Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016


Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Tehnički sponzor i zvanični snabdijevač crnogorskog olimpijskog komiteta
Podgorica, Delta City- I SPRAT
Podgorica, KIDS, Delta City- I SPRAT
Podgorica, BUZZ- Delta City
Podgorica, ul.Slobode 87
Podgorica, ul.Hercegovačka 39
Podgorica, The Capital Plaza
Nikšić, ul.Njegoševa 8
Nikšić, ul.Njegoševa 14
Bar, ul.Vladimira Rolovića
Bijelo Polje, ul.Živka Žižica
Berane, ul.M.Zečevića
Budva, Šetalište- Hotel Budva
Kotor, Tržni centar “Kamelija”
Kotor, Trg od oružja
Herceg Novi, Njegoševa 18
Igalo, ul.Save Ilića 1
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
šoping centar “kamelija”
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Life as it should be
Luštica Development AD Tivat , 85323 Radovici, Montenegro
[email protected]
+382 77 200 104
Dragi putnici,
U ovom broju Luxury Inflighta vodimo Vas kroz
čarobni vijenac planina, šuma, gorskih jezera,
kroz planinski dio države koji, ovih zimskih
mjeseci, živi punim plućima.
Ovo naše, gotovo netaknuto prirodno carstvo,
koje čine pet nacionalnih parkova, zaštićeni
šumski sistemi, autentični prirodni kompleksi,
nezagađena voda, čist vazduh, jedna prava
evropska džungla, najdublji riječni kanjon
na svijetu poslije Kolorada, najduža rijeka
ponornica…., a snijegom prekrivene padine,
okupane zimskim suncem, što grije sve
dobronamjerne i dobrodošle u Crnu Goru, čekaju
na Vas!
Naš crnogorski reljef, među ljepšima u svijetu,
predstavlja prostor brojnih planinskih vijenaca
ispresjecan veličanstvenim kanjonima i okićen
sa preko 35 živopisnih jezera. A vjerujte nam,
sve to prekriveno zimskim pokrivačem izgleda
bajkovito. U stvari, zašto biste nam vjerovali?
Zašto sve to ne biste sami iskusili? Jer mi ćemo
Vam u ovom našem broju dočarati tek djelić
onoga što možete vidjeti, osjetiti, doživjeti…
Dear passengers,
In this edition number of Luxury Inflight we
take you through the magic crown of mountains,
forests, mountain lakes, the mountainous part of
the country, which, during these winter months, is
living a full life.
This realm of ours, the one almost untouched
natural, which consists of five national parks,
protected forests systems, authentic natural
complexes, uncontaminated water, clean air, a
true European jungle, the deepest river canyon in
the world after Colorado’s longest underground
river ...., with the snow-covered slopes, bathed in
the winter sun, which warms all well-minded and
welcomed to Montenegro, waiting for you!
Our Montenegrin relief, among the most beautiful
in the world, represents an area of numerous
mountain ranges rugged with magnificent canyons
and beautified with over 35 picturesque lakes.
And You should believe us, all those areas covered
with the winter blanket looks like the ones from a
fairytale. In fact, why should you believe us? Why
all of this You would not have experienced yourself?
As, in this edition number we will conjure up only a
tiny part of what You could see, feel, experience ...
Montenegro Airlines
Montenegro Airlines, Sektor PR i Brending
Tijana Kavarić, Tanja Knežević Perišić
Ana Zeković
“Mladi piloti”, photo by Nikola Šoškić
Tijana Kavarić, Tanja Knežević Perišić,
Danijela Ivanović, Sandra Nikitović
Lena Bošković
Tel: +382 20 415 561
e-mail: [email protected]
Dragana Đurić, Double L
Sandra Nikitović, Danijela Ivanović, Double L
Grafo Group, Podgorica
Turističke organizacije opština CG, Ski centar
Kolašin, Bojan Kuburović, Luštica Bay, Nikola
Šoškić, , ,
photo by Bojan Kuburović
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
sadržaj / content
Intervju - Predrag Bošković “Djeci je potreban preduzetnički duh”
10 - 12
Interview - Predrag Boskovic “Children need entrepreneurial spirit”
14 - 16
Luštica Bay: Puls crnogorske obale / The beating heart of coastal Montenegro
22 - 25
Obrazovanje u Crnoj Gori: Riječ kroz vjekove
28 - 30
Education in Montenegro: Word through centuries
32 - 34
Zimska turisticka sezona: Svi na planine!
38 - 43
Winter tourist season: Everyone to the mountains
46 - 50
Lonely Planet: Best Travel in 2016 - Kotor
56 - 57
Mladi piloti: Na putu ostvarenja snova
61 - 63
Young pilots: On the way of making the dreams come true
64 - 66
Intervju - Danka Kovinić, teniserka: Slijedim svoj san
66 - 68
Interview - Danka Kovicic, tennis player: I follow my dream
70 - 71
Hypo Alpe Adria Bank - Prestige Top
73 - 74
Montenegro Airlines tarife
76 - 77
Zimski red letenja / Winter flight schedule
82 - 83
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
mr Predrag Bošković,
ministar prosvjete
Djeci je potreban
preduzetnički duh
Moramo još više približiti učenicima osnovnih
škola, ali i njihovim roditeljima, programe,
mogućnosti, sadržaje i kompetencije koje učenici
stiču po završetku srednje stručne škole, a što
im omogućava sigurnu egzistenciju, tačnije
mogućnost zaposlenja i pokretanja sopstvenog
biznisa. Učenicima je potreban preduzetnički
duh, ali i svijest o značaju srednjeg stručnog
obrazovanja i mogućnostima koje ono pruža, kaže
ministar Predrag Bošković za Luxury Inflight
blast srednjeg stručnog
obrazovanja je, inače, označena
kao prioritet ovog Ministarstva, a
iako je urađeno prilično posla, imamo još
mnogo rada kako bi se unaprijedio ovaj
dio obrazovnog sistema, koji treba da bude
usklađen sa potrebama tržišta rada, ali i
tehnološkim promjenama.
Srednje stručne škole su svoje programe,
način rada, izvođenje prakse unaprijedile
u odnosu na prethodni period. Cilj nam
je stvaranje kadra koji ima konkurentna
znanja, vještine i kompetenciju, a koji
je osposobljen za uključivanje na tržište
rada. Sve to omogućava pojedincu lični i
profesionalni razvoj i uspjeh.
Kakvo je stanje u našem obrazovnom
sistemu trenutno? Šta po Vašem mišljenju
treba mijenjati i koji su planovi za
Kada sam došao na mjesto ministra
prosvjete, bio sam prijatno iznenađen
onim što su stručne škole uradile u cilju
modernizacije programa rada, tehnologija,
nastavnog kadra, praktične nastave.
Nažalost, za pojedine od njih još uvijek
postoji utisak u javnosti da nijesu dostigle
standarde koje jedna srednja stručna škola
treba da ispunjava u današnjem vremenu
i upravo je to ono na čemu, između
ostalog, moramo raditi u narednom
periodu. Moramo još više približiti
učenicima osnovnih škola, ali i njihovim
roditeljima, programe, mogućnosti,
sadržaje i kompetencije koje učenici stiču
po završetku srednje stručne škole, a
što im omogućava sigurnu egzistenciju,
tačnije mogućnost zaposlenja i pokretanja
sopstvenog biznisa.
Učenicima je potreban preduzetnički duh,
ali i svijest o značaju srednjeg stručnog
obrazovanja i mogućnostima koje ono
Sve više je odličnih đaka i lučonoša koje
se upisuju u srednje stručne škole, koji
pokazuju zrelost pri izboru budućeg
zanimanja i na taj način grade svoj put
koji će im omogućiti i mobilnost na tržištu
Zato ćemo nastaviti sa aktivnostima na
podizanju kvaliteta srednjeg stručnog
obrazovanja koje će slijediti potrebe i
prioritete privrede, ali i potrebe pojedinca i
društva u cjelini.
Mislite li da učenici srednjih stručnih
škola, po završetku, mogu odgovoriti
potrebama turističkih poslenika?
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Sve više je odličnih đaka
i lučonoša koje se upisuju
u srednje stručne škole,
koji pokazuju zrelost
pri izboru budućeg
zanimanja i na taj način
grade svoj put koji će im
omogućiti i mobilnost na
tržištu rada
Apsolutno, posebno oni koji su završili
dualni oblik obrazovanja. Pored sticanja
teorijskih znanja, jedan veliki broj
učenika, pogotovo u oblastima turizma,
ugostiteljstva i usluga, obavlja praksu ili
radi upravo kod turističkih poslenika.
Tako, recimo, učenici Srednje stručne
škole “Sergej Stanić” obavljaju praksu u
renomiranim hotelima koji su prepoznati
na inostranim tržištu, i usavršavaju se
tokom školovanja, stiču praktična znanja
i vještine i imaju mogućnost da uče od
najboljih konobara, kuvara, poslastičara
itd. Ovakav odnos poslodavaca je ono
što nam treba i što može uticati na
zapošljavanje domaće radne snage.
Znači, u narednom periodu posebno će
se staviti akcenat na dualno obrazovanje u
sektoru usluga, jer je to ono što će donijeti
kvalitet na tržištu radne snage.
Turizam je strateška privredna grana naše
države koja je već odavno prepoznata kao
izuzetno atraktivna turistička destinacija,
zato ćemo nastaviti sa obrazovanjem,
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
posebno profila koji su deficitarni na
tržištu rada. Nastojaćemo da stvorimo još
čvršću povezanost obrazovanja i biznisa
kroz različite oblike saradnje u cilju
domaće radne snage, prije svega mladih
koji su završili srednje stručne škole.
proizvodnje i prerade hrane, zaštite životne
sredine, metalurgije itd.
Svakako da će se pratiti trendovi i potrebe
poslodavaca, a samim tim i tržišta rada i
u zavisnosti od toga će se planirati upisna
Da li to znači da će biti novih programa u
obrazovnom sistemu srednjih škola?
Obrazovni programi moraju da prate
potrebe tržišta rada, znači poslodavaca,
ali moraju biti usklađeni i sa planovima
razvoja opština ili regiona i strateškim
oblastima razvoja Crne Gore.
Potreba, tačnije tražnja za radnom snagom
se mijenja tako da ponuda mora da
odgovori na izazove tražnje, pa smo već
krenuli sa programima iz oblasti trgovine,
turizma i ugostiteljstva, poljoprivrede,
Obrazovani kadar-
azvoj ljudskih
resursa kroz
sistem obrazovanja
je najbolja garancija
da se na najefektivniji
način odgovori stalnim
promjenama u društvu.
Turizam je prepoznat
kao prioritetna privredna
grana i omogućava
zapošljavanje ljudi
različitog stepena
stručnosti i obrazovanja.
U 16 stručnih škola u
Crnoj Gori zastupljeni
su i obrazovni programi
koji daju, između ostalih,
i stručno obrazovan kadar
u trgovini, ugostiteljstvu
i turizmu. U njima se
trenutno kvalifikuje
4 250 učenika. Sva ta
djeca imaju i mogućnost
daljeg školovanja, kako
na državnom Fakultetu
za turizam i hotelijerstvo
u Kotoru, tako i u Baru,
Budvi i Miločeru gdje
postoje privatni fakulteti
iz oblasti turizma.
Crnogorska turistička
privreda biće bogatija za
nove turističke komplekse
i hotelske kapacitete, golf
terene, marine i ostale
sadržaje koje treba da
posjeduju turističkougostiteljski kapacitet
visoke kategorije u
opštinama Tivat, Budva,
Herceg Novi i Podgorica.
Takav razvoj zahtijevaće
obezbjeđenje potrebnih
kadrova, što je prilika za
učenike stručnih škola,
smjera ugostiteljstvo
i turizam, koji poslije
srednje škole mogu
nastaviti obrazovanje,
odnosno započeti radni
odnos u svojoj struci.
Spoj teorije i prakse
- pola vijeka edukovanja kadrova
za turizam i ugostiteljstvo
Škola za srednje i više stručno obrazovanje „Sergije
Stanić“ danas je ustanova koja postiže izuzetne
rezultate. Postignuća učenika godinama su
nagrađivana, kako na državnom takmičenju gdje
su apsolutni pobjednici, tako i na smotrama znanja
van granica Crne Gore. Već skoro pola vijeka, koliko
postoji, edukuje kadar specijalizovan za turizam i
ugostiteljstvo, kaže za Luxury Inflight direktor mr
Zoran Klikovac.
-Škola za srednje i više
stručno obrazovanje
„Sergije Stanić“, obrazuje
kadar neophodan
ekonomskom i
socijalnom razvoju
Crne Gore za koju
je turizam vodeća
privredna grana. Stoga
je, jedan od najznačajnih
ciljeva, ostati vjeran
idejama i dosadašnjim
rezultatima, kao i
unapređenju rada, ističe
Riječ uspješnih
Danijela Đurović,
direktorica hotela „Montenegro
Beach Resorts“
je završila
stručnu školu
tehničar, a
nakon toga je
na Fakultetu za turizam i hotelijerstvo
u Kotoru. Kao diplomirani menadžer
u turizmu dobila je priliku da radi u
hotelskoj kompaniji „Hotel Group
Montenegro Stars“, u čijem sastavu se
nalaze hoteli „Splendid Conference &
Spa Resort“, „Montenegro Beach Resort“
i „Blue Star“ u Budvi.
-Sa pozicije direktorice hotela
„Montenegro Beach Resort“, i kao bivši
učenik Srednje stručne škole „Sergije
Slađana Radonjić,
član Udruženja asocijacije šefova
kuhinja, šefica kuhinje u hotelu
je takođe
Stanić“, koja
joj je pružila
da razvije
svoj talenat
kroz kvalitetnu edukaciju i praktičnu
nastavu. U toku srednjoškolskog
obrazovanja učestvovala je na brojnim
takmičenjima, osvajala medalje, tako
je još više i zavoljela profesiju kuvara.
Po završetku SSS „Sergije Stanić“, 2002.
godine počela je da radi sezonski u
hotelu „Sveti Stefan“ na svim pozicijama
Stanić“ sa ponosom mogu pohvaliti
kvalitet i profesionalizam kadrova koji
imaju diplomu ove škole. Naime, naša
kompanija već više godina ima vrlo
uspješnu saradnju sa ovom školom.
Učenici koji obavljaju praktičan
rad u toku ljetnje sezone pokazuju
dovoljno profesionalizma i ozbiljnosti
u obavljanju poslova iz oblasti
usluživanja i kulinarstva, postižući nivo
kvaliteta pruženih usluga predviđenog
standardima hotela, kaže Đurović.
Ona smatra da na izgradnji dobre
i kvalitetne radne snage u oblasti
turističke privrede treba raditi planski,
postepeno i pažljivo, kako bi se
obezbijedila kvalifikovana kadrovska
struktura i ostvario dvostruki interes
sistema obrazovanja i turističke privrede.
-Taj vid saradnje je upravo put ka
ostvarenju jednog od najvažnijih
dugoročnih ciljeva turističke privrede,
stvaranju najdragocjenijeg resursa, a to
su kadrovi. Za hotelijerstvo se kaže da je
ljudska djelatnost, jer kvalitet kadrova
određjuje kvalitet hotelijerstva, odnosno
i šire, kvalitet turizma, zaključila je
u toj kuhinji. Zatim je 2005. godine
renovirani hotel „Podgorica“ otvorio
vrata za njenu profesiju. Nakon pola
godine postavljena je za šefa smjene,
a poslije dvije godine rada i za šeficu
kuhinje. „U mom poslu jako je važno
pokazati sposobnost, kreativnost,
talenat, timski rad i odnos prema hrani“,
kaže Slađana i dodaje da je često imala
obuke od strane vrhunskih kuvara iz
Italije, Engleske. Potrebno je, smatra
ona, pratiti svjetske gastronomske
trendove i uklapati ih u svoje kreacije,
tako da svako jelo pred gostom
predstavlja jedinstveno umjetničko djelo.
Slađana je na državnom takmičenju
osvojila par zlatnih medalja i pehar,
na internacionalnom takmičenju u
Istanbulu dvije srebrne medalje, na
regionalnom takmičenju u Sloveniji
osvojila je zlato. Ona je dobar rezultat
programa JU Srednja stručna škola
„Sergije Stanić“, što svakodnevno i
dokazuje radom i stalnim učenjem kako
bi investirala u sebe.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
prodaja ekskluzivnih stanova
[email protected]
+382 67 313 312
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Predrag Bošković,
Msc, Minister of Education
Children Need
Entrepreneurial Spirit
We have to get even closer to primary
school students, and to their parents,
programs, possibilities, contents
and competencies that students gain
upon the completion of secondary
vocational schools, and which enables
them to have safe existence, namely
the possibility of employment and
starting of their own businesses. The
students need entrepreneurial spirit,
but also awareness of the importance
of vocational education and the
opportunities it provides, says Minister
Predrag Bošković for Luxury Inflight
econdary vocational education
is designated as a priority of the
Ministry, and although quite a job has
been done, we still have a lot of work
to improve this part of the education system,
which should be aligned with the labor
market needs, but also with the technological
Secondary vocational schools have
improved their programs, way of operating,
performance practices compared to the
previous period. Our goal is to create
capacities that have competitive knowledge,
skills and competences, and who are
qualified to enter the labor market. All this
provides to an individual personal and
professional growth and success.
What is the current situation in our
education system?
What should be changed and what are your
plans for the future?
When I assumed duties of the Minister
of Education, I was pleasantly surprised
by what the professional schools have
done to modernize the program of work,
technology, teachers, practical training.
Unfortunately, for some of them there is still
an impression in the public that they did
not meet the standards which a vocational
school is supposed to meet in present time
and this is exactly, among other things, the
thing we have to address in the future. We
have to get even closer to primary school
students, and to their parents, programs,
possibilities, contents and competencies
that students gain upon the completion of
secondary vocational schools, and which
enables them to have safe existence, namely
the possibility of employment and starting
of their own businesses. The students need
entrepreneurial spirit, but also awareness of
the importance of vocational education and
the opportunities it provides.
