Inflight Montenegro Airlines Magazine
Inflight Montenegro Airlines Magazine
Inflight Montenegro Airlines Magazine Broj 8 / No 8 Jesen / Autumn 2004 THIS IS YOUR FREE PERSONAL COPY VA© BESPLATAN LI»NI PRIMJERAK Poπtovani putnici, Dear passengers, Na pragu smo nove decenije zajedniËkog putovanja. Iza nas je deset dugih ali konaËno uspjeπnih godina na putu stvaranja Montenegro Airlinesa. We are about to step into a new decade of traveling together. We have ten long, but successful years of creating Montenegro Airlines behind us. Kako ni jedan put do cilja nije lak, tako je i put stvaranja Montenegro Airlinesa bio pun nepredvidivosti. Ideja roena jednog sparnog ljetnjeg poslepodneva, postala je stvarnost. Stvoren u teπkom vremenu koje je zahvatilo Balkan, suoËeni sa brojnim poteπkoÊama, Ëesto je izgledalo nemoguÊe nastaviti dalje. Ipak, ... As no road to accomplishing a goal is easy, thus the road of creating Montenegro Airlines was unpredictable. The idea born on one sultry summer afternoon became a reality. Created in difficult times, which caught the Balkans, and facing numerous difficulties, it often seemed impossible to carry on. Still... Montenegro Airlines slavi deset godina postojanja. Ovaj znaËajni jubilej slavimo zahvaljujuÊi entuzijastima koji su Ëvrsto, Ëesto i tvrdoglavo, vjerovali u svoju ideju. Danas je Montenegro Airlines uspjeπna, mlada kompanija sa oko 300 zaposlenih. Posjeduje flotu najsavremenijih aviona i posluje rentabilno. Ovo potvruju brojne meunarodne nagrade i priznanja koja su nam dodijeljena. Ali, potvrde nisu samo nagrade koje dobijamo veÊ, prije svega, vaπe ukazano povjerenje. Sada, nakon decenije postojanja, moæemo konstatovati da smo uspjeli da ostvarimo ideju ali smo joπ uvijek na putu do cilja. Vaæno je da je put pravi a naπ cilj je joπ mnogo novih destinacija, joπ mnogo charter letova i joπ viπe zadovoljnih putnika. Iskreno smo zahvalni πto nas na tom putu pratite i vjerujete u nas. Bez vas, dragi putnici, ne bismo uspjeli. Zato i vama Ëestitam deset godina postojanja Montenegro Airlinesa. Montenegro Airlines celebrates its 10th anniversary. This important date is celebrated thanks to the enthusiasts who firmly, and often persistently, believed in their idea. Today, Montenegro Airlines is a successful, young company with nearly 300 employees. It has a fleet composed of the most modern aircraft and it operates profitably. This is proved by numerous international awards and prizes. We are not only satisfied because of the awards we get, but above all by your confidence. Now, after a decade of existence, we can state that we have succeeded to accomplish the idea, but weíre still on our way to achieve the goal. It is important that we are on the right way, and our goal is to establish a lot of new destinations, more charter flights and many more pleased passengers. We are sincerely grateful that you follow us on this road and give us your confidence. Without you, dear passengers, we wouldnít have accomplished it. Therefore, I would like to congratulate you ten years of Montenegro Airlines. SrdaËno, Sincerely yours, Dr Zoran –uriπiÊ, dipl. inæ, predsjednik Odbora direktora Montenegro Airlinesa Dr Zoran Djurisic, BSc President of Montenegro Airlines Board of Directors Montenegro Airlines 5 Sadræaj / Contents Montenegro Airlines novosti ...............................................8 Montenegro Airlines News ..................................................9 Montenegro Airlines - deset godina postojanja.................10 Briæljivo tkana veza sa svijetom Montenegro Airlines - Ten Years of Existance ................. 11 Carefully Woven Tie with the World Obuka pilota ......................................................................12 Pilot training......................................................................13 21 38 43 52 64 66 Redizajnirani sajt ...............................................................15 Redesigned web site..........................................................15 Razmjena literarne energije ...............................................16 Budvansko iskustvo Jurija Poljakova Exchange of Literary Energy..............................................18 Budva Experience of Jurij Poljakov Kult visine i vidika .............................................................21 Komovi - Car planina The Cult of Heights and Views ..........................................26 Komovi - the Imperial Mountain Ostavπtina benediktinaca ..................................................32 Opatija Bogorodica rataËka The Legacy of Benedictines...............................................34 The Abbey of Mother of God in Ratac Punica granatum ...............................................................38 Sve πto niste znali o πipku Everything You did not Know about Pomegranate ..........40 Ljetnjikovac kotorskih plemiÊa .........................................43 »udesni svijet tivatskih portuna Summer Residence of Noblemen from Kotor ....................48 The Marvellous World of Tivat Porches OËi u oËi sa planinom ........................................................52 Zapisi sa Durmitora Face to Face with the Mountain ........................................53 Notes from Durmitor Buenos Ajres......................................................................66 Æivot u ritmu tanga Buenos Aires......................................................................69 Life to the Rhythm of Tango Zanimljiva istorija male pariske knjiæare ...........................72 Shakspeare and Company, dom za ljubitelje knjiga Interesting History of a Small Paris Bookstore .................74 Shakespeare and Company, a Home for book lovers Od komunistiËkog centra do AmeriËkog univerziteta ......76 Diskretni πarm Blagoevgrada From a Communist Centre to an American University......78 Discrete Charm of Blagoevgrad Horoskop za putnike..........................................................80 Horoscope for travellers ....................................................80 Destinacije i predstavniπtva/ Routes&Offices .......................86 Red letjenja/ Time Table ......................................................88 Osnovne informacije o Crnoj Gori ........................................90 Basic info about Montenegro...............................................90 72 Impressum 76 Inflight Magazine No 8 Jesen 2004 / Autumn 2004 IzdavaË/Published by Montenegro Airlines, Marketing Department, Mr Aleksandra GardaπeviÊ-Slavuljica, Danijela Doπljak, Danijela IvanoviÊ Ureuje, priprema za πtampu i oglaπavanje/ Editing, prepress and AD Glavni i odgovorni urednik/ Editor-in-chief Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ Tekstovi/Texts Mr Savo RaπoviÊ, Tatjana Koprivica, Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ, Mr Regina de Dominicis, Andrea JovanoviÊ, Dragana VeπoviÊ, Mariana SekuliÊ, Neven StaniËiÊ Art direktor/Art Director Roman –uranoviÊ Dizajn & Ilustracija/Design & Illustration Milica RaduloviÊ Fotografija/Photo Dejan LopiËiÊ, Stevan KordiÊ, Vojo RadonjiÊ, Miπko de Dominicis, Mr Velibor SpaleviÊ, Andrea JovanoviÊ, Mariana SekuliÊ, Lazar PejoviÊ, Duπko MiljaniÊ Priprema za πtampu/Prepress Radoje VeπoviÊ, Predrag LazareviÊ Oglaπavanje/Advertising Jelena DragutinoviÊ, Svetlana KunËer Tel: +381 (0)81 231 656 E-mail: [email protected] Prevodioci/Translators Ana TrniniÊ Lektori/Proofreadings Mr Sanja ©ubariÊ ©tampa/Printed by : Kolorpres, Lapovo Tiraæ / Number of copies: 5000 Montenegro Airlines Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, tel: +381 (0)81 405 501 fax: +381 (0)81 405 528 E-mail: [email protected] Montenegro Advertising and Production Agency Slobode 52, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, tel: +381 (0)81 231 656 [email protected] Naslovna strana/Cover page Photo by Vojo RadonjiÊ Montenegro Airlines 7 NOVOSTI Charter letovi na relaciji Podgorica—Bari— Podgorica Montenegro Airlines je potpisao ugovor sa HIT Montenegro o zakupu charter letova na relaciji Podgorica— Bari—Podgorica. Serijal charter letova planiran je za period od 01. oktobra 2004. godine do 09. januara 2005. godine, u kome Êemo za potrebe HIT Montenegra prevoziti goste hotela. Podgorica Êe biti povezana sa jugom Italije dva puta sedmiËno, petkom i nedjeljom. Kako je rijeË o unaprijed zakupljenom charteru, o raspoloæivosti sjediπta odluËivaÊe HIT Montenegro. Ukoliko bude slobodnih mjesta, poslovnice Montenegro Airlines, kao i nekoliko drugih turistiËkih agencija, biÊe u moguÊnosti da prodaju karte. Karte Êe se izdavati samo putnicima koji uredno priloæe dokumentaciju i vaæeÊu vizu, a po cijeni odreenoj od strane HIT Montenegra. Ovo je joπ jedan u nizu poslovnih aranæmana Montenegro Airlinesa koji dobija na znaËaju, kako zbog nastavka poslovanja sa ozbiljnim poslovnim partnerom, tako i zbog uspostavljanja "vazduπnog mosta" izmeu Podgorice i Barija. REKORDNA TURISTI»KA SEZONA Uspjeπna poslovna godina Za prvih osam mjeseci ove godine naπa kompanija prevezla je oko 255.000 putnika, πto je za 20 odsto viπe nego u istom periodu proπle godine. Naravno, za ovako veliki broj prevezenih putnika moæemo zahvaliti i priliËno uspjeπnoj turistiËkoj sezoni na Crnogorskom primorju. U toku ljeta prevezli smo 136.000 putnika πto je za 10 odsto viπe nego lani. Tokom ljeta — popunjenost crnogorskih Fokkera bila je 76 odsto. Prema proraËunima naπih struËnih sluæbi do kraja ove godine trebalo bi da prevezemo oko 400.000 putnika. 8 Montenegro Airlines “10 GODINA NA VISINI” Proslavljena desetogdiπnjica postojanja Kompanije Povodom deset godina postojanja i uspjeπnog rada Kompanije, 23. oktobra tekuÊe godine u hotelu “Mestral”, MiloËer, Montenegro Airlines je u prisustvu brojnih zvanica i zaposlenih u Kompaniji, obiljeæio ovaj znaËajan dogaaj. Na sveËanosti, potpredsjednik Vlade, g-din Jusuf KalamperoviÊ, je uruËio predsjedniku Borda direktora Montenegro Airlinesa, dr Zoranu –uriπiÊu, Zlatnu plaketu za postignite izvanredne poslovne rezultate. Nakon oficijelnog programskog dijela, uslijedila je feπta na kojoj su zabavljaËi bili Haris DæinoviÊ, Trio Guπt iz Splita i Sergej ∆etkoviÊ. Posebnu notu programu dala je i modna revija na kojoj su modeli nosili kreacije sa Dvora Kralja Nikole. TaËno u ponoÊ, sa æeljom da se simboliËno obiljeæi 24. oktobar - roendan Kompanije, upriliËen je spektakularan vatromet. SA AEROFLOTOM, KLM-om i AUSTRIA AIRLINESOM Potpisani sporazumi U ÆENEVI DODIJELJENA: Zlatna medalja Na sveËanosti koja je odræana u Palekspo meunarodnom konferencijskom centru u Æenevi 17. septembra, predsjednik Montenegro Airlinesa dr Zoran –uriπiÊ primio je Zlatnu medalju za izvanredne poslovne rezultate. Nagradu naπoj kompaniji dodijelio je Meunarodni forum za izvanrednu poslovnu praksu (International Forum for Excelence in Business Practice) sa sjediπtem u Æenevi. Ova organizacija ima status finansijskog konsultanta pri Ujedinjenim nacijama. Vaæno je istaÊi da Forum ocjenjuje sve poslovne koorporacije i kompanije u svijetu Ëije se poslovanje zasniva na temeljima træiπne ekonomije i zdrave konkurencije. Kriteriji na osnovu kojih je Montenegro Airlines dobio ovo znaËajno meunarodno priznanje su sledeÊi: — finansijski rezultat kompanije — kvalitet proizvoda i usluga prepoznat na træiπtu — atraktivnost kompanije sagledana od meunarodne finansijske zajednice — strategija i praksa poslovanja Kako bismo poboljπali naπe usluge i putnicima pruæili πto veÊi izbor destinacija do kojih mogu doÊi uz naπu pomoÊ, sklopljen je niz ugovora sa avio-kompanijama πirom svijeta. Mnogi ugovori su sklopljeni ranije, a kako kompanija πiri svoju djelatnost, sklapaju se i novi. Nedavno je sklopljen sporazum sa Aeroflotom. Meukompanijsko izdavanje karata omoguÊava naπim klijentima da na prodajnim mjestima Montenegro Airlinesa kupuju karte ove ruske kompanije. Istovremeno, ukoliko se naete u blizini neke od poslovnica Aeroflota, a zainteresovani ste za neki od naπih letova — slobodno uite jer i tamo moæete kupiti kartu za bilo koji Montenegro Airlines let. Nedavno je potpisan i code-share ugovor sa Austria Airlinesom. Ugovor podrazumijeva da u njihovim avionima koji lete na relaciji Podgorica—BeË—Podgorica imamo odreeni broj sjediπta rezervisanih samo za naπe putnike. Istovjetan ugovor o saradnji potpisali smo i sa holandskim KLM-om. Trudimo se da poveÊavamo broj naπih poslovnih partnera i tako olakπamo dolazak stranaca i ljudi iz dijaspore u Crnu Goru, ali i da naπim turistima i poslovnim ljudima damo πiroku ponudu destinacija. NEWS Charter flights Podgorica-BariPodgorica Montenegro Airlines has signed an agreement with HIT Montenegro on lease of charter flights at the relation Podgorica - Bari-Podgorica. A series of charter flights has been planned for the period from 01 October to 09 January 2005, during which we are going to transport hotel guests for the needs of HIT Montenegro. Podgorica will be connected with the south of Italy two times a week, on Fridays and Sundays. As this is a charter flight leased in advance, HIT Montenegro will be making the decision on available seats. If there are free seats, Montenegro Airlines branch offices, as well as several other agencies, will be in a position to sell tickets. Tickets will be issued only to those passengers who submit the necessary documents and a valid visa, and at the price determined by HIT Montenegro. This is just another in a number of business agreements of Montenegro Airlines which gains significance not only because it continues cooperation with a serious business partner, but also because an “air bridge” is being established between Podgorica and Bari. RECORD TOURIST SEASON Successful business year During the first eight months of this year our company has transported around 255.000 passengers, which is by 20% more than in the same period last year. Naturally, such a large number of passengers is the result of a successful tourist season at Montenegrin seaside. During summer we transported 136.000 passengers, which is by 10% more than last year. During summer the capacity of Montenegrin Fokkers was used up to 76%. According to calculations of our expert services we are to transport around 400.000 passengers by the end of this year. ”10 YEARS FLYING HIGH” of many guests and employees of the company, on the October 23, 2004. The air company ”Montenegro Airlines” celebrated its tenth anniversary At the celebration, the Vice-President in the Government of Montenegro, Mr Jusuf Kalampreovic awarded dr Zoran –uriπiÊ, the President of the Board of Directors, the gold prize for excellence in business practice. The official part of the programme was followed by the party, with well-known entertainers: Haris Dæinovic, Trio Guπt from Split and Sergej ∆etkoviÊ. The fashion show gave a particular quality to the pleasant atmosphere of the programme, with models wearing fashion clothes from the King Nicola's Castle. On the tenth year since its establishment and successfuly operating, the air company Montenegro Airlines celebrated this significant event in the presence At midnight, the spectacular fireworks was arranged, as a symbolic expression of the anniversary of the company, the October 24. WITH AEROFLOT, KLM AND AUSTRIA AIRLINES Agreements signed GOLDEN MEDAL Awarded in Geneva At the ceremony held at Palexpo International Conference Centre in Geneva on 17 September, President of Montenegro Airlines, dr Zoran DjuriπiÊ received the Gold Medal for extraordinary business results. The price was awarded to our company by the International Forum for Excellence in Business Practice with the seat in Geneva. This organization has the status of a financial consultant to the United Nations. It is important to point out that the Forum assesses all the business corporations and companies in the world whose business doing is based on market economy principles and sound competition. The criteria based on which Montenegro Airlines was awarded this important international recognition are the following: - financial results of the company - market recognized quality of products and services - attractiveness of the company as considered by the international financial community - strategy and practice of doing business In order to improve our services and offer to the passengers as large a number of destinations as possible, a number of agreements have been made with companies worldwide. Many agreements were made earlier, but as the company is expanding its business, new ones are also being made. An agreement has recently been made with Aeroflot. Issuing of tickets between companies makes it possible for our clients to buy tickets of this Russian company at Montenegro Airlines sales points. At the same time, if you happen to find yourself near a representative office of Aeroflot, and you are interested in one of our flights - you should enter freely for there you can buy a ticket for any of Montenegro Airlines flights. A code-share contract has recently been signed with Austria Airlines. The contract foresees a number of seats at their flight Podgorica-Vienna-Podgorica reserved only for our passengers. We have signed the same kind of agreement with the Dutch KLM. We are trying to increase the number of our business partners and thus make it easier for foreigners and people from diaspora to come to Montenegro, but also to provide a wide range of destinations to our tourists and businessmen. Montenegro Airlines 9 MONTENEGRO AIRLINES — DESET GODINA POSTOJANJA BRIÆLJIVO TKANA VEZA SA SVIJETOM Kada se poËetkom devedesetih u javnosti pojavila ideja o