Zbornik Konferencije 2013 - Privredna komora Crne Gore


Zbornik Konferencije 2013 - Privredna komora Crne Gore
Saradnjom do prosperiteta
Saradnjom do prosperiteta
Through cooperation to prosperity
Organizator: Privredna komora Crne Gore
Termin održavanja: 28. i 29. novembar, 2013. godine
Mjesto održavanja: Budva, Hotel Splendid
Organized by: Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
Date of event: November 28th and 29th 2013
Place of event: Budva, Hotel Splendid
Zbornik Conference
konferencije Proceedings
KonferencijA Conference
Ekonomija Crne Gore 2013 Economy of MONTENEGRO 2013
Saradnjom do prosperiteta Through cooperation to prosperity
Podgorica, 2013.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Ekonomija Crne Gore 2013
Saradnjom do prosperiteta
Uvodne riječi .......................................................................................................................................................................
Vekimir Mijušković ..............................................................................................................................................................
Milo Đukanović ....................................................................................................................................................................
Program Konferencije ........................................................................................................................................................
Panel I - Pogled na EU iznutra ............................................................................................................................................
Ljubo Jurčić - Razdvajanje ili jačanje Europske unije ..........................................................................................................
Otto Oberperleiter - Osvrt na Evropsku uniju iznutra - iz međunarodne kompanije .......................................................
Panel II - Pogled na EU sa Balkana .....................................................................................................................................
Gordana Đurović - Pogled na EU sa Balkana: izazovi pristupanja ......................................................................................
Predrag Ivanović - Prilog “Evropskoj ruci u razvoju regiona” .............................................................................................
Panel III - Mladi kao budućnost zemalja Balkana .............................................................................................................
Mirjana Radović Marković - Uticaj preduzetničkog obrazovanja na povećanje kompetencija i smanjenja nezaposlenosti
mlade radne snage u zemljama zapadnog Balkana ...........................................................................................................
Mladen Grgić - Zapošljavanje u državnoj administraciji: lekcije iz istorije Kine .................................................................
Martin Ćalasan - Zbog čega mladi u Crnoj Gori treba da vide budućnost u razvoju energetike? ....................................
Ivan Vukčević - Mladi u Crnoj Gori i regionu .......................................................................................................................
Specijalni gost - Stjepan Mesić ..........................................................................................................................................
Stjepan Mesić - Pogled na Europsku uniju sa Balkana .......................................................................................................
Panel IV - Kako osnažiti postojeće veze zemalja Balkana ................................................................................................
Igor Lukšić - Ekonomija Crne Gore - saradnjom do prosperiteta .......................................................................................
Radoje Žugić i Milan Lakićević - Stabilnost bankarskog i finansijskog sistema ..................................................................
Panel V - Kako staviti u funkciju prirodne resurse ............................................................................................................
Goran Barović - Pregled prirodnih resursa Balkana i njihovo korišćenje ...........................................................................
Aleksandar Joksimović - Morski biološki resursi crnogorskog Jadrana u kontekstu ekonomske valorizacije ..................
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Economy of MONTENEGRO 2013
Through cooperation to prosperity
Introductory word ..............................................................................................................................................................
Vekimir Mijušković ..............................................................................................................................................................
Milo Đukanović ....................................................................................................................................................................
Conference Programme .....................................................................................................................................................
Panel I - An Inside View of the EU ......................................................................................................................................
Ljubo Jurčić - Breakup or Strenghtening of the European Union ......................................................................................
Otto Oberperleiter - An Inside View of the EU - From an International Company ...........................................................
Panel II - A View at the EU From the Balkans ....................................................................................................................
Gordana Đurović - View of the EU from the Balkans: Accession Challenges ....................................................................
Predrag Ivanović - Contribution to the “European Hand” in the Development of the Region ........................................
Panel III - The Young as the Future of the Balkan Countries .............................................................................................
Mirjana Radović Marković - Effects of Enterpreneurship Education on Competitiveness Improvement and Poverty
Reduction in Youth Unemployment in the Western Balkan Countries .............................................................................
Mladen Grgić - Employment With the State Administration: Lessons From China ..........................................................
Martin Ćalasan - Why Should the Young People in Montenegro See the Future in the Energy Development ...............
Ivan Vukčević - The Young in Montenegro and in the Region ............................................................................................
Special Guest - Stjepan Mesić ............................................................................................................................................
Stjepan Mesić - View of the European Union From the Balkans .......................................................................................
Panel IV - How to Strenghten the Existing Ties of the Balkan Countries .........................................................................
Igor Lukšić - Montenegrin Economy - Cooperating to Prosperity ......................................................................................
Radoje Žugić and Milan Lakićević - Stability of Banking and Financial System ..................................................................
Panel V - How to Put Into Function Natural Resources ....................................................................................................
Goran Barović - Review of the Balkan’s Natural Resources and of Their Use ....................................................................
Aleksandar Joksimović - Marine Biology Resources of the Montenegrin Part of the Adriatic Sea in Terms of the
Economic Valorization ........................................................................................................................................................
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
uvodne riječi
introductory word
Velimir Mijušković
Predsjednik Privredne komore Crne Gore
President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
Milo Đukanović
Predsjednik Vlade Crne Gore
Prime Minister of Montenegro
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Velimir Mijušković
Poštovani Predsjedniče Vlade, gospodine Đukanović,
Poštovani ambasadori, gradonačelnici,
Uvaženi učesnici Konferencije,
Dame i gospodo,
Imam zadovoljstvo da Vas pozdravim u ime organizatora
ove Konferencije, Privredne komore Crne Gore. Komora već tradicionalno organizuje godišnju Konferenciju
posvećenu aktuelnim ekonomskim pitanjima. Sa zadovoljstvom konstatujem da su se i ovoga puta, kao i do
sada za učešće u radu ovog skupa odazvali kompetentni
stručnjaci iz ekonomske teorije i prakse, predstavnici privrede i Vlade.
Podrška Predsjednika Vlade našoj Konferenciji, kao i
uvijek do sada nije izostala. Hvala Vam gospodine Đukanović što ste se odazvali našem pozivu i što ćete Vašim
obraćenjem dati značajan doprinos kvalitetu ovog skupa.
Smatrajući izuzetno aktuelnim ekonomska dešavanja u
Evropskoj uniji, poziciju zemalja Zapadnog Balkana kada
su integracioni procesi u pitanju, te ekonomske prilike u
svakoj od ovih zemalja pojedinačno, opredijelili smo se
da u dvodnevnom radu Konferencije otvorimo pitanja,
kao što su: stanje i perspektive EU, iz ugla njenih članica,
kao i iz ugla zemalja Balkana, te sagledavanje ekonomskog stanja i perspektiva ovog prostora.
Svojim obraćanjem nastojaću da se kratko osvrnem na
aktuelnu ekonomsku situaciju u Evropskoj uniji, našem
Regionu i Crnoj Gori u njemu, te šansama za bolju regionalnu ekonomsku saradnju i ukupni prosperitet.
Činjenica je da se svaka od zemalja Zapadnog Balkana
opredijelila za svoju budućnost u Evropskoj uniji i nalazi
se u različitim fazama integracionih procesa. Znamo da
je 1. jula 2013. godine Evropska unija dobila još jednu
članicu i nakon ulaska Hrvatske, regionalna arhitektura
se u neku ruku promijenila. U zavisnosti od toga šta će se
dešavati u vezi sa ekonomsko-finansijskom krizom i sveukupnom politikom EU, zavisi i njena politika proširenja,
budući da je upravo kriza zaoštrila podjele, izbacujući na
površinu različite poglede o nastavku integracija. Stoga
je moguće da će institucionalni okvir i tempo integracija
u doglednoj budućnosti biti konfuzniji nego do sada.
Kriza u EU, koju sam već pomenuo u mnogo čemu je posljedica strukturalnih nedostataka EU, koji se ispoljavaju
kroz ustavnu krizu i krizu institucija, demografsku krizu,
te krize identiteta, liderstva i drugo.
Takođe, ekonomska kriza je značajno usložnjena strukturom same privrede, tj. neuravnoteženim odnosom
proizvodnje i usluga u BDP-u Unije. Podsjetiću da je već
Predsjednik Privredne komore Crne Gore
godinu dana Evropska komisija predstavila planove za
pokretanje tzv. „nove industrijske revolucije“, kako bi se
ojačao privredni rast. Cilj je da industrija predstavlja 20%
BDP Unije, koji je sada na nivou od 16,6%. Prateći to, veoma mi je ostao upečatljiv stav potpredsjednika Komisije, gospodina Tajanija, koji je rekao:
„Godinama smo griješili stavljajući naglasak samo na finansijski i uslužni sektor. Moramo uvjeriti Vlade evropskih zemalja da je potrebno promijeniti taj trend.“
Naglasio bih još i činjenicu da u EU postoji monetarna, ali
ne i fiskalna unija, što takođe predstavlja jednu od tačaka sporenja i nastanka problema, obzirom na dužničku
krizu koja je eskalirala poslednjih godina.
Uzimajući u obzir sve ove problem sa kojima se već neko
vrijeme Evropska unija susrijeće, smatram da zemlje
Regiona trebaju prije svega da se usredsrede na sagledavanje svojih komparativnih prednosti i kroz dobro
osmišljene strategije razvoja pojedinačno svaka od nas
iskoristi sopstvene prednosti temeljene na raspoloživim
resursima. Uporedo sa tim veoma je važno da se usmjerimo i na usvajanje i primjenu standarda i pravila koja se
primjenjuju u razvijenim zemljama Evrope i na taj način
unapređujemo svoju ekonomiju. Bitno je da to radimo sa
sviješću u cilju poboljšanja performansi svoje privrede i
njene konkurentnosti.
Region Zapadnog Balkana ima populaciju manju od 20
miliona stanovnika i relativno nizak nivo razvijenosti, sa
ukupnim BDP-om manjim od 70 milijardi, što predstavlja
samo 7% deset najrazvijenijih zemalja Unije, odnosno
0,5% na nivou cjelokupne evropske zajednice. Tokom
2011. godine, prosječan BDP po stanovniku mjeren paritetom kupovne moći činio je 31% od EU-27 prosjeka i
49% od prosjeka 10 najrazvijenijih zemalja Evrope. Kretao se od 4.810 EUR na Kosovu do 10.500 EUR u Crnoj
Ovi podaci dovoljno govore o tome koliko je naš region
iza nivoa EU i da nam je potrebna snažna međunarodna
podrška, kako bi se evidentne razlike ublažile. Naravno,
ne smijemo planove o svom razvoju bazirati isključivo na
međunarodnoj pomoći. Moramo imati jasnu strategiju
ekonomskog razvoja i intenzivnije poslovno povezivanje
unutar Regiona, budući da smo male ekonomije koje su
kompatibilne, i samim tim kroz saradnju imamo veće
šanse da budemo konkurentni na globalnom tržištu.
Zapadni Balkan je ostvario intenzivan privredni rast u
pred kriznom periodu. Taj rast je bio baziran na prilivu
stranih direktnih investicija i to najviše u sektoru prometa nekretnina, finansija, telekomunikacija i slično, što je
Velimir Mijušković
Your Excellency Prime Minister, Mr. Đukanović,
Your Excellencies Ambassadors, Mayors,
Dear participants to the Conference,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, the organizer of today’s
Conference. Traditionally, the Chamber organizes annual
conferences dedicated to the current economic issues.
With great pleasure, I can say that this event also - as it
has been the case so far – attracted the involvement of
numerous experts in economic theories and practices,
representatives of economy sector and the Government,
The support of the Government to our Conference - as always - has not failed. Mr. Đukanović, thank you very much
for responding to our invitation and for your address that
will give a distinctive contribution to the quality of this
Taking into account the paramount importance of current economic events within the European Union and
the position of the Western Balkan countries as regards
the integration processes and economic circumstances in
each of these countries, we have opted to rise - during this
two-day Conference - the issues such as the EU status and
prospects from the points of view of both the EU member
states and the Balkan countries, as well as to consider this
region’s economic status and prospects.
By this my address, I will make every effort to briefly refer
to the current economic situations in the European Union,
our Region and in Montenegro respectively, as well as to
chances to have a better regional cooperation and the
overall prosperity.
The fact is that each of the Western Balkan countries has
committed to the membership of the European Union and
is in a different stage of integration processes. We all know
that on July 1st 2013 the European Union got one member
state more, so, after the accession of Croatia, the EU architecture has in a way changed. What is going to take place
in relation both to the economic downturn and financial
crisis and to the overall politics of the EU are the grounds
on which the EU enlargement policy depends since exactly the crisis has aggravated divisions, pushing to the surface a variety of views of the integration’s continuation.
Therefore, it is possible that in the near future institutional
framework and the integration pace will show more confusion than it has been the case so far.
The crisis within the EU - which I have already mentioned
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
- is, in many ways, a consequence of structural shortages
inside the EU, such shortages being reflected through constitutional and institutional crisis and demographic, identity, leadership and similar crises.
Besides, the very structure of economy, namely unbalanced relation between production and services in the
GDP of the EU has made the economic downturn significantly more complex. Just to remind you that, for almost
one year so far, the European Commission has been presenting the plans for launching so called “new industrial
revolution”. The goal is to have industry to contribute
20.00% to the Union’s GDP, which is now at 16.6%. Taking into account this fact, the attitude of the Vice President of the European Commission, Mr. Antonio Tajani
who said: “For years we have made mistakes putting
emphasis only on financial and service sectors. We have
to convince the Governments of the European countries
that it is necessary to change that trend.” has left a very
distinctive to me.
I would emphasize also the fact that there is the monetary union but not a fiscal union in the EU. This also
stands as a critical disputing and challenging point, taking into account debt crisis that has escalated over the
recent years.
Having in mind all these challenges which the EU has
been facing for a time thus far, my opinion is that the
regional countries should primarily focus on analyzing
their respective comparative advantages and, through
well designed development strategies, each of them
should make the most of their own favorable positions
grounded in available resources. At the same time, it is
very important to be oriented to the introduction and
implementation of the standards that are applicable in
developed European countries and in that way to improve our economy. It is significant to do so with full
awareness dedicated to advancing our economy performances and competitiveness.
The Western Balkan accommodates population of 20 million inhabitants and relatively low level of development,
with the total GDP amounting to less than 70 billion that
represents only 7.00% out of the ten most developed
countries in the European Union, i.e. 0.5% at the level
of the entire European Community. During 2011, the average GDP per capita - measured by purchasing power
parity – made 31.00% of the EU-27 average and 49.00%
out of the average of 10 most developed countries of
Europe. It ranged from €4,810 in Kosovo to €10,500 in
The foregoing data speaks enough in favor of both how
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
uticalo na rast zaposlenosti i podiglo nivo domaće tražnje. Ovaj rast je zaustavila kriza, koja je dovela do smanjenja priliva stranih investicija, što je uzrokovalo opšti
pad privrednih aktivnosti, koji je kao logičnu posljedicu
imao pad BDP-a, budžetski deficit i povećanje javnog
Ekonomski oporavak su sve ove zemlje počele da bilježe
u 2010. godini, ali je to bio umjereni rast. Oporavak je
bio evidentan i u prvoj polovini 2011. godine, ali je ekonomska aktivnost oslabila u drugoj polovini godine, kao
i u narednoj godini. Kratkoročna prognoza ekonomskog
rasta regiona pokazuje skroman rast, ukazujući na efekte
krize u Eurozoni. Osjetljivost finansijskog sektora je poseban problem s obzirom na to da je najveći dio bankarskog sektora u inostranom vlasništvu, a većina investicija
se finansira iz inostranih izvora, često pod veoma nepovoljnim uslovima.
Ostaju izraženi problemi i javnog duga, smanjenog priliva stranih direktnih investicija, te deficita tekućeg računa platnog bilansa. Javni dug, što je posebna opasnost
kreće se u svim zemljama izuzev Kosova u rasponu od
40 do 60%.
Ekonomska kriza je uticala na smanjenje ukupne robne
razmjene, ali i veoma visokog deficita u svim ovim zemljama. Deficit robne razmjene ostaje i dalje ključna slabost privreda zemalja regiona, jer je nakon pada u 2011.
godini ponovo zabilježio rast u većini zemalja što ilustruje veoma nisku konkurentnost privrede.
Kada govorim o ukupnom dugu, želim da istaknem da
kao posljedica ovakvog stanja imamo izuzetno visok
spoljni dug u svakoj od zemalja, koji je u pretkriznom
periodu bilježio kontinuiran rast usljed visokog deficita
platnog bilansa i visokog zaduživanja privatnog sektora
u periodu kreditne ekspanzije. Uporedo sa tim, inostrani dug je nastavio da raste u svim zemljama regiona, ali
sada više kao rezultat zaduživanja javnog sektora sa ciljem fiskalne stabilizacije, jačanja deviznih rezervi, a na
žalost rijetko finansiranja kapitalnih investicija.
Neću saopštiti ništa novo kada kažem da je povoljan
poslovni ambijent jedan od najvažnijih preduslova privrednog oporavka i rasta u zemljama regiona. Mnogi
elementi povoljnog poslovnog okruženja kao što su efikasne i predvidljive mjere od strane države, kvalitetna
radna snaga, kvalitetna saobraćajna infrastruktura, a posebno pristup finansijama, gdje imamo izuzetno skup kapital i gdje se prosječna kamatna stopa kreće iznad nivoa
profitne stope imaju direktan uticaj na ekonomski rast.
Konkurentnost zemalja regiona znatno zaostaje za konkurentnošću EU-10 zemalja. Nedovoljna razvijenost institucionalne i fizičke infrastrukture, skup kapital, veoma
niska efikasnost i fleksibilnost radne snage, te ograničen
potencijal za inovacije, predstavljaju ozbiljna ograničenja
konkurentnosti regiona. Međunarodne institucije koje
se bave rangiranjem kvaliteta poslovnog i investicionog
ambijenta svrstavaju naše zemlje ne baš na zavidne pozicije, od kojih su Makedonija i Crna Gora najbolje rangirane u regionu, na 25-oj i 44-oj poziciji, dok je Kosovo na
86-oj, Srbija na 93-oj, a Bosna i Hercegovina na 131-oj
Sve su ovo otvorena pitanja, na kojima moramo aktivno
Privredna komora Crne Gore ove godine predsjedava Asocijacijom komora Balkana i na nedavno održnoj
Skupštini ove asocijacije na dnevnom redu smo imali i
Strategiju za Jugoistočnu Evropu do kraja 2020, a koja je
usvojena od strane svih Vlada, kao i prije sedam dana na
zajedničkoj ministarskoj konferenciji. Strategija za JIE do
kraja 2020. odražava odlučnost svih vlada u Jugoistočnoj
Evropi da prihvate pristupe koji podrazumijevaju hrabre
politike potrebne za dostizanje takvih nivoa društveno-ekonomskog razvoja koji su neophodni za poboljšanje
prosperiteta, jer se ovaj region još uvijek suočava sa
nekim teškim izazovima. Strategija za JIE do kraja 2020.
pokazuje jasnu namjeru vlada u regionu da tijesnom saradnjom u odabranim oblastima mogu savladati neke od
ovih izazova i ubrzati ostvarenje svojih ciljeva u ključnim
Ciljevi strategije su da se na ekonomskom planu poboljša
saradnja svih zemalja u regiji, kako bi se povećao bruto
društveni proizvod, porasla vrijednost trgovine i smanjio
trgovinski deficit. Potrebno je da se do 2020. godine radi
na povećanju regionalnog bruto društvenog proizvoda
sa 38 na 46% prosjeka Evropske unije, što znači da ekonomije zemalja našeg Regiona moraju značajno brže rasti od zemalja EU.
Strategija predviđa i angažovanje na porastu ukupne vrijednosti regionalne trgovine od 130%, zatim smanjenju
trgovinskog deficita sa 14,1 na 11,6% prosječnog regionalnog BDP-a. Sve ove zemlje moraju pronaći nove lance
vrijednosti da strani investitor može da vidi da ono što se
proizvede u regionu može biti konkurentno na svjetskom
Pitanja niskog stepena razvijenosti infrastrukture sigurno su manje-više najznačajniji neriješeni problema svake
države regiona. To je razlog da istrajemo u tendenciji da
Briselu saopštimo da regionalna saobraćajna i energetska infrastruktura mora biti u fokusu evropske politike
proširenja. Od Evrope upravo treba očekivati da sredstva
fondova usmjerava u većim iznosima i sa većim stepenom ka konkretnim investicijama u infrastrukturu koja
će logično region bolje povezati i međusobno, ali i sa drugim tržištima.
Strategijom je definisano i povećanje broja visoko kvalifi-
much our region lags behind the EU and our need to
have a strong international support to mitigate the obvious differences. Naturally, we must not base our development plans exclusively on international assistance. We
have to have a clear economic development strategy and
more intensive business networking inside the region,
since we are small economies that are compatible and
thereby, through cooperation, we have better chances to
be competitive within the global market.
