08/28/1897 - Atlantic County Library System


08/28/1897 - Atlantic County Library System
The modern standard Family Medicine: Cures the
common every-day
For all Batons and NERVOUS
DISEASES. They purify the
action to tbe entire system. _
Fred L Downs and Lev! B Joalin, administrators of William B Potter, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of the County of
Atlantic, hereby gives notice to tho creditors of
tho said William b Potter to bring in the'ir
debts, demands and claims against tbe estate
of the said decedent, under oath, within nine
months from this date, or they will bo forever
barred of any action therefor against tho said
Dated June 28th, A D 1897.
Administrators, Hammonton, If. J.
Real Estate
1. A large and handsome house on
Pleasant Street, only a few rods from the
railroad, very convenient, \yith heater,
conservatory; good barn, two lota.
2. A neat 7-room house on Second St.,
very convenient, beautifully finished,
heated; one lot.
12. Farm on Pleasant Mills Road, five
miles from Hammonton post-office. 20
acres, partly in fruit; good house. A
14. The Lawson house, Orchard St.
Fine house, 0 rooms, heater, easy terms.
15. A large house on Grape Street, 7
rooms, nearly new. Two acres,
17. An attractive and very comfortable
house on Central Avenue,—seven rooms,
halls, pantry, bath, hot and cold water,
windmill; two acres, apples and other
fruit. Fair terms.
19. Ejtety acres on Oak Road, good
house, Surn, etc. Nearly all land ,iu
in profit, including small cranberry bog.
Xteasonablo price.
21, Eight room honse and two lots on
Third Street; very convenient; heated
Jf^g3,For any desired information in regard to the above,
call upon or address Editor
„ of South Jersey Republican,
Hawinonton. N. J ,
. , Bring
to Hoyt & Sons.
W. A.Kftunco.
A. H. Phillips & Co.
Fire Insurance.
Mortgage Loans.
Corroapondoucu Solicited.
3828 Atlantic Avonuo,
Atlantic City, N. J.
Posts, Pickets, etc.
Folsoin. N. J.
fcpi- Lumber jiiwod toordor.
Ordoro rooolvod by mull promptly Illlcd,
I'rlcdti l.o xv.
and Embalmer
Fuy Building,
Hum monton, N. .1.
All ttrrui>jr,oi»mitit for Imrinln made
utul ctii'ofully osocittecl.
CLERK. J. L.O'Donncll.
CoLLEcron & JCnEiauREn. A. B. Davis. ,
MARSHAL. B. Shonrds.
JUSTICES. G. W. Prossoy, .T. B. Ryan.
CONSTABLES. Geo. BornnhouBO.
OVKH8EEB of THE POOR. Geo. Bornshouso.
NIGHT POLICE. J.H.anrton."
TOWN COUNCIL. Wm. Cunningham, Pros't,
John C. Aodor«on. Dimjol M. Ballaril, Alox. H.
Button, P. H. Jacobs, W. H. Andrewa. Moots
last Saturday cvo each month.
BOARD or EDUCATION. 0 F, Oegood, president; D. S. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams,
J L O'Donnoll, P H Jacobs, Mins NollioSoely,
Mrs M M Bevorazo, Miss AnnaPicssey, Mrs
E A Joslyn. Moots 2nd Tuesday oaoh month.
A Valuably Prescription.
Editor Morrison, of "Worthiogton, Ind.
'8an," writes : "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend It lor constipation and sick headache, and aa a (jeneral syate'm tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove A.VO.,
Chicago, was all run down, eonld not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
nover left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles ot Electric Bitters restored
her health and renowned her strength.
Prices, 50 ots and !J1. Get a bottle, at
Croft's drug store.
Yellowstone Park.
BAPTIST. Eev. J. C. Killian, pastor; Sunday somcot : Preaching 10 30, Sunday-school
11.45, Junior 0. E. 3.30 p. m., Christian Endeavor 6.80, Preaching 7.30. Weekday prayer
meeting Thursday evening 7.45. Boys Brigade; meets Wednesday ove, in S. of V. Hall.
Rev. Splgardi
rector. Sunday mass 10.30 a. m., vespers at
7.30 p.m.
ward rector. Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
1st and 3rd Sundays at 16:30 a.m. Other Sundays, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, and
Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30 a.m.
Evensong 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Friday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day Celebration, 7:30 a.m. Special services iu Advent nriti
pastor. Sunday services : class 9.30, a. m.
preaching 10. :<0, Sunday-school 12.00 noon,
Epworth- League ?.00 p. m., preaching 7.30.
Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.45.
Prayer mooting Thursday 7.30 p. m.
„ Mission at 'Pino Road. •
Rov. H. R. Rundall pastor
Sunday services : preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sunday -school 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p. m.
C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday T.30 p.m.
Church prayer meeting; Thursday 7.30 p. m.
Mission" atFolsom and Magnolia.
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Thomas Fragale.
Pastor. Sunday School at 10.30 a.m. Preaching at 9 a.m. Saturday, 7 p.m., preaching.
UNIVERBALIHT. Rev. Costello Westan pastor. Sunday services : preaching 10.30 a. m.
Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 730
p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday cveninge.
Mrs. Chas. E. Roberts president, Mrs. S. E.
Brown secretary, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford corresponding secretary.
A. P. Simpson, M. A.; A. B. Davis, Secretary.
Meets first Thursday evening in each month in
Mechanics' Hall.
WINSLOW LODGE I. 0. 0. P. 0. N. Lyman,
N. 0.; William H. Bernsbonse, Secretary.
Meets every Wednesday evening, in Odd Fellows Hall.
TRIBE I. 0. R. M. Robert
E. Thomas Sachem ; Chas. W. Austin, Chief of
Records. Moot every Tuesday's sleep IB Red
Mons' Hall.
M. B. TAYion LODOE, F. & A. M. Q. W.
Bassetl, Master ; Alonzo B. Davis, Seoietary.
2nd und 4tb Friday nights in Masonic Hall.
John Bakely, Councillor ; L. W. Purdy, R. S.;
A. T. Lobley, F. 8.
Moots every Friday
evening in Mechanics' Hall.
OEH. D. A. RDBBRLL POST, 0. A. R. Charleu
E. Roberts, Commander; Orvllle E. Hoy I,
Adjutant; H. F. Edsull, Q. M. Meets let and
3rd Saturday nights in 8. of V. Hall.
WeiiANs' RELIEF Conps. President, Mrs.
M. E. Button; Secretary, Miss Lizzio Bornshoiro. Alternate Friday eves, In S. of V. Hall.
OEN.D. A. RUBSKLL CAMP SONH 01* VETEUANR, No. 14. Cape., Francis S Drake ; First
Sergt., H. D. Rutherford. Evory Tuesday
ove, S. of V. Hall.
David Uottrell, president; Kclw. A. Cordery,
socretary; W, Del'uy, basobull manager. Meets
every Monday ove, at Axsoolation Hull.
Sisterhood Branch, No. 60, 0. Iron Hall of
Baltimore. Horali A. Hood, Prea't. Oarrio A.
King, Soo'y. Moots In Mechanics' Hall first
find third Wednesday ore'e, 8 o'clock.
Llltlo Ha Ha Council, No. 27, D. of P.
Liztio 8. Bornshouse, 1'ocaliontas j Llulo F.
Heoly, K. of H. Moots Monday evenings in
Red Men's Hull.
VOLUNTEER Finn Co. D. S. Cunningham,
president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets
.Ird Monday evening of oaoh month.
Independent Fire Co. Moots first Wednesday evening In oaoh month.
BumnoBa Organisations.
Fruit drawers' Union, II. J. Moufort secretary,
uhlpuora of fruit and produce.
Fruit Growers' Association, J. It. Abbott nocrotary, sbippors of fruit und produce.
Huimnonton Loan und Iluildlng Aflitoolatlon,
W. II. Tllton necrotnry. Meota every l«t
Thursday In Firemen's Hull.
Workingmen'a Loan and Building Afinooliitlon,
W. H. Itarnflhoiipo, srtaro'ary. Meota every
lit Monday In Firemen'* Hull.
People's Hank, W. It. Tllton cashier.
Manufacturer and Dealer lu
What a world of gossip would bo prevented if it wna only remembered that
a person who tells you of the faults of
others will probably tell others of your
llelluhlo mill onlor|irlnli.|{ |iurlloo, In their
reapootlve linen, whom w« can raooimnmid.
For details, MOW their udvortlnomotUB. ...
J H Alnralmll, broml.
Valonl'na 4 HiMid, umlortiiUori'.
V A I.ahninn, hluaktinltli and wlioalnrlglit.
n K llrown A Co, tmrdwaru
II. Mol). l.ll'lo, linriliruro and furniture.
John I). Hull, u l r n t r l o l u n .
John I'runoh, Jr , undxrtitltar.
Huinmmiton llolol.
Win M n U . r , tlnninllli
Hoyt A Himn, pulillrhori, |irlntor«.
Kobori Htool, Jnwnlor.
M. L . J u o k d u n , rnoui unil produce.
L. W. lli.Kloy, liuriioriB.
(1. \V. I'rafluoy, Jutttloo.
W. II. Iliirnnlimino, Motion.
Dr. J. A. Wnuit, d o u t l n t .
John Murilook, nhoos.
Win. Horunhouio, |iliinlu|< m i l l , l u m b a r .
Henry K minor, ( K o l n u m ) , t i o d a r lumber.
Klvlna, Jry goodn^rooorloa, otn.
Krnlin ID. Roberta, gruoorlci.
Jnooli Kokbnrdt. inflwt und priiilnce.
Fruit <ir»wora' Unlim, general tnorohamllflo.
(/ban. Ouiiulnjrhain, phynlolan and uurgeou.
(loo, M. Uowloi, nycl.rV real.
f . I l . Mmnll, bakor mid oonfootloner.
II. I t . Molntyre, niout uiul produce.
Alox. Mllion, livery and buiirillntf lUlilaa.
VVm. L Dlnok, dry gotxlf, frrooorlcN, olo.
l''oo, uiafloiiroiil, varmftoolll.
Htookwell, OUA|.
1*. lUnore, umoc.roul, vcrumoolll.
Tho Yellowstone National Park is unquestionably the most interesting region
on the globe, for within it is displayed
the greatest collection of nature's manifold wonders. Indeed, this mountainbound plateau, high up on the summit
of the everlasting Rockies, is a veritable
playground for the world's giant forces.
To stand and gaze upon them all in their
marvelous ' mariifestatitins, — the great
geyser upheavals, the fierce steam blasts,
the terrible leap of the river, and the
awful canou,— is a revelation, an expert
enco to be had at no other point on earth.
The personally conducted tour of the
Pennsylvania llailroad Company, which
leaves New York on Sept. 2nd, affords
the most satisfactory means of visiting
thia wonderland and viewing its marvelous features. Tourists will travel by
special train of Pullman smoking, dining
sleeping, and observation cars in each
direction. Bight days will be spent in
the Park, Stops will also be made, returning, at St. Paul and Chicago. The
round-trip rate, $235 from New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washing-'
ton, $280 from Pittaburg, covers every
necessary expense.
For detailed itineraries and full infortion, apply to ticket agents, Tourist
Agent, 1196 Broadway, N.Y., or address
Geo. W. Beyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, at Broad Street Station,
SSucklin's JSrnica, Salve
The best salve in the world for cuflfe,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve,
soTes, tetter, chapped hands, chilblainu
corns, and all .skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price, 25 cents
per box. Foi sale at Croft's.
Haiuniuitton Stortiu
Always a Good Stock
(Established in
Shoes made to Order is
J3pecialty,-and full~_
satisfaction is guaranteed.
Macaroni, Vermicelli.
and Kaiicy Paste,
Tlio beat mnde in tlio United Stiit' s.
Sold "Wholebale and Eetail.
Dealer in Imported & Domestic
I'm ported Olive Oil.
July 2,1897.
ni. a. m. p. m, p.m. p. m p.m p.m
8 00 10"45 1245 3 0 0 4 3 0 5 CO 6.-30
6 40
8 15 10 65 12 57 3 10 440
5 19 0 48
5 2 7 0 50
534 7 02
1 10
1 30
5 45 7 12
5 51 7 32
6 0 0 7 37
9 12
fl 18 7 46
9 19 11 29 2 01 3 41 5 11 0 23 7 51
032 8 02
9 40 11 42
...... 6 3 9 8 (I!)
5 29 6 46 HlOf
6 50 8 2S
10 10 12 05
4 15 5 45 7 05
a.m. a.m. a m. a. ni. a m p. m p. m p. m p. in.
...AVeHt Colllngswood....
Uaddon lldgUta
Clemen ton
...WHHamfltown Jnno...
Cedar Brook
..Window Jnnc. (1'vo)..
.........Kgn Ilarlor
Brlgantluo June
625 1510 20 10 to I22H 4 10 6 40 6 55 1055
6 188 03 10 03 10 09 1200 18 6 25 6 43 10 43
9 57
0 18
9 40
3 43 6 10
9 43
3 38 0 03
9 33
j 24 551
3 14 S 42
3 07 5 35
I) 19
5 10
9 10
2 67 6 25
9 00 9 30 1130 2 50 4 53 0 07 10 07
448f .
8 55
4 41
8 4!)
4 H 8 52 9 62
4 58
8 45 '»' 81 1121
\ 14 .
4 05 S'sii 9 30
4 2 5 7 0 0 8 15 'S'iJO i'iob
The express, leaving Philadelphia at 5:40 p.m., Btopa hero, arriving about 6:15.
SUSDAY TRAINS leire Hammonton an follow!: Down trains, accommodations, 9:38 a, m. and 0:C2 p. m.
Cp trains, accommodation. 8:04 a. m. and 5:63 p. m.; express, 5:37 and 10 07 p. m.
'Don't forget tlmt you win uot u P K A I H ,
lllim Flume Oil, HTOVK ut % N. Third HI.
I1' or ucr.iiruUi worlilaif uml bounty ll ouiiiol
You run not y o u r HluioL Motul work dmio
Ut till) WHIUO I>llU',O.
Sun tiun. Sun.
Ex. Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace.
o.m. a m. p. m. a.m. n.m. A. m.
>rantlfu1ly tlhtitrateil, InrMimt olrnnlatlon of
iir •nloutlrtoo toiiniMl, wu<^l/
w u < ^ l /t h)niu$J.lMI
M rnnrV
lltO.u ni, . i, [In.
ll|i.inliiuiii Duplo,
Dupl on,] K A M D
' TKNTH (lint froo. A
U N N & CO.,
301 Urouilnuv. Mow Yorh.
Wide Mouth Pints,
50 cents per dozen
Quarts, 50 cents per dozen.
Half-gallons, 70 cts. per dozen,.
Extra Rubbers,.4 cts. per doz.
11 'n
Ex. Ace. Ace.
p.Dl. p.m. p.m.
800 8 00 380 SOU 7 50|10 50 341 420 6 ( 0
807 8 12 341 508 801 11 01 3 4 7 427 6 lu ...»»..»CaD)dcn
439 623
822 348
8 09 11 10
833 354
4 45 6 30
8 18 n IB
8 42 404
4 55 040
828 11 2<i
Berlii :
848 U 42
508 66*
857 4 16
906 ' 4 2 7
5 1.1 7 0 2
8 56 11 54
903 12 Of!
5 111 7 12
914 435
9 18 43!)
537 7 18
« 07 12 08
...\VlD«low Je.(l'vo). ...
o 42
» 22 4 4 8
9 11 12 Hi
930 4 0 4
9 17 123) 1 21 5 4S 7 30 .,
942 SOU
Ej»c Hnrlwr
950 512 o"(i5 9 4 7
1010 531 « IU 1007
Atlantic Citj
4"65 662
ifi's 10 22 643 0 80 1019
Siiu bUL
Ace. Ace. Elp. Ace Ace. Ace Ace
a.m. n.m. a. ni. p. m. p.m a.m. pan
7-10 840 1025 1 60 8 05 8 80 710
7 :)2 8 SO 10 18 1 42 760; 822 703
737! 8 11 6 49
7 19 S20
1 23 782! SOS 6 42
7 in K li
1 12 7 SO 7 W t)2t
U Mi 802
1 00 7 08 739 U IS
U 41 750 ,
12 55 7 01 7 81 H 09
ti :fi 7 4 1
12 47 0 US 7 28 6 02
d 21 7 m
It 42 6 48 7 22 5 57
li IS 720
12 37 6 43 7 18 55i
ti 13 7 1(1
12 30 ti 36! 7 11 547
U 05 7 10
6 28' 7 00 5 35
7 00
6 111! l i M 52S
542 II 3tl 5 o:
53Si li 25 •1 50
U25 Too
No. 8 South Second St.
P. S. We have more of
Frank Siddall's Cold Water
Soap than we wish to carry.
To close out, we make the
price 5 cents per bar, which is
just half price.
Wedding Invitations,
Business Cards,
Announcements, Anniversary Invitations,
Calling Cards,
Certificates, Etc., Etc.,
Work fully as good as you can get
in the City,—and our price lower.
Call and see our Hamplcs.
HOYT & SONS, Printers.
200 pound* Brau, $1.35.
NO. 35
Every member of
Evory Family on
Every farm, iu
Every village, in
Every State or Territory.
For Education,
For Noblo Manhood,
For True Womanhood.
IT GIVES all important news of tho Nation .
ull important news ol tlio World
the moht reliable market reportH
brilliant and inutructive editorial
fuHoinating Hhort Htorien
an unexcelled agricultural department
Hcicntilio and mechanical information
illustrated fashion articled
. luiinoroiiH illuttrutioiiH
entertainment to younu and old
satisfaction everywhere to everybody.
South Jersey Bopublican and Weekly Tribune
both one year for $1.25
To Atlantic County Hul>m:riborH,— Ciwh in advance.
Address ttll ordortt to tho IlEl'UBLIOAN,
The M. E.S.S. Picnic.
—Arthur LeuHt Tubbs.
is the time to begin to
think about placing your
order for your,Winter ;
supply of
Our assortment ie the
largest in town,
and prices, right. >
W, H. 3Senishoii£©?
Office, 101 R.K.Aye.
A place to.
stop and
cool off
after a bicycle ride, is
George Elvins.
Hammonton Hotel.
Ice Cream.
Ice Cream Soda
Justice of the Peace.
pea called "Wonderfiil." I sowed them
on four acres I had in Cow Peas last
year, and from which I cut six large
two-hone loads for feeding. After catting the peas I sowed to rye, plowed the
rye in whun headed, then sowed the
Wonderful; and such a covering of the
land at this 25th of Aucuat I never saw.
A neighbor passed the field yesterday
and exclaimed '^Wonderful I" I said
"Yes, that's their name." : Another
.neighbor said I ought to have ten cents
admission to such a show ; but being in
a liberal mood just now, the show is
free.. I find they send out three or four
laterals from near the gronnd to the
stalk. Stretching these up, they reached to my chin, and are on the rampage
yet, making a most vigorous growth.
They solve the problem of a cheap
way of filling the soil with vegetable
matter; and the dense shade they give
to the land all summer I think is a
great advantage. I used the fertilizer
dressing before named, and tbe land
thus treated, the crop is better the
second year, probably from the nitrifying microbes put into the land by the
previous crop. In another article I
will speak of the proper time for plowing under, of their value as fodder, and
the method of curing, time to cat, etc.
NOTE, that the fertilizers used dispense with the element ol nitrogen,—
the pea gathers that from tbe air; and
aa nitrogen costs fifteen to sixteen cents
a pound, and the phosphoric acid and
potash four to five cents, the mixture
for peas is not expensive.
As the first grey streaks of the dawning of another day appeared in the
eastern horizon, doubtless many eager
Four or five yeara ago I was induced, eyes peered thro' the windows to see
by the writings of Prof. Maesey, of the what the tokens were for a fine day.
North Carolina Experiment Station, For it was the 10th of August, '07, the
and hy other Southern writers, to try day set for tho Methodist Sunday School
Cow Peas as a renovator of the Boll. picnic,—to be held at Woy mouth. The
Having a piece of light sandy land on tokens were favorable, so between the
which blackberries had been grown for hours of seven and eight quite a large
seven or eicht years, and from which all number of people, larce and small, had
vegetable matter had been extracted by gathered in front.of the Church, "waitthe berries and constant cultivation and ing for tho wagons" to convoy them to
exposure to tho sun, I thought it would the picnic grounds. By eight o'clock
be just tlio land to experiment upon. all was ready, and the procession started.
I sent South nnd got three bushels of Wu were highly honored by the presence
[HuocoiiHor to Alox. Altkon]
Black Cow Peas. When they came I of the "Clover Leaf C.vcle Club" who,
Excellent accommodations for transient
pronounced them beans, and I do not with some unattached riders, rode
guests. IB located close to Railroad
Stations. Good stables.
BOO yet why they should over have been ahead. The thin clouds floating lazily
trailed peas. I towed them on throe overhead, arresting thu hot ra>s of Old
acres, without any fertilizer, supposing Sol, made the morning an ideal one for
Best grades of coal at lowest they could find a living and thrive in a a "run." Mr. W. B. Tilton and the
Hammonton, N. J.,
cash prices for cash, under bud of yellow stind. After foraging writer had tho extreme houor of chaperIn It all Summer for all the plant oning the Club, conferred upon them,
Bh.edu, and we cun deliver it around
lixxl thoy could find, they reported in giving them (tlio two contlomon of
clean and dry even during we« tho Fall by a growth six laches to a foot course) tho most exquisite pleasure.
OUloo, Boooml und Oherrv Bts.
high,—nothlnn there. I plowed thorn
Alter several rests, nnd 'Without
All coal delivered promptly, under and eowed ryo ; plowed the ryo serious accident, wo arrived at tho
under whun headed and planted corn ; grounds, hard by the little Church, at
and eatisfactioa guuranteed.
uowud the corn ut the last working to tun o'clock or thereabouts, and twenty
crimson clover. Thu uuvuro drought minutes later thu first witgon appeared.
made .hut nubbins of corn, und but a In a short time a lawn tomile court had
poorv catch of clover. Plowed under been laid out, swings put up, hammocks
Office Days,—Kvery wook-dny.
Cor. liollevue Av. and Third St what little grew, whun huudod, und swung, a croquet ground made ready,
broadcast live hundred pounds pur aero and a hearth to put thu cofiuo boiler on
Wooburgofor extracting with gas, when
of acid phouptmto and inurluto ol'putush was erected.
By thin time all tho
tenth are ordered.
iu proportions ol II vu or BIX ot thu former wagons hud arrived, nnd everybody set
to one of thu luttor. Tlila time I got a about to enjoy the day of pleasure and
and a motit reliable lino ot
growth of (watt tlmt wore iidmiru^l by all rucruallon. Homo pluyud croquut, others
ull tlio popular lirandu of
who uuw thoni,—standing two fuel high, tennis, while many were content to Ho
Tubucoo, uiul my own nmlco
tops all twlBtcc 1 together by the running quietly In tlie1'. hammocks and find
vlnuB. Tried to plow iliem uudur Into enjoyment .In watching others. Kuch
In the Fall, but thuy would pull iij> and one currlud his own lunch, nnd ate U
la what I oull ttiu attention
choku the plow BO tlml I abandoned the alone or joined with friends. Tho school
of my old frleudn, and now
job until Spring, vvlien I turned them furnished cofl'uo lor all who wished It.
•frlondu, Aluo, well uoleatud
Hpueo will not ullow mo to go Into
Our 1897
line of Djiortliijj gooda.
under and net lo bluckburrlva uguln.
details, or to toll till about thu man who,
wheels are
In the net of alltlm; down to dinner,
them ovury year for feed und for plowing uuconnulouely dlnturbud a yellow jackets
until thin your. 1 now Inwo twenty-five nest, but InaUitid of nttnglng him,
tiered growlug. Thu mmnou wua too wet attacked bin wlfo, stinging hur bund ao
badly that (the had to iteep It bandaged
und cold, early, so thoy wuro yellow und ull
easier running
imy. Thuro was plenty of tun for
everybody who wlnlied U. Alter lunch
Iluiniiioiitoii IIot«)l
than ever before—
thu time, so the early uowod have runted tlio Ice crcum wns opened nnd dispensed
the prices are
Homo und uro turning yollow anulii, In til live cunts per plutu, which jnat cleared
upotH. I have u Hno piuco on etruw- expenses.
.^Towards night the clouds Ixtgun to
liurry laud, turned undur Immediately hung heiivy over IIH, und It WIIB deemed
alter picking, allowing they tuny bo prudent to alurt for homo, HO that by
Ourtlng mid I>ollvci l-i« of all klndn
Howud no luto us Juno 16lh, or later, o:!!0 thu lunt one bud lull tho moundn.
done |)roiii|>lly, <m nhoit notloo.
Ag«nu cviiywli
with succeed. Long tup-rootu enable Wu cannot apeak for Lhoiio who rode In
wugonu, but If ull uiijuytnl tho ride homo
Hlngla Mid Ddublo CurrlnKoa t<J hire,
thorn to Htand Bovuru drouth, und luat in the cool of tlio uvmiinu; an much as
by tho ilnv or hour.
buuhou In thu liotteet weivlhor they never did the cyollutN, thuy liuvo no cuiino for
drooped u leaf, whllo thu corn leaves comnlulut. Taking II ullogotbor. the
Who cui think wore wilting.
plume wua n grout tmrcens, und I am
tiure thu uvunta ol tho iluy will live long
IVoUxit your MOAMI thor may bring you *r**ltk.
In the memory of thomi wiio participated
Wrlto JOtlH WlCbOKUlIl/aM ft CO.. I^t«u« A (to*.
nnd obtained four buuhula of the uuw In them,
A. T. T.
U07*. WMlilDaU.n. 1>. 4)../<>c Uulr ei.U
/ny6noNondlntf ABhittrli «inl dOHorlptlon may
quickly ajKiurtulii. rruo, wlmUitir mi Invent Ion !•
lirobahl/ i>Ktont«ltla CiiHiniunU-fiMmiA •trlctly
oonOduntUI. Ol'lodt tiwunny foriutourliitf )>wtunla
In A in eric A, Wo Imvu n Wa«hlri M tc>ii uulca,
1'Atont* Ukmi thr(Mi«h Aluiin & <Ju. ruoulro
notluo lu tlio
, Our Prices,
Snly 1,1897.
Whceletcdurn, -whPelBtertee.
Splu uway. fly away, gay as can be;
Rouda of tiie country and streets of the town,
Over and.under, and upward and down;
MntronH and maidens, younir men and old,
Shy ones and sly ones, timid and bold ;
Coming and going, botbulgLttlmcsai.il days,
All of them caught by the bicycle craze.
Doctor and lawyer, layranh and priest,
Richest and poorest, greatest and least;
Men with professions and others with none.
Women with work that will ucver be done;
The stringency of the
Children with sums lo do,absent from school.
Ought to get wisdom, but learning the fool:
times cannot escape
Here they go, there they go, nothing delays,
Each one a slave to tbe bicycle craze.
notice. Everything ia
Highway and byway, wherever you go,
compressed—yea'bt, mince Here
they spin, there they spin, toward and
meat, milk, money,
Bloomers and sweaters and queerest of gowns.
credit,—everything is
Some look like witches, and others like
held tight. In order to
Young ones and old ones, single and wed.
keep It up, likely, until they are dead.
equalize matters as nearly They'll
Inward and outward, a regular maze,
Spin the mad folk with the bicycle craze.
as possible, we Lave
Some go like camels, wltb bumps to their
compressed prices also.
Others look anxious, as fearful of tacks;
Wlgglety. blgglety, tiltchety things.
You will be surprised to find Some are like Jumping-Jacka working with
out how large a bill of
Awkward and graceful
onea, swift ones and
"' '
staple goods can be
This way and that way and all ways they go,
Some look like fairies and others like Jays,
compressed within a
And all of them'follow the bicycle craze. .
five dollar bill!
What Is U coming to T Nobody knows;
Nobody dares for a minute suppose.
Some day,perhaps..folk will know how it
To be born without legs, having.under them
Like a new kind of centaur perhaps they'll
Here are a few pickings:
be made
If In this evolution we are not delayed.
Eavormon'a Oleine Soap, 6 for 25 c. Then away they'll go spinning tbe rest of
their days,
Bear Brand Salmon, 13eta.
As the dual result of tbe bicycle craze.
Rival Milk, Scents.
These', are
Hard Times!
Going to be Hot!
Hammonton. : : N.
L. II. 1'urhhurst, udmlnlntrator c. I. n. of
Kdnin U. Bproul, dooonpod, by direction of tho
Kurruga'o cf (ho County of Atlantic, hereby
gives notice lo [ho orelltora of ihe sulil Kilwln
'H. Hproul, to brtno; In their dobttt, demands,
and olulms against tho entuto of tho tmM decedent, under oath, within nine months from this
data, or thuy will l>a forever barrod of any
action Ibcrolor 'iifuinnl the nuld administrator.
Dated June 10th, A I) IBU7.
L. II. 1'AUKHUUHT, Adm'r.
HAMMONTOK, N.--J.,-, AUGUST 28, 1897.
Repairing done.
N ORDINANCE regulating the Licensing of Inns and Taverns in
tho Town of Hammonton for the sale of
Introduced July 31, 1897.
Pas»od Aug U. 1897.
1 Bo it ordained by tho "Town of Hammonton" that hereafter it shall bo lawful for tho
Board of Councilman to license and rogulato
innn and taverns and sale of liquors In siid
Town of Hammonton, subject to the following
conditions: That tho applicant for said license
shall bo recommended by at least twelve freoholdrrs owuing property in said Town of Hum
monton who shall certify!that tbe person so
recommended by him is of good repute for
honesty and tomperanco that said inn or tavern is necessary and will oonduco to tho puhlto
2 Be it ordained that no license shull bo
grunted to any person under the provisions of
this ordinance oxctipt upon tho payment of
three hundred dollars to thu Town of Hammonton.
il Be It ordained, that all licenses granted
under the previsions of this ordinance shall
dute fr.ia tho tccond Wednesday lu May,
annually; provided, that licenses granted
prior to May 1st, 1808, shall bo gruntoil upon
puyment of a rataolo proportion ot tho fee
prescribed In tho lecond section of this ordinance.
1. Bo It orditlnod that all ordinance- or
parts of ordinances Inconsistent »ith thu provisions of this ordinance be and the nuino are
hereby repealed and this ordinance ahull lulio
effect Immediately.
Clmirmim of Council.
J, L. 0'DoMMEI.I,, Town Clerk.
VOL, 35.
W» H.
Real Estate and.
Insurance Agent
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds.
Office, 101 Railroad Ave-J
Wm. Bernsliofe*
Livery and Boarding
Wanted-An Idea
«ud lUt o£ Iww InuotUvU rawMlluui wi
Lumber Yard.
All varieties of the
Finest Mill Work.
Sash, Doors and Blinds.
A Specialty.
Near the Railroad Stations,
Hammonton, N. J.
Two 3lQthcmatlcIano.
itsiae tills third cylinder n platform
Specialists, who know one thing so will be constructed, on both sides of
• Jnc Store, by the Proprietor * M>«nn.-.«, much better than even the coromon run which engines ofx150 horse power wIU
a dutozacr.
af liberally educated people^havejjatHe walked Into the drug store and orally some trials of their own. For be placed. By means of friction these
neniloned to tae clerk that he would one thing, they can only once ' in a engines will cause the outside cylin' ke a cup of boiling hot water, says while find a fellow-talker who Is com- ders to revolve rapidly, while the infox Maaon in the New York World: petent and like-minded. The Boston Bide cylinder retains Its equilibrium.