osnivanju crnogorske avio-kompanije samo su rijetki entuzijasti vjerovali da se ona moæe i realizovati. TaËno deset godina kasnije, broj putnika Montenegro Airlinesa preπao je milion. ZvaniËno kompanija je osnovana 24. oktobra 1994. godine. Registrovana je za obavljanje redovnog putniËkog i charter saobraÊaja. Osnovana je u periodu ne baπ povoljnih uslova u zemlji i okruæenju, πto je i uticalo da se flota formira neπto kasnije, kupovinom aviona tipa Fokker 28Mk 4000 na jesen 1996. godine. Prvi let Montenegro Airlinesa bio je 7. maja 1997. godine. TaËno u 10:30, uspostavljen je “vazduπni most” izmeu Crne Gore i Evrope. “LovÊen” je sletio u Bari. Istorijska i poslovna povezanost Italije i Crne Gore opredijelila je kompaniju da prekomorski susjed bude prvo odrediπte. Nakon neπto viπe od godinu dana, taËnije u julu 1998. godine, nabavljen je i drugi Fokker 28Mk 4000, Ëime su se stvorili uslovi za dalje osvajanje træiπta i formiranje flote. Kompanija od 2000. godini predano radi na inoviranju. Nabavkom novih aviona tipa Fokker 100, Montenegro Airlines prerasta u modernu avio-kompaniju. Avioni Fokker 100 izuzetno moderne i cijenjene letjelice da predstavljaju najveÊi domet svjetske vazduhoplovne tehnologije. Raspo- 10 Montenegro Airlines rske gradove s najveÊim metropolama i preko njih, s cijelim svijetom. Mnoge destinacije bile su na karti naπih charter letova: Atina, Antalija, Bodrum, Krf, Rodos, Skijatos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, London, Hurgada, Brno, Ostrava, Prag, Diseldorf, Katanija. U sljedeÊoj sezoni predvia se intenziviranje saobraÊaja i osvajanje novih destinacija, meu kojima svakako treba izdvojiti Englesku i skandinavske zemlje. Meunarodne destinacije na kojima Montenegro Airlines odræava redovni saobraÊaj jesu: Cirih, Frankfurt, Rim, Ljubljana, BeË. laæu najmodernijom navigacionom opremom, najsavremenijim sistemom za upozoravanje pilota u sluËaju potrebe i velikim brojem udvojenih kontrolnih sistema. Ovim se ostvaruje visok stepen pouzdanosti. Fokker avioni imaju Rolls Royce motore Ëiji nivo buke zadovoljava i najstroæe svjetske kriterijume. Hidraulika je engleska, elektronika ameriËka, dizajn i komercijalizacija holandski. Idealan je za letove od dva sata, ali zadovoljava i potrebe za putovanja I na neπto duæe destinacije. PraÊenje i analiziranje trendova razvoja avio-saobraÊaja u svijetu jedna je od najvaænijih aktivnosti kojoj se Montenegro Airlines ozbiljno posveÊuje Piloti Montenegro Airlines prvi u regionu dobijaju i sertifikat IIIA. Ovo znaËi da su obuËeni za slijetanje u uslovima smanjene vidljivosti Ëak i pri vidljivosti od svega 200m. Prvi Fokker 100 sletio je na podgoriËki aerodrom u junu 2000. godine. SledeÊi je nabavljen je u maju 2001. godine. TreÊi Fokker 100 postaje vlasniπtvo Montenegro Airli- nesa u junu 2002. godine. PoËetkom 2003. godine stiæe i Ëetvrti. Nakon tri godine obavljanja charter saobraÊaja, u aprilu 2000. kompanija postaje Ëlan Meunarodne asocijacije za vazduπni saobraÊaj (IATA). Ovo je bio neophodan preduslov za dobijanje dozvola za redovan vazduπni saobraÊaj, ulazak u Amadeus — globalni rezervacioni sistem kao i ostvarivanja tijesne saradnje sa drugim avio-kompanijama. Putem Amadeus sistema zajedno sa 130 drugih svjetskih avio-kompanija red letenja i avio-karte postale su dostupne putnicima πirom svijeta. Takoe, karte drugih kompanija sa kojima imamo ugovore, mogu se kupiti u naπim poslovnicama. Za izuzetno bitan jubilej — deset godina od osnivanja, izdata je Montenegro Airlines Monografija. ©tampana je dvojeziËno na naπem i na engleskom jeziku. Monografija prati i svjedoËi o ideji stvaranja kompanije brojnim tekstovima, fotografijama i navodima najvaænijih imena i drugih zasluænih osoba, vaænim datumima za kompaniju ali i ukupan druπtveni æivot. Da bismo se sjeÊali, bili ponosni, vjerovali i ostali na pravom putu, neka posluæi ova Monografija. Na osnovu statistiËkih podataka i podataka iz Amadeus sistema, 2. jula 2004. identifikovan je milioniti putnik Montenegro Airlines-a. Milionska cifra se vezuje za period od poËetka obavljanja letova. Poklon kompanije bio je sedmodnevni aranæman za Pariz za dvije osobe Za deset godina postojanja, Montenegro Airlines povezao je crnogoMontenegro Airlines 11 MONTENEGRO AIRLINES - TEN YEARS OF EXISTANCE CAREFULLY WOVEN TIE WITH THE WORLD When the idea to found a Montenegrin airline appeared at the beginning of nineties, only rare enthusiasts did believe it could be realized. Exactly ten years later, the total number of passengers of Montenegro Airlines has exceeded one million. The company was officially established on 24 October 1994. It was registered for providing regular passenger and charter transport. As 12 Montenegro Airlines it was founded at the time when conditions in the country and the region were not quite favorable, its fleet was formed only later, in autumn 1996, when a plane of Fokker 28Mk 4000 type was bought. Montenegro Airlines went on its first flight on 7 May 1997. At 10.30 sharp an “air bridge” was built between Montenegro and Europe. “LovÊen” landed in Bari. The historical and business links between Italy and Montenegro were what determined our oversea neighbors as the first destination. A little more than a year later, more exactly in July 1998, the second Fokker 28Mk 4000 was purchased, whereby conditions were created to further capture the market and form a fleet. Airplanes Fokker 100, exceptionally modern and appreciated aircrafts, represent the ultimate achievement of the world aeronautical technology. They posses the most modern navigation equipment, the state of the art system for warning of pilots and a large number of double control systems. All this contributes to achieving a high level reliability. Fokker airplanes have Rolls Royce engines whose level of noise satisfies the strictest world criteria. Hydraulics of airplanes is English and electronics American, design and commercial elements are Dutch. It is ideal for two hour flights, but it can satisfy needs for travel to more distant destinations. Following and analyzing of development trends of airplane transport in the world is one of the most important activities Montenegro Airlines is seriously committed to. Pilots of Montenegro Airlines were the first in the region to be awarded IIIA certificate. This means they are trained to land in conditions of reduced visibility, even at visibility of only 200m. Since 2000 the company has been working hard on innovation. After purchasing new airplanes of the type Fokker 1000, Montenegro Airlines grew into a modern airline. The first Fokker 100 landed at Podgorica airport in June 2000. The next one was purchased in May 2001. The third Fokker 100 became property of Montenegro Airlines in June 2002. At the beginning of 2003 the fourth one arrived. After three years of providing charter transport, in April 2000, the company became member of the International Air Transport Association IATA. This was an indispensable pre- condition for obtaining permits for regular air transport, for entering Amadeus - the global reservation system, as well as for realizing close cooperation with other airlines. By way of Amadeus system, together with 130 other world airlines, the flight timetable and airplane tickets became available to passengers worldwide. At the same time, tickets of other companies we have concluded contracts with, can be bought in our representative offices. Based on statistical data and data from Amadeus system, on 2 July 2004 one millionth passenger of Montenegro Airlines was registered. This figure is related to the period since the flights were started. The present of the company was a seven day travel arrangement to Paris for two persons. During its ten year existence, Montenegro Airlines has connected Montenegrin towns with the biggest metropolis and over them with the whole world. Numerous destinations could be found at the map of our charter flights: Athens, Antalya, Bodrum, Corfu, Rhodes, Skiatos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, London, Hurgada, Brno, Ostrava, Prague, Düsseldorf, Catania. Intensifying of transport and conquering of new destinations are foreseen for the following season, especially England and the Scandinavian countries. International destinations to which Montenegro Airlines has regular flights are: Zurich, Frankfurt, Rome, Ljubljana, Vienna. On the occasion of an important anniversary - ten years since foundation, a Monograph of Montenegro Airlines was published, printed in two languages English and our language. The monograph follows and witnesses the idea of company creation through numerous articles, photographs and quotations of most important names and other deserving persons, dates important for the company, but also for the entire social life. May this monograph help us remember, believe and remain on the right way. Montenegro Airlines 13 OBUKA PILOTA PILOT TRAINING Three new captains: Vladimir VukËeviÊ, Ivan DjurdjeviÊ and Vladimir BusiÊ have successfully completed training and are now flying Montenegro Airlines airplanes. In 1997, after completing the School for Pilots, they were awarded the certificate for flying Fokker 28 airplanes as co-pilots. Four years later, after completing the prescribed professional training and passing the exam, they met the conditions to fly Fokker 100 airplanes which make Montenegro Airlines fleet today. The whole story becomes even more significant if one takes into account the fact that these three captains are “students” of our company. After 3500 hours of flying, which on average equals around six years of work and experience, the professional collegiate body of Montenegro Airlines made the decision to educate these three pilots for the title of captain. Their professional development began in November 2003. It was realized through simulator-based flight training, repeating of theoretical knowledge and flying as captains with instructors at Montenegro Airlines lines. They have passed the exam for captains at Fokker 100 airplanes in June this year after 250 hours of flying. The whole of training was realized in the Centre for Training of Air Force Staff of Montenegro Airlines. Tri nova kapetana: Vladimir VukËeviÊ, Ivan DjureviÊ i Vladimir BusiÊ uspjeπno su poloæili obuku i sada upravljaju avionima Montenegro Airlinesa. Oni su 1997. godine nakon zavrπene Pilotske πkole dobili sertifikat za letjenje na avionima Fokker 28 u svojstvu kopilota. »etiri godine kasnije, nakon propisanog profesionalnog usavrπavanja i poloæenog ispita, stekli su uslove da upravljaju avionima Fokker 100, koji danas Ëine flotu Montenegro Airlinesa. »itava priËa dobija svoju specifiËnu teæinu Ëinjenicom da su ova tri kapetana "aci" naπe kompanije. Nakon 3500 sati letjenja, koji u prosjeku Ëine oko πest godina rada i sticanja znanja, StruËni kolegijum Montenegro Airlinesa donio je odluku da ova tri kopilota πkoluje za zvanje kapetana. Njihovo profesionalno usavrπavanje zapoËeteo je u novembru 2003. godine. Realizovano je po programu obuke na simulatoru, teorijske obnove znanja i letjenja na linijama u svojstvu kapetana sa instruktorima Montenegro Airlinesa. Ispit za kapetane na avionima Fokker 100 poloæili su u junu ove godine nakon 250 sati letjenja. Cjelokupno usavrπavanje realizovano je u Centru za obuku vazduhoplovnog osoblja Montenegro Airlinesa. Koliko je Montenegro Airlines ozbiljna i profesionalna kompanija, govori i Ëinjenica da se mnogo ulaæe u napredak i struËno usavrπavanje. ©kolovanje pilota je priliËno dug, odgovoran i zahtjevan posao. Danas naπi piloti imaju dozvolu III A za slijetanje i u uslovima smanjene vidljivosti do 200 metara. U toku 14 Montenegro Airlines Kadrovi Montenegro Airlinesa nisu jedini koji se u kompaniji obuËavaju za upravljenje avionima tipa Fokker 100. Nedavno je Centar za obuku πkolovao i pilote slovaËke nacionalne kompanije. Slovak Airlines je prije nekoliko mjeseci proπirio svoju flotu kupovinom aviona Fokker 100. SlovaËka je Ëlanica Evropske unije i zato mora poπtovati stroge vazduhoplovne standarde u svim segmentima. Ova avio-kompanija je prije nego πto se odluËila na saradnju sa Montenegro Airlinesom poslala tim inspektora da detaljno prouËi naËin rada i dokumentaciju Centra za obuku vazduhoplovnog osoblja. Svi standardi bili su zadovoljeni visokim kvalitetetom u procesu obuke, πto je Ëinilo kljuËni razlog za odluku da naπoj kompaniji ukaæu povjerenje. Osam slovaËkih pilota poËetkom ljetnje sezone zapoËelo je πkolovanje u Montenegro Airlinesu. Slovaci su od juna do septembra ove godine letjeli sa pilotima Montenegro Airlinesa na redovnim i charter linijama, nakon πto su zavrπili obuku na simulatoru. Svih osam kandidata uspjeπno je poloæilo ispit i sada upravljaju Fokkerima matiËne kompanije. godine planirano je i osposobljavanje pilota za slijetanje u kategoriji III B. Ovim bi kompanija uπla u krug rijetkih koji slijeÊu pri vidljivosti od 75 metara. Koliki je bio napredak u proteklih deset godina, govori i Ëinjenica da su se stekli svi neophodni uslovi da sami profesionalno usavrπavaju svoje kapetane, kao i da im ovo povjerenje u sferi πkolovanja pilota, poËinju ukazivati i druge avio-kompanije. Montenegro Airlines does not only train its own staff for flying Fokker 100 planes. The Centre for Training has recently also been training pilots of Slovak National Company. Slovak Airlines expanded its fleet several months ago by buying an airplane Fokker 100. The Slovak Republic is a member of the European Union and therefore has to respect the strict aeronautical standards in all segments. Before making the decision to cooperate with Montenegro Airlines, this airline had sent a team of inspectors to investigate in detail the manner of work and documentation of the Centre for Training of Air Forces Staff. All the standards were met by high quality during the training process, which was crucial for their decision to place trust on our company. Eight Slovak pilots began their training in Montenegro Airlines at the beginning of the summer season. From June to September this year, the Slovaks flew with pilots of Montenegro Airlines at regular and charter flights, after completing simulator-based training. All eight candidates successfully passed the exam and are now flying Fokkers of their own company. The fact that much is being invested into advancement and professional development of pilots speaks of how serious and professional company Montenegro Airlines is. Education of pilots implies long, responsible and demanding work. Today our pilots are being awarded IIIA permit for landing in conditions of visibility reduced to 200 m. Training of pilots for landing in category IIIB has been planned for this year. This would enable the company to enter the set of those that land at visibility of 75 meters. The success made by the company during the past ten years is illustrated by the fact that all the necessary conditions have been met for the company to professionally train its own pilots and to be trusted by other airlines for training of their pilots. Montenegro Airlines 15 VISIT OUR Redesigned web site POSJETITE NA© Redizajnirani sajt Ukoliko lutajuÊi beskonaËnim web prostranstvima svratite na adresu, uoËiÊete niz interesantnih detalja vezanih za naπu kompaniju, ali i, πto je joπ vaænije, vaπe putovanje. Montenegro Airlines na Internet prostorima reprezentuje nov, moderno uraen web sajt. Pri njegovom redizajniranju trudili smo se da stvorimo stranice funkcionalne i prilagoene vaπim potrebama. VodeÊi raËuna o globalnom aspektu, sajt je dostupan na svim svjetskim pretraæivaËima -- bez modifikacija. Ono πto Êe zanimati, prije svega, naπe putnike jeste red letjenja koji Êe vam pruæiti sve neophodne informacije. Elektronska forma koju nudimo omo16 Montenegro Airlines guÊava i osmiπljavanje takozvanih "vezanih letova". To, taËnije, znaËi da na naπem sajtu moæete dobiti informaciju kako, kada i za koliko vremena stiÊi do, npr. Dablina ili Stokholma… Pored navedenog, na sajtu Êete naÊi obilje iscrpnih informacija kako se stvarala kompanija, o sektorima koji je Ëine, destinacijama do kojih letimo. Ali, da ne detaljiπemo, zadovoljstvo Êe biti veÊe ukoliko se sami uvjerite. Nadamo se da Êe ova elektronska informativna sekcija naπe kompanije znatno ubrzati proces vaπeg informisanja. Sve πto æelite da znate o nama, od sada moæete naÊi na jednom mjestu. Æelimo vam "ugodno putovanje" naπim sajtom. If wandering around endless web spaces you happen to visit the address you will notice a number of interesting details regarding our company, but, which is more important, you will notice your journey as well. Montenegro Airlines is presenting a new, modernly designed site on the Internet. Redisigning it we tried to make pages that would be functional and adapted to our needs. Bearing in mind the global aspect, the site is accessible at all world search engines - without modifications. What will be particularly interesting, primarily for our passengers, is the flight timetable that will provide all the information needed. Electronic form we provide enables you to make the “connecting flights“. This means that at our site you can find information on how, when and in what time you may reach Dablin or say Stockholm... Apart from the above, at the site you will find abundance of detailed information on how the company was established and developed, on the sectors making it, on destinations we fly to. But your pleasure will be bigger if you discover all this by yourself. We hope that this