Partnerski Bilten Partnership Newsletter Kontakt ambasada NATO
Partnerski Bilten Partnership Newsletter Kontakt ambasada NATO
EMBASSY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC IN BELGRADE Partnerski Bilten Partnership Newsletter Broj: 6/2014 Kontakt ambasada NATO-a NATO Contact Point Embassy No./Broj: 06/2014. Partnership Newsletter The Slovak Atlantic Commission, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, regularly prepares a monthly summary of events in the form of a newsletter, concerning the relations of Serbia and NATO, NATO and the Western Balkan countries as well as the SlovakSerbian bilateral relations. The aim of these publications is to inform the expert community and public about activities in this cooperation, and to inform about the work of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade, which became the NATO Contact Point Embassy in Serbia for years 2013-2014. The newsletter is being issued in English and Serbian, and it is published on a monthly basis since March 2013 until December 2014. For previous issues of the newsletter, please visit: Bilten Partnerstvo Slovačka Atlantska Komisija u saradnji sa ambasadom Republike Slovačke u Beogradu, a uz podršku Ministarstva spoljnih i evropskih poslova Slovačke Republike redovno priprema mesečni sažetak događaja u obliku biltena, o odnosima Srbije i NATO-a, NATO-a i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, kao i bilateralnim odnosima Slovačke i Srbije. Cilj ove publikacije je informisanje stručne i šire javnosti o aktivnostima u ovoj saradnji, te informisanje o radu ambasade Republike Slovačke u Beogradu, koja je postala Kontaktna ambasada NATO-a u Srbiji za 2013 - 2014. Bilten je napisan na engleskom i srpskom jeziku, a objavljuje se na mesečnom nivou počevši od marta 2013 do Decembara 2014. Za prethodne brojeve biltena, molimo posetite: Jun/June 2014 Konstrukta-DEFENCE Konštrukta – ODBRANA KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, Inc. is a R&D company that has a proven capability in designing, developing and certifying state-of-the-art land and air defense weapons’ systems, ammunition, command and control systems, electronic systems and other customized special purpose platforms for both wheeled and tracked military vehicles. Konštrukta - odbrana, Inc je istraživačka i razvojna kompanija koja ima dokazanu sposobnost u projektovanju, razvoju i sertifikaciju kopnenog i protivvazdušnog oružja, sistema, municije, komande i kontrole, elektronskih sistema i druge prilagođene specijalne platforme i za vozila sa točkovima i vozila sa gusenicama. Its competence and capabilities have been proven over decades of work in the defense R&D business. Products developed, modernized or modified by the company are used by customers in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. Njena stručnost i sposobnost je dokazana tokom decenija rada u sferi odbrane i R&D poslovanja. Proizvodi kompanije su razvijani, modernizovani ili modifikovani i koriste se od strane kupaca u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi, Bliskom Istoku i Africi. As a truly development company KONSTRUKTA - DEFENCE provides coherent and complete service. They identify customer requirements, provide a solution and subsequently design, develop and certify a final product. Using computer aided design technology (CAD, IDEAS) the company produces and provides complete Technical Data Package (TDP) for a demonstrator, prototype and serial production. Along with the TDP, they secure the manufacture of any hardware designed under their development including the demonstrator and prototype. Company plans, organizes, executes and evaluates all tests and trials that come under the certification of any system they develop to make sure and prove that the system is fully conforms with the technical and tactical requirements requested by a customer. Kao istinski razvojna kompanije Konštrukta - ODBRANA obezbeđuje koherentnu i kompletnu uslugu. Ona identifikuje zahteve kupaca, pruža rešenje i potom dizajn, razvoj i finalni proizvod. Koristeći računarsko projektovanje tehnologija (CAD, ideje) kompanija proizvodi i pruža kompletni Tehnički paket (TDP), prototip i serijsku proizvodnju. Uz TDP, oni obezbedjuju proizvodnju jednog hardvera dizajniranog pod njihovom razvoju, uključujući demonstraciju i prototip. Kompanija planira, organizuje, sprovodi i ocenjuje sve testove i vežbe sistema koje spadaju pod sertifikaciju i sistema razvijaju uverenost da je sistem u potpunosti u skladu sa tehničkim i taktičkim zahtevima kupca. KONSTRUKTA-Defence strives to become an international player in the global defence marketplace. They have a deep technical understanding of various “Eastern” defense systems. They recognize that there exists a real need in a number of countries, including some NATO members, to modernize existing “Eastern” as well as “Western” systems that are now becoming obsolete after being in service for several decades. This need is expected to grow as national defense budgets continue to shrink due to financial austerity measures in most of the countries. KONSTRUKTADefence adopted and is implementing NATO standards and practices. Konstrukta – Defence has been developing these Weapon systems: Rocket Launchers: RM – 70 Modular Artillery Systems: 155 mm Howitzer SpGH Zuzana and modernized Zuzana 2 Mortar Systems: 81 mm Mortar, 98 mm Mortar, 120 mm Towed Mortar and 120 mm Self-propelled Mortar. 1 Konštrukta - Odbrana nastoji da postane međunarodni igrač na globalnom odbrambenom tržištu. Ona poseduje duboko tehničko razumevanje različitih "istočnih" odbrambenih sistema. Oni priznaju da postoji realna potreba u velikom broju zemalja , uključujući i neke članice NATO-a, da se modernizuju postojeći "istočni", kao i "zapadni" sistemi koji su postali zastareli nakon višedecenijske službe. Potreba za modernizacijom očekuje se da poraste kada nacionalni budžeti za odbranu počnu da se smanjuju zbog mera finansijske štednje u većini zemalja. Konštrukta - Odbrana je usvojila i sprovodi NATO standarde i praksu. Konštrukta - Odbrana razvija sledeće sisteme naoružanja: Raketni bacači: RM - 70 Modularni Artiljerijski sistemi: 155 mm haubica SpGH Zuzana i modernizovane Zuzana 2 Minobacači sistemi: 81 mm, 98 mm , minobacač, 120 mm Vučeni Minobacač i 120 mm samohodni minobacač. No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Slovak veterans are helping the Balkan region again. Slovački veterani ponovo pomažu region Balkana June 1, 2014. 1-i jun, 2014. Military veterans from Slovakia, who served in operations and missions in the Western Balkans, were helping again to the people of this region, which had been hit by floods at the end of May. Thanks to the fund-raising, organized by the veteran of the KFOR and UNPROFOR operations Major (Ret.) Oto Beno, got residents Smederevska Palanka and Serbian Lubovija municipalities, ventilation systems for drying houses, two hundred blankets, working clothes and gloves, children's clothing, as well as disinfectants. Vojni veterani iz Slovačke , koji su služili u operacijama i misijama u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, ponovo su pomogli narodu ovog kraja, koji su bili pogođeni poplavama krajem maja. Zahvaljujući prikupljanjem sredstava, u organizaciji majora (u penziji) Oto Beno-a veterana KFOR i operacije UNPROFOR , stanovnici srpskih opština Smederevske Palanke i Lubovija, dobili su ventilacione sisteme za sušenje kuće, dve stotine ćebadi, radne odeće i rukavice, dečiju odeću, kao i sredstva za dezinfekciju. "We learned from media, that floods affected part of the Balkans. We simply could not to ignore it, because we saw the war in the Balkans years ago and we knew how people suffered there that time. Therefore, we decided to help them at least this way – as much as we could. We had only three days for the preparation and departure, but we managed it, "said Major (Ret.) Beno. "Videli smo iz medija, da su poplave pogdile deo Balkana. Mi jednostavno nismo mogli da ignorišemo, jer smo videli rat na Balkanu pre nekoliko godina, i znali smo koliko je ljudi tamo patilo tokom tog vremena. Zato smo odlučili da im pomognemo bar ovako - . koliko smo mogli. Imali smo samo tri dana za pripremu i odlazak, ali smo uspeli ", rekao je major (u penziji) Beno. In the group of organizers was also previously actively serving Warrant officer Milan Fojtík, engineer from Sereď, who served not only in operations in the Balkans but also in Eritrea and Afghanistan. "The mission of the soldier is to help and therefore we could not do the otherwise," he said. U grupi organizatora je i ranije aktivno služio oficir Milan Fojtik, inženjer iz Sereda, koji je bio ne samo u operacijama na Balkanu, već i u Eritreji i Avganistanu. "Misija vojnika je da pomogne i zato nismo mogli da uradimo drugačije," rekao je on. Civil Society organisation Serbian-Slovak Friendship, Lutheran Diakonia in Slovakia, as well as the headquarters of the Ecumenical Pastoral Services of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic also participated in this humanitarian mission. Organizacija civilnog društva Srpsko - slovačkog prijateljstva , Luteranski Djakon u Slovačkoj, kao i sedište Vaseljenskih pastoralnih službi Vojske Republike Slovačke takođe su učestvovali u ovoj humanitarnoj misiji. Sastanak NATO ministara odbrane u Briselu . NATO Defence Ministers’ Meeting in Brussels. 3-i jun, 2014. June 3, 2014. NATO Defence Ministers reviewed collective defence measures in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and discussed preparations for the NATO Summit in Wales, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said at the start of the two-day Ministerial on Tuesday (3 June 2014). “We are facing a new security landscape because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine”, the NATO Secretary General said. “We have already taken immediate steps. In a strong show of solidarity, every single Ally, from both sides of the Atlantic, contributes to bolstering the collective defence, including deployment of ships, aircraft and troops. It really is all for one and one for all”, Mr. Fogh Rasmussen added. Ministri odbrane NATO-a razmatrali su mere kolektivne odbrane u osvit Rusije i Ukrajinske krize i razgovarali su o pripremama za samit NATO-a u Velsu, izjavio je generalni sekretar NATO-a Anders Fog Rasmusen na početku dvodnevne ministarske konferencije u utorak (3-og juna 2014-u). "Suočavamo se sa novim bezbednosnim pejzažom zbog ruske agresije protiv Ukrajine", generalni sekretar NATO-a, je rekao. "Mi smo već preduzeli hitne korake . U snažnoj solidarnosti, svaki saveznik, sa obe strane Atlantika, doprinosi jačanju kolektivne odbrane, uključujući i razmeštanje brodova, aviona i trupa. To je zaista svi za jednog i jedan za sve", dodao je gospodin Fog Rasmusen. 