The Western Balkan achieved an intensive economic
growth during the pre-crisis period. The growth was
based on the inflow of foreign direct investments, while
particularly in the real estates purchase and sale, finance, telecommunication and similar areas, and it induced employment and national demand increase. The
crisis - entailing foreign direct investments drop, which,
in turn, induced economic activities downsize involving
GDP reduction as logical consequence, as well as budget
deficit and public debt increase - blocked the growth.
The economy recovery started in these countries in
2010, but it was a moderate growth. The recovery was
obvious also in the first half of 2011, with the economic
activity becoming weaker in the second half of the year
and in the following year as well. Short-term projection
of economic growth in the region appeared to be modest, indicating the crisis effects in the Euro zone. Delicacy
of the financial sector is a specific challenge, taking into
account that the major portion of banking sector is in the
foreign ownership and that the majority of investments
is funded through foreign sources and under unfavorable
conditions frequently.
Public debt, lessening in foreign direct investments inflow, and the current account and balance of payments
deficits have remained pronounced challenges. The public debt, as a specific danger, ranges in all countries between 40.00% and 60.00%, with the exception of Kosovo.
Economic crisis induced reduction in the overall trade exchange, but also a very high deficit in all these countries.
The trade deficit has yet remained the key weakness of
economy, since, after its decrease in 2011, it has recorded an increase again in majority of the countries – which
is illustrated by very high competitiveness of economy.
When talking about the total debt, I wish to point out the
fact that because of such a situation each of the countries faces extremely high foreign debt. It registered a
continuous growth in the pre-crisis period, due to a high
balance of payments deficit and high indebtedness of
private sector during the credit expansion. At the same
time, the foreign debt persisted in increasing in all the regional countries; however, it was a result of public sector
indebtedness aimed at fiscal stabilization and strengthening foreign currency provisions, while, unfortunately,
rarely at capital investment funding.
I will not say anything new while referring to favorable
business environment as to one of the most important
preconditions for economy recovery and growth in the
regional countries. Numerous elements of the favorable
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
business environment – such as effective and predictable
measures by the State; highly skilled labor force; highstandard transport infrastructure; while particularly the
access to funds, where we face extremely expensive
capital with average interest rate going beyond the profit
rate – impact directly the growth of economy. Regional
countries’ competitiveness lags significantly behind the
competitiveness of the EU–10 countries. Insufficient institutional and physical infrastructure, expensive capital,
very low efficiency and flexibility of labor force, as well as
limited innovation potential pose serious restrictions to
the regional competitiveness. International institutions
dealing with ranking the quality of business environment
and investment climate place our countries at not enviable positions at all, with Macedonia and Montenegro
ranked the best in the region, i.e. at 25th and 44th positions respectively, and Kosovo at 86th, Serbia at 93rd, and
Bosnia and Herzegovina at 131st positions respectively.
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro is holding this year
the Presidency to the Association of Balkan Chambers.
The agenda of recently held General Assembly of the
said Association addressed also the South East Europe
2020 Strategy. The Strategy was approved by all the
Governments, at the Ministerial Conference of the South
East Europe Investment Committee seven days ago. The
SEE 2020 Strategy shows a clear intention of the regional
Governments to have close cooperation in selected areas in order to be capable of overcoming some of the
said challenges and to accelerate achieving their goals in
key sectors.
The goals of the Strategy are to improve cooperation of
all the countries in the region so as to rise the region’s
GDP, to increase the trade turnover, to decrease trade
deficit. A requirement to be met by 2020 is to increase
the regional GDP from 38.00% to 46.00% of the European Union average, which means that economies of our
regions must grow significantly faster than the EU states.
The Strategy also provides for making efforts in trade
turnover increase to 130.00%, and trade deficit reduction from 14.1% to 11.6% of the regional average GDP.
All the countries have to find new chains of value in order to make it possible for investors to realize that what
is produced in the region can be competitive within the
global market.
Issues of low infrastructure development level are more
or less the major unsolved ones faced by each country.
That is a reason to be persistent in our striving to communicate to Brussels that regional road and energy infrastructure must be in the focus of the European enlargement policy. Europe should actually be expected to allocate larger amounts, accompanied by a higher level of
control, to particular investments in infrastructure that
will in turn ensure better connection of the region both
internally and with the other markets.
The Strategy has also provided for an increase in the
number of skilled labor force and in public administration that is more efficient, with all the Governments hav-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
kovane radne snage, efikasnija javna uprava, a sve vlade
moraće uložiti više truda ka ispunjenju toga cilja.
Poslovna zajednica ima značajnu ulogu i zadatke u sprovođenju ove Strategije, a preko nacionalnih Komora u
zemljama na koje se Strategija odnosi, biće dobar partner svojim Vladama na zahtjevnom poslu ispunjenja
Dame i gospodo, nakon dvije godine umjerenog rasta,
crnogorska ekonomija je ušla u recesiju 2012. godine.
Realni BDP je smanjen za 2,5%. Prema predviđanjima,
rast realnog BDP-a u 2013. godini je 1,1% u prvom kvartalu i 3,4% u drugom kvartalu, što bi značilo da možemo
govoriti o izlasku iz recesije. Zbog činjenice da smo mala
ekonomija, moramo uzeti u obzir da statistički podaci često mogu dati nedovoljno jasnu sliku.
Sagledavanje tekućih privrednih kretanja, ograničenja
poslovanju, kao i preporuke mjera za njegovo unapređivanje su kontinuirana aktivnost Privredne komore Crne
Gore. Cilj toga jeste doprinos definisanju rješenja za prevazilaženje aktuelnih problema u poslovanju i kreiranje
povoljnog ambijenta. Sagledavajući stanje u godini koja
je na izmaku, želim da istaknem da se:
oPrije svega mora donijeti jasna Strategija privrednog
razvoja zemlje, na čijoj realizaciji treba istrajavati.
To je preduslov obezbjeđivanju povoljnije privredne
strukture koja je garant privrednog rasta, samim tim
i rasta zaposlenosti, kao i ravnomjernijeg regionalnog
razvoja. Dugoročni razvoj zahtijeva značajna ulaganja
u infrastrukturu, proizvodni sektor i prerađivačke kapacitete obzirom da je dosadašnji privredni rast bio
uglavnom zasnovan na rastu uslužnog sektora.
oPrilagođavanje javnih rashoda realnim mogućnostima, kako bi učešće budžetskog deficita u BDP-u bilo
niže od stope rasta BDP-a, čime bi se obezbijedio održivi nivo javnog duga, su očekivane mjere Vlade.
Put ka postizanju održivog privrednog rasta i napredak u
procesu pridruživanja Evropskoj Uniji praćen je brojnim
izazovima koji se odnose na povećanje konkurentnosti,
podršku održivom turizmu, infrastrukturnim projektima
i zaštiti životne sredine, promovisanju energetske efikasnosti i slično.
Sve ovo logično mora pratiti kvalitetno obrazovanje i
stvaranje kadrova adekvatno potrebama privrednog razvoja, za što je neophodna bolja saradnja između obrazovnih ustanova i privatnog sektora, koja za sada nije na
zadovoljavajućem nivou.
Veliki problem privrednici prepoznaju u nedovoljno dobrom pravnom okviru radnih odnosa, koji ne obezbjeđuje adekvatnu fleksibilnost tržišta rada. Komplikovane
procedure i administriranje koje nameće Zakon o radu,
predstvaljaju značajnu barijeru za poslovanje svake kompanije u Crnoj Gori, zbog čega u narednom periodu treba
pristupiti sveukupnoj reformi radnog zakonodavstva i liberalizaciji tržišta rada.
Ne rjeđe pominjan problem od strane privrednika je i
nedovoljno razvijen ekonomsko-socijalni dijalog, koji se
u najskorije vrijeme mora kvalitativno i zakonski unaprijediti.
Naravno, materijal koji predstavlja objedinjenu analizu
poslovanja crnogorske privrede u 2013. godini do detalja
razrađuje prijedloge i mjere za poboljšavanje aktuelnog
stanja i biće polovinom narednog mjeseca biti predočen
Vladi na sastanku u Privrednoj komori Crne Gore.
Dozvolite da na kraju izrazim zahvalnost kompanijama,
našim članicama, koje su prepoznajući značaj i kvalitet
ovog skupa pomogle njegovu realizaciju.
Na kraju želim da vas još jedanput srdačno pozdravim i
zaželim uspješan rad.
Hvala vam na pažnji.
ing an obligation to make more efforts to achieve the
said goal.
The business community has a significant role and tasks
in implementing this Strategy, while, through national
Chambers in countries to which the Strategy refers to,
the business community will be a reliable partner to
their Governments in dealing with demanding efforts to
reach the stated goals.
Ladies and gentlemen, after two years of moderate
growth, Montenegro’s economy has entered the recession in 2012. The real GDP has decreased by 2.5%. According to projections, the growth of real GDP in 2013 is
1.1% in the first quarter and 3.4% in the second quarter,
which would mean that we could speak about going out
of the crisis. Due to the fact we are a small economy,
we have to take into account that statistical data can
frequently give an insufficiently clear image.
Consideration given to the current trends in economy,
the barriers to doing business and recommended measures for its progress stands as a continuous activity of
the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. The goal of
that activity is to give a contribution to identifying arrangements for overcoming the current challenges in
business operations and for creating a favorable business
environment. If the status in the year that is approaching
its end taken into consideration, I would like to point out
to the following:
oit is required primarily to adopt a clear strategy of
country’s economy development , while we have
to endure in the process of its implementation. That
is the precondition of ensuring the favorable economic structure that guarantees economic growth
and, thereby, an increase in employment, as well as
balanced regional development. Long-term development requires substantial investments in infrastructure, manufacturing sector and processing capacities,
considering the fact that the former economic development was mainly based on the services sector
o The adjustment of public expenditures to real opportunities so that the budget deficit as a share of GDP
is lower than the GDP growth rate, which would provide a sustainable level of public debt, are the expected measures to be undertaken by the Government.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
The way to achieving sustainable economic growth and
progress in the process of accession to the European
Union has been followed by a number of challenges related to boosting competitiveness to grow; supporting
sustainable tourism, infrastructure projects and environmental protection; promoting energy efficiency; and the
All this must be logically followed by a quality education
and building of the capacity to meet the needs of economic development, which requires better cooperation
between educational institutions and the private sector,
which so far is not satisfactory.
The businesspersons see a great problem in the inadequate labor relations legislative framework, which does
not provide adequate flexibility of the labor market.
Complex procedures and paperwork imposed by the Labor Law represent a significant barrier to the operations
of each company in Montenegro - which is a reason that
in the future we should launch both the comprehensive
reform of the labor legislation and the labor market liberalization.
A challenge not often mentioned by businesspersons
is also that of insufficiently developed social dialogue,
which must be taken to the higher qualitative and legislative level as soon as possible.
Of course, the document, which presents a consolidated
analysis of the operation of the Montenegrin economy
in the year 2013, elaborates in details the proposals and
measures for improving the current situation and it will
be tabled to the Government in the middle of the next
month at the meeting to be held in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.
Let me finally express my gratitude to our member companies that, by recognizing the importance and standard
of this event, have given their contributions to its realization.
Finally, I would like to once again warmly welcome you
and wish you a productive work.
Thank you for your attention.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Milo Đukanović
Dame i gospodo,
Želim da vas pozdravim u ime Vlade Crne Gore i u svoje
Želim posebno da pozdravim goste koji su došli izvan
Crne Gore, i koji su na taj način uvažili i našu državu i
Privrednu komoru Crne Gore.
Htio bih da izrazim posebno poštovanje prema Privrednoj komori koja, rekao bih, u seriji pokreće inicijative
poput ove, koje animiraju sve veći broj poslovnih ljudi iz
regiona i šire, i koje animiraju donosioce političkih odluka i aktere državnih politika u regionu u kojem živimo. U
tom smislu, želim da na počeku kažem da je i tema današnje konferencije veoma podsticajna za razmišljanje,
istovremeno i veoma životna.
Dozvolite, da odatle krenem i da podijelim nekoliko misli
sa vama.
Zašto mislim da je tema veoma životna. Rekao bih da saradnja, generalno, nije nešto što bismo mogli da smatramo usvojenom ni životnom, ni poslovnom filozofijom u
regionu u kojem živimo. To je nešto što nije karakteristika
razmišljanja i rada unutar regiona kojem pripadamo, pa
mogu slobodno kazati i u unutar svake države pojedinačno. Rekao bih da je umjesto toga i dalje dominantno
međusobno nepovjerenje, podozrenje, pa ako hoćete,
čak i nedovoljno poznavanje. To je nešto što definitivno
ekonomiju svake od država regiona čini drugorazrednom
u kontekstu evropske razvijenosti, a samim tim i naš region čini onim dijelom Evrope kojem se još uvijek propisuju
posebni uslovi, da bi smo mogli da sjednemo za sto za
kojim se razgovara o budućnosti zajedničke nam Evropske kuće.
Zato mislim da su ovakve teme podsticajne, ne bismo li u
što kraćem roku prihvatili da je zapravo put do uspostavljanja razvijenih ekonomija koje će i naše države učiniti u
punoj mjeri konkurentnim, a naše građane ravnopravnim
državljanima Evrope 21. vijeka, da shvatimo da se do istinski vrijednih tezultata jedino može doći kroz saradnju,
kroz timski nastup i kroz uspješno upravljanje velikim
projektima. Sve ostalo se svodi na dosta nevješte i nejake
pokušaje da se sa bilo kog meridijana, a posebno iz ovog
konteksta balkanske nerazvijenosti, proizvedu rezultati
koji bi mogli biti iole konkurentni na globalnoj sceni.
Ova teza nas, rekao bih, polako uvodi i do druge teze,
a to je odsustvo saradnje, podozrivost, nepovjerenje, pa
i nepoznavanje nas dovodi do onoga što je ključni problem regiona u kojem živimo, a to je nedovoljna stabilnost. Na žalost umjesto da ideal društava u kojim živimo
Predsjednik Vlade Crne Gore
u 21. vijeku bude bruto društveni proizvod po glavi stanovnika od 25.000 eura, naš ideal je i dalje uspostaviti
pouzdanu stabilnost. To nije samo imperativ naših razvijenih evropskih i evro-atlantskih partnera, vjerujem da je
to prioritet svih nacionalnih politika, uključujući i ono što
bi mogli smatrati strategijom regiona Zapadnog Balkana
za budućnost.
Zato, dozvolite, da sa vama podijelim i sledeću formulaciju. Ja mislim da je integracija Zapadnog Balkana drugo
ime za stabilnost našeg regiona. Na žalost, imamo veoma puno dokaza i u daljoj i u novijoj istoriji da su naši
regulatorni mehanizmi stabilnosti u regionu nedovoljno
pouzdani, i da ubrzanje u sticanju pouzdanije stabilnosti
vodi kroz evropsku i evro-atlantsku integraciju.
Vjerujem da danas nema mislećeg bića bilo gdje na
evropskom kontinentu, uključujući države našeg regiona,
koje nije zabrinuto za ono što se danas događa u zajedničkoj evropskoj kući. Kriza koja je krenula kao finansijska, nastavljena kao ekonomska, iskazala se kao institucionalna zaključno sa političkom.
U osnovi, kriza vizije buduće Evrope je nešto što, rekao
bih, jednako pogađa svakog stanovnika Evrope. Ali, rekao
bih, jednako tako, ta kriza ne smije proizvesti niti višak
skepske unutar Evropske unije prema potrebi nastavka
realizacije strategije punog ujedinjenja Evrope u interesu njene globalne konkurentnosti, a još manje kod nas
država Zapadnog Balkana smije proizvesti zastoj u pogledu što bržeg dosezanja pune integracije unutar Evrope
i evro-atlantskih struktura, jer kao što sam kazao to je
put u pojačanje naše stabilnosti, što je pretpostavka ekonomskog i demokratskog razvoja.
U daljoj razradi ove teze želio bih da kažem da veoma razumijem kada se iz važnih evropskih adresa danas potencira da je vladavina prava prvi prioritet za unapređenje
ambijenta na prostoru Zapadnog Balkana i preduslov za
dobru dinamiku naše integracije.
Ali, ono što je nužno dodati toj tezi je, to je važan uslov,
ali nedovoljan. Mogli bi naravno ovdje otvoriti teorijsku
diskusiju na, rekao bih, već poznatu temu, šta je starije
kokoška ili jaje. Da li je vladavina prava, što i sam mislim,
uslov za veće povjerenje ljudi iz biznisa, prije svega investitora da ulože svoj novac, da realizujemo strateške
projekte razvoja i otvorimo radna mjesta i damo dobar
impuls ekonomskom i društvenom razvoju svih zemalja
Zapadnog Balkana, ili je nedovoljna ekonomska stabilnost, ekonomska zaostalost i iz nje genirisani nizak nivo
demokratske kulture, netolerancije, zapravo razlog one
podozrivosti, međusobnog nepoznavanja, koje nas svako
malo vodi u sukobe, što dodatno ugrožava vladavinu pra-
Milo Đukanović
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to welcome you on behalf of the Government of
Montenegro and on my personal behalf.
I wish to greet the guests coming from outside Montenegro, who have expressed thereby their appreciation to
both our country and the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro.
I would like to express my special recognition to the
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro that, I would say,
launches in a sequence initiatives such as this one and
that attracts an increasing number of both businessmen
from the region and broader area and regional decision
makers and actors involved in implementing the public
policy. In terms of that, I want to say first that the topic of
today’s Conference is consideration-stimulating and lifefocusing indeed.
Let me start from there and share with you several
thoughts of mine.
Why do I deem this topic so life focusing? I would say that
cooperation in general is not something we could deem
either as adopted life philosophy or as adopted business
philosophy in the region in which we live. That is something that is not a characteristic of deliberation and work
within the region we belong to and, I am free to say, also
within any state individually. I would say that, instead of
that, there is still a prevailing mutual distrust, suspicion
and – like it or not –insufficient acquaintance. That is
something that definitively makes the economy of any
of the regional countries be of a second rank in terms of
European development level and that makes thereby our
region be that part of Europe to which specific requirements are still being prescribed in order to make it possible for us to sit at the table at which the future of our
common European home discussing is taking place.
Therefore I consider that such topics are indeed stimulating, in order to make us accept as soon as possible that
actual road leading to establishing developed economies
- which are going to help our countries be fully competitive and our citizens be equal to the EU citizens of the
21st century - is to understand that it is possible to come
to true valuable outcomes only through cooperation,
team work and successful management of large projects.
All the rest are just reduced to quite naïve and weak attempts - from any meridian, while and particularly from
this context of undeveloped Balkans - to generate the
results that could have at all been competitive on global
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Prime Minister of Montenegro
This thesis - I would say - is introducing us gradually to
another one, which is the absence of cooperation, the
existence of suspicion, distrust and even ignorance and
which is guiding us to what is the key challenge of the
region in which we live. To be precise, it is guiding us to
an insufficient stability. Unfortunately, instead of choosing the ideal of the society in which we live in the 21st
century be the Gross Domestic Product amounting to
€25,000 per capita, putting in place reliable stability is
still our ideal. That is not only an imperative asserted by
our developed European and Euro-Atlantic partners, but
I believe that it is a priority in all national policies including also what we could consider the strategy for the development of Western Balkans region.
Therefore, let me share with you also the following
words. I think that the integration of the Western Balkans is the second name of our regional stability. Unfortunately, we have numerous proofs - both from our
distant and from our recent history - that our regional
stability mechanisms are insufficiently reliable and that
an acceleration in attaining better founded stability leads
through European and Euro-Atlantic integrations.
I believe that not a single intelligent being from the European Continent - referring here also to regional countries
- can stop worrying about what it is nowadays going on
in our European home. The crisis, which had started as
financial and continued as economic, has appeared to be
institutional and political eventually.
In essence, the crisis of the vision of the future Europe is
something, I would say, affecting each inhabitant of Europe equally. However, I would say that, likewise, that
crisis must not generate an excessive skeptic within the
European Union to the need to have the implementation
of the strategy for the full Europe integration to continue
in the interest of its global competitiveness. Even less it
may generate, here in our countries of the Western Balkans, a delay in as fast attaining the full membership of
European and Euro-Atlantic structures as possible - in
view of the fact, as I have already said, that it is the road
to strengthening our stability that is in turn a precondition for economic and democratic development.
In further reasoning of this thesis, I would like to say that
I understand very much when, from important European
addresses, the rule of law is insisted on as both the first
priority for improving the ambience within the Western
Balkans region and a precondition for a good dynamic of
our integrations.
Yet, what is required to add to this thesis is that it is
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
va i pouzdanu stabilnost našeg regiona.
između Srednje i Zapadne Evrope i Jugoistoka.
