Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin 5200 Greenridge Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust “We are a Roman Catholic community of involved individuals and families who, through the spirit of tithing, dedicate ourselves to growing in faith and sharing Christ with others.” Today is Sunday, March 8, 2015 Fr. John R. Haney, Administrator Fr. Michael S. Suslowicz, Parochial Vicar Rectory: 412-881-8115 Fax: 412-440-0160 [email protected] Baptisms: Call Rectory to schedule Confessions: Saturday: 12 N to 1 pm and as requested after weekday Masses Barbara Sawyer, School Principal 412-882-3353 (O) Suzan Slezak, Preschool Director 412-881-8358 (H) 412-230-7572 (C) Carol Vater, CCD Program Coordinator 412-881-7950 (O) 412-882-6561 (H) Carol Froehlich, Music Director 412-650-7390 (H) THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT With Daylight Savings Time upon us, can Spring and Summer be far behind? Just a thought. However, as we continue our season of Lent, some words of wisdom from the Holy Father, “In this season of Lent, as we prepare to celebrate the event of the Cross and Resurrection – in which the love of God redeemed the world and shone its light upon history – I express my wish that all of you may spend this precious time rekindling your faith in Jesus Christ, so as to enter with him into the dynamic of love for the Father and for every brother and sister that we encounter in our lives.” Today is Girl Scout Sunday and we congratulate 16 girls from the 3rd Grade Brownie Troop 58122 who will receive the Family of God Medal today at the Noon Mass. This program helped them learn about God’s special love for them, their family, their parish and just how special and loved they are. Congratulations to: Carly Birks, Theresa Callaghan, Karolyn Day, Ariana Fox, Emily Fruscello, Chloe Kerestesi, Abigail Lease, Katie Lucarelli, Karrigan Mangan, Emily McCandless, Alexa Meyer, Mallory Mezeivtch, Haley Nieman, Alexandra Santelli, Ava Storms and Emmy Zandier. On Monday evening, Dr. William Switala will continue his lectures in the parish hall at 6:30 and his topic will be “Social Justice.” C.C.D. Classes for Grades one to six in the school at 6:30. The St. Monica Prayer Group will meet in Church at 7:00, and the R.C.I.A. will meet in the Rectory at 8:00 pm. Our highly successful ChristLife Program will meet at 6:30 in the parish hall on Tuesday. The weekly Parish Bingo on Thursday in the parish hall at 7:00. The good food they serve makes it worthwhile to come, as well as the friends you share your time with. (continued) NOTES FROM FR. HANEY (continued) On Friday, the Stations of the Cross will be meditated at 1:45 and 7:30. Also on Friday, our World Famous Fish Fry will be in the parish hall from 4:00 until 7:00. Don’t miss out on all of the delicious food and different types of fish that are served. You can place your take out order by calling 412-881-0495. On Saturday morning, the Legion of Mary Evangelization Group will meet in the Rectory at 9:45. This undertaking continues to grow under the leadership of Linda Nevins. The second collection next weekend will be for the Campaign for Human Development. Please be generous. Also next Sunday, March 15, our Youth Group will meet in the parish hall from 1:00 to 3:00. Also, the Men’s Club will hold their monthly meeting at 7:00 in the parish hall. Dr. William Switala will be speaking on “The Profile of an Ideal Catholic Man.” St. Gabriel Food Club Certificate Program continues to be a source of income for the parish budget. Although sales have dropped off significantly, we ask that you try this program when shopping or dining at these businesses: Atria’s Restaurant, Bruegger’s, Eat ‘n Park, Giant Eagle, Kohl’s, McGinnis Sisters, Mitchell’s Fish Market Restaurant, Olive Garden/Red Lobster Restaurants & Shop ‘N Save. Finally...When we are wrong, make us easy to change. When we are right, make us easy to live with! ******** In charity, please remember all members, relatives, friends and benefactors of our parish and community, with special consideration for the sick, homebound and distressed members. Pray for the repose of Ora Louise Ryan, Mother of William Ryan, who died during the course of this past week. Pray also for Ruth “Alicia” McCabe, Mother of Sebilla Czapko, whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Monday morning at 10:00. Adult Lecture Series for 2015 Topic: The Catechism of the Catholic Church Presenter: William