2 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 In the first working session Ministers reviewed the measures to enhance collective defence that were taken immediately after the start of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and looked at the longer term implications of Russia’s actions against Ukraine. U prvoj radnoj sednici ministri su razmatrali mere za poboljšanje kolektivne odbrane koja je bila utvrdjena odmah nakon početka krize Rusije i Ukrajine, i pogledao na dugoročnije implikacije ruskih akcija protiv Ukrajine. The NATO Secretary General said the Ukraine crisis has shown that the range of security threats NATO is facing is increasing and becoming more unpredictable. “We need to make NATO fitter, faster and more flexible. We will do that through a Readiness Action Plan, to make sure our forces are even more responsive, with the right capabilities, the right training and the right resources. This work is already ongoing, but the crisis makes it more urgent”, Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said. Generalni sekretar NATO-a je rekao da je Ukrajinska kriza pokazala da se NATO suočava sa nizom bezbednosnih pretnji koje rastu i postaju sve nepredvidivije. "Mi trebamo, brži i fleksibilniji NATO. Mi ćemo učiniti sve da kroz Spremnost Akcionog plana, uverime naše snage da rade sa pravim mogućnostima, pravim treningom i pravim resursima. Ovaj rad je već u toku, ali kriza čini stvari još hitnije", rekao je gospodin Fog Rasmusen. The 28 Allies also discussed the preparations for the Wales Summit in terms of readiness, military capabilities and defence investments. Saveznici su takođe razgovarali o pripremama za samit u Velsu u smislu spremnosti, vojnih sposobnosti i ulaganja odbrane. Ministers held also the session of the NATO-Ukraine Commission to discuss the security situation in the country and priorities for defence cooperation between NATO and Ukraine in light of the crisis and following the landmark presidential election. Ministri su održali takođe sednicu Komisije NATO-Ukrajina da razgovaraju o bezbednosnoj situaciji u zemlji i prioritetu za saradnju odbrane između NATO i Ukrajine u svetlu krize i za sledeće predsedničke izbore. Drugog dana ministarskog sastanka, NATO - Gruzija komisije održan je i ispitan trenutni status reformi odbrane Gruzije, i planovi za dalji rad. Ministri odbrane takođe su razgovarali o široj regionalnoj implikaciji krize između Rusije i Ukrajine krize. On the second day of the Ministerial meeting, the NATOGeorgia Commission took place and examined the current status of Georgia’s defence reforms, and plans for further work. Defence Ministers also discussed the wider regional implications of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Ministri su zaključili susret sastankom avganistanskog ministra odbrane o ISAF trupama i doprinosima narodu. Visoki predstavnik Evropske unije za spoljne poslove i bezbednosnu politiku Ketrin Ešton i specijalni predstavnik generalnog sekretara Ujedinjenih Nacija za Avganistan, Jan Kubiš su takođe bili pozvani. Oni su ocenili trenutnu bezbednosnu situaciju, napredak u tranziciji bezbednosne odgovornosti na avganistanske snage bezbednosti i planiranje za nove ne- borbene misije NATO-a za obuku, savetovanje i pomaganje avganistanskih snaga posle 2014 godine. NATO Ministri odbrane takođe su razmatrali političku tranziciju sledeći izbore 5-og aprila, uključujući i pogled na drugi krug u junu. The ministerial concluded with a meeting of ISAF troop contributing nations and the Afghan defence minister. The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton and the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Jan Kubis were also been invited. They assessed the current security situation, progress in the transition of security responsibility to Afghan security forces and planning for NATO’s new non-combat mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan forces after year 2014. NATO ministers of defence also reviewed the political transition following the 5 April elections, including with a view to the second round in June. 3 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Heads of the NATO International Military Staff and the European Union Military Staff met for consultations. Šefovi Međunarodnog vojnog osoblja NATO i Vojnog štaba Evropske unije sastali su se radi konsultacija. 10-i jun, 2014. June 10, 2014. Šefovi Međunarodnog vojnog štaba NATO ( IMS ) i Vojnog štaba Evropske unije ( EUMS) sastali su se 10-og juna 2014-u u NATO štabu drugi put u 2014. Sastankom su ko-predsedavali generalni direktori (DG ) obe organizacije; Vazduhoploni maršal Ser Kristofer Harper ( DGIMS ) i general-pukovnik Volfgang Vosolsobe (DGEUMS). Heads of the NATO International Military Staff (IMS) and European Union Military Staff (EUMS) met on June 10, 2014 at the NATO Headquarters for the second time in 2014. The meeting was co-chaired by the Directors General (DG) of both organisations; Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper (DGIMS) and Lieutenant General Wolfgang Wosolsobe (DGEUMS). Ovi neformalni razgovori su deo NATO - EU strateškog vojnog dijaloga, koji se održava od 2003-u. Krajnji cilj ovog događaja na visokom nivou je da se nastavi poboljšanje osoblja - da - osoblje vrši interakciju između IMS i EUMS o temama od zajedničkog interesa u vezi sa bezbednosti, odbranom i kriznim menadžmentom. These informal staff-to-staff talks are part of the NATO-EU strategic military dialogue, which has been on-going since 2003. The ultimate goal of this highlevel event is to continue improving the staff-to-staff interaction between IMS and EUMS on topics of common interest related to security, defence and crisis management. In their opening remarks, the Director Generals stressed the importance of IMSEUMS format meetings and encouraged the continuation of such staff-to-staff engagements since complementarity such events greatly awareness. contribute to the U svojim uvodnim napomenama, generalni direktor naglasio je važnost sastanaka IMS - EUMS formatu i ohrabrio nastavak takvih angažmanima jer komplementarnost ovakvih događaja u velikoj meri doprinosi uzajamnoj svesti. Tokom sastanka obe organizacije predstavljeni su trenutni projekti na kojima mogu da sarađuju kako bi se osigurala koherentnost, uzajamno pojačanje i ne- dupliranje napora . Poslednji deo sastanka bio je posvećen otvorenoj diskusiji o aktuelnim pitanjima . Završavajući diskusije, vazduhoplovni maršal Harper izjavio je, da aktuelni izazovi sa kojima se suočava NATO i EU pozivaju na više koherentne, efikasne i unapređene odnose, kako bi obe organizacije obezbedile efikasne odgovore na brzo razvijanje krize. Oba IMS i EUMS rukovodstva naglasila su da NATO i EU, dele iste vrednosti, interese, izazove i većinu istih država članica, su više nego samo partneri; svaki mogući napor da se ojača njihov odnos mora da se podrzi. mutual During the meeting both organisations presented ongoing works on which they can cooperate in order to ensure coherence, mutual reinforcement and non-duplication of effort. The last part of the meeting was devoted to an open discussion on current affairs. Wrapping up the discussions, Air Marshal Harper stated, that the current challenges faced by both NATO and EU call for a more coherent, efficient and improved relations, to enable both Organizations to provide effective responses to rapidly evolving crises. Both the IMS and EUMS leaderships underlined that NATO and EU, sharing the same values, interests, challenges and most of the same member states, are more than just partners; any possible effort to strengthen their relationship must be pursued. 4 No./Broj: 06/2014. Minister of Defence Ambassador of the US. Jun/June 2014 of Serbia received the Ministar odbrane Srbije primio ambasadora SAD . 16-i jun , 2014 . June 16, 2014. Ministar odbrane Bratislav Gašić sastao se sa ambasadorom SAD Majkl Kirbijem. On se zahvalio za pomoć i podršku koju je Srbija primila tokom poplava iz SAD. Ministar Gašić je istakao da intenziviranje sve vrste profesionalne i materijalne pomoći, takođe doprinosi unapređenju čitave bilateralnih odnosa između dve zemlje. Defence Minister Bratislav Gašić met with the USA Ambassador Michael Kirby. He thanked for the help and support Serbia received during the floods from the US. Minister Gašić pointed out that intensifying all sorts of professional and material help also contributes to enhancing the entire bilateral relations between the two countries. Gašić i Kirbi su se složili da, po svom kvalitetu i kvantitetu, bilateralna vojna saradnja je i dalje najrazvijeniji deo celokupnih odnosa Srbije i SAD. Ministar odbrane zahvalio se na donacijama u okviru američkog programa FMF ( inostrano vojno finansiranje) i GPOI program ( Globalna inicijativa mirovne operacije ) , čiji je cilj da se modernizuje i obezbedi bolja oprema za Vojsku Srbije. Američki ambasador posebno je istakao značaj podrške za evropske integracije Srbije, za regionalnu saradnju i unapređenje vojne ekonomske saradnje. Na sastanku je bilo reči o značaju razvijanja i pružanja opreme za vojnu bazu "Jug" koja bi trebalo da počne da radi punim kapacitetom od 2015-u, kao i Regionalna međunarodna Jedinica za obuku i Centar multinacionalnih operacija. Gašić and Kirby agreed that, for its quantity and quality, the bilateral military cooperation is still the most developed part of entire relations between Serbia and USA. Defence Minister thanked for the donations within the American FMF Program (Foreign Military Financing) and GPOI Program (Global Peacekeeping Operations Initiative), whose goal is to modernize and provide better equipment for the Armed Forces of Serbia. The American Ambassador particularly underlined the significance of support for the European integrations of Serbia, for regional cooperation and improvement of military economic cooperation. The meeting also included talks on the importance of developing and providing equipment for the Military Base “Jug” that should start working with full capacities from 2015, as well as the Regional International Unit Training and Multinational Operations’ Center. Projekat koji bi trebalo da dodatno doprinese kvalitetu saradnje između Srbije i SAD , je zajedničko raspoređivanje medicinskih timova Vojske Srbije i Nacionalne garde Ohaja tokom vežbi humanitarne misije. Obe strane su se složile, da projekti poput humanitarne pomoći su od velikog značaja za uspostavljanje prijateljskih odnosa dve zemlje. Ministar Gašić je najavio da se sledeći projekat humanitarne pomoći planira da se održi u opštini Bujanovac. Tom prilikom pripadnici Vojske Srbije i Nacionalne garde Ohaja će obnoviti jednu predškolsku ustanovu i školu za osnovno muzičko obrazovanje . " Mi smo svesni složenosti procedura za dodelu sredstava za takve projekte, ali, za nas, iniciranje takvog angažmana u jednoj od oštećenih opština tokom katastrofalnih poplava će biti od neprocenjive vrednosti " , zaključio je ministar odbrane. A project that should further contribute to the quality of cooperation between Serbia and USA, is joint deployment of medical teams of the Armed Forces of Serbia and the Ohio National Guard during exercises of humanitarian mission. Both parties agreed, that projects like Humanitarian Assistance are of great importance for establishing friendly relations of the two countries. Minister Gašić announced that the next project of the Humanitarian Assistance is planned to take place in Bujanovac Municipality. On that occasion members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard will renovate one pre-school institution and a school for elementary musical education. “We are aware of the complexity of procedures for granting means for such projects, but, for us, initiating such an engagement in one of the municipalities damaged during the disastrous floods would be invaluable”, Defence Minister concluded. 5 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 General Diković at the Strategic Military Partner Conference. General Diković na Strategijskoj vojnoj konferenciji za partnere. June 18, 2014. 