Dakle, ne bih želio da o tome razgovaramo, šta je starije
od to dvoje, jer mislim da je pametnije da zaključimo:
vladavina prava jeste važan preduslov ekonomskog i demokratskog razvoja, evropske i evro-atlantske integracije
svake od država Zapadnog Balkana.
Sve je to jako dobro. Veoma je dobro i da kroz proces globalne saradnje se pojavljuju partneri mnogo udaljeniji,
van evropskog kontinenta, koji nam nude ruku saradnje u
realizaciji takvih projekata. Ni jednu od tih ruku nećemo
odbiti. Naprotiv, veoma smo zahvalni i vema smo spremni da kroz saradnju i sa Kinom i sa Azerbejžanom i sa
svim drugim državama radimo na realizaciji tih projekata,
ali ono što moram da primijetim, da bi na tim projektima
prioritetno trebali prepoznati i Evropsku uniju kao partnera.
Vladavina prava je prije svega jedan od najvažnih aspekata kvaliteta života ljudi koji žive u ovom regionu. Prema
tome, ne nametnuta, nego naša interna potreba, ali uz
vladavinu prava mora da ide snažnija podrška prevazilaženju istorijski naslijeđene ekonomske nerazvijenosti zemalja ovog regiona. Ja mislim da je to nešto što još uvijek
nije u potrebnoj mjeri prepoznato od strane Evropske
unije, i zbog čega Evropska unija još uvijek nije ponudila
dobru formulu terapije toga problema. Ni jedna od država na Zapadnom Balkanu nije u stanju da riješi taj problem sama. Bez rješavanja tog problema, ovaj region će
ostati da jako dugo kaska za onim što su tendencije ekonomske i društvene razvijenosti Evrope kojoj pripadamo.
Zato mislim da se kao imperativ zapravo nameće da, uz
naš vrijedni napor na daljim reformama počev od vladavine prava, i Evropska unija kreira jedan novi finansijki
okvir- okvir finansijske podrške Zapadnom Balkanu, kako
bi se brže prevazilazili oni problemi koje ni jedna od država Zapadnog Balkana ne može uraditi sama. Prije svega u
oblast putne i željezničke infrastrukture i energetike. Čak
ni naša unutrašnja nesnalaženja u regionu Zapadnog Balkana ne smiju poslužiti kao alibi da se dalje odlaže tretman toga pitanja, i tu su nam potrebni i eksperti Evropske unije, tu su nam potrebni eksperti Evropske banke za
obnovu i razvoj i Evropske investicione banke, koji bi nam
pomogli da na pravi način selektiramo prioritete koji će
ovaj region na najkvalitetniji način uvezati sa onim što su
evropski saobraćajni i drugi koridori.
Drago mi je da na takav način počinjemo sve više da razmišljamo na mjestima gdje se donose odluke unutar našeg regiona. Imao sam zadovoljstvo da prije neki dan razgovaram sa premijerom Srbije i Mađarske o tome kako
željeznički koridor od Budimpešte do Beograda produžiti
prema Baru, i u tom kontekstu tretirati snažnije proširenje Luke Bar.
Razgovarao sam sa premijerima Albanije, Hrvatske i Bosne kako realizovati Jadranski gasovod i na taj način doprinijeti da naše zemlje budu zahvaćene takođe jednim
poželjnim procesom gasifikacije koji treba da uveliko
pomogne i nama i Evropi u prevazilaženju, rekao bih,
globalne nekonkurentnosti kada je u pitanju energetski
input industrijskom razvoju.
Razgovarao sam sa predsjednikom Vlade Albanije takođe,
kako da podstaknemo naše susjede da preciznije artikulišemo našu ideju oko Jadransko-Jonskog auto puta, koji
bi trebao da predstavlja dobru, najkraću i kvalitetnu vezu
Treće, što bih želio da podijelim sa vama jeste potreba
da nastavimo sa intenzivnim reformama u državama na
Zapadnom Balkanu. Problemi koji su pogodili Evropsku
uniju tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina, posebno problemi koji su pogodili Euro zonu su imali snažne negativne reflekse na ekonomije našeg regiona. Dakle, prosto
manjak tražnje iz zemalja Evropske unije za proizvodima
i uslugama u našem regionu, zatim veliko opterećenje
našeg bankarskog sistema lošim plasmanima iz perioda
kreditne ekspanzije, takođe problemi nezaposlenosti,
posebno problemi mlade generacije, su nešto što danas
karakteriše ekonomski ambijent regiona u kojem živimo.
Izlaz iz toga mora biti veoma promišljen i veoma hrabar.
Ja mislim da su nam prije svega potrebne duboke strukturne reforme.
Mi moramo nastaviti da reformišemo i naš sistem socijalnog osiguranja. Mislim da su postojeća rješenja u penzionim sistemima svuda u regionu pokazali ozbiljne slabosti. Želim da kažem da je u Crnoj Gori stepen održivosti
našeg penzionog sistema tek nešto iznad 50%. Sve ostalo
su transferisani prihodi iz budžeta. To, dakle, upućuje na
alarmantnost problema u tom sistemu i to traži rješenje
bez odlaganja.
Takođe, mislim da zajedno sa Evropskom unijom mi imamo ozbiljne probleme u obrazovnom sistemu, jer obrazovni sistem pokazuje dosta visok stepen nefleksibilnosti u odnosu na ono što je tržište rada, i mi na žalost još
uvijek kao finalni proizvod obrazovnog sistema imamo
solidno opšte obrazovanje, ali imamo ljude koji nemaju
potrebne vještine da bi mogli odgovoriti onome što su
izazovi razvoja ove faze.
Takođe mislim da moramo ozbiljno nastaviti sa reformom
tržišta rada koji i dalje u sebi zadržava nepodnošljivu
dozu regulacije, i moramo takođe u punoj mjeri biti posvećeni daljoj reformi zdravstvenog osiguranja, sa ciljem
da učinimo kvalitet zdravstvene zaštite dostupniji našim
građanima, ali da istovremeno kroz snažnije otvaranje
tog sistema prema privatnom sektoru obezbijedimo veću
konkurentnost i veći kvalitet. Dakle, ovo što danas manje
- više znači monopol državnog sistema, niti obezbjeđuje
dovoljnu dostupnost, niti obezbjeđuje dovoljan kvalitet,
niti eleminiše korupciju iz nekog od vitalnih podsistema
an important but insufficient requirement. Naturally, we
could open here a theoretical discussion, I would say, on
already well-known topic, i.e. the chicken and the egg
causality dilemma. Whether the rule of law is - and I
deem it is - a precondition for business people’s higher
confidence, while primarily for investors’ trust in the security of their investing aimed at making it possible for us
to implement strategic development projects and create
new jobs and give a good impulse to economic and social development of all countries of the Western Balkans,
or inadequate stability, economic underdevelopment
and by it generated low level of democratic culture, and
intolerance, is the reason of the mentioned suspicion,
insufficient mutual familiarity that every now and then
lead us to conflicts that additionally endanger the rule of
law and reliable stability of our region.
Therefore, I do not want to discuss on what came first
out of the two, since I consider that it is wiser to conclude the following: the rule of law is an important precondition for economic and democratic development
and European and Euro-Atlantic integrations in each of
the Western Balkans countries.
The rule of law is primarily one of the most significant
aspects of the quality of the life of peoples living in this
region. Therefore, it is not an imposed but it is our internal need; however, besides the rule of law, there must be
a stronger support to overcoming historically inherited
economic underdevelopment of this region countries.
It is my opinion that it is something that the European
Union has not yet realized sufficiently and because of
what the European Union has not yet offered a good
treatment of that problem. Not a single Western Balkans
country is capable of solving that challenge without any
help. Without solving that challenge, this region will continue lagging for quite a while behind what the tendencies of economic and social development are in Europe
to which we belong.
Therefore, my opinion is that an imperative is coming
out that – along with our hard efforts to keep on with
reforms, starting from the rule of law – the European Union also is to create a new financial framework, i.e. the
one of financial support to the Western Balkans, to ensure faster overcoming those challenges that not a single
Western Balkans country is capable of solving without
any assistance. This refers primarily to the road and railroad infrastructure and energy areas respectively. Even
our internal being out of our depth in the region of the
Western Balkans must not serve as alibi for further delaying the issue treatment. And that is where we need
also experts from the European Union; that is where we
need experts from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, who would assist us in selecting
appropriately the priorities that will link in the best possible manner this region with what European transport
and other corridors are.
It is my pleasure that thinking gradually in that way has
started at decision-making places within our region. A
couple of days ago, I had pleasure to talk to the Prime
Ministers of Serbia and Hungary respectively, discussing
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
how to extend the Budapest - Belgrade railroad corridor
also toward Bar and, in terms of that, how to approach
to have an intensified expansion of the Port of Bar.
I talked to Albania, Croatia and Bosnia Prime Ministers
respectively about how to have the Adriatic Gas Pipeline
implemented and to contribute thereby to our countries be included in a desirable gasification process that
should help us and Europe to a large extent in overcoming, I would say, global noncomeptitivness when it comes
to energy input to industry development.
I talked to Albanian Prime Minister as well, discussing
how to encourage our cooperation in order to specify
our idea for Adriatic-Ionian Motorway that should be a
proper, shortest and high quality link between the Middle and the Western Europe and Southeast.
All that is very good. It is very good also that, through the
process of global cooperation, partners come along from
very distant places outside European continent and offer us cooperation in implementing such projects. Not
a single such offered cooperation we will reject. On the
contrary, we are very grateful and very ready to have cooperation with China, Azerbaijan and all other countries,
in implementing those projects. What I have to notice is
that we should primarily identify the European Union as
a partner in implementing those projects as well.
The third consideration I would like to share with you is
our need to continue with intensive reforms in the Western Balkans countries. Adversities that have affected the
European Union for a few years so far, with damaging
effects on the Eurozone particularly, have entailed negative responses within the economies of our region as
well. Simply said, less demand from the European Union
countries for our regional products and services, then
large burden shouldered by our banking sector due to
non-performing investments originating from the period
of credit expansion, and also unemployment challenges
- while particularly the youth unemployment rate – are
something that is a characteristic of the today’s economic ambience of the region we live in. The way out
from that situation must be highly prudent and brave.
My opinion is that we primarily need structural reforms.
We have to continue reforming also our social security
system. I think hat the existing solutions to pension systems have shown serious weaknesses throughout our region. I wish to say that, in Montenegro, the sustainability
rate of our pension system is slightly above 50.00%. All
the rest are the revenues transferred from the Budget.
That, therefore, both signals alarming adversities in the
mentioned system and requires a solution to be found
Besides, my opinion is that we and the European Union face serious problems in the system of education,
since the system of education has shown rather high
level of inflexibility in relation to what the labor market
is. Unfortunately, we still face our education system to
have the outcome in the form of substantial generalized
knowledge, with students lacking necessary skills to be
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
društava u kojima živimo.
Takođe mislim da u regionu generalno moramo nastaviti da radimo na unapređenju poslovnog ambijenta, bez
obzira što smo napredovali na tom planu. Ja želim da
vam kažem da je Crna Gora napredovala i na rang listama
Svjetskog ekonomskog foruma, sa 72 na 67 mjesto, da
je kod Svjetske banke došla do 44 mjesta, unapređujući
svoju poziciju za 7 mjesta u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Ali, to nas ne smije zavaravati, niti u Crnoj Gori, niti u
drugim državama regiona.
Evidentno je da još uvijek imamo ozbiljne probleme u
nekim djelovima poslovnog ambijenta. Dakle, počev od
izdavanja građevinskih dozvola, do registracije i zaštite
imovinskih prava, izvršavanja ugovora, pa u određenim
zemljama i do obezbjeđenja uslova za početak i za lak
izlazak iz biznisa. Dakle, mislim da nam na tom planu
strukturnih reformi, unapređenja poslovnog ambijenta,
sleduje ozbiljan napor i da moramo nastaviti da vodimo
ekonomske i socijalne politike koje će odgovarati onome
što su prioriteti država našeg regiona.
Jednom riječju, moramo odustati od ideje da slijedimo
državne politike blagostanja, kakve su karakterisale zemlje Evropske unije u poslednje vrijeme i što je dovelo do
potrebe i u njima samim da prave ozbiljnu reviziju svojih
ekonomskih i socijalnih politika, ali sa jednom ozbiljnom
razlikom. One su prije svega u dugom periodu, koji je
prethodio, mnogo racionalnije iskoristile svoje resurse,
razvile nivo društvenog bogatstva da bi mogle da dođu u
situaciju da razmišljaju o takvim ekonomskim i socijalnim
politikama. Sve to je bitno različito od onoga što karakteriše region u kojem mi živimo.
I zaključujem. Želim da kažem da Crna Gora svoj prioritet u vladinoj i državnoj politici u narednom peridu vidi
kroz pitanje ekonomskog rasta. Mislim da smo tokom poslednje godine napravili dosta važne iskorake na obnovi
makro-ekonomske stabilnosti. Mislim da smo posebno
ozbiljan prodor napravili na planu zavođenja finansijske
discipline i naplate javnih prihoda. Mislim takođe, da
smo uspjeli da u značajnoj mjeri očuvamo performanse
ekonomskog sistema koje su Crnu Goru, u godinama nakon nezavisnosti, činile jednom od najprivlačnijih investicionih destinacija za strana ulaganja. Time smo naravno
veoma zadovoljni, ali to ne iscrpljuje naše ambicije.
Makro-ekonomska stabilnost nije naš cilj. Makro-ekonomska stabilnost je pretpostavka onoga što je naš cilj,
a to je dinamičan ekonomski i društveni rast i razvoj. Da
li imamo realne resurse za to. Da. Ubijeđen sam da imamo sve pretpostavke da Crna Gora u bliskoj budućnosti,
počev od 2014. godine, bude jedna od najbrže rastućih
investicionih destinacija u ovom regionu. Šta me upućuje
na takav optimizam. Prije svega svijest o neiskorišćenim
resursima u oblasti izgradnje infrastrukture, u oblasti
energetike, turizma i proizvodnje hrane.
Jednako tako, upućuje me prisustvo renomiranih investitora u Crnoj Gori, već zaključeni ugovori i već započeti
projekti koji se realizuju. Dakle, ako kažem da mi danas u
Crnoj Gori imamo već definisane ugovore, obezbijeđene
investitore i započetu realizaciju projekata u vrijednosti
od oko 3 milijarde eura samo na crnogorskoj obali, projekata koji treba da generišu oko 10.000 novih radnih
mjesta, ne govorim o nečemu što će se događati za tri ili
pet godina, govorim o onome što je počelo u 2013. Ili počinje u 2014. godini. Jasno je da je to pouzdano uporište
optimizma koje sam malo prije emitovao. Pri tome, još
uvijek ne govorimo o valorizaciji najizdašnijeg razvojnog
resursa na obali kakav je Ulcinj, i pri tome ne govorim o
valorizaciji onoga što su planinski potencijali, ili potencijali razvoja planinskog turizma u Crnoj Gori.
Kada govorimo o energetici, u toku je realizacija dva projekta vrijednih milijardu eura. Dakle, podmorskog kabla
između Crne Gore i Italije vrijednog 800 miliona i realizacija drugog bloka Termoelektrane u Pljevljima, što u
ni u kom slučaju ne može biti ispod 250 do 300 miliona.
Pri tome, opet da kažem, ne govorim o realizaciji projekta istraživanja nafte i gasa, gdje je tender u toku, koji se
završava krajem februara iduće godine, i gdje smo već
uspjeli da animiramo interesovanje 20 najrenomiranijih
kompanija iz te oblasti. I ne govorimo o realizaciji projekta gasifikacije, koji će početi kroz realizaciju Trans-Jadranskog gasovoda od Albanije do Hrvatske.
Takođe, kada govorimo o infrastrukturi, želim da kažem
da smo u završnoj fazi ugovaranja početka realizacije auto-puta, nakon što smo potpisali međudržavne sporazume, nakon što smo definisali okvirni ugovor, sada smo u
fazi pisanja konkretno komercijalnog ugovora i ugovora o
finansiranju projekta koji je težak preko 3 milijarde, koji
samo u prvoj fazi koja će početi iduće godine generiše
vrijednost od 800 miliona eura, na dionici Podgorica-Kolašin. A ponavljam opet, pri tome ne govorim o gradnji
Jadransko-Jonskog autoputa i ne govorim o realizaciji željezničkog koridora od Beograda do Bara.
Dodamo li tome projekte u oblasti proizvodnje hrane, realizaciju određenih projekata industrijskog razvoja, vjerujem da to ubjedljivo svjedoči da optimizam o kojem sa
malo čas govorio nije bez utemeljenja.
Dakle, nije politička propaganda, nego predstavlja jednu
realnost koju je u veoma doglednoj budućnosti moguće
dosegnuti, ukoliko nastavimo da predano radimo na pametnom i održivom korišćenju resursa kojima raspolažemo.
Završna poruka, ovog dužeg izlaganja nego što sam na
početku zamislio je zapravo, skup ovaj kakav je današnji,
je uvijek odlična prilika da razmijenimo međusobne informacije, da ukažemo na prednosti saradnje i zajedničke
valorizacije resursa.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
capable of responding to what the development challenges of this stage are.
tinations for foreign investments. Naturally, we are very
pleased with that, but it is not the end of our ambition.
Furthermore, my opinion is that we must keep on reforming the labor market that has retained unbearable
dosage of regulation. We must also be - to the fullest
- dedicated to reforming further the health insurance,
with the aim of both making the health care standard
more accessible to our citizens and providing – through
more decisive opening that sector to the private one higher levels of competitiveness and quality. So, this that
today represents more or less a monopoly of the government system is ensuring neither sufficient availability
nor adequate quality, and it is not eliminating corruption
from any of the vital subsystems of society we live in.
Macroeconomic stability is not our goal. Macroeconomic stability is a precondition for what our goal is, i.e. for
dynamic economic and social growth and development.
Do we have reliable resources for the purpose? Yes. I am
convinced that we have all settings to make Montenegro
in near future, i.e. starting as of 2014, one of the fastest
growing investment destinations in this region. What induces me to such an optimism? Primarily the awareness
of the unused resources in the area of infrastructure development, in energy sector, tourism and food production.
Besides, my opinion is that within the region, in general,
we have to keep on improving business environment, regardless of our progress in the area. I wish to tell you
that Montenegro has moved on the World Economic Forum ranking lists from the 72nd to 67th place and to the
47th place on the World Bank list, i.e. by 7 positions as
compared with the last year. Nevertheless, that should
not mislead us, either in Montenegro or in other regional
It is obvious that we still face serious challenges in some
segments of business environment, i.e. starting form
issuing building permits and coming to the registration
and protection of property rights, contracts performance
and, in certain countries, to ensuring conditions for business starting up and easy dissolution thereof. Now, my
opinion is that serious efforts are needed in the given
area of structural reforms and business environment
improvement, and we must keep on pursuing economic
and social policies that will match with what the priorities of our regional countries are.
In a word, we must abandon the idea of pursuing government’s welfare policies that characterized the European
Union countries over the past period, which in turn has
given rise inside them to serious reviews of their respective economic and social policies - whereas with one substantial difference. Over a longer preceding period, they
used to take advantage of their respective resources rationally for the most part and they advanced the social
prosperity, and they have made it possible for them to
be in a situation to reconsider such economic and social
policies. All that is different substantially from what the
characteristic of the region in which we live is.
Now, my conclusion. I want to tell that Montenegro
finds their priority in the Government and public policies
designed for the upcoming period through economic
growth task. My opinion is that , over several years so far,
we have made considerable steps forward in resuming
macroeconomic stability. My opinion is that particularly
serious advancement we have made in bringing financial discipline and in the collection of public revenues.
My opinion is also that we have managed to maintain
to a large extent economic system performances that,
over the years after regaining the independence, made
Montenegro one of the most attractive investment des-
Equally, I am persuaded by the presence of credible investors in Montenegro, contracts already entered into,
and projects already underway. Therefore, if I say that
we in Montenegro today hold contracts already defined,
investors found, and projects worth some EUR 3 million
underway only on the Montenegrin seashore, i.e. the
projects expected to generate some 10.000 new jobs,
I am not talking about something that is going to take
place in three or five years but I am talking about what
has already commenced in 2013 or will commence in
2014. It is clear that that is a reliable stronghold for the
optimism I emitted a short before. At the same time, I
am not still talking about the valorization of the most
abundant development resource on the seashore – such
as Ulcinj is - and I am not concurrently talking about the
valorization of what mountain potentials are or potentials to serve mountain tourism development in Montenegro.
When it comes to energy, to refer to two projects underway and worth one billion Euros – namely, EUR 800
million worth submarine cable installation between
Montenegro, and Italy and the construction of the second block at the Thermal Power Plant in Pljevlja, which
in no way can be less than EUR 250 or EUR 300 million.
Again, I am not talking about oil and gas explorations for
which bidding process is underway - with the late February of the next year as the deadline for submission of
bids - to which we have already attracted the attention
of 20 most credible companies with competences for the
purpose. Moreover, I am not talking about gasification
project that will commence through the implementation
of Trans Adriatic Gas Pipeline installation from Albania
to Croatia.