More and more of excellent and awarded
students are enrolling the vocational schools,
who are showing maturity in the choice of
future profession and thus build their way
that will provide them mobility in the labour
market as well.
That is why we will continue to raise the
quality of vocational education that will
follow the needs and priorities of the
economy, but also the needs of the individual
and society as a whole.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
More and more of
excellent and awarded
students are enrolling the
vocational schools, who
are showing maturity
in the choice of future
profession and thus
build their way that will
provide them mobility in
the labour market as well
Do you think that students from vocational
education schools, after completion,
can respond to the needs of tourism
Absolutely, especially those who have
completed the dual form of education. In
addition to the acquisition of theoretical
knowledge, a large number of students,
especially in the fields of tourism, catering
and services, is having the practice
or working exactly with the tourism
entrepreneurs. For instance, students of the
Secondary Vocational School “Sergije Stanić”
are having the practice in renowned hotels
which are recognized in foreign markets, and
improve themselves during their education,
acquire practical knowledge and skills and
have the opportunity to learn from the best
waiters, chefs, pastry chefs and so on. This
attitude of employers is what we need and
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
what may affect the employment of local
labour force.
So, in the coming period we will focus on
dual training in the service sector, because
this is will bring the quality to the labour
Tourism is a strategic industry in our state,
which has been recognized long ago as an
extremely attractive tourist destination,
that’s why we will continue with education,
especially of the profiles that are in deficit
in the labor market. We will strive to create
an even stronger link between education
and business through various forms of
cooperation in order to employ local labor
force, especially young people who have
completed secondary vocational schools.
Does this mean that there will be new
programs in the educational system of high
Educational programs must meet the
needs of the labor market, that is needs of
employers, but must also comply with the
development plans of the municipality or
region and the strategic areas of development
of Montenegro.
The need, actually the demand for labor is
changed so the offer must respond to the
challenges of demand, so we have already
started with the programs in the field of
trade, tourism and catering, agriculture, food
production and processing, environmental
protection, metallurgy and so on.
It is certain that the trends and the needs of
employers will be followed, and therefore the
labour markets as well, and depending on
that the enrollment policy will be planned.
Educated Professionals T
he development of
human resources
through the education
system is the best guarantee
that the constant changes
in society are treated in
the most effective way.
Tourism is recognized as
a priority economic sector
and provides employment of
people with different degrees
of expertise and education.
Educational programs that
provide, among others,
specially educated personnel
for trade, catering and
tourism are represented
in 16 specialized schools
in Montenegro. In them
4,250 students are getting
the qualifications. All these
children have the possibility
of further education, both
at the State University
of Tourism and Hotel
Management in Kotor, and
in Bar, Budva and Miločer
where there are private
universities in the field of
Montenegro’s tourism
industry will be richer
for new hotel complexes
and hotel facilities, golf
courses, marinas and other
facilities which should
have tourism and catering
capacity of high category
in the municipalities of
Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi
and Podgorica. Such a
development will require the
provision of the necessary
personnel, which represents
an opportunity for students
of vocational schools, the
department of catering and
tourism, who can continue
their education after high
school or begin employment
in their profession.
Connection of the
theory and practice
- half a century of educating
personnel for the tourism and
School for secondary and higher
vocational education “Sergije Stanić”
today is an institution that achieves
exceptional results. Students’
achievements were rewarded for
years, both at the state competion
where they are absolute winners, as
well as at the reviews of knowledge
outside Montenegro. For almost half a
century of its existence, it educates staff
specialized in tourism and catering, says
for Luxury Inflight Msc Zoran Klikovac.
-- School for secondary and higher
vocational education “Sergije Stanić,”
educates staff needed for economic and
social development of Montenegro, for
which tourism is the leading industry.
Therefore, one of the most important
goals, is to stay true to the benevolent
ideas and to the results achieved so far,
as well as improvement of the work,
Klikovac points out.
Word of the successful
Danijela Đurović,
director of the Hotel
„Montenegro Beach Resorts“
of tourist
and then graduated from the Faculty
of Tourism and Hotel Management
in Kotor. As a graduated manager
of tourism she was given the
opportunity to work in the hotel
company “Montenegro Stars Hotel
Group”, whose part are hotels
“Splendid Conference & Spa Resort”,
“Montenegro Beach Resort” and
“Blue Star” in Budva.
- As director of the “Montenegro
Beach Resort”, and as a former
student of Secondary Vocational
School “Sergije Stanić” I can
proudly praise the quality and
professionalism of the staff who
graduated from this school. In
fact, our company has a very
successful cooperation with this
school for many years already.
Students performing the practical
work during the summer season
show enough professionalism and
seriousness in doing business in the
field of service activities and culinary
art, achieving a level of quality of
services demanded by the standards
of the hotel, says Đurović.
She believes that building of good
quality workforce in the tourism
industry needs to be addressed
systematically, gradually and
carefully, in order to provide
qualified personnel structure and
achieve a double interest in the
education system and the tourism
- This kind of cooperation is the
exact way for achieving one of the
most important long-term goals of
the tourism industry, creating the
most precious resources, and that is
personnel. The hotel industry is said
to be a human activity, because the
quality of staff decides upon the the
quality of hotel industry, and even
beyond, upon the quality of tourism,
concluded Đurović.
Slađana Radonjić,
member of the Association
of Chefs, Chef at the Hotel
Slađana also graduated from the
Secondary Vocational School
“Sergije Stanić”, which gave her
the opportunity to develop her
talent through quality education
and practical training. During
high school she participated in
numerous competitions, won
medals, that’s why she grew
fond of cooking profession
even more. Upon completion
of the Secondary Vocational
School “Sergije Stanić”, in 2002
she began to work seasonally
in the Hotel “Sveti Stefan” on
all the positions in the kitchen.
Then in 2005, renovated hotel
“Podgorica” opened the door
for her profession. Half a year
later she was appointed Head of
the Shift, and after two years of
work and for the Chef. “In my
business it’s very important to
show ability, creativity, talent,
teamwork and attitude towards
food,” says Slađana, adding that
she often had trainings by top
chefs from Italy, England. What
is needed, she believes, is to
follow the world’s gastronomic
trends and fit them in your
own creations so that every
dish you put in front of the
guests represents a unique work
of art. Slađana won few gold
medals and a trophy at the state
competition, at the international
competition in Istanbul two
silver medals, at the regional
competition in Slovenia she
won the gold. She represents a
good result of the PI “Sergije
Stanić”program, which she
proves every day with her work
and continuous learning in
order to invest in herself.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Svetlane Kane Radević 1, Podgorica
Tel: +382 (0)20 402 500
[email protected]
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
a projekat čiji će razvoj potrajati i
narednih dvadesetak godina, Luštica
Bay je, već sada, mjesto na kome se
radi punom parom.
Ipak, s obzirom na to da je riječ o projektu
koji će po završetku obuhvatati 7 miliona
kvadratnih metara i čije će vile, kuće i sedam
hotela po završenoj izgradnji postati dom
više hiljada ljudi, ne postoji bolji trenutak
za važan iskorak ka uspješnoj i ispunjenoj
Protekle godine, kompanija Orascom
Development Holdings, koja stoji iza
transformacije izvanrednog projekta
Luštica Bay, uradila je upravo to. Godinu
2015. obilježili su brojni postignuti
ciljevi, zapaženi rezultati i slavljeničko
raspoloženje, i to ne samo zato što su se prvi
stanovnici kompleksa uselili u svoje nove
domove. Po doseljavanju prvih vlasnika,
Orascom-ov krajnji cilj – stvaranje nove
zajednice, počeo je da dobija svoje željeno
U okruženju prvih završenih apartmana,
prelijepe pješčane plaže, susjednog kluba
Almara Beach i Pool bara, prvi stanari
proveli su idilično i slikovito ljeto, uživajući
u prijatnoj vrelini čistog primorskog
vazduha, vedrom nebu i novom okruženju,
upoznajući svoje prve komšije i privikavajući
se da im jutra započinju uz jogu na
otvorenim terasama, a dani završavaju uz
ispijanje koktela i živopisne zalaske sunca.
Niz organizovanih događaja donio je
posebnu draž proteklom ljetu, a među njima
su svakako bile večeri uz roštilj, muzičke
programe, likovne izložbe, kao i „Zabava
u bijelom”, koja je označila svojevrsno
otvaranje sezone, kao raskošna proslava
priređena ispred novoizgrađenih domova,
uličica, Pool bara i plaže, koja se nastavila do
duboko u ljetnju, zvjezdanu noć.
Međutim, sve navedeno predstavlja samo
jedan dio cjelovitog doživljaja Luštice Bay.
S obzirom da je u planu da se izgradi samo
6% od ukupnih 690 hektara teritorije na
kojoj se nalazi projekat, svi sa nestrpljenjem
iščekujemo još jednu godinu, koju će
obilježiti nova ostvarenja i novi dostignuti
ciljevi. Naglasak u 2016. godini biće na
nastavku radova na F i G zgradama,
koje, kao i sve ostale stambene jedinice u
Luštici Bay, imaju zadivljujući pogled na
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
smaragdno Jadransko more. Izgradnja F
zgrada je počela u oktobru i uveliko je u
toku, dok će radovi na G zgradama prema
planu otpočeti u prvom dijelu ove godine.
U priobalnom dijelu, radovi se odvijaju
ustaljenim intenzitetom. Vremenom će
marina postati središte Luštice Bay, te će se
i od početka 2016. godine, bez prestanka
graditi na lokaciji, koja će vremenom postati
i centralni dio zajednice. Pripremni radovi
na lukobranima koji će unjedriti 176 vezova,
počeli su prošle godine, a njihov završetak
se očekuje do kraja januara, dok će pontoni,
blokovi za vezove i piloni koji će obogatiti
prilaznu i drugu infrastrukturu potrebnu
za funkcionisanje marine, biti u pripremi
tokom ove godine, pa će se jahte i brodovi
prvih stanovnika ubrzo moći usidriti u
neposrednoj blizini njihovih domova.
Sasvim očekivano, Luštica Bay je prepoznata
kao dom kako za miran, tako i za aktivan
Obuhvatajući sve - od mirnih jutara, čiji
spokoj narušavaju jedino ptice i leptiri
u svom razigranom letu iznad ljudi koji
se sunčaju na plaži, pa do izletničkih i
biciklističkih tura koje pružaju priliku da
se osvoje razni krivudavi, izazovni puteljci
i staze koje vijugaju prema planinskim
vrhovima, dani u Luštici Bay mogu se
provesti zaista raznoliko.
Biti u prilici da svjedočite tome kako ova
predivna lokacija, koja je nekada bila gotovo
samo kamenjar, postaje dom jedne nove
zajednice, čiji apartmani na obali mora,
vile na padinama i butik hoteli služe na čast
crnogorskoj arhitekturi i kulturi, čini da ste
zaista ponosni što ste dio ovog projekta.
Vođeni iskrenom težnjom za očuvanjem
prirodne sredine, tradicije, kulturnog
naslijeđa i netaknute ljepote, Luštica Bay nije
nalik nijednom drugom rezidencijalnom
projektu i uliva divljenje, čak i u ovoj ranoj
fazi sa prodatih impresivnih 154 stambenih
jedinica i još 89 koje će se izgraditi u 2016.
godini. Svakako, uz sve planove predviđene
tokom ove godine, posebna je vijest vezana
za fascinantnu tvrđavu Mamula, koju je u
19. vijeku sagradio austrougarski general
Lazar Mamula u pokušaju da odbrani
Bokokotorski zaliv od ulaska neprijateljske
vojske, kojoj će Orascom udahnuti novi
život i drugačiju namjenu, i pretvoriti je u
prvu i za sada jedinu hotel spa zonu na moru
u Crnoj Gori.
Samo nekoliko kilometara dalje, život
nastavlja da pruža laskave mogućnosti
stanovnicima kompleksa Luštica Bay – uz
fantastičnu lokaciju i ispunjenu budućnost
na pomolu, očekuje nas još puno idiličnih
ljeta, poput onog 2015. godine.
The Beating Heart
of Coastal
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
or a development that will spend the
next twenty years, or so, in construction,
Luštica Bay is already a remarkably
busy place. But as a project that will, at its
completion, span a cool 7 million square
metres and house thousands of people within
its villas, townhouses and seven on-site hotels,
there is certainly no time like the present to
begin making grand strides towards the goals
set for its rich, fulfilling future.
In the last year Orascom Development
Holdings, who are behind the transformation
of the luxury lifestyle project of Luštica Bay,
have done exactly this. For 2015 proved to be
filled with achieved milestones, results and
was ultimately a time of celebration, not least
because it saw residents settle into their new
homes for the very first time. With the arrival
of these inaugural homeowners, Orascom and
the project’s ultimate aim – the formation of a
community - began to take shape. Around the
completed apartments, the white-sand beach,
the adjacent Almara Beach Club and the Pool
Bar, Luštica Bay’s first residents spent a balmy,
clear-skied and utterly picturesque summer,
enjoying their new environment, meeting their
neighbours and becoming accustomed to the
fact that days beginning with rooftop yoga and
ending with sunset cocktails, was their new
norm. A string of events peppered the season’s
calendar, one which included barbeques, live
music, art exhibitions, as well as cocktail-led
affairs, such as August’s ‘White Party’, which
served very much as a summer opener, a
flamboyant bash hosted around the houses,
paths and Luštica Bay’s pool bar and beach,
that went on into the starry night.
No one, however, is complacent. While only
6% of the 690 hectares that will make up the
entirety of Luštica Bay is being developed,
everyone connected to it is looking forward
to yet another fast-paced year of completed
aims and achieved milestones. A highlight for
2016 includes progress with both the F and
G buildings – all still, like every residence at
Luštica Bay, commanding jaw-dropping vistas
out to the emerald Adriatic sea – have updates,
too. The F buildings commenced construction
in October and are hence well under way, while
work on the G buildings begins early this year.
Out on the water, there is yet more growth. The
marina will, in time, become a focus point for
Luštica Bay, and in early 2016, there is certainly
no falling behind with regards to the build of
what will eventually become a central part of
the community. Preparatory, civil work began
on the 176 berth marina breakwaters last year
and can be expected to complete at the end of
January, while pontoons, mooring blocks and
the pylons which will help support gangway
access and other infrastructure needed for
marine life, will all be considered this year,
meaning yachts and boats pertaining to the
various homeowners, can soon start to be
accommodated on the water front.
As ever, life at Luštica Bay is either for the
sedentary or for the active. Encompassing
everything from serene mornings, disturbed
only by fast-flying swifts and butterflies
hovering above sunbathers on the beach,
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
to hikers and cyclists who scale the various
meandering challenging paths that snake up
into the mountains up ahead, daily life really
is varied. To witness this astonishing site,
once made up mostly of rubble, become the
home to a living community, whose everincreasing number of seafront apartments,
hillside villas and boutique hotels pay homage
to the historical Montenegrin architecture and
culture, is a proud feat for all involved.
With its committed promise to respect the
country’s natural environment, traditions,
historic culture and inherent beauty, Luštica
Bay is a residential project like no other, aweinspiring even at this early a stage with an
impressive 154 units sold and around 89 to be
built in 2016. However, with all its objectives to
come to fruition in 2016, along with the recent
news that the intriguing site of Mamula – a
fortress built in the 19th Century by AustroHungarian General Lazar Mamula as a way
to defend the entrance to the Boka Bay from
enemies - is set to be revived and ultimately
trasnformed by Orascom into the first and
only hotel-spa-leisure at-sea destination of
its kind in the country only a few miles away,
life continues to promise wonderful things for
the homeowners of Luštica Bay – a beautiful
situation, a rich future and most importantly
of all, many more idyllic summers like that of
2015, to come.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
kroz vjekove
Crna Gora, kao stara država, kolijevka je čudesnih pojava,
tekstova, spomenika kulture i umjetnosti odvajkada. Tako je
crnogorska pismenost utemeljena kad i prva njena država
Duklja, kaže prof dr Božidar Šekularac, akademik Dukljanske
akademije nauka i umjetnosti. Preko skriptorija (pisarnica,
prepisivačkih centara) i rukopisnih knjiga, crnogorska
pismenost i književnost zasnovane su u basenu Skadarskog
jezera, iako su Primorje, doline Lima, Pive i Tare tome dali
značajan doprinos
„Prvo mjesto” tih čudesnih
nalaza je najstariji južnoslovenski
istorijsko-literarni spis: “Ljetopis
Popa Dukljanina” ili “Barski
rodoslov”, nastao u Baru,
smatra se polovinom XII vijeka,
“crnogorskim iskonom i temeljnim
dijelom istorije Crne Gore”. U
skladu sa stavovima latinske
srednjovjekovne istoriografije,
autor, sveštenik Dukljanski, Gote
i Slavene smatra istim narodom,
pa svoju istoriju Kraljevstva
Slavena počinje doseljavanjem
Gota u oblast bivše rimske
provincije Prevalis (današnja Crna
Gora), krajem 5. vijeka. Posebno
značajnim ističu se, takođe, povelje
dukljanskih vladara o lokrumskim
i mljetskim ispravama, toponimi i
sakralni objekti.
Miroslavljevo jevanđelje je temelj
crnogorske ćirilske pismenosti i
prvi je i najznačajniji predstavnik
zetske, odnosno zetsko-humske
škole i svjedok razvijene pisarske
kaligrafske tradicije u Duklji/Zeti i
Zahumlju. Tu su i Zetski zakonik,
notarske knjige, tipika Nikona
Crnogorca, Dioptri Sv. Trojice u
Pljevljima, Kotorski statut i statut
grada Budve.
I zetski vladari Balšići pisali su
povelje i rukopise, a sačuvano
je njih petnaestak povelja, dok
su najvrjedniji rukopisi Prolog,
Cetinjski psaltir, Gorički zbornik
Jelene Balšić, pa od kraja 14 16.vijeka niz tekstova kao što su:
“Epoha Crnojevića”, “Gusinjski
molitvenik”, “Rukopisi moračkog
manastira”, “Podgorički ljetopis ”,
“Manastir Ostrog” i mnogi drugi.