18-i jun , 2014 . General Ljubiša Diković, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia, participated in the „Strategic Military Partner Conference“, which was held on June 18 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Strategic Military Partner Conference is the most important military conference that examines the issues of transformation and future challenges for the countries of NATO and the Partnership for Peace Program. General Ljubiša Diković, načelnik Generalštaba Vojske Srbije, učestvovao je na "Strategijskoj vojnoj konferenciji za partnere" , koja je održana 18-og juna u Sofiji, Bugarska. Strateška vojna konferencija za partnere je najvažniji vojna konferencija koja istražuje pitanja transformacije i budućih izazova za zemlje NATO-a i Partnerstva za mir. Tema ovogodišnje konferencije je bila "Zajednička vojni interes: Fokus na zadatak , interoperabilnost i spremnost za operacije". The topic of this year’s conference was "Common military interest: Focus on the task, interoperability and readiness for operations”. Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije Ivica Dačić na sastanku ministara spoljnih poslova Procesa saradnje u jugoistočnoj Evropi (SEECP). Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dačić at the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). 20-i jun, 2014 . June 20, 2014. Prvi zamenik premijera i ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije Ivica Dačić učestvovao je na sastanku ministara spoljnih poslova Procesa saradnje "u jugoistočnoj Evropi (SEECP)" 20-og juna 2014-u u Bukureštu, Rumunija. Sastanak je održan na zatvaranju rumunskog predsedavanja SEECP-om. Primarne diskusije ministara inostranih poslova vodile su se oko teme kao što su: razvoj u jugoistočnoj Evropi, sa fokusom na regionalnu saradnju kao osnovom procesa evropskih integracija. U odnosu na Srbiju , istaknuti učesnici pohvalili su Srbiju zbog njenog čvrstog cilja spoljne politike - članstva u EU i za napredak koja je ona pokazala na putu da ostvari ovaj cilj, a koji uključuje ambicioznu reformsku agendu , kao i konstruktivan dijalog sa Prištinom. First Deputy Prime Minister (FDPM) and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić participated at the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the „South-East European Cooperation Process“ (SEECP) on June 20, 2014 in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting took place at the closing of Romanian SEECP Presidency. The primary discussions of foreign ministers revolved around topics such as: development in South-Eastern Europe, focusing on regional cooperation as the basis of the European integration process. In relation to Serbia, distinguished participants commended Serbia for its firm foreign policy objective – the EU membership and for progress it demonstrated on its path to accomplish this objective, which includes ambitious reform agenda as well as constructive dialogue with Prishtina. Republika Srbija pridaje poseban značaj SEECP zbog veoma dragocenom doprinosu sprovođenju i nastavku regionalnog širenja dijaloga na svim nivoima i u svim oblastima. U tom kontekstu, Srbija je podržala osnivanje ad hoc radne grupe, gde aktivno učestvuje i doprinosi promociji aktivnosti SEECP. Tri godine nakon SEECP Predsedništva Srbije , brojni predlozi kojima se Srbija aktivno obavezala u svom kapacitetu u to vreme , ugledalo je njihovu uspešnu implementaciju . Na primer, osnivanje Parlamentarne skupštine SEECP po uzoru na parlamentarne skupštine The Republic of Serbia attaches particular importance to SEECP because of its highly valuable contribution to the carrying out and continued regional expansion of dialogue at all levels and in all areas. In this context, Serbia has supported the establishment of the Ad hoc Working Group where it actively participates, contributing to the promotion of SEECP activities. Three years after Serbia's SEECP Presidency, numerous proposals to which Serbia had actively committed itself in its capacity at the time, have seen their successful implementation. For example the establishment of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly modelled on parliamentary assemblies of 6 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 the Council of Europe (CE) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which was further elaborated during subsequent presidencies, eventually resulting in holding of the Inaugural Session of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly in Bucharest this year in May. Saveta Evrope (CE) i Organizaciju za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju u Evropi (OEBS) , koja je dodatno razrađena tokom kasnijih predsedništva , i na kraju dovela do održavanja konstitutivne sednice Parlamentarne skupštine SEECP u Bukureštu ove godine u maju. Serbian PDPM Mr. Dačić in his address to the meeting of ministers mentioned, that he would particularly wish, that the dynamics of regional economic cooperation, so crucial to the stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans, will further intensify with the implementation of the Regional Cooperation Council’s Strategy for the South-Eastern Europe 2020. This Strategy opens fresh possibilities for the establishment of stronger bonds between regional initiatives and the European Union and, among other things, facilitates access to the multi-purpose „Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance“ (IPA) and other interested donors to which Serbia and its institutions extend full support. Srpski zamenik premijera Dačić u svom obraćanju na sastanku pomenutih ministara, je izjavio da će dinamika regionalne ekonomske saradnje , od tako presudnog značaja za stabilnost i prosperitet Zapadnog Balkana, dodatno intenzivirati sa implementacijom Regionalne Strategija Saveta saradnje za jugoistočnu Evropu 2020. Ova strategija otvara nove mogućnosti za uspostavljanje jačih veza između regionalnih inicijativa i Evropske unije i , između ostalog , olakšava pristup višenamenskog "Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć" (IPA) i druge zainteresovane donatore za koje Srbija i njene institucije žele da prošire podršku. Council of the EU mandated the CSDP mission to Ukraine Kiev. Savet EU mandat misije ZBOP do Ukrajine Kijevu. 23-i jun , 2014. June 23, 2014. Tokom sastanka Saveta za spoljne poslove ( FAC ) EU u Luksemburgu , ministri EU razgovarali su na predlog predsednika Ukrajine Porošenka o mirovnom planu i trenutnom razvoju u Libiji, Siriji i Iraku. During the Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) of EU in Luxembourg, EU ministers discussed the proposal by Ukraine's President Poroshenko for a peace plan and the current development in Libya, Syria and Iraq. Savet je pozdravio predsednika Porošenkov mirovni plan i korake koje je preduzeo ka obezbeđivanju mira i stabilnosti u Ukrajini . Sastanku Saveta prisustvovao je ukrajinski novoimenovani ministar inostranih poslova, Pavlo Klimkin, da objasni detaljno njegovim kolegama iz EU situaciju na terenu u istočnoj Ukrajini i uslove mirovnog plana. Ministri su pozdravili pozitivne znake dijaloga između ukrajinskih i ruskih vlasti na višim nivoima, uprkos pogoršanju situacije na terenu. Savet očekuje da Ruska Federacija podržava mirovni plan sa konkretnim merama deeskalacije. Reči moraju sada da se prevedu u akcije. Posebno, Rusija mora da preduzme korake da zaustavi dotok oružja preko granice u istočnoj Ukrajini, i da iskoristi svoj uticaj na separatiste da zaustave nasilje i polože oružje. Savet je takođe ocenio pripremni rad izvršen od strane Evropske komisije, Evropske služba za spoljne poslov e (EEAS) i država članica o mogućim merama ciljane, omogućavajući dalji koraci koje The Council welcomed President Poroshenko's peace plan and the steps he has taken towards securing peace and stability in Ukraine. Ukraine's newly appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pavlo Klimkin, attended the Council meeting as well to explain in detail to his EU counterparts the situation on the plan. The ministers welcomed the positive signs of dialogue between the Ukrainian and Russian authorities at higher levels despite the worsening situation on the ground. The Council expects the Russian Federation to support the peace plan with specific deescalation measures. Words must now be translated into actions. Especially, Russia needs to take steps to stop the flow of weapons over the border into Eastern Ukraine, and to use its influence on the separatists to halt the violence and lay down their arms. The Council also assessed the preparatory work done by the European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the member states on possible targeted measures, allowing further steps to be taken if required and if the situation on the ground deteriorates further. 7 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 The Council also approved the conceptual framework for a mission under the EU's CSDP to assist Ukraine in reforming its civilian security sector, including the police and the rule of law. The mission, which is to be deployed already during the summer, will follow similar lines to the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). treba preduzeti, ako je potrebno i ako se situacija na terenu pogorša. Savet je takođe odobrio konceptualni okvir za misiju pod ZBOP EU da pomogne Ukrajini u reformi civilnog sektora bezbednosti, uključujući policiju i vladavinu prava. Misija, koja treba da se rasporedi tokom leta, će pratiti sličan pravac na osnovu iskustva Evropske unije na Kosovu (EULEKS misija). For Council Conclusions on Ukraine please visit: ocs/pressdata/EN/foraff/143341.pdf Serbia and NATO: Working Together. Strengthening Framework Za Zaključke Saveta o Ukrajini posetite: ocs/pressdata/EN/foraff/143341.pdf for Konferencija “Srbija i NATO: jačanje i unapređenje institucionalnih pretpostavki saradnje” June 23, 2014. 23-i jun, 2014. Supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Centre for Politics and Euro-Atlantic Partnership held a conference entitled: “Serbia and NATO: Strengthening Framework for Working Together”, on June 23, 2014, in the premisses of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Centar za politiku i evroatlantsko partnerstvo je 23. juna 2014. u Skupštini Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine organizovao, uz podršku NATO Odeljenja za javnu diplomatiju, konferenciju “Srbija i NATO: jačanje i unapređenje institucionalnih pretpostavki saradnje”. All conference presentations gave a chance to representatives of Serbian ministries of Defense and Foreign affairs to present main goals of Serbian defense and foreign politics in establishing relations with the relevant NATO structures, bilateral cooperation in the political and security fields with NATO members and partner countries as well as representative of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade to present their role of linking with Serbian authorities. Special attention was paid to the role of the Delegation of National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and its activities, as well as the cooperation in the field of science and education through the NATO program “Science for Peace and Security”. Conference work was encircled by the media analysis, from what perspective Serbian media reporting about SerbiaNATO relationship; what are dominant prejudices and dominant perspectives. Koferencija je organizovana sa ciljem upoznavanja javnosti sa politikom Vlade Republike Srbije (aktivnosti ministarstva odbrane i spoljnih poslova) i osnovnim prinicipima saradnje sa NATO programom Partnerstvo za mir; NATO programima i strategijama u kojima Srbija učestvuje; zajedničkim projektima u oblastima bezbednosti koji se ostvaruju sa državama članicama i partnerima; ulogom i zadacima NATO vojne kancelarije za vezu u Beogradu. Posebna pažnja je posvećena ulozi