Vol 38:Iss 7 - Hoffman Estates High School


Vol 38:Iss 7 - Hoffman Estates High School
Cover Art by Taylor Mann and Hannah Hwang
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Each year, it is tradition
for the Hawkeye View staff
to publish a Senior Issue
that is put together to commemorate their time here
at Hoffman. The purpose
of this issue is to provide
seniors with a momento of
their time in high school
as well as give underclass-
there is some type of story,
whether it be a TV show,
movie, or book with which
that we have been able
to identify. We connected
with the stories of magical
wizards, talking toys, and
ambitious lions to take a
break from reality and enter a fantasy world. However through it all, we were
able to use inspiration from
these tales to write our own
While seniors have only
finished writing a chapter of
their books, there are still
many more pages to come
as we embark on our future
The Hawkeye View staff
hopes the seniors of 2011
will take this issue as a momento of high school. We
wish the graduating class
the best of luck.
men and juniors something
wonderful towards which to
look forward.
The theme for the senior issue this year is “Once
Upon a Time: Stories of Our
Lives.” As we have moved
Amita Prabhu Jenn Gehrke
throughout high school, we -Editors in Chief
have all had our ups and
Front Cover by Hannah Hwang and Taylor Mann
downs, but through it all,
Back Cover by Jenn Gehrke
Top 10 Scholars
Top 10 Fine Arts
Top 10 Male
Athletes (8-9)
Top 5 Favorites
Moments (18-19)
Miss Most
Top 10 Female
Athletes (10-11)
Future Plans
In 20 Years
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Honors Convocation Awards
Illinois State Scholars:
Yogi Barot, Kyle
Caldwell, Scott Corcoran,
Spencer Davis, Krina Desai, Nicholas Hommowun,
Neha Kumar, Seung lee,
Zachary Lentino, Victor
Lugo, Joseph Lynn, Matthew Pahl, Kunal Parekh,
Tejas Parmar, Harsh
Patel, Kamal Patel, Neal
Patel, Priya K. Patel,
Hammad Razzak, Umer
Rehman, Andrew Roesch,
Elizabeth Saffold, Kailey Scholosser, Angela
Serwin, Parth Soni, In
Suh, Dishant Swaminath,
Amreen Syeda, Kevin
Tednes, Juhi Thakkar,
Kaitlyn Tykal, and Zachary Winters.
Presidential Scholars:
Anjelica Nandylala.
Illinois State & Presidential Scholars:
Bailey Armstrong, Weston
Bruemmer, Justin Clarke,
Jacob Didier, Isabelle
Ezra, Jessica Flach, Rachel Frame, Neel Goyal,
Jordan Habel, Eiftu
Haile, Hannah Hwang,
Carlie Iehl, Em,ily Kuhn,
Sean McGarry, Melanie
McGinn, Jessica Marie
Pablo, Isha Parikh, Matthew Pasik, Aashutos
Patel, Krupa Patel, Nilam
Patel, Parth U. Patel,
Priya I. Patel, William
Payne, Amita Prabhu,
Trent Rehusch, Adit Shah,
Vicki Shah, Vishwa Shah,
Carissa Summerfelt, and
Daniel Vanek.
Perfect Attendance
Neel Goyal, William
Payne, Elizabeth Saffold,
and Shuhei Ueda.
Academic Scholars:
Yogi Barot, Weston
Bruemmer, Krina Desai,
Jessica Flach, Rachel
Frame, Neel Goyal, Jordan Habel, Eiftu Haile,
Emily Kuhn, Sean McGarry, Melanie McGinn,
Jessica Marie Pablo, Matthew Pahl, Isha Parikh,
Aashutos Patel, Krupa
Patel, Nilam Patel, Priya
I. Patel, Priya K. Patel,
William Payne, Amita
Prabhu, Elizabeth Saffold, Kailey Schlosser,
Angela Serwin, Sdit
Shah, Vicki Shah, Vishwa
Shah, Priyanka Sharma,
Parth Soni, Juhi Thakkar,
and Daniel Vanek.
National Merit Finalists:
Emily Kuhn.
National Achievement
Eiftu Haile.
Peers and Leaders
Leadership Award:
Franco Fumagalli and
William Payne.
Kim Fischer 211 Teachers Union Scholarship:
Kailey Schlosser.
Heather Frostholm Creative Arts Award:
Nicholas Hommowun.
Daniel Fox Memorial
Yasmin Ware.
H.E.L.P. Scholarship:
Sara Brooks, Rachel
Frame, Nicholas Hommowun, Chrstian Huerta,
Carlie Iehl, Melanie
McGinn, Matthew Pahl,
Maryna Rath, Angela
Swerwin, and Daniel
Christopher S. Fischrup
Memorial Scholarship:
William Ruthe.
Dr. Richard C. Kolze
Service Award:
Jordan Habel.
Thomas Heidkamp
Memorial Award:
Mercedes Curry.
2010 Sandra Dowty
Distinguished Thespian
Award Scholarship:
Thomas Squires.
Wandro Best Thespian
William Payne.
David Hirsch Honorable
Thespian Award:
Justin Clarke.
Chung Family Scholarship:
Spencer Davis.
Nirmam Vasanwala Memorial Scholarship:
Isabelle Ezra and Vishwa
Theresa L. Busch Hawk
Pride Award:
Jonathan Pape.
Harper College Scholarship:Distinguished
Justine Clarke, Neha
Kumar, Esmeralda Lopez,
Joseph Lynn, and Alexander Swartzell.
Harper Board of Trustee
Gustavo Gonzalez.
Daily Herald Leadership
Team Award:
Rachel Frame, Eiftu
Daily Herald 2010
Leadership Honorable
Isabelle Ezra.
Schaumburg Township
Council of PTA:
Amruta Bhatt, Angelika
Galecka, Kristy Michalski, Kaley Schlosser, and
Daniel Vanek.
Outstanding Service
Isabelle Ezra, Rachel
Frame, Franco Fumagalli,
Jordan Habel, Eiftu Haile,
Jonathan Pape, Kelsey
Pellus, Thomas Squires,
Jada Stotts.
Bonnie Parken Scholarship:
Rubair Abuhamama and
Victor Leon-Zavala.
Service Awards:
Liridon Ballazhi, Yogi
Barot, Evan Chikeles,
Regina Emiliano, Emily Fett, Jennifer Gehrke,
Nicholas Hommowun,
Ashley Howell, Shawn
Lascelles, Zachary Lentino, Melanie, McGinn,
Matthew Pahl, Tejas Parmar, William Payne and
Vicki Shah.
Advanced Placement
Bailey Armstrong, Michael Currie, Jordan Habel, Neha Kumar, Zachary
Lentino, Joseph Lynn,
Alejandro Mancera, Tejas
Parmar, Priya I. Patel,
William Payne, Maryna
Rath, Trent Rehusch, Adit
Shah, Parth Soni, In Suh,
Carissa Summerfelt, and
Danielle Zengri.
Advanced Placement
Scholars with Honor:
Yogi Barot, Jessica
Flach, Rachel Frame,
Eiftu Haile, Emily Kuhn,
Esmerelda Lopez, Sean
McGarry, Jessica Marie
Pablo, Aashutos Patel,
Krupa Patel, Parth U.
Patel, Priya K. Patel,
Amita Prabhu, Umer
Rehman,Vishwa Shah and
Juhi Thakkar.
Advanced Placement
Scholars with Distinction:
Nilam Patel, and Daniel
Fran Beckett/Caroll
Walters Student Activity
Sara Brooks, Jessica
Flach, Angelika Galecka, Ashley Howell,
Dana Jones, Kesley
Pellus, Amita Prabhu,
Angela Swerwin, Thomas
Squires, and Colleen
Learning Through the
Community Action
(LCAP) Award:
Maquese Weaver.
Prairie State Achievement Exam Award:
Jessica Flach, Eiftu Haile,
Emily Kuhn, Joseph
Lynn, Nilam Patel, Parth
U. Patel, Vishwa Shah,
and Zachary Winters.
W-T Engineering scholarship:
Daniel Vanek.
Tzu Chi Scholarship:
Sara Brooks.
Schaumburg A.M. Rotary
Club Scholarship:
Sara Brooks.
Hoffman Estates Jaycees
Daniel Vanek.
Women’s Club of Inverness Scholarship:
Angelika Galecka and
Katelyn McKeague.
B’nai B’rith Sports
Lodge Scholarship:
Jennifer Knobloch.
Roary District 6440 Vocational Scholarship:
Sara Brooks.
Hoffman Estates Chamber of Commerce Scholarship:
Sara Brooks.
Departmental Awards:
Applied Technology:
Taylor Gizel, Victor
Leon-Zavala and Joshua
Rachel Frame, Claire
Kaplan, and Shwan Lascelles.
Business Education:
Gustavo Cisneros, Hassan
Shamsuddin, and Taylor
Bailey Armstrong, Isabelle Ezra and Franco
English as a Second
Svetoslav Angelov, Zaira
Herrera, Victor Leon-Zavala.
Family Consumer Sciences
Steven Grajek, Kailey
Schlosser and Christine
Neel Goyal, Aashutos
Patel and Carissa Summerfelt.
Media Services:
Courtney Schupp and Alexander Swartzall.
Nicholas Hommowun,
Alejandro Mancera and
Carissa Summerfelt.
Physical Education:
Nelanie McGinn, Isha
Parikh and Olaoluwa
Aashutos Patel.
Social Studies:
Trent Rehusch, Aashutos Patel and Marquese
Special Services:
Mercedes Curry and Rachel Pilling.
Student Services:
Jonathan Pape, Nicole
Reed and Andrew Roesch.
World Language:
Michel Christen, Crystal
Hartsough and William
Hawkeye View
Eiftu Haile
Rachel Frame
Parth Soni
Isha Parikh
Vishwa Shah
Top 10
May 2011
Activities and Offices held
( a n d y e a r s ) : F o r e n s i c s : C PA
(3 years), German Club (3),
M u s i c a l / T h e s p i a n s ( 4 ) , Vo l l e y b a l l ( 4 ) , a n d Vo c a l J a z z ( 2 ) .
Aw a r d s : N a t i o n a l A c h i e v e ment Scholarship Finalist/
Wi n n e r, D a i l y H e r a l d L e a d e r s h i p Te a m H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n , I l l i n o i s S t a t e S c h o l a r.
Greatest accomplishment:
Wo r k i n g h a r d a t h e l p i n g a t
helping out at the Hope Center in Palatine and making a
genuine difference in the lives
of some of the people who rehabilitate there (also on the
Student Board of Directors).
Favorite class and why: AP
Physics B: I accepted the challenge, learned a lot, and ended up doing well because of
how much I enjoyed the class.
Most challenging course
and why: AP Calculus BC:
it seemed as if I could work
very hard and still not be
able to understand, but towards the end I finally began
understanding the class. It
requires a TON of hard work!
F u t u r e p l a n s : S t u d y b i o l o g y,
p r e - m e d t r a c k a t Wa s h i n g ton University in St. Louis.
Become an allopathic pri-
mary care pediatrician and
eventually open my own
clinic back home in Ethiopia.
Most memorable teacher
a n d w h y : M r. S w a n s o n !
No matter how many times
I complained about how
hard his class was, he never EVER pitied me, but instead he told me to buckle
down and do the work. His
advice permeated throughout
my junior year and I am still
l e a r n i n g f r o m h i m t o d a y.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: The teachers that have left such a
huge impact on me and my
Activities and Offices held (and years):
years), and Costume
& makeup (3 years).
Greatest accomplishment: Leading one of the
worksites during a miss i o n t r i p l a s t s u m m e r.
w h y : A r t – i t ’s a w h o l e
different type of learni n g . I t ’s n o t a b o u t f a c t s
a n d m e m o r i z a t i o n , i t ’s
about exploring design
you never expected.
challenging course and why:
Calculus. Why do I
need to know this?
Future plans: Go to
Miami University and
minor in art. Continue
w o r k . Tr a v e l t h e w o r l d .
Most memorable teache r a n d w h y : M r. M e d i n a
because during class he
randomly quotes Ke$ha.
b r o t h e r.
Motivation for academic
Go hard or go home!
Moral of YOUR story:
Figure out what you
like, what you want, and
what makes you happ y. S u r r o u n d y o u r s e l f
with people who are a
part of that. Know who
you are and live up to
your own expectations.
Activities and Offices
held (and years): PALS
President (2 years), Math
Team (4 years), Scholastic Bowl (3 years),
and Volleyball (2 years).
Team and AP Scholar.
accomplishment: I went to India last summer alone
Favorite class and why:
Physics C because I applied math, which I also
love, to real situations.
course and why: Physics C because it is a
Future plans: Bioengineering and to continue teaching Sanskrit.
Most memorable teacher
and why: Mr. Swanson
because he expressed his
enthusiasm for the subject he teaches the most.
Things you will miss
The teachers, the people and the atmosphere.
academic excellence: I am
the first person from my
family to go to college.
Moral of YOUR story:
I worked hard, planned
ahead, but also made sure
I didn’t overwork myself.
held (and years): Swimming (2 years), Water polo
(2 years), Golf (1 year) and
NHS, vice president (2 years).
Special Honors and Awards:
Leadership Seminar (ILS), AP
Scholar, Illinois State Scholar.
accomplishment: Getting into UIC’s
GPPA dentistry program!
I still can’t believe it.
Favorite class and why:
Physics, for sure! I had a re-
ally awesome class and
Mr. Swanson knows how
to make physics super fun!
Most challenging course
and why: Calculus BC. I
have nothing more to say.
Future plans: I’m going to be
attending the University of Illinois at Chicago to pursue a
career in dentistry. I plan on
getting married, having three or
four kids, and definitely getting
a dog. Also I want to travel a lot!
Most memorable teacher and
why: Mr. Swanson! He teaches
physics really well, but at the
same time he makes class fun!
He helped me whenever I needed it, even if it meant giving up
his lunch hour. He used to entertain out class by singing “Let’s
get physics started in here.”
Basically if you’ve never had
Swanson, you’re missing out.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: My teachers,
goofing around during passing periods, lunch with Rachel
and seeing Vishwa every day.
Motivation for academic ex-
cellence: My parents have
always pushed me to do well
in school and although I hate
their nagging more than anything else, it helped. Also, my
sister set the bar pretty high
for me so trying to live up to
her has motivated me a lot.
Moral of YOUR story: It
you let others define you,
you’ll never realize what it
is that you truly want. But
if you define yourself, not
only will you realize everything you want, you’ll get it.
Activities and Offices
held (and years): Swimm i n g ( 4 y e a r s ) , Wa t e r
Polo (2 years), Socc e r ( 2 y e a r s ) , N H S Vi c e
PA L S / H O P E ( 2 y e a r s ) ,
S TA N D ( 2 y e a r s ) , F o r e n s i c s : C PA ( 1 y e a r )
Aw a r d s :
S e n i o r A t h l e t e Aw a r d ,
Aw a r d ,
s c h o l a r,
National Honor Society
accomplishment: Completing 4 years
of swimming while balancing schoolwork. It sucked,
but somehow I love it.
Favorite class and why:
AP Euro – that class
was genuinely interesting and Mrs. Johansson is a great woman.
Most challenging course
and why: AP Calculus
BC – I’ve never felt so
stupid in a class before.
Future plans: I will be
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the
fall to pursue a career
i n m e d i c i n e . S o m e d a y, I
will live in California.
Most memorable teache r a n d w h y : M r. A h n
– he taught about English
a n d l i f e s i m u l t a n e o u s l y.
H e i s a l s o v e r y f u n n y.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: I will miss
my beautiful swim team,
goofing off during passing periods, seeing my
wonderful friends every
d a y, a n d b e i n g w i t h I s h a
B. Parikh all the time.
Motivation for academic
excellence: My brother forced me to work
hard. I hated it, but I
guess it sort of helped.
Moral of YOUR story: Keep smiling and
things don’t go well. It
m a k e s e v e r y t h i n g b e t t e r.
Honorable mentions
Juhi Thakkar
four years here at Hoffman; thank you all so much!
academic excellence: My parents:
they work so very hard to
provide me with every need
and want and all they ask for
return is that I strive to be
the best student and, overall, person I can be; that
is the very least I can do.
Moral of YOUR story: Never ever stop chasing your
dreams. Life is a direct product of the effort you put into
it so never stop trying. If you
fall, don’t be afraid to get up
and never stop helping others.
Hermione Granger grows from
and strong woman. Her story
who have learned so much dur
Amita Prabhu
Hawkeye View
and got my first degree black
belt. It was a great feeling.
Favorite class and why: Chemistry – The experiments we did
(making smores, ice cream,
tie-dye t-shirts, etc.) were a
LOT of fun. Also Mrs. Sowle
was an amazing teacher who
always made class enjoyable.
Calculus BC – enough said.
Future plans: Go to Loyola
as a part of the Honors program. I plan on majoring in
Biology and minoring Visual
Communications and going to
med school. I hope to one day
open a small business in digital art and be a doctor as well.
Most memorable teacher
and why: Mrs. Schildt – She
is one of the nicest and most
fun teachers I have ever met.
She always knows how to put
a smile on a student’s face,
and her bubbly personality
makes her so fun to be around.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: The people. I’m
going to miss seeing all my
friends and all my teachers.
Motivation for academic excellence: My parents always
taught me to work to my full
potential. My older brother was
always my role model and seeing him succeed in school and
being a top ten scholar drove
me to work even harder and do
the best I can in everything I do.
Moral of YOUR story: Work
hard, but remember to enjoy
yourself too. Everything happens for a reason and things
always work out in the end.
Don’t lose sight of who you are,
and remember to HAVE FUN.
Activities and Offices held
(and years): Math Team
(4 years), Tennis (4 years),
Badminton (4 years), NHS (2
years), Hawk Hooks (2 years)
Special Honors and Awards:
AP Scholar with Distinction, Illinois State Scholar, Spanish Honor Society
accomplishment: Always trying to
remain positive and graduating
Nrutyakalashree Dance Academy
Favorite classes: AP Euro,
AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Calc BC
Most challenging course
and why: AP Spanish
– I realized that I cannot
speak in Spanish AT ALL
Future plans: I’m going
to Loyola next year then
to medical school then
to become an ER doctor
Most memorable teachers:
Mr. Schumacher, Mr. Swanson, Mrs. Sowle, Mr. Loh,
Mr. Fivelson, Mrs. Johansson
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: I will miss
the teachers and my friends.
Motivation for academic
excellence: My parents have
always inspired and encouraged me to give everything
I do a hundred percent.
Anything less than my best
is not allowed in my mind
since I know I can do better.
Moral of YOUR story:
Always believe that everything happens for a
reason, never let an obstacle slow you down, just
keep going for your goals.
a young bookworm into a loyal
reflects those of our scholars
ring their time at Hoffman.
Activities and Offices held (and
years): Tennis (4 years, 3 years
Varsity), PALS (2 years), Scholastic Bowl (3 years), Math Team
(4 years), Science Bowl (2 years).
Special Honors and Awards:
Spanish Honor Society (3 years).
Greatest accomplishment: Being
born and making top ten scholars.
Favorite class and why: AP
Bio/AP Chemistry: Both classes
are fun and have two awesome
teachers along with outstanding
peers. They are both also interactive and once again, really fun.
Most challenging course and
why: AP Language and Composition since this class has required a
great deal of work and time in and
out of class to get to where I am now.
Future plans: My plan after high school is to go to
UIC and major in Biology.
Most memorable teacher and
why: Mr. Schumacher – he is a boss.
Things you will miss most about
HEHS: I’ll miss the friends I made
in high school the most, but I’ll
miss HEHS’s awesome teachers
that I have learned so much from.
Motivation for academic excellence: My brother – he pushes
me to my potential trying to help
me make the best out of every
situation class and life in general.
Moral of YOUR story: Try your
hardest, have fun, and reach for your
goals and you will enjoy high school.
held (and years): Volleyball (2 years), Badminton (2
years), Gymnastics (2 years).
Greatest accomplishment:
Making it into Top 10.
Favorite class and why:
AP Physics B because I had
some pretty amazing people
in my class and Mr. Swanson
is basically just awesome.
Most challenging course
and why: AP Calculus BC.
It’s just hard for me in every way. Even learning how
to use the TI-89 calculator
was hard, and that was supposed to make things easier.
Future plans: Next year,
I’m going to Loyola University of Chicago on a
pre-med track. As of now, I
honestly have no idea what
kind of doctor I want to be.
Most memorable teacher
and why: Mrs. Johannsson. Because of her, I loved
AP Euro. She is just a great
teacher in general. She
knows everything there is to
know about European History and she’s fun! It’s also
easy to keep in touch with
and talk to her even after
you’re done with her class
because she genuinely cares
about how you’re doing.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: All of my
teachers! I’ve had so many
past 4 years and I’m sad I
won’t be able to see them
next year. I’m also going to
miss the huge crowds that
form by the auditorium lockers during passing period.
Motivation for academic
excellence: My main motivation for excellence is my parents. They’ve never pressured
me to get good grades or do
well. All they ask is for me to
try my best, which makes me
want to succeed even more.
Moral of YOUR story:
All you can really do is put
in effort and after that you
should just accept what
you get, stop stressing
and just be happy about it.
Activities and Offices held (and
years): Band (4 years), Water Polo (4 years), Swimming (4
years), National Honor Society
(2 years), Hawk Hooks (1 year).
Special Honors and Awards:
AP Scholar with Honors, Illinois State Scholar, Spanish National Honor Society.
Greatest accomplishment: I’ve
always had the dream of writing a novel. For my sophomore
Gifted project, that is exactly
what I did. Despite some minor
setbacks, I managed to finish be-
fore the expo and do a little extra.
Favorite class and why: AP Bio
was definitely my favorite class.
I actually liked the subject so it
was kind of fun actually learning
about the topics. Field trips were
a bonus too. I think the people in
my class made me enjoy it more.
Most challenging course and
why: AP Spanish was my most difficult class. I was good with grammar; but when it comes to reading,
listening, or speaking, I am lost.
Future plans: I will be attending St.
Louis University, participating in the
Med Scholars program. I will either
major in biology or neuroscience.
Most memorable teacher and
why: Mr. Schumacher is the teacher I’ll remember the most. Not
only was he my swim coach for
three years, he was one of the reasons why AP Bio was my favorite
class. He made class interesting
and the topics easy to understand.
Things you will miss most about
HEHS: I’ll miss the people that
I met at HEHS the most. After four years, they start to grow
on you. It’ll be weird not see-
ing them pretty much every day.
Motivation for academic excellence: A major thing that motivated
me was that I knew what I wanted
to be in the future, so I had a goal
to work towards. Also, I thought
of grades as a little competition,
which motivated me a little more.
Moral of YOUR story: For me,
I learned that procrastinating is a
very, very bad choice. Whether it
was homework or college applications, I would wait until the very last
second, which would really stress
me out. Do NOT procrastinate.
Activities and Offices held
(and years): Badminton (4
years), Tennis (4 years), Student Congress (3 years) Vice
President, Math Team (4
years), Scholastic Bowl (3
years), STAND (2 years),
Band (4 years) Section Leader.
Special Honors and Awards:
Being in the Top 10, Getting a
black belt in Tae Kwon Do, NHS,
National Spanish Honor Society.
Getting a black belt in tae kwon
do. After years of hard work,
I finally passed my final test
Priya K. Patel
Sean McGarry
May 2011
Krupa Patel
Jordan Habel
Nilam Patel
Aashutos Patel
Priya I. Patel
Jessica Pablo
Jessica Flach
Hawkeye View
Top 10
May 2011
Fine Arts Classes Taken:
Freshman Band (1 year), Symphonic Winds (3 years), Vocal Ensemble (1 years), and
Concert Choir (3 years).
