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J e s e n 2 0 1 2 . B ro j 31 / Autumn 2012 N o 31
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Sadržaj / Contents
Montenegro Airlines News����������������������������������������������������������10
Montenegro Airlines News�������������������������������������������������������11
Proslavite rođendan sa nama
Celebrate birthday with us!
Montenegro Airlines News��������������������������������������������������������12
Montenegro Airlines News������������������������������������������13
Osvrt na sezonu za nama
Analysis of the Summer season
Montenegro Airlines News - Early Booking��������������14
Montenegro Airlines News - Early Booking�����������15
Rezervišite ranije i uštedite
Povod: Rođendan���������������������������������������������������������������16
Naše mjesto pod suncem
Intervju: Dragan Adžić������������������������������������������������������24
Čovjek koji je pobijedio uspjeh
Arheologija: Bijedići�����������������������������������������������������������42
Kuće na sunčanoj strani brda
Putevi hrane i vina��������������������������������������������������������������52
Za mirisom sira, meda, pršute... u avanturu
Galerija: Slobodan Puro Đurić����������������������������������������60
Ono što ćemo tek sanjati
Pričam ti priču����������������������������������������������������������������������78
Gledam ga dok spava
Crnogorska savremena poezija�������������������������������������91
Dragana Tripković
Inflight Magazine No 31
Jesen 2012. / Autumn 2012
Uređuje i izdaje / Editing and Publishing
Montenegro Airlines, Marketing & Corporative Communications Department,
Mr Aleksandra Gardašević-Slavuljica
Book your tickets early and save money
Occasions: Birthday��������������������������������������������������������21
Dizajn, priprema za Štampu i oglaŠavanje /
design, prepress and ADs
Our place in the Sun
Interview: Dragan Adžić������������������������������������������������32
A man who won success
Archaeology: Bijedići�����������������������������������������������������46
Glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-chief
Nada Bukilić
Art direktor / Art Director
Vuk Eraković
Houses on the sunny side of the hill
Vuk Eraković
Food and wine routes����������������������������������������������������56
tekstovi / TEXTS
Nada Bukilić, Bratislav Kokolj, Sead Sadiković,
Prof. dr Blagota Mitrić, Veseljko Koprivica
By following the smell of cheese, honey, ham...
into the adventure
Fotografija / Photo
Slaven Vulis, Duško Miljanić, Maja Đurić, Dalibor Ševaljević,
Saša Matić, Imrana Kapetanović
Gallery: Slobodan Puro Đurić��������������������������������������68
NASLOVNA STRANA / cover page
Foto Berg
What we’ll only dream
Gavrilo Mirotić
Let me tell you a story���������������������������������������������������82
Oglašavanje / Advertising
Jelena Dragutinović
Tel: +382 (0)20 664 283
E-mail: [email protected]
I’m looking at him while asleep
Montenegrin contemporary poetry�������������������������91
Dragana Tripković
Crnogorska kužina: Potopliki�����������������������������������������96
Montenegrin cuisine: Potopliki������������������������������� 100
Mediteran i Istok u jednoj činiji
Mediterranean and East in a single bowl
Crnogorski pejzaži�����������������������������������������������������������104
Montenegrin landscapes������������������������������������������� 112
Dobrodošla, jeseni
Welcome to you, fall!
Turistički vremeplov��������������������������������������������������������118
The time machine tour!���������������������������������������������� 120
Kapljice humora
Drops of humor
Za čitanje i pamćenje.�����������������������������������������������������122
To read and remember����������������������������������������������� 126
Od bisera do Tatara
From pearls to Tatars
Contacts �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Destinations������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Prevodioc / Translator
Mileta Lutovac
Štampa / Printed by DPC & Grafotisak Grude
Tiraž / Number of copies: 5000
Montenegro Airlines
Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica,
Montenegro, tel: +382 (0)20 405 501
fax: +382 (0)20 405 528
E-mail: [email protected]
Montenegro Advertising and Production Agency
Stadion Budućnosti, Ul. 19. decembra 13, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
tel: +382 (0)20 664 283
[email protected]
ISSN 1800-5462
Dear passengers,
Poštovani putnici,
Jesen poslovično podrazumijeva sumiranje rezultata ovogodišnje
ljetnje sezone. Tokom ljetnjih mjeseci, naši kapaciteti su u potpunosti bili u službi crnogorskog turizma, tako da su brojni projekti
uspješno realizovani. Naši redovni letovi imali su povećan broj
rotacija, a charter saobraćaj bio je još intenzivniji.
I sada, kada je uspješna sezona već za nama, uveliko ulazimo u
pripreme za sljedeću godinu. Tokom predstojećih mjeseci bićemo
prisutni na svim većim turističkim berzama u Evropi. U pripremi
je projekat “early booking”, tako da je rana prodaja karata za letove
u sezoni 2013. već spremna. Od kraja oktobra, preko našeg sajta:, ova ponuda biće aktivirana, a do
tada, nude Vam se brojne mogućnosti on-line kupovine.
Fasten your seatbelts!
President’s message
Ipak, dolazak jeseni za nas ima poseban značaj. U oktobru proslavljamo godišnjicu nastanka. Sa zadovoljstvom možemo reći da je za
nama 18 uspješnih godina.
Za ovih 18 godina, Montenegro Airlines uspio je da se dominantno
pozicionira na tržištu, izgradi brend prepoznatljiv po bezbjednosti,
besprekornoj tačnosti i najsavremenijoj floti u regionu. Ali, nisu
samo to naše komparativne prednosti. Našu najveću prednost
čine ljudi. S ponosom ističem da smo stvorili tim eksperata, koji
profesionalizmom i posvećenošću grade ovako kompleksan
projekat. Veoma smo svjesni činjenice da ako su zaposleni snažni kompanija je snažna, ako su oni mladi - kompanija je mlada, ako oni
napreduju, napreduje i kompanija.
I svi zajedno imamo razloga za slavlje. Naši zaposleni imaju razlog
da slave jer nam godine dodaju vrijednost. Imaju razlog da slave
i naši putnici, jer godine našeg iskustva ulivaju povjerenje. Slaveći
rođendan, slavimo povjerenje koje nam Vi, dragi naši putnici,
Autumn usually involves summarizing the results of this year’s summer season. Our capabilities were completely at the service of Montenegrin tourism
during the summer months, so many projects were successfully completed.
Our regular flights had the increased number of rotations, and charter traffic
was even more intense.
And now, after a successful season, we are largely entering in preparation for
the next year. We will be present at all the major tourist fairs in Europe over
the coming months. The “early booking” project is in preparation so that the
early ticket sales for flights in the Summer season 2013 is already available.
This offer will be activated from the end of October, via our website: www., and until then, numerous possibilities of on-line
shopping are being offered to you.
However, the arrival of autumn for us has a special significance. In October, we
celebrate the anniversary of our Company. We are pleased to say that 18 years
of success are behind us.
For these 18 years, Montenegro Airlines has managed to get a dominant position in the market, build a brand known for safety, irreproachable accuracy
and most modern fleets in the region. But, these are not all our comparative
advantages. Our biggest advantage are our employees. May I stress with pride
that we have created a team of experts who build such a complex project
with professionalism and dedication. We are very aware of the fact that if the
employees are strong - the Company is strong, if they are young - the Company is young, if they are progressing, the Company also will progress.
And all of us together have a reason to celebrate. Our employees have a
reason to celebrate, because 18 years to us mean an added value. Our passengers have also the reason to celebrate, because the years of our experience inspire with confidence. By celebrating the birthday, we celebrate the
confidence, which you dear passengers, show to us.
We thank you for that,
U to ime Vam zahvaljujemo
Dr Zoran Djurisic, Engineer
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Montenegro Airlines
dr Zoran Đurišić, dipl. inž.,
predsjednik Odbora direktora
Montenegro Airlinesa
Montenegro Airlines novosti
Montenegro Airlines NEWS
n the occasion of 18 years
of successful operations,
Montenegro Airlines shall
reward all you celebrating your birthday these days with two free return
tickets to the destination of your
If you want to celebrate your birthday by nice trip, it is necessary that
you bring your identification document to one of our offices in Serbia
and Montenegro until 24 October
2012, and pick up your free ticket!
Thank you for 18 years of loyalty,
Your Montenegro Airlines
ovodom 18 godina uspješnog
Montenegro Airlines
nagrađuje sve vas
koji tih dana slavite
rođendan sa po dvije
karte za destinaciju koju sami odaberete!
Ako želite proslaviti rođendan lijepim putovanjem, potrebno je da sa
identifikacionim dokumentom, do 24. oktobra 2012. posjetite jednu od naših poslovnica u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji, i preuzmete
Vašu besplatnu kartu!
Hvala Vam na 18 godina vjernosti,
Vaš Montenegro Airlines
Montenegro Airlines novosti
Montenegro Airlines NEWS
Osvrt na
sezonu za nama
Analysis of the
Summer season
očeli su i prvi jesenji dani. Pravo je vrijeme da se odlučite i posjetite neku od evropskih prijestonica: Rim,
Pariz, Beč...
Od osnivanja kompanije do danas, misija Montenegro
Airlinesa je povezivanje Crne Gore i Evrope, spajanje različitih
ljudi i krajeva. Raduje nas ako ste iskoristili odmor u našoj zemlji, dobro se proveli, posjetili interesantna mjesta, upoznali
Sa ponosom ističemo da je u toku juna, jula i avgusta, sa nama putovalo blizu 250.000 putnika, što je
8% više u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Od
početka godine, imali smo oko 450.000 putnika –
povećanje od 7% u odnosu na prošlu godinu!
nove ljude.
Da bi što više bili Vama na usluzi, dragi putnici, od početka
septembra dostupan je naš redizajnirani website, preko kog
možete, na najbrži i najkomforniji način, rezervisati i kupiti
karte i, pri tom, ostvariti značajne uštede. Jer, rezervacijom i
kupovinom karata preko sajta, omogućili smo vam da platite
nižu rezervacionu taksu u odnosu na druga prodajna mjesta.
Sajt je i za nas veoma značajan jer, upravo preko njega, dobijamo vaše brojne komentare i tako ostajemo u vezi sa vama.
Mnogo znači to što nam se često javljaju naši redovni putnici,
ali i oni koji su po prvi put u Crnoj Gori. Raduju nas izuzetno
pozitivni utisci stranaca koji su letjeli sa nama i posjetili našu zemlju. I dalje čekamo vaše komentare. Jer, tu smo za sve
sugestije i primjedbe, osluškujemo vaše želje i trudimo se da
vam uvijek budemo na usluzi. Zato što je vaše zadovoljstvo,
naša najveća satisfakcija!
irst autumn days have arrived. The time is right to decide
which European capital to visit: Rome, Paris, Vienna...
The mission of Montenegro Airlines has been connecting Montenegro and Europe, different people and places since
the Company establishment until now. We are happy, if you have
spent your vacations in our country, and had a good time, visited
We proudly want to point out that during June, July
and August, nearly 250,000 passengers travelled
with us, that is 8% more compared to the same period of the last year. Since the beginning of 2012, we
have had about 450,000 passengers - an increase of
7% compared to the last year!
interesting places, met new people.
Dear passengers, to be more at your service, our redesigned website is accessible since early September, through which you can at
the fastest and most comfortable way book and buy tickets and,
in doing so, realize substantial savings. Because, by booking and
ticket purchasing through the site, we have enabled you to pay a
lower reservation fee compared to the other selling locations.
The website is also very important for us because, we get a number of your comments through it and therefore remain in contact
with you. It means a lot to us that our regular passengers contact us, and also those who are for the first time in Montenegro.
Foreign tourists who have flown with us and visited our country
carry very positive impressions, which makes us happy. We still wait for your comments. Because, we are here for all suggestions and
comments, to listen attentively your wishes, always trying to be at
your service. Because your pleasure is our greatest satisfaction!
Montenegro Airlines NEWS - Early Booking
ranije i uštedite
Putovanja za proljeće / ljeto 2013. godine
koliko planirate da u sledećoj
godini posjetite neku od evropskih metropola, vaše avionske
karte već od sada možete kupiti po jedinstvenim promotivnim cijenama.
Promotivne tarife biće dostupne u periodu od 1. novembra 2012. do 1. marta 2013. godine. Ne propustite šansu
da u ovom peridu rezervišete i kupite
svoju kartu i na taj način uštedite.
Tarife će važiti za sva putovanja u periodu od kraja marta do kraja oktobra
2013. godine. Promotivne tarife važiće
i za putovanja započeta u inostranstvu.
Karte po promotivnim tarifama mogu
se kupiti u svim prodajnim mjestima
Montenegro Airlinesa u zemlji i inostranstvu, pozivom booking centra na
broj 19804 (za pozive iz Crne Gore) ili
na + 382 20 66 44 11 i + 382 20 66 44
33 (za pozive izvan Crne Gore) ili putem veb sajta.
Montenegro Airlines za Vas
Montenegro Airlines NEWS - Early Booking
Book your
tickets early
and save money
Travel in Spring / Summer 2013
f you plan to visit any European metropolis during 2013, you can already
buy your plane tickets with special
promotion prices.
Promotion prices start on November
1, 2012 till March 1, 2013. Do not miss a
chance to book and buy your plane ticket
in this period, and therefore save money.
This pricing will be valid for all travels
in the period from end of March till
end of October 2013. Promotion pricing is valid also for journeys that have started abroad.
These tickets can be bought in all
Montenegro Airlines points of sale in
the country and foreign ones, or by
calling our Booking center on 19804
(if calling from Montenegro), or on +
382 20 66 44 11 and + 382 20 66 44 33
(for calls from other countries) and on
our website.
Montenegro Airlines for You
POVODI: rođendan
Naše mjesto
pod suncem
U životu svih nas, slaviti 18. rođendan veoma je značajan trenutak, koji se dijeli sa
najbližima. Tako je i sa kompanijama, posebno onima čiji su zaposleni vizionari, vrijedni i
posvećeni svojim zadacima. Rođendan želimo proslaviti i podijeliti radost uspjeha sa vama,
sa kojima i uz pomoć kojih smo rasli, razvijali se i stekli iskustva koja sada baštinimo
prkos preprekama sa kojima se
suočavala pri osnivanju, (kada je
vladalo mišljenje da Crnoj Gori nije potrebna nacionalna avio-kompanija),
rođena je 24. oktobra 1994. godine, kompanija Montenegro Airlines. Registrovana
je za obavljanje redovnog i charter putničkog saobraćaja, kao i za prevoz tereta.
Učinila je, i dalje čini, sve da našim građanima omogući najjednostavniji i najpovoljniji način da putuju, povezujući Crnu Goru sa
Evropom i svijetom.
O počecima
Dr Zoran Đurišić, spiritus movens naše
kompanije, još 1993. godine predstavio je
Vladi Republike Crne Gore ideju o nastanku avio-kompanije. Na čelu Montenegro
Airlinesa je od njenog osnivanja do danas.
Zato što je uspjela njegova vizionarska ideja i zato što je vrijednim radom dokazao
da hrabri uvijek pobjeđuju, dozvolite da
vas upoznamo sa njegovim radnim i životnim putem: dr Đurišić (12. avgusta 1956.)
diplomirao je 1983. na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka, a magistrirao na Mašinskom
fakultetu u Novom Sadu 1989. godine.
Doktorsku tezu odbranio je 1998.godine,
na Mašinskom fakultetu u Nišu.
direktora Montenegro Airlinesa izabran je
1994. godine. Za predsjednika Upravnog
odbora jedine crnogorske avio-kompanije
izabran je 1997. godine. Na čelu jedne od
najuspješnijih crnogorskih kompanija je do
Crnogorska avio-kompanija osnovana je u
godinama kada je cio region bio u specifičnoj situaciji. Zato nije bila u mogućnosti da
odmah pristupi kupovini aviona. Prvi avion, Fokker 28Mk 4000, nabavljen je u jesen,
sada već daleke 1996. godine.
Tačno u 10.30 časova, 7. maja 1997.godine,
kompanija Montenegro Airlines prvi put se
svojim avionom vinula u nebo, i preletjevši
Jadran, naš Lovćen sletio je u Bari! Istorijska
i poslovna povezanost Crne Gore i Italije
bili su logičan i opravdan razlog da naš
prekomorski susjed bude i naše prvo odredište. Imponovalo je što naši domaćini
znaju dosta o Crnoj Gori, domovini kraljice
Jelene. Ovo je bio početni korak kojim smo
doprinijeli da ljepotom i kvalitetom, Crna
Gora kao turistička destinacija, ali i kao zemlja koja može da se podiči i vrijednim kul-
turnim bogatstvom, postane poželjna destinacija. Naša kompanija je od tada za cilj
uvijek imala i višeznačno povezivanje Crne
Gore sa svijetom. Ona više nije bila „mala
balkanska zemlja” već ozbiljna destinacija
koja ima svoj put iz svijeta i u svijet.
Kako je kompanija godinama rasla, rasli su
i njena flota i broj zaposlenih. Montenegro
Airlines razvila se u modernu instituciju, koja posluje u skladu sa savremenim
svjetskim standardima. Zadovoljstvo naših
putnika, ali i brojni dobijeni sertifikati, potvrđuju razloge našeg ponosa.
Prve godine naša avio-kompanija prevezla
je 16.000 putnika, a već naredne, s nama
je letjelo čak 70.000! Ovakav razvoj aviokompanije i porast broja putnika, iziskivao je nabavku i drugog aviona istog tipa,
Fokker 28Mk 4000 (jula 1998). Sada smo,
osnaženi, mogli u proces šireg osvajanja
tržišta, tj. u koštac sa sve jačom konkurencijom. Kraj 1999. obilježen je letovima za
Frankfurt, Cirih, Ljubljanu, Skoplje, Istanbul
i Budimpeštu.
Nebo bez
April 2000.godine označio
je veći uzlet kompanije i dalje osvajanje neba. Tada je
Montenegro Airlines postala
član Međunarodne asocijacije
za vazdušni saobraćaj (IATA-e),
što je bio preduslov za dobijanje
dozvola za redovni vazdušni saobraćaj, ulazak u Amadeus i ostvarivanje tijesne saradnje sa drugim
avio-kompanijama. Iste godine, dva
Fokkera 28Mk, zamijenjena su modernim letjelicama, Fokker 100. Ovi avioni
su opremljeni najmodernijom navigacionom opremom, koja omoguća-
va automatsko slijetanje, čak i u uslovima
nulte vidljivosti, sistemom za upozorenje
pilota na kvarove i velikim brojem dupliciranih i tripliciranih sistema, čime se ostvaruje visok stepen pouzdanosti. Do kraja
2003. godine, imali smo u vlasništvu četiri
letjelice ovog tipa, čime smo još više doprinijeli onome čemu težimo – apsolutnoj
sigurnosti i udobnosti naših putnika!
Montenegro Airlines je 5. marta 2003. godine, postala korisnik „Amadeus system
user” - vodećeg svjetskog rezervacionog
sistema, koji koristi 130 svjetskih avio-kompanija.
Prvi na Balkanu, a među prvima u Evropi, 22.
februara 2008. uveli smo elektronski tiketing
i time pokazali da je Montenegro Airlines
kompanija koja prati savremene trendove u
avijaciji i ide u korak sa svijetom.
Naš dalji put ka vrhu obilježio je 21. februar
2007, kada smo zvanično dobili IOSA sertifikat – najznačajniji međunarodno priznat
program koji obuhvata bezbjedonosne,
organizacione i kadrovske standarde u civilnom vazduhoplovstvu u cilju unaprjeđenja bezbjednosti i efikasnosti avijacije.
IOSA sertifikat je, nakon prvog, već dva puta uspješno obnovljen.
Na nebu za Montenegro Airlines ne postoje granice, pa smo tako, 19. maja 2007. uspostavili vazdušni most sa Rusijom - prema
Moskvi i Sankt Peterburgu; 15. juna 2008.
godine, direktnim letovima povezali smo
Crnu Goru sa jednim od najvećih administrativnih i poslovnih centara u svijetu –
Nova flota - nova
razvojna era
Na podgorički aerodrom 8. juna 2008. godine, sletio je prvi
avion tipa Embraer 195, a
23. maja 2009. i drugi takav avion. Ove letjelice
su nam obogatile flotu i
omogućile novu razvojnu eru. Avioni Embraeri
195 dizajnirani su po tzv.
E-principu i predstavljaju
inženjering, superiornu ergonomiju, izvanrednu efikasnost
i impresivnu ekonomičnost.
Embaeri su nam omogućili osvajanje novih tržišta, a
putnicima sa tih tržišta ponudili
smo, u tehnološkom smislu najefikasniji, najnapredniji i najudobniji putnički avion na nebu među
avionima ove veličine. Pod sloga-
Nakon studija radio je u podgoričkom
„Radoju Dakiću”, u Sektoru razvoja kao
glavni inženjer, bio je direktor podgoričkog
predstavništva „Energoprojekta”. Za prvog
i renome Crne Gore na prvom mjestu.
Uspjeh kompanije mjeri se i prevazilaženjem različitih prepreka, te sposobnošću
da se iznađu načini za otvaranje i međunarodnih i međukompanijskih granica.
Sa tim ciljem smo u maju ove godine, u
Miločeru, Budva, bili domaćini susreta četiri renomirana avio-prevoznika sa bivših
jugoslovenskih prostora.
Naš ponos
Danas Montenegro Airlines uspješno
održava redovan saobraćaj ka Parizu,
Frankfurtu, Rimu, Cirihu, Ljubljani, Beču,
Beogradu, Moskvi, Londonu, Nišu i
Kopenhagenu, uspostavljući vazdušne
mostove između Crne Gore i Evrope.
nom „STVORENI ZA VAS”, 18. jula 2010.