Tu su i brojni testamenti
crnogorskih vladara i visokih
zvaničnika toga vremena:
Testament Jelene Balšić, 1443/44.
godine, Testament Đurđa
Crnojevića iz 1499. godine,
Testament guvernadura Jovana
Radonjića, kasnije Testament Petra
I Petrovića Njegoša, “Poslanice Sv.
Petra Cetinjskog”, “Sinđelije Petra I
Petrovića Njegoša”…
Od davnina su u Crnoj Gori
nastajale knjige, pisane i štampane
i vršile svoju misiju neugasivog
ognjišta crnogorske duhovnosti
i predstavljale inspirativno vrelo
kulturnih pregnuća, ocjenjuju
Štamparija Crnojevića, iz 1493.
godine, koju je na Cetinju osnovao
Đurađ Crnojević, sin Ivanov,
osnivača Cetinja, inače jednog
od najznačajnijih ličnosti ukupne
crnogorske istorije.
Štampariju je kupio u Mlecima
i u njoj štampao prve knjige
na jugoistoku Evrope. Đurađ
Crnojević je bio obrazovan čovjek
i ljubitelj knjige, a štampariju
za “pečatanje knjiga” podario je
svome narodu kao nastavljač i
nasljednik slavnih predhodnika.
Inače, ovo je bila prva državna
štamparija u evropskoj istoriji.
Nezaobilazno vrelo nadahnuća
i ponos današnje Crne Gore je
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
štamparsko blago
Iz tipografije
izašlo je,
koliko se do
sada zna, 5
djela, kao i
koje nijesu
sačuvane. Ipak, pravo blago su:
3. Psaltir, koja je s tehničke strane
najsavremenija, a naročito se
ističe po ljepoti naslovnih slova i
1. Oktoih prvoglasnik, štampan
tokom 1493, godine, a završen
4. januara 1494. godine. To je
najznačajnija i najviše korišćena
bogoslužna knjiga pravoslavne
crkve, nastala još u osmom vijeku.
5. Četvorojevanđelje, štampano
vjerovatno 1496. godine. Do sada
nije pronađen nijedan primjerak
ove knjige i o njemu se saznaje
na osnovu podataka da je prijepis
„izvod od formi Crnojević od
složenija Makarija” urađen 1548.
2. Oktoih petoglasnik, štampan
vjerovatno u toku 1494. godine
prva je ilustrovana južnoslovenska
knjiga koja je sačuvana samo u
fragmentima koji čine jedva 1/6
4. Molitvenik, koja je prvobitno
sadržala tekstove liturgija za
posebne potrebe, koji je takođe
sačuvan samo u fragmentima.
Najpotpuniji je onaj iz manastira
Trojice u Pljevljima koji sadrži
184 stranice.
naučnici, kulturni i javni radnici,
revolucionari... Opstajanje ove
škole, prema nekim podacima,
trajalo je čitav vijek, a škola se
izmještala od Manastira, do
Biljarde i privatnih kuća. Sto
godina kasnije, 1934. godine,
dobila je novu zgradu u kojoj je
i sada.
Do tada se, inače, prosvjetno
obrazovanje svodilo na
manastirske škole ili upućivanje
darovitijih mladića, iz uglednih
porodica u inostranstvo, zbog
osposobljavanja za crkvene ili
glavarske plemenske dužnosti.
Istorija je zabilježila da je u
vrijeme knjaza Danila, na
Cetinju 1855. godine otvorena
škola internatskog karaktera,
iz koje su mladići nastavljali
školovanje u inostranstvu. Knjaz
Đevojački institut
na Cetinju
prva škola
Osnivanje svjetovnih škola
datira iz vremena crnogorskog
vladike Petra II Petrovića
Njegoša. Prvu školu, prema
nekim podacima osnovao je
1833. godine u Dobrskom Selu,
kod Cetinja, a prema drugim
izvorima prva svjetovna škola
osnovana je godinu kasnije na
Cetinju. Postoje i neki podaci
koji ukazuju da je, tri decenije
prije škole na Cetinju, osnovana
škola u Morinju, jer u Ljetopisu
Morinjske škole, iz decembra
1803. godine, piše da su na
Svrčku u kući Pavla Tripova
Matkovića i njegove žene
Andrijane, rođene Vojvodić,
stanovnici tog malog mjesta,
vidjevši što ostali narodi rade,
odlučili da u svom mjestu
“zavedu kakvu učionu, nadajući
se da će kroz nju i svoj narod
progledati i osvijestiti se”. Prema
sačuvanim podacima, školske
1833/1834. godine u Crnoj Gori
postojale su četiri škole i 73
učenika. Deset godina kasnije
114 učenika obrazovalo se u šest
škola, a školske 1853/54. godine u
devet škola bilo je 274 učenika.
Najstarija škola
na Cetinju
Petar II Petrović Njegoš je,
prema dostupnim podacima,
1833. godine po povratku iz
Petrograda, donio nekoliko
stotina knjiga, spakovanih u 11
sanduka i već naredne godine
na Cetinju je osnovao školu.
Bila je smještena u Cetinjskom
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
je, zanimljivo, umjesto Njegoševe
štamparije, koja je 1853. godine
pretopljena u olovna zrna za
vrijeme Omer-pašinog napada,
izgradio novu štampariju.
Osnovnih škola u Crnoj
Gori do 1871. godine je
bilo 41, što je bilo značajno
uvećanje, ali ni iz daleka nije
zadovoljilo crnogorske potrebe
u obrazovanju. Zahvaljujući
vizionarstvu kralja Nikole, broj
škola je početkom XX vijeka
iznosio 101, od kojih je državnih
bilo 75. Gimnazije su otvorene
na Cetinju 1880. u Podgorici
1907. u Nikšiću, Beranama i
Peći 1913. (Zgrada Kraljevskog
pozorišta, Zetski dom, izgrađena
je 1885.) U ovom periodu
izlazilo je i nekoliko nedjeljnih
novina, književnih časopisa i
stručnih publikacija.
manastiru, imala je 21 đaka i
prvi učitelj je bio Petar Ćirković
iz Kotora. U prvim decenijama
iz ove škole izlazio je kadar koji
je bio oslonac državne vlasti i
administracije, perjanici, glavari,
senatori, učitelji, a kasnije su
njeni đaci postajali poznati
crtanje, pjevanje,
muzika), te
logika, nauka
o odgoju i
Đevojački institut na Cetinju
je bio specijalizovani zavod
za djevojčice u Knjaževini Kraljevini Crnoj Gori; osnovan
je 1869. godine, a radio (s
prekidom zbog ratova 1876 1878.) do 1913. godine.
Predmeti su bili: Zakon Božji,
Maternji jezik, Ruski jezik,
Francuski jezik, Matematika,
Realije (geografija/zemljopis,
istorija, botanika, mineralogija,
zoologija, fizika i kemija),
Tehnika (ženski ručni vez,
domaćinstvo, kaligrafija,
U početku su
polaznice Instituta bile djevojčice
crnogorskih glavara iz imućnijih
kuća, kao što su kćerke vojvoda:
Marka Miljanova, Stanka
Radonjića i Gavra Vukotića.
Kasnije su dolazile djevojke iz
mnogih mjesta i van Crne Gore.
“Do jubilarne 1910. godine
diplomiralo je 140 učenica:
86 iz Crne Gore, 32 iz Boke i
Dalmacije, šest iz Bosne, tri iz
Hercegovine, po dvije iz Srbije,
Hrvatske i Albanije, po jedna iz
Slovenije, Slavonije, Bugarske i
prva matura
Prva crnogorska matura
predstavljala je značajan
društveni događaj, pa je
tadašnjem maturskom ispitu
prisustvovao i kralj Nikola i sam
postavljao pitanja. Svih prvih 14
maturanata kralj je odlikovao
medaljom za revnost i svima
dodijelio stipendije za školovanje
u inostranstvu.
Svetog Petra Cetinjskog
Petar I Petrović Njegoš (1748-1830) izuzetna
je ličnost crnogorske istorije, možda i najveća
– milenijumska. Govoriti o obrazovanju, a ne
pomenuti njegove sačuvane 332 poslanice - posebnu
književnu vrstu iznjedrenu upravo u Crnoj Gori,
nezamislivo je. Petar I je svojim Poslanicama mirio
zavađena plemena, zvao u borbu protiv neprijatelja,
nadahnjivao i hrabrio, a snagom svoje ličnosti,
za života postao svetac, čije je glavno oružje bila
- RIJEČ. Poslanice je pisao narodu, plemenima,
bratstvima i glavarima i na taj način komunicirao
sa njima, nastojeći da se oslobode svega što se kosi
sa elementarnom etikom i normama običajnog i
pisanog prava.
O Crnogorci! O Crnogorci!
Tako vi svega što vam je najmilije, tako vi ovoga
i onoga svijeta, tako vi duše i obraza, tako vi
jučerašnjice i śutrašnjice, tako vi dana današnjega.
Tako vi vaše đece, tako vi neba i mora na njinim
rukama, tako vi dana na njinom licu , tako vi sunca
u njinom glasu. Ne budite tuđa metla i lopata, ne
ližite tuđe šake, ne obijajte tuđe pragove, ne dajte se
varati , ne dajte se kupovati, ne budite tuđa sreća,
vrćite se sebi i svome.…Pod svoje nebo, na okup oko
svoga sunca, O Crnogorci! O Crnogorci!
( Poslanice Sv. Petra Cetinjskog)
Danas su Univerziteti…
rna Gora je danas država
u kojoj se školuje kadar
gotovo svih obrazovnih
profila. Univerzitet Crne
Gore najstarija je ustanova
visokog obrazovanja. Neke
od njegovih jedinica, poput
Pravnog, Ekonomskog i
Tehničkog fakulteta, Istorijskog
instituta i viših škola iz kojih
su kasnije nastali fakulteti,
postoje i duže od njegovog
formalnog osnivanja. Dan
Univerziteta obilježava se
29. aprila, jer je tog dana
1974. godine formirana
Skupština koja će upravljati
Univerzitetom u Titogradu,
sastavljenom od Ekonomskog,
Tehničkog i Pravnog fakulteta,
Pedagoške akademije, Više
pomorske škole i Istorijskog,
Poljoprivrednog i Instituta
za biološka i medicinska
istraživanja. Godinu kasnije,
Univerzitet je promijenio ime u
Univerzitet ,,Veljko Vlahović“,
a od 1992. godine nosi naziv
Univerzitet Crne Gore. Iz
Pedagoške akademije, a
kasnije Nastavničkog fakulteta,
formiran je Filozofski fakultet,
a 1978. godine iz odsjeka
Tehničkog fakulteta nastali
su Elektrotehnički, Mašinski i
Metalurški fakultet. U vrijeme
svog osnivanja, Univerzitet
je imao 11 hiljada studenata.
Danas, Univerzitet ima 20
fakulteta, 3 instituta i jedan
samostalni studijski program.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
ontenegro, as an old
state, is the cradle of the
miraculous phenomena, texts,
monuments of culture and art
since time immemorial. Thus,
the Montenegrin literacy
was founded at the same
time as its first state Doclea
(Duklja), says Prof. Božidar
Šekularac, Ph.D, academician
of the Doclean Academy
of Sciences and Arts. By
means of the scriptorium
(administrative offices,
centers of transcription) and
manuscripts, Montenegrin
literacy and literature were
founded in the Skadar Lake
basin, although the Coastline
area, valleys of Lim, Piva
and Tara made a significant
and Slavs the same people, and
his history of the Kingdom of the
Slavs he began with the arrival of
the Goths in the area of the former
Roman province Prevalis (modern
Montenegro), at the end of the 5th
century. As especially significant,
also the Charters of the Doclean
rulers on the Lokrum and Mljet
documents, toponyms and shrines
are worth mentioning.
first place” of these
miraculous findings
is the oldest South Slavic literaryhistorical record, “The Chronicle
of the Priest Dukljanin” or “The
Bar Genealogy”, originated in
Bar, as it’s deemed in mid-twelfth
century, “Montenegrin origin and
a fundamental part of the history
of Montenegro.” In accordance
with the views of the Latin
medieval historiography, author,
Priest of Duklja, considered Goths
around fifteen charters were
preserved, while the most valuable
manuscripts are Prologue, Cetinje
Psalter, Gorica Collection of Jelena
Balšić, and from the end of the 14
to 16th century a number of texts
such as: “The era of Crnojevići”
“Gusinje prayer”, “Manuscripts of
the Morača monastery”, “Chronicle
of Podgorica”, “Ostrog Monastery”
and many others.
they carried out their mission
of the unquenchable hearth of
Montenegrin spirituality and
represented the inspiring source
of cultural endeavors, observe the
The inevitable source of inspiration
and pride of today’s Montenegro
is The Pressroom of Crnojevići,
from 1493, which was founded in
Cetinje by Đurađ Crnojević, son
of Ivan, the founder of Cetinje,
There are also numerous
Miroslav’s Gospel is the
and one of the most important
testaments of the Montenegrin
foundation of the Cyrillic
figures of the overall Montenegrin
rulers and high-ranking officials
Montenegrin literacy and is the
from that time: Testament of Jelena history.
first and the most important
Balšić, from 1443/44, Testament
representative of Zeta’s, or ZetaHe bought the printing press in
of Đurađ Crnojević from 1499,
Hum’s school and witness of the
Testament of the gubernator Jovan Venice and used it to print the first
developed scribal calligraphic
books in the southeast of Europe.
Radonjić, later Testament of Petar
tradition in Doclea / Zeta and
Đurađ Crnojević was an educated
I Petrović Njegoš, “The Epistles of
Zahumlje. There are also Zeta
man and a book-lover, and he
St. Peter of Cetinje “, “Religious
Code, notary books, typikon of
verses (sinđelije) of Petar I Petrović bestowed the printing press for
Nikon Montenegrin, Diopter of
“stamping books” to his people as
St. Trinity in Pljevlja, Kotor statute Njegoš”…
a continuator and successor of the
and the statute of the city of Budva.
famous predecessors. By the way,
In Montenegro books were
this was the first public printing
created, written and printed
Rulers of Zeta Balšići also wrote
press in the European history.
since the ancient times, and
charters and manuscripts, and
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
2. “Oktoih fifth book”, printed
probably during 1494, the first
south Slavic illustrated book
which was preserved only in
fragments and those barely make
1/6 of the book.
3. “Psalter” which is the most
contemporary one from the
technical point of view, and it
specifically stands out for the
beauty of its title letters and
4. “The Prayer”, which originally
contained the texts of the liturgy
for special needs, which is also
preserved only in fragments. The
From typography of the
most complete is the one of the
Crnojevići Pressroom 5 works
Monastery of the Holy Trinity in
came out, as is now known, as
well as two dozen of other books, Pljevlja, which contains 184 pages.
which are not preserved. However,
5. “Four Gospels”, probably
the real treasures are:
printed in 1496. So far no copy
of this book has been found,
1. “Oktoih first book”, printed
during 1493, and was completed and we learned of it on the basis
on 4 January 1494. It is the most of information that the copy of
important and most widely used the “statement of the form of
liturgical books of the Orthodox Crnojević from more complex
Makarije” made in 1548.
Church, dating from the eighth
first school
The establishment of secular
schools dates from the time of
Bishop Petar II Petrović Njegoš.
He founded the first school,
according to some data, in 1833
in Dobrsko Selo, near Cetinje,
and according to other sources
the first secular school was
founded a year later in Cetinje.
There are some data indicating
that, three decades before the
school in Cetinje, a school
in Morinj had been founded,
because in the Chronicle of the
Morinj school from December
1803, is written that, in Svrčko
in the house of Pavle Tripov
Matković and his wife Andrijana,
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
born Vojvodić, the residents of
this small town, seeing what other
people were doing, had decided,
in their place, to “introduce a
classroom, hoping that through it
their people would become aware
and would receive their sight.”
According to the saved data,
in the school year 1833/1834
in Montenegro there were four
schools and 73 students. Ten
years later 114 students were
being educated in six schools, and
in school year 1853/54 there were
274 students in nine schools.
Oldest school in Cetinje
Petar II Petrović Njegoš,
according to available data,
in 1833 on his return from St.
Petersburg, brought several
hundred books, packed in 11
chests, and the following year
founded a school in Cetinje. It
was located in the Monastery
of Cetinje, there were 21 pupils
and the first teacher was Petar
Ćirković from Kotor. In the
first decades this school gave
professionals that were the pillar
of the state authority and public
administration, guardians,
governors, senators, teachers, and
later its students became famous
scientists, cultural and public
workers, revolutionaries...
The persistence of this school,
according to some data, lasted
for a century, and the school was
displaced from the monastery, to
the Billiard and private houses.
One hundred years later, in 1934,
it received a new building which
belongs to it now as well.
Until then the educational
training was brought down
to the monastery school or
sending of the more gifted young
men from respectable families
abroad for training for church or
governing tribal duties. History
has recorded that at the time of
Prince Danilo, in Cetinje in 1855,
a school of boarding character
was opened, from which the
young men continued their
education abroad.
Interestingly, the Prince built a
new pressroom, instead of the
pressroom of Njegoš which had
been melted into lead pellets in
1853 at the time of Omer Pashas
There were 41 primary schools
in Montenegro until 1871, which
was significant increase, but it did
not satisfy, not even closely, the
Montenegrin needs in education.
Thanks to the vision of King
Nicholas, the number of schools
at the beginning of the twentieth
century was 101, out of which 75
were public. Gymnasium high
schools were opened in Cetinje
in 1880, in Podgorica in 1907, in
Nikši, Berane and Peć in 1913.
The building of the Royal Theatre,
Zeta house, was built in 1885.
In this period several weekly
newspapers, literary journals and
professional publications were
First graduation
The first Montenegrin
graduation was an important
social event, so then
matriculation exam was also
attended by King Nicholas who
asked questions himself. The
King awarded all of the first 14
graduates a medal for diligence
and to all of them a scholarship
to study abroad.
