St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church January 31, 2015
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church January 31, 2015
Celebration of the Eucharist SUNDAY MASS TIMES 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil — English (Church) 7:00 am — Español (Capilla) 8:00 am — English (Church) 9:45 am — English (Church) 11:30 am — English (Church) 1:15 pm — Español (Iglesia) 5:00 pm Youth Mass — English (Church) 7:00 pm — Español (Iglesia) Weekday Masses (Misas Diarias) 6:30 am, Thursdays, English, Chapel 8:30 am, Monday- Saturday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm, Monday and Wednesday, English, Chapel 6:30 pm, Martes y Viernes, Español, Capilla; este Martes a las 7:00 p.m. en la iglesia. Exposition of the Holy Eucharist (Hora Santa) Tuesdays from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the Chapel, not this Tuesday. Fridays from 9:00 am (immediately following morning Mass) until 10:00 am in the Chapel. Reconciliation (Confesiones) Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 pm; Saturdays from 3:304:30 pm in the chapel, or by appointment. El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra los jueves de 6-7 p.m. y los sábados de 3:30-4:30 p.m., en la capilla o con previa cita. Baptism (Bautismos) Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class prior to scheduling the baptism. Please call the office for dates, times and to register. Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases prebautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo. Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario y para inscribirse. Become a Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—for those interested in learning more about the Catholic religion. For more information, call the parish office. Catecumenado de Adultos Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) para quienes desean recibir el Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera Comunión, o están interesados en aprender más acerca de la religión Católica. Por favor, llame a la oficina para mas información. Anointing of the Sick (Unción de los Enfermos) After business hours, call the emergency phone at 972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar el número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que requieren la unción de los enfermos: 972-974-5430. Matrimony (Matrimonio) Marriages require a six month preparation period. Please call the office to inquire about marriage preparation. Se programarán con un mínimo de seis meses antes del matrimonio. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 8000 El Dorado Parkway Frisco, Texas 75033 Office (972) 712-2645 Fax (972) 712-1087 General E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Rev. Paul Iverson, Parochial Vicar Rev. Lauro González, Parochial Vicar Benigno Arana, Deacon, Ext. 664 Tomas Baca, Deacon Ext. 362 Bob Bonomi, Deacon, Ext. 665 Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662 Frank Reyna, Deacon, Retired Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl 214-619-4096 January 31, 2015 January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Views from Fr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Visiones del Párroco, Pbro. Larry Pichard Deacon Frank Reyna retired December 31 after serving us faithfully for 21 years! But he didn’t want to retire because he truly loved working for us. His mind is sharp, but his 87-year old body was slowing him down. Frank had been ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Austin, served there for several years, and then came to Frisco when he was 66, when most folks retire. Not Deacon Frank. Full of energy and zeal he served us as a deacon from the time we were in the metal building at Third and Elm near old downtown Frisco until just last month. For years he helped serve as a deacon at many Masses, baptize hundreds of babies, and serve our community in a number of ways. Frank also worked in our office and maintained all sacramental records, entering into our official books all the sacraments that our parishioners received. We are going to honor him with a bilingual prayer service on Saturday, February 6, in our Chapel at 7:00 pm., followed by a reception in the Great Hall. We