electronic informative section of our company will significantly speed up the process of your informing. Everything you wanted to know about us can now be found in one place. We wish you a pleasant “journey“ around our site. Razmjena literarne energije Exchange of Literary Energy Budvansko iskustvo Jurija Poljakova Budva Experience of Jurij Poljakov Tekst: Mr Savo RaπoviÊ urij Poljakov sam prizanje da se dugo muËio oko pravog rjeπenja za jednu od kljuËnih glava svog novog romana. Moæda je bio premoren od posla u svom listu ”Literaturnaja gazeta”, gdje je glavni urednik, a moæda ga je pomalo uspavala slava koju je neopozivo stekao romanima ”Jare u mlijeku” i ”Planirah bjekstvo”. Ipak, krenuvπi u Crnu Goru, prije svega da se odmori, ponio je i svoj lap top, znajuÊi da muza moæe potpuno neoËekivano da se pojavi i piscu doturi kljuË za odgonetanje vjeËite tajne koju knjiæevno stvaranje predstavlja. Upravo to se desilo Poljakovu na terasi budvanskog hotela ”Avala” i on je za par dana napisao poglavlje, koje se od njega skrivalo skoro cijelu godinu. Muza je donijela na zlatnom posluæavniku upravo onaj rasplet, koji Êe, u to nema nikakve sumnje, ovom bardu savremene ruske proze pomoÊi da nastavi svoj oËaravajuÊi knjiæevni vez. Ko zna, moæda je izronila iz mora pored samih zidina Staroga grada, uπla kroz neku od uskih kapija i proπla J 18 Montenegro Airlines njegovim uskim uliËicama, preruπena u lijepu rusku turistkinju. A moæda je, kako Poljakov podozrijeva, svemu kumovalo vino vranac — ”pro corde”. U svakom sluËaju, pisac i more naπli su zajedniËki jezik. On je doπao iz daleke i hladne Moskve, a ono je velikoduπno razgrnulo svoj veo duæ slovenske plaæe, i poæeljelo mu dobrodoπlicu. Jedne veËeri Poljakov je i sam postao glavni junak mediteranske bajke. Dobio je knjiæevnu nagradu ”Stjepan Mitrov Ljubiπa”. ObraÊajuÊi se prisutnima na Trgu pjesnika, ruski pisac je demonstrirao manire izuzetnog dæentlmena. Priznao je, naime, da dosad nije imao prilike da upozna stvaralaπtvo Stjepana Mitrova Ljubiπe, a novËani iznos nagrade od 1000 dolara, odluËio je da pokloni studentima rusistike iz Priπtine. I zbog ovoga bi se moglo reÊi da je on pravi nastavljaË ruske literarne tradicije. A da se zaista tako i osjeÊa, potvruju i njegove rijeËi da se njegovo stvaralaπtvo moæe opisati kao kritiËki realizam, dakle, kao neπto πto, s jedne strane, produæava prefinjeni ruski realistiËki prosede, a s druge gaji prije svega kritiËan odnos prema savremenosti. U tom smislu, njegovo djelo jeste i svojevrsno suprotstavljanje postmodernizmu. Smatra, bez laæne skromnosti, da je svojim dvjema najpoznatijim knjigama dokazao superiornost provjerenih literarnih vrijednosti nad postmodernistiËkim eksperimentisanjem. ”Tiraæ nekoliko izdanja ’Jareta u mlijeku’ prevazilazi ukupan tiraæ knjiga svih ruskih najpoznatijih postmodernista. Ako bih æelio da uproπÊeno govorim o razlikama izmeu ova dva poimanja knjiæevnog stvaralaπtva, onda bih rekao da je realizam i sve ono πto nastavlja njegovu tradiciju, dobro spremljeno meso, dok postmodernizam nije niπta viπe od zaËina kojim se to meso posipa”, rekao je Poljakov na dobro posjeÊenoj knjiæevnoj veËeri ispred Gradske knjiæare u Podgorici. Da postmodernizam i snobizam u literaturi mogu bukvalno svakoga, pa Ëak i polupismenog Ëovjeka, da pr- omoviπu u pisca, Poljakov duhovito pokazuje u svom ”Jaretu”, ali da se tu ne radi o pukom karikiranju, potvruju Ëitaoci, dobri poznavaoci prilika na ruskoj knjiæevnoj sceni, koji ovu knjigu smatraju svjedoËanstvom apsurda postsovjetske epohe. Poljakov kaæe da je i oËekivao takvu reakciju publike, jer sve πto je opisao u svojim romanima i dramama, uzeo je iz sopstvenog knjiæevnog iskustva. A njegovo knjiæevno iskustvo temelji se na Ëinjenicama da je Jurij MihajloviË Poljakov ne samo urednik najpoznatijih knjiæevnih novina u Rusiji i popularni prozaik, nego i magistar knjiæevnih nauka, u mladosti vrlo priznat pjesnik, a osim toga i esejista i dramaturg, Ëije komade na ruskim pozoriπnim scenama sa oduπevljenjem pozdravljaju prepuna gledaliπta. »ini se, jednostavno, da je on uspio da ostvari onu vrstu razmjene duhovne energije, sa publikom koja ne bi bila moguÊa bez djelovanja faktora prepoznavanja realnosti u knjiæevnom djelu i prihvatanja autorovog kritiËkog odnosa prema njoj, od strane Ëitaoca. Kako je onda Poljakov uspio da gotovo identiËan efekat izazove i kod Ëitalaca sa ovih prostora? Treba reÊi da njegov tekst nije lak ni za prevoenje ni za Ëitanje, prije svega zbog jasne jeziËke izdiferenciranosti likova, ali i zbog intenzivnog koriπÊenja savremenog ruskog æargona. Ipak, bez obzira na sve to, lako je naπao put do naπih Ëitalaca. Dobijanje prestiæne nagrade i formalno zaposjedanje knjiæevnog trona od strane Poljakova u naπoj sredini, po ko zna koji put potvruje staru istinu da prave vrijednosti u umjetnosti moraju kad tad da prevladaju i rasprπe sve ono πto stvara samo estetski privid. Upravo zato bi se sa radoπÊu moglo konstatovati da su se sjajan pisac Poljakov i sjajan Ëitalac naπli na najpogodnijem mjestu, u najpogodnijem trenutku. Nema sumnje da su naπ Ëitalac i ovaj ruski pisac jedan drugome Ëvrsto stegli ruku i da je Budva dobila joπ jednog poËasnog gosta, koji joj Ëini Ëast. Text: MA Savo RaπoviÊ urij Poljakov admits himself that he has for long taken pains to find the right solution for one of the key chapters of his new novel. Maybe he was exhausted by work as the editor in chief of the magazine “Literaturnaja gazeta”, or he may have been a little lulled by the glory that he irrevocably won with his novels “A Kid in Milk” and “I Was Planning an Escape”. Still, setting off for Montenegro, primarily on vacation, he took his lap-top with him, aware that his muse might appear quite unexpectedly and deliver him the key for uncovering the eternal secret that creation represents. This is precisely what happened to Poljakov on the terrace of the Budva hotel “Avala”, and he wrote in a couple of days the chapter which had been hiding from him for a year. The Muse brought to Poljakov on a golden tray precisely that denouement which would undoubtedly help the most eminent representative of contemporary Russian prose to continue his enchanting literary expression. Who knows, maybe she emerged from the sea by the very walls of the Old City, or entered through some of the narrow gates and passed through its narrow streets, disguised into a beautiful Russian tourist. And maybe, as Poljakov suspects, everything was caused by the Vranac wine “Pro corde”. In any case, the writer and the sea found a common language. He came from the distant and cold Moscow, and the sea generously opened its veil along the Slovenska beach and welcomed him. One evening Poljakov himself became the main character of a Mediterranean fairy tale. He was awarded the literary price “Stjepan Mitrov Ljubiπa”. Addressing those present at the Square of Poets, the Russian writer demonstrated the manners of a real gentleman. He admitted, namely, that he had not had an opportunity to become acquainted with the creation of Stjepan Mitrov Ljubiπa before, and he decided to donate 1000 dollar price to the students of Russian Studies from Priπtina. This is another reason why he could be said to genuinely continue the Russian literary tradition. That he really feels like this confirm his words J that his creative work may be described as critical realism, therefore as something that continues the subtle Russian realistic method on one side, and on the other cherishes primarily a critical relationship towards contemporaneity. In this sense his work is some kind of opposition to postmodernism. Without any false modesty he thinks that with his two most famous books he has proved superiority of verified literary values over the postmodernist experimenting. “The number of printed copies of several editions of “A Kid in Milk” surpasses the whole number of copies of books of all Russian best-known postmodernists. If I wanted to say something in general about the differences between these two notions of literary creation, than I would say that realism and everything that continues its tradition, is well prepared meat, while postmodernism is nothing more than spices that are sprinkled over that meat”, Poljakov said at the literary evening in front of the Town Book-store in Podgorica which was attended by a large number of people. Poljakov shows wittily in his “Kid” that postmodernism and snobbism in literature can turn virtually everyone, even a half illiterate man, into a writer, but readers, good connoisseurs of the Russian literary scene, can confirm that this is not mere caricaturing since they consider this book a testimony of the post-Soviet era absurdity. Poljakov said he expected such a reaction of the audience, for he drew from his own literary experience everything that he has described in his novels and plays. And his literary experience is based on the fact that Jurij MihajloviÊ Poljakov is not just the editor of the best known literary magazine in Russia and a popular novelist, but also an M.A. in Literature who used to be a recognized poet in his youth as well as an essayist and dramaturge whose plays vast audiences received with delight at Russian stages. Simply, it seems that he has managed to achieve that kind of exchange of spiritual energy with the audience which could not be possible without the action of the factor which recognizes the reality in a literary work and accepts the author’s cr- itical relation towards it by the reader. How, then, did Poljakov manage to achieve an almost identical effect even with the readers in these spaces? It should be said that his writing is not easy to translate nor to read, primarily due to the language differentiation of his characters, but also for intensive use of modern Russian jargon. Still, notwithstanding all this, he easily found his way to our readers. The fact that he was awarded the prestigious price and formally took the literary throne in our country confirms once again the old truth that real values in art must prevail in the end and disperse everything that creates just the aesthetic illusion. This is why one might say with delight that the great writer Poljakov and the great reader found each other in the most appropriate place, at the most opportune moment. No doubt our readers and this Russian writer shook hands and Budva obtained another respectable guest, which represents an honor for it. One evening Poljakov himself became the main character of a Mediterranean fairy tale. He was awarded the literary price “Stjepan Mitrov Ljubiπa”. Montenegro Airlines 19 Kult visine i vidika Komovi - car planina Sa komskih vrhova otvaraju se beskrajni vidici i nude najrazliËitije slike brdskih gromada, dubokih dolina i dalekih ravnina. Sve planine i sva naselja okolo izgledaju pod nogama. »ovjek se osjeÊa kao iznad zatalasanog mora, gora i planina. Brda i doline se u daljini izravnjuju i Ëine se kao da negdje daleko sve u tome nestaje. Fragmenti iz teksta ”Na Komovima” Jagoπa Radoslava VeπoviÊa, prvi put objavljenog na Cetinju, 1932. godine Planine i gore su se s razlogom u staro doba smatrale kao najdostojniji hramovi u koje izlaze ljudi i slaze bogovi. Brda i vrhovi sjajem svojih visina i πume svojim dubokim mirom, podstiËu naroËita osjeÊanja, okupljaju samoÊom i napominju tajnu prirode. Duπa tu postaje Ëistija, prostije se misli i ljepπe osjeÊa. Istina se ne prikriva i ljepota ne namjeπta. Æivot intimno prost, neposredan i zdrav. Izmeu ljepota i dobra nema protivnosti. Svojom visinom planine podiæu Ëovjeka k nebu i udovoljavaju donekle prirodnu teænju k viπemu. One otkrivaju beskrajne vidike i pobuuju velike æelje. PenjuÊi se na planine, Ëovjek ulazi u jedan novi svijet, u kojemu se nesmetano kreÊe i slobodnije diπe. Hod postaje lakπi i pogled bezbriæniji, duh osloboen svega πto je prije tiπtalo. Ne osjeÊa se viπe uliËna praπina i ne vide sitnice æivota. Ostalo je dole ispod podnoæja ono πto prijeËi zdrave prirodne pokrete i sputava unutraπnji æivot. »ovjeku je prijatno πto je daleko od prljavih strasti i parfimirane truline — moderne Ëeljadi. Penjanje i uæivanje po planinama nije sport. Uzdizanje k vrhovima gora graniËi se s stremljenjem k neËemu viπem i ne objaπnjava se teænjom za rekordom kao u vjeæbaliπtu. Tu nema taπtine. U planini se prolaznik kreÊe sa osjeÊanjem divljenja i pijetetom prema svojoj okolini. Planina onoga ko se s njom zbliæi opaja svojom krasotom, uznosi i podstiËe na polet. Ona je onome ko je zavoli izvor mladosti i snage, okrepljava i duπu i tijelo. Kako je neko lijepo rekao: ona svojom samoÊom i prostotom upuÊuje na prirodnost, svojom veliËinom uËi na skromnost i svojim veliËanstvom pokazuje Boga. Priroda planine je lijepa, snaæna, stihijno moÊna. Sva je u svjeæini i pokretu, vjeËito obnavlja. 22 Montenegro Airlines Ova raznolikost prirodnih ljepota razasuta je tako obimno na Komovima. Kao izvoriπte Tare i Lima zajedno sa ograncima u predjelu Kolaπina i vijencima prema Plavu, svojom plastikom, gustim gorama i visokim obilatim pasiπtima, æivim izvorima i rijekama sa Ëitavom mreæom potoka koji svuda kvase i natapaju, sa divnim jezerima i glacijalnim morenama svojih planina, oblast Komova je najinteresantniji predio meu ”sedmoro brda” Crne Gore. Na mei kuËkih i vasojeviÊkih planina prema albanskoj granici iz ogromnog kompleksa gora s Ëetinarima i bukvama izdvajaju se prelomima i oπtro diæu vrhovi Komova. Ispod njih su svuda bogate raznolike πume i prostrani paπnjaci. Kom je upravo skup najviπih vrhova koji dominiraju nad cijelom oblaπÊu u sredini nekoliko bliskih planinskih grupa. Oni zajedno sa drugim manjim Ëukama okolo daju perspektive i raznolikosti blagom i zelenom zemljiπtu planina izmeu gornje Tare i Lima. Vrhovi Koma sa visinom do 2500 m izrastaju na tjemenima planina Varde, ©tavne, Ljubana i Rogama, s vasojeviÊke, Carina, Kurlaja i dijela Rogama, s kuËke strane. Izdvajaju se kao kontrast prema dubokoj dolini Lima u njegovom toku ispod Plava do Bijelog Polja i prema bujnim πumama i zelenilu u planinama svoga podnoæja. U obimu osnove imaju oko 50 km i izgledaju snaæno naslonjeni na pleÊima svojih planina. Meu masama stijena kruæe zagoni, zatvorene prostorije, kao cirkovi. Tu su vjeËiti snjegovi i skloniπta divokoza. U visini po stranama diæu se i zjape ogromna grotla nepristupaËnih peÊina. Narod za njih veæe razne priËe i predanja. Iz njih su u staro vrijeme izlazile vile i razastirale su sa razboja platno. One su dozivale junake svoga doba i pokazivale se po gorama izmeu kojih bi Ëesto prolazile, a gledali su ih pastiri i pastirke iskraj ovaca. PriËe su se πirile, narod prisluπkivao. MoÊni spletovi Komova daju utisak snage i veliËine, a njihove kamene piramide, koje su stihije tesale, odudaraju od okoline pod πumama i paπnjacima i svojim oπtrim linijama daju planini silinu i odreenost πto oËvrπÊava. Ovi vrhovi πto πtrËe visoko sa meke podloge na hiljadu metara iznad ruba πumskih pojaseva Ëine da Kom izgleda kao ”car planina”, kako veli Vus, impozantan i pun ljepota ”boæanstveni Kom”, kako ga naziva jedan drugi pisac (BaldaÊi). Takvi su Ëudnovati Komovi kojima se divi PanËiÊ sa visina Kopaonika. Tri veliËanstvene piramide, VasojeviÊki Kom (BoæiÊki), LjevoreËki Kom (drugi vasojeviÊki vrh podijeljen s KuËima i Kraljanima) i KuËki Kom izdvajaju i nadvisuju neizmjerne mase zgrudvatih stijena i grebena. Sa komskih vrhova otvaraju se beskrajni vidici i nude najrazliËitije slike brdskih gromada, dubokih dolina i dalekih ravnina. Sve planine i sva naselja okolo izgledaju pod nogama. »ovjek se osjeÊa kao iznad zatalasanog mora, gora i planina. Brda i doline se u daljini izravnjuju i Ëine se kao da negdje daleko sve u tome nestaje. Planine prema Durmitoru i prema LovÊenu koje stoje kao visoke gromade Ëine se odavde kao bregovi. Prokletije sa reljefom s njima povezanih gora vrhovite izverugane Arbanije izgledaju kao kamene grane na gipsom izgraenoj mapi. A dalji vidici gube se u plavetnilu od magle. The Cult of Heights and Views Komovi - the Imperial Mountain From the peaks of mountain Kom immense views open and offer the most varied pictures of mountainous masses, deep valleys and faraway planes. All the mountains and all the settlements around seem to be at your feet. A man feels as if he were above a rough sea of mountains and mounts. Hills and valleys in the distance become one and everything disappears in this way. Fragments from the article “On the Mountain Komovi” by Jagos Radoslav Vesovic, first published in Cetinje in 1932 Mountains and mounts were in the old times rightfully considered the most deserving temples into which people come out and gods descend. Mountains and peaks through the brightness of their height and woods through their deep peace inspire special feelings, gather by their solitude and point out the secret of nature. The soul becomes purer here; one thinks simply and feels better. The truth does not hide itself and the beauty is not arranged. Life is intimately simple, immediate and healthy. There is no opposition between beauty and the good. Through their height mountains raise the man towards the sky and to some extent satisfy the natural aspiration for height. They reveal infinite views and instigate great desires. Climbing the mountains the man enters a new world, in which he moves unhindered and breathes more freely. His step becomes easy and his sight more careless, his spirit is free of everything that was oppressing him before. One does not feel anymore the street dust nor does he see the