"Dyspepsia, eh?" remarked a by- Budget narrates an almost tragical ex- It Is intended to provide passenger ac^sigs
: lander, who was sipping a strawber- perience by one of these men, a math- commodations within the inside, or
third cylinder. The present idea of
"""§!• ! 7 aod cream- "That's pretty good, ematician of the higher sort.
the inventor is to utilize the space be3-a
; iUt, I know something better thaa
Being a
of considerable fame, ttveen the inner and outer surface of
' -hat. Tou -*
the mathematician Is present at many
"But I haven't got dyspepsia,* be a "function" which has very little to the revolving cylinder for the storage
replied. as he took a sip or the color- do -with has calling. Why he accepts of cargo. The ends of the inner cylinder will be open, and as they will be
ess fluid.
"Perhaps you have just a slight such invitations is something of a puz- eight feet above the water no troublo
zle, for It Is only occasionally that he is expected froin waves.
eelicg of indigestion," remarked anBUYS' A PIONEER STAGE COACH I •ther man. "A siirt of goneness, aa finds any one from whom he can get
conversational pleasure.
t were. Weil, I am eorry for you, any
It was at such a tea that the old
Bx-Eecretary Morton's Novel Vehicle is I know what that is myself. I
for the Transportation of Friends. i
lave a remedy that I have used for gentleman was introduced to a man
from Chicago, who expressed the keenThe most famous pioneer stage coach j fears, .and-—"
to tie history of the tvest has been i "JButV1 haven't got any indiges. est Joy In meeting him; for mathematics, so he^ said, had been always one of j ^<
purchased by J. Sterling Morton, who i iion," hej, i D terropted. It's——"
•will nse it transporting his visitors in i "I bet 1 know what's the trouble," his greatest interests.
Xow our great mathematician had ,
the future froia the depot at Nebraska | .•emarked a third man. "Neuralgia
K i<i ibegj, -n-orj^ug for months on a prot,- | To a reporter who recently. nsked
City to Ms
_ suburban home,, Arbor
—.. , >t the st'jma:n. Well, u u ( / w
is r,— .^ at ^ be ^ golvcd ,^ Hert..\ him to take part In a symposium on.
Lodge. The coach has been in Kearney, J i pretty good thing for that. wat«r
I know
an opportunity to share his tri- | "How to Make Money," Phil-Armour,
Neb,, for more than a quarter of a j ?aat is batter, for I've bad it for
another enthusiast, and j theChicago millionaire, replied: "Youngcentury. It is known as the "Over- ! -inn. But if you will allow me to
land" to all the old-timers ia the-west. < -Jg/est I have a little preparation he made the most of it. For the lict- '• >. put it down that the Armours*
"••-. .figured
. .for many'years
The relic baa
aat/s doae me more good than——" ter part of an hour he explained tho j don't know how to make anything but
to public celebrations. It -was owned
".fartion mt," be said gently, a mild details of the problem, and the success- I sausage, and that they never answer
@&de Bio Followers Believe tbc'Comel by Mayor Hulbcrt, who sold It to the ook of expostulation creeping over ful method of .reaching a solution. AIM! fool questions."
Wa0 a 81raft from Hla Bot7.\,
sage of Arbor Lodge. Mr. Hulbelt >Is face,' "but, gentlemen, you are all the man from Chicago nodded his he.nl i A crusty old farmer in Southern IlliA few days ago Ben L. Jones BCH}>- gives this history of the fajnous old vrong. There is nothing .tbe-Jnatr approvingly, and enjoyed himself.
nois one day became an unwilling host
wsrted the old tort built £a 1S«J at Fort vehicle:
,er with me. I m a well man.' Fifty '"Well," said he, when the explana- for three circuit-riding preachers whoHawkins Into a I»TV- Although tie
"It Is a Corcord, ten-passenger coach rears old yesterday and never bad a tion was over, "as I say, I do enjoy dropped In simultaneously for dinner.
ojd log structure has stood tlie storm and was first run on the overland lick day in my life. And DOW, gen* mathematics. But the thing tuar The larder was low, and the dinner
of aliot aai shell and has been exposed trail, which -was about the same route tletnen, would yoa lifee to know why stumps me, sir, Is that when you raul- consisted of a single fowl. The farmer
to all tie varying changes of •weather as that followed by the fnion Pacific t ordered bot water?"
Oply a number by a fraction you make j askeo~tBe first sky-pilot what portloa
since that early period, sot an tm- to-day. It was first put into service
"We would," they replied in a it smaller.'
. of the chicken he would have. "A leg,'*
wnnd timber la to be seen in it to-day. in 1862 and ran from St Joseph, Mo., ehorus, a general air of disappointsaid No. 1. "Another leg, thank you,"
The logs of -which it is constructed are to Kearney, but !t has many times uent creeping over tbeir faces.
A Slight Misunderstanding.
I requested Xo. 2. "And what will you
as solid and sound as they •were at been through to Salt Lake and San
"Then I will tell you," be replied.. In South America girls are often j have'J" asked the farmer, turning to
0ret Tie fort tras made of Georgia j Francisco. After the Union Pacific -wae 'I bave been buying soda water ID marled at the age of 15 years—at which ! No, 3. "I will also take a leg. If you
' pine,
~'~~ and
"~" to-day
' *"" It
" -would
" "burn completed in 1860 the coach -svas sold ;nls place for six years. My face ia time they can scarcely be said to have j please." replied the third. With au
lik-e rosin If a match were struck to to the Pioneer Stage Company and is familiar here as Patti's autograph. I arrived at the age of understanding, ejaculation that shocked his reverend
a. ragged pml.'
used from Bed Cloud, via Rlvertoa, Chocolate, vanilla and other flavors j especially as the fashionable method guests, tbe fanner threw down his
The stnictnre was
~ obUcaa City, Franklin, Alma and iave diurnally pissed down my throat, jof education gives them pretty man- carving utensils and demanded TO>
—Il ^'—"~-~'' or
fcjt j^^.
-- , vK/SSS \A KearteyT Later It tvas. "And to-day I came in here and j ners, but completely isolates tb$m from kjjpw what sort of fi "crittur" they,'
defers" TVere purchased from the In» j sold by that company to ilayor Eul- Tiiered a simple cup of hot water, ! the world. An Argentine lady who, thought he was carving. '"Tills is a
•entleaien," he continued, as he some years ago, was married at Buenos ! two-legged chicken," he shouted; "not
diana. During the Creek war, from t>ert.
lfl2 to 1814, It -was a rendezvous and I "Tie old coach was always very «cked upalO-cent check from the Ayres at the age of 15 years to a Brit- j a centipede."
distributing point for tie United States ' fortunate tn its trips, though it treat onnter. "I wanted to see If they'd Isb subject, tells an amusing story of
The closing of the Cnfe de Madrid,
soldiera, and Major PhU Cook was In j through many close places in the <e so dodgasted mean as to charge her wedding.
for a long time a favorite resorr for
"I could speak but little English Parisian men of letters, recalls a coucommand. Anticipatliig the dangers . mountains and plains surrounded by
! then," she says, "and how much a child ple of anecdotes to the Bookman's
from the torch of the treacherous red outlaws and Indians. 0!d Bob-Emery
man, the whites built the fort on a probably carried it through the most '• It is only within a few years that | ! was 5™ may Judge from my story.
correspondent: Proth was ono
high stone fomulaticm, the floor of the i famous battle. It was Just after the my extended research has been made I was married in the English church, j Paris
«jay passing the cafe' arm ,„ arm wlth
wooden structure extending beyond the ' great massacre on'the Little Blue, in ,nu> the history of drumlins. A and of course the service was con- poor Paul Arene. Arene was going in,
rock -walls. ; Portholes were made In July, 1805. He was talcing out the reg- Irumlin is a mound of material pro- ducted in the'English language. I will and urged him to do the same. Protb
the extended floor so aa to shoot Indians ular overland passenger load and had ectiog upwardj from the surface of mention that the season was Decem- resisted, saying there were too many
who KQgnt try to scale the -walls to set Just passed into tvbat was known as ;ne earth to a sufficient height to be ber, or midsummer, and that the mar- quarrels in that cafe, only people with
flro to the •woodwork.
the "Devil's Gap," which was a dry :alled a hill. This mound or hill is ket was full of fruits, the English hot tempers, etc. At last he yielded,
During tie famous Creek war Oils creek bed with high banks aad the oaade from loose bits of earth and names of which I had amused my- and, 'five minutes after being seated. In
building -was In the center of the ter- ground plentifully covered with mount- rocks torn from ledges at the time self by learning as I ate them.
a heated discussion slapped his contraritory attacked. Tecumseh was the ain pine and sage brush, Just the place —some thousands of years ago—when
"The marriage ceremony had pro- dictor's face. "You see," he said to
most eloquent of Indians, and wfeea the Indians and the fiercer outlaws of this part of the earth was covered ceeded as far as the place where I was Paul Arene, "is It not nn impossible
the war ;was begun between Great the section selected for their bloody with a sheet of Jce at least four to repeat after the minister the prom- cafe?" The time of the seeotid story
Britain- ^ffgbe United States be com- work. Suddenly rifles began to crack t-bousand feet in thickness. As this ise to 'love, cherish and obey.' The was the last years of the relgu of Naimmicated--wiaj tire trite* from Florida from the cover and wild y«Us told that vast sheet moved of to the southward Clergyman was repeating the words In poleon III. Clement Duvernois, who
to Oosodo, advising them tiat then the coach had been attacked by a band it carried with it quantities of earth little phrases BO that I could follow had Just passed from the Uepubllcnn
waa the tlin.p for, the tp^inna to reclaim of savages. Old Bob turned his six ind small fragments of rock, which him.
Into the Bonaparlist camp, was urging
"To love, cherish
their lands ftto-tlw.'whltejs.- He read horses sharply out on the prairie and ivere deposited in valleys or.heaped
a friend of his—a man whom be Judged
" "NoP said I. I had been taught al- to be amenable 4o the same argumcut»
la an eastern paper that a comet would a race for life was on. Forty Indians .nto drumlins. The reason ^foft, the
appear in the sky at a given time. Bo came running after the lumbering •leposlting of the matter in valleys Is ways to tell the truth. 'Me no love that bad convinced him—to follow hishe notified the Indians that when his vehicle, firing as they ran. They were in easy one to explain, but how it cherries,' J whispered, 'me love straw- example. "But," the frleml objected,
arrow appeared in tbe heavens It would not mounted, but wero as fleet as deer. came to bo piled Into bills baa never berries!'
"what will my friends sny?" "Oh,"
"Then all the people present who un- Duvernola retorted, "you will only
be a algu fox them to attack the whites. The coach contained four women and ret been discovered, though from
derstood English were compelled to have to change your cafe!"
Old Fort Hanvklns perhaps was more six men besides the two guards. From
stuff their handkerchiefs into their
vigorously attacked In pursuance of their position on top of the coach the flven the matter careful study.
Under orders existing somo lime' n^omonths to prevent a desecration of a
Must Observe tho Custom.
this order than was any other in tlio guards fired repeatedly on the iTuiin.ni
men In the German nriny wore at will
In Scottish courts of law wltnesse. solemn service with laughter."
and drove th<?m to cover Just as the
either socks or Fusz-lnppeu (a .species
The fort received its name from Ben- | leader fell with a dozen of bullets in •er,e;it the oath with the ri^ht hand
of bondage) ou their feet. iMirlnn nn
Jamin Hawkins, a Senator from North j,
Xest to Mr. Perkins of Syracuse, who inspection a certain general niked a
Carolina, who had bi-en appointed a ., from Ule tra<.M am] ti,e sta^e continued :ho magistrate found a difficulty
sub.iltorn ofllcer whnt Ills men wore on
commissioner to Georgia to dnvw up a I jtg Wlld rush with four uorses. The "Hold up your rlRhtarm," he com married a Spanish infanta, August Jen- thoir feet. Ho replied Hint some woro
treaty with the Creek Indians.
Indians ILoally dtsflpi>oarcd. Though
Tht' building which Mr. Jones hnft ono of the nude passengers was killed ivitness. "Why not?" "Got shot In to rubbing Bhouldi-ra with royalty than BockH and Home Inppon—alunit TO. per
converted into a burn is a historical and a woman pa.sM-.nger died of fright, Hint alrm." "Then hold up your any other American of the male persua- cent. Kock.s. The Kener.il f u r t h e r linked
curiosity, and rntercstmg volumes it was tboiiglJt Old Hob <lid well to '.eft." "Canna dae that, ayther—got sion. Ills wife, who has Just died In him If be knew wlint each Individual
ml&ht be written about the scenes and keep the whole outllt from being ihot in the Itber ane, tae." "Then Prance, to whom he was married In wore. lie answered promptly In tho
tragedies that hive taken place around j scalped. AJnong the many noted pas- icld up your leg," responded the 18W), was a daughter of the .Earl of alllnnatlve. "\Vbnt," said the general,
ruto maglstrato; "no man can bo Strathmore, of ono of tho oldest aiul poln-tlng to a ninn In the nuilcs, "does
it—Macon, Ga., Telegraph.
' Bcngcra who have occupied tills parworn
In tills court without holding noblest houses of Europe, the pooragu this man wear?" "Socltn," was the reticular coach are Brlgham Young, Josh ID Bomcthlnc.''
dating froooi 1COO. Its great ancestor, sponse; and on the man tnUliiK off n
TlM> 'rullerlen Pnlaoo.
BllHnga, Artemus Word.GeJioral Grant,
Sir John Lyon, feudal bnron of Fortov- boot on the general's order a n'.vck wim
Another attempt to have the Tullerlca anil Kit Carson."
An EaRlb with a History.
lot, was son-in-law of Gilbert II. of found to Incase tho foot. The «anm tent
Palace rebuilt to being mode in France.
Mr. Morton will have it repaired and
In no Bo.ctlon of Ncav York State art Scotland. When Sir John married the npplhxl in yevornl CIIHOH produced the
Tbta time the movement is led by the treat hl» eastern friends whoii they
unglcs BO nuiutrouf as among the high Lady Jann Stuart, the king's second same result. The getiornl WIIH highly
Society for the Pi-eserTaUon of Public call to a novel experience In
laurls along tlie Hudson River, Dozeui daughter, be obtained by royal grant linpresiied with tho ititlninte knowlMonuments.
of them can bo seen dolly clrcltu the thanedom or lordship of Glamila, edge of detail illHplnyed by tho subalfar up In tho air or ewooptng do»wi! The family history IB cloudy connected tern, but the Ind disclosed Hiilisequentafter their prey. Probably the plonco with tho vicissitudes of tho royal Stu- ly to lilw brotlier olllcera the simple deINVENTOR OP BULLET-PROOF CLOTH FACES LEADEN MISSILES of them nil, certainly tho moot interarts and the house of Albany, but In vlco which procunxl him micli ItudoH.
esting, la one which was wounded ore; splto of the extinguishment of so many His men, by his order, lind all u noclt on
100 years ago. Ills hoxuo IB on Turtt'i historical Bcottlah families, that of ono foot ami n Fiiflz-Inppen on the othHead, abovo Garrlson'a. Hte habit o Btrathmoro "lias stood against tht er. They were Instructed to note care,
Hying sideways and tho peculiar drooj Waves find woatliora of time."—Wash' fully the nnftwer given hy tholr oflloer,
nnd to remove tlio hoot which would
of tiLa riaht wins; makes him nn easllj
dtucloxo a verlllcnllon of hln iiHMertlon.
rficot'iilz*><l objoct.' TJila droop wnt
caused by the aliot of a British ooldlor
A HorloiiH-ninnnorcd II-|H|I nii'inhcr
who, while iinflalng up the Hudson 01
wuncd Illnke (reliiteo Henry W. I.ncy
a nmu-of-war, was ordered by his cap Carloao Concern That'll Oelna *° I n t h f l July North American Review) Is
Crou tbo Atlantic In a Jiffy.
tjiln ui fllujot the eagle ao It eoarta
ri'mewberod for a brief ooiToHpondonon
A Canadian Inventor linn devised n ho rend to the delighted lloiu-. It WIIH
Quite a distance aloft. The ooldler1!
mnrlcmniiahlj) WOB good, but it eosi
lutroduceil In n Npccch ilellvered In ilei problem of qulcltor occnii tnivitl. iMite oil the Irlwh Siiiidiiy-clonInK hill.
him hla Hf<'. A bond of patriots, hlddct
In the rockM, uaw tho deed, and. an tht Tills now tMMit la in tlie invention of Mr. lllake lind, lie conlldentlnlly Inlawyt-r, Mr. K. A. Kimpp. In it, he formed tlio IIoiiHc, an uncle who reguBlilp lny well toward the slioro, thcli
volley kllU'il tho Bharpsliootcr. Thi eayn, lie will be able to crwa the Atlnu- larly took six tninlileni of whlt.Uy todwounded ciiglo \vttfi cart-d for by tin tic ocean in -1H hours, and tlnia com- dy dally. Thin trundled h i m , and lifter
Ii:itrli)tM nixl Uiu lilrd utlll fllcit ov<v pletely rcvolutlonljx* nil prvient ineth- mneli tlioUKht ho reiiolvcd lo w r l l o nnd 1
idn of navigil tlon,
Turk's Hvml.
romoimtrate wHIi hlti rolntlve. Tho ftilI'orluipM tlio best llhistnitlon of the lowing wa.'i (In 1 letter; ".My I Mir Uncle:
'Cxcollcnt Opportunity.
irinclplo Involvtxl In thlw vo:me,l la fur- I w r l l o In Hay hou- pleaneil i H|IOII|I| lie
'U'«i may huve wot wunthcr for .luheil by tho paddle, wheel of niionll- If you could nee your wny lo K l v l n j r up
ClirlHliniiH," reinurUi'd tin- .Major.
nary nldo wheel Btcanwr. ImnK'"*' tin- your nix KlimscH of u'lilnlEy a day. I inn
"I'lial will h'lve Huntu ClaiiM a ohnnco ^iwldlo wlieol to ho 110 feel In width n i ire you wonlil lind many nilviinlai,'e>< •
t<i line lib rain ili-er," replloil tlio .huljcu.
1 20 foot In dlnmi-HT. Tlio BliUlun- In dciliu; MI, t h e Ki'ealcut ol' \vlileh
- I'lltiiliiint (1'n.) Clironlrl
,ry pfuldlcfl on tlio outHltlo cylinder <if \V'<H|I<1 lie Hull, IIM I H I M pel-ul.-idi-d, ||
HIS l>ullct-()M»f cloth Invented h>y U r o t h c r Cnulmlr /i-glcn of tin- Onfholtt
liis VOHHO! will correnpoiKl to the piul- would lie tile lllr.'lll-i of I'-n K I |II'|I|M ( ;
irurr of
or llliv U f H u r r u e t l o n l n t B wn
y VM. Fliliincr,
e e M H f i i l i y tented In 'hlciiKo Ihe other
I'rofe.'iiur In "dinli " Hhort for n n y - 1<'H on n pn<1<llc Wheel. In t h e center your diiyn." The uncle replied: ".\iy
(lie ninf nt a tiiilliUntf nl U'eut T w e l f t h itreei und OtfileQ
iivenuo. H n M l IT /eglen stood l>ehln«l n f r u n i ' - w o r h of \voml, Iron :md nrinoi'
t h i n IUIKC jmdillo \vheol I n u i K l n e n I)enr Nep]ii<\v: I am m u c h olillj;rit in
pl.'lte, v i l l i nn iipenlnv In ll bl|{ enough to e i p n u o hln ,;Iieit. I I . plin-oil till' bulletYe.-i. f u r rnr-fiint u x i m l l y . • - cj'Hiuler 1- I'eet In dlnnieter, liriifcd yon I'or y u i i r i l n l l l ' i i l lel'ler. I
lirm.r .<( over liln client, nnil thr
' l e n t Simierlil uf t i n ' A i M l r l n n u r i n y lln-il
(tn>iif{)y to ( i n - o u t h l d e eyllndei', w i t h » m u c h iitriicli by w l i n t you n n l i l
d l n l l l n e e of l i ' l l pjn'i'ii. Tin' l i n l l i ' t - p r o u f I ' l u l l l
wlial'l In (hi) eeiitcr of thl:i lU'-foot ej lln parllriilai-, liy your k i n d \ v l - <
illil Ilie ivi.rli. 'l'li<> l i u l l i ' l H l i n r i ' l y
ili'i-i"! t i n ' r l ' . l h , ini'l i-oiilil lie p i c k e d m i l
dor, nnd connected w l l l i n veviel one m my i l n y n . I l i i i l I M M I'l'ldny I K J I V I elllilly.
Oil I I I , ' I l l l i c Mill,' :,( (III- cl
U'liy ilon'l M h o marry y o u / would have nn ordinary pjuMlo wheel the wlihiKy. I l i e l l e v e you ni-r rlj,;
Ilit'i-r '.VIIM o n l y it i i i n i i l l i n n i - ] i (n n l i u w for
Ilif n l i i l . I Inr ilmi w i i n l i n ' i l fro in
."»0 r i d i b i T i i ' v c l v e r . /I'j'li-ii'.'i elu'iit \\-uii fi'»-i'
> t h e r ni.'in I n t h e <';iMe?
In tilmpo n i : i l pi'lni'lple. Km In t h < < veiv my liny, IIH to my diiyi lu'lio; l i ' i u ; t h
from i i i i y J i h r n c . l i i i i . ' I ' l i r r i - \\ nn ti
' • •> of pb.vMri.nri p r e " i ' i i l t ' M i i e t h e I ' v t t . A f l e r
• Ve'i; her r i i t l / > - i - . 'I'M Illl.-i.
H c y r r u l i . l i n l H liinl lii- i'ii l l r i - i l i l l l
of eil, for l i e i l n i l ! Il \va:i t h e l"ii .,--,1 ,| u
r e n i i . r 1 ' , p i - , l e i l i - d . - I n , I , I ir. I 1 '. H. W i - n l i - r
ever renicndii'r."
< {Mil
. ' ( I l l l t t t h e n ll
llllllur Hllll
i . - u l i - m i n i UK- nt him,
l i e M i i l . l -A'lien i l n >
linll. I
|| , 1 - 1 l( I , , ,
.1 h.
1:1-11 l i y p u l l e d liy n r l i l M .
All llne.e prrieiil
eh, III, l i i - f o n
i - I . I I I J , ! , - ! ! ' {,
l i y h u l l hi
'id-il, li, Joliinl to t
iy dunned oy creditors whom you cannot
fooled tho Old Man.
pay, and whon from Monday morning until
When the voting married man tells
Saturday night you are dodging bills that
this story he mates sure that his fathyou cannot meet? You walk day by day In
uncertainties that have kept your brain on
er is not within earshot
The Eminent Divine's Sunday °
Eire for tho past throe years. Somo with
August, 20, 1S9".
"I never bad but one falling: ont with
less business troubles than you flavo gone
the governor," he declares. "When I
orazy. The clerk nas heard a noise in the
back counting room and gone In and found
Text: Take hoed, and bewaro went home one evening and told hlraJob .Hitd BollH, nnnlcruptcy and a Foal
the chief man of the firm a raving maniac, nl Golden
covetousness —Luke !•> • 15
tliat I was engaged, hecrosa-quesUoned
Wife, Hut Ho Finally Escaped, Body
or the wife has heard the bang of a"plstoi (Acts
1!) : 21-31. Memory verses : 21-2C). me IJke a lawyer and each answer inIn the book parlor and gone In, stumbling
nii<l Sou], From His Troubles—Tlion.
Read Acts 1!) : 1 to 20 : 3.
creased, his wrath, till lie positively forover the dead bodv of her husband—a
,' BiindBof OthersMayBo Similarly Saved
suicide. There are men pursued, harassed,
bade the bans. I have something of a
TEXT: "I am escaped with tho sUin ol
trodden down and scalped of business pertemper myself, and, after a stormy inmy teeth."—Jol) six.-, 20.
plexities, and which way to turn next thoy
Topic of the' Quarter: The Church at terchange, we agreed upon a comproJob hnrt it hard. What with bolla and
do not know. Now God will not be hard on -Work.
bereavements nnd bankruptcy and a fool
He knows what obstacles are in tho
Golden Text for the Quarter: We arc mise. He did not- like the girl's famof a wife he wished ho was dead, and I do
way of your being a Christian and your laborers
tog«thor with God.—I Cor. 3 : 9. ily.
He would have It that ehe was a
not blamo him. His flesh was gone, and
first effort In the right direction Ho will
Cortune-huntet. He could never ap. his bones were dry. His teeth wasted
crown with success. Do not letsatnn, with
cotton bales, and kegs, and hogsheads, and Man.
away until nothing bat the onojnol seemed
prove of her under any circumstances,
counters, and stocks of unsalable goods, •- OUTLINE:
loft.-; Ho.orles out, "I am escaped with the
'but If I would go abroad for two years,
skin of my teeth."
block irp your way to Heaven. Gather up
'1. Work Pushed, vs. 21, 22.
see other women, hold no communicaall your energies. Tighten the girdle 'about
There has been some <Jlfference of
2. Wrath Aroused.'vs-23-2s.
tion with my fiancee and then return
your loins.' Take an agonizing look Into
opinion about this passage. 8t. Jerome and
the face of God, and then say, "Here goes
Bchultens and Drs. Good and Poole and
to marry her, be wouW Interpose no
one grand effort for life eternal," nnd then
Barnes hnve nil tried their forceps on
obstacle. I accepted hto terms.
bound nwny for heaven, escaping "as with
Job's teeth. You deny my interpretation
M.—Acts,19 : 1-10.- Seed Sowing.
"After I bad been In Parts I m«t fin
the skin of your teeth."
nnd say, "What did Job know about the
T.—Acts : 19 : 11-20. Heaping.
•3tn tho last day it will be found ihnt
.enamel of tho teeth?"
He knew everyAmerican girl who was In all. respects
Hugh Latimer, and John Kndx, and Husf
thing about it, Dental surgery Is almost
my IdeaL She was with, a wealthy
as old as the earth.
Tho mummies of
and Ridley were not the greatest martyrs,
T—Acts 19 : 31-41. Paul opposed a
annt, whose name she had taken and
Egypt thousands of years old are found tobut Christian men who went up Incorrupt
whose forttme ehe was to Inherit. I
day with gold lining in their teeth. Ovid
from the contaminations and perplexities
F.—Isa. 44 9-19.
Folly of idolatry.
nnd Horace and Solomon and Moses wrote
of Pennsylvania avenue, Broad street, State
S.—Isa. 45 ld-2-3,. Confusion of idol- wrote the governor about ter, sent him
about these important factors of tho body.
street and Third street. On earth they
the opinion of some of my countrymen
To other provoking complaints Job,'I
were called brokers or stock jobbers, or reS.—Eph. 1 : 1-13.
Paul's letter to whom he knew and said his scheme
think, has added an exasperating toothtailers, or Importers, but in heaven ChrisEphesians.
ache, anil, putting his hand against the
tian heroes. -No fagots were heaped about
had proved a good one after .alL With
Intlamed face, lie says, "I am escaped with
their feet; no inquisition demanded from
home readings are the selections his permission I would wed the girl In
tho skin of my teeth."
them recantation; no soldisr aimed a pike of the International
.633 it.
Hible Reading Ass* Paris.
A very narrow escape, you say, for Job's
at their heart, but they had mental tor- elation.)
Do you not feel that the Bible, take It all, ture
"He cabled his permission and bis
body and soul, but there are thousands of
compared with which all physical
men who make just as narrow escape for
ionsumlng Is as the-,breath ol a spring
approval, but In the letter that follow,-ias
their soul.' Thorn was a time when the
ed there was a tone of mild repro-ral'
partition between them and ruin was no has ns much In U? Do you not think,upon
I flnd In the community a large class of
for my Inconstancy. Tou notice that
thicker than a tooth's enamel, but as Job the whole, that Its Influence has been bene- men who have been so cheated, so Hed
finally escaped BO have they. Thank Godl
so outrageously wronged, that they These things were ended (21).
my wife.Is a prime favorite with him.
tended toward you. In one hand I have about,
Thank God!
have lost their faith In everything. In a
accomplished the work (John He never tires of singing her praises,
Paul expresses the same Idea by a differ- the Bible and In the other hand I have noth- world where everything seems so topsy 17Having
: 4).
This Bible in one hand I will surren- turvy they do not see how there can be any
and doesn't allow a day to go~by withent figure when ho says that some people ing.
I have finished th» -uurse (2 Tim. 4 : ").
are "saved as by lire." A vessel at sea Is der forever just as soon ns In my other hand God.
out reminding me how te saved mo
They are confounded and frenzied 2.
New-Efforts Planned:
In flames. You go to the stern of thq vesand misanthropic. Elaborate arguments After
from the blunder that would hare__
sel. Tlio boats have shoved off. The
to prove to them the truth of Christianity
spoiled my life." "
Rome (21).
flames advance. You can endure the heat ioned religion of your fathers, to tho God or the troth of anything else touch them
was hastening....to be at Jerusalem
"But wasn't It a little hard on the
no longer on your face. You slide down on whom they worshiped, to the Bible they nowhere. Hear me, all such men.
I preach He(Acts
20 : 16).
the side of the vessel nnd hold on with your read, to the promises on which they leaned, to you no rounded periods, no ornamental
one you left behind?"
jlngers until the forked tongue of the flro
llscourse, but put my hand on your shoul"Not at all She's the same girl I
1 : 13).
begins to lick the back of your hand, and oal expectations. You have not been happy 'ier and Invite you Into the peace of the
You will not be gospel. Here Is a rock on which you may 3. Delegated Effort Employed;
met in Parts. But he doesn't know It,
you feel that you must fall, when one of n day since you swung off.
Having sent intojllacedonia
Tiniothy and I mean that te never shall."—De.
the lifeboats comes back, and tho passen- liappy a minute until you swing back.
?tand firm, though the waves dash against
gers say they think they have room for one . Again, there may be some who hi the at- t harder than the Atlantic, pitching Its and Erastus (22).
into all the world, and preach trolt Free Press.
more. Tho boat swings under you. You
?urf clear above Eddystone lighthouse. Gotheyegospel
(Mark 16 : 15).
drop into It—you are saved. So some men against powerful passions and appetites. Do not charge upon God all these troubles
nre pursued liy temptation until they are Perhaps It Is a disposition to anger that of the world. As long as the world stuck When they had fasted — they sent hin?
away-(#cts 13 : 3).
Two Left.
partly consumed, but after all get off—
God God stock to the world, but the
while In a very serious mood, you hear of to
'Ssaved as by fire."
earth seceded from His government, and
Last Memorial day two veterans In
But I like the figure of Job a little better something that makes yon feel that you hence all these outrages and all these
t Connecticut farming town laid flow-,
than that of Paul, because tho pulpit has must swear or' die. I know a Christian woes. God Is good. For many hundreds 1. An Influential Citizen:
which.... brought no lit- ers—as they have done for many years
not worn It out.Jind I want to sliow you, if man who was once so exasperated that he of years He has been coaxing the world to
Oocl will help, that some men make narrow said to a mean customer, "I cannot swear come back to Hlmj but the more He has tle business (24).
-on .the graves of six comrades who
escape for their souls and are saved as at you myself, for I am a member of the coaxed the more violent have men been In The rich hath many friends (Prov. 14 :2fl). unlisted with them in the Army of the
ahurch, but if you will go downstairs my heir resistance, and they have stepped He is worthy... "himself built us our
•"with tho skin of their teeth."
Union a generation ago.