invite you to join us in celebrating the life of a true and humble servant of God! El Diácono Frank Reyna se retiró el 31 de diciembre después de habernos servido fielmente durante 21 años!, pero él no quería retirarse porque realmente amaba trabajar para nosotros. Su mente es ágil, pero su cuerpo de 87 años de edad no le permite trabajar como él quiere. Frank fue ordenado diácono en la Diócesis de Austin, sirvió allí durante varios años y luego llegó a Frisco cuando tenía 66 años, cuando la mayoría de la gente se jubila pero, no el Diácono Frank. Lleno de energía y entusiasmo, nos sirvió como diácono desde que estuvimos en el edificio de metal en la Calle Tercera y Elm, cerca del antiguo centro de Frisco, hasta el mes pasado. Durante años ayudó a servir como diácono en muchas Misas, bautizó cientos de bebés, y sirvió a nuestra comunidad de numerosas maneras. Frank también trabajó en nuestra oficina manteniendo todos los registros sacramentales, registrando en nuestros libros oficiales todos los sacramentos que nuestros feligreses han recibido. Vamos a honrarlo con una liturgia de la palabra bilingüe el sábado 6 de febrero en nuestra Capilla a las 7:00 pm., y continuando con una recepción en el Gran Salón. Los invitamos a celebrar con nosotros a un siervo fiel y humilde de Dios! On Tuesday, February 2, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. When Baby Jesus was 40 days old, Mary and Joseph observed the Jewish ritual of presenting a first-born boy to the Lord. The Feast was often called “Candlemas” since during his presentation, the prophet Simeon took the Baby Jesus in his arms and thanked God for this child who would be a light to the nations—hence the special focus on candles during the Mass. People have had the custom of bringing candles from their homes because as the Mass begins, the priest blesses the candles, and people enter the Church with lighted candles. Join us for Mass in English at 8:30 am or in Spanish at 7:00 pm. Note that we are delaying the regular 6:30 pm Mass in Spanish till 7:00 pm so that more people can attend. Since the Mass will take a little longer than normal, we are cancelling Exposition and Benediction that night. Lent begins the following week on February 10 with Ash Wednesday. On the eve of Ash Wednesday, we have a giant penance service with several priests available; since the Middle Ages it is called Shrove Tuesday since people will be shriven or forgiven of their sins as we prepare to enter the deeply spiritual time of Lent. Este martes, 2 de febrero, se celebra la fiesta de la Presentación del Señor. Cuando Jesús tenía 40 días de nacido, María y José siguieron el ritual Judío de la presentación del su hijo primogénito al Señor. La fiesta a menudo se le llama "la Candelaria", ya que durante su presentación, el profeta Simeón tomó al Niño Jesús en sus brazos y dio las gracias a Dios por este niño que sería la Luz para las naciones, de ahí el enfoque especial en las candelas o velas durante la Misa. La gente tiene la costumbre de llevar velas de sus hogares debido a que al comenzar la Misa, el sacerdote bendice las velas y la gente entra en la iglesia con velas encendidas. Únase a nosotros para la Misa en inglés a las 8:30 am o en la Misa de español a las 7:00 pm. Tenga en cuenta que estamos retrasando la Misa regular de las 6:30 pm en español hasta las 7:00 para que más gente pueda asistir. Debido a que la Misa tomará un poco más de tiempo de lo normal, estamos cancelando la Exposición del Santísimo esa noche. La cuaresma comienza la semana siguiente, el 10 de febrero, con el Miércoles de Ceniza. En la víspera del Miércoles de Ceniza, tenemos un servicio de penitencia con varios sacerdotes disponibles; desde la Edad Media se le llama Martes de Absolución ya que la gente obtiene la absolución o el perdón de sus pecados, mientras nos preparamos para entrar en el tiempo profundamente espiritual de la Cuaresma. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX Sunday, January 31st 7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla– † Edward Pinto (LG) 8:00 am, Mass , Church – † Bernard Chanh Dang (PI) 9:45 am, Mass , Church – † Gweny Christopher (LG) 11:30 am, Mass, Church – Pro Populo (PI) 1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – † Rafael Rendon (LP) 5:00 pm, Mass, Church – † Bobbye Hager (LG) 7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia – † Robertina Quintana (LP) MAJOR PARISH EVENT CALENDAR SUNDAY 31 DONUTS MONDAY 1 Tuesday, February 2nd Blessing of the Candles 8:30 am, Mass , Church — Arman Arismendez (LP) 7:00 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia– † Concepcion Silva (LG) Adoration CANCELLED 2 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 5 6 10 Ash Wednesday 11 12 13 17 18 February Dc. Bob’s 3rd Aniv. of his ordination Candle Masses Monday, February 1st 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Judy Bowker (LG) 6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel – † Sarah Dews (PI) TUESDAY 7 8 Blood Drive 14 DONUTS 15 9 Shrove Tuesday 16 Fish Fry Stations of the Cross 20 Fish Fry Stations of the Cross Happy Valentine’s Day! 21 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 Fish Fry Wednesday, February 3rd St. Blaise: Blessing of the Throats ADORE Stations of the Cross 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Prudencio Almagro (LP) 6:30 pm, Mass, Chapel - † Beatriz Suarez (PI) Thursday, February 4th 6:30 am, Mass, Chapel—† John Tuite (LP) 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel– † Jose Gonzalez (LG) 6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel 7:30 pm, Hora Santa, Capilla Please Pray For PLEASE PRAY FOR: Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish: Chandra Silva, Nicole Kuski, Paula Davis, Janice Kempa, Ethan Gopez. Friday, February 5th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – † Rosa Reyna (PI) 9:00 am, Adoration, Chapel until 10:00 am 6:30 pm, Misa en español, Capilla– † Roy Davidson (LP) Saturday, February 6th 8:30 am, Mass, Chapel – Souls in Purgatory (LP) 3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel 5:00 pm, Mass, Church– † Genaro & † Silveria Martinez (LG) Sunday, February 7th 7:00 am, Misa en español, Capilla (PI) 8:00 am, Mass , Church (LP) 9:45 am, Mass , Church (LG) 11:30 am, Mass, Church (LP) 1:15 pm, Misa en español, Iglesia (PI) 5:00 pm, Mass, Church (LG) 7:00 pm, Mass, Church (PI) Please pray for the recently deceased: Mary Ann Black, Manuel Serratos Casilllas, Carlos Ciullu, Mildred Hays, Lala Ledesma, Don Smith. Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. Names will be listed for four weeks. January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time LITURGIA Misa de la Presentación del Señor – Día de la Candelaria La Misa en español es a las 7:00 pm. en la Capilla de Santa Clara y en inglés a las 8:30 am. en la Iglesia. Hora Santa Los invitamos a pasar tiempo con nuestro Señor Jesús durante la Hora Santa en español el Jueves 4 de febrero a las 7:30 pm. en la Capilla de Santa Clara. Se buscan niños voluntarios para la Misa especial de niños Si quieres leer o llevar ofrendas comunícate regístrate en el ministerio Hispano o con Cris Fanous al correo electrónico [email protected]. Próximamente: Misiones de Cuaresma Reserven las fechas: Los 5 lunes de cuaresma de 7:00 pm. Estaremos bendecidos con la presencia de diferentes Sacerdotes y consagradas que hablarán de la Misericordia. ¡Más información próximamente! VOCACIONES Noche Vocacional ¿Retirado o en kínder? Ven y Encuentra Tu Vocación. Evento Familiar. Panel de invitados para niños y padres de familia. Habrá Refrigerio. Viernes 5 de Febrero del 2016. 6:30 pm. Centro Parroquial. APOYO SOCIAL Ministerio de Visita a Enfermos Si deseas ser un Ministro de Eucaristía que lleve la comunión a los enfermos o si necesitas que lleven la comunión a algún familiar que está impedido para venir a Misa, por favor comunícate con William Lanza al teléfono (214) 4713601. ESL (inglés como segunda lengua) Se necesitan maestros voluntarios para las clases de inglés que se ofrecen en la Parroquia los martes y jueves de 9:30 am. a 11:30 am. Si estás interesado por favor comunícate con Tony Sanchez al teléfono (214) 824-2000 o al correo electrónico: [email protected]. ADULTOS Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Retiro de ACTS de primavera en español para mujeres que se llevará a cabo del 21 al 24 de abril. Mayores informes con Elisa Cucco al teléfono 985-327-9262. VIDA EN COMUNIDAD Talleres de Oración y Vida Los Talleres de Oración y Vida