delegacije Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u Parlamentarnoj skupštini NATO-a i aktivnostima naših članova, naučnoj saradnji obrazovnih institucija kroz program NATO-a “Nauka za mir i bezbednost”, kao i medijskom ozračju, dominantnim perspektivama i predrasudama u medijskom predstavljanju odnosa Srbije i NATO-a. 8 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 President of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Mr. Ištvan Pastor greeted conference participants and pointed out the importance of launching debate about the key strategic issues especially having in mind that time and politics are changing. Serbia-NATO relationships are considered as a topic of great importance particularly when we came to decades-old history of cooperation. The fact is that in 1953 then Yugoslavia, in relation to NATO in terms of institutions and an atmosphere of cooperation, was in a better position than Serbia is today. Today we are in a situation that this cooperation is worser, than it was six or seven years ago. Since then much larger number of people said they trusted and thought Serbia should join to the NATO. At the conference was also presented the project „Drinking Water, Quality Risk Assessment and Prevention in Novi Sad Municipality“ supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Technical Science, University of Novi Sad and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) was presented together with activities of the Environmnet and Security Initiative (NATO is associated member of the ENVSEC Initiative). Učesnike konferencije je pozdravio predsednik Skupštine Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine Ištvan Pastor, posebno ukazavši da se vremena i politike menjaju i da je debata o ključnim strateškim temama važna. Tema odnosa Srbije i NATO-a je važna, posebno imajući u vidu višedecenijsku istoriju saradnje i činjenicu da je 1953. godine tadašnja Jugoslavija u odnosu na NATO u institucionalnom smislu i atmosferi saradnje bila u povoljnijoj poziciji nego danas. Činjenica je i da smo danas u nepovoljnijoj poziciji nego pre 6-7 godina jer je tada mnogo veći broj građana smatrao da Srbija treba da se priključi NATOu. Učesnicima konferencije je prezentovan projekat „Procena rizika i zaštita kvaliteta izvorišta pijaće vode u Novom Sadu“ podržan od NATO programa „Nauka za mir i bezbednost“, a koji realizuju Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu i Univerzitet u Bratislavi, kao i aktivnosti Environment and Security inicijative čiji je NATO pridruženi član. Konferencija je održana u senci protesta pripadnika desničarske organizacije „Dveri“ koji su ispred Skupštine AP Vojvodine razvili anti-NATO transparente, podsećajući na rušenje novosadskih mostova 1999. i paleći sveće za žrtve. Poseta poslanika Parlamentarne Skupštine NATO-a u Srbiji. The conference was held in the shadow of protest of members of the right-wing organization "Dveri", in the front of the Assembly, who presented anti-NATO banners, recalling the 1999 destruction of bridges in Novi Sad and lighting candles for the victims. 23-i jun, 2014 23-eg juna 2014 Ambasada Slovačke Republike u Beogradu koja je inače NATO kontakt ambasada u Srbiji bila je domaćin sastanka članova diplomatskog kora i vojnih atašea NATO zemalja akreditovanih u Srbiji sa članovima Parlamentarne skupštine NATO-a (NATO PA) Pododbora za transatlantsku saradnju za Odbranu i bezbednost. Delegacija NATO Parlamentarne Skupštine posetila je Srbiju 23-eg juna 2014, a sastanak sa predstavnicima diplomatskog kora održan je neposredno pre sastanka delegacije sa srpskim zvaničnicima. Nakon posete Srbiji NATO parlamentarci nastavili su svoje putovanje kroz region i posetili su Kosovo (24-26-i jun, 2014). Visit of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly members in Serbia. June 23, 2014 On June 23, 2014 hosted the NATO Contact Point Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade a meeting of members of the diplomatic corps and military attachés of NATO countries accredited in Serbia with members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) Sub-Committee for Transatlantic Defence and Security Cooperation. The NATO PA delegation visited Serbia on June 23, 2014 and the meeting with representatives of the diplomatic corps took place just before meeting of the delegation with Serbian officials. After visiting Serbia the NATO PA 9 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 continued their trip through the region and visited Kosovo (June 24. – 26., 2014). The delegation was led by the chairman of the Sub-Committee Mr. Sverre Myrlim (NOR) and member of this delegation was also the President of the NATO PA Mr. Hugh Bayley (GBR). Eight NATO member countries were represented in the delegation (CZE, DEU, ITA, NLD, NOR, POL, TUR, GBR) as well as representatives of two associated delegations (ARM and SWE). Delegaciju je predvodio predsednik Pododbora gospodin Sver Mirlim (NOR) a član ove delegacije bio je i predsednik Parlamentarne skupštine NATO Hju Bejli (UK). Osam zemalja članica NATO-a predstavljalo je delegaciju ( CZE, DEU, ITA, NLD, NOR, POL, TUR, GBR) kao i predstavnici dve pridružene delegacije (ARM i SWE). Ambasador Norveške u Srbiji Nj.E. Nils Kamsvag, izaslanik odbrane Velike Britanije u Srbiji engleski pukovnik Vilijam Ingliš, slovački ambasador u Srbiji Nj.E. Jan Varšo i slovački vojni ataše pukovnik Jozef Vystavel koji je upoznao delegaciju NATO-a o političkom i ekonomskom razvoju Srbije, saradnji između Srbije i NATO u okviru Partnerstva za mir, uključujući reformu sektora bezbednosti, regionalnoj saradnji i procesu integracije Srbije u EU. Predsednik Parlamentarne skupštine NATO-a, kao i članovi Pododbora informisani su o pripremi sastanka od strane slovačke ambasade, koja trenutno predstavlja NATO kontakt ambasadu u Srbiji. Oni su takođe zaključili, da je uprkos činjenici da je podrška srpskog stanovništva za NATO niska (oko 13%), Partnerstvo za mir stvara okvir za obostrano korisnu saradnju, što značajno doprinosi stabilnosti, razvoju i prosperitetu celog regiona. The Ambassador of Norway in Serbia H.E. Nils Kamsvåg, defence attaché of the United Kingdom in Serbia COL William English, Slovak Ambassador in Serbia H.E. Ján Varšo and the Slovak defence attaché COL Jozef Vystavel informed the NATO PA delegation about the political and economic development of Serbia, cooperation between Serbia and NATO within the PfP framework, including security sector reform, regional cooperation and integration process of Serbia to EU. President of the NATO PA, as well as members of the Sub-Committee appreciated the preparation of the meeting by the Slovak Embassy, which is currently acting as the NATO Contact Point Embassy. They also concluded, that despite the fact, that the support of the Serbian population for NATO is low (around 13%), Partnershio for Peace creates a framework for mutually beneficial cooperation, which contributes significantly to the stability, development and prosperity of the whole region. Ministri inostranih poslova NATO-a dogovorili su spremnost plana da podrži paket podrške za Ukrajinu NATO Foreign Ministers agreed on Readiness Plan, endorse support package for Ukraine. 25-i jun , 2014. Ministri inostranih poslova NATO-a su se složili na sastanku 25-og juna u Briselu o planovima da razviju robustan savez spremnosti Akcionog plana za samita Alijanse u Velsu u septembru ove godine i usvojila paket mera podrške za jačanje sposobnosti Ukrajine da se brani. "Samit dolazi u vreme kada su bezbednosni izazovi umnožavaju izvan naših granica ", rekao je generalni sekretar NATO-a Anders Fog Rasmusen . "Danas smo naglasili značaj naše kolektivne odbrane ". Ministri su razgovarali sa svojim ukrajinskim kolegom Pavlo Klimkinom i usvojili paket dodatnih mera za jačanje sposobnosti Ukrajine da se brani . June 25, 2014. NATO Foreign Ministers agreed at their meeting on June 25 in Brussels on plans to develop a robust Alliance Readiness Action Plan for the Alliance’s Summit in Wales this September and endorsed a package of support measure to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to defend itself. “The Summit comes at a time when security challenges are multiplying beyond our borders,” NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said. “Today we stressed the importance of our collective defence.” Ministers held talks with their Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin and endorsed a package of additional measures to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to defend itself. 10 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 This includes the creation of new trust funds to support defence capacity building in critical areas such as logistics, command and control, cyber defence and to help retired military personnel to adapt to civilian life. “Ukraine has a clear vision for rebuilding its defence and security sector and a clear strategy for resolving the crisis,” the Secretary General said. He stressed that President Poroshenko’s peace plan is “a major step forward and the Alliance fully supports it,” and called on Russia to create conditions for the implementation of the peace plan, to end its support for separatist troops, and to stop the flow of weapons and fighters across its border. Ovo uključuje stvaranje novih trust fondova za podršku izgradnji kapaciteta odbrane u kritičnim oblastima kao što su logistika, komandovanje i kontrola, sajber odbrana i da pomognu penzionisana vojna lica da se prilagode civilnom životu. "Ukrajina ima jasnu viziju za obnovu svog sektora odbrane i bezbednosti i jasnu strategiju za rešavanje krize", rekao je generalni sekretar. On je naglasio da je mirovni plan predsednika Porošenka "veliki korak napred i savez ga u potpunosti podržava", i pozvao Rusiju da se stvore uslovi za sprovođenje mirovnog plana, da okončaju svoju podršku separatističkim trupama, i da se zaustavi protok oružje i boraca preko njene granice. Ministers agreed to maintain the suspension of practical civilian and military cooperation with Russia. “There will be no business as usual with Russia until Russia comes back into line with its international obligations,” Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said. Ministri su se složili da održe obustavu praktične civilne i vojne saradnje sa Rusijom. "Neće se raditi kao i obično sa Rusijom sve dok se Rusija ne vrati u skladu sa svojim međunarodnim obavezama ", rekao je gospodin Fog Rasmusen. The ministers also discussed ways to strengthen cooperation with partners around the world and how to strengthen NATO’s ability to assist partners that need help in defence and security sector reforms. The Secretary General said: “we agreed that the Alliance will provide such support more systematically and more swiftly. We will work on ways to create a pool of military and civilian experts who are ready to deploy when needed and to strengthen coordination with other international actors.” Ministri su takođe razmotrili načine za jačanje saradnje sa partnerima širom sveta i kako da ojačaju sposobnost NATO-a da pomognu partnerima kojima je potrebna pomoć u odbrani i reformi sektora bezbednosti . Generalni sekretar je rekao: "Složili smo se da će Alijansa obezbediti takvu podršku više sistematski i brže. Mi ćemo raditi na načinu da se stvori fond od vojnih i civilnih stručnjaka koji su spremni da razmesti kada je to potrebno i da ojača koordinaciju sa drugim međunarodnim akterima ." Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the UN Mission in Cyprus. Komemoracija 50. godišnjice misije UN na Kipru. 