Montenegro Airlines predstavila je novi Embraer 195, treći u floti. Nabavkom
ovog aviona, naša je kompanija postala
nacionalni prevoznik sa impozantnom
flotom od osam najsavremenijih aviona današnjice. Modernizacijom i nabavkom tri Embaera 195, uspješno smo završili prvu fazu obnove avio-flote. Ipak,
Montenegro Airlines hrabro korača u
budućnost i dalje raste, a širenje flote
se nastavlja. Ugovor o nabavci novog
Embraera već je potpisan, i njegovo slijetanje na pistu podgoričkog aerodroma
očekuje se tokom prve polovine 2013.
Siguran let
Uporedo sa ovim događajima nizala su
se razna priznanja za kvalitet rada naše
kompanije. Već godinama vazduhoplovne
vlasti Rusije, uz stručnu podršku i podatke
moskovskog aerodroma Domodedov, u
konkurenciji za tačnost rada avio-kompanija, proglašavaju Montenegro Airlines za
najtačnijeg među prevoznicima. Uvidom
u tačnost saobraćaja i preciznost letjenja
svih avio-prevoznika, čiji avioni slijeću na
moskovski aerodrom, Montenegro Airlines
dobio je Priznanje za kvalitet. Moskovske
vazduhoplovne vlasti potvrdile su da nijesmo imali niti jedan minut kašnjenja, čime smo dobili „ocjenu redovnosti 100%”!
Takođe, aerodrom Šarl de Gol dodijelio je
priznanje Montenegro Airlinesu zbog povećanja broja putnika iz godine u godinu.
Ova priznanja najvećih svjetskih aerodroma, uz značajne IOSA sertifikate, učvršćuju
našu namjeru da kroz ozbiljan i odgovoran
pristup svakom segmentu poslovanja, kvalitetom, tačnošću i bezbjednošću, još više
podignemo renome crnogorske avio-kompanije.
Pored redovnih, na karti naših charter
letova našle su se i sljedeće destinacije:
Bari, Brindizi, Napulj, Atina, Krf, Rodos,
Skijatos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurgada,
Brno, Ostrava, Grac, Klagenfurt, Dizeldorf,
Katanija, Sankt Peterburg, Rejkjavik i
drugi. Razvojni planovi Montenegro
Airlinesa odnose se na dalje inoviranje i
proširenje flote avionima tipa Embraer
195, radi proširivanja tržišta i otvaranja
novih avio-linija. Stremimo ka brojnim
ciljevima: povećanju broja putnika, povećanju broja rotacija ka postojećim destinacijama, saradnji sa drugim uspješnim
kompanijama, novim destinacijama, novim turistima koji će sa nama doći u Crnu
Za te ciljeve spremni smo da radimo i više i bolje. Da i ubuduće sa nama putujete
na najbezbjedniji mogući način, uvjereni
da ćemo uvijek izaći u susret vašim željama i potrebama, da let sa nama bude
jedno od najugodnijih iskustava zbog sigurnosti i udobnosti koje pružamo.
Zreliji i iskusniji, i sa pred vama potvrđenim kvalitetom, poštovani putnici, želimo zajedno proslaviti i mnogo budućih
rođendana! U korak sa svjetskim trendovima, i kada uzlijećemo i kada slijećemo,
mi letimo ka najljepšim mjestima pod
suncem! Mi vas vodimo u šareni, poznati
i nepoznati svijet, ali i svijet dovodimo u
Crnu Goru!
Letimo s ljubavlju, Vaš Montenegro Airlines.
Kompanijski website, takođe je ocijenjen prestižnim
nagradama i sertifikatima, kako u zemlji,
tako i u inostranstvu. Uoči 18. rodjendana,
odjenuli smo ga u novo ruho i redizajnirali
Isplatilo se što smo uložili mnogo truda da
Montenegro Airlines postane i traje kao
simbol moderne Crne Gore. Ponosni smo
što je upravo naš rad doprinio unaprjeđenju crnogorskog turizma, Dolaskom brojnih turista našim avionima, značajno se
popunjavaju kapaciteti crnogorskih hotela.
Time pomažemo da se ispune ciljevi razvoja turizma i namjere turističke privrede
i Ministarstva turizma i saobraćaja. Siguran
prevoz putnika i omogućavanje što jednostavnijih avio-veza sa diversifikovanim
tržištem, jesu naš doprinos afirmaciji najljepših i najvažnijih crnogorskih destinacija,
odnosno dokaz da je Montenegro Airlines
prava nacionalna kompanija kojoj su dobro
Our place
in the sun
In the life of all of us, to celebrate the 18th birthday is a very
important moment, which is shared with loved ones. So it
is with companies, especially those whose employees are
hardworking visionaries committed to their tasks. We wish
to celebrate the birthday and share the joy of success with
you, with whom and with whose support we have grown,
evolved and gained experience that now we inherit.
espite the obstacles it faced at its
establishment, (when was prevailing the opinion that Montenegro
did not need a national airline), the company Montenegro Airlines was born on 24
October 1994 by connecting Montenegro
with Europe and the world it has done its
best, to provide our citizens with the easiest and most convenient way of travelling.
About the
In far 1993, Dr Zoran Đurišić, the spritus
movens our Company, presented to the
Government of Montenegro, the idea of
establishing of the Airlines. He has been
heading Montenegro Airlines since its
establishing to the present.
Let us introduce to you his work and life
because his visionary idea has succeeded
and he proved that the braves always
win by hard work: Dr. Đurišić (date of
birth:08.12. 1956) graduated in 1983 on
the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
and obtained his Master at the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering in Novi Sad in
1989. He defended his PhD thesis in 1998
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
in Niš.
After his studies, he worked as a chief engineer in “Radoje Dakic” Podgorica in the
Development Department, was Director
of the “Energoprojekt” Representing Office
in Podgorica. He was elected the first
Director of Montenegro Airlines in 1994.
For the President of the Managing Board of
the only Montenegrin airline company he
was elected in 1997. He is heading one of
the most successful Montenegrin companies up to nowadays.
Montenegrin airline company was founded in the year when the whole Region
was in a specific situation. So it was not
able to immediately purchase the aircraft.
The first plane, Fokker 28Mk 4000, was purchased in the fall of, now far, 1996.
Company Montenegro Airlines soared
into the sky, for the first time, at exactly
10:30 AM on 7th May of 1997 by its own
plane, and after flying over the Adriatic,
our Lovćen landed in Bari! Historical and
business links between Montenegro and
Italy were logical and justifiable reasons for
our overseas neighbor was our first destination. We were impressed that our hosts
knew a lot about Montenegro, the homeland of Queen Helena. This was the first
step of our contribution in such a away
that Montenegro, as a tourist destination
but also as a country proud of its valuable
cultural richness, became a desirable destination, owning to its beauty and quality.
Since then Company as a target always
have had the ambiguous connecting of
Montenegro with the world. It was no longer a “small Balkans country” but a serious
destination having always its way out of
the world and in the world.
As the Company was growing over years,
its fleet and number of employees were
growing. Montenegro Airlines has developed into a modern institution, operating
in accordance with modern International
standards. The satisfaction of our passengers, and numerous obtained certificates
confirm the reasons of our pride.
In the first year our Company transported
16,000, and already the next year, even
70,000 people flew with us! Such growth
of the Company and increase in number
of passengers necessitated the purchase
of another aircraft of the same type, Fokker
28Mk 4000 (in July 1998). Strengthened,
now we are able to gain a wider market,
i.e. to tackle with the increasing competition. New flights lines to Frankfurt, Zurich,
Ljubljana, Skopje, Istanbul and Budapest
marked end of 1999.
April 2000 marked the substantial rise of
the Company continued conquering of
the sky. Then, Montenegro Airlines became a member of the International Air
Transport Association (IATA), which was a
prerequisite for obtaining a license for regular air traffic, joining the Amadeus and
the establishment of close cooperation
with other companies . That same year, two Fokker 28Mk have been replaced
by modern, Fokker 100, aircrafts. These
aircrafts are equipped with the latest navigation equipment, which allows automatic landing, even in the zero-visibility,
pilots failure warning systems and large
number of doubled and tripled systems,
intended achieving a high level of reliability. By the end of year 2003, we possessed four aircrafts of this type, which have
contributed even more to what we strive
for - the absolute safety and comfort of our
Since the fifth March 2003 Montenegro
Airlines has become user of “Amadeus
system” - the world’s leading booking
system, used by 130 top world’s airlines.
Since 22 February 2008, as first in the
Balkans and among the best in Europe we
have introduced electronic ticketing, thus
demonstrating that Montenegro Airlines is
a Company following the current trends in
aviation and keeping pace with the world.
Our further way to the top is marked by 21
February 2007, when we officially received
the IOSA Certification - the most important
Internationally recognized Program that
includes security, organization and staffing
standards in civil aviation aiming to improve aviations safety and efficiency. After the
first one, we already have had two successful renovation of IOSA Certificate.
Montenegro Airlines has no limits in the
sky for, so since 19 May 2007 we have established an air bridge with Russia - Moscow
and St. Petersburg; and since 15 June 2008
we have directly connected Montenegro
with one of the largest administrative and
business centers in the world – London.
New fleet - a new
development era
On 8 June 2008, at Podgorica airport landed the first Embraer 195, and 23 May
2009 other such airplane. These aircrafts
have enriched our fleet and enabled us a
new development era. Embraer 195 airplanes are designed according to the so
called E-principle and reflect the most advanced engineering, superior ergonomics,
outstanding efficiency and impressive fuel economy. Embaers have enabled us to
conquer the new markets and to travelers
from these markets in terms of technology
we have offered the most efficient, advanced and comfortable passenger aircraft
in the sky among the planes of its class.
On 18 July 201, under the slogan “Made
for you”, Montenegro Airlines has introduced the third new Embraer 195 in the
fleet. By acquisition of these airplanes, our
Company has become a National carrier
with an impressive fleet of eight most
contemporaneous airplanes. Owning modernization and acquisition of three planes
Embaer 195, we have successfully completed the first phase of the renovation
of the airline fleet. However, Montenegro
Airlines courageously steps into the future continuing its growth, and expansion of
the fleet is going on. Agreement on acquisition of new Embraer has already been
signed, and its landing on the runway of
Podgorica airport, is expected during the
first half of the 2013.
A safe flight
Along with these events followed several awards for the quality of work of
our Company. Aviation authorities of
Russia, within the context of respecting
of time schedules by airlines, declared
Montenegro Airlines the most timely
among the carriers. Montenegro Airlines
won the award for quality based upon inspection of traffic accuracy and precision
of scheduled flights of all air carriers, whose planes land at Moscow airport. Moscow
aviation authorities have confirmed that
we did not have even one minute of delay,
thus we got “100% regularity evaluation”!
Montenegro Airlines was also awarded
by the Charles de Gaulle Airport owning
to the increase in passenger numbers
from year to year. This recognitions of the
World’s largest airports, with significant
IOSA certification, strengthen our intention to further improve the reputation of
the Montenegrin airline Company through
the serious and responsible approach to
every aspect of the business, quality, accuracy and safety.
Company’s website, is also evaluated through
prestigious awards and certificates, both
at home and abroad. Ahead of the 18th
birthday, we dressed it in new clothes and
The fact that we have made a lot of efforts
in order that Montenegro Airlines becomes a symbol of modern Montenegro
was worthwhile. We are proud that just
our work contributed to the progress of
Montenegrin tourism. Due to the arrival
of numerous tourists by our planes, filling
of hotel capacities in Montenegro is much
improved. Thereby we help achieving the
developing goals of tourist industry and
intentions of the Ministry of Tourism and
Transportation. Safe transportation of passengers and enabling as simpe as possible air links with diversified markets, are
our contribution to the promotion of the
most beautiful and important destinations
in Montenegro, or proof that Montenegro
Airlines is a real National carrier that places
the Montenegro’s welfare and reputation
among its top priorities.
The overcoming of obstacles and the ability to find ways to open international and
boundaries among companies, measure
the Company’s success. To this end, in May
this year, we hosted in Miločer, Budva a
Meeting of the four reputable air-carriers
from the former Yugoslav region.
tion with other successful companies, new
destinations, new tourists who will, come
to in Montenegro, with us.
We are ready to do more and better, for
these goals. That you continue traveling
with us on the safest way possible, confident that we will always meet your wis-
hes and needs that flying with us, due to
the safety and comfort we provide, becomes one of the most enjoyable experiences.
Dear passengers, more mature and experienced we also wish to celebrate many
future birthdays together, with the quality
you have confirmed! When we take off and
land, we’re flying to the most beautiful places under the sun by keeping pace with
global trends! We take you to a colorful,
known and the unknown world, and bring
the world to Montenegro!
We fly with love, your Montenegro Airlines!
Our pride
Today Montenegro Airlines successfully maintains regular flights
to Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, Zurich,
Ljubljana, Vienna, Belgrade, Moscow,
London, Copenhagen and Niš, by establishing air bridges between Montenegro
and Europe. In addition to the regular,
following destinations have been included on the map of our charter flights: Bari,
Brindisi, Naples, Athens, Corfu, Rhodes,
Skiathos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurghada,
Brno, Ostrava, Graz, Klagenfurt, Dusseldorf,
Catania, St. Petersburg, Reykjavik and
others. Montenegro Airlines’ development
plans relate to the further innovation and
expansion of the fleet by airplanes type
Embraer 195, in order to expand markets
and create new airlines. We strive towards
a number of goals: increasing the number
of passengers, increasing the number of
rotations to existing destinations, coopera22
INTERVJU: Dragan Adžić
Rukometašice Budućnosti su na pripremama u Baru, gdje smo, za lijepa dana poznog
ljeta, razgovarali sa gospodinom Draganom Adžićem, njihovim trenerom i, po sudu nas
zaljubljenika u sport, a i u sportske pobjede, glavnim krivcem veličanstvenih rezultata naših
Razgovarala: Nada Bukilić
Fotografije: Slaven Vilus, Saša Matić
ladni slave i uvijek žedni isticanja
i posebnosti, ispratili smo našu
rukometnu reprezentaciju na
Olimpjiske igre. U London su otputovali i
sva naša ljubav, dobre nade i euforični snovi, tražeći samo jedno: medalju!
„Sitnicu”, dakle. Ali, i kada su padali prvi
golovi i kada smo branili penale (jer smo,
zaboga, svi mi bili na golu!), i kada su naše najbolje sportistkinje nadmoćno slavile
neviđene preokrete u utakmici ili veličanstvenu igru, svi mi smo gledali u Njegove
tamne oči i, kao dobra djeca, čekali da nam
On odobri da slavljenički dignemo ruke
uvis i odahnemo sa samopouzdanjem pobjednika! A bili smo pred televizorima?!
Gotovo svetački mirno lice, koncentrisan
pogled i koncizni savjeti u time-outu, i one
ruke koje mirno sugerišu djevojkama da
budu strpljive i smirene, i nas pred ekranima uvjerili su da naš Dragan Adžić, još od
početka utakmice, savršeno dobro zna i
njen tok i njen kraj… I, zbilja, djevojke su
se vratile sa srebrom - prvom olimpijskom
medaljom u istoriji Crne Gore!
- Je li bilo teško?
ADŽIĆ: Veoma! Ali, pobijedili smo sve kočnice i uspjeli…
- Kočnice?
ADŽIĆ: Da. Jer, od sportista uvijek se očekuje najviše i najbolje. A posebno od reprezentativaca. Međutim, i sportisti su živi
ljudi sa svim svojim željama, moćima i nemoćima, sa danima koji su svanuli zbog
uspjeha, ali i sa onima koji od jutra počnu
teško i mučno. Rukomet je ekipni sport
– nas je mnogo, a moramo sve uskladiti.
Međutim, najveći pritisak i najjače kočnice, dolaze spolja. Na njih je nemoguće uticati, pa se mora naći mehanizam
odbrane, koji će dovoljno čvrsto čuvati
ono što mi na treninzima i razgovorima
dogovorimo. Ako se dogodi „pukotina”
kroz koju u naše redove uđu komentari, savjeti, priče i razna tumačenja našeg
rada ili naših ličnosti, onda gubimo dodatnu energiju da sve to saniramo i da
se vratimo na prijašnji dogovor. Pritisci sa
strana su, čak i kada su potpuno dobronamjerni, izuzetno opterećenje za ljude
koji u određenom vremenskom periodu,
imaju određeni plan za postizanje zacrtanog cilja. To nas najviše „troši”.
- Kako ste se, onda, izborili sa pritiskom povodom Olimpijade?
ADŽIĆ: Srećna okolnost je da smo svi bili
smješteni u olimpijskom selu, gdje smo
bili apsolutno zaštićeni od svih i svakoga.
Do nas su teško stizale informacije koje
bi mogle unijeti nemir ili kakav nesklad.
To nam je omogućilo koncentrisanost i
predanost. Tu su bili i naši ostali sportisti,
vaterpolisti recimo, sa kojima je bilo izuzetno važno družiti se i dijeliti iskustva, i
sasvim logično – njihov uticaj bio je suvisao i vrlo pozitivan. A onda – tu smo bili
u društvu drugih reprezentacija, velikana
sporta, onih koji su postizali sve što se
moglo postići i onih koji su, iako favoriti,
padali na najniže ljestvice. To je relativizovalo i uspjehe i neuspjehe, te je, umnogome, relaksiralo djevojke.
Prve do prvih
- Šta je, u tom okruženju, a pred utakmicu, jednu pa drugu, pa svaku sljedeću, bilo najvažnije?
ADŽIĆ: Najvažnije je bilo „naći svoju igru”,
odnosno – otkriti motiv koji će nas voditi
dalje i podsticati ka višem.
- Za nas koji smo, zbilja, tih olimpijskih
dana živjeli i disali samo da bi vidjeli
kako su naše djevojke najbolje, može
se reći da je osnovni motiv tolike želje
bio u nacionalnom i najromantičnijem
ponosu pobjednika i slavi uspjeha. A za
ADŽIĆ: U trenerskom poslu, odnosno u
O sportskoj
- Često čujemo, kada se gubi, komentar: „Nije bilo sreće!” i obratno, kada se pobjeđuje: „Sreća je
bila na našoj strani!” Koliko sreće
ima u sportu?
ADŽIĆ: Samo onoliko koliko ste zaslužili. Nema sreće koja dođe sama
od sebe ili slučajno. I u sportu je kao
u životu: uspjeh prati vrijedne i hrabre, a ponekad vas dočeka raširenih
ruku. Tada, zadovoljni i ispunjeni,
pomislimo: to je sreća!
obavezama jednog selektora, glavno pitanje je kako naći motiv za dalje. I to je najvažnije pitanje bez obzira na nivo i važnost
utakmice koja slijedi. A koliko je sportista,
toliko je i motiva. Od sportskog i životnog
iskustva, želja, znanja, ali i sklopa ličnosti,
zavisi i mogući motiv. Za nekog je dovoljan
motiv to što igra na najvećem sportskom
takmičenju i daće sve od sebe. Za drugu je,
opet, najjače osjećanje to što želi usrećiti
one svoje najbliže, što im želi priuštiti posebne trenutke ponosa. Neko bi, recimo,
htio, poslije godina i godina truda, osvojiti vrijedno priznanje, a neko, jednostavno,
želi da pobijedi, da bude najbolji. Sve su to
mogući motivi i ima ih još mnogo. Umijeće
je iz tog mnoštva sklopiti onaj glavni, opšti
motiv, koji će sve povezati ka istom cilju.
U pronalaženju tog motiva, sve su igračice imale udjela, ali su poseban doprinos
dale one najiskusnije, pa je spoj izuzetnog
sportskog iskustva i mladalačke energije
urodio najzdravijim plodom.
- Mi pred TV ekranima, nijesmo gledali
samo u igračice, nego i u Vas. Strašno
nas je zanimalo šta se krije iza Vašeg
mirnog pogleda. Utisak je da se i igračice svako malo osvrću na Vas i kao da čekaju neki poseban znak na Vašem licu?
ADŽIĆ: Mi smo toliko vremena zajedno,
toliko se dobro znamo, da smo uspjeli izgraditi vrlo visok stepen povjerenja, možda
čak i apsolutno povjerenje. A povjerenje
je najvažnije, posebno u onim odsudnim
trenucima. Ja znam šta koja od njih može,
one znaju da ih nikada neću gurnuti preko njihovih mogućnosti, ali i da ću ih uvi-
jek „gurati” dalje zato što vjerujem u njih.
Otuda utisak da mi komuniciramo tokom
igre pogledima i malim pokretima ruke ili,
jednostavno, osmjehom. A tako komunicirate samo sa onima sa kojima se razumijete i bez riječi.
- Dobro, donijeli ste nam srebrnu medalju sa Olimpijade. Za svu radost koju
ste nam priredili, odužili smo vam se
velelepnim dočekom. Sad ste postavili
standard koji ćemo uvijek očekivati…
ADŽIĆ: Da. To je jedna od vrsta pritisaka o
kojima sam maloprije govorio.
Mali i veliki
- U svjetlu te činjenice – kako se osjećate kao trener oko kojeg se grade takva
ADŽIĆ: Možda sam i u tom pogledu atipičan. Za mene je trenerski posao nešto što
zaista volim i, zato, radim. Znam mu sve
mane, ali i sve radosti koje može da donese. Ali, ja ne mislim da je to izuzetan posao
koji i mene čini izuzetnim. Niti očekujem
da mi moja profesija donese išta više nego bilo kom drugom čovjeku koji voli svoj
posao. Možda je razlog tome način na koji
sam vaspitavan, možda to što sam čovjek
kojega istinski srećnim čine i druge strane
života, kao porodica… U svakom slučaju –
nijesam podložan tuđim uticajima, ne oslanjam se na tuđe želje, ne ispunjavam tuđa
očekivanja. Ja radim svoj posao najbolje
što mogu, predano i savjesno, i usput veoma mnogo učim. Iz svojih grešaka i svojih
uspjeha, ali posebno učim od dokazanih
stručnjaka i drugih, velikih ljudi koje imam
sreću upoznati. Ne uljuljkujem se u trenutne uspjehe i ne vjerujem da je uspjeh, ma
kakav bio, vječna vrijednost – u sportu sve
može da traje i traje, ali može i da izblijedi veoma lako. Svaki trening za mene je
priča za sebe, da o utakmicama ne govorim. Nema malih i nema velikih igara, ima
samo malih i velikih sportista, a oni veliki
se prepoznaju baš po tom odnosu prema
svakom segmentu sportskog ponašanja i
- Gdje se zanjivio takav stav?