It is as easy for some people to look to partner In business will swear at you." All back and stepped tyick until they nave ' synagogue (Luke 7 : 4, o.
2. A Mercenary Apeal:
Their experience Illustrates one of
the cross as for you to look to this pulpit. your good resolutions heretofore have been dropped Into ruin.
that by this business we hove the many coincidences of personal hisMild, gentle, tractable, loving, you expect
Try this God, ye who have had the blood- Yeourknow
thoui to beooint) Christians. You go over
hounds after you, and who have thought
to the stoin nnd say, "G-randou joined the you only get mad at sin. You need to :hat God hod forgotten you. Try Him and Cast thy lot among us; we will all have tory during the Civil War. Ajnong the
volunteers from this town these two
one purse (Prov. 1 : 14).
church yesterday." Your business com- bridle and saddle those hot breathed pas- lee If He will not help. Try Him and see 1"
rades say: "That Is just what might hove sions and with them ride down Injustice He will not pardon. Try Him and see 1 Kill him and the inheritance shall te living and six deceased soldiers were
cur's (Mark 12 : 7).
boon expected. Ho always was of that and wrong. There are a thousand things He will not save. The flowers of spring
schoolmates and close friends, and all
turn of mind." In youth this person whom" In the world we ought to be mad at. There have no bloom so sweet as the flowering of 3.A dangerous Opponent:
Paul hath persuaded and turned away pledged themselves to stand by each
I descrlliu was" nlways good. He never Is no harm In getting rodhot if you only Christ's affections. Tho sun hath no
other and keep track of each other,
broke tilings. He never laughed when it bring to tho forge that which needs ham- warmth compared with tho glow of Hii much people. (2ti).
was Improper to laugh. At seven he could mering. A man who has no power of heart. The waters have no refreshment He reasoned.., .and persuaded Jews and whatever might happen.
Greeks (Acts IS : 4).
sit un.hour in church, perfectly ( qulet, looklike the fountain that will slake the thirst
In camp the eight were tent-mates,
ing neither to tlio right hand nor tho loft, bo euro It is a righteous indignation am
of thy soul. At the moment the reindeer Persuading them concerning Jesus (Acts never
dlvldexJ except as bedfellows, or
: 23).
but straight into the eyes of the minister, not a petulanoy that blurs and unravel,
stands with his Up and nostril thrust In the
n« though ho understood tho whole disrather as blanket-fellows; and 'each
cool mountain torrent, the hunter may be 4. A Destructive Dogma:
midcussion about tho eternal decrees. Ho
They lx> no gods, which are made with two of the four pairs of young .men
coming through the thicket. Without cracknovor upsot things nor lost them. Ho dle life who nave still In them appetite; ling a stick under his foot, Ho comes close hands (2li).
flout od Into tlio kingdom of God so gradually that were aroused tn early manhood, ut i by the stag, alms his gun, draws the trig- Their idols are
tho work of men's shared the same fate.
that It la uncertain just when tho matter tlmo when thoy prided themselves on bo
Fighting In General Hancock's diviand tho poor thing roars In Its death hands (Psa.ll"> : 4).
Ing a "little fust," "high livers," "free nni ger,
WHM diH'hied.
is anything in tho sion, where all served, the first pair
ngony and falls backward,Its antlers crashHero Is another ono, who started In life easy," "hall fellows well mot." They an
world 1( Cor. 8 ; 4).
were killed aide by side, by the same
with an uncontrollable spirit, Hi) kept tliu now paying In compound Interest fo: drinks from tho water brooks of God's 5: A Threatening Outlook:
nursery In nn uproar. His mother found troubles thoy collected twenty years ago promise shall never be fatally wounded and
Our trade come- into disrepute....Diana shell, at the Battle of Antletam. The
him walking on tho odgo of tho house roof
be made of no account ((27).
second pair were taken sick while on
shall never die.
to HOO If he cimli! balance himself. There will, yet very narrowly, "as with the ski.
This world Is a poor portion of your soul, Yo prevail nothing: lo, the world is gone i long march, and both died. The
was no horw that ho dared not ride, no tree of your teeth." God and your own soa 0 business man! An eastern king had
after him (John 12 : 19).
ho could not climb. UIs boyhood was o only know what tho struggle Ifl. Omnlpo
graven on his tomb two flngers, represented Tho hope of tholr gain was gone (Acts bird pair were killed at Frederickslong series of predlciitnonts, his manhood tent grace has nulled out many a soul thai1
burp. The remaining two, BtlU servIf! : 19),
wni'irnakleHH, ul» tnldltfo very wayward. was deopor In tho tniro than you aro. The
undor them tho motto, "All Is not worth 6 A ' w r a t h f u l Outcry:
ng under -{lanGbck, fought at GettysHut now ho In converted, and you go over lino the beach.ot heaven—tho multttud'
Thoy woro filled w i t h wrath, and cried burg, at Spottsylvanla, <gad in several
that." Aplclus Coollus hanged himself bo
to tho Htore and nay, "Arkwright Joined the whom God has rescued from tho thrall o: aauao his steward Informed him that he out (28).
church yesterday." Your friends say: "It suicidal habits. If you this day turn bac_ had only £80,000 steeling loft. All of. thin They shouted, saying, Crucify, crucify sieges and skirmishes, for seventeen
Is not mi.'i.ilhlo. You must bo Joking." You on tho wrong nnd start anew, God will world's riches makmut a .small Inheritance
him (Luko 23 : 21.)
months, when both were wounded
Hiiy: "No; I toll you tho truth. Ho joined ,ielp you. Ohl tho weakness of human for a soul. Bobcsplerro attempted to win Thoy orioil out with a loud voice,....am)
ivlthln an hour of each.other, and were
tliuehuri'li." Then they reply, "There is lolpl lion will sympnthlzo for a whllo an
:arrled off the field In the same amhope for any of iih If old Arkwright hoa be- :hon turn you off. If you ask for tholr parIII. I'EUIL FACED.
lylnc a woman came rushing through the
come n Clnlstliui." In other words, wo
1. Mob Uulu.
julanco. Both recovered, and contincrowd,
will admit t h a t It l.i muro dlflloult for some
the power of tpinptatlon, they cast you kindred, descend to hell, covered with tho (29).Tho city was filled w i t h tho confusion ued In tho army till the end of tho waf\
ninn to a--''npt the gospel than for others.
aurses of ovory mother In Francol" Many
They procured the return of their
I may bo pre.-ichlng to somowlio hnvocut off forovor. But God forglvos seventy who havo expected tho plaudits of tho world Pilato saw t h a t n . . . . t u m u l t was arising
lonso f r o m cliiir<!lii» and Bibles nnd Sun- times novon; yon, sovcn hundred times
fellow-comrades' remains to tho old
( M u t t . 27 : 51).
died undor Its anathema mnranathn.
days, and who no Intention of becoming yoa, though this bo tho ton thousandth
Oh, find your peace In Godl Make ono Gathering 1 a crowd, not Ihe city on un u|>- home place, nnd tho two, who are BtlU
OlirlHtlan* tliouiHolroH, and yet you may tlmo, Ila Is moro earnest, moro Hympa
rour (Ax In 17 : 5).
strong pull for heaven. No half-way work
liko brothers to each other, havo never
llud yuur.4i'lf csonpliig before you leave this thotlo, nioro helpful this last time than trill do It. Thoro sometimes comes a tlmo 2. Mob Violence:
Corgotten their brotherhood to their
IIOIIHII UH "with tlio skin of your teeth." I whon you took your first mlatop.
If with nil tho Inlluoncits favoratilo for a
do not expei't to wiwto this hour. I havo
companions (-H.
Hoon boatH go off from Capo May or Long
aargo Is nothing, tho rigging nothing. Tho Thoy... .drow near lo break tho door
Jlraneh ami drop their nots andaftornwhllo how much harder In It whon, for instance, oaptnln puts tho trumpet to his lips and
((ion. 19 : 9),
oomoiiHhori), pulling In tho nets without some appotlto thruata lt» Iron grnpplo Int
ouan't Afraid of the Qaeeau
shouts, "Cut away tho mastl" Homo of you Assaulting the h o u s e . . . .They dragged
having caught a Hlnglo Huh. It wu.i not a tho root;i of tho touguo and pulls a man havo boon toasixl and driven, and you havo,
Jason ( A c t s 17: ii, l i t .
An amusing story of Ingenuous chlldgood day. or they had not tho right kind of down with hands of dostruotloii? If, undot In your effort to keep tho world, well nigh 3. Ollieial Caution:
/ibod Is told by a former mald-of-hona not. Hut wo oxpoct no such iixonndou suoli olrcuroBtaiiccH, ho broaks away, thon! lost your soul. Until you havo (lonld.nl
Tlio ohiof o'llleern. . . . I . e M i u g h t him not to
to-day. Tim water Is full of llah, tho wind will bo no nport In tho undertaking, no this matter lot everything olso go. Over- ndvonturo (;)1).
or In tlio aervlco of Queen Victoria,
'In In tho right direction, tho gospel nut Is
board with all those other anxlotlcs and Thoy came and besought thorn; a n d . . . . Baya tho louth'a Companion. A Httlo
ntrong, O t h o n who didst help Billion and tho wrestlers move from sldo to Bldo and tmrdona. You will havo to drop tho sails
brought thorn out (Aels Ili : :i!M.
Andrew to llnh, H!IO\V us how to emit tho not bond and twt.it and wntch for an oppor- nf your prldo and out awny tho mast, With The Ohio!' eiiplain also was afraid whon ho niece of hers visited bcr one day at
tunity to got In n lieavlor etroko, until wltli
tho court. Tho queen caught flight of
on tlio right nldo of tho ship!
( A c t s 22 ; 29).
Home of yon Incoming to God will havo ono Anal effort. In which tho muscles arf
the child, nnd, pleased with hex innotho hand of Him who helper! Paul out of 4. Illind Aillierenee:
to run iiKaln-it Hkuptlcal notlonii. It Is UHU- dlstonilod und tho veins utiind out and tho tho broaknra of Multta, and who, above tho
I'lie more purl K n e w nut wherefore thoy cent prattle, asked tlio lady-ln-wnltlng
len.i for peopld to nay nlinrp nnd cutting Mood HtnrlH, tho uwurthy hublt falls under ihrlll blast .of tho wrathloat tempest that ivere
tlihii;ti to I h M" who rujont tho Christian ru- tin) linoo of tho viator—OBoapod at last IIH tvor blaolconod tho sky or shook tho ommn, Thou h h u l l mil f o l l o w a m u l t l l u d o to do to havo the Httlo visitor come to
llglon. I oiinnot nay snob thlngu. Uy what "with tlio nkln of hlH tooth."
luncheon some day at the palace. Tho
o v t l (I0xi.il. 2:1 ; 21.
Tho uliti) Emniu, bound from Gottonburg :un hoarthofalnteatlmploratlon for mercy.
proiM'.'iti of temptation or trial or butrnyal
I shall clOHO thlu uormon fooling that )esiriiiK to inilu f a v o r w i t h the Jews, rhlld was taken up on nn appointed
you luivo oonioto your pro.iontBtato I know
lomo of you who hayo considered your
Felix led l'nul ( A . ' l K
21 : 2 7 ) .
tljiy to tho roynl table. While quite
not. Tlniri' nro t\vo gato.t to your nature— on tho lookout tmw uomothlng thnt ho pro- nuso ns hopnlium will tnko heart ugnln, and i. Wild l-'ren/.y:
unconscious of tho honor conferred upthe gate of tho lioaii and tho unto of tho nounood n vcx.wl bottom up. Thoro wan that with a blood rod onrnostnoMs, mioh na
hoiut. 'I'll" giito of your hoau In looked
on her, eho was quiet nnd well-boyou havo novor oxporlonmul before, you -i-led o u t , ( I n t n l . in [ M a n n ( I I I ) .
with l n d t H and barn that an nronangol but win) afterward found to be it waving will Htart for tho good land of tho gospol— Thoy I'l'ied aloud m i l eut themselves imvotl, and not Inclined to talk unnecoould not lireuk, but tlio guto of your heart liniulUerolilnf. In tho innnll boat tho crow nt liwt to look liaok, uaylng: "What n
I'KinitM 1H ; 2H).
essarily, During tho luncheon chlclwn
iirflngn eiiHlly on UH hlngOB. If I aannultod pmiltod out to tho wro«l( nnil found that It .{rent rink I rani Almost lont, but uavodl They
eried out
and ra.it. dust into tho
your body w i t h weapons, you would moot mo WUH u capsized vimtjol, nnd that throo mon font got through, and no morol Ivicapoil
wan served. Tho child ato nor portion
with weupoiiH, anil It would boflwordatroUo
:>y tho akin of my tooth."
with kcon relish, and wan careful In
for Mword Mtrolio and wound for wound and tho bottom of t h o u h l p . Wnon tho veu.-wl
Vei-ho 21.— " A f t e r
t h i n g s . . . . tbo use of knife nnd fork. Suddenly
blood for blood, but If I I'oino nnil knock at impHlzod, Lhuy liud no moaim of osoupo.
aul purnosod
In K,I." ( 1 ) Old ell'oi-ts she stared at tho queen with oyea like
tho dnor of your houso you open It nnd ll'ho oitiiUIn took Ida penknife mid dug
Ilesenlinenl neenis tu liuvi^ heen ^'leen us
y nntm'o for ili'l'enMi o n l y ; it 1-, t h e il'e.
I f l v n i n o tl»> hi'Htnoat In your parlor. I f l
round towora. Then,pointing b«r amoli
Verse 23.--"About t h a i l i m
nhonld oinne at you nutv with an argument, broke. Then un old null wuu found, with
ilui-il ul j u b i l e e nnd the M ' e o r l l y o|' u i < > no
(1) ftnpcr In tho direction of her mnJcasy,
you would aiiHwor mo with an argumnntj
Tho W a y ; ( 2 ) ' T h . l i i i p - ; (.1) The h t l r ; (l) oho exclaimed with, p, torn* of rcvtoof:
If w i t h nar-'Hrtiii, you would nnnwor mo with up out of the darknons, oaoh ono working
\Vo leiu-n wlHilom f r o m t ' l i l l m
re The MMjIlonoes,
tmn'miin -blow for blow, otroko for ntrolco until hln hund WIIH well ulgh paralysed,
"<> plBffle! plETglot"
mn f r o m SIICOONS; \vo o f t e n d l - e o M i r lint
Vort.o 2.i,~" |lv t h i n liiiMlne.«s we huvo
•-tint when I oomo and Iciiook at the door
• I I I do l i y l l n d l n i ; out wlint w i l l n o t . .
The queen had token ono of the
our w e a l t h . " Tin biirtine^^ ( H I n It.i n r of your heart you onon It ^and Hay, "Oomo |ony anil todlouii work tho light brolti:
801110 men leurn enoiu;h In K i \ monllis' l i x t l o e h a r a i - t e r ; ( ) I n II,- l e l l i ' i o l l H bent'- rhtrltou bones qnlto .delicately In her
In, my liril'lhnr, and toll inn fill you know through tlio bottom of tho uhlp. A hundkorohlef wuu holiitod. Help ounio. Thov :'«vol !•> boro elliin'ii fin' ii I I I el line.
l.'l) 111 iH I I ' l i l l l l i e l - i i t l ve M i l l i e .
aliout ( I l i r l n l and liouvna."
, lint the car«f(ully trained chllil,
\ O I ' M < 'Js. -"U'hi'li I l i e y lieiil'il I h l M , tliev
l i l H l n n t o t w o or tliroo i|iioHtIontt. Aro
It U Mnini;o 11ml. el' n i l po^lbl • I H - . K H ,
who had been, wnnjod In tho nursery
you an luippy ai you UHiid to bo whon you |>o- Huvod. Did over myn oomo no aoar u watory
i n p l v In be M ' l i l l l we l i r e ,|,,,,lb I I I ' O V O
lleveil In t i n ' I r u t h of t h u C h r l n t l i m million? Kruvo without dropping Into It? How nnr- n t t h e e u i t e M , b u t I n l i n l t e l y i l l ' lini-il- (I) The e x e l l l l i K Inn l i n e lie; |L') Til" r e n u l t - t l . n t thin \VIIH a broach of propriety In
In^ w r a t h ; (:l) Tlio l e h e m e i i t o n t e i - y .
people, could not refrain from
Would vnn l i k e (o liuvn your ohlldron trnvol rowly tlmy oinnipud—eiioapod only "with •ll.
\'e|-.-H(' Mil. -"Tlie db'i'lples Mlll'ereil h i m
on In t n o road In \vldoh you aro nowtruvol- tho iikln of tliefr tooth." Thoro urn mon
an expression thnt «li» hart
m i l . " ( I ) Tlie i n i p i ' i - i b il e i > m | m n ! i > n i ; (•.')
Ing? You had a relutlvo who profentiod to who huvo been rupalxitil of ovll piiHuloiiH
my ntrentiili,'
ver lind hi hiir- Tlie l l i l v e n l l l l n l l n a p i i > l l i ' ; C D T h e l u l l IT*
il'ieii heard her governess nao. Bvory
bo n Ohrltitlan and wan thoroughly ooneliit- luul oupnlnod mMoooun, unit thoy uro n
Ul I I M ) h e u \ y In ea
l l l l \ e dl-lelples.
>no at the? tnl>le was startled, but tlu»
out, living nnd dying In tin' f u l t n of tho KOM- thounnnd inllen mviiy from any tilioro ol
V'el-.-ii' .'I-J. "The m . > K ' p u r l K n e w n u t
Tli« i i n e i o n l H k m
jiid, \Vould you not llko to Mvo tho fmino iiolp. Thoy huvo tor ynuni lieon tryliiK to
|iiot>ii nt once led In the Uiughlcr. ciillltf
I diee luive l.n'ii I'uiiiiil In Iho r u i n s of
onlot llfn mid die thn nuni" peiinnful doatb?
quite keenly the Jok« ut hor o\n>
1 hold In my h a n d a littler, aunt mo hy ono
wlio him i-i'JKi'ti'd 111" OhrlHtliin rollglnn. Il
Hiiyii; "I am old eaongli to k n o w that tint
joyn nnd plei»:uiri-M of llto are ovunnMoont
nnd to |-i'iill7.n I l i o f a i ' t t l i n t It inutit bit eoinf o r t a h l o In old ii^c to hnlluvo In nomi'tlilng
r i ' l a l l V " to i h « t i i l i i n i nnd to h a v e - a f a i t h
In M o i n i ' M V M | I I I I I t l i n l propo'iet* to HUVII. 1
am fi'ne to I'onri-.'in that. I >vould ho I m p p l o r
If I e o l l l i l i - x n i v l x n t i l l ' K l l l l l d x and
r n l l l l t l ' m l hi ],M,-,,-:MHMI hy m a n y w l i o i n 1
U n o \ v . I am m i l w I l l l t i K l y "'it of t l i " I'lmi-i'li
or out o[ l l o < I n I Hi. My n t a t o o l n n.'"rial n l y
In oil" "( n u i i ' n t . K o n i o l l i n i ' M I d o n l i l my
In i in 01 l a i n y a n d looli u p o n t. lie d e a t l i l u M ) an
(ho e l i m l l i K 'ne.'lii., llllei 1 w i l l e d tln-ril In llotlllii|,-. \ V h a i n l i a l l 1 do that 1 havo not
done)'" Mi, n l i i ' p t l n l M i n l» a d a r k nnd doleful l a n d l Let n i n i i n y t h a t tlil.i l U l d o l n e l l l i e i
truo or lolae. If ft DO false, we aiis as tfeL
off as you; It It be true, thon which ot aa IB
Lot mo also ask whether your trouble hns
not been that you confounded Christianity
with tho Inconsistent character of somo
who profess It? You are a'lawyer. In your
profession there are mean and dishonest
men. Is that anything against the law?
You are a doctor. There are unskilled and
contemptible men In your profession. Is
that anything against medicine? You ore
a merchant. There are thieves and defraudorB In your business. Is that anything
against merchandise? Behold, thon, the
unfairness of charging upon Christianity
die wickedness of Its disciples. W6 admit
some of th'5 charges against those who profess religion. Some ojt the most gigantic
swindles of tho "present day have boon car•led on by members of the church.
There are men standing In the front rank
jn the churches who would "not 'bo trusted
tor S5 without good collateral security.
They leave their business dishonesties In
|:he vestibule of the church as they go in
and sit at tho communion. Having concluded tho sacrament, they get up, wipe
the wine from then: lips, go out and take up
their sins where they loft off. To Serve the
[levil is their regular work, to serve God a
fort of play spell. With a Sunday sponge
thoy expect to wipe off from their business
>lato all the past week's Inconsistencies.
Ifon have no more .right to take such a
nan's life as a specimen ol religion than
/ou have to take the twisted irons and
spilt timbers that lie on the beach at Coney
Island as a specimen of an American ship.
It is time that wo draw a line between reIglon and the frailties ot those who pro-
Ini ilellveriul uiileiiM now tlmy will holnt
mine iilgiml of dl>itr<KiH, Howovor wouli
unit li'eble It rimy be. Clirlut will mm It nnil
iii'iir d i i w u u i ' i i n tlieln'l|>lii.iit emit unit Uk<i l n - i i i un boiinl, nnil It will bo linou-n on
•in-Ill n n i l In ln'iivi'ii how iiarroivly they
have I
il -"eni'npeil nn \vlth tho iililn or
;helr ti'otli,"
Tlii'i-o ui'o o t b i ' n i \vlio In nil
•oni" l o < l o luii.-it run b n t w e
i i a n y linshii-'' i |M<r|>lii\ltli',-i. If u tiian K"
> v e r t o I n r i l i H •in in 10 o'l'bu'lt In HIM iiior iiK a n d i-01 u i - in n y ut H o V M . i k I n t l i i ' i i r t i noon, ho Ine.i ,•" me t i m e fur r - ' l l K b u i , b t
how n l i a l l y u II >il t i m e tur n>lli;|iiiii, en I ' l n p l u t l ' i n w i n 1 i you nre i l r l v m i from f?u bin to n i i n - i e l HI il liove linen f u r l l v n yen t
"knu bcMiul In hunlne'jn iiuil uro trui|iio|il-
Tim h h l f l l e v
ime \ v b e n u
,\ nmn I I K e
bit nl l l i u . - -
v i i e t l e r i i l i u n ; (,'l) A i-m-ide'in l U ' m v i l u r e .
• • j.
The action of Ivy on ruin.', In imlil to
nlTonl i i r n c l l c n l |i| - ool' of Ihe dryliit;
ehnracter ol UN r o o t l e t r i — t h e n u i i ' t n r l;i
HO I m n l nnil i l r y H i n t it I- d l l l l e i i l t to
d i ' i n o l l s h ' t h e old w n l l s . If t i l e I m i n c h c H
ni-e nllou'ed lo irel I n t o Kllltei-;, of o t h e r w a t e r c o n d u i t " . M I I ne l o eliol.e t i n .
llo\v I n l i e o \ y r a i n - ' , t h o w u l h m a y lie
reiideced < l M i u p , b i l l n e t l > \ l l n > nn-ri,
i - l l n i ; l i l i ; t i ) t h e unll.'i ot the p l n n l r i themnolve.1.
An After- Dinner Discovery.
It XVIIH JiiHt nfttT 'llnno/r, anil thijjo
d tho l i t t l e ulrl crying pUroualy fe
ell'. It hail lieou n Kooil dliinor,
n u l nho lind eaten lu>:irtHy u n d they
l HiM 1 no i'eH.s<in for tier dl.stroh.'i.
'^^ lint In the m u t t e r , dear?" he-r m o t h
•r a.ilieil, A y i i i p a t h e t l c a l l y . The (enr«
u o t v ninnln;;, ami K\\<: could h a r d l y
•pi'iik. She i n u n a K e i l to nob out IliwlI ) - : "l Hi. my dinner n<-lic.-» K<) haul tliui
I \ v l n h 1 (lid not l u i v o It." _____ ,
Two Mathematicians.
this tim-d cylinder n platform
Specialists, who know one thing so will be constructed, on both sides of
One Store, by tho Proprietor's
much better than even the common run which engines oflso horse power will
Loses a Customer.
of liberally educated people, have nat- be placed. By means of friction these
He walked Into the drug store and urally some trials of their own. For engines will cause the outside cylinnentloned w the clerk that he would one thing, they can only once In a ders to revolve rapidly, while the Inlike a cup of boiling hot .water, says while find a fellow-talker who Is com- side cylinder retains its equilibrium.
foai Mason ID the Hew York World: petent and like-minded. The Boston It is Intended to provide passenger ac"Dyspepsia, eh?" remarked a by- Budget narrates an almost tragical exitancier, who was sipping a strawber- perience by one of these men, a math- commodations within the Inside, or
third cylinder. The present Idea of
•y and cream. "That's pretty good, ematician of the hlgber sort.
the inventor la to utilize the space beiut I know something better thaa
Being a man of considerable fame, tween the inner and outer surface of
ihat. You—-"
the mathematician Is present at many
"But I haven't got dyspepsia," bo a "function" which bos very little to the revolving cylinder for tbe storage
replied, as he took a sip of the color- do with his calling. Why he accept? 1 of cargo. The ends of the inner cylinder will be open, and as they will be
ess fluid.
such invitations Is something of a puz- :
"Perhaps you have just a slight zle, for it Is only occasionally that he eight feet above the water uo troublo
la expected from waves."
eeling of indigestion," remarked anBUYS A PIONEER STAGE COACH ither man. "A sort of goneness, as finds any one from whom be can get
conversational pleasure.
t were. Weil, I am sorry lor yo'a, tfny
It was at such a tea that the old1
Ex-Encretory Morton's Novel Vehicl is 1 know what that Is myself. I
for tbe Transportation of Friends.
lave a remedy that I have used for gentleman was introduced to a man
from Chicago, who expressed the keenThe most famous pioneer stage coac~ feara, and
In the history of the west has been
"But 1 haven't got' any indlges- est Joy In meeting him; for mathematics, BO be said, had been always one of
purchased by J. Sterling Mortw, who lioo," he Interrupted. It's
will use it transporttag his visitors' in
"I.bet 1 know what's the trouble," his greatest Interests.
Now our great mathematician had
the future from the depot at Nebraska remarked a third man. "Neuralgia
To a reporter who -recently , asked
City to Ms suburban home, Arboj if tbe stama:h. Well,- hot water Is been working for months on a probLodge. The coach has been in Kearney, i pretty good thing for that. I know lem, and at last he had solved it. Hert i him to take part in a symposium on
Neb., for more than a quarter of a i7aa0|3 better, for I've bad it for was an opportunity to share his tri- ' "How to Make Money," Pbil Armour,1
century. It Is known as the "Over- iiiird. PBut if you will allow me to umphs with another enthusiast, and the Chicago millionaire, replied: "Young
land" to all the old-timers in the west iug/esfi 1 have a little preparation he made the most of It. For the bet- man,, put It down that the Armours
riCUMSEH'S HEAVENLY ARROW The relic has figured for many years '.aat's done me more good than
" ter part of an hour he explained tho don't know how to make anything but
m public celebrations. It was owned
"Parflon me," be said gently, a mild details of the problem, and tbe success- sausage, and. that they never answer
t2ade Hio Follotrers Believe the Comet by Mayor Hulbert, who sold it to the ook of expostulation creeping over ful method of reaching a solution. Awl fool questions."
Woo a Shaft from His Bovt.
A crusty old farmer in Southern Illisage of Arbor Lodge. Mr. Hulbert ils face, "but, gentlemen, you are all the man from Chicago nodded his head
A few days ago Ben L. Jones con- gives this history of the famous old srpng. There is nothiwg ,tb,e.mat-. approvingly, and enjoyed himself.
nois one day became an unwilling host
wsrted the old fort built to 1806 at Fort vehicle:
;er with me. I m a well man. Fifty ''"Well," said he, when the explana for three circuit-riding preachers whoHawkins lato a bam. Although the
"It Is a Gorcord, ten-passenger coach rears old yesterday and never bad a tlon was over, "as J. say,- I do enjoy dropped In simultaneously for dinner.
oW log structure has stood the storm and was first run on the overland lick day in my life. And now, gen- mathematics. But the thing that The larder was low, and the dinner
of shot and- ehel] and has been exposed trajl, which was about the same route tlemen, would you like to know why stumps me, sir, Is that when you raul- consisted of a single fowl. The farmer
firfl-w n W»*~1—.. 1 „ a
A,.,_to all the varying changes of weather as that followed by the Union Pacific [ ordered hot water?"
tlply a number by a fraction
you make
asked the first sky-pilot what portion
Qiaoe that early period, sat an un- to-day. It was nrst put Into service
"We would," they replied In a It smaller."
of the chicken he would have. "A leg,''
round timber la to be seen to It to-day, In 1862 and run from St Joseph, Mo., •horus, a general air of disappointsaid No. 1. "Another leg, thank you,"
frhe logs of which it Is constructed are to Kearney, but it has many times ment creeping over their faces.
A Slight Mlsnnd^crstanaing.
requested N'o. 2. "And what will you'
as solid and sound as they were at been through to Salt Lake and San
"Then I will tell you," he replied.
In South America girls are often have'?" asked the farmer, turning to
0rst The fort •was made of Georgia Francisco. After the Union Pacific was 'I have been buying soda water in marled at the age of 15 years—at which No. 3. '"I will also take a leg. If you
heart pine, and to-day it would bum completed in I860 the coach was sold mis place for six years. My face is tlm« they can scarcely be said to have please." replied the third. W.lth an
llfee ro&to If a match were struck to to the Pioneer Stage Company and is familiar here AS Patti's autograph. anivcd'ut the age of understanding, ejaculatio'n that shocked his reverend"
a ragged end.
used from .Red Cloud, via Rlverton, L'hocolate, vanilla and other flavors especially, as the fashionable method guests, the farmer throw down his
diurnaliy passed down my throat. of education gives them pretty man- carving utensils and—demanded to>
Republican City, Franklin, Alma and lave
L/V^ b \M' *w
An4 to-day I came in here and pers, but completely isolates the^n from know what sort of a "erittur" they,
; OHSSs* fo KearneyT later it was
tins wer« purchased from the In- I eold by that company to Mayor Kul- irdered a simple cup of hot water, toe world. An Argentine lady who, thought he was carving. "This is a
•entlemen," he continued, as he some years ago, was married at Buenos two-legged chicken," he shouted; "not
eUjuST Daring the Creek war, from bert. '
, .. ..
—1§12 to 1814, It was a rendezvous and I "The old coach was always very licked u p a l O - c e n t cneck.from the Ayres at the age of 15 years to n Brit- a centipede."
distributing point for tie United States . fortunate in its trips, though it went Qunter. "I wanted to see if they'd ish subject, tells an dmusing story of
The closing of the Cafe de Madrid,
soidlera, and Major Phil Cook was la | through many close places in the e so dodgasted mean as to chargo her wedding.
for a Ions time a favorite resort for
command. Anticipating the dangers | mountains and plains surrounded by ne for it."'