26-i jun , 2014 . June 26, 2014. Ove godine obeležava se pedeseta godišnjica osnivanja Mirovnih snaga Ujedinjenih nacija na Kipru (UNFICIP). Dana 4-og marta 1964, Savet bezbednosti UN, u svojoj Rezoluciji 186 (1964), mandat UNFICIP je da doprinese povratku na normalnim uslovima nakon nasilja i krvoprolića između kiparskih Grka i kiparskih Turaka na Kipru. Tokom proteklih pedeset godina, UNFICIP je odigrala ključnu ulogu u sprečavanju ponavljanja borbi i doprinosi rešavanju pitanja koja utiču na svakodnevni život Turaka širom ostrva. This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). On March 4, 1964, the UN Security Council, by its resolution 186 (1964), mandated UNFICYP to contribute to a return to normal conditions following violence and bloodshed between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities in Cyprus. Over the past fifty years, UNFICYP has played a crucial role in preventing a recurrence of fighting and contributing to the resolution of issues that affect the everyday lives of Cypriots across the island. 11 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Slovačka Republika takođe doprinosi misiji UNFICIP sa pripadnicima svojih oružanih snaga. Slovački vojnici su koncentrisani u Sektoru 4 u kojoj obavljanju mirovnu službu zajedno sa mađarskim, srpskim i hrvatskim kontingentom. Slovačka je u komandi Sektora 4 cije sedište se nalazi u Famagusti, u kampu General Štefanik. Zadaci u Sektoru 4 uključuju patroliranje i praćenje potencijalne vojne aktivnosti preko 65 kilometara duž tampon zone, sa početkom u istočnom kraju sela Kaimakli i završetkom u selu Dherineia na istočnoj obali ostrva. The Slovak Republic also contributes to the UNFICYP mission with members of its Armed Forces. Slovak soldiers are concentrated in the Sector 4 in which they are conducting their peacekeeping service along with Hungarian, Serbian and Croatian Contingent. Slovakia is in the command of the Sector 4 and the Headquarters is located in Famagusta, at Camp General Štefánik. The tasks in Sector 4 include patrolling and monitoring potential military activity over 65 kilometers along the buffer zone, beginning at the east end of Kaimakli village and ending at the village of Dheryneia on the east coast of the island. Dana 26-og juna 2014-u državni sekretar Ministarstva odbrane Republike Slovačke gospodin Miloš Koterec posetio je sedište Sektora 4 u znak sećanja na 50-u godišnjicu misije UNFICIP. On je posetio kamp Štefanik zajedno sa Generalnim sekretarom UN za mirovne operacije gospodin Erve Ladsousom ." Slovački vojnici su doprineli dobrom reputacijom Slovačke u mirovnoj misiji UNFICIP. Njihov profesionalni pristup značajno pomaže da se stvore neophodni preduslovi za sveobuhvatno rešenje pitanja Kipra. Njihovo prisustvo jasno doprinosi ispunjenju diplomatske misije Republike Slovačke, koja je preuzela uređenje dvo - komunalnog dijaloga između strana u sukobu", rekao je državni sekretar Slovačke gospodin Koterec tim povodom. The British Sovereign Base Area near Dekhelia extends between two points of the buffer zone – Pyla village and Strouvilia village and is outside the area of responsibility of the mission. On June 26, 2014 State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic Mr. Miloš Koterec visited the Headquarters of the Sector 4 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the UNFICYP mission. He visited the Camp Štefánik together with the UN Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping operation Mr. Hervé Ladsous. "Slovak soldiers have contributed to good reputation of Slovakia in the peacekeeping mission UNFICYP. Their professional approach significantly helps to create the necessary preconditions for a very comprehensive solution of the Cyprus issue. Their presence clearly contributes to fulfillment of the diplomatic mission of the Slovak Republic, which has assumed the arrangement of the bi-communal dialogue between the conflicting parties," said the State Secretary of Slovak Republic Mr. Koterec on the occasion. Ukrajina, Gruzija i Moldavija potpisala sporazume o pridruživanju sa EU. 27-i. jun, 2014 . Ukrajina, Gruzija i Moldavija su učinile veliki korak ka bližim vezama sa EU, jer je potpisala sporazume o pridruživanju (AA) sa EU, 27-og juna 2014-u. Pridruživanje Istočnog partnerstva programa EU će značajno produbiti političke i ekonomske veze sa EU. Kako je EU proširena , ove zemlje su postale bliže komšije , i na njihovu bezbednost , stabilnost i prosperitet sve više utiče EU. Bliža saradnja između EU i njenih istočnih evropskih partnera je veoma važna za spoljne odnose EU. Sporazumi takođe uključuju duboku i sveobuhvatnu zonu slobodne trgovine (DCFTA), i očekuje se da donese mnoge ekonomske koristi za Moldaviju , Gruziju i Ukrajinu, nudeći preduzećima pristup jedinstvenom tržištu EU najvećem slobodnom tržištu na svetu. Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova Signed the Association Agreements with the EU. June 27, 2014. Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova took a big step toward closer ties with the EU as they signed Association Agreements (AA) with the EU on June 27, 2014. The Association Agreements will significantly deepen political and economic ties with the EU in the framework of the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme. As the EU has expanded, these countries have become closer neighbours, and their security, stability and prosperity 12 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Ovo će stvoriti poslovne mogućnosti i doneti više standarde za robe, bolje usluge i povećanje konkurentnosti. EU će sarađivati sa vladama sve tri partnerske zemlje i preduzećima da sprovedu reforme i daju pomoć za nadogradnju robe i industrije za potrebnim standardima. increasingly affect the EU’s. Closer cooperation between the EU and its eastern European partners is very important for the EU's external relations The agreements also include a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), expected to bring many economic benefits for Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine by offering businesses access to the EU's single market – the largest free market in the world. This will create business opportunities and bring higher standards of goods, better services, and increased competitiveness. The EU will work with all three partner countries' governments and businesses to bring about reforms and give assistance to upgrade goods and industries to the necessary standards. Vežba „Ravanica 2014“ 30-i jun, 2014 Ministar odbrane Bratislav Gašić i načelnik Generalštaba Vojske Srbije general Ljubiša Diković, sa članovima kolegijuma, prisustvovali su Danu visokih zvanica združene taktičke vežbe sa bojnim gađanjem "Ravanica 2014" koja je izvedena na intervidovskom poligonu Pasuljanske livade kod Ćuprije. Reč je o najvećoj vežbi Vojske Srbije tokom ove godine na kojoj učestvuje oko 860 pripadnika Vojske, a kojoj su prisustvovali i predstavnici Kopnene vojske i Vojnog vazduhoplovstva Rusije. The exercise "Ravanica 2014" June 30, 2014 Defence Minister Bratislav Gašić and Head of the General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic, accompanied by members of the Collegium, attended on June 30, the Day of High Officials of the Joint Tactical Exercise with live firing “Ravanica 2014”, which was conducted at the mixed shooting ground Pasuljanske Livade near Ćuprija. This is the largest exercises done by the Armed Forces of Serbia this year, with around 860 participants – members of the Armed Forces, also attended by representatives of the Army and the Air Forces of Russia. The Defence Minister and the Head of the General Staff evaluated that the exercise had been conducted well. While visiting participants of the exercise, the Minister of Defence stated that, they had shown the highest level of training of units in peacetime. Ministar odbrane i načelnik Generalštaba vežbu su ocenili dobro. Obilazeći učesnike nakon vežbe, ministar odbrane rekao je da su pokazali najviši nivo obučenosti jedinica u mirnodopskim uslovima. Prema njegovim rečima, uvežbavanje je još jedna potvrda obučenosti jedinica Vojske Srbije, a ovakva vežba na našim prostorima nije organizovana od 1989. godine. Ministar je, takođe, istakao da će se ulagati napori da se u budućnosti organizuje više ovakvih vežbi. Govoreći o značaju uvežbavanja, general Diković je ukazao da je cilj da se proveri vatrena i taktička osposobljenost jedinica za izvršenje taktičkih zadataka, kao i provera mehanizovanog bataljona koji je bio ojačan i podržan za napad. Pokaznu jednostranu združenu taktičku vežbu sa bojnim gađanjem „Ravanica 2014“, sa temom „Ojačani mehanizovani bataljon u napadu“, izveli su pripadnici Četvrte brigade Kopnene vojske uz sadejstvo jedinica Prve i Treće brigade Kopnene vojske, Mešovite artiljerijske brigade, 246. bataljona ABHO, kao i dela jedinica Vazduhoplovstva i protivvazduhoplovne odbrane i Komande za obuku. According to him, the practice was another confirmation of skillfulness of units of the Armed Forces of Serbia, and an excercise like this has not been organized in Serbia since 1989. Minister also pointed out that efforts will be dedicated to organizing more of such exercises in the future. Speaking about the importance of the excercise, CHOD General Dikovic stressed, that the goal is to prove fire and tactical capability of units for conducting tactical tasks, and to check interoperability of the strenghtened mechanized battalion. The joint tactical live firing exercise “Ravanica 2014”, whose topic was 13 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 “Strengthened mechanized battalion in attack”, was performed by members of the Fourth Army Brigade, in coordination with units of the First and the Third Army Brigade, Mixed Artillery Brigade, 246th CBRN Battalion, and a part of units of the Air Force, Air Defence and the Training Command. unapredi obučenost komandi u procesu planiranja, organizovanja i izvođenja operacije, kao i da se jedinice uvežbaju za objedinjavanje vatre i pokreta, ali i za izvršavanje taktičkih radnji i postupaka u toku izvođenja napada. Vežba "Platinasti vuk 2014" The objective of this exercise, commanded by Brigadier General Zoran Lubura, Commander of the Fourth Brigade, is to advance the level of training of commands in the planning process, organizing and conducting operations, training units to encompass firing and movement, and to carry out tactical tasks and steps during attack. 30-i jun , 2014 . 