ADŽIĆ: Nesumnjivo u porodici.
-A jeste li „samonikli” sportista u Vašoj
porodici ili…?
ADŽIĆ: Ne. Moj otac se bavio sportom, a
to je unijelo posebno ozračje u našu kuću.
Ozračje ozbiljnog, odgovornog i predanog
rada, sa optimističnim pogledom na svijet
i život. Sa svoje strane, majka je insistirala
na jednako važnim stvarima – obrazovanju i širokoj opštoj kulturi, pa su se u tom
dopunjavanju i usklađivanju stavova naših
roditelja, gradile ličnosti mog brata i mene.
Doprinijelo je, vjerovatno, i to što sam, iako
sam ovdje rastao, dozrijevao u drugim, različitim sredinama, gdje sam se osvjedočio
da čovjek može i mora da se osloni samo
na sebe i ispravnost svojih postupaka, a ne
na prijatelje i rođake unutar jedne zajednice, u kojoj si zaštićen i kada griješiš i kada
srljaš, baš kao kada sve činiš kako treba.
Opredijelivši se za sport, prvo kao igrač,
a kasnije kao trener, opredijelio sam se, u
stvari, za posebnu vrstu životne filozofije
– filozofije koja te hrani i hrabri, ali koja je
zahtijevna i uvijek od tebe traži sve.
- Da li za sebe možete reći da ste srećan
ADŽIĆ: U sportskom svjetlu, u svjetlu rukometnih dostignuća, ja sam uspješan. Ali
sam veoma srećan čovjek jer imam divnu
suprugu i dva sina. Oženio sam se relativno
kasno, nakon četrdesete, valjda sam čekao
da Timea dođe u Podgoricu, a moja djeca i
ona su okosnica i suština moje sreće. (Gđa
Timea Adžić je Mađarica iz Vojvodine i stigla je u Podgoricu da bi bila prevodilac treneru Đuli Žigi; napom. N.B.) Znate, ja sam
o sportu i trenerskom poslu mnogo učio i
naučio od poznatih, velikih trenera, ali sam
od njih učio i o životu. Jedan me je savjetovao da nikako ne smijem dopustiti da mi
rad bude preči od porodice. I, zbilja, imam
kolege koji imaju djecu, ali dok ta djeca rastu, oni su daleko, maltene stranci. Kada se,
konačno, vrate kući, zateknu nepoznata bića čije odrastanje nijesu pratili, propustivši da ikada upoznaju sopstvenu djecu. Ne
želim da mi se to dogodi. Zato, niti mnogo
izlazim, niti se pretjerano srijećem sa drugim ljudima – zatvoren sam, takoreći, u
krug svoje porodice, posebno ove uže i u
tom krugu se osjećam najsrećnije. Čak ih
vodim sa sobom i kada sam, kao sada, na
pripremama. Sa starijim sinom, Davidom,
gledam crtaće, igramo se…
- A mlađi je baš mali?
ADŽIĆ: Da, avgustovsko dijete, mali Teodor.
To ime znači „božiji dar”, a tako ga i doživljavam.
- Kako to: trener ženske ekipe, a Bog
Vam daruje sinove?
ADŽIĆ: E pa, eto, ne znam. A volio bih i
kćerke. Izuzetno poštujem žene, ta kompleksna, zanimljiva bića. Vjerovatno je i taj
odnos prema ženama, prema ženi uopšte,
ponešen iz kuće – moja majka je imala nas
trojicu, oca, brata i mene, bila nam „manjina”, a toliko je važnih stvari zavisilo baš od
nje. Snaga žene i njena kompleksna fizičkopsihološka koncepcija, jesu i za divljenje i
za poštovanje. Tako da nije nimalo čudno
što sam ženski trener.
- Ne bi radije trenirali mušku ekipu?
ADŽIĆ: Nijesam nikada o tome razmišljao.
Oni koji rade sa muškim ekipama, tvrde da
je to sigurno lakše, zato što je nivo komunikacije među muškarcima nezahtjevan,
a modeli jednostavniji. Sa ženama je drugačije, njih ne možete grupisati i omeđiti,
svaka je priča za sebe i ne trpi unisonost.
Takođe, žena ne može, po zakonu svoje
psiho-fizičke prirode, ono što može muškarac, oscilacije su kod žena, sasvim prirodno,
i češće i upadljivije. Ali, s druge strane, kad
žena nešto odluči i kad odluči da se tome
preda, onda je nepobjediva i, sigurno, u
odnosu na muškarca nadmoćna, tim prije
što su kod žena lični ciljevi i sebični impusli
samoljublja i samoživosti vrlo, vrlo rijetki.
- Upravo sam htjela da Vas pitam kako
se nosite sa toliko žena, kad pojedinci
ni sa jednom ne mogu izaći na kraj. Na
koga računate kada ste, mislim na rukomet, u dilemi?
ADŽIĆ: Uspjeh Budućnosti, odnosno
uspjeh naše reprezentacije, počeo je kada smo uspješno riješili sve dileme unutar
našeg kolektiva, dakle dosta ranije. Jedan
čovjek ne može da učini mnogo za napredak, mada može mnogo da pokvari i uništi.
Zato je tu čitav stručni štab, pomoćni treneri, fizioterapeuti, ljudi koji veoma mnogo
rade sa djevojkama i koji u ekipi stvaraju
atmosferu jedne velike, zdrave porodice. A
u svakoj porodici ima svega, ali mora imati
i prostora za svakog pojedinačno. Stručni
štab je štab podrške i snage i na njih se uvijek i u svemu oslanjam. I ne samo ja, nego
i djevojke. Više ljudi, jednostavno, više zna
i više može, a meni samo ide na ruku i čini
mi zadovoljstvo to što radim sa zbilja pouzdanim, vrijednim ljudima.
- Lijepo Vi njih ishvaliste i ja Vam vjerujem. Međutim, čisto me iz ženskog
ugla, baš zanima kako rješavate one
sitne, ženske začkoljice, pitanja sujete, pitanja samopoštovanja?
ADŽIĆ: Metodi se biraju prema ličnostima.
Ako vam kažem da, kada kod nas dođe
stotinjak djevojčica koje žele trenirati rukomet, već nakon nekoliko dana shvatim
iz kakvih su porodica, znam kakav status u
njima imaju, slutim njihove motive i osjećam njihove strahove i želje, onda mi morate vjerovati i da znam te metode…
- Hoćete reći da trenerski poziv vrlo zavisi od poznavanja psihologije?
ADŽIĆ: Da, to je zakonitost. Otuda je i literatura koju najčešće čitam vrlo bliska
upravo toj tematici. Često su to i biografije i iskustva drugih trenera, bez obzira na
sport, ali najčešće djela ozbiljnih autorapsihologa, koji su se posebno bavili pitanjima motivacije, savladavanjem životnih
problema, rješavanjem konflikata, međuljudskim odnosima i slično.
- A šta trenutno čitate?
ADŽIĆ: Knjiga koju od srca preporučujem
i djevojkama, ali i svima drugima – zove se
O prijateljstvu
- Ko su Vaši prijatelji?
ADŽIĆ: Moji su prijatelji malobrojni, da ne kažem probrani. Zbog života u različitim
sredinama, sticao sam ih na više strana. Međutim, oni najbliskiji, sa najdužim „stažom” i najjačom kopčom, oni koje smatram najvažnijim, uglavnom su ljudi koje poznajem od djetinjstva, od školskih dana. To su prijateljstva koja traju cijelog života i
nemaju mnogo veze sa sportom…
„Kaluđer koji je prodao svoj ferari”, autor
Robin Sarma, a prirasla mi je srcu jer govori
o životu i onome što je u njemu najvažnije…
- Vaš kolega, ali iz košarkaškog svijeta,
Duško Vujošević, takođe insistira na čitanju?
ADŽIĆ: Duško ima i impozantnu biblioteku. Poput njega, i ja insistiram da djevojke što više čitaju, jer svijet literature će ih
uputiti u tajne ljudskog bića, upoznaće ih
sa svijetom, ali će ih, prije svega, naučiti ko
su one same. Zato, kada pročitam dobru
knjigu, preporučujem je. Ili kada slavimo
rođendane, a i drugim povodima, ja najčešće darujem upravo knjige.
- Moram Vam reći da ste i vrlo elokventni – nijesmo baš navikli da ljudi iz
sporta plijene svojom rječitošću?
ADŽIĆ: Majčin uticaj!
- Htjela sam reći da i zbog toga imponujete.
ADŽIĆ: Ma, ja sam vam vrlo, vrlo jednostavan čovjek.
- Dakle, šta je u toj jednostavnosti, Vaš
najveći uspjeh?
ADŽIĆ: Činjenica da ne dam nikome i ni
zbog čega mir i sreću moje porodice. A i
ne dam sebi da uzletim ni nakon velikih
uspjeha – ja hodam po zemlji čvrstim
korakom, svjestan da sam i sam samo čovjek. I to me baš čini srećnim!
Relax, play and
In romantic rocky bay of the Montenegrin Riviera, above
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has been taken from the fresh aromatic wind that has
been companion of that picturesque rocky coast through
the summer months. It has been splashed by the warm
sea of the south Adriatic, and leans on the mountain
background, which through the wormiest days brings to
the sunny coast the freshness of the spring.
Hotel offers the high quality of 418 beds in 196 rooms and
18 apartments. All rooms have air condition, safe
strongboxes, mini-bars, telephone, TV (possibility of Pay
TV). Most of the rooms have the beautiful view on the sea
and Internet access.
Odmor, igra i zabava
U romantiènom stjenovitom zalivu crnogorskog primorja,
iznad ljupke pješèane plaže, nalazi se potpuno obnovljeni
hotel “Maestral". Ime nosi po svježem aromatiènom vjetru
koji je tokom ljetnih mjeseci stalni pratilac te slikovite
stjenovite obale. Zapljuskuje ga toplo more južnog
Jadrana, a naslanja se na brdovito zaleðe koje i u
najtoplijim mjesecima donosi svježinu proljeæa.
Hotel raspolaže sa 418 ležaja u 196 sobi i 18 apartmana
najviše kategorije. Sve sobe su klimatizovane i imaju sef,
mini-bar, telefon, televizor (moguænost Pay TV). Veæina
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Opuštanje i rekreacija
"Maestral" vodi brigu i o trenucima potpunog opuštanja.
Gosti hotela mogu da iskoriste prednosti kompletne
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Razni bazeni i sauna centar sa finskom i infracrvenom
saunom i turskim i rimskim kupatilom, kozmetièki salon,
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tradicionalne tajlandske masaže "Sa Wann" moæi æete da
birate najrazlièitije vrste masaža.
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Bez prave, uzbudljive zabave nema ni odmora. Potražiæete
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Relaxing and recreation
“Maestral” takes care about the moments of total relaxing.
Guests of the hotel can use the advantages of the full
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sauna center with the Finland and infrared saunas,
Roman and Turkish bathroom, cosmetic salon, medical
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Without the real and exited fun, there is not a real
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Pržno, 85315 Sveti Stefan
t +382 33 410 108, 410 109
[email protected]
INTERVIEW: Dragan Adžić
Members of “Budućnost” female handball team are on preparations in Bar, where on nice
late summer day we talked with Mr. Dragan Adžić, their coach, and according to our
opinion, supporters of sports and also sports victories, the main responsible one for the
splendid results of our Lionesses
Interview: Nada Bukilić
Photos: Slaven Vilus, Saša Matić
e saw off our Handball national team at the Olympic
games, hungry for glory and
always thirsty for being distinguished and
remarkable. Along with them departed to
London all our love, good hope and euphoric dreams, looking for just one thing: a
ADŽIĆ: Yes. Because athletes are always
expected to give their best. It is expected even more from the members of the
National team. However, athletes are real
people with all their desires, abilities and
weaknesses, with some days ended with
success, and also those with difficulties
and painfullness. Handball is a team sport
– with a lot of us participating, and we
must all be coordinated. However, the largest and most powerful pressure and inhibitions come from the outside. It is impossible to influence them, so we must find a
defense mechanism, which is strong enough to retain what we agree upon in trainings and discussions. If a “crack” happens
through which comments, tips, stories and
various interpretations of our work or our
personality, enter among us, then we lose
all that extra energy in order to rehabilitate
and return to what we previously agreed
upon. The side pressures, even when
completely well-intentioned are extreme
burden for people who over time, have a
specific plan for achieving of planned goal.
That “consumes” us mostly.
- How did you, then, win the pressure
on the occasion of the Olympics?
ADŽIĆ: Fortunately, we were all housed
in the Olympic village, where we were
absolutely protected from everything and
everybody. Information bringing discom-
fort or any disharmony could hardly come
to us. This allowed us to concentration
and commit. There were also other our
athletes, for example, water polo players,
with whom it was very important to socialize and share experiences, and quite
logically – their influence was very positive. And then - there we were in the company of other National teams, outstanding
sportsmen, those with highest sports performances, and those who, although favorites, fell to the lowest scale. It relativized
both successes and failures, and greatly
relaxed the girls.
Next to
the first
- What was the most important thing
in such environment, before each the
ADŽIĆ: The most important thing was to
find our game, or - to discover a motiva-
tion leading us on and being encouraged
towards higher.
- In these Olympic days, we really lived
and breathed just to see how our girls
were the best, it can be said that the
main motivation of such desire was within national pride and the most romantic pride of the winner and glory of the
success. And for you?
ADŽIĆ: The main duty of a coach is how
to find the motivation to keep going. And
that’s the most important issue regardless
of the level and importance of the match
that follows. And there are as many motivations as many athletes. A possible
motivation depends on sports and life
experience, desires, knowledge, but also
on structure of personality. For someone
a sufficient motivation is participating in
major sports competitions to give his best.
For another, the strongest feeling is that he
wants to make happy his loved ones, wishing to afford them the special moments
of pride. Someone, for instance, wants,
after years and years of effort to win the
It is a “trifle”, but, also when first goals were scored, and we defended the penalties
(because, for goodness sake, all of us were
goalkeepers!) and when our best athletes
owerhelmingly celebrated the unprecedented reversals in the match or magnificent game, all of us looked towards his
dark eyes and like good kids waited for
Him to approve us a celebratory giving
up our hands and relieving with confidence of winners! And we were in front of TV
Almost saintly calm face, concentrated
gaze and concise advice in the Time-Out,
and those hands that quietly suggested
the girls to be patient and calm, convinced that our Dragan, from the beginning
of the match, knew perfectly well its course and its end... And, indeed the girls are
back with silver - the first Olympic medal
in the history of Montenegro!
- Was it difficult?
ADŽIĆ: Very! But we have overcome all inhibitions and managed...
- Inhibitions?
valuable recognition and someone simply wants to win, to be the best. These are
some possible motivations, and there are
many more. The skill is how to assemble
the general motivation, connecting all of
them to the same goal. All the players have played a part in finding of this motivation, but a special contribution was made
by the most experienced, so the combination of extraordinary sports experience
and youthful energy brought about the
healthiest fruit.
- We, people in front of TV screens, were not just looking at the players, but
also at you. We were horribly interested in what was hidden behind your
calm look. The impression was that
the players every now and then looked
back at you as if they were waiting for
some special sign on your face?
ADŽIĆ: We have been for so long together,
so we know each other well, we managed
to build a very high degree of confidence, if not absolutely trust. And confidence
is the most important, especially in those crucial moments. I know what each of
them can do, they know that I will never
push them beyond their capabilities, but
also that I will always push them forward
because I believe in them. Hence, there
is the impression that we communicate
throughout the game by looks and small
hand movements, or simply by smile. And
you communicate so only if you can un34
Great and small athletes
those expectations?
ADŽIĆ: Maybe I’m atypical in this regard.
To me, coaching is something I really love, and, therefore, perform it. I know all
its faults, and all the joy it can bring. But
I do not think it’s an extraordinary job or
making me extraordinary. Neither I expect
that my profession shall bring me anything more than to any other man who loves his work. Perhaps it is due to the way I
was brought up or perhaps because I am
a man whom the other sides of life also
make truly happy, like family… In any case
- I am neither subject to foreign influences, nor do I rely on someone else’s desire,
nor do I meet other people’s expectations.
I do my job the best I can, committed and
conscientious, and I’m learning a great
deal along the way. I learn from my mistakes and my successes, but especially from
proven experts and other great people
that I have had the pleasure of knowing.
I do not calm myself by the immediate
success and I do not believe that success,
whatever, is the eternal value - in sports all
can last and it does, but it can easily fade.
Each training for me is a story in itself, and
matches are even more. There are no small
and no big games, there are only small and
great athletes, and they are recognized as
great just by the attitude towards each segment of sportsmanship and events.
- In light of these facts - how do you feel
about that, as a coach surrounded by
- Where is born such attitude?
ADŽIĆ: Undoubtedly, within the family.
About sports
- When you lose, we often hear
comments: “It was not fortune”,
and vice versa, when you win,
“Fortune was on our side!” How
much fortune is there in sports?
ADŽIĆ: Just as much as you deserve.
There is no fortune that comes by
itself or by accident. It is in sports just
as it is in life: success follows those
diligent and brave, and sometimes it
welcomes you with open arms. Then,
satisfied and fulfilled, we think: this is
derstand each other also without words.
- Well, you brought us a silver medal
from the Olympics. For all the joy that
you’ve given to us, you have been repaid by magnificent welcome. Now you
have set a standard that we will always
ADŽIĆ: Yes. It is one kind of the pressure
that I’ve just talked about.
- Are you a “self-made” athlete in your
family, or...?
ADŽIĆ: No. My father was involved in
sports, and it brought a special atmosphere in our house. The atmosphere was
serious, responsible and hard working,
with an optimistic view of the world and
life. For her part, my mother insisted on
equally important things - education and
broad general culture, so in that complementing and harmonization of my parents’
attitudes, my brother and mine personalities were built. Even though I grew up here,
I matured in other, different places, where
I was certain that the man can and must
rely only onto himself and correctness of
his actions, but not onto friends and relatives within a community in which you’re
protected even when you’re wrong and
when are rushing, just like when you’re
doing things correctly. Committing myself
to the sports, first as a player and later as
a coach, I have decided for a special kind
of life philosophy - a philosophy that feeds
and encourages you, but is demanding
and always requires all of you.
- Can you say to yourself that you are a
happy man?
ADŽIĆ: In light of the sport, in the light
of handball achievements, I am successful. But I am a very happy man because
I have a wonderful wife and two sons. I
have married relatively late, after the age
of forty. I guess I waited for Timea to come to Podgorica. Timea and our children
are the backbone and the essence of my
happiness. (Ms. Timea Adžić is Hungarian
from Vojvodina and arrived in Podgorica
to be the interpreter to coach Gyula Zigi).
You know, I’ve learned about sports and
coaching from the famous, great coaches,
but I learn from them also about life. One
advised me that I should never let my
work become more important than my
family. And, indeed, I have colleagues who
have children somewhere far away, and
their children grow up, almost like strangers. When they finally come home, they
find unknown creatures whose growing
up they did not follow, failing to ever know
their own children. I do not want this to
happen to me. So, I do not go out so much,
nor I am too much in touch with other people - I am closed, so to speak, within the
family circle. I feel the happiest man within
my family. I even take them with me, even
when I am in preparations, like now. With
David, my older son, I watch cartoons, we
play games…
- And the younger - is he a baby?
ADŽIĆ: Yes, the August baby, little
Theodore. The name means “gift from
God”, and that’s how I see him.
- So, you are coach of women’s team,
and God gives you the sons?
ADŽIĆ: Well, I do not know. And I’d also like daughters. I highly commend the women as complex, interesting creatures. It
is likely that the attitude towards women,
towards women in general, I’ve carried out
of the house - my mother had the three of
us, father, brother and me, and was “minority”, and so many very important things
depended on her. Women’s strength and
their complex physical and psychological
concept, are to be admired and respected.
So it is hardly surprising that I am a female
- Wouldn’t you rather coach the men’s
ADŽIĆ: I did not ever think about it. Those
who work with the men’s team, they say,
it is certainly easier, because the level of
communication among men is undeman-
- Who are your friends?
ADŽIĆ: My friends are few, not to say,
special. Because of living on different
locations, I gained them from different directions. However, those closest one with the longest lasting, the
strongest connection, those whom
I consider the most important ones,
are mostly people whom I know since childhood and school days. These
are friendships that last a lifetime
and do not have much to do with
ding, and models are simpler. It is different
with women, they cannot be grouped
and bound, each a story stands for itself
and does not stand unison. Also, women
cannot do what, according to the rules
of psycho-physical nature a man can do,
fluctuations in women, that is quite natural, are more frequent and more visible.
But, on the other hand, when a woman
chooses and decides to devote herself to
something, she is invincible, and certainly
superior compared to a man, as personal
goals of women and selfish impulses of
egoism and selfishness are very, very rare.
- How do you deal with so many women,
when individuals cannot cope with single one? Whom do you count on when
you are in a handball dilemma?
ADŽIĆ: The future success of “Budućnost”
or the success of our National team began
when we successfully resolved all doubts
within our collective, therefore much earlier. One man cannot do a lot of progress,
but can do much in order to ruin and destroy. We have the entire coaching staff,
assistant coaches and physical therapists,
people who work very much with the girls
and who create the atmosphere of a large,
healthy family within the team. And there
is everything as in every family, but there
must also be a space for each individual.