Performances: All 4 musicals (Evita! Grease, Beauty
& the Beast, and Children of
Eden), Spring plays (Charlotte’s
Webb, Little Shop of Horrors,
and You Have the Right to Remain Dead), band concerts,
choir concerts, madrigal gigs,
and jazz band/vocal jazz performances. Dance shows (’08,
’09, ’10), dance club, orche-
sis and Fine Arts Assemblies.
Awards/Honors: Thespian and Choir
section leader. Honor Thespian.
Playing Belle in Beauty and the
Beast because it is a fun, childhood favorite but also has a lot of
really challenging songs to sing.
Most Memorable Experience:
In Children of Eden, singing
this big, huge gospel song and
receiving a standing ovation
in the middle of the show. Really topped off the work I’ve
put in over the last four years.
HOPE, API, Literary magazine editor, dance club/orchesis, NHS, Freshmentors.
Future Plans: Attending Azusa
Pacific University in California
for a psychology major with an
addiction counseling specialty.
Most Memorable Teachers:
The entire music department,
theater directors and Mr. Brown,
Mrs. Chung and Mr. Ahn.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: I’ll miss the diverse community – it has been
Fine Arts Classes Taken:
Band: Concert Band (1 year),
Symphonic Winds (3), and
Choir: Concert Choir (3).
Performances: Evita, Much
Ado About Nothing, Plaza
Suite, Grease, Little Shop
of Horrors, Picasso at the
Lapin Agile, Beauty and
the Beast, The Complete
Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), Children
of Eden, Of Mice and Men.
Special Awards/Honors: International Thespian Troupe
1055, and Honor Thespian:
80+ points (20 are required
to be an Honor Thespian).
Accomplishments: I was graced with
two lead roles as a freshman.
Most Memorable Experience: Theatrefest senior year,
and braving a snowstorm for
IHOP with Zach Lentino, Dominic Zeier, and John Barrath.
Other Activities: Forensics
and Boy Scouts (Eagle Rank).
Future Plans: Major in Musical Theatre at Viterbo Univer-
sity in LaCrosse, WI. I hope
to perform professionally.
Most Memorable Teachers:
Mrs. Wandro, Mr. Macnider, Mr.
Stevens, and Mr. Schlesinger
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: I’ll miss the
auditorium and music area,
my home away from home.
because I got to fly.
The Moral of YOUR story:
“The only thing constant is
change.” –Jekyll and Hyde
Fine Arts Classes Taken:
I took 3D Design (3 years),
Choir (4 years), Band (3
years), Volunteer Band (1
year), Art and Design (1
year), 2D Design (1 year),
and Drawing (1 year).
Performances: I’ve been
in Evita, Grease, Beautiful
and the Beast, Children of
Eden, and Of Mice and Men.
I have recieved the Spirit of the Hawk award for
Choir and Art, 6th place in
state for 4x5 show, Honorable Mention in Schaumburg Art Show, and was
able to participate in NHS.
Most Memorable Experience: Being Zach Lentino’s
Other Activities: I also
participated in Lacrosse (3
years), Math Team (3 years),
and Scholastic Bowl (1 year).
Future Plans: I plan
Most Memorable Teachers: My favorite teachers
are Mr. Medina, Mr. Fivelson, and Mrs. Ordonez.
Things you will miss
most about HEHS: I will
miss spending late nights
putting shows together.
Favorite Performance: My
favorite performance was being Lennie Of Mice and Men.
The Moral of YOUR story: Doing it all is possible.
Amita Prabhu
Performances: Charlotte’s Web,
Plaza Suite, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Madrigal dinners, Stronghold,
and a LOT of speech tournaments.
Special Awards/Honors: Won 3
Speech Regional Championships,
Academic Scholar, AP Scholar with
Greatest Accomplishments: Balancing an AP schedule
while maintaining commitments to
activities and growing from a very
shy person to being able to speak
confidently in front of large crowds.
Most Memorable Experience:
The two day Downers Grove South
speech tournament, the biggest meet
held in the state where I took 3rd
place. My more recent memorable
experience is reading some of the
funny and not so funny entries seniors have submitted to this issue.
Forensics, Newspaper, NHS, Madrigal Recorders, and Jazz Band.
Future Plans: I will be attending
the University of Chicago next year
where I plan to major in Psychology
and maybe minor in English and Creative Writing. I also hope to be part
of some sort of public speaking team.
Most Memorable Teachers: Ms.
Carroll, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Swanson,
Mr. Schumacher, Mrs. Davey, Mr.
Calisch, Madame Frost Things you
will miss most about HEHS: The
tight knit community I have grown to
be a part of and all the relationships
I have built. I will miss being part of
such an encouraging environment.
Favorite Performance: Performing my Dec (A B+ is Just Fine) at
the Regional Performance Night
this year.
I love speaking on
stage and I think this was one of
my best recieved
The Moral of YOUR story: Working hard for what you want and
getting it is easy. Working hard for
what you want and not getting it is
heartbreaking, but it can also lead to
an incredible path of self discovery
and new opportunities, if you let it.
Eiftu Haile
Fine Arts Classes Taken: Orchestra (2 years), and Choir (2 years).
Performances: State Final Impromptu Speech Performance,
and D211 Honors Choir (2 years).
Special Awards/Honors: D211
(Speech), and Choir Section Leader.
3rd place at state, 1 for Choir
District 7 Contest Junior Year.
Most Memorable Experience:
Getting 3rd place at State in Impromptu. The feeling was indescribable as I realized that all
my hard work and the work of
my coaches, Mr. Clarke and Mrs.
Phillips, and my friends, namely Bailey Armstrong, paid off!
Other Activities: Vocal Jazz“Shades of Blue”, Musical,
German Club, and Thespians.
Future Plans: Study biological sciences at Washington
University to become a pediatrician and work in a clinic in
Ethiopia. I will also keep up
with cello and singing at Church.
Most Memorable Teachers: Mr.
Benschish – He is my vocal jazz
teacher and he has helped me develop my voice in the jazz style
for two years now. His enthusiasm for the genre is inspiring and
I’ve learned so much from him.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: The teachers that
have left such a huge impact on
me and my four years here at
Hoffman; than you all so much!
Favorite Performance: Playing “Aida” at graduation freshman year. This performance was
fantastic and I have never heard
such a lively string orchestra.
The Moral of YOUR story: Never ever stop chasing your dreams.
Life is a direct product of the effort
you put into it so never stop trying.
If you fall, don’t be afraid to get
up and never stop helping others.
Isabelle Ezra
Thomas Squires
Nick Hommowun
Honorable mentions
Justin Clarke
Regina Emiliano
such a great experience to get
to know teachers and students
well and work alongside them.
Favorite Performance: Playing “Sweet Mama” and “Doris”
in You Have the Right to Remain Dead. Working with such a
small cast on our quirks and trying not to laugh. (I’m a terrible
story teller – it really was funny.)
The Moral of YOUR story:
Do anything and everything
you want to during high school.
You won’t get this many opportunities to do what you
love and laugh while you do it.
Charles Schultz explores the
ing the wonders of music an
eder, Charlie Brown, Linus,
what our own fine arts stud
Vicki Shah
Fine Arts
Symphonic Winds (3 years)
Performances: Performed band
concerts (jazz and classical) and was
a featured soloist in a jazz rendition
of America the Beautiful during a
European tour through England,
France, Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein, Italy, and Germany; Varsity Show (sax); Friendship Village;
WARP (rock band), block parties.
Special Awards/Honors: Was selected, through audition, to be the
only alto sax in the pit of the Illinois
allstate musical Urinetown, District 211 Honors Band, IMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association)
District 7 high honor band, IHSA
music solo/ensemble competition
e life of children experiencnd art. The stories of Schro, and Lucy are examples of
dents have gone through.
Claire Kaplan
Hawkeye View
“Best Performance of the Day”
award, ISU’s “outstanding drum
major” award and 8th in state in dramatic duet acting for speech team.
Greatest Accomplishments: Having the honor of working with such
an amazing band as the only drum
major. To all the band members: be
leaders next year. We made so much
progress in the marching, concert,
and pep bands this year that it would
be an awful shame to forget about
the great work that you all did.
Most Memorable Experience: After I played a saxophone solo in Paris
with the Illinois Ambassadors of Music Jazz Band, a guy who looked like
the oldest man in France came up to
me and started talking. I didn’t have
the faintest idea what he was saying,
but it seemed very complimentary.
Other Activities: Baseball (3
years), Cross Country (2), Swimming (1), Volunteer at St. Alexius
Medical Center (3), NHS member
(2), Forensics (4), Jazz Band (4),
Pit Orchestra (4), Drum Major (2),
Thespian (3), Hawk Hooks (2).
Future Plans: I am attending Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio, where
I will be studying music education
through their honors program. Until then, I hope to teach saxophone
lessons to junior high students.
Teachers: Mr. Erickson, Mr. Schumacher,
Things you will miss most about
HEHS: The conversations with Mr.
Reese in the Music office. That man
has an opinion about everything
and I think they are all hilarious.
Favorite Performance: My favorite performance was the marching
band concert this year because I
realized that my aspiration to become a doctor wasn’t the right fit.
Teaching high school students music is what I would really make me
happy. I just hope I can come back
to District 211 to be able to do it!
The Moral of YOUR story: I’m glad
that I got very involved over my four
years. Without taking risks and joining all kinds of activities, I wouldn’t
have met so many amazing people.
F i n e A r t s C l a s s e s Ta k en:
P e r f o r m a n c e s : I p e rformed in Evita, Grease,
The Little Shop of Horrors,
Beauty and the Beast, as
well as Children of Eden.
S p e c i a l Aw a r d s / H o n o r s :
I recieved the Spirit of
the Hawk award, Musical
Awards, and Choir awards.
G re a t e s t
ments: My greatest accomplishment was being
in musicals while acting
and singing my heart out.
Other Activities: I enjoy
and listening to music.
F u t u re P l a n s : I n t h e f u ture I want to become
a s i n g e r o r a n a c t o r.
M o s t M e m o r a b l e Te a c h ers: My most memo-
r a b l e t e a c h e r s a r e M r.
S c h l e s i n g e r, M r s . O rdonez, and Ms. Pham.
Things you will miss
most about HEHS: I will
miss my friends, teachers
and participating in mus i c a l s h e r e a t H o ff m a n .
Favorite Performance:
My favorite performance
was Children of Eden.
The Moral of YOUR
Fine Arts Classes Taken: Art
and Design, Drawing, Painting, AP Commercial Design,
2D studio Performances:
Dance Show and I-Fair Special Awards/Honors: 1st in
Schaumburg Township District Library Hoffman Estates Student Art Exhibition,
1st in Advanced Graphic Design, 3rd in Graphic Design,
Congressional Art Recognition, 3rd in Congressional
Art Competition Greatest
Accomplishments: Getting
into the U of I Art School,
getting a Peak Performance
and Fivelson’s US ‘A’ list
pencil Most Memorable Experience: Doing dance show
because it was my first and
last year doing it. It was fun
because I usually go to watch
it but this time I was in it!
Yay! My other memorable
experience is meeting all
my friends! Other Activities: Golf, Badminton, Gymnastics, NHS, Math Team,
Scholastic Bowl, Yearbook,
Mural Club, API, Art Club
Future Plans: I’m going to
U of I to study art. Right now
I plan to go into graphic design but I’m still deciding.
Most Memorable Teachers: Mrs. Davey, Mr. Schumacher, Mrs. Johansson, Mrs.
Surtz, Mr. Scott, Mr. Peak,
Mrs. Schildt Things you
will most about HEHS: All
the wonderful people! YAY!
And my friends Favorite
Artwork/Performance: The
girl with paint on her hands.
(It doesn’t have a title) The
Moral of YOUR story: Always look on the bright side.
Fine Arts Classes Taken: Band
(4 years), and Choir (1 year).
Performances: Evita, Charolette’s Webb, Plaza Suite,
Grease, Little Shop of Horrors,
Picasso at the Lapin Agile,
Beauty and the Beast, You Have
the Right to Remain Dead, The
Complete Works of William
Shakespeare (Abridged), Children of Eden, Of Mice and Men.
Spirit of the Hawk, and
Continuing an AP
track while keeping up with
Most Memorable Experience: Pretty much every day.
But I’d have to say it would be
when Mr. Stevens and I came
in early to program lights for
the musical day show. We
had been working for about 2
hours when the board crashed.
Theater, Math Team and Work.
Memorable Teachers: Mr. Medina, Mr. Stevens,
Mrs. Wandro, Mrs. Ordonez,
Mr. Schlesinger, Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. Fivelson, Mr. Ahn,
Mr. Beers and Mr. Erickson.
Things you will most about
HEHS: The people – so many
good friends and teachers.
Complete work of William
The Moral of YOUR story:
“Everybody wants a little piece
of lan’. I read plenty of books
out here. Nobody never gets to
heaven and nobody gets no land.
It’s just in their head. They’re
all the time talking about it,
but it’s jus’ in their head.”
Fine Arts Classes Taken:
I took Speech, and Band.
Performances: I performed in
Much Ado About Nothing, Evita, and also spoke for Forensics.
Special Awards/Honors: I
qualified for state in Extemp
and Impromptu speaking my
Junior year and qualified for
state in Extemp my senior year.
Greatest Accomplishments:
Getting on to the Western Kentucky speech team.
Most Memorable Experi-
ence: Probably all the times
riding on the bus, reading my critiques and complaining about the judges.
Future Plans: Going to
Western Kentucky to double
major in Film and broadcasting with an emphasis
in TV and Film production and minoring in history.
Most Memorable Teachers: My favorite teach-
ers are Mrs. Phillips, the
Browns, and Mr. Clarke.
Things you will miss most
about HEHS: I will miss
all of the different types
of people at Hoffman.
Favorite Performance: My
favroite performance was
the speech I gave on Afghanistan at Wheaton North.
The Moral of YOUR story:
Even if you get really sick,
hard work and a little luck
can help you reach your goals.
Zach Lentino
John Barrath
May 2011
Jordan Habel
Eric Movssessian
Hannah Hwang
Will Payne
Bailey Armstrong
Honorable mentions
Hawkeye View
Donny Ballazhi
Paul Albani
Mike Christen
Kevin Lang
David Gutierrez
Top 10
May 2011
Sports participated in (and years):
Basketball (1 year), Football (3
years), and Track & Field (4 years).
Most embarrassing moment: My
junior year against Schaumburg I
got laid out in front of their cheerleaders. The entire time I was in the
air, I was only thinking how embarrassing it’s going to be getting back
up knowing you just got rocked.
Most memorable coaches and
why: All my coaches were great.
It was an honor to play under
Coach Murphy, Helzer and Jones.
However, I do want to thank Mr.
Mead for not only coaching me
but also babysitting me at practice. I also want to thank Coach
Moersch for making D-line practice a lot of fun. Oh and I want to
tell Coach Murphy I finally realized I’m not good enough for the
NBA. I would also like to recognize Jedi Master Lew, of course.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Being a student athlete
is not easy. You need to learn
how to balance school and sports
but once you learn how to prioritize, it’s a great thing that
can be useful later on in life.
Future plans: I plan on attending UIC next year where I might
participate in Track & Field.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): I would like to recognize Mike DeNight who was truly
a gifted athlete. He brought a lot
of glory to this school from both
Track and Football. It was sad he
couldn’t finish his senior year at
Hoffman. I would also like to recognize “The Night Train” Mike
Reeves who doesn’t get any recognition. He can run over anybody,
except me of course. Haha! And
my lifting buddy David Gutierrez.
Favorite sport memory: my junior year against Fremd I went
up against an offensive tackle
that’s playing at Notre Dame right
now. He was honestly the big-
Sports participated in (and
years): Football (4 years), Wrestling (4 years), and Track (1 year).
moment: As a freshman I wrestled a freshman and when I was
down my coach said, “Do you
have the heart?” and I yelled
on top of my lungs, “Yes I do!”
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Ganas- when times
were going bad he still kept a
positive attitude and kept his
composure. He makes me believe
in myself; telling me that every
situation is “no big deal…just
get after it.” Coach Lou- He mo-
tivated me to come to practice
every day, focus, and be positive.
He has helped me be successful.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Athletics have kept me
disciplined. The strict schedule,
athletic eligibility, and demand for
me to perform my best and have
kept me focused. I know that if I
can accomplish my goals on the
mat, I can bring that same energy
and perseverance to the classroom.
Future plans: I’m going to
Harper, and will wrestle, lift
weights, and work. I will transfer to NIU after my first year at
Harper. I want to study business.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): Mr. Bryant- his
genuine support for my academic success has helped me in
so many ways. Thanks Mr. Bryant for being a mentor in my life.
Favorite sport memory: In wrestling, I lost to a kid from New
Trier but by the end of the season, I beat him pretty badly. Also
in football, I sacked the quarterback from Conant and it changed
the momentum of the game.
The moral of YOUR story: Set
goals, be motivated to reach those
goals and make the best out of high
school. Four years go by in a flash.
(4 years), Water Polo (4
Soccer (1 year).
Other activities participated
in: Art Club and German Club.
Most embarrassing moment:
Mr. Hoffman Hawk my junior
year. They turned the lights
off in the middle of my skit.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Fidler – He taught
me how to be a better swimmer
and he stabbed me with a pencil.
Coach Schumacher – He made
me push myself during every
swimming practice. Without
him I don’t think we would’ve
been able to break out school records. Coach Fetterman – He is
a big influence on me. He gave
me opportunities that meant a
lot to me. He taught me how to
be a better water polo player. He
always knew how to push me.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Athletics helped me become a better person. Athletics
also made me appreciate what
I have. There are many people
that would love to do sports
but they can’t because they
have some kind of disability.
Future plans: Go to Harp-
er College for one or two
years then transfer somewhere but I’m not sure yet.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): Coach
Fetterman, I would like to
thank him for not giving up
on me after sophomore year.
Swimming – breaking two of
the school’s records. Water
Polo – winning our first tournament, Elk Grove Shootout.
The moral of YOUR story:
have now so you don’t regret it later and have fun.
Sports participated in
(and years): I’ve participated in Cross Country (4
y e a r s ) a n d Tr a c k ( 4 y e a r s ) .
Other activities
p a rticipated in: I’ve also
been in Band (2 years).
Most memorable coaches
Dowd and Jones, are my
most memorable coaches because they have
taught me that when you
think you give something your all you still
have a little left to give.
Influence athletics had
on life/school: Athletics
have had a positive influence on my life because
it has taught me the importance of teamwork.
Future plans: I will
be going to Harper for
I’m going to transfer
to a four year college.
Person(s) you want to
recognize (and why):
I want to recognize my
cross country team because it has been fun.
Favorite sport memory: My favorite memory
y e a r.
The moral of YOUR
story: The moral of my
story is to never give up.
Sports participated in: Football (4
years) and Track & Field (4 years).
Most embarrassing moment:
Freshman year against Rolling
Meadows, I was scrambling out
of the pocket and looking for a receiver. Then when I threw the ball
it slipped and spiraled upward
and one of their players caught it
and ran it back for a touchdown.
P.S. we were winning before this.
Most memorable coaches: Coach
Lew my father, the Jedi warrior
master, because he really helped
me out a lot and related things for
me to understand. Also he always
made me laugh, he was a comedian.
I will never forget him. Coach Helzer because he really believed in
our class and thought we had what
it took to be good. He also had a
lot of belief in me and thought I
could be very successful. Thank
you. Jones because I was one of
his warriors and taught me how to
give people the bizz! His motivational speeches I will never forget.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Athletics and school
were hard to balance at times but
in the end I knew I would get
through because of the hard work
and dedication I had for sports.
Future plans: I plan on attending
Harper for two years and then transfer
somewhere else. While in college I
plan to play football and maybe track.
Person(s) you want to recognize:
Mike “Denasty” DeNight because
he was a stud receiver who should
have touched the ball more. Sadly
he had to move but I thank him for
everything. Mike the night train
Reeves – him and I made a deadly
duo but at times I should have given
him the ball more to do damage.
Thank you! My heavyweights, “my
offensive” line who put their bodies
on the line to protect me, thank you.
Liridon Ballazhi for all the hardcore,
intense lifting we did to get beefed
up over the summer. Lastly, all of
my other team members who I competed with during my 4 years. They
were awesome and I will never for-
Mike DeNight
Weston Bruemmer
gest human being I’ve ever seen.
But I was up to the challenge and
wanted to show the coaches what
I can do and I had a great game
against him. I watched that game
film every night before I went
to sleep, haha! Then this year
they had another heavily recruited kid and I broke him in half.
The moral of YOUR story: I don’t
want to sound too cliché, but I’ve
realized that hard work is truly the
key to success. In a tough conference like ours where everybody is
talented, doing more than what is
expected of you is the only thing
that will help bring that success.
The classic tale of overcoming adversit
is one that can resonate with all athle
dergone growth and change as they re
get them. (Rasta Shawn, Kru, Ninja
Kim, Biggie Smalls aka Spiffasaurous, Cutest Kid in School, Panda
Choi, 50 Tyson, and Fataslav.)
Favorite sport memory: Last year
coming back from an injury I rushed
for 193 yards against Schaumburg
and finished the year strong and became all conference. This year week
8 against Conant I executed the final drive and set Niko for the game
winning field goal. We brought back
the majors cup to where it belongs.
The moral of YOUR story: Always play like there is no tomorrow and leave no regrets. Always
do your best at anything you do
because you never know who is
watching. Failure is not an option.
Steven Grajek
Male Athletes
Hawkeye View
the most animated coach I
ever had, but in a good way.
Influence athletics had
on life/school: The biggest thing athletics taught
me was perseverance, hard
work, and always finishing
the job regardless of what
kind of obstacles were in the
way. Impossible is nothing.
Future plans: I plan to attend the University of Illinois and get my Bachelors degree in graphic
design. As for sports, I
plan to take an intramural
team to the championship!
Person(s) you want to
Mom & Dad for pushing
me to be the best I could
be on and off the court.
Brother Nick, for teaching me all I know about
sports and practicing with
me for countless hours,
even though he always won.
Favorite sport memory:
The chemistry my senior year
basketball team had. We all
liked each other and we all
had fun wherever we were,
whether it was on the court,
on the bus, out at night, or
at Coach Wandro’s house.
The moral of YOUR story:
Athletics always gave me
something to look forward
to, and always something to
work on. Although it made
the academic life tough at
times, I wouldn’t trade it for
the world. Without basketball
these four years, who knows
where I would be today. It
might sound cliché, but
basketball really did make
me the person I am today.
Sports participated in (and years):
Volleyball (4 years), Soccer (1
year), and Swimming, (2 years).
Other activities participated in: Variety Show, Chess, Dance Show, I-Fair.
Most embarrassing moment: I
got spiked in the face on the first
day of volleyball – I didn’t feel
anything for the rest of the day.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Mr. Ahn is really funny during my volleyball seasons. He is really motivating and he can tell me what
I did well and what I need to work on.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: I always looked forward to
volleyball practice because spring
was usually such a stressful part of
the school year – AP tests, graduation,
prom. Practice was a stress reliever.
Future plans: I am going to Harper
to pursue an Associate’s Degree in
Nursing. I just plan on working to save
some money for an art education later.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and
why): Mrs.Yereb – she is one of the coolest math teachers ever! Always exciting,
pumped for Calculus, competitive. I enjoyed being in her everyday math class.
