He is Risen…... - Catholic Charismatic Center
He is Risen…... - Catholic Charismatic Center
December 21, 2008 August 9, 2009 April 13, 2014 OCTOBER 26, 2008 September 2008 August 3, 2008 November 23,7,28, 2008 Palm Sunday of the August 22, 2010 November September 02, 2008 2008 Passion of the Lord October 5, 2008 December 7, 2008 He is Risen…... As He Said He Would.! Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 20, 2014 The Catholic Charismatic Center 1949 Cullen Blvd. Houston, Texas OFFICE, STAFF, MASS, & RECONCILIATION INFORMATION REGULARLY SCHEDULED MASS AND EVENTS MAILING ADDRESS: 1949 Cullen Blvd., Houston, Texas 77023 P.O. Box 23287, Houston, Texas 77223 Off: (713) 236-9977 Fax: (713) 236-0073 Web Page: www.cccgh.com OFFICE HOURS: Monday ..................... Closed Tuesday .................... 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Wednesday ............... 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursday ................... 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday ........................ 9:00 am to 4:00 pm PASTORAL STAFF: Rev. Mark Goring, CC, Director ................ Ext. 11 Rev. Francis Frankovich, CC, Assoc. Dir.. Ext. 14 Rev. David Bergeron, CC, Assoc. Dir. ....... Ext. 24 Director Emeritus: Rev. Richard Paulissen, M.M. [email protected] OFFICE STAFF: Alicia Driscoll, Assistant to Administrator………….....… Ext. 32 Ann Martinez, Administrative Assistant to Director…..…. Ext. 18 Joe Lopez, Security/Maintenance……………….…….… Ext. 27 Gloria Morales, Hispanic Ministry Assistant……….…... Ext. 23 José Molina, Security/Maintenance………………….… Ext. 27 Margaret Colunga, Data Management………..…...…….. Ext. 19 Mela Gutierrez, Bookstore Assistant…………………….. Ext. 20 Noris Redondo, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator…......… Ext. 23 Pat Allison, English Ministry ..............................................Ext. 16 Skip Davey, Administrator…………..………….……….…. Ext. 31 Teresa Valadez, Bookstore Manager……………… Ext. 20 MARRIAGE & ANNULMENTS PREPARATION: Deacon Michael Garcia…...…………………………………….Ext. 12 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Fr. David Bergeron…………………………………..……..…..Ext. 24 ENGLISH MINISTRY: Liaison Patricia Allison, Parish Renewal Ext. 16 HISPANIC MINISTRY: Noris Redondo, Coordinator………………………….…... Ext. 23 Gloria Morales, Assistant….………………………….…... Ext. 23 BOOKSTORE HOURS Tuesday……..10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesday….10:00 am - 2:00 pm Thursday….… 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Not open after Mass Friday……….10:00 am - 2:00 pm and 6:00-7:30 pm & after Mass Sunday………12 Noon - 2pm After Mass Readings fro the Week of April 21 – April 26, 2014 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Saints and Special Observances April 20– 26, 2014 Sunday: Easter Sunday: Resurrection of the Lord; Monday: Monday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter; Earth Day Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter; Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter Friday: Friday within the Octave of Easter; National Arbor Day Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter ♦MONDAY: Center and Offices Closed ♦TUESDAY: 12:00 Noon - English MASS / Chapel ♦WEDNESDAY: 11:00 - 11:50am Confession 12:00 Noon-Spanish Mass / Main Sanctuary Prayer teams are available after Asamblea 7:15 - 9:00 pm - Women’s Bible Studies, Room 108 ♦THURSDAY: 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel 6:45 - 7:10 pm - Rosary before Mass - Main Sanctuary 7:20 - 7:30 pm - Praise & Worship-Main Sanctuary 7:30 pm - MASS 1st Thursday of each Month before Mass Blessing of the Salt, Water and Oil. ♦ FRIDAY: 12:00 Noon - English MASS—Chapel 8:00 pm Spanish Mass ♦SATURDAY: Scheduled Events 6:00am Fishers of Men Prayer Group—Room 111 8:30am Mass for Life/Chapel ♦SUNDAY:9:00 am - 9:45 am - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30 am - 10:00 am - Liturgy of the Hours (Chapel) 10:00 am - 10:30 am - Praise & Worship Main Sanctuary 10:30 am - MASS Nigerian Mass: 2nd Sunday 1:00 pm in Main Sanctuary Fellowship upstairs in fellowship hall after Mass ♦SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the office for appointment. ♦SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Sunday……….. 