J. Switala, Ph.D. Dr. Switala’s Spring Lecture Series began last week. All of the presentations take place in the parish hall on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 pm. Remaining dates and topics are: March 9 Social Justice March 16 Ten Commandments, Part 1 March 30 Christian Prayer, Part 1 March 23 Ten Commandments, Part 2 April 13 Christian Prayer, Part 2 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, March 9th at 10:00 am in the Rectory. Contact either Elaine Averbeck (412-881-0311) or Joanne Chesnos (412-885- 8482) for more information. (check it out!) RESPECT LIFE NEWS Pope Benedict XVI on Life...”In light of my recent Encyclical Letter on Christian love, I would like to underline the importance of the service of love for the support and promotion of human life. In this regard, even before active initiatives, it is fundamental to foster a correct attitude towards the other: the culture of life is in fact based on attention to others without any form of exclusion or discrimination. Every human life, as such, deserves and demands always to be defended and promoted.” ...Address on February 5, 2006 ******** REBORN IN CHRIST Two children received the Sacrament of Baptism here last week and are now privileged to share in the Divine Life of Christ: Camille Elizabeth McWilliams, Daughter of Gregory and Jennifer McWilliams Brynlee Grace Rivera, Daughter of Reginald and Colleen Rivera ******** SENIOR CITIZENS All Senior Citizens are invited to attend Holy Mass at 12:30 pm on Tuesday, March 24th – a luncheon and social will follow in the parish hall. Reservations ($3) are a must – call Lois Sperl at 412-881-5935 for more information or reservations. Please do not park in the fire lane! CHILDREN’S CHOIR NEWS! If you are in 2nd through 8th Grades, you are invited to join the St. Gabriel Children’s Choir. The choir will be singing at the 12:00 Noon Mass on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals will take place in the Church on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 6:30 pm. If you have any questions, please call Carol Froehlich at 412-650-7390. Hope to see you there! Wednesday, March 11 Rehearsal Easter Sunday, April 5 Sing at 12 Noon Mass Wednesday, March 18 Rehearsal ADULT CHOIR SCHEDULE Wed., March 11- Rehearsal, 7:30 pm Wed., March 18- Rehearsal, 7:30 pm Wed., March 25- NO REHEARSAL MAKE GOING TO CONFESSION PART OF YOUR LENTEN PRACTICES... “The Light Is Still On For You!” Haven’t been to Confession in a while? Interested, but worried you don’t remember how to make a good Confession? No problem. Visit Read “A Short Guide to Confession.” Stop by any Catholic Church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh on Wednesday, March 18th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You’ll feel great! We acknowledge, with sincere gratitude, the following donations: To Our Awareness Fund: $200 in memory of Wilha Jean Fallon from The Community Bank of Raymore $100 in thanksgiving from Nicole and James Hays, Jr. $ 50 in honor of the Baptism of Camille Elizabeth McWilliams from Parents $ 25 in honor of the Baptism of Brynlee Grace Rivera from Parents To Our Flower Fund: $ 5 in loving memory of Elizabeth Reinsel from Daughter, Joan Henning To St. Gabriel School: $ 50 in memory of Ronald Knoll from Donna and Nick Sirianni $ 25 in memory of Robert Vietmeier from Renee and Dave Stockey $ 10 in memory of Ronald E. Knoll from Bernadette A. Kernen (Lease) To St. Gabriel Parish Share: $ 20 in memory of Ronald E. Knoll from Andrew, Abigail, Allison and Anthony Lease ******** ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY MARCH FOOD COLLECTION The St. Vincent de Paul will be working with our Cub Scouts in combining their Annual Food Collection with our Parish-wide Easter Collection. Next weekend, March 14th & 15th the Scouts and St. Vincent de Paul Society members will be handing out bags for you to fill; they will collect your non-perishable food items, paper products, cleaning supplies, etc., on the weekend of March 21st & 22nd. This collection is always a great success and will help us when distributing food to our clients for Easter. We will also be able to restock our pantry. Thank you in advance for your kindness. ******** LENTEN RICE BOWL COLLECTIONS As part of our Lenten preparation, Catholic Relief Services sponsors the Rice Bowl. Small cardboard boxes are available for your almsgiving this Lent. Parishioners have generously contributed to this effort during our Fish Frys. This