"I could speak but little English Parisian men of letters, recalls a coufrom the torch of the treacherous red outlaws and Indians. Old Bob Emery
then," she says, "and how much a child ple of anecdotes to the Bookman's
taan, the whites built the fort on a probably carried It through the most
It Is only within a few years that I was yon may Judge from my story.
high stone foundation, the floor of the ;I famous battle. It was Just after the my extended research has been made I was married In the English church, Paris correspondent: Proth was ono
wooden structure extending beyond the great massacre on the Little Blue, In oto the history of' drumlins. A and of course the service was con- day passing the cafe arm in arm with
rock walla Portholes were made in July, 1865. He was taking out the reg- rural! n Is a mound of material pro- ducted in the •English language. I will poor Paul Arene. Arene was going in,
the extended floor so as to shoot Indians ular overland passenger load and had ecting upward from the surface of mention that the season was Decem- and urged him to do the same. Proth
who might try to scale the walls to set Just passed into what was known as jhe earth to a sufficient height to be ber, or midsummer, and that tbe mar- resisted, saying there were too many
quarrels in that cafe, only people with
flro to the woodwork.
the "Devil's Gap," which was a dry :alled a hill. This mound or bill is ket was full of fruits, the English
During .the famous Creek war Oils creek bed with high banks and th< made from loose bits of earth and names of which I had amused my- hot tempers, etc. At last he yielded,
and, five minutes after being seated, In
building -was In the center of the ter- ground plentifully covered with mount rocks torn from ledges at the time self by learning as I ate them.
ritory attacked. Tecmnseh was the oJn pins and sage brush, just the plac —some thousands of years ago—when Y'The marriage ceremony had pro- a heated discussion slapped his contramost eloquent of Indians, and wfcen the Indians and the fiercer outlaws o. this part of the earth was covered ceeded as far as the place where I was dictor's face. "You see," he said to
the war proa begun between, Great the-section selected for their bloodj with a sheet of ice at least four to repeat after the minister the prom- Paul Arene, "is It not an ImpossibleBritain q&^the United States be com- work. Suddenly rifles began to crack thousand feet in thickness. As this ise to 'love, cherish and obey.' The cafe?" The time of the second story
m-unicated.Tvitl) toe tribes from Florida from the cover and wild yells told that vast sheet moved of to the southward Clergyman was repeating tbe words In was the last years of the reign of Napoleon III. Clement Duvernols, who
to Gan&4&y advising them that then the eocch had been attacked by a band it carried with it quantities of earth little phrases BO that I could follow had Just passed from the Republican
•waa the tlin<?,f or the Indians to reclaim of savages. OW 6ob turned his six
Into the Bonapartlst camp, wns urging
thffr JnJttfo fwto?tli8';whlte>.-'He read horses sharply out on the pralrte and were deposited In valleys or.hoaped. "'To love, cherish——' said- he.
n friend of his—a man whom he Judged '
In an eastern paper that a comet would a race for life was on. Forty Indians into drumlins. Tho reason ^for, tbe
•"Nor eald I. I had been taught al- to be amenable •to tho same arguments
appear In the eky at a given time. So came running after the lumbering fleposltlng of the matter in valleys la ways to tell the truth. 'Me no love
he notified the Indians that when his vehicle, firing as they ran. They were in easy one to explain, but how it cherries," 1 whispered, 'me love straw- that bad convinced him—to follow hi*
example. "But," the frlpnil objected,
arrow appeared In .the heavens It would not mounted, but wero as fleet as deer. came to be piled into hills -bos never berries !'
"what will my jfrlonds say'/" "Oh,"
be a alga for them to attack the whites. The coach contained four women and
"Then all the people present who un- Duvernols retorted, "you will only
Old Fort Hawkins perhaps was more six men besides the two guards. From ilino to time scientific men havo derstood English were compelled to have
to change your cafe!"
vigorously attacked In pursuance of their position on top of the coach the jiven tho matter careful study.
stuff their handkerchiefs Into their
Under orders existing.soiuu time njo
this order than was any other In tho guards flred repeatedly on the Indians
Must Observe the Custom.
mouths to prevent a desecration of a
men In the Oermnn nnuy wore nt will
In Scottish courts of law witnesses solemn service with laughter."
and drove them to cover Just as tho
cither socks or FuKz-lappou (a Hpccles
The fart received its name from Ben- leader fell with a dozen of bullets in •cpeat the oath with tho ri^ht hand
of bandage) on their foot. During iu»
Ho la a Prince consort.
jamin Hzuwktos, a Senator from North him. The dead horse was quickly cut •nlsed. On one occasion, however,
Next to Mr. Perkins of Syracuse, who Inspection n certain gonoral askcil a
Carolina, who had been appointed a from'tbe truces nu<l the sta^o continued he magistrate found a difficulty.
commissioner to Georgia to dnvw up a Its wild rush with four horses. The 'Hold up your rl^ht arm," he com- married a Spanish infanta, August Jos- mib.iltern ofllci-r what his nu-n wore on
tJiclr feet. Ho rcplloil t h a t m u m - wiiro
treaty with the Creek Indians.
Indians linally disappeared. Though manded. "I cauna dae't," said tho sup of Philadelphia haa conic* nenror
The building which Mr. Jones Info one of the male passengers was killed witness. "Why not?" "Got shot In to rubbing shoulders with royalty than socks and HOIIIC liippcn—abutit. 70 per
converted Into a barn la a historical aud a women passenger diod of fright, ,hat alrm. " "Then hold up your any other Ajnerlcan of tho male persua- cent. KOI-ICH. Thcgi'iicnil f u r t h e r linked
curiosity, and Interesting volumes It wns thought Old I!ob *Ud well to ioi't." "Canna dae that, aytber— got sion. His wife, who has Just died ui him If IIP know what i-aoh I n d i v i d u a l
might bo written about the scenes and keep tho wholo outtlt from being ihot in the Ither ane, tae." "Then France, to whom ho was married In woro. Ilo answered promptly lu tho
tragedies that have taken place around scalped. Among tho many noted pas- icld up your leg," responded tho 1800, was a daughter of th<; .Earl of nlllrmatlvo. "\V"hat," oukl t i n - general,
pointing to n man In the ranks, "dues
it.—-Macao, Go., Telegraph.
sengers who have occupied tills par- rate magistrate; "no man can bo Btrathinore, of one of tho oldest and this man wear?" "Socks." was the reworn in tills court without holding noblest houses of Europe, tho peerage
ticular conch are Brighaju Young, Jotih ID
Tba 'llillerlcs Paluoo.
dating from 1000. Its great ancestor. sponse; nnd on the man diking off a
Billings, Artomus Wajxl.Giuieral Grant,
Another attempt to have tlie Tollerles and Kit Carson."
Sir John Lyon, feudal bnron of Fortov- boot on the general's order a s-iclt wan
An Ragle with a Hlotory.
Palaco rebuilt IB betag mode to France.
lot, was Bon-ln-lnw of oHbert II. of found to Incnoo the foot. The same tent
Mr. Morton will have It repaired and
In no section of New York State an Scotland. When Sir John married the applied In uovoral canon produced the
Thts time the movement to tod by tlie treat his onstera friends when they
gles BO numerous as among tho high- Lady Jane Stuart, tho king's second same result. Tbe gonoral was highly
Society for the Preservation of Public call to a novel experience in utaglng.
lauds along the Hudson Illver. Dozeni daughter, ho obtained by royaj grant Impressed with tho I n t i m a t e knowlMomimcntoaf them con bo seen dally clrcllns the tnanedom or lordship of Olnnnls. edge of detail dliiplnyed by the subalfar up In the air or swooping dowu The family history is clom'ly connected tern, but the lad (llHCloaeil HuliMi'rjuentaf ttr their prey. Probably tho ploncci wllh tho vlclssltU'.lea of tho royal Stu- ly to his brother oillcern the simple defNVENTOR OF BULLET-PROOF CLOTH FACES LEADEN MISSILES of them all, certainly tho moot Inter
and tho house of Albany,, but In vice which procured him micb kudon.
cstlng, Is one which was wounded ovei splto of the extinguishment of so many His men, by bis order, had nil a nook on
100 years agx). Ilia homo la on Turfi historical Scottish families, that of ono foot and n Ifimz-Inpfii'ii on the othH«o<l, above Garrison's. Hto habit ol Btratbmoro "has stood against the er. They were Instructed to note careHying sideways ami the peculiar drooj waves ami woathora of time."— Wash. fully the answer given by their olllccr,
tit hlji right wing .nmkos him on easllj Ington Post.
ami to remove tbe lioot which would
recognized object.'- TJiln droop wni
dluclnno n verlllcntloii of Ills assertion.
causi-d by tho allot of a British 'holdlw
A HorloiiM-inmmoroil Irish menilier
who, while [mailing up the Hudkm 01
named Illalte (relates Heui-y W, l,ucy
a man-of-war, was ordered by hlfl cap Corlona Concern Tliqt'n Oofna to In Ihe July North American Itevlew) U
Cro*a tbe Atlantic ID a Jlttr.
tain to Bboot tbft eagle as ifnoarrc
remerobereii for (i brief rorrcspomlciicn
A Canndltui Inventor has devised n he ronil to tho Klcllglilwl IIoii>«. It wan
quite 11 dlstnnco aloft. Tho ooldlcr1!
Ummishlii won good, but It com
Introduced In n uiieech iIHIvoreil lu de.
him lila life. A bond of pntrlota, hidd«r tile problem of quicker ocean travel. twite on the IrlHli Hiindny-eloslng bill.
In the rocks, saw tho daed, and, as th< Tlila now Ixxit Is In tho Invention of Mr. lllako had, ho conllileiillally In
ship lay well toward tho shore, thcli a lawyer, Mr. F. A, Knapp. In It, he foriurd tho lloinie, an uncle who reguvolley killed the uhnrpuhooter. Tli< eayn, ho will bo able to cross* the Atlan- larly took H|K tiuiililei-N of wlili.liy todwoumltsl I'liglu wns cnrt-d for by UK tic ocean in -1H hours, ami tliuu com- dy dally. This troubled him, inn] a f t e r
patriots ami tho bird Btlll (llca ov*y pletely revolutionize nil present meth- mui.-h thought he resolved lo write anil
ods of navigation.
Turk's Ilond.
remount rate wl'lli hln relative. The fillPerhapn the best Illimtrntloji of the lowing WIIH Ihe It'llor: "My 11,-nr Uncle;
I'lxcollcnt Opportunity.
principle Involved In thin venwil Is fur
"U'o niny huvr wet weather for rilBhcil by tho pftddlo wheel of an onll I w r l l u to HII.V lm\v iilean.-,! I shmild lie
If you coiilil noe your way to K l v l n j ; ii[]
ChrlNtninu," remarked the Mu'jor.
nary nluv
wide. WUUL-I
wheel OIC-IIIIU.T.
ateanu.T. irmiguu*
Iningliu* IJH*
(hi yulir nix classes of w h i s k y n i l n y . I am
"Tlml will give Hunta Claim n chnncti paddlo wheel to l)o 110 feet In width iiure you Wuillil llnd i n i i n y inh niilii^i'ii
lo ii.-it- Ills rnlii deer," replied the Judga ,a,1(i »o feet In diameter. Tho Ktjttlon- 111 ilolni: i-o, tho gr.'iitt'Mt ol' \ \ l i l r h
--rittnlMirg (I'll.) (.Ilironlolo-TclcgrnpJi. ar y paddlea on tho oiitHltlo cylinder of wouhl In- M i n i , nil 1 am in-ivuiailc.l, II
il 12 Imllot proof clulh Invented liy Urolher Ciiolmlr /.cglt-n of Ihc Cut hoik*
tlda vi'hm-1 will correttiioiid t t i thi' pad- woultl lie I ho inciMiH of h - i i K l l i i - i i I n u
1 ' h l l o J o u y VH,
er i)f tin; ItriHirructloiiluta W H M nnccrmif.illy touted In ClilcuK" tile otliei
J'rof N S o r - -I.•! "ilmli 1 uliort lor nny- dlcn on a puddle wheel. In Uu' renter your iln.vH." Tho uncle i v p l l o i l : ".\iy
-rnnim on (lir rouf <»t it tuilMlhtf ill Wrut Tu-clflli H t n v t and Ogdrn
nvi-niic. U n i l l i r r /cgli'D vtnnd behind n f r i i i i i c w u r l i (if woiid, Imn and iiriun! 1
of thin hugo pndtllo \vhccl Imagine n llciii- N e p l i e v v : I inn i n i n - l i o l i l l g e i l to
Iilati 1 , i
il r i j i e i i l l i K I" I' lilK f i i d l i u l l to cxpuxe l l l u I'hcit.. I l f jdiii'i'd Illi' I n i l l i ' t I'or cur-far» iiHiiully. — cylinder 1- feel In diameter, linu-etl you for your d u t i f u l h-l-l.-r. I wii-i HI
over liln i-lic
(hen -I , l e n t . Snrin-i-M o'.f i...,
) n > A M . i l r l i t ii i i r i n y III-.,.I
gtmiigly to lh<! outside cylinder, w l t l i H linicli Hlniclv I'.v u ' h i i l you h i i j . l . a n , I , In
i - . I I O I H from ii i - i - v o l r i - r from a . l l n l i u u
t I . - M [MH-.-H. Tin- hiill,'l-|>roof clulh
Klin ft In tint ri-nliT of t l i l M 1- I'IKII t'.vllii- liiirlli'iiliil'. by y o u r l i l m l w K h lo l,-ir,;|h
A i i o l l o • .II.iM.
•• " « i l i . 'I'll.- l i u l l . - t M biircly ,.nl,T,-,| il,,. ,,|,,||,, ,i,,.| coul.l In- plelu-d oiil
dor, u n i t connected w l l h n vessel oim c,i my i l i i y i i . l l n i l la-^l l h ' r l . l , i s - I K i n » - uj;
On Hi,, oilier ,,1,1,. ,,f ||,,, don, ,',,.,,. „,„,, ,,,,|y „ ,, m ,,n ,„,,,.,, ,„ ,,|1[|W f(|| .
l l . ' i i i ' i l l e l \ \ ' h y ilon'i H ) M I m a r r y y o u /
would I I H V I I n i l ordinary paddle wheel tlie Wll|l'li.V. I liellevo yon lire I ' l x l l l ,
'I. One -ihoi win, Ih-.,,I f r o m a M l ,-nl|l,, T , evolve,-, /..-rl.-n':. i-ln-iil w a n free In I h i ' i v j n . i t l i . T 111:111 In t h e e i i m - V
In h l i u p c mi.) [irliiclplc. Hut In t h e vi-iii. my boy, MM to my days helm; l-ii|.;ihen
f i o i n any ahni.-.loii. Th-ic „-„„ „ ,-,„,,„ „<• ,,1,, ,,1,-ian-i p i , n l to „-,- Ihe t.vil A f l c r
) ( l i i i ; l e l o i i - V C M ; l i c i - r n l l f i ' l - . - TliMIU.i.
l l , I'lll- l l . - . l l l l l l I I U : I M H i e I , , ; i , , ' . . ! ,|||y f
wel h o u iin.h'r roiiMI'Ui'tlou 111 jilnrt' of
n e v c r i l l - . h o l r , h a . I l i r e , , H r e . l i l l | )„. |,,| ,.„,,„.', ,„, ,|,,, | ,.,| , . ( „ . . , , _ |,,. |,' c, \V,-,,|-|.
111.' r v l i u f l t h e r e In II I l i l n l e.l lluili'i-. e v e r l - i ' l l l e l l l b e r . "
;''"'"'' l " " " " "
UN"! 1 l l l l d h a . l I I I - l h . , , 1 , . , , , , , , 1 1 1 1 , - M l h i m .
l i e M i l , I V.il.'ll Hie
l > 1
. " '''
'"''' l l "
" "•' 'f '"• h i i . l l.-.-i, ; : e , , i l , - ,,,,u,,l I,,- „ ,-!„!,I.
llochil,-,! I l i e ,,..,( ., ,-,,,i|,,|..|(. ,1,,,-,,..,,
All i h , , - . , - n i . - i e a t
whl.'li. nil h.'furc i t i l l e d , Ir, J . d i i e i l I d t h e
., i i l i - l i | , . or i - . - c . i l v l n i r p d i - l l ii (it 1 t h e ve:i
:iol I'.V l u l l l iH-JII'llll.'rl.
1'eiiple llilll.e t h e n
alile l,y Icllln;; ".|.,Lc
inia Or talse. If It oe raise, «e""ar<5 ius well ly donned by brodltors whom you cannot
fooled tbe Old RIon,
off as you; If It bo true, then which of us Is pay, and when from Monday morning until
When the young married man tclto
Saturday night you are dodging Hills that
this story he mates sure that his fathLet me also ask whether yonr trouble has you oannot meet? You -walk day by day in
not been that you confounded Christianity uncertainties that have kept your brain on
er la not ,withln earshot.
The Eminent Divine's Sunday
with tho Inconsistent character of some flro for the past throe years. Some with
August 20, 1S97.
"I ner«r had but one falHns out with
who profess It? You are a'lawyor. In your less business troubles than you nave gone
the governor," he declares. "When I
profession there aro mean and dishonest crazy. The dork nas heard a noise In the
men. Is that anything against the law? back counting room and gone in and found
Text: Take heed, and beware went home one evening and told hlra
Job ITatl Bolln, Bankruptcy and a Fool You are a doctor. There are unskilled and the chief man of tho firm a raving maniac, jf Golden
covetousness —Luke 12 : 15.
Wife, 15nt Ho rinally Escaped. Body cbntemptlblo men In your profession. Is or the wife has heard the bang of a'plstoi (Acts 10:21-31. Memory verses : 21-26). that I was engaged, he dross-questioned
me IJlre a lawyer and each answer innnd Soul, From His Troubles—Thou- that anything against medicine? You are In the back parlor and gono In, stumbling
Read Acts I'J : I to 20 : 3.
creased his wrath, till he positively for,' Biin.ls of Others May Bo Similarly Saved n merchant. There are tnleves and de- over, the dead body of her husband—a
In your business. Is that anything suicide. There aro men pursued, harassed, LESSON PLAN AND ANALYSIS.
bade the bans. I have something of a
TEXT: "I am escaped with tho skin ol fraudors
against merchandise? Behold, then, the trodden down and scalped of business pertemper myself, and, after a stormy -Injny teeth."—Job xlx., 20.
unfairness of charging upon Christianity plexities, and which way to turn next they
terchange, we agreed upon a comproJob had it hard. What with bolls and the wickedness of Its disciples. Wo admit do not know. Now God will not be hard on Work.
bereavements nnd bankruptcy and a fool Some ofth-3 charges against those who pro- you. He knows what obstacles are In the
Golden Text for tlie Quarter: \\'c are mise. He did not- like the glrl'e famof a wife ho wished ho was dead, and I do fess religion.' Some of the most gigantic way of your being a Christian and your
not blnmo him. His flesh was gono, and swindles of tho present day have been car first effort In the right direction He will laborer:) together with Uod.—1 Cor. 3 : fl. ily. He would have It that ehe was a
Cortune-hunteV. He could never aphis bones were dry. His teeth wasted •led on by members of the church.
crown with success. Do not let Satan, with
Lesson Topic: Braving the Wrath of
(iway until nothing but tho enamel seemed
prove of her under any circumstances,
There are men standing In the front rank cotton bales, and kegs, and hogsheads, and Man.
loft. Heorles out, "I am escaped with the in the churches who would not 'bo trusted counters, and stocks of unsalable goods, OUTLINE:
'but If I would go abroad for two years,
akin of my teeth."
for S5 withoilt go6d collateral security. block up your way to heaven. Gather up
1. Work Pusher], vs. 21, 22.
see other women, hold no communicaThere has been some difference of They leave their business dishonesties in all your energies. Tighten the girdle about
tion with my fiancee and then return
opinion about this passage. St. Jerome and fhe vestibule of the church as they go In your loins. Take an agonizing look into
Schultens nnd Drs. Good and Poolo and nnd sit nt the communion. Having con- the face of, God, and then say, "Here goes
to marry her, be would Interpose no
Barnes hnve ail tried their forceps on eluded the sacrament, they get,up, wipe one grand effort for life eternal," and then
obstacle. I accepted his terms.
Job's teeth. .You deny my Interpretation the wine from their lips, go ont nndtakeup bound away for heaven, escaping "as with
M.—Acts iy : 1-li). Se.i-d Sowing.
"After I had been in Paris I met an
and any, "What did Job know about the their sins where they left off. To serve .tho the skin of your teeth."
T.—Acts : 1!) : 11-20. Reaping.
.onnmel of the teeth?" He knew every- [levil Is their regular work, to serve God a Sin tho last day It will bo found that
1!) : 21-30. Paul opposed at American jfirl who was In all respects
thing about It. Dental surfiory Is almost Bort of piny spell. With a Sunday sponge Hugh Latlmer, and John Knox, and Hus?
my Ideal She^was with, a wealthy
as old us tire earth. The mummies of they expect to wipe off from.their business and Ridley were not the greatest martyrs,
T.—Acts 19 : 31-41. Paul opposed at aunt, whose name ehe had taken and
Egypt thousands of years old are found to- ulate all the past week's inconsistencies. but Christian men who went up incorrupt
day with gold ftlllng In their teeth. Ovid Ifou have no more .right to take suoh a from the contaminations and perplexities
whose fortune she was to inherit. I,
F.—Isa. 44 : 9-19. Folly of idolatry.
and Horace and Solomon and Moses wrote -nan's life as a specimen of religion than of Pennsylvania avenue, Broad street, State
wrote the governor about her, sent him:
idolabout these Important factors of the body.
have to take the twisted irons and street and Third street. On earth they
the opinion of some of my countrymen
To other provoking complaints Job, I jpllt timbers that lie on the beach at Coney were called brokers or stock jobbers, or re8.—Eph. 1 : 1-13. Paul's letter to whom he knew and said his .scheme
think, has added nn exasperating tooth- (sland as a specimen of an American ship. tailers, or Importers, but in heaven ChrisEphesians.
ache,'and, putting Ms hand against tho [t Is time that we draw a line between re- tian heroes. No fagots were heaped about
had proved a good one after all. With
Inflamed face, he says, "I am escaped with igion and the frailties of those who pro- their feet; no Inquisition demanded from
home reading.-; are the selections his permission I would wed the girl In
tho skin of my teeth."
them recantation; no soldier aimed a pike of (These
.ess it.
the International, llible Heading
A very narrow escape, you say, for Job's
their heart, but they had mental toryou not feel that the Bible, take It all at
body and soul, but there aro thousands ol n Do
ture compared,with which all physical ciatien.)
"He cabled his permission and his
men who make just as narrow escape foi ,ias ever seen? Do you know any book that consuming Is as the breath of a spring
approval, but In the letter that followLESSON~AKALYSIS.
their soul.' There was a time when the has ns much In It? Do you not think, upon mornlnft.
ed there was a tone of mild reproral'
partition between them and ruin was no
I find La the community a large class of
whole, that its Influence has been bene- men
for my inconstancy. You notice that
thicker than a tooth's enamel, but as Job the
who have been so cheated, so lied /. Old Efforts
finally escaped BO have they. Thank Godl tended toward you. In ono hand I have about, so outrageously wronged, that they These thiujs were ended (21).
my wife is a prime favorite with him.
Thank God!
lost their faith in everything. In a
and in the other hand I have noth- have
accomplished the work (John He never tires of singing her praises,
Paul expresses the same Idea by a differ- the Bible
world where everything seems so topsy 17Having
: 4).
This Bible in one hand I will surren- turvy
and doesn't allow a day to go by withent figure when he enys that some people ing.
forever just as soon as in my other hand God, They are confounded and frenzied I have finished tho course (2 Tim. 4 : 7).
are "save.d us by liro." A vessel at sea la der
out reminding me how be saved mayou
New Elforts Planned:
In flames. You go to the stern of the, ves- I invite you back Into the good old fashmisanthropic. Elaborate arguments 2.
After I have been there, I must also see from the blunder that would have
sel. The boats have shoved off. The ioned
spoiled my life." ~
of your fathers, to the God
Rome (21).
flames advance. You can endure the heat whom religion
the truth of anything else touch them
they worshiped, to the Bible they or
was hastening... .to lie at Jerusalem
'But wasn't It a little bard on the
no longer on'your face. You slide down on read,
aowhere. Hear me, all such men. I preacn He(Acts
the side of the'vessel and hold on with your to the cross on which they hung their eter- to you no rounded periods, no ornamental
one you left behind?"
ilngers until the forked tongue of the flro nal expectations. You have not been happy liscourse. but put my hand on your shoulNot at all. She's the same girl I
1 : 13).
begins to liek the back of your hand, and
ier and invite you Into the peace of the 3. (Rom.
day since you swung off. Yoh will not be gospel.
Delegated Effort Employed;
met in Paria But he doesn't know It,
you feel that you must fall, when one of *
a minute until you swing back.
Having sentintoJJlacedonia... .Timothy and I mean that he never shall."—DC'
the lifeboats comes back, and the passen- happy
firm, though the waves dash against
Again, there may be some who In the at- stand
Erastus (22).
' .gers say they thluk they have room for one tempt
It harder than the Atlantic, pitching its and
trolt Free Press.
more. Tlie boat swings under.you. You against powerful passions and appetites. ?urf clear above Eddystone lighthouse. Go ye into all the world, and preach
drop into It—you are saved. Bo some men Perhaps It Is n disposition to anger that Do not charge upon God all these troubles
nro pursued by temptation until they aro you have to contend against, and perhaps, of the world. -As long as the world stuck When they had fasted. ...they sent him
away (Acts 13 : 3).
Two lien.
partly consumed, but after all got off— while in. a very serious mood, you hear ot to God God stuck to the world, but the
"saved as by flre."
aarth seceded from. His government, and
Last Memorial day two veterans In
But I like the llguro of Job a little better
'all these outrages and all these
i Connecticut fanning town laid flow-,
swear or die. I know a Christian hence
than that ot Pnul, because tho pulpit has must
woes. God is good. For many hundreds 1. An Influential Citizen:
man who was once so exasperated that he of
Demetrius,... .which
brought no lit- ers—as they have done for many years
not worn It out, aud I want to show you, if said
to a mean customer, "I cannot swear come back to Him, but the more He has tle business (24).
God will help, that some men make narrow at you
for I am a member of the ooaxed the mote violent have men been in The rich hath many friends (Prov. 14 :20). -on the graves of six comrades who
escape for their souls and aro saved as ahureh, myself,
unlisted with them In the Army of the
•"with the skiu of their teeth."
heir resistance, and they have stepped He is worthy. ..."himself built us our Colon a generation ago.
In business will swear at you." All back
synagogue (Luke 7 : 4, 5.
It Is as easy for some people to look to partner
your good resolutions heretofore have been dropped into ruin.
2. A Mercenary A peal:
Their experience illustrates one of
tho cross ns for you to look to this pulpit. torn
to tatters by explosion of temper.
Mild, gentle, trnctablo, lovlnp, you expect
Try this God, ye who havo had the blood Ye know that by this business we have
many coincidences of personal hlsNow,
thorn to bocomo Christians. You go over
after you, and who have thought
during the Civil War. Among the
only get mad at sin. .You need to hounds
to tho store and say, "Grandon joined the you
hat God had forgotten you. Try Him and
bridle and saddle those hot breathed pas- iee
volunteers from this town these two
one purse (Prov. 1 : 14).
•church yoster,ifiy." Your business com- sions
if He will not help. Try Him and see i"
rades nay: "That Is just what might have and wrong. -There aro a thousand things He will not pardon. Try Him and see 1: Kill him and the inheritance shall le living-and sis deceased soldiers were
ours (Mark 12 : 7).
been expected. He alwnys was of that In the world wt> ought to be mad at. There He will not save. The flowers of spring
schoolmates and close friends, and all
turn of mind." In youth this person whom la no harm In getting rodhot if you only have no bloom so sweet as the flowering o" 3.A dangerous Opponent:
Paul hath persuaded and turned away pledged themselves to stand by each
I deserilw was' always good. He never bring to the forgo that which needs ham- Christ's affections. The sun hath no
broke thing-). He never laughed when It mering. A man who has no power of
other and keep track of each other,
armth compared with tho glow of Hii much people. (26).
and persuaded Jews and tt-batever might happen.
wna Improper to laugh. At seven ho could righteous
heart. The waters have no refreshment He reasoned
Greeks (Acts 18 : 4).
sit an hour lu church, perfectly quiet, look- bo sure It is a righteous Indignation an< like the fountain that will slake the thirst
In camp_Jhe- eight were tent-mates,
ing neither to the right hand nor tho loft,
thy soul. At the moment the reindeer Persunding tiium concerning Jesus (Acts
a potulancy that blurs and unravel, of
never divided except as bedfellows, or
but straight Into the uyes of tho minister, aot
stands with his lip and nostril thrust In the ' 28 : 23).
<is though ho, understood tho wholo dis- There Is a largo class of persons in mid cool mountain torrent, the hunter may bo 4. A Destructive Dogma:
rather as blanket-fellows; and each
cussion about the eternal decrees. Ho
They be. no gods, which are made with two of the four pairs of young ,men
Without cracklife who have still In them appetite; comlngthroughthothiofcet.
novor upsKt things nor lost them. Ho die
a stick under his foot, Ho comes close
In early manhpod, at i lingthe
flouted Into the kingdom of God so gradually that were.aroused
stag, alms his gun, draws the trig- Their idols are... .the work of m«n's shared the same fate.
when they prided themselves on bo by
that It la uncertain Just when tho matter timo
Fighting in General Hancock's diviger,
and tho poor thing roars in its death hands (Psa. 115 : -1).
Ing a "little fast, "high livers," "free ane ngony
wan deotdtMl,
falls backward,Its antlers crash We know that no idol is anything iu the sion, where all served, the first pair
"hall fellows well met." They ar. Ing oh and
Here la another ono, who started in life easy,"
rocks. But the panting hart that
paying in compound Interest fo: drinks tha
were killed aide by side, by the same
with an uncontrollable spirit. He kept tuti now
from tho water brooks of God's 5'. A Threatening Outlook:
troubles they collected twenty years ago promise
shell, at the Battle of Antletam. The
nursery lu nn uproar. His mother found Homo
of you are trying to oscapo, and yon shall novor dlo.
him walking on tho edge of tho house roof ivili. yet
ho mado of no account «'J7).
second pair were taken sick while on
to nee If ln> could balance himself. There
world Is a poor portion of vour soul, Ye prevail nothing: lo, tho world is gono a long march, and both died. Tho
your teeth." God and your own sou! 0 This
was no horM' that ho dared not ride, no tree of
h« eould not ellmli. Uls boyhood was u only know what tho struggle Is. Omnipo Uravon on his tomb two fingers, represented The hopo of their gain was gone (Acts third, pair were killed at Fredericksgraoo has nulled out many a soul t__.
long series of predicaments, his manhood tent
: 1!»).
burg. The remaining two, still servwaa doopor lu tlio mlro than you aro. Thoy as sounding on each other with a snap, and G 16
wiwjriiokh'Ms, his mldltfe very wayward. lino
A wrathful Outcry:
them tho motto, "All is not worth
ing under -Hancbclt, fought at Gettys*
beach o( heaven—tho multitud, under
Hut now h» Is converted, and you go over whomthe
woro filled with wrath, and cried burg, at Spottsylvnnla, and In several
God 1ms roseu6d from tho thrall 01 that." Aplclus Coolius hanged himself bo outThey
to thoMorn and nay, "Arkwrlghtjoined tha
linblU. If you this day turn back oauao his steward Informed him that ho They(28).shouted, saying. Crucify, crucify sieges and skirmishes, for seventeen
oluiroli yesterday." Your friends say: "It sulolilal
tho wrong ana start nnow, God will
Is not possible. You must be joking." You on
him (Luke. 2-') : 21.)
months, when both were wounded
help you. Oh! tho weakness of human world's riches makvcut a small Inhoritanco Thoy
Hay: "No; I Ml you the truth. He, Joined help!
criud out with a loud voice,....and within an hour of each other, and wero
Moa will sympathize for a while ant! for a soul. Robespierre, attempted to win
tlioehureu." Tnori they reply, "There la
turn you off. If you oak for their parcarried off the field In the oatno amhope for any of IIH If old Arkwrlght has bo- then they
will give it and say they xvili try lying a woman cnrne rushing through tho 1. Moli Ruin.
