Al-Futtaim Carillion 2015 Sustainability Report
Al-Futtaim Carillion 2015 Sustainability Report
WE ARE AL FUTTAIM CARILLION Al Futtaim Carillion (AFC) has a long history of successfully working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Middle East. The company’s roots go back to the early days of the region’s growth and development. BETTER 8,721 employees (19% of total Carillion Group) 16% of Carillion Group revenue (including the wider Middle East and North Africa region) OUR VALUE MODEL VALUE ENABLERS: •Financial and natural resources (ethically and responsibly sourced and used) •Skilled, committed and engaged people •Long-term customer, community and supplier relationships •Corporate governance and operational excellence •Strong (risk) management systems and processes VALUE CREATED AND SHARED • Financial stability and profitability • Economic growth and local development • Diversity and skills • Legacies in communities • A low-carbon, protected environment OUR GOAL? To be the trusted partner for providing services, delivering infrastructure and creating places that bring lasting benefits to our customers and the communities in which we live and work. HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? By creating and sharing value for the economy, for society and for the environment. BUSINESS Making tomorrow a better place From bridges to railways, schools to hospitals – we’re bringing cost savings and efficiencies to public and private sector organisations, which in turn bring value to the wider population. WHAT NEXT? At AFC, we are establishing a new employee forum to focus on employee engagement with two-way communication. We will increase ethical souring in our supply chain and monitor our spend with SMEs to develop a plan for next year. VALUE ADDING: SUPPORT SERVICES PROJECT FINANCE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 2020 GROUP TARGETS Carillion will contribute £40m THE OUTCOMES: BETTER to profitability through sustainability actions 100% of suppliers to respond positively to sourcing materials and products from responsible and ethical sources SOCIETY BETTER ENVIRONMENT “We are extremely proud and happy with Al Futtaim Carillion's initiatives during your sustainability week. Credit goes to the whole team for doing small things to create such a big impact, especially the General Management involvement in these initiatives is really appreciated.” BETTER ENVIRONMENT A healthy environment helps communities and business to thrive. Working with our customers and suppliers, we’re cutting carbon, eliminating waste and protecting natural resources. WHAT NEXT? We will continue to design and create ‘healthier buildings’; we will cut fuel consumption and reliance on generators; and we will improve our water plans. BETTER waste diverted from landfill (effectively zero waste) reduction in water consumption (against a 2012 normalised baseline) 100% of contracts have a Carbon Reduction Plan “We recognise the growing pressure on water resources globally, particularly in our Middle East and North Africa regions, and in our supply chains that may extend to regions of water scarcity.” ANDREW RIDLEY-BARKER, Managing Director for Al Futtaim Carillion LLC All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 £ SOCIETY OUR STRATEGY Halfway through our 2020 sustainability strategy period, we have made solid progress on our ambition to make tomorrow a better place. Adding lasting value to society starts on our doorstep. This means focusing on local jobs for local people, training and community engagement. WHAT NEXT? BETTER BUSINESS We will scale up our health and safety initiatives and create more opportunities for women, young people and disadvantaged groups. We will continue to build on our positive relationships with our communities through volunteering. 2020 GROUP TARGETS 100% contracts to have a Community Needs Plan More at WE ARE EVOLVING Building a successful business Leading the way with customers and suppliers 70% 28% SCHOOL SYED ATIF ALI, Senior Executive CSR, Centre for Responsible Business, Dubai Chamber All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 97% Summary Sustainability Report Al Futtaim Carillion 2015 BUSINESS BETTER 2020 GROUP TARGETS A BETTER TOMORROW reduction in All Accident Frequency Rate (AAFR) against a 2011 baseline 50% of employees to utilise the Carillion special leave policy for volunteering in areas where we work BETTER SOCIETY Providing better prospects for our people Supporting sustainable communities BETTER ENVIRONMENT Enabling low-carbon economies We continually aim to be ever more responsible as market forces, stakeholder needs and self-expectations evolve. We will revisit our material issues in 2016, reviewing their significance against global trends such as skill shortages, diversity, engagement and collective agreements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our people and our partnerships continue to