex, One is all white the other is Green and Blue. Free to a good home. (757) 813-0162 DOG - Looking for a loving Home! Moving. she is a 8 yr.Mini/schnauzer-Blk. HouseTrained/Rabies. Good with kids. Free to a good home. (757) 344-3292 4 HORSE TRAILER - 1996 Bee 4 horse gooseneck slant trailer. New paint, new tires, re-sealed roof, large dress room, (767) 663-9626 FIREWOOD - Seasoned hardwood $100 per truck load delivered within 20 mi. Truck has an 8ft. bed with sides. (757) 766-1932 K9 FETCHING - Manners teaches you how to have a disciplined, confident well trained dog! Single or group training. (757) 594-0365 FOOD DELIVERY - Hungry at work? Want Chipotle, Chick-fil-a, Panera Bread, 5 Guys and more? M/W/F/S (757) 926-5519 ANIMAL AID SOC - if adoption is not an option, a gift of can food or Purina Pro Plan dog food!(757) 865-0511 POWER WHEEL - lightning mcqueen battery operated riding car like brand new asking $60 obo paid $100 (757) 358-9745 PAWS POQUOSON - Animal Welfare Sanctuary, cats & kittens rescued & socialized to be your next furry companion! (757) 287-4757 DUCK EGGS - Pasture raised duck eggs. $6/dozen. Text/call and we can meet outside of Gate 41 in a.m. or my place in Cpeak (757) 477-2706 PROGRAM CVN 77 - Seeking 2 Christening programs from CVN 77. Welcome freebies but will pay if price is right. (757) 635-4471 GOOD DAYCARE - daycare for newborn starting Feb, licensed & insured, reasonably priced, mid peninsula (757) 328-6997 Classified Ad Policy Classified ads are published free of charge for active employees of Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS). Due to the high volume of Classified ads received each week, the Communications department would like to remind all shipbuilders of NNS’ Classified ad policy. Ads will not be accepted by phone or email. Ads will not be accepted for third-parties or businesses. Ads containing .com website URLs, real estate MLS numbers, or for any types of weapons will not be accepted. To be published, the ad form must include the employee’s name, department number and a non-work phone number. All ads will expire seven days from the original posting date. Ads must be resubmitted by employee each week. NNS Communications may limit the number of submissions per employee and reserves the right to edit or reject any submission. Employees who are found to have misrepresented themselves or any items advertised will be prohibited from publishing ads in the future. Employees submitting ads understand that the Classifieds are published for an external audience and may be seen by nonemployees. How to Submit a Classified Ad Ads can be submitted online at or a hard copy can be mailed via Yardmail to ATTN: Classifieds, Dept. O29, Bldg. 520-1. The deadline to submit ads is Thursday at 4 p.m. For questions regarding classified ads, contact Lauren Ward (O29) at 380-4622 or via email.
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