Besides, when we are talking about infrastructure, I wish
to say that we have reached the final stage of contracting
the commencement of motorway construction. After entering into Intergovernmental Agreements and after defining the Framework Contract, we are now in the stage
of developing the Commercial Contract and the Project
Funding Contract, with the Project value exceeding EUR
3 billion and the Project itself to commence in the next
year and to generate, only in its first stage and for the
stretch between Podgorica and Kolasin, the value of EUR
800 million. I am reiterating that I am not at the same
time talking about the construction of the Ariatic-Ionian
Motorway and I am not talking about the realization of
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Gospodin Mijušković je govorio o performansama tržišta Zapadnog Balkana. Bez obzira što priča od 20 miliona konzumenata na Zapadnom Balkanu djeluje dovoljno
impresivno, moramo znati takođe da to nije nešto što je
najimpresivnija ponuda za najrenomiranije svjetske investitore, a posebno nije dovoljno inspirativna ukoliko nastupamo sa svojim ponudama odvojeni jedni od drugih,
zatvoreni jedni za druge.
Zato mislim da su konferencije poput današnje izuzetna
prilika da razmijenimo informacije, da dogovorimo mogući obim saradnje i da na taj način pojačamo šanse za
intenzivniji ekonomski rast, ekonomski i društveni razvoj
regiona u kojem živimo, time i za dogledniju evropsku
perspektivu razvoja koja treba da obezbijedi viši kvalitet
života ljudi, čije interese kao donosioci odluka zastupamo.
Zahvaljujem na pažnji!
the railway corridor from Belgrade to Bar.
If we add to food production projects and the implementation of certain industry development projects, I am
quite sure that that is what convincingly witnesses that
the optimism I emitted a while ago is not groundless.
Therefore, that is not a political propaganda but a reality that is attainable in the very near future if we keep
on working devotedly with smart and sustainable use of
resources that are available to us.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
market performances. Regardless of the fact the story
about 20 million consumers within the Western Balkans
sounds impressive enough, we must be aware also of
the fact that is not what represents the most impressive
offer to most credible world investors and, particularly,
that is not what is inspiring enough if we appear with our
respective offers and closed for each other.
The final message of this speech - which has been longer
than I originally intended - is actually : a gathering like
this today’s one is always an excellent opportunity to exchange pieces of information, to point out to the advantages of cooperation and joint valorization of resources.
Therefore, my opinion is the conferences similar to this
today’s one are excellent opportunities for information
exchange, for agreeing on possible scopes of cooperation and for strengthening thereby chances to have an
intensified economic growth and economic and social
development in the region in which we live, and for soon
European development prospective that is expected to
ensure higher standard of living of people the interests
of whom we decision makers represent.
Mr. Mijskovic discussed today on the Western Balkans
Thank you for your attention!
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Panel I: Pogled na EU iznutra
Janez Prašnikar
Anja Quiring
Otto Oberparleiter
Ljubo Jurčić
Panel II: Pogled na EU sa Balkana
Gordana Đurović
Aleksandar Vlahović
Svetlana Cenić
Predrag Ivanović
Panel III: Mladi kao budućnost zemalja Balkana
Saša Popović
Mirjana Radović Marković
Guoda Lommanaite
Mladen Grgić
Martin Ćalasan
Ivan Vukčević
Specijalni gost
Stjepan Mesić
Panel IV: Kako osnažiti postojeće veze zemalja Balkana
- Dalje integracije balkanskih zemalja (G6)
Igor Lukšić
- Konkurentske sposobnosti i međunarodna trgovina
Stanko Zloković
- Poreski sistem i uticaj na ekonomije Regiona
Milan Lakićević
Ivan Simič
- Stabilnost bankarskog i finansijskog sistema
Radoje Žugić
Panel V: Kako staviti u funkciju prirodne resurse
- Pregled prirodnih resursa Balkana i njihovo korišćenje
Goran Barović
Aleksandar Joksimović
- Kvalitet investicionog i poslovnog ambijenta
Michael Malvebo
- Efikasnost i racionalnost državne administracije
James Wilson
Vladimir Čvorović
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Panel I: An inside view of the EU
Janez Prašnikar
Anja Quiring
Otto Oberparleiter
Ljubo Jurčić
Panel II: A view at the EU from the Balkans
Gordana Đurović
Aleksandar Vlahović
Svetlana Cenić
Predrag Ivanović
Panel III: The young as the future of the Balkan countries
Saša Popović
Mirjana Radović Marković
Guoda Lommanaite
Mladen Grgić
Martin Ćalasan
Ivan Vukčević
Special guest
Stjepan Mesić
Panel IV: How to strengthen the existing ties of the Balkan
- Further integration of the Balkan countries (G6)
Igor Lukšić
- Competitive capacities and international trade
Stanko Zloković
- Tax system and influence on the economy
Milan Lakićević
Ivan Simič
- Stability of the banking and financial system
Radoje Žugić
Panel V: How to put into function natural resources
- Review of the Balkans natural resources and their exploitation
Goran Barović
Aleksandar Joksimović
- The quality of the investment and business ambient
Michael Malvebo
- The efficiency of the state administration
James Wilson
Vladimir Čvorović
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Kada sa aurom velike ideje i privlačnošću otmene dame, Evropska unija, ostane sama sa sobom, stane pred ogledalo licem u
lice i pogleda se; da li je zadovoljna svojim odrazom u njemu?
Da li sebe vidi kao super državu ili joj realnost sui generis cjeline
rastrzane pojedinačnim interesima članica, zamagljuje sliku i
zahtijeva, veoma često, više šminke nego što je to uobičajeno
Da li je stvorila ljudima prostor slobode, sigurnosti i pravde bez
unutrašnjih granica? Da li je omogućila održivi razvoj Evrope
utemeljen na uravnoteženom ekonomskom rastu i stabilnosti
cijena, visoko konkurentnoj društvenoj tržišnoj ekonomiji,
s ciljem najviše stope zaposlenosti i društvenog napretka,
s visokim nivoom zaštite životne sredine? Koliko je uspjela u
borbi protiv socijalne isključenosti i diskriminacije te proklamovanju društvene pravde i zaštite? Da li je stvorila ekonomsku,
društvenu i teritorijalnu koheziju, i solidarnost među državama
članicama? Da li će ostati vjerna ekonomskoj i monetarnoj
uniji s eurom kao svojom valutom? Da li, proklamujući svoje
vrijednosti širom svijeta, uspijeva pridonositi svjetskom miru,
bezbjednosti, održivom razvoju planete Zemlje, solidarnosti i
poštovanju među narodima, slobodnoj i pravednoj trgovini i iskorjenjivanju siromaštva? Koliko doprinosi zaštiti ljudskih prava, posebno prava djece, kao i strogom sprovođenju i razvoju
međunarodnog prava, uključujući poštovanje principa Povelje
Ujedinjenih nacija?
Suština bi čini se trebala biti u tome da Evropska unija postane
dom različitih naroda i kultura kojima su razumijevanje, tolerancija i poštovanje zajedničke vrijednosti.
When with an aura of a great idea and the attractiveness of
a classy lady, the European Union, is left alone with itself, it
stands before the mirror face to face and takes a look of itself,
whether it is satisfied with its reflection? Whether it sees itself
as a super state or the reality of a sui generis entity, torn apart
by the individual interests of its members, blurs its image and
requires very often, more makeup than it is usually needed?
Whether it provided people with the space of freedom, security and justice without internal borders? Whether it ensured
the sustainable development of Europe based on the balanced
economic growth and price stability, highly competitive social
market economy, aiming at the highest employment rates
and social progress, with a high level of environmental protection? How much did it manage to combat social exclusion
and discrimination and proclaim social justice and protection?
Whether it created economic, social and territorial cohesion,
and solidarity among Member States? Will it remain faithful
to the economic and monetary union with the EURO as its currency? By proclaiming its values worldwide, does it manage to
contribute to the world peace, security, sustainable development of the Earth, solidarity and respect among peoples, free
and fair trade and the eradication of poverty? How much does
it contribute to the protection of human rights, especially the
rights of children, as well as the strict implementation and development of international law, including respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations?
It seems that the essence should be for the European Union to
become home to various peoples and cultures who share understanding, tolerance and respect as common values.
Panel I
Pogled na EU iznutra
An inside view of the EU
Janez Prašnikar
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Ljubljani
Professor at the Faculty of Economics
at the University of Ljubljana
Anja Quiring
Regionalni direktor za Jugoistočnu Evropu Udruženja
njemačke privrede za saradnju sa zemljama JIE
Regional Director South East Europe of Committee on
Eastern European Economic Relations, Germany
Ljubo Jurčić
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Professor at the Faculty of Economics
at the University of Zagreb
Otto Oberparleiter
Direktor regionalnog klastera Siemens Austrija
Head Of Regional Cluster Management Siemens Austria
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Prof.dr.sc. Ljubo Jurčić
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Europska unija predstavlja najznačajniju europsku integraciju današnjice. Hrvatska je postala njezina punopravna članica ove godine. Za procjenu efekata članstva potrebno je poznavati ciljeve, procese i prepreke koje prati
integriranje Europe. Od pojave prve ideje o ujedinjenju
Europe, pa do prvih koraka u realizaciji prošlo je mnogo
vremena. Ideja o ujedinjenju u svojim različitim oblicima
javlja se po prvi puta u XVII. stoljeću, a po mnogim, čak i
mnogo ranije. Ipak, proces integriranja Europe kao do tad
nepoznat oblik suradnje europskih država, započinje tek
nakon II. svjetskog rata. Iako proces traje već više od pola
stoljeća, još je za mnoge europske zemlje težak. Rođena
iz Europske zajednice za ugljen i čelik koja je okupljala
svega 6 zemalja članica, Europska unija prošla je burnu
evoluciju, i izrasla u zajednicu 28 europskih zemalja. Prva
supranacionalna zajednica pod političkim i gospodarskim
utjecajima postupno se razvijala, i paralelno sa svojim razvojem širila. Projekt ujedinjenja europskih zemalja u Europsku uniju je najveći ljudski projekt u povijesti.
Po mnogima, neizostavan smjer u kojemu bi se EU trebala
kretati, nakon svog najvećeg postignuća, monetarne unije
je stvaranje fiskalne unije. Fiskalna unija ujedno se smatra najaktualnijim rješenjem za krizom izmorenu i trenutno poljuljanu Europsku uniju. Fiskalna unija znači i manji
nacionalni suverenitet a veća uloga EU administracije. Za
sada ne postoje znakovi spremnosti kod država članica za
takav potez.
Ključne riječi: Europska unija, monetarna unija, fiskalna
Nakon dva velika rata u prošlom stoljeću bilo je jasno da
nešto nije u redu s upravljanjem Europom. Deseci milijuna poginulih i ranjenih. Stotinu milijuna preživjelih i
gladnih bez kuće i zaposlenja. Danas je to teško zamisliti
generacijama koje žive u miru i u zemljama s pristojnim
Možda bi se za najbližu usporedbu s toliko brojnim žrtvama i razaranjem mogao iskoristiti uragan Katarina.
Drugi svjetski rat prema veličini razaranja i ljudskim žrtvama mogao bi se izjednačiti s uraganom Katarina koji
bi se događao pet puta tjedno, svaki tjedan od 1938.
do 1945. godine. Još gore, drugi svjetski rat dogodio se
samo dvije decenije nakon prvog svjetskog rata u kojima
su kao protivnici glavne uloge igrali Njemačka i Francuska. Ta stradanja stvorila su uvjete za radikalnu promjenu
mišljenja prema suživotu u Europi i upravljanju njome.
Osnovno pitanje krajem 1940-tih je bilo, kako Europa
može izbjeći slijedeći rat?
Jedno od rješenja je bilo čvršće povezivanje europskih naroda, s nadnacionalnim tijelima upravljanja, u okviru Ujedinjenih država Europe (United States of Europe), kako je
to nazvao Churchill. Stvaranjem socijalističkog bloka na
čelu sa Sovjetskim savezom i početak hladnog rata ubrzali su integraciju Europe. Konfrontacija Saveznici nasuprot
Sila osovine, zamijenjena je konfrontacijom Istok- Zapad.
Stari prijatelji postali su neprijatelji, a stari neprijatelji postali su prijatelji.
U svibnju 1948. godine u Den Haagu pobornici ideje o europskom ujedinjavanju organizirali su nevladin Europski
kongres na kojem je 700 delegata iz 16 država raspravljalo o: europskoj zajednici kao supranacionalnoj tvorevini,
njenim institucijama, ljudskim pravima i međunarodnom
sudu za ljudska prava, zajedničkom tržištu i monetarnoj
uniji. Na tom kongresu po prvi puta otvorena su vrata ideji europskih integracija kao realističnom pravcu moguće
buduće zajedničke politike. Kako je to bio nevladin kongres, predstavljao je za zemlje samo apel i nije nosio nikakve obvezujuće zaključke. Godinu dana kasnije, u svibnju
1949. godine, mogu se prepoznati prvi rezultati kongresa.
Osnovana je prva poslijeratna međunarodna vladina organizacija - “Vijeće Europe”. Vijeće je osnovano sa zadatkom da promovira ljudska prava i zajedništvo europskih
zemalja. Postojala je tendencija da Vijeće Europe bude organizirano kao prva supranacionalna institucija, no to ipak
nije ostvareno. Vijeće Europe ostaje međudržavna organizacija koja nema supranacionalnih elemenata. Upravo
zbog te karakteristike Vijeće nikad nije odigralo značajniju
ulogu u procesu europskog integriranja. To razdoblje obilježilo je i osnivanje prvog stalnog međunarodnog suda,
Europskog suda za ljudska prava.
Razočaran ograničenim dometom Vijeća Europe, Jean
Monnet razradio je početkom 50-ih godina ideju o osni-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Professor Ljubo Jurčić, PhD
Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the
University of Zagreb
Nowadays, the European Union represents the strongest
form of European integration. Croatia has become its full
member this year. In order to assess the effects of the EU
membership, it is necessary to know the goals, processes
and obstacles that accompany Europe’s integration. A lot
of time passed between the occurrence of the first idea
of Europe uniting and the first steps in realization of that
idea. The idea of integration, in its various forms, appeared for the first time in 17th century, although there are
many who believe that it actually had emerged even earlier than that. Nevertheless, the actual process of Europe
integration as previously unknown form of cooperation
between European states started only after the World
War II. Although this process has been lasting for over
half a century already, it is proven as very difficult for
many European countries. Born out of the European Coal
and Steel Community, gathering only six Member States
at the time, the European Union has both gone through
turbulent evolution and developed into a community of
28 European states. The first supranational community
has been gradually developing under political and economic influences, as well as expanding simultaneously. The
project of unification of European states into the European Union is the largest project in the history of mankind.
According to the many, after reaching the most important goal, i.e. the Monetary Union, unavoidable direction
to which the EU should head in the future is the creation
of a fiscal union. The Fiscal Union is at the same time considered the most actual arrangement available to the by
the crisis exhausted and currently undermined European
Union. Fiscal union also means less national sovereignty
and more extensive role of EU administration. As of now,
there are no signs that Member States are prepared to
make such a move.
Key words: European Union, Monetary Union, Fiscal
After two great wars during the past century, it was clear
that something was wrong in the governance of Europe.
Tens of millions of people were killed and injured. Hundreds of millions survived, but jobless and homeless.
Nowadays, this is something that generations living in
peace and in countries with decent standard of living can
find hard to imagine.
Perhaps the closest comparison to the number of victims
and level of devastation in recent history would be the
Hurricane Katrina. When taking into account the level
of destruction and the number of human casualties, the
World War II could be compared to Hurricane Katrina occurring five times a week, each week, from 1938 to 1945.
To make the matters worse, the World War II broke out
just two decades after the World War I, in which main
adversaries were Germany and France. All the suffering
from that era created a fertile ground for a radical change
in opinion on coexistence in and governance of Europe.
The principal question in the late 1940s was how Europe
could avoid another war.
One of the solutions was to make stronger relations between European nations and supranational governing
bodies within the United States of Europe, as Churchill
christened them. The creation of the Eastern Block, headed by the Soviet Union, and the beginning of the Cold
War accelerated the integration of Europe. Confrontation between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers had
gone and was replaced with the confrontation between
the East and the West. Old friends became enemies and
old enemies became friends.
In The Hague, in May 1948, the advocates of the united
Europe idea organized the non-governmental European
Congress in which 700 delegates from 16 states discussed the ideas of European community as a supranational entity, and of the institutions, human rights and
international court of human rights, common market and
monetary union for the purpose. It was during this Congress that the door was opened for the first time to the
idea of European integrations as a realistic direction of
possible future common policy. Since this was a non-governmental congress, it presented only an appeal to the
countries of Europe and as such did not entail any binding
conclusions. A year later, in May 1949, the first results
of that congress were visible. The first post-war international governmental organization was founded, namely
the Council of Europe. The Council was founded with the
goal of promoting human rights and unity of European
countries. There had been a tendency to set up the Council as the first supranational institution, but that was not
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
vanju tri supranacionalne institucije za tri različita sektora: ekonomski, vojni i politički, kao osnovu za utemeljenje
Sjedinjenih Država Europe. Zbog političkih okolnosti zaživjela je samo prva, ekonomska – Europska zajednica za
ugljen i čelik (EZUČ). Nastala je 1951. godine Ugovorom iz
Pariza. Bila je to prva supranacionalna institucija, osnovana između šest država: Francuske, Njemačke, Italije, Belgije, Nizozemske i Luksemburga. Zadatak joj je bio osigurati
slobodnu trgovinu ugljena i čelika, zajedničkom upravom i
propisima zaštititi proizvodnju, te regulirati konkurenciju,
a u slučajevima ozbiljne krize omogućiti kontrolu cijena i
proizvodnje. Mnogi autori navode kako je EZUČ bila velik korak u zbližavanju Njemačke i Francuske. To je bio po
mnogima početak dublje suradnje dugogodišnjih ratnih
neprijatelja bez koje daljnji napredak u integriranju Europe nikako ne bi bio moguć.
Pristupanje (Zapadne) Njemačke NATO-u 1955. godine
koje je Sovjetski savez shvatio kao dodatnu prijetnju, ubrzalo je integriranje Njemačke, Francuske, Italije i zemalja
Beneluxa. Teško bi se zemlje koje su bile žrtve nacističke
agresije integrirale s Njemačkom da nije bilo Sovjetske
prijetnje i američke garancije o nadzoru nad Njemačkom.
Također, teško bi se prihvatilo da Njemačka industrijski,
vojno i politički ojača bez njenog integriranja u nadnacionalnu europsku integraciju, čiji je konačni cilj političko
Godine 1955. u Messini je održana povijesna konferencija.
Na toj su konferenciji sudjelovali ministri vanjskih poslova
šest zemalja članica Europske zajednice za ugljen i čelik i,
među ostalim, raspravljali su i o stvaranju Europske ekonomske unije koja bi se mogla ostvariti kreiranjem jedinstvenog tržišta i uvođenjem četiriju sloboda. Pregovori su
trajali do veljače 1957., a 25. ožujka iste godine u Rimu su
potpisana dva ugovora: Ugovor Europske ekonomske zajednice i Europske zajednice za atomsku energiju, poznatiji pod nazivom Rimski ugovori. Cilj njihova osnivanja bio je
stvaranje jedinstvenog tržišta i približavanje ekonomskih
politika država članica kako bi se postigao jedinstveni razvoj ekonomija, kontinuirani ekonomski razvoj i povećao
standard života stanovnicima država članica. Zajednicama
pristupa šest država članica Europske zajednice za ugljen i
čelik. Stvaranjem Europske ekonomske zajednice težilo se
ostvarivanju dvaju bitnih ciljeva u integraciji Europe: kreiranju carinske unije i zajedničkog tržišta. Prema čl. 2. Ugovora, zadatak EEZ-a je bio “... da osnivanjem zajedničkog
tržišta i postupnim usklađivanjem ekonomskih politika
država članica unutar čitave Zajednice unaprijedi ravnomjeran razvoj gospodarskih djelatnosti, stalan i uravnotežen prirodni razvoj, veću stabilnost, brži porast životnog
standarda i bliskije odnose među državama Zajednice.”
Prvi veliki zahtjev koji je bio postavljen pred EEZ, a kojem
je Zajednica uspješno udovoljila, bio je stvaranje carinske
unije među državama članicama. Danas se carinska unija
temelji se na odredbama Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije, Glave I - Sloboda kretanja robe (čl. 23-27) i Glave
X - Suradnja u području carina (čl. 135). Čl. 23 utvrđeno je
da će carinska unija obuhvaćati ukupnu trgovinu robom,
što prvenstveno uključuje zabranu carina i pristojbi s istovrsnim učinkom na uvoz i izvoz robe među državama
članicama Unije, kao i primjenu zajedničke carinske tarife
na njihove trgovinske odnose s trećim državama. Pojam
carinska unija podrazumijeva prostor na kojem ne postoje unutarnje prepreke kretanju robe, a na robu koja ulazi
izvana primjenjuju se zajednička pravila, carine i kvote.