COIIHI a <'liri»tliin." In other words, wo tion,
bulance. Both recovered, and continorowd,
will nilnilt that It Is more dlflloult for some, thfl I>owor of temptation, thoy east you kindred, descend to noil, covered with tho
Tho city was filled w i t h tho confusion ued In the army till the end of the war.
nnm to a.'Dtipt the gospel than for others.
foruver. But God forgiven aevont_ surses of ovory mother In Francol" Many 1'iliito saw t h a t a
I may bo preui'hlng to some who havo out off
who havo expected tho plaudits of tho world
.. . t u m u l t was arising Thoy procured tho return of their
lunso from c.liuroliiM nnd Bibles and Sun- times Bovon; yon, sovou hnndrod times, uavo, died undor Its anathema maranatha.
fellow-comrades' remains to tho old
( M a t t . 2r : 21).
days, and who no Intention of becoming yea, though this ho tho ton thousandth
Oh, llnd your peams lu Oodl Mako onn G a t h e r i n g u crowd, tnet. (hi) city on uu uj>- home place, and tho two, who are still
Ho is morn earnest, more sympa ?trong
Ohrlstlaii.t theniHolvus, and yet you may tlimv
roar (Anl.s 17 : f>).
null for heaven, No half-way work
th.itlo, moro helpful this last timo than
like brothers to each other, havo never
llnd yourself os.'iiplng buforoyou loiivothln when
irtll do U. Thoro sometimes comes a tlnvv 2. Mob Viuittncii:
you took your first mifltop.
|s£orgotten their brotherhood to their
house IIH "with the akin of your tooth,"
If with all tho lnllui)iioi)9 favoruhlo f o r a
do not expci.'t to wiiHto this hour. I havo right
companionx (2:n.
life mon mako no many mlatakcs, faorlflcod to Bavo tho passengers. Tim Thov.
H.ien lioatH go off from Capo May or Long how much
. . .ilri;\v noar lo linni
Ihe door
harder Is It when, for Instuuoo, 3argo is nothing, tho rigging nothing. Th»
llraneli ami drop thelrnetH and after (twhllo 301110 uppotltv
thrudtfl Itn Iron grapplo Into
oomo ashore, pulling In llui nets without tho roots of the
••aau't Afraia or the Queen,
touguo anil pulls a man shouts, "Cut away tho mastl" flomo of yon Assaulting t h n lions.-. .. .Thny dragged
having caught a Hlngle ll:ih, It wns not a down wltli hun.ls of
( A r t s 17: 8, i i ) .
An amusing story of Ingenuous cblUIf, undot liavii boon tossed and driven, and you havo, 3. Jason
guild iluv.or they hud not tho right kind of tui'h olrouinBtunccH, ilustruottou?
hrnaks away, thor.:
ftood la told by a former mald-af-bona net. JlMt W" expect no mioh excursion will ho no uport In ho
Tin1 I'hiiif olUriT.s. .. .|ji>Miii|>)it him not to
undertaking, no lost your soul. Until you havo ilonlditd
to-.luy. The. witter In full of llsh, tho wind holiday onjoymout, buttho<v strugglo
or In tbo eervlco of Queen Victoria,
this mattor lot everything ol.io go. Over- nilvi'iitnrn (31).
In In the right direction, tho goniiol nut Is
wrosth-ra move from ^Itlo to sldo aatl board with all thoso other anxieties and They nimo anil I n - s o u g h t Ilii'm; and.... Bays tho Touth's Companion, A llttlo
iitrong, 0 thou who dldat help Hlmon nnd tin)
Ill-ought tin-in « m l ( A r I K II! : :i!l).
and twt.it und wutoh for an oppor- burdens. You will havo to drop tho eivllu
iileco of hers vlBlted tor ono day at
Andrew to llnh, show u» how to cant tho nut htintl
tunity to got In a l)«avlor utroko, uutll with of your prldo anil out away tho moat. With Tho rlu«f I ' l i p l i i l n iilso wiis nt'nii.l when 1m the court. Tho queen caught night of
on the right Hide of the nhlpl
lu whioh thu musalcs aro
Homo of yon Incoming to God will havo ono lliial oltort.
the child, and, pleaocd with, her InnoIHiii,I Adhciviu-.-:
ami thu veins stand out anil tho the hand of Him who halnuil Paul ont of
to run ngaliiHl skeptical notions. It la ueo- dliitondotl
Tho inori- p u r l know n ot wliitn.-fnro t h n y cent prattle, asked tho lady-ln-waltlng
swarthy huhlt falls under tho breakers of Mullta, ana who, above tint
ICSM for people to nay sharp anil outtlng tin) kaoo of tho vlotor—OHOiipod
at last us
thlngu to those who rnjn.it thn Christian ru "with tho skin of his ttmtli."
ivnr hlnoltnnoil tint sky or shook tint oonnn, Thou s h a l l not f o l l o w u m i i l l i t n i l t ) to tin to havo tho llttlo visitor como to
llglon, I eiinnot nay uuoh things. Uy what Tho whip Kmnm, lioiiml from Gottouliurff
luncheon some day at the palace, Tho
n hoar the faintest linploratton for niorcy.
o v i l ( I C x o . l . 2:1 : 2).
prooo.Hs of lomptutlon or trial or betrayal to Harwloli, was sailing on whon tho man
rhlld wns taken up on nn appointed
). - H i r i n g lo gain t a v o r
yon have nonioto your present Htato I know on tin) lookout naw snin»thlng that ho pro- nimo of you who hnyti consilient.! your
lol'l. I ' n u l ( A . 'Is
day to tho royal tftble. While, quite
not. Thore are two gated to your nature— nounuoil ft vt-'unol liottoin nj>. Thoro was itaso an hopoltus will takohitart again, and , 1'Vllx
W i l d 1-Vi-n/y:
unconscious of tho honor conferred upthn gatu of the liiMkd aud tho gnto of tho nomothlnx on It thnt looked Ilka ueoa gull, that with a blood rod oarnitHtnit.'is, mioh IIH
A l l . . . . uhoul I h o spilt
of Iw, hourti
hnuit. Tint gate of your hnuu la looked lint was aftt'rwiir.l found to hu a waving
on her, cho wns quiet and woll-bohavo novor ttxporlonoo.l b.tforn, yon rir.l o u t , Ci.-.il is Din int C l l l .
with holts and burn that an nrouangol lninilUiiroht.it. Iu tho small bout tho crow will start for tho goort land of tho goapol-— I'lirv r r l o i l a l , Hi,! an I cut thoins.'lvor, hoved, and not Inclined to talk unnecomiM not l>r,'iik, hut tho gate, of your heart
(I'Klnpi IS : _'H).
out to tho wrook and founil that It nt bun to look hunk, iiaylng: "What it
essarily. During tho luncheon chicken
luv'liitfs ou.Hlly on |tn hinges. If I aannulte.1 pushoil
a m i f u s t diiHl i n t o thu
u oapslKiul voanel, and thnt tlinio men -(r.'iit rink I run I Alnio.-it lout, but unvudl hi-y' cri.'il out
your body w i t h wi'uponn, you would meet mo wan
wan served. Tho child oto nor portion
flint got tltroiigli, ami no uiorol Ktiuupud
wllh weapiuiH, ami It would beawonletroka tho bottom o( tho ship. Wficn tho vuauul iy tho Hkln of my tooth."
with keen relish, nnd wna careful In
(or Hwonl ntr.ike and wound for wound and i)ii|>»lzutl, they hail no moans of o»«up<.'.
Vri-hu 51.— "A fin i
Iht-i-tt l i i i i K H ---- the use of knife and, Cork. Suddenly
hhiinl for lil,MM!, |iut If I coma and knnok at
oii|itula took Ills ponknlfo and dun
HitiioiiliixMit noitnis In liuvi' lioi'ii glvi'ii n* 'mil piiriios.'.l-------lo uo," (I) Old oll'ol'ta silo Btnred at tho queen with oycs Ilko
(ho duor of your hoiuin you open It and ll'ho
glv» nut tint |iei<tMitut In your parlor. If I
iiiitin'it for ilnlVniir o n l y ; 11 U t i n t MI|OTlton an oltf nail wuu found, with yinvrd
VITSK 2:|.— " A l i o n i Hull l i n n ' I h o n - aroso round to wore. Then pointing
iilioulil ooniit nt ynii now with an argument, liroko.
ot' jnslii'i! und Iho ^ . M ' n r i l y ol i n n o
whh'h thoy attomptud to atirupo tliolr way unrr.
i.t M i u t l l s t i r font'.- nil in- tin- \N'uy.
(t) linger In the direction of her
von would uiiHwor nut with an argumnnt) up
of tho diirkncii.-i, oiioh ono working
Tint Way; ( 2 1 Th.' l l n i o ; (III T h o K l l r ; j t j she exclaimed with a tono of
If tvUhnuroiisiii, you would aimvfnr me with fintllout his
Til.' N.XtllOltl.'.-S.
hand watt wull nl|fh pnrulyzoil,
tmreainii -hlnW for blow, ntrokit for ntroko ami ho sunk
"O plgglol plgglol"
inn f r o m MUT.'SS; \vn o l l i ' n dUt'.n t r w h n l
Imolc tulnt und sink. Aftor -111
Viirwi 2."i.— "llv l h l « linsliii'i-s \v« havo
—hut when I .'1111111 and luioolt at the door Jong and todlouu
do liy Ihi.lliiK mil w h a t w i l l n. I .lo.
The queon had tnj^cn ono of tho
u r w o i i l l h . " Tim l a i n i n . - s ^ ( I t I n l l n iirnf your heiiri you opmi It and nay. "Ooine thr.muh tho liottoin of tho ulUp. A hiui.l.
Homo HUM! l.'urn nioiufh In n l \ uonlb.s' t l n t l t - c l i i i n v , In , |'J) In l l s i . - l l i - I . H H h o a r - chicken boiwg qnlto 'delicately In hor
In, iny brol her, iiiiil tell nut all you know Icurohlef wuu holstod. IIolp oamo. Thoy .'ilvol
to hnrit itthor.t lor n I l l o i l i n . .
illgn: (.'I) Iu l l s rein i i M - r a l I vo \ a l n o .
ill),nit I'lirlnl nn,l linavnn."
ll liters, but the carefully trnlnwl child,
\ I T M - 2!i.-."Whit i l!i«'y hi-ai-.l t h i s , th.'v
U s t M i i t o t w o or throe qiiimtloiiH. Are
I, I, IIV-.KH,
I t l.i M I - H I I I ; , - M u l l ,
who had lit!«.'ii wurnuxl In tho nursery
von IIM l i u p i i v us von lui.t.l to bit when you |>oI l l p l v to bo w l l l l t u o
ll.tvcil In III.'. I null of tint (Ihrlntlaureligion? Kruvo without iIr.»[iniiiK Into It? itow narl l ' l l i e cm
h n t i n l i i i i l o l y i h , liur.l- (I) T h o , - x v l i l n u I n i - r t i i g n , . ; ( 2 ) T h o ifiiiill- i hnt thlH \VI\H a brunch of propriety In
li.-m.'iil oiil.-ry.
I'omiK people, could not refrain from
Would yon I l k " I n IIIIVD your ohlldritn travel
X'ITHII :ii). -"Tlio I
on In tint roa.l lu whlnh you are now truvol- tho skin of their t.ieth." Thoro uro mon
The null \vlu,Ml f n l l l i riuy.iiv.v "Tho
"Tli. l.ol'.l
ot." ( I ) T h o iiu|i
nt; (•.') repeating nn expn^aston tlint elm had
IngV You Iniil 11 relative who profotitted to who Imvo hoitn oapalzotl of ovll pusfilonn
m y s i n - m i l l , " w i l l n e v e r llnd hi-< b u r np
U I I M M - V il'leii lu-ard lier go\-x(rnt'sa use. Kvory
be u O l i r l n l l i i M nnil \vaii t h o r o u g h l y eonnlnl- iind .'ii|'Hl.-.e.l mlilooiian, und they aro n
'n too hei \ y to t ' l i r r y .
i>ne til Ihe InMe WOJH BtJirtlcd, but the
iint, living and dying In the tulili of thn goii- thou'innd inlle.t away from uny uliorn ol
Ver.-o ,TJ,
Thii iint'i 'nln K n e w bo\v to cheat. Loud
)iit|. \Vould ylai not llko to llvn the uiunn luilp. Tlioy liuvti lor yoiim hoon tryliiK to
iieeu nt oilct' led In tho laughter, ouUK
1 dico In YO hi-t.ii f o u n i l in t i n ) r u l i i M tif \ v h - l o
i i n l e l life HIM) .lie the nilllie pciioeflll deuth?
iv I UK qulto kcouly the Joke at hor ovvii
( I I A I'lyloll-, |Mlli,
erciihin- uu.
I hold In my hum! u letter, -mill inn by onn i\vay und dlKKliiKawuy, hut thoyoan never
in ilellvoroil iiuletin now th.iy will holftl
v i i c l l , . - r i i U o i i ; CD A i
win) IIIIH rnjoeln.l the (Ilirlntliin religion. It 10,110
nityti: "1 tun old enough to k n o w that tint
(eelilo U II1ILV Ilo. I'yrtut will lie,I It nil,I
joyn and |il«i, Mirei* of lit.) lire ovanoiioont III,I
An After-Dinner Olacovory.
anil lo reiill:-.e thn fu.it that U inuiit b o e n i n - MMir d o w n upon tlm lie/plortii craft and t n k e
The n c t h i i i i > f Ivy on riilnn I.H tuild to i It \VIIN JiiHt after dinner, and thoj
on Ii.mid, anil It w i l l ho k n o w n on
f o r l l l h l i i In , , 1 , 1 m;e In h u l l e v e III n . i n i e t h l n g
nffoixl (iraelleal |irnol' of I h e t l r y l n ^ | Cound the 111 tie girl crying [iltcou.sly
r e l a l l v n lo i he f i i i i i r n and lo l i n v n ' i i f a i t h •iii-lli und In heiivnii how mvrrowly they
e l i n r n e l e r ot l l « r o o l l e l M — - H i e n u i r l a r l:i I lie,sell'. I t hud been a good dinner,
In Kdini, M V h t c i n t h a i |iroposcs to nave. 1 ,ll\-e e h c u p o . l -"ehCllpeil 111, w i t h till) III,111 of
Hill f l e . t lo e , > M ( e i , n 11 III! I \VOII 1,1 |,n h l l p p l n r
no hurt! n n i l <!r.v t h a i U I-- i l l l l l c i i l t t o i i ml site hud eaten heartily nnd they
Tli-i-i' nl" oth.'ni \ v l i o lii all,mil,tin;; to
If I .'11111.1 exel'.'lHn the Mllllple III),I |ic|llll![lll
t h - i u o l l H l , I h e nl.I w a l l ; , . It Ihe b n i i i c l i e i '.mid nee no re.-ition for her distress.
I l i l l h t h i l l In |,o-,henne.l by n i n n y whom I '.in,.' to Doil n i i i - i l run between n Ki-.-ul
lire nllou'cd In r,'l I n t o g u l l c r : , or , , i h . " \ V l i h t IH t h e . m u t t e r , di-sir?" ber m o t h U n o w . I mi, MO| w i l l i n g l y out of t h e . - h i i r n l i n n u y larilio-Mi pi'i"iilexlth';i. If u iiutn ^o
I- lo l l l | r . | l | e > . i l III III o'.'llH'lc 111 Iho l u o r i l 01- \ \ - u i i - r I ' o i n l n u . ' i . n , IIC to .'Il.il.f III,. •r nsUetl, nyiiii«utl,tMlcnlly. The team
o r m i t o f Hie l i i l i h , M y M t u t i i o f n n c n r t i i l n l y
u l i d ,'nine i i w u y at ;| o'el,V)K la tho n i t e r IB one of M i l l , ' . - , ! . U n l i i n l l l l i e M I dolllil my
Mow In lit'iu y n i l i i - i . Iho u n l l - i u u i y ho i\cre riiiinlng, nml r<ho t-ould hardly
a, tie luoi h o m o t i m o for rellKlon, h u t
l l l i l i i o i l l i l l l y i u i . l I , " i l l upon thn deiUhbe.) nil
n-inli-n-il t l i i i n p , 1 m l not hy Iho in,-i-o «l»'uK. Kh<! managed to noli out dualthe 1'li.nliig'i.oo.iiK, u t t e r w h l e h there Is noth- low i . l i u l l j'oii Iliut t i n t . ) for rclhfloin ooai - l l i i t r l i u r l " I I " 1 » ' i H r l t ' I lUr p l a i l l : , t i l l - I l l . ly: "Oh, niy dlniu-r m-lu-M no hard tlin»
ing. \ V h n l ; . l i a l l 1 do that 1 have not .'inplitl Ion w h e n } on aro .Irlvmi f r o m niin.lone?" Ah, ,'l,,'|il|,'l',in Iti a d n r k nnd i l o l n - L-ie lo ritinriol ami Imvo li.'ou for 11 vo yeitri
i \vldh 1 Wd not have It."
( n l l n n . l l I.,-I inn nny that thin l l l l ' l n Inelthoi itolnu h - h l i i i l 111 liunlue.'jrt uiul (in) [ft'iiurjut-
[Entered as second class matter.]
8ATUHDAY. AUG. 28, 1897.
Special Election.
j I have a new stock, and for a limited time I will eell a
$20 Blue Flame Oil Stove for $17 cash
$1O cash
$8 cash
Ifew Lot of Fioe.-Furniture
—Some Good Bargains^.
Cor. Bellevue and Central Avenues, Hammonton
Lamb, Bacon, Hams9 ete,
Claimed. Goods and Fruits
Vegetables, Eggs and Poultry.
o '•
/We make a specialty of btrictly high-grade Batter and Laid,
All orders receive prompt attention.
'Goods delivered free of charge.
We can tell yon
something about the prices of Watches if you will call.
Also repair your watch so that you can depend on it
for time.
EGBERT STEEL. Hammonton Jeweler.
The Gyclers9 Best
Hot or cold lunch
Pie and Milk
of all kind*
-Cherry Street and the New County Road., Hammonton.''
Dodgers,"—-all sixes,
On Tuesday, Sept. 28th, will be held
a speciaK election, to vote upon three
proposed amendments to our State
Constitution. Very little has been said
upon the subject, but at least two of the
amendments are very important, and
deserve consideration.
The flret is the anti-gambling clause,ntended especially to prohibit betting
and "book-making" at boree 'races,
which became so serious a menace to
public and private morality, at Gloucester and' elsewhere in tbe State. Jiut it
prohibits lotteries also, and all forms of
^ambling;—Itris a praiseworthjraTjaendment, and should receive the support of
every moral man.
Most of the appointments to office in
this State, by the Governor, require
approval by the Senate. Occasionally
the man named is not satisfactory to
the Senators, and he is either rejected
or no 'fiction taken. Sometimes the
Governor waits until Legislature adourns, then appoints the same man,
and he can serve until next session,—
nearly a year. To prevent this, the
second amendment is proposed ; and it
Women can now vote at school m'eetings for appropriations. The third
iueudincDl to be voted upon IB to give
women the ri[>b,t to vote for members
of the Board of Education. As they
can, and do, serve,on the Board, and
make efficient members, we can see DO
;ood reason why they should not help
elect tbe Board. Tbe fact is, women,
especially mothers, are deeply interested
in schools, and it ia but lair that they
should have the legal right to participate
in their management.
We shall probably have more to .say
on tbe subject, later ; but voters can
tbtnk tbe matter over, and we hope to
see all three amendments carried by a
decisive majority. It is taid that a
certain defeated element in tbe State
will work hard to prevent the adoption
ot the Orel anieudment noted abov«.
Mrs. Poolo, mother of Miss Mabel Poolo, died in Philadelphia on
Thursday. Fuueral to-morrow at two
o'clock p. m., at Greon Bank ; services
to be conducted by Bev. J. C. Kllliao.
EST Lovers of a good game of baeo
bull will all bo on baud this afternoon
at 3:30, to witness the game with the
well-known "Highlands," the crack
amateur team of Philadelphia. In
poetic language, the game will probably
bo "tho hottest thing that ever happened." .........
S&~ Mr. EUridgo Roberts, brother
of the late Mrs, Wm. Black, died on
Mouduy last at tho Black homestead,
Hammonton, niter long illness. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. L. Black accompanied
tliu remains to their old home, Augusta,
Boy Tho filling up of Central Avenue
near Vine Street, without providing a
gutter or any other outlet for water,
was a blunder. Tho sidewalk wax impassible on Mouduy, alter that heavy
JS@T Tho II. A. A. haso ball team are
nurlously connidoriug the acceptance of
only out of town challenges for nuxt
year, bccauno of Insufficient patronage
ut homo, It coata money to brine
clulm lioro.
And Co-Operativo t}oo'y,lim.
Dr. King's New Discovery for
This is tbe best; medicine in the world
Or ill forms of coughs and colda, and for
consumption. Every^bottle is gnaranBed. It will cure, and not disappoint.
t has no equal for w'uooping cough, for
asthma, hay fever, pneumonia, la grippe,
>ronchitis, cold iu the head, and for
consumption. It is safe for all ages,
pleasant to take, and above all, a sore
rare, It is always well to take Doctor
Cfng's New Life Pills in connection
with Dr. King's t?ew Discovery, as they
regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfaction
ir return money. Free trial bottles at
Croft's drug store. Regular size, 50
cents and $1.
Proposed Amendments
Ae required by an nit entitled "An tot to
irovido for labmlttlng proposed amentlraenta
o the Constitution of tbia State to tho people
thenuf," approved May 25, 1897, notico la
hereby given that on TUESDAY, tho twenty
ighth day of September, 1897,
A Special Election
will be held In the several election districts or
precincts of this State, at such places as the
clerks of the several townships, cities, and
municipalities of the State shall provide, to
enable the electors qualified to vote for mombora of the Legislature to vote for or against
each of the following proposed amendments to
the Constitution.
Secretary of State.
Proposed amendment to the constitution,
relating to lotturies anil gambling.
Amend paiai?rapn 2 of Section VII of Art.
[V, so as to read aa follows:
2. No lottery shall bo authorized bj the leg
islature or otherwise, in this state; and no
ioket In anj lottery shall be bought or seld
within this state, nor ehall any pool-selling,
look making, or gambling of any kind be
authorized or aliowod within this state, nor
ehall any gambling device, practice, or game
of chance now prohibited by law be legalized,
or the remedy, penalty or punishment new
provided therefor be in any wu> diminished.
Pfopoied amendment to tho constitution,
. relating to appointments to office.
Add the following to see. XII of art. V:
No person who shall buvo beeu nominated to
tho nenate by the governor for aay office o:
trust er profit under the government of thin
statr, and nhall not have boon confirmed before
the reooss of the legislature, shall ho eligible
for appointment to nucli office during the con
tlnuunoo of such recess.
Rather than carry osreir ^
our stock of light weight
Shirts, Underwear, etc.r we
have made the prices so low
as to be of ase to you while
there is still time to wear
them. Here are a few of
the prices,— Hen's Underwear
from 50 to 35 eta,,
from 50 to 25 cts.
Men's Negligee Shirts
from 75 to 40 cts.
Men's Sateen Shirts
frona 75 to 35 cts.
Men's Straw Hats
from 50 to 30 and 25 c.
[tight-colored Suspenders
from 50 to 25 cte.
Men's Neckwear from
25, 20, and 16 to 10 cts.
Ladies' Underwear
from 50 to 35 cts;
as low as 15 eta.
Corsets from $1.25, $1,
and 50 c., to 50 and 25 c.
Fans from 25 and 15 cts.
to 15 and 10 cte.
Palm Leaf Fans,
G cents a dozen.
Proposed amendment to tho constitution,
providing for woman suffrage.
Amend section 1 to ruitd us follows:
1. Evory uiule oitiiim uf tbe United States
of the uiro of twenty out yours, who shall have
buen a resident of thin stuto one year and ol
tho county of which ho oluluia his vote five
month- next before the election, shall be miti
tied to vote for all ofllcurn that now are or
uoreuflor may bo oluctlve by the people; anil
every female oltlzon of iho llnitud Hums of tho
nge of twouty-oiio yoitm, who uliUli have been
ii resident of tbi.i stuto ono jour, and of tho
county <i( which »ho claims her voto live
mouths next before nald mutllng, shall boon
titled to vote at any »c himl mooting held In
mil rohool district of this stuto In which aho
muy reside lor members ut' hoards of education
and othor school .i.lllaori^ thut now uro or horn
after may bo olootod ut tuvh mootings; provlAuthorized Capital, $50,000
iled, thut no perion In tlio inllimry naval, or
marine service of tlio Unite'! Htatos shall be
Paid in, $30,000.
considered a resident of this mate by being
SurplnB, $15,000.
atiitlunod in any garrinoii, Imrmok, or military
or nuvul pluco or utatioii nlihln this slate
uud no pauper, Idiot or Inniino porson or per R. J. BYRNKB, President.
*on oouvlolod nf u orlnio whloh now excludes
him or tier from l>olug a without, unless pur
M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Prea't
doi net or restored by Uw to the right of suf
frnjjo, ahull enjoy the right of an elector: and
W. E. TILTON, OashieK
provided further, that In MIIIO of wur no elector
in tlia uotual nillltiiry uorvioo of tlio slate, or o:
the- United Htutoii, In UiG urmy,ur nuvy thereof
shall bo doprlved of hla voio by rousou of Ills H. J. Byrnor),
iihtttmo- Irom ituoh oluoilon dUtrlot; und Ih
M. L. Juoltnon,
uud Trimming,
logidlnlura shull Imvu puivor to provide Iho
DOIIO In Worlcmuiillko Htylo iniiniiur ill whloh and tho tltne nud place ul
Klam Btockwell
whlcb suah abiont elofltor muy voto, uud for
'ho return anil onnvusn uf their voto In Ih O. V. Baxton,
I [onto Bliimlnir a BpooliUty.
O. F. OaRood,
nloutLm diatriot In whloli thoy rospootivclj
Ill wo i It ^imruntoud.
Fruit Growers'Uniom
The People's Bank
Of Hammonton. N.3.
W. It. THton.
A. J.Bmlth.
J.O. A» lorooii.
W. J. Hmltli.
W. L.
iiiiniiiioiit4.il, N. jr.
Until further iinr.lne,tli<) following will bo
my piloort,—o«i/i or credit :
Ol.l piloo of 4 now nlioon on homo, .'?!.
('ill pilcii,— toon nuil oullcH, ?1, I'li.ln
nhi'DH, MO OPII n,
Too w>l(jlitn, mi
wrinlitii, uud utuol uliomi, nxlru olmitj
NlVv v Htitol tiro, 1 In. to 1 1 4 In., $l.i!6.
(M. '"'loo, *'•
wl ool
l H
J 1-a
Kliun. '"«
'"•• $>- a8 1<1 ' > ' ' *<>
c..., p.
". *'•
\'Z cniitH uitoh for four upoltun
D tliuii lour, 10 ota. onoli.
'-'i to U Iu,, old prlco, "0 cento.
H|M>bl*, 1 i
C'ut, pi lc,«, t 'fi iiiinln (uioli ; for moro tliun
four, 1!) co. utn onoli
I'm pi lo>
lor in <>i
Printed promptly when wonted, at tho
Gettysburg, Luray, Washington.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
las arranged for a moot delightful e«ven
day tonr to the Gettysburg battlefield,
Caverns of Lnray, and Washington,—W
eavo New York tiept 9th. It wili dw in
charge of one of ' the company's tooritit
igentB, and will cover an intensely interesting section of the upper South. An
experienced ohaperbne, who6o especial
charge will be unescorted topics, will
accompany the trip throughout. Round
trip rate, including all necessary expenses during entire time absent, $27 horn
New "Xork, $26 from Philadelphia, and
iroportiouate rates from other points.
For itineraries and fall information apply to tickei aaentB, Touriut Agent, 1196
(roadway, New York, or address Geo.
N. Boyd, Aflst. Gen. Passenger Agent,,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
[lokoii, a 1-4
omitH rmoh.
,»,, .
Cut unco, for I °;lr "I" ",1 ~" ct,8- °acl'
for moro tliuii
"' "" ''
'• <'«t price, 00 ot«
H i«fl«, old prloo, ,
All i>Uur via flu ""' "' "'"" r"'f'"
Italian and American
Munufaoturur of tlin llnout Vormloollt
and Fanoy 1'iinto.
Muooarotil In |>uokn|;uB, with dlrootlono
Tlio loono, no woll an tho piiokcd of tli
very bant quality, and nothing Infoilo
to tho Imported on»«.
Imported Groceries
Oortlllontonnf Doponitlnsucd, bearing
Intermit lit tho rate of !i per oont. per u>num If hold nix moutha, and 1) noroont(2
hold ono year.
Discount dttja — Tueeday an4
Friday of each week.
A I ullaesortmont of Imiul and machln
,— for work or driving.
Trunks, Valises,
Riding SaddloH, Nota, oto.
Is. "M. CSOQlJQ'S'i
Hammonton, N. J.
JBQy At the Baptist Church to-morrow
Petit Jurors.
evening. Pastor Klllian's topic "The
Sheriff Eirby drew the following panel
Lord's Prayer," illustrated with stereof jurors to servo at tho September
SATURDAY., AUG. 28,1897.
morning topic, "Childhood a type of session of the Atlantic County Courts :
Miteon, George Lutz.
Christian lite."
To blacken your hands, but take down the
Atlantic City, Andrew B. Leeds, HowOIX ROOM HOUSH; for rent, corner Second
ard C. Masoa, Robert Dnnlovy, William
and Peach Streets. Apply to
smoke-pipe of your heater,— disconnect it from the
MRS.IKWIS HOYT. Btaiger, Josiah Conovor, Oliver J. Hama little over two wcceks
J56?" Two of the young people of tho moll, John B. Hess, Ehvood Johnson,
chimney. More harm is done to your heater during
before school.
'resbyterian Church are about to go as Walter Cramer, Chaa. M. Spiedol, John
jjSS-Miss Nellie Jones ia visiting in missionaries to India. Tho services in C. Cobb, Harry T. Scnll, .George H.
Summer, if left connected to chimney, than by the
West Philadelphia.
,hat Church, to-morrow evening, will Bailey, Joseph Eldridgo, and Howard
burning all Winter.
If you don't like to do this,
jjgy Geo. Helsor was Jiome from mvo reference to that event, and will Wood.
Brigantine, R, D. A. Parrott.
Philadelphia for a week.
>e of the nature of a farewell service.
command us—at your service.
Buena Vista, Douglas Kecd, John
f6T Thos. Gray is spending a fortnight Several addresses will be made, and the
E. Society and the Young Men's Kanoppa, and Louis Bohultz.
Also, don't forgetj everybody who has a National
with bis oister, Mrs. Hinchman.
Egg Harbor City, Henry Bredor, and
will have part in the programme.
jgy The Misses Ottlngor, of Atco,
Flame Stove, or an Insurance Gasoline Stove
An invitation is extended to all to be Louis Roosoh.
visited Miss Beuiah Jones this week.
eays they are first class; and "what everybody says
present, at 7:30.
Bgy Miss Laura Potter, of Philadel- OURE OLD CIDER VINEQAB for Bale at James Scull, Isaac Gouldey, Samuel
must be e<?."