Gregg Lugo – he is a freshman and he is
my brother. I hope he grows to be a better
person and a better volleyball player.And
I hope he continues doing what he loves.
Favorite sport memory: Palatine
game, home. Both Hoffman and Palatine were cheering loudly. Nobody
could hear anything. Score is 26-26.
Everybody played their position. Bump,
set, spike. The crowd goes wild. Fire
in our chests, we couldn’t help but
scream for victory. That was the most
amazing game any of us had been in.
The moral of YOUR story: Try somethingnew,dowhatyoulove,lovewhatyou
do, keep working hard and don’t give up.
Sports participated in (and
years): I played in Football
(4 years), Track (3 years),
and Lacrosse (1 year).
Other activities participated in: I was in Band.
Most embarrassing moment:
bring my helmet to practice on multiple occasions during summer camp.
Most memorable coaches
and why: Coach Garaffalo really set the foundation for how
I play football. Coach Lew
inspires me to work hard and
he also taught me how to be a
thrower in track. And Coach
Helzer gave me a second
chance to play running back.
Influence athletics had
Athletics has helped me stay focused and made me work
hard. It has also allowed me
to meet many new people.
Future plans: I will be attending
Lutheran College while continuing to play football.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): I would
like to recognize William
Jones because he is a great
guy and it was fun playing with him on the line.
Favorite sport memory:
Winning the mayor’s cup
with my teammates was my
favorite memory of sports.
The moral of YOUR story:
In the end hard work is worth
it even if it doesn’t make the
big picture better, it will make
several small details better.
ty to reach personal and athletic goals
etes. The athletes at Hoffman have uneached the pinnacle of their talent.
(and years): Lacrosse (4
years), and Golf (4 years).
Other activities participated in: Intramural basketball,
FreshMentors, Band, Musicals.
moment: Hitting two consecutive balls out of bounds
at regionals junior year.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Mills, always there
for me in every way and treats
me like his own son. Took me
from nothing to something.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Athletics made me a
better leader as well as a more
dedicated and passionate person.
Future plans: Attend Augustana
College in the fall to play lacrosse.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): My boy, Evan
Chikeles, aka Ev Chik. Met
him when I first picked up the
sport and he’s been there ever
since. He always inspires me
to try my hardest, never give
up, and always have fun. He’s
taught me a lot about the game
and is always a great friend.
Favorite sport memory: Lacrosse –beating Conant at home
in a comeback overtime win.
Great win and I played well. Golf
– Hole-in-one. I’ll never forget it.
The moral of YOUR story:
Always use the people and
resources around you, especially here at Hoffman, to get
you where you want to go.
Sports participated in (and years):
Football (4 years) and Track & Field.
in: Art and Weight Training.
Most embarrassing moment: My
most embarrassing moment would
definitely be the sectionals track
meet my sophomore year. I started
off the meet by missing the 400
meter dash because I wasn’t paying
attention. After that in the 4x400 I
merged to lane 1 when I was supposed
to stay in my lane. I prevented two
or three teams from going to state.
Most memorable coaches and
why: My most memorable coach
is Coach Jones. Coach Jones is one
of those coaches who knows when
to mess around and have fun, but
knows when it’s time to work. Tack
is a very training intensive sport.
Having a coach like Coach Jones
is important because he knows
how to push and motivate you.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Sports have taught me
many things such as respect, work
ethic, determination and more.
The most important value it has
taught me is risk versus reward.
The amount of short term risk
you take in life may be painful,
but the long term rewards you receive will far outweigh the pain.
Future plans: I plan to become an artist. Regardless of whether I continue
to play sports in college, I will carry
the values it taught me through life.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): I want to recognize
some of my co athletes. As an athlete, I have to be very self dependent to succeed, but it helps when
you have a group of guys who are
willing to work just as hard as you.
Favorite sport memory: Surprisingly, my favorite sports memory is
the off-campus football camp we had
at Benedict University. Despite the
fact that a majority of our time was
spent practicing, we still had a lot of
fun. We had team building moments
such as talent competition, where we
were able to build the chemistry that
is essential to a football team. Alex
Kim, Daniel Choi, Jason Sumling,
and Mike DeNight were all people
who inspired me to work hard.
The moral of YOUR story: The
moral of my story is to never give
up. I could write a seven page long
list of painful moments I’ve experienced in sports, whether it be a
crushing loss or an intense workout.
While the hardship I’ve experienced
in sports may have outnumbered my
success, it could never outweigh it.
When you reach your moment of
success, you’ll know that all of the
pain and loss was worth it. You will
always be remembered for when
you succeeded, not when you failed.
Sports participated in (and
years): Basketball (4 years).
Other activities participated in: MSL leadership
conference (2), National
Honor Society (2), Hawk
Hooks (2), Junior Class Club
(1), and Freshmentors (1).
Finishing my senior year with
an awful record of 6-20.
Most memorable coaches
and why: Mead: Because of
his crazy love and passion
for the game. He was by far
Josh Pearson
Trent Rehusch
May 2011
Matt Pahl
Victor Lugo
Mike Reeves
Jon Pape
Sishu Zerihun
Shawn Lascelles
Hawkeye View
Top 10
May 2011
Amruta Bhatt
Sports participated in: Tennis (4
years), and Badminton (4 years).
Other activities participated in:
Newspaper, Forensics, STAND,
and National Honors Society.
Most embarrassing moment: At
my very first varsity badminton
match as a freshman, during my singles match my shoes were very loose.
I didn’t have proper court shoes at
the time so during one of the points I
jumped for a shot and both my shoes
flew off my feet completely!
That was pretty embarrassing.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Stenger, because she
has the best sense of humor out of
everyone I know and she taught
me how to have fun on the court.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Being involved in sports
really gave me a chance to believe
in myself and my abilities. I also
learned how to manage my time better and balance my life out more.
Future plans: I will be attending
Honors College at University of Illinois at Chicago with a major in biological science. I hope to enter medical school and become a physician.
Person(s) you want to recognize:
I want to recognize Coach Stenger
for being more than just a coach to
me-she has been more like a sec-
ond mom. She has helped me build
character by teaching me to have
values like confidence and integrity.
Favorite sport memory: My
doubles partner, Maiko Matsubara, and I lost in the championship round at the sectionals badminton tournament against York
High School but a week later we
beat them at the state tournament!
The moral of YOUR story: I learned
how to balance myself out both physically and mentally. Being involved
in sports has given me the chance
to believe in myself and how to be
a good person in my daily actions.
Jada Stotts
(and years): Basketball (4
years), Volleyball (4 years),
and Track & Field (2 years).
Other activities participated in: FreshMentors council
member, Junior Class Club.
Most embarrassing moment: It
was a home basketball game; the
band was counting down the last
5 seconds. I stole the ball and shot
from half court; turned out there
was actually 10 seconds left.
and why: Andersen was one
of my favorite coaches I’ve
had. He pushed me to levels I never knew I could reach
and his love for the sport and
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Being involved in Hoffman sports I focused more on
my school work. I always had to
make sure I kept my grades up
to be eligible. Sports have influenced my life by helping me start
amazing friendships that I’m sure
I’ll have for a lifetime. I spend so
much time with some teammates
they’re pretty much family.
Future plans: I will be playing division 1 volleyball at Austin Peay
State University in Tennessee.
Person(s) you want to recog-
nize (and why): My mom- She
has been my biggest supporter and biggest fan ever since
I’ve started playing sports, 13
years ago. I wouldn’t be where
i’m at right now without her.
Favorite sport memory: My
greatest memory was when my 4
by 1 track relay team and I got
9th in state. Standing on that
podium in front of hundreds of
people and getting that metal
was an indescribable feeling.
The moral of YOUR story: Hard work and having
a true love and passion for
a sport definitely pays off!
Precious Ogunleye
years), and Track (4 years).
participated in: Fashion Club, Coffee Club, HBSU, Intramural
Weight Lifting, Best buddies.
Most embarrassing moment:
Falling out of the discus ring and
twisting my ankle in the state finals.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Mr. Anderson and his jokes
that weren’t funny but he thought
they were hilarious. Mr. Peak
who gave me this wonderful opportunity to get a scholarship and
he made me to be the person I
am today. Mr. Bryant who always
rooted for me and always kept
me going when I wanted to quit.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: I think without athletics I
wouldn’t be the student or the person
I am today because it’s helped me
mature throughout the years. It also
kept me focus to pass my classes.
Future plans: To attend the University of Central Florida (UCF) on a
Track and Field full ride scholarship.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): Mr. Peak because
he’s the man behind my success. Mr. Lacni for never giving
up on me and for always being
there. Mrs. Marshall for motherlike support. Mr. Bryant and Mr.
Rucks for their positive support.
Favorite sport memory: My
freshman year being able to go
to state and having so many
people rooting for me. I felt really welcomed by everybody.
The moral of YOUR story: I
would have never expected anything that came out of my four
years of high school athletics but I
was given an amazing opportunity
to not have to pay for school and
compete at a district 1 level at the
sport I love. It just proves anything
you set your mind to is capable.
Mel McGinn
years), and Soccer (4 years).
Other activities participated
in: Hawk Hooks, Peer Mediators, Special Olympics Volunteer, and National Honor Society.
Most embarrassing moment:
Laughing at soccer practice and
the whole team calling me a
walrus and then marking their
own animal laughs (dolphin, pig,
dinosaur) to make fun of me.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Hamma – taught me
how to be a leader. Coach Ahn
– Taught us how to have fun and
improve at the same time. Coach
Ihms – Always easy to talk to.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: It has kept me involved
and it is where I have met my
closest friends. It taught me
about teamwork and dedication.
ISU and double majoring in
Learning and Behavioral Sciences and Speech Pathology.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): My family
for supporting me and making
all of the drives to come watch
every game I played from the
beginning. Also my friends
for always being there for me.
Favorite sport memory: Coach
Youngblood getting hit in the
back of the head with a volleyball and both of her contacts
popping straight out of her eyes.
Also Coach Hamma demonstrating how a ladybug crawls.
The moral of YOUR story: Get
involved, have fun, and don’t be
afraid to be yourself. Don’t take any
of these years for granted because
they’re over before you know it.
Sports participated in (and
participated in: Theater Guide, API,
Dance Show, S.A.V.E. Club.
Most embarrassing moment:
During the fall sports assembly I
threw a blue crew shirt to one of
the kids by the stand but the shirt
flew away because of the wind.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Lisa Stenger because she likes to joke around
a lot. She’s very sarcastic and
makes fun of me a lot for eating
all the time. She admitted that
she does that to me a lot because
I know she’s kidding but I play
along with it. Coach Stenger
is my favorite coach and I’ll
miss her a lot after this season.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: I made a lot of friends
and I learned to become responsible. Other activities, school work
and athletic events are very hard
to manage with a short amount of
time. However it was all worth
it because I wouldn’t have experienced so many things or make
close friends if I never joined.
Future plans: College for 4 years
in Japan. Hopefully come back to
America, work and get married.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): Coach Stenger
for helping me recognize that I
have potential and that I should
be confident. Badminton is a
mind game, so I can’t go on court
thinking I’m going to lose because no one knows what might
happen. Amruta Bhatt, my badminton partner for four years.
Without her, badminton wouldn’t
Favorite sport memory: Sophomore year badminton conference.
Amruta and I got second place as
third doubles. It was funny be-
Maiko Matsubara
Niki Adelaja
Stephanie Castro
The unity and strength exempli
of Their Own parallels the hard
female athletes. These girls ha
at their training, growing both
cause for first, second, fourth and
fifth doubles the championship
round was BG vs Fremd but only
third doubles was Hoffman vs
Fremd. As well as badminton state
’10, best three days of my life!
The moral of YOUR story: Join
a sport. You never know what
experiences or memories you’ll
gain from it. The earlier the better. Join a sport as a freshman and
you can determine your likes and
dislikes from it. I only had tennis in mind when I came in high
school, but I joined badminton
just for fun and now badminton
has become a big part of my life.
Jessica Flach
ified by the women in A League
d work displayed by Hoffman’s
ave persevered in and excelled
mentally and physically.
Sports participated in: Volleyball (1 year), Water polo (4
years), and Swimming (3 years).
Most embarrassing moment:
When Stephanie Castro ripped
my suit in front of everyone
and I was exposed at one of our
swim invites and another one of
my embarrassing moments was
on Homecoming I was dancing
and Schu was right behind me
and I didn’t realize for a while.
Schumacher because he was the
one that made me push through
every set we did. He taught me
how to be dedicated and to always
give 110% of everything. Koch
Hawkeye View
Sports participated in (and
years): Volleyball (4 year), Basketball (4 years) and Softball (4 years).
Other activities participated in:
Hawk Hooks (2 years), Peer Mediation (2 years), Student Council (2 years), and NHS (2 years).
Most embarrassing moment: When
I went to set a ball during a volleyball
game and it went straight through my
fingers and hit my right in the face.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Coach Hamma was my most
memorable and influential coach.
She taught me to have confidence
in my abilities and the importance
of being a leader. Lessons I will
carry with my for the rest of my life.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Being a three sport athlete definitely taught me time
management and the importance
of dedication. It also has taught
me how to be a leader, in both my
classes and my athletic teams.
Future plans: I am going to the
University of Illinois and majoring in Human Development
and Family Studies, I hope to return back to Hoffman Estates
high School as a social worker.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): I would want to recognize my Dad, Coach Hamma (my
softball coach) and Mr. Wietlispach,
all of them had huge impacts on both
my academic and athletic career. My
dad was my foundation and Coach
Hamma and Mr. Wietlispach helped
me through my high school years, I
couldn’t have made it without them.
Favorite sport memory: Beating the #1 ranked team in the state
(Elk Grove) my senior year. It
was 6-5 and we won it in the top
of the 7th. It was the best game
of my high school softball career and I’ll always remember it.
The moral of YOUR story: Being involved in sports makes
high school the best 4 years of
your life. Your team becomes
your escape and your family.
Sports participated in (and
Other activities participated in:
Theater/Thespians (4 years), Madrigals (3 years), Band (4 years),
Hawk Hooks (2 years), and NHS
(2 years), Honor Roll (4 years).
Most embarrassing moment:
Sophomore year I was going for
a 10 pin and I fell on my butt
during a meet. Luckily I didn’t
foul and picked up the spare.
Most memorable coaches and
why: If it weren’t for Coach B, I
would have never gotten this for
today. He helped me become the
bowler I am by teaching me to shrug
off the little things, like a missed
spare. I’m so glad he was my coach.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Bowling has taught me
to push myself. I’m not a natural
athlete and I work hard to make
myself better. This only pushes
me to do better in all aspects of
my life. Also, it has taught me
to never give up on my dreams.
Future plans: I’m attending Vanderbilt University next year, where
I’ll hopefully figure out my major
and compete on the bowling team.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): My parents for taking me all over to different tourna-
ments and all the support given.
Will, without you I wouldn’t have
the game I have today and the drive
to always up my game. Pfligler, Bagel and K for a fun season this year.
Favorite sport memory: Winning sectionals with my team. That
was the best feeling, plus I accomplished my goal of winning one of
the major tournaments as well as
sectionals. Also, thanks to Pfligler,
I got to see Soldier Field this year.
The moral of YOUR story: What
doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I went from a freshman on JV
with a 160 average to a collegiate
athlete going to her dream school.
Sports participated in (and years):
Bowling (4 years), Tennis (2 years).
participated in: National Honor Society,
Most embarrassing moment: One
day at bowling practice my hand
got stuck in the ball and I ended
up on the lane. I didn’t know what
to do, so I just started laughing.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Bagel – she was the reason I
even made the bowling team freshman year. Pfligler – he helped us go
to state and win sectionals this year!
Influence athletics had on life/
school: Bowling and tennis have
kept me very busy, but I wouldn’t
want it any other way. After having knee surgery last year I was
unable to participate in tennis. I
had to work really hard in order to
be ready for bowling season, but I
think I proved I was able to overcome the surgery’s repercussions.
Future plans: I am going to North
Central College in the fall. I’m going to study elementary education.
Since the school doesn’t have bowling, I will do outside tournaments.
Person(s) you want to recognize
(and why): Jen Knobloch – she
is the reason I even tried out for
bowling in the first place. The
2010-11 bowling team – thank
you for making this year my favorite 4 years! My parents – they
are always there for me and support me in every way they can.
Favorite sport memory: At the
state meet for bowling this year, I
bowled my highest series of 680 for
3 games, which included my high
game (for the second time) 0f 269.
The moral of YOUR story: Try
out for anything that interests
you. You don’t have to be perfect. Just show you have a great
attitude and don’t sweat the rest.
years), and Soccer (4 years).
Most embarrassing moment:
One time before a volleyball
game someone hit a ball and it
hit me in the face and my contact
popped out. People were laughing at me and it was not fun.
Most memorable coaches and
why: Mr. Bryant – because he
taught us how to love basketball.
Mr. Ahn – we always had fun in
practices but still worked hard.
Mr. Ihms – although he wasn’t
really my coach, we became good
friends and I could always come
to him for help with anything.
Influence athletics had on
life/school: It kept me active
all the time and I met great
friends because of playing them.
Future plans: Attending Illinois
majoring in exercise science.
Person(s) you want to recognize (and why): My parents
because they came to every
single game and drove me to
practices when I didn’t have
my car. They also supported me
in every decision I ever made.
Sophomore year in soccer we
had a stretching practice and
while stretching we all came up
with different animal noises.
It was like a farm in the gym!
The moral of YOUR story:
Have fun in life and live it
with no regrets. Also be yourself! And make new friends!
because she really helped me out
my freshman year when it came
to understanding water polo. Fetterman because he was always
there to motivate me and give
me good tips. He made me want
to succeed in everything I do.
Influence athletics had on life/
school: If it weren’t for swimming
and polo I wouldn’t be as dedicated and motivated. It helped me to
balance school work with practices
and game and to create a schedule
that allowed me to get everything
done that I needed to with school.
Future plans: I’m going to U of I
Champaign-Urbana and I’m thinking about playing club polo there.
Person(s) you want to recognize: I want to recognize my team
because they were always there
to push me. I know that they always have my back no matter
what. We all wanted everyone to
do the best that we could and that
made us a really close team. Also,
I want to recognize my parents
because they’re at every swim
meet and polo game. They’re
really supportive and they always were cheering everyone on.
Favorite sport memory: When I
swam 59.97 at a swim invite. It
was my goal for so long and then
I finally got it and it was a big accomplishment. Also there was a set
Schu gave us on Homecoming this
year called “candy set.” It sounded fun but it ended up with all of
us crying. We were so mad at him.
The moral of YOUR story:
Sports made me who I am today.
I was taught not to do something
with half your effort because I’ll
regret it and I do this with everything now, not just sports. It
taught me so many lessons that I’ll
always go back to and I’m really
thankful for the coaches and my
team who taught me them. Sports,
my team, and my coaches made
me a better person for so many
different reasons and they’ve
impacted my life every day.
Regina Emiliano
Colleen Thomas
May 2011
Kelsey Pellus
Liz Saffold
Kailey Schlosser
Emily Allan
Tanya Skworch
Rachael Gallo
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Like many Hoffman seniors will do
this fall, Mr. Potato Head packs for a
long journey ahead.
Viterbo University
Catherine Swan
Tom Squires
Marquette University
Alexandra Labeots
Carroll University
Emily Allan
University of Iowa
Leila Mustafa Drake University
Colleen Kelley Maryna Rath
Iowa State
Loras College
Daryl Dunning
Colleen Thomas
Celeste Estrella
St. Louis University
Jessica Pablo
Washington University
Eiftu Haile
Azusa Pacific University
Isabelle Ezra
Colorado School of
Carissa Summerfelt
Grand Valley State University
Kate McKeague
Michigan State University
Taylor Stacy
Miami University
Indiana University Jordan Habel
Jenn Gehrke
Rachel Frame
Valparaiso University
Molly Mangione Wittenberg University
Danielle Zengri
After 3 movies,
Andy’s going off
to college...what
about you?!
Arzona State University
Luke Lewicki
Western Kentucky
Bailey Armstrong
Austin Peay State University
Jada Stotts
Vanderbilt University
Liz Saffold
International Christia
an University
Maiko Matsubara
Southern Methodist University
Spencer Davis
University of Tampa
Marty Trojan
University of Central
Precious Ogunleye
Valencia Community College
Mariah Pitts
Hawkeye View
Harper College
Justin Clarke
Rubair Abuhamama
Parth Joshi
Amanda Ross
Edwin Blanco
Svet Angelov
Lissette Lagunas
Milady Rodriguez
Rubi Castro
Edwin Albarran
Pia Gelline delRosario
Mike Graham
University of Illinois at Devin Thompson
Elif Kucuk
Nick Alexander
Lauren Fera
Wase Siddiqui
Amber Banner
Isha Parikh
Zaira Herrera
Amruta Bhatt
Gus Cisneros
Vicki Shah
Smit Thakkar
Aashutos Patel
Sharoon Iqbal
Danielle Kiel
Bipin Nath
Shrutva Parikh
Victor Leon
Enedelia Gonzalez
Elmhurst College
Jay Gonzalez
Rhianna Stringer
Samar Nazar
Eric Movsessian
Illinois Wesleyan Univer- Mercedes Davalos
Lacy Marlow
Jessi Flach
Victor Lugo
Trent Rehusch
Taylor Mann
Kuburot Bodejo
University of St. Francis Juan de la Cruz
Steven Grajek
Alfredo Balderas
Paola Rodriguez
Columbia College
Dean Hackbarth
Miriam Bigurra
Cristina Constantin
Maryann Mousheh
Robert Morris University David Gutierrez
Kara Hartel
Rachel Pilling
Sandy Oranam
University of Chicago
Roxy Mombini
Amita Prabhu
Lara Manadero
Stephanie Gomez
Brad Karlson
Arlington Heights Academy
Karina Trejo
University of Illinois, Urban
Daniel Yi
Rachael Gallo
Jordan Loikits
Kelsey Pellus
Michael Currie
Harsh Patel
Matt Pahl
Niki Adelaja
Rianna Schmidt
Juhi Thakkar
Anjelica Nandyala
Claire Kaplan
Dishanth Swaminath
Vishwa Shah
Illinois Institute of Art
Alex Dibattista
Lewis University
Anthony Christianson
North Central College
Kailey Schlosser
Roosevelt University
Marcos Galvan
Illinois State University
Ashley Femrite
Mel McGinn
Meryl Helfrich
Kaitlyn Tykal
Northwestern University
Emily Kuhn
Nicole Reed
Augustana College
Chris Huerta
Will Payne
Loyola University
Farahnaz Niroumandpour
Neel Goyal
Neal Patel
Krina Desai
Angee Serwin
Nilam Patel
Krupa Patel
Northern Illinois University
Christina Balwierz
Nicole Carbonaro
Dorota Knaga
Ashley Kooiker
Jennifer Knobloch
Stephanie Castro
Benedictine University
Priya K. Patel
Marvin Blanco
Southern Illinois University
Yazmin Lopez
Quintyn Schiff
Judson University Eastern Illinois University
Luan Mawi
Samantha Neumer
Kerry Pajor
“Whoa! Look at all
the people staying in
May 2011
DePaul University
Karla Lopez
Joliet Job Corps Center
Ulysses Lopez
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Giving gifts to bri
The Giver’s story includes him imparting his gift of color to Jonas, much as the
Seniors pass along their valued items to
those who will follow in their footsteps.
“Nick and Kyle, you guys should go
to state (Gymnastics).”