Female Institute in Cetinje
At the beginning the Institute
attendants were daughters of
Montenegrin governors from
wealthy houses, such as the
Dukes’ daughters; daughter of
Marko Miljanov, Stanko Radonjić
and Gavro Vukotić. Later, girls
were coming from many places
and outside of Montenegro. “By
The subjects were: Law of God,
the jubilee in 1910, 140 pupils
Mother tongue, Russian, French,
Mathematics, Realities (geography, graduated: 86 from Montenegro, 32
from Boka and Dalmatia, six from
history, botany, mineralogy,
Bosnia, three from Herzegovina,
zoology, physics and chemistry),
two from Serbia, Croatia and
Technique (female hand
embroidery, household, calligraphy, Albania, one from each: Slovenia,
Slavonia, Bulgaria and Russia.
drawing, singing , gymnastics,
music) and Pedagogy (psychology,
logic, science of education and
Female Institute in Cetinje was a
specilazied institute for girls in
the Principality - the Kingdom
of Montenegro; it was founded
in 1869, and worked (with an
interruption due to the wars 1876 1878) until 1913.
Universities are…
oday, Montenegro is a
state where professionals
of almost all educational
backgrounds are educated.
The University of Montenegro
is the oldest institution of
higher education. Some of its
of Maritime Studies and the
Historical, Agricultural and
the Institute for Biological
and Medical Research. A year
later, the University changed
its name to University “Veljko
Vlahović”, and from 1992 bears
units, such as Law, Economics
and Faculty of Engineering,
Institute of History and
colleges that were eventually
transformed to faculties, date
back longer than its formal
establishment. University
Day is celebrated on 29
April, because on that day
in 1974 the Assembly which
would manage the University
of Titograd was formed.
This University comprised
the Faculty of Economy,
Technical and Law Faculty,
Pedagogical Academy, College
the name of the University
of Montenegro. From the
Pedagogical Academy, and
later the Teachers’ Faculty,
the Faculty of Philosophy was
formed, and in 1978 from
the Department of Technical
Faculty emerged Electrical,
Mechanical and Metallurgical
Engineering faculties. At
the time of its founding,
the University had 11,000
students. Today, the University
has 20 faculties, 3 institutes
and one independent study
Epistles of
St. Peter of
Oh Montenegrins! Oh
Montenegrins! For the sake
of all your dearest things, for
the sake of this and the other
world, for the sake of your
soul and pride, for the sake of
yesterday and tomorrow, for
the sake of today. For the sake
of your children, for the sake
of the sky and the sea on their
hands, for the sake of the day
on their face, for the sake of
the sun in their voice. Don’t
be used and abused, don’t lose
your dignity, don’t beg, don’t
let be cheated, don’t let be
bought, don’t be someone else’s
happiness, go back to yourself
and to your own.…Under your
own sky, gathered round your
own sun, Oh Montenegrins!
Oh Montenegrins!
(Epistles of St. Petar Cetinjski)
Petar I Petrović Njegoš
(1748-1830)was an exceptional
figure in Montenegrin history,
perhaps the greatest - the
millennium. Talking about
education and not mentioning
his 332 surviving epistles – a
special literary genre that
had emerged exactly in
Montenegro, is unthinkable.
Peter’s Epistles reconciled the
quarreling tribes, with the
epistles he called for the fight
against the enemy, inspired
and encouraged, and with
the power of his personality,
during his lifetime became
a saint, whose main weapon
was - WORD. He wrote the
epistles to the people, tribes,
clans, and governors and thus
communicated with them,
trying to get rid of everything
that is contrary to elementary
ethics and norms of customary
and written law.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
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Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Svi na planine!
Zaljubićete se u snijegom pokrivene obronke
Bjelasice, Durmitora, Sinjajevine, a Crna Gora,
čudesnih planina, šuma, jezera, prekrivena
bijelim prekrivačem, nestvarno lijepa, pruža
osjećaj da se priroda ovdje poigrala najljepšim
darovima i bojama
socijacija na Crnu Goru su divne pješčane
plaže i kristalno čisto more, ali na samo
sat vremena vožnje od mora, krije se jedna
sasvim nova Crna Gora, okupana zimskim
suncem i prekrivena bijelim pokrivačem, idealnim za
zimske aktivnosti kao što su skijanje, free ride skijanje,
snowboard, snow kite…
Tri ski centra garantovano ispunjavaju sva očekivanja, pa i
više od toga. Zaljubićete se u snijegom pokrivene obronke
Bjelasice, Durmitora, Sinjajevine. Iskusićete mnogo više
od skijanja, a na kraju aktivnog dana čekaće Vas čašica
kuvanog vina za potpun ugođaj.
Crna Gora jeste avio-destinacija, a nacionalna aviokompanija Montenegro Airlines direktno saobraća iz
većih evropskih gradova. Koristiće Vam informacija da se
od Tivta do Kolašina stiže za 3 sata vožnje, putem preko
Cetinja, Podgorice i kroz kanjon Morače - Platije. Od
Tivta se do Žabljaka stiže za 3 sata i 30 minuta, putem
preko Risna, Nikšića i Šavnika, do Vučja za samo dva sata
vožnje. Ako je Vaša krajnja avio-destinacija Podgorica, do
Kolašina Vas očekuje sat vremena vožnje, do Vučja sat i
30 minuta vožnje, a do Žabljaka 2 sata i 30 minuta.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Cijela se Crna
Gora može obići
za nedjelju dana,
ali kada bi se brda
ispeglala, tada bi
to bila ogromna
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
© photo by Bojan Kuburović
U ponudi Kolašin 1450 Ski Centar su
skijaške staze održavane po najvišim
standardima, savremeni ski-liftovi, žičare
sa kojih pogled pruža na veličanstvene
padine Bjelasice, etno-brvnare, kafei i
restorani gde se uživa u gurmanlucima
crnogorske kuhinje. Ski centar Kolašin
1450 raspolaže sa 1 šestosijedom, 1
dvosjedom i 2 sidra, a dužina staza je oko
20 km. Radno vrijeme žičara je od 9.30
do 16.00 sati.
Iskusni instruktori s međunarodnim
licencama i planinski vodiči će Vas
uputiti u sve tajne ovih zadivljujućih
i magično privlačnih pejzaža, a na
Vama je samo da odaberete stazu koja
najviše odgovara Vašim afinitetima i
Više informacija na:
[email protected]
Kolašin se nalazi u središnjem dijelu
kontinentalne Crne Gore, na 950 metara
nadmorske visine. Grad jedinstvenim
čini blizina Biogradske gore, na Bjelasici,
u čijem okrilju je Biogradsko jezero,
a na samo devet kilometara od grada
su skijaški tereni ski centra Kolašin
1450. Ljubitelji prirode mogu uživati u
šetnjama šumama smrče, jele, bukve,
brijesta, hrasta ili lipa, a ornitolozi i
ljubitelji ptica, u posmatranju leta orla
ili jastreba. Od krupnije divljači, česti
su jeleni, divokoze, medvjedi i vukovi.
Kolašin 1450 Ski Centar, nalazi se na
nadmorskoj visini od 1450 m, na svega
15 minuta od grada Kolašina. Smješten
je u ekološki najočuvanijoj regiji
Jugoistočne Evrope, poznatoj po velikim
količinama sniježnih padavina zimi i
velikom broju sunčanih dana ljeti, zbog
čega predstavlja idealno mesto za odmor
u bilo kom periodu godine.
abljak se smatra gradskim naseljem na najvišoj
nadmorskoj visini u Jugoističnoj Evropi. Tu, na
1450 metara nadmorske visine, snijeg se zadržava i
do šest mjeseci, a visina sniježnog prekrivača prelazi i
dva metra. Grudvanje, sankanje, skijanje, snowboard,
hodanje na krpljama, turno skijanje dio su zimske
ponude ovog mjesta, a idealni su uslovi i za offroad
skijanje. Ski staze na Savinom kuku i Javorovači
uređene su za sve discipline. Najsmjeliji ljubitelji
splavarenja, spuštaju se Tarom čak i zimi.
Na nepunih pet kilometara od centra grada, nalazi
se ski centar Savin kuk, na padinama istoimenog
planinskog vrha. Najviša kota je na 2010 m/nv a
visinska razlika je 700 m. Ovaj sportsko-turistički
kompleks raspolaže sa dvije dvosjedne žičare, tri ski
lifta od kojih je jedan opremljen reflektorima za noćno
skijanje, kao i bebi ski liftom. U okviru Ski centra
su i Ski škola, rentiranje i servis ski opreme, noćno
Na kompleksu od 145 000 m², nalazi se Javorovača,
skijalište sa svim pratećim sadržajima, ski lift dužine
500 m, beby lift dužine 150, ski škola, igraonica…
Više informacija na:
[email protected]
učje je udaljeno od Nikšića svega 20 km. Ski
centar je na nadmorskoj visini od 1300 m, a sa
gradom je povezan odličnim asfaltnim putem koji
se redovno održava. Ljeti je Vučje omiljeno izletište,
polazište za razna takmičenja i centar manifestacije
“Dani kalopera”, a zimi idealno mjesto za uživanje
svih članova porodice. Domaćini su manifestacije
„Snowdance“ koja okuplja veliki broj zaljubljenika u
zimske aktivnosti.
Ski centar ima rekreativnu stazu dugu 1 250 metara,
dvije takmičarske staze od 400 metara i stazu od 120
metara za najmlađe. Ski-liftovi mogu da prenose do
900 skijaša dnevno. U centru radi škola skijanja, a ski
oprema se može iznajmiti. Iznajmljivanje opreme je od
5 do 15 €, a cijene ski pasa od 5 do 10 €. Cijene ski škole
su od 10 do 15 €.
Više informacija na:
e-mail: [email protected]
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Crnoj Gori rade još dva manja
ski centra, Ski centar Lokve u
blizini Berana kao i Ivanova korita u
nacionalnom parku Lovćen. Staza na
Ivanovim koritima, visinske razlike 120
m, dužine oko 350 metara, interesantna
je, naročito za one koji vole mirnije
zimske krajeve, van gužve glavnih
turističkih centara.
A ako nijeste strastveni skijaš? Na
pravom ste mjestu! Na raspolaganju Vam
je mnoštvo aktivnosti na snijegu kao
što je hodanje na krpljama, nordijsko
skijanje, zimski rafting ili za one sa
avantrustičkim duhom izgradnja iglo-a
na visoravnima Sinjajevine, koja će Vas
ostaviti bez daha svojim prostranstvom.
Za više informacija
Botanička bašta Evrope
Najstariji Nacionalni park u
Crnoj Gori je Biogradska gora,
blizu Kolašina. Nije pretjerano
reći da je ova regija jedinstvena
botanička bašta Evrope sa 26
endemskih biljnih vrsta, 150
vrsta ptica, 10 vrsta životinja,
86 vrsta drveća i čak 3 vrste
pastrmki. Pored ovoga, na
nadmorskoj visini od 1094 m
nalazi se Biogradsko jezero, na
najvišoj koti u Evropi.
Luxury ApArtments tre CAnne
+382 33 473 560
[email protected]
Kako je postala
Crna Gora?
ekada davno, u najstarija
vremena, Bog napravi
zemlju i narode koji će živjeti
na njoj. Dijelio je Bog narode
po zemlji dajući svakom narodu
prostor koji mu je namijenio. I
kad Bog pomisli da je završio
anđeli mu rekoše: “Mili Bože
ostao je jedan mali, ali vrijedan
narod, dostojan tvoje pažnje.
Božije se obrve nabraše i na sve
strane poče da grmi i sijeva. Na
moru se digoše ogromni talasi,
a zemljom dunuše pomamni
vjetrovi. A onda sve stade. Bog
“Ovo što sam za sebe ostavio i
što nazvah Crna Gora neka bude
dom tom narodu i neka se oni
zovu Crnogorci”.
Legenda o
Vražjem jezeru
ekada davno, Jezera su bila
sva pod borovom šumom,
lučevinom. Onda, jednom
zagrmi grom, zapali borovinu,
vatra dodala, a vjetar raznije
plamen po čitavoj šumi. Šuma je
tada bila puna svakojakih zvijeri
i utvara. Zvijeri su pobjegle u
Durmitor, vile u oblake, a vrag
i vražica se skloniše u jezero.
Napraviše u njemu divan
dvorac, sav od ledenih kristala
i tu žive i dan danas. I tako
ovo pitomo jezero, kao vražiji
dom prozvaše Vražije jezero.
Kad se budete kupali u njemu
i vidite da je ono najhladnije
durmitorsko jezero, to se od
vražijeg ledenog dvorca studen
širi svuda naokolo. A kad mlada
djevojka zapliva preko Jezera,
smjesta iskoči vrag iz svog
dvorca, zgrabi je i odvuče na
dno u svoj ledeni zamak. Ako
je, ipak, zaplivalo momče, onda
iz jezera iskače vražica, zgrabi
momka i odvuče na svoje ledene
odaje na dnu jezera.
Suza Evrope
šuškana planinama Durmitor,
Sinjajevina, Bjelasica, Ljubišnja...
teče najduža rijeka u Crnoj Gori. Zbog
nepristupačnog terena rijeka je izbjegla
čovjekov uticaj na tok i kvalitet vode. Zato
je rijeka Tara i dobila epitet Suza Evrope
jer bez bojazni od bolesti ili zaraze, cijelim
je tokom ona - pitka! Kanjon Tare je
najdublji u Evropi!
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
U Crnoj Gori su neđe davno
helenski i rimski Bogovi
stanovali. Tu se Jupiter
odmarao kad je gigante
pobijedio. Tu je Neptun svoje
vjetrove krotio. O taj kamen je
Mars svoj mač oštrio. Odavde
su Bogovi na Olimp otišli. Ili
bar tako kaže legenda..
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Winter tourist season
Everyone to the
You will fall in love with the snow-covered slopes of Bjelasica, Durmitor,
Sinjajevina, and Montenegro with its amazing mountains, forests, lakes,
covered with a white blanket, unbelievably beautiful, gives a feeling that
the nature here has played with the most beautiful gifts and colors
he first thing that crosses your mind when
you think of Montenegro are beautiful
sandy beaches and crystal clear water, but
only an hour’s drive from the sea, a completely
new Montenegro is hidden, bathed in the winter
sun and covered with a white blanket, ideal for
winter activities such as skiing, free ride skiing ,
snowboard, snow kite ...
Three ski centers are guaranteed to meet all
the expectations and even more than that. You
will fall in love with the snow-covered slopes
of Bjelasica, Durmitor, Sinjajevina. You will
experience a lot more than skiing, and at the end
of the active a glass of mulled/boiled wine will
wait for you to complete the perfect atmosphere.
Montenegro is an airline destinations and
national airline Montenegro Airlines operates
directly from the bigger European cities. You will
find useful the information that it will take you 3
hours to arrive from Tivat to Kolašin, via Cetinje,
Podgorica, and the Morača canyon - Platije.
From Tivat to Žabljak you can arrive in 3 hours
and 30 minutes, via Risan, Nikšić and Šavnik,
to Vučje in just two hours drive. If Podgorica is
your flight’s final destination, to Kolašin you have
an hour’s drive, to Vučje hour and 30 minutes,
and to Žabljak 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
photo by Bojan Kuburović
You can go through
the entire Montenegro
in a week, but if you
stretched the hills,then
it would be a huge
Kolašin 1450 Ski Center offers
ski slopes which are maintained
in accordance with the highest
standards, modern ski lifts, cableways
with a magnificent view over the
slopes of Bjelasica, ethno-cottages,
cafes and restaurants where one
can enjoy the gourmet specialties
of Montenegrin cuisine. Ski Center
Kolašin 1450 has 1 six-seater, 1 twoseater and 2 anchors, and the length
of the trail is about 20 km. Working
hours of the lift are from 9:30 to 16:00
Experienced instructors with
international licenses and mountain
guides will direct you to all the secrets
of this amazing and magical eyecatching landscape, and all you need
to do is choose the path that best suits
your preferences and skills.
More information at:
[email protected] Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Kolašin is located in the central
part of continental Montenegro, at
950 meters above sea level. Nearby
Biogradska gora, on Bjelasica, in
whose midst is Biogradsko Lake, gives
the city its uniqueness, and only nine
kilometers from the city there are ski
resorts belonging to the Ski Center
Kolašin 1450. Nature lovers can enjoy
walking through the forests of spruce,
fir, beech, elm, oak and lime and
ornithologists and bird lovers, can
enjoy observing the flight of an eagle
or hawk. As regards large wildlife,
mountain goats, bears and wolves are
common here.
Kolašin 1450 Ski Center, is situated at
an altitude of 1450 m, only 15 minutes
from the town of Kolašin. It is located
in the ecologically most preserved
region of Southeast Europe, known
for large amounts of snow in winter
and for large number of sunny days
in the summer, which makes it the
ideal place for vacation at any time of
the year.
Žabljak is considered the
urban area at the highest
altitude in South Eastern
Europe. Here, at 1450 meters
above sea level snow remains
up to six months, and the
height of the snow blanket
exceeds two meters. Snowball
fight, sledding, skiing,
snowboarding, snowshoeing,
cross-country skiing are
part of the winter offer here,
and are ideal conditions for
off-road skiing. Ski trails on
Savin kuk and Javorovaca are
arranged for all disciplines.
Most daring fans of rafting go
down the Tara flow even in
At less than five kilometers
from the city center, there is
a ski center Savin Kuk, on
the slopes of the mountain
peak bearing the same name.
The highest point is at 2,010
meters above sea level and
the height difference is 700
m. This sports and tourist
complex has two two-seat
cableways, three ski lifts, one
of which is equipped with
floodlights for night skiing, as
well as baby ski lift. Within the
ski center there is also a ski
school, rental and servicing of
ski equipment, night skiing...
Javorovača is located at the
complex of 145 000 sq., a ski
resort with all amenities, ski
lift with length of 500 m, baby
lift in length of 150 m, the ski
school, playground ...
More information at:
[email protected]
Vučje is only 20 km
away from Nikšić. The
ski center is located at an
altitude of 1300 m, and is
connected with the city
by an excellent asphalt
road, which is regularly
maintained. During
summertime, Vučje is
the favorite resort, the
starting point for various
competitions and center
of the event “Days of
balsamite”, and in winterit
is the ideal place to enjoy
for all family members.
It hosts the “Snowdance”
event which brings
together a large number of
fans of winter activities.