year CRS Rice Bowl is focusing on the needy in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, Democratic Republic of Congo and, closer to home, the Diocese of Albany. Individuals in the overseas countries have been shown to increase their harvests, fight diseases attacking their plants, build schools and playgrounds in refugee camps, and even assist students funding to maintain vegetable gardens to feed the poor here in the United States. The CRS Rice Bowl can be found at the Fish Fry pay and take-out tables in the parish hall during Lent. Since the cardboard containers can be easily overlooked, I am informing parishioners of this almsgiving opportunity. Thank you, Marietta D’Alessandro, CRS Rice Bowl Coordination ******** SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendar for St. Gabriel’s Vacation Bible School! We will begin with a Family Picnic on Sunday, July 26th after the Noon Mass. The week will conclude on Sunday, August 2nd with a Cookie Social and a chance to watch your kids perform the songs they learned during the week. If you would like more information, email Ria Fruscello or Heather Hampton at [email protected]. MASS INTENTIONS March 9 to March 15, 2015 MONDAY – FEAST OF ST. FRANCES OF ROME 7:30 am Russell Duffy, Sr. 11:30 am Ed Kelly (4th Anniversary) (req. Ed and Bonnie Mangan) (req. Daughter, Kathy) TUESDAY – LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30 am Catherine Nedzesky 8:45 am Giacinto Pollice 11:30 am Shirley Miller (req. Lori Robertson) (req. Martha) (req. The Milan Family) WEDNESDAY 7:30 am 11:30 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm LENTEN WEEKDAY James H. Neice (req. The Kublack Family) Paul McGrath (req. Pat and Donna Barnett) Rosary and Miraculous Medal Novena Devotions Victor and Cecelia Decker (req. Keith and Joann Holzer) THURSDAY – LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30 am Regis Zern 8:45 am Jean Lucidi 11:30 am Warren Lester FRIDAY – LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30 am Gladys Homer 11:30 am Marge Gillespie 1:45 pm Stations of the Cross 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross (req. Larry and Vicki Wallace & Family) (req. Tony and Ellen Vetere) (req. Jim and Mary Lou Owens) (req. Ken and Mary Kay Tomasits) (req. Mary and Bruce Freeman) SATURDAY – LENTEN WEEKDAY 9:00 am Linda Killmeyer 11:30 am Paul A. Wick (Birthday) 6:00 pm Jim Budd (Birthday) (req. Bob, Terry and Ryan Rusnak) (req. Jane Wick) (req. Kathleen Stabryla) SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 8:00 am Leo Averbeck 10:00 am Bob and Jim Shanahan 12:00 Noon Bruno Pajak Anniversary) 4:30 pm Marge Gillespie (req. St. Gabriel Rectory Staff) (req. Family) (req. Tony and Marianne Giarnella & Family) (req. Jim and Family) BINGO The next St. Gabriel All-Paper Bingo will be held Thursday, March 12, 2015 in the parish hall. Bulls-eye game begins at 7:00 pm. For information, visit Menu: Hamburger or Cheeseburger * Chips * Dessert * Beverage ******** ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE – March 9 to March 15, 2015 Monday, March 9 7:30 am Grace Vavro and Elena Zandier 11:30 am Eric Chalus and Lexi Dadig Tuesday, March 10 7:30 am Jada Bachner and Catey Bartko 8:45 am Haylee Rapali and Ryan Bigley 11:30 am Michael Bigley and Erin Fader Wednesday, March 11 7:30 am Nico DelGatti and Kate Riley 11:30 am Andrew Degenhardt and James Dulya Thursday, March 12 7:30 am Connor Davis and Daniel Goldbach 8:45 am Louisa Tiriobo and Alexa Trimbur 11:30 am Erin Hampton and Abby Joyce Friday, March 13 7:30 am Reno Butelli and Bella Boehm 11:30 am Emma Walsh and Alex Yanity 1:45 pm Adam Feth and Mia Hampsay Saturday, March 14 9:00 am Colton and Christian Barr 11:30 am Alison and Dennis Shapiro 6:00 pm Alex Butelli, Amanda and Maria Bruni Sunday, March 15 8:00 am Nolan Abbiatici, Danielle Dadig and Tiffany Kells 10:00 am Sara Chesnos, Andrew Lease and Rebecca Roth 12:00 Noon Justin Coulehan, Andrew Degenhardt and Justin Gibson 4:30 pm Michael Goga, Erin and Sarah Fader Schedules available on St. Gabriel’s web page: PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN CLASSES St. Paul Cathedral (Oakland) - Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 9:00 am Contact Dr. Mary Ann Hvizdos at 412-807-1611 St. Anne Church (Castle Shannon) - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 6:30 pm Contact Leigh Ann at 412-561-0101 St. Philip Church (Crafton) - Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 1:30 