30. juna je na bazi „Jug“ kod Bujanovca svečano otvorena multinacionalna taktička vežba „Platinasti vuk 2014“, na kojoj će učestvovati 272 pripadnika oružanih snaga iz Srbije, Bugarske, Rumunije, Azarbejdžana, Makedonije, Hrvatske i SAD. Platinasti Vuk 2014" exercise. Učesnike vežbe je pozdravio načelnik štaba Četvrte brigade Kopnene vojske i rukovodilac vežbe pukovnik Slađan Stamenković i tom prilikom naglasio: „Cilj vežbe je da obukom dostignemo veštine u pravilnom rukovanju i korišćenju neubojitog oružja i u izvršavanju zadataka u operacijama očuvanja mira u multinacionalnom okruženju, kako povećanjem interoperabilnosti, tako i višim stepenom međusobnog razumevanja. Predstojeći zajednički zadatak pružiće nam priliku i da razmenimo iskustva stečena u izvršavanju zadataka na izgradnji i očuvanju mira“. June 30, 2014 On June 30, at the military base “Jug” near Bujanovac, an opening ceremony was held for the multinational tactical exercise “Platinasti Vuk 2014”, whose 272 participants are members of the Armed Forces of Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Croatia and USA. Participants of the exercise were greeted by Colonel Sladjan Stamenkovic, Head of the Headquarters of the Fourth Army Brigade and the commander of the exercise, who explained the main goals of the excercise as: the use of training to achieve skills in proper handling and use of non-lethal weapons and completing tasks in peacekeeping operations in multinational environment, through increased interoperability and higher level of mutual understanding. The joint excercise was meant to give the troops opportunity to exchange experience from peacekeeping operations. Predstavnik oružanih snaga SAD potpukovnik Trevor Holt je učesnicima vežbe poželeo dobrodošlicu na prvu vežbu „ Platinasti Vuk“ i zahvalio Četvrtoj brigadi KoV i partnerima koji učestvuju na vežbi. „Multinacionalne vežbe, kao što je „Platinasti vuk“, omogućavaju nam da poboljšamo našu interoperabilnost i gradimo međusobne odnose“, rekao je potpukovnik Holt. U prvom danu vežbe „Platinasti vuk“ realizovana je posebna obuka ljudstva u upravljanju motornim vozilima i obuka u rukovanju ličnim naoružanjem Vojske Srbije, koje su zadužili učesnici vežbe. Representative of the Armed Forces of the US Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Holt welcomed the participants to the first “Platinasti Vuk” exercise and thanked the Serbian Fourth Army Brigade and partners for participating in the exercise. Multinational exercises, like “Platinasti Vuk”, enable partners to enhance their interoperability and build mutual relations. During the first day of the “Platinasti Vuk” exercise, a special training of crew training in driving of motor Cilj vežbe, kojom je rukovodio komandant Četvrte brigade brigadni general Zoran Lubura, je da se 14 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 vehicles was conducted, as well as training in handling personal arms of the Armed Forces of Serbia. The multinational tactical exercise “Plavi Vuk 2014” took place from June 30 until July 10, 2014 and it included 60 members of senior personnel and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Serbia, 25 members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria, 25 of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Romania, 30 members of the of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 32 members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia, 14 officers, non-commissioned officers and professional soldiers from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and 86 members of the Armed Forces of USA. Exercise activities were conducted in two stages; during the first stage, training of “Nonlethal Weapons” was conducted under the supervision of the US instructors. Multinacionalna taktička vežba „Platinasti vuk 2014“ će se realizovati od 30-og juna do 10-og jula. Na njoj učestvuje 60 starešina i vojnika Vojske Srbije, 25 iz oružanih snaga Republike Bugarske, 25 iz oružanih snaga Republike Rumunije, 30 lica iz oružanih snaga Republike Azarbejdžan, 32 lica iz oružanih snaga Republike Makedonije, 14 oficira,podoficira i profesionalnih vojnika iz oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske i 86 pripadnika oružanih snaga SAD. Vežbovne aktivnosti će se izvoditi u dve faze i to tako što će se u prvoj fazi realizovati obuka na temu „Neubojito oružje“. Obuku će sprovoditi instruktori iz SAD, a tokom obuke će se učesnici vežbe upoznati sa mogućnostima nesmrtonosnog oružja i osposobljavati u postupcima lišavanja slobode lica bez upotrebe sredstava za privremeno onesposobljavanje, rukovanju sredstvima za privremeno onesposobljavanje, upotrebi službene palice i kontroli masovnog okupljanja. U prvoj fazi će se obuka realizovati na bazi „ Jug“ i poligonu „ Borovac“. During the excercise participants had possibility to try using of various non-lethal weapons and trained in procedures of apprehending persons with the use of means for temporary disablement, using batons and means for crowd-control. The first stage of the excercise took place at the base “Jug” and “Borovac” training ground in South Serbia. U drugoj fazi vežbovnih aktivnosti, u okviru teme „ Operacija očuvanja mira“, na poligonu „Borovac“ će se u terenskim uslovima realizovati sadržaji poput pružanja pomoći u borbenim dejstvima, pešačke i izviđačke patrole, kontrolnog punkta, snaga za brzo reagovanje, patrole na motornom vozilu, konvoja i eskorta, zaštite snaga, privremenog kontrolnog punkta, pretrage i blokade i dejstva protiv eksplozivnih naprava. During the second stage of exercise entitled “Peace-keeping Operation”, which also took place at “Borovac” training grounds, different skills needed for deployment in peace-keeping operations: providing first-aid in a combat situation, infantry and scouting patrols, work at check-points, rapid response forces, motor vehicle patrols, convoy missions, escort and protection of forces, searching missions and counter explosive device tactics were trained. 15 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Analysis: Why Montenegro should be accepted into NATO as soon as possible* Analiza: Zašto bi Crna gora trebalo da bude primljena u NATO što pre?* Jelena Milić, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS), Belgrade Jelena Milić, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS), Belgrade One of the main reasons why NATO members should speed up the process of NATO membership for Montenegro is that this would guarantee that the region of the Western Balkans will stabilize additionally. One must still take into consideration chances of armed conflict in Bosnia or elsewhere in the region, caused by constitutional arrangement stalemates and growing nationalist movements which are partly a result of lack of progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration. In case of this scenario NATO would have, alongside Croatia, one more member state which could respond quickly. Jedan od glavnih razloga zašto bi NATO članice trebalo da ubrzaju process NATO članstva Crne Gore je taj što bi to bila garancija da će se region Zapadnog Balkana dodatno stabilizovati. Treba i dalje imati u vidu mogućnost oružanog sukoba u Bosni ili drugde u regionu, izazvan pat pozicijom ustavnih rešenja i rastućim nacionalističkim pokretima koji su delom rezultat nedostatka napretka ka evroatlantskim integracijama. U tom slučaju, NATO bi, pored Hrvatske, imao još jednu zemlju članicu koja može brzo da reaguje. Nažalost, ovakav scenario u regionu, dodatno provociran sve agresivnijim delovanjem „Putinovog orkestra“ (pojedinci, organizacije, mediji i delovi državnog aparata koji šire propagandu Putinove Rusije i osporavaju evroatlantske integracije) - u Srbiji, Bosni i Crnoj Gori, te generalno komplikovana situacija u Makedoniji - ne sme se ne uzeti u razmatranje. Način na koji je Rusija argumentovala aneksiju Krima, koja nema nikakve veze sa Kosovom, može se pre koristiti kao „argument“ za otcepljenje Republike Srpske, juga Srbije, Sandžaka, severa Kosova... Unfortunately, the possibility of such a scenario in the region is additionally provoked by the increasingly aggressive actions of 'Putin's Orchestra' (individuals, organizations, media and parts of the state apparatus who spread the propaganda of Putin's Russia and defy Euro-Atlantic integrations) which - in Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, alongside the generally complicated situation in Macedonia - must not be disregarded. The way in which Russia arguments the annexation of Crimea, which has no relation to Kosovo, can rather be used as an 'argument' for the secession of the Republic of Srpska, the south of Serbia, Sandzak, north Kosovo... the secession of the Republic of Srpska, the south of Serbia, Sandzak, north Kosovo... Ovakvim gestom NATO bi pokazao da poštuje svoje saveznike. Crna Gora, što se u Srbiji malo zna, jedna je od zemalja koja ima svoje snage u ISAF misiji u Avganistanu. Prijemom Crne Gore NATO bi pokazao i da se ne usteže od širenja, koje mu Rusija sve otvorenije spočitava. To je, naravno, „lakše“ raditi kada su u pitanju zemlje koje se granične sa Rusijom, pre svega zato što one kasne sa drugim vrstama demokratske konsolidacije potrebne za članstvo, ali ni tu argument o „pravu Rusije da se buni protiv NATO na svojim granicama“ ne stoji. Turska, Norveška i SAD imaju granice sa Rusijom. With such a gesture, NATO would demonstrate respect for its allies. Montenegro is, which is little known in Serbia, one of the countries who have troops deployed in ISAF's mission in Afghanistan. By granting Montenegro membership, NATO would also demonstrate that it does not refrain from enlargement, which has been an argument of the increasingly open remarks of Russia. This is, naturally, quite 'easier' to do when it concerns countries that are bordering Russia, primarily those that are also late with other types of democratic consolidation needed for membership, but the argument of 'Russia's right to rebel against NATO at its borders' falls short here as well. Turkey, Norway and the USA all share borders with Russia. 16 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Russian intentions in the Western Balkans are increasingly obvious - it is not just a matter of stopping NATO integration, but primarily a matter of stopping EU integration of all three mentioned countries. There are also, of course, geo-strategic interests of encircling the north-Mediterranean region into a community of stable democracies. Another country from the region in NATO also means more Serbs from the region in NATO, which would probably, if even only slightly, give additional arguments for the Government in Belgrade and the leadership in the Republic of Srpska (which is hindering NATO integrations of BIH), to rethink their security challenges and risks more rationally, as well as the potential of their countries to respond to these independently. Ruske namere na Zapadnom Balkanu sve su očitije nije u pitanju samo zaustavljanje NATO integracija već pre svega EU integracija spomenute tri zemlje. Tu su naravno i geostrateški interesi zaokruživanja severnomediteranskog regiona u zajednicu stabilnih demokratija. Još jedna zemlja regiona u NATO znači i još više Srba iz regiona u NATO, što bi verovatno, ako ne zamajac, onda dalo dodatne argumente vladi u Beogradu i rukovodstvu Republike Srpske (koje koči NATO integracije BiH), da još racionalnije promisle svoje bezbednosne izazove i rizike, te mogućnost da njihove zemlje na njih samostalno odgovaraju. Prijemom Crne Gore u NATO, zemlje političkog Zapada bi osigurale velike političke i finansijske investicije koje su uložile u stabilizaciju i demokratsku konsolidaciju regiona bez kojih nijedna zemlja Zapadnog Balkana ne bi postigla dosadašnji nivo napretka, i obezbedili bolje uslove za nastavak spomenutih procesa, koje sve agresivnija Putinova politika u regionu ostruira. By granting Montenegro NATO membership, the countries of the political West would secure the great political and financial investments they made in stabilization and democratic consolidation of the region, without which none of the countries of the Western Balkans would have reached their present level of progress, or secure better conditions for continuation of the processes mentioned, which Putin's increasingly aggressive policy in the region is obstructing. NATO bi brzim učlanjenjem Crne Gore u savez relativno malo rizikovao. Obaveze koje se od Crne Gore još očekuju su u proceduri. Ovo se pre svega odnosi na izmene Zakona o Agenciji za nacionalnu bezbednost (ANB), čiji je predlog nedavno utvrdila Vlada Crne Gore, kao i na Dodatni dopunski protokol sporazuma između članica NATO i Partnerstva za mir (PzM). Preostale obaveze mogu se ispuniti i po prijemu