Coaching staff gives strength to the team,
and I always rely upon them in all things, as
well as girls do. More people simply know
more and can do more, and therefore working with really reliable, hardworking people is good for me and is a pleasure.
- You have praised them all. Nice.
However, purely from the female point of view I just want to know how do
you solve those small, women’s catches,
issues of vanity, self-esteem?
ADŽIĆ: Individuals select methods. If I tell
you that,
When a hundred of girls who want to train
handball come to us, I realize soon which
kinds of families they come from in just a
few days. I know what status they have in
them, I suspect their motivations and feel
their fears and desires, so you have to believe me that I know these methods.
- Are you saying that the coaching job
is very dependent on the knowledge of
ADŽIĆ: Yes, it’s a rule. Therefore, the literature that I read most frequently is very
close to the topic. Often these are also
biographies and experiences of other
coaches, regardless of sport, but most
frequently the works of serious authorspsychologists, particularly dealing with
the topics of motivation, coping with life
problems, resolving conflicts, mutual relationships etc.
- What are you currently reading?
ADŽIĆ: A book I heartily recommend to the
girls, but also to all others - is called “Monk
Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sarma. It is
close to my heart because it talks about life
and the most important issues in it.
- Your colleague, but from the basketball world, Duško Vujošević, also
insists on reading?
ADŽIĆ: Duško has an impressive library.
Like him, I insist that the girls read as much
as possible, because the world of literature will teach them about the mysteries
of the human being, inform them about
the world. But, above all, teach them who
they are. So, when I read a good book,
I recommend it. Or when we celebrate
birthdays and on other occasions, I usually
give books.
- I have to tell you that you are very
eloquent - we have not been quite used
to people from the sport attract with
their eloquence?
ADŽIĆ: Mother’s influence!
- I wanted to say, that therefore, you are
also impressive.
ADŽIĆ: Well, I’m very, very simple man…
- So, what is, in that simplicity, your greatest achievement?
ADŽIĆ: A fact that I really should not give
to anyone and for anything - the peace
and happiness of my family. And I do not
allow myself to go too high even after
great success - I can walk on the earth by
firm steps, and I am aware that I am only
a human being. And it just makes me very
36 • [email protected]
Centrala: Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 141
Tel: +382 20 409 174 • Fax: +382 20 409 124
ARHEOLOGIJA - bijedići
Kuće na sunčanoj
strani brda
Da su velika arheološka otkrića moguća i tamo gdje im se ne nadamo, dokazali su
mještani Bijedića, koji su, ustvari, htjeli napraviti krečanu! Raskopavajući teren pod
osunčanim brdom, raskopali su neobičnu kuću
Tekst: Sead Sadiković
Foto: Arhiv Polimskog muzeja, Berane
uće od pečene cigle ugrijalo je
sunce šest i po hiljada godina nakon što su napravljene! Slučajno
su ih otkopali seljaci, praveći krečanu za
svoje nove kuće. Tako su Bijedići, selo na
desetom kilometru sjeverno od Bijelog
Polja, nenadano postali najvažnije arheološko nalazište u Crnoj Gori. Tajna koju
su Bijedići do sada krili nije zanimljiva samo nama – radi se, naime, o otkriću važnom u svjetskim razmjerama. Stanovnici
Bijedića nijesu ni slutili da su još u neolitu,
baš u njihovom komšiluku, živjeli ljudi koji
su među prvima na kugli zemaljskoj sačinili kuće od čvrstog materijala.
Mještani su odmah shvatili da otkriće nije
za šalu, pa su o svemu izvijestili stručnjake
Polimskog muzeja u Beranama. Već prvom sondom kojom su istražili nalazište,
stručnjaci su zaključili da se radi o izuzetnom arheološkom lokalitetu. Lokalitet je
sličan djelimično istraženom Berankršu
kod Berana, te je tu, prema riječima
Predraga Lutovca, direktora Polimskog
muzeja, otkrivena tipična vinčanska kultura iz vremena petog milenijuma prije
naše ere. To je bilo doba otkrivanja prvih
metala i vrijeme kada su ljudi počeli da
napuštaju dotadašnja staništa – pećine. Tada su, zaključak je arheologa, ljudi počeli lijepiti
zemljom debla i granje, kako bi nakon
raspirivanja vatre i njenog dugog gorenja,
dobili kuće od pečene gline. Ta je glina
nalik nama poznatoj cigli. „Možemo sa sigurnošću reći da je tu bilo prvo pravo, veliko naselje sa par desetina kuća, od kojih
smo tri već locirali“, kaže Lutovac.
i žrtvenici izuzetne izrade, razni sudovi, pehari i kanelirani elementi na predmetima
tadašnjeg luksuza, sa još nejasnom upotrebnom svrhom. Sve zajedno ukazuje na visok
nivo estetskih kriterijuma ljudi tog vremena
na ovom prostoru.
Fascinantno je to što su još tada znali izabrati pogodno mjesto za život. To pokazuje
sama lokacija njihovog neolitskog naselja
u kome su, u zaleđu, za svaki slučaj, imali i
pećinu predaka. Od njihovih kuća prostirao
se pogled na samo ušće rijeke Bistrice u Lim.
Naselje je podignuto na sunčanoj strani brda, pokraj obilnog izvora vode. Izgrađeno
iznad kamenog sipara, koji je bio i zaštita od
zvijeri, imalo je i dobar pregled okoline i mogućnost da se lako uoči potencijalna lovina.
„To je bilo vrijeme kada su ljudi prestajali da
se bave isključivo lovom i stočarstvom, jer
su od samorodnih metala počeli praviti efikasnije alatke“, pojašnjava Lutovac taj period
velike istorijske prekretnice, čiji je materijalni
dokaz nalazište Bijedići.
Na osnovu bijedićkog nalazišta, može se
zaključiti da istorija čovječanstva nije samo
istorija ratovanja, već da su ljudi tog vremena iz raznih razloga i putovali. Obično sa sjevera na jug, sve do mora, ali i obratno - da bi
trgovali i učili.
„Ono što je najznačajnije jeste da su kulturni
uticaji, i od primorja i od Dunava čak, stizali
do Bijedića. U pećini smo našli fragmente
keramike koji po načinu ukrašavanja pod-
sjećaju na one, pravljene u isto vrijeme, na
prostorima Dalmacije i primorja. Nije, dakle,
sve bilo baš onako kako smo učili. Nije uvijek bilo samo ubijanja i krvi, već se vidi da
je postojala ta kulturna razmjena dobara.
Recimo, meni se svidi vaš sud od mrke keramike zbog ukrasa na njemu, pa vam ponudim dva svoja suda sa karakteristikama
mog umijeća“, pretpostavlja Lutovac oblike
trgovine prije šest hiljada godina.
Izvjesno je da Bijediće, jedno od najznačajnijih arheoloških lokaliteta u Crnoj Gori
i šire, očekuje intenzivnije istraživanje već
2013. godine. Do tada će arheolozi i za to
osposobljeni stručnjaci, klasifikovati, procijeniti i obraditi sve do sada pronađeno u
neobičnim kućama od pečene gline. Prva i
neobično srećna arheološka ekspedicija u
Bijedićima, zamislila je i sve dobronamjerne
mještane i unijela blagonaklonost prema
„starudijama“, koje, šest i po hiljada godina
kasnije, zorno dokazuju da čovjeku ništa zanimljivije od čovjeka nije.
Jedna od glavnih karakteristika vinčanske
kulturne grupe - mrka keramika - sa finim
ornamentima čijoj izradi je posvećena
posebna pažnja, nađena je tu u
velikim količinama. Prisutne
su i karakteristične
Figurina idola
Od metalnih predmeta u prvoj ekspediciji,
koja je trajala svega deset dana, pronađena
je samo jedna bakarna narukvica. Izvjesno je
da će u nastavku istraživanja biti još otkrića,
ali je i ta jedna narukvica dovoljan pokazatelj
kada je počela obrada metala na Balkanu, pa
i na čitavoj Zemlji. Nizvodno rijekom Lim, u
okolini Priboja, postoji u znatnoj količini samorodni bakar. Lutovac vjeruje da je bakar,
sasvim izvjesno, razmjenjivan za proizvode
ovih ljudi. Tada su, očigledno, počele prve
trgovinske razmjene, što je odredilo migracione pravce prvih stanovnika ovog mjesta.
and branches, so that after stirring up the
fire and its long-burning, they had a houses of clay. This is similar to the modern clay
bricks. “We can say with certainty that there
was the first real, large village with a few dozen houses, three of which we have already
located,” says Lutovac.
One of the main features of the Vinča culture group - brown ceramic - with fine ornaments and special attention paid to its
manufacturing, was found there in large
quantities. There are also characteristic figurines and sacrificial altars with exquisite
workmanship, various vessels, cups and
grooved elements of the former luxury
items, with still unclear usage purpose. All
of which suggests a high level of aesthetic
criteria of people of the time in this area.
ARCHAEOLOGY - bijedići
Houses on the
sunny side of the hill
The great archaeological discoveries are possible not only where we expect them, and
Bijedići locality has proven it, as its inhabitants actually wanted to make a lime-pit.
They excavated the unusual house by digging up the field under sunny hill.
Text: Sead Sadikovic
Photo: The Polimski Museum archives, Berane
he Sun warmed up houses of brick
after they had been made some six
and a half thousand years ago! The
peasants accidentally unearthed them, while they were making lime-pit for their new
houses. Thus Bijedići, a village at the tenth
mile to the north of Bijelo Polje, suddenly
became the most important archaeological site in Montenegro. The secret Bijedići
have hidden so far is not only of interest to
us - it is, in fact regarding the findings, im46
portant in a world-wide scale. Residents of
Bijedići did not even imagine that they had
neighbours from the Neolithic period, who
had been among the first people on the
Earth that had made their houses of stones.
The locals have immediately understood
that the discovery was not a joke, and they
reported it all to the experts of Polimski
Museum in Berane. The experts investigated it and they have concluded that it was a
remarkable archaeological site based upon
the first probe. The site is similar to the partially excavated Berankrš near Berane, and
according to Predrag Lutovac, Director of
Polimski Museum, a typical vinchan culture from the time of the fifth millennium BC,
was revealed. It was an age of discovery of
the first metals and the time when people
started to abandon their former habitat caves. Then, as archaeologists concluded,
people began to attach loam onto trunks
It is fascinating that even then they could
pick out the perfect place to live. The location of their Neolithic settlement shows it.
They also had their ancestors’ cave in the
background, just for precaution. From their
houses a view spread out not only on the
estuary of river Bistrica to Lim. The settlement was built on the sunny side of the hill,
near an abundant source of water. It was
built above the stone gravel area, which
was the protection from the beasts, and
had a good view of the surroundings and
the ability to easily spot potential catch.
“That was a time when people stopped to
deal exclusively by hunting and cattle raising, because they started to make more
effective tools from autochthonous metals,”
explains Lutovac this period of great historical turning point, of which Bijedići site is the
material evidence.
A copper bracelet was the only metal
object found during the first expedition,
which lasted only ten days. It is clear that
there will be more discoveries, in the further
research, but also that the single bracelet
is a sufficient indicator of the period, when
metalworking began in the Balkans, as well
as the entire Earth. There is a considerable
amount of autochthonous copper downstream the river Lim, around Priboj. Lutovac
believes that copper was quite certainly
exchanged for the products of these people. Then, obviously, the first trades started,
which determined the migration routes of
the first inhabitants of this place.
Based upon Bijedići site, it can be conclu-
ded that the history of humanity is not only
the history of warfare, but that people in
the past travelled for various reasons, usually from north to south, all the way to the
sea, and vice versa - to trade and learn.
“What is the most important is that cultural influences, also arrived from the coast
and from the Danube and even came up
to Bijedići. We found the fragments of ceramics in the cave, which remind of those
made at the same time in the region of
Dalmatia and coastline by the way of decoration. Therefore, everything is not just
the way we learned. It was not always just
killing and blood, but we can see that there was that cultural exchange of goods. For
instance, I enjoy your brown ceramic vessel
because of decorations on it, so I offer you
two of my vessels with the characteristics of
my art”, Lutovac assumes forms of trade six
thousand years ago.
It is certain that Bijedići, one of the most important archaeological sites in Montenegro
and abroad, expect more intensive research
already in 2013. Until then, archaeologists
and trained experts, shall classify, evaluate
and threat everything found until now in
the unusual houses made of baked clay.
The first and unusually lucky archaeological
expedition in Bijedići, involved also all wellmeaning locals and brought sympathy to
“junk”, which, six and a half thousand years
later, clearly prove that to a man nothing is
more interesting than a man himself.
Inspired by the miraculous god-given beauty of Montenegro a complete new town is
being developed in LuŠtica Bay, Tivat. Find out more about the authentic architecture,
the state-of-the-art-marinas, the Gary Player designed 18 hole golf course and how you
could become a part of the “Magic of Montenegro”.
putevi hrane i vina
Za mirisom sira, meda,
pršute... u avanturu
Svaki kraj Crne Gore poznat je i po „svojoj”
vrsti sira: Njeguški dimljeni, stari pljevaljski, masni kučki, lisnati kolašinski, krajinski
mladi kozji... Ovoga puta predlažemo da
na putevima sira na Bjelasici otkrijete tajnu
pripremanja lisnatog sira, recepturu koja
vijekovima nije mijenjana. Sir, tanak gotovo
kao papir, kajmak i kačamak, domaće kiselo mlijeko, jardum, čuvene su poslastice
kolašinskog kraja kojih gosti ne mogu da
se zasite, pogotovo kada se posluže iz drvenih činija karakterističnih za ovaj predio.
U kolibama na katunima, domaćice će vas
pustiti da se i sami „uključite u proizvodnju“.
Ponudiće vam i domaće sokove i džemove, slatko i čajeve. Lisnati sir može se naći
i u gradovima, ali je posebno zadovoljstvo
ovaj “suvenir” kupiti baš tamo gdje i nastaje.
Poći putem sira ka Kolašinu znači posjetiti i
Nacionalni park Biogradska gora, jednu od
tri posljednje očuvane prašume u Evropi,
šest ledničkih jezera, kao i drugi po veličini
kanjon u svijetu, kanjon Tare. Vidjeti različitosti, od pitomosti bjelasičkih padina prekrivenih borovnicom, do divljine dubokih
šuma i netaknutih područja. I da ne nabrajamo: pješačenje, rafting, pecanje, vožnje
biciklom, jahanje…
utnik je u Crnoj Gori oduvijek bio
svetinja. Za gosta, putnika, čuvano
je ono najbolje čak i kada se gladovalo, a to nije bilo rijetko. Danas, organizovano ili samostalno kretanje kroz zemlju
turizma markiranim stazama sira, meda,
vina, posebna je atrakcija koja donosi višestruka zadovoljstva. To je, prije svega,
odlazak na lice mjesta: na male farme na
kojima se čuva tradicionalna proizvodnja.
U domaćinstva koja njeguju tradicionalne
vrijednosti i tradicionalno gostoprimstvo.
Osim uživanja u ukusima kačamaka, njeguškog sira i pršuta, lisnatog kolašinskog
sira, čuvenih crmničkih vina, pivske medo-
vine... imaćete priliku da vidite mnoge prirodne atrakcije, pa i one skrivene, koje nisu
u uobičajenoj turističkoj ponudi. Takođe,
na putovanju ka kolibama i konobama
možete posjetiti kulturno-istorijske spomenike, ali i baviti se omiljenim rekreativnim i
sportskim aktivnostima.
Iz Kolašina, Mojkovca, Bijelog Polja nemojte otići bez sira, ali i makar jedne tegle meda. Ogromno bogatstvo ljekovitog bilja u
svim područjima Crne Gore zaslužno je za
vrhunski kvalitet pčelinjih proizvoda. Tako
su putevi meda postali još jedna autentična turistička atrakcija.
I još vranca
Poslije priganica sa medom, sira i pršute
sušene u zagrljaju vjetrova s mora i visokih
planina, uz izvrsnu jezersku ribu najbolje
ide čaša domaćeg vina Vranca ili Krstača.
Ovo kompletno gastronomsko uživanje
imaćete obilazeći vinarije i vinske podrume
na obodu Skadarskog jezera i u Crmnici,
zatim u podgoričkom i ulcinjskom vinogorju, kao i vinogradare u regionu Nahija.
Skoro svako domaćinstvo sa kojim ćete se
susresti tokom ove avanture ponudiće vas
domaćim Vrancem i Krstačem - sa sirom i
pršutom sveto trojstvo ukusa ovih krajeva.
Uvjerićete se, a poželjećete da se uskoro
ponovo uvjeravate, da domaće vino zavodi čula baš koliko i predivna priroda basena Skadarskog jezera. I da na sva iskustva
tokom krstarenja, pješačenja, vožnje biciklom, kupanja, druženja uz muziku i ples,
kao i na sve one priče o dugoj i burnoj
prošlosti čija su svjedočanstva na svakom
koraku, baš vino - stavlja tačku.
Crnogorska nacionalna
turistička organizacija - NTO
Call center 1300
Food and wine routes
By following the
smell of cheese,
honey, ham... into
the adventure
Making of cheese
Each area of Montenegro is known for
its type of cheese: smoked from Njeguši,
old from Pljevlja, fat bitch, leafy cheese
from Kolašin, Krajina’s young goat... This time, we suggest that you discover on the
cheese routes on Bjelasica the secret of
preparing of loafy cheese, a recipe, which
has had not changed for centuries. Tin
cheese, cream and polenta, homemade
yogurt, yardum, are the famous desserts
from Kolašin Region, which guests cannot
get enough, especially if they are served
in wooden bowls which are typical for this
Area. In the huts on summer pastures, the
housewives will let you to be personally
“involved into production”. They will also
offer you homemade juices and jams, dessert and tea. Loafy cheese can be found
in the cities, but it is a pleasure to buy this
souvenir right where it is originated.
Going along the cheese route to Kolašin
also means to visit Biogradska Gora
National Park, one of the three last-preserved forests in Europe and six glacial lakes, also the second largest canyon in the
world, the Tara Canyon. See the diversity
starting from tameness of Bjelasica hillsides covered by blueberries, to deep forests
and untouched wilderness areas. And not
to mention: hiking, rafting, fishing, biking,
horseback riding…
The sweet
Do not go from Kolašin, Mojkovac, Bijelo
Polje without cheese, or at least one jar
of honey. The enormous wealth of medicinal plants in all areas of Montenegro is
responsible for the highest quality of bee
products. Thus the ways of honey become
another authentic tourist attraction.
traveler has always been sacred
thing in Montenegro. The best
was saved for guests, passengers,
even when starving, and it was not rare.
Today, organized or independent moving
through the country of tourism, along
marked routes of cheese, honey, wine is a
special attraction bringing more than one
pleasures. First of all, it is going to the spot:
the small farms with preserved traditional
production, to the households that cherish
the traditional values and
Besides enjoying the taste of polenta,
Njeguši’s cheese and prosciutto, leafy
Kolašin’s cheese, famous Crmnica’s wines,
Piva’s mead... you will have the opportunity to see the many natural attractions,
including the hidden ones, which are not
a part of the usual tourist offer. Also, on a
trip to the huts and taverns you can visit
the cultural and historical monuments, but
also to practice the favorite recreational
and sports activities.
And a glass of
Vranac, more
and Ulcinj vineyards and winegrowers in
the Nahija region, you will have this complete gastronomic enjoyment
After priganice (fritters) with honey, cheese and ham dried in the embrace of winds from the sea and high mountains, with
excellent lake fish best fits a glass of homemade wine Vranac or Krstač. While visiting
wineries and wine cellars on the edge of
Lake Skadar in Crmnica, then in Podgorica
Almost every household you meet during
this adventure will offer you homemade
Vranac and Krstač - cheese and ham, holy
trinity of flavors of this Region. You will see,
and wish to soon see again that wine seduces the senses as much as the beautiful
nature of Skadar Lake. And it puts an end
onto all experience during cruising, hiking,
biking, swimming, socializing with music
and dancing, as well as all those stories
about the long and turbulent history, whose testimony is at every step, is just a wine.
Montenegro National
Tourism Organisation
Call center 1300
GALERIJA - Slobodan Puro Đurić
“Ako na slici, svaki put kada je vidiš, uvijek nađeš nešto novo,
ako te uvijek iznenadi makar detaljem, i ako uvijek, gledajući je, uočiš novu sjenku ili boju – onda je to dobra, uspjela
slika. A samo takva i jeste slika.”
S. Puro Đurić
Tekst: Nada Bukilić
Fotografija: Maja Đurić
uže od pedeset godina traje rad
Slobodana Pura Đurića, slikara koji
je svojim posebnim, dirljivim koloritom, mediteranskim bojama i djetinje
nevinim motivima, uveličavao crnogorsku
likovnu scenu druge polovine XX vijeka. Ta
tananost i čistota figuracije, motivi koji kao
da imaju sopstvene uzdahe i udahe vrelog
mediteranskog vazuha, ne daju da njegov
rad poslovično nazovete karijerom, niti da
ga uvrstite u red onih koji su imali ovoliko
ili onoliko izložbi, i, uopšte, ne možete ga
mjeriti manirom svakodnevnosti, iako je
ona, nažalost, vulgarno i odavno već zašla
i među pjesničke teke i na stranice kritika,
i eto, na slikarska platna. Crnogorski teatar
života, bogat sveopštim šarenilom kvaliteta
i kvantiteta, ima srećom, jednu malu luku
spokojne i čiste estetike slikarskog umijeća: uz samu obalu u Budvi, uz jednostavno
dvorište, nad kojim šušte s visine stare palme, nepretenciozna kao njen vlasnik, stoji
primorska kuća i krije lijepi slikarev atelje,
ispunjen mirisom boje, voća i crnog čaja.