life trifles. Down below the foot of the mountain remains everything that blocks the healthy natural movements and fetters the internal life. “The man enjoys being far from the foul passions and perfumed rottenness of modern people. Climbing and enjoying the mountains is not a sport. Rising towards the mount tops verges on aspiration towards something higher and cannot be explained by aspiration to reach a record as on a drilling ground. There is no vanity here. One moves around mountains with the feeling of admiration 28 Montenegro Airlines and reverence for the landscape. The one who becomes close to the mountain is exhilarated by its grandeur, elated and enlivened. The mountain becomes a source of youth and vigor for the one who falls in love with it; it fortifies both the soul and the body. As someone once said truthfully: by its solitude and simplicity it refers to naturalness, by its greatness it instructs to be modest and by its grandeur it shows God. The mountain nature is beautiful, strong, and powerful like elementary powers. It is all made up of freshness and movement, reviving eternally. This diversity of natural beauties has been strewn so abundantly around the mountain Komovi such as the source areas of the rivers Tara and Lim together with the branches around Kolaπin and the wreaths towards Plav. With its plastics, its dense forests and high and abundant pastures, live sources and rivers with a whole network of springs that inundate the whole territory, with wonderful lakes and glacial moraines of its mountains, the area of the mountain Komovi is the most interesting region among the “seven hills” of Montenegro. On the boundary between the mountains in KuËi and in VasojeviÊi, towards the Albanian border, from the enormous complex of mounts with conifers and beech trees, the peaks of Komovi stand out for their broken and sharp tops. Below them are the rich and diverse forests and vast pastures. Kom is precisely a collection of the highest tops dominating the whole of the region in the middle of several mountain groups nearby. Together with other smaller mounts around they give a perspective and diversity to the mild and green land of the mountains between the upper Tara and Lim. The peaks of the mountain Kom 2500 m high grow from the tops of the mountains Varda, Stavna, Ljubana and Rogami on the side of VasojeviÊi, of Carine, Kurlaj and a part of Rogami on the side of KuËi. They contrast the deep valley of the river Lim and its course from Plav to Bijelo Polje and the dense forests and greenness in the mountains at its foot. Their circumference at the base is around 50 km and they look strong leaning on the back of their mountains. In the enclosed spaces among the masses of rocks there is always snow and chamois find refuge here. High in the slopes stand gaping the chasms of inaccessible caves. Numerous stories and histories are told about them. Fairies used to come out of them in the old times and to spread cloths from their looms. They would call the heroes of their time and show on the mounts they frequented, being watched by the shepherds and shepherdesses. The stories spread, the people listened to them. The powerful junctions of mountain ranges of Komovi give the impression of strength and grandeur, and their stone pyramids shaped by natural forces, stand out in the surrounding forests and pastures and give the mountains an air of force and hardness. These peaks towering high from the soft base 30 Montenegro Airlines at one thousand meters above the ridge of forest belts make Kom seem an imperial “mountain” as Vus said, an imposing “magnificent Kom” replete with beauties as another writer (Baldaci) called it. Such are the miraculous Komovi that PanËiÊ admired from the peaks of Kopaonik. Three magnificent pyramids, Kom of VasojeviÊi (Bozicki), Kom of Lijeva Rijeka (the second peak of VasojeviÊi divided with the area of KuËi and of Kraljani) and the Kom from KuËi stand out and overtop the immense masses of conglomerates of rocks and cliffs. From the peaks of mountain Kom immense views open and offer the most varied pictures of mountainous masses, deep valleys and faraway planes. All the mountains and all the settlements around seem to be at your feet. A man feels as if he were above a rough sea of mountains and mounts. Hills and valleys in the distance become one and everything disappears in this way. Mountains towards Durmitor and LovÊen that stand as high masses of rocks seem just hills from here. Prokletije with a relief of hills connected with them from Albania, which is covered in mountain peaks, seem like stone branches at a map made of plaster. And further the views disappear in the blueness of the fog. Ostavπtina benediktinaca Opatija Bogorodica rataËka Tekst: Tatjana Koprivica Fotografija: Vojo RadonjiÊ Izmeu Sutomora i Bara, na rtu Ratac, zarasli u mediteransku makiju, nalaze se ostaci benediktinske opatije Bogorodice rataËke. Odavno nije u kultu, osim dva puta godiπnje, na Tjelovo, i na praznik Velike gospoe. Kuriozitet je da u ovim prilikama, uz katoliËke vjernike, misi prisustvuju i pravoslavci i muslimani. 32 Montenegro Airlines Izmeu Sutomora i Bara, na rtu Ratac, zarasli u mediteransku makiju, nalaze se ostaci benediktinske opatije Bogorodice rataËke. Odavno nije u kultu, osim dva puta godiπnje, na Tjelovo, i na praznik Velike gospoe. Kuriozitet je da u ovim prilikama, uz katoliËke vjernike, misi prisustvuju i pravoslavci i muslimani. Opatija je podignuta na mjestu koje je i ranije bilo naseljeno. U njenom zaleu u borovoj πumi, pronaeni su fragmenti mozaiËkog poda i dio kamenog stuba, koji svjedoËe o postojanju vile rustike u V ili VI vijeku. Ne zna se kada je manastir osnovan. Iz svog centra na Monte Garganu u Italiji benediktinski red πirio se od VI vijeka po Ëitavom Sredozemlju. Na jadranskoj obali benediktinci su posebno prisutni od XI vijeka. Sva je prilika da je rataËka opatija nastala u tom periodu jer najstarija crkva manastirskog kompleksa svojim arhitektonskim karakteristikama odgovara benediktinskom graditeljstvu tog vremena. Istorijski izvori, saËuvani u arhivima Kotora, Dubrovnika i Venecije, svjedoËe o moÊnoj i bogatoj opatiji, organizovanoj po uzoru na zapadnoevropske romaniËke opatije. Manastirski kompleks Ëinile su tri crkve, klaustar i atrijum, kule, odbrambeni zidovi i prateÊi objekti graeni i obnavljani od XI do XV vijeka. Uz manastir se nalazio i hospitium-prihvatiliπte za bolesne i stare. Benediktinci su bili poznati kao prepisivaËi knjiga, pa je ova velika i ureena opatija morala imati i sk- riptorijum. IstoriËar umjetnosti Pavle MijoviÊ smatra da je u skriptorijumu ove opatije pop Dukljanin napisao svoj Ljetopis. Iz najstarijeg saËuvanog pomena manastira, iz 1247. godine, vidi se da je prvobitno bio posveÊen sv. Mihailu. PoËetkom XIV vijeka opatija mijenja posvetu. Patron joj postaje Bogorodica. U to vrijeme raπka kraljica Jelena Anæujska i njen sin kralj Milutin opatiji daruju velike posjede, koji su se prostirali od Sutomora do Petrovca. Sredinom XIV vijeka posjede opatiji potvruje i car Duπan. Manastir i njegova imanja bili su krajem XIV i poËetkom XV vijeka Ëesto popriπte sukoba BalπiÊa, PaπtroviÊa, srpskih despota i MleËana. Tu su se sastajali i pregovarali. Tajno i javno. Manastir je bio i rezidencija BalπiÊa. U njemu su boravili i bosanski oblasni gospodari Sandalj HraniÊ i Stjepan VukËiÊ KosaËa. Ovdje su se sklonili i –ura CrnojeviÊ i njegova pratnja kada ih je Balπa III protjerao sa svojih posjeda. Tursko-mletaËki sukobi u XVI vijeku fatalno su se odrazili na opatiju. Manastirska imanja su pustoπena, a 1571. godine, prilikom turskog zauzimanja Bara, kompleks je pretrpio velika razaranja. Pod turskom vlaπÊu æivot u opatiji je zamro. Pokuπaj jezuita da ga u XVII vijeku oæive i pretvore u centar katoliËke propagande osujetili su pravoslavni stanovnici susjednih PaπtroviÊa. NajznaËajniji prihodi manastira dolazili su od zemljoradnje i stoËarstva. Opatija je imala dosta vinograda i maslinjaka. Posj- edovala je i mlinove. U manastirskom kompleksu i danas su oËuvani ostaci jednog mlina za mljevanje maslina. Izvozili su crvenkasti graevinski kamen sa svog posjeda, koji se koristio i za izgradnju katedrale svetog Vlaha u Dubrovniku. Opatija je ubirala prihode i od taksa prilikom odræavanja sajma na praznik Male gospojine. Za taj praznik iz Dubrovnika su na Ratac dolazili muziËari. Opatija je bila jedan od najcjenjenijih hodoËasniËkih centara na juænom Jadranu. HodoËasnici su u velikom broju dolazili na poklonjenje Ëuvenoj ikoni Bogorodice rataËke, pa su i oni znaËajno doprinosili bogaÊenju opatije. Manastir je, od stanovnika gradova na juænom Jadranu, posebno Kotorana i DubrovËana, dobijao znaËajne zavjetne darove u zemlji, novcu i liturgijskim predmetima. Starjeπine opatije bili su ugledni i obrazovani ljudi koji su Ëesto obavljali diplomatske misije za vladare Zete, Bosne i Albanije. Najzanimljivija liËnost meu njima bio je opat –ore PelinoviÊ, koji je Ëak Ëetvrt vijeka bio na Ëelu opatije. PelinoviÊevu saradnju sa MleËanima protiv Turaka cijenio je i papa Pije II, nagradivπi ga zbog toga. PriËa o nekadaπnjoj slavi i bogatstvu dugo je nadæivjela manastir. Lokalni stanovnici su u viπe navrata krajem XIX i poËetkom XX vijeka traæili ”skriveno blago” u ruπevinama kompleksa, posebno u grobnicama. Montenegro Airlines 33 The Legacy of Benedictines The Abbey of Mother of God in Ratac Between Sutomore and Bar, on the promontory Ratac, choked with the Mediterranean macchia, one finds the remnants of the Benedictine Abbey of Mother of God from Ratac. It has not been in use for a long time, except two times a year, for the holy holidays of Tjelova and of the Assumption. Interestingly enough, on these occasions, along with the Catholic religious people, the mass is attended also by the Orthodox and the Muslims. Text: Tatjana Koprivica Photo: Vojo RadonjiÊ Between Sutomore and Bar, on the promontory Ratac, choked with the Mediterranean macchia, one finds the remnants of the Benedictine Abbey of Mother of God from Ratac. It has not been in use for a long time, except two times a year, for the holy holidays of Tjelova and of the Assumption. Interestingly enough, on these occasions, along with the Catholic religious people, the mass is attended also by the Orthodox and the Muslims. The Abbey was built on the place which had been inhabited before. In the hinterland, in the pine wood, fragments of a mosaic floor and a part of a stone pillar witness the existence of a Villa Rustica in V or VI century here. It is not known when the Monastery was founded. From their centre on Monte Gargan in Italy, from VI century on, the Benedictine order has spread all over the Mediterranean. On the Adriatic coast the Benedictines were in particular present since XI century. It seems that the Abbey of Ratac originates from that period because the oldest church of the Monastery complex by its architectural characteristics corresponds to Benedictine architecture of that time. Historical sources preserved in the archives of Kotor, Dubrovnik and Venice testify of a mighty and rich Abbey, organized upon the model of the Western European Romanesque Abbies. The Monastery complex was made up of three churches, a cloister and an atrium, towers, protective walls and the supporting buildings, which had been constructed and reconstruct36 Montenegro Airlines ed from XI till XV century. Beside the monastery there was a hospitium - a reception centre for the sick and the old. The Benedictines were known as books transcribers, thus this big and ordered Abbey had to have a scriptorium as well. According to the art historian Pavle Mijovic it was in the scriptorium of this Abbey that priest Dukljanin wrote his Chronicle. The oldest preserved mention of the monastery from 1247 shows that it was originally dedicated to St. Michael. At the beginning of XIV century, the Abbey changed its dedication. The Mother of God became its patron. At the time queen Jelena of Anjou and her son king Milutin donate to the abbey vast properties, which stretch as far as to Sutomore and Petrovac. By mid XIV century the Emperor Duπan confirmed that the properties belonged to the abbey. The Monastery and its properties were frequently the battle field where the members of BalπiÊ and PetroviÊ dynasties, of Serbian despots and the Venetians clashed. In it they met to negotiate, both in secret and in public. This place was also the residence of the BalπiÊ family. This is where the Bosnian district rulers Sandalj HraniÊ and Stjepan VukπiÊ KosaËa stayed. Here Djuradj CrnojeviÊ and his suite took refuge when Balπa III banished them from his property. The Turkish-Venetian clashes in XVI century had fatal consequences for the Abbey. The properties of the monastery were devastated, and in 1571, when the Turks occupied Bar, the complex was largely destroyed. Under the Turkish rule the life in the Abbey died out. Jesuits' attempt to revive it and turn into a centre of Catholicism promotion was thwarted by Orthodox inhabitants of the neighboring PastroviÊs. The most significant income of the monastery came from agriculture and cattle breeding. The Abbey had plenty of vineyards and olive-groves. It also had mills in its possession. Remnants of a mill for grinding of olives have been preserved in the monastery complex up to the present day. They used to export red building stone from their property, which was used for the construction of St. Vlah's Cathedral in Dubrovnik. The Abbey collected revenues from taxes when fairs were held during the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Musicians from Dubrovnik used to come to Ratac for that holiday. The Abbey used to be one of the most appreciated pilgrimage centers in the south of the Adriatic. The pilgrims came in large numbers to pay homage to the icon of Mother of God in Ratac, contributing in that way to the wealth of the Abbey. The monastery obtained significant donations in land, money and liturgical objects. The seniors of the Abbey were reputable and educated people who usually performed diplomatic missions for the rulers of Zeta, Bosnia and Albania. The most interesting personality among them was the Abbot Djordje PelinoviÊ, who was the head of the Abbey as long as a quarter of a century. His cooperation with the Venetians against the Turks was much appreciated by the Pope Pius II, who rewarded him for it. The story of the one-time glory and richness has outlived the monastery. Several times at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX century local population searched for the "hidden treasure" among the ruins of the complex, especially in its tombs. Montenegro Airlines 37 Punica granatum Recepti: Sirup od nara - 1 litar soka od nara - 1 kg πeÊera Kuvati sok sa πeÊerom dok se ne zgusne, uz stalno mijeπanje. »uvati u friæideru i konzumirati hladan, razrijeen sa vodom. Moze se koristiti i za soseve. Sok od nara - 1 litar soka od nara - πeÊer ili med po potrebi Nakon cijeenja, filtrirani sok u plastiËnim bocama Ëuvati u zamrzivaËu. Prije upotrebe odmrznuti i piti sa vodom i medom ili πeÊerom. Moæe se koristiti i za razne koktele. Sve πto niste znali o πipku Tekst/Fotografija: Mariana SekuliÊ ©ipak govori: Moji listovi su kao tvoji zubi, Moji plodovi kao tvoje dojke: Ja, najljepπi meu svim voÊkama, Ostajem stalno tu, u svim sezonama, Kao πto ljubavnik zauvijek ostaje sa voljenom, Pijan od ‘shedeha’ i vina. (”Pjesma o baπti”, prevedena sa starih egipatskih hijeroglifa iz 1200. godine prije naπe ere) 38 Montenegro Airlines ipak ili nar jedan je od najstarijih plodova koji se pominje u istoriji, literaturi i folkloru. Iako potiËe iz Irana, odakle je donijet u Indiju i Kinu prije viπe od 2000 godina, u Italiju i druge zemlje Mediterana dospio je preko Kartaga, ili ”Punica”, kako su stari Rimljani zvali ovaj grad. Tako je πipak dobio svoj latinski naziv Punica granatum. Rimljani su uæivali u soËnim sjemenkama ovog voÊa, ali su takoe πtavili i koristili njegove kore kao neku vrstu koæe. I danas je nar omiljen sastojak mediteranske kuhinje. © Mavri su donijeli ovu biljku u ©paniju negdje oko 800. godine i grad Granada je po njemu dobio svoje ime i grb. Ali πipak je poznat i u drugim krajevima svijeta. ©ekspir i Homer ga pominju u svojim djelima, a njegovi kvaliteti opisani su u egipatskoj mitologiji i umjetnosti, u Kuranu, Svetom pismu, kao i u Talmudu. Karavani su nosili πipkove sa sobom kroz pustinju kao odliËno sredstvo protiv æei. Kao stari semitski simbol, nar znaËi æivot u bogatstvu i izobilju, a u Vavilonu servirani su πipkovi na svadbama, predstavljajuÊi simbol ljubavi i plodnosti. U Crnoj Gori, divlji πipak raste u krπevitom podruËju uz jadransku obalu, oko Skadarskog jezera i na drugim sunËanim mjestima u centralnom i juænom dijelu zemlje. Biljka raste u obliku grma ili drveta od 2 do 5 metara visine. Ima bodljikave grane sa ovalnim i glatkim listovima. Na vrhovima grana nalaze se cvjetovi jarko crvene boje, a plod je rumen, sa koæastom korom, pun crvenih sjemenki. Poznat je i kultivirani oblik, koji ima krupnije i slae plodove, takozvani barski πipak, koji raste na plantaæama u blizini ovog lijepog grada pod Rumijom. Njegove sjemenke su vrlo ukusne i soËne i plodovi se najËeπÊe jedu u prirodnom stanju: kora se nareæe na nekoliko vertikalnih kriπaka, plod se otvara i sjemenke se istresu i jedu. Ovo u Crnoj Gori ne predstavlja muËan i dosadan posao, veÊ druπtveni ili porodiËni dogaaj, koji produæava zadovoljstvo zajedniËkog ruËka ili