Full page fax print - Univerzitet Crne Gore


Full page fax print - Univerzitet Crne Gore
KANDIDAT: mr Jovan Đurašković
NAZIV DOKTORSKE DISERTACIJE: „Državni intervencionizam i anticiklična ekonomska
politika u periodu krize“
Rad sa rezultatima iz doktorske disertacije prihvaćen za objavljivanje u renomiranom
međunarodnom časopisu:
„The Global Economic Crisis through the prism of Great Depression“, Management,
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade.
(Management is being regularly reviewed in DEST, EBSCO – Business Source Complete,
Business Source Corporate Plus, DEST – Department of Education, Science, and Trasining
of Australia, Ulrich Periodicals).
Objavljeni radovi:
Božović, Ž., Đurašković, J., „The role of human factor in the development of
agriculture in Montenegro”, Economics of Agriculture, Vol. LXI, No. 1, ISSN 03523462, Belgrade, 2014.
(Published quarterly, Journal is registered in major scientific databases: EBSCO,
AgEcon Search, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), ProQuest, Ulrich’s
Periodicals Directory, CABI, J-Gate, The World Wide Web Virtual Library for
European Integration, SCIndeks. Journal is indexed in major scientific databases:
Index Copernicus Journals Master List (ICV2012: 5,12).)
Božović, Ž., Đurašković, J., „Demographic trends and human resource development in
Montenegro”, Economic Themes, Vol. 51, No. 3, ISSN 0353-8648, Nis, December
(Časopis je indeksiran u sledećim bazama: EBSCO i CEEOL.)
Božović, Ž., Đurašković, J., „Kadrovi – odlučujući činilac razvoja turizma Crne Gore“,
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. VI, No. 12, Podgorica, 2010.
(Papers published in journal Montenegrin Journal of Economics (MNJE) since
September 2006 are abstracted in the Journal of Economics Literature, Pittsburgh,
the AEA (American Economic Association) electronic index, involved in JEL CD, eJEL; Since April 2011 Papers are abstracted in the EBSCO Publishing, Inc; Since
December 2011 MNJE has been included in Index Copernicus International S.A.
database; Since February 2012 MNJE has been included in databases: Ulrich's
Periodicals Directory, World-Wide Web Virtual Library, Genamics JournalSeek;
Since April 2012 MNJE has been included in databases: Cabell's, ECONIS Datenbank,
NewJour; Since September 2012 MNJE has been included in databases: DOAJ
Directory of Open Access Journals; ProQuest ( ABI/Inform, Research Library, Social
Sciences), Scirus.)
Đurović, G., Radović, M., Đurašković, J., „Macroeconomic performance of
Montenegrin economy in period 2001 – 2010”, conference proceedings, Economic
development through the prism of entrepreneurship – International Conference,
Faculty of Economics Podgorica, 2011.
Radović, M., Đurašković, J., Žugić, R., „Uticaj privatizacije na položaj zaposlenih u
privatizovanim preduzećima u Crnoj Gori", Stručni časopis ZZZ Crne Gore - Tržište
rada, Zavod za zapošljavanje, Podgorica, 2011, str. 7-20.
Đurašković, J., „Ekonomske doktrine u protivkriznoj politici Crne Gore”, rad u
monografiji - „Ekonomske doktrine za vrijeme krize u svijetu i u Crnoj Gori”,
urednika prof. dr Franja Štiblara, Ekonomski fakultet Podgorica, 2010.
Radović, M., Đurašković, J., Šehović, D., „The position of employees in privatized
companies in Montenegro”, conference proceedings, 6th International Conference of
ASECU - Economic Development, Tax System and Income Distribution in the
Countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, Faculty of Economics Podgorica,
University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2010.
Radović, M., Božović, Ž., Đurašković, J., „Ljudski resursi i mobing na radnom mjestu istraživanje u ekonomskoj strukturi i razvoju Crne Gore-”, zbornik konferencije, 12
Međunarodni simpozijum “Symorg 2010”- Međunarodna konferencija, Zlatibor,
Radović, M., Đurašković, J., „Impact of the privatization on the development and
operation of small and medium sized enteprises in Montenegro”, conference
proceedings, Towards a new model of macroeconomic stability - International
Conference, Faculty of Economisc, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 2009.
Vulanović, M., Radović, M., Đurašković, J., „Growth and Public Debt in Montenegro”,
39th Annual Conference – Economic Eastern Association, New York, May 2013.
(koautor) – u procesu objavljivanja.