Crne Gore u NATO. Montenegro's membership at a faster pace would be a relatively small risk for NATO. The obligations which Montenegro is yet to fulfil are in procedure. This primarily relates to amendments to the Law on the National Security Agency (ANB), a draft of which the Government of Montenegro recently adopted, as well as the Additional Supplementary Protocol on the Agreement between NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) members states. If not before, as they would be most likely, the remaining mentioned and other obligations can be fulfilled after Montenegro's accession to NATO. By joining NATO at a faster pace Montenegro would gain plenty. This primarily relates to regulating internal affairs for continuation of the much needed EU integrations which the Putin's Orchestra is undermining increasingly loud. Although NATO membership is not a requirement for EU membership, it is obvious that NATO membership brings political stability as a result of reforms in the security system without which, in postconflict and post-authoritarian societies - as are the three mentioned countries of the region - there is no essential democratization. The mechanisms of EU integration are not as explicit and powerful when it comes to matters of reforming the security system, but are complementary with NATO integrations, and together they give the best results. Crna Gora bi brzim ulaskom u NATO puno dobila. Ovo se pre svega odnosi na uređenje unutrašnjih okolnosti za nastavak preko potrebnih EU integracija, koje Putinov orkestar sve glasnije podriva. Iako članstvo u NATO nije uslov za članstvo u EU, očito je da članstvo u NATO donosi političku stabilnost usled reformi sistema bezbednosti bez koga u postkonfliktnim i postautoritarnim društvima - kakve su sve tri spomenute zemlje regiona - nema suštinske demokratizacije. Mehanizmi EU integracija nisu tako eksplicitni i moćni kada je u pitanju reforma sistema bezbednosti, ali jesu komplementarni sa NATO integracijama, i zajedno daju najbolje rezultate. 17 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 This should primarily be considered by those in Montenegro who support Montenegro's EU integrations, but have an ambivalent view on NATO membership. In reaching a decision they can be supported by the conclusions of a series of events recently organized in the region on marking the 65th anniversary since the establishment of NATO, and the 20th anniversary since the adoption of NATO's Open Door Policy.[1] O ovome bi u Crnoj Gori pre svega trebalo da razmišljaju oni koji su za EU integracije Crne Gore, ali imaju ambivalentan stav o članstvu u NATO. U donošenju odluke mogu im pomoći zaključci sa serije događaja organizovanih nedavno u regionu povodom obeležavanja 65 godina od formiranja NATO i 20 godina od usvajanja NATO Politike otvorenih vrata.[1] Predstavnici svih zemalja koje su primljene u NATO od pada Berlinskog zida naovamo istakli su da su, kao posledicu članstva, njihove zemlje iskusile jačanje bezbednosti, konsolidaciju institucija, ekonomski i generalni društveni razvoj. Representatives of all countries that have joined NATO since the fall of the Berlin Wall to date have pointed out that, as a consequence of membership, their countries have experienced strengthened security, institutional consolidation, economic and general social development. Upravo ova bitna kategorija crnogorskog društva bi trebala dobro da prati anti-NATO kampanju u Crnoj Gori koja je više anti-globalizacijska, anti-21.vek i antipremijer-Đukanović-pro-Putin, nego bilo šta drugo. Sprovode je ljudi i organizacije koji promovišu autokratiju umesto demokratije, bez ustezanja plasiraju netačnosti u javni prostor, šire strah i arbitrarno određuju ko su patriote a ko izdajnici, negiraju koncept ljudskih prava, sekularne države, odvojenih grana vlasti, nemaju ništa protiv partijske nad demokratskom kontrolom sistema bezbednosti, pričaju o nepostojećem sukobu civilizacija u Evropi, neretko ceo proces globalizacije vide kao zaveru „trulog Zapada“ - što su sve karakteristike „Putinizacije“[2] kao stila vladanja. Oni koji su protiv članstva Crne Gore u NATO zato što su protiv režima Mila Đukanovića treba da imaju u vidu da u zemljama članicama NATO retko postoje lideri koji su dve i više decenija na vlasti, ali da i te kako postoje snažnije i nezavisnije institucije države, demokratska kontrola sistema bezbednosti i slobodni mediji. It is exactly this important category of the Montenegrin society that should carefully monitor the anti-NATO campaign in Montenegro, which is more antiglobalization, anti-twenty first century and anti-Prime Minister Djukanovic-pro-Putin, than anything else. It is implemented by the people and organizations that promote autocracy instead of democracy, placing inaccuracies into the public sphere without constraint, spread fear and arbitrarily determine who are the patriots and who are the traitors, negate the concept of human rights, a secular state, separate branches of government, have nothing against partybefore-democratic control over the security system, talk about the non-existent battle of civilizations in Europe, often see the entire process of globalization as a conspiracy by the 'rotten West' – all of which are characteristics of 'Putinization'[2] as a form of government. Those against Montenegro's NATO membership, because they are against the regime of Milo Djukanović, should bear in mind that in NATO member states there rarely exist leaders who have remained in power for two or more decades, but that there certainly exist stronger and more independent state institutions, democratic control of the security system and free media. 18 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Pro-EU voters in Montenegro would have to distance themselves very loudly from the anti-modernization and anti-EU trends, increasingly promoted in Montenegro by members of the 'Putin's Orchestra', under the cape of an anti-NATO campaign. If they are against Montenegro's NATO membership, they should give much more convincing arguments on the capabilities of Montenegro to independently respond to global security risks and challenges such as: terrorism, organized crime, migrations, cybercriminal, climate change, natural and industrial disasters and the like. It should also be noted, because many in Montenegro furiously lie to the public, that the Collective Security Treaty Organization is not a Russian alternative to NATO. It is only an idea, without developed mechanisms, common standards, regulations and a command chain - all the elements that NATO has and that make it unique, primarily the provision that refers to the protection of common values of democracy and freedom. For those faced with a dilemma, there are examples of how NATO reacted in cases of major global natural disasters, such as the earthquake in Pakistan, tsunami in south-east Asia, or earthquake in Haiti, as well as how the CSTO did (as it did not). Furthermore, one should not forget that the EU Common Security and Defense Policy, in many aspects complementary with NATO, also lacks a common command structure, as well as codification of standards and procedures. Only NATO has these. Pro-EU birači u Crnoj Gori bi se morali vrlo glasno distancirati protiv anti-modernizacijskih i anti-EU trendova koje sve glasnije u Crnoj Gori promovišu članovi „Putinovog orkestra“ kroz plašt anti-NATO kampanje. Ako su protiv članstva Crne Gore u NATO, morali bi dati mnogo uverljivije argumente o mogućnostima Crne Gore da na globalne bezbednosne rizike i izazove poput: terorizma, organizovanog kriminala, migracija, sajber kriminala, klimatskih promena, prirodnih i industrijskih nesreća i drugog, odgovori samostalno. Takođe treba napomenuti, zato što mnogi u Crnoj Gori besumučno lažu javnost, da Organizacija dogovora o kolektivnoj bezbednosti nije ruska alternativa NATO. To je tek ideja, koja nema razrađene mehanizme, zajedničke standarde, propise i komandni lanac - sve elemente koje ima NATO i koji ga čine jedinstvenim, pre svega odredbu koja spominje zaštitu zajedničkih vrednosti demokratije i sloboda. Za one koji imaju dilemu, neka pogledaju primere kako je NATO reagovao u slučaju velikih globalnih prirodnih katastrofa poput zemljotresa u Pakistanu, cunamija u jugoistočnoj Aziji ili zemljotresa na Haitiju, a kako ODKB (nikako). Takođe, ne treba smetnuti s uma da Zajednička bezbednosna i odbrambena politika EU, umnogome komplementarna sa NATO, takođe nema zajedničku komandnu strukturu, niti kodifikaciju standarda i procedura. To ima samo NATO. Ipak, Ander Fog Rasmusen, odlazeći generalni sekretar NATO, izjavio je sredinom juna da savez neće ocenjivati kandidaturu Crne Gore do 2015. godine. Crna Gora može naći neku utehu u činjenici da je NATO zvaničnik dodao da „nijedna treća zemlja nema pravo veto nad pitanjima NATO proširenja“[3]. Still, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO outgoing Secretary General, declared in midJune that the alliance would not assess Montenegro’s candidacy until 2015. Montenegro can seek some condolence in the fact that the NATO official added that “no third country has a veto over NATO enlargement”[3]. 19 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Is this the case? Da li je to i slučaj? The responses to this statement in Montenegro were expected: The opposition (a strange blend of Serbian nationalist parties and pro-EU-but-vague-on-NATO parties, bonded only by anti-PM Milo Djukanović policies, and pretty exposed to the influence of the increasingly attuned and loud “Putin’s Orchestra”[4] in the entire Western Balkans, without a clear, common vision on where Montenegro should go) hurried to point out that this was a blow to Djukanović, that the Government did not complete their tasks, primarily those related to strengthening the rule of law and reform of the intelligence community. Paradoxically, the latter is rarely mentioned as a priority among them, and has come to the agenda due to Montenegro’s NATO approximation, pushed by the current government and PM Djukanović. The same logic can be applied for the still taboo topics in Serbia - the role of the, at the time, Yugoslav Armed Forces (Serbian and Montenegrin), in the killing of Kosovo Albanian civilians during 1989-99, and how feasible it was to stop them. The debate on NATO membership brought this important topic up among the Montenegro society. Reakcije na ovu izjavu u Crnoj Gori su bile očekivane: opozicija (čudan spoj srpskih nacionalističkih partija i pro-EU and NATO-ambivalentnih partija, vezanih samo anti-premijer Milo Đukanović politikama, i prilično izloženih uticaju sve usklađenijeg i glasnijeg „Putinovog orkestra“[4] na celom zapadnom Balkanu, bez jasne, zajedničke vizije o tome u kom pravcu bi Crna Gora trebalo da ide) požurila je da istakne da je ovo bio udarac za Đukanovića, da Vlada nije ispunila svoje zadatke, posebno one vezane za jačanje vladavine prava i reformu obaveštajnih službi. Paradoksalno, ovo poslednje se retko pominje kao prioritet među njima, i došlo je na dnevni red zbog približavanja Crne Gore NATO, pod pritiskom trenutne Vlade i premijera Đukanovića. Ista logika se može primeniti i na još uvek tabu teme u Srbiji – ulogu tadašnje Vojske Jugoslavije (srpske i crnogorske) u ubistvu civila kosovskih Alabanaca tokom 1998.