Valja istaknuti da je, sukladno odredbama GATT-a i WTO-a, ta vrsta regionalnog trgovinskog sporazuma izuzeta
od primjene načela “najpovlaštenije nacije” na nečlanice
carinske unije. Odredbe carinske unije osiguravaju zaštitu
okoliša te zdravlja i sigurnosti građana, a preduvjet tome
je kontrola i otkrivanje zaraženih prehrambenih proizvoda
i njihovo vraćanje u matične zemlje. Propisana je i zaštita
ugroženih vrsta biljaka i životinja, kulturnih dobara otkrivanjem kretanja ukradenih umjetnina, ali kontrola uključuje i ograničavanje uvoza tehnologija koje bi se mogle
koristiti u svrhu stvaranja nuklearnog ili kemijskog oružja.
Nakon Rimskog ugovora vladao je entuzijazam da će se
zajedničko tržište formirati za 10-15 godina, tj. do početka
80-ih. Zbog euroskleroze u 70-ima ubrzo se uvidjelo da
će taj proces trajati mnogo duže. Protekcionistička i intervencionistička gospodarska politika koju su europske
države vodile nakon rata uvelike je doprinijela odgodi razvoja zajedničkog tržišta. Takva politika suprotna je ideji
o stvaranju zajedničkog tržišta koja podrazumijeva ukidanje svih zapreka slobodnom kretanju roba, usluga, ljudi
i kapitala. Proces postupnog i mukotrpnog otklanjanja
zapreka trajao je gotovo trideset i pet godina. Do važnog
preokreta dolazi 1985. godine. kada je objavljeno izvješće “Program mjera za ostvarenje zajedničkog tržišta”,
poznatije pod nazivom “Bijela knjiga”. Iznosi se detaljan i
sveobuhvatan pregled nacionalnih zapreka stvaranju zajedničkog tržišta, grupiranih u tri skupine: fizičke, tehničke
i fiskalne. U Milanu je iste godine sazvana međuvladina
konferencija gdje je zaključeno da treba žurno prilagoditi institucionalni i pravni okvir EZ kako bi se predložene
mjere što lakše i uspješnije provele. To je i učinjeno 1986.
kada je donesen Jedinstveni europski zakon. Ovaj ugovor
država članica EZ donosi niz novina i predstavlja prvu veću
reviziju Rimskih ugovora. Njime se uvodi pojam unutarnjeg tržišta, uz znan nam pojam zajedničkog tržišta, kako
bi se psihološki motiviralo na otklanjanje prepreka i težnje
zajedničkom tržištu. Ovaj dokument od iznimne je važnosti jer predstavlja prvo postavljanje temelja za kasniju
uspostavu Europske ekonomsko – monetarne unije. Iako
se uzima da je zajedničko tržište uspostavljeno do 1992.
godine, ipak su i nakon toga ostale poteškoće u njegovom
punom i nesmetanom radu.
Nakon 1970ih i faze euroskepticizma i državnih intervencija, postalo je jasno da je nužna hitna akcija koja će
accomplished. The Council of Europe has remained an intergovernmental organization that has no supranational
element. Precisely because of that characteristic, the
Council never played any significant role in the process of
European integrations. That era was also marked by the
founding of the first permanent international court, the
European Court of Human Rights.
Disappointed at the limited reach of the Council of Europe, Jean Monnet worked out, in the early 1950s, the
idea of founding three supranational institutions for
three different sectors, i.e. economic, military and political, as the foundation for setting up the United States of
Europe. Due to political circumstances, only the first one,
i.e. economic, came to life as the European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC). It was formally established, in 1951,
by the Treaty of Paris. It was the first supranational institution founded by six states, i.e. Belgium, France, West
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Its task
was to ensure free trade of coal and steel; protect production through joint governance and regulations; regulate competition; and, in case of a serious crisis, to ensure
price and production controls. Many authors state that
the establishment of ECSC was a major step in bringing
Germany and France closer together. Many believe that
this was a start of deeper cooperation between long-time
war adversaries and that any further progress in the integration of Europe would be made impossible without it.
Accession of (West) Germany to NATO in 1955, which
was seen by USSR as an additional threat, accelerated
the integration of Germany, France, Italy and Benelux
countries. It would have been highly unlikely to have the
countries, i.e. the victims of Nazi’s aggression integrated
with Germany if there had not been the Soviet threat and
USA’s guarantees for keeping Germany under control. In
addition, it would have been difficult to allow industrial,
military and political strengthening of Germany if there
had not been Germany’s integration into supranational
European integration, with the final goal of political integration.
As historical event, a conference was held in Messina in
1955. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the six European Coal and Steel Community Member States took part
in the conference where, among other things, they discussed possible establishment of the European Economic
Community through the creation of a common market
and the introduction of “Four Freedoms”. Negotiations
lasted until February 1957 and, in March of the same
year, two treaties were signed in Rome, i.e. the Treaty
Establishing the European Economic Community (TEEC)
and the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, better known as the Treaty of Rome.
The goal of their establishment was to create a common
market and the harmonization of the Member States’
economic policies aimed to achieving a uniform development of their economies, continuous economic development and improved standard of living for the Member
States’ citizens. Six Member States of the European Coal
and Steel Community joined these two communities. The
establishment of the European Economic Community
was aimed at accomplishing two major goals relevant to
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
the integration of Europe, namely setting up a customs
union and a common market respectively. According to
Article 2 of the Treaty, EEC’s goal was “…by establishing
a Common Market and progressively approximating the
economic policies of Member States, to promote throughout the Community a harmonious development of economic activities, a continuous and balanced expansion,
an increased stability, an accelerated raising of the standard of living and closer relations between its Member
The first major requirement that had been posed to the
EEC, and the Community fulfiled it, successfully, had
been to establish a customs union for its Member States.
Today, the Customs Union is based on the provisions of
Title I - Free Movement of Goods (Articles 23-27) and Title X - Customs Cooperation (Article 135) of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union, Article 23 states
that the Union shall comprise a customs union which
shall cover all trade in goods and which shall involve the
prohibition between Member States of customs duties
on imports and exports and of all charges having equivalent effect, and the adoption of a common customs tariff
in their relations with third countries. The notion of customs union refers to an area where there are no internal barriers to the movement of goods, while the goods
coming from outside the EU are subject to joint rules,
custom duties and quotas. It should be highlighted that,
in accordance with GATT and WTO’s provisions, such regional trade agreements are exempt from the application
of the principle of “most favored nation” to the countries
that are not members of the Customs Union. Regulations
of the Customs Union ensure protection of environment,
as well as health and safety of citizens, and a prerequisite for all of that is the control and detection of infected
food products and their return to their countries of origin. The protection of endangered species and animals,
the protection of cultural goods through detection of stolen works of arts have also been laid down. Furthermore,
control also includes limiting the import of technologies
that can be used to fabricate nuclear or chemical weapons.
After the Treaty of Rome there was considerable enthusiasm that a common market would be created within 10
to 15 years, i.e. by the early 1980s. Due to eurosclerosis
in the 1970s, it became clear that this process would last
for much longer. Protectionism and interventionism pursued by the European states after the war greatly contributed to the delay in the development of the Common
Market. Such policy was in direct opposition with the
creation of a common market idea , which implied the
abolition of all barriers to the free movement of goods,
services, people and capital. The process of gradual and
painstaking overcoming those obstacles lasted for almost
thirty-five years. A major turnaround occurred in 1985, in
the year of the publication of the report titled Completing
the Internal Market, better known as the White Paper.
It sets forth a detailed and comprehensive overview of
national-level obstacles to the creation of such internal
market, grouped into three categories: physical, technical and fiscal. In Milan in the same year, an intergovernmental conference was convened and it was concluded
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
dovesti do zaokreta europskog gospodarstva, koje nije
pružalo adekvatan odgovor jakoj inozemnoj konkurenciji.
Trebalo je potaknuti programe jedinstvenog tržišta. Kako
bi gospodarstva postala efikasnija i konkurentnija 1980ih
godina napori su se usmjeravali na poticanje zajedničkih
istraživanja, promoviranje trans-europskih korporativnih
spajanja, i uklanjanje barijera trans-europskom poduzetništvu. Godine 1984. Francuska i Njemačka odlučile su
ubrzati smanjenje kontrole na granicama i u lipnju 1985.
priključile su se zemljama Beneluxa potpisivanjem Schengenskog Sporazuma kojim su uklonjene kontrole na granicama. Taj je sporazum stupio na snagu u siječnju 1990.
Sporazumom iz Amsterdama 1995. godine i druge zemlje
potpisnice (Italija, grčka, Portugal i Španjolska) uklonile su
sve kontrole carina i putovnica. Unutar Schengenskog područja time je omogućena slobodna cirkulacija ljudi.
Sredinom 80ih Komisija je vjerovala u pro-liberalizacijsko ponašanje i poduzela put k ostvarenju “Jedinstvenog
europskog zakona” (SEA) iz 1987. Naglašavajući slobodno kretanje kapitala jednako kao i roba i usluga, SEA
je vodio do usvajanja direktive iz 1988., koja je imala za
cilj uspostaviti potpuno liberalizirano financijsko tržište
do 1990. godine. Prihvaćanje SEA drži se najznačajnijim
i najuspješnijim korakom u procesu europske integracije
nakon Rimskih ugovora. To je imalo dalekosežne posljedice: stvorilo se jedinstveno, najveće svjetsko tržište i trgovinsko središte. Mnoge interne kontrole dokumenata ili
carina bile su ili ukinute ili svedene na minimum; banke i
poduzeća dobivale su ovlast da posluju na cijelom području Unije; gotovo ništa ne priječi rezidenta EU da živi, radi,
otvara bankovni račun ili dobiva svoju mirovinu u bilo kojem dijelu Zajednice; protekcionizam između tih zemalja
postao je ilegalan; razbijeni su monopoli…
SEA je konačno formulirala da su ekonomska i monetarna
unija ciljevi EU, koji promoviraju koheziju članica, što je
kolokvijalni termin u EU za smanjivanje jaza između bogatih i siromašnih dijelova EU.
2.1. Zajednička poljoprivredna politika
Poljoprivredna je politika s transportnom politikom jedina zajednička sektorska politika predviđena još u tekstu
Rimskoga sporazuma. Ciljevi su agrarne politike predviđeni tim Sporazumom višestruki, a najvažniji je smanjenje
uvoza i zadovoljavanje potreba stanovništva. Članak 33
definirao je pet ciljeva u jednom kontekstu, gdje je racionalizacija poljoprivrede nakon rata i ovisnost o prehrani
bila posebno izražena.
Sporazum daje široku definiciju poljoprivrednih proizvoda
koja sadrži proizvode iz zemlje, uzgoja i ribarstva i proizvode prve transformacije koji su u direktnom odnosu s tim
proizvodima. Zbog ekonomske i socijalne specifičnosti
toga sektora integracija preko tržišta provedena je uvođenjem zajedničke politike. Poljoprivredni su se proizvodi
do tada kretali slobodnom igrom ponude i potražnje u
zemljama članicama. Prijelazom od intervencije nacionalnih politika u Zajedničku agrarnu politiku (CAP) osigurana
je dugotrajnost toga sustava, poljoprivrednicima su zbog
različitih proširenja sve šire i šire otvorena tržišta, omogućena je unifikacija prehrambenih troškova i ista razina
života u Uniji.
Ribarstvo je povijesno vrlo dugo prisutno na prostoru zemalja EU i važno je za razvoj i gospodarstvo mnogih malih
sredina. Temelj za upravljanje ribarstvom u EU postavljen
je Zajedničkom ribarskom politikom (Common Fisheries
Policy - CFP). Zajednička ribarska politika izvorno je bila
dio Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike (Common Agricultural Policy - CAP), a izdvajanju u zasebnu politiku pridonio je ulazak u Uniju zemalja sa znatnim ribarskim flotama
i morskim resursima te potreba rješavanja novih specifičnih problema, poput očuvanja zaliha ribe i reguliranja
međunarodnih odnosa nakon uvođenja gospodarskih pojaseva.
Tokom 1966.g. Europska Komisija je poduzela prve korake
ka stvaranju ZRP( zajedničke ribarske politike). Ti koraci
se uglavnom mogu objasniti tadašnjom situacijom-konkurencijom na međunarodnoj razini koja je uspostavljena
GATT sporazumima, te nedovoljnoj konkurentnosti flote
zemalja EZ-a na tadašnjem stupnju razvoja. Nakon prvih
prijedloga Komisije, Vijeće europske unije je usvojilo dva
dokumenta koja se danas smatraju temeljnima u okvirima ZRP: 1) Uredba Vijeća 2141/70 donesena 20. rujna
1970.g. koja uspostavlja zajedničku strukturnu politiku za
ribarsku industriju; 2) Uredba Vijeća 2142/70 donesena
20. rujna 1970.g. koja uspostavlja organizaciju tržišta ribarskih proizvoda
Navedene uredbe su uvele neke poznate principe u ZRP.
Prije svega to je princip jednakih uvjeta pristupa ribljim
resursima (eng. Equal access principle); druga važna novost jest legislativni okvir za Vijeće koje će kasnije usvojiti
potrebne konzervacijske mjere za sprečavanje pretjeranog izlova ribljih stokova; te konačno treća važna odredba
ticala se financijskog mehanizma koji će potpomoći razvoj
ribarskog sektora kroz implementaciju uredbi za razvoj
strukturnih i tržišnih sektora ribarske industrije.
2.2. Zajednička transportna politika
Uspostava zajedničke prometne politike predviđena je još
Rimskim ugovorom, kada je ujedno definiran cilj prometne politike. Kao cilj navodi se nediskriminatorna politika
cijena prijevoza putnika i robe s obzirom na podrijetlo ili
odredište, razvoj i financiranje infrastrukture te formuliranje zajedničke transportne politike. Sloboda pružanja
usluga i promet definirani su člankom 51. Rimskog ugovora, koji određuje da je sloboda pružanja usluga u području
prometa uređena odredbama Sporazuma koje se odnose
na promet.
there that EC’s institutional and legal framework should
be swiftly adapted in order to implement the proposed
measures as easily and efficiently as possible.
That was done in 1986, when the Single European Act
was adopted. This treaty between the EC Member States
brought many novelties and was the first major revision of the Treaty of Rome. It introduced the notion of
the single market, besides the already known notion of
a common market, in order to provide a psychological
motivation for overcoming the obstacles and aspiring to
a common market. This document is of utmost importance, because it represents the first step in setting the
foundations for the establishment of the European Economic and Monetary Union. Although it is assumed that
the common market had been established by 1992, even
after that year there were still some difficulties in its full
and smooth operation.
After the 1970s and euroscepticism phase and state
interventions, it became clear that a swift action was
necessary to lead to the turn-around in the European
economy, which had not been providing an adequate response to strong foreign competition. It was necessary
to encourage programs for the single market. In order
to have a more efficient and competitive economy, during the 1980s the efforts were focusing on encouraging
common research, promoting trans-European corporate
mergers and eliminating the obstacles to trans-European
entrepreneurship. In 1984, France and Germany decided
to accelerate the process of reducing border controls. In
June 1985, they joined the Benelux countries by signing
the Schengen Agreement, which resulted in the abolition
of border controls. This agreement entered into force in
January 1990.
By signing the Amsterdam Agreement in 1995, other
Signatory Countries (Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain)
also abolished all customs and passport checks, enabling
thereby the free movement of people within the Schengen zone.
During the mid ‘80s, the Commission believed in proliberal behavior and took the road to enforcing the Single European Act (SEA) from 1987. By stressing the free
movement of capital as important as the free movement
of goods and services, SEA led to the adoption of the
directive of 1988 that had the goal to establish a completely liberalized financial market by 1990. Adoption of
SEA is considered to be the most important and the most
successful step in the process of the European integrations after the Treaty of Rome. This had far-reaching consequences, namely it created the world’s largest single
market and trade centre. Many internal documents or
customs controls were either abolished or minimized;
banks and enterprises were allowed to do business anywhere within the EU; there were almost no obstacles for
EU residents to live, work, open bank accounts or obtain
a pension anywhere within the Union; protectionism between countries became illegal; monopolies were broken
The SEA finally formulated that the EU’s goals were to
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establish economic and monetary unions respectively,
which promoted Member States cohesion , with the notion of cohesion being a colloquial term in the EU for decreasing any gap between rich and poor regions of the
2.1. The Common Agricultural Policy
The Common Agricultural Policy together with the Transport Policy is the only common sectoral policy envisaged
even in the Treaty of Rome. The goals of agricultural policy envisaged by the Treaty are multiple, but the most
important ones are decreasing imports and fulfilling the
needs of population. Article 33 defined five goals in one
context, among which rationalization of agriculture after
the war and reliance on food were especially relevant.
The Treaty provided a broad definition of agricultural
products as those comprising the products of the soil,
of stock-farming and of fisheries and products of firststage processing directly related to these products. Due
to economic and social specificities of that sector, the
integration of the market was implemented through introduction a common policy. Up until then, agricultural
products were being sold based solely on the principle of
supply and demand within the Member States. With the
transition from interventions of national policies to the
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the sustainability of
the system was ensured, farmers were given ever-wider
access to markets due to different enlargements and it
also enabled the unification of food prices and the same
level of cost of living throughout the Union.
Fishery has historically been present for a long time in the
EU Member States and it has been very important for development and economy of many smaller environments
as well. Foundations for fishery management in the EU
were set up by the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Common Fisheries Policy was originally linked to the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP), but over time it has become independent policy due to the accession to the EU of countries with significant fishing fleets and marine resources,
as well as the need to solve new specific problems, like
preserving fish stocks and regulating international relations after the introduction of economic zones.
During 1966, the European Commission took first steps in
establishing CFP (Common Fisheries Policy). These steps
can mostly be explained by the situation at the time, i.e.
by international-level competition established by GATT
agreements, as well as by the lack of competitiveness
of EC countries’ fishing fleet at their current level of development. After the first proposals of the Commission,
the EU Council adopted two documents that are considered today as fundamental within the CFP’s framework,
namely 1) Council Regulation No. 2141/70 of 20 September 1970, laying down a common structural policy for the
fishing industry; 2) Council Regulation No. 2142/70 of 20
September 1970, laying down the common organization
of the market in fishery products.
These Regulations introduced some well-known principles into CFP. First of all, the Equal Access Principle to
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Sposobnost da se ljudi i roba kreću brzo, učinkovito i jeftino, bila je neophodna u ostvarivanju dinamičkog i kohezijskog društva kakvom je težila EEZ. Temeljna načela zajedničke prometne politike utvrđena su Glavom V, člancima
70-80 Ugovora o EZ. Ciljevi su zajedničke prometne politike su: 1) utvrditi zajednička pravila koja se primjenjuju
na međunarodni prijevoz na teritorij ili s teritorija država
članica, odnosno na prijevoz preko područja jedne ili više
njih; 2) utvrditi uvjete pod kojima prijevoznici koji nemaju sjedište ili prebivalište na području neke države članice
mogu unutar te države članice obavljati usluge prijevoza;
3) usvajati mjere za poboljšanje sigurnosti prijevoza, i sve
druge odgovarajuće propise. Znatniji napredak postignut
je tek 1985. godine, kada je objavljena Bijela knjiga o dovršetku unutarnjeg tržišta.
Zahvaljujući ukidanju granica te većoj liberalizaciji i
usklađivanju propisa, stvaranje jedinstvenog tržišta označilo je prekretnicu u razvoju zajedničke prometne politike.
Još je u preambuli Rimskog ugovora sadržana odredba da
su tim sporazumom države članice: „...odlučne postaviti
temelje ujedninjenja naroda Europe...“. U kojoj mjeri su
države članice odlučne i spremne na ujedinjenje i danas
je upitno. Odlučnost, koju je tada zahtijevao začetak političke unije u Europi, rođena je krajem osamdesetih i početkom devedesetih, u razdoblju kada se Europa našla na
velikoj političkoj prekretnici. Na prijelazu iz osamdesetih
u devedesete došlo je do sloma komunizma, okončanja
politike hladnog rata i ujedinjenja Njemačke. Europska
zajednica u tom je razdoblju, zahvaljujući donošenju Jedinstvenog europskog akta, bila zaokupljena dovršetkom
izgradnje jedinstvenog tržišta te daljnjim procesom integriranja. Splet političkih događaja zajedno s integracijskim zamahom unutar EZ-a, dovodi do sazrijevanja ideje
o stvaranju čvršće političke unije.