que serán cada miércoles a partir del 20 de enero de 7:00 a 9:00pm en el salón D ó los viernes a partir del viernes 29 de enero de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón Duesman. Las inscripciones serán el domingo 31 de enero al terminar las Misas en español en el Centro Parroquial. Informes al 972-841-0092 o al correo electrónico: [email protected]. MUJER Celebremos la Recuperación ¿Estás pasando por un momento difícil en tu hogar, estresada, deprimida, muestras de cariño en casa que te faltan al respeto? Queremos escucharte. Llama al teléfono: 469-274-5641 Tu información es confidencial. O FORMACIÓN DE FE Retiro para Quinceañeras El Sábado 20 de febrero, 2016 de 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. en el Centro Parroquial. Donativo $25. Para reservar su liturgia de quinceañeras debe hacer una cita en la oficina de la parroquia con anticipación. Formación de Fe para Niños (Catecismo) 2015-2016 en español A los padres de familia les recordamos que el Taller de Seguridad para padres e hijos es el viernes 5 y sábado 6 de febrero durante el horario de clase. MINISTERIO HISPANO Página Web en español ¿Quieres saber más sobre los próximos eventos en español? Visita la página web en español para conocerlos. f January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time LITTLE FRIENDS OF ST. FRANCIS PRESCHOOL Preschool registration for the 2016 – 2017 school year opens for St. Francis parishioners on February 1st at 9:30 a.m. and closes at 2:00 p.m. February 29th. Tours will be held on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. during the month of February; no appointment is needed. Children must be at least 2 years of age on September 1, 2016 to be considered for placement in our program. Should you have questions about the program, please feel free to attend a tour or you may call the preschool office at (972) 712-1657. O MATRIMONIO Encuentro Matrimonial Invitamos a las parejas al Retiro de Parejas el fin de semana del 19 al 21 de febrero. Informes con Carlos y Carmen Gallegos al 214-355-0373. JÓVENES GRUPO JUVENIL f Si tienes entre 13 y 17 años y deseas conocer más jóvenes como tú, te invitamos al Grupo Juvenil. Se reúnen los domingos después de la Misa de 1:15 pm en el salón C/D. GRUPO VIVE ¿Eres mayor de 18 años, eres soltero y te gustaría compartir tu fe con otros jóvenes? ¡Únete al grupo de Jóvenes VIVE! Se reúnen cada domingo después de la Misa de 1:15p.m. en el salón San Damiano. « Es propio de Dios usar misericordia y especialmente en esto se manifiesta su omnipotencia ». Santo Tomás de Aquino, Summa Theologiae ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESL classes are offered here at St. Francis on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 9:30 am -11:30 am. They are in need of teachers; if you are interested please contact Tony Sanchez at: 214-824-2000 or email: [email protected]. January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Graduating Seniors: The Knights of Columbus, Ladies Auxiliary and The Women of St. Francis are offering 9 scholarships to parishioners of St Francis. Please visit the website, for the application and instructions. The website is active as of January 1, 2016. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2016. Don’t wait. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER TRAINING There will be a training session for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on Monday, February 1st from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Church. If you have ever thought about serving your Brothers and Sisters in Christ in this special way, please come and see if this ministry is for you. If you have any questions, please contact Deborah Kahrs at [email protected]. SERRANS Become a part of the Serra family! Help foster and affirm vocations to the ministerial priesthood and vowed religious life. As a Serran you can help make the difference. Call Larry Montz, 469-525-8885 or [email protected] ANNUAL TAX STATEMENTS Look for your Annual Tax Statements 2015 Contribution Statements for tax purposes were emailed the week of January 25. Please check your email (including the junk/spam folder) for the email address we have on file for your Head of Household. If you are expecting one and did