-Daniel Yi
“I would like to will Jilaine Heitkotter my sense of humor, optimism,
and tolerance to deal with jerky
-Amanda Ross
“To Oscar Blanco- my hardworking
attitude. Don’t give up on school.”
-Edwin Blanco
“I’d like to will my best regards to
Morgan Spiegel (just because she
is amazing). My height to Connor
Schwarz because he can’t be my
little brother forever.”
-Anthony Christianson
-Chris Huerta
“Jacklyn Nailor- my unbelievably
amazing dance moves and singing skills in my car, Betsy! Samantha Callahan-the ability to say your
name like me! The Double D’s- me
and Tanya’s craziness!”
-Mel McGinn
“Julius Lopez- my patience to deal
with all the stresses of high school
and to deal with all the work in the
next 3 years. I love you bro!”
-Yasmin Lopez
“I will my cousin Fermin my gym
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“To Pooja Shah, my math skills and
my cell phone minutes to always be
able to call me. To Khalid Mustafa,
my swag and my car.”
-Leila Mustafa
“I will off my senioritis to the incoming seniors. I also will off my car to
my baby brother to go to every
football game he can.”
-Samantha Neumer
“I want to will my swim locker to
Faith Sheely. I want to will my team
my dinosaur walk.”
-Rachael Gallo
“I will my brother some advice so he
can follow the advice.”
-Shivangi Patel
“I would like to will the “Fera Swag”
to my little brother Brandon. I will
the weight room to Sebastian Myers- try to get swole like me.”
-Lauren Fera
“Leslie and Soe-go to class and
don’t ditch.”
-Rubi Castro
“Dear Poms girls, I will you my booty shaking and hope you will make
good use of it.”
-Marcos Galvan
“To my little sister Samah, I will my
amazing art locker.”
-Sabrina Khan
“The gum under the desks to everyone!”
-Chris Morrison
“I will my legacy as the weirdest kid
at school to the first senior whose
birthday/name is closest to mine.”
-Devin Thompson
“Julius Lopez, I will to him my
-Milady Rodriguez
“Antonio Cole- I will you my defense skills in Lacrosse…Lay ‘em
“Eric Brooks- Lacrosse abilities.”
-Michael Currie
“I will my awesomeness and being
the oldest Mousheh in Hoffman to
Simone Mousheh, and I will food
(because you are obsessed), my
dashing looks, and a razor to Michael Mousheh.”
-Maryann Mousheh
“I would like to will Fresh off the
Beat to Jenny Woo, Kim LaRosa,
and my brother, Gregg Lugo. I
would also like to will my volleyball skills and dance abilities to my
brother, Gregg.”
-Victor Lugo
“I would like to will all my shot and
disc to Anna Luna and Banke Ogimi, and my great fashion sense to
Destinee Young.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“To Avni Bavishi – my fat so she will
always has something to poke, and
my calculator. To Meran Liu – my
photo-taking obsession because
she never takes pictures unless completely necessary. To Jaime Notzen
– my reeds. To Cassandra and Kasia – my craziness during band. To
Sam Soriano – my clarinet.”
-Krina Desai
“I will my little brother Edward my
knowledge when he comes next
-Marvin Blanco
“I would like to will Arouj Rizwan all
of my old homework because she’ll
probably need someone to help
her with her homework when I’m
away at college.”
-Mia Rizwan
“None! Buy your own belongings!”
-Farahnaz Niroumandpour
“I’d like to say that high school gets
easier and a lot more fun. Keep
your head up.”
-Lacy Marlow
“To Mark Roberts I will my silky
smooth talents on the baseball
field…just kidding those were always his.”
-Trent Rehusch
“Soe Reyes: you are an amazing
person, I wish you the best and
keep up with school. I love you!
Julio Bravo: you’re a great kid,
very funny too. Try not to get involved with drama and do your
best in school. I love you lame!”
The young lacrosse team- you
know who you are, keep up with
this sport and make me proud. I
love you all.”
-Mercedes Davalos
“Nick Gafron, I will you the future
of the tenor section.”
-Eric Movsessian
“Kelly Rottman: My tape ball from
soccer. Becca: obnoxious colored
spandex and the volleyball team.
Mary, Megan, and Billy: enjoy Hoffman with only 3 family members.”
-Colleen Thomas
“Kasia Serwin- my good looks and
involvement in Hoffman. Also my
ability to wake up in the morning
to get ready for school and NOT
miss the bus.”
-Angee Serwin
“Maitri Majithia, I will to you fun
and goofy passing periods and I
will Mehul Patel an amazing senior
year with lots of time to go on oovoo to ‘talk’.”
-Isha Parikh
“My sister- my room. Diana Arroyomy soccer sweater. Vince Liscanouseful class notes. Jeanine Liautaudmakeup lectures.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“Don’t goof around because your
freshmen, focus on school and don’t
let people pick on you.”
-Vanessa Diaz
“Jessica Stacy- I will all my chores
to you and Matthew…”
-Taylor Stacy
“I will Kimmy my New York balls.”
-Meryl Helfrich
“Amanda Harris- the will to deal
with one more year.”
-Kaitlyn Tykal
“Amanda Harris: my parking spot.”
-Molly Mangione
“I will Dee Dee Delahunt my gym
locker with all my ID stickers in it.”
-Jessi Flach
“Antonio Cole, Jimmy Wood, and
Jake Voegtle, I’ve known them over
the past years and I feel I’ve gotten
close to them over sports and they
have had a huge impact on me as
well. I will them my love!”
-Alex Kim
“I will my double knee to Jimmy
-Michael Spiff
“I will my sister Amber all my drag
suits, and hopes she has as many
great times as I did.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“I would like to will Ali Engelhardt
all of my inspirational quotes.”
-Maryna Rath
“I would like to will Sharul my determination to succeed in AP Bio
and AP Chem. I would like to will
Avni my ability to fall down.”
-Nilam Patel
“Sarah gets the power to annoy Pfigler for the next 3 years. Sam and
Brittany get the bowling team (oh
boy…). Kelsey gets my locker (yes,
the one right next to yours). Jill,the
power to breathe. Jill and Cate, the
uniform room. And Carlos, my dynamics.”
-Liz Saffold
“Matthew Brajczewski- car keys.
Pooja Shah- my hair. Brittany A- all
my glee cds/dvds.”
-Samar Nazar
“My tan to Kristin Hagen. My athleticism to Rinku Patel. My cuteness
to Jordan Hudak (my other half)!”
-David Gutierrez
“I will to Kailee Keyser my locker in
the band room and my chair next
to Jaime in orchestra pit because I
know you really want to play next
-Rachel Pilling
“I will like to will my diligence to my
sister Fatima Quadri.”
-Kuburat Bodejo
“I will a tithe of my sense of humor
to the remaining band kids. They’re
going to need it. I will a sliver of my
intelligence to my sister Cassandra
Summerfelt as per her request.”
-Carissa Summerfelt
“Jack Fabbrini – my swag, Doug
Johnson – my love.”
-Marty Trojan
“Saad Razzak, I will you my social
prowess; Jeremy Thomas, I will you
my reckless flirtation; Devi Shastri,
I will you my ability to find humor
-Hammad Razzak
Hawkeye View
May 2011
ing COLOR to life
“I would like to will the seat in the
bowling van to Sarah Wille and the
power to annoy Pfligler all season.
You go mini me!”
-Kara Hartel
“Robert Alverado – my skills, Hakeem Moulton – my swoleness.”
-Brad Willis
“Brittany – my randomness and our
memories, Cate – my enthusiasm,
Christina – my notes.”
-Catherine Swan
“Destinee Young – the basketball
team, Austin Terry – another cute
prom date.”
-Jada Stotts
“I will give the whole freshman class
some common sense.”
-Steven Grajek
“I will Kruti Bhatt my good looks
and sisterly instincts, Sanam Nazar
my ‘shoe’ and my cuteness, my gorgeous smile to Cielo Macaraeg, my
buff body to Sharul Saxena, my
Italian-ness to Sumran Haryani and
Jenny Woo, my time management
skills to Sandhya Hayrani, my work
ethic to Komal Patel, the ability to
make my opponents cry in tennis
to Courtney Lang, my assertiveness
to Anja, my natural charm and my
ability to make on-the-spot pick-up
lines to Rachel Seweryn, all my love,
my heart, and my adorable laugh
to Stephanie Pfeifer, my robot girl
jokes to Meran Liu, my ability to retrieve badminton smashes to Avni
Bavishi, my tomboy-ness to Pooja
Sharma, and my six pack abs to
-Amruta Bhatt
“I would like to give all the stuff in
my locker to Alex Proskey and Jack
-Michael Shirahama
“Jovi: the focus to do well in school
but still have fun. That ‘Ah!’ moment
when you find out what you want to
do. And, the best last two years of
high school with fun times and lasting memories.”
-Jessica Pablo
“Meran Liu: I (hopefully) leave my
lax attitude, so she chills out a bit
senior year.”
-Emily Kuhn
“Maitri: musical inspiration.”
-Priya K. Patel
“Danny Levski: rides in my car to go
visit Scott in Iowa.”
-Kamila Sierputowski
“To Devi Shastri, I will the extemp
torch, and my spot at the state tournament (because she WILL make
-Bailey Armstrong
“Kaileen Hendle: my life savings
and neon green shoewlaces; Sam
Acosta: my lovely sarcasm; Micki
Agins: my senioritis.”
-Emily Allan
“Alicia Sanfillipo: my amazing ‘vegan’ recipes; Myra Siddiq, my painting abilities.”
-Vicki Shah
“To Brittany Gray- I will you the
ability to stand up for what is right.
To Kyle Wozny- I will you my love.”
Jennifer Knobloch
“My wits to my younger brother
Ryan Hackbarth. Also, my good
looks to Anthony Vaderheyden.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“Austin Terry : My good looks to
help him with the ladies his senior
-Matt Pahl
“I will Jasmine Liu everything music.
I wish her the best senior year ever
and a less severe case of senioritis.”
-Isabelle Ezra
“Tiffany Pitter- I will my bible and
Kirk Franklin cd, Taylor Roddy- I will
the tape measure and the chalk,
Olu Adelaja- I will my report card
and unused basketball skills.”
-Niki Adelaja
“I would like to will the front seat of
the bowling van and DJ powers to
Samantha Hoglund. I would like to
will Sarah Wille the ability to bother Pfligler for the next 3 years without getting yelled at. I would also
like to will Isabella Zach the ability
to find a ride to school next year!
-Kailey Schlosser
“Dan Tatara: the right to writing the
drumline V-show act.”
-Justin Clarke
“I will Alexandria Garcia my tardiness, weirdo moments, and absents
to big events. I also will my “ghettoness” Nihada.”
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“Jenny Woo- I will you my ability to
watch dramas during senior year.
Takshaka Patel- I will you the “quiet
section” of the library and the ability to say “babe” naturally.”
-Hannah Hwang
“Jenny Woo- My 1st chair. Avni
Bavishi- A book by Tamora Pierce
about the trajectory of the sun
creating mirages, dragons, and
flipped sandwicher. Also, the secret to skillful tennis plaing using the
“upper maar” and “patee ma ja”
techniques”. Haley Goers- My hugs.
Takshaka Patel - Wife #1 status.
-Krupa Patel
“To SADD club- successful fundraisers, unforgettable and memorable
snowballs, awesome SADD club
hangouts and the loudest songs
ever!! To Kasia Serwin- My obnoxious laugh (even though we’re always told that we have the same
laugh) and my ability to wake up in
the morning to make the bus every
-Angee Serwin
“Takshaka Patel- My racing ribbon. Solome Haile- My track athletic locker. Elsa Haile- My sense of
balance and on of my cross country
ribbons. Katie Johnson- to be godmother of Jayde. Cristine DorbandMy morning run shower
-Rianna Schmidt
While some of the items willed here are
more tangible than the memories and
images gifted to Jonas, they demonstrate
the bond that the older and wiser often
have with those who comeafter them.
“Jack Kelley- my charming personality. Sanam Nazar- Some Becky’s.
Shannon Keane- My “student of the
month” parking spot every month.
Wasey Nazar- My attitude.
-Colleen Kelley
“Matt Capone- Good looks and
charm…wait, you don’t need it!
Elise Matthews- Hope for a duet
partner that doesn’t make you want
to pull your hair out. Sean HabelBlue steel and a bimonthly magic
game with the guy who couldn’t
be luckier to be your brother. Ryan
Hasler- The intimidation factor (not
that I have a lot to give), ping-pong
skillz, and the happiness of being
in school with your sister- she’s an
amazing person.”
-Jordan Habel
“To be kind and friendly and to not
fight with others.”
-Candice Wilson
“Jonathan Corral- Axe Spray. Kaileen Hendle- My love, My life savings and turning off the scoreboard
after every game. Sam Acosta- My
niceness and turning off the scoreboard after every game.”
-Emilly Fett
“Emily D’Amico- Footsnike, Brittany
Love- The thug life”
-Nicole Reed
“Stephanie and Carlos- the yearbook half of the Pub…use it well.”
-Danielle Zengri
“To Cory Liang my swimming Senior
Locker, to Damaris Vera my LATINA
FIRE on the water polo team, to
Stephanie (Pu) Lynn my number 8
cap in water polo, to Faith Sheely
a new ride home, (BYE FAITH!), to
Alex Vick all of my love for water
polo AND swimming, to the future
boys’ swimming team managers,
the Stephanie Castro phone spot”
-Stephanie Castro
“Shaurya- All my books! especially
my ACT books, Maitri- everything!”
-Shrutva Parikh
“Paras and Suraj—everything.”
-Aashutos Patel
“To Shriji Barot, my younger brother.
I give you the wisdom to work hard
and don’t fall back. The sky’s the
limit for you!”
-Yogi Barot
“Haley Goers: exemption.”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“Vince Hernandez – Senior swag.”
-Brad Karlson
“I will my ‘little sister,’ Melissa
Kempf all of the opportunities I’ve
gotten to succeed here at Hoffman.
I also will her my ability to wake up
on time.”
-Jenn Gehrke
“I will leadership of the Forensics
team to Elise Mathews and Jaime
Notzen, the organization of the
Tenor Sax section to Jilaine Heitkotter, the Newspaper half of the pub
to Avni Bavishi and Meran Liu, and
the forces of the universe to Carlos
-Amita Prabhu
“To Lara Isphahani- the best year
of high school. To my swim/water
polo girls- fantastic seasons to fill
you with nostalgia. To Cory Liangmy good looks.”
-Vishwa Shah
Hawkeye View
Top 5
May 2011
Favorite Teachers
1. Mr. Schumacher/Mr. Ahn
2. Mr. Seely
3. Mr. Bryant
4. Mr. Swanson/Mrs. Bromley
5. Ms. Yereb/Mrs. Roesner
Most Difficult Class
1. AP Calculus
2. Geometry
3. AP Physics C
4. Trig/Pre Calc
5. Algebra 2
Favorite Class
1. Gym
2. Cinema/Bio 2
3. AP Psych
4. English
5. AP Bio/AP Physics
Top 5
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Favorite Place to Eat Off
1.Taco Bell
5. Subway
Favorite Movie
1. Hangover
2. Titanic
3. Inception
4. Stepbrothers
5. Harry Potter 7
Favorite Musical Artist
1. Eminem
2. Drake
3. Lady Gaga
4. Kanye West
5. John Mayer
Favorite TV Show
1. Glee
2. Jersey Shore
3. Pretty Little Liars
4. Criminal Minds
5. The Office
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Let’s hope graduation do
“I was once at lunch and
I was walking to the line
and there was apple juice
spilled on the floor that
I didn’t see. I walked
over it and fell in front of
-Samar Nazar
the lacrosse team and
one of my teammates
spilled his purple slushie
on my white jersey.
Freshman jersey number
30 will have a stain on it
-Quintyn Schiff
“Walking in the wrong
class on the 3rd day of
school freshman year and
actually staying there for
10 minutes. Also tripping
up the stairs during passing periods.”
-Maria Velez
-Kate McKeague
“Ask Mr. Medina…”
-Liz Saffold
“Junior year, over spring
break, there was a skunk
by my house so I had
to go to practice every
day smelling like a skunk
while everyone wondered
where that smell was
coming from.”
-Nilam Patel
“When Vicki Shah
grabbed my backpack
and spun me around in
the hallway and then
stole my backpack and
hid it from me. I was
looking for my backpack
for 5 minutes and looked
like an idiot.”
-Maryna Rath
“It was this year on our
AP Bio field trip. The
whole class played a joke
on me by telling me that
we had to dress up to go
to the Museum of Science
and Industry. It was so
planned that the teacher
was in on it. I was the
only one in the museum
wearing a tie.”
-Wase Siddiqui
“Getting made fun of in
Psych for being bright
-Rhianna Stringer
“Being called Charles for
the first three years of
high school.”
-Michael Spiff
“I slept during class and
woke up with the lights
off and no one inside the
classroom. The class decided to leave me there
-Alex Kim
“Being put on the spot in
AP Lang every day and
turning bright red every
single time.”
-Jessi Flach
“As a freshman I went to
the Shamrox game with
“When Mr. Mallon imitated me toughing Abraham
Lincoln’s bed.”
-Mia Rizwan
“Every year I seem to
mess up my classes and
end up where I’m not
supposed to be.”
-Sabrina Khan
“My sophomore year
at our Elk Grove Swim
Invite it was on the
Saturday of Homecoming and I was excited so
I was jumping around
and dancing and I turned
around and Schumacher
was behind. I accidently
danced a little too close
to him.”
-Rachael Gallo
“When my slipper
-Karina Trejo
“During a V-Show performance I was getting the
piano off stage and the
lights flipped on when
the curtains were still
closing and I froze like
a deer in the headlights
and the audience laughed
until they closed. Also,
pretty much anytime I
was clumsy in tech.”
-Amanda Ross
“I fell down on the stairs
in my sophomore year
and people stepped on
-Daniel Yi
“When they put me in
the front of the class on
my first day.”
-Lissete Lagunas
“Not a specific moment,
but all my class presentations.”
-Edwin Albarran
“Messing up the speech
during the Homecoming
ceremony. Slipping on
water when running out
of bio class 4th block.”
-Marcos Galvan
“Tripping up the stairs
many times.”
-Ashley Femrite
“Dressing up as a woman
complete with make up
for German.”
-Devin Thompson
“When I walked into the
wrong class sophomore
-Maria Hernandez
“I’m too cool to get embarrassed.”
-Svet Angelov
“First freshman indoor
track meet, I didn’t know
how long an indoor 400
was and I was in first
place and stopped because I thought I was
done. It turns out I
wasn’t finished and got
-Parth Brahmbhatt
“At a basketball I was
going to the concession
stand and I slipped on
water in front of everyone.”
-Edwin Blanco
class while watching a lip
piercing video.”
-Parth Joshi
“Classroom moments
where I would appear
stupid and the class
would laugh or giggle at
me. Or when the teacher
would drag me to the
center of attention and
all eyes were on me.”
-Pia Gelline delRosario
“Falling down the stairs.”
- Rubair Abuhamama
“One time I was all into
the music walking up
the stairs and I fell and
dropped everything.”
-Lacy Marlow
“Freshman year I was
looking for my class,
had to go upstairs and
I tripped going up them
and ended up cutting my
knee. Horrible!”
-Mercedes Davalos
“Gym – getting rental
shorts that were very
-Gus Cisneros
“My friend tripped me
down the stairs and I
landed flat on my face.”
-Stephanie Garcia
“Made fun of in the
morning for being late to
-Martin Stoilor
“My embarrassing moment was when I fell
down in the gym.”
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“When I was a freshman.”
-Sarthak Shah
“When I knocked down a
pole in the cafeteria and
people started clapping.”
-Marvin Blanco
“Too many to count.”
-Anthony Christianson
“Freshman year I wore
my Addidas flip flops
on the stage during our
Shakespeare play.”
-Leila Mustafa
“Asking a student to use
the restroom because I
thought they were a substitute.”
-Farahnaz Niroumandpour
“Every speech I gave.”
-Josh Suszek
“Falling down the stairs,
I’ll never forget that!
It was horrible having
people stare at me.”
-Elif Kucuk
“Tanya Skworch spilling
coffee all over me!”
-Lauren Fera
“Being called on in class
and not knowing the
simple answer.”
-Kayla Kester
“Going up the stairs and
then I trip in front of everyone during my junior
-Chris Huerta
“Math class freshman
-Celeste Estrella
“Last week I fell all the
way up the stairs, hitting my face on the girls
backpack in front of me.
-Mel McGinn
“I fainted in m physics
“Falling up the stairs and
creating a massive hold
on the staircase because
I couldn’t get up.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“Talking during the moment of silence.”
-Amber Banner
“Every time I had to
speak in front of people.”
-Marco Montoya
“It was my first day and
I couldn’t find my way
around. I went to the
bathroom. When I came
back I got lost, walked
into a class of upperclassmen, and sat down.
I took me a minute to
figure out I was in the
wrong class.”
-Samantha Neumer
“At the spring sports assembly, I ran out with
the rest of the badminton
team, but tripped and
fell in front of the whole
-Krina Desai
“Falling down the bleachers at the Schaumburg
v. Hoffman basketball
-Precious Ogunleye
“Way too many…thanks
-Maryann Mousheh
“Losing to the juniors at
the Powder Puff Game
and being called a freshman by people that
didn’t know me well my
three years in Hoffman.”
-Kuburat Bodejo
Hawkeye View
May 2011
oesn’t follow these trends
“Falling on the bleachers.”
-Molly Mangione
“At a home basketball
game, completely airballing a wide open three
-Colleen Thomas
“As I was rushing to
swimming practice after
school, I walked out onto
the pool deck relieved
that I wasn’t late to
practice. I get in, do the
warm up set we always
do and realize that I
never took me underwear
off…this happened about
4 times…”
-Angee Serwin
“Eating by myself on my
first day of school.”
-Alfredo Balderus
“When I fell straight in
my knees running so I
could see a fight.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“My freshman year, I was
running up the stairs
thinking I was going to
be late to class. I totally wiped out (My nose
landed on the step above
me) and I turned around
to find the upperclassmen pointing and laughing at me.”
-Abegail Tiongson
“Falling on my butt during Grease and also
falling up all the stairs in
the school.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“Having no idea of what
to say for the Question
and Answer for Mr. Hoffman Hawk.”
-Taylor Stacy
“The first day of senior
year, I walked into an
English class after looking at m schedule. Turns
out that I had looked at
my schedule and I was
really supposed to be in
me AP Calculus class,
so I ended up being late
to my Calc class. It was
pretty embarrassing,
especially doing that as a
-Amruta Bhatt
“When Ben Adler pushed
me in the cafeteria.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“I remember one day
when I was a sophomore and I was called to
the main office to get a
spirit of the hawk reward
for a class. I was really
sick that day and I was
sweating and felt myself getting red all over
my face and body and
when I heard that they
were taking pictures, I
was about to run away! I
eventually got over it and
even saw how looked in
those pictures.”
-Cristina Constantin
“Probably the many
times I have fallen up the
-Michael Shirahama
“When I sprained my
ankle charing a ball while
playing basket ball during free gym.”
-Jessica Pablo
“Definitely has to be
the time Vicki made me
laugh so hard that I was
crying and accidently spit
in her backpack.”
-Priya K. Patel
“Fell down the stairs.”
-Sandy Oranam
“Walked in the wrong
-Marty Trojan
“Running into Mr. Reese
during the day show of
Grease and knocking his
food all over the place.”
-Emily Allan
“That one time where I
did that one thing with
that one person. Yeah,
that was pretty bad.”
