Annual Report - Grandview Credit Union
Annual Report - Grandview Credit Union
ANNUAL 2016 GENERALMEETI NG APRI L26, 2016 @7: 00PM LOCATI ON:465Bur r owsSt r eet , Gr andv i ewKi ns menCommuni t yCent r e GUESTSPEAKER:Gar t hMannes s CEO ofCr edi tUni onCent r alofMani t oba QUESTI ONS Cal lGVCU ( 204)5465200 i nf o 74 th Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 26 th , 2016 MEETING AGENDA 1. President’s Welcome 2. Introduction of Guests 3. Guest Speaker-Garth Manness 4. Call Meeting to Order 5. Minute of Silence in remembrance of deceased members 6. Proof of Due calling of meeting 7. Report of Register – Motion to Approve Quorum 8. Motion to Approve Agenda 9. Approval of the Minutes of April 21, 2015 AGM 10. Business Arising from the Minutes 11. Introduction of Board Members 12. Board of Director’s Report 13. Introduction of Staff 14. General Manager’s Report – Audited Financial Statements 2015 15. Appointment of Auditors for 2016 16. Nominating Committee Chair 17. Q & A Period 18. Presentation of Donations 19. Door Prizes Page 2 20. Adjournment GRANDVIEW CREDIT UNION LIMITED 74th Annual General Meeting Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Grandview Kinsmen Community Centre Business Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Present: Ron Myers, President Roger Palmer, Vice President Ray Brasch, Director Jennifer Bettany, Secretary Tannis Pulock, Director Ray Gashyna, Director Lindsey Morran, Director 1. President’s Welcome: President Ron Myers welcomed everyone and introduced the guests. 2. Introduction of Guests:Ron Hedley, President & CEO of Catalyst CU Richard Dereniwki, Chairman of the Board of Catalyst CU Mike Cversko, Director of Catalyst CU Edwin Myers, Vice President of the Board of Catalyst CU Mitch Michaluk, Director of Catalyst CU Armin Glass, CEO of Prairie Mountain CU Robert Killam, Director of Prairie Mountain CU Ian Gerrard, CEO of Vanguard CU Paul Orsak, Director of Vanguard CU Mick Rauluk, Treasury Risk and Compliance Rob Giesbrecht, Corporate Counsel, Pitblado Law Clarissa Parr, MNP Ray Braun, Chief Risk Officer, Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba Doug Shumilak, Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba Garth Maness, CEO of Credit Union Central of Manitoba 3. Introduction of Guest Speaker: Ron Myers introduced Garth Maness as the guest speaker. Garth gave a presentation on the state of Credit Unions in Manitoba. 4. Call of the Meeting to Order: Ron Myers called the meeting to order. 5. A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of deceased members. A-16. Edwin Myers/Ryan Balak moved Rob Giesbrecht as the Chair of the meeting. 6. Proof of Due Calling of Meeting: The AGM was advertised for 3 weeks in the Grandview Exponent, April 12, 17 and 19, Facebook, the Grandview Credit Union webpage as well as posters in branch as per Bylaw 5:06. 7. Report of the Register-Motion to Approve Quorum: There are 125 members present and 16 non-members which represents a quorum. As per the CU Act there is one vote per member and only members may speak. When someone makes a motion please state your name for the secretary to record. A2 -16: Motion to adopt the rules of order: Ron Myers/Roger Palmer. 8. A3-16: Motion to Approve the Agenda as Circulated: Allan Yuill/Wayne Manweiler. 9. A4-16: Approval of the Minutes of the AGM as circulated from April 21, 2015: Flo Branconnier/Lyle Morran. 10. Any Business Arising from the Minutes: none. 11. Introduction of Board Members: Ron Myers, President, 16 years Roger Palmer, Vice President, 4 years Ray Brasch, Director, Audit and Nominating Committees, 15 years Ray Gashyna, Director, Audit Chair, 3 years Jennifer Bettany, Secretary, 3 years Lindsey Morran, Director, Audit Committee, 2 years Tannis Pulock, Director, Nominating Committee, 1 year 12. Board of Directors Report given by Ron Myers, who also touched on recent staffing concerns at the Credit Union. 13. Introduction of Staff: Dale Scott introduced the GVCU staff. 14. Interim GM’s Report: Dale Scott presented the audited financial statements. 15. Audit Chair Ray Gashyna moved the appointment of the auditors for 2016 to be MNP. A5-16: Ray Gashyna/Beverly Brinkman. 16. Nominating Committee: The report from the nominating committee was presented, and a motion was made for ratification of the Directors whose terms have expired but have allowed their names to stand for election again, Jennifer Bettany and Ray Gashyna by acclamation. A6-16: Allan Yuill/David Stronciski 17. Question and Answer Period: A number of questions were asked by the membership about the current staffing situations, safety of their money, and security code changing from alphanumerical to just numeric. These were answered by either the President, Interim General Manager and/or Legal Counsel and due to privacy laws, were limited. 18. Presentation of Donations: Lindsey Morran handed out donations which were accepted on behalf of the Grandview Kinsmen Club, GV-GP Ag Society, Watson Crossley Community Museum, Grandview Recreation Commission and Tiny Treasures Daycare. 19. Awarding of Door Prizes: Lyle Morran, Danny McDonald, Steve Ganczar, Grenville Grasby, and Anne Manweiler. 