not receive it, please send an updated email address for your Head of Household to [email protected]. EASTER EGG CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED We are already planning for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary and the Squire Roses. We are taking donations of individually wrapped, bite-sized, non-chocolate candies to fit inside plastic eggs. Candy donations are currently being accepted in the parish office reception area. Please contact Kathleen Smith with any questions: [email protected] January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time BLOOD DRIVE Please join us on side A of the Great Hall for a great cause. Carter Blood Center will be here at St. Francis, February 7th from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm. Each donation impacts approximately 4 lives. Please go online to: to sign up for your appointment time or email: Robin Wren at [email protected] and advise an appointment time. Remember! Walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome on the day of the drive, as well. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA A Scout is Reverent - Scout Sunday Observance February 7, 8:00 am Mass, here at St. Francis. The Boy Scouts of America annually recognizes the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting on Scout Sunday. The Scout Law says that a "Scout is Reverent" and Scouts of all ages promise to do their "Duty to God". These values strengthen a youth’s character within their family, community and faith. Scouting families are invited to attend the 8:00 AM mass on February 7. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Separation and divorce are some of the most painful and stressful experiences you will ever face. Feelings of isolation and confusion are common. Knowing that you are not alone and being with those who understand the hurt and pain you are going through helps you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. St. Francis divorce support group has sessions on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Organizational Workroom located in the Parish Center. To register contact Deacon Gregg Kahrs ([email protected]). TV MASS FOR SHUT-INS Locally, you can watch Masses on: KTXD channel 47 at 7:00 a.m. Satellite and Cable broadcasts: AT&T, Direct TV & DISH on channel 47, TimeWarner on channel 24 or 429 HD, Charter-Channel 22 or channel 746 HD Verizon-channel 18 or channel 518 HD. You can also watch Mass online at: MERCY MONDAYS DURING LENT Mark your calendars for Mercy Mondays during Lent at St. Francis! Please plan on joining us on Monday 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, and 3/14. We will have a different speaker each week on a theme relating to the Year of Mercy from 7-9pm in the Church in English and the Chapel in Spanish. More details to follow in the coming weeks! For any questions contact: Melissa Silvestro at 972-7122645, ext. 230. MERCY ALIVE IN ME A Diocesan Program: Mercy Alive in Me! How to Put Mercy into Practice…an interactive and engaging event where participants will consider: How is God’s mercy present in my life? How do I deal with conflict and difficult people? And really forgive? In this world of violence, can I be an instrument of peace and mercy? This diocesan event will be held on Saturday, February 13 from 8:30 to 2:30 at St. Paul the Apostle Parish Center (900 St. Paul Dr. in Richardson). The fee of $20 includes lunch and all participant materials. For more information or to register, go to or contact Donna Chesshir at 214-3792849 or [email protected]. January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Commissions, Councils, and Ministries Community Life Stewardship Council Ministry Liaison Noel Johnston - [email protected] Staff Liaison Tracy Brown - [email protected] Boy Scouts Jenny Morgan - [email protected] Cub Scouts Ghassan Hattar - (972) 712-1183 Empty Nesters I Mary Colston - mhcolston@grandecom,net Empty Nesters II Mark & Nancy Smith - [email protected] Empty Nesters III Suzanne and Al Brewster [email protected] Empty Nesters IV Randy & Francie Farr - [email protected] Empty Nesters V Kathleen & Mark [email protected] Girl Scouts Carol Bowman - (520) 245-4956 Hospitality /Donuts Lauren Bricker - [email