build a better business, connect a better society and create a better environment. For Carillion, sustainability is key to how we shape our competitive future and a better tomorrow. Protecting the environment OUR FULL REPORT AND SUSTAINABILITY IN ACTION More at: “Al Futtaim Carillion is a cherished partner of the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG). They have consistently provided us with volunteering and logistical support for our mass campaigns, a gesture we appreciate tremendously. We commend them for their deep-rooted commitment to sustainability and their inherent desire to make a difference in the community.” HABIBA AL MARASHI, Chairperson, EEG All of our Sustainability KPI targets were independently verified by Bureau Veritas in 2015 CONTACT US Email: [email protected] Tel: +971 (0) 43089222 Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook @Carillionplc SUSTAINABILITY IN ACTION More at sustainability/sustainability-report BETTER BETTER BETTER Trust in business, regional growth and support for local suppliers are becoming key enablers for sustainable economic recovery and regional regeneration. The built environment sectors face key skills shortages and a decline in young people with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. 2015 marked a step-change which called for collective action from businesses, governments and consumers to create a low-carbon environment. BUSINESS Across the UAE, we are co-creating innovative solutions with customers and working to uphold the human rights of all workers. Acting sustainably is proving that we can build trust and gain recognition as a responsible business. SOCIETY We continue to be inspired by the commitment of our people to give something back to their communities. For example, 58 employees volunteered for 290 hours for Operation Smile, an organisation that provides lifesaving surgery to children. 18m hours worked without a Lost Time Incident at Al Futtaim Carillion’s Four Seasons project, Abu Dhabi. The project won the British Safety Council Award £490.4m contribution to Carillion Group revenue T E B We reduced our carbon footprint by 69% over the year, saving costs and carbon for our customers along the way. We also made significant reductions in water use, simply by working collaboratively and thinking differently. 6,100+ workers at Al Futtaim Carillion received Visual Impact Training on health, safety and environment TOMOR R E T 100% certification to ISO 14001 at established operations 69% RO reduction in our carbon footprint W A First Runner-up Large Sized Enterprise Award by Arabia CSR Network ENVIRONMENT PVC PLYWOOD IS A WIN-WIN FOR CUSTOMERS LESS WASTE, MORE BIODIVERSITY In Dubai, we’ve trialled the use of PVC plywood with promising results. Made from recycled plastics, it can be reused up to 20 times (compared to six to eight times for traditional plywood) and its high quality finish reduces the need for reworking surfaces. We are keeping waste down on the Fort Island project with around 4,000m3 of sludge from the existing lake bed being used to backfill the area. Approximately 500m3 of waste blocks were reused for temporary roads, while a membrane dam-pumping system saved around 25,000 litres of diesel. Employees captured the aquatic species; including jellyfish and turtles, and released them downstream without any loss of life. The trial shows that PVC plywood saves on average 15886.48 Dirhams (AED) per 100 sheets, so Al Futtaim Carillion is now extending the use of this sustainable material to other projects. HOW WE CUT TWO-THIRDS OF OUR CARBON THE BOX APPEAL AWARD FOR RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS In 2015, the Dubai Chamber awarded its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Label to Al Futtaim Carillion. This voluntary standard recognises a structured approach to responsible business, based on international best practices implemented in the Middle East. AFC has contributed more than 200 boxes with everyday toiletries for underprivileged people as part of The Box Appeal Campaign. The boxes were donated to the organising hotel Radisson Blu in Dubai. Our operational teams have worked closely with local authorities and utility companies to connect our project sites to mains power and reduce reliance on generators. Where generators are unavoidable, we reduce their fuel consumption by using synchronisation technology to manage load sharing and demand. With fuel usage monitoring, we cut unnecessary idle time during day shifts and optimise operating characteristics. “On so many occasions during our fund-raising and awareness events, AFC were there to lend a hand or provide some much needed assistance – whether it was strength, funds or expertise.” MORAG CROMEY-HAWKE, Executive Director, Operation Smile, UAE
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made solid progress on our ambition to make tomorrow a better place.
the Al-Futtaim Carillion Summary