9:30 am - 10:10 am Wednesday…...11:00 am - 11:50pm Thursday……... 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Friday…………..6:30 pm - 7:50 pm or by appointment To be a member of the Center you MUST attend an Orientation Meeting; register online at www.cccgh.com CCC Mass for Life Join us for The CCC Mass for Life Every Saturday 8:30 am. In the Chapel followed by a Rosary at Planned Parenthood 4600 Gulf Freeway @ I-45 Join us @6:45 pm in the Sanctuary to pray the Rosary Every Thursday Evening before Mass Prayer Intentions Jim Koonce, Elilia Zuniga, Maya Uresti, Matilda Gonzales, Benjamin Thomas, Rudy Terrazas, Deacon Gerald DuPont, Bishop-Elect Christian Riesbeck, Jesus Lopez, Ophelia Caballero, Carmen Garcia, Helen Vargas, Elijah Mondragon, Abraham Flores, Mary & Jesse Cordero, June Isassi, Leroy Rogers, Barbara Ryan, Tony Galicia, Virginia Gonzalez, Sandra Longoria, Zamora Family, Alyssa Hernandez, Rita Ochoa, Bobby Embesi, Elsie Cobb, Imani Abdullah, Isa Montes & Family, Margarito Lara, Linda McKnight, Roger & Martha Sherman, Courtney Wells, William Smeltz, In Memoriam † Alfredo de los Santos † Ricky Martinez †Georgia Vega †Gloria Galicia This week at the Center….. EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESSURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 20, 2014 “Be Merciful as Your Father is Merciful” We are not only to receive the mercy of God, but to use it by being merciful to others through our actions, our words, and our prayers; in other words, we are to practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works (Acts) of Mercy. The Lord wants us to do these works of mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no use without works. What are the Works of Mercy? Corporal Works Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Comfort the prisoners Visit the sick Bury the dead Spiritual Works Teach the ignorant Pray for the living & dead Correct sinners Counsel those in doubt Console the sorrowful Bear wrongs patiently Forgive wrongs willingly SAVE THE DATES Men’s Meeting Every Saturday 6:00 am Disciples In Growth (DIG) Every Wed. 7:00 pm MASS FOR LIFE Every Saturday 8:30 am Marriage in Christ April 26 7:30 am Faith in the Fire Retreat April 26 & 27 8:00 am DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 27 Mass 10:30 am Curso Nueva Vida 3 y 4 de Mayo 8:00 am Curso de Formacion 3 y 4 de Mayo 8:00 am May Crowning May 4 10:15 AM New Member Orientation May 6 7:00 pm Foundational Series May 6 7:30 pm Invitation Sunday May 18 10:30 am MAY 6, 2014 7:00 PM RM. 124 www.cccgh.com ENGLISH MINISTRY, YOUTH AND FORMATION NEWS Breaking Bread Homeless Ministries News From The Streets… A Mother’s Prayer By Mary Martha Primerano Great to be out again serving your people Lord! While visiting the people on Jefferson St. (who live in homes that will soon be demolished) we met a young man named Elwood (not his real name). We discovered after talking with Elwood, that he grew up in this neighborhood. After receiving clothing and a bag of groceries, Elwood sat quietly listening to the daily devotional that was read, and then asked us what church we attended. He was surprised to hear that it was the same church he had attended as a young boy with his mother—the Catholic Charismatic Center (formally known as St. Nicholas). He remembers going upstairs to