protected] Knights of Columbus Andrew Smith - [email protected] K of C Squires Raul Perez - [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary Yoheli Perez - [email protected] Squire Roses Donelle Hamilton - [email protected] Softball Teams Raul Perez - [email protected] Women of St. Francis Betty Hamilton - [email protected] Faith Formation Ministry Liaison Danie Love: [email protected] Staff Liaison Niki MacDougall: [email protected] High School Youth Ministry Tammy Weber - (972) 712-2645 x358 Middle School Youth Ministry Jenny Rohde - (972) 712-2645 x244 Children’s Faith Formation Niki MacDougall - (972) 712-2645 x229 Preschool Faith Formation Kristin Klembara - [email protected] Vacation Bible School Michelle Ryan - [email protected] RCIA David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Adult and Family Ministry Liaison Michelle Ryan—[email protected] Staff Liaison David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 ACTS Michael Myers - [email protected] TEAMS Marriage Ministry Matt & Tracy DuBois - [email protected] Bible Study Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551 Book Club David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Catholic Homeschoolers Sarah Griffith - [email protected] Come Home David Utsler - (972) 712-2645 x247 Lamplight Catholic Learning [email protected] Little Friends of St. Francis Preschool Lauren Harbour - (972) 712-1657 Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Katie Tarsha - [email protected] Morning Prayer/Rosary Group Theresa Etcheverry - (972) 377-0952 Prayer Group Ron Holleman - (972) 978-7551 Salve Regina Stephanie Chilek - [email protected] St. Francis Men’s Ministry Mauricio Frye - [email protected] Young Adults Ana Rodriguez - [email protected] Living Waters Prayer Group Daniel and Rebecca Rocha 469-803-5158 Liturgy Ministry Liaison Staff Liaison Altar Guild Altar Servers Art & Environment Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Music Ministry Ushers Weddings & Annulments Funeral Meals Hearing Loss Ministry Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Anneliese Rivera - [email protected] Sue Rejmaniak - [email protected] Andrew & Kathleen Smith - [email protected] Missty Deutsch - (972) 335-7695 Deborah Kahrs - [email protected] Victoria Rychalsky - [email protected] Kevin Shelley - (972) 712-2645 x313 Brian Moen—[email protected] Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225 Jenny Bloemendaal - [email protected] Peggy Hemmer - 972-704-3875 Committee Chair Staff Liaison Financial Peace University Greeters Welcome Callers Greg Deiter - [email protected] Mark Smith - (972) 712-2645 x351 Teri Mancuso - [email protected] Robin Wren - [email protected] Karen Sarnacki - [email protected] Parish Development Building Committee Finance Council Parish Council Steve Hulsey - (972) 335-1616 Jack Pryor - [email protected] Lori Skillestead - [email protected] Outreach Ministry Liaison Staff Liaison AIDS Outreach Ministry Always Our Children Angel Tree Blood Drive Brown Bag Sunday Catholic Addiction Ministry Clothe a Child Divorce Support Grief Ministry Homebound Ministry Hospital Ministry Illness & New Baby Meals Nursing Home Ministry Prayer Chain Prison Ministry Respect Life Society of St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Baskets Melisa Manjeot –[email protected] Alma Geller - (972) 712-2645 x352 Evelyn Grimes - [email protected] Cathy Gonzalez - [email protected] Nellie Hill - [email protected] Robin Wren - [email protected] Nellie Hill - [email protected] Vincent Webb - (972) 804-2812 Christina Rodriguez - [email protected] Deacon Gregg Kahrs - (972) 712-2645 x662 Donna Schmittler - [email protected] Rheinhold Olson - (972) 822-3050 Jeff Webster - (281) 414-1426 Melanie Duhaime - (214) 636-6277 Jim and C.C. Maness - (817) 915-5856 Anneliese Rivera - [email protected] John Quincey - [email protected] Tim Filesi - [email protected] Alice Lackey - [email protected] Nellie Hill - [email protected] Parish Contacts for Non-Parish Ministries Honduras/Friends of Los Niños Geralyn Kaminsky - [email protected] Natural Family Planning Holly Baril - (469) 774-6559 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Bryan & Melissa Causey - (214) 709-4677 January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Comisiones