Temelj te unije 1988. godine postavlja Delors izvješćem
za Europsku komisiju o izgradnji Ekonomsko-monetarne
unije. U izvješću se ističe kako države članice EZ-a moraju
unijeti određene promjene u osnivačkom ugovoru, koje
su neophodne za izgradnju Ekonomsko-monetarne unije.
Sve države članice, osim Velike Britanije, usuglasile su interese, prihvatile ovaj program i složile se kako je neophodno sazivanje međuvladine konferencije na tu temu.
U prosincu 1990. godine održane su dvije paralelne međuvladine konferencije, jedna na temu monetarne, a druga
političke unije. Između zemalja sudionica konferencije
postojale su mnogobrojne i duboke razlike u pogledu na
određena rješenja predloženog dogovora. Ova činjenica
jasno je potkrijepljena u postupku ratifikacije. Pregovori
između članica trajali su do prosinca 1991. godine kada
je konačno donesen Ugovor o osnutku Europske unije.
Ugovor je naišao na probleme u ratifikaciji. Velika Britanija i Danska ratificirale su ga uz određene iznimke. Zbog
navedenih okolnosti, Ugovor o Europskoj uniji potpisan je
7. veljače 1992. godine, a stupa na snagu tek 1. studenog
1993. Tek tada je formalno uspostavljena Europska unija
(EU). Iako naziv „unija“ baš ne odražava ostvareni stupanj
jedinstva, bio je to početak procesa stvaranja političke i
produbljivanja gospodarske unije u Europi.
3.1. Europska monetarna unija
Najveće postignuće Europske unije u procesu integriranja
Europe zasigurno je uspostava monetarne unije i kreiranje zajedničke valute – eura. Kao jedan od ciljeva europskog integriranja monetarna unija prvi put se spominje
1969. godine u Barreovom planu. Konkretnijoj razradi
ideje prionuo je Pierre Werner nakon raspada Bretton-Woodskog sustava i neuspješnih pokušaja država EZ-a
da ograniče opasna fluktuiranja svih europskih valuta. Na
temelju Wernerova izvješća, 1979. godine uspostavljen
je Europski monetarni sustav. Sustav se sastojao od vezanja valuta članica EZ-a posebno dizajniranim mehanizmom posebnih prava vučenja (Exchange Rate Mechanism
- ERM) kako bi se valute članica stabilizirale. Zahvaljujući
ovom sustavu ostvareni su pozitivni stabilizirajući rezultati
u osamdesetim godinama. Ipak, pokazalo se kako sustav
dugoročno ne može otkloniti valutne i monetarne probleme s kojima su se zemlje susretale, pa se stoga pamti
samo kao prvi korak na putu prema monetarnoj uniji , kojoj se ozbiljnije pristupa tek početkom devedesetih.
Uspostavljanjem jedinstvenog tržišta naglo je poraslo uvjerenje da se potencijal jedinstvenog tržišta zemalja članica može u potpunosti iskoristiti isključivo s uvođenjem
zajedničke valute, jer bi ona osigurala transparentnost cijena, smanjila transakcijske troškove i eliminirala tečajne
rizike među članicama zajedničkog tržišta. Iskorištavanje
punog potencijala jedinstvenog tržišta, kao i daljnji poticaj
političkoj integraciji može se okarakterizirati kao unutrašnji (primarni) razlog za kreiranje ekonomske i monetarne
unije. Vanjski razlog (sekundarni) bio je stvaranje velikog
valutnog područja i konkurencija američkom dolaru za
položaj „svjetskog“ novca. Motiviran spomenutim uvjerenjima i težnjama Jacques Delors, tadašnji predsjednik
Europske komisije, sastavlja izvješće u kojemu su predložene tri faze stvaranja ekonomske i monetarne unije. Delorsovo izvješće objavljeno je u travnju, a usvojeno u lipnju 1989. godine. U prvoj fazi cilj je bio dovršiti izgradnju
unutarnjeg tržišta, liberalizirati kapitalne tokove, ukloniti
sve prepreke financijskoj integraciji i intenzivirati monetarnu suradnju. U drugoj se fazi predviđala izgradnja organizacijske strukture EMU-a, te produbljenje ekonomske
konvergencije među članicama. I u posljednjoj trećoj fazi
predviđalo se fiksiranje tečajeva valuta, uvođenje jedinstvene zajedničke valute i dodjela pune monetarne i ekonomske odgovornosti raznim institucijama i tijelima EU.
fishery resources. The other important novelty was the
legislative framework as the basis for the Council to adopt
later the required conservation measures for preventing
overfishing. Finally, the third important regulation dealt
with financial mechanisms that would aid the development of fishery sector through the implementation of
regulations for the development of structural and market
sectors of fishery industry.
2.2. Common Transport Policy
Establishment of a common transport policy was envisaged already by the Treaty of Rome, which defined also
the goal of such transport policy. It was stated that the
goal was to establish a non-discriminatory pricing policy
for transport of passengers and goods in respect to their
place of origin or destination, to develop and fund infrastructure and to formulate the common transport policy.
The freedom to provide services and transport was defined in Article 51 of the Treaty of Rome, which stated
that the freedom to provide services in the field of transport should be governed by the provisions of the Agreements relating to transport.
The opportunity for people and goods to move swiftly,
efficiently and affordably was required for achieving a
dynamic and cohesive society that the EEC was striving
for. The fundamental principles of common transport
policy were stated in Chapter V, Articles 70-78 of the EC
Agreement. Goals of the common transport policy are:
1) determine common rules applicable to international
transport to the territory or from the territory of a Member State or passing accross the territory of one or more
Member States; 2) determine the conditions under which
non-based and non-resident carriers may operate transport services within a Member State; 3) adopt measures
to improve transport safety, and all other appropriate
provisions. Significant progress was not achieved until
1985, when the White Paper on Completing the Internal
Market was published.
Thanks to the abolition of borders, as well as further liberalization, and the harmonization of regulations, establishment of the common market marked a milestone in
the common transport policy development.
Even in the Preamble to the Treaty of Rome there was a
provision which stated that, based on the Treaty, Member States are “(…)to lay the foundations of an evercloser union among the peoples of Europe (…)”. To what
extent are Member States determined and prepared for
the union is questionable even today. The determination
required, at the time, by the initiation of political union in
Europe, was born in the late 80s and the early 90s, at the
time when Europe found itself at a major turning point.
At the turn of the eighties to the nineties, there was the
collapse of communism, the end of the politics of the
Cold War and the reunification of Germany. Thanks to
the adoption of The Single European Act, the European
Community was preoccupied during that period with
completing the establishment of the single market and
furthering the integration processes. A series of inter-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
connected political events, together with the integration
enthusiasm within the EC, led to the maturing of the idea
of creating a stronger political union.
Delors set foundations of that union in 1988, in his Report
presented to European Commission on Economic and
Monetary Union. The Report stated that the EC Member
States should approach to a Treaty change that was required for the realization of the Economic and Monetary
Union. All Member States, except Great Britain, agreed
upon their respective interests, adopted this program
and consented that it was necessary to convene an intergovernmental conference on the subject.
In December 1990, two simultaneous intergovernmental
conferences were held, one on the subject of the Monetary Union and the other on the subject of a political
union. There were numerous and extensive differences
among the countries participating at the conference,
concerning certain solutions provided in the proposed
treaty. This fact was clearly visible during the ratification procedure. Negotiations between Member States
lasted until December 1991, when the Treaty on European Union was finally drafted. The Treaty faced some
obstacles during ratification. Great Britain and Denmark
ratified it, with certain exceptions. Due to these circumstances, the Treaty on European Union was signed on
7 February 1992, with its entering into force no earlier
than on 1 November 1993. Only upon its entering into
force, the European Union (EU) was formally established.
Although the term “union” did not reflect the actually
achieved level of integration, it was still a beginning of
the process of establishing political and deepening of
economic union in Europe.
3.1. European Monetary Union
Most certainly, the European Union’s greatest achievement in the process of Europe integration was the establishment of monetary union and the creation of a European single currency, namely the Euro currency. Monetary
union was mentioned as one of the goals of European
integrations for the first time in Barre’s Plan, in 1969. The
concrete development of that idea was handled by Pierre
Werner, after the Bretton-Woods system had fallen apart
and after unsuccessful attempts of the EC Member States
to limit dangerous fluctuations in all the European currencies. European monetary system was established in 1979,
based on Werner’s report. The system was based on linking the EC Member States’ currencies through a specially
designed Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), in order to
stabilize the Member States’ currencies. Thanks to this
system, positive stabilization results were achieved during the 80s. Nevertheless, it was proven that, in the long
run, such a system cannot overcome currency and monetary issues that Member States were facing at the time.
Therefore, this mechanism is remembered only as the
initial step on the road towards monetary union, an issue
that was tackled more seriously only when 1990s started.
By establishing the Single Market, there was a sudden
stronger belief that the potential of the Single Market for
Member States could be fully taken advantage of only
by introducing a common currency since it would ensure
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Provedba Delorsova plana započinje u srpnju 1990. godine potpunom liberalizacijom kapitalnih tokova među
zemljama članicama i jačanjem koordinacije ekonomskih politika. 1. siječnja 1994. godine osnivanjem Europskog monetarnog instituta obilježen je početak druge
faze. Treća ujedno i posljednja faza započela je 1. siječnja
1999. godine. Na taj dan su fiksirani tečajevi nacionalnih
valuta. Ujedno je uveden euro kao knjižni novac. Zajedno
s uvođenjem eura, Europska središnja banka preuzela
je vođenje monetarne politike europodručja. 1. ožujka
2002. godine euro je postao jedino službeno sredstvo
plaćanja u zemljama europodručja, i time je okončana realizacija Delorsovog plana.
Ekonomska i monetarna unija iznimno je kompleksan i napredan oblik ekonomske integracije. Stvaranjem ovakve
unije zemlje članice učinile su korak više i našle se na putu
k potpunoj ekonomskoj integraciji, ma koliko teško bila
ostvariva. Razmišljajući u tom smjeru, pored jedinstvenog
tržišta, zajedničke monetarne politike i zajedničke valute
teži se harmonizaciji ostalih ekonomskih politika, od kojih
se najveći dio pažnje usmjerava na fiskalnu politiku.
Mjera u kojoj će monetarna politika unije odgovarati njenim pojedinim članicama uvelike je određena međusobnom usklađenošću poslovnih ciklusa. Središnja banka prilagođava monetarnu politiku vođena stanjem ekonomskog ciklusa za čitavo valutno područje i ne može voditi
računa o ciklusima pojedinih članica. Stoga, monetarna
politika koja se provodi odgovarati će zemljama članicama čiji su poslovni ciklusi usklađeni s čitavim monetarnim
područjem. U slučaju visokog stupnja usklađenosti poslovnih ciklusa zemalja članica, monetarna politika koja
se provodi odgovarati će svim članicama i intenzitet makroekonomskih fluktuacija u njima biti će razmjerno blag.
U suprotnoj situaciji, vođena monetarna politika određenim članicama neće odgovarati i dovesti će do pojačanja
njihove cikličke oscilacije gospodarske aktivnosti, nezaposlenosti i inflacije.
3.2. Fiskalna politika europske unije
Fiskalna politika Europske unije svodi se na proračun
EU kao jedini instrument provođenja fiskalne politike sa
središnje, supranacionalne razine EU. Ostatak fiskalnog
sustava promatramo kao skup pravila i dogovora preko
kojih zemlje članice harmoniziraju i koordiniraju ostale
segmente fiskalne politike. To se prvenstveno odnosi na
harmonizaciju oporezivanja te na koordinaciju stabilizacijskih fiskalnih politika kroz Pakt o stabilnosti i rastu te
Maastrichtske kriterije konvergencije. (Šimović, 2006.)
Proračun EU relativno je malen i preko njega se alocira
ograničen iznos sredstava u odnosu na područje koje
pokriva. Uvelike se razlikuje od nacionalnih proračuna.
Ukupni prihodi i rashodi proračuna čine nešto preko 1 %
BDP-a EU. Osnovna funkcija proračuna je financiranje za-
jedničkih funkcija i politika EU.
Harmonizaciju poreznih sustava promatramo kao drugi
segment fiskalnog sustava EU. Nametanje poreza isključivo je zadaća vlada zemalja članica EU, a porezni propisi
pripadaju poreznom sustavu određene zemlje članice.
Ipak, u nastojanju da ojača zajedničko unutarnje tržište,
EU je raznim smjernicama i drugim pravnim propisima
utjecala na formiranje poreznih sustava zemalja članica
EU i na taj način fiskalnu harmonizaciju iskoristila kao alternativni pristup fiskalnom federalizmu.
Treći segment fiskalnog sustava EU ogleda se u koordinaciji stabilizacijskih i proračunskih politika zemalja članica
putem fiskalnih pravila EU. Fiskalna pravila se odnose na
Pakt o stabilnosti i rastu i Maastrichtske kriterije konvergencije. Cilj ovih pravila je očuvanje fiskalne discipline
unutar monetarne unije.
3.3. Fiskalna unija za europsku uniju
Eurozona je jedinstven oblik monetarne unije - bez povijesnog presedana. Otkako su pokrenuti planovi za stvaranje jedinstvene valute, institucionalni sustav za oblikovanje fiskalne politike i očuvanje fiskalne održivosti monetarne unije predmet je oštrih rasprava, kako među ekonomistima, tako i među političarima. Nedavna globalna
financijska kriza i Europska dužnička kriza bile su dodatan
impuls na pokrenutu raspravu.
Postoji nekoliko pogleda. Prema jednima, monetarna
unija, da bi bila održiva, treba biti nadopunjena produženom nadnacionalnom fiskalnom unijom. Neki stručnjaci, poput De Grauwe (2006), idu dalje i inzistiranju i
na dubljoj političkoj uniji kako bi se osigurao uspjeh eura.
S druge strane, postavlja se pitanje hoće li takav produžetak fiskalnih ovlasti Bruxellesa, biti politički prihvaćen
od strane EU građana. Neki od stručnjaka argumentiraju
kako monetarna unija nema potrebu za bilo kakvom središnjom fiskalnom koordinacijom država članica (Mckay,
2005). Za njih okvir fiskalne politike treba biti isključivo
posao zemalja članica. Postoje prijedlozi prema kojima su
nužna poboljšanja u kvaliteti fiskalne politike. Poboljšanja
bi trebala obuhvatiti i fiskalne institucije diljem EU. To bi
bio obećavajući pristup koji bi doveo do poboljšanja u fiskalnom upravljanju na razini EU. Do sada rasprava nije
pokazala nikakve znakove o nastajanju sporazuma. Eurozona predstavlja prvu monetarnu uniju gdje je monetarna
politika postavljana na centralnoj, europskoj razini, dok se
fiskalna politika provodi ispod-centralnim, nacionalnim
razinama. Dakle, ekonomskoj struci nedostaju povijesni
slučajevi koji bi se koristili kao smjernice za teorijski i empirijski rad. (Bordo et al., 2011)
Pojam fiskalne unije podrazumjeva fiskalni federalizam
među svojim članicama, koji bi mogao biti u obliku subnacionalne ili regionalne političke jedinice, ili na nacionalnoj
transparency of prices, decrease transaction costs and
eliminate currency fluctuation risks among the Common
Market Member States. Benefiting from the full potential
of the Single Market, as well as a further encouragement
to political integrations can be characterized as internal
(primary) reason for creating the Economic and Monetary Union. External (secondary) reason was the creation
of a large currency area and competition to the US dollar for the position of “global” currency. Motivated by
these beliefs and aspirations, Jacques Delors, the then
President of the European Commission, drafted a report
in which three phases in creation of an economic and
monetary union were proposed. Delors’s report was published in April, and was adopted in June 1989. During the
first phase, the goal was to complete the founding of the
Internal Market, liberalize capital flows, remove all the
obstacles to financial integration, and intensify monetary
cooperation. Second phase envisaged the development
of EMU’s organizational structure and strengthening the
economic convergence among Member States. The final,
third phase envisaged fixing the exchange rate of Member States’ currencies, introducing the unique common
currency and handing the full monetary and economic
responsibility to different EU institutions and bodies.
The enforcement of Delors’ plan started in July 1990 with
complete liberalization of capital flows between Member
States and strengthening the coordination of economic
policies. Founding of the European Monetary Institute
on 1 January 1994 marked the start of the second phase.
Third and final phase started on 1 January 1999. On that
date, the exchange rate of Member States’ national currencies was fixed. At the same time, The Euro was introduced as the accounting currency. Simultaneously with
the introduction of the Euro, the European Central Bank
took over the governance of monetary policy in the Euro
zone. On 1 March 2002, the Euro became the only legal
tender in the Euro zone countries and, thereby, the implementation of Delors’ plan was completed.
The Economic and Monetary union is an extremely complex and advanced form of economic integration. By creating such a union, Member States had made another
step forward and found themselves on the path of complete economic integration, no matter how difficult it
would be to achieve it. Having such mindset, in addition
to the Single Market, the Common Monetary Policy and
the common currency, there have been tendencies to
continue working on harmonizing other economic policies, of which the largest share of attention is focused on
fiscal policy.
The extent to which the Monetary Policy will suit its individual Member States is largely determined by mutual
coordination of business cycles. The Central Bank adjusts
monetary policy of the whole Eurozone, guided by the
condition of the economic cycle, and cannot take into
account the cycles of individual Member States. Therefore, the Monetary Policy that is being implemented will
be suitable for those Member States whose business cycles are adjusted to that of the whole Eurozone. In case
of a high degree of harmonization of Member States’
business cycles, the Monetary Policy that is being imple-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
mented will suit all the Member States and the intensity
of macroeconomic fluctuations within them respectively
will be proportionally mild. Otherwise, the Monetary Policy that is being implemented will not be appropriate to
all Member States, which will lead to an increase in the
cyclic oscillations of their respective economic activities,
as well as to unemployment rate and inflation increase.
3.2. Fiscal policy of the European Union
Fiscal policy of the European Union is reduced to the EU
budget as the only instrument for the implementation of
fiscal policy from the central, supranational EU level. The
remainder of the fiscal system is seen as a set of rules and
agreements through which Member States are harmonizing and coordinating their other fiscal policy segments.
First of all, it refers to the harmonizing the taxation and
coordinating the stabilization fiscal policies through the
Stability and Growth Pact and Maastricht Convergence
Criteria. (Šimović, 2006)
The EU budget is relatively small and certain amounts
from it are allocated to the areas it covers. It is significantly different from national budgets. Total revenues
and expenditures of the budget make slightly more than
1% of the EU’s GDP. The Budget principal function is to
fund the EU’s common functions and policies.
The harmonization of tax systems is seen as the second
segment of the EU’s fiscal system. Imposing taxes is the
exclusive task of the governments of the EU Member
States, and tax regulations fall under the tax system of
a certain Member State. Nevertheless, while trying to
strengthen the common internal market, through different guidelines and other legal regulations the EU influenced the formation of the EU Member States’ tax systems and, thus, took advantage of the fiscal harmonization as an alternative approach to the fiscal federalism.
Third segment of the EU’s fiscal system is reflected in the
coordination of stabilization and budgetary policies of
Member States through the EU’s fiscal rules. The fiscal
rules refer to the Stability and Growth Pact and Maastricht Convergence Criteria. The goal of these rules is to
preserve the fiscal discipline within the Monetary Union.
3.3. Fiscal Union for the European Union
Eurozone is a unique form of monetary union – without
any historic precedent. Since the initiation of plans for establishing a single currency, the institutional system for
governing fiscal policies and maintaining fiscal sustainability of the Monetary Union has been a topic of heated
debates among both the economists and politicians. The
recent financial crisis and European debt crisis provided
an additional impulse to ongoing discussions.
There are several different points of view. According to
some, for a monetary union to be sustainable, it should be
supplemented with extended supranational fiscal union.
Some experts, like De Grauwe (2006), go even further and
insist on a deeper political union too, in order to ensure
the Euro’s success. On the other hand, the question aris-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
razini. Ne postoji jedinstvena definicija fiskalnog federalizma. Sorens (2008) na primjer definira “idealni” tip fiskalnog federalizma kao onaj koji se sastoji od sljedeća
četiri elementa: 1) pod – središnji politički subjekti uživaju neovisnost/samostalnost u odlučivanju o porezima i
rashodima 2) ove vlade suočene su sa poprilično teškim
proračunskim ograničenjima; klauzula o nespašavanju
se podrazumijeva u idealnom tipu fiskalnog federalizma
3) postoji zajedničko tržište koje se temelji na slobodnoj
trgovini i mobilnosti unutar fiskalne unije čime je otvoren prostor za natjecanje između pod-središnjih vlada i 4)
sustav fiskalnog federalizma institucionaliziran je skupom
pravila. Skupina autora dodaje peti element na ovom popisu: 5) zajedničko tržište temelji se na zajedničkoj valuti,
koja je, pod-središnja baš kao što su središnje fiskalne vlasti članovi iste monetarne unije.
