Inflight XXIII.indd - Montenegro Airlines


Inflight XXIII.indd - Montenegro Airlines
L j e to 2 010 Broj 23, S ummer 2010
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Poštovani putnici,
Prije samo godinu dana slavili smo dolazak drugog novog Embraera 195. Pred početak ovogodišnje ljetnje sezone Montenegro
Airlines je u svoju flotu uvrstio i treći novi Embraer 195. Na ovaj
način stvorili smo sopstvenu, moćnu E-jet porodicu aviona, pa vam
sada sa ponosom možemo ponuditi impozantnu flotu od osam
modernih letjelica.
Kompanijsko vizionarsko opredjeljenje inovacije flote, čija je operativna efikasnost veća, troškovi održavanja niži, uz sve ostale pogodnosti koje se odnose na komfor putovanja, pokazalo se kao pravi
izbor. Ekonomski eksperti su saglasni da su u vremenu ekonomske
krize samo dugoročne investicije – isplative investicije, a vrijeme
krize upravo predstavlja izazov i šansu za ozbiljne kompanije da
se u dolazećim vremenima stabilnije pozicioniraju. I ne samo u
vremenima krize već generalno – vazduhoplovstvo ne toleriše
tehnološku stagnaciju. Poznato je pravilo – ako stagnirate, nemate
perspektivu, a ako se opredijelite za ofanzivni razvoj – imate veliku
šansu da uspijete. To je naš put.
Inovacija flote, kao i poboljšanje drugih servisa, čini proizvod Montenegro Airlinesa vrlo konkurentnim. Bez obzira na preliminarne
rezultate i prognoze, početak ovogodišnje ljetnje sezone za Montenegro Airlines je ohrabrujući. Za prvih šest mjeseci prevezeno
je 246.000 putnika, što je 17,9 % više nego u istom periodu prošle
godine. Imali smo 19,7 % letova više, a LF je isti kao prošlogodišnji
i iznosi 58 %. Pet novih redovnih linija, pored deset postojećih i
brojnih čarter destinacija, od velikog su značaja za Crnu Goru. Nove
linije podrazumijevaju veliku, ali neophodnu razvojnu investiciju.
Pored jake konkurencije na tržištu, prisustva brojnih avio-kompanija, Montenegro Airlines vjeruje u svoje potencijale i stabilnu tržišnu
poziciju. Nebo Crne Gore je otvoreno za sve.
President’s message
S poštovanjem,
dr Zoran Đurišić, dipl. inž.,
predsjednik Odbora direktora
Montenegro Airlinesa
Dear Passengers,
As recently as one year ago, we celebrated the arrival of the second new
Embraer-195. Before the beginning of this year’s summer season, the third
new Embraer-195 joined the Montenegro Airlines fleet. In this way, we have
created our own powerful E-Jets family, which enables us to proudly offer
you an impressive fleet of eight modern airplanes.
The company’s visionary commitment to the renewal of its fleet, increasing
its operational efficiency and decreasing maintenance costs, combined with
all the benefits associated with flight comfort, proved to be the right choice.
Economic experts agree that, during an economic crisis, only long-term
investments can be profitable investments, while the period of crisis presents both a challenge and an opportunity for serious companies to attain a
more stable position in the times to come. The air transport industry does
not tolerate technological stagnation not only during a crisis, but in general
as well. It is a well known rule that if you stagnate, you have no prospects,
and if you opt for aggressive development then your chances of success are
greater. That is our path.
And it is not only in fleet renewal, but also in the improvement of other
services, that makes the Montenegro Airlines product very competitive.
Despite the early results and forecasts, the beginning of this year’s summer season has been encouraging for Montenegro Airlines. In the first six
months, 246,000 passengers were transported, up 17.9 percent on the same
period last year. We had 19.7 percent more flights, while LF has remained
at 58 percent, the same as last year. We have introduced five new routes,
together with the existing ten and many charter destinations, and these are
of great importance for Montenegro. New flights require large but essential development investment. Regardless of the fierce competition in the
market and the presence of many different carriers, Montenegro Airlines
believes in its potential and stable market position. Montenegro’s sky is
open to everybody.
Yours truly,
Dr Zoran Djurisic, Engineer
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Montenegro Airlines
Sadržaj / Contents
Montenegro Airlines News.........................................................8 Montenegro Airlines News..........................................................12
Montenegro Airlines u Srbiji ................................................. 18 Montenegro Airlines Promotes
its Summer Offers in Serbia.........................................................18
promovisao svoju ponudu za ljeto
Promotivne aktivnosti ............................................................... 19 Promotional Activities in the ....................................................19
na tržištu regiona – Skoplje
regional market - Skopje
Grad Niš............................................................................................... 20 The City of Nis......................................................................................22
Raskršće balkanskih i evropskih puteva
A Crossroads of Balkan and European Routes
Embraer 195, novi avion u floti
An Embraer 195, another new airplane
Montenegro Airlinesa................................................................. 24 in the Montenegro Airlines fleet..............................................26
Destinacije – Madrid.................................................................... 28 Destinations – Madrid....................................................................36
Srce Španije
Heart of Spain
Najljepši zalazak sunca na Jadranu:
The Most Beautiful Sunset on the Adriatic:
Ada Bojana......................................................................................... 44 Ada Bojana.............................................................................................50
Tajna netaknute prirode
The Secret of Intact Nature
Turistička sezona 2010................................................................ 58 Tourist Season 2010.........................................................................59
Zove more Crna Gora
The Sea is Calling Montenegro
Novi nacionalni park Crne Gore: Prokletije.................... 64 A New National Park for Montenegro: Prokletije...........70
Ljepota nedirnutog
The Beauty of the Intact
Razgovor: Svetislav Basara....................................................... 78 Interview: Svetislav Basara...........................................................82
Čeka se život novoga vijeka
Awaiting the Life of a New Century
Karavađova slika u Crnoj Gori................................................ 86 A Caravaggio Painting in Montenegro................................90
Narcis na izvoru
Narciso alla Fonte
Destinacija: Brazil........................................................................... 94 Destination: Brazil...........................................................................102
Div otvorenih vrata
A Giant with an Open Door
Izložba „tepiha” Sonje Đuranović....................................... 110 The “Carpet” Exhibition by Sonja Djuranovic.................112
Susreti hotelijera, restoratera i
Meetings of Hotel and Restaurant with
poljoprivrednih proizvođača Crne Gore...................... 116
Agricultural Producers of Montenegro.............................117
Domaća trpeza zove goste
Homemade Food Lures the Guests
Vaše avanture i investicije bezbjedne
Your Adventures and Investments are
u Crnoj Gori.................................................................................... 120
Safe in Montenegro .....................................................................121
Razgovor: Zoran Ulama.......................................................... 124
Interview: Zoran Ulama..............................................................124
Na globalni problem djelovati globalnim mjerama
Global Measures against a Global Problem
Kontakti............................................................................................. 132 Contacts...............................................................................................132
Destinacije...................................................................................... 134 Destinations.......................................................................................134
Inflight Magazine No 23
Ljeto 2010 / Summer 2010
Uređuje i izdaje / Editing and Publishing
Montenegro Airlines, Marketing & Corporative Communications Department,
Mr Aleksandra Gardašević-Slavuljica
Dizajn, priprema za Štampu i oglaŠavanje /
design, prepress and ADs
Glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-chief
Ljubiša Pejović
Tekstovi / Texts
Ljubiša Pejović, Marijana Bojanić, Ognjen Savić, Ivan Šuković
Marija Pajović, Ljiljana Bojičić
Art direktor / Art Director
Roman Đuranović
Tehnički urednik / Technical editor
Radoje Vešović
Milica Radulović, Saša Jovićević
Fotografija / Photo
Duško Miljanić, Lazar Pejović, Vojo Radonjić
NASLOVNA STRANA / cover page
Roman Đuranović
Priprema za štampu / Prepress
Saša Jovićević, Nikola Vukotić
Oglašavanje / Advertising
Jelena Dragutinović
Tel: +382 (0)20 664 282, 664 283
E-mail: [email protected]
Prevodioci / Translators
Đorđe Vujinović
Lektori / proofreaders
Mr Sanja Šubarić, Paul Turner
Štampa / Printed by Rotografika
Tiraž / Number of copies: 5000
Montenegro Airlines
Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica,
Montenegro, tel: +382 (0)20 405 501
fax: +382 (0)20 405 528
E-mail: [email protected]
Montenegro Advertising and Production Agency
Stadion Budućnosti, Ul. 19. decembra 13, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
tel: +382 (0)20 664 282, 664 283
[email protected]
ISSN 1800-5462
MonteneGro airlines news
Treći Embraer u floti
Početkom ljetnje sezone Montenegro Airlines obogatio je svoju flotu još jednim novim, savremenim avionom tipa Embraer 195. Nabavkom trećeg aviona iz ove moćne E-jet grupacije
realizovan je strateški plan koji se tiče inovacije flote. Od jula tekuće godine flotu kompanije
čini osam aviona – pet aviona tipa Fokker 100 i tri aviona Embraer 195.
Embraer 195
Sistem motora aviona tipa Embraer 195 inkorporira tehnologija FADEC (Full Authority Digital
Engine Control). Zadatak FADEC kompjutera jeste da obezbijede optimalno korišćenje motora,
kontrolišu opterećenje i dovedeno gorivo, na
osnovu pilotskih inputa, u svim uslovima leta.
Kao rezultat ove napredne tehnologije dobija se
na uštedi goriva i dužem radnom vijeku samih
Zbog čega je ovaj avion tako drugačiji? Na prvi pogled, možda nećete primijetiti ništa neobično. Embraer 195 ima dvorednu konfiguraciju sjedišta. Putnici
koji poznaju velike avione sa jednim prolazom navikli su na redove sa po šest
sjedišta. Ipak, na avionu E195 nećete naći srednje sjedište. Zbog toga što ima
samo četiri sjedišta po redu, komfornost je veća i svako dobija mjesto pored prolaza ili pored prozora. Na vrhu liste prioriteta uvijek su udobnost putnika i operativna efikasnost.
Kokpit Embraera 195 krajnje je sofisticiran. U
njega je integrisana FBW (fly by wire) tehnologija, koja koristi električne komande leta, tj.
električne impulse kako bi se podesili položaj
zakrilca, propinjanje i skretanje aviona.
Pogonsku snagu Embraera 195 čine dva motora
koje je proizvela američka kompanija General
Electic Aviation. S oznakom koju nose – CF34-10
– specijalno su dizajnirani da pruže veću snagu
na dužim letovima i kao takvi namijenjeni su za
regionalne civilne avione.
Dolet Embraera 195 iznosi 3 334 km (sa maksimalnim brojem od 116 putnika) pa do 4 074 km,
i kao takav namijenjen je za osvajanje udaljenih
tržišta. Ovi avioni u maksimalnim iznosima dostižu brzinu 890 km/h i visinu leta 12 500 m.
Prilikom uzlijetanja, sa gornjim limitom kada je
težina u pitanju, avioni E-195 zahtijevaju dužinu
piste 2 044 m, dok je potrebna dužina piste pri
slijetanju 1 282 m. Maksimalna težina ovih aviona iznosi 50 790 kg.
Koristeći se tehologijom virtuelne stvarnosti,
simulacija trupa aviona pomoću kompjutera
omogućila je Embraeru da integriše sisteme
i komponente od različitih renomiranih proizvođača. Pomoću specijalnih rukavica i robotskih naočara, inženjeri su podešavali sve – od
lokacije električnih komponenti do pozicioniranja kargo vrata – sve u virtuelnom svijetu.
Ono za šta su nekada bile potrebne sedmice
crtanja na tabli, urađeno je za nekoliko sekundi, bukvalno pomjeranjem jednog ili dva
Rezultat je model aviona koji je precizniji, efikasniji, jeftiniji i bliži tržištu i savremenom putniku.
MonteneGro airlines news
The Third
Embraer in the Fleet
Right at the start of the summer season, Montenegro Airlines has enriched its fleet
with another new, modern Embraer 195 airplane. By purchasing the third plane
belonging to this powerful E-jet series, the company has followed its strategic plan
concerning fleet innovation. As of July this year, the company fleet consists of eight
aircraft, five of which are Fokker 100s and three Embraer 195s.
the embraer 195
The Embraer 195 engine system incorporates
the latest FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine
Control) technology. The aim of the FADEC
computers is to provide for the optimum use
of engines, control the load and the fuel flow,
based on pilot input and in all flight conditions. As a result of this advanced technology,
a significant fuel saving is obtained as well as
the longer life of the engines.
What is it that makes this aircraft so different? You may not notice anything
unusual at first sight. The Embraer 195 has a two row seat configuration.
Most passengers who are familiar with bigger planes with one aisle, will be
expecting six seat rows. However, on an E195, there is no middle seat. Because
there are only four seats in a row, the level of comfort is greater and everyone
can get either a window or an aisle seat. The comfort of the passengers and
the operational efficiency are the top priorities.
The Embraer 195 cockpit is highly sophisticated. It is optimized with FBW (fly-by-wire) technology that uses the electronic flight commands, which means that electronic impulses
adjust the positions of wing flaps, propulsion
and the turning of the plane.
The Embraer 195 is powered by two engines
manufactured by the US company General
Electric Aviation. Carrying a CF34-10 designation, they are specially designed to provide
extra power during longer flights, which is
why they are used for regional passenger airplanes.
With its maximum capacity of 116 passengers,
the Embraer 195 has a range of 3,334 km up to
4,074 km, which qualifies this jet for the task of
conquering of new markets. It has a maximum
operating speed of 890 km/h and it can climb
up to 12,500 m. With its maximum payload, its
take off field length is 2,044m, while its landing field length is 1,282 m. The maximum payload of this aircraft is 50,790 kg.
Using virtual reality technology, the simulation of the airplane fuselage with the aid of
computers enabled Embraer to integrate
systems and components from various renowned manufacturers. Using special gloves
and robotic eyeglasses, the engineers were
able to set all the details: from the location of
electronic components to the positioning of
the cargo doors, and all of that in the virtual
world. For what was once a heavy task requiring weeks of drawing, now became a matter
of a few seconds work, accomplished literally by lifting one or two fingers. The result is
a jet model which is more precise, efficient,
cheaper and closer to the needs of the modern traveller.
dok vI sPavate
WhIle yoU sleeP
Radni dan aviona nikad se ne završava. Nakon posljednjeg dnevnog leta, avion se
podvrgava rutinskom održavanju kako bi se obezbijedilo da leti na vrijeme, svaki
put. Zahvaljujući centralnom računaru za održavanje, koji se nalazi u avionu, E195
kontinuirano provjerava aktivnosti svakog sistema i dijela aviona. Nakon toga, informacije se mogu obraditi i mogu se planirati aktivnosti održavanja tokom noći
kako bi se obezbijedilo redovno obavljanje letova narednog jutra.
For the airplane, its working hours never end. After the last flight of the day, the
aircraft goes for a regular maintenance check every time, in order to prepare it
to keep up with its flight schedule. Thanks to the central maintenance computer
in the aircraft, the E195 constantly monitors the functioning of every system and
every part of the airplane. After that, the data is processed and the overnight
maintenance requirements planned, in order to have the airplane ready for the
next morning flight.
ljetnja ponuDa MonteneGro airlinesa
MonteneGro airlines - news
Montenegro Airlines u Srbiji
promovisao svoju ponudu za ljeto
Promotivne aktivnosti
na tržištu regiona – Skoplje
Kampanja sa sloganom „Vaše mjesto Vas čeka”, sa akcentom na atraktivnim cijenama, ima
za cilj da ponudi građanima Srbije najudobniji vid putovanja po veoma pristupačnim uslovima. Cijene povratnih avio-karata, bez pripadajućih taksi, kreću se već od 44 eura.
a Montenegero Airlines smatra tržište
potvrđuje i niz organizovanih promotivnih aktivnosti. U više etapa crnogorski
avio-prevoznik nastupio je na ovom značajnom
regionalnom tržištu. Promotivne aktivnosti
odvijaju se samostalno, kao i u saradnji sa
Nacionalnom turističkom organizacijom Crne
Gore. Kampanja sa sloganom „Vaše mjesto Vas
čeka”, sa akcentom na atraktivnim cijenama, ima
za cilj da ponudi građanima Srbije najudobniji
vid putovanja po veoma pristupačnim uslovima.
Cijene povratnih avio-karata, bez pripadajućih
taksi, kreću se već od 44 eura.
Promotivne aktivnosti organizovane su tokom
juna, na atraktivnim lokacijama širom Srbije, a
ciljna grupa definisana kampanjom jesu građani
– direktni korisnici avionskog prevoza i hotelskog
smještaja. U toku ljetnje turističke sezone avioni
Montenegro Airlinesa povezivaće Beograd i Crnu
Goru devet puta dnevno. Flota Montenegro
Airlinesa od ovog ljeta upotpunjena je još jednim
novim avionom tipa Embraer 195, tako da osam
aviona u potpunosti može zadovoljiti potrebe
turističke tražnje.
U okviru svojih samostalnih promotivnih aktivnosti Montenegro Airlines sprovodi i akcije čiji
je cilj širenje ciljne grupe – osim građana ciljna
grupa Montenegro Airlinesa jesu i turistički agenti
i mediji. Korisnike usluga očekuje prezentacija
specijalne ljetnje ponude, a biće u mogućnosti
da se upoznaju i sa novinama u kompaniji, kao
i promotivnim tarifama na letovima ka drugim
destinacijama, koji su uvedeni u cilju poboljšanja
kvaliteta i konkurentnosti ponude Montenegro
Posjetite Crnu Goru. Vaše mjesto Vas čeka.
suMMer offers froM MonteneGro airlines
Montenegro Airlines Promotes
its Summer Offers in Serbia
The campaign under the slogan “Your Seat is Waiting,” focusing on our attractive prices, is
aimed at offering the most comfortable form of travel at very affordable prices to the citizens of Serbia. The prices of roundtrip tickets, taxes not included, start from €44.
he series of promotional activities it has organized confirms that Montenegro Airlines
always considers the Serbian market very
attractive. In several stages, the Montenegrin carrier has presented its services to this important
regional market. The promotional activities are
conducted both independently and in cooperation with the National Tourism Organization of
Montenegro. The campaign under the slogan
“Your Seat is Waiting,” focusing on our attractive
prices, is aimed at offering the most comfortable form of travel at very affordable prices to the
citizens of Serbia. The prices of roundtrip tickets,
taxes not included, start from €44.
Promotional activities were organized during June
at attractive locations across Serbia, while the focus group of the campaign connected with the
citizens – direct users of both air transport and
hotel accommodation. During the summer tourism season, the airplanes of Montenegro Airlines
will connect Belgrade and Montenegro nine times
a day. This summer, the Montenegro Airlines fleet
has been supplemented by another Embraer 195
aircraft, ensuring that its eight airplanes are available to meet tourist demand.
As an element of its independent activities, and
apart from the citizens, Montenegro Airlines has
extended its target group to travel agencies and
the media. In addition to the presentation of special summer offers, the clients will have the opportunity to find out about new developments
in the company, as well as about the promotional
fares to other destinations, introduced in order to
improve the quality and competitiveness of the
Montenegro Airlines services.
Visit Montenegro. Your Seat in Waiting.
ontenegro Airlines u saradnji sa
Nacionalnom turističkom organizacijom
Crne Gore započeo je sa promotivnim
aktivnostima na tržištu regiona.
U srijedu 26. maja organizovana je prezentacija na
najprometnijem trgu u Skoplju, u blizini spomenkuće Majke Tereze, tokom koje su svi građani bili
u mogućnosti da se upoznaju sa ovogodišnjom
ponudom naše kompanije i promotivnim paket
aranžmanima za ovogodišnju ljetnju turističku sezonu.
Takođe, istog dana u 14 h organizovan je radni
sastanak sa makedonskim medijima u restoranu
Telister, u cilju upoznavanja javnosti sa aktuelnostima u ovogodišnjoj turističkoj ponudi.
Montenegro Airlines iz Skoplja saobraća od juna
prošle godine i za kratko vrijeme povezao je
Makedoniju preko Crne Gore sa Evropom.
Flota Montenegro Airlinesa nastaviće da saobraća
četiri puta nedjeljno iz Skoplja do Podgorice i dalje
do Frankfurta, Rima, Pariza, Londona, Diseldorfa,
Ciriha, Rima, Beča i Londona.
Za tržište Makedonije kompanija Montenegro
Airlines pripremila je niz atraktivnih tarifa. Na ovaj
način Montenegro Airlines daje svoj doprinos brzom i povoljnom povezivanju cijelog regiona sa
evropskim metropolama, kao i punoj afirmaciji
turističke ponude Crne Gore.
MonteneGro airlines - news
Promotional Activities in the
regional market - Skopje
ontenegro Airlines has continued its
promotional activities in the regional
market in cooperation with the National
Tourism Organization of Montenegro.
On Wednesday, 26 May, a presentation was organized on the busiest square in Skopje, near the
memorial home of Mother Theresa, informing the
citizens about this year’s services by our company
and the promotional package arrangements for
this year’s summer tourist season.
On the same day, at 2 p.m, a working meeting
with the Macedonian media was organized at the
restaurant “Telister,” in order to inform the public
about the details of this year’s tourist offering.
Montenegro Airlines has been flying from Skopje
since June 2009, and it has managed to connect
Macedonia to Europe, by way of Podgorica, in a
very short period of time.
The Montenegro Airlines fleet will continue flying from Skopje to Podgorica four times a week,
and further on to Frankfurt, Rome, Paris, London,
Dusseldorf, Zurich, Rome, Vienna and London.
Montenegro Airlines has prepared a series of attractive fares for the Macedonian market. In this
way, Montenegro Airlines makes is contribution to
the fast and affordable connection of the whole
region with the major European centres, as well
as to the full affirmation of the tourism industry of
GraD niš
jski, lječilišni, poslovni, kongresni turizam, kao i
veće sportske i kulturne manifestacije. Brojna su i
izletišta koja svojim prirodnim ljepotama spadaju
u najljepše u Srbiji. Kroz Niš protiče rijeka Nišava
i teče kroz oblast bogatu termalnim i mineralnim
vodama, a posebno banjama.
Raskršće balkanskih
i evropskih puteva
Teritoriju grada presijecaju tri važna međunarodna putna i željeznička pravca: nekoliko
puteva koji povezuju Balkan sa Centralnom i Zapadnom Evropom, uključujući Koridor
X i VII, kao i osa koja povezuje Jadransko, Egejsko i Crno more
iš je jedan od najstarijih gradova na
Balkanu i treći po veličini grad u Srbiji.
Savremeni je univerzitetski grad sa preko
250.000 stanovnika, a istovremeno i društveni,
privredni, obrazovni, zdravstveni, kulturni i
sportski centar jugoistočne Srbije. Područje grada obuhvata površinu od oko 600 km², na kome
se nalaze Niš, Niška Banja i skoro 70 prigradskih
naselja. S obzirom na dobar geografski položaj i
infrastrukturnu opremljenost, Niš je možda i najbolje mjesto u Srbiji za poslovne i druge investicije. Niš ima izuzetno povoljan položaj na mapi
Evrope jer se nalazi na raskršću balkanskih i evropskih puteva. Teritoriju grada presijecaju tri važna
međunarodna putna i željeznička pravca: nekoliko puteva koji povezuju Balkan sa Centralnom
i Zapadnom Evropom, uključujući Koridor X i VII,
kao i osa koja povezuje Jadransko, Egejsko i Crno
more. Srbija, a posebno Niš, kao logistička baza,
predstavlja idealno mjesto za lociranje kompanije
koja želi da posluje i na najefikasniji način uslužuje
svoje klijente iz Evropske unije, Jugoistočne i
Srednje Evrope. Glavne transportne ose, autoput i
željeznica, dolaze iz pravca Beograda ka Nišu, gdje
se račvaju prema jugu vodeći ka Solunu i Atini
(E 75), prema istoku ka Sofiji i Istanbulu, te dalje
prema Srednjem istoku (E 80). Vazdušni saobraćaj
obavlja se preko aerodroma Konstantin Veliki,
drugog po veličini putnog i kargo aerodroma u
Srbiji. Ovaj aerodrom predstavlja veliki investicioni
potencijal. Svojim geostrateškim položajem, unutar Srbije i Balkana, Niš nudi izuzetne mogućnosti
za industrijski i logistički razvoj. Mnogi investicioni
podsticaji doprinose atraktivnosti ove lokacije –
manji troškovi radne snage i proizvodnje, jedna
od najnižih korporativnih poreskih stopa u Evropi
– 10%, nova saobraćajna infrastruktura, jaka proizvodna aktivnost u zemljama Centralne i Istočne
Evrope i mnogim drugim zemljama.