y Ministerios Hispanic Faith Formation/Formación de Fe-español Familia y Adultos Enlace Parroquial Catecismo K-12 Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos Mariano Carro - [email protected] Recién Casados Gera y Brenda Hernández - [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Carlos y Carmen Gallegos - (214) 355-0373 Preparación Matrimonial Roberto y Maru Alexander - (214) 317-6867 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Rocendo Montes - (469) 525-1529 Ministerio de Mamá a Mamá M.O.M.S. Hilda Perez - (469) 288-3906 Montserrat Lopéz – (817) 371-4305 Programa Mujer Lety Martínez - (408)-348-9722 Guadalupanos Yolanda Herrera - (214) 232-3405 Grupo de Oración Beto Montañez - (214) 537-3436 Talleres de Oración y Vida Edith Pereyra - (972) 841-0092 ¿Por qué ser Católico? Rogelio Pacheco - (469)-441-3013 ACTS Yoli Liscano - (214)-202-5473 Rocendo Montes - (469) 525-1529 Bodas y Anulaciones Maricel Medero - (972) 712-2645 x225 Conquest Daniel Treviño - (408) 348-9721 Greysi [email protected] Massiel Walker - (214)773-6007 Rocio Olvera– (909) 319-3050 RICA: Iniciación Cristiana Adultos Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447 Quinceañeras Patty Caceres - (469) 358-7948 Grupo Juvenil, JUMP Henry Orozco - (469) 358-8728 Campamento de Verano Cris Fanous - [email protected] Hispanic Ministry / Ministerios Hispanos Comisionado Vocaciones Enlace Parroquial Héctor Rodas - (469) 237-4523 Victor y Deya Peña - [email protected] Blanca Balderas –[email protected] Liturgia Lectores Ministros de la Comunión Monaguillos Sacristanes Ujieres Coro Instrumento de tu Paz Coro Divina Providencia Coordinadores de Bodas Liturgia de Niños Juan y Lupita Barrera - (972) 754-0447 Susy Hernandez – (214) 529 3210 Abraham Pérez - (214) 912-8671 Gladys García - (972) 712-2926 Samuel Mora - (469) 888-2677 Celene Orozco - (469) 471-1089 Rubén Padilla - (972) 533-0696 Jerry & Mila Ledesma - (214) 407-0253 Yamilet Jaramillo - (972) 762-9130 Vida en Comunidad Comida Mexicana Anual & Día Cultural Yoheli Perez - [email protected] Caballeros de Colón Ricardo González - [email protected] Coro Juvenil Solados de Cristo Martha Cáceres - (469) 233-6762 Corresponsabilidad Representante Apoyo Social Acompaña Cris Rojas - (214) 908-3312 Padres de Niños Necesidades Especiales Elia Huerta - (214) 415-9410 Pro Vida Mixaida Van der Werf - (469) 571-4361 Ministerio de Enfermos William Lanzas - (214) 471-3601 Clases de Inglés (ESL) Tony Sánchez - (214) 957-3573 Adicciones Carlos Padilla - (817) 987-7466 Francisco López - (469) 396-9267 January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Finances for two weekends: General Offertory: Building Fund: Week 1/17/16 $ 48,716.00 $ 3,093.00 Trujillo, Honduras Collection: $ 2,639.15 Attendance 7,115 Week 1/24/16 $ 62,785.21 $ 6,393.75 Tornado Assistance: $ 15,332.21 Attendance 7,310 Church in Latin America: $ 3,652.06 Commissions, Councils, and Ministries Our Parish Staff David Utsler, Staff and Ministry Supervisor, Ext. 247 Tracy Brown, Financial Director, Ext. 226 Mark Smith, Development Director, Ext. 351 Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237 Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313 Melissa Silvestro, Adult & Family Life Director, Ext. 230 Greysi Bargas, Spanish Faith Formation Director, Ext. 227 Tammy Weber, High School Ministry Director, Ext. 358 Jenny Rohde, Middle School Ministry Director, Ext. 244 David Casper, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234 Candace Bermender, Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant, Ext. 246 Niki MacDougall, Children’s Ministry Director, Ext. 229 Rachel Hansen, Children’s Ministry Assistant, Ext. 232 Maricel Medero, Marriage Administrator, Ext. 225 Blanca Balderas, Hispanic Ministry Director., Ext. 245 Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228 Kate Disbrow, Bookkeeper, Ext. 360 Alma Geller, Parish Administrator, Ext. 352 Rocio Villegas, Receptionist, Ext. 221 Donnie Floyd, Facilities Director, Ext. 231 Carlos Gaona, Facility Technician, Ext. 238 Adelaida Gaona, Dayporter, Ext. 238 Anselma Maldonado, Dayporter, Ext.238 Lauren Harbour, Little Friends Preschool Director, Ext. 235
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