Bez obzira na potencijalne prednosti i mane fiskalnog
federalizma u Europskoj uniji, struka sa sigurnošću tvrdi
kako, oblik fiskalnog federalizma koji predstavljaju Buiter
i Rahbari (2011), nije moguć u skorije vrijeme. Kao glavni
razlog navodi se duboko zadiranje u suverenitet zemalja
članica, što ovakav oblik fiskalne unije čini neprihvatljivim
rješenjem. Fiskalni federalizam kao sredstvo nametanja
fiskalne discipline Europskoj uniji i zemljama članicama
Eurozone, zbog niza političkih razloga ostaje samo ideja
ili prijedlog bez šanse da bude prihvaćen ili uspješan. Kao
glavne, ističu se proceduralne poteškoće. “Prijelaz na fiskalni federalizam zahtijevao bi preradu Ugovora, koji bi
zatim trebali biti ratificirani od strane država, uključujući
moguće referendume u Irskoj, Danskoj, Velikoj Britaniji te
eventualno još nekim zemljama.” (Buiter i Rahbari, 2011)
U periodu nakon proživljene krize, potpora daljnjoj integraciji Europe, posebice na ovako intenzivan način, postaje upitna, kako među perifernim zemljama Europske
unije, tako i među europskom elitom.
Do sličnog zaključka u konačnici se dolazi i u razmatranju
transferne fiskalne unije. Prema Buiteru i Rahbariu (2011)
otvoreni i nepokriveni transferi od “jezgre” k periferiji Eurozone, u kombinaciji s ustupanjem kontrole nad javnom
potrošnjom, porezima i privatizacijom od strane zemalja
dužnika zemljama donorima, teško da će ikad biti realizirani. Zemlje “jezgre” Eurozone koje bi u ovakvom odnosu
bile neto platiše, teško da bi na ovakav odnos bile motivirane predajom fiskalnog suvereniteta od strane zemalja
dužnika. Već danas u Europi možemo nabrojiti mnoge primjere sličnih odnosa unutar nacionalnih država koji su na
rubu trpeljivosti. Bogata Katalonija buni se protiv transfera siromašnim regijama Španjolske, Flandrija protiv transfera Valonskoj regiji, a Sjeverna Italija ima separatistički
pokret koji nastoji stati na kraj velikodušnim transferima
u Mezzogiorno.
Od samih početaka neki od koraka u izgradnji EU usmje-
reni su krivo. Uočene su manjkavosti zbog kojih se danas
nakon krizom potresenog sustava, često bez ustručavanja
donosi jasan zaključak, kako je monetarna unija bila trijumf politike nad ekonomijom. Pozivajući fiskalnu uniju
kao rješenje trenutnog stanja suočavamo se s pitanjem
kako je uopće započela gradnja EU. Europa je uvođenjem
zajedničke valute EU započela graditi bez temelja, koji su
doduše postojali, ali samo u političkom smislu. Temelji
koji nedostaju mogu se definirati kao sređivanje gospodarstava zemalja, strukturno usklađivanje različitih gospodarstava, usklađivanje fiskalne politike i usklađivanje
regulacije banaka.
Često se tvrdi – posebice, ali ne samo od strane američkih
ekonomista – da euro pokazuje da je nemoguće imati monetarnu uniju u nedostatku političke unije te da se Europa
mora odvažiti na određene eksperimente u području federalizma, po uzoru na američki stil. Thomas Sargent iskoristio je svoj govor na dodjeli Nobelove nagrade kako bi
potakao Europljane da slijede model Alexandera Hamiltona (2011). Isto tako, Paul de Grauwe nedavno je izjavio:
“Euro je valuta bez zemlje. Da bi bio održiv, potrebno je
izgraditi Europsku zemlju.”
Fiskalna unija definirana je fiskalnim suverenitetom, koji
je uz monetarni, jedan od najvažnijih stupova nacionalne
države. Fiskalni suverenitet možemo definirati kao utvrđivanje poreza, zaduživanja i javne potrošnje. Preko te politike svaka vlada vodi svoju državu. Baš svaka europska
vlada danas, na spomenuti prijedlog Paula de Grauwea,
odgovorila bi da je to ekstremno radikalan savjet. Gotovo svaki političar opovrgava da postoji realna mogućnost
stvaranja europske države. Europske države, odnosno njihovi političari nisu spremni na daljnje prepuštanje suvereniteta supranacionalnoj zajednici. Fiskalni federalizam
ili transferna fiskalna unija neće biti prihvaćena u cijelosti
kao oblik fiskalne unije za EU: 1) zemlje članice nisu spremne prepustiti svoje suverenitete supranacionalnoj razini; 2) biračko tijelo zemalja “jezgre” protivi se bilo kakvim
oblicima financiranja neodgovornog ponašanja zemalja
“periferije”; 3) Europska unija skeptična je prema svim
modelima koji omogućavaju trenutno rješavanje nesolventnosti zemalja, ali ne pružaju rješenje problema - postizanja dugoročne fiskalne discipline nesolventnih. U konačnici možemo zaključiti, kako se modeli fiskalne unije,
u većoj ili manjoj mjeri, ne prihvaćaju iz političkih razloga.
Struka sugerira EU i zemljama članicama kako je rješenje
problema u dubljem integriranju Europe, međutim neizbježan je dojam kako nitko u Europi na to nije spreman.
Fiskalni federalizam u svom punom obliku nikad neće zaživjeti u EU. Fiskalno zajedništvo u EU stvara se procesima
harmonizacije, odnosno usklađivanja i koordinacije pojedinih dijelova fiskalnih sustava i fiskalnih politika zemalja
članica. Dakle, EU i zemlje članice postigle su određena
kompromisna rješenja koja su bila neophodna za rješava-
es whether such an extension of Brussels fiscal powers is
going to be politically accepted by the EU citizens. Some
experts argue that a monetary union does not require
any central fiscal coordination of Member States (McKay,
2005). According to them, Member States should exclusively tackle financial policy framework. There are proposals according to which improvements in the quality of
fiscal policy are necessary. Improvements are said to be
due in fiscal institutions throughout the EU as well. That
would be a promising approach, which would lead to improvements in fiscal management at the EU level. Up until now, the discussions have not shown any signs that an
agreement is close. Eurozone represents the first monetary union in which the Monetary Policy is being set at
a central, European level, while the Fiscal Policy is being
managed on sub-central, national levels. Well, economic
profession lacks case studies to be used as guidance for
theoretical and empirical work (Bordo et al., 2011).
The notion of fiscal union implies its member countries’
fiscal federalism that may be the form of a subnationalor regional- or national-level political entity. There is
no unified definition of fiscal federalism. For example,
Sorens (2008) defines the “ideal” type of fiscal federalism as the one comprising the following four elements:
1) sub-central political entities are given independence
in making decisions on taxes and expenditures; 2) these
governments are facing quite severe budget restrictions;
no-bailout clause is implied in the ideal type of fiscal federalism; 3) there is a common market founded on free
trade and mobility within the fiscal union, which opens
the space for competition between sub-central governments; and 4) fiscal federalism system is institutionalized
by a set of rules. One group of authors adds a fifth element to this list: 5) the Common Market is based on the
common currency that is sub-central just like the central
fiscal authorities are members of the same monetary
Notwithstanding the potential advantages and disadvantages of the fiscal federalism in the European Union, experts in the field are certain that the form of fiscal federalism presented by Buiter and Rahbari (2011) is not possible any time soon. The main reason here is that fiscal
union is affecting seriously the sovereignty of Member
States, which makes this form of union an unacceptable
solution. Because of numerous political reasons, fiscal
federalism as an instrument of imposing fiscal discipline
on the European Union and Eurozone Member States remains just an idea or a proposal without any chance to be
adopted or successful. As the main difficulties, the procedural ones are referred to. “Transition to fiscal federalism
would require a revision of the Treaty, which should then
be ratified by Member States, including possible referendums in Ireland, Denmark, Great Britain and possibly in
some other countries as well.” (Buiter and Rahbari, 2011).
In the period after the experienced crisis, the support to a
further integration of Europe, especially in such an intensive manner, is becoming questionable, between both
the peripheral countries of the European Union and the
European elite.
In the end, a similar conclusion can be made when de-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
liberating on fiscal transfer union. According to Buiter
and Rahbari (2011), open transfers and transfers without available balance from the “core” to the periphery
of Eurozone, in combination with assigning the control
over public consumption, taxes and privatization from
debtor countries to donor countries will hardly ever be
realized. The “core” Eurozone countries, which would be
net payers according to this scenario, would be hardly
motivated to enter into such an arrangement if debtor
countries assigned them the fiscal sovereignty. Even today, in Europe, we can list many examples of similar relationships within the nation states that are on the brink of
tolerance. Rich Catalonia rebels against transfers to poor
regions of Spain, Flanders and against transfers to Walloon region, while Northern Italy has a separatist movement that seeks to put an end to generous transfers to
the Mezzogiorno.
Since the very beginning some of the steps in establishing the EU went wrong way. Some drawbacks have been
observed. Because of them, nowadays, after the system
was hit by the crisis, a clear conclusion that the monetary union was a triumph of politics over economy is frequently made without a hesitation . By referring to the
fiscal union as to a solution to the current situation, we
are being faced with the question about how the establishment of the EU actually started. Through the introduction of a common currency in the EU, Europe started
construction works without having proper foundations
first. The foundations actually did exist, but only in the
political sense. The missing foundations can be defined as
regulating states’ economies, structural harmonization of
different economies, coordination of fiscal policies and
aligning the regulation of banks.
It is often claimed – especially, but not exclusively by the
American economists – that the Euro has demonstrated
that it is impossible to have a monetary union without
a political union and that Europe should dare to try out
specific experiments in the field of federalism, modeled
on the American style. Thomas Sargent used his speech
at the Nobel Price award ceremony to encourage Europeans to follow the model of Alexander Hamilton (2011).
Furthermore, Paul de Grauwe recently stated: “Euro is a
currency without a country. In order for it to be sustainable, it is necessary to establish Europe as a state.”
The Fiscal Union is defined by fiscal sovereignty, which is,
together with the monetary sovereignty, one of the most
important pillars of a nation state. Fiscal sovereignty can
be defined as levying taxes, borrowing and public consumption. Each administration is governing their state
through that policy. Nowadays, each and every government in Europe would characterize the aforementioned
Paul de Grauwe’s proposal as an extremely radical piece
of advice. Almost all politicians deny that there is a realistic possibility of establishing Europe as a state. European
states, i.e. their politicians are not prepared for any further transfer of their sovereignty to a supranational community. Fiscal federalism or fiscal transfer union shall not
be adopted wholly as a form of the fiscal union for the
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
nje nastale situacije. Ova rješenja možemo prihvatiti kao
kratkoročna. Ostaje pitanje u kom će se smjeru EU kretati u budućnosti i koja će se dugoročna rješenja razviti za
predstavljene probleme?
Što će se dogoditi sa Europskom unijom u budućnosti teško je sa sigurnošću reći. Stručnjaci smatraju da joj preostaju dva izbora – razdvajanje ili jačanje supranacionalne
zajednice. U posljednjim godinama, obilježenim krizom,
europski lideri nisu željeli odabrati neku od spomenutih
alternativa, već su naprosto pobjegli od te odgovornosti.
Pronaći dugoročno rješenje svojevrsno je iskušenje i test
za europsku integraciju iza koje stoji 60 godina dugotrajne
povijesti i suradnje. U svakom slučaju, odluka o budućnosti Europe biti će donesena u Njemačkoj. Razlog tomu je
činjenica da novac kojim se financira probleme “perifernih” zemalja dolazi iz njemačkog gospodarstva. Njemačka
s druge strane 60 % svoga izvoza plasira upravo u zemlje
EU. Njemačka će financirati neodgovorno ponašanje zemalja u problemima sve dok ostvaruje neto profit od postojanja EU kao integracije. Njemačka će održavati postojanje EU sve dok troškovi održavanja unije, ne premaše
profite koje ona ostvaruje u EU. Postupak je kompliciran
i nosi velike uloge. Na vladama europskih zemalja sada
stoji da pokažu svoja umijeća i sposobnosti.
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their sovereignty to a supranational level; 2) the constituency of “core” states opposes to any form of funding
for irresponsible behavior of “peripheral” states; 3) the
European Union is skeptical about all the models providing a temporary solution to states’ insolvency, but do not
provide a solution to the problem, i.e. achieving a longterm fiscal discipline in insolvent states. In the end, we
can conclude that the fiscal union models, to a greater or
lesser extent, have not been adopted because of political
Experts in the field suggest to the EU and its Member
States that the solution to the problem is more comprehensive integration of Europe; however, there is an unavoidable impression that no one in Europe is ready for
Fiscal federalism in its full form shall never come to be
in the EU. Fiscal union in the EU is created through processes of harmonization, i.e. alignment and coordination
of the respective parts of fiscal systems and fiscal policies of Member States. Therefore, the EU and Member
States have succeeded in making certain compromise solutions as essential for resolving the situation. We should
regard these solutions as temporary ones. There remains
a question about the direction toward which the EU will
move ahead in the future and what long-term solutions
are going to be developed for the problems presented?
It is hard to say what will happen with the European
Union in the future. Experts believe that it has two choices remaining, namely breakup or strengthening of the
supranational community. In the last few years that were
marked by the crisis, European leaders did not want to
choose any of these two alternatives, but they have decided simply to run away from taking the responsibility.
Finding a long-term solution is a kind of temptation and a
test for European integration, backed by 60 years of history and long-lasting cooperation. In any case, the decision on Europe’s future shall be made in Germany. The
reason for that is that the money used to fund problemsolving in “peripheral” countries comes from the German
economy. On the other hand, Germany is placing 60% of
its exports in the EU countries. Germany shall continue
to fund irresponsible behavior of struggling countries as
long as it keeps making a net profit because of the existence of the EU as integration. Germany shall maintain
the existence of the EU up till the maintenance expenses
become higher than the profits that Germany is making
in the EU. This process is very complex and carries high
stakes. It is now up to the governments of the European
states to show their skills and abilities.
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1776-2000: Significant events. CRS Report RL 30772
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Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
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9. Dixit, A. i Lambertini L. (2001), Monetary-fiscal policy
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monetary union. European Economic Review, vol. 45.
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10. Eichengreen, B. (1991), Is Europe an optimum
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11. Frankel, J. (2012), Could Eurobonds be the answer to
the Eurozone crisis? (online)
12. Friedrich, C.J. (1968), Trends od federalism in theory
and practice. New York:Praeger
13. Inman, R. i Rubinfeld, D.L. (1998), Subsisiarity and
European Union. NBER Working Paper, WP/6556
14. James, H. (2013), Making the European Monetary
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article/making-european-monetary-union (19.2. 2013.)
15. Jurčić, Lj. (2010), Financijska kriza i fiskalna politika.
(online) Dostupno na: http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.
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16. Korkman, Sixten (2005), Economic policy in the
European Union. Palgrave Macmillan, New York
17. McKay, D. (2005), Economic logic or political logic?
Economic theory, federal theory and EMU. Journal of
European Public policy, vol 12
18. McKinnon, R. (1963), Optimum currency areas,
American Economic Review, vol.53
19. Musgrave, R. A. (1973), Teorija javnih financija.
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20. Oates, W. (1999) An Essay of Fiscal federalism.
American Economic Association
21. Persson,T., Roland, G. i Tabellini G. (1996), The Theory
of Fiscal Federalism: What Does it Mean for Europe?
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„Quo Vadis Europe?“. Kiel, 1996
22. Šimović, H. (2005), Fiskalna politika u Europskoj uniji
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Europske unije. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Otto Oberparleiter
Direktor regionalnog klastera Siemens Austrija
Crna Gora je načinila postojan napredak u glavnim reformamam usmjerenim prema ujedinjavanju sa Evropskom
unijom. Nastojanja u pravcu usklađivanja sa EU-om ostaju
glavna sidrišta sveobuhvatnih reformi, i napredak na ovom
polju treba da održava ekonomski rast u srednjeročnom
Imajući na umu postojeći status Crne Gore u procesu integracije sa Evropskom unijom i raspoloživost sredstava iz
komponenti IPA-a, izgleda interesantno podijeliti ukratko
naše iskustvo o četiri tematska cilja buduće Kohezione politike Evropske unije. Namjera je ovog izlaganja da se uputi
jedna preporuka o tome u kojim oblastima je potrebno
obaviti pripremu da bi se potigla najbolja moguća apsorpcija novčanih sredstava Evropske unije, onda kada ta sredstva budu na raspolaganju za vašu državu.
Siemens je međunarodna kompanija koja je aktivna u oko
190 zemalja. Siemens Austrija je odgovorna za 19 dodijeljenih zemalja, sa strogim usredsređenjem na zemlje Jugo-istočne Evrope. U principu, Siemens vjeruje da jedan integrisani pristup jeste najprikladniji način postizanja sveprisutnih ciljeva Evropske unije ’’do 2020.’’, kao i usklađene i
održive Kohezione politike.
Jedna po jedna, zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope postaju članice
Evropske unije, što ih čini podobnim za podršku i finansiranje iz Evropske unije kada je u pitanju izgradnja saobraćajne infrastrukture, zdravstvena zaštita i sistemi javne uprave
– sve oblasti u kojima Siemens može ponuditi interesantna
Crna Gora je stekla zvanični status države kandidata za
članstvo u Evropskoj uniji i otvorila pregove o pristupanju
EU-i u junu 2012. godine. Jedan od praktičnih dubljih smislova za postojeći status Crne Gore kao zemlje kandidata za
članstvo u EU-i je mogući pristup svim (5) komponentama
IPA-a (Intsrumenta predpristupne pomoći).
U ovom trenutku projekti pomoći iz Evropske unije podržavaju reformska nastojanja Crne Gore na njenom putu prema Eu-i. Finansijska sredstva podržavaju predmete / teme
kao što su borba protiv organizovanog kriminala i korupcije,
reforma pravosuđa, izgradnja zaobilaznice u Podgorici, projekti u sektoru energije, zaštite životne sredine i poljoprivrede i usklađivanja crnogorskog zakonodavstva sa propisima Evropske unije. Skorašnji projekti obezbjeđuju ključno
važnu podršku u oblastima politike, ekonomije i prava, što
će osnažiti crnogorski kapacitet da preuzme obaveze koje
se odnose na proces integracije u Evropsku uniju. Povdje je
uključena i podrška reformi zaštite životne sredine, malim i
srednjim prduzećima, unutrašnjem tržištu, zaštiti ličnih podataka, policiji, pravosuđu i civilnom sektoru.
Prioriteti za finansijsku pomoć iz Evropske unije u nacionalnim programima su, između ostalog, da pripreme Crnu
Goru za upravljanje Strukturnim fondovima za buduću Kohezionu politiku Evropske unije, naime Evropskog fonda
za regionalni razvoj i Kohezionog fonda u pogledu sektora
zaštite životne sredine i saobraćaja i Evropskog socijalnog
fonda kroz komponentu izgradnje kapaciteta.
Koheziona politika je glavna invesiona politika Evropske
unije, koja je namijenjena otvaranju radnih mjesta i rastu,
koja predstavlja otprilike jednu trećinu budžeta Evropske
unije. Primjera radi, kada Evropski parlament i države-članice odobre budžet Evropske unije za period od 2014. do
2020. godine, onda će Koheziona politika da uloži 325 milijardi eura u evropske regione i gradove da bi postigla ciljeve
Eu-e u pogledu otvaranja radnih mjesta i rasta, kao i odlučnih nastojanja u bavljenju pitanjima klimatskih promjena i
energetske zavisnosti.
Uzimajući u obzir nacionalni doprinos država-članica, i dejstvo finansijske poluge finansijskih instrumenata, sveukupan uticaj će vjerovatno biti više od 500 milijardi eura. Reforma Kohezione politike obezbijediće maksimalan uticaj
na ulaganja, prilagođena pojedinačnim potrebama regiona
i gradova.
Tematski ciljevi Kohezione politike su sljedeći:
• osnaženje istraživanja, tehnološkog napretka i inovacija;
• proširenje pristupačnosti, korišćenja i kvaliteta informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija;
• povećanje konkurentnosti malih i srednjih predu-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Otto Oberparleiter
Head Of Regional Cluster Management Siemens Austria
Montenegro has made steady progress on key reforms geared towards integration into the European Union. Efforts
towards EU approximation remain the main external anchor for comprehensive reforms and progress on this front
should buoy economic growth prospects in the medium
Having in mind the existing status of Montenegro in the EU
integration process and the availability of IPA components
it seems interesting to share briefly our experience on four
thematic objectives of the future EU Cohesion Policy. The
intention hereby is to give a recommendation where the
appropriate preparation should be done to achieve the highest possible absorption of EU funds, once these funds will
be available for your country.
Siemens as an international company is active in around
190 countries. Siemens Austria has the responsibility for 19
assigned countries, the strong focus is on CEE countries. In
general Siemens believes that an integrated approach is
the most appropriate way in order to achieve the overarching targets of the European Union’s “2020 goals” as well
as a coherent and sustainable Cohesion Policy.