Try one.
phia, was in llammoaton Ibis week.
T O>cencsper(railon.
Smith, and Benjamin Lear.
Galloway Twp., Thomas A. York,
E^y Mte. Eli Thomas, of Medford,
BgyThree Sunday Schools from Ham- Herman Henschel, Frank Thirion, Harry
^visited Hammontontriefid>thia-week.
monton have invaded the beautiful Fillin?, Ralph Ashley, Abram Strickland,
jg@- Miss Lillian Jacobs is spending a
sylvan retreat at Weymouth this year, Jr., Charles K. Black, and Charles B.
few days with her sister at Cape May.
or their annual picnics. The last was Doughty.
ANTED— lo buy a Farm., Must be in
Hamilton Twp., George -Royle, Lewis
the Presbyterian, on Tuesday last.
good condition, with buildings.
Address, Box 438, Hammonton. The many attractions of the place, and Panooast, William Mattiz, John B.Clark
g@" Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Newcomb he games, served to make the time and Daniel A. Taylor.
;are spending a few weeks in New York pass most delightfully ; but the "Star"
Hammonton, William H. Burgess,
.ttraction of the day was the seven Herman Fiedler, James Yanderslice,
g®» The residence of John D. Ball is nntag game of base ball between the Harry Little, Samuel Anderson, and
lighted by electricity,— the first house Stars" of Hammonton and the Wes- Alexander Button,
Mulliea Twp., John D. Carver.
mouthites, in which the score was four
in town.
Hires Eoot Beer Extract. This has such a reputation that
Pleatantmtle, Jethro Adams, Michael
ISf Miss Anna Eumaey, of Bristol,
Lutz, Lev! Hewitt, and Harry Conover.
we cannot add anything to what has already been said.
Pa., visited her Hammonton friends great features of the game were the
Burner? Point, Bphraiin Connelly.
Anderson's Root Beer Extract, at 10 cents per bottle, is
-this week.
Wej/mouth Fwp., Edgar P. Bheppard.
meeting with great favor also.
BQy Hammonton Loan Association
meeting next Thursday evening, in whom broke a bat, and the skillful J3g?° Mr. J. C. Johnson will continue
Fruit Syrups in.all flavors.
base-running of Rev. W. H^ Farrar.
Firemen's Hall.
the grocery and feed business in the old
AHM FOE SALE. Twenty-seven acres
£®~ Rousing revival services are in
the Tilton
at Chew Koad and Tenth St.,. Hammon- stote,— having bought
Partly cultivated, house, etc. Also. 2 interest. The dry goods and miscellanprogress at Winslow,-many of our town engines.
3 boilers, knitting machines, and
other machinery. Inquire on premises.
people attending.
eous stock will be closed out as soon as
T7IOUND ASTRAY-a Male. Inquire of
possible, by the old firm,—prices having
While bathing in the Lake, last been reduced to cost and below, for that
ES3°- Mrs. Wm. Bernshouse and Miss Sunday, Dow Seely was taken out some purpose. There are bargains.
Samaria returned last Saturday from distance beyond his depth by a visiting
Chantauqua, N. Y.
friend, who promised to teach him to C BALED PROPOSALS will be received at
O the office of Hoyt <£8ons, on or before
|@~Mr. Wm. Vernier entertained swim. Possibly with a view of teaching Saturday,
Sept. 4tb, 1897. at 2 o'clock p. m.,
We are losing money on Ladies' Shirt Waistsbis eons, Messrs. George, Thomas, and him self-confidence, this friend left him for Bupplylue the varloun school houses ol
Coal, os follojvp:
out there to swim in alone. Dow sank, Main Road.484with
-James, over Sunday.
Lukp, 4 tone
a waist for 25 cents that sold for 70 c. last year.
Union Road, 3 tons
Magnolia, 1 tons
S6&" Mrs. Earth and daughters, Misses of course, and then his struggles and Middle Road, 3 tons Rosedale,4 tons
Kindergarten, 8 tons
' May and Viola, bf Philadelphia, visited cries attracted the attention of David The
above 25 tons of 2000 pounds pr ton, roust
the best Lehtgh Valley Stove Coal.
her niece, Miss Stelneder, a few days.
Also, two cnr loads—or about 40 tons—of the
grasped tbe drowning boy by one arm. best
Ly hens Valley Red Ash Pea Coal, of 22(0
8@-Mr. D. L. Potter, ot Pond Gap When part way to shore, tbe waves pounds
per tou. for the Central School, lobe
In single ear-load lots, as may be
Va., woa in town for nearly a week, choked Dow, and he frantically threw delivered
required. Tbo Committee reserve the right
looking after his large property interests. his arm around Dave's neck, and both to reject any or all bids.
£©* John Partridge, Jr., and sister, went to the bottom. A quick blow
Miss Louie, of Ridgcly Park, Pa., caused Dow to release his grasp, and
Property Com. School Dlst. No. 48.
spent a few days with their uncle, J. D. after a struggle David landed him safely Hammonton, N. J., Aug. 21,1807.
on shore. It was a brave rescue, find
. A Hound Pup. Owner can have for a moment looked very doubtful for
«amo by proving property and paying
both boys.
|Qy George King camo up from At
OR HALE. A flue brick residence In
Hammonton, eight rooniH, heater, broad
lantic City for a few days. Ho is plazzao.
with nearly fivo acres of cnltlvatod
Immcdlnto poRRefiRton. Part cash.
convalescent after an attack of typlioit [and.
Inquire at llr.runi.iCAN office.
CST Strange, but true, that seldom
BgyNcxt Wednesday you may
On the County Roac
can a group of boys spend nn evening
•witness "tho last roso of Summer," 1
on tho street without getting into misHammonton.
you don't get up too early in tho
cliiuf. This is so well known that wo
saw, Wednesday evening, the Marshal SECONI> HAND—
EQy Messrs. J. II. Marshall and Chas, quietly watching a half-dozen boys, porLight Spring Wagen—no top.
Zlos, rode down from West Philadelphia, Impa ten to fourteen years old, whom
Blx-spring Wagon—no top.
and wore guests of J. II. Marshall on ho had occasion to warn on a previous
Farm Wagon, with body.
Wednesday night.
Two Butohor Wagons, In good ordei
evening. Had ho been with us un hour
Two-borne \Vagou, 3 Inch tread.
EOT Tho Fruit Growers' Union have or BO later, ho might have eeon a very
resumed tho payment of dividends In similar party ono after another climb NEW—all my own work—
cannot Ijve and keep his strength on bread alone. He
tho store department. It will pay you ovor a funco and help tliemeolves from
Two-hoTBo Wagon, 4 inch troad.
un applo truu which Btanda close to tho
to find out about it.
Two-horse Wugon, 3 inch tread.
requires some meat, and should have that which u good. He
, well, never mind
>AI'K!M!ANUINC). Leavo your orders nt residence of Mr.
One-horao Wagon, body and springs
can get the best of meat at Eckhardt'S Market, at prices
Hurry l.lltlo'a Hloro. mid I w l l l o u l l i m d who,—ho wasn't ut homo and the houseHliow you Hunplni nuil ulvu vutlinulcu.
flAllllY 1,.TIIICAT.
was darkened. Hoya huvo no business Call and see them, for bnrgains as reasonable as elsewhere. '
B65~MrB. Jool VaiiSantanddiiUKhter, roaming Urn streets ut thut hour, and
Home-dressed and Chicago Beef always on hand.
Mies Emma, of Now Grutna, expect to pnrunts will' sooner or later rcjjrct tho
can have your choice, and have choice? meats. No guess
occupy ono of tho UOUBOB at Thirteenth wuubncaa that permitted thorn touttoud
(Street and Hallroad Ave.
this "Dovil'a night nchool."
work about it; we know it.
y&" Council meutlug thla
ICI'AIHINU, ClonnuiK,anil DyolhK douo
Don't forget, we still keep a fine grade of Print Butter.
my riwldeucu. ihu brick IIOIINO on
TOQUlar. As usual, vlsltoro muy «xpec iilipcratHullovuu
Avo. ('lolliliiM iimtlu looi'dor
a treat. Tho laat niflBtlng wua i>roUKO. HTKH1.MAN. Tailor.
Jolin 11. Marshall will nnrvo thl
nouncod "as good ua a clccue."
r On Thuraduy ovonint;, Hitpt. 2nd,
brouil every (luy to ouatomoru nil ovo
BiirThoBo who wluli to play on' the
town, nuil In tlio neighborhood. I
then) will lio given, In Union Hull,\vhul
second foot bull truiu are rrqiiuHtud to
will uleo bo OD «ale iu F. 1C. Koboitu
proiuluoa ti> be u unique trout In ilia
nnd Klain BlooUwcU'n Htoroe.
meet at Edw. Thayor'Hnaxt W«iliicBduy history of llmnmoiilon ontortuinmonta.
Onlorn promptly tilted If loft a<~. Mi
evening, Sept. 1st, ut 7:30 o'clock.
A concert under tho aiiftplcca of Hov.
Marshall's 'loulaonco. '2'M \Vnnhliijjlo
Btreot, at either of tbo abovo utoreH, o
Ctir F. A. Lohniua untortaliiod hlu Kiitliur Hpigardl will bo uimuyed. Tho
ut tlio Humiuontoii poiit-ollloo.
brother Will, and fuuiliy, tho llrut of Iluv. Hector IIIIH nuccoodcd In unllHttng
tnkuu Tor Plijilii nud fancy (,'aUun
this week. Mm. P. A. Luhmaii nnd tho aupporl ot uuch iirlintH aa Hlgnor OnloiH
and for I'IOB of all kluda.
her three daughtera roturntd with tluun Alburtl, harlloiin ; Bunora Alborll, mezfor n visit.
zo aoprano; Prof, llrb./.l, plunlat; Big.
MALL IIODHI!! for rnui, — noxt to <)i«>ru« (J. llrlz/,1, violinist. Thla quivrtottu ol
Httioliiiiin'H. Mix rooum, olonlrio IxillB,
JCvorytliliiu In u<>o<l ontiir. Lot Wi x UO loot ulura ia from tho Acudutny of Munle,
Jmiulro ill thin ortloo
Now York, and will bo Htipploinuntud
S&T Oomplulnt la common of tho by tho olforta ol Mcenrx. Duqullo and
condition of uppur Holluvuo, boKinuliiK Morulll, both ataru In tholr particular
about oppoaito the M. K. Church, cleiir lino. From I'hlludolphlu will coma
up to Main Koad. Kofurrad to lllghwiiy Homo of tho buet proluaalonul und uintttour ttilout thut oily contulim. Huch u
e&T Thu Mothodiut Ohurah ut EUvooil treat la worthy of tlio hctit ttupport of
All buainena iu their line
huu ulvcn 10. \V. HtrlcUlund llmcontnuit tho patroiiH of art nnd lovera ot mimic.
> Cor Intonml linprnvumuiite. Thu prcHunl Tho uulectlotm reiuleveil will I") from tho
promptly and ourolully
It docH not rcquiro any trouble to cook it. Juat the
IKJUUIU colling will bo nhnn^cd to an hunt uroutlona of grunt mutitoru, Incluattended to.
for lunchcH and u light nioal. Tho luiinH that w©
arch; un uxtuunlon on Ihu rour will ding Vordl'fl "U Trovatoro," (Joiiiu)d'a
well are mveot and doliciouo. Try one.
iiiakamoro room liy rucolvliiK tliu pulpit;
Muscujorlo'a "Cavulurludu UiiHtiuunn,"
ropulra will ulao ho Inolutlud.
uud IloBBlnl'B "UlKnolulto.'' Mr. 10. 8.
OlUiK KlIK HAIdO. or nxuliiiimn
nxuliiiim for <»iw.
1,, MYltlOK, MI.MIId Komi.
<) run twill Buporlntond ntuno urrungo- Ollioo and Itanidonco,
invntH. Tho ouncuvt will Ixi fully mlvor1>()8 Peach Street,
iinuro with A. II. I'lillllim ft, Co. tlued, und only 11 limited number of
Atluntlo Avo., Atlantic Olty.
tloUctfl will l>o aold.
Fellows' Building, Hammonton^
in Wagons Electric Lights
At Lehman's Shop,
Ready for orders. First come, first served.
Hammonton Electric Light and Power Go.
It has Gome at Last.
Home-made Bread
Valentine & Hood
Funeral Directors.
Try a Mice Ham
For a Change.
Embalming a Specialty
It Is aald that .two n^tes fcr one SUPPOSE WE SMILE.
hundred thousand' pounds each and
two for fifty, thousand pounds each
'were once engraved and Issued. A ••lUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM
butcher who, had amassed an Immense fortune as. an -of my contractor
in war-time went with o^e of the
.fifty thousand pound notes tp a pri- Pleasant Incldcnta Occnrrina tho
Jate banker, asking for a loan of five World Ovcr-Snyinge that Are CheerThousand pounds, and wished to de- fnl to Old or Yonnc-Funny Selec*
tlona thnt Everybody WtU Enjoy.
posit the large 'note as security with
the bank, stating that it had been in
'-WillIns-to Riolc It,
his possession for several years. Thir —
"They- iay," said the nervous man,
sum ai'-ied for was of course handed
over at once;,but 'the financier took "that it's wrong to meet trouble half
occasion to hint to the holder the way."
folly of which he was guilty in hoaid- "Of course," replied his friend.
ing such a sum'arid so 'sacrificing the "Well, I'd like to try the experiment.
Cnless I'm wrong iu my calculations,
"That Is all very true and sound getting half way to next Fourth of
sense, sir,"replied the man; "but J July would land us somewhere In 1Janlikes the look o' the critter so very uary, and that's Just about where -I'd
iwell that I have got t'other one of like to be right now."—Washington
same at home."
A wealthy but eccentric gentleman
Like His Father.
in London once framed a bank po*t- "I pay my child to be good," declared
bill for thirty thousa'nU pounds and '.he first good father.
exhibited it in his study. At his ghat's entirely wrong," replied the
death, wnich occurred flre years la- sefltodjgood father. "My child has to
ter, the extraordinary picture was be Yood for nothing."—Detroit Free
promptly taken down from the wal] Press.
and cashed by his. heirs.
- re->rest Friend*.
It ivsaid'tbat soveral years aro, at
Miss Elderly—Mr. Suave always
a nobleman's house In the neighbor- treats
me with' much more deference
hood of the Marble Arch, a disputs
he does any.of .the girls.
arose about a certain pasiaae which than
has told me often
was declared to be scriotural. A I MissheSprightly—He
has no use for a man who fails
learned dean who .was piesent deny-! that
Ing that there was any such text in to respect age.—Detroit Free Press.
the sacred volume, a Bible w.s called
Tn the Air.
for. After quite a search adusty old
Old Lady—Warm, Isn't it?
Bible which had lain upon a shelf
Mabel (mopping her
Blnce the,death of the peer's mother There's so much humidity in the air.
was produced. When the -volume Old Lady—That's so. There, you'.ve
was opened, a hook-marker was Just missed one. It'a right next to
found in It which upon examination your nose.
proved to be a bank post-bill for Mabel (Jabbing at the point Indicated)
forty thousand pounds. Why it had -One what?
been placed there was 'never discovOld Lady—Why, one of those that
ered. Perhaps the lady had thought you said was in the air. I call 'em
It a pood means of inducing her son coal soots.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
to seaicj the Scriptures.
~Blg Banlt Notes.
to the astonishment and .'terror of tin
Inhabitants. Just before reaching
Mactlnaw the Rochester, after a lively
race, passed the steamer Gen. Porter,
Oapt. 0. L. Gager. Engineer McG«»
celebrated the victory by blowing hla
whistle derisively and noisily. When
both boatfi reached the wharves Capt
Gager rushed up In a rage, shaking
fist and daring McGee to come down
and face him.
"What are you squawking that tiling
at me for?" he roared.
And If it had not been for mutual
friends, steamboat whistling on th<
lakes mlg'ht have been Introduced wltl
a lively battle.of fisticuffs.
art to"peg them out and register to my tested no more.
name, but ho can do nothing until he Gibson continued good friends with
.If Tifo wore a rosebud,
has the particulars contained In this. me, and often cajme and chatted as I
Bedighted with dew,
Now, do you understand?"
languidly studlc "Lock on .Gold" In
.'I would pluck it, my darling,
"Yes, but how far Is Gibson cognizant my deck chair,
a practical mineral- THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OF
And give it to you.
of your plans?"
oglst he polnte out the best parts to
"He has found out that I Intend send- Btudy, and I imbibed much Information
'If love were a jewel
That money could buy,
ing the map Immediately to Johannes- valuable enough had I designed to tarn
I would give thee a casket
burg. This office is watched. You will miner. He was an amusing man, his Quaint Sayings and Cute Doiiiss of the
No queeu could defy.
be shadowed on leaving, and when they creed simple enough—"Get money, hon- tittle "Folks Everywhere, Gathered
find that you are a passenger on th estly if you can; but get money." A and Printed Here for All Other Litttut love IsS not purchased, , ,
Roman they will conclude that you ar more efficient auctioneer for selling the tle Once to Bead.
Tn whole or in party
my messenger. It will be your Dusi numbers of the ship's run In the daily
So, I've nothing to give then
ness to nullify that belief.
The Dandelion's Complaint.
sweeps It would be impossible to find,
But love, and my heart.
"1 see."
Oh deiir! OhT dpnr!
and I enjoyed the privilege of acting
How strange
-^t appear!
"But rosebuds may wither
"You had better pretend to be a new auctioneer's clerk, with "Lock" for a
My beat! is
'. ,
And jewels are vain,
sub-manager sent out by me to repre desk on my knee.
. stare
But on to eternity
sent my Interests in Johannesburg
It was 4 o'clock on a Tuesday after-' •;'.- That .every
Btorieo of Yonnc Amerlcd.
At mi/
Love shall remain.
Now, can you, do -you think, concea noon when we reached'Cape Town, nnd
A little boy who had a cousin llvinj
-Philadelphia Bulletin.
the map in such a way that these Gibson managed to get away by that
but three blocks from his home wai
Once like a golden star
evening's train, leaving two of his folthieves cannot get hold of It?1
given permission to stop and play then
I shone out from afar; . • •
"I will do my best," it said at length lowers to bring his luggage ooi next
after school whenever ne clipse.. Tin
Then a lisht fleecy down
"Trust no one," concluded my em day, when the rest of tie passengers
Made a lovely crown
tempter soon wnlspered In Harry's ear
On my head.
ployer, giving me money for my jour bound for the Rand traveled.
that he .might go anywhere under th<
The third morning "after landing
ney-and-the boat ticket. "Rely on your
pretense of having been at his couatnV
South African millionaire, sent. self alone. Put the map In your breast seeking Howard's office. I had Just
It all eeerne so queer—
One evening after his mother hae
, tor me, and, after inquiring if I was at pocket for the present, but find a se- seen the name In the window, and had
heard of her truant boy's wanderlngi
liberty for a few weeks, said -that he curer hiding place before you go on ascended the steps to the door of the
And paused upon the grass
board. Good-by, and good luck to
she asked him where he had been slnc«.
By my side.
was about to commission me to take a you."
building when a passer-by pulled up on
school closed.
small map to his Johannesburg reprerecognizing
My preparations were soon made, and
She wished something, very low,.
"Down to Cousin Alfred's house," h<
sentatives, I was rather surprised that
"Hullo," he said, "where are you off
And then began to blow.
-Tie should go to the expense of a special the following morning found me on to now?"
And my soft, silky hair .
Then she kindly said,-"Harry, mammessenger when the postal service was board the Roman. I had reduced my The time for caution was passed, vlcWent floo ting through the air
luggage to as small a compass as possima
knows you have not been there!
All around.
;gry was mine, and I could safely en- *'
now don't tell a lie, Just tell the truth
-"It seems a very simple undertok- ble. It consisted of two small port- oy my triumph. I surveyed the bafmanteaus, which would go under my
and all will be well." He replied, "How
'(tag," I said.
"I blow them nil away
bunk, some wraps and a few novels, led financier with a smile of Infinite
did you and out?" "Ob, a little bird
But he speedily enlightened me.
satisfaction and replied:
told mamma." After which he pointed
Hilt I know I shall take cold.
"Ah, that's whore you are wrong." with "Lock on Gold," the latter ob- "I am the bearer of a certain docuAnd it makes me look so old—
his finger with a little gesture of warn'tye replied, giving me a shrewd glance. tained from my employer to sustain my ment from Mr. Tring to Mr. Howard."
Oh dear!
ing and said: "Don't talk to me about
'"In this case tbe post is not to be trust- character as a mining manager, and From the expression on my face and
lying, birds can't talk."
•ed, and aa unscrupulous enemy will with its covers incased in gray calico. lie accent on my words he read the —St. Nicholas.
•strain every nerve to defeat my "inten- I had Joined the ship at the docka to ruth and knew that I bad baffled him. >
A little 51:year-old boy when told bj
rolls Are Blne-Eye-l.
avoid the crush at Waterloo and to see
and his face changed. Words failed ) Little girls who play with their dolls his mother tliat ttiey would go to &e«
•"Yon anticipate there will be an atbe Interested to know what sets his baby cousin christened 011 the folhim, for he was taken quite by surprise
itempt to rob me during the journey?" two other men in rny cabin, for the ship nd bewilderment rendered him speech- thV fashions In dolls' eyes. When lowing Sunday, replied with a troubled
'-'I am quite sure of it. The matter
Queen Victoria ascended the throne countenance, that "He hoped the rectoi
on the face of it is simple enough. This they had not yet come on board, so I Enjoying his discomfiture a few sec- sixty years ago she was fair and had would go home as soon as • he was
map" (he held up a small piece of arranged my belongings at leisure, and nds, I turned and went In, leaving him very blue eyes, whereupon blue eyes through with cousin." When asked
Iparclinifint a few square Inches In size; then, -went on deck as we left the dock on the pavement below, the most un- became all the fashion, and all the loy- why he said: "Well, I've hnd enough.
'•it appeared to represent the course of a to smoke and vleV the river and the happy man In Johannesburg.
al dollmokers of her kingdom bega'n I've had the measles—and such awful
srlvcr, for same red crosses were marted mites of wharves and shipping as. we Having entered the outer office and sending blue-eyed dolls from their fac- pains hi my stomach. So/I don't want
•oa one portion and some lines of writ- slowly and majestically steamed out to iven my name to a .clerk. I was sp/ed- tories. In Italy nnd Spain, where all to be christened."
Jus ran along_.thc bottom) "has to be sea. The snip was nearly empty and I ly shown Into Mr. Howard's private the great beauties have olive skins and
The other day a little,boy was heard
:glren to Mr. Howard of Fox street, passed a quiet twenty-four hours 'an- oom. He greeted me warmly and In dark, handsome eyes, a blonde doll Is relatln.? to his chums his first experiticipating
-Johannesburg. There your mission
he same breath inquired If I had been quite uncommon. Japanese dolls have ence In purchasing a pair of shoes. He
eads, -But whether you will be able to to take place and wondering if my uccessful.
twinkling, beady eyes, set In ci^elr "said the salesman tolJ him positively
accomplish it is another matter. Gib- simple scheme would be successful.
heads aslant, vrhlle the gayly dressed that the shoes would wear a long tun« .
I/said r had.
son, my .old partner, U determined to
"That's good news. I've Just got my doll from Singapore looks from her and they had only worn two weeks. He
•obtain possession of this map by some on board at Plymouth and n scene of mail and heard of your coming. Look— copper-colored face with a pair of nar- declared he was going to have the
tneana. He is rich, unscrupulous nnd
you see, the envelope has been tam- row, coqu*ttish black, eyes, quite differ- salesman sued for "breach of promise."
•can command the services of men even a rough sea and. head wind calmed the pered with. You are sure Gibson hasn't ent In expression from either the SpanA prominent oculist relates the fol;more unscrupulous than himself. This exuberance of many of the company, set eyes on the map?"
ish or Chinese beauties. Thus ibvery io whig story which recently occurred
la tbe reason I do not trust the post.
"Absolutely," I replied, then gave country has its national doll standard hi his practice," showing the natural
'The corruption prevalent among all evening showed an abundance of emp- him a short account of the efforts to of beauty.
brightness of some little children: The
suc33oer officials extends to the postofflce;
secure It.
patient, a little boy 5 years of age, had
5=0 Hot!
zny letters have been opened. He has cumbed and I left them white and
"Ay, ay, they wouldn't stick at much. "Oh, It Is so hot!" said Bettv.
creatures there In his employ. You groaning. Fortunately I was a good You're fortunate to get here with u
"It Is some slight Inflammation of the eye,
I and upon being Interrogated as to the
onust trust no' one and conceal the paper
whole skin. But where Is It, after all?" shall do. it is so hot!"
caturo of the trouble replied: "Well, I
!In •stich a manner that It cannot be
In answer I produced "Lock on Gold"
the smoking-room smoking one of
Now Betty was not doing anything. don:t know just iiow to call It, but I
and, taking my penknife, cut off the
get any light out of the eye."-"
•"But while on shipboard it would "Jlru" Gibson's cigars and engaged in a gray calico cover, which I had put oil She was sitting by the window, with don't
Cincinnati Tribune.
• ttnrely be better to Intrust It to the cap- chat with that worthy, who was most again after It hnd been pulled off. Then, her head oil the sill, and the shade of
friendly nnd evinced some curiosity
'• tnln or purser."
the big norHeehentnut-lreo made a little
Inserting the point Into the cover Itself, coolness; so mammy went on with her Screened from Heat and Llsht.
about myself.
•"That would be risky, and only postI told iriy tale, which he accepted I cut It open. There, snugly concealed, mending and said nothing, except that
The bottom of the deep sen Us, In'.pone their attack on you. If you relay the precious map. I hud, before It was hot, and she was sorry for Betty. deed, entirely screened from tho
•ccivcd the map hack safely you would with 'perhaps (suspicions readiness.
"Employed by Trlug, are you ? Pep- leaving London, cut the cover open
Presently Betty saw a hand-organ warmth and light of the sun by the In•orllhout doubt be robbed of It between
with a sharp knife, and, placing the
'Cape Town and Johannesburg. .No; pery fellow; I know Uim well. We used map In between, glued up the edges man with a monkey coming. She tervening mass oif water. On land we
to be friends; now he hates me HUo poiraised her'head, and he stopped under often experience that the Intervention
•when the boat reaches Cape Town they son.
with great care. Belmj unable to abso- the window and began to play.
of clouda, which are simply steam or
inmsi be under the impression that you
He Introduced me to his frlciKls, lutely conceal the fact that the cover
"O mammy," cried Betty, "the divided masses of water, results In
arc not the bearer."
Bpellman, Dunbarton and Vandermlt, had been cut, I had put the calico cov- monkey is (lancing! May I go out and gloom and n ftili of temperature. This
•"When am I to leave London?"
er over, and when It had been torn off
""The Roman leaves 'the docks to-mor- who severally expressed themselves de- by the eager searcher he had never dance, too? Oil, lit- is such n dear little effect Is lnl>iltely more Intense at tha
monkey! Now h« is climbing up the bottom of tho ocean, between which
row and Plymouth on Saturday. Your
noticed that the binding Itself had been fence, anil walking: along the top. 0 and die, sun there is Interposed, not
berth, la booked. Gibson IH nJao n pas- The first two or three dnys my ad- cut.
senger, and several of his following. versaries only skirmished, tried to Thus, safely and securely, the map mammy, may I climb up nnd walk only for a day or two, a layer of cloud,
flJat, -pcrfiaps, I bad better explain why pump me, and dropped broad hints an had traveled, unseen by wiy eye, un- nlong the fence'.' I'k-ase, mummy, say but, for ever, a volume of water often
to the advantages which would follow
several miles thick. Even at flltem
ithls map Is so Important.
touched by any hand, and now, having I may!" And Hetty Jumped up and fathoms, from the .surface-the light la
down, nnd dam-ed little steps'like the
••.'GIUHOn, like .myself. Is an old Klui- If I Joined them—hint') I ignored.
Uow'bcrley man. IVe both did very well As, however, they felt pretty snn> iu-d, my mission as a special envoy wa.s monkey's, ami tried to look like him, much subdued, producing more tho appearance of pale moonlight than of BUIIbut fortunately did not succwnl.
C-hc-re. nnd lately, like me, he has been that I wan the bearer of tho coveted over.
"I thought It was HO.hot!" said mam- liKlit, and experiments made with very
dealing iln Tranuvual mining property. map, my portmanteaus were searched
We have often gone partner* In various more than once, and my HJIIUV clotlnu map Howard took steps which very my. "Do you tliLnk dancing will make sensitive photographic plntca In tho
clear water of the Lake of Geneva hnvis
nmlcrtnklngH. Ln the autumn of 180-1, when I wan absent from my cabin. It shortly made the hind where I'epworth you cooler, H e t t y V"
"I don't t h i n k I t Is so hot now," mild shown t h i i t sunlight does not pem;trat«
biting (lieu In Johannesburg—about uli WUH Spcllman who wan told off for lil« Truig found diamonds the property of
months ago—and feeling the want of a portion of the quest; tlmllng I WIIH not that worthy, and I knew no more, as Ui>tty. "Not q u i t e HO hot. rniiJiimy..You to a greater depth then.' than 105
holiday, 1 dt'tormhiod to go on a Hhoot- very cordial toward him he atriick up a nothing further has been heard of the see, I didn't know what to do thett. It's fathoms. In the ocean and In the troptog expedition through the Transvaal rrlr.n<lHhlp for one of my cabin matex, discovery—no company has been pub- alwayn h o t t e r when you don't know ics, where sunshine IM most Intense, no
•(ownnl t h e BOH. Accompanied by two which gave him an excuse for entering licly formed to work It. Hut I have a what to do; but now I do know!"— light penotrntes, beyond a depth of 200
fathoms. Itelow this all Is <l.'irk.
VXuliiH,,! carried out my Intention, and lit all hours. I did not think It advisa- strong ausplclon that the llnd turned up Youth's Companion, v
Tho sun's heat, like its light, In also
•.utter some wci'ItH of traveling we foim.il ble to enlighten tl.o hitter, n.s my a t r l - trumps, ami that the reason of die Hlcut off from the ocean do.plhs In Hm
ourselves In tlio low country bordering t|ule WHH to blandly Ignore my adver- li-nce Is that It Is too (rood a thltiK for
rirnt I.ncnmntlvo 1Vhl<ttle>.
ou Bwnzllund. Mere, (julte by cliiuici«, nurlcH' behavior.
We an 1 acciiHtomeil to regard the name manner. A cousin of die writer
the public to be admitted.—Chambers'
I inmle a renuirkable discovery. In the Hpcllniim'H rcHciuvlu's proving ol' no .lotinml.