pm Contact Walter Schulte at 412-922-6300 ext. 6 The Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline Number is 1-888-808-1235 CHRISTIAN MOTHERS NEWS Thank you to those who attended the March 4th General Meeting. We are so glad that you were able to join us! Your kind donations to Fairmont Primary Center were greatly appreciated. THANK YOU – Co-Chairs Chris Ninness and Shannon Nieman would like to say “Thank You” to all of the wonderful chefs and volunteers that made Mardi Gras a huge success. This event would not have been able to happen if it weren’t for the following people: Karen Kublack, Amy Bacik, Fr. Haney, Fr. Mike, Deana LaMolinare, Roxanne Gray, Nicole Kerestesi, Amanda Stockhausen, Theresa Maier, Carol Palatucci, Lorraine, Arlene, Steve & Theodore Boehm, Kathy Lucas, Karen O’Donnell, Maureen Richards, Lucian Cappetta, Brian & Stacy Starzynski, Amy & Dave Hutchison, Jineen Rush, Martha & Mark Campana, Jen Storms, Bill Luffey, Jeanie Cygrymus, Lisa Rennie, Shannon Coulehan, Marge McGee, Karin Ranft, Justin, Christina, Mike & Sharon Escajeda, George Nieman, Dave Bacik, Bill Brennan, Cindy Geis, Kim Covelli, Debbie O’Brien, Thea Hampsay, Splash & Chris Meyer, J.T. Santelli, Lorraine Rosso, Dara & Katie Raffaele, the parking attendants and to all of the 7th Grade volunteers. If we forgot to mention anyone, please accept our apology. SPRING CALENDAR PARTY – The April general meeting will be our Spring Calendar Party on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 pm in the parish hall. There is no Mass before this event. Join us for an evening of fun, food and friendship by purchasing a ticket to sit at one of the beautifully decorated tables. A light dinner will be served and we will present a trunk/fashion show by the Vintage Valet. Please see the flyer in today’s bulletin for details. VERA BRADLEY BINGO – The Christian Mothers are excited to announce that we will hold a Vera Bradley Bingo on Saturday, April 11th in the parish hall. Doors open at 11 am, lunch will be served at 11:30, and Bingo games will start at 1 pm. Ticket prices are $25 in advance and $30 at the door (pending availability). The price includes 20 Bingo games, a light lunch with beverage (coffee, iced tea, lemonade) and dessert. Game #21 (coverall) will be available to purchase for $1 (three boards per sheet). Additional bingo paper books will be sold at the event for $5 each. A Chinese auction (featuring Vera Bradley items), walking raffles and 50/50 will be available and will be sold at 3 for $5 or 12 for $10. Walking raffles will be sold at $1 or $2 per ticket. (See the flyer included in this bulletin). Groups of eight or more can reserve a table. Come spend a fun afternoon with your friends! Contact Shannon Nieman at 412-650-0105 for tickets. If you would like to volunteer, contact Karen O’Donnell at 412-882-5593. ...Kathy Lucas & Karen O’Donnell, Co-Chairs VERA BRADLEY BINGO (Donations requested) – Amy Bacik and Karen Kublack are currently requesting monetary donations towards the many beautiful products that are used as prizes at the Bingo. Checks can be made payable to “St. Gabriel CCM” and placed in the collection basket at Mass, dropped off at the Rectory or by contacting Amy Bacik at 412-370-4260 or Karen Kublack at 412-885-6994. Your family or business name will be listed on our Donor Board at the Bingo. Thank you to those who have responded with donations and thank you for your continued support in making this event a success! MARKET DAY – MARCH DESSERT BONUS DAYS – The more desserts purchased, the more we earn for St. Gabriel School! – Some choices are: Lemon Supreme Pie, Classic Apple Pie, Key Lime Pie, Orange Creamsicle Cake, Cherry Streusel Pie Cheesecake and Peanut Butter Cup Pie. We need your help! So, please support St. Gabriel School by placing an order online at or using the Market Day Guides. During the March Dessert Bonus Days, your dessert purchase can help add up to a 45% profit. You can also receive a FREE 4-pack of ChicNSteakes with a $90 online purchase using promo code MARBONUS. School/Rectory orders are due March 9th and Internet orders by March 11th. Orders can be picked up on Wednesday, March 18th. For information, call Mary Kay (412-885-2157), Rose (412-884-6614) or Suzanne (412-835-4339). WOMEN’S RETREAT Imagine a place of peaceful solitude. Imagine a place where you can leave life’s burdens at the door. Imagine a place that welcomes you with open arms. Imagine a place where you are accepted you for