U Nišu je rođen rimski imperator konstantin veliki,
koji je 313. godine nove ere Milanskim ediktom
priznao hrišćanstvo kao zvaničnu religiju Rimskog
carstva. Najznačajniji spomenici kulturne baštine
Niša svakako su Medijana i niška Tvrđava. Medijana
je bila carsko imanje u predgrađu antičkog
Naissusa sa raskošnom rezidencijom i visoko organizovanom ekonomijom. Neki od rimskih careva
rođenih na prostorima današnje Srbije, uključujući i
Konstantina Velikog, učinili su svoj zavičaj središtem
imperije i sagradili u njemu gradove, palate, vile
i druge građevine ravne onima u dotadašnjim
centrima antičkog svijeta. Ostaci luksuzne vile sa
podnim mozaikom, sakralnim objektima, rimskim
kupatilima, vodovodom, svjedoče o kulturi i istoriji
još od vremena Konstantina Velikog. Neke od ovih
građevina dobro su poznate, druge se tek sada otkrivaju, a nemali broj čeka buduće istraživače. Niška
tvrđava predstavlja kompleksni spomenik kulture i
najmonumentalniju urbanističku dominantu centralnog područja grada Niša. Poznata je kao jedan
od najznačajnijih i dobro očuvanih spomenika ove
vrste na srednjem Balkanu. Na obali rijeke Nišave,
na ostacima rimskog vojnog utvrđenja, potom
rimskog grada po imenu Naissus, i konačno na ostacima vizantijskog i srednjovjekovnog utvrđenja,
Turci su sagradili moćnu Tvrđavu na početku 18.
vijeka. Tvrđava je postojala kao utvrđenje od 1719.
do 1723. godine. Pored izuzetno dobro očuvanih
kapija i zidina, sačuvani su i brojni objekti iz različitih
vremena, kao što je oružana, tursko kupatilo, turska
postaja, Bali-Begova Džamija, barutana i zatvor. Iz
tog vremena treba pomenuti i Ćele kulu, jedinstveni spomenik sa uzidanim glavama srpskih ustanika,
koji su Turci u znak osvete podigli nakon bitke na
Sa Niškom banjom, posebnim balneološkim
centrom u neposrednoj blizini grada, aktuelna
turistička ponuda Niša pruža mogućnosti za ban-
Niška Banja je oduvijek bila prijatna i popularna
destinacija za odmor, turističko razgledanje,
medicinske terapije i rehabilitaciju, još od rimskih
vremena. Obiluje ljekovitim vodama, prijatnom
klimom i izvanrednim medicinskim tretmanima.
Ovu oblast karakteriše geomorfološko bogatstvo
planina, kanjona, dolina i pećina.
Sićevačka klisura je atraktivni kanjon dug 17 kilometara kroz koji protiče rijeka Nišava sa velikim padovima toka, čestim promjenama pravca i slapovima. U ovom mirnom ambijentu nalazi se više od
30 crkvica i manastira velike istorijske vrijednosti.
Zbog svojih prirodnih vrijednosti, Sićevačka klisura je proglašena za Specijalni rezervat prirode.
Ovo je idealno mjesto za organizovanje sportskih kampova, a živopisna okolina omogućava
zanimljive šetnje, planinarenje i ribolov. Atraktivni
kanjon rijeke Nišave takođe je mjesto gdje su do
sada održana brojna međunarodna takmičenja u
kajakaštvu i raftingu.
Jelašnička klisura nalazi se na 15 kilometara
istočno od Niša. Sa obiljem prirodnih ljepota,
atraktivnih kamenih oblika i vodopada, kao i
raritetnom florom, proglašena je za Specijalni
rezervat prirode. Suva planina kao masiv predstavlja zasebnu geološku i klimatsku cjelinu u
jugoistočnom dijelu Srbije. Najviši vrhovi Suve
planine su: Trem, Sokolov kamen i Kolov kamen.
Bojanine vode, izletište na obroncima Suve
planine, ima ski-stazu dugu 900 metara, sa visinskom razlikom od 320 metara i izuzetno širokim
istekom, pogodnu za takmičenja u slalomu.
Planinski predjeli niškog kraja izuzetno su pogodni za paraglajding, zbog čega se u Nišu svake godine organizuju međunarodna takmičenja.
Cerjanska pećina nalazi se na 14 km od Niša, kod
sela Cerje – na nadmorskoj visini od 515 metara.
U svojim podzemnim dvoranama krije neobično
blago i krečnjački nakit –stalaktite, stalagmite,
kamene zavjese, stubove, helaktite, saline i druge
Kompanija Montenegro Airlines u saradnji sa gradom Nišom pripremila je niz povoljnih tarifa, tako
da povratnu kartu na relaciji Niš–Podgorica putnici mogu kupiti po cijeni već od 94 eura, sa svim
pripadajućim taksama, dok povratnu kartu iz Niša
preko Podgorice do svih evropskih metropola
putnici mogu kupiti po cijeni već od 199 eura, sa
svim pripadajućim taksama.
is is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans
and the third largest city in Serbia. It
is a modern university city with over
250,000 citizens, and also the social, economic,
educational, healthcare, cultural and liesure
centre of south-eastern Serbia. The area of the
city covers 600 km2, and includes Nis, Niska
Banja and nearly 70 different suburbs. Given its
good geographic position and infrastructure facilities, Nis is perhaps the best place in Serbia
for business and other investments. Nis enjoys a
very convenient location on the map of Europe
as it is situated at the crossroads of Balkan and
European routes. The territory of the city is intersected by three important international road
and rail routes: several roads connecting the
Balkans with Central and Western Europe, including Corridors 10 and 7, as well as the axis
that links the Adriatic, Aegean and Black Sea. As
a logistical base, Serbia, and Nis in particular, is
an ideal place to set up a company intending to
operate and effectively serve its customers from
the European Union, and Southeast and Central
Europe. The main transport lines, both road
and rail, come from Belgrade to Nis, where they
fork to the south leading to Thessaloniki and
Athens (E 75), and to the east towards Sofia and
Istanbul, and further to the Middle East (E 80).
Air transport is through Constantine the Great
Airport, the second largest passenger and cargo
airport in Serbia and one that has great investment potential. The geo-strategic location of
Nis, in Serbia and the Balkans, offers exceptional
opportunities for the development of industry
and logistics. Many investment incentives contribute to the attractiveness of this location lower labour and production costs, one of the
lowest corporate tax rates in Europe - 10%, new
transport infrastructure, and many important
production facilities in the countries of Central
and Eastern Europe and further a-field.
the city of nis
A Crossroads of Balkan and
European Routes
The territory of the city is intersected by three important international road and rail
routes: several roads connecting the Balkans with Central and Western Europe, including Corridors 10 and 7, as well as the axis that links the Adriatic, Aegean and Black Sea
covered, while many of them still remain hidden for future explorers. The Nis Fortress is a
complex monument of culture and the most
monumental predominant urban structure of
the central area of Nis. It is known as one of
the most important and well-preserved monuments of its kind in the Central Balkans. On the
banks of the River Nisava, the Turks erected a
powerful Fortress in the early 18 Century, on
the remains of a Roman military fort and later
the Roman city of Naissus, and finally on the remains of a medieval Byzantine fortification. The
fortress was used as a fortification from 1719
to 1723. Apart from the exceptionally wellpreserved gates and walls, many facilities from
different periods, such as an arsenal, a Turkish
bath, Turkish outpost, Bali Bey’s Mosque, and a
powder mill and jail are also preserved. From
that time, we ought to mention the Skull Tower,
a unique monument, containing the heads of
Serbian rebels, which the Turks built in revenge
after the battle of Cegar.
Together with Niska banja, a separate balneology centre located near the city, the current tourist attractions of Nis include opportunities for
spa, therapeutic, business and congress tourism,
as well as for larger sporting and cultural events.
There are many picnic sites, whose natural beauty
includes them among the most beautiful places
in Serbia. The River Nisava flows through Nis, running through an area rich in thermal and mineral
waters, especially spas.
Niska Banka has always been a pleasant and popular holiday destination, suitable for sightseeing,
medical therapies and rehabilitation, since ancient
Roman times. It boasts healing waters, a pleasant
climate and extraordinary medical treatments. This
area is characterized by the geomorphologic wealth
of the mountains, canyons, valleys and caves.
The sicevacka gorge is an attractive 17 km long
canyon the River Nisava runs through, with great
drops in level, frequent changes in direction, and
cascades and waterfalls. There are over 30 monasteries of great historical value situated among this
peaceful scenery. Because of its natural wealth, the
Sicevacka Gorge was proclaimed a Special Natural
Reserve. This is an ideal place for the organization
of sports camps, and its vivid surroundings offer
the opportunity for interesting hiking, climbing,
and fishing trips. The attractive Nisava canyon has
also been a venue for many international kayaking
and rafting competitions.
The jelasnicka gorge is located 15 kilometres away
from Nis. Abundant in natural beauties, attractive
stone shapes and waterfalls, as well as its rare flora,
it was declared a Special Natural Reserve. The Suva
massif is a separate geological and micro-climate in
South East Serbia. The highest peaks of Mount Suva
are Trem, Sokolov kamen and Kolov kamen.
bojanine vode, a picnic site located on the side
of Mount Suva, has a 900 metre long path with an
altitude difference of 320 metres and a very wide
slope suitable for slalom competitions. The mountain regions surrounding Nis are very suitable for
paragliding, which is why international competitions are organized in Nis every year.
The Cerjanska cave, near the village of Cerje, 14
km away from Nis, is situated at an altitude of 515
metres. Its underground galleries hide extraordinary treasures and limestone ornaments – stalactites, stalagmites, stone curtains, pillars, helictites,
salines and other beauties.
In cooperation with the city of Nis, Montenegro
Airlines has prepared a series of favourable fares,
including a Nis-Podgorica roundtrip ticket starting
from €94, all taxes included, while roundtrip tickets
from Nis to every European metropolis, by way of
Podgorica, are available from €199, all taxes included.
The Roman emperor constantine the great,
who recognized first Christianity as the official
religion of the Roman Empire in 313AD, by the
Edict of Milan, was born in Nis. The most important monuments of the cultural heritage of
Nis are certainly Medijana and the Nis Fortress.
Medijana was a royal estate on the outskirts of
the ancient Naissus, with luxury residence and
a highly organized local economy. Some of
the Roman emperors born on the territory of
present-day Serbia, including Constantine the
Great, turned their homeland into the centre
of the Empire and built cities, palaces, villas and
other edifices there, equal to those of the old
centres of the ancient world. The remains of a
luxury villa, with floor mosaics, many sacral facilities, Roman baths, water-works, all testify
to the culture and history dating back to the
time of Constantine the Great. Some of these
buildings are well known, others are being dis-
Embraer 195, novi avion u floti
Montenegro Airlinesa
Montenegro Airlines, pod sloganom “ZA VAS”, svim svojim putnicima predstavio je
treći novi avion u floti, Embraer 195.
odgorica, 18. jul 2010. - Tačno u 11.11
časova, novi Montenegro Airlinesov
Embraer 195, sletio je na podgorički aerodrom. Ovo je treći avion ovog tipa u floti nacionalnog avio prevoznika, čime je nacionalni prevoznik
formirao impozantnu flotu od osam najsavremenijih aviona današnjice. Nabavkom tri moderna
aviona ovog tipa realizovana je prva faza obnove
crnogorske avio-flote.
Tom prilikom, na podgoričkom aerodromu, organizovan je svečani pres koktel za brojne zvanice,
goste iz političkog i javnog života, predstavnike
medijskih kuća iz Crne Gore i inostranstva, kao i
zaposlene u Montenegro Airlinesu.
U ime Vlade Crne Gore, ministar saobraćaja, pomorstva i telekomunikacija dr Andrija Lompar
čestitao je novi avion i ocijenio da je Crna Gora u
malo kojoj oblasti postigla tako veliki uspjeh, kao
u oblasti vazdušnog saobraćaja, a Montenegro
Airlines rijetka je kompanija u svijetu koja tokom
jedne godine preveze putnika koliko ima stanovnika država iz koje dolazi ova avio kompanija.
Ministar Lompar saopštio je da obnavljanje
Montenegro Airlinesove flote znači i kvaliteteniju
uslugu, kako za crnogorske građane i privrednike,
tako i za turiste koji dolaze u Crnu Goru.
Izražavujući zadovoljstvo dolaskom trećeg
Embraera 195, dr Zoran Đurišić izjavio je da je
ponosan što je jedan od najmodernijih putničkih
aviona u vlasništvu Montenegro Airlinesa i dodao
da će već danas ovaj avion biti u komercijalnoj upotrebi. On je saopštio da je avio-kompanija u potpunosti spremna da opravda ukazano povjerenje,
kao i da dolaskom novog aviona Montenegro
Airlines predstavlja značajnu kariku privrednog
razvoja Crne Gore.
Predsjednik borda direktora istakao je da se
Montenegro Airlines isključivo svojim kapacitetom nametnuo državnoj banci Brazila i dobio po
povoljnim uslovima kredit, od koga je kupljen
ovaj avion. “Dolazak ovog aviona značajan je za
obiman red letjenja, posebno kada su u pitanju
dalje destinacije. Da bi se letjelo do Moskve, Sankt
Peterburga, Kopenhagena, Londona, avion ovog
doleta bio je neophodan”, dodao je dr Đurišić.
Osvrćući se na veliku ekonomsku krizu koja je i
dalje aktuelna i koja pogađa i Montenegro Airlines,
dr Đurišić izjavio je da se Montenegro Airlines
opredijelio za primjenu poznate tehnološke zakonitosti: u krizi, stagnacija znači sigurnu likvidaciju. Kompanija se opredijelila za ofanzivni model,
a to je nabavka novih aviona i otvaranje novih
“Strategija daljeg razvoja Montenegro Airlinesa
je da u naredne dvije do tri godine u potpunosti
pređemo na tip aviona Embraer 195, a flota od
šest Embraera optimalna je za destinaciju i državu,
kakva je Crna Gora”, zaključio je dr Đurišić na kraju
svoga obraćanja prisutnima.
An Embraer 195, another
new airplane in the
Montenegro Airlines fleet
Under the slogan “FOR YOU”, Montenegro Airlines has presented the third new aircraft
in its fleet, an Embraer 195.
odgorica, 18 July 2010 – At precisely 11:11,
the new Embraer 195 of Montenegro
Airlines landed at Podgorica airport. This
is the third airplane of this type in the fleet of the
national airline company, resulting in an impressive fleet for the flag carrier comprised of eight
state-of-the-art airplanes. With the procurement
of three modern airplanes of this type, the first
phase of the renewal of Montenegro’s fleet has
been completed.
A formal press cocktail party was organized for
the occasion at Podgorica airport, for numerous
guests, political and public figures, media professionals both from Montenegro and abroad, as well
as for the staff of Montenegro Airlines.
On behalf of the Government, Dr Andrija Lompar,
the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and
Telecommunications congratulated the company
on its new airplane, saying that in very few fields
had Montenegro achieved such great success as in
the sector of air transport, adding that Montenegro
Airlines was a rare company that transported as
many passengers a year as its country had citizens.
Minister Lompar said that the renewal of the
Montenegro Airlines fleet meant a better quality service for the citizens and business people
of Montenegro, as well as for the tourists visiting
Expressing his satisfaction with the arrival of the
third Embraer 195, Dr Zoran Djurisic said he was
proud that Montenegro Airlines owned one of
the latest types of passenger airplanes, adding
that its commercial exploitation would start immediately. He said that the airline company was
completely ready to justify the confidence placed
on it and that the arrival of the new aircraft of
Montenegro Airlines was an important link in
the economic development of Montenegro.
The President of the Board of Directors of
Montenegro Airlines said that thanks solely to
its capacity the company had been granted a favourable loan for the procurement of that aircraft,
by the state bank of Brazil. “The arrival of a new
airplane is important for a busy flight schedule,
especially for one including some faraway destinations. In order to fly to Moscow, St Petersburg,
Copenhagen, and London, it was necessary to
have an airplane of this range,” Dr Djurisic said.
Talking about the great economic crisis, which
is still ongoing and also affecting Montenegro
Airlines, Dr Djurisic said that Montenegro Airlines
decided to apply a well-known technological
principle: In a crisis, any stagnation means certain
liquidation. The company opted for an aggressive
model, including the procurement of new airplanes and the introduction of new destinations.
“The further development strategy of the company includes a complete switchover to the Embraer
195 airplanes over the next two to three years,
and a total of six Embraer airplanes make up an
optimum fleet for the state and destination such
as Montenegro,” Djurisic said in conclusion.
Destinacije – Madrid
Trg Castilla Torres de Kio, sa nakošenim oblakoderima
Srce Španije
Nakon Frankove smrti 1975. i dolaska na
vlast kralja Huana Karlosa I, dolazi do
konačnog uspostavljanja demokratskog
poretka i naglog razvoja grada. Danas
Madrid, koji zovu lokomotiva Španije, jedan je od najvećih evropskih centara. Na
listi najmoćnijih gradova svijeta, zajedno
sa Hong Kongom, zauzima 10. mjesto.
Spomenik Servantesu, Don Kihotu i Sančo Pansi
Tekst: Ljiljana Bojičić
adrid se nalazi u srcu Španije, na 665 m nadmorske visine, što ga
čini najvišim glavnim gradom u Evropi. Za evropske prilike predstavlja mladu metropolu. Prvo naselje na području današnjeg
Madrida osniva arapski emir Muhamed u 9. vijeku, podižući utrvđenja
vojnog, ali i vjerskog karaktera – tzv. Ribat, na mjestu gdje se danas nalazi
Kraljevska palata. Dva vijeka kasnije Madrid pada u ruke hrišćana. Veći razvoj
grada počinje u 16. vijeku, kada postaje prijestonica tada nove države na tlu
Evrope – Španije. Dio Madrida koji su podigli španski Hasburgovci i danas se
naziva austrijski Madrid. Krase ga znamenita djela hasburgovske arhitekture.
Nakon Hasburgovaca uslijedila je prvo portuglaska, zatim engleska, a onda
i francuska vladavina Madridom, koja sem razaranja nije ostavila većih tragova na gradu. U nadaleko poznatom Španskom građanskom ratu, koji je
počeo 1936, Madrid se pretvorio u tadašnju svjetsku scenu, na kojoj se odigrala bitka između fašizma i slobode. Godine 1939. trupe profašitičkog generala Franka zauzele su grad, što je uzrokavalo masovno bjekstvo Madriđana
u okolne zemlje. Nakon Frankove smrti 1975. i dolaska na vlast kralja Huana
Karlosa I, dolazi do konačnog uspostavljanja demokratskog poretka i naglog razvoja grada. Danas Madrid, koji zovu lokomotiva Španije, jedan je
od najvećih evropskih centara. Zbog svoje ekonomje, životnog standarda
i veličine tržišta, Madrid predstavlja centar Pirinejskog poluostrva. U njemu
je sjedište nekih od najpoznatijih svjetskih kompanija (Telefonica, Repsol –
IPF…). Na listi najmoćnijih gradova svijeta, zajedno sa Hong Kongom, zauzima 10. mjesto.
Unutrašnjost katedrale Almudena
Hram Debod
Madridska vrata Alcalá
Tipično špansko jelo - Paelja
Svjetska riznica kulture
Iako Madrid ima modernu infrastrukturu, sačuvao je izgled mnogih istorijskih četrvrti i djelova grada. Njegova obilježja su velika Kraljevska palata,
koja je svojom ljepotom zadivila i samog Napoleona prilikom osvajanja
Madrida, Teatro Real (Kraljevsko pozorište), Narodna biblioteka iz 1712, park
Bueno Retiro iz 1621, istorijski i arhelološi muzej…
Royal Palace se više ne koristi kao rezidencija, ali je zadržala izgled iz vremena kada je bila dom za kraljevsku familiju – danas služi kao turistička atrakcija. Cijela palata nije dostupna javnosti, ali većina važnijih prostorija otvorena
je za posjetioce. Palata je izuzetno zanimljiva zbog izuzetne arhitekture,
kao i vrtova (postoje dva, Jardines del Moro i Sabattini vrtovi). Zidove palate krase slike velikih umjetnika, poput Velaskeza, Goje, Rubensa, El Greca,
U pogledu umjetnosti i muzeja Madrid se smatra jednom od najboljih
evropskih destinacija. U tzv. austrijskom dijelu Madrida nalazi se jedna od
najljepših umjetničkih četvrti svijeta – Paseo del Prado, gdje se nalaze tri
muzeja od svjetskog značaja.
U muzeju Prado smještene su neke od najznačajnih slikarskih zbirki,
sačinjene od djela Goje, El Greca, Velaskeza, Van Gogha, Rubensa…
Nacionalni muzej i umjetnički centar Kraljica Sofija, nazvan po španskoj vla-
darki, krase kolekcije: Pabla Pikasa, Salvadora Dalija, Huana Grisa… U ovom
muzeju je i Pikasova Gernika.
Muzej umjetnosti Tisen-Bornemica ima jednu od najuglednijih privatnih kolekcija slikarstva, sa djelima koja datiraju iz doba romanike i gotike.
Pomenućemo, ne tako značajan kao prethodna tri, ali svakako interesentan i
neobičan Muzej šunke, u kojem se zbog arome „postavke” često mijenjanju.
Ako ste veći ljubitelj prirode nego umjetnosti, impresionirće vas Park Retiro,
kako veličinom, tako i sadržajem. Park je napravljen za vrijeme kralja Felipea
još 1621. Madrid je inače bogat zelenim površinama i drvećem – nakon
Tokija glavni grad Španije ima najviše stabala u svijetu – više od pola miliona.
Grad sunca i hedonizma
Madriđani su otvoreni i pristupačni. Međutim, veliki problem je što većina
ne govori engleski jezik, tako da se morate pripremiti za sporazumijevanje
uz pomoć mimike (ukoliko ne znate španski). Ljudi ima bukvalno na svakom koraku u bilo koje doba dana ili noći jer grad živi vrlo dinamično 24
Panorama trga Cibeles u Madridu
sata. Nemojte da vas začudi druženje, osobito mladih, u parkovima i na
ulicama uz konzumiranje alkohola. Taj običaj Madriđani zovu „Botello”. Iako
je poslednjih godina konzumiranje alkohola na ulici zabranjeno zakonom,
građani mnogo i ne haju za to. Društveno buđenje grada u svakom smislu,
naročito noćni život, naglo se razvilo nakon Frankove smrti, osamdesetih
godina prošloga vijeka. Večernji izlasci počinju poslije 23 sata odlaskom u
tzv. tapas barove, a nakon toga u pabove i lokale koji rade do dva-tri sata,
a zatim u klubove u kojima provod traje do ranih jutranjih sati, tako da se i
u cik zore mogu vidjeti ulice pune ljudi. Cijene su uglavnom na evropskom
prosjeku. Ulaz u klubove i diskoteke, od kojih su pojedine na sedam spratova, u prosjeku iznosi oko 20 eura.