-Bailey Armstrong
“Running up to a girl
screaming Farah and
when she turned around
she gave me a dirty
look… oops.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“Tripping all the time because I’m so clumsy.”
-Roxy Mombini
“Freshman year biology:
we were doing an experiment on mold and my
friend and I had to go to
the girl’s bathroom for
samples. We saw something disgusting and
started screaming…like
freshmen. All the teachers from surrounding
rooms rushed inside---it
was sooo embarrassing!”
-Vicki Shah
“There was one time I
walked around with 6
hats on… I still haven’t
lined that down.”
-Hammad Razzak
“As a freshman, standing
up for the ten minute bell
in gym class.”
-Brad Willis
“My freshmen year I
was getting ready for
a chorus concert when
I slipped on a patch of
ice. I ended up going on
stage to sing with a few
bruises on my face!”
-Jennifer Knobloch
“Getting red Gatorade
spilled on my new white
outfit freshman year, in
lunch by Anthony Klebba.”
-Matt Pahl
“The most embarrassing
moment was losing to
the juniors in powderpuff.”
-Niki Adelaja
“My most embarrasing moment would have
to be my friend and I
running down the hall
screaming because we
were playing a game.
And while we were running, we ran into the
boys bathroom thinking it
was the girls bathroom.
Everyone looked at us
weird like we were complete idiots.”
-Lara Manadero
“Breaking my arm, again,
second night of V-Show
senior year.”
-Justin Clarke
“Freshmen or sophomore
year, I was in a hurry so
I ran and slipped on a
banana that was on the
floor. But on the upside,
that got me out of running my laps.”
-Hannah Hwang
“I was swearing like a
sailor with m friend and
Mr. Medina was right behind me. ‘
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“I had a crush on someone and it embarrassed
-Nisa Mujahed
“Getting asked to homecoming my senior year.
It was a good kind of
-Emily Fett
“One of my most embarrassing moments
at HEHS is when I just
walked out from the rain
and into the cafeteria,
and since my shoes were
wet I slipped and fell in
front of everyone! An-
Junnie B. Jones goes through a lot of scenarios as a young child similar to the ones students
go through in high school- especially when we do
something embarrassing, we often feel like this.
other moment was when
I wore two mismatching
shoes to school by accident my freshman year.”
-Rianna Schmidt
“The fake interview for
CWT class.”
-Ulysses Lopez
“Falling up the stairs.”
-Alex Labeots
“Throwing up all over the
stairs outside in front of
a group of seniors my
freshman year.”
-Colleen Kelley
“Freshman year I had to
go to the bathroom and
I ran into the girls’ bathroom on accident.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“When I passed out.”
-Nicole Reed
“I walked into the trainer
for the first time my
freshman year after cross
country, trying to figure
out how to take an ice
bath and looking more
confused than normal.
After asking if I was lost,
the trainer, Rick, tells
me to walk back out and
take my shoes off like
everyone else. Then
after I stand around like
a moron looking for the
ice bath he points me to
the right room. I proceed to put ice in one
tub, only to find out from
Rick it was the heat bath
and start to get in the
ice bath without a towel.
Rick rolled his eyes and
says ‘You’re a freshman,
aren’t you?’”
-Jordan Habel
“Seeing Mr. Heyse walking down the hall and
screaming out, “Hey Mr.
Fivelson.” Mixed them
-Yogi Barot
“Too many to list!!”
-Danielle Kiel
“The most embarrassing
moment was losing to
the juniors in powderpuff.”
-Niki Adelaja
“My most embarassing
moment at HEHS was
the first swim meet my
freshmen year. I was in
the Medley Relay and
was sopose to swim
breast stroke, but when
I dove in I swam freestyle...”
-Stephanie Castro
“Falling up the stairs
Freshman year.”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“Tripping on the stairs at
least 5 times a year.”
-Brad Karlson
“My junior year before
regionals we have a pre
regional performance and
I had just made some
last minute edits to my
speech so when I went to
perform in front of everone I completely forgot
the intro and it was a
-Amita Prabhu
“One day after school, I
pulled the heart monitor
alarm. I was curious as
to what it is so I opened
it and the alarm rang
throughout the school.
Many people laughed at
-Vishwa Shah
Hawkeye View
Mr. Hutton
“Are you going to check
him out.”
“You’re killin me!”
“Why are you late?!”
“Go talk to a Locker!”
“Not doing your homework is like robbing a
“Are you going to do that
in college too?”
Mrs. Yereb
“I was just checking if
you were paying attention.”
“Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
guts of the semester.”
“It’s not the calculus
that’s hard, it’s the algebra.”
“Ding, ding, ding!”
Mrs. Schildt
“Teenie, tiny, tiny, tiny
positive.” *high pitched
“Illegal Algebra!”
“Oh my cow!”
Mr. Mead
“This is a debacle.”
“Gosh darnit.”
“You guys are embarrassing.”
Mr. Fivelson
“If someone tells you
that you are a zero, tell
them that you’re the
most desired limit of
“My wife won’t let me
wear my leather pants in
“This is uncooked!”
“If you’re trapped on
a desert island, all you
need is the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus.”
Mr. Pfligler
“Hint, hint.”
“You’re killing me.”
“Are you blind?!”
Mr. Harkin
“Plug & Chug.”
“You should be done
Mr. Jones
“By golly!”
May 2011
Ms. Bagel
“Put your ID on.”
Mr. Bryant
Mr. Brown
“Write like the wind.”
“Hey lady.”
“I like words…and Doritos.”
Mr. Clarke
“Attitude towards the day “Once I know Psycholand propensity to learn.” ogy, I can’t turn it off.”
“There is a no touching
policy at Hoffman Estates
Ms. Carroll
High School.”
“Stop yourself.”
“Hey Newsies!”
Mr. Wandro
“Stop poking the stick in
the monkey cage.”
Mr. Swanson
“That extra credit, don’t
even worry about it.”
“Yeah, I think A days
are better too, because
I would like to see you
every day, and not in a
creepy way.”
“Let’s get Physics started
in here!”
“It’s a Christmas miracle!”
Mrs. Fetherling
“Don’t do anything I
wouldn’t do.”
Mrs. Bromley
“Always keep an open
Mrs. Ordonez
“Stop being tigers.”
Mr. Ahn
“Listen up, orphans.”
“It’s like Sunday at the
outlet mall.”
“Congratulations on
Waldo-ing the tone!”
Mrs. Davey
“They are all degrees of
“Nose Goes is a stupid
way to do things. Rock,
Paper, Scissors is the
only way to settle anything.”
“Oh she (Angee Serwin)
is just off being cute.”
Mr. Schumacher
“It can only happen
when you’re 25, married,
and holding hands.”
“Hint, hint.”
“Studies have shown…”
Mrs. Sowle
“That’s not very nice,
“I know you’ll be glad to
know I got a 5.”
Mr. Konecki
“Back to the formula!”
“I’m the Juggernaut!”
“This just in!”
Mr. Loh
“Have a great weekend! Don’t do anything I
wouldn’t do!”
“Always work harder.”
Mr. Armstrong
“Super Parth, Fake
“So according to you
guys, I’m sarcastic, extra
sarcastic, and very sarcastic.”
“…things like dollars,
pesos, rupees, and in
Doni’s country, goats.
One house cost two goat
Ms. Nelson
“Wherever you go, go
with all your heart.”
Mrs. Cho
“In order to earn something, you have to lose
Mr. Seely
O. Rod
Mr. Brown
“Stop yourself.”
“You knucklehead.”
Mrs. Ryon
“Government is sexy.”
“Her button said, ‘You
show me yours, and I’ll
show you mine.’”
Mr. Mandel
“WOG with your dog.”
“My first child’s name is
going to be Pangaea.”
Mr. Beebe
“Jersey Shore is a train
wreck, those people are
idiots. Do I watch it?
Heck yeah!”
“Don’t hate me ‘cause
Mr. Ihms
“Peeps are marshmallows on acid.”
Mr. Schlesinger
“White milk comes from
white cows, chocolate
milk comes from brown
cows and strawberry milk
comes from ducks.”
Ms. Pham
“You have to slap the
“Wait for me, wait for
me, wait for me!”
“I’ve had caffeine today!”
Mr. Erickson
Social Studies:
“I killed a guy in prison
“I’m afraid.”
“I don’t listen to gingers!”
“She’s not a cougar,
she’s a bobcat.”
Mr. Dowd
Mr. Andersen
“Easy peasy lemon
“What movie?”
I’m beautiful.”
“Things are easy for us
beautiful people.”
Foreign Language
Madame Frost
“Oh le pauvre! Le pauvre!”
“Je ne suis pas une dictionnaire.”
“People have sex, words
have gender.”
Mrs. Roesner
“Moment on the lips,
lifetime on the hips.”
“No free day for you!”
“It’s measurement day!”
Mr. Lewandowski
“Purple cheetah.”
Mr. Garofalo
“Get off the field.”
“Knuckle sandwich.”
“Can you wiki that?”
“Squeeze the dime.”
Mr. Reese
“Now, there really isn’t a
point to this story, but…”
Mr. Beers
“Devin, you are the
most slappable person I
“Wipe your own butt!”
Applied Tech:
Mr. Ligman
“What the eff. Eff is for
“Common sense is not so
Mr. Walser
“Happy Friday.”
Family &
Ms. Ecker
“Smiling faces are looking at me.”
Ms. Jones
“You learn something
new every day, if not it’s
a wasted day.”
Retiring Teachers
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Mr. Phillips:
Mr. Bryant:
Favorite Memory: “Having hundreds
of screaming fans with faces painted orange and blue supporting our boys gymnastics team as we competed at the State
Meet over at Schaumburg High School
in 2000. That was a sight to behold!”
Advice: “Move on to the next phase
of your life and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.”
Favorite Memory: “My favorite
memory will always be the time spent
with students and staff here at Hoffman”
Advice: “My advice to graduating seniors would be to find something you
are passionate about and you will never
work a day in your life.”
Mr. Boeckelman:
Favorite Memory: “My favorite memory is not an event but of all the wonderful
people I have encountered in my time at
Hoffman. The faculty, support personnel,
and maintenance staff are all dedicated to
making Hoffman a great place for students
to become prepared to be positve contributors to society. I have been blessed to
have known so many incredible people in
my career at Hoffman.”
Advice: “To the class of 2011--be lifetime
learners, that’s the only way to get ahead
in this quickly changing, highly technology oriented world.”
Favorite Memory: “Hoffman basketball
reaching the state finals; teaching two of
my own children in chemistry and astronomy classes; working with parents, teachers and students to pass the referendum;
the 2010 Gifted Expo; but, mostly, teaching and coaching every day in the diverse
and rich environment of Hoffman.”
Advice: “Your experiences at Hoffman,
and the great teachers here, give you a
huge advantage in college and in your career. Choose wisely to find a balance –
work, fun, friends, family, school, career,
marriage. It’s the secret of life.”
Mr. Rucks:
Mr. Wandro:
Favorite memory: “The first playoff
football game against Streamwood
in 1988. There was an unbelievable
atmosphere in school that week in
anticipation of that Wednesday afternoon game which the Hawks won.”
Advice: As for the seniors remember
to give everything you can to be successful. In the real world things will
not be given to you!!! MAKE AN
Favorite Memory: “My favorite memories were the State Finals
Basketball Teams of 1996 & 2004
(Two outstanding groups of athletes,
coaches, and administrators), having
Walter Payton as a HEHS assistant
basketball coach from 1992-1995,
and watching students that didn’t
think they could do it, do it.”
Advice: “Move on to your passion
not someone’s expectations.”
Mrs. Loh:
Mr. Kazlusky:
Favorite memory: “This is is
really impossible---but I did
love Gifted field trips especially those with the class of
Advice: “Be nice to one another. That is all.”
Favorite memory: “Any time a student
burst into the College Room and said
breathlessly, “Mr. Kaz, I got accepted at
Advice: “There are many things that will
catch your eye, but only a few that will capture your heart. Pursue those…with passion.”
Thank You and Good Luck!
Note: The teachers included on the page were teachers who participated in the Hawkeye View teacher survey. Other 2010/2011 teachers
retiring this year include Kathy Wandro and Glen Zawacki. Support staff members who also retired this year include Michael Beers, Jerry
East, Barbara Wertz, Joanne Reemer, Valrie Doppke, Mary Ann Chaney, and Dane Gawron.
Hawkeye View
Future Plans
May 2011
Simba just can’t wait to be
“Loyola University in Chicago
studying pre-med/biology
and visual communications.”
-Krupa Patel
“I plan to go to Harper College, transfer to Elmhurst
College, and major in Music
-Justin Clarke
transfer maybe to NIU.”
-Edwin Albarran
“My future plans are foggy.”
-Sabrina Khan
“College at Oakton Community College.”
-Chris Morrison
“I’m going to Harper College
in Palatine.”
- Rubair Abuhamama
“Go to Harper College. Study
nursing or go into the medical field.”
-Pia Gelline delRosario
“I will attend Arlington
Heights Academy (Beauty
-Karina Trejo
“I will be attending Illinois
State University in Normal,
IL to become a teacher.”
-Ashley Femrite
“I want to be a civil engineer
and I will attend Harper College in Palatine.”
-Parth Joshi
“Off to Harper College and
then transferring to University of IL for computer
-Mike Graham
“I will be going to Harper
College to get my gen eds
out of the way and begin
taking classes for my major
in Behavioral Psychology to
be a social worker as well
as a minor of Culinary Arts
to become a pastry chef. I
will be attending East-West
University in Chicago after
-Amanda Ross
“I will be attending college at
Harper, then transferring to
either NIU or ISU.”
-Edwin Blanco
“USP and transfer to ISU
after a year.”
-Parth Brahmbhatt
“I plan on going to Harper for
two years, then going to a 4year college for a major in IT
Tech and a minor in Animation/Psychology.”
-Devin Thompson
“I want to be an auto mechanic.”
-Josh Suszek
“I’m attending Harper College. I know I’ll be there for
a long time and I have to
find a job. When I’m done
studying nursing, I’ll find my
real job and work there.”
-Elif Kucuk
“Harper College and afterwards transfer and go into
-Mel McGinn
-Stephanie Garcia
“I’m going to Northern Illinois University to study
-Christina Balwierz
“I want to be an engineer
and I’ll be attending Harper
-Smit Thakkar
“I’m going to Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, IL for Pre-Pharmacy.”
-Yazmin Lopez
“I’m going to Harper College
and I’m interested in Pharmacy.”
-Sharoon Iqbal
“I am going to the University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
studying human development
and family studies. I hope to
come back to Hoffman as a
social worker or counselor.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“I’m going to the University
of Illinois at ChampaignUrbana in the Division of
General Studies.”
-Michael Currie
“I’m going to Harper College and studying diagnostic
-Amber Banner
“After high school I will go
to Harper College and I will
become a veterinarian.”
-Zaira Herrera
“I want join the Navy and
get a job as an officer that
makes sure that everyone
gets paid.”
-Cesar Arroyo
“I will attend college (University of Phoenix) and have a
successful career.”
-Marco Montoya
“I will go to trade school and
the start working.”
-Cedric Brooks
“I plan to attend Eastern in
Charleston and major in El-
“I will go to Harper and then
transfer to UIC or some other
university where I will most
likely study computer engineering.”
-Svet Angelov
“My dad just showed me the whole kingdom. And I’m gonna rule it all.” -Simba
“Harper for 2 years, UIC for
criminal justice.”
-Kayla Banahan
medical school.”
-Lauren Fera
ementary School Education.”
-Samantha Neumer
“I’m going to Augustana
College in Rock Island, IL
to study Math, Secondary
Education, and Computer
-Chris Huerta
“I plan to graduate from
school and go to college.”
-Shivangi Patel
“College at Harper then
“I will go to college in Arizona.”
-Rodrigo Hernandez
“My future plans are going
to Harper College for 2 years
then transfer to Northern
Illinois University College of
-Sarthak Shah
“I’m going to Benedictine
University to study Biology
for the medical field.”
-Marvin Blanco
“I will attend the University
of Illinois at Chicago.”
-Nick Alexander
“Next year I will be attending
Southern Methodist University in Dallas. I will be majoring in Dance and minoring in
-Spencer Davis
“I plan to attend Harper.”
-Milady Rodriguez
“Judson University in Elgin
for Education.”
-Luan Mawi
“My plans are to work and
then go to Harper College.”
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“I will attend Loyola University in Chicago to major in
forensic science.”
-Krina Desai
“Iowa State College to study
mechanical engineering.”
-Daryl Dunning
“I will attend Harper to become an accountant.”
-Lissette Lagunas
“I’m going to Roosevelt University in Chicago to study
-Marcos Galvan
“I will go to Harper College
and take computer classes.”
-Victor Leon
“I will go to U of I to major in
Economics and scale Mount
-Harsh Patel
“I’ll be attending U of I and
I’m in the school of undecided but I want to transfer
into Biology.”
-Rachael Gallo
“I plan on going to Harper
and going into Nursing after.”
-Rubi Castro
“Harper College and Palatine
College to take an Autos
-Bipin Nath
“I will be attending Iowa
State University and I will be
going into Business.”
-Celeste Estrella
“Attending Illinois State University and double majoring
in Learning Behavior Sciences and Speech Pathology.”
“I’m still indecisive but I’m
75% sure I’m going to DePaul.”
-Karla Lopez
“I’m going to Harper College
then to Eastern Illinois.”
-Gus Cisneros
“I’m majoring in psychology at DePaul University in
“I will be attending Vanderbilt University in Nashville,
-Liz Saffold
“I will be attending Drake
University in Des Moines, IA
to major in Business Administration and Marketing.”
-Maryna Rath
“I plan on going to UIC in the
fall. After 2 years I plan on
transferring out to a better
university to pursue a degree
in law.”
-Wase Siddiqui
“I am going to Elmhurst and
studying speech pathology.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“I will be attending a 4 year
university. I’m not sure yet
which one I am going to
decide on. I might either
go into Law, Kinesiology, or
-Alex Kim
“Wherever Alex Kim is going.”
-Michael Spiff
“Illinois Wesleyan University
in Bloomington, IL to study
-Jessi Flach
“Harper for two years then to
Columbia College.”
-Jay Gonzalez
“I am going to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale
to study Automotive Technology.”
-Quintyn Schiff
“I will go to Grand Valley
State in Allendale, MI to
study film production.”
-Kate McKeague
“I will attend Northern Illinois University in DeKalb,
Illinois to study Pre-physical
-Nicole Carbonaro
“Harper for 2 years. Then
I’m going to UIC for physical
-Samar Nazar
“I will attend the University
of Central Florida and major in Biology to become a
radiologist. Also to compete
in track and field at a division
I level.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“Harper College for vocal
-Eric Movsessian
“I’m attending Harper this
year, I haven’t decided what
I want to be- a nurse or veterinarian. After Harper still
haven’t decided.”
-Mercedes Davalos
“Illinois Wesleyan. Undecided.”
-Trent Rehusch
“I plan on going to Harper
for 2 years and then going
to Loyola or UIC for either
nursing, writing, or possibly
-Lacy Marlow
“Going to DePaul University.”
-Mia Rizwan
“I’m going to Harper for an
Associate’s Degree in Nursing. After finishing those two
year of education, I’ll get a
job and go from there. And I
will eat rice.”
-Victor Lugo
“Eastern Illinois University to
major in sociology.”
-Kerry Pajor
“I plan to attend Harper College for about a year and a
half and transfer somewhere
Future Plans
Hawkeye View
May 2011
e king - what will you be?
out of state. I plan to major
in accounting and probably
minor in interior design.”
-Kuburot Bodejo
“Next year I’m going to Illinois State University.”
-Meryl Helfrich
“Illinois State University to
study nursing.”
-Kaitlyn Tykal
“Valparaiso University for
-Molly Mangione
of Illinois at Chicago with a
major in the Biological Sciences.”
-Amruta Bhatt
“Harper College, Undecided.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“My future plans are to go to
Harper College for Nursing.
After a year or two, go to the
Art Institute and then take a
photography class. Then, go
back to school and do something else. There is never
ogy and Anatomy of the
Digestive System.”
-Rachel Pilling
“I will be attending Loyola,
studying Biology/Pre-Med”
-Nilam Patel
“Harper for two years then
going to a university.”
-Sandy Oranam
“I’m going to Colorado
School of Mines, majoring in
probably whatever engineer-
“I’m going to Harper College for a year or two then
transferring and getting out
of here!”
-Roxy Mombini
“I will attend college and
become a nurse.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“I am attending Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL
to study Photography.”
-Jennifer Knobloch
“ Biology Major at UIC.”
-Aashutos Patel
“I will be attending UIC
studying criminology.”
-Danielle Kiel
“Everything the light touches will be yours.” - Mufasa
“2 years at Harper then Arizona University to become a
-Juan de la Cruz
‘too much’ education. We
somehow learn every day.”
-Cristina Constantin
“I’m going to Harper College.”
-Alfredo Balderas
“I’m going to St. Louis University.”
-Jessica Pablo
“I’m going to Harper College
and then to medical school.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“I will attend Northwestern
University; undergraduate
and graduate schooling and
then work, I guess.”
-Emily Kuhn
“I will attend a community
college in Florida named
Valencia, then transfer to
Florida State. I will go to
medical school and become a
-Mariah Pitts
“I plan on attending a four
year college, most likely Columbia College. I am majoring in Theatre Performance
and maybe minoring in
Costume and Make-Up.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“Michigan State University
for Marketing/Finance.”
-Taylor Stacy
“University of St. Francis,
Joliet, IL for Art Education/
Photography double major.”
-Steven Grajek
“I will be attending University
“Go to Eastern Illinois and
major in journalism.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“I plan on going into mechanical engineering.”
-Yogi Barot
“Next year, I will be attending Loyola University in
Chicago. I’m going to study
Pre-Med and Psychology but
I’m not 100% sure.”
-Angee Serwin
“I plan on going to Harper for
a year or two, then moving
out to live with my sister in
Nevada to go to school for
-Abegail Tiongson
“University of Iowa, Iowa
City - Radiation Science Interest - with Leila Mustafa!”
-“Colleen Kelley
“Musical Education Major at
Miami University in Oxford,
-Jordan Habel
“Loras College in Dubuque,
Iowa. I will major in Sports
Broadcasting and Communications.”
-Coleen Thomas
“Going to college and being
-Ricardo Flores
“Job Corps, Joliet, Military
Career Prep.”
-Ulysses Lopez
“Northwestern University in
Evanston, Illinois.”
-Nicole Reed
“ICU (International Christian
University) in Tokyo, Japan
for Linguistic Education.”
-Maiko Matsubara
“I am attending the University of Illinois at Chicago to
pursue a career in dentistry.”
-Isha Parikh
“Singing and dancing.”
-Breanna Marski
“I will be finishing my prerequisites at Benedictine
University and then to Midwestern university as I have
been accepted in the Dual
Admissions Program.”
-Priya K. Patel
“University of Illinois at Chicago, Biology/Pre-Medicine.”
-Vicki Shah
“Harper College.”
-Maryann Mousheh
“I plan on majoring in Marine
Biology at Carroll University
in Waukesha, Wisconsin, for
two years and then transferring to Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawaii, for
the last two.”
-Emily Allan
“I will be attending Harper
for two years then transferring to a bigger university,
but not sure where.”
-David Gutierrez
“I am attending Harper for
two years, then hopefully
transferring to Dominican
University to major in Nutrition with minors in Psychol-
ing thing I told them and
minoring in Business and
possibly Music. I don’t know
what I’m doing after that,
but I’d like to do something I
like. Cassandra thinks we’re
going to open a cupcake
shop in Germany.”
