Galerie ue12-parterre - archiv-2015.ue12


Galerie ue12-parterre - archiv-2015.ue12
Galerie ue12-parterre
Ausstellung 21.02. bis 01.05.2015
IDUR ECKLE - idur-photographie
copyright © idur-photographie
hyphae cap
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
"Hey fungus," I say, "get it over with quick.
Insert your hyphae, suck my sap like a wick."
"Well, no!" fungus say, "at least not today.
You're tasting kind of sweet, so I think I will delay"
"Your final demise, cuz it seems unwise
To let a good thing go, when I can easily grow"
"My hyphae underground; it's there can be found
All the water we'll need — so let it be agreed"
"We'll do the symbiosis dance and we'll each take a chance
That working as a team will fulfill both our dreams."
[Connie Barlow]
copyright © idur-photographie
lebe deinen traum
Mia Mane, Rheine, Wohnung (2013)
Leb deinen Traum, denn er wird wahr
Geh deinen Weg, stelle dich der Gefahr
Alles was wichtig ist
Wirst du erkennen, wenn die Zeit gekommen ist
Ja, greif nach den Sternen, du bist bereit
Glaub an dich, bald ist es so weit
Wir werden bei dir sein
Sei bereit!
copyright © idur-photographie
Der Kotau
Lilli79, Gelsenkirchen, Dachboden (2013)
The more I gave
The more you took
You pushed me down
But I'll come back
I won't get down
I won't get down
copyright © idur-photographie
Die Vogelhändlerin
Mia Mane, Rheine, Wohnung (2014)
Schaut's Euch meine Vögel an.
Lässt sich was verdienen d'ran,
Grüne, gelbe, grosse, kleine,
Aber lauter superfeine.
Die hab'n mehr studiert als Ihr Die Dressur hab'ns ja von mir.
Ich geb's her, alle miteinander,
Wie's da sind,
Weiberl oder Manderl,
Nur gut zahl'n!
[Carl Zeller]
copyright © idur-photographie
Black Swan
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
Just like the Churchyard shadow, creeping after me
It's only there to terrify my mind, Black Swan keeps haunting me
Just like the Churchyard shadow, there's nothing left to see
It's only there to terrify my mind, Black Swan keeps haunting me
Just like the Churchyard shadow, creeping after me
There's nothing left to see, there's nothing left of me
copyright © idur-photographie
You don't know what's going on
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
You don't know what's going on
Can't make the world go 'round
Here today, tomorrow your gone
You don't know what's going on
When the holy cow's milking
And the greenbacks are rolling
You are the king and queen pin
But when the greenbacks turn brown
And you fall down
Whatcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
Come go with me
Come take my hand
I'm going home
Come go with me
You can't change the night into day
You can't take the milk from the milky way
You can't take the sun from the sky
And you can't put the light in Ray Charles eye
copyright © idur-photographie
Sleeping Sun
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
Sleeping Sun - The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my nights
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
copyright © idur-photographie
Julia S., Bochum, Halde Lothringen (2013)
Kennst du noch den Ort, wo ich auf dich gewartet hab?
Seite an Seite mit den andern Steinen lag ich da
Ich war kalt, ohne Heimat und alleine
Bevor du kamst war ich nur einer dieser Steine
Ich war so staubbedeckt, bevor du mich gefunden hast
Hast mich in Gang gesetzt, mir endlich neuen Schwung gebracht
Ich war kalt, war versteinert und alleine
Bevor du kamst war ich nur einer dieser Steine
[Sido feat. Mark Forster]
copyright © idur-photographie
dwelled on thoughts
Nataly, Dortmund, Studio (2013)
Dwell in the midst of us
Come and dwell in this place
Dwell in the midst of us
Come and have Your way
Dwell in the midst of us
Wipe all the tears from our faces
Dwell in the midst of us
You can have Your way
Not our will, but Yours be done
Come and change us
Not our will, but Yours be done
Come sustain us
copyright © idur-photographie
the worship
Nataly, Dortmund, Studio (2013)
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
opened my eyes let me see
beauty that made this heart adore You
hope of a life spent with you
so here i am to worship
here i am to bow down
here i am to say that You’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
altogether worthy
altogether wonderful to me
[The O.C. Supertones]
copyright © idur-photographie
Das Handtäschchen
Betty B., Dortmund, Studio (2013)
Was gibt es in Divines Handtasche? …
Haarspray, Polyester
Silicon, ein Telefon
Eine Packung Zigaretten
Allerhand bunte Tabletten
Ein rutschfester Lippenstift
Eine dumme Zeitschrift
Ein altes Sandwich
Gerettet vom Küchentisch
Warum nicht? Warum nicht?
Denn sie ist göttlich
Warum nicht? Warum nicht?