druæenja. Plodovi samoniklog πipka obiluju velikom koliËinom vitamina C. Oni sazrijevaju od oktobra i ostaju na granama i tokom zime. Sjemenke su kiselkastogorke i od njih se pravi sok koji se pije razrijeen sa vodom, uz dodatak πeÊera. Ovaj sok je veoma omiljen u Crnoj Gori, ne samo kao osvjeæavajuÊe piÊe veÊ i zbog njegovih ljekovitih svojstava: dobar je lijek protiv prehlade, koristi se za lijeËenje proliva i dizenterije, a preporuËuje se i srËanim bolesnicima. U crnogorskim selima joπ uvijek se mogu naÊi primitivne, ali vrlo funkcionalne, ruËno izraene drvene prese za cijeenje πipka. Sok se koristi u svjeæem obliku ili se Ëuva u zamrzivaËu, a poznat je i sirup koji se pravi putem ukuvavanja sa dodatkom πeÊera. Montenegro Airlines 39 Grenadine Syrup POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum) Everything you did not know about pomegranate Text/Photo: Mariana SekuliÊ “The pomegranate speaks: My leaves are like your teeth My fruit like your breasts. I, the most beautiful of fruits, Am present in all weathers, all seasons As the lover stays forever with the beloved, Drunk on “shedeh” and wine.” (“Garden Song”, translated from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, dating back to 1200 B.C.) omegranate is one of the oldest fruits mentioned in history, literature and folklore. Although it is native to Iran, from where it was actually brought to India and China more than 2000 years ago, it made its way to Italy via Carthage or “Punic”, as this city was called by the ancient Romans. Therein lies the root of its Latin name, Punica granatum. Ancient Romans did not only enjoy the succulent flesh of this fruit, they also tanned and used the rinds as a form of leather. Nowadays, the pomegranate continues to be a popular ingredient in the Mediterranean cuisine. - 1 liter of pomegranate juice - 1 kg of sugar Boil equal parts pomegranate juice with sugar until slightly thickened. Cool and store in jar in the refrigerator and drink cool, with water. Can also be used for sauces. Pomegranate Juice - 1 liter of pomegranate juice - sugar or honey as needed After pressing, freeze the filtered juice in plastic bottles in the freezer. Before use, unfreeze and drink with water and honey or sugar. Can also be used for various cocktails, etc. P It was the Moors who brought this fruit to Spain around 800 A.D. The city of Granada was named for it and the fruit appears in its shield. But pomegranate is also well-known in other parts of the world. Shakespeare and Homer extolled its virtues in their works, and the fruit was also featured in Egyptian mythology and art, praised in the Qur’an, the Old Testament of the Bible and in the Talmud. Pomegranates were carried by desert caravans for the sake of its thirst-quenching juice. Moreover, the pomegranate is one of the old semitic symbols meaning a life of abundance and wealth, and in the Babylonian empire, the fruit was served at weddings and represented the symbol of love and fertility. In Montenegro, wild pomegranate thrives in the calcareous “karst“ areas along the Adriatic Coast, around Lake Scutari and in other sunny places in the central and southern part of the country. It grows as an attractive shrub or tree, from 2 to 5 meters high. It has many branches, more or less spiny, with glossy and oblong leaves. The showy flowers at the branch tips are bright red and the fruit is yellow overlaid with red, with a leathery rind. The fruit of cultivated pomegranates is larger and sweeter than the wild species, in particular “Pomegranates from Bar“, which are grown on plantings around this beautiful town at the foothill of Mount Rumija. Its seeds are very sweet and juicy and the fruit is mostly eaten out-of-hand or at the table: the pomegranate is deeply scored several times vertically and then broken apart. Then the seeds can be shaken out of the rind and eaten. Montenegrins consider this not a laborious handicap but a social or family activity, prolonging the pleasure of dining or being together. Wild pomegranates contain a lot of vitamine C. The fruits start to ripen from October and remain on the branch tips during the winter, if not picked. The seeds are tangy and are used for making juice, which is usually sweetened for beverage purposes. This juice is very popular in Montenegro, not only as a refreshing beverage, but also for its medical characteristics: it prevents colds, is used for treating diarrhea and dysentery and is also a tonic recommended to heart patients. In the villages of Montenegro, you can still find primitive, but very functional, hand-made wooden presses, which are used for straining out pomegranates. The extracted fresh juice is consumed after pressing or may be frozen for future use. Well-known is Grenadine syrup, which is prepared by boiling the juice with sugar. Montenegro Airlines 41 Ljetnjikovac kotorskih plemiÊa »UDESNI SVIJET TIVATSKIH PORTUNA Moda "ljetovanja" u Tivtu zapoËela je joπ u ilirsko vrijeme, stalnim izlascima kraljice Teute u Tivatski zaliv gdje je, prema Cizili, na prostoru izmeu crkve Sv. Roka (Donja Lastva) i ponte Seljanova, imala svoje raskoπne vrtove. Iako upozoravana da se tako Ëesto i toliko dugo ne udaljava iz svoje prijestonice - Risna, tokom ljeta posebno, dugo je boravila u svojim Ëuvenim vrtovima, uz odabrano druπtvo. Tekst: Neven StaniËiÊ Fotografija: Stevan KordiÊ U Verigama, najuæem dijelu Bokokotorskog zaliva, sa njegove lijeve strane, tik uz more, smjestila se crkvica-utvrda, Gospa od Anela iz 1585. g. U narodu je prozvana Gospom od oriza (od ital. sorriso, osmjeh). Naime, pri uplovljavanju u zaviËajni kraj, na licima pomoraca neizostavno bi se pojavljivao osmijeh. Sa te lijeve, juæne strane Boke veÊ bi osmotrili obale Tivta, vrtove imanja i ljetnjikovce i, ako je sve bilo u redu, zadovoljni se vraÊali svojim palatama. Iako iz domena legendi, priËa je autentiËna. Za razliku od drevnih gradova: Risna, Kotora ili Perasta, Tivat nema na prvi pogled vidljiva obiljeæja proπlih vremena, ali, od davnina ima zaπtiÊenu adresu banje, mjesta za odmor, razonodu i privredna dobra. HroniËar Timotej Cizila joπ u prvoj polovini XVII vijeka u svom rukopisu "Zlatni vo" o Tivtu je zapisao: "Tivat koriste ugledni ljudi, kako zbog ljekovitosti vazduha, tako zbog obilja potrebnih dobara. Vina koja se u njemu prave, veoma su ukusna, a takav je joπ sluËaj i sa maslinovim uljem koje se ovdje pravi u izobilju. S obzirom na umjerenu klimu, ovdje uspijeva izvrsno voÊe svake vrste i u velikim koliËinama. Svi vrtovi i posjedi samih kotorskih plemiÊa nalaze se tu i oni ulaæu najveÊe napore da tu ostvare svoje prihode. Mogu se vidjeti tri ili Ëetiri veoma otmene palate sa vrtovima poput onih u Italiji, sa stablima Ëempresa, jasmina, ruzmarina, ruæa i ruæinih pupoljaka razliËitih vrsta, uz nekoliko tvravica, kula ili "baluardi" napravljenih za odbranu. Tu se kod neprijateljskih upada naoruæanih turskih baraka koje imaju obiËaj da plove uz obalu, povlaËe svi oni koji zbog razonode ljeti izlaze vani." Montenegro Airlines 43 Prema ovom opisu i danas je lako prepoznati ljetnjikovac BuÊa-LukoviÊ u samom centru Tivta, kao tipiËno i najbolje oËuvano zdanje, ovdaπnji muzej i eminentnu galeriju Centra za kulturu. Ljetnja pozornica je dio Ëitavog kompleksa koji se zavrπavao na samoj obali obaveznom raskoπnom kapijom. Ovakva imanja sadræala su i privatne male kapelice, u konkretnom sluËaju sv. Mihovila, dok je najstarija i najpoznatija sv. Antuna na imanju porodice Paskvali, na podruËju Kalimanja (Belani) iz 1373. g. Imanje ove porodice takoe je ograeno zidom, sa kapijom prema moru. UoËavanjem takvih kapija i prolazeÊi kroz njih petnaestak duæ Tivatskog zaliva, otkriva se skriveni i manje poznati dio istorije ovog grada. U pojedinim sluËajevima u ruiniranom stanju, ali joπ uvjek u jasnim obrisima, iza njih su dvoriπta ljetnjikovaca: Verona, ZmajeviÊa, Lazarija, Draga, Radalija, Vrakjena, Pime, Grgurinija, plemiÊkih porodica Perasta i Kotora koje su ovdje izlazile na ladanje, odmor, a Ëesto i oporavak od bolesti ili jednostavno bjeæeÊi od njih. Tako je ostrvo Sv. Marko, poznato po ljetovaliπtu Cluba Mediterane, u geografskim kartama zavedeno kao "Stradioti" ili Sv. Gabrijel, kotorsko plemstvo koristilo kao bazu za dio vojske i lake konjice (od nje i potiËe naziv ostrva), ljetnjikovac, ali i poslednje utoËiπte od zaraznih bolesti, poput kuge iz 1623. g. gdje su se masovno sklonili, uz kako Ëitamo iz starih spisa "viπe nego Ëasnu straæu plemiÊa, graana i italijanske vojske". Moda "ljetovanja" u Tivtu zapoËela je joπ u ilirsko vrijeme, stalnim izlascima kraljice Teute u Tivatski zaliv gdje je, prema Cizili, na prostoru izmeu crkve sv. Roka (Donja Lastva) i ponte Seljanova, imala svoje raskoπne vrtove. Iako upozoravana da se tako Ëesto i toliko dugo ne udaljava iz svoje prijestonice - Risna, tokom ljeta posebno, dugo je boravila u svojim Ëuvenim vrtovima, uz odabrano druπtvo. Po jednoj od legendi, Tivat je po njoj i dobio ime, mada niπta manje nije zanimljiv ni izvod iz imena Theudo ili Theda luË divljeg bora pomoÊu koje su ribari obiËavali noÊu da svijetle i love (pod ukres) uz obalu koja je: "Radost, svjetlo i sjaj svih drugih koje su u ovom zalivu", kako je u svom baroknom vodiËu kroz Boku zapisao Cizila. Tel.+381 81 405-405, 248-909 Fax. +381 81 405-406, e-mail: [email protected] Hotel "Kerber" se nalazi u samom centru Podgorice i jedan je od najekskluzivnijih hotela u glavnom gradu Crne Gore. ♦ Hotel Kerber is located in the very center of Podgorica and it is one of the finest hotels in the capital of Montenegro. ♦ Hotel "Kerber" raspolaæe sa 20 soba namijenjenih klijentima koji æele visok nivo udobnosti i usluge. ♦ Hotel "Kerber" has 20 rooms made for clients who appreciate high quality of comfort and service. 44 Montenegro Airlines Hotel ”Kerber” centar Podgorice Ul. Novaka Miloπeva 6 Summer Residence of Noblemen from Kotor THE MARVELLOUS WORLD OF TIVAT PORCHES The fashion of "spending the summer" in Tivat began as early as in the Illyrian times, when queen Teuta regularly went out into the Bay of Tivat where, according to Cizila, at the space between the church St. Roko (Donja Lastva) and the wharf Seljanovo, she had beautiful gardens. Although she was warned not to go away from her capital - Risan, so far away and so frequently, especially during summer, she used to stay for long in her famous gardens, in the company of selected persons. Text: Neven StaniËiÊ Photo: Stevan KordiÊ In Verige, the narrowest part of the Bay of Kotor, on its left side, immediately by the sea, a little church-fortress Lady of Angel dating from 1585 found its place. People call it Lady of Oriso (from the Italian sorriso - a smile). Namely, as sailors entered their native land on boats, a smile would always appear on their faces. On this left, southern side of the Bay they could already see the shores of Tivat, the gardens of properties and summer residences and, if everything had gone right, they would return content to their palaces. Although it belongs to the realm of legends the story is authentic. In contrast to the ancient towns of Risan, Kotor and Perast, Tivat lacks the old-time features which would be visible at first sight, but it has had since antiquity the reputation of a spa, a place where one can have rest and amuse oneself. The chronicler Timotej Cizila wrote the following about Tivat in his manuscript "Golden Bull" as early as in the first half of XVII century. "Tivat is used by reputable people, both for the healing properties of the air, and for abundance of the necessary goods. Wines made in it are very tasty, just like the olive oil which is produced here in large quantities. Moderate climate is suitable for various kinds of exquisite fruit. All gardens and properties of noblemen from Kotor are here and they put enormous efforts into making profit from them. Three or four magnificent palaces with gardens similar to those in Italy can be seen, with cypresses, jasmines, rosemary, roses and rose buds of different sorts, along with several small fortresses, towers or "baluards" made for protection. This is where those who in summer go out for fun take refuge from the attacks of Turkish boats which sail along the shore." According to this description, the summer residence BuÊa LukoviÊ situated in the very centre of Tivat can even today be easily recognized as a typical and best preserved establishment, the local museum and the famous gallery of the Centre for Culture. The summer stage is a part of the complex which ended at the shore in a luxurious gate. Properties like this one used to include small private chapels, in this precise case of St. Mihovil, while the oldest and the best known is that of St. Antun on the property of Paskvali family, at the territory of Kalimanj (Belani) dating from 1373. The property of this family is also surrounded by a wall, with a gate towards the sea. Taking notice of these gates and passing though some fifteen of them along the Bay of Tivat, one notices the hidden and less known part of this town's history. Some of the gates are dilapidated but still showing clear contours with summer residences' gardens behind: Verona, ZmajeviÊ, Lazarija, Drago, Radali, Vrakjen, Pima, Grgurina, of the aristocratic families from Perast and Kotor that used to come here on holiday, and frequently also to recover from illnesses or simply run away from them. Thus the island St. Marko, known for the resort Club Mediterranee, marked in maps as "Stradioti" or St. Gabriel, was used by aristocracy from Kotor as a base for a part of the army and light cavalry (hence the name of the island), as a summer resort but also as the last refuge from contagious diseases, such as the plague in 1623, when large masses took shelter here with, as we read in old manuscripts, more than respectable guard of noblemen, citizens and the Italian army. Montenegro Airlines 49 The fashion of "spending the summer" in Tivat began as early as in the Illyrian times, when queen Teuta regularly went out into the Bay of Tivat where, according to Cizila, at the space between the church St. Roko (Donja Lastva) and the wharf Seljanovo, she had beautiful gardens. Although she was warned not to go away from her capital - Risan, so far away and so frequently, especially during summer, she used to stay for long in her famous gardens, in the company of selected persons. According to one of the legends, Tivat was given its name after her, though not less interesting is the one according to which the name originates from the name Theudo or Theda torch made of wild pine by which the fishermen used to illuminate water and fish along the shore which is: “The delight, light and brightness of all other in this bay“, as Cizila wrote down in his Baroque guide to the Bay of Kotor. OËi u oËi sa planinom Zapisi sa Durmitora Durmitor je Ëudo od prirode. Nepresuπni izvor iznenaenja. Oblaci i oblici. PriËa bez kraja. Divlji juriπ 23 planinska vrha ka nebu. Svaki od njih - preko 2 300 m. Najviπi -Bobotov kuk, visok 2 523 metra. Sa njega - Crna Gora kao na dlanu. Pod njim - Ëudesna Ledena peÊina. Tekst: Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ Fotografija: Miπko de Dominicis, Mr Velibor SpaleviÊ Text: MA Tatjana JovoviÊ Photo: Miπko de Dominicis, MSc Velibor SpaleviÊ Face to Face with the Mountain Notes from Durmitor Durmitor is a wonder of nature. An inexhaustible source of surprises. Clouds and clouds. Endless story. A wild rush of 23 mountain peaks towards the sky. Each of them - over 2 300 m high. The highest Bobotov kuk, 2 523 m high. From it - one sees Montenegro as on a palm. Under it the miraculous Ice Cave. Montenegro Airlines 53 Durmitorska brda priËaju sagu o geoloπkoj istoriji ovih predjela. Slojevitu priËu o neukrotivoj snazi prirode. O strasnoj borbi kamena i vode. PriËaju vrtaËe i usjeci, spokojno i bez rijeËi. Slikovito. The hills of Durmitor tell a saga of geological history of these spaces. A multi-layered story of untamable power of nature. Story on the passionate struggle between the stone and water. Funnel shaped holes and caverns tell the story tranquilly and without a word. Picturesquely. Durmitor je na sve strane otvorio svoje modre gorske oËi, kako narod zove njegova jezera. Meu planinskim obroncima ili gustim πumskim rastinjem, izloæena ili sakrivena, romantiËna i divlja, velika i mala, gleËerska, pitoma ili negostoljubiva, svetlucaju jezera. Crno, Zminje, Barno, Riblje, Vraæje, Modro , PoπÊensko ... Njih dvadesetak. 56 Montenegro Airlines On all sides Durmitor has opened its blue mountain eyes, as people call its lakes. Among the mountain slopes and thick forest vegetation, displayed or hidden, romantic and wild, big and small, glacial, meek or unfriendly, the lakes glitter. Crno, Zminje, Barno, Riblje Vraæje, Modro, PoπÊensko... Around twenty of them. OblikujuÊi durmitorsku prirodu, Tvorac je osedlao pregib izmeu dva vrha. I tako bi prevoj Sedlo. A gdje je sedlo, tu je i jahaË. Ili bar legenda o njemu. I ostaci grada Pirlitora, vrijeme zaustavljeno izmeu mita i propadanja. Prestonica vojvode MomËila koga su priËe zapamtile kao plemenitog gorostasa. Na svom krilatom konju JabuËilu, MomËilo je prelijetao durmitorske vrleti. Vremena su se promijenila, rijetki joπ pamte priËu o krilatom konju i junaku, ali je inspiracija ostala ista. Umjesto neobiËnih konja, moderni junaci sedlaju splavove i kajake i krote stijene u potrazi za hormonom na kojem funkcioniπu adrenalinom. Shaping the nature of Durmitor, the Creator saddled a fold between two peaks. And thus the pass Saddle was created. And where there's a saddle there's a rider too. Or at least a legend on one. And the remnants of the town Pirlitor, time arrested between myth and decadence. The capital city of Duke MomËilo who was recorded in stories as a noble colossus. On his winged horse JabuËilo, MomËilo used to fly over the rugged rocks of Durmitor. Times have changed, rare are the ones who still remember the story of a winged horse and a hero, but the inspiration has remained the same. Instead of strange horses, modern heroes saddle rafts and kayaks and tame rocks in search for the hormone they function by - adrenaline. fashion group Durmitorski kanjoni, izazovi tajnovitih dubina. Suprotstavljeni vrhovima Durmitora koji su krenuli drugim smjerom i zagubili se u nebu. Dok se planinske vertikale susreÊu sa visinama, vertikale kanjona ustremile su se ka dubinama. Surove i izbrazdane. Na njihovim obroncima zastaje dah. Na dnu jednog od njih presuπuje rijeka Suπica. 