who you are. Imagine a place that loves you unconditionally. Imagine a place where you can find the solitude to be alone with your thoughts. Imagine a place where friendships are made and fellowship is common. Imagine a place without cell phones, telephones and pagers. Imagine a place with no deadlines or commitments. Imagine a place where you can share a laugh or a tear with a good friend. Imagine a place with a garden where you can walk with the Lord. Imagine a place where Jesus can be found if you seek Him. Imagine a place for prayer. Imagine a place where in silence you can hear the whisper of God. Imagine this place. ST. PAUL RETREAT CENTER – Join us for a weekend retreat. March 27th through March 29th. Imagine the possibilities. For information pick up a brochure at the entrance to Church or call Judy Byers at 412-276-8438. YOUTH GROUP NEWS Next Meeting – Sunday, March 15th at 1:00 pm in the parish hall. Details to come. Please bring a friend or two. Service Opportunities – Servers are needed for Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent. Stations start at 7:30 pm. Please call Maria Shoemaker at 412-884-2608 if you are interested. ******** BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN – 2015 Thank you for filling your baby bottles and supporting the ministry work of the Pregnancy Resource Center. Please leave your donation with a volunteer at the Church exits before and after Mass today. Your involvement in the Baby Bottle Campaign allows the PRC to positively impact our community. You are an integral part of the work being done at the PRC. We cannot do this work without YOU! Thank you for standing with us as we work to protect the life that has been formed by our Creator. Your partnership is a great blessing! MARY’S CORNER The faithful await the sacred paschal feasts with joy of minds made pure, so that more eagerly intent on prayer and on works of charity they may be led to the fullness of grace. The journey of Lent provides an opportunity to walk more closely with Jesus, who desires our presence, sometimes more than we desire His. In our prayer, fasting and almsgiving may we be vigilant in our sacrifices and strong in resisting temptation and so get all the more “caught up” in the love of God through His Son’s Cross and Resurrection. ...Legion of Mary ******** MEN’S CLUB NEWS Our next meeting is Sunday, March 15th at 7:00 pm in the parish hall. Our speaker for the evening is Dr. William Switala. Dr. Switala is currently the Adult Education presenter for our parish. He retired from Duquesne University’s School of Education in 2004 after spending 39 years involved in education at various levels as a teacher, administrator and professor. Dr. Switala has had over 100 items published, including six books, during his career. His topic will be “The Profile of an Ideal Catholic Man.” All men of the parish, 18 years and older, are welcome to join us for what should be a very enlightening evening. Dues for the entire year are only $5. As always, beverages and a light meal follow our guest speaker. If you have questions, call Bill Brennan at 412-882-6216. ******** EASTER PIEROGIE SALE IS HERE! It’s that time of year again – time to stock up on Gosia’s homemade pierogies for Easter. New this year – we are also offering fresh Polish- style kielbasa using the original recipe from South Side’s own Schwartz Market (sold in onepound packages). It’s the perfect accompaniment to your pierogies. Pick up is Wednesday, April 1. See details in the bulletin insert. ******** SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD Soup Take Out – on March 18th and will offer Wedding Soup, Guinness Beef Stew and Cheesy Broccoli Soup for $5 a quart. Orders must be placed by March 12 th by calling 412-885-7232 or email [email protected]. Pick up is from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at the Sisters’ Motherhouse. Connecting Women’s Wisdom – on March 22nd the Sisters will present their Spring Connecting Women’s Wisdom, “Using Your Voice: When to Wait & When to Speak,” from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Motherhouse. This is designed for women of all ages and backgrounds and will include a liturgy in the Chapel followed by brunch and a program with a presentation by Bonnie Artman Fox who will discuss the biblical story of Abigail and how it relates to women’s lives today. This is free to attend but reservations are required. Call Sister Althea Anne Spencer at 412-885-7406 no later