Ljudi koji ne preferiraju takav tip izlaska mogu uživati u bogatoj kulturnoj
ponudi – koncertima, predstavama, flamenco igrama i drugim ugođajima
koje ovaj pulsirajući grad pruža. Ipak, budite na oprezu sa trošenjem novca
jer npr. ulaznice za flamenco show, i to bez večere, koštaju oko 30 eura.
Gurmani će u ovom gradu posebno uživati jer je neizostavni dio španske
kulture njihova gastronomija. Veliki broj jela smatra se tipičnim za Madrid.
Dominira tapas – male porcije hrane, koje se poslužuju uz piće: od pomfrita
i sendviča, do ribe i španske šunke. Ponosni su i na supu od luka – “de ojo”
u kombinaciji sa paprikom, šunkom, tostom i jajima, zatim trotillu de patato
(omlet od krompira), jamon iberillo, špansku verziju pršute, gulaš u kombinacijji s povrćem, piletinom, govedinom i prasetinom… i još mnogo, mnogo toga. Madrid, ne bez razloga, zovu centrom apeninske gastronomije.
Ipak, više od kuhinje Madrid je poznat po sportskim klubovima. Jedan
od najprestižnijih klubova u svijetu Real predstavlja kult grada, na koji
su Madriđani posebno ponosni. Grad je poznat i po borbi sa bikovima.
Madridsku arenu Les Velitas, sagrađenu 1929, sa kapacitetom od 25.000
mjesta, smatraju svjetskim središtem borbi s bikovima. Sezona borbi počinje
u martu, a završava se u oktobru. Borbe se održavaju svaki dan u toku proslave San Isidro (slava Madrida) od sredine marta do sredine juna, a u ostatku sezone svake nedjelje.
Na kraju, nameće se logično pitanje – kako sve stići, obići i probati. Javni
prevoz u Madridu sastoji se od metroa, lake željeznice i autobusa, a kupljena
karta vrijedi za sve vrste prevoza. Jednokratna karta košta jedan euro. Postoje
i jednodnevne (5,20 €), dvodnevne (8,80 €), trodnevne (11,60 €), petodnevne
(17,60 €) i sedmične (23,60 €) turističke karte. Metro u Madridu spada među
deset najdužih metroa na svijetu, odlično je osmišljen i izgrađen. Radno vrijeme metroa je od 6 h do 1:30 h. S njegovih 12 linija možete obići sve bitne
zanimljivosti, shopping zone… Glavne shopping ulice u Madridu nalaze se
oko Puerte del Sol, Gran Vije i gradske četvrti Salamanca. Marke poput Zare
ili Manga postale su toliko tražene da su gužve u njihovim prodavnicama
Madrid je jedan od najsunčanijih glavnih gradova Evrope. Ljeti je izuzetno vruće sa temperaturama do 40°C. Ipak, u Madridu je i takva vrućina
podnošljiva zbog male vlažnosti vazduha. Dani su ljeti izuzetno dugi, s
obzirom na to da sunce zalazi tek oko 22 h.
Šta god prefirirali – od umjetnosti, zabave, sporta, kuhinje, sunca…, ugođaj
koji glavni grad Španije pruža jedinstven je.
Destinations – Madrid
Kraljevska palata
Heart of Spain
After Franco died in 1975 and the King Juan Carlos I took up the reins of power, democracy was introduced and the city saw sudden development. Madrid today, known as
the locomotive of Spain, counts among the largest European centres. On the list of the
most powerful cities in the world, Madrid ranks as 10th, sharing this position with Hong
Text: Ljiljana Bojičić
adrid is situated directly in the heart of Spain, at an altitude of
665 metres, which makes it the highest capital in Europe. In
European terms, it is a rather young metropolis. The first settlement on the territory of today’s Madrid was founded by the Arab Emir,
Muhammad, in the 9th century, when he erected military fortifications as
well as religious facilities, the so-called Ribat, located on the very same spot
as the present day royal palace. Two centuries later, Madrid was conquered
by the Christians. The city started developing and gaining prominence in
the 16th century, after the foundation of the then new European country
–Spain. Part of Madrid, erected by Spanish Habsburgs, even today is called
Austrian. Many fine examples of Habsburg architecture are to be found
here. After the Habsburgs, Madrid was in the hands of the Portuguese, the
English, and the French respectively, none of whom left many traces in the
city. In the infamous Spanish civil war that started in 1936, Madrid turned
into a world stage for the period, on which the battle between fascism and
freedom was fought. In 1939, the troops of the pro-fascist general Franco
seized control of the city, and this forced many Madrid inhabitants to escape
to neighbouring countries. After Franco died in 1975 and the King Juan
Carlos I took the reins of power, democracy was reintroduced and the city
saw sudden development. Madrid today, known as the locomotive of Spain,
counts among the largest European centres. Because of its economy, living
standards and the size of its market, Madrid represents the centre of the
Iberian Peninsula, where some of the world’s best known companies have
their seat (Telefonica, Repsol-IPF…). On the list of the most powerful cities in
the world, Madrid ranks as 10th, sharing this position with Hong Kong.
A World Treasury of Culture
Even though Madrid has a modern city infrastructure, its historic appearance has been preserved in many quarters of the city. The city landmarks
include a large royal palace, that was admired even by Napoleon himself,
during the siege of Madrid, Teatro Real (Royal Theatre), National Library
dating back to 1712, Buen Retiro park dating back to 1621, the History and
Archaeological Museum...
The Royal Palace is no longer a residential building, but it retains the features of the period when it used to be the home of the royal family; today it
is a tourist attraction. The palace is not open for the public in its entirety, but
most of the major rooms can be seen. It is an extremely interesting building,
because of its architectural features, as well as for its gardens (there are two
of them: Jardines del Moro and Sabattini gardens). The interior walls of the
palace boast paintings by great artists such as Velasquez, Goya, Rubens, El
Greco, and Caravaggio...
When it comes to art and museums, Madrid is thought to be one of the
best European destinations. In the so-called “Austrian part of Madrid” one of
the most beautiful avenues in the world is located – it is El Paseo del Prado,
featuring three world class museums.
The Prado Museum possesses several major collections of paintings, consisting of works by Goya, El Greco, Velasquez, Van Gogh, Rubens…
The National Museum and Art Centre, Reina Sofía, named after the Spanish
Queen, boasts collections of works by Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Juan
Gris...Picasso’s Guernica is kept here.
The Art Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza houses one of the most prominent
private collections of paintings, some of which date back to Romanesque
and Gothic periods. We will also mention the Ham Museum, not as important as the three previous ones, but certainly interesting and unusual. Its “exhibits” suffer frequent replacements, necessary to preserve the
good aroma of the museum.
If you prefer nature over arts, the Park Retiro will certainly impress you,
both by its size and contents. It was built in 1621 for the king Felipe.
Madrid is indeed rich in greenery and trees – after Tokyo, the Spanish
capital has the largest number of trees in the world – more than half a
The City of Sun and Hedonism
Madrid citizens are open-minded and affable. It is, however, quite a
problem that most of them don’t speak English, which means that (unless you are familiar with Spanish) you have to be ready to communicate
in gestures. People are literally everywhere, at any place at any time of
the day and night, the city lives a very dynamic life – the whole 24 hours
in a day. Don’t be surprised by their socializing habits either, especially
among young people in parks and on the streets, with a lot of alcohol
consumption. It is a custom Madrid people refer to as ”Botello”. Even
though such alcohol drinking was prohibited by law few years ago, people do not pay much attention to it. The social awakening of the city in
all aspects, and in night life especially, suddenly flourished after Franco’s
death, and during the eighties. One goes out after 11 pm, to pay a visit to
the tapas bars, and then continue to pubs and bar-cafes open until 2-3
am, and only then end up in nightclubs, all the way to the early morning
hours, so that even at dawn you still walk along the crowded streets. The
prices are within the European standard range. The entrance to clubs
and discotheques, some of which have up to 7 floors, is twenty Euros on
Visitors who are not after this type of outing, may enjoy the benefits of
its rich cultural offer – concerts, plays, flamenco dances and other events
organized in this pulsating city. However, be cautious when it comes to
expenses, the tickets for a flamenco show, for instance, will cost about
thirty Euros, no dinner included.
The gourmets will find this city especially pleasing, since gastronomy
takes a rather prominent place in overall Spanish culture. Many dishes are
considered typical for Madrid. The dominant form of meal is tapas – food
in small portions, served along with drinks: from fries and sandwiches, to
Trg Vrata sunca
Cibeles Fountain
Medieval Manzanares Real Castle
fish and Spanish ham. The pride of the cuisine is the onion soup – sopa de
ojos, combined with paprika, ham, toast and eggs; tortilla de patata (potato
omelette); jamon iberillo - the Spanish version of prosciutto; stew with vegetables, chicken, beef and pork... and many other dishes. It is not without
reason that Madrid is called the centre of Iberian gastronomy.
However, more than for its cuisine, Madrid is famous for its sports clubs. One
of the most prestigious in the world is Real Madrid, and it is a true cult in
the city that the Madrid people are especially proud of. The city is also famous for its bullfights. Las Ventas is the main bullring with the reputation as
the world bullfighting centre. It was built in 1929, with a capacity of 25,000
seats. The season of fights starts in March, and ends in October. The fights
are organized every day during San Isidro celebrations (Madrid festival) from
mid March to mid June, and the rest of the time, each Sunday.
At the end, a logical question has to be addressed: how to make it everywhere, see and try all that is offered? Madrid public transportation consists
of subway, light rail and bus transport, and the ticket is valid for all types of
King Charles at night
Lake in the park Buen Retiro
transport. A single use ticket costs one Euro. There are also one-day travel
cards (€5.20), as well as two-day (€8.80), three-day (€11.60), five-day (€17.60)
and weekly travel cards (€23.60). The Madrid subway is among the ten longest subways in the world, and it is splendidly designed and built. The working hours are from 6 am to 1:30 am. Its twelve lines enable you to visit all
the important sites; shopping zones, etc...The main shopping area in Madrid
is located around Puerta del Sol, Gran Via and Salamanca quarter. Leading
brands such as Zara or Mango are so sought after that one cannot avoid
long queues in the stores.
Madrid is one of the sunniest capitals of Europe. It is extremely hot in the
summer, with temperatures rising up to 40°C. Still, even such heat is bearable in Madrid thanks to the low air humidity. Summer days are very long,
because the sun sets at 10 pm!
Whatever your preference is – art, leisure, sport, cuisine, or sun... the delight
you feel when staying in the Spain’s capital is really unique.
Maestral, Resort & Casinò
play and
In romantic rocky bay of the Montenegrin Riviera, above
the charming send beach, lays hotel “Maestral”. The name
has been taken from the fresh aromatic wind that has been
companion of that picturesque rocky coast through the
summer months. It has been splashed by the warm sea of
the south Adriatic, and leans on the mountain background,
which through the wormiest days brings to the sunny coast
the freshness of the spring.
Hotel offers the high quality of 338 beds in 171 rooms and 9
apartments. All rooms have air condition, safe strongboxes,
mini-bars, telephone, TV (possibility of Pay TV). Most of
the rooms have the beautiful view on the sea and Internet
Maestral, Resort & Casinò
Odmor, igra i zabava
U romantičnom stjenovitom zalivu Crnogorskog primorja,
iznad ljupke pješčane plaže, nalazi se hotel “Maestral”.
Ime nosi po svježem aromatičnom vjetru, koji je tokom
ljetnih mjeseci stalni pratilac te slikovite stjenovite obale.
Zapljuskuje ga toplo more južnog Jadrana, a naslanja se
na brdovito zaleđe, koje i u najtoplijim mjesecima donosi
svježinu proljeća.
Hotel raspolaže sa 338 ležaja u 171 sobi i 9 apartmana
najviše kategorije. Sve sobe su klimatizovane i imaju sef,
mini-bar, telefon, televizor (mogućnost Pay TV). Većina
ima predivan pogled na more i pristup Internetu.
Opuštanje i rekreacija
“Maestral” vodi brigu i o trenucima potpunog opuštanja.
Gosti hotela mogu da iskoriste prednosti kompletne
wellness ponude na jednom mjestu. Razni bazeni i sauna,
centar sa finskom i infracrvenom saunom i turskim i
rimskim kupatilom, zatim solarijumi, kozmetički salon,
medicinska i stomatološka ordinacija, kupke sa masažom,
a prije svega vrhunska udobnost, u potpunosti će vas
očarati. U centru tradicionalne tajlandske masaže “Sa
Wann” moći ćete da birate najrazličitije vrste masaža.
Igra i zabava
Bez prave, uzbudljive zabave nema ni odmora.
Potražićete je u “Maestralovoj” igračnici koja treperi
svjetlima 120 automata za igru, 3 elektronska ruleta,
stolove za američki rulet, midi punto banco, blek-džek i
HIT-ov progresivni draw poker i Texas Hold’em Poker. Na
pozornici za priredbe možete vidjeti vrhunske koncerte,
kabare i druge zabavne programe.
Relaxing and recreation
“Maestral” takes care about the moments of total relaxing.
Guests of the hotel can use the advantages of the full
wellness offer at one place. Different types of pools and
sauna center with the Finland and infrared saunas, Roman
and Turkish bathroom, solariums, cosmetic salon, medical
and dentist center, bath massages, and more than anything,
there is a great comfort that will bewitch you completely. In
the gorgeous center of the traditional Thailand massage “Sa
Wann”, we will pamper you with the most different types of
Play and entertainment
Without the real and exited fun, there is not a real vacation.
You can find it in the “Maestral’s” playground that shines with
the lights of the 120 slot machines, 3 electric roulettes, midi
punto banco, black-jack and HIT’s progressive draw poker
and Texas Hold’em Poker. On the auditorium of spectacles
“Theatre” you can see grand concerts, cabarets as well as
many other entertainment programs.
Pržno, 85315 Sveti Stefan
tel: +382 33 410 108, 410 109
[email protected]
Najljepši zalazak sunca na Jadranu: Ada Bojana
Za Adu Bojanu kažu da je mjesto koje izvlači negativne misli. Samim tim što čitavim
područjem koje Ada zahvata vlada neobična tišina, nakon nekoliko dana boravka
postaće Vam jasno da i ta tišina ljude može da preobrati i smiri, da im vrati elan, volju,
životnu energiju i snagu za nova pregnuća. Osim poja ptica, šuma talasa, lagodnosti
koju stvara morski vjetar ili zujanje zrikavaca, ništa drugo ne remeti odmor na Adi.
Tekst: ljubiša Pejović
Fotografije: htP Ulcinjska rivijera, vojo radonjić, lazar Pejović
strvo na samom ušću rijeke Bojane u Jadransko more, nalazi se
nedaleko od Ulcinja, najjužnijeg crnogorskog grada, koji čuva
uspomene na nekadašnje ključno gusarsko uporište ovog dijela
Mediterana. U njemu je tamnovao i servantes, slavni pisac Don Kihota.
Antičko ime Dolcinium povezuje se s Kihotovom Dulsinejom. Od Ulcinja
do Bojane prostire se 13 kilometara duga Velika plaža – pješčani raj za surf
kajting, windsurf..., a nakon nje i posljednja turistička destinacija crnogorske
obale – Ada Bojana.
Prostrano zaleđe, prelijepa plaža, živopisno ribarsko naselje, sa brojnim
splav-restoranima uz samu obalu rijeke – na kojima možete uživati u specijalitetima mediteranske kuhinje, nudistički kamp..., samo su neki od atributa
kojima se može pohvaliti ovaj biser prirode. Ada Bojana je najvećim dijelom
netaknuto ostrvo površine 500 hektara, sa zasebnim šetalištem uz morsku obalu, sa čije se obje strane nalazi rijeka Bojana. Trouglastog je oblika,
dvije strane zapljuskuje rijeka Bojana, a treću Jadransko more. Ostrvo ima
prelijepu prirodnu plažu koja je široka oko 30 i duga skoro 3 km, sa ukupnom površinom od 75.000 kvadrata. Ostrvo je sada povezano sa obalom
mostom preko sjevernog rukavca rijeke Bojane. Ovakav ograničen pristup
stvara osjećaj privatnosti i ekskluzivnosti, i naglašava u kojoj je mjeri Ada
Bojana diskretno, izdvojeno i mirno odredište. U početku je Ada Bojana bila
izgrađena kao mjesto za odmor nudista i kao centar za vodene sportove
i jahanje. Taj jedinstveni kompleks obuhvata smještajne kapacitete u kolibama, bungalovima i dvospratnim objektima. Cijeli kompleks renoviran je
ove godine, nakon poplava koje su zimus ugrozile kompletno ostrvo. Sve
štete su sanirane, a izgrađeni su i novi plažni barovi – jedan na nudističkoj
plaži, a drugi na samom ušću.
Vijek i po stvaranja
Ada Bojana je, prema predanju, nastala 1852. godine, nakon nevremena, kada se na mjestu gdje se Bojana odvaja od Velike plaže nasukao brod jedrenjak Merito. Na tom području postojala su i dva mala ostrva. Godinama se na
olupinu ovog broda i obližnja dva ostrvca taložio rječni nanos, od kojega
je najprije nastao sprud, a zatim i ostrvo. Ovo ostrvo je vremenom rijeku
Bojanu podijelilo na dva kraka. Za vrijeme hladnog rata i vladavine režima
albanskog komunističkog diktatora Envera Hodže, Ada je bila vojna zona sa
strogo čuvanom granicom. To je uslovilo da su njeni pojedini djelovi i danas
ostali potpuno netaknuti. Mnogi Adu Bojanu smatraju prirodnim rezervatom tipa nacionalnog parka.
© 2009 WESTERN UNION HOLDINGS, INC. All rights reserved.
može li se ljubav prenijeti?
transfer novca
Jedinstvo sa nedirnutom prirodom
Kada se odlučite da svoj odmor provedete na Adi Bojani, onda ćete zasigurno biti očarani kilometrima duge pjeskovite plaže, koja se poput vješto
iscrtane slikarske linije spaja sa kristalno čistim morem. Ada je najljepša u
suton – kad pri zalasku sunca nastaje nevjerovatna igra boja koja more, pijesak i nebo stapa u jedinstvenu sliku. Osim turista, posebno naturista, na Adu
u ljetnjem periodu dolaze svi oni koji svoju ličnost žele sjediniti sa nedirnutom prirodom, svakodnevno iščekujući najljepše zalaske sunca i njegove
zatone u plavo more. Blaga mediteranska klima sa preko 240 sunčanih dana
godišnje i kupališnom sezonom od aprila do novembra, i kao šećer sitan
pijesak sastavljen od silicijumskih stijena, školjki i korala, blagotvorno deluju
na organizam. Ada je kutak gdje se poklonici nudizma i ljubitelji avantura
mogu osamiti i prepustiti blagotvornim čarima talasa i plitkog mora ili rashladiti na mjestu gdje rijeka Bojana završava svoj tok.
Ljubitelji jahanja ovdje mogu iznajmiti jahaće konje. Na Adi možete i jedriti,
savladavati velike talase, plivati i uživati u pijesku sa ljekovitim svojstvima.
Ovdje je moguća i vožnja zmajevima, paraglajderima…, a povoljni vjetrovi,
koji duvaju sa mora, na plažama Ade prave takve talase koji omogućavaju
izuzetan windsurf. Ukoliko volite da se rekreirate na manje dinamičan način,
pravi predlog je vožnja do Šaskog jezera. Iznajmljujući drvenu barku ili
čun, možete se otisnuti kroz gusti ševar, trsku ili vrbova stabla duž jezera, a
dvogledom možete posmatrati 260 vrsta ptica, koliko ih ima na ovom prostoru.
Prostranstvo plaža na Adi Bojani pravo je mjesto za potpunu privatnost.
Komforni bungalovi smješteni su pored same plaže, okruženi su predivnim
cvjetnim aranžmanima i mediteranskim rastinjem, tako da će i ti detalji Vaš
odmor ili boravak na Adi učiniti nesvakidašnjim, i u svakom slučaju ljetovanjem kakvo nijeste mogli ni zamisliti.
Za one koji vole puno da odmaraju i prepuste se odmoru do maksimuma,
lijepo će zvučati informacija da su bungalovi od plaže udaljeni svega 100
metara, da imaju zasebne ulaze i predivne male terase sa pogledom na
more. U blizini su i restorani, sportski tereni, parkinzi… Ovog ljeta Ada nudi i
jedan novitet – prvi nudistički art workshop na svijetu.
Za Adu Bojanu kažu da je mjesto koje izvlači negativne misli. Samim tim
što čitavim područjem koje Ada zahvata vlada neobična tišina, nakon nekoliko dana boravka postaće Vam jasno da i ta tišina ljude može da preobrati
i smiri, da im vrati elan, volju, životnu energiju i snagu za nova pregnuća.
Osim poja ptica, šuma talasa, lagodnosti koju stvara morski vjetar ili zujanje
zrikavaca, ništa drugo ne remeti odmor na Adi.
The Most Beautiful Sunset on the Adriatic: Ada Bojana
The Secret
of Intact
People say that Ada Bojana is a place that
clears away negative thoughts. The entire
Ada area is permeated by an unusual silence, and after several days stay here
you will begin to understand the power
of that silence to transform and calm you
down, give back élan, will, vital energy
and strength for new endeavours. Save
for bird songs, the sound of the waves, or
the ease brought about by a sea wind or
cricket chirping, nothing disturbs a vacation on Ada.
Text: Ljubiša Pejović
Photos: HTP Ulcinjska rivijera, Vojo Radonjić, Lazar Pejović
he island, located at the spot where the river Bojana meets
the Adriatic Sea, is not far away from Ulcinj, the southernmost
Montenegrin city that treasures memories of the past, when it figured as a key pirate stronghold in this part of the Mediterranean. Even the
famous author of Don Quixote, Cervantes, spent some time imprisoned
here. The antique name of the city, Dolcinium is reminiscent of Quixote’s
darling Dulcinea. Between Ulcinj and Bojana, there is the 13 kilometres long
stretch of the Long Beach – a sandy heaven for kites, surfing, windsurfing…
immediately followed by the last tourist destination on the Montenegrin
coast, Ada Bojana.
A spacious hinterland, a magnificent beach, a picturesque fishing village,
with numerous floating restaurants lined up along the river bank, offering
Mediterranean cuisine specialties, a nudist campsite…these are just some
of the features of this pearl of nature…The largest part of Ada Bojana is
mainly an intact island, spread over 500 hectares, with a separate walking
path along the sea shore, surrounded by the Bojana river on both sides. It is
triangular in shape, bordered by the river on two sides, and by the Adriatic
Sea on the third. The island has a magnificent natural beach, 30 meters wide
and almost 3 kilometres long, covering an area of 75,000 square metres.
The only connection to the land is a bridge over the northern branch of the
Bojana. This limited access creates a feeling of privacy and exclusivity and
defines Ada Bojana as a discreet, isolated and quiet destination.
Ada Bojana was primarily built as a holiday resort for nudists and a centre
for water sports and horseback riding. This unique complex consists of huts,
bungalows and two-storey buildings. It has been entirely renovated for this
tourist season, after the floods that threatened the entire island this winter.
All the damages have been repaired, and new beach bars have been built –
one on the nudist beach, another one on the delta.
A Century and a Half of Creation
According to legend, Ada Bojana was formed in 1852 when, after bad
weather, the schooner Merito sank at the place where the river Bojana is
separated from the Long Beach. There were two islets there as well. The ship
wreck helped build up river sediments through the years, first creating the
sandbar, and ultimately – an island. This island later caused the river Bojana
to separate into two branches. In the era of the cold war, during the dictatorship of the Albanian communist leader Enver Hoxha, Ada was a military
zone, with a highly protected borderline. That is why some of its parts are
intact even today. Many people consider Ada Bojana as a national park type
nature resort.