Ne znam kako drugi reaguju kad zađu
u ovakav prostor, no, našavši se među
Đurićevim slikama od kojih me svaka gledala jedinstvenim pogledom, osjećala
sam se kao dijete koje je zalutalo u svijet
igračaka – onih predivnih, čarobnih formi,
staklenih skala i srebrnih ogledala, crvenih
krovova i tajnovitih tavana, gdje sve titra
kao neki davni snovi i sve sliči na ono što
će razigrana duša tek sanjati.
Od prve samostalne izložbe 1961.godine
u Klubu kulturnih radnika Cetinja (zgrada
poslanstva Engleske) dijele nas decenije
i za sve to vrijeme bilo je i izložbi i lijepog
prihvatanja publike, onih značajnih kritika,
pohvala i društvenih nagrada; bilo je druženja i gostovanja, i bilo je prijateljstava koja su se rađala iz iste ljubavi i opsjednutosti
slikarstvom. Slike su se rađale pod kičicom
sigurne slikareve ruke, selile se na platna iz
njegovog oka, zametale se i rascvjetavale,
nekad brže nekad sporije, a onda – kao
samostalna i svojevoljna bića – nalazile
svoje puteve ka nekim drugim ljudima, ka
nekim velikim salonima ili malim sobama,
gdje su nastavaljale svoje živote, nikad zaboravljene od onoga koji im je udahnuo
ljepotu i pokazao put.
Pa, ipak, šta je u svemu tome bilo najljepše?
„Zadovoljstvo otkrivanja i slike i sebe samog je najljepše što mi je slikarstvo dalo.
Tragao sam, dešavalo mi se, kroz četiri ili
pet ili, čak, kroz šest slika, za onom jednom
koja se nejasno već islikala u meni, ali nije htjela da izađe, nije htjela van. Kao da je
čekala neki posebni trenutak. A onda, a da
nijesam ni slutio, ona se otvarala na nekom
sedmom ili sedamnestom platnu, kao da
me vodi ili uči kako da je naslikam. I kada
Kritika o slikaru
Lucija Jelušić Đurašković: „Slikarstvo Pura Đurića originalno je i samozatajno, oplemenjeno rijetko finim senzibilitetom za nepoznato i tajanstveno. Ispunjeno istovremeno i idejom i pitanjima, univerzalnim i svevremenim egzistencijalnim sadržajima koji se šire izvan granica našeg balkanskog prostora, zadržavajući pečat
specifičnosti podneblja u kome je umjetnik rođen. Njegovo slikarstvo opominje,
skreće pažnju na tehnološku mahnitost, svjedoči, osuđuje i ukazuje na destrukciju
Ognjen Radulović: „Na Đurićevim slikama, riječ je o pristupu nestvarnom urbanizmu – o idealizovanom gradu duboko zapretanom u naslagama nesvjesnog.
Cetinje je za to posebno pogodno. I mada se i kod drugih naroda može naći sličan
pojam grada – za Crnogorce je Cetinje međaš u odnosu na koji se vrijeme mjeri.”
bi se, konačno, pred mojim očima „hvatala”
za platno ona prva njena najava, pa sve do
samog konca, osjećao sam radost, pravu
radost kojom mi uzvraća. Osjećao sam - sliku.”
Međutim, ništa ne prođe i bez malih patnji. O tome, Đurić kaže: „To je neminovno.
Dešavalo mi se: radim, radim, ređaju se
slike jedna za drugom, i sve su one moje
i sve su prepoznatljive moje – po motivu,
po boji, vidi se moja ruka… Ali, nijesu me
ispunile, nijesu ispunile ono što sam htio!
Odnosno, ja nijesam ispunio njihova očekivanja! To su muke, patnje.”
Malo je slikara našeg podneblja tako „razmetljivo” sa svojim djelima. Đurić uživa
u darivanju i to čini kao da je „zakonom
propisano” da što više slika ili grafika pokloni. Ima u tome nekog stvaralačkog sujevjerja; neka posebna mantra, obećana
i ovjerena kod samih muza, ne dâ da mu
sve slike budu, uobičajeno, za prodaju ili
po izložbama – dobar dio njih nalazi svoje domove kod ljudi koji su slikaru važni i
dragi. Kao da će, po toj mantri, slike duže
živjeti, ruka će duže umjeti, a misao lakše
dostizati do onih visina odakle se lakše i
ljepše vidi svijet, grad, zavičaj, ulica, cvijet,
spomenik, leptir… Slikar zna zašto to radi
– usrećuje ga to, jer zbrinjava svoja djela
kod dragih ljudi na koje se prenosi dobar
dio slikarevih emocija ili se, zbog tih istih
slika, kod njih rađaju neke nove fascinacije
i nada da život ljudski, baš kao i slika, traje,
Sa gospodinom Đurićem se dâ razgovarati
na mnoge teme. On je, kao uostalom svi
veliki umjetnici, vrlo upućen u tajne literature, veliki poznavalac latinoameričke i
one stare, dobre, ruske književosti bez koje se ni danas ne raste, niti sazrijeva. Ipak,
Markes mu je nadraži. Možete sa njim i o
muzici, ali i o filmu – istorija filma, pravci
njegovog razvoja, stilovi velikih reditelja,
najveći scenaristički dometi… teme su o
kojima govori jasno i jednostavno kao o
sopstvenim slikama. Tolika interesovanja
su otuda što je, još veoma mlad, budući višestruko talentovan, teško uspijevao razlučiti šta mu je bliskije, šta ga više usrećuje,
gdje je on više svoj, više Puro, „mali iz naše
ulice”, a gdje je Slobodan i gdje je, jednostavno, Đurić. U tom smislu, na njega je
presudno uticao stariji brat Dado Đurić,
kao brat od strica, pa je i on nezaobilazan
lik u svakom razgovoru sa slikarom.
„Vazda sam trčao za njim. Kad smo bili đeca, on – dvije godine stariji, a sitniji – bio
mi je i zaštitnik i uzor. Ja sam bio razmaženi momčić, najmlađi u oca i
majke, a on siroče
koje je od malena naviklo da se bori i za
zraku sunca. On je vazda nešto risao, crtao,
prelistavao skice, pa sam i ja, više da se ne
bi odvajali, uzeo olovku u ruke. A Dado
me bratski hrabrio, hvalio. No, kada sam i
sam uočio da mi crtanje pruža zadovoljstvo, da me usrećuje, on me je najsrčanije
i najljepše umio usmjeriti i posavjetovati.
Mislim da se više on radovao mojoj dobroj
slici, nego ja. O malo čemu smo isto mislili,
malo koga jednako voljeli, ali za naših relativno dugih života, bez obzira što smo fizički bili daleko jedan od drugoga, nikada
nijesmo izgubili tu tanku, a čelik-tvrdu nit
koja nas je spajala – prvo kao prijatelje, pa
onda i kao braću i, konačno, kao slikare…
I nikada neću znati do koje mjere je i slikanje, ustvari, bilo samo još jedan izraz razumijevanja bez riječi… O veličini njegovog
djela moći će da se piše i piše nepresušno.
No, žao mi je što ne postoji način da se
iskaže kakva je to ljudska priroda bila i koliko je on kao čovjek bio jedinstven, jednostavan i iskren u svakoj svojoj opservaciji,
gestu, ljubavi ili riječi…”
Nakon toliko godina, konačno, u pripremi je monografija koja će pokušati da
predstavi djelo Slobodana Pura Đurića. U
uvodnom tekstu, Lucija Jelušić Đurašković
bilježi da su Đurićeve teme, osobito u ranijem periodu, bili pejzaži i mrtva priroda, ali nikada daleko od
Ko to tamo slika, a ko eksploatiše?
Priča o porodici Đurić, kojoj pripada više od dvadeset slikara
i istoričara umjetnosti, jeste priča o nekadašnjoj crnogorskoj
aristokratiji u najboljem smislu te riječi. Đurići su bili i jedna od
najbogatijih porodica u Crnoj Gori. Mitar (Labud) Đurić, izuzetno nadaren za slikarstvo, trebalo je da uči slikarsku školu u
Rusiji. Po majčinoj želji ostao je na Cetinju i 1904. otvorio radnju za izradu luksuzne obuće. Prva mušterija mu je bila knjeginja Juta, koja je, kada se uvjerila u majstorstvo i „lijepo, moderno oko” Labudovo, prestala naručivati obuću iz inostranstva.
Posao se razvijao, takoreći cvjetao, te je Labud zapošljavao više od četrdeset majstora i još dosta učenika. On je osmišljavao
modele, crtao ih i izrađivao od najskupljih materijala, koje je
nabavljao u Dubrovniku, Austriji i, kasnije, Francuskoj. Labud je
u posao uključio i svoju stasalu braću.
Ali, jedan od braće, Stevan, učio je u Češkoj izradu stilskog namještaja. Usput je naučio i mnoge od ideja češke socijalističke partije i, čak, postao njen član. Svjetske novotarije, politička
moda i trendovi, lako sele kroz svijet i kao takve, bez problema stižu i pod Lovćen. Stignu upakovane makar u jednu jedinu glavu! Ovog puta Stevanovu! Sa „takvom” glavom, Stevan
je došao na Cetinje, zaposlio se u porodičnoj fabrici i odmah
okačio na zid - da svi radnici dobro vide – svoju člansku kar-
Cetinja i crnogorskog krša, i uvijek puno
„melanholične svjetlosti Mediterana”, koja
se, na gotovo svakoj slici, uočava negdje
između sjenki i svjetla, između sna i jave:
„I kasnije, sa nje-
tu! Punio je radničke glave socijalističkim idejama, počeo da ih
buni protiv rođene braće i čak je organizovao štrajkove protiv
„eksploatatora – kapitalista braće Đurića”! Nevjerovatna, a istinita priča o Stevanu kojem je ideja bila bliža od brata! Kasnije,
Stevan se odselio u Beograd i nikada više nije došao na Cetinje.
Drugi Labudov brat, Radoje, odnosno Ranko, kako su ga svi
zvali, umio je da uživa u životu. Sem limuzine (Bjuik), imao je
i kabriolet, volio je konje, imao štale i konjušare. Zbog takvog
stila, zvali su ga „knjaz Petar”. Upravo on je otac Miodraga Dada
Đurića, jednog od najslavnijih naših slikara.
Labud se oženio Danicom Popović i u tom braku dobio šestoro djece. Slobodan, Puro, njihovo je najmlađe dijete. Puro je od
Dada Rankovog mlađi par godina, ali su od ranog djetinjstva
bili nerazdvojni. Danas Puro kaže bez imalo patetike: „Nijesam
moga’ onaj dan na sahranu. Nijesam za dugo otišao do njegovog groba. Neka, velim, dok ne odem ka’ da je još živ!”
Zato, kada bi se dalo snimati, najzanimljivija porodična serija kod nas, bila bi ona zasnovana na istinitoj priči o braći
Đurićima. Sve srećne porodice liče jedna na drugu, a sve neobične su neobične na načine, koji ni samom Tolstoju nikada ne bi
pali na pamet!
govih slika nikada neće nestati blagonaklonost i čvrsta vezanost za motive koje
nalazi u sopstvenom okruženju… niti nostalgija za rodnim mjestom.”
Eh, ta nostalgija! Đurić jeste nostalgičar. Ali,
njegova nostalgija je vazda zađenuta novom nadom, vazda oslonjena na buduće.
Njegova nostalgija je rađajuća, plodna.
Otuda, valjda, još jedan izraz vezanosti za
Cetinje – naime, Đurić je, već u pet knjiga,
zabilježio neke cetinjske priče, da bi i na taj
način ostalo sačuvano što više svjedočanstava o ovom gradu. Nepretenciozno, kakav je i u drugim situacijama, Đurić bilježi
događaje i anegdote, čuvajući duh svog
rodnog grada, sa spoznajom da je mnogo
značajnih ličnosti utemeljivalo taj duh i da
su bezbrojni oni, van Cetinja anonimni ljudi, koji su s posebnim pijetetom to umjeli
cijeniti i jednako srčano slijediti.
„Za mene je to, ako ćemo pravo, teže nego slikati. Nijesu iz mog
sjećanja izblijeđeli ni ljudi, ni događaji – ne, meni samo fale riječi,
nijesam kadar uhvatiti ih kad mi zatrebaju, da na najbolji način zapišem željeno. Naravno, to ima veze i sa godinama. Zapisano mora
imati, baš kao i slika, svoj sklad i svoj ritam, da bi u ravnoteži pokazali najvažnije. Ja u šali zborim za svoje slike: naslikam ja predmete, motive, zgrade, krovove, krstove, sve i svašta, a onda svako od
njih nađe svoje mjesto na slici. Tako da ono što poneko na mojim
slikama vidi kao uređeni haos, ja vidim kao sklad koji je s ritmom
došao u ravnotežu pred mojim okom. Pa bih volio i da cetinjske
priče koje bilježim, ne budu samo duhovite, samostalne crtice,
već uravnotežena cjelina koju će dugo pamtiti svaki čitalac. Tako
će se pamtiti jedno Cetinje. Doći će drugi i oni će imati svoje.”
Iz dvorišta u kome sjedimo, lutamo pogledima ka moru. Puro
nam kuva kafu, donosi knjige, nudi odličnu rakiju sa koprivinom
kapljom zdravlja. Užurban, spretan, vedar čovjek. Cetinjanin i
Mediteranac; slikar i muž; umjetnik i otac; ribar i đed. Eno, baš onamo je vezana barka kojom i sada umije otići na ribanje. Brzo će
odrasti unuk Tomaš, pa će i on, kao starija Purova unučad, sa đedom u ribe… Do tada, nastaće još čarobnih slika koje će svojom
uzvišenošću, visokim stilom i naprednim humanim umjetničkim stremljenjem, sem druge polovine XX, bogatiti crnogorsko
slikarstvo i u godinama koje slijede.
Iz knjige
„Cetinjske šaljive
priče“, S. P. Đurića
Profesor Milutin Plamenac radio je u Državnom muzeju na
Cetinju i kad je kome bio potreban, tamo bi ga lako našli.
Jednom ga je tražio i slikar Miloš Vušković, o čemu mi je
ovo ispričao.
Službenica mu je rekla: Gospodine Plamenac, znate li tražio Vas je gospodin Vušković!
Profesor se zabrinuo: A je li me našao, moliću lijepo?
Visoka ćerka
- Viđi, brate, koliko mi je porasla ćerka. Visoka…
- Lijepo, zapaziće je momci!
- Kako lijepo? Kako će se udat’, ko će je uzet’ onoliku?
- Ja ću ti reći: nek se uda iz dvaput!
Omladinskih Br igada 16
81 000 Podgor ica
e-mail: [email protected]
Ph: +382 20 210 925
GALLERY - Slobodan Puro Đurić
What we’ll
only dream
Text: Nada Bukilić Photo: Maja Đurić
“If every time you see the painting, you always find something new on it, and if it always
surprises you at least by the detail, if always while watching it, you notice the new shadow
or colour – then it’s a good, successful painting. And only such a one a painting is.”
S. Puro Đurić
or more than fifty years lasts the
work of Slobodan alias Puro Đurić,
a painter who by his extraordinary
touching coloring, Mediterranean colours and childlike innocent motives, has
ennobled the Montenegrin art scene of
the twentieth century. The fragility and
purity of figures, motifs that seem to have their own sighs and breaths of the hot
Mediterranean air that do not allow you to
simply define his work as career, or to include him into the group of those who have
had that many exhibitions, and, in general,
you cannot measure him by the manner of
every day life, even though and unfortunately it has long been among the poets’ no-
tebooks and pages of criticism, and there,
on the painters’ canvas. Montenegrin theater of life, rich by all diversity of quality and
quantity, fortunately has got a small port
of serene and pure aesthetics of the painting art: next to the very coast in Budva,
with a simple yard, over which old palms
rustle from the height, unpretentious as its
owner, stands a coastal house hiding the
beautiful painter’s studio, filled with the
smell of colours, fruits and black tea.
I do not know how others react when they
go down this space, but, finding myself among Đurić pictures, each of which
watched me by unique view, I felt like a
child who has strayed into the world of
toys - those wonderful, magical forms, glass scales and silver mirrors, red roofs and
mysterious attics, where everything shimmers like some old dreams and everything looks like what a playful soul will only
dream of.
Since the first solo exhibition in 1961 at the
Club of cultural workers in Cetinje (former
English Legation) decades are passed, and
during all that time there were exhibitions
and beautiful acceptances by public, those significant criticism, praises and social
rewards, and there were meetings and visits, and friendships born from the same
love and obsession with painting. Images
were born under the paintbrush of artist’s
safe hands, moved to the canvas from his
eyes, grown and brought into bloom, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, and
then as independent beings - found their
ways to the other people, to some large
salons or small rooms, where their lives
continued, never forgotten by those who
breathed them in their beauty and showed
them the way. Yet, what was the most beautiful, in all of this?
“The pleasure of discovering of painting
and myself is the most beautiful thing, the
painting gave to me. It happened to me,
that I was searching, four or five or even
six paintings through, for that one picture
unclearly illuminated in me, but it did not
want to leave, it wanted go out. As if it was
waiting for a special moment. And then,
while I had not the slightest idea, it opened
on the seventh or seventeenth canvas, as if
it were guiding me or teaching me how to
paint it. And when it was finally “catching”
the canvas, before my eyes, I felt the joy
from that very first announcement of it all
the way to the end “the real joy with which
it responded. I felt - a painting.”
However, nothing goes without small
sufferings, also. Of that, Đurić says: “It is inevitable. It happens to me: I work and work,
paintings go one after the other, and they
are all mine and all are identifiable - by motive, by colour, you can see my hand... But
they have not fulfilled me, have not fulfilled
what I wanted! That is, I did not meet their
expectations! Those are sufferings, sufferings.”
Few artists of our Region are so “ostentatious” with their works. Đurić enjoys presenting and it seems like it is “required by law”
to donate as many paintings and graphics
as possible. There’s some creative superstition in it, a particular mantra, promised and
certified by the very muses, not that all of
his images are, as usually, for the sale or
at exhibitions - many of them found their
homes with people who are dear and important to the painter. As if, by that mantra,
images will live longer, and thought will
more easily reach the heights where the
world, town, hometown, streets, flower,
monument, butterfly can be seen easier
and nicer... Painter knows why he does that
– it makes him happy, because he provides his works at nice people at whom are
passed much of the painter’s emotions or,
because of these same paintings, some
new fascinations are born within them and
hope that human life, just like the painting,
lasts and lasts…
With Mr. Đurić is possible to talk on many
topics. He, like all great artists, is very informed about the secrets of the literature, a
great connoisseur of Latin American and
the old, good, Russian literature without
which today is not possible to grow up
or mature. However, Markes is his favori-
te. You can discuss with him about music, but also about the film - film history,
its development trends, styles of great
directors, highest screenwriting achievements... topics which he speaks about on
a clear and simple way just like about his
own paintings. So many interests are due
to the fact that when he was very young,
multi-talented, he could hardly distinguish
what was closer to him, what was making
him happier, where he felt more his own,
more Puro, “kid from the our street,” where he was Slobodan or simply Đurić. In this
regard, there was a crucial influence by his
older brother Dado Đurić, as his cousin,
and he is also an unavoidable character in
every conversation with the painter.
“I always ran after him. When we were kids,
he - two years older and smaller - was my
protector and ideal. I was spoiled lad, the
youngest of my father and mother, and he
was an orphan, and since his early age he
was used to fight even for the ray of sunshine. He was always sketching, drawing or
flipping something through sketches, so I,
more to avoid being separated, took pen
in my hand. Dado encouraged and praised
me on fraternal way. But when I realized
that drawing was pleasurable also to me
that it made me happy, he knew how to
direct and advise me in the heartiest and
best way. I think he was more looking
forward to my good painting, than I was.
There were a few things on which we had
the same opinion, just a few people we
loved the same, but during our relatively
long lives, no matter that we were physically far away from each other, we never
lost that thin, but like steel hard connection fastening us - first as friends, and then
as brothers, and finally as painters... I’ll never know the extent to which the painting, in fact, was just another expression
of understanding without words... It will
be possible to write about the greatness
of his work on inexhaustible way. But, I’m
sorry that there is no way to express what
human nature he was and how as a man
he was unique, simple and sincere in every
of his observations, a gesture, love or word.
Finally, after all these years, the book, which
will try to present the work of Slobodan
alias Puro Đurić, is in the preparation. In the
introductory text, Lucia Jelušić Đurašković
notes that Đurić’s themes, especially in
the earlier period were landscapes and
still lives, but never far from Cetinje and
Montenegrin karst, and always with a lot
of “melancholic light of Mediterranean”
which is in almost every picture, observed somewhere between the light and
shadow, between dream and reality, “and
later, the kindness and firm attachment to
the motives which he finds within his own
environment... and nostalgia for his home
town will never disappear from his paintings.”
Oh, the nostalgia! Đurić is nostalgic. But
his nostalgia is always attached to the new
hope, always dependent on the future.
His nostalgia is giving birth, fertile. Hence,
I guess, it’s another expression of his
attachment to Cetinje - namely, Đurić has
already in five books, recorded some stories of Cetinje, in order to thereby be preserved more testimonials about this town.
Unpretentious, as in other situations, Đurić
chronicles events and anecdotes, keeping the spirit of his hometown, with the
knowledge that a lot of important people
have grounded that spirit, and that there
are countless, anonymous people out of
Cetinje, knowing how to respect and cordially follow it.