attend the prayer meetings held at the old church site. When we heard this, we felt like we were talking to a lost brother-our brother in Christ. We told him we would like to invite him to Mass as our guest. He said he would like that. Luke 15 speaks of things that were lost. The lost sheep, the lost coin, and then the lost son. We are told that the 99 healthy sheep were left to go after the 1 lost sheep. Today that lost sheep would be Elwood. Imagine his mother’s heart when her son shares with her that he will be visiting The CCC. I suppose this is why God has us return to the same neighborhood. There are lots of treasures in there, diamonds in the rough if you will. Matthew 13:45: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found the pearls of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought the field where it was found. God is still in the people business. If interested in volunteering please contact: Walt Primerano 713.661.7167 or [email protected] www.cccgh.com All CCE Students Please return your filled ‘Rice Bowl’ donation boxes to your teachers And Thank You for participating! EASTER FLOWER REMEMBRANCE IN MEMORY OF….. Jorge U. Pineda Manuel Padilla Luisa Padilla Jesse Padilla Jr. Andrew Padilla Yolanda Forero Armando Forero Mark F. Jenkins Florinda Velazquez Socorro Martinez Rudy Colunga Joe Espinoza Elvira Berrigan F.T. Gillian Guadalupe Garcia Tony Ferril Jr. Rosia Ferril Tony Ferril Jose Santos Jr. Esperanza Pena Jose S. Pena Sr. Victor Garcia Alejandro Garcia Robert Garcia Alex Garcia Jesse Hinojosa The Parents and Family of Jo Nentwich Fr. Bob Bedard Phocion Park Sr. Jeanne Park Mary Lou Gamez Louis Seethaler Connie Salinetro Corinne Salinetro IN HONOR OF….. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary Elizabeth Rodriguez Norberto Mata (4/20) Evelyn Roebuck (4/20) Charles Ramírez, Jr. (4/20) Melvy Reyna (4/21) Isela Rangel (4/22) Margaret De Leon (4/22) Alexia Dehoyos (4/22) Marissa Pena (4/22) Eriani Nunez (4/22) Sylvia Rodríguez (4/23) Steven Martinez (4/23) Allan Isla (4/23) Brian Nwoha (4/24) Maria Reese (4/25) Kevin Romo (4/26) UPCOMING EVENTS, RETREATS at the CCC, AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE AND MORE Crowning of Our Lady MAY CROWNING Q o P Festival Queen of Peace Catholic Church Our Sister Parish 3011 Telephone Rd. SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014 10:15 A.M. FOYER Formation 1st Prize DISCIPLE FORMATION Presented by Fr Mark Goring Discipleship Series Summer Primer Premio 2013 Dodge Dart Fishers of Men July 1 - August 12 TUESDAYS 7:30 PM Foundations Series Spring Fall May 6 - June 17 October 7 - November 18 REGISTER ONLINE AT Www.cccgh.com Adore Worship WEDNESDAY MAY 7TH 7:00 PM SAVE THE DATE! Fr. David’s Blog is at: http//davidbergeron.libsyn.com Sunday, May 18 @ 10:30am Mass PAGINA 6 DOMINGO DE PASCUA , “DE LA RESURRECCIÓN DEL SEÑOR” COLOR BLANCO “ ÉSTE LA DE 20 DE ABRIL DEL 2014 ES EL DÍA DEL TRIUNFO DEL SEÑOR. ALELUYA” ALEGRÍA PASCUA Si queremos, no habrá un solo instante de nuestra existencia que pueda librarse de la alegría esplendorosa de Pascua. El verdadero cristiano es incapaz de vivir al margen de la alegría. Por Cristo se ha visto introducido e instalado en la alegría, entregado a la alegría. En su vida no puede ya existir el fracaso: ni el pecado, ni el sufrimiento, ni la muerte son para él obstáculos insuperables. Todo es materia prima de redención, de resurrección, ya que en el centro mismo de su pecado, de sus sufrimientos y de su muerte le espera Jesucristo vencedor. Por eso los mayores sufrimientos y las mejores alegrías pueden coexistir, íntimamente unidos en el lecho de una misma vida. Pero sentimos tantas tentaciones de resistir. Aceptar creer en la alegría es casi aceptar a renunciar a nosotros mismos, a nuestra experiencia, a nuestra