Unity with Intact Nature
When you decide to spend your holiday on Ada Bojana, you will certainly
be charmed by the kilometers long sandy beach, which appears as a long
painted line that melts into the crystal clear sea. Ada offers the most amazing sights at sunset – that is when an incredible play of colours can be witnessed, uniting the sea, sand and sky into a wonderful image. Besides tourists, nudists especially, many people who seek to plunge into intact nature
visit Ada in the summertime, all anxious to see the most beautiful sunsets –
with the sun slowly disappearing into the blue sea. The mild Mediterranean
climate with over 240 sunny days a year and a swimming season that starts
in April and lasts until November, a sugar-like fine sand, originating from silicon rocks, shells and corals, all have a beneficial effect on your health. This is
a hideaway spot for nudism enthusiasts and adventure seekers, where they
will find the beneficial charms of the waves and a shallow sea, or just cool
down at the place where the River Bojana ends.
The fans of horseback riding can rent horses here, but it is also possible to
sail on Ada – conquering the high waves, swim and enjoy the sand with
its healing properties. Kite-surfing is a possibility here, along with paragliding… and favourable winds from the sea create marvellous waves around
Ada, making the windsurfing experience amazing. If your idea of recreation
is less dynamic, a perfect choice is to go to the Sasko lake. Renting a wooden barge or a craft, and going through thick bulrush, reeds or willow trees
along the lake, will enable you to observe with binoculars some of the 260
resident bird species of this area.
The spaciousness of the beaches at Ada Bojana makes it a perfect place
for utter privacy. The comfortable bungalows, located near the beach, are
surrounded by magnificent floral landscapes and Mediterranean greenery,
adding yet more details to the unusual dimension of your stay on Ada, and
making it a summer you never imagined could happen.
Good news for all those who enjoy complete relaxation and tend to surrender to their holiday time to the maximum, is that the bungalows are only
100 metres away from the beach, and that they all have separate entrances
and beautiful little terraces overlooking the sea. Restaurants, sport fields,
and parking lots are all conveniently near. This summer, a novelty on Ada is
also the first nudist art workshop in the world.
People say that Ada Bojana is a place that clears away negative thoughts.
The entire Ada area is permeated by an unusual silence, and after several
days stay here you will begin to understand the power of that silence to
transform and calm you down, give back élan, will, vital energy and strength
for new endeavours. Save for bird songs, the sound of the waves, the ease
brought about by a sea wind or a cricket chirping, nothing disturbs a vacation on Ada.
Porto Montenegro:
The Mediterranean’s Premier Marina Village
Thanks to its warm, clean waters, dramatic shoreline and well-preserved history, the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea
is emerging as one of the most desirable destinations of the 21st century. Already favoured by some of the world’s most
discerning travellers, a new generation of sailors and yacht owners is daily discovering the uncrowded bays, spectacular
scenery and generous hospitality of Montenegro.
For many years, the eastern Adriatic lacked the infrastructure
necessary for nautical tourism. Croatia was the first to develop,
with a series of small marinas located along its coast and
throughout its more than one thousand islands. While these
marinas provide access to many of the most beautiful parts of
Dalmatia and Istria, few offer more than a basic mooring; the
sophisticated services required by today’s modern boats has
been lacking.
In June of 2009, however, Porto Montenegro opened with 85 of
a planned 600 berths for yachts ranging from 12 to 130 metres
in length. With a comprehensive range of services and facilities
for almost any kind of boat, the marina achieves the goal of its
founders: to create a home port in the Adriatic that will enable
a thorough enjoyment and exploration of all that the area has
to offer.
Like Porto Cervo and Portofino, Porto Montenegro is a waterfront
community. Its design reflects its founders’ belief that families
should be able to live within steps of their boat, that quality
should be uncompromising and that beautiful landscaping
should not end at the water’s edge but continue onto the jetties,
creating a seamless experience that connects one’s home to the
pleasures of being on the water.
In the early summer of 2010, Porto Montenegro’s marina will
expand to 200 berths and the first 29 residences will be delivered
– on time – to their owners. The site’s first restaurant, gourmet
food store and shops will open, as well as a fitness centre with
squash and tennis courts and Lido Mar, a 60-metre infinity pool
cantilevered out over the sea with a bar, lounge and spectacular
sunset view. Following soon are hotels, an international school,
nautical museum and a planned 18-hole golf course.
Marina guests and charter yachts will be able to take advantage
of on-site provisioning services, duty- and tax-free fuel, onsite customs – Porto Montenegro is an official port of entry –
and chandlery services operated by Freedom Maritime. In the
autumn of 2010, France-based Compositeworks will open a full
service refit facility in Bijela, just three kilometres from Porto
Montenegro. Global leaders in their field, Compositeworks will
provide maintenance, repair and technical services to yachts of
all sizes.
The development of Porto Montenegro began in 2007 when Peter
Munk, founder and chairman of the world’s largest gold mining
company – along with a team of investors that includes Bernard
Arnault, Oleg Deripaska, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Nathaniel
Rothschild – purchased a redundant naval dockyard in the Bay
of Kotor. Along with master plan architects ReardonSmith and
interior designer Tino Zervudachi, their work is transforming a
decommissioned military site into one of the most spectacular
waterside developments in the world.
1. The first completed
jetty at Porto
Montenegro (photo
taken November 2009).
2. A view over the
marina from a private
terrace (digitally
rendered image).
3. The Bay of Kotor as
seen from Mount Lovcen
at dusk.
4. Teuta and Ozana
residences (digitally
rendered image).
Validation of these efforts came within 24 months when Teuta,
Porto Montenegro’s introductory residential offering, sold
out within an eight-week period, making it one of the most
successful residential releases in Europe. The marina’s 85 berths,
meanwhile, enjoyed near 100% occupancy between June 2009
and May 2010.
Over the past 20 years, marina-side residences have been
among the best performing real estate assets in terms of capital
appreciation. Currently on sale are Porto Montenegro’s next two
residential buildings, Ozana and Zeta, which will be delivered
in early 2011. From studios to three-bedroom residences, these
homes offer spectacular views and range in price from €145,000
to €1,885,000 (including VAT). Capturing the rich vernacular
style of the area, but with advanced modern amenities, many
of these high-specification homes feature large garden terraces,
elevated courtyards and entertainment areas.
regulatory advantages over both its Shengen and non-Shengen
Porto Montenegro is now home to people from around the world
and home port to some of the most beautiful yachts afloat. What
began as a desire to build the best marina possible, in one of the
most beautiful areas imaginable, is quickly becoming a reality.
Porto Montenegro is only 7 kilometres from Tivat International
Airport. During your stay in Montenegro, come see it for
For more information on Porto Montenegro, including
berth and residence availability, please visit: or call +382 32 673 068
New berths available at Porto Montenegro range from 12 to 125
metres, with lease options of one, three, 15 and 30 years. With
yacht owners facing a severe berth shortage in the Mediterranean,
these spaces are expected to fill up quickly.
“The global yacht and superyacht industry is growing at a
staggering rate, “ says Oliver Corlette, Managing Director of Porto
Montenegro. “This trend is a tremendous worry to the yachting
industry given that very few new berths are coming onto the
market. Porto Montenegro is developing a new all year round
marina village to provide services, facilities and amenities that
will be second to none in the Mediterranean.”
Porto Montenegro’s location is also unbeatable: in the centre
of the Adriatic, between Corfu and Venice, it occupies almost
a full kilometre of south-west facing shoreline in the UNESCO
World Heritage Bay of Kotor. Only a few nautical miles from
Croatia, its position in Montenegro offers significant tax and
P o r to M o n t e n e g r o
Turistička sezona 2010.
Tourist Season 2010
The Sea is
Zove more
Crna Gora
Uz visok kvalitet u svim segmentima, crnogorska turistička privreda pripremila
je ponudu primjerenu aktuelnoj situaciji
(sedmodnevni odmor već od 42 eura), konkurentnu i različitu u odnosu na druge
destinacije, povoljnu i atraktivnu kako za
porodice, mlade bračne parove, starije ljude, tako i za mlade koji žele dobar provod
i zabavu, ljubitelje prirode i aktivnog odmora.
Providing high quality in all of its segments,
Montenegro’s tourism industry has prepared
its services and attractions adapted to the current situation (a seven-day holiday starting
from €42), which is competitive and different
from other destinations, affordable and attractive for families, young married couples,
elderly people, as well as for the young looking forward to having fun and enjoying great
entertainment, nature lovers and active holiday enthusiasts.
rna Gora, turistička destinacija koja se odlikuje jedinstvom različitosti na malom prostoru i bogatim kulturno-istorijskim nasljeđem,
i ove godine dočekuje turiste sa ponudom koja je prilagođena
različitim ukusima. Turisti koji ovog ljeta posjete našu zemlju mogu uživati
u ljepoti pet nacionalnih parkova, srednjovjekovnim gradovima, skrovitim
uvalama, pješčanim plažama, ludim provodima, i nadasve u osjećaju da svoj
odmor provode među prijateljima.
Uz visok kvalitet u svim segmentima, crnogorska turistička privreda pripremila je ponudu primjerenu aktuelnoj situaciji (sedmodnevni odmor već od
42 eura), konkurentnu i različitu u odnosu na druge destinacije, povoljnu
i atraktivnu kako za porodice, mlade bračne parove, starije ljude, tako i za
mlade koji žele dobar provod i zabavu, ljubitelje prirode i aktivnog odmora.
Mladi koji žele dobar provod mogu uživati u programu zabave i animacije na plažama (after beach parties) sa poznatim regionalnim i svjetskim DJ
izvođačima do kasno u noć. After beach parties održavavaće se od 16. jula
do 14. avgusta na preko deset crnogorskih plaža. Brojne diskoteke i noćni
klubovi takođe garantuju odličnu zabavu za sve ljubitelje dobrog provoda.
Ove godine sportski entuzijasti pozvani su da uživaju u seriji manifestacija
„LONAC” –najboljim događajima u prirodi, među kojima je i Svjetsko prvenstvo u padobranstvu koje će se održati u Nikšiću u periodu od 28. avgusta
do 4. septembra. Spisak ovih kao i drugih brojnih kulturnih i zabavnih manifestacije možete naći na veb-sajtu Za sve ljubitelje aktivnog odmora Crna Gora ove sezone nudi i mrežu staza za pješačenje i
biciklizam –na preko 6 000 km.
Ovo su samo neki od brojnih razloga da se vratite u svoje omiljeno mjesto ili
da otkrijete neko novo. Jednostavno – da uživate. I zato ne propustite more
koje volite, aktivan odmor na planinama i provod do zore – „Svi na odmore”.
Afterbeach Parties Montenegro 2010
16. jul - 14. avgust; 30 dana - 300 žurki
Plaže: Peoples - Herceg Novi; Alibaba – Kotor; Almara – Tivat; Chill Out – Budva; 4B – Bečići; Heat - Kamenovo, Budva;
Lučice – Petrovac; Cuba – Sutomore; Paradiso – Utjeha; Ada
Bojana – Ulcinj.
s a tourist destination characterized by a union of diversity, located on a small area and rich in cultural and historical heritage,
Montenegro has continued welcoming tourists this year with offers
adapted to different tastes. The tourists who come to our country this summer will be able to enjoy the beauty of five national parks, medieval towns,
hidden coves, sandy beaches, wild parties and primarily the sense that they
are spending their holiday among friends.
Providing high quality in all of its segments, Montenegro’s tourism industry
has prepared its services and attractions adapted to the current situation
(a seven-day holiday starting from €42), which is competitive and different
from other destinations, affordable and attractive for families, young married couples, elderly people, as well as for the young looking forward to having fun and enjoying good entertainment, nature lovers and active holiday
Afterbeach Parties Montenegro 2010
16th of July - 14th of August; 30 days - 300 parties
Beaches: Peoples - Herceg Novi; Alibaba – Kotor; Almara – Tivat; Chill Out – Budva; 4B – Bečići; Heat - Kamenovo, Budva;
Lučice – Petrovac; Cuba – Sutomore; Paradiso – Utjeha; Ada
Bojana – Ulcinj.
Young people hoping for a good time can enjoy numerous entertainment
programmes on the beaches (the after-beach parties) with DJs, well-known
both in the region and worldwide, and crazy late night parties. Many discos
and night clubs also guarantee great entertainment for all party lovers.
This year, sports enthusiasts are invited to enjoy a series of events called
“LONAC,” comprised of the best in-nature events, including the World Style
and Accuracy Parachuting Championship held between 28 August and 4
September in Niksic. A list of these, and many other cultural and entertainment events, is available on the web portal This
season, Montenegro offers a network of pedestrian and biking trails of a total length of over 6,000 km to all lovers of active holidays.
These are just a few of the many reasons to return to your favourite place or
discover a new one. And simply – enjoy yourself. Therefore, don’t miss the
sea you love, the active holiday in the mountains and partying until dawn –
“Everybody is off on Holiday”.
Za sve ljubitelje aktivnog odmora Crna Gora
ove sezone nudi i mrežu staza za pješačenje i
biciklizam – na preko 6.000 km.
This season, Montenegro offers
a network of pedestrian and
biking trails of a total length
of over 6,000 km to all lovers of
active holidays.
Novi nacionalni park Crne Gore – Prokletije
„Čovjeka hvata jeza i strah gledajući surovi divlji
izgled ove gorostasne planinske skupine.”
Jovan Cvijić
Ljepota nedirnutog
Stupite li na tlo Prokletija, istog trena će
se pred vama otvoriti vrata zapanjujuće
ekološke riznice. Ako imate dovoljno
avanturističkog duha i spremni ste za izazove – Prokletije će vam ispuniti želju!
Pejzaži koji podsjećaju na najdivnije
kamene skulpture, strme litice koje se
izdižu visoko u oblake, cirkovi i izvorišta
mnogih rijeka, svrstavaju Prokletije u top
10 turističkih atrakcija Crne Gore.
Tekst: Ljubiša Pejović
Fotografije: Nacionalni parkovi Crne Gore
Nakon tri decenije čekanja, Crna Gora dobila još jedan Nacionalni park (NP).
Crnogorski dio Prokletija, najneistraženiji, najzamršeniji, po mnogima i jedan od najljepših planinskih masiva u Evropi, postao je peti NP u Crnoj Gori.
Od pet NP, novoproglašeni je najmanje „dirnut” ljudskom rukom. U tome
se i sastoji njegova ljepota. Prokletije, čudesne planine, svojom surovošću
i nepristupačnošću mame putnike avanturističkog duha da im se iznova
vraćaju. Ovi divovi, puni ožiljaka od glečerskih erozija, pri prvom susretu ostavljaju utisak poštovanja i divljenja.
Dinaridi, koji se pružaju paralelno sa Jadranskim morem, na svojim krajevima
imaju nabore – Prokletije i Alpe. Upravo zato poznati austrijski geolog Ami
Bue nazvao je Prokletije Južnim Alpima. No, nije to jedini razlog – svojom
ljepotom zaslužuju poređenje sa najljepšom planinom u Evropi. Prokletije
su gromadne mlade planine, visokih vrhova (oko 50 vrhova iznad 2000 m,
20 preko 2500 m nadmorske visine. Kao što im samo ime kaže – surove su,
oštrih vrhova, pune procjepa, tajanstvenih izvora, jezera, jakih kontrasta, sive
i zelene. Još uvijek nijesu dovoljno proučene, ali nijesu ni nedostupne kao
nekad i sve su više posjećene. Dijele ih Crna Gora, Albanija i Kosovo. Najveći
vrh je na albanskoj strani Maja Jezercë (2694 m), dok je u Crnoj Gori to Zla
Kolata (2534 m), ujedno i najviša tačka Crne Gore. Prokletije su okružene
Zetskom ravnicom, rijekama Drimom i Limom, Komovima, Bjelasicom pa
sve do Kučke Krajine (Masiv Žijovo) koje neki zbog sličnosti smatraju dijelom
istih. Iako su tragovi lednika prisutni, danas ih više nema. Najveći lednik na
Balkanu upravo je bio Plavski lednik – dužine 35 km, debljine i do 200 m.
Najmoćnija i najintenzivnija glacijacija na Balkanu ostavila je najdublje tragove glečerske erozije u obliku mnogobrojnih cirkova – u njima je zaostalo
desetak manjih ledničkih jezera i duboko urezanih valova. Jovan Cvijić je
tvrdio da „ni u jednoj oblasti Balkanskog poluostrva glečeri nijesu ostavili
tako duboke tragove svoje erozije kao u Prokletijama. To je poslije Alpa
bila najglečernija planina u Evropi”. Tragovi glečerske aktivnosti, kao rijetka
prirodna vrijednost, predstavljaju izvanrednu estetsku atrakciju. Oštri nazubljeni grebeni, nepristupačni vrhovi, duboki cirkovi, strme vertikalne litice,
brojna izvorišta rijeka, nijesu pokvareni ljudskom rukom.
Crnogorske Prokletije možemo podijeliti na tri grupe: planine Kučke Krajine
(Žijevo, Šila, Treskavac, Štitan, Sudrup, Pasjak, Maglič, Vila, Krisitor), Plavskogusinjske Prokletije (Visitor, Goleš, Zeletin,Volušnica, Popadija, Karanfili, Maja
Rosit, Maja Kolata, Bogićevica) i Hajlu.
Netaknuta ljepota ovih planina predstavlja neiscrpno bogatstvo. Pejzaži
koji podsjećaju na najdivnije kamene skulpture, strme litice koje se izdižu
visoko u oblake, cirkovi i izvorišta mnogih rijeka, svrstavaju Prokletije u top
10 turističkih atrakcija Crne Gore. Polazna tačka za planinarske pohode jeste
dolina Grbaja, u kojoj se nalaze dva planinarska doma. Izletničku metu predstavljaju mnogobrojna planinska jezera, a najpopularnija su: Plavsko, Ridsko
i Visitorsko jezero. Plavsko jezero je nastalo u basenu najdužeg lednika na
Prokletijama. Nalazi se na 908 m nadmorske visine, a sa površinom od 550
km² najveće je planinsko jezero u Crnoj Gori. Hridsko (Ridsko) jezero nalazi se u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Nacionalnog parka Prokletije, ispod Hridskog
krša, na nadmorskoj visini 1970 m. Površina jezera je preko 30.000 m². Jovan
Cvijić je tvrdio da je na području Hridskog (Ridskog) krša najbolje očuvani
„Najzamršenija, najnepristupačnija i najdivljija
planinska skupina na Balkanskom poluostrvu,
a poslije Alpa i u Evropi”.
Jovan Petrović
glacijalni reljef kod nas. Ono što Hridsko jezero čini posebnim među planinskim jezerima Crne Gore jeste, uz ljepotu jezera, i očuvanost i ljepota
šuma u okolini. Visitorsko jezero, podno Visitora, naročito je zanimljivo
zbog plovećeg ostrva koje se formiralo na njegovoj površini. Legenda, isprepletana sa istinom, kaže da je ostrvo postalo od nekadašnjeg splava, koji
su na jezeru napravili stočari da bi na njemu sklanjali svoja stada od divljih
zvijeri. Kako je splav bio dobro nađubren, na njemu je izrasla bujna trava,
čijim se raspadanjem stvorio sloj tresavskog pokrivača debelog oko 80 cm.
Horolačko jezero je na 2040 m, ispod vrha Maja Horolac (2199 m). Dugo
je 50 m, a široko 40 metara. Okolina jezera je krševita i teško pristupačna.
Geološki sastav i povoljne klimatske prilike uslovili su bogatstvo Prokletija
površinskim vodama, brojnim izvorima, vrelima, rijekama. Na Prokletijama
su izvorišta još velikog broja rijeka koje pripadaju slivu Crnog i Jadranskog
mora. Najizdašniji i najljepši su Alipašini izvori, poznati po hladnoj i bistroj
vodi, kao i po ljepoti okoline. Izuzetnu prirodnu ljepotu predstavlja rječni
tok Skakavac. Na oko 2 km po izbijanju iz Oka, jednog od najvećih vrela
na Prokletijama, Skakavac pravi vodopad visok od 15 do 20 m. Voda se niz
vodopad stropoštava u ponor, da bi se poslije brojnih džinovskih lonaca i
prečaga pojavila kao rijeka Vruja. Inače, šumsko-travni kompleksi Prokletija
veoma su pogodni za rekreaciju, a naročito za psihičku relaksaciju. Tome
doprinosi izuzetno čist vazduh, uslovljen velikim zelenim prostranstvima,
naročito bukovih šuma.
Kulturno istoriski značaj Prokletija
Nazivi planina, rijeka, naselja – Visitor, Trojan, Lim, Ropojana, Romon, Grmčar,
Ribare…, sa ilirskom, grčkom, romanskom, vlaškom, slovenskom ili orijentalnom osnovom, kao i brojni i značajni kulturno-istorijski spomenici, pokazuju da je područje Nacionalnog parka Prokletije, zahvaljujući izuzetnim
prirodnim uslovima i položaju, od praistorije do našeg doba neprekidno
bilo naseljeno, svjedočeći o smjenjivanju i prožimanju civilizacija i kultura,
vjera i carstava. Potvrđuju to i tragovi materijalne kulture – gradine, utvrde,
crkvišta, mramorja, naseobine, groblja, ostaci rimskog vodovoda u Gusinju,
ali i do danas očuvane legende (najčešće o Grcima i skrivenom blagu), vjerovanja, običaji, etnološki motivi, nošnja, folklor. I danas se održavaju tradicionalni petrovdanski sabori kod Hridskog jezera, ilindanski skupovi kod
Alipašinih izvora, đurđevdanski uranci... Na okapini planine Brade vezirove
otkriveni su crteži iz VIII i VII vijeka prije nove ere. Neki daleki predak prikazao
je bijelom bojom kompoziciju lova na jelene, dok su na jednom kamenu
na Valušnici prikazane figure Velike majke i djece, lovaca i životinja. Ovi
crteži izazivaju veliku pažnju poznatih naučnih radnika, istoričara umjetnosti i kulturologa. Iako na području NP Prokletije nijesu vršena arheološka
istraživanja, prilikom izgradnje pojedinih objekata nailazilo se na ostatke
starih građevina, najčešće odbrambenog tipa ili sakralne arhitekture. U Plavu
su, prilikom izgradnje zdravstvene stanice, pronađeni (nažalost i uništeni)
ostaci ranohrišćanske bazilike, a u Rudnicima – neobično veliki nakovanj i
alatke, najvjerovatnije ostali od srednjovjekovnih rudara Sasa. Od sakralnih objekata svakako je najznačajniji manastirski kompleks Svete trojice u
Brezojevicama, s lijeve strane Lima, u neposrednoj blizini starog gradskog
naselja Grad i tvrđave čiji se ostaci vide. U okviru manastirskog kompleksa
nalazi se i istoimena crkva koja datira iz XII vijeka, zakonom zaštićena kao
izuzetno vrijedan kulturno-istorijski spomenik.
Prokletije su vjekovnim stvaranjem, nepristupačnošću i surovošću osigurale
svoje prirodne ljepote. Proglašenjem za NP konačno je stavljen pečat na taj
nedirnuti dio Crne Gore.
Tel: + 382 20 210 215 - Fax: + 382 20 210 216 - Mob: + 382 67 378 000 - email: [email protected] - adresa: Hercegovačka 94, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel: + 382 20 667 670 - Fax: + 382 20 664 666 - adresa: 19. Decembra 5, 81 0000 Podgorica, Montenegro (Južna Tribina Gradskog Stadiona)
Your ideal way!
office at the Airport Podgorica: +382 69 888 777
gsm: +382 68 001 001
mail: [email protected]
A New National Park for Montenegro – Prokletije
The Beauty of
the Intact
“The most complex, least accessible and wildest mountain range in the
Balkan Peninsula and, apart from the Alps, maybe in all of Europe “.