20. Adjournment: A7-16: Dave VanderMeer. Refreshments were served. Board Report 2015 has been a very interesting Year for the Grandview Credit Union. The current economy of low oil prices, continued low interest rates and the low Canadian Dollar are all factors affecting the growth in the Credit Union System. The GVCU had a modest growth in assets of 1.7% to $68,791,772 and a net income of $373,591 or .54% of assets before patronage and taxes, GVCU’s equity remains strong at 8.277%. Our Risk Rated Capital is at 14.6% which exceeds basil 3 compliance requirements of 8%. In combination, this gave the Board the opportunity to declare another $25,000.00 dividend payout on surplus shares to the members. Our focus is on member services, compliance, technology and community involvement. The Grandview Credit Union is striving to provide excellent “one on one” service and is continuing to invest in technology to provide members with convenient and secure remote services. In 2015 remote deposit was added to our services, and was a very successful product. There were 782 member deposits totalling of 2.4 million since May 2015 using our mobile app via smart phones. The Grandview Credit Union and staff were very involved in community events, with many volunteer hours and donations of over $20,000. Some of the major ones were GV Minor Ball, Gateways, Grandview Homecoming, Grandview Thunder, and our very own Comets. As a small Credit Union we still face many challenges, the low interest rate and intense competition has resulted in very narrow margins. The cost of regulatory requirements and operational compliance is increasing. Being a small rural community, we are also faced with the challenge of a small labour pool of individuals with financial experience. The GVCU has maintained its independence but is collaborating with neighboring Credit Unions. In the future the trend will be of more collaborations to increase efficiencies. I would like to thank you the members for your support. I would also like to thank my fellow board members, management, and staff for their hard work and contributing to another successful year. On Behalf of the Board, Ron Myers President Monetary Donation Highlights of 2015 This list contains some of the organizations/events that received monetary & merchandise donations from Grandview Credit Union. LIONS Ride for Sight GV Women’s Bonspiel TA Burrows Reenactment Shiners’ Club GV Men’s Bonspiel Canadian Cancer Society Grandview Personal Care Home 1st Scouts Canada Grandview Minor Ball Safe Grad Committee GP/GV Ag Society MS Society Ag Outlook Relay for Life 4-H Club Grandview School Grad Volunteer Award Camp Wannakumbac Gilbert Plains Country Club GV Gateways Activity Centre Parkland Rangers Intermountain Snowmobile Club Grandview Comets Grand Plains Minor Hockey Grandview Christmas Hampers GVCU Jackpot Series Veselka Dancers Parent Advisory Council Dauphin Men’s Curling Club Masters Curling Bonspiel PARC Eco Development Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Crib Tourn Grandview Kinsmen Curling Bonspiel Major Donations for 2015 Parkland Thunder Grandview Community Foundation Grandview Gateways Grandview Minor Ball Grandview Jackpot Series Grandview Homecoming GRANDVIEW CREDIT UNION LIMITED RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING SPECIAL MEETING The following general rules shall take precedence but where these rules may not cover a point being debated, Wainberg's Society Rules shall govern. (a) Questions on reports shall be dealt with under “Other Business”. (b) Motions must be properly moved and seconded before being discussed. (c) Only two amendments will be permitted on any motion – an amendment to the original motion and one amendment to the amendment. Amendments that fundamentally alter the subject matter of a motion shall be disallowed. (d) Only members may move or second a motion. (e) Visitors may speak but only after being granted permission by the Chairperson. (f) Those granted the floor may speak only once to a motion, except the mover who will be allowed to close the debate. (g) No person may speak more than three minutes at a time without permission from the floor. (h) After the question has been called on a motion the Chairperson may, on the advice of the members, delay the vote for a period of one and one-half minutes before the vote is taken. (i) On all votes, the Chairperson shall call for a vote by show of hands unless a member requests that the vote be taken by ballot. A request for a ballot may be made before or after the vote by show of hands is taken. At any meeting, unless a vote by ballot is demanded or required, a declaration by the Chairperson that a motion has been passed unanimously or by a particular majority or defeated or not passed by a particular majority shall be conclusive evidence of that fact. The Board of Directors 1843888\1 GRANDVIEW CREDIT UNION LIMITED SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2015 Please note that the Financial Statements are in a SUMMARY format. Please feel free to request a full set of financial statements at the Annual General Meeting or at the branch by calling 204.546.5200 or emailing [email protected].