-Carissa Summerfelt
“I will be attending the Univsersity of Illinois – Graphic
design major.”
-Matt Pahl
“I will be attending the
University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign and will be
majoring in agricultural and
biological engineering. After
graduating I want to go to
medical school in the east
-Niki Adelaja
“Next year I’ll be going to
Northern Illinois University,
majoring in Business Management/Administration.”
-Stephanie Castro
“Attend Austin Peay State
University in Tennessee and
play Division 1 Volleyball.”
-Jada Stotts
“I will be attending the
University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign and will be
majoring in agricultural and
biological engineering. After
graduating I want to go to
medical school in the east
-Niki Adelaja
“I’m going to Viterbo University in Lacrosse, WI to double
major in Theater Studies and
-Catherine Swan
“I am going to attend North
Central College in Naperville,
IL. I will study Elementary
-Kailey Schlosser
“My plan is to attend a four
year college and major in
chemical engineering.”
-Carlie Iehl
“I will attend the University
of Tampa in Florida for athletic training.”
-Brad Willis
“I will be attending Harper
College and transferring to
either UIC or Art Institute. I’ll
also be studying nursing and
-Lara Manadero
“I’m going to UIC to become
a physical/occupational therapist. I also plan on getting
my dance degree sometime
in the future.”
-Shrutva Parikh
“I plan to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign, and going into
Art ( Graphic Design).”
-Hannah Hwang
“University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. LAS-Biology.”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“I’m attending Robert Morris University in Chicago for
culinary to become a pastry
chef also on a bowling scholarship.”
-Kara Hartel
“Depaul! To study Psychology
and Law.”
-Hammad Razzak
“University of Tampa for Marine Biology.”
-Marty Trojan
“Going to Western Kentucky
in Bowling Green. Double
majoring in Film and Broadcasting (concentration in TV
and Film Production) and
minoring in History.”
-Bailey Armstrong
“I’m going to Wittenberg University in Ohio and majoring
in psychology.”
-Danielle Zengri
“I am attending Marquette
-Alexandra Labeots
“I will be going to University
of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and I will be Majoring
in social work.”
-Rianna Schmidt
“I’m majoring in Accounting/Business at U of I Urbana
Champaign next year.”
-Juhi Thakkar
“I’m going to Harper and
then transferring to Robert
Morris. Planning to become a
nurse and work in the ER.”
-Stephanie Gomez
“I will be attending Indiana
University where I will continue my knowledge of not
only core classes, but also
journalism and whatever aspect of journalism I choose.
It’s between either international studies or political
science at the moment.”
-Jenn Gehrke
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Passing of wisdom to undercla
“Even though school sucks
sometimes, you have to make
the best of it. If you don’t,
you’ll regret it and you’ll wish
that you had more fun and
gotten more involved. Also, do
you school work! It pays off
and after you get into college
you won’t have to do anything.”
-Rachael Gallo
“If you are not smart, then
-Daryl Dunning
“You have all your life to have
fun so for now, stay in school.
Make memories with your
friends and teachers.”
-Lissette Lagunas
“Do your best, and do not
-Daniel Yi
-Michael Currie
the end.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“Study for tests! Don’t give up
on school; it’s hard but in the
end it will pay off.”
-Edwin Blanco
“Do your homework if you
want to pass your class.”
-Sharoon Iqbal
“Don’t wish your life away
high school only comes once.”
-Anthony Christianson
“Pay attention in class and do
your homework.”
-Smit Thakkar
“Don’t waste your time in
drama. You’re wasting your
-Leila Mustafa
“Have all the fun you can,
experiment and lover yourself
but look out for your future, or
all this fun will end quickly.”
-Stephanie Garcia
“Be yourself and do what you
love best.”
-Eric Movsessian
“Do all of your homework on
-Gus Cisneros
“Don’t worry about the high
school drama honestly focus
on finishing school the best
way you can.”
-Mercedes Davalos
“Strive for what you want,
work hard, and drink plenty
of milk.”
-Victor Lugo
“Just to be yourself and trust
no one.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“Don’t make school a drag, you
still have plenty of more years
of school left.”
-Karla Lopez
“Pretend like you always know
“Cherish your time in high
school. Do everything and
anything you can do to get involved. Your high school years
go by so fast. Make as many
memories as possible.”
-Yazmin Lopez
“I say keep up with your
school work and just keep
moving forward, things get
“Be yourself no matter what
anyone says, because as long
as the end of the day you can
look in the mirror, recognize
and like the person staring
back at you-who cares about
what everyone else things?”
-Amanda Ross
“Study, yes, I know it’s been
said a lot, but studying leads
to good grades, which leads to
a better college.”
-Mike Graban
“Enjoy your high school years.
Be involved in activities. Don’t
think you are too cool to try
new things.”
-Maria Hernandez
“School doesn’t last long so try
to see some value in it.”
-Josh Suszek
“Do all your homework and
go to class, but don’t forget to
have your fair share of fun!
Hang out with your friends,
go see the Hawks play; you’re
only in high school once.”
-Mia Rizwan
“Take Health and Consumer’s
Ed in the summer; it’s easier
and it’s good to get out of the
-Taylor Stacy
“Be involved and keep your
grades up, because it really
matters in the end.”
-Jordan Loikits
“Study a lot. Believe in yourself.”
-Ashley Femrite
“Don’t screw up your 4 years of
high school. Take the classes
you need.”
-Elif Kucuk
“Stay in school and get your
education, because it will help
you in the long run.”
-Mariah Pitts
“Don’t ditch! Just go to class.”
-Rubi Castro
“Do your homework, you won’t
regret it.”
-Sabrina Khan
“Get involved! I regret not
being involved in more activities.”
-Lauren Fera
“Do all of your work because
you will regret it if your GPA
is low.”
-Sandy Oraham
“Do all your homework because it all really counts.”
-Milady Rodriguez
“Get ready to go out to the real
-Edwin Albarran
“Don’t slack off the first 3 high
school years. Leave that for
senior year.”
-Kayla Kuester
“Just say no! –to fake friends.”
-Kaitlyn Tykal
“Don’t get peer pressure.”
-Karina Trejo
“Remember to take advantage
of everything the school has to
offer you, because you only go
to high school once.”
-Marcos Galvan
-Chris Huerta
The Star Wars legacy includes Yoda helping the jedis along their life journies.
Similarly the older and wiser will always offer advice to the next generation.
Seniors offer insights to the younger students in hopes of a better future.
what you’re doing, even if you
-Krina Desai
“Don’t miss taco salad day.
There are only a few.”
-Harsh Patel
“Come to school.”
-Marvin Blanco
“Stay in school.”
-Rodrigo Hernandez
“Stay at school, keep up your
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“Go to school and do your
-Martin Stoilov
“Stay in school and pass your
-Svet Angelov
“Do all your homework in class
and try not to be absent.”
-Victor Leon
“Don’t EVER become lazy and
always turn in homework.”
-Parth Brahmbhatt
“If you study hard you can
pass the test.”
-Bipin Nuth
“Be yourself and have fun.”
-Alex Dibattista
“Enjoy high school as much as
you can.”
“Make sure to have all the fun
you can. Don’t take a moment
for granted. Make a ton of
friends. Live it up!”
-Samantha Neumer
“Stay focused in class and stay
out of trouble.”
-Cedric Brooks
“Don’t get caught ditching
-Marco Montoya
“Don’t let anybody bring you
down from achieving your
goals because only you matter and not what other people
think. Enjoy high school years
because even though they
seem bad you’re going to miss
-Zaira Herrera
-Lacy Marlow
“Be nice to the teachers.”
-Rubair Abuhamama
“Don’t take life so seriously.
Don’t worry; be happy. Don’t
lose yourself trying to be ‘normal’.”
-Luan Mawi
“Do what you want it’s your
life. Don’t suppress your
dreams, suppress your fears.”
-Chris Morrison
“Do your best, study hard, and
be very optimistic.”
-Pia Gelline Delrosario
“If you want to pass a class, do
your homework.”
-Parth Joshi
“To try your hardest until
senior year, then you can have
your fun and slack off.”
-Amber Banner
“Be yourself and don’t take
any of this time for granted
because it’s going to fly by.”
-Mel McGinn
“Just go to class and do your
homework. It’s not that hard
and you’ll be happy you did in
“Have a good relationship with
your counselors; they help you
out a lot.”
“In general? Just to take high
school serious, take all your
classes serious and don’t take
advantage of your teachers.”
-Vanessa Diaz
“Get involved! Also, take
school seriously; don’t be a
senior wishing you had done
something differently. You only
go through high school once,
don’t have any ‘what if”s’.”
-Abegail Tiongson
“Never get lazy with grades,
classes, or anything school
-Miriam Bigurra
“GET INVOLVED. Don’t hold
back, and honestly, stay away
from stupid, unnecessary
drama. It’s not worth your
time. Also, make sure to go to
Operation: Snowball at least
once in your four years.”
-Angee Serwin
“Live your life.”
-Colleen Thomas
“Don’t wait until the last second to finish college apps! It’s
never too early. Also, remember to have fun.”
-Jessica Pablo
“Take easy classes senior year.
Especially, if you care about
your GPA. You think you’ll escape senioritis, but you won’t.”
-Emily Kuhn
Hawkeye View
May 2011
assmen, the class of 2011 will...
“Get involved, treat others
how you want them to treat
-Maiko Matsubara
“Do your homework; and
juniors, don’t let senioritis get
the best of you.”
-Spencer Davis
“Always do the right thing,
make good choices, and follow
your heart. Last but not least,
always, always, always, believe in yourself – it’s the first
step to success.”
-Amruta Bhatt
“Breathe. It may seem like
a big deal now but life is too
short to get worked up over
the little things.”
-Liz Saffold
“Count the days.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“Be yourself, don’t judge, and
stick with your friends.”
-Codi Bator
“Do your best and get your
work in senior year. Enjoy
your last year.”
-Juan Delacruz
“Don’t mess up in any of high
school years.”
-Ricardo Flores
“To not take advantages and
try in school.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“To work hard and to have fun.
Being in after-school activities
is a good way to stay out of
-Alfredo Banderas
“Always try your hardest, even
when you feel like giving up
just remember that you will
always get rewarded at the
-Maria Uelez
“Listen to Drake.”
-Michael Spiff
“Don’t slack off with grades
and get the most out of high
school. Don’t waste time and
don’t let opportunities go
away. You’ll miss high school
when it’s over.”
-Alex Kim
“Don’t stop in the middle of
the halls!”
-Kate McKeague
“Be willing to try new things
and hang out with new people
because in the end the experience is always worth it.”
-Quintyn Schiff
“Don’t ditch.”
-Jay Gonzalez
“Do all of your homework.
Even if you don’t do well on
the tests, the homework points
can really help you. Also, show
up to class!”
-Maryna Rath
“Study for your ACTs and
work hard junior year because
it will definitely pay off.”
-Wase Siddiqui
“Don’t overwhelm yourself and
have fun.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“Study hard and don’t slack off
because failure shouldn’t be an
option.”-Samar Nazar
“Learn to walk away in any
tough situation, choose the
right set of friends and stay
focused at all times.”
-Kuburot Bodejo
“Don’t count down the days because you’ll want to graduate
faster! Try to make the most of
your four because it honestly
flies by! Make it fabulous!”
-Emily Allan
“Watch out for the incoming
freshmen. They think
they are cool after getting out of junior high.”
-Steven Grajek
nate and not apply yourself for
a good chunk of high school,
learn to not care. But, if you
care about your education, you
probably shouldn’t procrastinate or half-do assignments.”
-Carissa Summerfelt”
“Have a full schedule your junior year, so your senior year
is easy.”
-Jada Stotts
“Do everything you want, try
new things and make lots of
friends! And sleep A LOT!”
-Catherine Swan
“Listen to your teachers and
stay out of the high school
-Brad Willis
“Don’t let senioritis hit you
hard. Work hard every year so
“Please do your homework. And one more
important thing: do not
ditch classes; it’s not
worth it.”
-Cristina Constantin
“Don’t be lazy and get senioritis! Do your homework! Go to
-David Guitierrez
“Don’t procrastinate, have fun
but keep challenging yourself,
and don’t have appendicitis.”
-Nilam Patel
“If you’re going to procrasti-
“I would like to say to all underclassmen: Enjoy your high
school experience and make
the best out of it. Work hard
because you’ll probably only
regret not doing your homework in the future.”
-Lara Manadero
“Don’t give in to senioritis.”
-Justin Clarke
“Everything happens
for a reason. Work
hard, but remember to
have fun, too.”
-Krupa Patel
“Don’t wait to do things
the last minute—simple
concept but very difficult
to apply.”
-Priya K. Patel
“Becoming involved in clubs is
the best way to make longlasting friendships. Work on
forming relationships with
your teachers from all four
years. This gives you the
opportunity to have an even
bigger support system.”
-Rachel Pilling
“Don’t procrastinate! It does
not work out in your favor!”
-Kailey Schlosser
“I learned how to
balance fun time and
work. Occasionally
throw away the homework and just have
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“School might suck, but
you need an education.”
-Michael Shirahama
“Freshmen: don’t be stupid.
Just don’t.
Sophomores: All I got to say
is…have fun with ACTs next
Juniors: Senior year flies by
way too fast, LIVE IT UP!
Don’t stress and don’t get
senioritis too fast.”
-Maryann Mousheh
“Work hard and do well in
school, so that you don’t limit
yourself when applying to college.”
-Niki Adelaja
“Do the priority date
college apps! Essays
aren’t as difficult as
they seem. Enjoy your
senior year while it
lasts! Avoid drama; forgive and forget easily.”
-Hannah Hwang
“Do your work and you’ll
be fine.”
-Darek Donilliszya
“Do not take high school
for granted! Take chances, be
happy, and forget the past…
but don’t forget to learn from
-Vicki Shah
out until graduation.”
-Matt Pahl
it’s a breeze to graduate.”
-Kara Hartel
“Stop being short. Just yanking your chain! Go to SNOWBALL, it’s a blast.”
-Hammad Razzak
“Do your homework and don’t
get behind.”
-Marty Trojan
“Never look a fat dog in the
-Bailey Armstrong
“Do your work and turn everything in on time. You will
be behind and you don’t want
that to happen!”
-Roxy Mombini
“To make the most of these
years. Time flies by and people
go their own ways.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“Enjoy your time in high
school now. These four years
go by extremely fast. Don’t
ever waste time just sitting
around. There’s always something you can do.”
-Jennifer Knobloch
“Don’t let ‘senioritis’ hit early,
because your grades are all
downhill from there, tough it
“Getting involved is
very important, don’t
get me wrong, but it’s
much more rewarding
to really excel in a few things
than to always feel like you’re
spread too thin.”
-Jordan Habel
“Stay classy and go to class.”
-Nicole Reed
“Work hard and get involved.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“You might not like school but
having fun friends and activities make school a little less
-Colleen Kelley
possible and just enjoy these
four years as much as you can
because they go by quick.”
-Emily Fett
“Enjoy all the good memories you have in high school
because the four years go by
so fast. Spend time with your
friends, go to football games,
join clubs and sports, and have
the best time of your life.”
-Rianna Schmidt
“Enjoy these four years because they go by extremely
-Danielle Kiel
“Work hard and do well in
school, so that you don’t limit
yourself when applying to college.”
-Niki Adelaja
“When you’re running late,
apparently you have to go
through the doors at the
main entrance after the bell,
because if you don’t they’ll
make you go back outside to
go through those doors...even
if it’s raining.”
-Stephanie Castro
“Don’t stress too much; have
fun because it ends really
-Juhi Thakkar
“Do your homework; try to
get it done before your rushing to finishing it in the block
-Carlie Iehl
“High school is an amazing
experience, in which you will
really get to know yourself and
find your true friends. Don’t
miss any moment of it! Also,
work hard and do not give up!”
-Shrutva Parikh
“Work hard, don’t let the laziness get to you. In the end, it
all pays off.”
-Yogi Barot
“Have fun in high school.”
-Aashutos Patel
“To never give up. Always try
your best because it will pay
off later on.”
-Stephanie Gomez
“Don’t overstress!”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“Stay in school and do your
-Ulysses Lopez
“Don’t be a drag, just be a
-Brad Karlson
“Keep humble.”
-Breanna Marski
“Be involved and make yourself visible and known so at
the end of the year when the
yearbook staff is trying to
name you in a picture, they’ll
know your name with ease.
Also, don’t regret anything
because at one time it was
exactly what you wanted.”
-Jenn Gehrke
“Always work hard and never
give up. Even when things
are hard, you will always have
someone/something to help
you through. Always keep
your goals/dreams in front of
you. Never let them go because you can always do what
you believe.”
-Alex Labeots
“To always stay busy whether
it’s sports or a job, take
required classes as early as
“Senior year being a blow off
year is a myth. Nonetheless
have fun.”
-Vishwa Shah
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Now that we’re “All Grown Up,” it’s ti
“My life being turned into a
Broadway musical at Operation
Snowball 2011.”
-Angee Serwin
“With my friends in the Nook
(theatre kid hangout) and in the
band hallway for lunch.”
-Amanda Ross
-Edwin Albarran
“My favorite memories would
have to be all the school dances, Rhianna Stringer and I winning first place at the Leyden
invite, Rhianna Stringer and I
swimming together at sectionals,
going to Hurley with the cross
country team, and breaking
six minutes in the mile at senior
-Rianna Schmidt
“When we all had to go to the
gym because of the chemical
leakage in the science labs.”
-Edwin Blanco
“T.S. and G-Money as our building construction teachers from
the ground up. Building a million
dollar home in Inverness.”
-Chris Morrison
“The football games.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“Costume and make up, and
driving around with Kendall,
Samar, and Leila before practice.”
-Colleen Kelley
“Resource 2nd block on B days.
We always have good laughs
about anything and everything.”
-Ulysses Lopez
“Meeting friends.”
-Breanna Marski
“My favorite memory was being with Breanna and Candice
and winning the Amy Rudolph
-Nisa Mujahed
“I will never forget all the great
times I had with my best friend,
Bailey Armstrong (’11). Between
band, cross country, speech,
and the occasional Mario Cart
game, I’m going to miss going
to school with you, buddy.”
-Jordan Habel
“Joining clubs like Anime, Art,
and GSA.”
-Alex Dibattista
“The fights, Senior Homecoming, and playing Freshmen and
Sophomore basketball.”
-Parth Brahmbhatt
“The football and basketball
games as well as the pep rallies.”
-Anthony Christianson
“People watching with Kendall
Rodheim. The day shows for musical and not doing homework in
AP Lit with Marcos and Sophie.”
-Leila Mustafa
“Football games, hanging out
after school for clubs.”
-Kayla Kuester
“When I created my group of
-Lissette Lagunas
-Lauren Fera
“Making new friends.”
-Elif Kucuk
“Being in the dance show freshmen year.”
-Rubi Castro
“Beating Elk Grove 6-5 in softball senior year.”
-Emily Fett
“Being 5-0 in conference the
first half of baseball. Beating
Palatine on a walk-off hit and
celebrating on the field.”
-Jordan Loikits
“Winning the tennis meet at
Jacobs High School.”
-Parth Joshi
“Gymnastic meets.”
-Daniel Yi
“When I dressed up as a
woman for German class.”
-Devin Thompson
“When I ran up the wall and
flipped over everyone during
-Daryl Dunning
“Running at sectionals for track
my freshman and senior years.”
-Alex Labeots
“Hanging out with my friends in
the café.”
-Karina Trejo
“Always the bowling season.
Hanging with friends during passing periods or before
-Ashley Femrite
“Going outside and freezing
during a fire drill in winter…
-Mike Graban
“Dances, football games, and
talent shows.”
-Kayla Banahan
“Participating in the IFair.
Soccer games sophomore and
junior year.”
-Maria Hernandez
“Sophomore year at HEHS.”
-Rubair Abuhamama
“Meeting all my new friends
who are still my friends today
and freshmen year.”
-Pia Gelline Delrosario
“Being with my team and having fun in class.”
-Rachael Gallo
“My favorite memory is playing in the Amy Rudolph Tournament.”
-Candice Wilson
“Passing periods.”
-Nicole Reed
-Sabrina Khan
“Dancing on top of the cafeteria tables with my boom box to
ask Nicki Gollayan to our school
-Marcos Galvan
“Sophomore and junior year
being on the committee for the
dance. Freshmen year when all
the lights went out.”
-Luan Mawi
“Lights went out. Hanging out
with friends, no specific memory.”
“Spending my whole time with
my blood brothers: Alex Kim,
Michael Spiff, Daniel Choi, and
Shawn Lascelles. As well as the
funny moments with Antonio
-Chris Huerta
“Being the only team to beat
Schaumburg in soccer our Freshmen year.”
-Mel McGinn
“Joining the swimming and polo
team and finding very few close
-Farahnaz Niroumandpour
“Being on the swim and water
polo teams and making new
-Christina Balwierz
“Reuniting with some of my
friends after moving sophomore
and junior year.”
-Yasmin Lopez
“Hosting Dancing with the Hawk
Stars and attending Hawks for
Haiti, it was always a good
feeling to see our school raising
money a good cause.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“Being a part of the track
-Amber Banner
“I really can’t think of any
memorable thing because all
of them were great. But the
best one would be watching the
teachers dance in Dancing with
the Hawk Stars.”
-Zaira Herrera
“Joining the soccer team.”
-Cesar Arroyo
-Lacy Marlow
“The Dancing with the Hawk
Stars was something unforgettable. The fun time we had in
Latino Unidos and my sports
-Mercedes Davalos
“Very first day of school.”
-Sarthak Shah
“Being in the musicals and
-Eric Movsessian
“Freshmen year soccer.”
-Rodrigo Hernandez
“Being with friends.”
-Marvin Blanco
“It was Dancing with the Hawk
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“My favorite memories are
football and all the great class
-Harsh Patel
“My senior year and spending
time with friends in school and
just having fun.”
-Martin Stoilov
“Momma Johes.”
-Darck Donilliszyh
“Your mama jokes.”
-Victor Leon
“Homecoming with friends.”
-Sharoon Iqbal
“Homecoming with friends.”
-Smit Thakkar
“ESL dance.”
-Renuka Nath
“Swimming seasons, Powderpuff
my senior year, football games,
and Homecoming.”
-Samantha Neumer
“My favorite memories at
HEHS- spend time with friends,
field trip.”
-Shivangi Patel
“Warm weather lacrosse
practices, pep assemblies, and
Spanish class fiestas.”
-Michael Currie
“When the power went out
freshmen year.”
-Karla Lopez
“Pre-Homecoming activities and
football games.”
-Gus Cisneros
“Anytime someone made me
laugh really hard-which is every day.”
-Stephanie Garcia
“The blackout freshmen year
and the ‘explosion’ sophomore
-Mia Rizwan
“My favorite memories would
have to be all the assemblies
and dances, especially Homecoming because they bring
everyone together.”
“Marching band, physics, the
music department boat trip,
physics seminar, and badminton.”
-Krina Desai
“Sophomore year when we had
the chemical spill and not having class just talking in gym.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“Playing volleyball, meeting
new friends, playing on the
chess team, and going to state.”
-Victor Lugo
“The blackout, chemical explosion, bomb threats, snow days,
social events, passing periods,
not having to wear ID’s freshmen year, and the amazing
people I met and grew up
-Maryann Mousheh
“Freshmen foundations, the
friends I made then and are still
with the friends I have now.”