than Friday, March 13th (or email her at [email protected]). CALENDAR PLANNING MEETING Due to the School Play that will be held on May 17 and May 18, 2015, our Annual Calendar Planning Meeting has been changed to Tuesday, May 19th. SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations to the 7th and 8th Grade students who competed on Saturday, February 28 th in the Southwestern Pennsylvania Forensics League – South Division Finals Tournament at Canevin High School. The team captured an overall Second Place with the following students competing against seventeen other schools in the following categories: DRAMA: Erin Fader, Jared Koenig & Mackenzie O’Toole; PROSE: Katie Raffaele & Fiona Selden; DECLAMATION: Luke Garda, Joshua Luxemberger, Dean O’Toole & Joseph Weber; POETRY: Hannah Feth. The students worked hard in perfecting their skills in a league that is increasingly becoming more competitive and now includes both parochial and public schools. In addition to competing in the Finals Round of this Tournament, the following students were selected as ALL STARS and moved on to a second round of competition: Erin Fader, Dean O’Toole, Katie Raffaele & Joey Weber. All the participants received an honorable mention in their respective categories and Dean O’Toole place third overall in the category of Declamation! Thanks to our coaches: Mrs. Cygrymus, Mrs. Garda, Mrs. Guilinger, Mrs. Koenig, Mr. Nieman & Mrs. Zandier whose coaching enabled the team to continue its high standing in the League. Mrs. Cygrymus, Mrs. Koltas, Mr. Nieman & Mrs. Zandier accompanied the team and acted as judges during the competition. Congrats to all on another job well done! ******** 7-CHURCH BUS TOUR ON HOLY THURSDAY This is the third year that the Youth Group is sponsoring a 7-Church Bus Tour on Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015. Details will be coming soon on the Churches we will be visiting. All parishioners are welcome to join us! Please call Maria Shoemaker at 412-884-2608 to reserve your spot or for any questions you might have. ******** DIVORCED, WIDOWED OR SEPARATED? The loss of a spouse through separation, divorce or death is a traumatic experience. Many people who have suffered this loss feel left out by their Church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their future. The Beginning Experience weekend is intended to help widowed, divorced or separated people who would like to pass through the grief and begin to move forward with their lives. Come to a safe place. Travel from heartache to hope accompanied on the journey by individuals who have suffered loss as well. The next weekend will be March 20 to 22 at the Gilmary Retreat Center (Moon Twp.). Payment arrangements and possible financial assistance are available. Go to www.BeginningExperience.Org for more information or make a confidential call to Mary at 412-523-2405, Steve at 412-367-4948 or Karen Walker (a parishioner at St. Gabriel, who has experienced such a loss) at 412-884-5904. ******** C.F.M. BOOK SALE The C.F.M. members are still selling Enjoy & Entertainment Books. Books are on sale at the Rectory or through C.F.M. Members. Make check payable to St. Gabriel C.F.M. Book Sale. ******** BISHOP CANEVIN HIGH SCHOOL Bishop Canevin High School’s Drama Club presents: “A Coffee House Cabaret” on Saturday, March 14th at 7 pm, doors open at 6:30, at Bishop Canevin High School. The cost is $9 a person and includes dessert and 2 beverages. For reservations, call Patty Costantino at 724-3526 or email here at [email protected] by Monday, March 9. Bishop Canevin High School “Igniting the Greatness in You!” Interested in Bishop Canevin High School enrollment, tuition assistance and scholarship information? Call 412-922-7400 ext. 28 or email [email protected]. Apply now for the 2015-16 school year. Our Spring Open House is April 29th – see you there! ******** SPRING CRAFT FAIR A “Spring Craft Fair” is taking place on Saturday, March 14th from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm at Christ United Methodist Church in Bethel Park (across from Village Square Mall). 