The ski center has
a recreational path
1250 meters long, two
competition tracks of 400
meters and 120 meters of
track for children. Ski lifts
can carry up to 900 skiers
a day. The center has ski
school and ski equipment
can be rented. Rental of
the equipment is from 5
to 15 €, and the prices of
ski passes from 5 to 10 €.
Prices of the ski school
range from 10 to 15 €.
More information at:
[email protected]
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
In Montenegro there are also
two smaller ski centers, Ski
center Lokve near Berane
as well as Ivanova korita in
Lovćen National Park. The
track at Ivanova korita, with
height difference of 120 m and
around 350 meters lenght,
is interesting, especially for
those who love peacful winter
districts, outside the crowd of
main tourist centers.
And what if you’re not a
passionate skier? You are at
the right place! A variety of
activities in the snow is at your
disposal, such as snowshoeing,
cross-country skiing, ski rafting,
or for those with adventurous
spirit building of igloo in
the highlands of Sinjajevina
whose vastness will leave you
For more information
Botanical Garden
of Europe
Biogradska gora, near
Kolašin, is the oldest National
Park in Montenegro. It is no
exaggeration to say that this
region is a unique botanical
garden of Europe with 26
endemic plant species, 150
species of birds, 10 species of
animals, 86 species of trees
and even 3 types of trout. In
addition, Biogradsko Lake is
situated at an altitude of 1094
meters, the highest point in
In Montenegro, some long time ago,
Hellenic and Roman Gods lived. That’s
where Jupiter rested when he had
beaten the giants. That’s where Neptune
tamed his wind. Upon that rock Mars
sharpened his sword. From here Gods
left to Olympus. Or at least that’s what
the legend tells...”
How Montenegro
was created?
Legend of the
Vražje (devil’s)
Once upon a time, in ancient
times, God created the Earth and
nations that would live on it. God
spread people across the Earth
giving each nation the space he
intended for them. And just when
He thought that he had finished
angels told him: Dear God, one
small but worth nation, worthy of
your attention was left over.” God’s
eyebrows plunged into a frown and
everywhere thunder and lightning
begun. Huge waves rose up at sea,
and on the ground frantic winds
blew. And then everything stopped.
God spoke:
“This that I have left for myself and
that I named Montenegro, let this be
a home for that nation and let them
be called Montenegrins”.
Once upon a time the lakes were
all covered with pine forests. Then,
a thunder boomed once, it lighted
the pine, fire added, and the wind
spread the flame throughout the
forest. The forest was then full
of all kinds of beasts and ghosts.
Beasts fled to Durmitor, villas to the
clouds, and the devil and she-devil
found their shelter in the lake. They
built in it a beautiful castle, all made
of the ice crystals and they live
there today as well. So this pleasant
lake, as diabolical home, they called
devil’s lake. Once you bathe in it and
see that it is the coldest of Durmitor
lakes, it is because of the devil’s
ice castle that the cold spreads all
around. And when a young woman
swims across the lake, the devil
immediately pops out from his
castle, grabs and drags her to the
bottom in his ice castle. If, however,
a boy swims, then she-devil pops
out of the lake she-devil, grabs
the boy and pulls him into her ice
chambers at the bottom of the lake.
Tear of Europe
ucked between mountains Durmitor, Sinjajevina,
Bjelasica, Ljubišnja ... the longest river in
Montenegro runs. Due to the inaccessible terrain the
river escaped man’s influence on the flow and quality
of water.
Therefore, the Tara River got the reputation of the Tear
of Europe, and it suitable for drinking during its whole
flow, without the fear of disease or infection! The Tara
canyon is the deepest in Europe!
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
for Success
KPMG is relentlessly focused
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We deliver clear and practical solutions
to meet the needs of our clients.
Our services include:
Bookkeeping, accounting and payroll services
Contact details:
KPMG d.o.o. Podgorica
Svetlane Kane Radević 3
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
T: +382 20 201 480
KPMG d.o.o. Beograd
Kraljice Natalije 11
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
T: +381 11 20 50 500
© 2016 KPMG d.o.o. Podgorica, a Montenegrin limited liability company and a member firm of
the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative
(“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Montenegro.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Elektronska publikacija “Katalog propisa”
je jedini crnogorski softver iz oblasti prava i pravne
informatike sa dvadesetogodišnjom tradicijom
U publikaciji se nalaze svi propisi objavljeni na području
Crne Gore i bivše Jugoslavije, od 1945. godine pa do
danas. Takođe, skenirani su svi “Službeni listovi” koji
su objavljeni od 1945. godine i formirana je njihova
kompletna arhiva. Obrađeni su svi propisi i tačno je
utvrđeno koji su prestali da važe, koji su važeći, a koji su,
u najmanju ruku, nedefinisani.
Vođeni idejom, koju promovišu svjetski pretraživači
interneta, o pronalaženju upotrebljive i relevantne
informacije unošenjem samo jedne do dvije riječi
kreirali smo “Katalog propisa 2016”.
Osnovno pretraživanje vrši se unošenjem nekoliko
riječi bilo iz naslova ili teksta propisa, sudske ili poreske
prakse, odluke ili stručnog mišljenja, što je zapravo “full
text search”, tj. totalno pretraživanje kataloga.
Pomoću naprednog pretraživanja mogu se precizno
filtrirati podaci, npr. po godini, datumu donošenja,
periodu primjene, periodu važenja, donosiocu, oblasti,
tipu, kategoriji i sl., tako da ono, u kombinaciji s totalnim
pretraživanjem, daje fantastične rezultate.
Rezultati pretrage sortiraju se po relevantnosti, pa
će se na vrhu spiska uvijek nalaziti podaci koji najviše
zadovoljavaju uslov pretraživanja, bez obzira na vrstu
pretraživanja kojom se korisnik služi, a svi navedeni
dokumenti su povezani sa propisima na koje se odnose.
U publikaciji se nalazi relevantna poreska praksa
objavljena na području Crne Gore, zatim sudska praksa
objavljena na području Crne Gore i bivše Jugoslavije.
Urađeno je uporedno zakonodavstvo Crne Gore, Srbije
i Jugoslavije, kako bi se sudska praksa iz ranijih godina
i iz drugih država mogla jednostavnije proučavati.
Unešena su stručna mišljenja i tumačenja izdata od
strane ministarstava Crne Gore i Srbije. Ovdje možete
pronaći i sve javno objavljene anonimizirane sudske
odluke sudova Crne Gore. Za svaku odluku je precizno
određeno šta je predmet parnice, da li je odluka
pozitivna ili negativna i s kojom drugom sudskom
odlukom je povezana.
Za svaki od navedenih dokumenata, pored svakog člana
u propisu pojaviće se precizan broj izvoda poreske
prakse koja se na njega odnosi. Svaki izvod sadrži i
precizan podatak o porijeklu odnosno gdje je izdat, tj.
objavljen i kada.
Kreirali smo, takođe, i registar ugovora koji su
neophodni i primjenjljivi u praktičnom radu. Zavisno od
vrste ugovora, moguće ih je preuzeti u pdf-u, word-u,
excel-u ili html-u.
The electronic publication “The Catalogue of Regulations”
is the only software in Montenegro in the field of law and
legal informatics with a twenty-year long tradition
Guided by the idea of
the most famous world
search engines, which
promote finding the
most applicable and
relevant information
only by entering one
or two words, we have
created “The Catalogue
of Regulations 2016”.
The basic search is
made by entering only
a few words, either
from the title or from
the text extracted from
regulation, legal or tax
practice, decision or expert opinion,
which is actually “full text search”, i.e.
complete search of the catalogue.
Advanced search enables passing
through facts precisely, for example
by the year, by the adoption date, by
the period of validity, by adopter, field,
type, category etc., so combined with
total search, it gives amazing results.
The results of the search are sorted
by the relevance, therefore the facts
that the best meet required criteria
will always be on the top of the list,
regardless of the type of the search
used, and all stated documents are
connected to regulations they refer to.
and different countries.
The expert opinions and
interpretations issued by
Ministries of Serbia and
were elaborated and it was precisely
determined which of them are no
longer valid, which are valid and which
are, to say the least, undefined.
The publication provides relevant tax
practice published in Montenegro, as
well as the court practice published in
Montenegro and in former Yugoslavia.
The parallel legislation of Montenegro,
Serbia and former Yugoslavia was
made, in order to facilitate studying
of legal practice from previous years
are also brought out in
the publication. Moreover,
all publicly available
anonymous judicial
decisions of the courts
in Montenegro can be
found in the publication.
The subject of the suit is
precisely determined in each
decision, it is clearly stated
whether decision is positive
or negative and which other
court decision it is connected to.
For each of these documents, next
to each article of the regulation, the
accurate number of the excerpt of
the tax practice that is related to is
provided. Each excerpt contains the
precise information on the origin or
where and when it was issued and
We have also created the register of
contracts which are necessary and
applicable in practice. Depending on
the type of the contract, it is possible
to download them in pdf, word, excel
or html format.
All regulations published in
Montenegro and Yugoslavia, from
1945 until today, can be found in the
publication. Also, all “Official Gazettes”
published from 1945 were scanned
for the publication and the complete
archive was formed. All the regulations
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
S mješten
u zelenom krajoliku nadomak podgoričkog aerodroma,
boutique hotel Aria je dizajniran da ispuni želje čak i najzahtjevnijih
gostiju. Mirna okolina, svježi vazduh i širina prostora su idealno mjesto
na kojem ćete iskusiti vrhunski odmor ili pak Vaš poslovni put učiniti
ugodnijim. Elegantne i funkcionalne sobe i apartmani, prostrani
restoranski dio i bazenski kompleks, garantuju niz nezaboravnih
Profesionalno gostoprimstvo
Obogaćujući i unapređujući svoju ponudu, Aria hotel je stvorio
dugogodišnju tradiciju bogatu vrhunskim kvalitetom, profesionalnom
uslugom, a zadovoljni gosti su svjedočanstva tome. Premda će mnogi
biti oduševljeni već pri prvom susretu sa hotelskim ambijentom,
udobnošću soba i panoramskim pogledom, najjači utisak ostavlja
prijateljsko osoblje koje svojom profesionalnošću ispunjava sve Vaše
želje i zahtjeve.
Udobnost koju trebate
Svojim idealnim dizajnom i udobnošću, sobe i apartmani su
prilagođeni ugodnom boravku bilo da odsjedate radi kvalitetnog
odmora ili učestvujete na nekom od lokalnih kongresa i sajmova. Kako
u smještajnim jedinicama tako i u ostatku hotela, postignuta je skladna
i opuštajuća atmosfera koja odiše modernim stilom i komfortom
ispreplijetanim sa tradicionalnim naznakama interijera
Jedinstveno gastronomsko iskustvo
Za vrijeme boravka u Aria hotelu gosti nikako ne smiju propustiti uživati
u kulinarskim specijalitetima A la carte restorana. U restoranskom
meniju je zastupljena internacionalna, mediteranska i tradicionalna
hrana a pored vrhunskih delicija restoran će Vas očarati i elegantnim
ambijentom, koji se proteže na zatvorenoj terasi gledajući na uređeni
hotelski vrt.
Poslovni sastanci
Pored idiličnih odmora, gostima se nudi mogućnost organizovanja
poslovnih sastanaka i drugih dešavanja. Spoj poslovnog i relaksirajućeg
ambijenta čini Aria hotel jedinsvenim izborom za organizaciju poslovnih
i drugih događaja. Stoga, bilo da dolazite radi organizacije poslovnih
sastanaka, poslovnih ručkova ili intimnih proslava rođendana, Aria
hotel će Vam osigurati vrijedne uspomene koje ćete zauvijek pamtiti.
Situated in green landscape near Podgorica airport, small boutique
hotel Aria is designed to please even the most demanding guests.
Quiet and spacious surrounding and fresh air is ideal place where
You can experience the ultimate holiday or make Your business stay
more comfortable. Elegant and modern rooms and suites, specious
restaurant venue and pool space, all guarantee a set of unforgettable
Professional hospitality
With continuously service enrichment and improvement, Aria hotel has
created a longstanding tradition full of professional service quality and
satisfied guests. Even thrilled at first with hotels ambience, comfortable
rooms and panoramic view, the strongest impression comes from
friendly stuff which will meet all Your wishes and requires.
Comfort You crave
With an ideal design and functionality, rooms and suites have been
tailored to provide a pleasant stay, whether You stay as a tourist or You
attend local congress and seminars. The relaxing atmosphere could
be felt in every hotel’s corner - modern style and comfort is combined
with traditional interior elements.
Ultimate culinary experience
During Your stay in Aria hotel, You should not miss out the culinary
specialties. In restaurant A la carte menu You will find international,
mediterranean and traditional dishes. Beside the delicious dishes, this
restaurant also captivates with its lovely and elegant ambience, which
extend onto indoor terrace overlooking decorated hotel’s garden.
Meeting facilities
In addition to an idyllic holiday and time spend with the loved ones,
Aria hotel offers its guests the possibility of organizing conferences
and other events. Combination of business and relaxing ambience
makes Aria hotel a unique choice for the organization of business
and other events. Thus, whether You are coming to organize business
meeting, lunch with business partners or intimate birthday celebration,
Aria will provide You with a unique experience and moments that You
will cherish forever.
na prvom mjestu gradova koje
treba posjetiti!
odeći svjetski turistički
vodič, Lonely Planet,
dodijelio je značajno
priznanje crnogorskom turizmu,
uvrstivši Kotor na prvo mjesto
liste deset najboljih gradova koje
treba posjetiti u 2016. godini.
“Sa dramatičnim pejzažima,
istorijskim gradskim zidinama
i safirnim zalivom, Kotor
zaslužuje da bude prepoznat i
mi vjerujemo da je destinacija
koja se mora posjetiti. Naredna
godina je pravo vrijeme da se
posjeti ovaj grad – posjetite ga
dok još možete osjetiti njegov
Kotor na listi UNESCO-a
tradicionalni način života”,
napisao je urednik izdanja Tom
Lonely Planet godišnje izda
preko 500 publikacija na osam
svjetskih jezika. Ova medijska
grupa obuhvata tematske
publikacije o putovanjima,
TV programe o svjetskim
destinacijama, izuzetno
posjećenu Internet stranicu,
mobilne aplikacije, kao i
mjesečni magazin Lonely Planet
Traveller koji izlazi na pet jezika.
Kotor-prvi od deset najboljih
Džavni sekretar za turizam u Vladi
Crne Gore Predrag Jelušić svečano
je, u Londonu, primio nagradu
„Best in Travel 2016“ za grad Kotor.
Na spisku “Best in Travel 2016”
gradova se, pored Kotora koji je
na prvom mjestu, nalaze i Kuito
u Ekvadoru, Dablin u Irskoj,
Džordž Taun u Maleziji, Roterdam
u Holandiji, Mumbaj u Indiji,
Fremantl u Australiji, Mančester u
Velikoj Britaniji, Nešvil u SAD-u i
Rim u Italiji.
U prijedlogu odluke UNESCO-a
da 1979. godine Kotor stavi na
listu svjetske kulturne baštine,
pisalo je da “kulturno-istorijska
oblast Kotora ima univerzalne
vrijednosti, posebno se ističući
kvalitetom svoje arhitekture,
uspješne integracije njenih gradova
i Bokokotorskog zaliva i njene
jedinstvene i izuzetne uloge u
širenju mediteranske kulture na
Balkanu; nominacija zadovoljava
kriterijume I, II, III i IV. Zaštićena
oblast Boke Kotorske, u ICOMOSovom izvještaju zadovoljila je
četiri kriterijuma, od ukupno deset
I- Predstavlja jedinstveno
umjetničko ili estetsko dostignuće,
remek-djelo stvaralačkog genija.
II- Postoji jak uticaj, tokom
vremena ili u oblasti kulture u
svjetu, na razvoju arhitekture,
monumentalne skulpture, pejzažne
arhitekture, srodnih umjetnosti ili
ljudskih naseobina.
III- Jedinstvenost, izuzetna
rijetkost i drevnost.
IV- Sadrži najosobenije
primjere tipova struktura, kao
i vidove kulturnog, socijalnog,
umjetničkog, naučnog tehnološkog
i industrijskog razvoja.
first on the list of towns you must see
eading tourist guide, Lonely
Planet, gave significant
recognition to Montenegrin
tourism by classifying Kotor on
the first place on the list of top ten
towns, everybody must see in 2016.
“With its dramatic scenery, historic
city walls and sapphire bay, Kotor
deserves to be noticed and we firmly
believe that this is a destination you
must visit. It would be right time to
visit Kotor next year- visit it while
you still can enjoy in its traditional
way of life”, the editor of this issue,
Tom Hol said.
Lonely Planet prints over 500
publications into eight foreign
languages every year. This
media corporation refers to all
publications about traveling,
TV programs about worldwide
destinations, very popular web page, mobile
applications, as well as monthly
magazine Lonely Planet Traveler,
issued in five foreign languages.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Kotor is on the list of UNESCO
In year 1979.UNESCO
suggested to include
Kotor on the list
of World Cultural
Heritage and then it
was said that “cultural
and historical area of
Kotor has its universal
values, especially
considering quality
of its architecture, the
successful integration
of its cities and the
Boka bay and its unique and exquisite role in spreading
Mediterranean culture in the Balkans; so its nomination
meets criteria I,II, III, IV. Considering ICOMOS`s report,
protected area of Boka Kotorska meets four criteria out of
I- It represents unique artistic or aesthetic achievement,
piece of art of a creative genius
II- There is a strong influence throughout time or in culture,
on development of architecture, landscape architecture,
similar arts or on human settlements.
III- Uniqueness, exceptional rarity and antiquity.
IV- Has in its content examples of types of structures,
representing cultural, social and artistic, scientific and
technological and industrial development.