-Daniya Ali
“Winning the Spirit of the Hawk
award and having to wait in the
gym for almost the whole day
when their was a lab accident.”
-Kuburat Bodejo
“I loved the fact that I was able
to meet such an amazing group
of friends and teachers while
staying involved with things that
I have a passion for.”
-Rachel Pilling
“Football and all its great moments, Coach Lew, and track
with Shawn, Dalton, and Mike
-David Gutierrez
“My favorite memories would
have to be being involved in
sports and going on field trips
and senior year.”
-Colleen Thomas
“The school dances. Three years
of SADD club and Operation
Hawkeye View
May 2011
ime to remember our “Rugrats” years
-Angee Serwin
“Mr.Loh doing cartwheels.
Fourth block physics with Swanson.”
-Isha Parikh
“My favorite memories have
to be all the theatre performances and playing soccer for
4 years.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“My favorite memories include
cheerleading-those girls literally became my 2nd family,
and the football and basketball
-Abegail Tiongson
“All the dances and prom.”
-Vanessa Diaz
“Making my Hoffman Hawk
video with Coach Lew and his
light saber.
-Taylor Stacy
“When the lights went out freshmen year and sophomore year
-Mariah Pitts
-Meryl Helfrich
-Kaitlyn Tykal
“Seminars and all the moments
in the lunch room.”
-Jay Gonzalez
“Getting to go for a joy ride in
the hybrid Toyota Prius around
the parking lot junior year. And
getting to drive a 2010 Scion
this year during Autos.”
-Quintyn Schiff
“All of the bomb threats and
dunking teachers in the tub of
-Kate McKeague
“My favorite memories at HEHS
would be when I was in sports.
The best part was having my
teammates there and enjoying
the sport overall.”
-Alex Kim
after matches, going out for ice
cream. My favorite memory was
also when Krupa, Ali, and I got
stuck in an elevator at Harper
during a math team competition.”
-Maryna Rath
“The AP Bio field trips, life after AP tests, and telling Parth to
stop fidgeting every day.”
-Nilam Patel
“Every day in the nook was
always a new adventure. Also,
hanging in the uniform room
with my crew.”
-Liz Saffold
“Channel 16 at chess state.”
-Nick Alexander
“Being in Beauty and the Beast
and Grease. Musical was always so much fun.”
-Spencer Davis
“Watching water come crashing
down in front of the elevator
on the third floor junior year.
When John Pearson broke the
glass in the cafeteria.”
-Nicole Carbonaro
“Dance club ’08, soccer ’08-’09,
O.Rod’s Spanish class ’09-’10,
and International Fair ’08-09.”
-Maria Velez
“Water polo sophomore and junior year with Colleen, Kendall,
and Leila.”
-Samar Nazar
“I have a lot of favorites memories, I had a lot of memories in
each one of my classes.”
-Katy Perry
“My sophomore year coming to
this school, and making a big
change, and teachers helping
-Juan Delacruz
“Good grades.:
-Ricardo Flores
“Being with my friends always
doing getting caught doing
something stupid.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“Playing football and being in
Mr.Bryant’s class.”
-Michael Spiff
“Winning the Spirit of Hawk for
Science and being I track and
-Alfredo Balderas
“All the fun times during swim
season and all my friends.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“When the power when out my
freshmen year.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“The explosion- we chilled for 2
hours and it was raw.”
-Wase Siddiqui
“Gifted Expo, late evenings in
the pub, Homecoming ’10, Badminton State ‘10, off campus
journeys, the Mystic Blue Chicago Boat Trip, and witnessing
crazy things in the hallways.”
-Amruta Bhatt
“My favorite memories were
during the golf season. We always had a fun time, especially
-Kara Hartel
“When in Lang, Tori’s phone
went off - it said ‘DROID’ really
loudly- and everyone just tried
to pretend that it hadn’t happened, until Brown said ‘Are you
all just going to pretend that
didn’t happen?’ We all just died
-Emily Kuhn
“Homecoming ’09, Band Mystic
Blue Boat Trip ’10, and Badminton State ’10.”
-Maiko Matsubara
“The Gifted Expo (getting
ready for it was super stressful
though). AP Bio field trips, being done with college apps; just
being with everyone.”
-Jessica Pablo
“The power outage freshman
year! Backstage during the
musicals and sleeping in the
auditorium before doing Snake
-Emily Allan
“Golfing with my team and
hanging out with my friends. I
love my AP Painting class and
I will always remember the AP
Bio “almost explosion” when I
shot the circuit.”
-Vicki Shah
“My favorite memory has to
be in my chemistry class during
labs with Nilam. We had some
exciting accidents from spilling
everything to broken equipment.”
-Priya K. Patel
“Being able to meet new
-Michael Shirahama
“Walking around with my
friends around the school at our
lockers, the media center, the
cafeteria and to our classes.”
-Cristina Constantin
“As much sleep as I lost over it,
I loved spending hours singing,
dancing, sweating, and eating
in the music halls during musical
tech week.”
-Isabelle Ezra
“Sporting events, being on the
wrestling team.”
-Brad Willis
“Parties in the vans on the way
to bowling.”
-Catherine Swan
“Playing sports, getting asked
to prom, pep assemblies.”
-Jada Stotts
“Any memories of just hanging
out with the speech team.”
-Bailey Armstrong
“My favorite memories are all
of the fun football, basketball,
and all games and hanging out
with friends.”
-Roxy Mombini
“Hanging out with friends,
sophomore year water polo,
and having fun with Colleen.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“My favorite memories were
swimming during freshman year.
I was super lonely and really
bad at it. The first person I met
during that was Jessica Pablo.
She was so sweet!”
-Lara Manadero
“My favorite memories at Hoffman are seminar freshmen year
with Caroline, Kailey, Rianna,
Spencer, and Carlie. I also
loved going to football games
and had fun participating in all
the bowling meets and attending school dances.”
-Jennifer Knobloch
“At lunch watching and cutting
everyone in line, while the lunch
ladys would try to stop it,
But it never worked out haha.”
-Matt Pahl
“My favorite memories at HEHS
are basketball and football
games. Most of my best memories are from being on the track
and basketball team.”
-Niki Adelaja
“Going to State junior year and
having a Nerf war in the hotel.”
-Steven Grajek
“My favorite memory was going
to state for bowling this year
with a wonderful group of girls
. Of course, winning our sectional was pretty special too!”
-Kailey Schlosser
“Blue Crew, friends”
-Marty Trojan
“First musical, Evita.”
-Justin Clarke
“Goofing around in those unimportant classes.”
-Hammad Razzak
“Placing 4th for doubles with
Krina, Freshman year, placing
4rd for doubles this year.”
-Hannah Hwang
“Getting to see my friends year
after year seeing how everyone
has changed. Always laughing
and being there. It’s all about
to change.”
“Joining clubs and doing absolutely nothing. Not having ID’s
around our necks, and having
he black out that lasted for two
hours freshman year.”
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“Having almost every class
sophomore year with Luke and
Rachel. We would talk about
the most random things. Also,
being tackled by Regina and
Claire when i show up to school
before the five minute bell. And
racing Claire and her car load
of peope to school in the mornings.”
-Carlie Iehl
“Being able to come to school
each day knowing that something crazy would happen”
-Danielle Kiel
“My favorite memory at HEHS
was goofing around in Orod’s
Spanish 4 class with Krina and
listening to Orod’s random
-Shrutva Parikh
“My favorite memories at HEHS
are always at the pool, with my
swimming and waterpolo teams.
From the times we’re laughing
our heads off in the locker room
to the times we’re busting our
butts in the water. The girls on
my team have become some of
my bestest friends.”
-Stephanie Castro
“My favorite memories at HEHS
are basketball and football
games. Most of my best memories are from being on the track
and basketball team.”
- Niki Adelaja
“Freshman year blackout.”
-Aashutos Patel
“All of the great times I’ve been
able to share with my friends.”
-Yogi Barot
“Snowball, it was an amazing
-Anjelica Nandyala
“Getting to meet new people
and being able to participate
in Powder-puff as a junior.”
-Stephanie Gomez
“Being on the sidelines after
HEHS beat Conant for the
Mayor’s cup and then looking
back at the stands and seeing
everyone jump off the bleachers, running towards the football players, like a stampede.”
-Jenn Gehrke
“Passing periods, snowball,
dances, and swimming.”
-Vishwa Shah
“Long Saturdays at Forensics
tournaments, extending newspaper deadlines, and being
friends with Nilam!”
-Amita Prabhu
Hawkeye View
Miss Most
May 2011
Unlike Dory, you will never “forg
-Maria Hernandez
“The friends I have grown to
love- I’m going to miss the
fun times for real.”
-Victor Lugo
“I’m going to miss participating in sports and all the
friends I made.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“The friends I’ve made, the
teachers, getting out of
class for assemblies, and
block scheduling.”
-Krina Desai
“Friends, sports, and taco
-Harsh Patel
“Automotive class.”
-Rubair Abuhamama
“My friends.”
-Rubi Castro
“Not my job.”
-Marvin Blanco
“I’m going to miss all my
-Karina Trejo
“Pretending to be cool because we’re seniors.”
-Marcos Galvan
“Sitting in the cafeteria.”
-Sarthak Shah
“Friends, cafeteria, and
-Parth Joshi
“The friends that I made that
I might never speak to again
due to college differences.”
-Luan Mawi
“Cookies from the cafeteria.”
-Daniel Yi
“All my awesome underclassmen and my friends
these past 4 years.”
-Amanda Ross
“All the different types of
people, the fun times at
lunch and in the hallways.
Also all the fun teachers like
-Edwin Blanco
“My friends and teachers.”
-Alex Dibattista
“Homecoming week.”
-Parth Brahmbhatt
“Mr. Wandro’s analogies.”
-Svet Angelov
“The friends.”
-Anthony Christianson
“Running off campus, the
theater, staying late on set,
and comedy troupe.”
-Leila Mustafa
“The environment of the
school and everything about
it. I’ll miss the people and
teachers and how fun everything has been.”
-Rachael Gallo
“I will miss my wonderful
teachers who were very nice
and understanding. Something you rarely get in the
city public schools.”
-Lissette Lagunas
“The people.”
-Lauren Fera
“I’ll miss my lunch times
because that’s when I gather
with my friends.”
-Elif Kucuk
“The people.”
-Josh Suszek
“The school in general and
some of the teachers.”
“The ambience and the high
school experience.”
-Edwin Albarran
“I’ll miss the after school
activities, my life is a bore.”
-Sabrina Khan
“Autos class and Independent study.”
-Chris Morrison
“The teachers and staff.”
-Pia Gelline Delrosario
“Being able to see my
friends during passing periods.”
-Ashley Femrite
“I will miss my teachers,
friends, and my favorite
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“The teachers from Resource- they are the best.”
-Martin Stoilov
“The ESL teachers.”
-Victor Leon
“My teachers and friends.”
-Bipin Nuth
“Gym dodge ball.”
-Michael Currie
“Friends, teachers, and ESL
-Sharoon Iqbal
“My friends and teachers.”
-Smit Thakkar
“The people and the fun
-Mike Graban
“Mrs.Coakley, Mr.Beers, and
-Stephanie Garcia
“Mainly the teachers but I
won’t miss block scheduling.”
-Devin Thompson
“Pre-Homecoming activities
and the staff.”
-Gus Cisneros
“The great teachers.”
-Kayla Kuester
“The atmosphere, and down
to earth people that make
Hoffman what it is.”
-Chris Huerta
“Mrs.Roesner and
Mr.Fivelson. All of the cafeteria lunch ladies.”
-Celeste Estrella
“Being involved in all the
-Mel McGinn
“Certain people that I’ll
probably never see again.”
-Karla Lopez
“I will miss my friends and
all my teachers.”
-Shivangi Patel
“I will miss all of my teachers. Also all the dances and
the friends I have made
-Samantha Neumer
“All of my friends that are
leaving to different schools
and the teachers.”
-Kayla Banahan
“I will definitely miss all
of my ESL teachers. They
are the best. They are
like a second family to me
because they have been
giving me lots of support in
-Zaira Herrera
“Seeing all of my friends
every day.”
-Christina Balwierz
“The teachers and cafeteria
-Amber Banner
“All of the people I met
through the years.”
-Farahnaz Niroumandpour
“Seeing all my friends that
I’ve known since 1st grade.”
-Sandy Oraham
“The teachers. I have been
lucky to have a lot of influential teachers in my years
who have taught me a lot of
valuable life lessons that I
will carry with me forever.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“Having my close friends all
together in one place.”
-Quintyn Schiff
“Hot cheetos with cheese.”
-Yasmin Lopez
“The whole experience in
high school. The fact that I
won’t be seeing the friends
that go to Hoffman will be
very sad for me.”
-Alex Kim
“All my friends and being in
musical and choir.”
-Eric Movsessian
“The friends and the merriment.”
-Michael Spiff
“Honestly having the opportunity to try a sport like soccer I learned a lot, Powder
puff was a great time and
Lacrosse was an amazing
experience before leaving.”
-Mercedes Davalos
“My friends, swimming, and
shaking Schumacher’s hand
before every class.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“I will miss everyone that
I’ve met. Lots of us are going away and it’ll be hard to
stay in touch.”
-Lacy Marlow
“The teachers. Some of the
teachers were really funny
and others were inspiring.”
-Mia Rizwan
“The friends I have made
and won’t see them when
I go to college. And being
involved in 3 different athletics.”
-Colleen Thomas
“All the cool teachers that I
-Wase Siddiqui
“I will miss SADD club and
seeing them every week
because they are really like
my family and it made all 4
years in high school amazing! I will also miss sharing
fruit snacks with Spencer
Davis and food parties in
Chemistry where I contributed most of the wrappers to
-Maryna Rath
“My friends and me great
times we’ve had at this
school. Also all of the extracurricular activities.”
-Angee Serwin
“Goofing around with my
friends during passing periods, Vishwa Shah, and having the awesomest teachers
-Isha Parikh
“All the fun activities/ events
that occur in the school.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“Cheerleading! The awesome, understanding teachers- well, some of them.
All the dances and the hall
-Abegail Tiongson
“I’m going to miss seeing everyone here every day.”
-Vanessa Diaz
“Coach Lew and his calfs.”
-Taylor Stacy
“I will miss all the teachers
that helped me and guided
-Mariah Pitts
Just as Nemo leaves his fa
to start a new, exciting par
Hoffman seniors will miss h
many friends and adventure
“My friends, the bowling
team, my favorite teachers,
and football games.”
-Liz Saffold
“Chess state.”
-Nick Alexander
-Molly Mangione
“I think I will miss seeing all
my friends every day. And
I’ll miss going to football
games with my friends. I’ll
miss eating Maryna’s fruit
snacks and chilling with
Vicki Shah in AP Lang.”
-Spencer Davis
“The teachers and seeing
my best friend every day.”
-Kerry Pajor
“The cancer cookies. I will
miss my teachers.”
-Nicole Carbonaro
“The friends and teachers.”
-Jay Gonzalez
“The teachers and most of
the students.”
-Samar Nazar
“Cheerleading-but that’s it.”
-Kaitlyn Tykal
Miss Most
Hawkeye View
get” your favorite memories
“Leaving the football program, great teachers, my father’s battleship..the weight
room, and Jordan Hudak
and his funny comments.”
-David Gutierrez
“Friends, badminton, marching band.”
-Maiko Matsubara
“The friendships I have
made and the most amazing
group of teachers that were
always there to support me.”
-Rachel Pilling
“I will miss my track team.”
-Kuburat Bodejo
“All the friendships I’ve built
over the past 4 years, the
teachers, and the class of
2011 because we’re boss.”
-Maryann Mousheh
“Seeing friends.”
-Taylor Mann
“I will miss teachers repeating themselves when they
talk since professors may
not do that next year. I will
miss Mr.Schumacher anticipating me asking questions.”
-Nilam Patel
“My teachers and classmates.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“My favorite teacher, Koch,
and friends.”
-Ricardo Flores
“Friends, nice teachers.”
-Marty Trojan
-Hammad Razzak
“My friends.”
-Catherine Swan
“The sports.”
-Jada Stotts
“I’ll miss all my track brothers and early morning bus
rides to meets.”
-Steven Grajek
“The fact that it has been
like a home to me for so
long even before I went to
Hoffman I was always there
for my brother and sister.
I was so excited to go to
Hoffman and now scared
but anxious to get out. I will
miss all the people I have
grown up with and now it’s
time to finally go all our
separate ways.”
-Kara Hartel
“The diversity. We’re lucky
to be in a place that is so
welcoming and encouraging
to things and people that are
-Isabelle Ezra
“I will miss the amazing
time Varsity team had at the
State tournament, Fivelson’s
Calculus BC class, and
many of the faculty who
have always been there for
-Amruta Bhatt
ther, the seniors will leave
rt of their lives. Like Nemo,
ome, but they will also find
es along the way.
“The friends I made, the
wrestling team.”
-Brad Willis
“The excitement during spirit
week, homecoming games,
seminar, my favorite teachers, and the atmosphere.”
-Daniya Ali
“High school life.”
-Juan de la Cruz
“Friends, teachers, Lori
-Codi Bator
“The after school programs,
my favorite teachers, the art
-Alfredo Balderas
“Mr. Mead.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“I will definitely miss making new friends and learning
something mew everyday
because that is something
important for the future.
Learning from experience!”
-Cristina Constantin
“My friends.”
-Michael Shirahama
“Honestly, I’ll miss seeing
everyone pretty much every
day. The swimming and water polo din dins. And sitting
by the locker in the morning
with everyone.”
-Jessica Pablo
“I will miss having lunch
with my friends. Those were
some great times.”
-Priya K. Patel
“All the awesome teachers
and being with my friends
every day.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“Having seminar with friends
and not doing anything all
block but gossip about everything.”
-Roxy Mombini
-Krupa Patel
“I will miss seeing my
friends’ everyday and getting great advice from my
favorite teachers.”
-Rianna Schmidt
“Seeing all my friends every
day. That’s going to be the
hardest part to lose.”
-Emily Allan
“I’ll miss the staff. I’ve never
met more caring and giving
individuals that genuinely
care about their students in
and out of the class.”
-Nicole Reed
“Hanging out with my friends
and lunchtime. I will also
miss late starts and teacher
institute days.”
-Vicki Shah
“The fact that it’s been like
a home to me for so long.
Even before I went to Hoffman I was always there for
my brother and sister. I was
so excited to go to Hoffman
and now I’m scared but anxious to get out. I will miss all
the people I have grown up
with and now it’s time to finally go our separate ways.”
-Kara Hartel
“I am really going to miss
seeing my friends, the
people I’ve been with since
elementary school, everyday
in the halls.”
-Jennifer Knobloch
“I will miss knowing everyone, developing new friendships for four years, and
all the good nights with my
friends, because when I get
to college its back to being
a freshman in a new place
again. Bummer.”
-Matt Pahl
“I will miss being on the
track team.”
-Niki Adelaja
“I will miss seeing all my
friends, the bowling team,
and preschool!”
-Kailey Schlosser
“I will definitely be missing
my friends, the swim team,
and late starts. Also the
times where I can makes
jokes with my friends in the
-Lara Menadero
“My friends – most people
are going different ways
after high school.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“The friends I won’t see in
college and sharing a locker
with Kendall and Leila!”
-Colleen Kelly
“Waking up and coming every day.”
-Ulysses Lopez
“Friends and teachers.”
-Breanna Marski
“Friends and teachers.”
-Candice Wilson
“I will miss my running team,
family and all my friends
that have helped me during
the past 4 years.”
-Alexandra Labeots
“All my amazing teachers,
the nice hall monitors, Xtra
Big Cookies, seeing all my
friends on a regular basis
and the greatest family ever
– my senior year softball
-Emily Fett
“FRIENDS and teachers.”
-Danielle Kiel
“I will miss being on the
track team.”
-Niki Adelaja
“The thing I’ll miss the most
about HEHS is the location
of my locker this year, it is in
the most inconvenient location of the entire building, on
the third floor in the center
of the new hidden back
-Stephanie Castro
May 2011
“I will miss all the craziness
that goes on in the honor’s
hallway during passing periods.”
-Shrutva Parikh
“The friends I’ve made and
the awesome HEHS faculty.”
-Aashutos Patel
“Getting to see all of the
awesome people, and I’ll
miss all of my friends and
-Yogi Barot
“All the people I met and got
to know.”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“I will miss the hall monitors
telling people to put on their
IDs! I’m going to miss all of
my favorite teachers.”
-Stephanie Gomez
“I will definitely miss the
excitement and enthusiasm
of the band during football
games, not matter what the
-Jordan Habel
-Brad Karlson
“I will definitely miss putting together the senior
issues as well as all of the
other newspapers we have
published. Not only did we
have a lot of fun, but we
also had at least a month to
work on each. In college I’ll
only have a couple of hours
– they’re produced daily.”
-Jenn Gehrke
“I will miss the passing
periods, wasting time after
school with my friends,
living in the pool with my
swimming/water polo teammates, and seeing Isha
Parikh every day.”
-Vishwa Shah
“I’m going to miss the amazing friends and teachers that
have made these four years
-Juhi Thakkar
“My friends that I’m leaving
behind, and the awesome
teachers I’ve had.”
-Justin Clarke
“How easily I could see all
my friends and the Badminton team.”
-Hannah Hwang
“I will miss being an underclass girl crushing on a
upper class boy, I will also
miss Ms. U, and I will miss
the stupid things underclassmen say and do. Most
of all, I will miss the thought
of not going to snowball.”
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“The people. I’ll miss seeing
certain people almost every
day, especially since many
of us are going to be going
to different colleges.”
Nemo m a ke s ne w f ri e nd s on hi s j ourne y a nd
learn s how t o e xpl ore a nd be c om f ort a bl e
in n ew e nvi ronm e nt s . T he s e ni ors wi l l a l s o
gain n e w c om pa ni ons a nd l i f e s ki l l s .
20 Years
You have the power
Hawkeye View
May 2011
“Hopefully working in the medical field, and in my own home
and having a family.”
-Amber Banner
“Married with kids working at a
high school as a social worker.”
-Kelsey Pellus
“Working at a Walgreens or
CVS Pharmacy as a pharmacist.
Happily married with a couple of
kids. Dreading being almost 40.”
-Yazmin Lopez
“I see myself owning my own
pastry shop, have 3 kids (1 boy,
2 girls), married, and overall still
having the same morals that I do
-Amanda Ross
“I’m going to be a pilot.”
-Daniel Yi
“I see myself becoming a counselor for teens in an apartment in
the city of Chicago.”
-Lissette Lagunas
“Singing or acting on stage.”
-Eric Movsessian
“In the Olympics.”
-Precious Ogunleye
“Married, working like one of
those CSI people.”
-Krina Desai
“Becoming a lemonade tycoon.”
-Harsh Patel
“38, doctor, and awesome.”
-Marvin Blanco
“Hopefully finished my major
and being married with kids.”
-Mercedes Davalos
“I see myself married with a
small house and a great job either
in nursing or writing possibly in
Boston or San Francisco.”
-Lacy Marlow
“Working as a radiologist.”
-Rubair Abuhamama
“I will get my Bachelor’s Degree. I will be CPA, MBA with
finance and get a job. Open my
own business.”
-Sarthak Shah
“Married with an adopted kid.
Being an administrator or a college professor.”
-Luan Mawi
“Become a teacher, married
maybe with a son or daughter.”
-Enedelia Gonzalez
“Having a successful life and
playing music for people.”