-99.i kako je bilo moguće sprečiti ih. Debata o NATO članstvu iznedrila je ovu važnu temu u crnogorskoj javnosti. Nekako, istovremeno sa saopštenjem da samit u Velsu neće biti i samti proširenja, Associated Press objavio je priču o desetinama ruskih špijuna u obaveštajnoj zajednici Crne Gore, kao jednom od razloga za odlaganje poziva za članstvo[5]. Opet, da li bi ova važna tema došla u javnost da nije bilo nikakve debate a aktivnosti u vezi sa NATO članstvom Crne Gore? Još važnije, da li i jedan od problema sa kojima se Crna Gora suočava može da se reši kroz proces približavanja, jer postaje sve očiglednije da Putinova Rusija ima plan da uspori i na kraju uguši napredak zemalja zapadnog Balkana ka EU i NATO? Pored toga, tenzije koje se šire u Makedoniji (poslednje u nizu prouzrokovane izrečenim kazanama na suđenju za ubistvo 5 etničkih Makedonaca) sve su češće i prete da se preliju, barem ka Kosovu. Somehow, at the same time as the announcement that the Wales Summit is not going to be an enlargement one, Associated Press published a story on dozens of Russian spies in the Montenegro intelligence community, as one of the reasons for postponement of the invitation[5]. Again, would have this import topic finally be brought to the public, had there been no debate and actions towards Montenegro NATO membership? More importantly, can any of the problems that Montenegro still faces be resolved through the approximation process, as it is becoming increasingly obvious that Putin’s Russia has an agenda to slow down and ultimately suffocate Western Balkans countries’ progress towards EU and NATO? Additionally, tensions spreading in Macedonia (the latest series caused by sentences in the trial for the murder of 5 ethnic Macedonians) are more and more regular, threatening to spill over at least to Kosovo. 20 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 It would be harder to destabilize Albania, a NATO member. Along these lines, would the Albanian state, if not due to NATO membership and reforms and support that it brought, be able to finally enter a village on its territory that openly develops an economy of the scale operation of producing marihuana?[6] Bilo bi teže destabilizovati Albaniju, članicu NATO. U skladu s tim, da li bi država Albanija, ako ne zbog NATO članstva i reformi i podrške koje to donosi, bila u stanju da konačno uđe u selo u okviru svojih granica u kome se otvoreno razvija ekonomija proizvodnje marihuane?[6] Na regionalnom nivou, od Rasmusenove izjave, Rusija i Srbija povećale su broj bilateralnih sastanaka na visokom nivou, najavljujući intenzivniju vojnu saradnju i saradnju u oblasti odbrambene industrije[7]. Iako se navodno nije spominjalo tokom nedavne posete Moskvi premijera Srbije Aleksandra Vučića, Rusija ima velika očekivanja od predstojećeg ko-predsedavanja Srbije OEBSom. Srpske pro-Putin grupe, sa vezama ka Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi, nisu suočene ni sa kakvom osudom od strane države (koja navodno ne zauzima nijednu stranu u konfliktu) za posete zvaničnika Pridnjestrovlja, pro-ruske otcepljene pokrajine Moldavije[8]. Osim toga, situacija u Ukrajini, nažalost, ne pokazuje trend deeskalacije. Dokazi direktne podrške Rusije pobunjenicima se gomilaju. Pažnja Zapadnih saveznika je takođe tanko razvučena, imajući u vidu novu rundu nasilnih sukoba na Bliskom istoku. Pogoršanje odnosa Nemačke i SAD, izazvano obaveštajnim aferama, preti da izazove pukotine, ili barem uspori zajedničko postavljanje prioriteta u datoj situaciji i zajedničko strateško planiranje budućnosti među Zapadnim saveznicima. On the regional level, since Rasmussen’s statement, Russia and Serbia have increased the numbers of highlevel bilateral meetings, announcing more intensive military and defense industry cooperation[7]. Although allegedly not mentioned during the recent visit of the Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić to Moscow, Russia has great expectations from the forthcoming Serbian OSCE co-presidency. Serbian pro-Putin groups, with links to the Serbian Orthodox Church, are facing no condemnation from the government (which is allegedly taking no sides in the conflict) for visiting officials of Transnistria, a pro-Russian breakaway region of Moldova[8]. Furthermore, the situation in Ukraine unfortunately, does not show a trend of deescalation. Evidence of direct Russian support of rebels is piling up. The Western allies are also stretched thin in their attention as the Middle East enters another round of violent clashes. Germany-USA deterioration in relations, caused by intelligence affairs, threatens to cause cracks, or at least slow down the common setting of priorities in the given situation and common strategic planning for the future among the Western allies. Imajući u vidu sve gorenavedeno, Zapadni saveznici bi trebalo da preispitaju odluku da ne daju Crnoj Gori poziv za članstvo u NATO na samitu u septembu koji će se održati u Velikoj Britaniji. Bearing in the mind all of the above mentioned, the Western allies should reconsider the decision that Montenegro would not receive an invitation to join NATO at the September Summit which will be held in Great Britain. 21 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 Excellent cases along the same lines with more geostrategic explanations, with a call for a more strategic vision and decision making among allies, with regard to the region of the Western Balkans, have been recently, after Rasmussen’s statement, made by Edward P. Joseph and Janusz Bugajski, in the article “Long March to Brussels: Why NATO and the EU Must Reopen their Doors to the Balkans”[9] published by Foreign Affairs on June 26, 2014; and by Michael Haltzel, senior fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, in the article “Extend NATO’s umbrella to Montenegro and Macedonia”, published by The Washington Post on June 27, 2014[10]. The mentioned articles also offer a roadmap to resolution for some disputes that are currently impeding progress of the Western Balkans countries towards NATO, especially Macedonia. Odlični primeri duž iste linije sa više geo-strateškim objašnjenjima, uz poziv za većom strateškom vizijom i odlučivanjem među saveznicima kada je u pitanju region Zapadnog Balkana, nedavno su, nakon Rasmusenove izjave, pružili Edward P. Joseph i Janusz Bugajski u članku “Dug mars do Brisela: Zašto NATO i EU moraju ponovo otvoriti svoja vrata Balkanu“[9], objavljenom od strane Foreign Affairs-a 26. juna 2014.; i Michael Haltzel, viši saradnik u Centru za transatlantske odnose pri Školi za napredne međunarodne studije Johns Hopkins Univerziteta, u članku "Produžiti NATO kišobran u Crnoj Gori i Makedoniji", koji je objavio Vashington Post, 27. juna 2014[10]. Pomenuti članci takođe nude i smernice za rezoluciju nekih sporova koji trenutno otežavaju napredak zemalja Zapadnog Balkana ka NATO, posebno Makedonije. U slučaju da Crna Gora na samitu u Velsu ne dobije uslovni poziv, vladajuća struktura u Crnoj Gori, koja je jačanjem napora za članstvo Crne Gore u NATO i jasnim stavom da će svoju spoljnu politiku sve više usaglašavati sa partnerima iz EU i NATO učinila državnički iskorak za buduće generacije, ne bi trebalo da bude razočarana. Uslovni poziv bi verovatno došao i sa jasnijim očekivanjima o obavezama koje su još pred Crnom Gorom, sa nagoveštajima hronologije sledećih događaja i, nadajmo se, sa ponudom za više pomoći u njihovom sprovođenju. Vlast bi trebalo odmah da ih uvrsti u svoje planove, nastavljajući tako da se pokazuje kao sistemski pouzdan partner političkog Zapada. In the likely case that Montenegro does not receives invitation at the Summit in Wales, the governing structure in Montenegro which made a statesmanlike step for future generations, by strengthening its efforts for obtaining NATO membership and through a clear position that it will increasingly align its foreign policy with that of its EU and NATO partners, should not be disappointed. Such a decision would most likely be accompanied with clearer expectations on the obligations that still lie ahead for Montenegro, and with hints on the chronology of upcoming events, and hopefully with an offer for more assistance for their implementation. The Government should endorse these into its plans immediately, continuing in this way to prove itself as a systemically reliable partner to the political West. * A shorter version of this article was originally published by the Danas daily newspaper on June 22, 2014, before Rasmussen’s statement, and is available (in Serbian) via the following link: * Kraća verzija ovog članka objavljena je u original u dnevnim novinama Danas, 22. juna 2014. godine, pre Rasmusenove izjave, i dostupna je putem sledećeg linka: _treba_sto_pre_u_nato.46.html?news_id=283951 _treba_sto_pre_u_nato.46.html?news_id=283951 Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the newsletter publisher or its sponsors! Napomena: Stavovi i mišljenja izneseni ovde su stavovi autora i ne odražavaju stavove urednika časopisa ili njegovih sponzora! 22 No./Broj: 06/2014. Jun/June 2014 1 Round table „20 years of NATO Open Door Policy“ held. 21.5.2014. Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies. Available at: 1 Održan okrugli sto: "20 godina od početka NATO politike otvorenih vrata". 21.5.2014. Centar za evroatlantske studije. Dostupno na: 2 Jelena Milić. #Putinization. 2014. Published in The New Century: Liberal responses to global challenges. Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies. Available at: 2 3 NATO won't offer Montenegro membership this year. 25.6.2014. B92. Available at: 1 3 4 Jelena Milić. Putin’s Orchestra. 2014. Published in The New Century: Liberal responses to global challenges. Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies. Available at: stra.pdf 4 5 NATO signals no new members for the present. 5.7.2014. Associated Press. Available at: ON_HOLD?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT 5 6Russia does not have spies in Montenegro. 11.7.2014. B92. Available at: 6Russia 7 Albania: Marijuana Village. 25.12.2013. Deutsche Welle. Available at: 7 Albania: 8 Russia becoming a strategic partner of modernization of the Serbian Army? 10.7.2014. Večernje novosti. Available at: ml:500153-Rusija-postaje-strateski-partner-modernizacije-VS 8 9 Russian Institute of Strategic Research opens office in Transnistria. 14.3.2014. NSPM. Available at: 9Ruski 10Edward P. Joseph and Janusz Bugajski. Long March to Brussels: Why NATO and the EU must reopen their doors to the Balkans. 26.6.2014. Foreign Affairs. Available at: 10 11Michael 11Michael Jelena Milić. #Putinizacija. 2014. Objavljeno u Novi Vek: Liberalni odgovori na globalne izazove. Centar za evroatlantske studije. Dostupno na: Ništa od ulaska CG u NATO 2014. 25.6.2014. B92. Dostupno na: 6&dd=25&nav_id=867469 Jelena Milić. Putinov orkestar. 2014. Objavljeno u Novi Vek: liberalni odgovori na globalne izazove. Dostupno na: f NATO signals no new members for the present. 5.7.2014. Associated Press. Dostupno na: ON_HOLD?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT does not have spies in Montenegro. 11.7.2014. B92. Available at: Marijuana Village. 25.12.2013. Deutsche Welle. Dostupno na: Rusija postaje streateški partner mordenizacije VS? 10.7.2014. Dostupno na: ml:500153-Rusija-postaje-strateski-partner-modernizacije-VS institut za strateška istraživanja otvorio predstavništvo u Pridnjestrovlju. 14.3.2014. NSPM. Dostupno na: Edward P. Joseph and Janusz Bugajski. Long March to Brussels: Why NATO and the EU must reopen their doors to the Balkans. 26.6.2014. Foreign Affairs. Dostupno na: Haltzel. Extend NATO’s umbrella to Montenegro and Macedonia. 27.6.2014. The Washington Post. Available at: Haltzel. Extend NATO’s umbrella to Montenegro and Macedonia. 27.6.2014. The Washington Post. Available at: 23 No./Broj: 06/2014. 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