58 Crafters will be on hand with many one-of-a-kind items! Dried silk florals, ceramics, embroidery, clothing, jewelry and much more will be available. A Silent Auction, lunch and refreshments all add to the day and there is FREE admission for everyone! All proceeds benefit PRIME TIME ADULT CARE, a nonprofit organization and outreach ministry offering medical supervision and physical and mental stimulation of the frail elderly or those with Alzheimer’s disease. For more information, please call Mary Ann Weber (Director) at 412-835-6661. ******** WHITEHALL COMMUNITY LIONS CLUB “Monte Carlo Night” sponsored by the Whitehall Community Lions Club – we serve local and worldwide projects. Saturday, March 21st at 7 pm at St. Elizabeth’s Gym, Rt. 51. Come enjoy food, drinks and games (must be 21). Tickets will be sold at the door or call Linda Boss at 412-481-7161 or Diane Gallagher at 412-885-3065. Thank you for your support! ******** Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Fill up your Easter baskets then sit down for sausage and pancakes at the Franciscan Child Day Care Center’s 8th Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, March 14th. The cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Families can choose to attend one of four sessions offered at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 or 11:30 am. Event is indoors. Space is limited and reservations must be made by Friday, March 6th. To make reservations, please call Mrs. Merlo at 412-882-5085. ******** CATHOLIC HOSPICE ~Catholic Hospice is currently seeking part-time and full-time RN’s and Home Health Aides to share in their mission of caring for the terminally ill in Allegheny and Beaver counties. Hospice experience is a plus. Interested candidates should fax their resume to 724-933-6225 or email us at [email protected] to take the first step to a fulfilling career. ******** TO ALL ST. GABRIEL PARISHIONERS: With full support of the St. Gabriel Athletic Association, Baldwin Head Golf Coach, Steve Sinning, would like to extend an invitation to St. Gabriel Parish to utilize the Baldwin Golf Room. This opportunity is entirely free of charge to anyone in the Baldwin-Whitehall Community. The room is located at the Wallace Building, which is the same location as the Baldwin Library. The room allows people to enjoy and practice the game of golf in a year round setting. The room includes two large hitting nets, which allows players to practice every type of golf shot with real golf balls. It also has a large putting green and various chipping mats that simulate the different lies that one will encounter on the course. An additional room contains an actual sand trap and elevated green. We also have the ability to record a swing and analyze things like swing path. As the coach of the Baldwin Golf Team, Steve would like as many community members, both school aged and older, to use the room. If you have any questions, please contact Steve at 412-559-0461 or [email protected]. HELP NEEDED FOR FUNERALS AT ST. GABRIEL CHURCH The Funeral Servers/Ushers are in need of a few adult males/females to supplement those who donate their time in those 2 capacities. The funerals are usually celebrated at 10am or 1pm, Mon.- Sat. Generally, you are called 2 days prior to a funeral and asked if you would be available, we try to keep this on a rotating basis. The Ushers assist in parking cars, and then direct attendees to pews. The Servers function in much the same capacity as the Altar Servers do at Mass. If you feel that you can help in either capacity, please contact Rich Good at 412-881-5848. Thank you. ******** TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND... Please share the news about Sunday TV Mass at 6:30 am – WINP (ION) channel 16; Cable TV, Comcast, Channel 4 and Verizon FiOS, Channel 16; and Satellite TV, Dish Network Channel 16 or 216, Direct TV Channel 305. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES ASSOCIATION The Catholic Cemeteries Association will be conducting an informational program to provide assistance to the faithful by presenting options available to them at our diocesan cemeteries. A representative of the CCA may contact you by phone, or in person in the coming months. All CCA personnel are required to wear a photo i.d. badge. If you have questions, call 412-521-9133. ******** DANCE WORKSHOP by Shari Mom & Me Classes - Plan on spending some fun time with your 18 mo.-3yr. old on Saturdays from 10 to 10:45 am. Our toddlers enjoy playtime on slides, crawling tube, trampolines & tumbling mats. Combine that with some sing-along, and dancing, and children and moms alike have fun! Call Dance Workshop by Shari at 412-884-5099 to register for class. need additional information or want to register for the Zumbathon, call the studio at 412-884-5099. ********
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