-Chris Morrison
“Married and being a nurse.”
-Rubi Castro
“In Hawaii with my wife taking
care of the kids, and me taking
care of my motorcycle.”
-Martin Stoilov
“I want to be travelling the
-Vishwa Shah
“Having a good job or being in
the military because of WWIII.”
-Edwin Albarran
“I see myself playing soccer and
having a good career.”
-Victor Leon
“Living somewhere warm, getting botox and a facelift because
I just realized I’m 38.”
-Marcos Galvan
“In India with my family.”
-Bipin Nuth
“Running the president.”
-Daryl Dunning
“I see myself becoming the next
Jennifer Lopez.”
-Milady Rodriguez
“A family and in the behavioral
-Kayla Banahan
“With a family and a good job.”
-Ashley Femrite
“Either in a cardboard box under
a bridge or in a mansion.”
-Mike Graban
“Working on my job and driving
a nice car.”
-Smit Thakkar
“As a U.S. senator representing
-Michael Currie
“On top of the world.”
-Sharoon Iqbal
“In Australia, with a successful
job and having a loving girlfriend/boyfriend at my side.”
-Devin Thompson
“In India working on constructing roads, buildings, etc.”
-Parth Joshi
“Teaching special education in
a high school with a family at
-Mel McGinn
“I will have a career, a family,
and be extremely happy.”
-Celeste Estrella
“Teaching math at a high school,
maybe even here at HEHS.”
-Chris Huerta
“Having my own house and car,
living my life.”
-Kayla Kuester
“Working as a doctor with a
-Lauren Fera
“I see myself having a family
and a good job.”
-Elif Kucuk
-Josh Suszek
“I have no idea. I see myself at
home, but I know I’ll be educated.”
-Mia Rizwan
“Living in Miami on South
-Cedric Brooks
“Being happy and having a family”
-Kerry Pajor
“Done with school and traveling
around the world”
-Jay Gonzalez
“Still working on cars all the
time and getting paid a lot of
money to do it.”
-Quentin Schiff
“On a boat”
-Kate McKeague
“I see myself having a stable job
with a house or apartment of my
own. Hopefully I will still be
involved in sports.”
-Alex Kim
“Happily married with 2.5 kids
and a dog.”
-Rhianna Stringer
“I see myself being married with
children and opening up for a
law firm.”
-Wase Siddiqui
“I will be married with 2-3 kids,
living in a mansion, possibly in a
suburb of Chicago or in Boston, running my own marketing
company and working with a
non-profit organization.”
-Maryna Rath
“As a doctor in the emergency
-Nilam Patel
“Married with kids, possibly living in Nashville.”
-Liz Saffold
“I hope to be finishing up my
professional dance career, moving back to Dallas and opening
up my own studio, as well as
being engaged.”
-Spencer Davis
“I see myself graduated from
college, married, and traveling
the world.”
-Nicole Carbonaro
“Living next to the ocean, married with 2 kids and having my
dream career. (graphic designer/
-Maria Velez
“I see myself married with an
amazing family and perfect job
and super duper rich or a golddigger.”
-Samar Nazar
“I see myself being a graphic
designer and working at some
-David Gutierrez
“Hopefully married, living in the
city, and working at a behavioral
health hospital.”
-Rachel Pilling
“I see myself married with 3 or 4
kids, successful and rich, giving
out to the poor, and helping all
those that need help, doing the
best I can to change lives.”
-Kuburat Bodejo
“Being an awesome pediatric
nurse and traveling.”
-Maryann Mousheh
“I see myself married and with
-Michael Shirahama
“Working at a hospital. I really hope I will get a job at St.
Alexius hospital where I am currently a volunteer. I work once a
week for four hours. This is also
important for the future and I
hope I will work there.”
-Christina Constantin
“I see myself rich and successful
owning my own hair salon.”
-Vanessa Diaz
“Living in a much better/warmer
state with Meryl Helfrich! Married, kids and money.”
-Kaitlyn Tykal
“Not in Hoffman.”
-Molly Mangione
“With a good job, married, have
2 kids, and have a nice home.”
-Sandy Oranam
-Emily Allan
“I see myself working and
researching at a hospital on the
West Coast (California)! I hope
to have two kids and be married.”
-Vicki Shah
“I see myself living a balanced
life with my family as a pharmacist.”
-Priya K. Patel
-Emily Kuhn
“Hopefully, I have a family with
a nice husband and a child or
two. I also want to be a neurologist.”
-Jessica Pablo
“I see myself as Donald Trump’s
newest apprentice.”
-Dean Hackbarth
“I see myself celebrating my
Golden Birthday with someone
special and making a tremendous
difference in peoples lives. I also
see myself on TV (or whatever
technology they have by then)
competing in my favorite sport
as a professional athlete in the
-Amruta Bhatt
20 Years
to shape the future
Hawkeye View
“Living in Oregon and being a
-Steven Grajek
“I don’t care where I end up,
honestly. I can see myself as
a bakery owner, stay-at-home
mom, bum, blue collar worker,
engineer, pretty much everything. I can see me being successful or barely getting by, and I
can see myself happy and not so
happy. What will be, will be.”
-Carissa Summerfelt
“Traveling to help others communicate (translator) or having a
-Maiko Matsubara
“I see myself being in a broadcasting field like ESPN and married with 2 boys.”
-Colleen Thomas
“Having a family with an amazing husband and having a job/career that I not only will enjoy, but
will make me a lot of money.”
-Angee Serwin
“I see myself living in San
Diego, California as a married
dentist with four kids and two
-Isha Parikh
“Being successful.”
-Juan de la Cruz
“Not at HEHS.”
-Codi Bator
“Having a family and a good
-Alfredo Balderus
“With a family and a good job.”
-Paola Rodriguez
“I’m going to be 38 – I better be
successful by then! Of course
with my own family and a job I
enjoy doing.”
-Abegail Tiongson
“Living in a Florida in a condo
overlooking the lake, working
in the ER as a nurse, 2 kids and
-Mariah Pitts
“Owning my own performing
art school for kids with special
needs and also acting/singing.”
-Miriam Bigurra
“Traveling around the nation as a
sales person for a major corporation.”
-Taylor Stacy
“Married, with kids, working as
a nurse, and being happy.”
-Kamila Sierzputowski
“Married with kids, and hopefully twins.”
-Roxy Mombini
“As the undisputed Pokémon
champion of the world.”
-Bailey Armstrong
“Married in Hawaii with a fine
wife and kids.”
-Marty Trojan
“Owning my own sports medicine facility.”
-Jada Stotts
“With my own bakery and loving
family somewhere where its always warm and relaxing but still
be able to come back home to
enjoy some snow fun activities.”
-Kara Hartel
“California, somewhere working
in theater.”
-Catherine Swan
“In Florida with a wife, 2 kids,
and money in the bank”
-Brad Willis
“Law Firm (So I hope).”
-Hammad Razzak
“I see myself happily married, to
a beautiful woman, with 1-3 kids
bringing in A LOT of money for
the family.”
-Matt Pahl
“In 20 years I see myself working in a hospital and married
with a couple of kids.”
-Niki Adelaja
“I see myself teaching elementary school and being married
with children.”
-Kailey Schlosser
“In front of a high school band,
directing it.”
-Justin Clarke
“I see myself married with a
family surrounded with art in
my life, living happily ever after
knock on wood!”
-Hannah Hwang
“In 20 years I will be living in
a nice house, with a huge dog
guarding it.”
-Elizabeth Ramirez
“I see myself as a doctor and
having a small business in digital
art. I hope to have a family and a
nice home.”
-Krupa Patel
“I hope I’ll have a family and a
job where I help kids and teens
as a therapist.”
-Danielle Zengri
“Helping my community and
giving back”
-Danielle Kiel
“In 20 years I see myself working in a hospital and married
with a couple of kids”
-Niki Adelaja
“I see myself married and living
in a decent sized house also as a
May 2011
chemical engineer, working with
alternative fuel sources, at a successful company.”
-Carlie Iehl
“In 20 years, I will have my own
physical/occupational therapy
clinic and I will be married to an
amazing guy with three kids.”
-Shrutva Parikh
“I see myself settled down living
very happily.”
-Yogi Barot
“In a mirror. I don’t know where
else I would be able to see
myself. But as far as a career
goes, in 20 years I would like to
be a band director, hopefully in
District 211.”
-Jordan Habel
“Private practice.”
-Nicole Reed
“Working at a newspaper company.”
-Jeremy Palucska
“Living in a cardboard box.”
-Colleen Kelley
“In 20 years I will be 37 years
old, I hope to be a successful
social worker and love my job.
I would love to be married and
have a family.”
-Rianna Schmidt
“Retired out of the military,
working on construction.”
-Ulysses Lopez
“Married to my dream guy, doing
something I love with at least 2
-Emily Fett
“Traveling, international actress.”
-Nisa Mujahed
“I see myself as a high school
teacher with a happy family.”
-Alexandra Labeots
“I see myself with my own place
and working in the ER as a
-Stephanie Gomez
Just as Wall-E changes his world, the graduating seniors will impact many peoples’ lives.
The ability to make the future a better place
is in the hands of HEHS students.
a bunch of fast cars, and married
with kids.”
-Parth Brahmbhatt
trict 54 school. I want to live in
the suburbs with a family.”
-Samantha Neumer
“Working for an animation
-Alex Dibattista
“Away from school.”
-Marco Montoya
“I see myself having a family
and living in downtown Chicago.”
-Edwin Blanco
“Having a family of my own,
living life.”
-Karla Lopez
“I want to be a doctor, get a
degree and a good job. My own
medical clinic.”
-Shivangi Patel
“In 20 years I see myself married
and with a business.”
-Karina Trejo
“Living in Washington D.C., saving the country with the CIA.”
-Anthony Christianson
“Somewhere warm.”
-Leila Mustafa
“In a Porsche.”
-Svet Angelov
“I see myself teaching in a dis-
“Married with kids and my own
dental practice.”
-Anjelica Nandyala
“I don’t know where I will
see myself. By then I’ll be 37
and who knows how good my
eyesight will be. But if all goes
well, I’ll be a journalist and or
an editor at a prestigious newspaper.”
-Jenn Gehrke
“Married, with family and working as a cop or in the DEA.”
-Maria Hernandez
“Chilling in my mansion, owning
“In 20 years I will be married
and have 2 kids- a boy and a
-Zaira Herrera
“I’ll be a vet, married (hopefully), and have a nice house in a
different state.”
-Sabrina Khan
“I see myself married, with kids,
and being a dermatologist. As
long as I’m happy it won’t matter.”
-Rachael Gallo
“Some sort of successful doctor
with a family.”
-Farahnaz Niroumandpour
“I see myself married with kids,
with a nice paying job. I see myself doing art, volleyball, chess,
and dancing on the side- if I have
the time.”
-Victor Lugo
“Moving people with the written
and spoken word.”
-Amita Prabhu
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Amita Prabhu
Editor in Chief
I am terribly afraid
of roller coasters. Despite
living within 30 miles of Six
Flags Great America for the
13 years I have lived in Hoffman I have probably only
been there twice (refusing
to go on any of the rides of
course). Looking back on the
past four years, however, I can
confidently say I have survived one of the greatest roller
coasters of all: high school.
Okay, so I know the
whole ‘high school is a roller
coaster’ metaphor is somewhat cliché but I now realize
that people weren’t kidding
when they said that. I’m really
grateful I have this opportunity
to reflect because with all the
rapid changes in pace it’s often
difficult to find what exactly
it is that made the past four
years so meaningful to me.
Coming into high
school I felt almost overwhelmed with the constant reminder of how important it is to
challenge yourself so you can
start building good study skills
so you can get good grades and
ACT scores. And on top of that
you have to join extracurricular activities so you can show
off to colleges what a “well
rounded” student you are so
that you can get accepted to
a good school so you can not
be a total high school failure.
So I went home and
made a list of everything I
wanted to accomplish over
my four years at Hoffman. I
had this idea that if I could
earn thing on that list by the
time I finished senior year,
then I would walk across
that Willow Creek stage and
feel this sense of fulfillment.
I was able to earn
some of the goals on this list
but others remained unaccomplished. What really got me
thinking, though, was if I could
go back to the day I started
high school and with a chance
to change anything, would I?
As I was reading
through the entries for this
issue, many seniors advised
younger students to ‘not have
any regrets.’ While I agree that
regrets of the past should not
be dwelled on, when it comes
to reflecting on high school I
think regrets are an essential
component of the process.
In my ever present
drive to succeed, I regret not
saying more genuine, heart-
felt “thank yous”. I regret getting so caught up in my own
“plan” for myself that I sometimes forgot to zoom out and
see the beautiful, bigger picture. I regret enclosing myself
in a bubble and not reaching out far enough to pop it.
Please don’t get me
wrong. I’m not saying that
I’ve been completely selfish
but while obsessing over regrets is not healthy, awareness
is. I’m not ashamed to admit
my regrets because with them
comes motivation to change
the future. High school was an
experience in which I, along
with my classmates, have
changed a lot but the change
doesn’t stop here. Reflecting
on the experience and identifying those regrets will give
us something more to change
in the future for the better.
That being said, I’d like
to use up the rest of this space
to thank the wonderful people
who have helped me in the
classroom and out. The goals I
have earned on that list would
not have been possible without
the support of these people.
First of all, to my
friends: I know I don’t say it
often but I appreciate having
you all in my life so much.
Even though I always say how
goofy and immature you guys
are, deep down I love you all
for it and school just wouldn’t
have been any fun without you.
To every teacher I
have ever had: I can honestly
say I have taken something
away from every class I have
taken at Hoffman. Thank you
for reading my essays, grading
my tests, taking the time before
and after school for review
sessions, and everything else
you have done to help my advance in my education. I’d like
to extend a special thank you
to Mr. Murphy, Mr. Calisch,
and Mr. Swanson for writing
my recommendation letters!
To the Forensics
team: because of all of you I
know what it’s like to have a
mily outside of myy house.
his activity has changed my
mmunicationn skills,
nfidence, and my whole
fe. You guys
gu have been by
myy side at my strongest and
eakest moments and have
victo-pported me through victo
champion-ous tournament champion
ips and heart breaking
lif i llosses. Thank
Th k you
for everything and continue
to carry on the love and passion in and out of competition.
Mrs. Phillips, thank
you for being such an influential coach, mentor, friend, and
for believing in me since day
one. Without your guidance
and support, I would never have
been able to find my voice.
Hawkeye View staff
and editors: From losing all
our files two years ago to becoming more of a “magazine
type” publication this year,
newspaper has been one of the
most changing and rewarding groups I have been a part
of in high school. Even under the stress of a “deadline”
we’ve always found a way to
be creative and have fun while
making the issue. Jenn, I’m so
glad I got to know you through
newspaper and I’ve really appreciated your tech-savvyness
when I was stuck! You are such
a kind, helpful person and the
journalism field will be lucky
to have you. Avni and Meran,
the future of the paper is in your
hands now! It may not always
be easy, but I know you guys
are smart enough to handle it.
Mrs. Davey, thank
you for gracing the newspaper side of the pub with your
witty sense of humor and way
with words. You are always so
warm and welcoming and I especially appreciate you helping
me so much with my personal
statement at the last minute!
Finally, Ms. Carroll,
thank you for making the newspaper possible and always being so energetic and uplifting.
You have been one of my biggest role models throughout
high school and have given me
so much good advice and perspective, especially this year. I
will really miss our long talks
in the pub and how you always made time to chat with
me. Thank you for being such
a positive influence in my life.
Well, after 4 years
of anticipation, laughter, and
a few screams, this roller
coaster is slowly coming
comin to a
stop. The adventure doesn’t
end here
he though. Soon
oon it will
be time to unbuckle
uck our seatand hopp out
ou of our seats,
only to get
et in line
lin for an even
bigger ride.
ride Congratulations
andd good luck
lu class
ss of 2011,
it has been
een a pleasure shars
ing this
is whirlwind
wi you.
As we move on to the next great adventure in life, we must r
places we will visit and the experiences we make can help sh
however, remember these words of wisdom: “Will you succ
Hawkeye View
May 2011
Jenn Gehrke
Editor in Chief
remember that this is not our final stop. As life goes on, the
hape the life that we hope to have. When times seem rough,
ceed? Yes, you will indeed. (98 3/4% guaranteed.)”
Danielle Zengri - Editor
I know everyone says that
high school goes by really fast so
enjoy it while you can and be sure
you’re involved; I pretty much did
the opposite of that. Until this year
I rarely did anything school related
and high school didn’t seem to be
going by fast enough. But senior
year I wanted to be different. So I
got involved and joined Newspaper
and Yearbook. And one of my biggest regrets is not joining Yearbook
earlier and wishing I hadn’t quit
Newspaper at all. Freshmen year
I joined the Hawkeye View but
overwhelmed with “stories” that I
thought of as extra homework, I quit
after one article. This year I came
back and was warmly welcomed.
I may not have written much but I
was there at every meeting morning or afternoon and even on the
rare Saturdays we worked. Its nice
feeling like you have a group to belong to and senior year flew by faster than the last 3 years combined.
It’s going to be weird not coming
to weekly Thursday meetings and
not seeing these people that I’ve
grown close to everyday.
I knew I never wanted
to be a writer or journalist so most
people asked, “Why join the newspaper then?”, and the reason is
the people. I couldn’t pick a bett
ter group of students and teachers to spend my time with. Every
one of them is funny, kind, and
smart. Our group may be small,
but those in it are extremely close
and loyal. The publications office
has become a second home to me
this year. We eat in here, sleep in
here, sing Disney songs, have nervous breakdowns, and laugh our
butts off. It hasn’t always been easy
with the deadlines but we made it
through and we had a lot of fun
doing it. This senior issue is our
last mark on this school as editors
and we couldn’t be prouder of it.
But what makes Newspaper a little
easier to let go of is the fact that I
couldn’t think of more capable people to leave it to. Meran and Avni,
you guys are going to do great next
year as editors and Amita, Jenn, and
I all know that and have faith in you
two. I’ll also miss Ms.Carroll and
Ms.Davey, our awesome Newspaper advisors. They’ve become
so much more than just teachers
to me. They talk to us like we’re
adults and we literally could talk
to them about anything. If I ever
had a problem I knew automatically that I could turn to either
one of them. It’s going to be hard
graduating HEHS but I’m so excited for The Places that I’ll go.
Each year it is seemingly a tradition while in the
midst of wrapping up the Senior Issue there is always that
one editor who hasn’t written
his or her farewell. I remember
watching that editor last year
and thinking ‘I won’t be that
editor, I’m super organized
and on top of things.’ Oh how
things have changed since
then. Now I’m writing this, the
day before we send the issue
in, and haven’t even thought
of a single thing to write about.
What are you supposed to
write about in a farewell again?
Noun: An act of parting or of
marking someone’s departure.
Exclamation: Used to express good wishes on parting.
I guess that could
be a start. So let’s see:
Everyone has a book;
it’s invisible and you don’t
need a pen to write in it. Weird,
huh? Well, let me put it this
way: we don’t have a book, we
are a book and what is written
in us is everything that happens to us. Something as simple as dropping a pencil on the
floor, as meaningless as that
is, it’s still put in this book- no
questions asked. Back to the
definition that was supplied by
Google, I want to say that I like
the ‘marking someone’s departure’ part of the explanation.
If you’re following my cliché
you’ll know that I’m going
to bring up the word “mark,”
meaning to leave a spot, stain,
scratch, or smudge. That must
sound familiar because we’ve
all done it before. As seniors
we have left many marks on
people, benches, stalls and
sadly, carpets. But more importantly, the people. Because
we’re all books and have made
our mark on other books we
are writing a story and that’s
what this year’s senior issue is all about-our stories.
On our surveys, the
staff and I asked the seniors
about their most embarrassing
moments. Out of the nearly
dred surveys we got
likely than
k, more
han not, a
rso filled that part
par in withh
a memory
of what
hat theyy found
o bee embarrassing. In an ordinary
inary book
ok (one that isn’t invisible)
ble) there
th are several major
rts to
t it, one
ne off which
hic is the
weakness of a character.
ct The
weakne is usually
ally present
n the
th beginning
nning of thiss book
and near the end of the book
the character triumphs the obstacles put in his or her way
and overcomes that weakness,
making his or herself stronger. So let me ask you this,
seniors: where are you in your
book? Oh yeah, the beginning.
Are you having problems? I
wouldn’t doubt it; those are
called obstacles. And if you
can get through those, you’ll
be happy to find that later on
in your book everything will
turn out right. Your embarrassing moment won’t be so
weak, and you’ll be stronger!
However, the survey
also asked about where the seniors’ see themselves in twenty years. Almost everyone has
an idea where they want to be
and what they to be. Because
everything has an impact or
leaves a mark on your book
you won’t be blown away by
the fact that your actions affect
your book. Keep this in mind
because everything you do can
either steer you toward your
desired destination or steer
you away from it. If you want
my advice I’m sorry, you can’t
have it but you can have this
one: don’t be a closed book
and look ugly with smudges
on the outside of your cover,
rather be an open one and
listen to what other people
say because you never know
where you’ll end up without
them. Also be open to the negative smudges in your book
because those are the ones
that hit you the most and motivates you to be a better person.
Now while I wrap
up my farewell saying goodbye to others I recommend
you to go listen to the song
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. It goes quite nicely
with this metaphor/cliché.
Alright, so the second
part of the definition is ‘to express good wishes on parting.’
Although that is a nice gesture,
to express good wishes, it’s
kind of a dumb thing to say.
How can you say goodbye to
without being sad? I
if you mustered up some
sense of courage, you could. I
don’t have to muster anything
because I have courage; it was
you who I was advising. AnyAny
way, my good wishes go out
to a lot of people but
ut first
fir and
I would like
lik to say
farewell to myy amazing
amazi teacher
e and sponsor
ponsor Ms.
M Carroll.
I met Ms. Carroll the
second semester of my sophomore year when I took Journalism 1. At the time I wanted
to be a teacher so I thought it
would be a good idea to expand my styles of writing
and had been suggested to
take this journalism course.
No, on the first day
Ms. Carroll didn’t say “Hey!
You’re going to be my new favorite student!” Although she
might as well have, because
not too long after the first day I
went from hating journalism to
loving it in a matter of weeks.
And when I love something
I get excited and do as much
as possible to learn about it
(which is where sucking up
comes in handy) and I looked
to Ms. Carroll for the information that could immerse me in
journalism even more. She told
me I should join newspaper the
following year and I did. From
there on she has helped me
with everything such as editing my papers for English and
Newspaper, to the eight million
drafts of my college essay, and
so on. I can’t thank her enough
for everything she has done
for me and has encouraged
me to do. She is my ultimate
inspiration and I can’t wait to
come back to Hoffman and
tell her how well I’ll be doing.
After Ms. Carroll I
have many other people to recognize and thank. I would like
to thank my closest friends
that I’ve had this year: Priyanka, Danielle and Melissa.
Priyanka for encouraging me
to do anything and everything
you’ve definitely changed my
personality this year especially for the better. Danielle
for being there all of the time
whether it is because we were
wrestling managers, student
athletic trainers or office buddies, I will always know you’ll
be there for me. And Melissa,
oh my goodness you’re my
little sister who pushed me
into half of the things I was
involved in this year. Thank
you so much for shoving me
both physically and figuratively to do the things that I
would never imagine doing.
You’re the best little sister I
had tthank you sso much!
A for the
th rest
est of
you, thank you. You’ve
made a mark in my book
that will always be there.
Created by: Jenn Gehrke