“Looking at the cruel and wild appearance of
this colossal mountain range, gives one the
shivers and instils fear.”
The moment you set foot on the Prokletije
mountain range, the doors to an astonishing environmental treasury will open before you. If you are adventurous enough
and ready for challenges – the Prokletije
will make your wish come true! The scenery resembles amazing stone sculptures,
steep cliffs rising high up towards the
clouds, pools and the sources of many rivers have all included the Prokletije in the
top 10 tourist attractions in Montenegro.
Jovan Cvijić
Text: Ljubiša Pejović
Photographs: The National Parks of Montenegro
After three decades of waiting, Montenegro has got another National Park
(NP). The Montenegrin part of the Prokletije mountain range, the least explored, most complex and, according to many people, one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in Europe, has become the fifth NP in Montenegro.
Of the five NPs, the newly pronounced one is the least “touched” by human hand. That is precisely where its beauty lies. The Prokletije is a magical
mountain, luring all adventurous travellers to come back again and again
with its cruel and inaccessible nature. The first impression this giant makes,
scarred as it is by huge glacial erosion, is one of respect and admiration.
Jovan Petrović
The Dinarides mountain range, which extends along the Adriatic Sea, features the Prokletije and the Alps at their opposite ends. That was why the
renowned Austrian geologist Ami Bue named the Prokletije the Southern
Alps. That was, however, not the only reason, as its beauty also deserves
comparison with the most beautiful mountains in Europe. The Prokletije
is formed by huge young mountains with high peaks (around 50 peaks
are higher than 2,000, and 20 higher than 2,500 metres above sea level).
As indicated by its name, it is a harsh mountain, with sharp peaks, full of
crevices, mysterious wells, lakes, with great contrasts between grey and
green. The Prokletije has not been sufficiently explored yet, but it is no longer as inaccessible as it used to be, and it is increasingly visited. The range
is shared among Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. The highest peak, Maja
Jezercë (2,694 m), belongs to Albania, while the highest one in Montenegro
is Zla Kolata (2,534 m), which is also the highest point in Montenegro. The
Prokletije is surrounded by the Zeta valley, the rivers of Drim and Lim, and
the Komovi and Bjelasica mountains, all the way to Kucka krajina (the Zijovo
massif ), so similar that they are all considered part of it by some people.
Although their many “remains” are still visible, there are no more glaciers in
the mountain. The largest glacier in the Balkans was Plavski glacier, 35 km
long and up to 200 metres thick. The most powerful and intense glaciation
in the Balkans left the deepest traces of glacier erosion in the form of many
cirques where a dozen smaller glacier lakes and deeply etched faults remain.
Jovan Cvijic said that “such deep traces of erosion were left in no other region of the Balkan Peninsula, as in the Prokletije. Apart from the Alps, it was
the mountain with the greatest glaciation in Europe.” The traces of glacial
activity, as a rare natural asset, represent an extraordinary aesthetic attraction. Sharp rugged ridges, inaccessible peaks, deep cirques, steep vertical
cliffs, numerous river sources remain unspoiled by human hand.
We can divide the Montenegrin part of the Prokletije into three groups:
the mountain of Kucka krajina (Zijevo, Sila, Treskavac, Stitan, Sudrup, Pasjak,
Maglic, Vila, Krisitor), the Prokletije of Plav and Gusinje (Visitor, Goles, Zeletin,
Volusnica, Popadija, Karanfili, Maja Rosit, Maja Kolata, Bogicevica), and
Mount Hajla.
The intact beauty of these mountains offers an inexhaustible wealth. The
scenery resembles amazing stone sculptures, steep cliffs rising high up towards the clouds, pools and the sources of many rivers have all included the
Prokletije in the top 10 tourist attractions in Montenegro. The point of departure for mountaineering expeditions to the Prokletije is the Grbaja valley,
Jezerski Vrh (2694 m) sa Karanfila (2480 m)
with two mountain lodges. Commonly targeted picnic sites are the numerous mountain lakes, the most popular being Plavsko, Ridsko and Visitorsko.
The Plavsko Lake was created in the basin of the Prokletije’s longest glacier.
Located at an altitude of 908 metres, covering an area of 550 square kilometres, it is the largest mountain lake in Montenegro. The Hridsko (Ridsko)
Lake is situated in the north-east part of the Prokletije National Park, under
Hridski krs, at an altitude of 1,970 metres. The lake covers an area of over
30,000 square metres. Jovan Cvijic claimed that the best preserved glacial
relief in our country was located in the area of Hridski (Ridski) krs. Apart from
its beauty, what makes Hridsko Lake so special among the mountain lakes
of Montenegro are the beautiful and preserved forests in its surrounding areas. The Visitorsko Lake, situated under the Mount Visitor, is especially interesting because of a floating isle formed on its surface. A legend, interwoven with truth, has it that the isle used to be a raft, made by farmers to keep
their herds safe from wild beasts. Since the raft was well fertilized, it became
covered by thick grass, whose decomposition created a layer of peat around
80 cm thick. The Horolacko Lake is located at an altitude of 2,040 metres,
under the Maja Horolac peak (2,199 m). It is 50 metres long and 40 metres
wide. The surrounding area is rocky and difficult to access. The geological
composition and favourable climate of the Prokletije produced a profusion
of waters sources, numerous springs, wells, and rivers. The Prokletije boasts
the sources of many rivers belonging to both the Black and Adriatic Sea basins. The most beautiful and abundant in water source is the Alipasini izvori spring, famous for its cold clear water, as well as its beautiful natural
surroundings. Equally exquisite natural beauty can also be found along the
Skakavac river course. Around 2 km away from its source, springing from
Oko, one of the largest wells in the Prokletije, the Skakavac has created a 15
to 20 metre waterfall. The water goes down the waterfall into an abyss, only
to reappear, after numerous pools and rapids, as the River Vruja. Incidentally,
the forest and grass areas of the Prokletije are very suitable for recreation
and sports. The very clear air coming from the large green areas, especially
the beech forests, helps create an atmosphere ideal for relaxation.
The Prokletije Heritage
The names of mountains, rivers, villages - Visitor, Trojan, Lim, Ropojana,
Romon, Grmcar, Ribare, and others originating from the Illyrian, Greek,
Roman, Vlach, Slovenian or Eastern languages, as well as the numerous important cultural and historical monuments, indicate that the territory of the
Prokletije National Park has been continuously inhabited since prehistoric
times, thanks to its exquisite natural conditions and its position, testifying
to the changing and mixing of civilizations, cultures, religions and realms.
That is also confirmed by the material remains – forts, castles, churches,
marble structures, settlements, cemeteries, remains of a Roman waterworks
in Gusinje, as well as by the preserved legends (most often featuring Greeks
and hidden treasure), beliefs, customs, ethnology, costumes, and folklore.
The traditional St Peter’s Day gathering is still held today near the Hridsko
Lake, as well as the St Elijah’s Day meeting at Alipasini izvori, and the St
George’s Day celebrations… A drawing from the 8th or 7th Century BC was
discovered in a grotto on Mount Brada vezirova. An ancient ancestor created in white paint a deer hunting scene, while a rock on Valusnica shows the
figures of Mother Nature with children, hunters and animals. These drawings
have attracted great attention from many renowned scientists, art historians and cultural theorists. Although no archaeological exploration has yet
taken place on the territory of the NP Prokletije, during some construction
work the remains of some buildings were found, mainly used for defence
or sacral purposes. During the construction of a healthcare centre in Plav,
the remains of an early-Christian basilica were found (and unfortunately destroyed) and in Rudnici other artefacts were discovered including an unusually large anvil and some other tools, which were most probably used by
mediaeval Saxon miners. The most important of all sacral buildings is the
monastery complex of St Trinity in Brezojevci, located on the left bank of
the River Lim, in the vicinity of the old settlement “grad” and the still visible
remains of a fortress. The monastery complex encompasses a 12th Century
church sharing the same name, which is protected by law as a cultural and
historical monument of great value.
The centuries of creation, inaccessibility and harshness of the Prokletije, have
succeeded in preserving its natural beauty. The status of a national park has
finally provided official protection for this intact part of Montenegro.
razGovor: svetislav Basara
U javnosti istupate ne samo kao pisac već i, uopšteno rečeno, kao
kritičar društvenih anomalija. Kako Basara pisac zapravo gleda
na Basaru kritičara i polemičara? Da li mu je možda katkad
Iako nastojim da strogo razdvojim pisanje proze od pisanja politčkih komentara, to dvoje često dolaze u sukob niskog intenziteta. Idealno bi bilo da se izolujem što je više moguće i da se posvetim lepoj književnosti.
Ali mislim da bi to bilo i kukavički. Ja, naravno, ne mislim da moje kritike
društva i politike mogu promeniti bilo šta, ali bolje se osećam kada imam
aktivan stav prema ružnim stvarima koje se već dve decenije događaju u
neprekinutoj seriji. Ako se ne odupireš, brzo poklekneš – ili se prilagodiš
okolnim „pravilima“ ili zapadneš u stanje inertnosti.
I Vi ste, kao Andrić i Crnjanski, bili diplomata. Kako danas, ne
samo sa stanovišta pisca, gledate na taj „detalj” iz Vaše biografije?
Kao na jednu interesantnu epizodu. U diplomatiji se još uvek može
štošta saznati. Imaš, recimo, priliku da iznutra upoznaš politički sistem
u zemlji u kojoj si akreditovan. U mom slučaju to je bio Kipar. Svakako
to nije najuređenija zemlja u Evropskoj uniji, ali bilo je porazno uvideti koliko smo mi u tadašnjoj Srbiji i Crnoj Gori bili daleko od realnog
demokratskog i pravnog poretka. Ne znam kako je sada u Crnoj Gori,
ali u Srbiji je isto, ako ne i gore. Sve sam ubeđeniji da u Srbiji zapravo i
nema države u pravom značenju te reči, da su državne institucije samo
scenografija bez suštine, a da se poslovi vode kao i pre dvesta ili trista
godina, na kojekakvim plemenskim većima.
Svakako nije nužno biti pisac da bi se razumio Borhes koji je raj
zamišljao kao nepreglednu biblioteku i sebe u njoj kao bibliotekara. Što je za Svetislava Basaru knjiga?
Iako je Borhes jedan od pisaca koji je presudno uticao na moje pisanje,
ja nemam taj pobožni odnos prema biblioteci. U stvari, ja i nemam biblioteku u pravom smislu reči. Knjige koje posedujem razbacane su na
raznim mestima. Mnoge su pozajmljene. Čitanje knjige u mom slučaju
uvek je bilo daleko ispred posedovanja knjge. Dovoljno je uvek imati pri
sebi nekoliko knjiga. Ostale će već naći načina da dospeju u moje ruke.
Gde god odem, kupim neku knjigu. Mnoge zaboravim u hotelskoj sobi
ili izgubim.
Čeka se život novoga vijeka
Pisanje i čitanje su komunikacija u svom
čistom obliku. Najbolji način komunikacije
koji isključuje mane neposrednog opštenja,
a pogotovo zamke opštenja preko e-maila,
mobilnih telefona i sličnih stvari. Te spravice
su zapravo smrt komunikacije. Za manje od
dvadeset godina otkako su mobilni telefoni
u širokoj upotrebi, svet je potonuo dublje u
Tekst: ognjen savić
edavno završeni Peti međunarodni sajam knjiga u Podgorici, koji
je održan pod sloganom „Knjige su u garaži”, otvorio je poznati
srpski pisac Svetislav Basara. „Kinesko pismo”, „Fama o biciklistima”,
„Napuklo ogledalo”, „Izgubljen u samoposluzi”, „Džon B. Malkovič”, „Ideologija
heliocentrizma”, „Dnevnik Marte Koen”, ili bilo koju drugu njegovu knjigu
posljednjeg dana sajma ni na jednom štandu niste mogli naći – bile su
rasprodate. Obje činjenice dovoljno govore o popularnosti Svetislava Basare
i u Crnoj Gori. I to ne samo Basare pisca – njegova biografija, pored toga da
je rođen 1953. godine u Bajinoj Bašti, da je objavio više od dvadeset knjiga i
da je za „Uspon i pad Parkinsonove bolesti” nagrađen NIN-ovom nagradom,
bilježi i da se bavio politikom, da je bio ambasador Srbije i Crne Gore na
Kipru, ali i scenarista, dramaturg, muzičar...
Šta je to što Vas na kraju, uslovno rečeno, ubijedi da objavite nešto
što ste napisali?
Nisu potrebna nikakva ubeđivanja. Knjige se pišu da bi se objavljivale.
Pisanje i čitanje su komunikacija u svom čistom obliku. Najbolji način
komunikacije koji isključuje mane neposrednog opštenja, a pogotovo zamke opštenja preko e-maila, mobilnih telefona i sličnih stvari. Te
spravice su zapravo smrt komunikacije. Za manje od dvadeset godina
otkako su mobilni telefoni u širokoj upotrebi, svet je potonuo dublje u
solipsizam. Gubitak koncentracije je svakodnevna pojava. A što se tiče
samodokazivanja, društvenih priznanja i razumevanja – pisanje i čitanje
su dobri upravo zato što ih eliminišu. Pisac i čitalac su jako bliski, a fizički
razdvojeni. Sve pomenuto ima smisla u početku, na putu afirmacije.
Priznanja i ostale trice i kučine valjda su motor koji vas tera napred. Kada
dođete u zrele godine, onda je sasvim jasno da su to potpuno sporedne
stvari. Čak i otežavajuće okolnosti. Mnogi pisci zastanu u tom lavirintu i
tu obično prestaje njihov napredak.
Da li se nešto promijenilo u Vašem „doživljaju” pisaca u odnosu
na vrijeme kada niste bili pisac (ili makar dok niste objavljivali
svoja djela)?
Mnogi pisci koje volim jesu mrtvi, većina u stvari, ali njihova smrt nije
uticala na ono što su napisali. Znate šta – pisci vole da mistifikuju, da
preteruju. A pogotovo pisci sa naših prostora. Stvar senzibiliteta. Ja,
recimo, nisam voleo krupne reči, bombastične rečenice, romantičarski
patos. Mnogo su nas koštala književnička trabunjanja o „mrtvoj braći”, o
manje ili više skupim rečima. Ja volim svedenost.
Prema jednoj verziji mita o Pandorinoj kutiji, svijet je zajedno sa
svim zlom dobio i nadu, koju je Pandora posljednju pustila vani,
vidjevši svijet potopljen tugom, očajem, pohlepom, bolestima, ludostima... Druga, kasnija, verzija govori nam da je zapravo nada
ostala zatočena u kutiji, čime je čovjek bio spašen od najvećeg zla.
Koji Vam je pristup ovom mitu bliži, prvi ili drugi?
Da se ne upuštam u naknadna tumačenja mitova, pa da odmah pređem
na stvar. Problem je što danas u svetu više ne postoji nada, ili tačnije – što
je nada materijalizovana, da kažem – prizemljena. Sve naše nade nalaze
se u izlozima prodavnica. Nada se srozala na to da se uzdamo da ćemo
jednog dana, kada se steknu uslovi, Hondu zameniti Mercedesom ili da
ćemo umesto kineskih dronja moći priuštiti Versace. To je neizbežno.
Nada, u pravom smislu te reči, postoji samo u paru sa verom. Tamo gde
nema vere, nema ni nade.
Kazali ste jednom prilikom da „opadanje sveta jeste deo božanskog
plana”. Kada je to svijet zapravo počeo da „opada”?
Pa, počeo je da opada od momenta Adamovog pada. Opadanje je normalan proces. Za ljude koji imaju veru i nadu to opadanje nije prokletstvo nego blagoslov. Čeka se život novoga veka.
U „Ideologiji heliocentrizma”, između ostalog, kazali ste da je
rušenjem gradskih zidina započeta dekadenca grada i da se završila
„aktuelnim haosom”. Kako vidite današnju sve izraženiju potrebu
za putovanjima (turističkim, avanturističkim)?
Davno ima tome kako sam napisao da nema mnogo razlike između
fašizma i turizma. Ljudi koji idu na mesta na kojima nemaju ni posla, ni
prijatelja, ni želju da nešto vide, nego samo da se „odmore” i provedu,
meni su uvek bili krajnje sumnjivi. Što se tiče posledica, turisti su naneli
samo malo manje štete nego fašisti. Ali u obrnutom smislu. Zbog njih
se ništa ne ruši, ali se zato grade stvari koje su gore od svakog rušenja.
Stotinama puta sam gluvareći starim gradom u Budvi ili u Kotoru
pomislio: šta je kome na ovom svetu trebalo išta veće od ovoga. Ulice
sagrađene po meri čoveka, bakalnica na dohvat ruke, kafana deset koraka odatle... Tu vreme protiče prirodnim tokom. Ni brzo ni sporo. Veliki
gradovi pružaju iluziju sobode i mogućnosti. Kako ja vidim stvari, nema
u njima ni slobode ni mogućnosti – daleko od toga. Semafori jesu nužni,
ali oni su nasilje nad slobodom. Crveno svetlo i ti moraš da staneš.
U kojoj mjeri je danas moguće izbjeći istoriju i politiku pri
krojenju percepcije o nekoj zemlji. Šta se to najviše zaboravlja pri
kreiranju stava o državi, drugoj naciji, vjeri, rasi...?
Zašto bilo šta izbegavati? Može li se, na kraju, bilo šta izbeći. Nacije,
države, druge nacije, vere, rase – to su sve velike prazne priče koje mene
uopšte ne interesuju. Štaviše, ne znam šta bilo koga može zainteresovati u tim dosadnim narativima. Nacija, vera – to su intimne stvari i besmisleno je praviti ih javnim. A država – država je kao pošta. Ako uspeva
da isporuči pismo sa jedne na drugu adresu, onda je to u redu. Ako ne,
onda takve države treba da se ugledaju na poštu.
Kako Svetislav Basara danas vidi Crnu Goru?
Vidim veliki napredak. Bio sam skoro u Podgorici i zalutao. Jedva sam
prepoznao grad, a nisam dolazio samo godinu dana. Kako je na drugim
mestima, to ne znam. Svakako, vidi se napredak, mada su mnoge stvari
na sreću ostale iste.
interview: Svetislav Basara
the Life
of a New
Writing and reading is communication in its purest form. They are
the best way of communication, as
they eliminate all the faults of direct
contact, and especially the traps of
e-mails, mobile telephones and similar things. Those gadgets actually
announce the death of communication. In the less than twenty years
since the use of mobile telephones
became widespread, the world has
sunk deeper into solipsism.
Text: Ognjen Savić
he well-known Serbian writer Svetislav Basara officially opened
the fifth International Book Fair recently held in Podgorica, under the slogan “The Books are in the Garage”. “Chinese Letter”, “The
Cyclist Conspiracy”, “The Cracked Mirror”, “Lost in the Supermarket”, “John
B. Malkovich”, “The Ideology of Heliocentrism”, “Marta Koen Diary” or any
other of his books were impossible to find at the fair during its last day.
They had sold out. Both of these facts say a lot about Svetislav Basara’s
popularity in Montenegro. It is not just Basara the author who enjoys
popularity: besides the facts of his life listed in his biography: born 1953
in Bajina Basta, published over twenty books, and won the NIN Award
for “The Rise and Fall of Parkinson’s Disease”, we find that he was involved
in politics, and served as the Ambassador of Serbia and Montenegro to
Cyprus, as well as a screenwriter, playwright, musician…
You are well known to the public not only as an author, but also as a
critic of the faults of society. How does Basara the author see Basara
the critic and polemicist? Could it be that he sometimes appears to be
too much for himself?
- Even though I do my best to strictly separate prose writing from political
comments, these two often end up in a low intensity conflict. It would be
ideal if I could isolate myself as much as possible and devote my time to
fine literature completely. But I think this could very well be a sign of cowardice. Of course, I do not think that my social and political criticism will
change anything, but I feel better displaying an active attitude towards
the bad things that have been happening here in an unbroken series for
the last two decades. If you do not resist, soon you will stoop. And then
you either comply with the “rules” around you or lapse into a state of inertia.
Just like Andric and Crnjanski, you used to serve as a diplomat.
How do you see this biographic “detail” today, not just from the
author’s point of view?
- I see it as an interesting episode. There are so many things one can still
learn in diplomacy. You get, for instance, the opportunity to get to know
the political system of the country you are accredited to, from the inside.
In my case, that country was Cyprus. It is far from being the most organised country of the European Union, but still, it was for me devastating
to see how far Serbia and Montenegro, of that period, were from being
a real democratic and legal state. I don’t know the current situation in
Montenegro, but in Serbia, it is the same as it was then, if not worse. More
and more I am convinced that we do not even have a state in the true
sense of the word, that the public institutions are a mere stage set, without any real essence, and that businesses are run in the same way as some
two or three hundred years ago, by tribal councils.
It is definitely not necessary to be an author to understand Borges
who thought of Paradise as an immense library and saw himself as
its librarian. How does Svetislav Basara see books?
- Even though Borges is among the writers who greatly influenced my
writing, I do not share this pious attitude towards libraries. Actually, I don’t
even own a library in the common sense of the word. The books I have
are scattered about in many places. Many are lent. Book reading in my
case has always been more important than book owning. It is enough if
I always have several books with me. The others will find a way to come
into my hands. Wherever I go, I buy a book. Many I forget in hotel rooms,
or simply lose them.
Figuratively speaking, what is it that persuades you to finally publish your writing?
- No persuasion is needed. Books are written to be published. Writing and
reading is communication in its pure form. The best way of communication, that eliminates all the faults of direct contact, and especially the traps
of e-mails, mobile telephones and similar things. Those gadgets actually
announce the death of communication. In the less than twenty years after the use of mobile telephones became widespread, the world has sunk
deeper into solipsism. The loss of concentration can be seen everywhere.
When it comes to proving oneself, getting public recognition and understanding – reading and writing are so good because they eliminate
precisely those things. The author and reader are very close, even though
physically apart. All these things I mentioned make sense, but only at the
beginning, during the period of affirmation. Awards and other trifles are
probably the engines that make you move forward. When you reach a
certain age however, it becomes clear how unimportant all that is. It can
even be a blocking factor. Many a writer has stayed in that labyrinth and
that was the end of their development.
Has anything changed in the way you “experience” writers, compared to the time before you became one (or at least before you
published your work)?
- Many of the writers I like are dead. Most of them, in fact, but their death did
not affect their writing. And let me tell you something, writers like to mystify,
to exaggerate. That works especially for writers from our region. It is a mat-
ter of sensibility. I, for instance, never liked big words, bombastic sentences,
or Romanticist pathos. We paid dearly for the literary drivelling about “dead
brothers”, about more or less expensive words. I prefer reduction.
According to a version of the myth of Pandora’s box, together with
all the evil the world also received hope, released last by Pandora,
when she saw the world lost in sorrow, despair, greed, illnesses, insanity...The second and more recent version argues that hope actually remained locked in the box, thus saving mankind from the
worst of all evils. Which of the two versions is closer to your understanding?
- Without trying to provide belated interpretation of a myth, let me get
to the point straight away. The problem of the world today is that hope
no longer exists. Or to be more precise: hope has been materialized. To
put it in other words: grounded. All our hopes can be found in the store
windows. Our hope has boiled down to aspiring to change our Honda for
a Mercedes one day, when the time comes, or to be able to afford Versace
instead of the Chinese rags we wear. That is inevitable. In the true sense
of the word, hope only exists when coupled with faith. No faith, means
no hope.
Once you said that “the decline of the world was a part of the divine
plan”. When exactly did this “decline” start?
- Well, the decline started from the moment of Adam’s fall. Decline is a
normal process. For people who have faith and hope, this decline is not a
curse but a blessing. They are awaiting the life of a new century.
In „The Ideology of Helio-centrism “, among other things, you said
that the decadence of the city started by tearing down the city walls,
and that it ended up in the “current chaos”. How do you understand this ever growing need to travel (tourism, adventure trips)?