Kotor- first among top ten
Predrag Jelusic, State
secretary for tourism in
Montenegro Government, in
London, received award “Best
in Travel 2016” for Kotor
Besides Kotor, which is on
the first place, on the list
of “Best in Travel 2016”,
there are also cities Quito in
Ecuador, Dublin in Ireland,
Georgetown in Malaysia,
Rotterdam in Holland,
Mumbai in India, Fremantle
in Australia, Manchester in
Great Britain, Nashville in
USA and Rome in Italy.
summer 2016
Iskoristite povoljnosti ranog
bukinga! Ne propustite
jedinstvenu priliku kupovine
karata po promotivnim
Montenegro Airlines od
02. novembra 2015. do
26. marta 2016. godine
svojim klijentima nudi
mogućnost kupovine karata
po najpovoljnijim cijenama
za sve destinacije ka kojima
saobraća, a odnose se na
ljetnji red letjenja od 27.
marta do 29. oktobra 2016.
Karte po promotivnim
cijenama mogu se kupiti u
svim poslovnicama Montenegro
Airlinesa, pozivom na broj
+19804, +381 20 228 187
(za pozive iz inostranstva) ili
putem internet stranice,
kao i kod autorizovanih
Broj mjesta po ovim tarifama
je ograničen, zato požurite
i uhvatite popust za rane
Želimo Vam ugodan let!
Ukoliko već razmišljate gdje i
kako provesti sljedeći odmor,
iskoristite pogodnosti ranog
bukinga i rezervišite već sada
svoje karte za Crnu Goru i
evropske metropole i na taj
način uštedite.
Use our early booking special
offer! Do not miss the unique
opportunity of purchasing
tickets at special fares.
In the period from 2
November 2015 until 26
March 2016 Montenegro
Airlines offers to all our clients
a possibility of purchasing
tickets for all destinations
where we fly at the best
prices, referring to summer
flight schedule from 27 March
until 29 October 2016.
If you have already decided
where and how you are going
to spend your next holiday,
use this opportunity for early
booking and save money
by booking your flight to
Montenegro and European
Tickets at this special fare
could be purchased in all the
branch offices of Montenegro
Airlines, or on +19804 for
domestic calls, or
+381 20 228 187 for
international calls, or online
on our website,
as well as at authorized travel
The number of tickets
available at special fare will
be strictly determined, so
hurry up and enjoy benefits of
early booking.
We wish you a pleasant flight
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Montenegro Airlines daje krila njihovim snovima
Na putu
ostvarenja snova
…a oni se ostvaruju samo „odabranima”, pojedincima koji kroz mnogobrojne i zahtjevne
selekcije, testove i obuke uspiju dokazati da su najbolji od najboljih.
I to je tek početak
ostati pilot san je mnogih mladih
ljudi u Crnoj Gori, pogotovo od
kada se taj poziv popularizovao
postojanjem crnogorskog nacionalnog avioprevoznika. Mnogima ovaj poziv izgleda
veoma jednostavno i lagano. Ipak, realnost
je puno drugačija i kompleksnija, što je i
razlog tome da se ti snovi ostvaruju zaista
samo „odabranima”, pojedincima koji kroz
mnogobrojne i zahtjevne selekcije, testove
i obuke uspiju dokazati da su najbolji od
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
najboljih. I to je tek početak. Nakon toga
slijedi onaj najteži dio u kojem dotadašnja
„škola” postaje realnost. Odgovornost i
požrtvovanost dio su svakodnevnice koju
poziv pilota podrazumijeva i zapravo
predstavlja izazov i motivaciju.
Vladan Ćupić, Nikola Vujičić, Miloš Đurović,
Bojan Radulović, Vuk Slavuljica, Nemanja
Rakčević, Jovan Radonjić te Srđan Krstić
trenutno se nalaze na obuci mladih kopilota
koja se organizuje u Montenegro Airlinesu.
Mnogi od njih su stekli zvanje pilota na
pilotskim akademijama van Crne Gore, a u
Montenegro Airlinesu ih očekuje nastavak
letačke obuke na dodijeljenoj vrsti aviona.
Podjeljeni su u dvije grupe, pa na avionu tipa
Embraer 195 lete Miloš Đurović, Nemanja
Rakčević, Vuk Slavuljica i Bojan Radulović,
dok Vladan Ćupić, Jovan Radonjić, Srđan
Krstić i Nikola Vujičić upravljaju avionom
tipa Fokker 100.
-Dodjeljivanje određene
vrste vazduhoplova zavisi
od više činilaca: ulaznih
parametara kandidata,
postignutih rezultata
tokom selekcije i potreba
i zahtjeva Montenegro
Airlinesa za određenom
vrstom pilota, kaže za
Luxury Inflight direktor
operativnih službi
Montenegro Airlinesa,
kapetan Draško Popović.
Montenegro Airlines
odlučuje, dodaje on, koliko
će, dugoročno gledajući,
biti potrebno pilota na
određenom vazduhoplovu.
-Kao i u većini drugih
djelatnosti i u avijaciji je
globalno prisutan trend
povećane produkcije pilota.
Međutim, činjenica da je
profesija komercijalizovana
ne znači da je opao
kriterijum selekcije,
naprotiv. Jedino je nešto
liberalniji stav po pitanju
ljekarskih pregleda, u
odnosu na raniji period, što
je i propisano evropskom
regulativom koju mi u
Montenegro Airlinesu
poštujemo. Ovaj liberalniji
stav po pitanju ljekarskog
pregleda uglavnom je glavni
benefit kada poredimo
kriterijume nekada i sada,
rekao je kapetan Popović.
U ovom trenutku potrebe
za pilotima i na Embraeru
i na Fokkeru u nacionalnoj
avio-kompaniji su jednake.
Nikola Vujičić i Miloš Đurović
U timu Montenegro Airlinesa
Miloš Đurović, kopilot na Embraeru, kaže da
je obuka veoma zahtjevna, ali ujedno i jako
zanimljiva i značajna za njih.
-Uložili smo maksimalne napore, predano
smo radili i to će, nadam se, doprinijeti
našoj svijetloj budućnosti u Montenegro
Airlinesu. Radujemo se novim iskustvima i
svakodnevnim izazovima koji nas očekuju,
rekao je on.
Kakvi su vaši dosadašnji utisci? Jesu li se
obuka za pilota i letjenje za nacionalnu aviokompaniju pokazali onakvima kakvim ste ih
-Obuka je trajala oko 6 mjeseci. Tokom tog
perioda stekli smo odgovarajuća znanja i
vještine koje su nam omogućile da uspješno
završimo program obuke. Nakon toga, položili
smo ispit za sticanje zvanja kopilota. Međutim,
tu se ne završava naše usavršavanje, ono tek
predstoji. Ovaj, kao i svaki posao, zahtijeva
konstantan trud i rad, te ću u narednom
periodu težiti daljem napretku, kazao je
Nikola Vujičić kopilot Fokera 100.
Nikola: Dosadašnji utisci su veoma pozitivni,
prije svega zbog profesionalnosti i stručnosti
kapetana u našoj avio-kompaniji koji nam
svakodnevno prenose svoje znanje i na pravi
način nas pripremaju za buduću profesiju
pilota. Obuka za pilota i letjenje za nacionalnu
avio-kompaniju su u potpunosti opravdali
moja očekivanja i veoma sam zadovoljan što
sam dobio priliku da izgradim svoju karijeru
ovdje, u Montenegro Airlinesu.
Miloš: Obuka koju smo završili i letjenje za
nacionalnu avio-kompaniju prevazišli su
sva moja očekivanja. Oduvijek sam volio
da putujem i da upoznajem nove ljude i
kulture, a rad u Montenegro Airlinesu mi je
to velikim dijelom i omogućio. Dani su mi
veoma uzbudljivi, svaki donosi nešto novo
i uzbudljivo. Oduvijek mi je bila želja da
postanem pilot, iako sam svjestan da je ovo
posao koji nosi ogromnu odgovornost u
potpunosti sam spreman da tu odgovornost
preuzmem i da radim svoj posao maksimalno
posvećeno, jer ne dobijate često priliku da
vam se dječački snovi ispune (osmijeh).
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Čemu se nadate u budućnosti, odnosno gdje
biste se voljeli vidjeti za nekoliko godina?
Šta mislite da je ključno ukoliko želite da
postanete dobar pilot?
Nikola: Nadam se da ću još mnogo godina
ostati dio Montenegro Airlinesa, kao i da
ću u narednim godinama ostvariti značajan
napredak i usavršiti svoja pilotska znanja i
vještine. Drago mi je da možemo dati svoj
doprinos radu nacionalnog avio-prevoznika i
biti dio ovako profesionalne ekipe.
MiIoš: Najbitnije je truditi se u svemu, dobro
se pripremati za svaki dan i puno učiti. Jedino
je ljekarski pregled nešto što je van tvog
uticaja, ali na sve ostalo možeš uticati i od tog
trenutka pa na dalje, sve je samo na tebi.
Nikola: Moraš biti svjestan posla koji te čeka i
odgovornosti koju si dobio. Kao jedan pilot ne
predstavljaš samo sebe, nego i svoju kompaniju
i zemlju. Ovo nije poziv za svakoga; čovjek
treba biti spreman za ovaj poziv i biti siguran u
to što je izabrao. Potrebno je u svaki svoj radni
dan uložiti maksimum, jer ulaganje u sebe je
ulaganje u svoju budućnost kao pilota, a tu
nikada ne možete pretjerati.
Miloš: I ja sebe vidim kao kapetana naše
nacionalne avio-kompanije, sa ogromnim
iskustvom u letjenju. Možda Montenegro
Airlines danas još uvijek ne leti ka svim
destinacijama koje bih ja volio da posjetim,
ali sam siguran da hoće u skoroj budućnosti.
Našu nacionalnu avio-kompaniju vidim kao
jak, svjetski poznat brend a njeno osoblje kao
izuzetno posvećene ambasadore.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Montenegro Airlines Gives Wings to Their Dreams
On the way of making
the dreams come true
…and they come true only for “the chosen ones“, for the individuals who, through numerous and demanding
selections, tests and trainings manage to prove that they are the best of the best.
And that’s just the beginning.
ecoming a pilot is a dream
of many young people in
Montenegro, especially
since this profession was
popularized by the existence of
the Montenegrin national carrier.
For many people this profession
is regarded as very simple
and easy. However, the reality
is much different and more
complex, which is the reason
for which these dreams come
true really only for “the chosen
ones”, individuals who, through
numerous and demanding
selections, tests and trainings,
manage to prove that they are the
best of the best. And that’s just
the beginning.This is followed by
the most difficult part in which
the former “school” becomes a
reality. Responsibility and selfsacrifice are part of everyday life
that the profession of the pilots
implies and actually represents a
challenge and a motivation.
Vladan Ćupić, Nikola Vujičić,
Miloš Đurović, Bojan Radulović,
Vuk Slavuljica, Nemanja
Rakčević, Jovan Radonjić and
Srđan Krstić are currently
attending the training for young
co-pilots, which is organized in
Montenegro Airlines.
Many of them have obtained
their pilot profession titles
on pilot academies outside
Montenegro, and in Montenegro
Airlines they are continuing
flight training on the type of
aircraft assigned. They are
divided into two groups, so Miloš
Đurović, Nemanja Rakčević, Vuk
Slavuljica i Bojan Radulović are
flying the Embraer 195 aircraft,
while Vladan Ćupić, Jovan
Radonjić, Srđan Krstić i Nikola
Vujičić are aviating the Fokker
100 airplane type.
- Assigning certain types of
aircraft depends on several
factors: the entering parameters
of candidates, the results
achieved during the selection
and the needs and requirements
of Montenegro Airlines for a
certain type of pilot, Director
of Operational Services of
Montenegro Airlines, Captain
Draško Popović says for Luxury
- As with most other types of
businesses, the aviation has
a global trend of increased
production of pilots. However,
the fact that the profession
is commercialized does not
mean that the selection criteria
were lowered, on the contrary.
The only thing is that there is
a slightly more liberal stance
on medical examinations,
compared to the previous
period, which is required by the
European regulations that we
in Montenegro Airlines respect.
This more liberal attitude
regarding medical examination
generally is a major benefit when
comparing the criteria of then
and now, said Captain Popović.
At this moment the needs for
pilots assigned to Embraer and
for those assigned to Fokker in
the national airline are equal.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Nikola Vujicic and Milos Djurovic
Team of Montenegro Airlines
and exciting. I’ve always
wanted to become a pilot,
although I am aware that
this is a job that carries
great responsibility I am
fully prepared to assume
this responsibility and to do
my job with maximum of
dedication, because people
do not often get the chance to
have their boyhood dreams
come true (smile).
What do you hope for the
future, and where would you
like to see yourself in a few
years’ time?
- The training lasted for about 6
months. During this period, we
have acquired the appropriate
knowledge and skills that have
enabled us to successfully
complete the training program.
Afterwards, we passed the exam
for acquiring the title of co-pilot.
However, this is not the end of
our training, it is yet to come.
This job, like any other, requires
constant effort and work, and in
the coming period I will strive
for further progress, said Nikola
Vujičić co-pilot of the Fokker
Miloš Đurović, the co-pilot to
Embraer, says that training is
very demanding, but also very
interesting and important for
- We have made maximum
efforts, we have worked
diligently and it will, I hope,
contribute to our bright future
in Montenegro Airlines. We look
forward to new experiences and
daily challenges that await us,
he said.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
What are your impressions so
far? Have the training for pilots
and flying the national airline
showed pretty much what you
imagined them to be?
Nikola: So far impressions are
very positive, primarily due
to the professionalism and
expertise of the Captains in
our airline who pass on their
knowledge on a daily basis and
prepare us in the right way
for the future pilot profession.
Training for pilots and flying
the national airline have fully
justified my expectations and
I am very happy that I got the
opportunity to build my career
here, in Montenegro Airlines.
Nikola: I hope that I will stay
part of Montenegro Airlines
for many years and that I will
make significant progress and
improve my piloting skills in the
years to come. I am glad that we
can contribute to the activities of
the national carrier and be a part
of such a professional team.
Miloš: I see myself also as the
captain of our national airline,
with vast experience in flying.
Perhaps Montenegro Airlines
today still does not fly to all
the destinations that I would
like to visit, but I’m sure it will
be the case in the near future.
I see our national airline as a
strong, world-renowned brand
and its staff as very dedicated
What do you think is the key
if you want to become a good
MiIoš: The most important
thing is to try hard in
everything, to prepare yourself
well for each day and to learn
a lot. The only thing that is
beyond our influence is a
medical examination, but the
rest you can influence, and from
that point on, everything is only
up to you.
Nikola: You have to be aware of
the work that awaits you and of
the responsibilities that you got.
As a pilot you don’t represent
only yourself, but also your
company and your country.
This is not a profession for
everyone; one should be ready
for this profession and be sure
in what they have chosen. It
takes investing your maximum
into each working day, because
investing in yourself is an
investment in your future as a
pilot, and there you can never
have too much of it.
Miloš: The training that we
have completed and flying for
the national air carrier has
exceeded all my expectations.
I have always loved to travel
and to meet new people and
cultures, and working in
Montenegro Airlines largely
enabled me to do so. My
days are very exciting, each
day brings something new
Danka Kovinić
najbolja crnogorska teniserka
svoj san
Najbolja crnogorska teniserka Danka Kovinić nalazi se na 57.
mjestu najnovije WTA liste najboljih igračica svijeta. Djevojka
koja je 2012. godine igrala finale juniorskog Australian opena u
dublu i bila peta juniorka svijeta, u intervjuu za Luxury Inflight
kaže da sanja “Top 10”, sprema se za put u Australiju na turnire
i prvi Gren Slem u sezoni, a djevojčicama, čiji je uzor, poručuje
da slijede svoje snove
očela je da igra tenis sa
sedam i po godina u Herceg
Novom. Članica je teniskog
kluba AS iz Podgorice. Igrajući
za njih i učestvujući na turniru
Royal Cup 2009. godine čiji su
oni organizatori dobija i prve
poene na WTA listi. Nakon toga,
slijede samo uspjesi. Odlazi na sve
veće turnire, a ova godina joj je
donijela, do sada, najbolji rezultat
u karijeri - 57. mjesto, što je
najbolji rezultat neke crnogorske
teniserke ikada.
Koliko je blizu ili daleko
ostvarenje sna - prvih deset
teniserki svijeta?
- Ovo je zaista jedna veoma
uspješna sezona za mene i
crnogorski tenis. Bio mi je cilj da
završim godinu među najboljih
100 teniserki svijeta što sam i
ostvarila, ali i odigrala prvo WTA
finale čime sam napravila najveći
uspjeh u dosadašnjoj karijeri.
Mora još mnogo da se radi i
napreduje da bih bila u “top 10”,
ne znam kad će doći, ali to je ono
o čemu sanjam.
Da se vratimo malo; je li veće
uzbuđenje bilo kada ste ostvarili
prvu pobjedu u karijeri na
nekom Gren Slemu - i ujedno
donijeli prvi trijumf Crnoj Gori
na nekom od četiri najveća
turnira – savladvši Čehinju Klaru
Kukalovu ili kada ste se plasirali
u finale WTA turnira u kineskom
Tjanđinu, pobjedom nad
Bojanom Jovanovskom iz Srbije?
-U Kini nakon pobjede u
polufinalu! Bila sam presrećna
kada sam ušla u finale WTA
turnira, to sam baš željela. Više
puta sam igrala četvrtfinale, ali
nikako nijesam uspijevala da
prodjem dalje. U Kini sam to
uspjela i osjećaj je bio fantastičan.
Ali, takodje, moram priznati da
je neprocjenjiv osjećaj pobjeđivati
na Gren Slem turnirima, jer to su
ipak najprestižniji turniri u tenisu.
Je li u finalu ponestalo snage?
Vjerovatno ste se kompletno
“dali” do tada…
-Da, ponestalo je snage i
nedostajalo je iskustvo. Ali opet,
igrala sam protiv igračice koja je
kasnije osvojila završni Masters u
Singapuru, tako da sam ja iz tog
meča izašla bogatija za još jedno
iskustvo, što meni veoma znači za
dalji napredak.
Poručujem djevojčicama
koje vole tenis, da slijede
svoje snove, da se bave
nečim što zaista vole. Ni
u jednoj stvari u životu se
ne može biti uspješan, ako
to ne voliš, to važi kako
za tenis tako i za bilo koji
drugi sport, kaže Danka
Šta slijedi dalje, koje su to
komponente igre koje eventualno
treba poboljšati, doraditi…Koji
su to budući turniri?
