draw ing a rchitecture
draw ing a rchitecture
june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings Henry Stephens thepapercity.tumblr.com Section 01: Walkway, MachineLove Hotel Presek 01: Šetalište, MachineLove Hotel drawing architecture 50 51 I like Architectural drawings. I have always enjoyed making them and looking at them and studying them. Over time, I had started collecting some drawings that I found interesting. One fine day I just put them together on the internet in form of a blog and named it “Drawing Architecture”. It was a collection for me to see how people draw ‘Architecture’. But being on the internet it slowly found more people who were equally interested and they started sending their drawings to add to the collection. This is how it has now become a good mix of well-known drawings from famous architects and not-so-well-known drawings from students and professionals from different places. And of course, drawings here are a selection from the later ones. Nikita Shah http://drawingarchitecture. tumblr.com/ Ja volim arhitektonske crteže. Uvek sam uživala crtajući I proučavajući ih. Tokom vremena, počela sam da sakupljam one koji su mi bili posebno zanimljivi. Jednog dana sam ih postavila na internet u formi bloga koji sam nazvala “Nacrtana Arhitektura”. Bilo mi je zanimljivo da prikažem kako ljudi crtaju “Arhitekturu”. Postojanje ovog bloga dovelo je toga da veliki broj ljudi sa sličnim interesovanjem pošalje svoje crteže da dopune ovu kolekciju. Tako je ona nastao miks opšte poznatih crteža slavnih arhitekata i nepoznatih crteža studenata i profesionalaca sa različitih prostora. Crteži prikazani ovde su izbor poslednjih koji su dodati kolekciji. Nikita Shah http://drawingarchitecture. tumblr.com/ Alexander DaxbOck Ex Libris - New Design for the National Library and Archive of the Czech Republic in Prague, done at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria Novi projekat za Nacionalnu biblioteku i arhivu Češke Republike u Pragu, urađeno na tehničkom Fakultetu u Beču, Austria http://www.behance.net/alexanderdaxboeck 52 june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings 53 Geordie Shaw www.cargocollective.com/geordieshaw The Rehabilitation of the Fragment/ Rehabilitacija fragmenta Perry Kulper http://dprbcn.wordpress.com/2009/10/15/perry-kulper-revisited/ Central California History Museum, Section / Istorijski muzej Centralne Kalifornije, Presek Stefanos Filippas http://archgbe.eu/ Data Box, done at the University Of Thessaly, Greece. Kutija sa podatcima, urađeno na Univerzitetu Tesalije, Grčka 54 june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings Rodrigo Bocater www.mequetraffic.com Grasshopper cabin/ Kabina skakavca 55 Massimiliano Zigoi www.abad.it Forms / Forme (2010) Mentor Noci www.redcubeseries.com Section of Plan, Pantheon Presek, Panteon 56 june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings 57 Scott Tulay www.scotttulay.com monument, 2010. ink/pastel/charcoal on illustration board/ spomenik, 2010, tuš/pastele/ugljen Prof. Andreas Kretzer www.architekturetc.de perceptual training sketches in university courses/ perceptivna vežba crtanja na fakultetskom kursu http://crilo.altervista.org/ Eva, concept tower inspired by the work of Egon Schiele / Eva, koncept kule inspirisane radom Egona Schielea Paul Nicholls www.pauldnicholls.com Royal Cabinets / Kraljevski kabineti june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings Crilo | Cristian Farinella and Lorena Greco 58 59 60 june/july/august 2011 / architectural drawings 61 Shane P. Willmett Carabanchel Social White Housing, 2009, Indian Ink on Paper. Karabancel socijalno stanovanje, 2009, Indijanski tuš na papiru Galen Johnson, http://www.galenhjohnson.com/ Untitled. 2009. Ink on paper. Bez imena. 2009. Tuš na papiru Sophie Ying Su http://www.sophienesss.com Borromini: Sant'Ivo della Sapienza, graphite on stonehenge, 26x40" / olovka na hameru