60 Montenegro Airlines The canyons of Durmitor, challenges of mysterious depths. Opposing the peaks of Durmitor, heading in the other direction and losing themselves in the sky. While the mountain verticals meet in the heights, the verticals of the canyon precipitate towards the depths. Cruel and rutted. One loses breath on their slopes. At the bottom of one of them the river Suπica runs dry. Cetinjski put b.b, Podgorica tel. 081/234-414 Marella nudi ljubiteljima mode moderan izgled i krojaËki dobro izveden proizvod taËno odreenog karaktera. TipiËan klijent Marelle je moderna æena, koja æivi aktivan æivot i na poslu i u kuÊi, i traæi praktiËnu i funkcionalnu garderobu. Marelline kolekcije namijenjene su æenama koje ne moraju biti mlade po godinama, ali su mlade u duπi. GorπtaËka lica su opora i preplanula. OËi velike i plemenite. RijeËi srdaËne i prijateljske. Prvi pozdravljaju i maπu dok se ne pretvorite u siÊuπnu taËku na putu. Nezamjenljivi su vodiËi kroz planinu. Duπa planine. The highlanders’ faces are rough and tanned. Their eyes big and noble. Their words cordial and friendly. They are the first ones to greet and wave, until you become a tiny spot on the way. They are irreplaceable guides through the mountain. The soul of the mountain. 62 Montenegro Airlines Sve najbolje! Sve najbolje, potrebno za zdrav æivot je u prirodi gdje su Ëist vazduh, bistre vode, bogati paπnjaci… Tamo gdje priroda prestaje, mi nastavljamo. UËeÊi od nje razvili smo savremenu tehnologiju ne da budemo bolji od prirode, veÊ da je budemo dostojni. GoranoviÊ tel. +381 83 253-080, 253-116, fax: +381 83 253-033, e-mail: [email protected] NikπiÊ, Straπevina b.b. Tekst/Text: Mr Tatjana JovoviÊ Ilustracija/Illustration: Milica RaduloviÊ Girls are coming Buenos Ajres Æivot u ritmu tanga Tekst/Fotografija: Andrea JovanoviÊ Mnogima je prva asocijacija na Buenos Ajres tango, muzika i ples, u kojima su ukomponovani ritmovi pristigli sa imigrantima. Ovaj zavodniËki ples je nastao u barovima i bordelima luka La Boca i San Telmo. Zbog lascivnih tekstova i pokreta bio ja na loπem glasu. Kada su 1907. snimljene prve ploËe sa muzikom tanga, on je osvojio pariske salone i postao druπtveno priznat. Buenos Aires Life to the Rhythm of Tango Buenos Ajres je osnovan tek iz drugog pokuπaja. Prvi put je 1536. don Pedro de Mendoza osnovao malu luku i dao joj ime u znak zahvalnosti Bogorodici koja mu je dala dobre vjetrove, zahvaljujuÊi kojima je dospio u luku Río de la Plata. Mjesto je nazvao Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre ili Naπa Bogorodica dobrog zraka. Luka nije izdræala napade lokalnih Charrúa Indijanaca i nakon pet godina kolonija je bila napuπtena. Drugi pokuπaj bio je uspjeπan. Juan de Garay je 1580. godine ovdje poËeo sa gradnjom ulica i trgova u obliku πahovske ploËe. Meutim, Buenos Ajres je dugo bio La Gran Aldea ili veliko selo, jer je πpanska kruna svu trgovinu vodila preko Lime. Tek 1740. kada je πpanska kolonijalna administracija dozvolila internacionalnu plovidbu u luku, Buenos Ajres je doæivio ekonomski uspon. Buenos Ajres je 1776. godine postao glavni grad kraljevine Río de la Plata koja je u to vrijeme obuhvatala podruËje danaπnje Argentine, Urugvaja, Paragvaja, Bolivije i djelova Brazila. Argentinska prijestonica vjekovima je privlaËila imigrante iz cijelog svijeta. Svi oni ostavili su svoj trag na ovoj metropoli u kojoj danas æivi oko trinaest miliona stanovnika poznatih pod imenom portenjos. Meu njima su najbrojniji doseljenici italijanskog i πpanskog porijekla. Meutim, i Jermenci, Jevreji, Arapi, Maari i mnogi drugi, takoe su pustili svoje korijene u ovome gradu. Ekonomski i politiËki razlozi uticali su da i mnogi Crnogorci, uglavnom mornari, ribari i siromaπni seljaci dou u Buenos Ajres i druge djelove Argentine. Prvi crnogorski doseljenici bavili su se teπkim fiziËkim poslovima, a potom su sticanjem znanja i postepenom asimilacijom napredovali u druπtvu. Nazivi ulica svjedoËe o internacionalnom karakteru ovog grada: ulica Paragvaj, Urugvaj, Izrael, Palermo, Austrija... U Buenos Ajresu mogu se sresti dalmatinski juvelir, ukrajinska frizerka, beËki hotelijer, maarski arhitekta, crnogorski biznismen... Sadaπnji predsjednik Kirπner porijeklom je ©vajcarac, bivπi predsjednik Menem vodi porijeklo iz Sirije. Mnogi su ponosni na svoje porijeklo i dalje njeguju tradicuju svojih predaka u nacionalnim klubovima. Plavo-bijelo-plava zastava se vijori na svakom koraku. Buenos Ajres je i danas cilj mnogih imigranata, preteæno sirotinje iz susjednih zemalja: Bolivije, »ilea i Paragvaja. VeÊina njih æivi teæak æivot na ulicama grada. Kao i svaka svjetska metropola, Buenos Ajres je grad velikih kontrasta. Najluksuzniji dio grada je mondenska Ëetvrt La Recoleta u kojoj se nalaze raskoπne vile u kojima je odsjedala liberalna argentinska oligarhija. Boemska i romantiËna Ëetvrt San Telmo privlaËi svojim tango kafanama i buvljacima raznoraznih antikviteta. Idealno je mjesto za one koji æele da pobjegnu od hektike ovoga grada i uæivaju u opuπtenoj atmosferi sluπajuÊi tango melodije. LuËka Ëetvrt La Boca naseljavana je siromaπnim mornarima i bila je i ostala jedna od siromaπnijih Ëetvrti. Mornari su Ëesto plaÊani ostacima materijala sa brodova - plehom, drvetom, farbama, od kojih su gradili barake u æivim bojama. Danas je uliËica Caminito simbol ove Ëetvrti i zbog πarenih kuÊica, glavna turistiËka atrakcija. Neki djelovi grada podsjeÊaju svojim art nouveau stilom na evropske metropole. Raskoπna arhitektura svjedoËi o nekadaπnjem prosperitetu ovog grada. Elegantne kupole su u kontrastu sa reklamama koje svijetle sa vrhova modernih zgrada i doprinose atmosferi sjeverno-ameriËkog grada. Jedan od vizuelnih simbola Buenos Ajresa koji zbog svoje visine pomaæe lakπoj orijentaciji u centru grada jeste obelisk u aveniji 9. juli. On je sliËan nadgrobnim monumentima starog Egipta, mada ne posjeduje njihovu ljepotu. Trg Plaza de Mayo srce je grada i svjedok mnogobrojnih politiËkih prevrata u ovoj zemlji. Mnogima je prva asocijacija na Buenos Ajres tango, muzika i ples, u kojima su ukomponovani ritmovi pristigli sa imigrantima. Ovaj zavodniËki ples je nastao u barovima i bordelima luka La Boca i San Telmo. Zbog lascivnih tekstova i pokreta bio ja na loπem glasu. Kada su 1907. snimljene prve ploËe sa muzikom tanga, on je osvojio pariske salone i postao druπtveno priznat. Glavna tema ovog strastvenog plesa su napuπteni ljubavnici. Tango se pleπe na ulicama, u restoranima ili kafanama zvanim tangerias, a moæe se uËiti u mnogobrojnim πkolama tanga. Tango nije samo atrakcija za turiste. Lokalno stanovniπtvo se takoe oduπevljava ovim temperamentnim plesom. ZavodniËka garderoba plesaËica, atraktivni plesaËi, emocionalnost i energija sa kojom se igra, oduπeve svakog posmatraËa. Do nedavno je Buenos Ajres bio skup cilj za turiste jer je argentinski pezo vrijedio 1 US$. Meutim, danas 1US$ vrijedi 3 peza πto doprinosi tome da je Buenos Ajres idelan cilj za jeftin odmor i povoljan πoping. U centru grada je moguÊe noÊiti za 10 US$. Hoteli su puni turista iz susjednih zemalja koji dolaze u kupovinu. Hrana i mnogobrojne usluge su jako jeftine. Kvalitetna i moderna garderoba upola je jeftinija od one u Evropi. Ulica Florida je potroπaËki raj. Klima je ugodna veÊim dijelom godine. Zadnji snijeg ovdje je pao 22. juna 1918. godine. Blaga klima doprinosi bogatom ekosistemu. Argentinski parkovi su poseban doæivljaj. Kada se upozna arhitektonska ljepota ovoga grada, kada se Ëuju melodije tanga i upoznaju veseli i temperamentni stanovnici Buenos Ajresa, jasno je zaπto je Bogorodica dala don Pedru de Mendozi dobre vjetrove i darovala Juænoj Americi ovaj dragulj u kome je æivot kao tango: energiËan, atraktivan, melanholiËan i jedinstven. The first association evoked by Buenos Aires with many people is tango - music and dance, which incorporate the rhythms brought by the immigrants. This dance of seduction developed in bars and brothels of La Boca and San Telmo ports. Because of the lascivious words and movements it had a bad reputation. When in 1907 the first records were made with tango music, it conquered the salons of Paris and became socially recognized. It was only after a second attempt that Buenos Aires was founded. For the first time in 1536 don Pedro de Mendoza founded a small harbor and named it in token of gratitude to the Mother of God, who gave him good winds owing to which he reached the port Rio de la Plata. He named the place Nuestra Senora del Buen Ayre or Our Mother of God of Good Ray. The port did not resist the attacks of local Charrua Indians and five years later the colony was abandoned. The second attempt was successful. In 1580 Juan de Garay began constructing streets and squares here in the form of a chess board. However, for a long time Buenos Aires was La Gran Aldea or a big village because the Spanish crown conducted all trade through Lima. It was only in 1740, when the Spanish colonial administration allowed international sailing in the port that Buenos Aires experienced economic boom. In 1776, Buenos Aires became the capital city of the Rio de la Plata Kingdom, which at the time included the area of today’s Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and parts of Brazil. For centuries the Argentinean capital city has been attracting immigrants from the whole world. They have all left traces on this metropolis in which around thirteen million inhabitants known as portenjos live today. Most numerous among them are immigrants of Italian and Spanish origin. However, Armenians, Jews, Arabs, Hungarians and many other have also put down their roots in this city. For economic and political reasons many Montenegrins, mainly sailors, fishermen and poor peasants came to Buenos Aires and other parts of Argentina. The first Montenegrin immigrants did grueling physical work, and afterwards by acquiring knowledge and gradually assimilating themselves they made progress in the society. Names of streets bear witness to international character of this city: there are streets called Paraguay, Uruguay, Israel, Palermo, Austria... You can meet a Dalmatian goldsmith, a Ukrainian hairdresser, a Viennese hotel-manager, a Hungarian architect, a Montenegrin businessman in Buenos Aires...The current President Kirchner is Swiss by origin, former president Menem came from Syria originally. Many people are proud of their origin and still cherish their ancestorsí tradition in the national clubs. Blu-white-blue flags can be seen at every step. Buenos Aires is even today the target of many immigrants, mainly of the poor from the surrounding countries: Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. Most of them live a difficult life on the city streets. Like every world metropolis, Buenos Aires is a city of stark contrasts. The most luxurious part of the city is the posh quarter La Recoleta with luxurious villas where the liberal Argentinean oligarchy used to stay. The Bohemian and romantic quarter San Telmo is attractive for its tango coffee houses and flea markets of various kinds of antiquities. It is ideal for those who wish to escape the hectic city and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere listening to tango melodies. The port quarter La Boca was settl- 70 Montenegro Airlines ed by poor sailors and it was and has remained one of the poorest quarters. The sailors were frequently paid with the remaining goods from ships ñ metal plates, wood, paints, of which they used to build lively colored huts. Today the little street Caminito is the symbol of this quarter and owing to little colored houses represents the main tourist attraction. Some parts of the city with their art nouveau remind of the European capitals. The luxurious architecture testifies of old-time prosperity of this city. Elegant cupolas contrast the neon signs dazzling from the tops of modern buildings and contribute to the atmosphere of a north-American city. One of the symbols of Buenos Aires, which due to its height helps better orientation in the city centre, is the obelisk in the avenue 9 July. It is similar to tombstones of the ancient Egypt, though it lacks their beauty. The square Plaza de Mayo is the heart of the city and it has been witness to numerous political upheavals in this country. The first association evoked by Buenos Aires with many people is tango - music and dance, which incorporate the rhythms brought by the immigrants. This dance of seduction developed in bars and brothels of La Boca and San Telmo ports. Because of the lascivious words and movements it had a bad reputation. When in 1907 the first records were made with tango music, it conquered the salons of Paris and became socially recognized. Abandoned lovers are the main subject of this passionate dance. Tango is danced in the streets, in restaurants or coffee shops called tangerias, and it can be learned in many schools of tango. Tango is not just an attraction for tourists. Local population also delights in this temperamental dance. The seductive clothes of dancers, attractive dancers, emotions and energy they dance with, inspire every spectator. Until recently, Buenos Aires was an expensive destination for tourists because the Argentinean Peso was worth 1 US $. Today, however, 1 US $ is worth 3 Pesos, which makes Buenos Aires an ideal destination for cheap holiday and reasonable shopping. You can find accommodation in the city centre for 10 US $. Hotels are full of tourists from neighboring countries, who come for shopping. Food and numerous services are very cheap... Good quality and fashionable clothes cost half their European price. The Florida street is the consumers’ paradise. The climate is mild during most of the year. It last snowed here on 22 June 1918. Owing to mild climate the ecosystem is very rich. The Argentineans parks offer a special experience. When you get to know the architectural beauty of this city, when you hear the melodies of tango and get to know the cheerful and temperamental inhabitants of Buenos Aires, it becomes clear why the Mother of God sent good winds to Don Pedro de Mendosa and endowed South America with this jewel in which life is like a tango: energetic, attractive, melancholic and unique. Prije tri decenije Zoran VukËeviÊ je zapoËeo karijeru uspjeπnog frizera. Brojna takmiËenja, omoguÊila su mu da bude svjetski zapaæen i da postane Ëlan najveÊe svjetske frizerske organizacije OMC u kojoj je jugoslovenski delegat koji je dobio bronzanu medalju za usavrπavanje. VukËeviÊ je Ëlan francuske organizacije Houte Coiffure Mode. Uspjeπan u frizerskom poslu VukËeviÊ je 1989. osnovao OrtaËko drustvo “VukËeviÊ”, u okviru kojeg posluju Modni studio "Zoran" i kafeterija "Zulu", Modni studio "Elite", Frizerski salon "Zoran", Frizerski studio “Zoran D“, Kreativni studio "Image" u Podgorici, kao i salon “Zoran” u NikπiÊu. U tim salonima osim porodice VukËeviÊ, radi veliki broj mladih i ljubaznih ljudi, koji uËe zanat od pravih majstora. D.O.O. “VukËeviÊ” pruæa kompletan spektar usluga koju ima moderan frizerski i kozmetiËki salon. ZahvaljujuÊi struËnom, profesionalnom i odgovornom kadru svih struka i njihovim zajedniËkim radom ovaj nimalo laki posao za nas predstavlja rutinu. Ono πto nas odlikuje su kvalitet, rad u skladu sa svjetskim standardima i profesionalnost na najviπem nivou. »lanovi Kluba umjetnika frizera i kozmetiËara ”Zoran” redovno nastupaju na takmiËenjima u zemlji i inostranstvu sa kojih uvijek dolaze sa pregrπtom medalja i brojnim priznanjima. Kvalitet rada uvijek rezultira visokim plasmanom pa naπi takmiËari redovno predstavljaju naπu zemlju na internacionalnim takmiËenjima sa kojih takoe donose pehare i priznanja., e-mail: [email protected] 081-246 646,247 163, 620 839, 442 442 Zanimljiva istorija male pariske knjiæare Shakspeare and Company, dom za ljubitelje knjiga Tekst: Mr Regina de Dominicis Aneli su jedino πto nam nedostaje. U ovom ogromnom svijetu nema mjesta za njih. I da li bi ih naπe oËi uopπte prepoznale? Moæda smo mi i okruæeni anelima, a da toga nismo ni svjesni. Henri Miler etajuÊi samim srcem Pariza, u ulici Rue de la Bucherie, broj 37, nailazi se na jednu staru knjiæaru. Dok ulazite u nju, izgleda kao jedna od mnogobrojnih praπnjavih knjiæara, smjeπtenih uz Senu. U stvari, rijeË je o vrlo posebnom mjestu. TragaËi za rijetkim izdanjima doæivljavaju ga kao mali raj. Ovdje su pronaπli svoj kutak i oni koji samo æele da u miru prelistaju neku staru knjigu. Pri ulasku dobrodoπlicu vam poæeli veliki natpis na zidu: Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise. Dok