desconfianza, a nuestras quejas. Y nuestra alegría es la medida de nuestro apego a Dios, a la confianza, a la esperanza, a la fe. Nuestra negativa a la dicha es nuestra negativa a Dios. Dios ocupa en nuestras vidas el mismo lugar que la alegría. Los padres de la Iglesia decían que no hay más que un solo medio para curar la tristeza: dejar de amarla. Creer en Dios es creer que Él es capaz de hacernos felices, de darnos a conocer una vida que deseamos prolongar por toda la eternidad. Porque, para muchos de nosotros, la cuestión difícil no está en saber si tienen fe en la resurrección, sino en saber si sienten ganas de resucitar, no en esta pequeña vida nuestra, egoísta, dolorosa y ciega. Si esto hiciera, el prolongar indefinidamente esa vida, sería más un castigo que una recompensa. Por eso, la fe en la resurrección no puede brotar más que de un amor verdadero. Cristo nos ha dado a conocer ese amor que no pasa: “La fe y la esperanza pasarán, pero la caridad vive para siempre”. Nuestra fe, nuestra esperanza de resucitar para nosotros y para los demás, depende estrechamente de nuestra capacidad de resurrección, están a la medida de nuestra fuerza de amar. Para que podamos experimentar una vida de amor y de fe, tenemos que morir a nuestras faltas, a nuestras tristezas y a nuestros resentimientos. • No existe Pascua para nosotros, si no aceptamos morir en esa zona de nuestra propia alma en la que estamos demasiado vivos: en nuestras agitaciones, nuestros temores, nuestros intereses, nuestro egoísmo. Y si no aceptamos resucitar en esa zona en la que estamos demasiado muertos: resucitar a la paz, a la fe, a la esperanza, al amor y la alegría. • No existe Pascua sin una buena confesión: un morir a nosotros mismos, a nuestros caprichos que son nuestros pecados, para resucitar a la voluntad de Cristo, que es amor, esperanza, renovación, cariño. • No existe Pascua sin una comunión pascual: un salir de nuestras costumbres, de nuestro pan y nuestra vida, para saborear otro pan, otra vida, un pan de la sinceridad, de entrega a los demás, una vida de amor, de fe y de alegría. Eso es la fiesta de Pascua: un cambio de vida, un pasar de esta vida nuestra a otra admirable, maravillosa, que será nuestra vida para siempre, en la casa del Padre celestial. Meditemos un momento en silencio. ¡Qué así sea! En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. P a dr e N ic o lá s S ch w i z e r Instituto de los Padres de Schoenstatt LA PALABRA EN TU VIDA A la luz de la solemnidad más grande de la iglesia y todo el universo, hoy debemos estar más serenos y felices, “por qué si hemos muerto con Cristo, creemos que también viviremos con Él” (Rom. 6, 8). ¡CRISTO VIVE! ¡CRISTO ESTÁ CON NOSOTROS! ¡CRISTO NOS DA VIDA NUEVA! ¡VIVA CRISTO REY! PAGINA 7 20 DE ABRIL DEL 2014 ACTIVIDADES Y EVENTOS DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA ACTIVIDADES DE LA SEMANA Martes: - Ensayo de Ministerio de Música, 7pm-9:30pm - “Nuevo Amanecer” Apoyo para Adictos 7pm-9:30pm - “Ven y Sígueme” Padre Francis 7pm-9:30pm - “Sesiones de Al– Anon” 9am-11am Miércoles: - Rosario, Asamblea y Eucaristía 12pm, 9:30am-1:30pm. - Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos “Agua Viva” 7pm-9:30pm Miércoles (Primero de mes): - Exposición del Santísimo y - Bendición de sacramentales e imágenes. Jueves: - Curso de Formación, 7pm-9:30pm - Crecimiento I y II, 7pm-9:30pm - Formación para toda la Familia, 7pm-9:30pm Viernes: - Sesiones de Al– Anon 9am-11am - Asamblea y Formación para Niños 6 a 12 años, 7pm-9:30pm - Rosario, Asamblea y Eucaristía 8pm, 6:30pm-9:30pm Viernes (Primero del mes): - Exposición del Santísimo Viernes (Segundo del mes): -Bendición de sacramentales e imágenes.
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[email protected]
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