IIH n very Important part of the found t h a t In the bay or Ileiigiil thero IH
locomotive engine, but within tlie mem- a fall of lompi'tMttire a.moimtlng to
''l^inl-iip channel of what had been a avail, tbe great endeavor (o discover If
[ hud ,tlie paper took pin. about
•i-lvtrr T came upon truces Of
ory of eoaic of the older engineers the about 1 degree Fahrenheit for every
Mf.-'o IMooallr
Tlie llnd, to my oves, was moat
week a f t e r MiMV.rii wan passed,
iR'll g-ave the only warning of the ap- I en fathonih from tin.' surface duit the
proach of a train. The Ilrat wlilHtlcH Iliermomiaer sinks. At a»0 fnUiornn hu
tiitf; but before 1 could purmie my lu- was playing In a wlilsr tournament and
voatlgallonH f u r t h e r one of my Ziilim, noticed Hint I>Uiil>arlon and Vniiderinlt pltMUflirv ami utility in life will come were Intended IIH a warning lu more has found that the tliermomcler stimdd
(llH[intclH'<l to gel food from a neighbor- wen' phiylngi imp w i t h die two men from slmpUfylng It," nTlteii "Drooh" of WIIVH than one. In the early daya of all die year round at fin dcgrora Fnbring kraal, came hot-foot w i t h the IICWH, who Bhnml my cabin. I gnewed that "Vocation Mcnuderlngi" Ln tiio Liullen' tlio railroads the trains were much In- enheli; and at I'.OOD fathoms It conthat, the H\vay.tti were up In arum. Irrl- Hpollmiui was milking, a thorough Home Journal. "The con.tont.mont tliat tomiptcd by isidtJe, nheep and plgu on stantly roglrtler.1 about C."l dofireei)
intcil by Homo HC^ of Ilovr opprcHHlon, "search, and n* noon as 1 was nt liberty can only bn had from nerves (Jiat (ire the i-lght of way, ami In ordor to Kahrenliclt, or closo upon freezing
not over.stra.lnwl IH to lx> found by re- frighten tliom olT a iinmll hold was point. It Is curloiiH to nxitii that us w»s
itJicy MccnuMl Inclined to wreak their lihuiTied Micro.
vvi'ngpjMjc" on 'me, niul m> we Hod forth- 'It bad indeed been UioroiiKh. Kvery dlining yqur dally llfo to Itn ttlmplcnt IioriMl In front of the engine bollor and Hue la t h e air, In ballooning or on '
with for our very lives, lloforc louring «.rtl<'le had bi'i-u laken out of the port- tiM-mti. T.hl.1 npplicH w'.tJi cqnul force to tilted with a tube. When the trnln mountain slopes, the tomporntun; falln
I drew up n fliin of th.; plnco HO that It IDiinteaiiH and examined, and the p.m. the luiPd-worklng mini or woman w i t h came rat.tlliiK along and the eiigtniM>r IIH we duo, and the unnio owura IIH w«
••oiikl lx; found again.
iniinte.iUH tlieumelvcM cut mid hacked HinuJl Income, or to the rich who are Haw a cow on HIP tract: he opened t h i n dive Into the depths of tho oconai. Hut
"After vnrlouM iidver.iiircH I reached lu Hcarch of a secret hiding pla«v. Mv- cumbered with many cnrc.H. Poverty Imli' niiil out Hpurlcd t h e Hteain and hot. In mltm-i the hea.t liicrraHc.s as \vo dC'
Onrbiin and took ulilp for ICnglaiKl. (M-ytlilng !md been Kcnillal^ed. t'vcui the hits lii-vn miulo Jn.'it an complex an water w i t h n InMiii-ndiMiti cracking ami ucond.—•Oliainbom' Jounial,
calico cii'er piilleil <>(T "Lock" to riches by the many things that Ill-nil- hissing, lining t h e air w i t h a -loud of
M w t l n g (Jlbnon lu London I acquainted
blin In general It rniN with my dlwov- iniilce Hiiro t h i l l n o t h i n g \\-iw bet.wewi H vlMcil tcacliei'H IIHVII taught poverty to mlht. I t mm eiiuiijrli to frighten the
<:i>iif<!{li)i-iuo oioi'iinii Cornliliio.
.iry, H l a t l i i g tlial In the courxo of my iui<l the binding. Nor wan t.hlM n i l , for expert that It ought to ni.-compilrtli. iniiHt Intrepid eon ami m-nd her bawlThe various (jonfedera.to rnti>ran
JonrncyliiK I luul fotirul dlainoiiilN. 1 while I biirveyed die wreck I l i e v u n e \Vliat both mti.it Icnrn,. for the hc.-ti. re- ing from Ihe t n i e k n .
1'reHciitly wine Ingenious workman ramp.-i in New Orleans Imvo coniblnod
*nul liitcii<li'<l lo lake lilm I n t o parliH'r- coiiNclolis of an overpowering fei'Mng tmltM In their own lives, IH not |io\v Illrilitp Ln IbUi afTalr, but (lie UiiowlcdKi.' of drowtilness and knowledge cam<' In lie can bo luul for u great ilKil of titled up a rrt'il an.I drove<y I n t o Hie lo establish nil llitelllj;eiiu-<i buriNlu for
tvliloli 1 gained Iniincdlnlrly iil'li-r\vnril mo t h a t I hud been drugged. Too l a t e money, but how much of rwil and pur- rltcani hide niul ( l i e Hrreechlng and Me<MtrliiK employment for OonfiM|iir».tu
t h n l It mad
>| only I'rlght- veiliM-nii.i and llml r HOIIS and daughters,
'Mmt tic Iniil invlnilli'd IIH- In i l u > m a i l e r I reiiiem't •!• .(1 h a v i n g |un| a;'ecplcil n innnenti viilim can be HIM-IUXM! for a llt.llo
•"-''-V--------......................i-owh, but lerrllleil ovury one
itt Btmitt golil mliit'H rliiingi'd my pur- ill-lull frur.i ( J l l i H u n , but I hnd u n l y moiuiy. That Is I lie hlgho^t economy
No younif man I M worth mi mui-h an
HeiiHi- eiiiiugh l e f t I n t u m b l e I n l o m y ami It cnnnot bo tjiught— It mutt bo who lived iilong I h e road. Hut It did I l l H l l l - O N I I C C l M ,
VOHO n i u l 1 broki! w i t h him for gnoil.
"Now I he v a l u e of my l l n d IH prol>- I l l i n U before f i i l H n j ; l i i l i , a l n < a v y Hleep, Iriiriu'il by experience, ami you cajuiot Iln work HO \\'«'ll t h a i Ihe wlilMlo M'IIH
A Mernniii hasn't been preactied until
They no iloc.lil M e ; i i ' . ' l i i <l me ID I h i , liivfln It at. n heller t i m e l i m a ivJu'U llnally removed from t h e from of t h e It IIIIH got Into a few palm of <;ho<'.s and
((•nlnllciil. D l n n i u i K l H l i n v i - n u t
hii'ii f o u n d In p n y l i i K i | i i a n t l i . v In l l i c M k l n d i a l n l g l i t . f u r I M|I pi an |li.< dr. i d ,
done out on the ulreel.
used lo-difv,
i ' r a l i h v i u i l . T h l M plmv may l>e a Mei'niiil but t l n n i ' ; l i 1 \Vnlie n e x i i n o l ' i i l n i ; U ' l l l i n
Vlnmil I l l i i n l o u u ,
Solomon look die world for n t e x t
K l l u l i c r l c . V , n i u l n l i a K i ' I h r I >i> Hi-..I'M had tifiid.'ielic I f e l l \\ I'll p l e a x i ^ l , I'ur n.,
A plmitclnn miyri I l i a l he IIIIH iMilue- H t e l l l l l l l l l l l t U l l l h l l i ' I I M ' i l n i l |||,. |;l',.,'it nnd pivaclieil t h e . uliorlesl iwrmon oil
| t I ; . |||||||. | , o . ' m l l > l l ' , ' r l l l ' I V result h a i l rewni-ded t l i e t r t/it|. of
( I l l l e M Iieell l ) l l l i > l o convince |H'r,-io|)M
record "nil In v a n i t y , "
"iirii 1 \ v n n i t i n - gromm IICKKI-I! nut In ciiiii'he, 1 made a I'IIH.I n* hi t h e c i > i i < | n < > t Milijcel to v l x n a l HliiMiiiiM t Inn ||H, fan- In lien. K n i ' l y I n M a y , I M I , |li t . tileam.
The lion iiplrli of freeil hi ahva,yn
.In- U H i i i i l \\ 11.1, mid In Ivjd'iliT inyni'ir ill' noiue n i y i ' l e r l i i u s I h l e v v H , w h o h a d cied llKUrcM were n u t real | y a n l i l n u er H o r h e n l e r depjirled I'nun llufl'alo,
b o i i m l for ( M i l c a g o . T h e e n g i n e e r U I I M
eklnir l i > Hi 1 d o w n w i t h t h e J a m i l , bin
I H t i l l ' i l U I I I ' l . I l l l l I f l l ' . l l i m l l I',,111,I (,,.| i n > l even H p i i r e i l Hie l l n l i i K of m y b o n l M ,
I h i - l i i to J i i i H l i one eyeball up u l i t t l e a i i i i - e l i i i n l i ' i i l Ki'iiln.', i i a m e i l
W I I I I I . M t h e I n l i l l i Innlile.
lolil nl' I l n ' l i m p ! > < • u u t i l i l I'm-.",I,ill m,. I l l l d C e l ' l a l l l 111. |llll1.". U eril l l l r . l l l l l l . i l , \ v l l l i die linger. T h i n nmlu-;i n|] |-,,,|]
nnd lie h a i l cmiM r n c l e i l M I ' l . - i i n i w h l n U e
I l i i n i x ' e n l ly
I t In not n u n m i l - i l l I'm- m o l u p, m v u h l . - l i e a i n e In n.,lMii|."
I I I I I M Jeini'i chrlht t h i n k nf hl.i
obJeclH In f h e l r neighborhood a p p i - a r from p l a i i n \ v h l e l i hr had H.TII In a
Ili-lde. Hi,, dlinrch, c u r r y i n g on a p o l i t i j.i-lf J I I M I I K H V , a I-, 1 I m v i h n i i i i ' I m p o r i a i i l I ' K l i i p l n l i i e d In ( i l l i h o i i n. 'i t o I l i n l u u l double, IIH any one cjin pnn'e lo h i m 1
cal I l l r l a i l o n w l l h die Halooiiln'cper. die,
i l l i n i u m In l i n i i i l . nu i i u l lo ilcla.v ul,. l | l l . ' l l l l . \ l l f 111'. \ \ l l l : . k v , l i l l d I h e l N ' l l p p l l l ' - i.elf, b u t It iloen uol double I lie f n l i i o
lake/i lie bh;w It i l l e v e r y nlop, nuicli /H'dticer and (Ic.-'t.royer of hln chllilrcu'/l
.;,i.lnjni.' t l i r claim:*. 1 I m v i - o n l i T n l l l c u v - e u l l y ( I n - m u t t e r ended, for I w«H mo-
A King's Humor.
Use the Right Word.
Pronouns are stumbling blocks to
many who speak the mother tongue
correctly as a rule. "A person does
not know what to do with their
hands," they say, or, "One does not
(five their test things away for
nothing." If speaking of two persons, you will hear" that "Ruby has
Invited John anl I to supper," or,
"Lawrence is goiag to Chicago with
Mildred and I." The placing of
another name before the conjunction
blinds them to the- awkwardness of
setting I in the objective case. Tho
word "nice" Is frequently misused,
and taken from Its sign.flcarjCj of
neat,. delicate, dainty, to stand for
aarceablo, charming or virtuous.
Thus, tho term "a nice girl" often
floes duty in describing a young
woman who, whatever else she may
be, Is more than nice If sbe is gentle,
food, winsome and well-bred, and
who*a. nlceness ought to bo taken
Tor granted. "Lovely," In the same
ivay, is applied ojuaily to a beloved
friend, a flue painting, or a favorlto
"We have a long account to settle
with Turkey," said Prince Constantlne, grimly.
"Yes," said King George, with a
slight smile, "and it's a running account at that."—Cleveland Plain-Dealer.
His Conclusion.
"What ninkes you think Miss Darling
would be willing to pose as a nioJol for
the altogether?"
"I just snw her on the beach, hi her
bathing suit, before hundreds of people."—Cleveland Lender.
For the Whiskers,
Mustache, and Eyebrows.
In one. preparation. Easy to
apply at home. Colors brown
or black. The Gentlemen's
favorite, because satisfactory.
Mrs. WinBloWe Soothing Syrup for cUldret
toothing, aof tons tho guma, reducing Inuanuna
Uon. allays pain, cures wind collo. aaa bottle
Tlirrvlii aCluia ofPeople
Who me Injurcil by the use of oofl'^o. Itoccn'h" tlu-re h.ta been placeil In nil lite grocery
ttorea ft f e w lire: aruilon culled (irnm-(), miulo
ol puri- urnlnb. i h u t i n k i s the pliu-u of police.
'I lio nioat delicate stomach receiver It w i t h o u t
(llHtri'13. imii but lew can toll It irum cotfee. It
doc^ not cost over one quiiner us much.
I'lillilri'ti may drink It with nr<>nt beneut. 15 cts
nliil W cla. per imckneo. Try it. Ask lor
Tho Tyrone Shoe Company hiitt j-eccived
an oilier for 10,000 cases <>1 shoes, which
will keep the establishment running about
.'100 days.
If aflllctea" with pore eycBUsn Dr.Imiao Thomrlou'uEyo-wator.DrugiflstaBeUatiao.porbotUoIn the. town of I'assnio, N. .)., two little
i'ls have hud lines nnd costs entered up
ilinst them lo (he amount of j.^7.:','i for
the crime of kvrping pet robins in a
Say, KiiRgleH, did y<*r over
think wut llnu work witim; does on
luiikln' whuntJ?
KiiBKlcH—Yes, nnd wot a bad Jol) BOTOO Plao'o Cnro for Conmmntton l» nn A No. 1
mutllrlnn.—W.lLWliJ.l^MH Autlouh,
womrn iniiUoH tnrnlu' It Inter pleu.— Anthlim
lUn., Alirll 11.1BUL
Detroit Free 1'ivus.
Whenever n woman aslca for nafety
Iilalndnoil the Knuiny.
"\Vc liiivt- nt taut aiicceiutfd In din- plus ut a dr>' Kooda store, she miya they
lodnlng 11 portion of our enemy from arc for her ulutor.
their utronifhoKl!" oxehilnu'il tlui nlmoat briMithlomi SpnnlHh olllci-r.
"How did you nmmitfe H?"
"My bravi! men nnd 1 went too clone
to where thi'y were and they cunm out
and oluiHVil uH."--Watihliii;lon fltnr.
An Kxtumnlvn Bfttiir. i
CniiiHO'—Voii miy that yon bought thin
ili.'llKhtl'ul country home for u i»>iiK?
(,'awUcr— I'MKiirallvnly Hin-nkliiK, J-I-M.
It,'i price approximated t h a t of u mint,'
liy I ' n l l l . -Dt'lrolt 1'Yee 1'ri'HH.
M o r r l y n Ui"«''HI"" nt Time.
!\. Hiit'ntltiilo lor Aiik]tii1iitlon.
A n i n h i T l ' i i ' t i i i ' i i l in ,11. I i u h " l i | M | > r i iv, i,|, ; " W a n l ' - i l , r l i u . ' ... l.'.n <•. pin l , , r
a | i | i n i n l e i l a l e e l u i l . ' u l '. o n i n i l N | O I I for l i n t
How Many of Them Have
Obtained Advice That Mad©.
Them WelL
Quaint SaylnKB and Cuto Doini;» ol the
Little Folko Everywhere, Gathered
and Pointed Here for All Oilier Little Ones to Bead.
this year at the Royal Acnilemy, 18(1 have
been solo" for about .«&2,flOO. the inchest
prices obtained were about $(!(IOu)|?ach for
Mr. lioucliton's "After Miclniglit Jtass"
and Mr. Napier Henry's "I'ilchards."
. Probably tho first car of canned salmon
ever imported into (Ms country, says tlie
N'ew York Journal of Commerce, is now
on its way by rail from British Columbia.
A post-office clock in Sydney, Australia, omits an electric flashlight lasting
live seconds every hour during the, nij;lit,
thus enuliling those living miles away to
ascertain the exact time.
i n . I I . I , '.'I; ,
I \ \ , I | | | I I K ,inil IM'.-'II'' \v«rlt
l i r . i l ; 11,1 I I l l n . ' i ' ; J l i . | , i l n , . | "
I'ho "11,1
i ' l n r i ' " i n < ' i i ii ' l l i ' i l I I I " i n . i l ' l l-i not a w i ' . i i 1 !• n l . ' i , , ' l , . . | l , . i n u . ,
Thla special form of Eipnns Tabulosls prc7«W(2
from tho original prescription, but more ec-jnaza—
Ichlly imt up for the purpose of meeting the*
univeraal modern demand lor alow price.
IHItECTlONS.—luko ono at muol or txxftimeor whenever you reel poorly. Swallow IE.
vhole, -with or -without a mouthful of water.
They euro oil etomnch troubles i bonlali Vt&l £\
induce sleep ;t)rolongf life. An Invalunbjo touSe*
Best Bprlnj Hc-Jlctoo. No matter wnot'e thir
matter, ono frill do you pood. Onejrfves retiec—
a cure will result if directions are followed,
Tncfive-centpackages are not yet to be hfi&e£'
nil denlcra, altBouKh It Is probable that ntereB'.
any dru^jrlst \rill obtain a supply whenreq[ucsst£S
by a customer to do so i but in any case a dnc^
carton, containing ten tabulea, will bo sent, pcatnje piild, to any address for five cente la rtnmpav
fornarded to the lilpana Chemical Co., Ka. K>
B.iraco St., Kcw York. Vntll tho froods ire thoroughly Introduced tothetrado.aflrcnteand
dlera ^11 lio euiplled nt a prlco whlob. will n
xtera a f.-.'.r marpia of profit, viz. I Itfoflcnfl
tons for»Jcent«^by man IScentB. 12 doar/uiu.
cdrtonp) forfi(.M—bj-raailfor£4Jt3. fifrn7Ai^2£»
cartona) for 82U.&3. 2ft RTOCS (3.MIO carwrxi} uzz*
8100. Caen witn tho oruer in every cooo. gtxa
freight or express clzirjcs at thofcujer/acott.
U K. History,
1'liyMO"! (a'onnpliy. i,riiiniiiiir, I.olfcv Wnvii-;
Orlhoiuiiimy. (.U'tlirupy nil, I I'lionolofW,
\Vnli(.'ii Arilliineiio. 'i'n..'iiry ana 1'ructicc
ol • uichllly
A codol nml Totiiicco. civil Oovornnicoi,
.I'liyslo.oijv. Aiiiiinmy. u:id llygiunc
.N'niuinl riu.OhOi'hy.
rnrllcliiU'siiiul I n i t i u t l v t ! ' miwlc oaiy,
Algulnu. 'H-tl'r b oms In
*,*• Tlio QiiesUoiis I;) L-ao'i ilernrtmcYii;
iMiinhfri-'t, IIIK! nla- numbers
luo Blvurt Io>
,\i^\verrt In oorri'bpoiKluK ( I''P
it K I'Ven- n u u ^ i i u i i mill uuivvcr
i.bk' \vhcii ilnii: N pri-a-ihitf.
The above book will b.9 font poefcfree to nny nddrcs?, upon reooipS; ftff
(i: nnd 6M Chestnut Street
i* »T
The Central Newspaper Union, Lid
6i4 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia,
Furnishes iachisie Compositi
/// /•'//('•//.<;//
Alno I ) liotO'rii/:r.'ivili|f,
liliici anil l.nlf Tom) \vjrli.
"•' '-•
In rGoloni,
uuicc k l y :\t Itca.'ioiiiililo KiitiM.
1'rlntiuu iin
MMifT.t»fMi»»ii,<^OTw. fmwIB»V«Mii-M»wmi imirym»t-,tiUi,i,i»w.MCTtmiMBma«a>»aaB
out (heir kiid»u«5r» try
AMII-JBR Ilio mom&rm
euro lor llic donk
'Vrlle Uono«(h <n-*fi-rft;pi>i|)
<!u.,., M Jlronlwiv.,., kl. ¥..
\vrmi;.nr) | nuxlUA
H ( .lli-i|iirii<>'ateiil«. IKIJ !•', HI., \Vaiil[liinti'ii, I'.O,
W U l i n i n n M(c- Co. K u l u m n / i i o M l r h
Packed Without Class.
"1 do my be.st not to be envious,"
mild tlie ncrvoiiH man. "but sometimes
1 eiin't help It."
".Why, you never manifest inncl>
"No. I don't covet. Bui wluincvcr
tho Fourth of July cornea around I
ciui't HCO n donf and dumb man without being Jealous,"—WaiihltiKton Ht:ir.
T\V( iny-llvr <>ul» u Hoitlr.
\\\ -\\
Ii \»
would get well. I had female troublei?
in their worst form, suffered untold
agonies every month ; my wom^> tlppoi:
back to my backbone, had heacHacZzcy
hysteria, fainting 'spells, itchinff, Tear
My feet and hands were cold all
the time, my limbs: were so weak tiia"
I could hardly walk around the house;.
was troubled with numb spells. ?
have taken four bottles oi lijrdia &Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, onu;
bottle of her Blood Purifier, one pEcfc.^
age oi her Sanative Wash, and any
entirely cured. I have not find cms
of those numb spells since. Can yow
wonder that I sing the praises of a
medicine that has cured me of allthess
ills ?"—MBS. LOUISA PLACE, 650 B&k
niont St.. UrocUtea, Masi
the dddiliou i>{ 32 pages o» new sostter. Realizing, moreover, that teaii>
era demand, that a Question Boefc.
6hnll be up to the times,
in IJist ry and Geography, this
hns been revised to 1S'.)7. So tbufclio
NEW C'RAin contains over 85001 Qtasstiona nnd Answers on tho- diffc-TKaSt
branches of eludv. nrriuijced us foliCWEr,
1'oolc on . l a p i i n i M i t i i l c ' l " . l i i i r i k i s l m
Days/' hus w r i t t e n tivn napcrs |'ov TinO ' n t u r y on t i n l r m l i l i ' M lii'iiN of t r a v e l in
J a v a . Tim t i n a l »n.icli< a|i|n>ars in the
Si'pt.'inlK'r limn! <•!', a i u l is c u l l i ' i l "Prisoners uf Slalr a t Horn lli.c.lor," Mi-s
SciilinoiM a n d I v v i i o t h e r A i n r r i c a n h u l i i ' s
p i ' i i i ' l r i i l c i l to ll:i- i n t i ' i ' i o i ' of J u v n n i n l
vl>il«'d the vast .uirl n u i r v e l o i i s IUlildlli.-t
r u i n s at Horn llci-dnr. The uroat leni|j!e,
which r e i n u i n s n e a r l y i n t a c t , coveis a l innst the same area a< Ihe ^ l e a t p y r i u n i d
of (ii/.eli. I t is o r n a m o n i e d w i l l i l i u n i l i e d s of life-si/.e t | a i i n > » nnd iniln.^ of liasreliefs pl'c-elltillt,' the h i g h e s t i ' K l i n i | d i ' . - nf
( i i c c o - l t u d d h i s t a i l . M i < - , Si-idinoie is
one of Ihe very few v i s i t o r s In .lava who
have ^ocll tln"-o r u i n s .
Imn iH'CU utu'4 tiy nillllnnHof inotlnTH for their
i*|tllilrvuw!iUuTrrihliiiT fur over pifiy y(innt,
II aoottiuu ihu chllil, fioiU-ua tho uiiinn, ulltiva
all Jiuln. I'tirew \vln*l collo, ami la tho beat
<'uil lir liiuilr ivurlllnn fur no.
1'urllon ,,1-^rcn'o.l w!m <•»» K i v «
nrn IUCCI/ Ul< ' lr "l"'l" llm " t" (hu liuiliitniti.
rttl WCtlV U|iar» liuiirn, lliiiUKli ii'ny )'>' l'r"t
l l n l i l v ciii|il>iynl. iiiiiul .,iio»iui<» fur (own ,»ml
.•liv 'ncirl. »« wnll mi'iiuntry ili-ii'li'l".
J.l'',.on''l'(IHll, 11 nint Main UtrmU, )ll«liiiiiuiil,Vi>
My sister, if you find that in spite ojfollowing faithfully your family doc-tor's advice, you are not getting wdi^
why do you not:try anoth-er coarse t:
Many and many a woman has qu&2tl5
written to Mrs. Pinkham, at T!»ynn,
Mass., stating her symptoms plainly
nnd clearly, and taken her advice, OTti<$)
vilas promptly received. The followIng letter is
our claims;
" I Had beery
sick for tfe
mouths 5
one doctor
tofd me'f-'
would LaTCJ
to go to 51
ASD AXbWEit BOOK is ealargea
There is a preat scarcity of cents in
Toronto, caused by the lf>,0i)0 Kpworth LITKHAHY NOTK FROM THE CKXT U H Y CO.
l.eu^ucrs win) were there carrying oil"
about ,")U,000 of tho copper coins as souveMiss
tho a u t h o r <>f a
"A lien' lind simple moibi of tivnlWhenever tho women nivo about u
-Blrl, mid nay »lie IH pretty, It In n ulun incut IIIIH been Introduced In Knincc,"
Hint uho IH not pretty.
miyA the Mcilli'iil 'I'liiK's, "by which II
Tho lloriiinii l''iii|»'Mir own-i ;i.'i!) ear IM cliiliin.'tl a Ini'K'i' pnipnrtloli »f Injured
l l u i l i ' i now i i K i i n l l y a n i p i i l a i r i l can tic
I ' l l l j i e a f o l ' l h . i I I N O . , 1 ' h i m , e|| M i n i I I I * i - i l l i r l ,
K l i l l n l i n I'lkyokuniilia K w a l u i i i l u lluiia It M i i v c i l .
Tin' n i i ' i l i i K l , vvlilcli IH line to
. t h u W . I V Hie I l l l n uf Die ||,,,, K ,,f (',1111111011
• l l ' i ' i i y e r reinl-i In Hie liiii,.|iii|'e of l ' t ; a i i i l a . Dr. Itei'hiM, W I I N rrcciiily dcwrlbi'il bcTI'lix A.cii.'ly I'or l i n t I ' r o i n o i l,,n ,,|' Clul:, 1'iire the l''ri'iich ('oilKI'cM.i of Mui'Kery,
Hull I C n o w l c i l n o Inn |i|.,| p i ' l n i e i l the I r a n , iiinl l-i t l i n n ('.\iiliilnrtl:
' •
• !• .«
tes, build your dam as high nV., u u-can:
ifou think I'm small, but I'll tell you "allt'll get over it—over just so,
A.nd mike your wheel buzz down below.
There are in France 1,302,400 unmarried Vou can't stop me where water Bows;
women between the ages .of 25 and 50, and ' may bo a river yet—who know;;?
1,37G,COO unmarried men aged -over .30
One hundred and thirty miles'of the
Beira Railroad into Rhodesia have been See how the hrown mold over mo slf!-*!
completed,, carrying the line beyond the Bury me deeper 'nenth leaves in drifts;
tsetse fly belt. It has laken five years to I Forget I'm here, deep but of si^ht,
built, and for every wile of road two En- Where it is dark—as dark aa ni^ht
glish lives have been sacrificed.
Sfou can't hide me while acorim'prow;
"11 be an oak tree the nest you know,
Try Allen's i-oot-tote,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this
season vour feet feel swo lien and hot. and get
tirea easily. If you have smarting feet or Keep me in dressts mid p'ay I'm a {,-ir!;
tight, shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It co Is
the feit and makes walking easy. Cu>es nnrt Keep my long hnir nicely iu ei;rl,
prevents swollen and sweating feet, blisters But I'm a_ boy—doubt that wno cnn?
and callous spots. Ri-lieves corns a d buni ne. And soine bright day I'll ljc,;i in;iu.
. {
o all pain aud gives re t and comfort. Try t
(«-<Jaj/. Sold iv all drug ists and shoe'store The wodd will know me—thut-a-wliat T
for 25 cent. Trio! ptu-kagr FREE. Address,
ALW2.V 8. OLMSTE'D, LeRov. N. Y.
For I've a thinker in ray lie'ici.
Jfluies Ferguson and Sirs. Bettie Car- -St. .NiehnJi-s.
rolton, his sister, who claim to be the oldA Mnsicnl Plsr.
est man and woman in Indiana, ore aged
Four-year-old Robbie ran breathless- •
respectively 105 and 109 years.
ly into the house, just as the sound of |
bagpipes was heard tcoming up the i
8100 Reward. 8100.
Tbe renders of this paper will bo pleased to street.
.earn that there is at least
one dreaded disease
"Oh, mamma!" he said, "there's a '
that science has been1 able to cure in all its
stages, and that is atarrh. Hall's catarrh man out here with a dead pig 'that
(Jure is the only positive cure known to the (rings; ccrne quick!"
medical fraternity, i atarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. H all's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
Pres'dent Lincoln's Sentiment.
acting directly on the blood and mucous surIt Is said that Lic.?o!n thus replied-to
faces of tae^ystem, thereby destroying the
foundation oMhe disease, and giving the pa- a letter asking for a "sentiment" nnd
tient strength by building up the constitution his autograph: "Dear JIadani: When
and assisting nature in doine its work. ,The
proprietors have so much fa th in its curative you ask from a stranger that which is
Bowers that ttey offer One Hundred Dollars of Interest only to yourself always infor any case that it rails to cure. Send for li&t
of testimonials. Address
close a stamp. There's ycur sentiF. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
ment and here's your autograph: A,
Sold byDruggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the bc*t. __
Lincoln."—Youth's Companion.
Italy is rich iu mineral springs of medA Xent E-rcr,
icinal value. One of these, the Tuscan
Monte Cantjni, has in recent years beA little boy and his sister were allowcome known as the "Italian Carlsbad."
ed to collect eggs from the hen coops,
but were told that they must never
take away the nest egg. The little girl,
Cnie Guaranteed by DR. J. B. 3IAYKU ion however, did so, one morning by misARCH ST., hHlLA., PA. t'ase at once: UD take, and her brother told her she must
operation or delay fr>im business. Consultation
iiee. Endowments of pnysiclans. ladies and take it right back, "because that was
Iiomlnent citiiem. i-cnd tor circular. Olicj
what the old hen measured by."—Philboursfl A. il. 101 P. M.
adelphia Times.
There were 00,815 tons of coal shipped
over the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad
last week, an increase of 2",2UO tons over
Out of alioiit lifld pictures exhibited
shipments of the same week last year.
New Y»rU ( l l r l - It In loo bin I yon
cuu'l liavi'occim biilhliiK In ClilciiK"!
C'hlciih'o (llrl Yen. \\V baven't any
-.Vht!2 wo hour thnt u ninn In Hick, wo
li-« nilvcrlKliiM jirui'ii. ninlnln, "N.,
i-.iriil Ai|.
nhvnj-H hope that ho liuu H fjood-niitiired Hiiburbii on the Moacimiit, yi-l.—I'ucli.
in. i*y. N •o r h » r i i r Hiriiilvlrf. l l l u l i"r x l
ii.'M, IXIMP/CM.
r,!j,'"..iif<-». Wruo in.. \(*ATHON K. (liil.l:\\A.N,
R. P. HALL & CO.. Proprietor!, Nothno, N. H.
Sold by all DruggUtt.
"Oh, I've no use for him now that
he has let that uilux mute a fool of
Nerve Restorer.
Da. B. H. ItiJNE. Ltd, 1S1 Arch St,KUliu,Fa.
"Why, Mabel!"
"No. I'm not yet reduced to the necesA new bicycle hub has an oil chamber
sity of milking over."—Detroit .Tour- in one side connected with the ball races
very fine tcbcs, through which the oil
flows slowly to kc'p the bearings lubricated.
V|vld I'ocollectlono.