“For me it was, to be honest, harder than
painting. People or events are not faded
from my memories oh no, I’m just missing
the words, I am not able to catch them
when I need them, to write desired on the
best way. Of course, it also has to do with
the age. Written, just as painting, must have
its harmony and rhythm, to show the most
important in the balance. I jokingly say for
my paintings: I paint objects, motives, buildings, roofs, crosses, one and all, then each
of them finds its place on the painting. So
what someone may see on my paintings
as a regulated chaos, I see as a harmony,
which with the rhythm comes into balance in front of my eyes. So I write down that
Cetinje stories, the ones that should not
only be humorous, independent sketches,
but balanced entirety, which every reader
will remember for a long time. This will be
the only way to remember Cetinje. The
other generations will come and they will
have their own Cetinje.”
From the courtyard where we sit, our
views wander towards the sea. Puro makes a coffee to us, brings books and offers
an excellent brandy with drop of Nettle
health. A hurried, nimble, cheerful man, a
man from Cetinje and Mediterranean, painter and husband, artist and a father, a fisherman and grandfather. Just there is bounded a barge that even now he uses to
go scrubbing. Grandson Tomaš will grow
up soon, so like Puro’s older grandchildren
he will go with the grandfather in fish...
Until then, even more magical paintings
shall appear there, that will enrich painting and Montenegro with their loftiness,
high style and advanced human artistic
tendencies, except for the second half of
the twentieth century, also in the coming
Box1: A critique of the painter
Lucia Jelušić Đurašković: “Painting of Pura
Đurić is original and modest, refined with
rare fine sensibility for the unknown and
the mysterious. Filled simultaneously with
both; ideas and questions, universal and
modern existential contents belonging to
all times that spread beyond the borders
of our Balkans region, while maintaining a
taste of the specific region where the artist
was born. His art reminds, draws attention to the technological frenzy, witnesses,
condemns and points to the destruction
of the humanism.”
Ognjen Radulović: “Đurić’s paintings represent a surreal approach to urban planning
- the idealized city covered up in the deep
layers of the unconscious. Cetinje is especially convenient for this. And although
you can find the similar notion of the city
also in other nations – for Montenegrins
Cetinje is milestone against which time is
Box2: Who paints there, and who exploits?
A story about family Đurić, which includes
more than twenty artists and art historians, is the story of a former Montenegrin
aristocracy in the best sense of the word.
Đurići were one of the wealthiest families
in Montenegro. Mitar (Labud) Đurić, extremely talented in painting, intended to study at the Art School in Russia. According to
his mother’s wish he remained in Cetinje
and on 1904. opened a shop for making of
luxury footwear. His first client was Princess
Juta, who, when she was convinced into
mastery and “nice, modern eye” of Labud,
stopped ordering shoes from abroad.
Business was growing, so to speak, flourishing, and Labud had over forty masters
and a lot of students working for him. He
designed the models, drew them and manufactured from the most expensive materials, which he purchased in Dubrovnik,
Austria and later, in France. Labud involved
in the business also his matured brothers.
But, one of the brothers, Stevan, was learning in the Czech making of the antique
furniture. Along the way he learned many
of the ideas of the Czech Socialist Party and
even became its member. World novelties,
political fashion and trends, easily move
through the world and as such, without
problem come under Mountain Lovćen.
They arrived packaged in a single head!
This time Stevan’s head! With “this” head,
Stevan came to Cetinje, started working at
the family factory and immediately hung it
on the wall – such a way that all workers
could see it well – his membership card!
He filled workers heads with socialist ideas,
began to rebel them against own brothers
and even organized strikes against the
“exploiters - the capitalists Đurić brothers”!
Incredible, but true story of Stevan to
whom an idea was closer than a brother!
Later, Stevan moved to Belgrade and never
came to Cetinje.
Another Labud’s brother, Radoje or Ranko,
as everyone called him, knew how to
enjoy the life. Except limousine (Buick), he
From the book
“Cetinje funny stories,” S. P. Đurić
Professor Milutin worked in the National Museum in Cetinje and when someone
needed him, they would have found him easily. Once the painter Miloš Vušković,
who told me this, also looked for him. A lady officer told him: “Mr. Plamenac, do
you know that you were looked for by Mr. Vušković?” Professor worried: “Did he
find me?”
Tall daughter
- See it, brother, how much is grown my daughter. Tall...
- It’s nice, guys will notice her!
- How nice? How will she get married, who will take her such a tall?
- I’ll tell you: let she gets married twice!
had a convertible, loved horses, had stables and grooms. Because of this life-style,
they called him “Prince Peter”. It is him, the
father of Miodrag Dado Đurić, one of our
most celebrated painters.
Labud married Danica Popović and in that
marriage had six children. Slobodan alias
Puro, was their youngest child. Puro is a
few years younger than Dada Rankov, but
they were inseparable from the early childhood. Today Puro says without any pathos:
“I couldn’t be there at the day of funeral. It’s
a long time since I went to his grave. So, I
say, until I go there he’s like still alive!”
Stari grad 489, Kotor, Montenegro
tel: +382 (0)78 106 160
fax: +382 (0)78 106 166
e-mail: [email protected]
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u njegovim riječima i, dodatno,
što posebno uvažava njegovo mišljenje. A i ono što on smatra zanimljivim i vrijednim. Konačno,
snimala je krajeve u kojima ljetuje, pa mu šalje fotografije uz
iscrpne opise vode, pijeska, boje
neba, boje borova i svih ostalih
boja, ostalog kamenja i rastinja… sigurna da bi se njemu tu
Gledam ga
dok spava
Piše: Nada Bukilić
Ilustracija: Gavrilo Mirotić
oš je sunce jako, ne da se.
Kroz prozor na zapadnoj
strani, prodire snop u našu
dnevnu sobu.
Gledam ga dok spava: svjetlo pada po njegovoj kosi. Slatko sni.
S vremena na vrijeme pomjeri
obrvu, pa usne, kao da će se nasmijati ili reći što zabavno. Ali,
brzo se umiri, opusti lice i nastavlja spavati. Žuti zraci igraju
kroz njegovu prorijeđenu kosu.
Sad je u tim vlasima mnogo boja, čak i sasvim pobijeljelih i podivljalih. Ali, ja još znam kakva
je ta kosa bila: bješe mi pun dlan
teških, a nježnih valova, puni prsti mirisnih, tamnih i gustih vlasi
– na potiljku kao tamno žito povaljano po brijegu…
I te oči, svijetle i sjajne, sa vedrinom i tajnom istovremeno,
sa mangupskim zvjezdicama u
zenicama i sa, na samim krajevima, ukošenim nježnim borama- smijavicama. Zeleni pogled koji je mogao da me okuje.
Nezaboravno! Dug nos, neobičan, sa smiješnim, malim samarom po sredini – uspomena iz
mladićkih dana na znanca-barabu, koji je mislio da može igrati
košarku barabar sa njim. A nije
mogao, tja! Lijepe, sada malo tamnije usne, istog su izraza kao i
oči: umiju da lažu, vrhunski, ali
kad govore istinu, onda istinitije
ne može biti.
Ja, ipak, najviše volim njegova
ramena. Divljoj i neprilagođenoj, u mnogo čemu nespremnoj
za radost i borbu, za trku i rad,
nesviknutoj na pretjeranu bliskost i uplašenoj od prekomjernih izliva emocija svih vrsta od
strane onih oko mene, bila su
mi i jesu osovina spokoja. Ta
su ramena moja velika kopna u
nepreglednom okeanu, u neizmjernoj vodi, u uzburkanim talasima, u strašnim olujama, pod
mrkim nebom, pod nasmijanim,
nedokučivim suncem života…
E, da, ovako bih mogla pričati
o njemu satima. Moj muž. Ako
je išta moje, onda je to on. Pa,
i pored toga, pitam se, ovako
dok spava: ima li u podrumima,
zidovima, na prozorima i na tavanu njegovog života, pomalo,
bar pomalo paučine ili kakav kamičak, koje moji prsti nikada nisu dotakli? Ima li tajni koje zna
samo on, onih nepodijeljenih
sitnica, neobjašnjenih i nikom
povjerenih? Da li za nečim žali?
Je li imao san koji nije ostvario?
Jesam li, možda, omela neku
skalu sna? Sanja li još?
Ili je, stvarno, ostario?
Ima tome i dva mjeseca kad je
počeo govoriti o njoj. Najprije
je to bila samo konstatacija da
je ona veoma lijepa. Potom da
je izuzetno šarmantna. Uskoro
je postala mila i ljupka. Kasnije
je primijetio i kako korača, onda
kakvog je tijela, a sa posebnom
simpatijom je kazivao kako je,
iako vrlo mlada, mudra i odmjerena. Kada govori o njoj, u glasu
ima onog osobenog ponosa zbog
toga što ona shvata njegove šale,
što odmah razumije asocijacije
Naravno da bi. Pogodila je, ili je,
mudra kakva je već (a to je ona
posebna mudrost koju imaju samo zaista lijepe žene: osnažena
je muškom vjerom da je svaka
misao ljepotice aristotelovski
neprikosnovena, samim tim što
drugačija ne može ni biti kad
je misli takva ljepota), osjetila i
razumjela i sada – mila, topla i
nadasve ljupka – uzvraća za svaki
titraj njegovog razigranog srca,
tim malim, lijepim detaljima,
tim finim, filigranski izmjerenim
i obrađenim draguljima pažnje.
I to sigurno čini sa iskrenom radošću. Kako i ne bi. Gospodin
Savršeni, džentlmen, koji poznaje i život i ljude i ćudi raznih vremena i, konačno, žene, vidi da je
ona jedinstvena! Ima li vrijednijeg komplimenta?
Jednom, nesmotreno, pokazah da se u mene uselio nemir.
Nemir koji nikako nije ni sličan
ljubomori. Ni lošoj slutnji, ni
ljutnji. Ne, to je nemir koji, nesumnjivo, osjeća svaki moreplovac, posebno za lijepa vremena,
dok njegov brod plovi mirnom,
modrom pučinom, a nad glavom mu prelijeću bijeli galebi.
Nemir baš zbog toga: zbog mirnog mora, zbog tih divnih ptica,
zbog te zvijezde koja grije lice,
zbog tog blještavog sjaja u očima. Zbog te beskrajne, plave sreće o kojoj šapuću blagi vali…
samo zbog sreće srce i strijepi
- u doba nevêre se o sreći ne
razmišlja. Sada mi je žao, jer
je rjeđe pominje. A ja bih
rado i sa ponosom slušala
kako je nasmijao, šta joj je
rekao, kako mu se ona zahvalila, šta mu je napisala
u telefonskoj poruci… Jer,
ni moja mudrost, savršeno
pamtim, nikada nije bila
u vožnji
Gledam ga dok spava: sunce se
povuklo i sada samo ovlaš dodiruje pramen kose, onaj koji je
još taman kao nekada. Počeo je
da žmirka, otvara usta, mislim –
sad će i oči otvoriti. Ali, ne; on
se samo promeškolji, podiže malo ruku i vrati je na grudi, pa nastavi spavati. Sanja li? Kome se
smješka u snu? Njoj?
Znam: između njega i nje ne
stojim ja, niti išta moje. Ni naš
dugi brak, čak ni naše dijete. Ne
stoje među njima
ni obaveze, ni
obziri, niti išta
slično onim
ordinarnim i
racionaln i m
zlozima. Između muškarca i žene nikada i ne stoji ništa iz spoljnjeg svijeta, stoji samo ono što je
unutar njih. A unutar, pa tako i
između njih, nepremostivo stoje godine: toliko ih je od njenih
tridesetak do njegovih pedeset i
kusur, da ih ni jedno ni drugo
ne mogu domašiti – ni ona naprijed, ni on nazad. Tegobno je
to. Pa, opet i lijepo.
njenoj mjeri i sada sam ovamo,
Gledam ga i mislim: neću večeras otići u pozorište, neka ide
sam. Tamo će biti našeg društva,
a biće i ona. Neću ići - ne moram da je upoznam. Ne mora
je podijeliti sa mnom. Neka ta
divna žena ostane samo njegov
zlatni kamičak u mozaiku najintimnijih uspomena.
Gledam ga dok spava i uživam
u dragoj slici: mali ožiljak uz
obrvu, taj smiješni samarčić na dugačkom nosu,
te u blag osmjeh zalučene usne i, iskreno
ponosito i samozadovoljno, mislim: Tja, ja
sam, eto, sve vrijeme
tu – bijah i na
Veče će. On se budi. Ljubim ga
u rame da se rasani. Uzvraća mi
poljupcem u grlo. Dah mu miriše na vino. Gleda me, raduju mi
se bore-smijavice.
u vožnji
u vožnji
Eh, da ...
u vožnji
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Hiljade kilometara čekaju samo vas. Sa maksimalnom snagom od 135 kW (184KS), BMW X3 xDrive 20d vam omogućava čisto uživanje u vožnji. Zahvaljujući potrošnji goriva od samo
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xDrive 20d
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Let me tell you a story
I’m looking at
him while asleep
By: Nada Bukilić
Illustrated by: Gavrilo Mirotić
he Sun is still hot, and does
not surrender. The beam
penetrates through the window
on the west side, into our living
I look at him while he is sleeping: light is falling on his hair.
Sweet dreams.
From time to time he moves
eyebrows and then his mouth,
as if to laugh or to say, something fun. But, he quickly settles
down, relaxes his face and goes
to sleep. Yellow rays play through his thinning hair. Now, there are many colours in this hair,
even completely bleached and
savaged. But I still know what
kind of hair that was: my palm
was full of heavy and soft waves, fingers full of fragrant, dark
and dense hairs - on the back like dark wheat fallen over on the
And these eyes, bright and shiny,
with serenity and mystery at the
same time, rowdy stars in the pupils and, at the very edge, angled
soft laughter wrinkles. That gre82
en glance that could put me into
chains. Unforgettable! Long nose, unusual, with silly little slap
in the middle - the memories to
the days of youth and a friendbastard who thought he could
play basketball pari passu with
him. And he could not! Now beautiful, a little darker lips, with
the same expression as the eyes:
they can lie skillfully, but when
they are telling the truth, then it
cannot be truer.
I, however, prefer his shoulders.
To me, wild and not adapted, in
many ways unprepared for the
joy and the struggle, rush and
work, unaccustomed onto excessive closeness, and frightened
by excessive discharge of all kinds of emotions from those around me, they were the only axles
of calm. Those shoulders are my
great lands in the vast ocean of
infinite water in the choppy waves, terrible storms, under the
brown sky, smiling, unfathomable sun of the life.
Oh, yeah, I could talk about
him, like this, for hours. My hu-
sband. If anything’s mine, then
it’s him. Well, even so, while he
is sleeping, I wonder: whether
a bit of his life is present in the
basements, walls, windows in
the attic, at least any cobwebs
or some pebble that my fingers
never touched? Is there a secret
that only he knows, those little
unshared things, unexplained
and not entrusted to anyone?
Does he regret for something?
Did he have a dream that did
not accomplish? Did I, perhaps,
distract a scale of dream? Is he
still dreaming?
Or, is he really grown old?
There are two months since he
has started talking about her. At
first it was just a conclusion that
she was very beautiful. Then
that she was very charming.
Soon she became sweet and
charming. Later he noticed the
way she walked, then the kind
of her body, and with a special
affection he narrated that, although very young, she was wise and steady. When he speaks
about her there is that kind of
distinctive pride in his voice, because she understands his jokes,
immediately understands the
associations in his words, and
besides, particularly respects his
opinion. And he considers it interesting and valuable. Finally,
she photographs areas where she
spent the summer, sends photos
with detailed descriptions of water, sand, sky colour, the colours
of pine trees and all the other colours, other stones and plants…
I am sure that he would like being there.
Of course, he would. She hit the
target, or, wise as she is, (and
this is a special wisdom that
only really beautiful women have: she is strengthened by men’s
belief that every
beauty’s thought is sacrosanct on
Aristotelian way, by virtue that
can not be different when is thought by such a beauty), felt and
understood even now - sweet,
warm and very charming - she
repays for every shiver of his
playful heart, by these small,
beautiful details, these, filigree
measured and cultivated precious stones of attention. And she
is certainly doing it with sincere
joy. How could it not be? The
perfect gentleman, knowing the
life and tempers of different times and, finally, women, seeing that
she is
unique! Is there a worthier compliment?
Once, I showed incautiously
that a discomfort moved into
me, discomfort that was not at
all similar to jealousy. Not even a
bad presentiment, or anger. No,
it is a discomfort that, undoubtedly, feels every sailor, especially in fine weather, while his
ship is sailing along a quiet, dark
blue open sea, and white seagulls
fly over his head. Discomfort
exactly because of that: the calm
sea, because of these wonderful
birds, because of the star heating
your face, because of the bright
sparkle in the eyes. Because of
the endless blue luck whispered
by gentle waves… and heart fears - in times of disloyalty about
happiness is not thought. Now
I’m sorry because it’s rarely mentioned. And I would gladly
and proudly listen as he
smiled, what told her,
as she thanked
him, what
wrote him in a SMS... For
neither my wisdom, I perfectly
remember, was never doubtful.
I look at him while he is sleeping: the sun is down and now
only lightly touches the lock of
hair, as dark as it used to be. He
starts squint, opens his mouth,
and now he will open his eyes.
But no, he is just squirming, lifting his hand a little and putting
it back on the chest, and going
back to sleep. Is he dreaming?
To whom is he smiling in his
sleep? To her?
I know: between him and her I
do not stand, or anything mine.
Neither our long marriage, nor
our child. Neither obligations,
or considerations, nor anything
like those other ordinary and
rational reasons. They do not
stand between us. Between men
and women never actually stands anything from the external
world, stands just what is inside of them. And inside, and so
between them, are insurmountable years: there are so many
of her thirties to his fifties-something like, that neither one of
them can reach them - neither
she in forward nor him in back.
It’s difficult, but, again also nice.
I am looking at him while he is
sleeping and I am enjoying the
beloved picture: small scar along
his eyebrows, the silly little
packsaddle on a long nose, and a
gentle smile of curved lips, I am
thinking honestly proudly and
with self-satisfaction. Well, all
the time I’m here - I was according to her measure and now I
am here, over.
I am looking and thinking: I’m
not going to the theater tonight,
I’ll let him go alone. There will
be a part of our friends and
there will be she. I will not go
- I do not have to meet her. He
does not have to share her with
me. Let this wonderful woman
remain a pebble in his golden
mosaic of the most intimate memories.
It is evening. He is waking up.
I kiss him on the shoulder to
wake him up. He returns by kissing me in the neck. His breath
smells of wine. He is looking at
me happy with smile wrinkles.
Oh, if only...
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holiday with your family, Hotel offers you eight rooms and 10 suites
that provide complete comfort.
With a magnificent view of Durmitor massif, by fireplace, enjoy
delicious meals and a selection of various desserts.
Эта изысканная вилла площадью 300 м2 с террасами, имеет все, что только можно пожелать от дома на побережье
Количество спален: 4
Количество ванных: 3
Площадь дома: 220 м2
Площадь участка: 300 м2
Новый дом (Год постройки: 2012)
Цена продажи: 590 000 €
[email protected]
Небоиша Вукотич
Address: National park Durmitor 84220 Zabljak, Montenegro
Tel: +382 (0)52 360 110 Fax: +382 (0)52 360 111 Mob: +382 (0)69 151 152
Email: [email protected] Web:
Pogledom u nebo danas
možemo vidjeti samo airbus.
Ovdje neće biti mjesta
niti jednom drugom broju,
nedostojnom sedam čuda.
Za ono što se dolje dešava neophodan je stomak.
Iza sedmog horizonta
sigurno ih ima još sedam.
Prije bilo kakvog početka
treba uzeti za ozbiljno
da u odsustvu
stanuje Biće.
Pustolovi patuljci trčali su
sa sjekirama, mahnito je tražili
iza svakog maglovitog vrha,
Tih sedam brda.
Obično petkom uveče, nabacani
vulgarno zove na bis.
Predugo stajanje zahtijeva
Liniju oslonca, koju ometa numera,
tek počela, a nepovratno tužna.
Blijeda mladost je onanijski
Otelo je sedam gusara
s Onih mora koji nijesu
morali čuti za
sedam smrtnih grijeha
da bi ih poznavali i
sad će svašta da joj rade...
Dok ne zavapi:
“Zla se ja ne bojim,
jer si ti sa mnom”,
Sedma smrt mačke
odagnaće prokletstvo sa broda.
Trebaće joj sedam Kleopatrinih
laži i sedam Bordžijinih otrova
da ponovo uspije jesti jabuke.
Ovdje više ni kiša ne traje dugo,
osim u nepristupačnim djelovima
slabo naseljene zemlje.
Prazne godine ne označavaju
čak ni sopstvenu ništavnost.
By looking up at the sky today
we can only see the Airbus.
Here there will be no place
for any other number,
unworthy of seven wonders.
For things going on below –
a strong stomach is needed.
Behind the seventh horizon
there must be another seven.
Before any beginning
we should take seriously
that in the absence
dwells the Being.
Dwarf- adventurers were running
with axes, in frenzied search for her
behind every misty peak of
Those seven hills.
Usually on Friday night the throwntogether décor
cries a vulgar call for encore.
Standing for too long requires
a regular…
Line of support, distracted by the
barely started yet irretrievably sad.
Pale youth is onanistically
She was abducted by seven pirates
from Those seas that needn’t
necessarily have heard of
seven deadly sins
to know them and
now they will do all kinds of things to
Until she cries:
“I fear no evil,
for you are with me”.
The seventh death of the cat
will dispel the curse from the ship.
She will need Cleopatra’s seven
lies and Borgias’ seven poisons
to start eating apples again.
Even the rain doesn’t last long here,
except in inaccessable parts
of the scarcely populated land.
Empty years don’t mark
even their own nothingness.
Tako je prividno jasno!
Sedam kužnih ljubavnika
pijani padaju od naslade
i tu bi se skončala priča,
da nije pitala koliko ima
sekundi do pakla.
Sedam Poovih gavrana
uglas rekoše: Sedam!
Ne može se govoriti u množini o
nama, proizvođačima jedinstva zla.