- A long time ago, I wrote that there is not much difference between fascism and tourism. People who go to places they have no business in, no
friends in, nor desire to see something, but just to “get some rest” and have
fun, they were always suspicious to me. When it comes to consequences,
tourists did just a little less damage than fascists. In a different sense of the
word though. Nothing is torn down because of them, but instead, things
worse than any destruction are built. Hundreds of times, while roaming
the old towns of Budva or Kotor, I thought to myself: who in this world
needed anything bigger than this. Streets built to suit the needs of the
people, a grocery store at hand, a cafe ten steps from there...Time goes
by in a natural rhythm. Neither fast nor slow. Big cities give the illusion of
freedom and possibilities. The way I see things, there are neither freedom
nor possibilities there. Far from it. The traffic lights are a necessity but also
a threat to freedom. The red light lights up, and you must stop.
To what degree is it possible today to avoid history and politics
when creating a perception of a country? What are the issues we forget the most when an attitude towards a state, other nation, religion
or race is formed...?
- Why should anything be avoided? Finally, can one really avoid anything?
Nations, states, other nations, religions, races – all these are big empty stories I have absolutely no interest in. Moreover, I don’t know how anyone
can find anything interesting in those boring narratives. Nation and faith
– these are such intimate things, and it is absurd to make them public.
And the state? The state is like a post office. If it manages to deliver a letter
sent from one address to another, everything is OK. If not, then the state
should be looking up to the post offices.
What is Svetislav Basara’s impression of Montenegro today?
- I see quite a lot of progress. I recently visited Podgorica and got lost.
I barely recognized the city, and I was away for only one year. What is
the situation in other places, I couldn’t say. But, progress is clearly visible.
However, many things fortunately remained the same.
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Predstavljanje Karavađove slike u Crnoj Gori
Narcis na izvoru
Pored predstavljanja u Americi,, Japanu i na Bliskom istoku, ovo je prvo predstavljanje Karavađovog djela u regionu. Narcisa na izvoru vidjelo je preko
20000 posjetilaca – iz Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Njemačke, Italije, Srbije, Engleske
i Kipra
Tekst: Ivan Šuković
Slavno djelo Narcis na izvoru, velikog italijanskog baroknog majstora
Mikelanđela Merizija da Karavađa, bilo je izloženo od 3. do 15. juna u Centru
savremene umjetnosti – Dvorac kralja Nikole u Podgorici. Narcisa na izvoru
vidjelo je preko 20 000 posjetilaca – iz Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Njemačke, Italije,
Srbije, Engleske i Kipra.
Izložba je organizovana povodom proslave Dana državnosti Republike
Italije, pod pokroviteljstvom kompanije A2A Montenegro i Elektroprivrede
Crne Gore, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom kulture Italije i ministarstvima kulture
i turizma Crne Gore.
Ulje na platnu Narcis na izvoru, remek-djelo italijanske umjetnosti, u stalnoj
je postavci Nacionalne galerije antičke umjetnosti, palate Barberini u Rimu.
U godini koja obilježava četiri vijeka od smrti ovog velikog lombardijskog
umjetnika, privremenim izlaganjem u Podgorici, obilježeni su tradicionalno
dobri odnosi i uspješna saradnja između Italije i Crne Gore. Značaju izložbe
doprinosi i činjenica da je, pored predstavljanja u Americi, Japanu i na
Bliskom istoku, ovo prvo predstavljanje Karavađovog djela u regionu.
Za života izuzetno slavan i uticajan, veliki umjetnik Mikelanđelo
Merizi da Karavađo (1571–1610) vjekovima je nakon smrti bio
zapostavljen i potpuno zaboravljen. Roberto Longi, umjetnički
kritičar koji je ponovo „otkrio” ovog umjetnika, smatra da je
Karavađo „jedan od najmanje poznatih slikara italijanske umjetnosti”. Tek je u dvadesetom vijeku prepoznat njegov uticaj
na razvoj zapadne umjetnosti. Karavađo, veliki genij i začetnik
baroknog slikarstva, stvarao je u Rimu, Napulju, na Malti i
Siciliji između 1593. i 1610. godine. Uspjeh mu donosi podrška
kardinala Del Montija, koji mu pribavlja bogate narudžbine za
crkve. Ono što ujedinjuje sva Karavađova razdoblja i čini ga vrhunskim protagonistom baroknog slikarstva jeste jak interes
za snažnu dramatiku i psihologiju lika. Boje koje isijavaju s
platna odlika su Karavađove palete, koja se ne temelji na odabiru „lijepih” kolorita koliko na njihovom suptilnom slaganju
u kontrastiranju svjetla i sjenke. Iako su njegove slike odraz
duboke i originalne vjerske svijesti, njegov privatni život bio
je ispunjen svađama, duelima, hapšenjima, što je kulminiralo
ubistvom 1606. Ovaj polaritet naročito je prisutan u prikazu
vjerskih ličnosti – korišćenjem prostitutki, makroa i beskućnika
kao modela koje je uveo u svoje slikarstvo kao snažne, neugledne figure, slikane bez dotjerivanja, realno i proživljeno.
Najpoznatiji slikar sjeverne Italije u to vrijeme, ubrzo je dobio
taj status na Malti i u Napulju. U ljeto 1610, čekajući povratak
u Rim kako bi dobio pomilovanje od pape, biva uhapšen i zatvoren u tamnicu, gdje nakon dva dana i umire. Međutim, ni
danas nije do kraja poznato kako je i pod kojim okolnostima
Karavađo umro. Tijelo nije pronađeno, a mjesto njegovog groba i sada je tajna.
„Ni dodirom, ni sluhom, ne stvaraju se toliko duboke rane
kakve nastaju dok gledamo ili nas neko gleda”
Veliki pisci, pjesnici, psihoanalitičari, reditelji…, tragajući za
narcisom ušli su u strastveni svijet drevnih mitova antičke
Grčke i zaustavili se na savremenoj književnosti. Slijedeći legende o narcisu koje su locirane kroz istoriju u raznim pričama,
prostorima i vremenima, pokazalo se koliko je njegov lik figurirao kao stvarna ličnost opčinjena sopstvenom ljepotom,
sve do smrti, nakon koje su ga, kako kaže jedna od legendi,
bogovi pretvorili u cvijet. Poput većine Karavađovih djela,
Narcis na izvoru (1597–1599) decenijama je otvarao mnoge
dileme, nudio smjernice za njegovo eventualno razrješenje,
ali istovremeno pružao jedinstvenu priliku za komparativni
pristup maestralnom opusu velikog umjetnika. Opipljiva
mekoća njegove haljine, u suprotnosti sa tlom na koje se oslanja, stvara utisak života i realnosti. Lice mladića, čini se, priziva ono najbolje – psihoanalizu i razumijevanje njegovog lika,
prenošenje njegovog vlastitog ja „s one strane”. Da li je riječ o
„narcisu” koji upoznaje to vlastito ja, ispituje savjest, suočava
se sa svojim dvojnikom, uništava samog sebe, ili vjeruje da je
ponovo voljen – pretpostavke su koje i danas ovo djelo čine
misterioznim i opsesivnim. Da li je njegov odraz u vodi ogledalo koje prikazuje stvarnost koju možda ponekad ne želimo
da vidimo? Iza velikih stvaralaca ostaju velike i skrivene misli.
Postavlja se pitanje – koja je to tajna koju je slavni umjetnik
ostavio za sobom predstavljajući jedan složen univerzum, univerzum samo jednog pola koji upoznaje samog sebe iz pozicije
ljudskog bića.
Laguna hoteL & restoran
Laguna hoteL & restaurant
Laguna hotel&restoran Vam nudi jedinstveno iskustvo udobnosti i privatnosti zajedno sa prijatnom atmosferom koja donosi
dah prirode.
Sve sobe i apartmani su opremljeni:
dizajniranim namještajem od drveta,
kablovskom televizijom (79 kanala),
prostranim kupatilima,
sistemom za hlađenje i grijanje,
fenom za kosu,
besplatnim bežičnim Internetom.
servis obuhvata:
Room service,
Besplatan parking,
24h recepciju,
Poslovne usluge,
Rent a car,
Laguna hotel&restoran u ponudi ima nacionalnu i internacionalnu kuhinju po veoma pristupačnim cijenama (kako za
hotelske tako i za goste restorana). Enterijer je u autentičnom
stilu i kombinaciji drveta i zelenog kamena što će Vas makar na
trenutak vratiti u romantičnu prošlost.
the Laguna hotel&restaurant offers you a unique experience of
comfort and privacy combined with the pleasant atmosphere with
breath of nature.
All rooms and suits are equipped with:
Designed wooden furniture,
Cable TV (79 channels),
Mini bar,
Spacious bathrooms,
Cooling&heating system,
Hair dryer,
Free wireless Internet.
service comprehends:
Room service,
Free parking,
24h reception,
Business services,
Rent a car,
Sightseeing tours.
The Laguna hotel&restaurant offers a range of national and international dishes both to hotel guests and to others at very advantageous prices. The interior is in an authentic style consisting of wood
and green stone which will take you back at least for a moment into
the romantic past.
Gdje se nalazimo:
u poslovnom objektu u ulici Vojislavljevića 72
ulica Vojislavljevića 72 povezuje puteve: PodgoricaCetinje i Podgorica-Aerodrom-Bar
Where are we:
in commercial building at 72 Vojislavljevica Street
72 Vojislavljeca Street connects two roads: PodgoricaCetinje & Podgorica-Airport -Bar.
Udaljenost od:
aerodroma: 14 minuta
centra grada: 7 minuta
željezničke i autobuske stanice: 4 minuta
Distance from:
Airport: 14 minutes
Downtown: 7 minutes
Railway&bus stations: 4 minutes
Laguna hotel&restoran Vojislavljevića 72, Podgorica
+382 20 641 777, +382 67 614 777
[email protected] | (online booking) |
A Caravaggio Painting in Montenegro
Narciso alla Fonte
After the U.S, Japan and the Middle East, this is the first time that Caravaggio’s
paintings are exhibited in the region. Over 20,000 visitors from Montenegro,
Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, England and Cyprus saw “Narciso alla Fonte”
Text: Ivan Šuković
“Narciso alla Fonte”, the famous painting by the great Italian Baroque master Michelangelo Merisi-Caravaggio was exhibited from 3 to 15 June at the
Centre for Contemporary Art – King Nikola Palace in Podgorica. Over 20,000
visitors from Montenegro, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, England and
Cyprus saw “Narciso alla Fonte”.
The occasion for this exhibition was the Italian Republic Day, and it was
organized under the auspices of the company A2A Montenegro and the
Montenegrin Electric Enterprise, in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of
Culture and the Montenegrin ministries of culture and tourism.
The oil painting “Narciso allla Fonte” is a masterpiece of Italian art and
it is part of the collection of the National Gallery of Antique Art (Galleria
Nazionale d’Arte Antica) located at the Barberini Palace in Rome. This year
marks the fourth centenary of the death of this great Lombard artist, and
the exhibition in Podgorica commemorated the traditionally good relations
and successful cooperation between Italy and Montenegro. The importance
of the exhibition was also stressed by the fact that besides America, Japan
and the Middle East, this is the first time the painting has been exhibited in
the region.
Caravaggio, autoportrait
Glorified and influential during his life, the great artist
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 — 1610) fell into
complete oblivion and was forgotten for several centuries after
his death. Roberto Longhi, the art critic who “rediscovered” this
artist after several centuries of neglect, believed Caravaggio to
be “one of the least known painters of Italian art”. His influence
on the development of western art was only recognized in the
20th century. Caravaggio, a great genius and founder of the
school of Baroque painting, worked in Rome, Naples, Malta
and Sicily, in the period between 1593 and 1610. His success
was secured by the support of Cardinal Del Monte, who provided him with well paid commissions for various churches. In
all his periods, he showed an immense interest in expressing
drama and the psychology of character. The colours radiating from the canvas are specific to Caravaggio’s palette, which
does not so much focus on “nice” coloring as on their subtle arrangement in the contrast of light and shade. Even though his
paintings reflect his deep and authentic religious conscience,
his private life was tumultuous, complete with fights, duels, arrests, and one of the brawls he was involved in culminated in
a murder in 1606. This polarity is present especially in the way
he represented his religious characters, by having prostitutes,
pimps, and homeless people as his models. He painted them
as strong, plain figures, formed in a realistic manner, without
embellishments. The best known painter of his time would
soon achieve fame in Malta and Naples as well. In the summer
of 1610, while waiting for the pardon of his sins by the Pope,
he was arrested and held in prison, where he died two days
later. However, the cause of his death remains obscure until
the present day. His body was never found, and the location of
his tomb remains a mystery.
“Neither touch, nor hearing can cause such deep wounds as
those inflicted on us while we watch or somebody watches
Many great writers, poets, psychoanalysts, and film directors
embarked on a search for Narcissus through the passionate
world of the ancient myths of Greece and this has continued
all the way through the history right up to contemporary literature. Following the trail the legend of Narcissus has marked
throughout history in numerous stories, spaces and times, the
obvious conclusion was that he was perceived as a real person, possessed by his own beauty, which led to his death, after which, as the story goes, the ancient gods turned him into
a flower. Like most of Caravaggio’s paintings, “Narciso alla
Fonte” (1597-1599) has been a riddle for decades, triggering
clues for explanation, but also an opportunity to approach
this great artist’s body of work in a comparative manner. The
sensible softness of Narcissus’ dress, contrasting the ground
he leans on, together create an impression of pulsating life,
and of reality. The face of the young man seems to address
his psychoanalytic profile in an obvious way, leading us to understand his character, and the transition of his own self “to
the other side”. Was it a “narcissus” who meets his own self,
examines his conscience, faces his double, and then destroys
himself, or believes that he is loved again – these assumptions
are still there, contributing to the mysteries and obsessions associated with that painting. Was his reflection in the water a
mirror that shows us the truth we sometimes do not wish to
see? Great artists leave behind some great and hidden ideas.
The question we ask ourselves is, what is the secret that this famous artist has left behind in the form of a complex universe, a
single sex universe that is getting to know itself from the point
of view of a human being.
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Destinacija – Brazil
otvorenih vrata
Hrist Spasitelj grli Rio
Živopisni gradovi, puni života, poput Sao Paula i Rio de Žaneira, siromašne
četvrti –favele, multikulturalno stanovništvo, prelijepe plaže i izvrsna gastronomija, te kultura raskošnih karnevala i izuzetno druželjubivi i predusretljivi stanovnici, razlozi su zbog kojih se Brazilu ponovo dolazi.
Plaža Kopakabana
Tekst: Marija Pajović
Od nomada do svjetskog giganta
Područje današnjeg Brazila naselili su polunomadski narodi prije prvog
iskrcavanja portugalskih istraživača 1500 godine. Tokom iduća tri vijeka,
područje Brazila naseljavali su Portugalci i iskorišćavali prirodna dobra – u
početku je to bilo većinom drvo pernambuco (drvo brazil ili Pau-Brasil), a
onda su se počele stvarati plantaže šećerne trske i kafe. U početku se kao
radna snaga koristilo porobljeno indijansko stanovništvo, a poslije 1550. godine i afričko. Ropstvo je ukinuto krajem 1888. godine „Zlatnim zakonom”,
a Republika Sjedinjenih Brazilskih Država proglašena je 1889. Krajem 19. i
početkom 20. vijeka Brazil je privukao više od pet miliona evropskih i japanskih imigranata. Za to razdoblje karakteristična je snažna industrijalizacija
Brazila i razvoj unutrašnjosti. Dvadeseti vijek je za Brazil vijek diktatura. Bile
su čak tri: 1930–1934, 1937–1945. i 1964–1985, pod vođstvom vojne hunte
koju su podržavale SAD. Od 1988. godine Brazil je demokratska republika.
Brazil je najveća država u Južnoj Americi, te peta po veličini država na svijetu.
Nju većinom prekriva tropska šuma, a na istočnoj strani izlazi na Atlantski
okean. Kroz Brazil protiče najveća rijeka na svijetu – Amazon. Kada se izlije,
Amazon je dvostuko širi od Jadrana. Na ušću Amazona nalazi se otok Marajo,
veličine Danske. Kopneni dio Brazila obično se geografski i statistički dijeli na
pet regija.
Sjeverna regija čini 45% površine Brazila i ovo je regija sa najmanjim brojem
stanovnika. Regija je poprilično nerazvijena i neindustrijalizovana. U njoj se
nalazi veći dio Amazonske prašume i mnoštvo indijanskih plemena.
Sjeveroistočnu regiju naseljava otprilike trećina ukupnog stanovništva
Brazila. Ovo je kulturalno raznolika regija – u njoj se miješaju portugalska,
afričko-brazilska i indijanska kultura. Ovo je najsiromašnija regija Brazila koja
je poznata po obali i suvoj klimi.
Središnjozapadna regija je druga po veličini u Brazilu, ali sa vrlo malim
brojem stanovnika. U ovoj regiji nalazi se glavni grad Brazilija. U ovoj regiji
Karneval u Riju
Stadion Marakana
Prikaz iz brazilskog sela
Brazilski industrijski sektor najrazvijeniji je u Latinskoj Americi i čini jednu trećinu brazilskog BDP-a. Među najvažnije grane
brazilske industrije spada i avio-industrija. Brazilska kompanija EMBRAER jedan je od najavćih svjetskih prozvođača aviona,
sa godišnjim izvozom većim od tri milijarde dolara, i to samo u civilnom programu putničkih aviona.
nalazi se i Pantanal, najveće močvarno područje na svijetu, kao i manji dio
Amazonske prašume. Većinu regije čini Cerrado, najveća savana na svijetu.
Jugoistočna regija je najbogatija i najgušće naseljena regija Brazila. U njoj
se nalazi više ljudi nego u bilo kojoj južnoameričkoj državi i sadrži jedan od
najvećih megalopolisa na svijetu, čiji su najveći gradovi Sao Paulo i Rio de
Žaneiro. Regija je poprilično raznolika, uključujući poslovno središte Sao
Paulo, istorijske gradove u Minas Žeraisu, plaže Rio de Žaneira i obalu Espirito
Santoa. Južna regija je najbogatija regija Brazila, sa najvećim životnim standardom u zemlji. Regija je uglavnom naseljena evropskim imigrantima, što
se vidi i u lokalnoj kulturi.
Brazil prema procjeni ima skoro sto devedeset miliona stanovnika – bijelci
čine više od polovine stanovništva, miješane rase je oko trećinu, dok manji
procenat čine crnci. Najveći dio stanovništva (oko 80%) katoličke je vjeroispovijesti, što Brazil čini zemljom sa najvećim brojem katolika na svijetu.
Zbog trovjekovnog kolonijalnog statusa pod potrugalskom krunom, Brazil
predstavlja jedinu državu u Americi u kojoj je portugalski službeni jezik.
Iako je Brazil jedna od zemalja sa najvećim životnim standardom u svijetu,
u njemu trenutno ima četrdeset miliona stanovnika koji žive u vrlo teškim
uslovima. Takvo je stanje nastalo zbog potpune društvene nepravde i nejednakosti. To se najviše vidi u velikim gradovima u kojima je brazilska svakodnevica život u kartonskim kućama – tzv. favelama.
Brazil sadrži velika prirodna bogatstva, najviše zbog Amazonske prašume.
Posebno su razvijeni poljoprivreda, industrija, rudarstvo i uslužni sektor.
Najveća i najrazvijenija država Latinske Amerike ima devetu po veličini
privredu na svijetu. Veliki privredni rast ima i skupu cijenu za Brazil. Naime,
svake godine posijeku se velike površine šume. Te se nove površine upotrebljavaju u poljoprivredi. Najveći dio plantaža u vlasništvu je velikih feudalaca. Veliki dio Brazila pokrivaju plodna zemljišta, ali obrađuje se samo 4%
od ukupne površine – ni u jednoj zemlji svijeta nema mogućnosti tako
velikog širenja obradivih površina kao u Brazilu. Najveći dio zemljišta čine
krupni veleposijedi, od kojih su neki jednaki površini srednjoameričkih
država. Od poljoprivrednih prozivoda Brazil je najviše poznat po kafama,
koje imaju nazive po izvoznim lukama: santos, minas, parana, rio..., ali i po
pomorandžama. Naime, brazilske pomorandže podmiruju polovinu svjetskog tržišta sokova.
Zemlja sunca, plaža, karnevala, plaža,
Ako ikada odlučite da posjetite ovu predivnu zemlju, imaćete priliku da
upoznate uvijek mističan Amazon, metropolise poput Sao Paola, Rio de
Žaneira, gdje se može osjetiti radost života u pravom smislu te riječi –
karnevali, ples, pjesma, plaže, sport i sunce eliksiri su života tog vatrenog
grada. Tu se nalazi jedno od sedam svjetskih čuda – kip Isusa Hrista.
Kip se nalazi na brdu Korkovado iznad Rio de Žaneira i visok je 40 metara.
Djelovi kipa, teškog preko 1000 tona, izrađivani su u Francuskoj punih pet
godina, počevši od 1926. godine. Nedavno je nakon obimne restauracije,
vrijedne više od četiri miliona eura, ponovo otvoren za javnost. Postao je
simbol grada i topline brazilskog naroda – dočekuje posjetioce širom otvorenih ruku.
Naravno, uz Brazil povezujemo i zgodne tamnopute djevojke i mladiće,
kao i nezaobilazni fudbal i najpoznatiju i najuspješniju fudbalsku reperezentaciju na svijetu – sa najvećim svjetskim stadionom Marakanom.
Možemo zaključiti da je Brazil zemlja puna kontrasta. Prekrasni i živopisni
gradovi, puni života, poput Sao Paula i Rio de Žaneira, siromašne četvrti
– favele, multikulturalno stanovništvo, prelijepe plaže i izvrsna gastronomija, te kultura raskošnih karnevala i izuzetno druželjubivi i predusretljivi stanovnici, razlozi su zbog kojih se Brazilu ponovo dolazi.
Redovne i čaRteR linije Moskva-tivat / PodgoRica-Moskva i čaRteR linije st.PeteRbuRg-tivat-st.PeteRbuRg
117292 Moscow, Russia
91036 sT. PeTeRsbuRg, Russia
11000 belgRaDe, seRbia
85310 buDva, MonTenegRo
81000 PoDgoRica, MonTenegRo
D. ulianova 16/2, off. 319
2 sovetskaya 7, business center senator, off. 209
Kneginje Zorke 10
slovenska obala bb Hotel “aleksandar”
Moskovska 21 business center “vektra” 9/a
Tel/fax: 7(495) 937 5722; 125 6927
Tel/fax: 7(812) 332 6813; 332 6815
Tel/fax:+381(11) 344 4045; 344 4046
Tel/fax:+382(0) 33 451 502 Fax: 33 402 121
Tel/fax:+382(0) 20 234 787; 234 789
e-mail: [email protected]
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Destination – Brazil
A Giant with an
Open Door
Picturesque cities brimming
with life, like Sao Paolo and
Rio de Janeiro, slums - known
as favelas- multicultural communities, amazing beaches and
extraordinary cuisine, along
with the famous culture of lavish
carnivals and utterly friendly
and hospitable inhabitants, are
just some of the reasons to make
one want to return to Brazil
Text: Marija Pajović
From Nomads to a World-class Giant
Christ the Redeemer overlooking Rio de Janeiro
The territory of what is today Brazil was first settled by semi-nomadic people prior to the landing of Portuguese explorers in the year 1500. During
the following three centuries, the territory of Brazil was colonised by the
Portuguese who took advantage of its natural resources – at the beginning,
it was mainly the pernambuco tree (Pau-Brasil), but sugar cane and coffee
plantations were soon to follow. Initially, the conquered indigenous Indian
inhabitants provided the labour, and African slaves were shipped in after
1550. Slavery was abolished in 1888, by the Golden Law, and a year later, in
1889, the Republic of the United States of Brazil was proclaimed. Over five
million immigrants from Europe and Japan had come to Brazil by the end
of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. This period was characterized by the rapid industrialization of Brazil and the development of its
provinces. The 20th century is remembered as the period of dictatorships
in Brazil. There were three of them: 1930–1934, 1937–1945 and 1964–1985,
under military juntas supported by the USA. Since 1988, Brazil has been a
democratic republic.