gledam osamdesetogodiπnjaka koji se πetka izmeu starih polica i naslonjaËa, Ëini mi se da sam uπla u neki dom, a ne u prodavnicu. VeÊi broj knjiga je na engleskom jeziku, ali se nae i poneki kutak u kome su interesantni ruski i kineski pisci. Tu su vrhunski knjiæevni klasici, ali i autori koji tek zauzimaju svoje knjiæevno mjesto, mnogobrojne knjige putopisa i fotografije. Izgleda kao da se svi posjetioci poznaju. Na ovom mjestu Ëovjek se gubi u malom, ali ugodnom lavirintu. Na dnu prodavnice otkrivam strme drvene stepenice koje pozivaju da se istraæivanje nastavi. Ako prihvatiπ njihov poziv, uskoro se naeπ u privatnoj zbirci knjiga osamdesetogodiπnjeg Georga Whitnana, vlasnika ovog iznenaujuÊeg duÊana, Ëije je ime Shakspeare and Company. Knjige na drugom spratu nisu na prodaju, ali moæete ih zadræati i © 72 Montenegro Airlines Ëitati koliko god hoÊete. U jednom kutu nalaze se samo knjige bajki, a u blizini je i krevet. NemoguÊe je odoljeti izazovu da se sjedne na njega i prelista nekoliko prekrasnih ilustracija. Tu je i mali umivaonik, kao i peÊ na kojoj je moguÊe skuvati kafu ili Ëaj. Nad krevetom je ogromno ogledalo, puno razglednica, rukopisa i fragmenata pisama. »itajuÊi ih, polako otkrivaπ tajnu ove neobiËne knjiæare. Dolaze sa svih strana svijeta. VeÊinom su to zahvalnice pisaca i pjesnika poËetnika, ljubitelja knjiæevnosti i stranaca, koji su prolazeÊi kroz Pariz u ovoj knjiæari naπli utoËiπte za teπke trenutke, i u njemu pisali, nalazili inspiraciju za otvaranje knjiæare u Hanoi, predavanja engleskog jezika u ©angaju, saenje drveÊa u Manoi i baletske pokrete u Baljπom teatru. Na ogledalu se odraæavaju æelje, Ëeænje i razoËaranja obiËnih i neobiËnih ljudi. Osmjesi na poæutjelim i osmjesi na novim fotografijama, pozdravljaju sa lica svih boja. Na kraju puta, otvaraju se dva ogromna prozora sa vidikom na Notre Dame. George dijeli ovaj prizor i svoje knjige sa svakim ko æeli da posjeti njegovu knjiæaru, joπ od 1950. Godine 1600. u istoj palati nalazio se manastir, a na drugom spratu stanovao je frere lampier, Ëovjek Ëije je zaduæenje bilo da svake veËeri upali svjetla u uliËici koja se graniËi sa Senom. Sada se svjetiljke u Rue de la Bucherei pale same, dok svje- tlost zalaska pozlaÊuje vrhove tornja Notre Dam. Ako provedeπ poslijepodne u ovoj magiËnoj atmosferi, zaboravljaπ turiste koji se guraju u pariskoj vrevi i Ëini ti se da na zvoniku nazireπ Igoovog Kvazimoda kako traæi svoju Ciganku Esmeraldu. OpraπtajuÊi se od Georga sa paketom knjiga u rukama, ne moæeπ a da ga ne pitaπ odakle natpis za dobrodoπlicu. Odgo- vara: Henri Miler - Aneli su jedino πto nam nedostaje. U ovom ogromnom svijetu nema mjesta za njih. I da li bi ih naπe oËi uopπte prepoznale? Moæda smo mi i okruæeni anelima, a da toga nismo ni svjesni. Dok ponovo ulaziπ u blistave ulice noÊnog Pariza, prate te osmjesi sa slika. Montenegro Airlines 73 The only thing we are missing is angels. In this vast world there is no place for them. And anyway would our eyes recognize them? Perhaps we are surrounded by angels without knowing it. Henry Miller Interesting History of a Small Paris Bookstore SHAKESPEARE AND COMPANY, A HOME FOR BOOK LOVERS Text: MA Regina de Dominicis alking around the very heart of Paris, in the street Rue de la Bucherie no. 37, you come across a small bookstore. While you enter it, it looks like any of the numerous, dusty bookstores along the river Seine. In fact, this is a very special place. Those who search for rare editions experience it as a small paradise. Those who just wish to browse at peace through an old book also find a small nook for themselves. As you enter, you will be welcomed by the big inscription on the wall: Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise. Looking at an eighty year old man who walks between W 74 Montenegro Airlines the old shelves and armchairs, it seems to me that I have entered someone’s home, and not a store. Most of the books are in English, but one can find a nook with interesting books by Chinese or Russian writers. There are books by great literary classics here, but also by authors who are just winning a place in literature for themselves, numerous travel books and photographs. It seems that all the visitors know each other. Here one loses oneself in a small but cozy labyrinth. At the bottom of the shop I discover steep wooden stairs which invite to continue the exploration. If you accept their invitation you soon find yourself in a pri- vate collection of books of eighty year old George Whitnan, owner of this extraordinary store named Shakespeare and Company. Books on the second floor are not for sale, but you can keep and read them as long as you wish. There are just fairy tale books in one corner with a bed near them. You cannot resist the temptation to sit on it and thumb through several wonderful illustrations. There is a small wash-basin and a stove on which one can prepare tea or coffee. Over the bed there is an enormous mirror, a lot of picture postcards, manuscripts and fragments of letters. Reading them one slowly finds out the secret of this exceptional library. They come from all parts of the world. These are mostly letters of thanks from writers and poets at the beginning of their careers, lovers of literature and foreigners who, passing through Paris, found refuge in this library in moments of difficulty, and wrote in it, found inspiration for opening a bookstore in Hanoi, for lectures of English language in Shangai, for planting trees in Manoi and the ballet movements in Bolshoi Theatre. Desires, cravings and disappointments of ordinary and extraordinary people are reflected in the mirror. Smiles on the yellow and smiles on the new photographs, greet your from faces of all colors. At the end of the way, two enormous windows open giving view of the Notre Dame. Since 1950 George has been sharing this view and his books with anyone who wishes to visit his library. In the year 1600 there was a monastery in this same palace, and frere lampier lived on the second floor, whose duty was to turn on every night the lights in the street bordering the Seine. Now lights in Rue de la Bucherie light up by themselves, while the light of the sunset gilds the tops of the Notre Dame tower. If you spend an afternoon in this magic atmosphere, you forget the tourists bustling in the Paris heat and it seems you can catch a glimpse of Hugoís Quasimodo looking for his Gypsy woman Esmeralda. Saying goodbye to George with a package of books in hands, one cannot resist asking him about the origin of the welcome inscription. He answers: Henry Miller The only thing we are missing is angels. In this vast world there is no place for them. And anyway would our eyes recognize them? Perhaps we are surrounded by angels without knowing it. As you enter the dazzling streets of Paris at night, you are followed by the smiles from the photographs. Now lights in Rue de la Bucherie light up by themselves, while the light of the sunset gilds the tops of the Notre Dame tower. If you spend an afternoon in this magic atmosphere, you forget the tourists bustling in the Paris heat and it seems you can catch a glimpse of Hugoís Quasimodo looking for his Gypsy woman Esmerald Od komunistiËkog centra do AmeriËkog univerziteta Decenijama je Blagoevgrad bio centar KomunistiËke partije jugozapadne Bugarske. Mnoga mjesta u gradu sada svjedoËe da se ondaπnja elita ovdje znala lijepo zabavljati. Na obliænjem brdu Hiltop nalazi se komunistiËko odmaraliπte okruæeno prelijepim zelenilom. Diskretni πarm Blagoevgrada Tekst: Dragana VeπoviÊ Fotografija: Tamas Bodi Skriven u prelijepom Pirinskom regionu jugozapadne Bugarske, u podnoæju planina Rila i Pirin, nalazi se Blagoevgrad. Udaljen 101 km od Sofije i 130 km od granice sa GrËkom, ovaj grad predstavlja vaæan tranzitni centar kroz koji prolazi put koji bugarsku prestonicu povezuje sa Atinom i dalje sa istokom. Pored toga znaËajan je i kao kulturno-istorijski centar i grad koji je dom dva univerziteta i preko 15.000 studenata. Bogata istorija ovog malog grada seæe vjekovima unazad, u doba Osmanlijskog carstva. Grad je podignut na ostacima trakijskog sela Skaptopara, a kasnije se u 76 Montenegro Airlines turskim dokumentima iz XVI vijeka sreÊe i pod imenima Pazariπte i Banja, naziv koji najvjerovatnije dobija zbog 30 izvora termalnih voda koji se nalaze u blizini grada. Danas se duh davnaπnjeg Blagoevgrada najbolje moæe uhvatiti u Varoπi, starom dijelu grada osobenom po autentiËnoj gradnji iz XIX vijeka. Ovdje se nalaze i stara pravoslavna crkva, Istorijski muzej, umjetniËke galerije, radnje sa suvenirima i nekoliko veoma dobrih restorana sa nacionalnom kuhinjom i karakteristiËnim ambijentom. Dok Varoπa sjeÊa na davno proπla vremena, ostatak grada stoji kao peËat nek- og drugog vremena. Decenijama je Blagoevgrad bio centar KomunistiËke partije jugozapadne Bugarske. Mnoga mjesta u gradu sada svjedoËe da se ondaπnja elita ovdje znala lijepo zabavljati. Na obliænjem brdu Hiltop nalazi se komunistiËko odmaraliπte okruæeno prelijepim zelenilom. Park BaniÊevo, koji se proteæe na putu od Hiltopa ka centru grada, ima trim stazu uz koju se nalaze sala sa bazenima, teniski i fudbalski tereni. U blizini su i botaniËka baπta i zooloπki vrt. Naæalost, sve ovo izgleda kao da su o odræavanju svi odavno prestali da mare, tako da se nekadaπnja ljepota moæe tek naslutiti. U centru grada je zgrada u kojoj je bio smjeπten Centralni komitet KomunistiËke partije. Ona danas sluæi posve drugaËijim aspiracijama. Pomalo ironiËno, nakon πto se iz zgrade iselio Komitet, 1990. useljava se AmeriËki univerzitet u Bugarskoj - AUBG. Misija univerziteta je da kroz ameriËki model “liberal arts” obrazovanja, edukuje mlade ljude iz jugozapadne Evrope i bivπeg Sovjetskog Saveza i da stvori buduÊe lidere koji Êe ovaj region pribliæiti standardima Zapada. Univerzitet sada broji neπto manje od 1000 studenata koji dolaze iz preko 20 zemalja. NajveÊi broj je iz Bugarske, dok ostatak Ëine studenti iz Albanije, Rumunije, Makedonije, Kine, Japana, Mongolije, Srbije, Crne Gore, Kosova, Hrvaske, Bosne, Amerike, zemalja bivπeg Sovjetskog Saveza i dr. Profesori su veÊim dijelom iz Amerike a nastava iz 10 oblasti koje se izuËavaju na univerzitetu sprovodi se na engleskom jeziku. Pored ovog, u Blagoevgradu se nalazi i bugarski Jugozapadni istorijsko-pravni univerzitet koji broji oko 15 000 studenata. Sa ovolikim brojem studenata, lako je pretpostaviti da grad odiπe duhom mladosti. Mnogobrojni barovi, noÊni klubovi, bioskopi, restorani, nude dobar noÊni pr- ovod. Blagoevgrad takoe ima operu, lutkarski i dramski teatar, ali predstave su priliËno rijetke, tako da Êete najvjerovatnije naiÊi na prazne kulise. Meutim, postoje joπ mnoga druga mjesta koja zavreuju paænju. Na 30 minuta od grada nalazi se Rilski manastir koji datira iz X vijeka. U blizini je i Melnik, gradiÊ poznat po karakteristiËnoj arhitekturi i dobrom vinu, a nedaleko je i poznato skijaliπte Borovec. Ukoliko posjeÊujete Sofiju ili putujete ka GrËkoj, Blagoevgrad vam moæe biti svratiπte u kojem se zasigurno neÊete dosaivati. Montenegro Airlines 77 From a Communist Centre to an American University For decades Blagoevgrad was the centre of the Communist Party for southwestern Bulgaria. Numerous places in the town testify that the oldtime elite used to amuse themselves greatly here. At the nearby hill Hiltop one finds a communist resort surrounded by exceedingly beautiful greenness. Discrete Charm of Blagoevgrad Text: Dragana VeπoviÊ Photo: Tamas Bodi Hidden in the magnificent region of Pirin in the south-western Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad is situated at the foot of mountains Rila and Pirin. 101 km away from Sofia and 130 km from the border with Greece, this town represents an important transit centre through which the road connecting the Bulgarian capital city with Athens and further with the East passes. It is also important as a cultural-historical centre and the town hosting two universities and over 15.000 students. Rich history of this small town dates centuries back, into the age of the Ottoman Empire. The town was erected at the remnants of the Thrace village of Skaptopara, and it was later mentioned in the Turkish documents from XVI century under the name Pazariste and Banja, na78 Montenegro Airlines mes which it most probably obtained owing to 30 sources of thermal waters in the vicinity of the town. Today the spirit of the ancient Blagoevgrad can be felt mostly in Varos, the old part of the town characterized by its authentic construction from XIX century. Here one finds an old Orthodox Church, Museum of History, Art galleries, shops with souvenirs and several very good restaurants with national cuisine and characteristic atmosphere. While Varos reminds of the old times, the remaining part of the town appears to bear some kind of another time stamp. For decades Blagoevgrad was the centre of the Communist Party for south-western Bulgaria. Numerous places in the town testify that the old-time elite used to amuse themselves greatly here. At the nearby hill Hiltop one finds a communist resort surrounded by exceedingly beautiful greenness. In the park Banicevo, along the road from Hiltop to the center of town, there are a trim-track, tennis courts, football grounds and a hall with swimming pools. A botanical garden and a zoo are nearby. Unfortunately, all this looks as if they had given up taking care of tending the garden long ago, so that one can only imagine its one-time beauty. In the centre of the town there is a building which once housed the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Today it serves totally different purposes. Somewhat ironically, after the Committee moved away from the building in 1990, the American University in Bulgaria - AUBG moved in. The mission of the university is to educate young people from Southeast Europe and former Soviet Union through the American “liberal arts” model of education and to create future leaders who would bring this region closer to the western standards. At the moment the number of students, who come from 20 countries, is slightly below 1000. Most of them are from Bulgaria while the rest are students from Albania, Romania, Macedonia, China, Japan, Mongolia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia, America and the countries of former Soviet Union and other. Professors are mainly from America and the teaching in the 10 fields taught at the University is organized in English. Apart from this one, in Blagoevgrad there is also the Bulgarian south-western university of History and Law with around 15 000 students. With this number of students one can easily imagine the town exuding with the air of youth. Numerous bars, night clubs, cinemas and restaurants offer good night life. Blagoevgrad also has an opera, puppet theatre and a drama theatre, but the shows are rather rare so that most frequently you find empty stages. Still, there are numerous other places deserving your attention. Thirty minutes away from the town there is the Monastery of Rile dating from X century. The little town of Melnik known for its characteristic architecture and good wine is nearby as well as the skiing terrain Borovec. If you are visiting Sofia, or on your way to Greece, Blagoevgrad may serve as a resting place where you will certainly not bore yourself. Montenegro Airlines 79 U oktobru ste staloæeni, gradite karijeru stabilnim korakom. Provjerite stanje na raËunu, da se ne biste neprijatno iznenadili. U novembru eksperimentiπete i radite nesvakidaπnje stvari na poslu, πto bi vam moglo donijeti veÊi profit na duæi vremenski period. U liËnom æivotu spustite loptu, uvaæite miπljenje partnera i nemojte manipulisati ljubavlju. DJEVICA U novembru ne traæite rame za plakanje, jer je kod Vas sve regulisano. MoguÊe angaæovanje oko inostranstva, pod uslovom da je sve dobro isplanirano. Ljubomorni ispadi partnera mogu uticati na Vaπ dnevni ritam. Bez obzira na to πto su decembar i januar za Vas pozitivni, poteze Êete povlaËiti oprezno kao u πahu, ne dozvoljavajuÊi sebi pogreπan potez. Ne zavirujte tamo gdje Vam nije mjesto. You are composed in October, building your career at a stable pace. To avoid unpleasant surprises you should check the state of your account. In November you make experiments and do unusual things at work, which might bring you larger profit for a longer time period. In personal life you should try to relax, take into account the opinion of your partner and not manipulate love. VIRGO In October you spend a lot of time phoning on your debtors trying to collect debts. In November you should beware of possible mistakes. Try to remove in time everything you anticipate might cause confusion and making of mistakes for you and your partner. Many unclear situations will be resolved in this period, and some relationships may become official. In December, many situations will be resolved positively, so you will know exactly your position. Pay attention to some spheres of life you have neglected. LAV U oktobru provodite puno vremena zivkajuÊi duænike radi vraÊanja duga. U novembru se pazite od moguÊih greπaka. Na vrijeme otklonite sve za πto unaprijed znate da Vama i partneru moæe donijeti zabune i greπke. U ovom peridu biÊe razjaπnjene mnoge nejasne situacije, a neke veze bi mogle biti ozvaniËene. U decembru Êe se mnogo toga razjasniti u pozitivnom pravcu, pa Êete znati na Ëemu ste. Obratite paænju na neke zapostavljene sfere svog