Mi se nikada nećemo umoriti od
nikad biti ispraćani a uvijek ćemo odmarati naša stopala.
Seven plagued lovers
are drunkenly falling in delight
and there the story would have ended,
hadn’t she asked how many
seconds to hell.
Seven of Poe’s ravens
cried as one: Seven!
ranslated by: Jelena Stanovnik
It is impossible to speak in plural
us, producers of singularity of evil.
We will never tire of travelling,
never bid goodbye –
yet we will forever rest our feet.
It all looks like compromise to me.
Sve mi liči na kompromis.
Ilustracije: slike S. P. Đurića
It’s so seemigly clear!
Illustrations: S. P. Đurić paintings
After three successful business years of the Lusso
showroom in the Serbian market we decided to
expand to other markets where we are present
through completed projects. In the year 2012 the
first Lusso showroom was opened in Montenegro,
with an area of over 500 m3, in the building of Expo
Commerce in Kotor - Radanovići. The company's
aim is to become a leader in the Balkans so in the
following period the next step will be to open a
showroom in the Macedonian market. Besides
service of furnishing spaces, conceptual designs
and 3D presentations, the Lusso company is also
doing projects for hotels, restaurants and cafes.
Exclusive Italian brands represented in LUSSO
Montenegro are:
ITALAMP, FLOS and many others.
For other information please visit the official websites: and
Crnogorska kužina: Potopliki
Mediteran i Istok
u jednoj činiji
Potopliki smo upoznali negdje u komšiluku, pozajmili i preradili, ponešto promijenili i
kreirali crnogorsko kontinentalno jelo u kome su mlinci postali čudo od ukusa! Doduše, i od
kalorija! Ipak, neodoljivo!
Pripremila: Nada Bukilić
Fotografije: Dalibor Ševaljević
ogatija i raznovrsnija kuhinja kod
nas, nastajala je za rijetkih mirnih
vremena, kada su lakše i jednostavnije pod naše krovove zalazile novotarije i tuđi ukusi. U nekom od tih naleta
spokoja i mira, zajedno sa urmama i narandžama s juga, zajedno sa začinima i
maštarijama sa istoka, među naše domaćice stigao je i recept za pripremu posebne vrste pite – potopliki!
To je originalno naš naziv, ali samo jelo
se priprema na osnovu prerađenog recepta, prilagođenog ukusu i kulinarskim
navikama našeg svijeta. Potopliki se, zato, iako nijesu originalno crnogorsko jelo,
ovako nigdje drugdje ne pripremaju. U
Hrvatskoj su to mlinci najčešće sa piletinom i/ili pečurkama, u Bosni sa sirom i/
ili zeljem, poput drugih bosanskih pita, a
kod nas su postali potopliki ili pače pita,
vrlo ozbiljno, kalorično jelo, koje se ne da
napraviti od bilo čega.
Šta vam je potrebno za dobre, nezaboravne potoplike?
Neophodno je kvalitetno juneće meso,
usitnjeno na komadiće, malo slanine ili
domaće kobasice, malo praziluka i crnog luka, mljeveni biber, ulje ili maslac
(zimi može da posluži i svinjska mast),
kisjela pavlaka i, naravno, već gotovo i
adekvatno sasušeno tijesto – tzv. mlinci.
Uobičajeno je kupiti 100 g po osobi.
Preporuka: mlince je uvijek bolje kupiti,
jer njihov ukus nije drugačiji od onih koje pojedine domaćice umiju pripremiti i
same, a umnogome vam štede vrijeme;
najbolje i najukusnije mlince pripravljaju
majstori-pekari, koji, inače, proizvode i tjesteninu i kore za pite i baklave, jer oni rade po tradicionalnim, starim recepturama
i zato nema oscilacija u kvalitetu i ukusu
A kako pripremiti potopliki?
Prvo treba skuvati bar 0,5 kg mesa: junetina (može se dodati i teletina) isiječe se na
sitnije komadiće, potopi u vodu i ostavi da
se lagano kuva. Naravno, pri kuvanju supu
treba osoliti, malo pobiberiti i, eventualno, dodati malo mljevene crvene paprike.
U dubljoj tavi se, na ulju, proprže sitno nasjeckani crni luk i praziluk. Skuvano meso
se izvadi iz supe i doda luku, te se još malo prodinsta i skloni sa vatre.
Supa, dobijena kuvanjem mesa (tzv. temeljac) je već mesom „zamašćena”, ali joj
ipak, treba dodati bar 100 g maslaca (ulja,
sv. masti), jer mlinci upijaju i tečnost i masnoću i jednostavno ih ne možete premastiti. Za 400 g mlinaca potrebno je do 1,5 l
supe, a ako je ima više, tim bolje.
U duboki pleh, koji ćete pouljiti, slažete
mlince i to na sljedeći način: mlince (koji
su, ustvari, poveća komadi tanjeg, pečenog tijesta) najprije treba iskidati ili isjeći
nožem na komade duge do 10 cm, pa ih
tako isječene spuštati u vruću supu da se
natope tečnošću. (Vodite računa da supa bude stalno gotovo vrela.) Natopljeni,
mlinci se prvo rasporede po dnu pleha
u dva sloja. Zatim se na mlince doda dio
pripremljenog mesa, na sitne listiće isječena slanina, pa onda jedan red mlinaca,
opet red mesa i slanine, i tako dok se sve
ne utroši. Bitno je da na vrhu budu posloženi mlinci. Ukoliko volite začineno jelo,
slobodno mesu dodajte bibera, papra,
čak i drugih začina za koje znate da odgovaraju vašem ukusu. Kad sve lijepo posložite, procijenite – možda treba dosuti po
njima još malo supe, jer moraju biti dobro
natopljeni. Stavite u zagrijanu rernu (200˚
C) da se zapeku. U pola sata potopliki će
poprimiti adekvatnu količinu tečnosti, peći će se bez podgorijevanja i presušivanja,
a suvišna tečnost će ispariti. Tada potoplike izvadite, prelijte ih sa najmanje 5 dl
kisjele pavlake, tu i tamo poprskajte kečapom i odabranim, aromatičnim začinom
(origano, bosiljak, kopar, mirođija, peršun)
i vratite u toplu rernu. Kad pavlaka počne
da mijenja boju, isključite rernu. Za nekih
desetak minuta, potopliki su spremni za
Naravno, ovo je osnovni recept, ali se uvijek može mijenjati prema ličnom ukusu.
Neko voli jače jelo, pa dodaje i domaću
kobasicu ili neko drugo sušeno meso, neko, opet, voli da u sve umiješa šampinjone ili jaja… varijante su bezbrojne. Nije rijetko da se potopliki prave i sa mljevenim
mesom. Takođe, vrlo sličan postupak je i
sa sirom i zeljem, samo što tada, naravno,
nema supe od mesa, već se mlinci potapaju u mnogo vrele vode i maslaca. Ali, to
je onda već nešto drugo, istočnije...
Lijepo pečeni potopliki režu se na parčad
željene veličine i poslužuju u dubljim, širim činijama, pa se dekorišu dodatnom
količinom pavlake i peršuna. Uz potoplike
služi se mladi sir, zelena salata, svježi paradajz ili krastavac, feferone, često i kečap,
da bi jelo lijepo „leglo”, potopite potopliki
u jogurt (za mlađe), pivo ili vino…
Eh, da! A kada se lijepo zasitite, shvatićete
da su potopliki blizak rod toliko popularnim lazanjama! Uostalom, iz iste su poro-
dice mediteranskih jela u koja je, namjerno ili slučajno, makar natrunut dah meraklijskog istoka.
664 666
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A CITY 81 00
adresa: DELT
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Majevička br. 18
Tel: + 382 20 262 277
81000 Podgorica,
Crna Gora
Cetinjski put bb
(preko puta Delta city-ja)
Mob: 069 018 181
Tel: + 382 20 290 290
Montenegrin cuisine: Potopliki
and East in a
single bowl
We encountered potopliki somewhere in the neighborhood, borrowed
and reworked them, changed something and created Montenegrin continental dish in which
the pastry became a miracle of taste! Admittedly, also of calories! However, irresistible!
Prepared by: Nada Bukilić
Photos: Dalibor Ševaljević
he richer and more diverse our
cuisine emerged during a few peaceful times, when innovations
and someone else’s tastes entered under
our roofs in more simple and easier way.
The recipe for preparing special types of
pies – potopliki – arrived among our housewives in one of these gusts of tranquility
and peace, along with dates and oranges
from the South, spices and fantasies from
the East.
Originally this is our dish, but the food is
prepared on the basis of the revised recipe,
adapted to the tastes and culinary habits
of our world. Therefore, although not originally Montenegrin dish, Potopliki is prepared like nowhere else. There is usually
pastry with chicken and/or mushrooms
in Croatia; in Bosnia, like other Bosnian
pies, it is with cheese and/or greens. In
Montenegro, it became potopliki or pache pie, quite serious, caloric dish, which
cannot be prepared out of anything.
What you need for a good, memorable
potopliki? It is necessary to get some highquality beef, chopped into small pieces, a
little bacon or homemade sausage, a bit
of leeks and onion, ground pepper, oil or
butter (in winter also lard can be used),
sour cream and, of course, adequately dried pasta, so-called mlinci. It is common to
buy 100 g per person.
is still necessary to add at least 100 grams
of butter (oil, pork fat) as mlinci absorb the
liquid and fat, and you cannot simply over
grease it. For 400 g of mlinci take up to 1.5
liters of soup, but better, if there is more.
Pile mlinci in a deep, oiled pan, as follows:
mlinci (which, are in fact, rather large pieces of thinner, fried dough) first they should be torn or cut with a knife into pieces
up to 10 cm long, then drop them into the
hot soup to soak liquid. (Note that the soup should always be hot.) First lineup soaked mlinci on the bottom of pan in two
layers. Then add to mlinci the part of prepared meat, bacon cut down into small
slices, then one row of mlinci, again layer
of meat and bacon, and so on until all is
used up. It is important that mlinci should be stacked on the top. If you like spiced dish, feel free to add pepper and even
other spices if you know that it will fit to
your taste. When you arrange it all properly
it will be up to you to decide - perhaps
you should add some more soup, becau-
se it needs to be well soaked. Place it in a
preheated oven (200˚ C) to bake. In half an
hour potopliki will take adequate quantity
of liquids, will be baked without under
baking and drying, and excess liquid will
evaporate. Take out potopliki then, cover
them with at least 5 dl sour cream, sprinkle
here and there by aromatic ketchup and
selected aromatic spices (oregano, basil,
dill, fennel, parsley) and return to the warm
oven. When the cream begins to change
color, turn off the oven. Potopliki are ready
to eat in about ten minutes.
Of course, this is the basic recipe, but it can
always be changed according to the personal taste. Someone likes stronger dish,
and adds homemade sausage or other
smoked meat, some, again, likes to mix in
mushrooms or eggs... there are countless
variations. It is not uncommon to make
potopliki with minced meat. Also, the procedure is very similar with cheese and greens, but then, of course there is no meat
soup, but mlinci are dipped into lots of hot
water and o butter. But then it is another
thing, more to the East…
Nicely baked, potopliki are cut to pieces of
desired size and served in a deep, broad
bowls, and decorated by the extra amount
of sour cream and parsley. With potopliki
is normally served cheese, lettuce, fresh
tomatoes or cucumbers, peppers, ketchup
often, in order that dish agrees with you,
soak potopliki in the yogurt (for younger
people), beer or wine...
Oh, yes! And when you consume enough,
you’ll realize that potopliki is so close relative to popular lasagna! After all, they are
from the same family of Mediterranean
dishes in which, intentionally or not, there
is, at least a bit of the life enjoying East.
Enjoy your meal!
Recommendation: mlinci is always better
to buy, because their taste is not different
from those which some housewives know
how to prepare by themselves, and they
save much of your time. The master-bakers, who also produce layers for pies and
baklava, prepared the best and most delicious mlinci, since they do it according to
the traditional, old recipes, and therefore
there are no oscillations in the quality and
taste of the product.
And how to prepare potopliki?
First, at least 0.5 kg of beef meat should be
boiled (you can also add some veal) cut
down to smaller pieces, immerse in water
and leave to cook gently. Of course, while
cooking, you need to add some salt into
the soup, a little pepper and possibly some ground red pepper. In a deep pan with
some oil, fry the finely chopped onion and
leek. Remove cooked meat from the soup
and add the onion, then stew a little bit
more and remove from the heat.
Soup, made by cooking of meat (so-called
temeljac), is already “greasy” by meat, but it
g and Analysis
Graphic Design
Montenegro Advertising and Production Agency • Ul. 19. decembar br. 13 • Gradski stadion, južna tribina • 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
tel: +382 20 664-283 • fax: +382 20 664-285 • gsm: +382 67 666 556 • • [email protected]
Dobrodošla, jeseni!
Mirišu već vrtovi i vinogradi;
onamo zrijevaju mandarine,
a tamo, od sunca okrupnjala, crna zrna grožđa čekaju
ruke berača. Niz gòre se spuštaju, kao u talasima, razne
boje raskošnog rastinja. Po
dolinama, sjenovitim i tihim,
romore prvi glasovi kiša. To
se jesen, bakarnožuta, uliva
se u naše dane, ulazi u naše
oči i kroz dušu mile njeni elegični zvuci. Vrijeme je za posebne goste
rva misao o jeseni su ptice – odlaze
kao davno napisana pisma. Da se
vrate na polaznu adresu. Prva njena
slika raskošne su boje sa palete nenadmašnog majstora - od nježne blijedožute do
vatreno crvene u vrhovima najvišeg drveća. I miris jeseni je poseban. Jesen miriše
na jabuke i kolače, na djetinjstvo. Ali, ponekad zamiriše i na neobična prijateljstva!
Jesen umije da zavodi. Raskošna, učini i
tlo i rijeku i vrh brda i oblak nad planinom
i vrapca pod strehom i djetinju igru i posljednje travke uz trotoare, posebno dragim i drugačijim. I nema toga ko ne misli
da je baš u njegovom kraju jesen posebna.
A u Crnoj Gori je, naravno, prelijepa!
Duško Miljanić
Bila je jesen i one davne godine, kad je u
Crnu Goru doputovala jedna neobična gošća. Divila se svemu što bi kod nas vidjela.
Zavoljela je sve ljude koje je upoznala i silno je željela da jednom, kad to bude moguće, i njen sin dođe u ovu prelijepu zemlju i vidi sve što je vidjela ona.
Ta gošća je bila madam Nansi Sartr, majka
Žan Pol Sartra (1905 - 1980), jednog od najuticajnijih mislilaca minulog stoljeća. Sartr
se upoznao sa Crnom Gorom zahvaljujući majčinim impresijama, ali i rukopisima
francuskih putopisaca, koje je nalazio u
njenoj biblioteci.
Međutim, dugo je prošlo, čak je i Drugi
svjetski rat postao istorija, kada je Sartr
stigao 1969. pod Lovćen. On i Simon de
Bovoar bili su gosti istoričara Vladimira
Dedijera, sa kojim su vodili duge razgovore o Crnoj Gori, o njenoj istoriji, ali i o ljepotama, planirajući da o svemu snime dokumentarni film. Iako Sartr u Crnu Goru nije
došao isključivo zbog želje madam Nansi
(imao je, naime, drugih misli i poslova), kazivao je Dedijeru o impresijama svoje majke: „Pol, obavezno obiđi Lovćen i Cetinje.
Vidjećeš: kakve divlje planine, kako lijepi
ljudi!” Madam Nansi je tvrdila da još nikada nije vidjela ljepše ljude, a posebno ju
je impresioniralo to što su Crnogorci, iako
je već počeo XX vijek, živjeli u gotovo „ho-
merskim vremenima”.
podlovćenske večeri.
O Sartru i njegovoj majci, Dedijer je kazivao Slobodanu Kljakiću, koji je sve zabilježio u eseju „Sartr i Crna Gora”. No, dok
je madam Nansi bila facinirana ljepotom
ljudi i prirode, Sartru su se duboko dojmile
istorija crnogorskog naroda i riječi Petra I
i Petra II Petrovića. Posebno Njegoševi stihovi: „Nada nema pravo ni u koga / Do u
Boga i u svoje ruke.”
A Simon de Bovoar je, pak, bila oduševljena Bokom, i ne da joj se na tome zamjeriti!
I, možda i ne znajući kakve sve misli okupiraju njenog sina, niti kojim povodom je
on otišao u Crnu Goru, madam Sartr bila
je srećna što će i on vidjeti tu „malu zemlju
najljepših ljudi”.
„Pol, ponesi džemper, obavezno”, savjetovala je madam Nansi. Očito je dugo i dobro pamtila kako jesen, uvučena između
planina, umije da prevari zaljubljenika u
njene boje. „Čuvaj da ne nazebeš”, opominjala ga je, sjećanjima hvatajući prohladne
Nema sumnje, madam je podlegla šarmu crnogorske jesenje elegije. I dok vam
se u oči slivaju jesenje boje, a grudi pune
mirisom zrelih narandži i mandarina, sjetite se da je jesen doba za najzanimljivije
i neočekivane goste. Ko zna, možda ćete
baš s jeseni, i vi nekome biti najljepši na
svijetu?! I možda se baš zbog vas neki nenadan gost zauvijek zaljubi u crnogorsku
jesen? Jer, drugog jesen nâda nema, do u
sebe i u svoje zlatne skute…
Maja Đurić
Slaven VIlus
Maja đurić
Slaven VIlus
Welcome to you, Fall!
Gardens and vineyards, are already smelling; there are ripping mandarins, and black
grapes grown by Sun, waiting for the hands of pickers. A variety of colors of lush vegetation are lowering down the mountains, as in waves. The first sounds of rain are rumoring
in shady and quiet valleys. This is a copper yellow Fall, flowing into our days, entering our
eyes and pleasuring its elegiac melodies through the soul. It is time for the special guests.
irst thought about the Fall are birds
- going away as long ago written
letters, to return to their starting
address. Its first pictures are sumptuous
colors from the palette of masterly artist from delicate pale yellow to fiery red at the
tops of the highest trees. And the smell of
Fall is special. Fall smells like apples and cakes and childhood. But sometimes smells
like unusual friendships!
Fall knows how to seduce. Abundant as it
is, makes soil and river and the top of the
hill and a cloud over the mountain and
sparrows under the eaves and childish
game and the last blade of grass along
sidewalks, especially precious and different. There is no one who does not believe that Fall in his area is special. And in
Montenegro, it is of course, beautiful!
Once upon a year, it was also the Fall, when
an unusual guest arrived to Montenegro.
She admired everything she could see in
our Country. She loved all the people she
met and strongly wished, that also her son
once, when possible, came to this beautiful Country and see all that she saw. That
guest was Madame Nancy Sartre, mother
of Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 - 1980), one of
the most influential philosophers of the
past century. Sartre met with Montenegro
thanks to his mother’s impressions, as well
Duško miljanjić
Imrana Kapetanović
as manuscripts of French writers, which he
found in her library.
However, when Sartre in 1969 arrived under Lovćen, a long time had passed, even
the Second World War became a history.
He and Simone de Beauvoir were guests of
historian Vladimir Dedijer, with whom they
had long talks about Montenegro, its history, but also the beauty of Montenegro,
planning to make a documentary film
about it. Although Sartre did not come to Montenegro solely from the desire of Madam Nancy (in fact, he had the
other thoughts and activities), he cited to
Dedijer, impressions of his mother: “Paul,
make sure you visit Lovćen and Cetinje.
You’ll see: how wild mountains, how beautiful people!” “Madam Nancy claimed
that she had never seen before, nicer people, and she was especially impressed as
Montenegrins, lived in an almost “Homeric
times”, although it was already beginning
the twentieth century.
Dedijer told to Slobodan Kljakić, about
Sartre and his mother, who noted all in
the essay “Sartre and Montenegro”. But
while Madame Nancy was fascinated by
the beauty of people and nature, Sartre
was deeply moved by the history of the
Montenegrin people and the words of
Peter I and Peter II Petrović. Especially
Njegoš’s verses: “Hope is not entitled to
anyone / But to God and your own hands.”
However, Simone de Beauvoir, was delighted with Boka Kotorska bay, and there is
no reason to object her to the fact!
“Paul, be sure to bring a sweater” advised
Madame Nancy. Obviously, she remembered, for long time and well, as the Fall, hidden between the mountains, knew how to
deceive those being in love with its colors.
“Take care not to catch a cold”, reminded
him, remembering chilly evenings under
the Lovćen. Madame Sartre was happy
that he would see the “small country of
the nicest people”, perhaps not knowing
what kind of thoughts were occupying
her son, nor on what occasion he went to
No doubt that Madam gave in to the
charm of the Montenegrin Fall’s elegy.
And while colors of Fall are flowing into
your eyes, and your lungs are filled with
the scent of ripe oranges and tangerines, remember that it is the season of the
most interesting and unexpected guests.
Who knows, you might be, the most beautiful in the world, to someone, just in
the Fall?! And maybe just because of you,
some unexpected guest falls in love with
Montenegro, forever? Because Fall has no
hopes into anybody, but into itself and its
golden curds...
Maja đurić
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Iz turističkog vremeplova
Kapljice humora
Zabilježio: Bratislav Kokolj
umor i smijeh jedine su zaraze koje ljekari zdušno preporučuju. Naročito ako su proistekle spontano i bez zle namjere, usljed neiskustva i neznanja. Iz sada već požutjele novinarske bilježnice, biram tek nekoliko anegdota o prvim i klimavim koracima našeg
(inter)nacionalnog turizma i ugostiteljstva:
Gost iz tadašnje Zapadne Njemačke poručuje: ”Bitte, eine claine slivovic!”
No, umjesto male, konobar mu donese
duplu šljivovicu.
Njemac vidi čašu, pa, više prstima, pojašnjava da je tražio claine (malu) šljivovicu.