- Pošto se sezona završila, na
redu su veoma naporne pripreme.
Pred Novu godinu putujem za
Australiju na turnire i prvi Gren
Slem u sezoni.
Za one rijetke koji ne znaju, tenis
je bukvalno Vaš život. Od sedme
godine i plastičnog reketa u
Herceg Novom, preko Beograda
i trenera Veljka Radojičića
do svjetskih uspjeha. Bili ste
i peta juniorka svijeta. Jeste
li bili svjesni da ljubav prema
ovom sportu ispunjava gotovo
svo vrijeme u životu jednog
vrsnog sportiste i koliko sport
može da kompenzuje sve ostale
”sitnice” koje znače i čine život
-Kao što ste rekli, imala sam 7
godina kad sam počela, tada
nijesam ni znala da će ovo postati
moj posao. Ne mislim da sam
puno toga propustila zbog tenisa,
mislim da sam mnogo više
dobila baveći se onim što volim tenisom. Morate da se odreknete
nekih stvari, ali za mene su
to sve sitnice u poređenju sa
onim što mi tenis pruža i što mi
Da li postoji neka osoba koja
Vam je sportski uzor?
- Naravno, Jelena Janković mi
je bila i ostala uzor. Veoma
je cijenim i poštujem kao
sportistkinju i kao osobu.
Ko Vam je najveći oslonac tokom
sportske karijere a ko Vas najviše
“Mora još mnogo da se
radi i napreduje za “Top
10”, ne znam kad će doći,
ali o tome sanjam”
podržava u finansijskom smislu?
Koliko je Teniski savez Crne
Gore mogao pomoći najboljoj
crnogorskoj teniserki?
- Moja mama je uvijek moj
najveći oslonac, ona se trudi da
što više putuje sa mnom. Meni
mnogo lakše kada je ona sa mnom
na turnirima. Na moju žalost,
ali i svih mladih, talentovanih
tenisera u Crnoj Gori, budžet
Teniskog saveza nije veliki, tako
da su pomogli koliko su bili u
Polako postajete idol
djevojčicama u Crnoj Gori, a
to je stvarno uspjeh jer su naše
rukometašice “zakon”. Da li ste
ponosni zbog toga i šta bi im
poručili? Koliko se tenis mora
voljeti da bi se postigao uspjeh ?
-Veoma sam ponosna, vjerujem
da je svakom sportisti drago kada
to čuje. Prije svega bih im poručila
da slijede svoje snove, da se bave
nečim što zaista vole. Ni u jednoj
stvari u životu se ne može biti
uspješan, ako to ne voliš, to važi
kako za tenis tako i za bilo koji
drugi sport.
Je li raštan i dalje omiljeno jelo?
-Naravno da jeste, često se zaželim
domaće kuhinje kad sam na
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
TV Series 6 Smart Android
Aplikacije, igrice, filmski hitovi, društvene mreže,
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uz klasiènu TV funkciju, interakciju sa mobilnim
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Applications, games, movie hits, social media,
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Wi-Fi connection…Everything that the Internet has
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Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Kraljevski sport
iko pouzdano ne zna kada
je nastao i iz koje igre je
proistekao tenis kakvog danas
poznajemo. Neki podaci govore
da tenis vuče korijene iz Egipta
i Persije, a da se igrao i kod
Arapa, prije Karla Velikog. U
antičkoj Grčkoj postojala je igra
“sphairistike”, za koju savremenici
kažu da je preteča današnjem
Prvi istorijski podaci koji potvrđuju
postojanje tenisa kao sportske igre
nađeni su u Italiji, a potiču iz 11
vijeka. Kako se navodi, teren je
bio oivičen konopcima, loptice su
pravljene od kože punjene kosom
ili slamom, dok su ulogu reketa
imali drveni štapovi, daske, ramovi
zategnuti kožnom oputom...
Tenis je igra koja je bila, tokom
viševjekovnog razvoja u Evropi,
prvenstveno rezervisana za kraljeve
i plemstvo, te je to razlog zašto se ta
sportska igra i smatra kraljevskim
Moderni tenis potiče iz Velike
Britanije još iz kasnog 19. vijeka
kada su i utvrđena osnovna pravila
igre koja nisu mijenjana do 1970.
godine kada se uvode “tiebreak” i
Tenis je uvršten kao zvanična igra
Olimpijskih igara u Atini 1896.
Tenis u Crnoj Gori
Prvi pisani dokument o
postojanju i igranju tenisa
u Crnoj Gori datira iz
1894. godine kada je u
londonskom časopisu
‘’Arena’’ pod naslovom
‘’Crnogorski knez igra tenis
na Cetinju’’ objavljena
informacija o održavanju
teniskog turnira na Cetinju.
U veoma afirmativnom
tekstu, kako kažu istoričari,
a uz manja odstupanja
pogotovo u opisu
objavljenih fotografija, stoji
da je te godine na poziv
knjaza Nikole na Cetinje
došla delegacija britanske
mediteranske flote, a njima
u čast je supruga britanskog
poslanika organizovala
teniski turnir.
O igranju tenisa na Cetinju
postoje i druga dokumenta,
kao i fotografije koje su
sačuvane u porodičnom
albumu kralja Nikole.
U periodu od 1878. do
1910. godine na Cetinju
se, otvaranjem stranih
poslanstava, polako
implementiraju “moderni”
sportovi tog vremena poput
klizanja, golfa, skejtinga,
fudbala i, naravno,
tenisa. Prema podacima
crnogorskih istoriografa, na
Cetinju je u tom periodu
postojalo 11 teniskih
Teniski klub “AS”
Teniski klub “AS” čija je najbolje rangirana članica Danka
Kovinić, slovi za jedan od najboljih klubova u Crnoj Gori,
koji je i poslednjih godina okosnica Dejvis i Fed kupa
reprezentacije Crne Gore.
Već 13 godina za redom organizuju profesionalni ženski
teniski turnir „Royal CUP NLB Montenegrobanka” uz
nagradni fond od 25 000 dolara.
Imaju pet terena i to četiri sa šljakastom i jedan teren sa
silikonskom podlogom, koji je istog sastava kao podloga na
kojoj se igra Australian OPEN.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Danka Kovinić
Best Montenegrin Tennis Player
I Follow
My Dream
The best Montenegrin tennis
player Danka Kovinić is at the
57th place of the latest WTA
ranking of the best women’s
players of the world. The girl
who in 2012 played the final
of the Australian Open junior
doubles and was the fifth World
first victory in your career in a
Grand Slam – and at the same
time brought the first triumph
to Montenegro on one of the
four biggest tournaments – by
triumphing over the Czech
Klara Kukalova or when you
qualified for the final of the WTA
tournament in Chinese Tianjin,
winning out Bojana Jovanovski
from Serbia?
he started playing tennis at
the age of seven years and a
half in Herceg Novi. She became
a member of the tennis club AS
from Podgorica. Having played
for them and having participated
at the Royal Cup tournament in
2009, in their organization, she
got her first points in the WTA
ranking. After that only success
followed. She has participated at
all the bigger tournaments, and
this year has brought her the best
result in her career so far- the 57th
place, which is the best result ever
of a Montenegrin women’s tennis
How close or how far is the
dream from coming true – the
top ten women’s tennis players of
the world?
- This is indeed a very successful
season for me and Montenegrin
tennis. It was my goal to finish the
year among the top 100 players of
the world which I have achieved,
but I have also played the first
WTA final, by which I made the
biggest success in my career so far.
A lot more work still needs to be
done and progress to be achieved
so that I would be in the “top 10”,
I do not know when it will come,
but it’s what I dream of.
Let’s go back a bit; was it more
exciting when you made the
-In China after victory in the
semifinals! I was overjoyed when
I entered the finals of the WTA
tournament, I really wanted that.
I played the quarterfinals many
times, but by no means had I
managed to go further on. In
China, I succeeded and the feeling
was fantastic. But, also, I have to
admit that winning the Grand
Slam tournaments is the priceless
is feeling, because these are surely
the most prestigious tournaments
in tennis.
Did you lack the strength in
finals? You had probably “given
yourself ” completely by then…
-Yes, I had less strength and
lacked the experience. But then
again, I played against the player
who later won the final Masters
in Singapore, so I came out of
this match richer for one more
experience, which means a lot to
me for further progress.
What’s coming further on, what
are the components of the game
that may need to be improved,
work upon additionally ... What
are the future tournaments?
- Since the season has ended,
now it’s time for very strenuous
preparations. Before the New
Year I travel to Australia for the
tournaments and the first Grand
Slam of the season.
For the rare ones who don’t know
it, tennis is literally your life.
From the age of seven and the
plastic racket in Herceg Novi,
via Belgrade and coach Veljko
Radojičić to global success. You
were the fifth world junior. Were
you aware that the love for this
sport fulfills almost all the time
in the life of a skilled athlete and
how much can sport compensate
for all the other “little things”
that mean and make the life
I suggest to the girls who
love tennis to follow their
dreams, to do something
they really love. There is no
thing in life where you can
be successful unless you love
it, and that goes for tennis
as well as for any other
sport, Danka says.
-As you have said, I was seven
years old when I started, back
then I didn’t even know that this
would become my job. I don’t
think that I have missed a lot
because of tennis, I think I’ve got
much more doing what I love tennis. You need to give up some
things, but for me, it’s all the little
things compared to what tennis
offers to me and what it allows me.
Is there any person who is your
sports role model?
- Of course, Jelena Janković was
and still is my role model. I revere
and respect her very much, both
as an athlete and as a person.
Who is your biggest support
during your sport career and
who supports the most in
financial terms? How much
Junior, in an interview for
Luxury Inflight says she dreams
of “Top 10”, she’s getting ready
to travel to Australia for the
tournament and the first Grand
Slam of the season, and says to
the girls, to whom she‘s a role
model, to follow their dreams.
could the Tennis Association
of Montenegro help the best
Montenegrin tennis player?
- My mum is always my biggest
support; she tries to travel with
me as much as possible. It’s much
easier for me when she’s with
me at tournaments. Much to my
regret, but also to regret of all
the young, talented players in
Montenegro, budget of the Tennis
Association is not big, so they
helped as much as they were able.
You are gradually becoming an
idol for the girls in Montenegro,
and that really is a success
because our women handball
players “rule”. Does this make
you feel proud and what would
you say to them? How much do
you have to love tennis in order
to become successful?
-I am very proud, I believe every
sportsman is glad when they hear
it. First of all I would tell them
to follow their dreams, to do
something they really love. There
is no thing in life where you can
be successful unless you love it,
and that goes for tennis as well as
for any other sport.
Is kale still your favorite meal?
-Of course it is, I often wish for
the local cuisine when I’m at
“A lot more work still
needs to be done and
progress to be achieved for
“Top 10”, I do not know
when it will come, but
that’s what I dream of”
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Tennis in
Royal sport
o one knows for sure when it
was created and from which
game derived tennis as we know it
today. Some data show that tennis
has its roots in Egypt and Persia,
and that it was played by Arabs
as well, before Charlemagne. In
ancient Greece there was a game
“sphairistike”, which is considered
by contemporaries to be the
forerunner of today’s tennis.
The first historical data that
confirm the existence of tennis
as a sport was found in Italy,
originating from 11th century.
As stated, the field was lined with
ropes, balls were made of leather
stuffed with hair or straw, while
the role of the racket belonged
to wooden sticks, boards, frames
tighten with leather rigging...
Tennis is a game that had
been, over several centuries of
development in Europe, primarily
reserved for kings and nobles,
and that’s why this sports game is
considered as the royal sport.
Modern Tennis comes from Great
Britain since the late 19th century,
when the basic rules of the game
had been established and which
hadn’t been changed until 1970,
when “tiebreak” and “challenge”
were introduced.
Tennis was listed as the official
game of the Olympic Games in
Athens in 1896.
The first written document about
the existence and playing of the
tennis in Montenegro dates back to
1894 when the London magazine
“Arena” released the information
about the tennis tournament
taking place in Cetinje titled “The
Montenegrin duke plays tennis
in Cetinje”. A very affirmative
text, according to historians,
with minor deviations especially
in the description of published
photographs, says that in that
year at the invitation of Prince
Nicholas the delegation of the
British Mediterranean Fleet came to
Cetinje, and in their honor the wife
of British MPs organized a tennis
There are other documents and
photos that are stored in the family
album of King Nicholas regarding
playing tennis in Cetinje.
In the period from 1878 to 1910
in Cetinje, with the opening of
foreign missions, “modern” sports
of that time such as skating, golf,
football and, of course, tennis were
slowly implemented. According to
Montenegrin historiography, there
were 11 tennis courts in this period
in Cetinje.
Tennis Club AS
Tennis Club “AS” whose highestranking member is Danka Kovinić,
is considered to be one of the best
clubs in Montenegro, which is the
backbone of the Davis and Fed Cup
of the Montenegrin National Team
in recent years as well.
For 13 consecutive years already
they organize professional women’s
tennis tournament “Royal Cup NLB
Montenegrobanka” with the prize
fund of 25,000 dollars.
They have five courts, four made
of slag and one field with a
silicone base, which has the same
composition as the field on which
the Australian OPEN is played.
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Hypo savjetodavno bankarstvo je posebno kreirana usluga
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Hypo PRESTIGE TOP package
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HypoNet E-banking
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SMS Notifications
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HypoNet E-banking
Products within the PRESTIGE TOP package
VISA Black Debit Card and Transactional
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Insurance in case of stolen card
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Travel medical insurance
Personal banker
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• Basic plus package which in addition to the above
includes travel medical insurance.
For additional information about Hypo Prestige Top
package and Hypo advisory banking, please visit the
nearest Hypo business unit or Hypo website:
LUXURY GUIDE summer 2015
za putnike
Vodeći računa o svim kategorijama svojih putnika Montenegro Airlines
u svojoj ponudi uvjek ima specijalne tarife i povoljnosti za putovanja.
Sve porodice koje odluče da putuju do
Beograda ili dolaze iz glavnog grada Srbije u
Crnu Goru avionima Montenegro Airlinesa
do 26. marta 2016. godine imaju priliku da
to urade po najpovoljnijim cijenama koristeći
pogodnosti porodične tarife.
U okviru porodične tarife, cijena povratne
karte za roditelje, za putovanja na relaciji
Podgorica/Tivat – Beograd - Podgorica/Tivat,
iznosi 125,22 eura po osobi, dok je cijena
karte za djecu 65,22 eura. Bebe do navršene 2.
godine života plaćaju 5 eura.
Navedene cijene se odnose na povratna
putovanja i ne uključuju rezervacionu taksu, a
karte je moguće kupiti sve do 24. marta 2016.
godine. Ova tarifa se ne odnosi na putovanje
jednog roditelja sa bebom, dok boravak treba
biti minimum 2 dana, a maksimum 21 dan.
Karte se mogu kupiti pozivom na broj
kontakt centra 19804, u svim Montenegro
Airlinesovim poslovnicama, kao i
autorizovanim putničkim agencijama.
Broj sjedišta po ovim cijenama je ograničen,
zato svi koji žele da iskoriste povoljnosti treba
što prije da rezervišu i kupe svoje karte.
Senior tarifa
Montenegro Airlines uvijek u svojoj ponudi
ima specijalne tarife i povoljnosti za putovanja
za sve kategorije putnika. Tako je za studente
iz Crne Gore, do navršene 26 godine starosti,
u ponudi posebna Studentska tarifa koja se
može rezervisati i kupiti do 26. marta 2016.
godine i važi za putovanja u ovom periodu.
Senior tarifa važi za putovanja iz Crne Gore ka
Beogradu, kao i iz Beograda za Crnu Goru.
Iznos povratne karte sa svim taksama je
110 eura.
Karte po toj cijeni se mogu rezervisati i kupiti
do 30. aprila 2016. godine i važe za putovanja
u ovom periodu. Neophodno je da putnik,
prilikom kupovine karte, pokaže dokument
kojim potvrđuje da stiče uslov za izdavanje
karte po ovom osnovu.
Kako bi iskoristili povoljnosti kupovine karata
u okviru ove tarife, studenti treba da dostave
kopiju važećeg pasoša i potvrdu od fakulteta o
upisanoj školskoj godini.
Prodaja i rezervacija karata po ovim tarifama
je moguća 24 sata prije leta iz/ka Beogradu.
Iz/ka svim ostalim destinacijama rezervacije
i prodaja su moguće najranije 21 dan u
zavisnosti od popunjenosti leta, gdje je i
period važenja rezervacije do 72 sata od
momenta pravljenja iste.
Karte po ovim cijenama se mogu izdavati
isključivo u poslovnicama/ predstavništvima
Montenegro Airlinesa.
za putnike starosti
preko 60 godina
Karte se mogu izdavati i sa otvorenim
datumom povratka, a mogu se kupiti samo u
poslovnicama Montenegro Airlinesa u Crnoj
Gori i Srbiji.
Sve detalje o ovim tarifama i ostalim
povoljnostima možete dobiti putem internet
stranice, u
svim poslovnicama Montenegro Airlinesa
ili na broj kontakt centra +19804, a ukoliko
pozivate iz inostranstva + 382 20 228 187.
Cijene povratnih karata sa svim taksama za
studente su:
• za/iz Beograda - 110 eura
• za/iz Ljubljane - 150 eura
• za/iz Rima, Beča,
Ciriha i Frankfurta- 180 eura
• za/iz Pariza - 220 eura
• za/iz Moskve - 240 eura
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Special deals
for passengers
When considering all its different kinds of passengers “Montenegro Airlines”
has always offered special fares and concessions.
Families who decide to travel to Belgrade or
are flying from Serbian capital to Montenegro
by Montenegro Airlines until 26 March 2016,
have an opportunity to travel at best airfares
using the benefits of Family tariff.
For the flights Podgorica/Tivat-BelgradePodgorica/Tivat, the Family tariff provides a
return ticket for parents at the price of €125.22
per person, while the children’s ticket price is
€65.22. The airfare for babies up to two years
old is €5.00.