æivota. LEO You must finish during October certain moves you started as early as in September. There will be positive, constructive changes, all to your own benefit. If you decide to postpone making the decisions in November, be cautious, for one wrong move may ruin everything. In emotional life you are in two minds thinking whether to make a relationship formal while some are thinking about making their family bigger. RAK Neke poteze koje ste zapoËeli joπ u septembru, morate zavrπiti tokom oktobra. BiÊe pozitivnih, konstruktivnih promjena, i sve u Vaπu korist. Ukoliko te odluke prenesete u novembar, budite oprezni, jer jedan pogreπan potez moæe da sruπi sve. U emotivnom æivotu se dvoumite da li da ozvaniËite neku vezu, a neki razmiπljaju i o uveÊanju porodice. Horoscope for travellers CANCER After a tiring October at work, you enter November with a change of your business partner or collaborator. Be careful when choosing new ones for many would like to be on your team. In emotional life you experience excesses of love. Many good relationships may become even more harmonious or even end in front of the altar. BLIZANCI Nakon poslovno napornog oktobra, ulazite u novembar sa promjenom poslovnog partnera ili saradnika. Budite obazrivi pri izboru novih, jer mnogi æele da budu u Vaπem timu. U emotivnom æivotu imate izlive ljubavi. Moæe se desiti da se mnoge dobre veze joπ viπe harmonizuju, pa Ëak i zavrπe pred oltarom. GEMINI October is a month of positive events for you, a month of realizations, collection of outstanding debts. In this period you want marriage and stability. The beginning of November makes you think of your friends who have become your enemies. BIK Oktobar je za Vas mjesec pozitivnih deπavanja, realizacija, naplata potraæivanja zaostalih dugova. U ovom periodu æelite brak i stabilbost. PoËetak novembra navodi Vas na ramiπljanje o prijateljima koji su postali Vaπi neprijatelji. TAURUS ARIES OVAN Horoskop za putnike In November you donít need anyone to console you, for you have managed to put all things right. Engagement regarding travel abroad is possible, provided everything is well planned in advance. Jealous reactions of your partner may influence your daily rhythm. Even though December and January are positive for you, you will be making your moves cautiously as in a play of chess, not allowing for any wrong moves. Mind your own business. October is definitely a favorable month for finances and business breakthrough. November brings you presents, awards, praise, honor and reputation. This period is also suitable for improving your skills. The end of December is absolutely favorable. Do not ask from your partner in October more than s/he can give. Moreover, in November your partner will not be asking from you to prove your love, which you react to positively. In December you will lack selfconfidence in communication with your partner, so watch your tongue. RIBE Oktobar je definitivno za Vas povoljan za finansije i poslovni prodor. Novembar Vam donosi poklone, nagrade, pohvale, Ëast i ugled. Period je takoe dobar za usavrπavanje. Kraj decembra Vam je apsolutno naklonjen. U oktobru od partnera ne zahtijevajte viπe nego πto on moæe pruæiti. Isto tako u novembru partner Êe traæiti dokaz ljubavi, na πta Vi pozitivno odgovarate. U decembru Êe vam faliti samopouzdanja u komunikaciji sa partnerom, te dobro pazite πta govorite. Oktobar Vam donosi osobu koja ima veliki uticaj na Vas, i zbog koje Êete zaboraviti na druge. U novembru Êe Vam se obratiti za pomoÊ osoba o kojoj dugo niste razmiπljali. Ne budite zlopamtilo, oprostite i pomozite joj. U decembru se pripremate za kraÊe putovanje. DonijeÊete neke nagle odluke. Neki Êe Ëak prekinuti veze, a neki i uÊi u nove. Ovo je period velikih kriza i æelja za stvarnim promjenama. PISCES During October you do not fit quite well at work, and in November you make sure you do not repeat at work the mistakes you made in the past. The end of the moth brings a larger amount of money. In emotional life you fear wrong moves, but if you have been sincere so far, you have nothing to fear, and everything will be much easier since December. Talk with your partner absolutely relaxed. VODOLIJA Tokom oktobra ne uklapate se baπ najbolje na poslu, a u novembru pazite da ne pravite iste poslovne greπke, kao u proπlosti. Kraj mjeseca vam donosi veÊu koliËinu novca. U emotivnom æivotu bojite se pogreπnog koraka, ali ako ste do sada bili iskreni, nemate se Ëega bojati, a od decembra Êe sve iÊi mnogo lakπe. Potpuno opuπteno razgovarajte sa partnerom. AQUARIUS JARAC You will have plenty of time for relaxing in November, and some kind of businessemotional trip is possible. Do not worry, at work they will manage without you. You must control periodical December outbursts, particularly in relation to your colleaguesí suggestions. You will be excessive in emotions also and make problems, but actually there are no problems at all. CAPRICORN STRIJELAC Since in October you have to make sure you make profit, you should consider the possibility to embark on some outside business. Do not reject the offer. November is a month full of ambition for you, and you overcome obstacles easily. Scorpios that find themselves in parallel relationships are in for some tensions, so they will negotiate in their typical way. Single Scorpios will secure victories on several grounds, because of the parallel competition. You will be exaggerating in everything in December. Make sure you do not terrorize your colleagues. U novembru Êete imati puno vremena za razmiπljanje, a moguÊe je i neko poslovnoemotivno putovanje. Ne brinite, na poslu Êe se snaÊi i bez Vas. Decembarske povremene ispade morate kontrolisati, naroËito kada su u pitanju sugestije kolega. I u emocijama Êete pretjerivati i praviti probleme, a problema uopπte nema. SAGITTARIUS ©KORPION SCORPIO VAGA You find the October business offer very attractive and positive, but you make no comments on it, for malicious persons might hear you. In November you are indecisive regarding the choice of your partner. Choose the one who makes you happy. Do not consider the December business offer the last one, for more of them will come in the future. Do not worry. Kako tokom oktobra morate voditi raËuna da li ste na dobitku, pozabavite se moguÊnoπÊu da uplivate u neke spoljnje poslove. Ne odbijajte tu ponudu. Novembar je za Vas pun ambicija, a prepreke savlaujete bez problema. ©korpijama u paralelnoj vezi predstoje tenzije, te Êe pregovarati na samo njima svojstven naËin. Slobodne πkorpije Êe osvajati na viπe polja, zbog uporedne konkurencije. U decembru Êete pretjerivati u svemu. Povedite raËuna da u odnosu sa kolegama ne nametnete teror. Horoscope for travellers October brings to you a person that will influence you greatly, and due to which you will forget about others. In November a person you have not been thinking about for a long time will ask help from you. Be not a grudge-bearer, forgive and help her/him. In December you prepare yourself for a shorter trip. You will make some sudden decisions. Some of you will end relationships, and some will enter new ones. This is a period of big crises and desires for real changes. Pripremio/Prepared by: Branko B. Astro Fortuna Oktobarska poslovna ponuda za Vas je vrlo primamljiva i pozitivna, ali ne iznosite nikakve komentare, jer Vas mogu Ëuti zlobnici. U novembru ste neodluËni po pitanju izbora partnera. Izaberite onog koji Vas usreÊuje. O decembarskoj poslovnoj ponudi ne mislite kao o posljednjoj, jer Êe ih u narednom periodu biti joπ. Ne brinite. LIBRA Horoskop za putnike Flota Avioni iz Montenegro Airlines flote tipa Fokker 100 predstavljaju umjetnost avionske tehnologije. Opremljeni su savremenim navigacionim sistemima, koji omoguÊavaju automatsko slijetanje Ëak i u uslovima slabe vidljivosti. Sofisticirani sistem za detekciju greπke obezbjeuje najveÊu moguÊu sigurnost. Rolls Royce motori potpuno odgovaraju najstroæim kriterijumima buke i omoguÊavaju nam da slijeÊemo na sve svjetske aerodrome. Fleet The planes Fokker 100 from Montenegro Airlines fleet represent state of the art airplane technology. They are equipped with up to date navigation systems, enabling automatic landing even under zero visibility. Sophusticated fault detection systems ensure highest reliability. Rolls Royce engines comply with strictest noise criteria and enable us to fly to all world airports. Tallinn SWEDEN PREDSTAVNI©TVA / OFFICES Belfast BEOGRAD MONTENEGRO AIRLINES Knez Mihailova 23, 11 000 Beograd ++ 381 11 2621 122 ++ 381 11 181 861 ++ 381 11 628 002 fax e-mail: [email protected] BE» / VIENNA MONTENEGRO AIRLINES Kaiserstr. 86, 1070 Vienna ++ 43 664 3 111 405 ++ 43 179 639 35 fax e-mail: [email protected] CIRIH / ZURICH MONTENEGRO AIRLINES Postfach 2419, 8058 Flughafen Terminal 2 ++ 41 43 816 7876 ++ 41 43 816 7877 ++ 41 43 816 7878 ++ 41 43 816 7884 fax e-mail: [email protected] Riga LAT. LITH. Se a DENMARK Copenhagen Mosco Vilnius Minsk Dublin PODGORICA MONTENEGRO AIRLINES Slobode 23, 81 000 Podgorica ++ 381 81 224 406 ++ 381 81 224 231 ++ 381 81 246 207 fax e-mail: [email protected] North Sea EST. Ba ltic RIM / ROME Distal &ITR Group 111, via Barberini, 00187 Roma ++ 39 06 48 77 1353 ++ 39 06 48 77 1354 ++ 39 06 48 77 1362 ++ 39 06 48 83 342 fax ++ 39 33 564 96 227 e-mail: [email protected] IREL AND UNITED KINGDOM Brussels Guer nsey (U.K.) Jer sey (U.K.) Berlin Kiev Frankfurt Prague BELGIUM Luxembourg LUX. CZECH REP. Paris Vienna FRANCE SWITZ. AUSTRIA Zurich SLOVENIA Ljubljana Bay of UKRAINE SLOVAKIA HUNGARY Zagreb CROATIA ANDORRA Lisbon Bucharest Serbia Black BULGARIA ITALY PORTUGAL ROMANIA Belgrade BOS. & HERZ. Sarajevo Tivat Rome Madrid MOLDOVA Bratisla va Budapest Bis c ay PARIZ / PARIS MONTENEGRO AIRLINES 140,avenue Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris ++ 33 1 70 36 19 07 ++ 33 1 70 36 19 08 fax e-mail: [email protected] BELARUS Warsaw GERMANY London Ce ltic Se a POL AND Amsterdam Mont. Nis Podgorica Sofia Skopje Tirana FYR MACEDONIA Ist anbul ALB. SPAIN An GREECE TURKE Athens Algiers BUDVA MONTENEGRO AIRLINES Slovenska obala bb, 86 000 Budva ++ 381 86 451 735 ++ 381 86 456 244 ++ 381 86 454 900 fax e-mail: [email protected] FRANKFURT MONTE ADRIA Friedansstr. 7, 60311 Frankfurt ++ 49 69 28 23 74 ++ 49 69 28 11 76 fax e-mail: [email protected] Tunis Crete LJUBLJANA LetaliπËe Brnik, 4210 Brnik Passenger Service ++386 4 2594 252 ++386 4 2594 245 ALGERIA Nicosia (GR.) TUNISIA Med iterranean Sea Tripoli CYPRUS Tel Aviv-Y ISR Je 86 Montenegro Airlines Montenegro Airlines 87 Red letjenja ZIMA 2004. Red letjenja Time table ZIMA 2004. WINTER 2004 Do To dani leta days of operation polaz./dolaz. dep./arr. broj leta flight no. vaæi za period effective for period WINTER 2004 OD 31. OKTOBRA 2004. DO 26. MARTA 2005. / FROM 31 OCTOBER 2004 TO 26 MARCH 2005 OD 31. OKTOBRA 2004. DO 26. MARTA 2005. / FROM 31 OCTOBER 2004 TO 26 MARCH 2005 Od From Time table Od From Do To dani leta days of operation polaz./dolaz. dep./arr. broj leta flight no. vaæi za period effective for period From VIENNA VIE From PODGORICA TGD BELGRADE VIENNA BEG VIE 123456. 1234567 123 . . . . . . . 4567 0800 0930 1730 1830 0845 1015 1815 1915 YM104 YM100 YM102 YM102 ...4..7 1555 1800 YM4500 15NOV04/26MAR05 15NOV04/25MAR05 15NOV04/23MAR05 16NOV04/26MAR05 PODGORICA TGD ...4..7 1330 1515 YM4501 31OCT04/24MAR05 (with AUSTRIAN AIRLINES) From FRANKFURT FRA PODGORICA TGD ..3...7 ....5.. 1440 1450 1640 YM161 1650 YM161 BELGRADE BEG ..3.... ....5.. ......7 1440 1450 1440 1815 YM161/102 17NOV04/23MAR05 via PODGORICA 1915 YM161/102 19NOV04/25MAR05 via PODGORICA 1915 YM161/102 21NOV04/20MAR05 via PODGORICA PODGORICA TGD 1...5.. 1430 1545 YM4181 31OCT04/24MAR05 03NOV04/23MAR05 05NOV04/25MAR04 (with AUSTRIAN AIRLINES) FRANKFURT FRA ..3.... ....5.. ......7 1045 1200 1125 1255 YM160 1400 YM160 1335 YM160 LJUBLJANA LJU 1 . . . 5. . 1615 1735 YM4180 03NOV04/23MAR05 05NOV04/25MAR05 31OCT04/20MAR05 01NOV04/25MAR05 From LJUBLJANA LJU (with ADRIA AIRWAYS) ..3.... 1640 1800 YM4180 01NOV04/05MAR05 (with ADRIA AIRWAYS) 03NOV04/23MAR05 ..3.... (with ADRIA AIRWAYS) 1640 1800 YM4181 03NOV04/23MAR05 (with ADRIA AIRWAYS) ROME 1...... ....5.. 1310 0820 1420 YM990 0930 YM990 123 . . 6 . . . . 45 . 7 0800 0930 1210 YM104/350 15NOV04/26MAR05 via BELGRADE 1700 YM100/350 18NOV04/26MAR05 via BELGRADE 123 . . 6 . . . . 45 . 7 1230 1130 1315 YM200 1215 YM200 ZRH . . . 45 . 7 1130 1700 YM200/350 31OCT04/25MAR05 via BELGRADE PODGORICA TGD 1234567 123 . . . . . . . 45 . 7 1234 . . . ....5.7 .....6. 0815 1730 1700 2000 2030 2100 0900 1815 1750 2045 2115 2145 YM101 YM105 YM103 YM103 YM105 YM103 15NOV04/26MAR05 15NOV04/23MAR05 18NOV04/25MAR05 15NOV04/24MAR05 19NOV04/25MAR05 20NOV04/26MAR05 ZURICH FCO ZRH 01NOV04/21MAR05 05NOV04/25MAR05 From ROME FCO PODGORICA TGD 1...... ....5.. 1505 1030 1615 YM991 1140 YM991 BELGRADE BEG 1...... ....5.. 1505 1030 1815 YM991/102 01NOV04/21MAR05 via PODGORICA 1915 YM991/102 05NOV04/25MAR05 via PODGORICA BELGRADE BEG 1. . . . . . .2..... ..3.... ...4... ....5.7 .....6. 1305 1255 1310 1730 1800 1830 1455 1445 1500 1920 1950 2020 YM351 YM351 YM351 YM351 YM351 YM351 01NOV04/21MAR05 02NOV04/22MAR05 03NOV04/23MAR05 04NOV04/24MAR05 31OCT04/25MAR05 06NOV04/26MAR05 NI© INI .....6. 1305 1505 YM451 06NOV04/26MAR05 PODGORICA TGD 1...... .2..... ..3.... ...4... ....5.7 .....6. 1305 1255 1310 1730 1800 1830 1815 1815 1815 2045 2115 2145 01NOV04/21MAR05 via BELGRADE 02NOV04/22MAR05 via BELGRADE 03NOV04/23MAR05 via BELGRADE 04NOV04/24MAR05 via BELGRADE 31OCT04/25MAR05 via BELGRADE 06NOV04/26MAR05 via BELGRADE ZURICH .....6. 1545 1745 YM450 From TIVAT TIV BELGRADE ZURICH BEG 15NOV04/26MAR05 31OCT04/25MAR05 From ZURICH ZRH From BELGRADE BEG TIVAT TIV 123 . . 6 . . . . 45 . 7 1100 1000 1145 YM201 1045 YM201 15NOV04/26MAR05 31OCT04/25MAR05 ZURICH ZRH 1.3..6. .2..... ...4... ....5.7 1020 1010 1500 1510 1210 1200 1650 1700 01NOV04/26MAR05 02NOV04/22MAR05 04NOV04/24MAR05 31OCT04/25MAR05 FRANKFURT FRA ..3.... ....5.. ......7 0815 0815 0815 1255 YM101/160 17NOV04/23MAR05 via PODGORICA 1400 YM101/160 19NOV04/25MAR05 via PODGORICA 1335 YM101/160 21NOV04/20MAR05 via PODGORICA ROME 1...... 0815 1420 YM101/990 15NOV04/21MAR05 via PODGORICA FCO YM350 YM350 YM350 YM350 01NOV04/21MAR05 05NOV04/25MAR05 YM351/105 YM351/105 YM351/105 YM351/103 YM351/105 YM351/103 From NI© INI VAÆNA NAPOMENA: LEGEND 1 ponedjeljak/Monday, 2 utorak/ Tuesday, 3 srijeda/Wednesday, 4 Ëetvrtak/ Thursday, 5 petak/Friday, 6 subota/Saturday, 7 nedjelja/Sunday ZRH Informacija sadræana u ovom redu letjenja predstavlja pozicije planirane na dan 27. oktobar 2004. godine. Promjene su moguÊe bez prethodne najave. Molimo da kontaktirate sa sluæbom rezervacija na tel. +381 81 9804, predstavniπtva ili ovlaπÊene putniËke agencije za detaljnije informacije. 06NOV04/26MAR05 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information contained in this flight schedule represents our planning position as per October 27th 2004. Changes may occur without the prior notice. Pleace contact Montenegro airlines central booking on tel. +381 81 9804, our branch offices or authorised travel agents for details. S poπtovanjem, Best regards, Komercijalni sektor Commercial Department 88 Montenegro Airlines Montenegro Airlines 89 Crna Gora Povrπina/Surface 13.812 km2 Broj stanovnika/Population 658.000 Duæina granica/Length of borders 614 km Glavni grad/Administrative Capital Podgorica(179.000 stanovnika/inhabitants) administrativni i ekonomski centar /administrative and economic centar Prestonica/Historical Capital Cetinje — istorijski i kulturni center/historical and cultural center Duæina morske obale/ Length of seacoast 293 km Montenegro TURISTI»KA ORGANIZACIJA CRNE GORE/ TOURIST ORGANIZATION OF MONTENEGRO Omladinskih brigada 7, 81000 Podgorica Tel: 081/230 959, 230 981 Fax: 081/230 979 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: TuristiËki informativni telefon/ Touristic information telephone 081/230 959 (svakog radnog dana od 08.00 do 16.00 h) (every working day 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Duæina plaæa/Length of beaches 73 km Najduæa plaæa/The Longest beach Velika plaæa, Ulcinj — 13.000 m Najviπi vrh/The highest mountain peak Bobotov kuk (planina/mountain Durmitor), 2.522m NajveÊe jezero/The largest lake Skadarsko/Skadar lake — 391 km2 Najdublji kanjon/The deepest canyon rijeka Tara /The River Tara Canyon —1.300 m NajveÊi zaliv/The largest Bay Boka Kotorska Klima/Climate mediteranska/Mediterranean ProsjeËna temperatura vazduha ljeti/ Average air temperature in summer 27.4 C° Maksimalna temperatura mora/ Maximal sea temperature 27.1 C° ProsjeËan broj sunËanih dana u godini /Average number of sunny days in a year 240 Kupaliπna sezona/Swimming season 180 dana/days More/Sea tamnoplavo/dark blue Providnost mora/Sea transparency 38—56 m 90 Montenegro Airlines VAÆNE INFORMACIJE/ IMPORTANT INFORMATION Valuta/Currency Euro VAÆNI BROJEVI/IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Policija/Police 92 Hitna pomoÊ/Ambulance 94 PomoÊ na putu/Help on roads 987 Poπta — informacije / Post office - information 988 Pozivni za Srbiju i Crnu Goru / Code for Serbia and Montenegro 381 Poziv iz Srbije i Crne Gore/Code for dialing out of Serbia and Montenegro 99 + kod za odreenu zemlju + kod za grad 99 + country code + city code Vremenska zona/Time zone GMT+1 Aerodrom/Airport Golubovci (Podgorica) Informacije/Information: 081 243 007, 244 916 Aerodrom/Airport Tivat Informacije/Information: 082 671 337, 671 894