Iznerviran sitničavošću gosta, konobar uzme čašu iz njegovih ruku, otpije dva dobra
gutljaja i polupraznu je stavi na sto zabezeknutog turiste:
,,Evo, čoče, ne može, vala, biti klajnija od
Izgubljeni u prevodu
Boraveći nekoliko dana u Herceg Novom,
jedan mladi italijanski turista upozna lijepu recepcionerku u tamošnjem najboljem
Planu fluidna simpatija, počeše kratke večernje šetnje i poneki diskretni poljubac.
Kako se ljubav rascvjetavala, bilo je neophodno da se što bolje razumiju, te nabaviše priručnike „Italijanski za početnike”. To
bitno „popravi stvar” i olakša komunikaciju
i izlive nježnosti. Ali, vrijeme leti, te se rastanak tužno primicao.
Sve to se dešavalo prije više od tri decenije,
kada je legendarni kant-autor, Domenico
Modugno, lansirao jednu od svojih svjetski
čuvenih kancona - Tu sei una cosa grande
per me (Ti si nešto veliko i važno za mene), pa nije bilo nimalo neobično što su se
ti stihovi pjevušili na sve strane. Noć prije
odlaska, prefinjeni latinski šarmer, tokom
šetnje obgrli ramena naše zemljakinje i
nježno joj zapjeva: “Tu sei una cosa grande
per me…”
(Nota bene: “s” se čita i izgovara kao “z”). I,
eto ti vraga! Naša ljepojka, slabo proučivši
italijanski jezik, ovako shvati poruku pjesme: „Ja sam za njega jedna velika koza!”
Istrgne se iz zagrljaja i pljusne mladiću vrelu šamarčinu!
Kad su zbunjenog i razočaranog mladića
prijatelji pitali što se desilo sa njegovom
ljubavlju – tom lijepom Bokeljkom, on
ovako objasni:
- O, cari amici, ako se ikada ovdje zaljubite
možete dugo šetati, ljubiti, grliti… Ali, ako
zapjevate, gotovi ste!
Žabljak, negdje početkom sedamdesetih.
Suton, snijeg i hladnoća, promrzli gosti skijaši naručuju vruće čajeve.
Jedan, pak, hoće vruću supu. Konobar donosi čajeve, potom i činiju supe.
Gost već sa dva-tri metra udaljenosti, kazuje da hoće još topliju supu. Konobar
odlazi i donosi navodno prigrijaniju supu.
Gost, ponovo i nervozno opominje:
- Rekao sam: hoću vruću, vrlo vruću supu!
- Ma, kako, bolan, osmjeli se konobar da
pita, znaš da nije vruća? Dvaput me vrćeš,
a nijesi ni prob’o…
- Pa, znate, palac vam je još u supi!
The time machine tour
Drops of humor
Noted by: Bratislav Kokolj
umor and laughter are the only infection that doctors recommend wholeheartedly. Especially if they proceed spontaneously
and without malicious intent, due to inexperience and ignorance. From now journalist yellow notebooks, I chose a few anecdotes about the first and wobbly steps of our (inter) national tourism and hotel management
A guest from former West Germany says:
“Bitte, eine Clain Slivovic”
But instead of small, the waiter brought him
a double brandy. The German sees the glass, and, more by hands explains that he had
asked claine (small) brandy. Irritated petti-
ness of the guest, the waiter takes the glass
from his hand, drinks a good two and a halfsips and then pus it on the table of stunned
tourists: “Here man, for sure, it cannot be clainer (smaller) of this!”
eva 16
BuDvA, Mediteranska 8, TQ Plaza
BuDvA, Slovenska obala 11
Lost in Translation
re, while walking out, sophisticated Latin charmer, embraced the shoulder of our compatriot
and sang softly: “Tu sei una cosa grande per
me...” (NB: the “s” is read and pronounced as “z” “koza” means a goat in Montenegrin language).
And there’s you a devil! The beauty, having studied the Italian language poorly, understood
this song like a message: “For him I’m a big goat” pulled out from his embrace and snapped a
young man!
When friends asked the confused and disillusioned young man what had happened to his
love - the beautiful girl from Boka Kotorska bay,
he explained like this:
- O, cari amici, if you ever fall in love here, you
can walk for a long time, kiss, embrace... But if
you start singing, you’re done!
Žabljak, sometimes in the early seventies. Dusk,
the snow and the cold, frozen guests - skiers ordered hot tea.
One, however, wants a hot soup. The waiter
brings tea, followed by a bowl of soup. But already from two or three meters away, a guest says
he wants hotter soup. The waiter goes away
and brings allegedly just a little warmer soup. A
guest, over and over nervously warns:
- I said I wanted a hot, very hot soup!
- Oh, how, dares to ask the waiter, you know
that it is not hot?
You returned it to me twice, and you did not
even taste it...
- Well, you know, your thumb is still in the soup.
PODGORICA - Trg Svetog Petra Cetinjskog
BuDvA - Slovenska obala 11, Mediteranska 8 - TQ Plaza
While spending a few days in Herceg Novi, a
young Italian tourist meets a beautiful receptionist girl at the best local hotel.
A fluid sympathy burst, a short evening walks
and some discreet kiss began. As the love was
bringing into bloom, it was necessary to better
understand each other, and they got the manuals “Italian for Beginners”. It much “improved
the things” and facilitated the communication
and the outpouring of tenderness. But time flies, and a sad separation was getting close.
All this was happening more than three decades ago, when the legendary singer and composer, Domenico Modugno, launched one of
his world-famous song – “Tu sei una cosa grande per me” (You’re a big and important to me),
so it was not surprising that these verses were
chanted on all sides. The night before departu-
Za čitanje i pamćenje
Od bisera do Tatara
Novinar Veseljko Koprivica je u monografskom leksikonu pod naslovom „Naj Crna Gora”
zabilježio 1400 zanimljivosti – neke od njih, po izboru autora, objavljujemo u ovom broju, radi
čitanja i pamćenja
Jedan od svega nekoliko u svijetu sačuvanih primjeraka brodskih ventilatora na
ručni pogon nalazi se među eksponatima
muzeja u Perastu.
U Perastu su u srednjem vijeku pravljene žice za muzičke instrumente koje nisu zaostajale za čuvenim rimskim Corde
Na Rijeci Crnojevića je gospodar Ivan
Crnojević, po kome je i dobila ime, 1475.
podigao tvrđavu i dvor, Petar I Petrović
Njegoš Vladičinu kuću, a kralj Nikola zimski
dvorac Ljeskovac.
Rijeka je jedno vrijeme bila jedina varošica
i pristanište u crnogorskoj državi, u njoj je
zasjedao prvi crnogorski sud, podignuta
prva barutana i bio stacioniran prvi oružani
odred crnogorske vojske.
Na Rijeci Crnojevića, u drugoj polovini
XIX vijeka, počeli su sa radom prva fabrika
oružja i prva pilana na vodeni pogon, kao
začetak industrije u Crnoj Gori.
Sve do dvadesetih godina XX vijeka, radila
je i Fabrika bisera! Zatvorena je usljed tadašnje neumoljive ekonomske krize. Tada
je Rijeku napustio jedini majstor koji je od
bisera izrađivao ogrlice, kao i osam taksista,
koji su do II Svjetskog rata imali pune ruke
posla, a nakon toga nijesu imali koga i zašto razvoziti…
Risan je bio prijestoni grad ilirske kraljice
Teute. Podignut je sredinom III vijeka prije
naše ere. Bio je centar pomorstva, trgovine
i zanatstva ilirske države. U Risnu se nalazila
i najstarija kovnica ilirskog novca.
Risanski mozaici, otkriveni u palati koja potiče iz II vijeka naše ere, ubrajaju se u najrjeđe i najljepše kulturne spomenike ove
vrste u Evropi. Upoređuju ih s čuvenim
mozaicima u Tivoliju, kraj Rima.
je projektovan za 15.000 stanovnika, radovi
su odmah otpočeli, a knjaz je novom gradu dao ime Danilovgrad.
Gimnazija u Danilovgradu jedina je škola u
Crnoj Gori koja ima teleskop.
U Husein-pašinoj džamiji u Pljevljima čuva
se jedan od najljepših primjeraka Kurana
u svijetu. Nastao je u Persiji u XV vijeku.
Bogato je opremljen, ukrašen i iluminiran.
Prčanjski palac Tri sestre, sagrađen u XV
vijeku, postao je turistička atrakcija zbog
jedne legende. U čuvenoj porodici Buća
živjele su tri sestre, zaljubljene u istog mladića. Mladić je, međutim, volio samo jednu
od njih. I ona, njegova izabranica, predloži
svojim sestrama, da ih ne bi povrijedila, da
se sve tri odreknu nesuđene ljubavi i sagrade dom u kojem će živjeti same do smrti.
Tako i uradiše. Na jednoj strani doma svaka
je imala svoj prozor sa kojeg je posmatrala
pučinu. Kada je prva umrla - druge dvije
zazidaše njen prozor. Kada je umrla druga
- njen prozor zazida treća sestra. A kad je i
ona umrla, preostali prozor osta nezazidan
i do danas.
Unutrašnjost Pivskog manastira prekrivaju
freske neprocjenjive umjetničke vrijednosti površine 1260 metara kvadratnih. U
manastiru se čuvaju rukopisna jevanđelja
iz 1505, 1586. i 1626. godine pisana u Rusiji
i gramata ruskog cara Aleksandra I, koja datira iz 1816. godine.
Berane su jedini grad u Crnoj Gori kojem
se tačno zna godina nastanka. Po zapovijesti komandanta turskih askera Husen Avinpaše, na lijevoj obali Lima i desno, na brdu
Jasikovac, izgrađena su 1862. godine vojna
utvrđenja. Ubrzo pored tih utvrđenja počela su da niču i naselja. Naselja su se razvijala
i širila po urbanističkom planu Mehmed
bega Jačanina. Spojila su se u varoš koja je
dobila ime po susjednom Beran Selu. Tako
su Berane jedini grad u Crnoj Gori kojem
su temelje podigli Turci.
U Gusinju je u XIX vijeku vladao pravi kult
Francuz Ami Bue zapisao je da se od cvijeća, koje se nalazilo na stepeništima, prozorima, pored taraba, u avlijama... ni kuće
ne vide.
Gusinjani su u daljoj prošlosti bili nadaleko
poznati kao vješti trgovci.
Umjeli su prodati konje čak i Tatarima!
Bunar u Ostrosu, danas opština Bar, u čast
Kneza Vladimira (XI vijek), svog ljubljenog
muža, sazidala je njegova udovica Kosara,
i to tačno na matici izvora tako da nikada
ne može da presuši. I dan danas je u njemu
„živa voda”.
Danilovgrad je prvi crnogorski grad koji
je, po odluci Kralja Nikole iz 1869. godine,
građen po urbanističkom planu i uzoru
na evropske gradove! Za to je angažovan
inženjer Dragutin Milutinović, sin Sime
Milutinovića-Sarajlije. Generalni urbanistički plan grada i planove za najvažnije zgrade
(Knjažev dvorac, Senat, crkvu, školu, poštu,
odbrambene kule) Milutinović je predao
knjazu Nikoli 2. avgusta 1870. godine. Grad
- rasadnik sadnica
21 godina sa Vama
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Hotel “Splendid”- Bečići
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* javnih površina * privatnih vrtova
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Štoj- Ulcinj na 4 ha
To read and remember
From pearls
to Tatars
One of only few preserved samples of ship
ventilators in the world is among exhibits
of the museum in Perast.
Prčanj’s castle Three Sisters, built in XV century, has become tourist attraction because of a legend. In well-known family Buća,
there were three sisters, all three of them
in loved with the same young man. He,
however, loved only one of them. So she,
the chosen one, suggested to her sisters,
to preserve them from suffering, to renounce this non-destined love together, and
build a home where they will all live until
they die. And they did so. On one side of
this house, each sister had her window
from which she observed the open sea.
When first sister died, the other two walled
up her window. When the other sister died,
the third sister walled up her window. And
when the last sister died, her window remained un-walled until today.
In Husein pasha’s mosque in Pljevlja, one
of the most beautiful specimens of Koran
in the world is kept. It was made in Persia
in XV century. It is well ornamented,
equipped and illuminated.
In medieval age, strings for music instruments were made in Perast, which were
not a bit behind famous Roman strings
Corde Rommane.
In Crnojevića River, in 1475 sovereign Ivan
Crnojević, whom this place was named
after, built fortress and a castle, Petar I
Petrović Njegoš – Bishop’s house, and king
Nikola – winter castle Ljeskovac.
During a certain period, River was the
only town and port in Montenegrin country, where the first Montenegrin court
assembled, the first powder magazine
was build and the first armed division of
Montenegrin army stationed.
In Crnojevića River, in second half of XIX
century as the beginning of industry in
Montenegro, first arm factory and first
sawmill on waterpower, began working.
Until 1920s, there was a fabric for production of pearls! It closed due to relentless financial crisis from that time. During that period, the only master who made necklaces
out of pearls, left Crnojevića River, as well
as eight taxi drivers, who until II World War
were very busy, and after that, there was no
one to drive, nor the reason to drive…
Journalist Veseljko Koprivica, in monographic lexicon titled “The Best of Montenegro”, recorded 1 400 curiosities – some of which, selected by the author, we publish in this issue, for you
to read and remember
Risan was the capital of Illyrian queen
Teuta. It was founded in the middle of III
century before Christ. It was the center of
navigation, trade and craftsmanship of the
Illyrian state. The oldest mint of Illyrian money was situated in Risan.
Risan’s mosaics, discovered in palace from
II century of our era, are among rarest and
most beautiful cultural monuments of this
kind in Europe. They are often compared
to famous mosaics in Tivoli, near Rome.
Kosara, widow of prince Vladimir (XI century), in honour of her beloved husband,
built well in Ostros, today’s municipality
of Bar. The well was built exactly on the
spring, so that it can never go dry. Even today, there is “flowing” water in it.
Danilovgrad is the first Montenegrin town
that was built, on order of king Nikola from
1869, according to urbanization plan and
had some European towns as role models!
An engineer Dragutin Milutinović, son of
Sima Milutinović – Sarajlija, was hired for
this job. Milutinović handed over general
urbanization plan of the town, and plans
for most important buildings (King’s palace, Senate, church, school, post office, defensive towers) to king Nikola in August 2
in 1870. A town was projected for 15 000
citizens, work immediately began, and
king named the new town Danilovgrad.
Inside of the Piva monastery is covered
with frescos of immeasurable artistic value, on 1 260 square meters. Gospels in
handwriting from 1505, 1586 and 1626,
written in Russia are kept in monastery, as
well as charter of Russian tsar Alexander I,
which originates from 1816.
Berane is the only Montenegrin town
for which the exact year of foundation is
known. On order of commander of Turkish
soldiers, Husein Avin pasha, in 1862, military fortifications were built on left bank of
river Lim, and right, on Jasikovac hill. Soon,
next to those fortifications, the first settlements started to appear. The settlements
developed and expanded according to urbanization plans of Mehmed bey Jačanin.
They joined into town that was named
after neighboring Beran Village. Therefore,
Berane is the only town in Montenegro
whose foundations were built by Turkish.
True flower cult was ruling in Gusinje in XIX
century. French Ami Bue wrote down that
you could not even see the houses from
flowers that were on the stairs, in windows,
next to fences, in backyards…
In distant past, townsmen of Gusinje were
widely known as skilful merchants.
They were able to sell horses even to
High school in Danilovgrad, is the only
school in Montengero that owns a telescope.
Nova ponuda na novom sajtu
Online booking & buying
ušteda prilikom svake kupovine
Otkrijte nove mogućnosti na novom sajtu
Head office
Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica
Montenegro (Serbia & Montenegro)
++ 382 20 405 500
++ 382 20 405 501
++ 382 20 405 548 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Informacije i rezervacije
++ 382 20 9804
++ 382 20 405 543 fax
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Komercijalni sektor
Commerce department
++ 382 20 405 533
++ 382 20 405 535 fax
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Sektor za marketing
i korporativne komunikacije
Marketing & Corporative
Communications Department
++ 382 20 405 538
++ 382 20 405 537 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Slobode 23, 81 000 Podgorica
++ 382 20 664 411
++ 382 20 664 433
++ 382 20 665 291 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Beograd / Belgrade
Knez Mihailova 23, 11 000 Beograd
++ 381 11 2621 122
++ 381 11 3036 535
++ 381 11 3036 536
++ 381 11 2181 861 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Slovenska obala bb, 86 000 Budva
++ 382 33 451 735
++ 382 33 456 244
++ 382 33 454 900 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta
++ 382 32 304 860
++ 382 32 304 861
++ 382 32 304 864
++ 382 32 304 865 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Beč / Vienna
Kaiserstr. 86, 1070 Vienna
++ 43 664 3 111 405
++ 43 179 639 35
e-mail: [email protected]
Cirih / Zurich
Kopenhagen - Quality Air Tours
Adresa: Vester Voldgade 96, 4 sprat
1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telefon: + 45 33 11 33 16
Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55
e-mail: [email protected]
Razmah krila / Wing span
Ukupna dužina / Total lenght Ukupna visina / Total height
Prečnik trupa / Fuselage diameter
Površina krila / Wing area
Šalteri na
Airport offices
Max brzina leta / Max operating speed Max brzina leta / Max operating speed
Max visina leta / Max operating altitude Podgorica
++ 382 32 670 500
++ 382 32 670 501 fax
++ 382 67 670 500 (GSM)
Rim / Rome
Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci,
Terminal 2, 00187 Roma
++ 39 06 6595 8661
e-mail: [email protected]
Pariz / Paris
140, avenue Champs Elyseés,
75008 Paris
++ 33 1 70 36 19 07
++ 33 1 70 36 19 08 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Grosvenor Gardens House, suite 112/3th floor
35-37 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0BS, United Kingdom
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 031
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 032
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 033 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Kopenhagen / Copenhagen
Postfach 2419, 8058 Flughafen, Terminal 2
++ 41 43 816 7876
++ 41 43 816 7877
++ 41 43 816 7878
++ 41 43 816 7884 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Terminal 2, halle d, 60547 Frankfurt am Main
++ 49 69 28 23 74
++ 49 69 28 11 76 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
++ 382 20 445 105
++ 382 20 445 160 fax
++ 382 20 67 624 524 (GSM)
Max težina bez goriva / Max zero fuel weight Max težina na polijetanju / Max take-off weight Max težina na slijetanju / Max landing weight
28.08 m
35.53 m
8.50 m
3.30 m
93.5 m2
92 ft 1.4in
116 ft 6.8 in
27 ft 10.5 in
10 ft 9.92 in
1006.5 sq ft
320 kts CAS
0,77 M
10.668 m
35000 ft
35835 kg
43090 kg
38780 kg
79000 lb
95000 lb
85500 lb
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
++ 381 11 228 6241
++ 381 11 209 400 (lokal 7302)
Letališče Brnik, 4210 Brnik
Passenger Service
++ 386 4 2594 252
++ 386 4 2594 245
Moskva / Moscow
Montenegro Airlines
Aerodrom Domodedovo, kancelarija 3.57
Tel: + 74 95 28 715 25
Fax: + 74 95 28 715 26
e-mail: [email protected]
Spoljne dimenzije / External Dimensions
Razmah krila / Wingspan
Ukupna dužina / Length Overall
Ukupna visina / Height Overall
Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora / Horizontal Stabilizer Span
Širina trupa / Fuselage Width
Visina trupa / Fuselage Height
Unutrašnje dimenzije / Internal Dimensions
Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length
Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width
Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height
Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width
Širina sjedišta / Seat Width
94ft 3in
126ft 10in
34ft 7in
39ft 8in
9ft 11in
11ft 0in
92ft 5in
9ft 0in
6ft 7in
94 ft 3 in
(28.72 m)
Moskva / Moscow
Montenegro Airlines
Kadesevskaja nabereznaja, br.6/1/2 str. 1.
Tel: +7 499 230 16 73
e-mail: [email protected]
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
Montenegro Airlines Niš
ul. Vazduhoplovaca 24
18000 Niš
tel/fax +381 18 4 583 336
Zima 2012 / 2013.
winter 2012 / 2013
Flight time
Trajanje leta
BEČ/VIENNA 43179865
FRANKFURT 7861456115
LJUBLJANA 40174360
CIRIH/ZURICH 6601222105
PARIZ/PARIS 9541764140
200365,2 35
1625 160
Zima 2012 / 2013.
winter 2012 / 2013
Flight time
Trajanje leta
Brindizi (Brindisi)213
Istanbul (Istanbul)437
330610 85
451834 90
497 919110
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
Molimo poštovane putnike da kontaktiraju Montenegro Airlines
Booking službu (++ 382 20 19804), naša predstavništva ili ovlašćene putničke agencije radi detaljnih informacija o letovima. Please contact Montenegro Airlines central booking service on tel. +382 20 9804, our Branch Offices or authorised
travel agents for flight details.
S poštovanjem, Montenegro Airlines Komercijalni sektor
Best regards,
Montenegro Airlines Commercial Department
Na osnovu interline ugovora sa brojnim avio-kompanijama u svijetu,
Based on interline agreements with numerous airlines in the world, you can
kod nas možete kupiti kartu za neku od sledećih destinacija:
buy tickets to some of the following destinations in Montenegro Airlines offices:
iz/from Frankfurt:
Atlanta / Detroit / Chicago / Los Angeles / Miami / New York / Houston / Washinton / Dallas / Singapore / Manila
Kuala Lumpur / Sydney / Toronto / Montreal / Tokyo / Osaka / Rio de Janeiro / Buenos Aires / Caracas / Mexico City
iz/from Rome:
Boston / Miami / Chicago / New York / Washington / Toronto / Beijing
iz/from Wienna:
Toronto / Montreal / Delhi / Beijing / Bangkok / Sydney / Melbourne

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