These prices are for the return tickets only and
they don’t include booking fees. You may buy
tickets under this tariff until 24 March 2016.
This Family tariff doesn’t apply to one parent
travelling with a baby, and the sojourn must be
at least two days, but maximum 21 day.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting
our Contact Centre on +19804, in every
Montenegro Airlines branch office, as well as
at authorized travel agencies.
Number of tickets at this fare is limited, so
interested passengers should use benefits as
soon as possible, by booking and purchasing
their tickets.
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Montenegro Airlines always offers special fares
and benefits for all categories of passengers.
Therefore, for students from Montenegro, up
to 26 years of age, we have prepared a special
Student tariff and the tickets under this tariff
can be booked and bought until 26 March
2016 for the trips taken during the specified
In order to buy a ticket at this special rate,
students are required to provide a copy of their
passport and a valid proof of eligibility. The
purchase and booking of tickets under the
special students discount can be done 24 hours
before the flight to or from Belgrade. As for
other destinations, booking and purchasing
is to be undertaken up to 21 days before the
flight at the earliest, depending on whether
the flight has already been booked, while the
reservations are valid up to 72 hours from the
moment they have been made.
Tickets at this rate can be bought exclusively
at the branch offices/agencies of Montenegro
Special fares
for ages 60+
Senior tariff refers to trips made from
Montenegro to Belgrade, as well as from
Belgrade to Montenegro. The ticket price, with
all taxes included, is €110.00.
Discounted tickets can be bought and booked
until 30 April 2016 and are valid for the trips
taken during this period. Valid proof of age
is required when purchasing your ticket,
confirming that you are eligible to receive the
senior airfare discount.
Tickets can be issued with an open return
date, and can be bought only in Montenegro
Airlines branch offices in Montenegro and
All the details regarding this fare and all
the other special offers can be found on the
website, as
well as in all the branch offices of Montenegro
Airlines, or by contacting our Call Center on
+19804 for domestic, or +382 20 228 187 for
international calls.
The return ticket prices for students, with all
taxes included, are as follows:
To/from Belgrade €110
To/from Ljubljana €150
To/from Rome, Vienna, Zurich and
Frankfurt €180
To/from Moscow €240
4 dana
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma do hotela i nazad
3 noćenja sa doručkom u hotelu Neully (4****)
u centru Pariza
3 dana
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma do hotela i nazad
2 noćenja sa doručkom u hotelu 3*** u centru
3 dana
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma do hotela i nazad
2 noćenja sa doručkom u hotelu 4****
u centru Ljubljane
4 dana 339€
3 dana 289€
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma do hotela i nazad
2/3 noćenja sa doručkom u hotelu Ananas
(4****) u centru Beča
3 dana
4 dana
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma
do hotela i nazad
2 noćenja sa doručkom u
hotelu Nord 3***
Cijena aranžmana uključuje:
avio-prevoz sa taksama
transfer od aerodroma
do hotela i nazad
3 noćenja sa doručkom
u hotelu Nord 3***
za hotel Massimo d’Azeglio****
za hotel Massimo d’Azeglio****
Novi korporativni spot
Montenegro Airlinesa
m Adžićem i doaj
ost sa tren
nog tima Budućn
Članice rukomet
rišta Momčilom
and the doyen
h Dragan Adzic
the handball team
theatre Momcilo
of th
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
The new Montenegro
Airlines corporate video
Nagrađivani cr
nogorski redite
Awarded Monte
lj Draško Đuro
vić sa svojom u
negrin film dire
igranom ekipo
ctor Drasko Dju
rovic with his te
etnog kluba Budućnost
lo ženskog rukom
dmila Petrović, desno kri
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
m Buducnost
ht winger in handball tea
ve Radmila Petrovic, rig
Always smiling and positi
SEZONA 2015- 2016.
Po zimskom redu letjenja avioni
Montenegro Airlinesa saobraćaju od
25. oktobra 2015. do 26. marta 2016.
godine .
Vodeći računa o potrebama sve
zahtjevnijeg turističkog tržišta, kao
i o ekonomskoj valorizaciji svojih
kapaciteta, naš zimski red letjenja
podrazumijeva nekoliko izmjena, ali i
povećanje broja rotacija ka tržištima ka
kojima postoji povećana tražnja.
Iz Podgorice za Beograd letovi se
obavljaju dva puta dnevno svim danima,
a srijedom, četvrtkom i petkom tri puta
dnevno na relaciji Podgorica – Beograd
- Podgorica. Iz Tivta za Beograd avioni
Montenegro Airlinesa saobraćaju
jednom dnevno i to: utorkom, srijedom,
petkom i nedjeljom, odnosno dva puta
dnevno: ponedjeljkom, četvrtkom i
I tokom zimskog reda letjenja,
tendencija većeg interesovanja
slovenačkih turista se nastavlja te je
samim tim povećan broj rotacija ka
glavnom gradu Slovenije. Ka Ljubljani
će naši avioni saobraćati tri puta
nedjeljno i to: utorkom, petkom i
nedjeljom. Ka ovoj destinaciji letovi
ponedjeljkom, srijedom i četvrtkom
obavljaju se u saradnji sa slovenačkom
kompanijom Adria Airways.
Crna Gora je sa prijestonicom Austrije
svakodnevno povezana tokom zimske
sezone, čemu doprinosi saradnja sa
austrijskom kompanijom Austrian
Airlines. Avioni Montenegro Airlinesa
lete ponedjeljkom, srijedom i subotom,
dok se ponedjeljkom, utorkom,
četvrtkom, petkom i nedjeljom saobraća
avionima Austrian Airlinesa.
kontaktirati autorizovane agencije u
zemlji i inostranstvu.
Nacionalni avio-prevoznik ovako
sadržajnim redom letjenja daje svoj
puni doprinos povezivanju Crne Gore
sa svim važnijim evropskim centrima
tokom cijele godine.
Što se ostalih destinacija tiče, avioni
Montenegro Airlinesa tokom zime lete
tri puta nedjeljno za Frankfurt i Cirih i
to srijedom, petkom i nedjeljom.
Avioni nacionalne avio-kompanije lete
za Rim takođe tri puta nedjeljno i to
utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom, dok se
ka ovoj destinaciji letovi ponedeljkom,
četvrtkom i subotom obavljaju
u saradnji sa italijanskom aviokompanijom Alitalia.
Ka Parizu se po zimskom redu letjenja
saobraća tri puta nedjeljno, dok se ka
Moskvi saobraća četiri puta nedjeljno
iz Tivta.
Avionske karte Montenegro Airlinesa
možete rezervisati i kupiti online
na našoj Internet stranici www., putem našeg
kontakt centra pozivom na broj 19804
ili ukoliko pozivate iz inostranstva
+382 20 228 187. Takođe možete
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
SEASON 2015- 2016
Winter flight schedule applies to
Montenegro Airlines flights from 25
October 2015 to 26 March 2016.
Taking into consideration the
current needs of our demanding
tourist market, as well as the
economic valorization of our own
capacities, our winter flight line
suffered several changes, i.e. an
increased number of flights to highdemand markets.
There are two flights per day from
Podgorica to Belgrade during
the whole week, however on
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,
we fly three times a day on the route
Montenegro Airlines flies from Tivat
to Belgrade daily, specifically: once
a day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Fridays and Sundays and twice a
day on Mondays, Thursdays and
During the Winter flight schedule
we experience increasing interest
of Slovenian tourists, therefore the
number of round-trip flights to
the Slovenian capital is increased.
We fly to Ljubljana three times a
week, specifically: on Tuesdays,
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Fridays and Sundays. On Mondays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays
flights toward this destination are
carried out in cooperation with the
Slovenian company Adria Airways.
Montenegro is connected with the
Austrian capital daily throughout
the whole winter season due to
our successful cooperation with
the Austrian company Austria
Airlines. Montenegro Airlines has
flights on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, while Austrian
Airlines flies on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.
As far as other destinations are
considered, during the winter
Montenegro Airlines flies three
times a week to Frankfurt and
Zurich, on Wednesdays, Fridays and
Considering the winter flight
schedule, there are flights to Paris
three times a week, while we fly to
Moscow four times a week from
You can book and purchase
Montenegro Airlines airplanes
tickets on our web site www., by
contacting our Call Centre on
+19804 for domestic, or +382 20 228
187 for international calls.
Furthermore, you may contact
authorized agencies in the country
and abroad.
With a schedule like this, the
national airline company gives its
full contribution to connecting
Montenegro with all major
European cities throughout the
entire year.
Montenegro Airlines also flies
to Rome three times a week,
specifically on Tuesdays, Fridays and
Sundays, while Monday, Thursday
and Saturday flights are carried out
in cooperation with Italian company
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Celtic Sea
North Sea
Black Sea
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
92ft 5in
9ft 0in
6ft 7in
Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length
Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width
Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height
Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width
Širina sjedišta / Seat Width
94 ft 3 in
(28.72 m)
94 ft 3 in
(28.72 m)
39ft 8in
9ft 11in
11ft 0in
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
94ft 3in
126ft 10in
34ft 7in
12.08 m
3.01 m
3.35 m
28.72 m
36.24 m
10.55 m
Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length
Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width
2.74 m
Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height
2.00 m
Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width
0.49 m
Širina sjedišta / Seat Width
0.46 m
Razmah krila / Wingspan
Ukupna dužina / Length Overall
Ukupna visina / Height Overall
Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora /
Horizontal Stabilizer Span
Širina trupa / Fuselage Width
Visina trupa / Fuselage Height
Razmah krila / Wingspan
Ukupna dužina / Length Overall
Ukupna visina / Height Overall
Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora /
Horizontal Stabilizer Span
Širina trupa / Fuselage Width
Visina trupa / Fuselage Height
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
85 ft
9ft 0in
6ft 7in
1ft 7in
39 ft 8 in
9ft 11in
11ft 0in
94ft 3in
118ft 11in
34ft 7in
35835 kg
43090 kg
38780 kg
320 kts CAS
0,77 M
10.668 m
Max brzina leta / Max operating speed
Max brzina leta / Max operating speed
Max visina leta / Max operating altitude
Max težina bez goriva / Max zero fuel weight
Max težina na polijetanju / Max take-off weight
Max težina na slijetanju / Max landing weight
28.08 m
35.53 m
8.50 m
3.30 m
93.5 m2
Razmah krila / Wing span
Ukupna dužina / Total lenght
Ukupna visina / Total height
Prečnik trupa / Fuselage diameter
Površina krila / Wing area
79000 lb
95000 lb
85500 lb
35000 ft
92 ft 1.4in
116 ft 6.8 in
27 ft 10.5 in
10 ft 9.92 in
1006.5 sq ft
Call Centar
Telefoni: 19804 - informacije, rezervacije, prodaja
+ 382 20 405 545 - Call centar Supervisor
+ 382 20 228 187 - za pozive iz inostranstva
e- mail: [email protected]
Šalteri na aerodromima
Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 55, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
Telefon: + 382 20 664 411 ,+ 382 20 664 433 , Fax: + 382 20 665 291
e- mail: [email protected]
Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Aerodrom Golubovci, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
Telefon: + 382 20 445 105, dežurni GSM: + 382 67 624 524
e- mail: [email protected]
Beograd - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Knez Mihailova 23, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Telefon: + 381 11 2621 122, + 381 11 3036 535, + 381 65 933 99 33 ,Fax:
+ 381 11 2181 861
e- mail: [email protected]
Tivat - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Aerodrom Tivat, 85320 Tivat, Crna Gora
Telefon: + 382 32 670 500,dežurni GSM: + 382 67 670 500
e- mail: [email protected]
Budva - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Mediteranska 21, 85310 Budva, Crna Gora
Telefon: + 382 33 451 735, + 382 33 456 244, Fax: + 382 33 454 900
e- mail: [email protected]
Kotor - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta, 85330 Kotor, Crna
Telefon: + 382 32 304 860, + 382 32 304 861, + 382 32 304 864, Fax: +
382 32 304 865
e- mail: [email protected]
Beč - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Liechtensteinstrasse 12, Beč 1090, Österreich
Telefon: +43 19 226 289, +43 67 65 566 878, Fax: +43 19 226 289
e- mail: [email protected]
(Generalni agent prodaje za tržište Švajcarske)
Check-in 2 Zuerich Flughafen
Telefon: +41 43 816 78 77
Fax: + 41 43 816 78 84
e-mail:[email protected]
Beograd - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Telefon: + 381 11 228 6241,dežurni GSM: + 381 64 617 4879
e- mail: [email protected]
Moskva - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Aerodrom Domodedovo, kancelarija 3.57, Moskva, Rusija
Telefon: +7 495 287 15 25, +7 495 287 15 26
e- mail: [email protected]
Frankfurt - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Aerodrom Frankfurt, Terminal 2, Hala D, 60547 Frankfurt,
Telefon: + 49 69 28 23 74, fax: + 49 69 28 11 76
e- mail: [email protected]
Rim - I.T.R. Handling
Adresa: Aerodrom Leonardo da Vinči - Fiumićino, Terminal 3, 00187
Rim, Italija
Telefon: + 39 06 6595 8053, + 39 33 5649 6227
Dizeldorf - JET TRAVEL
Telefon: + 49 1756712919
Pariz - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: 120, avenue Des Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris, France
Telefon: + 33 1 42 25 08 69, Fax: + 33 1 42 25 08 71
e- mail: [email protected]
Moskva - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: ul. Korovij Val br.7 s.1 ob.II, 119017 Moskva, Rusija
Telefon: + 7 499 230 0868
e- mail: [email protected]
London - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom
Telefon: + 44 (0) 7701012010
e- mail: [email protected]
Kopenhagen - Quality Air Tours
Adresa: Vester Voldgade 96, 4 sprat,1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telefon: + 45 33 11 33 16, Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55
e- mail: [email protected]
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Call Center
Phones: 19804 - Information, booking, sales
+ 382 20 405 545 - Call center Supervisor
+ 382 20 228 187 - For international calls
e-mail: [email protected]
Sales Offices
Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 55, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Telephone: + 382 20 664 411, + 382 20 664 433,
Fax: + 382 20 665 291
e- mail: [email protected]
Address: Golubovci Airport, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
Telephone: + 382 20 445 105
GSM: + 382 67 624 524
Budva - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Mediteranska 21, 85310 Budva, Montenegro
Telephone: + 382 33 451 735, + 382 33 456 244,
Fax: + 382 33 454 900
e- mail: [email protected]
Kotor - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta,
85330 Kotor, Montenegro
Telephone: + 382 32 304 860, + 382 32 304 861, + 382 32 304 864,
Fax: + 382 32 304 865
e- mail: [email protected]
Tivat – Montenegro Airlines
Address: Tivat Airport, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro
Telephone: + 382 32 670 500
GSM: + 382 67 670 500
Belgrade - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Knez Mihailova Street 23, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
Telephone: + 381 11 2621 122, + 381 11 3036 535, + 381 65 933 99 33,
Fax: + 381 11 2181 861
e- mail: [email protected]
Address: Nikola Tesla Airport, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Telephone: + 381 11 228 6241
GSM: +381 64 617 4879
Vienna - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Liechtensteinstrasse 12, Wien 1090, Österreich
Telephone: + 43 19 226 289, + 43 67 65 566 878,
Fax: + 43 19 226 289
e- mail: [email protected]
(General agent for Switzerland)
Check-in 2 Zuerich Flughafen
Telephone: + 41 44 221 10 27, Fax: + 41 44 221 10 26
e-mail: [email protected]
Frankfurt - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Airport Frankfurt, Terminal 2, Halle D, 60547
Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Telephone: + 49 69 28 23 74
Fax: + 49 69 28 11 76
E-mail: [email protected]
Rome - I.T.R. Handling
Address: Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino, Terminal 3,
Partenze, 00187 Roma, Italy
Telephone: + 39 06 6595 8053 , + 39 33 5649 6227
Luxury Inflight Magazine 2016
Paris - Montenegro Airlines
Address: 120, avenue Des Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris, France
Telephone: + 33 1 42 25 08 69, Fax: + 33 1 42 25 08 71
e- mail: [email protected]
Moscow - Montenegro Airlines
Address: ul. Korovij Val br.7 s.1 ob.II, 119017 Moscow, Russia
Telephone: + 7 499 230 0868
e- mail: [email protected]
Address: Airport Domodedovo, office 3.57, Moscow, Russia
Telephone: +7 495 287 15 25 , +7 495 287 15 26
London - Montenegro Airlines
Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX,
United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0) 7701012010
e- mail: [email protected]
Copenhagen - Quality Air Tours
Address: Vester Voldgade 96, IV floor,1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telephone: + 45 33 11 33 16, Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55
e- mail: [email protected]
Airport Ticket Counter
Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Airport Golubovci, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Phone no: + 382 20 445 105, GSM: + 382 67 624 524
e- mail: [email protected]
Tivat - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Airport Tivat, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro
Phone no: + 382 32 670 500, GSM: + 382 67 670 500
e- mail: [email protected]
Belgrade - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone no.: + 381 11 228 6241,GSM: + 381 64 617 4879
e- mail: [email protected]
Moscow - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Domodedovo Internat. Airport, office 3.57, Moskow, Russia
Phone no.: +7 495 287 15 25, +7 495 287 15 26
e- mail: [email protected]
Ljubljana - Airport Brnik
Address: Letališče Brnik, 4210 Brnik
Phone no.: + 386 4 2594 252, + 386 4 2594 245
Frankfurt - Montenegro Airlines
Address: Airport Frankfurt, Terminal 2, Halle D, 60547 Frankfurt am
Main, Deutschland
Phone no.: + 49 69 28 23 74,Fax: + 49 69 28 11 76
e- mail: [email protected]
Rome - I.T.R. Handling
Address: Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino, Terminal 3,
Departures, 00187 Roma, Italy
Phone no.: + 39 06 6595 8053, + 39 33 5649 6227
Düsseldorf - JET TRAVEL
Phone no.: + 49 1756712919
Dajemo krila Vašim snovima
We give wings to your dreams
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији
Национална библиотека Црне Горе, Цетиње
ISSN 2336-9922 = Luxury inflight magazine
COBISS.CG-ID 25584912