Brazil is the largest country in South America, and the fifth largest country in
the world. It is mostly covered by tropical forest, with access to the Atlantic
Ocean on its eastern side. The longest river in the world – the Amazon, runs
through Brazil. During the wet season, the Amazon is twice as wide as the
Adriatic Sea. At its mouth, there is Marajo, an island the size of Denmark. The
continental part of Brazil is geographically and statistically divided into five
The northern region takes up to 45% of the entire territory of Brazil, and it
is the least populated region. This region is rather undeveloped and nonindustrialized. Most of the Amazon rainforest and numerous Indian tribes
are to be found in this region.
Approximately one third of entire Brazil population lives in the north-east region. This region is culturally very diverse – Portuguese, African-Brazilian and
Indian cultures are mixed here. This is Brazil’s poorest region, well-known for
its coast and dry climate.
The mid-western region is second in size, but not very densely populated.
The capital, Brasilia, is located there. There is also, Pantanal, the world’s
largest wetland, as well as a smaller portion of the Amazon rainforest. The
Cerrado, the greatest savannah in the world, covers most of this area.
The south-east region is the richest and the most densely populated region
of Brazil. It has more inhabitants than any other South American country
and has some of the largest megalopolises in the world, especially Sao
Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. The region is rather diverse, including business
centres like Sao Paolo, the historic cities in Minas Gerais, the famous beaches of Rio de Janeiro and the coast of Espirito Santo. The south region is the
richest in Brazil, with the highest standard of living in the country. Most of
the region is populated by immigrants from Europe, which is visible in the
local culture.
The population of Brazil is estimated at approximately one hundred and
ninety million – more than half of the population are white, around one
third belong to mixed races, and only a small percentage are black. Most
of the population (about 80%) are Roman Catholics, which makes Brazil the
country with the largest number of Roman Catholics in the world. Due to
three centuries of colonial status under the Portuguese crown, Brazil is today the only country in America with Portuguese as the official language.
Even though Brazil is considered to be one of the countries with the highest
standard of living in the world, there are still forty million people living in very
difficult conditions. This situation is the result of an historic lack of equality and
great social injustices. It is most clearly visible in the large cities in which slums
made from cardboard, the so-called favelas are an everyday sight.
Favela Rocinha
Sunset football on Copacabana beach
Brazil produces half oranges in the world
Carnival in Rio
Brazilian industry is the most developed in South America, and it accounts for one-third of Brazil’s GDP. The aircraft industry
is one of its most important branches. The EMBRAER corporation is one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, with annual exports worth over three billion dollars, consisting exclusively of civil passenger airplanes.
Brazil has great natural resources, mainly thanks to the Amazon rainforest.
Economically the Agriculture, industry, mining, and service sectors are the
most developed. The largest and most developed country in South America
ranks as the 9th largest economy in the world. Brazil has paid dearly for its
great economic growth. Large quantities of wood are cut every year. The deforested territory is used for agriculture. Most of the plantations are owned
by powerful families. A large part of Brazil is covered by arable land, but only
4% is cultivated – no other country in world has such potential in arable land
as Brazil. Most of the land consists of big private properties, some of them
equal in size to most Central American countries. Coffee is the best known
agricultural produce of Brazil, and its varieties are named after the exporting
harbours: santos, minas, parana, rio...; but, there are also oranges. In fact,
oranges from Brazil supply one half of the world’s juice market.
A country of sun, beaches, carnivals, football ….
If you ever decide to visit this marvellous country, it would be your chance
to see the always mystical Amazon, metropolises like Sao Paolo, Rio de
Janeiro - a place where you may feel the joy of life in the true sense of the
word – carnivals, dance, song, beaches, sport and sun, are the elixirs of life in
this passionate city. One of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World is there
– the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
This 40 metre tall statue is located at Corcovado Mountain above Rio de
Janeiro. Weighing over 1,000 tons, the various parts of this statue were
constructed over a five year period, starting in 1926. It has undergone a
thorough restoration, worth over four million euros, and it was recently
reopened to the public. The statue is a symbol of the city and of the
Brazilian people’s cordiality – always greeting visitors with arms open
Certainly, we associate Brazil with beautiful tanned young women and men,
and inevitably football, and the most successful football national team in
the world – featuring the world’s largest stadium – the Maracana.
It is safe to say that Brazil is a country full of contrasts. Beautiful, picturesque
cities brimming with life, like Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro, slums – favelas,
multicultural communities, amazing beaches and an extraordinary cuisine,
along with the culture of lavish carnivals and the utterly friendly and hospitable inhabitants, these are just some of the reasons to make one want to
return to Brazil.
Izložba „tepiha” Sonje Đuranović
Crnogorska umjetnička scena
postala je bogatija za još jedan
važan i nezaobilazan segment
u primijenjenim umjetnostima.
Radovi Sonje Đuranović dizajnirani po nacrtu slika iz serije
„Vrt” predstavljaju autentične
i unikatne art-tepihe, koji pripadaju ciklusu „Kaleidoskop”.
Uz pomoć fabrike Kredo iz Ulcinja, art-tepisi su izrađeni po
najsavremenijim standardima
– od belgijske vune, u vrhunskoj tehnologiji 120.000 čvorova, u više kompozicija boja i
neravnomjernih oblika.
Tekst: Ivan Šuković
Fotografija: Duško Miljanić
olazeći od toga da tapiserije i tepisi kroz arhetipsko tumačenje
ukazuju na nesputanu slobodu u kretanju, kolorit i kreacija Sonje
Đuranović inkorporirani u ovaj medij u poetskom smislu apsolutno
odgovaraju za već predstavljene slike iz prethodnog ciklusa „Vrt”. Ovaj vid
primijenjene umjetnosti podstiče na razmišljanje, provocira ideje o daljem
toku njenog rada, jer izlazi iz uobičajenih postavki. Shodno tome, govoriti
o novom procesu stvaranja nemoguće je a da ne doživimo ove art- tepihe
kao promjenu na svakom nivou – kao otpor, ali i kao mobilnost i težnju za
promjenama na profesionalnom i ličnom planu. U likovnom smislu može se
reći da je težnja bila da se progovori jednim novim jezikom, koji pokazuje
kako izgleda apsorbovati različita iskustva, prvenstveno slikarska – kompozicija, boja, gestualno u slikarstvu, slikarstvo obojenog polja. Ogromni
cvjetovi u vunenom prikazu spajaju elemente gdje motivi likovnog izraza i
primijenjene umjetnosti tragaju za unutrašnjim mirom i potrebom tih istih
cvjetova da se sa zida spuste na pod. Nastojanje umjetnice da od jednostavnijih teži ka novim, složenijim sadržajima, može se tumačiti kao vlastita
kreativna evolucija koja varira u različitim medijima i na taj način traga za
novim izražajnim prostorima u novim likovnim materijalima i tehnikama. U
tom smislu, projekat art-tepisi „Kaleidoskop” predstavlja umjetnički izazov,
ali i logičan slijed dosadašnjeg stvaralaštva. Formirajući sklad kolorističkog
ansambla od fleksibilnih oblika, svaki tepih ponaosob zadržava strukturalna
svojstva kao prirodna tvar nastala industrijskom tvorevinom. Ono što ih
povezuje, osim savršenog formalnog i kolorističkog jedinstva, jeste snaga visokokvalitetne izrade, u okviru koje se radovi svojom osobenošću reflektuju
u taktilnosti forme i njenom sadejstvu sa prostorom. Kaleidoskop, kao česta
tema u interpretaciji posmatrača i samog umjetnika, postavlja se u ulogu
protagoniste koji je u ovom slučaju u stanju da proviri u svijet cvjetnog boda Sonje Đuranović i ostane u njemu trajno.
The “Carpet” Exhibition by Sonja Djuranovic
The Montenegrin art scene has just become richer through another important and necessary segment of applied arts. The works of Sonja Djuranovic, designed after paintings
of her “Garden” series were turned into authentic and unique art carpets making up the
Kaleidoscope cycle. With the assistance of the Ulcinj Company Kredo, these art carpets
are manufactured in line with the latest technological standards, made of Belgian wool,
with 120,000 knots, in featuring compositions in several colours and irregular shapes.
Text: Ivan Suković
Photo: Duško Miljanić
iven that tapestry and carpets provide archetypal interpretation
and point to the unlimited freedom of movement, the colours and
creativity Sonja Djuranovic incorporated in this medium, absolutely poetically correspond to images already presented in her previous cycle
“Garden”. This type of applied arts is thought-provoking, initiating ideas that
stimulate her process of creativity, as it comes out of the established frameworks. Accordingly, it is impossible to discuss the new creativity process,
without experiencing these art carpets as a change on every level – as a
form of resistance, and at the same time as mobility and a desire for change
at both a professional and personal level. In terms of art, it can be said that
the focus was placed on an attempt to start speaking a new language, one
that exhibits a range of absorbed experiences, mainly in the field of painting
–composition, colour, gestural painting, and colour field painting. The huge
flowers embedded in wool merge all the elements of pictorial expression
and applied arts and search for inner peace as well as the need for the flowers to descend from the walls onto the floors. The efforts of the artist, to explore simpler and then move on to the new, more complex contents can be
interpreted as a personal creative evolution that varies depending on the
medium and thus as a search for new fields for expression, in new materials
and techniques of art. Seen as such, the art carpet project “Kaleidoscope”
is an artistic challenge, and at the same time, the logical sequence of her
body of work so far. Through the formation of a colour ensemble consisting of flexible shapes, each carpet preserves its structural features, just like
a natural object, even though they were created in an industrial process.
What connects them, apart from perfect formal and colour unity is the high
quality manufacturing that enables the carpets to reflect their features in
the tactility of form and their interaction with space. Kaleidoscope, as an
often explored topic, interpreted by an observer as well as the artist herself,
is given the role of a protagonist, capable of taking a peek into the world of
Sonja Djuranovic’s floral stitches and permanently remaining in there.
Domaća trpeza
zove goste
Food Lures
the Guests
O kvalitetu crnogorskih proizvoda najbolje govori veliki broj nagrada, pehara i medalja na međunarodnim takmičenjima. Brend – Dobro iz Crne Core dobilo je dosta
proizvođača, a okretanje njihovim proizvodima značajno će unaprijediti cjelokupnu
turističku privredu – gosti iz inostranstva vole da vide i probaju domaće proizvode koji
su znak prepoznavanja naše države.
A large number of awards, cups and medals won at international competitions is the best evidence
of the quality of Montenegrin products. The Good from Montenegro trademark has been awarded
to many producers, which will significantly improve the overall tourism industry, prompting it to
turn to these products, since every foreign guest will be glad to see and taste these domestic products our country is recognizable by.
cilju obogaćivanja turističke ponude i veće zastupljenosti crnogorskih proizvoda u ugostiteljstvu, održani su Susreti hotelijera, restoratera i poljoprivrednih proizvođača Crne Gore . Pod sloganom
„Ponudi domaće – izaberi kvalitet” održana su četiri Susreta, na kojima su
hotelijeri i restorateri imali priliku da se uvjere u kvalitet domaćeg proizvoda.
Prvi Susret održan je u Podgorici, gdje su ugostitelji uživali u degustaciji vina
više od dvadeset proizvođača. U Kolašinu su predstavljeni proizvođači mesa,
ribe, kao i fabrike flaširane vode. Treći Susret održan je ponovo u Podgorici,
gdje su ugostitelji konzumirali proizvode od mlijeka. Završni Susret održan
je u Baru a predstavljeni su proizvodi od meda, maslinovog ulja, ljekovitog
bilja, voća, povrća i soli.
Na Susretima je istaknuto kako je nacionalna kuhinja važan segment svake
turističke destinacije jer na nju turisti u značajnoj mjeri obraćaju pažnju, a
istaknuta je i činjenica da je ponuda domaćih proizvoda obogaćena i da
ispunjava sve međunarodne standarde kada je proizvodnja u pitanju. Postoji
puno prostora da se saradnja između proizvođača i hotelijera i restoratera
značajno unaprijedi, s obzirom na velike količine proizvoda koji se uvoze.
Domaći proizvodi treba da budu u što većoj mjeri zastupljeni u ponudi
hotela i restorana, jer se time upotpunjava crnogorska turistička ponuda i
čini različitom u odnosu na konkurentske destinacije.Turizam i poljoprivreda
su neraskidivo povezani, a turistička privreda ima ogroman interes da uspostavi što čvršće kontakte sa domaćim poljoprivrednim proizvođačima. Na
taj način najbolje se realizuje sinergija poljoprivrede i turizma, koji u Crnoj
Gori moraju funkcionisati po sistemu spojenih sudova, ocijenjenili su pokrovitelji Susreta – Ministrastvo turizma i Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva
i vodoprivrede.
Posebno je istaknuta činjenica da o kvalitetu crnogorskih proizvoda najbolje
govori veliki broj nagrada, pehara i medalja na međunarodnim takmičenjima.
Brend – Dobro iz Crne Core dobilo je dosta proizvođača, a okretanje njihovim proizvodima značajno će unaprijediti cjelokupnu turističku privredu –
gosti iz inostranstva vole da vide i probaju domaće proizvode koji su znak
prepoznavanja naše države.
n order to enrich the tourism offering and ensure a greater share of
Montenegrin products in the hospitality industry, meetings of hotel
and restaurant operators together with the main agricultural producers
of Montenegro have been held over the last several months. Four meetings
were held, under the slogan “Offer Local Product – Choose Quality,” providing the opportunity for the hotel and restaurant operators to check the quality of domestic products. The first meeting was held in Podgorica, where the
operators enjoyed a tasting of wine from over 20 local producers. In Kolasin,
local meat and fish products were presented, as well as those from water
bottling companies. The third meeting was again held in Podgorica, where
the hospitality professionals tasted dairy products. The final meeting was
held in Bar, featuring products such as honey, olive oil, medicinal herbs, fruit,
vegetables and salt.
It was pointed out at the meetings that the traditional local cuisine was an
important segment of every destination, and that tourists paid great attention to it, as well as that domestic products had added value, since they
met all international production standards. There is great potential for a
considerable improvement in cooperation between the producers and ho-
tel and restaurant operators, given the great quantity of imported products.
Domestic products should have the largest possible share in the hotel and
restaurants menus, which would make the Montenegrin tourist industry
complete, and thus distinguishing it from competing destinations. Tourism
and agriculture are connected by unbreakable ties, and the tourism industry has a great interest in establishing the closest possible contact with
domestic agricultural producers. A synergy of agriculture and tourism is
best achieved in that way, as they must be interdependent in Montenegro,
the sponsors of the meetings, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, have concluded.
The fact that a large number of awards, cups and medals won at international competitions is the best evidence of the quality of Montenegrin
products was particularly emphasized. The “Good from Montenegro” trademark has been awarded to many producers, which will significantly improve
the overall tourism industry, prompting it to turn to these products, since
every foreign guest will be glad to see and taste the domestic products that
Montenegro is recognizable by.
Now is the perfect time for investing in one of the few remaining luxurious European resorts.
The Royal Montenegro Grand Resort offers a unique investment opportunity in one of Europe’s
fastest growing economies. Montenegro because of it’s ideal size will host a limited number
of top end investments that will never loose their sophisticated appeal.
Sada je savršeni trenutak za investiranje u jedno od nekoliko preostalih luksuznih evropskih
ljetovališta. Royal Montenegro Grand Resort nudi jedinstvenu priliku za investiranje u jednu
od najbrže rastućih ekonomija u Evropi. Zbog svoje idealne veličine, Crna Gora će biti otvorena
za ograničeni broj vrhunskih investicija koje nikada neće izgubiti na svojoj sofisticiranoj pojavi.
Sveti Stefan
INFORMATION T + (382) 81 23 88 70 E [email protected] W
Vaše avanture
i investicije
bezbjedne su
u Crnoj Gori
Your Adventures
and Investments
are Safe in
Piše: dr Igor Lukšić,
u Vladi Crne Gore
By Igor Luksic, PhD,
Deputy Prime Minister
of Montenegro
et us remember the James Bond movie, Casino Royale. These days, it
seems that the media neglected a very important fact when writing
about Montenegro: James Bond is fiction.
Montenegro has turned its back on the 1990s, when the Balkans was struck
by war and international sanctions. It is sad that this situation created
such favourable conditions for the development of corruption and crime.
However, that period is behind us! Montenegro is on the right track to attain
the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union. We
have used a considerable portion of the pre-accession funds for the development of a new legislative framework, enabling the competent authorities
to eliminate corruption.
Both people and property enjoy full protection in Montenegro. Our new
Criminal Procedure Code, adopted last year, gives authority to our law enforcement agencies in charge of fighting corruption to use secret surveillance measures, that agent 007 would be proud of, enabling them to initiate
the procedure of the permanent dispossession of property the legal origin
of which has not been proven. Our Ministry of Finance also applies a new
system of sending warnings to all anti money-laundering authorities about
potential cases. Montenegro is the last place where suspicious businessmen
would hide their money!
The proof of this may be found in findings by international organizations.
The Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) reported
that Montenegro had implemented 67 percent of its recommendations
of 2006 in a satisfactory manner, which is the highest percentage among
all Balkan countries. In 2009, the organisation Freedom House upgraded
Montenegro’s position compared to two years earlier. The organisation
Transparency International gave a better evaluation related to the state of
corruption than any other Balkan country, apart from Croatia.
Our objective is to become the Switzerland of the Balkans – not just because Switzerland is famous for its cuckoo clocks and chocolate, but because it is a stable, hard working nation and a transparent country where a
business can only blossom (not to mention our breathtaking scenery that
can rival the most beautiful mountaintops of the Alps).
We are making great efforts to develop our capital Podgorica into the investment centre of the Western Balkans. Both European and North American
companies are already interested in investing in Montenegro.
Welcome to Montenegro! Enjoy your mountain adventures and the benefits of sun, sea and surfing. Let us leave the bad guys where they belong
– in the movies.
jetimo se samo Kazino rojala i filma o Džejmsu Bondu. Ovih dana,
čini se da mediji zanemaruju važnu činjenicu kada pišu o Crnoj Gori:
Džejms Bond je fikcija.
Crna Gora je okrenula leđa devedesetim godinama kada je Balkan bio
pogođen ratom i međunarodnim sankcijama. Žalosno je što je ova situacija
stvorila plodno tle za povećanje korupcije i kriminala. Međutim, ovaj period
je iza nas! Crna Gora je na dobrom putu ka dobijanju statusa kandidata u
Evropskoj uniji. Iskoristili smo značajan dio pretpristupnih fondova za stvaranje novog zakonodavnog okvira koji omogućava nadležnim organima
da iskorijene korupciju.
Ljudi i imovina imaju punu zaštitu u Crnoj Gori. Naš novi Zakonik o krivičnom
postupku, usvojen prošle godine, daje ovlašćenja za upotrebu mjera tajnog
nadzora (na kojem bi i Agent 007 pozavidio) organima otkrivanja i gonjenja
izvršilaca koruptivnih krivičnih djela i omogućava im da pokrenu i postupak trajnog oduzimanja imovine čije zakonito porijeklo nije dokazano. I
naše Ministarstvo finansija primjenjuje novi sistem koji šalje upozorenje
organima zaduženim za sprečavanje pranja novca o mogućim slučajevima
pranja novca. Crna Gora je posljednje mjesto u kojem bi sumnjivi biznismeni sakrili svoj novac! Dokaz za to su ocjene međunarodnih organizacija.
Grupa zemalja za borbu protiv korupcije Savjeta Evrope (GRECO) izvjestila je
da je Crna Gora zadovoljavajuće implementirala 67% njihovih preporuka od
2006. godine (najveći procenat na Balkanu). Fridom haus je 2009. godine,
po stepenu korupcije, poboljšao poziciju Crne Gore u odnosu na dvije godine ranije. Transparensi Internešnal dao je Crnoj Gori bolju ocjenu o stanju
korupcije nego bilo kojoj balkanskoj zemlji, osim Hrvatskoj.
Naš cilj je da postanemo Švajcarska na Balkanu – ne zbog toga što je
Švajcarska poznata po satovima sa kukavicom i čokoladi, već zato što smo
stabilna, vrijedna nacija i transparentna zemlja u kojoj posao može da
procvjeta (da ne pominjem pejzaž koji oduzima dah i koji može biti takmac
naljepšim alpskim vrhovima).
Ulažemo napore da postanemo središte zapadnog Balkana za investicije,
koje bi bilo u našem glavnom gradu, Podgorici. Evropske i sjevernoameričke
kompanije već su zainteresovane da investiraju u Crnoj Gori.
Dobro došli u Crnu Goru! Uživajte u planinskim avanturama i blagodetima
sunca, mora i surfovanja. Ostavićemo loše momke tamo gdje i pripadaju – u
krstarenja Skadarskim jezerom • cruises round Skadar Lake • muzičko-zabavni programi • music and entertaining
programmes • modne revije • fashion revues • izložbe • exhibitions • poslovni ručkovi i večere • business lunches
and dinners • prezentacije • presentations • venčanja • weddings • rođendanska slavlja • birthday celebrations
• iznajmljivanje plovila • hiring vessels • ornitološke ture - posmatranje ptica • ornitology tours - bird watching
20000 Podgorica • Montenegro • tel: +382 (0)20 443 700, 443 701, 443 702 • fax: +382 (0)20 443 718 • e-mail: [email protected]
Na globalni problem djelovati
globalnim mjerama
obzirom na to da je trgovina ljudima globalni problem i jedan od
najtežih oblika kršenja ljudskih prava, koji je prepoznat u skoro svim
zemljama svijeta, pa i kod nas, Vlada Crne Gore je preduzela niz neophodnih mjera i aktivnosti na inkorporiranju najboljih međunarodnih standarda u svoj zakonodavni sistem – razvila je sveobuhvatni normativni, institucionalni i organizacioni pristup ovom problemu. Crna Gora je pristupila
rješavanju ovog problema iz više pravaca i prepoznala je multidisciplinarni
pristup kao jedan od najboljih modela, koji podrazumijeva prvenstveno dobru saradnju između državnih organa, međunarodnih organizacija i civilnog
Šta je na planu borbe protiv trgovine ljudima urađeno za ovih sedam
Nakon identifikovanja pojave trgovine ljudima, prvi korak u uspostavljanju
mehanizama za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima bio je usvajanje Nacionalne
strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima od strane Vlade Crne Gore. Ona
predstavlja osnovni dokument u kome su sadržane smjernice za postupanje
svih relevantnih subjekata u borbi protiv trgovine ljudskim bićima u Crnoj
Gori. Nacionalna strategija je podijeljena u tri dijela: krivično gonjenje, zašti126
ta i prevencija. Ona ima sveobuhvatan pristup problemu trgovine ljudima i
predviđa preduzimanje konkretnih zakonskih, administrativnih i praktičnih
Pomenuti dokument je skoro u potpunosti implementiran, osim mjera koje se sprovode u kontinuitetu, tako da ćemo u ovoj godini inicirati izradu i
usvajanje nove Nacionalne strategije.