[Stereo Total]
copyright © idur-photographie
nude from behind 1'
Charleen13, Wuppertal, Studio (2014)
Every morning I watch her from behind
But she don't know
I pretend I'm sleep
But I don't miss a show
[Bruno Mars]
copyright © idur-photographie
Is love like art
Charleen13, Wuppertal, Studio (2014)
something always ahead, never quite attained
[Edward Weston]
copyright © idur-photographie
Julia S., Neuenrade, Winterlit (2014)
Sage mir, Alwis, da alle Wesen,
kluger Zwerg, du erkennst,
Wie heißt die Sonne, die den Geschlechtern leuchtet,
in den Welten allen?
[Die Edda]
copyright © idur-photographie
Julia S., Gelsenkirchen, Kutschenwerkstatt (2014)
Now I see those mounts of fear
Feel the weight of nonsense killing simplicity
I can touch this wind of night
That erases our light and makes us paranoiac
But my legs are now so tired
Climbing all alone, all space, and all the time
So I fix my attention now
On this perfect planet revolving around this star
And the sun, it seems so close
I can touch the heat of presence and I know...
I can see this monster light
That embraces those notions : space and time
copyright © idur-photographie
Don't be afraid of the dark
Julia S., Gelsenkirchen, Kutschenwerkstatt (2014)
Don't be afraid of the dark - It might be scary
Til your eyes adjust
Don't fear the shadows
Me you can trust
I'm at my best
In a pitch black room
Hold on tight baby
You'll feel the power soon
[Robert Cray]
copyright © idur-photographie
Where do the gods go
Cheenoah, Gelsenkirchen, Dachboden (2014)
I feel you walking through my mind
I feel you stalking from behind
I sense your presence anytime and everywhere
Where do the gods go when we're godless
Tell me where do they go
Where do the lost souls fly when will we die
Say where do we go
copyright © idur-photographie
Dunkelschön, Gelsenkirchen, Dachboden (2014)
The memories are drawing me.
I must confess, Lord I've been blessed
But yet my soul's not satisfied.
Renew my faith, restore my joy
And dry my weaping eyes.
[Andrae Crouch]
copyright © idur-photographie
Die Maske
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
Als ich anfing zu rappen wollt ich ne Maske haben
Es geht nicht ums Aussehen ich habe was zu sagen
Also hat Specter mir die Maske gemacht
Er sagte mach einfach was sie dir sagt, dann hast du die Macht
Ich sagte ja ganz bestimmt, Leader, yeah
Meister Yoda gib die bunten Pillen lieber wieder her
Doch sobald die Maske in mei'm Gesicht war
Hörte ich ne Stimme aber um mich rum war nichts da
Sie sagte: "Hör auf mich, folge mir, dann bist du wer
Mit mir an deiner Seite ist das Leben nicht so schwer
copyright © idur-photographie
out of the dark
Mia Mane, Rheine, Wohnung (2014)
Out of the dark - Hörst Du die Stimme, die dir sagt
Into the light - I give up and close my eyes
Out of the dark - Hörst Du die Stimme, die dir sagt
Into the light - I give up and you waste your tears to the night
copyright © idur-photographie
Saphyra-Da-Myra, Rheine, Wohnung (2013)
copyright © idur-photographie
the logger
V-Sechs, Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
I see you are a logger,
And not just a common bum,
'Cause no one but a logger
Stirs coffee with his thumb.
copyright © idur-photographie
dirty empty bottle
Julia S., Wuppertal, Studio (2014)
When I die before you
You just know that I'm not fun
I just live with my pain
I just scream my fuckin dream
I'm too sad, every day
People ask me: why are you tired?
I wont speak to my love
I wont speak my love to it all
I never ask help to everyone
I just scream my pain
You see that I die everyday
But I can't cry
I can't sleep in the night
But I can't cry
I can't sleep in the night
[Acid Brains]
copyright © idur-photographie
la diva
Nataly, Dortmund, Studio (2013)
La nuit quand je m'eveille dans mon desert de gloire
Je songe tres souvent a la diva en moi
Celle qu'on adorait et qui se detestait
La femme dont la voix resonne a tout jamais
[Celine Dion]
copyright © idur-photographie
There is hope
V-Sechs, Gelsenkirchen, Treppenhaus (2014)
There is hope when you have messages
On your answermachine.
There is hope when you hear a knock on
Your door at night
And you're not expecting anyone.
Hope when the plane
You're in is going up instead of down.
Hope when you fall
From a cliff and wake up and it was
Just a dream.
So don't let the bastards bring you down!
There is hope
[First Floor Power]
copyright © idur-photographie
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut
Nikita-Danielle, Wuppertal, Studio (2013)
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut.
Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]
copyright © idur-photographie