Tlii'iv h.n hem iliiciivereil l>y
( ' i i i v e r i i i n e n l i > n i i i l i i ! l < i i ; i * l u li'ibi" "f till 1 '!
in the I s l i i m l uf New ( i u i i H M w h i c h slmw
lliom.-elvi'H excellent a i v h l l e i IB by b u i l i l ini; i-iu'h I'or himself .1 l i t t l e IHHIM- »u i h e
(if (•oiim', the Inuiso i h u t the l i i n l s
luiild i» nut n n c l i t l H i r a t f pile uf l > r < > \ v n
utiiiie in- even lirlckn. I l is inorelv nunle
of twi^s and |>el>lilcs, hepl Iciju'lli
the. inlenvenviiiK of the t a l l dried i:r;i
peculiar to the wild fields ill' New ( i i i i IIQII. Hut it answers lit) piii'|»>Mi just us
well in keeping oil' the rain mid sun, and
IHI wind can knock down the hmiM',
owing In the In^eiiimiH manner in w h i c h
Ilio liiiil selects u site.
The birds have received the l e n i i i o r a r v
name of pn-den liirdM, owlnn tu I In' fuel
Unit they fence in u little plot around
their houses, for no o t h e r apparent reason than to let other t i l i d s know t h a t the
enclosed is private property.
When the niiili' (,'"r''en l>lnl, lakes a
mutt! lie nelectH sonic level ,)<i>ot in the
fluids where ho Iliid* n tree nut more t h a n
two i nc lien in thickness at the liase.
With thin tree, us u centre polo the Iiinl
Imililn tils home of twi^s. ICIIVCH, |iehlih'8 utid |;rus.i, and when finished it is a
c u n n i n g l y wrouiiht n i n n - l i m , shaped l i k e
a h e l l , anil w i t h t w o stories. In t h e
upper .••tory s e v e n i l "mall o p e n i n g s
iiro left t o u t : ! at w0l n d u w v u n l tlie |:riiund
Hour (HIM out) lin'K I ' p e i i l n n w h i c h serves
for enti'iince IIH well as lo let in Ihe
When the lionso in llnlshi'd the lilrd
erects u circular fence, two inches In
lirkht, iiroiind his house, and thus cneloitlti a plot. IhriMi feet d i h l i i n t f r o m It
at every point.
The interior of each hon-e Is decorated
w i t h fresh leaves, the w i n ^ s of l i e a u l l l u l
ini-ectH, prelty f e a l l u ' i ' s w h i c h i i l l i e r
lili'd» may have shed, i i i i y l v - c u l i n ' e ' l l"'i'
rl('H, anil even (lie hleacheil .-.Unlls of
lill'ds t h a t have died In the llelds luii,lie fore.
The panlemi of the hint* are s t r e w n
w i t h w i l d liloKsoniH, and w h e n t i n " "
wither they ai'o c a r e f u l l y repliu-ed.
Fool's (K!ao?o Is ^In-.o Speed." Oori'
M y r r y the V^ork On ices You Use
Base Ball Game.
, R-l-p-A-N-S
The modern standard Family Medicine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
DtJBASHS. They purify the
action to the entire system.
Fred L Downs and Lcvi B 1 oslin, admlnistratore ot William B Potter, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate ' of the County of
Atlantic, hereby gives notice to the creditors of
the sa!d William b Potter to bring In their
debts, demands and claims against tbo estate
ef the said decedent? 1 under oath, within nine
months from this date, or they will be forever
barred of any action therefor against the said
Dated June 28th, A D 1897.
Administrators, Hammonton, N". J.
Judging by tho way they played last
Saturday, tbo visiting team should bo
called the "second Corinthians." Our,
boys were right up on their toes until
after tbe third inning,, when the realization of their 'cinch" caused them to
relax somewhat. It was all tight for a
practice game foe tbe one to be played
to-day, in which they will need all the
experience and skill possible to down
their old-time rivals. For the story of
the game, read
The score:
K H o A E
Mrs. Eliz i Molt died Wednesday
aat, at her home on Twellth Street.
iler ago is unknown, but there is reason
to believe that eho had passed tho
century mark several years ago. "Aunt
Eliza" was a elavu in early Ufa, but has
resided in Hummonlon so long that wo
can find no "oldest inhabitant" who'
does not remember her as an old woman
when he came hero. She was a hard
and faithful worker until within a very
'ew years, when infirmities of age compelled real. Funeral services yesterday
afternoon, in tho Baptist Church.
Always on Time.
H. A. A.
the Philadelphia
2 1' 1 2 8
& Beading Railway's "sixty minute
Sctloy.HH _
2 1 3 5 0
train" to Atlantic City has been a wonConley.cr.
3 3 0 I U
derful success. ^The^ Jlemand made _by
Boyle, c
2 2 12 2 , 3
Philadelphia business men for quick
OIHbrd, 2b
1 4 1 2 . 1
trains to their summer homes after
Beverage^ Ib
1 '1 7 0 1
business hours led the Beading to put
Treat, p
4 2 0 S 0
Tell, If......
1 1 0 0 0 - on the train this season, and the action
Farrar, rf.
'.. 1 2 0 0 0
lias been fully justified. The flyer has
been very popular, and has daily car'
~~a 17 24 15 8
ried more passengers than any other
one train on the road. Frequently it
Olwlne, cf._
0 2 0
1 1 1
tias been found necessary to add another
Smith. Ib
U 0 10
:oach, but even this additional weight
Strump, p
I l l
has not caused a lessening of speed.
Cramp. 2b,lf. :.... 2 1 1
The train is scheduled to start at 3:40
Sailor, If., 2b...
0 0 2
p.m., and to reach the City by the Sea
0 1 2
juat one hour later. Its trips have been
Clark, 3t>
0 0 4
carefully watched, not only by Beading
Winner, rf,
8 0 0
officials, but by its patrons as well.
During July it was never one second
7 « 21 17 11
late. Even on days when travel was
Hammonton... 0 10 2 1 2 2 0 x —17
unusually heavy, the long string of fine
Corinthian.—. 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 — 7
coaches started exactly on time, kept
Two base hit... Watt, Treat
up the flying speed all the way across
Loft on bases...Uam R. Corinthian 7
New Jersey, and rolled into the depot
Struck out... by Treat 14. Strump il
at Atlantic on the second. Among
Stolen Bases...Ham. 8, Corinthians 2
railroad men this is considered a reDoable plays...Smith to Clark
markable record, and one seldom if ever
Passed Bi>lls...Boyle 2, McCormlck
equaled, and never excelled.— Buffalo
First bas3 on ball8...Treat 8. Strump 1
Hit by pitched ball...Cramp
Conner-Uncord, Aug. 4, 1897.
L. H. Parkanrst, administrator c. t. a. of
Edwin B. Sproul, deceased, b; direction of the
Surrogate of the County Of Atlantic, hereby
gives notice to the creditors of the said Edwin
Wild pitcues...8trump
B. Sproul, to brim; in their debts, demands,
Umpire, DePuy. Time, 1 h. 40 m.
and claims against the estate of the salii decedent, under oath, within nice months from this
date, or they will be forever barred of an;
Bf List ot uncalled-for letters in the
action therefor lealnst the said administrator. Hammonton Post-Office, on Saturday,
Dated JULO 19th. AD 1097.
August 28, 1897:
Nicolo Calabreso fa Bafaelo.
Antonio Cessutl.
•1- Maria Clccotetla.
Giunnovario GI redan o.
tDon't forget that you can get a PEARL
Mr. Robert K. Green.
Blue Flame OIL STOVE at 25 N. Third St.
Miss Louisa Ulancosta.
For accurate worklogaDil beauty It cannot
Mr. A. M. Uerehey.
be beaten.
Angelo Sololl.
Yon can get your Sheet Metal work done
Mr. Michael Yapalucclo.
at thoBurue place.
Mrs. Tbeo. Yocuni.
Going to be Hot!
Anyone Bonaing »tketeb and description nay
qnloklr ascortaln, t roe, whether an luvontloata
Vrobably patentablo. Communlcatlona (trlotly
nonndentlal. Oldest agencr tOTKeoitng patent*
la America. Wo time a Washington offlca.
Patents taken through Mono k Co. rocelra
special notice In tho
beautifully.Illustrated, lamest circulation oft
«nr Bclontlno Inurnal, weeUy, torma 13.00 a year?
fUOBlx months. Hpoolmon copies and llANI)
JUOflK. ON 1'ATKNTB tent tree, Address
381 Proudwa^Mew York.
to Moyt & Sons.
W. A. Knuuoo.
A- H. Phillips & Co.
Fire Insurance.
Mortgage Loans.
Correspondence Solicited.
1828 Atlantic Avenue.
Gennaro Itotiogtle.
Giuseppe Garroze.
Giovanni Glocobbo dl Placldo.
Persona calling for any of the above
letters will please state that it has been
Hammonton, N. .1.
(Established in 1839)
Shoes made to Order is my
Specialty, and full
satisfaction is guaranteed.
Tows OovimL, Wta. Cunningham, 1 Pren't,
John 0. Anderion, Dun lei M. Itiillard, Aloi.il.
flatten, !>. II. Jacobs, W. H. Andrews. Meet!
Inst Saturday ere each month.
BOARD or EDUCATIOM. 0. V. Oegood, prcsldeul; D. B. Cunnlngbaui, clcrlt) Kdwin Adumn,
J L O'Donnell, P II Jacobs, Mlga NellloHeely,
Mrs M M Boverafre, Mls« Anna I'regsey, Mrs
K A Joalyn. Moots 2nd Tuesday eaoh uionlli.
Ilitllnn Ki'itii'jrlicnl, llev. Thomas Fragile,
I'.olor. Hunduy Holmol at 10.80 ».ru, Prcoolilug at 9 n m H u l u n U y , 7 p.m., preaehlug,
UnivmiaAunT. Her. Uostollo Weslon fastor. Hunday aorvlo'a i preaching 10.90 a. n.
Hunday school, 13.OO uonn, preaching 7110
p. in. HoolakU •llernate Thursday • venlngi.
Mn. Cbas. 19. ll<ib"rl« iireililcnt. Mn. H. 9i.
All arruiiRoinonta for burials mnilo llrown •corotjrj. Mm. Wm. HutliorfurJ fur'
reipuudlng icorolarr.
and cilitifiilly eioculed.
The best made in the United St»t.-s.
Eepairing done.
July 3,1897.
i.rn. n.m. A ni. . m. a m p. ni p. to p.n p.
625 8 15 10 20 10 W 1220 4 10 8 40 8 58 065
6 13 8 03 10 03 1009 1209 158 0 25 « 43 10 43
361 018
3 43 6 10
9 49
3 36 6 03
9 43
324 551
9 33
3 14 542
tl 19
107 535
2S7 525
.. .
9 12
6 18 7 40 ..Window June. (1'vo).. 5
9 19 11 29 201341 5 11 0 23 7 61 ......... HammODlon ........ 5 10 7 31 900 980 11SO 2 6 0 4 5 3 6 0 7 10 07
448f ..
...DaCoito ...........
li 32 8 02 „..........Elwood.... .......
4 :4 6 52 962
0S98 09 ......... RgR Harbor ...... ..
940 H 42
4 25
5 29 0 4(1 81Cf ...... Drlgantiuo Jmic .....
4 U,
650 8 28
40553U 'iTso
...Atlantic City
4 25700 8 15 "li'bb iiob
4 15 5 45 7 05 8 SB
10 10 12 05
800 _.
1045 1249 300430 5008 30 ........Philadelphia.......
Oamden ......... ...
8 15 10 55 12 51 3 10 4 40 12 0 40
5 19 0 48 ....West Collingswood..,.
Haddon Hclghta....;
Magnolia ...........
5347 02
1 19
Olomcntorj.. ........
5 45 7 12
5 54 7 32 ...AVIlllamBtova JUDC...
Cedar Brook... .....
The express, leaving Philadelphia at 6:40 p.m., stops here, arriving about 6:15.
SUNDAY TRAINS leave Hammonton an follow!: Pown trains, accommodations, 9:38a. m. and 6:02 p. O.
Up trains, accommodation. 8:04 a. m. and 5:53 p. m.j fxprew, 5:37 and 10 07 p. m.
Inly 1,1387.
Ace.. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace.
a.m. D. m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
AccJ Eip. Ace
p. m.
40 8 40 10 25
800 -800 380' 500 7 50:10 J503. 4 0 4 2 0 ( 5 1 0 ...... Philadelphia ...... 77 32(8
30 10 18
8 01 II 01 3 47 4 27 0 Ib .„.......Camdcn.. ........
807 812 341
8 'it'll 10
4 30 O'JB ...... ColllngBwooJ...... 7 1918 20
822 348
4 45 6 SO
8 a: 351
8 18 11 1C
4 55 fl 4U ...... .. Klrbwood........ ft fifl H 02
8 42 4 04
828J11 2«
5 U 8 0 6 4 ............ Berlin ........... '(I 41.7 60
8 48UI 42
857 41fi
13 7 02 .............. Atco ............ i(l 35 7 41
8 68S11 M
DOG 427
0 H
0 42
10 22
5 12
1 60SJJ5 8 30 7 10
1 42 7 50j 8227 OS
1 30 7 37 H II 640
1 23782 805642
1 12 7 SO 7 SOU 2S
1 00 7 08 7 39 « 15
12 SB 7 01 7 31 A 09
12 471« 631 7 26603
5 31 7 12 ; ........ Waterford ........ !h as 7 28
9 03112 IB
12 42,9 48 722657
5 37 7 18 ............ An cot a ............[« IS 7 20
9 07 1208
12 37 6 43 7 18&53
...Wlnsluw Jc. (1'vo). . II 11! 7 16
6 427
9 11 12 13
12 80 6 361 7 11 5 47
9 IT 12 20 4 21 5 48 7 80 ........ Hninmonton .......II 05 7 10
6 vo: 700535
............ Klwooil ..........
9 40
W 063 52*
(> IV
li 115 9 47j
542' 1)3850?
,0 "
19 10 07j
0254 GO
....... Atlantic City ......
4 55852
|o so 10 i9l
Prices are advancing
steadily; but we are holding
them down as much as
A N ORDINANCE regulating tho LlJ\ censing of Inns ami Tavorno in
UieTown of Hammonton for tho Bale of
Introduced July 31, 11107.
l>n«.cd Aug 14. 1BU7.
1 Do It ordained by tlm "Town of Iluimuonton" tint horonftor It uliull lio lawful for tlio
Hoard of Gnunolliumi to llccnta and regulate
InnB and tavorna and aulo of liquoro 'In snlil
Town of lluinmoiiton, oulijrot to tlio lolluwlng
condition!) s 'Hint tlia applicant for nal<l llotmno
llmll Lo r«ci'uimtmii«d by at foml titolve Irca
holilire »vruli>K prnpurty In ei/lil Town of ilniuuionton who (hull uorlll'y iNut tlio pcriou no
lecominencloil i>) lilm '» <>lj (J""d repulo lor
liononiy.aml toui|»ri4iiou llml Bald Inn or tuv
«rn la neo"fl4nry uiid Mill nominee to tlio pnlill
2 lie It orilalned Mint no llooilfo sli'lll lio
grunted In uny IHTHUII uiidt>r (hu p r o v U l u n n of
thlfl ordinance oxovpt upon tho |iaymont of
tliroe liumlred (J.plloin lu tlm Town of H u m liiouton.
3 lio It oriliilued, that all llnfrnof Kr.inlo<l
ui)<1^r tho nrovlnl'in* of llltH orilliinnoo Bliull
<l«lo fr in tlio tocoiiJ \Vodnonday In Mny,
•iiuublly { prifVMi'd. tliut llconfun granted
prior to May lit, IH'JB, a h u l l lio granted upon
payuiont of » lalaolu proponli.n 01 tlm foo
lirefioribotl In tha •ecuud eodllnii <if llila ordl.
4. Uo It ordalueil tlmt nil or'llnuiioopHrta »f orilln*nfl<id Inoonalaiuui wltli lliw p
vlvl'inn of (Uia oraliiHnro lio nod llie narno aro
llvroby T*jieitletl anil llila ordlnuboo attall taao
ellotit liuiaoillatrljr.
t)lm rmitii ul voiinoll.
J. L. O'lKiMMKLl., Tuwn Oloik.
Certainly meets all
requirements. Judging
from its rapid s^le; but,
in order to further stimulate its already wide
popularity, we
reduce the'price to.
36 cents "per pound.
wliich makes it the
Each day you will find
coffee (quality
something quoted for the
considered) on the
day only. You may be
able to makera-few dollars
But we have cheaper coffees,
by watching our prices.
when the pennies are to be
considered, viz:
Fancy "Santos" at 25 c.
the board will £ead,—
Rio, at 20 c.
Granulated Sugar, 5 cts.
Lard (best quality), 7 eta.
"Arbuckle" and "Lion"
Arbuckle's and Lion Coffee,
have been 15 cents ; but we
2 pounds for 25 cts.
meet the recent cut in price
of those goods, which we will
quote you on application.
George Elvins.
Wedding Invitations,
BusinesB Cards,
Announcements, Anniversary Invitations^
Calling Cards,
Certificates, Etc., Etc.,
Work fully as good as you can get
in the City,—and our price lower.
Hammonton Hotel,
Excellent accommodations for transient
guoata. la located oloso to Itailroad
BtatlonB. Good B tables.
Hammonton, N. J.,
Justice of the Peace.
HOYT & SONS9 Printers.
[BucooftHor to Alox. Alllcon]
Call and see our samples.
Ollloo, Booond and Cherry Bts.
Best grades of coal at lovvewt
cash prices for Cash, under
sheda, and we can deliver it
clean und dry even during wet
weather, •'
All coal delivered promptly,
and ftiitiaiaction guornnteed.
Every member of
Every Family on
Every farm, in
Every village, in
Every State or Territory.
For Education,
For Noble Manhood,
For True Womanhood.
IT GIVES all important ncwe of the Nation
all important ncwn of tho World
the irioft reliable market reportH
brilliant and instructive cditoiialn
famiirmting Hhort utories
an unexcelled agricultural department
ncicntilic and mechanical information
illiiHtratod faehion articles
hiunorouB ilhutratioiiH
entertainment to yountj and old
natiHfaetion everywhere to everybody.
Offloo Days,—Every week-day.
fToolinrgo for extracting with gas, when
tenth nro ordered.
To Atlantic County uubricriberu,— Canh in advance.
all ordoiu to tho HEPUBLIOAN,
Cor. Bcllevuo Av. and Third St
HIM!" (v moat reliable lino ot
ull tho jiopuliu- brands of
Tobacco, uud my own iniiUo
Our 1897
wheels are
easier running
than ever before—
tho prices are
South Jersey Bepublioan and Weekly Tribuneboth one year lor $1.26
NO. 36
Imported Olive Oil.
Hammonton. : : W.
Sun Hun. Sun.
Ex. Ace. Ace.
[>. m.
Dealer in Imported & Domestic
B.ollevue Avenue,
a. ni. a. m. p. m. p.m. p.m p.m p.m
YOL. 35.
The best naive in tbe world for outs,
brulacfl, uorto, ulcers, salt rheum, fevo,
aorefi, tetter, chapped hands, ohllblaluu
cor IIH, and all ukm eruptions, and positively cures pllen, or uo pay required.
It Ifl guaranteed to give perfect uatibfuotlon or money refunded. Price, 25 ceutn
UAPTIHT. llov. J. 0. Kllllan,pastorj Hun per box. Foiealn at Croft's.
Mlssloni at Folnocb and Maicnolla.
Macaroni, Vermicelli.
and Fancy Paate,
Sold Wholesale and Retail.
Clms. Cunningham, M,D.
Physician and Surgeon
Posts, Pickets, etc.
and Embalmer
Yellowstone Paris.
The Yellowstone National Park is unquestionably the most interesting region
on the globe, for within it is displayed
tbe greatest collection of nature's manifold wonders. Indeed, this mountainbound plateau, high up on the summit
of the everlasting Rockies, is a veritable
Truth is always in bad taste, to whom playground for the world's giant forces.
To stand and gazo upon thorn all in their
|t tastes bad.
marvelous manifestations, — tbe great
geyeer upheavals, the fierce steam blasts,
tbe terrible leap of the river, and tho
awful canoii, — is a revelation, an expori
once to be had at no other point on earth.
Tbo personally conducted tour of the
Hill's Block, Hammonton.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which
leaves New York on Sept. 2nd, affords
Offloo Hours, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M.
the most satisfactory moans of visiting
1:00 to 3:00 and 7:00 to 0:00 P.M.
this wonderland and viewing its marvelous features. Tourists will travel by
Kpecial traiu of Pullman smoking, dining
sleeping, and observation cam in each
direction. Bight days will bo spent in
the Park, Btopa will also be made, returning, at St. Paul and Chicago. Tho
round-trip rate, $235 from New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washing.
CLERK. J. I/.O'Donnoll.
ton, f 280 from Plttaburg, covers every
necessary expense.
MineuAL. B. Shonrdit.
For detailed itineraries and full InforJUHTICKH. 0. W. Prossey, J. B. Ryan.
tlon, apply to ticket agents, Tourist
CONSTABLES. Oeo. Dernnbouso.
OVBRBBKII op HianwAvu. W. H. Bargcue. Agont, 1190 Broadway, N.Y., or address
OvKitsKEB or TUB I'ooit. Oeo. B«rnshouse. Goo. W. Boyd, AasUtant General Paaeengor Agent, at Broad Street Btatfou,
Finn MAHBUAI,. S.K.Browni
day aeVvioex: Proaoblng 10 80, Bunday.sohool
11.45, Junior 0. 1C. S.:iO p. m., Christian JCndeavor fl.HO, Preaching 7.31). Weekday prayor
Atlantic City, N. J. mooting Thundty evening 7.45. Iloya Brigade; wooto Wedaeiday ave, In H. of V. Hall.
CiTUol.Ki, ST. JnsEi'ii'B. lU<r. Hplgnrd
rector.; bunJay tuuss 10.30 a. mi, vespers ai
7.30 p .m.
Manufuoturor and Doalur In
Kri/icoi'Ai.,8T. M A U K ' H . Her. It II Wood'
ward reotur Culnbruilun at I he Holy Kuolmrls
1st aijit Hrd Hurulnva at 1»;HU a.m. Other Hun
days, 7:80 a.HI, J^oriilnic Prayer, Litany, am
Horiuon, 2nd and 4<ti Knnduys nt lO.JKi a.m
ICvoiisonK 7iitO p. in. Huiiduy Kr.hool Villo a.in
Friday Kvonnunff, 7.HO. Hulnls Day Oelobra
tlon, 7:30 a.m. B|>eolul norvlots In Advent an^
Folsom, N. J.
MKTHODIBT Hrl«coi-Ai.. Her. O. If. Nea
paHtftr. t>unduy service)* i olaBi U.<10, a. ra
tf&~ I.umbor juwod toordor.
preaahlng lU/'O, aunday-iiebool 13.00 noon
Ordorn recolvcd l>y mull promptly Illlefl, KpworeJ) Ijoaguo " 0« p, in., preaohlup; 7..10
Class TiioDilny and WtJuesday ovonln|(s 7.4J
1'rayer inoolliiK Thursday 7.30 p. lu.
Mission nt 1'lno H»ad.
CHKHPYTIIUIAH. Itov. II, H. Hundall pastor
Hunday norvlooii proookluir, 10.110 a. m., Hun.
day aoliool 13.110 noon, prouohlug 7.811 p. m
0. If. prayer ui<i«tlug Wadneiday T.30 p. w
Ohureb prayor moetinu l'liur«day 7 JO p. m.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison, of TVortbington, Ind.
•Bun," writes : "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend It tor constipation uud sick, headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal."*' Mrs.
Anuie Steble, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
bat six bottles of Electric Bitters restored
her health and renowned her strength.
Prices, 50 cts and §1. Get a bottle, at
Croft's drug store.
Haninioiitbn Ktonm
Always a Good Stock
tiloiju. fie.
A(t«nti «v«rywlnr»
IH wlmt I cull tlm iitt.outlon
of my rid frlondw, and now
lYImidn. Alno, well mik-olud
lino of oportlng goodu.
Livery and Boarding
('lifting mid Dollverl-ig of all Ulitda
done promi'ily, on oliuil notloo.
Hlnglo nntl Ooiibln OurrlnRos to hire,
by tlio duv ot- hour.
Wanted-fln Idea
*rot<ut your
Wrlto JOllH
«0r«. W««l.lu«
»u<l lull vt tw
t think
they ui«v |>rlim you we*lttL
KlUllmrnitJO .. Atonl ilia*
)>, 0.,/tMr (holr »I,
lnH) iuf«ttttuiij[ w&u uxl.
the swaths over at night if they have
wilted. Next day, before they are dry
enough to drop their leaves, rake into
A writer in the SoutJiern Planter Bays winrows. 1'f weather is fair, leave in
he coi piirt of his cow peas lor tbdder, thnae till next afternoon, when they
and another part be turned undur and should be stacked in rather small stacks
sowed thu whole to wheat, and got flvre butfis high as they will stand. They
bushels more wheat per acre where all will shfld rain better than clover hay,
the pens were plowed under. Another and should be left until you can twist
man in the Upper Piedmont]region, no juice out of the stalks. When about
Virginia, sowed cow peuajjifUrtng his to draw, open to the sun and let the
corn, broadcast, on part of the Beld. sweat dry off. Put into n tight barn
The other part he planted in corn sis and let them alone, even if they get hot.
feet apart and a row of peas between, To disturb them is only to let in the air
and cultivated the whole. The follow- more freely, which always bears the
ing year he planted to corn again, six germs of mould and will do more harm,
feet apart with peas between, aad cul- than good.
tivated both. Although the last year
was an extra corn year, this year,where
An Explanation.
the peas were, sown broadcast the corn
is 40 per cent belter than last year, and
I received a letter from Mr. Stephany,
wuere the peas were sown in rows, 20 Atlantic City, in which he stated that
percent better. These were statements my several letters in the REPUBLICAN
made by these men to 'Prof. Maaaey, were of a character reflecting on him
and show plainly that the puau have injuriously, and that he desired a repower lo enrich the soil.
His reply, in the Practical Farmer, is,
It is not necessary to review these
be would not dare to plow under any letters and discuss them, in order to
green crop, for fear of souring the land ; make a defence or admit errors, as such
and that they have even a greater value would be superfluous. So far as my
for feeding than for plowing under. Ho allusions to the work done by our Town
says there was no doubt If tons of pea Council is concerned, I have no explabay per acre, .worth at leaat S15; that nation to make to anyone, but will state
makt-8 the best hav for cows, and that that at no meeting since I have been a
in addition it has a manudal value of member has a single offensive expresat least 50 per coat more, if the manure sion been used by any member to anproperly cared for.
other ; and though some are trying to
$o here is a case where you may eat accomplish purposes not endorsed by
your cake and keep it too,—.it least half others, yet all work has been done in a
of it,—and proves that if you have stock friendly manner. My letters were all
;o feed the peas to, it is more profitable written with the view of attracting
to cut than to plow under.
attention to the action of Council on
Still, for the fruit grower who has the license question, which to our town
iittle stock, where soil is lacking in people is an important matter. But it
lutiuis, they may be plowed under after did not occur to me that while the
they are dead, with good results. As intent of my letters was well understood
to plowing under nreon or dry, the by town readers of the REPUBLICAN,
question Buttles Itself in my own case, those living elsewhere may not be eo
with considerable portions of the peas, familiar with the circumstances, and
Tor they are lodged in anything but that tho style in which tho letters were
straight lines, often diagonal with the written might not be objectionable to
furrow. Possibly a sharp wheel coulter some, but very much so to one who
would cut thu lodged ones into furrow does not know all the tacU. Hence it
slices, and a hay scythe clasped to the is not only justice, but my duty to Mr.
beam but extending above as a coulter Stophany, to rutruct all portions referrdocs below, might cut tho vines apart; og to him. Hu has never harmed mo,
thua by lining a chain th0y'rulglu be nor given me cause to bring his name
put underneath with a lixrjjo plow. I jofore tho public discreditably, and I
Bbull lei trout uuiiu the twining vines, would be lacking in my efforts to do
uud the wttuher rot them, so they can what is right if I did not express 'my
be luniud undur wulioul trouble.
regret that I have offended him. I do
In the Bomb they lutn in their stock not consider that any man can dishonor
and hogs on the puas, where they eat ilmsolf by making an apology when he
and trump and got tut with no other iaa reflected injuriously on another.
loud ; then plow under when ready to
BOW or plaut tlio next crop.
1 beliuvu where a tunn has twenty or
When a doctor pays a visit ha makes
thirty acres of land, it would pay wull
to put ten acres of it uvory year into tlio viult pay him.
, raido hogs to oat them, and thus
t'litluu hogs and land. (Jrimson clovur
could bo used as tin early groun luud,
followed i?y thu common red clover, and
up on punt).
As a fodder, my experience la only
wild liorauH. I. Imvo put good frcnh hay
und eow puna (cured) before them at the John II. MarHluvll will aorvo tlila
broad every day to ountomorH ull over
mxmo time, nml they would choouo the
town, uud la tlio neighborhood. It1
IIUIIH. I aupptiyo a homo known a good
will alno bo on Halo at F. K. H.iborlB
thing whoii>o taatoB it, and as ilio proof
uud Khun tiloolcwuU'u HtoroH.
of tho pudding Is tho eating, tho voto IH Ordortt promptly Illlod If loft iu Mr.
Murxlmll'v runlaonco, l!2(l Wuatiitigton
cloudy In favor of puns on tho score of
Htnuit, at rlllior of tlio ulmvo atorott, or
iialaliibillty. That they uru a very
at tlio Hunmioiiton pfmt-ollloo.
hourly Iced IH proven by tho fuel that OrdoiH takon for I'laln and Paucy Cukus,
my liorittti wore uevnr hi us good condiand for I'loa of ull Itlndo.
tion for Imid work aw they wore luat
Spring and .Summer, uiul with lean grain
UHiial. What tltoy contain of
viiluu lu tdiown by clioriitalu, and
how they compart! vvllh other foddora 1
will tituto In iv I'ollowing artlolo.
Time TO <;UT—HOW TO cintic.
Th«y ulimikl bo out holoro tho Blnllcii
largely In woody and therefore
ndlgeatlhlo llbur, for It In not wliul an
uilmal eata, but what It dlKc.nta urid
All ImaineHs in their lino
tmtliullutoi) that IH of viiluu to it. 1 out
promptly and carefully
whim iho (Irnt pods lni«lu to turn brown.
attended to.
oHt way to ImrvuHt IB of coniuo
with a inowiii|[ inuohlne uud liorao rako,
>ui IIH tlioro IB no Hod, ua with (jrunn,
liie metlKKl la open to tlio olijectlon of
nailing tho IKIIW very dusty. 1 cm with
Oflieo and Ilomdenco,
iiuolilnti latit year, but raked by hand,
'JOB Peach Street,
liull mil uud rako by huud thin year.
I cut an noou ua tho duw la olf. Turn
It has Come at Last.
Home-made Bread!
Valentine & Hood.
It is Still Hot,
But the Summer aeason is;
almost over; but ,we 'still
and will continue to do so
for some time yet.
.Orders promptly filled for
Ice Cream.
Bread, Cakes,
and Pies,
Ice Cream Soda
is the time to begin to
think about placing your
order for your Winter J
supply of
Our assortment is the
largest in town,
and prices right.
W. H, Bernshouse*.
Office, 101 K.R. Ave.
W. 3BL
Rial Estate and
In*ur ance Agent
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds.
Office, 101 Kailroad Ave.
Wm. Bernshouse*
Lumber Yard.
All varietiee of the
Finest Mill Work.
Saah, Doom und BlindH.
Funeral Directors,
Embalming a Specialty
A Specialty.
Near the Railroad Stations-,.
Hammonton, N. J«