Vlada je januara mjeseca ove godine usvojila Akcioni plan za implementaciju Nacionalne strategije za period 2010/11. godine. Nadogradnjom standarda, koji su u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima u Crnoj Gori već postignuti, nastoji
se doći do djelotvornog odgovora na ovu pojavu, koja predstavlja jedno od
najgrubljih kršenja ljudskih prava. U osmišljavanju mjera i aktivnosti posebna pažnja posvećena je području identifikacije žrtava, njihovoj zaštiti, efikasnom krivičnom gonjenju počinilaca i međusobnoj saradnji. U tom smislu,
prilikom izrade Akcionog plana vodilo se računa o vlastitim kao i o iskustvima drugih zemalja. Uz uvažavanje konkretnih saznanja prikupljenih tokom
rada sa žrtvama, nastojalo se da se osmisle zaštita žrtava i pomoć žrtvama,
prilagođene potrebama svake pojedinačne žrtve – vodilo se računa o specifičnostima svakog poznatog pojedinačnog slučaja trgovine ljudima.
U cilju praćenja i implementacije Nacionalne strategije i Akcionog plana
formirana je Radna grupa kojoj predsjedava šef Kancelarije za borbu pro-
Ukoliko naiđete na primamljiv oglas za posao u inostranstvu, za svaki slučaj:
– nikome nemojte davati lična dokumenta;
– pasoš pokazujte samo ovlašćenim službenicima i
nemojte ga davati nikome;
– ne napuštajte zemlju sa lažnim dokumentima;
– porodici i prijateljima ostavite telefon i adresu mjesta gdje planirate da idete;
– prikupite što više brojeva telefona u mjestu gdje
planirate da idete (ambasada, SOS telefon…).
Pogrešna uvjerenja kojih često nijesmo ni svjesni:
– meni se to ne može dogoditi;
– viza koju mi neko drugi obezbijedi ispravna je;
– mogu dobiti dobro plaćen posao na Zapadu bez
znanja jezika;
– u Zapadnoj Evropi obavljanjem poslova niže kvalifikacije (konobarica, bebisiterka…) može se ostvariti
visoka zarada.
tiv trgovine ljudima. U njenom sastavu su pomoćnici resornih ministara,
zamjenik vrhovnog državnog tužioca, kao i predstavnici međunarodnih organizacija i Ambasade SAD.
Vlada Crne Gore je 2004. godine otvorila Sklonište za žrtve trgovine ljudima,
koje vode aktivistkinje NVO „Crnogorski ženski lobi”.
Spremnost institucija da se efikasno suprotstave trgovini ljudima potvrđena
je i potpisivanjem Sporazuma o saradnji između državnih institucija i predstavnika civilnog sektora. Svrha Sporazuma je saradnja u prevenciji, edukaciji, prijavljivanju i krivičnom gonjenju izvršilaca i zaštiti potencijalnih
žrtava trgovine ljudima, uz puno poštovanje njihovih ljudskih prava, radi
obezbjeđivanja fizičke, psihološke, zdravstvene, socijalne i dječije zaštite i
olakšavanja žrtvine integracije u novo društvo, odnosno reintegracije u
slučaju dobrovoljnog povratka u zemlju porijekla.
Kancelarija za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima izdala je Adresar institucija i organizacija koje se bave problemom trgovine ljudima u Crnoj Gori.
Imajući u vidu da je Crna Gora atraktivna turistička destinacija, u saradnji
Kancelarije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima sa misijom OEBS-a u Crnoj
Gori i Ministarstvom turizma, predstavnici turističke privrede Crne Gore,
potpisali su Kodeks ponašanja za zaštitu djece od seksualne eksploatacije
na putovanjima odnosno u turizmu. Kodeks ima za cilj da uveća i obezbijedi posvećenost turističkih kompanija Crne Gore naporima u borbi protiv
trgovine djecom.
Istovremeno, Kancelarija za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima pokrenula je SOS
liniju – 116666 – za žrtve trgovine ljudima, preko koje svi zainteresovani građani mogu dobiti informacije u vezi sa problemom trgovine ljudima.
U kontinuitetu se sprovode obuke o načinima identifikacije potencijalnih žrtava trgovine ljudima za predstavnike svih institucija koje mogu doći u kontakt sa potencijalnom žrtvom (pripadnike policije, vojske, diplomatske predstavnike, radnike u turizmu, prevoznike, službenike zavoda za zapošljavanje,
zaposlene u sudstvu, tužilaštvu, školama, zdravstvenim, socijalnim ustanovama...).
Multidisciplinarni pristup rješavanju ovog problema prepoznat je kao jedan
od najboljih modela – posebna pažnja posvećuje se podizanju nivoa svijesti
Na koji načn se Vaša Kancelarija brine o žrtvama trgovine ljudima?
Kao što sam već pomenuo, Vlada Crne Gore u potpunosti finansira Sklonište
za žrtve trgovine ljudima. U njemu se žrtvi pruža sva neophodna pomoć i
zaštita – medicinska, pravna, psihosocijalna i svaka druga.
Trgovina ljudima ispoljava se u više oblika. Koja je najranjivija grupa
ljudi kad su u pitanju žrtve trgovine?
Različiti su oblici trgovine ljudima. Ljudima se trguje u cilju seksualne eksploatacije, prinudnog rada, vršenja krivičnih djela, prosjačenja, upotrebe
u pornografske svrhe, uspostavljanja ropskog ili njemu sličnog odnosa, trgovine ljudskim organima i zloupotrebe maloljetnika u oružanim
Posebno ranjiva kategorija stanovništva jesu djeca, i to u prvom redu djeca
bez roditeljskog staranja i djeca romske populacije. S tim u vezi, pojačali smo
aktivnosti na podizanju nivoa svijesti o fenomenu trgovine ljudima, pojavnim oblicima, posljedicama, među rizičnim kategorijama – organizovanjem
predavanja, kao i kampanjom koja je podrazumijevala izradu i distribuiranje
propagandnog materijala, pripremu i emitovanje TV spota o trgovini ljudima, koji javnosti prikazuje cjelokupan lanac trgovine ljudima.
Globalni problem zahtijeva i globalnu koordinaciju. Kakva je Vaša saradnja
sa kolegema u regionu i širem prostoru?
S obzirom na to da se na globalni problem kakav je trgovina ljudima može
djelovati samo globalnim mjerama, jedan od naših glavnih prioriteta jeste
intenzivna regionalna i međunarodna saradnja, a sve sa ciljem uspostavljanja što kvalitetnijih zajedničkih mehanizama u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima.
Na taj način obezbjeđuje se adekvatna pomoć i podrška žrtvama, a izvršioce
ovog krivičnog djela očekuju zaslužene kazne.
Crna Gora je zajedno sa zemljama regiona prihvatila da bude partner u
projektu Međunarodne organizacije ICMPD – Transnacionalni referalni mehanizmi za žrtve trgovine ljudima. Ovaj projekat, u najkraćem, predstavlja
sporazum između različitih zemalja o prekograničnoj saradnji.
Da li u Kancelariji za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima postoji baza podataka o žrtavama?
Na inicijativu Kancelarije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima formirana je
Tripartitna komisija, koju čine predstavnici Vrhovnog državnog tužilaštva,
Vrhovnog suda, Uprave policije i naše Kancelarije. Svaka od ovih institucija
u obavezi je da prati statistiku trgovine ljudima i da podatke, na mjesečnom
nivou, dostavlja našoj Kancelariji. Kancelarija objedinjuje podatke i kreira
jedinstvenu statistiku o trgovini ljudima. Statistika obuhvata podatke kako
o počiniocima tako i o žrtvama ovog krivičnog djela, kao i cjelokupni opis
krivičnog procesa. Detaljna statistika javna je i dostupna na sajtu kancelarije
Najčešći uzroci trgovine ljudima:
– nezaposlenost;
– siromaštvo;
– polna diskriminacija;
– nasilje u porodici.
a Global
iven that human trafficking is a global problem and one of the
gravest forms of human rights violation, recognized as such by almost all countries of the world, the Government of Montenegro
has undertaken a series of measures and activities to incorporate the best
international standards into its legislative system, thus developing a comprehensive normative, institutional and organizational approach to this
problem. Montenegro has tackled this problem from different angles, and
recognized a multidisciplinary approach as one of the best models, implying primarily a high level of cooperation among the public authorities, international organizations and the civil sector.
What has been done as regards the fight against human trafficking
over the last 7 years?
If you find an advertisement for employment abroad tempting, just to be on the safe side:
- do not give your personal documents to anyone
- show your passport to authorised personnel only and do not
give it to anybody else
- do not leave your country with counterfeit documents
- leave a telephone contact of the place you plan to go to to
your family or friends
- gather as many telephone numbers as possible for the place
you plan to go to (embassy, SOS telephone line…)
After having identified the incidences of the trafficking of human beings, the
first step in establishing the mechanisms for combating it was the adoption
of the National Strategy for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings by
the Government of Montenegro. It is a fundamental document, containing
all the guidelines for the activities of all relevant stakeholders in the fight
against human trafficking in Montenegro. The national strategy is divided
into three parts: criminal prosecution, protection, and prevention, and it has
a comprehensive approach to the human trafficking problem, envisaging
concrete legal, administrative and practical measures.
This document has almost been completely implemented, except for a few
ongoing measures, which is why we will initiate the drafting and adoption
of a new National Strategy this year.
In January this year, the Government adopted an Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for the period between of 2010 and
2011. By upgrading the standards that Montenegro had already accepted
in the fight against human trafficking, we are trying to come up with a
concrete response to this problem, as one of the gravest forms of human
rights violation. In planning the measures and activities, special attention
has been paid to the identification, assistance and protection of victims, the
efficient prosecution of the offenders and mutual cooperation. To that end,
while drafting the Action Plan, special attention was paid to our own as well
as to the experiences of other countries. Taking into account the concrete
knowledge acquired during our work with victims, we have tried to plan
our victim protection and assistance programme, tailored to the needs of
every individual victim, and therefore observing the specificity of each individual case.
In order to monitor and implement the National Strategy and the Action
Plan, a Working Group has been established, chaired by the Head of the
Office for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings, and comprised of
representatives of relevant ministries, at the level of deputy ministers, the
Deputy State Prosecutor, and representatives of international organizations
and the U.S. Embassy.
In 2004, the Government opened a Shelter for the Victims of Human
Trafficking, managed by activists of the NGO, “Montenegrin Women’s
The readiness of all institutions to combat human trafficking in an efficient
manner has been confirmed by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement
among the public institutions and representatives of the civil sector. The
purpose of the Agreement is to establish cooperation in prevention, education and reporting and the criminal prosecution of offenders and the
protection of potential victims of human trafficking, with full observance of
their human rights, in order to provide physical, psychological, healthcare,
social and childcare protection and the facilitation of their integration into a
new society, or reintegration in case or their voluntary return to their country of origin.
The Office for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings has published
an Address Book of institutions and organizations dealing with the problem
of human trafficking in Montenegro.
Given that Montenegro is an attractive tourist destination, representatives of
the tourism industry of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Office for the
Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro
and the Ministry of Tourism, signed a Code of Conduct for the Protection of
Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism, aimed at increasing
and ensuring the commitment of the companies involved in the tourism industry of Montenegro, thus joining in the efforts related to the fight against
the trafficking of children.
At the same time, the government’s office opened a SOS line 116666 for human trafficking victims, available to all interested citizens, in order to obtain
all the necessary information related to the human trafficking problem.
Training in the methods of identifying potential human trafficking victims
is well under way, involving representatives of all the institutions that could
be in contact with potential victims (members of the police, military, diplomatic representatives, tourism professionals, transport workers, employment bureau workers, the employees of the judiciary, the prosecution service, schools, healthcare and social institutions, and so on).
The multidisciplinary approach employed in addressing this problem has
been recognized as one of the best models, and with it a special focus on
raising public awareness.
The most frequent causes of human trafficking:
sex discrimination
family violence
Human trafficking is manifested in several different forms.
Which is the most vulnerable group of people among the victims of
Trafficking in human beings takes different forms. The purpose of human
trafficking can be sexual exploitation, forced labour, committing felonies,
beggary, pornography, slavery or the like, the trade in human organs and
the abuse of minors in armed conflicts.
The most vulnerable category of citizens is children, primarily those without parental care and Roma children. In that respect, we have intensified
our activities related to the raising of awareness among high risk groups
concerning the human trafficking phenomenon, its manifestations, and its
consequences, by organizing lectures, as well as a media campaign, including the preparation and publication of promotional material, the production and broadcasting of a TV spot on human trafficking, showing the entire
human trafficking chain to the public.
A global problem calls for global coordination. What kind of cooperation do you have with your colleagues in the region and beyond?
Given that global problems such as the trafficking in human beings can
be addressed only by taking global measures, one of our main priorities is
intensive regional and international cooperation, aimed at establishing the
best possible common mechanisms in combating human trafficking. In
that way, as I mentioned before, adequate assistance and support is surely
provided to the victims through the exchange of information and joint coordination, while the perpetrators of this crime get the punishment they
Together with other countries in the region, Montenegro has accepted
partnership in the project of the international organization, ICIMPD, called
the Transnational Referral Mechanisms for the Victims of Trafficking, which
in short involves a cross-border cooperation agreement between different
Does the Office for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings
have a database of victims?
At the initiative of the Office for the Fight against Trafficking in Human
Beings, a Tripartite Commission was set up, comprised of representatives
of the Supreme State Prosecution Service, the Supreme Court, the Police
Administration, and our Office. Each of these institutions is obliged to monitor human trafficking statistics and submit relevant data, on a monthly basis, to our Office, which combines the information and creates the official
human trafficking statistics. The statistics include data on both offenders
and victims of this crime, as well as the complete description of the criminal
procedure. These detailed statistics are public and available on the website
of the Office
Misconceptions we are often unaware of:
that it can never happen to me
a visa provided by somebody else is valid
I can get a well-paid job in the West without speaking the language
Western Europe pays high salaries for jobs requiring
lower qualifications (waitressing, babysitting, etc.)
How does your Office take care of human trafficking victims?
As I already mentioned, the Government of Montenegro provides complete
financing for the Shelter for the victims of Human Trafficking, which offers
the necessary help and protection to victims, including medical, legal, and
psycho-social and every other assistance needed.
81000 Podgorica
Cetinjski put bb,
zgrada Vektra
Tel: + 382 20 205 065
Fax: + 382 20 205 066
Mob: + 382 69 514 514
+ 382 69 358 154
+ 382 69 365 444
e-mail: [email protected]
Head office
Beogradska 10, 81000 Podgorica
Montenegro (Serbia & Montenegro)
++ 382 20 405 500
++ 382 20 405 501
++ 382 20 405 548 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Informacije i rezervacije
++ 382 20 9804
++ 382 20 405 543 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Komercijalni sektor
Commerce department
++ 382 20 405 533
++ 382 20 405 535 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Sektor za marketing
i korporativne komunikacije
Marketing & Corporative
Communications Department
++ 382 20 405 538
++ 382 20 405 528 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta
++ 382 32 304 860
++ 382 32 304 861
++ 382 32 304 864
++ 382 32 304 865 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Beč / Vienna
Kaiserstr. 86, 1070 Vienna
++ 43 664 3 111 405
++ 43 179 639 35
e-mail: [email protected]
Cirih / Zurich
Postfach 2419, 8058 Flughafen, Terminal 2
++ 41 43 816 7876
++ 41 43 816 7877
++ 41 43 816 7878
++ 41 43 816 7884 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Friedensstr. 7, 60311 Frankfurt
++ 49 69 28 23 74
++ 49 69 28 11 76 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Rim / Rome
54, via L. Bissolati, 00187 Roma
++ 39 06 4201 1917
++ 39 06 4239 1584 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Pariz / Paris
Slobode 23, 81 000 Podgorica
++ 382 20 664 411
++ 382 20 664 433
++ 382 20 665 291 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Beograd / Belgrade
Knez Mihailova 23, 11 000 Beograd
++ 381 11 2621 122
++ 381 11 3036 535
++ 381 11 3036 536
++ 381 11 2181 861 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Slovenska obala bb, 86 000 Budva
++ 382 33 451 735
++ 382 33 456 244
++ 382 33 454 900 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
140, avenue Champs Elyseés,
75008 Paris
++ 33 1 70 36 19 07
++ 33 1 70 36 19 08 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Montenegro Airlines
Aerodrom Domodedovo, kancelarija 3.57
Tel: + 74 95 28 715 25
Fax: + 74 95 28 715 26
e-mail: [email protected]
Grosvenor Gardens House, suite 112/3th floor
35-37 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0BS, United Kingdom
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 031
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 032
++ 44 (0) 207 8644 033 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
As Trans Komerc
ul. 27.mart br.14, 1000 Skoplje
+389 2 3112 700
fax +389 7 5346 402
e-mail: [email protected]
MCM Travel
Bulevardi Nena Tereze no. 1
10000 Pristina
+381 38 242424
+381 38 502454
+381 38 225512 fax
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Montenegro Airlines Niš
ul. Vazduhoplovaca 24
18000 Niš
tel/fax ++381 18 583 336
Kopenhagen - Quality Air Tours
Adresa: Vester Voldgade 96, 4 sprat
1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telefon: + 45 33 11 33 16
Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55
e-mail: [email protected]
Razmah krila / Wing span
Ukupna dužina / Total lenght
Ukupna visina / Total height
Prečnik trupa / Fuselage diameter
Površina krila / Wing area
Max brzina leta / Max operating speed
Max brzina leta / Max operating speed
Max visina leta / Max operating altitude
Max težina bez goriva / Max zero fuel weight
Max težina na polijetanju / Max take-off weight
Max težina na slijetanju / Max landing weight
28.08 m
35.53 m
8.50 m
3.30 m
93.5 m2
92 ft 1.4in
116 ft 6.8 in
27 ft 10.5 in
10 ft 9.92 in
1006.5 sq ft
320 kts CAS
0,77 M
10.668 m
35000 ft
35835 kg
43090 kg
38780 kg
79000 lb
95000 lb
85500 lb
Standard layout seats
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
Dizeldorf - Montenegro Airlines
Adresa: Hutten STR. 47A
Telefon: + 49 211 1576406
Fax: + 49 211 1576450
[email protected]
++ 382 20 445 105
++ 382 20 445 160 fax
++ 382 20 67 624 524 (GSM)
++ 382 32 670 500
++ 382 32 670 501 fax
++ 382 67 670 500 (GSM)
++ 381 11 228 6241
++ 381 11 209 400 (lokal 7302)
Razmah krila / Wingspan
Ukupna dužina / Length Overall
Ukupna visina / Height Overall
Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora / Horizontal Stabilizer Span
Širina trupa / Fuselage Width
Visina trupa / Fuselage Height
Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length
Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width
Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height
Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width
Širina sjedišta / Seat Width
94ft 3in
126ft 10in
34ft 7in
39ft 8in
9ft 11in
11ft 0in
92ft 5in
9ft 0in
6ft 7in
94 ft 3 in
(28.72 m)
Letališče Brnik, 4210 Brnik
Passenger Service
++ 386 4 2594 252
++ 386 4 2594 245
39 ft 8 in
(12.08 m)
Montenegro Airlines
Aerodrom Priština
++ 381 38 502454
++ 381 38 225512
[email protected]
LJETO 2010.
LJETO 2010.
Flight time
Trajanje leta (min)
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
Molimo poštovane putnike da kontaktiraju Montenegro Airlines
Booking službu (++ 382 20 19804), naša predstavništva ili ovlašćene
putničke agencije radi detaljnih informacija o letovima.
Please contact Montenegro Airlines central booking service on
tel. +382 20 9804, our Branch Offices or authorised travel agents
for flight details.
S poštovanjem,
Montenegro Airlines Komercijalni sektor
Best regards,
Montenegro Airlines Commercial Department
Flight time
Trajanje leta (min)
Na osnovu interline ugovora sa brojnim avio-kompanijama u svijetu,
Based on interline agreements with numerous airlines in the world, you can
kod nas možete kupiti kartu za neku od sledećih destinacija:
buy tickets to some of the following destinations in Montenegro Airlines offices:
iz/from Frankfurt:
Atlanta / Detroit / Chicago / Los Angeles / Miami / New York / Houston / Washinton / Dallas / Singapore / Manila
Kuala Lumpur / Sydney / Toronto / Montreal / Tokyo / Osaka / Rio de Janeiro / Buenos Aires / Caracas / Mexico City
iz/from Rome:
Boston / Miami / Chicago / New York / Washington / Toronto / Beijing
iz/from Wienna:
Toronto / Montreal / Delhi / Beijing / Bangkok / Sydney / Melbourne
Crna Gora
rig a
kih gor
92 26 e
i Po
la 0 gro 0 21 10 m.m
O 1 0 en 2 2 0 -co
8 ont 38 2 2 @t
M h: + +38 pc
P x: il: d
Fa ma
13.812 km2
Broj stanovnika/Population
Duæina granica/Length of borders
614 km
Glavni grad/Administrative Capital
Podgorica(179.000 stanovnika/inhabitants)
administrativni i ekonomski centar
/administrative and economic centar
Duæina plaæa/Length of beaches
73 km
Najduæa plaæa/The Longest beach
Velika plaæa,
Ulcinj — 13.000 m
Najviπi vrh/The highest mountain peak
Bobotov kuk
(planina/mountain Durmitor), 2.522m
NajveÊe jezero/The largest lake
Skadarsko/Skadar lake — 391 km2
Duæina morske obale/
Length of seacoast
293 km
pr int
ta t pr
di fse s
of ent
Prestonica/Historical Capital
Cetinje — istorijski i kulturni center/historical and cultural
the air
Najdublji kanjon/The deepest canyon
rijeka Tara /The River
Tara Canyon —1.300 m
NajveÊi zaliv/The largest Bay
Boka Kotorska
ProsjeËna temperatura
vazduha ljeti/
Average air temperature
in summer
27.4 C°
Maksimalna temperatura mora/
Maximal sea temperature
27.1 C°
ProsjeËan broj
sunËanih dana u godini
/Average number of sunny days in a year
Kupaliπna sezona/Swimming season
180 dana/days
tamnoplavo/dark blue
Providnost mora/Sea transparency
38—56 m
Rimski trg 47, 81000 Podgorica
Tel: +382 20/235 155
Fax: +382 20/235 159
E-mail: [email protected]
TuristiËki informativni telefon/
Touristic information telephone
Hitna pomoÊ/Ambulance
PomoÊ na putu/Help on roads
Poπta — informacije / Post office - information
Pozivni za Srbiju i Crnu Goru /
Code for Serbia and Montenegro
Poziv iz Srbije i Crne Gore/Code for dialing out of
Serbia and Montenegro
00 + kod za odreenu zemlju
+ kod za grad
00 + country code + city code
Vremenska zona/Time zone
Aerodrom/Airport Golubovci (Podgorica)
020 243 007, 244 916
Aerodrom/Airport Tivat
032 671 337, 671 894
Celyn B./Elisabeta Franchi, Monica Magni, Roberta Biagi, Cezare Piacoti,
Roberto Cavalli, Galliano, Vittorio Virgili-Iceberg, Canali, Boss, Ferre, Massimo Trulli, Blue Star / Luca Guerrini, Mario Bruni, Bikemmbergs, Spazio
Moda, Juicy Couture, Dorabella, AngelDevil, Zu Elements, Phard, Keshia, GianMarcoVenturi, Covery YuYoung, Nuove Dive, We One, Fiorucci,
Bianco oro, Gattinoni, Emporio Junior, Walk Safari, Sweet Years,Liu Jo,
Antony Morato, Amy Gee, Artigli, Ed Hardy, Z Brand, Baby Phat, Lollipops,
Navigare, Sorbino,
Casucci, WPMfor
Denim, HarVest, Luisa Spagnoli, Anna
Biagini, Roccobarocco,
Regina Schrecker, Braccialini, Renzi,
a good
Albano, Laura Biagiotti,
hours 07-23
h Pas de Rouge, Butteri, Fabricio
Poker, Bottega dell’Artigiano, Brunella, Mario Bruni, Le Pepe, Puma, Nike,
Skechers, Adidas, Converse, Orginal Marines, Chicco, Peg-Pérego