One by one, the CEE countries are becoming members
of the European Union, which makes them eligible for
EU support and funding when it comes to building up
transportation infrastructure, healthcare and public
administration systems - all areas where Siemens can
offer interesting solutions.
Montenegro obtained formal status of an EU candidate
country and opened EU accession negotiations in June
2012. One of the practical implications for current EUcandidate status of Montenegro is the possible access to
all five components of IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession
At the moment the EU assistance projects support
Montenegro’s reform efforts on its path to the EU.
The funds support subjects/themes such as the fight
against organized crime and corruption, judicial reform,
the construction of Podgorica by-pass, projects in the
area of energy, environment and agriculture and the
harmonization of the Montenegrin legislation with EU
laws. Recent projects also provide key support in the
political, economic and legal fields, which will enforce
the Montenegrin capacity to assume obligations related
to the EU integration process. Support for environmental
reform, SMEs, the internal market, personal data
protection, police, justice and civil society are all included.
The priorities for EU financial assistance in the national
program are, among all, to prepare Montenegro for
the management of Structural Funds for the future EU
cohesion policy, namely the European Regional Fund
and Cohesion Fund regarding the environmental and
transport sectors and the European Social Fund through
the institution building component.
The Cohesion Policy is the main EU investment policy for
jobs and growth representing approximately one third
of the EU budget e.g. once the EU’s 2014-2020 budget
is confirmed by the European Parliament and the EU
member states, Cohesion Policy will invest 325 billion
Euros in Europe’s regions and cities to deliver the EUwide goals of growth and jobs, as well as tackling climate
change and energy dependence.
Taking into account the national contribution of member
states, and the leverage effect of financial instruments,
the overall impact is likely to be more than 500 billion
Euros. The reform of the Cohesion Policy will ensure
maximum impact for the investments, adapted to
individual needs of regions and cities.
The thematic objectives of the Cohesion Policy are the
• Strengthening research, technological development and innovation;
• Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies;
• Enhancing the competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME);
• Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon econo-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
zeća (SME);
• podrška prelasku na niskougljeničku privredu u
svim sektorima;
• unapređivanje prilagođavanja klimatskim promjenama, sprječavanja rizika, i rukovođenja;
• očuvanje, zaštita životne sredine, unaprijeđivanje
efikasnosti resursa;
• unaprijeđivanje održivog saobraćaja i uklanjanje
uskih grla u ključno važnim mrežnim infrastrukturama;
• unaprijeđivanje održivog, kvalitetnog zapošljavanja, podrška mobilnosti radne snage;
• unaprijeđivanje socijalnog uključivanja, suzbijanje
siromaštva i svake vrste diskriminacije;
• ulaganje u obrazovanje, kvalifikacije i cjeloživotno
• proširivanje institucionalnih kapaciteta javnih organa i zainteresovanih strana, efikasan javna uprava.
Evropska komisija je usvojila svoje zakonodavne prijedloge za postavljanje okvira Kohezionoj politici za period od
2014. do 2020. godine, na dan 06. oktobra 2011. godine.
Od kako je Evropska unija definisala dugoročne ciljeve za
rast i otvaranje radnih mjesta (»Strategija Evropa 2020. «),
postoji potreba boljeg usklađivanja politike sa ovim ciljevima za postizanje dogovorenih svrha u kontekstu zapošljavanja, obrazovanja, siromaštva, inovacija, istraživanja i razvoja (R&D) i klime (obnovljiva energija, energetska efikasnost i emisije stakleničkih gasova). Ovaj proces je u toku.
On će biti glavni investicioni instrument Evropske unije za
ispunjenje ciljeva Strategije Evropa 2020. godine, a to su
ostvarivanje rasta i otvaranje radnih mjesta, odlučno bavljenje klimatskim promjenama i energetskom zavisnošću,
i smanjenje siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti.
Prije predstavljanja priprema Siemens-a za predmete i
pitanja koja je pokrenula Evropska komisija, želio bih da
ukratko predstavim našu kompaniju, pri čemu ću pokušati
da ne zadržim vašu pažnju previše na činjenicama i ciframa.
Siemens je svjetski centar u oblasti elektronike i elektoinženjeringa, koji posluje u oblastima industrije, energije i
zdravstvene zaštite i takođe obezbjeđuje rješenje za infrastrukturu, prvenstveno za gradska i velegradska područja.
Tokom preko 165 godina, Siemens predstavlja tehnološku
izvrsnost, inovaciju, kvalitet, pouzdanost i međunarodnu
prisutnost. Ova kompanija je jedna od najvećih svjetskih
snabdjevača tehnologija za zaštitu životne sredine.
Tokom fiskalne 2013. godine, koja se završila 30. septembra 2013., prihod kompanije iz tekućih poslovanja je iznosio 75,9 milijardi ukupno, sa 4,2 milijarde eura neto prihoda (dobiti). Na kraju septembra 2013. godine, Siemens
je imao oko 362.000 zaposlenih širom svijeta po osnovu
tekućeg poslovanja, od kojih više od 180.000 zaposlenih u
28 država članica Evropske unije.
Siemens sprovodi projekte u Crnoj Gori već decenijama.
Otvaranjem Predstavničke kancelarije 2000. godine, kompanija je potvrdila važnost ovog dinamičnog tržišta. Danas
Siemens Crna Gora ima status regionalne kompanije.
Najvažniji projekti koje je Siemens sproveo u Crnoj Gori u
proteklih nekoliko godina su modernizacija kontrolne opreme u termo-elektrani Pljevlja, izgradnja visokovoltažne
trafostanice od 110/10 kV, Podgorica 5, i trafostanice od
400/110/35 kV, Ribarevina. Siemens je takođe isporučio i
instalirao zaštitnu opremu u elektroenergetskom sistemu
Crne Gore, uključujući prekidačku opremu. U toku je projekat izgradnje trafostanice u Kotoru, sa prvim gasom izolovanim sistemom u Crnoj Gori, snage od 110 kV.
Cjelovita rješenja za hotele visoke klase i poslovne prostore ima raspon od isporuke trafostanica do najmodernijih
sigurnosnih i komunikacionih sistema, što su izvrsne reference za učešće ove kompanije u projektima velikog obima
u Crnoj Gori.
Siemens je bio jedini dobavljač opreme za hotel Splendin,
jer je imao traženo stručno znanje za potrebe ispunjavanja
krajnjih rokova i obezjeđivanja nivoa integracije za poslovanje bez teškoća. Instalirali smo cijeli sistem za upravljanje hotelom, uključujući automatizaciju hotelskih soba za
krajnji klimatizacioni komfor, sisteme za kontrolu pristupa i
sisteme upravljanja uslugama i recepcijom.
Nakon sprovođenja složenog projekta koji je za sobom donio instaliranje Siemens One Solution, kompanija se sprema da završi posao u Atlas Capital Centru, najluksuznijem
poslovnom, trgovačkom i stambenom objektu u Crnoj Gori.
U oblasti zdravstvene zaštite, Siemens Crna Gora sprovodi
prjekte velikog obima u Crnoj Gori od 2007. godine. Sproveli smo još dva velika projekta: 2008. godine instaliranje
opreme za onkologiju u Klinici za onkologiju u radioterapiju, i, 2009. godine, dijagnostičku opremu za zdravstvene
ustanove. Nakon ovoga, Siemens je postao strateški partner zdravstvenog sistema Crne Gore.
Vrijedno je pomenuti da je kompanija koja stvara budućnost svojom inovativnom tehnologijom i rješenjima,
kao što Siemens radi posljednjih 165 godina, u obavezi da
doprinese zajedničkom dobru drušvta čiji je sastavni dio.
U principu, Siemens vjeruje da jedan integrisani pristup
jeste najprikladniji način postizanja sveukupnih ciljeva strategije Evopske unije ’’do 2020. godine’’, kao i usklađene i
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
my in all sectors;
• Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management;
• Preserving, protecting the environment, promoting resource efficiency;
• Promoting sustainable transport and removing
bottlenecks in key network infrastructures;
• Promoting sustainable, quality employment, supporting labor mobility;
• Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty
and any discrimination;
• Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning;
• Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders, efficient public administration.
The European Commission adopted its legislative
proposals to frame Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020 on 6
October 2011.
Since the EU has defined new long-term objectives for
growth and jobs (“Europe 2020 strategy”), there is a need
to align the policy better to these goals for achieving
the agreed targets on employment, education, poverty,
innovation, research & development (R&D) and climate
(renewable energy, energy-efficiency and greenhouse
gas emissions). This process is ongoing. It will be the
EU’s principle investment tool for delivering the Europe
2020 goals: creating growth and jobs, tackling climate
change and energy dependence, and reducing poverty
and social exclusion.
Before presenting the Siemens preparation for the issues
and questions raised by the European Commission, I
would like to briefly present our company trying not to
keep your attention too long on the facts and figures.
Siemens is a global powerhouse in electronics and
electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry,
energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure
solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan
areas. For over 165 years, Siemens has stood for
technological excellence, innovation, quality, reliability
and internationality. The company is one of the world’s
largest provider of environmental technologies. Around
40 % of its total revenue stems from green products and
In Fiscal Year 2013, which ended on September 30,
2013, revenue from continuing operations totaled 75.9
billion Euros and income from continuing operations 4.2
billion Euros. At the end of September 2013, Siemens
had around 362,000 employees worldwide on the basis
of continuing operations, of which more than 180,000
employees within the 28 member-states of the European
Siemens has been implementing projects in Montenegro
for decades. By opening a Representative Office in
2000, the company has validated the importance of this
dynamic market. Today Siemens Montenegro has the
status of a Regional Company.
The most important projects that Siemens implemented
in Montenegro in the past few years are modernizing
the control equipment in the Pljevlja thermal power
plant, constructing a high voltage 110/10 kV substation,
Podgorica 5, and the Ribarevine 400/110/35 kV
substation. Siemens also delivered and installed
protection equipment in the Montenegrin power system,
including the switching equipment. The ongoing project
is construction of a substation in Kotor, with the first 110
kilovolt kV gas insulated system in Montenegro.
Comprehensive solutions for luxury hotels and business
premises range from delivering a substation to the
latest security and communications systems which are
excellent references for the company’s participation in
large-scale projects in Montenegro.
Siemens was the only supplier of equipment to the
Splendid Hotel, which had the required expertise to
meet the set deadlines and ensure a level of integration
that would facilitate smooth operations. We installed a
complete hotel management system, including a roomautomation system for ultimate climate comfort, access
control systems, and service and reception management
Following the implementation of a complex project
which entailed installing the Siemens One Solution, the
company is about to complete work on the Atlas Capital
Centre, the most luxurious business, commercial and
residential facility in Montenegro.
In Healthcare, Siemens Montenegro has been realizing
large-scale healthcare projects in Montenegro since
2007. We implemented two more major projects the
installation of oncology equipment in the Oncology
and Radio-Therapy Clinic in 2008 and health diagnostic
equipment in 2009. Following this, Siemens has become
a strategic partner to the Montenegrin healthcare
It is worth mentioning that a company which has been
creating future with its innovative technology and
solutions, as Siemens has been doing for the past 165
years, is obliged to contribute towards the common
good of the society of which it is an integral part.
In general Siemens believes that an integrated approach
is the most appropriate way in order to achieve the
overarching targets of the European Union’s “2020 goals”
as well as a coherent and sustainable Cohesion Policy.
Siemens’ opinion on issues and questions raised by the
European Commission based on the objectives of the
Cohesion Policy will be focused on the following 4 issues:
• Smart Cities
• Clean Electrification of Society together with
Smart Grid
• Mobility
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
održive Kohezione politike.
Mišljenje Siemens-a o predmetima i pitanjima koja je pokrenula Evropska komisija na osnovu ciljeva Kohezione politike biće usredsređeno na sljedeća 4 pitanja:
• pametni gradovi
• čista elektrifikacija društva, zajedno sa pametnim
• mobilnost
• zdravstvena zaštita
Mora se reći da neke od projektnih oblasti nijesu prmjenjive u Crnoj Gori u bliskoj budućnosti, ali izgledaju interesantne u širem kontekstu itegracije u Evropsku uniju.
4.1 Pametni gradovi
Gradski centri iznose 75% svjetske potrošnje energije i
80% emisija stakleničkih gasova proizvedenih ljudskom aktivnošću. Nivo urbanizacije u Evropi se povećava, i trenutnih 72% stanovništava su naseljeni u gradovima.
Pametne zgrade: Zgrade su odgovorne za 40% potrošnje
energije i 36% emisija ugljen-dioksida u Evropskoj uniji, pri
čemu zgrade izgrađene prije 1980. godine iznose ako 80%
ovih potrošnji.
Značajne uštede energije (>20%) moguće je postići automatizacijom zgrada, što znači korišćenjem umrežene automatizacije objekta (prvenstveno grijanja, hlađenja, ventilacije i osvjetljenja), a posebno u zgradama sa velikom
fluktuacijom u kapacitetu korišćenja (kao što su zgrade
administracije ili idustrijskih poslovanja).
Kroz automatizaciju pametnih zgrada, one postaju aktivan
dio pametne mreže.
’’Potpuna’’ mobilnost: ’’Potpuna’’ mobilnost znači inteligentno umrežavanje šinskih, drumskih i vazdušnih saobraćajnih tokova; integrisano planiranje i inicijativa za mreže
mobilnosti u gradovima su od presudnog značaja.
Da bi se stanovnici podstakli da pređu na korišćenje javnog
prevoza, od suštinske je važnosti obezbijediti im potrebne
informacije u pogledu promjene oblika prevoznih sredstava.
Ciljni programi za vozače automobila da pređu na korišćenje javnog prevoza.
Integrisani ’’projekti pametnih gradova’’. Širom Evrope
postoje primjeri urbanih inicijativa za povećanja energetske efikasnosti i ograničavanja uticaja potrošnje energije.
Glavni problem za proizvođače i distributere struje je kako
integrisati veliki broj malih, lokalnih izvora energije u postojeću mrežu elektrsnabdijevanja. Konkretno u vrijeme
kada se proizvodi više struje nego što je potrebno, skladištenje energije je glavna briga. Siemens-ov projekat Volt-Air je primjer projekta u Belgiji, koji ilustruje intergisanu
nisko-ugljeničku mobilnost na električni pogon (e-mobility)
i energetsko rješenje. Ono obezbjeđuje zelenu energiju
preko fotonaponske elektrane i kombinovane proizvodnje
toplote i energije koji daju 485 MWh i postižu smanjenje
emisije ugljen-dioksida od oko 143 tone godišnje.
Električni automobil: Električni automobil skladišti lokalno
proizvedenu zelenu energiju, koju je moguće koristiti za
dnevne vožnje, bez emisija ugljen-dioksida ili buke. Parkirani električni automobili uključuju se na pametnu mrežu
elektrosnabdijevanja preko stubova za napajenje sturjom
(punjenje, p.p.), koji će u budućnosti biti zaštita koja se
koristi za izjednačavanje strujnog prenapona i podnapona
koji se dešavaju tokom proizvdnje energije.
Programi finansijske podrške širom Evrope za povećanje
broja održivih, rentabilnih i integrisanih projekata koji mogu
podstaći tržište za zelenu energiju i rješenja u saobraćaju.
4.2 Čista elektrifikacija društva i pametne mreže elektrosnabdijevanja
Elektrane sa kombinovanim ciklusima: U vrijeme sve veće
zabrinutosti u pogledu održivog i pouzdanog snabdijevanja
električnom energijom, najsavremenije elektrane sa kombinovanim ciklusom (CCPP) predstavljaju pouzdano rješenje. Sa emisijom ugljen-dioksida od oko 330 g po kilovatsatu (kWh), savremene elektrane sa kombinovanim ciklusom
su među onim svjetskim elektranama na fosilno gorivo
koje su najviše po mjeri zaštite životne sredine i klime. U
prosjeku, elektrane širom svijeta emituju ugrubo 578 grama ugljen-dioksida po kilovatsatu.
U energetskim sistemima sa rastućim količinama energije
iz promjenjivih obnovljivih resursa, elektrane sa kombinovanim ciklusom, zbog svoje radne spremnosti i fleksibilnosti, mogu pouzdano nadoknaditi ova kolebanja.
→ Ostaje važno da se obezbijedi finansiranje za izgradnju
elektrana sa kombinovanim ciklusom, posebno u Jugo-istočnoj Evropi.
→ Usredrediti finansiranje na zamjenu ili prepravku postojećih elektrana na ugalj – koje proizvode relativno visok
nivo zagađenja (ugljen-dioksida po kWh) – da bi se izgradile savremene elektrane sa kombinovanim ciklusom.
Vjetar kao pokretač rasta za obnovljive energije: Sve veće
korišćenje snage vjetra smanjuje emisije ugljen-diokasida u
Evropi, pomažući time postizanje srednje-ročnog cilja dobijanja 20% energije u Evropi iz onbovljivih izvora energije
i pobojšavajući sigurnost snabdijevanja energijom. U današnje vrijeme, priobalne vjetroelektrane imaju kapacitet
od do 1GW – postižući iste nivoe kao i veliki broj konvencionalnih električnih centrala. Najbolji način za postizanje
cilja bio bi usklađene i tržišno zasnovane tarife za plaćanje
domaćinstvima ili poslovanjima u Evropi - koji proizvode
sopstvenu struju korišćenjem metoda koje ne doprinose
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
• Healthcare
It has to be said that some of the project areas are not
applicable for Montenegro in the very near future, but
seem interesting in the wider context of EU integration.
Smart Cities
Urban centers account for 75 % of the global energy
consumption and 80 % of the greenhouse gas emissions
generated by human activity. The level of urbanization in
Europe is increasing and currently 72 % of the populations
are city-dwellers.
Smart Buildings: Buildings are responsible for 40% of the
energy consumption and 36% of the EU’s CO2 emissions,
where as buildings built before 1980 account for about
80% of these consumptions.
Substantial energy savings (> 20%) can be achieved by
building automation, which means using networked
building automation (primarily heating, cooling,
ventilation, and lighting), particularly in buildings
with large fluctuations in capacity utilization (such as
administrative buildings and industrial operations).
Through smart building automation, buildings become
an active part in the smart grid.
“Complete” Mobility: “Complete” mobility means the
intelligent networking of traffic flows on rail, road and
in the air; an integrated planning of and incentive for
mobility-networks in cities are crucial.
To encourage residents to switch to public transportation,
it is essential to provide them with the necessary
information regarding the change between modes of
Targeted programs to get car drivers to switch to public
Integrated “smart-cities projects”: All over Europe
there are examples of urban initiatives to increase
energy efficiency and to limit the impacts of energy
consumption. The major challenge for electricity
producers and distributors is how to integrate the large
amount of small, local energy sources into the existing
electricity grid. Particularly in times of energy surplus the
storage of energy is a major concern.
Siemens’ Volt-Air project is a show case project in Belgium
to demonstrate an integrated low-carbon e-mobility and
energy solution. It provides green electricity through
a photovoltaic park and combined heat and power
generation which produce 485 MWh and leads to a CO2
reduction of around 143 tons per year.
The electric car: The electric car stores the locally
generated green energy, which can be used for the daily
car trips without CO2 emissions or noise. Parked electric
cars are plugged into the smart grid via charging poles,
which in future form a buffer that is used to smooth out
peaks and dips in energy production.
Supportive funding schemes across the EU to multiply sustainable, profitable and integrated projects which can foster the market for green energy and transport solutions.
Clean Electrification of Society & Smart Grid
Combined-cycle Power Plants: In times of growing
concerns regarding sustainable and reliable power
supply, state-of-the-art combined-cycle power plants
(CCPP) represent a reliable solution. With CO2 emissions
of around 330 grams per kilowatt-hour (kWh), modern
combined-cycle power plants are among the most
environment- and climate-friendly fossil-fuelled plants
in the world. On average, power plants worldwide emit
roughly 578 grams of CO2 per kWh.
In energy systems with increasing amounts of power
from fluctuating renewable resources, CCPPs can
reliably compensate these fluctuations due to their high
operational readiness and flexibility.
It remains important to secure funding for the construction
of combined-cycle power plants, particularly in Southern
and Eastern Europe.
Focus funding on replacing or retrofitting existing coalfired power plants – which produce a relatively high
level of pollutants (CO2 per kWh) – to construct modern
combined-cycle power plants.
Wind as growth driver for renewable energies: The
growing use of wind power reduces Europe’s CO2
emissions, helping to achieve the medium-term target of
getting 20% of Europe’s energy from renewable sources
and improving the security of energy supplies. Nowadays
offshore wind farms can have a capacity of up to 1 GW
– reaching the same levels as many conventional power
The best way to achieve the target would be coherent
and market based feed-in tariffs in Europe which
are predictable over the long term. Moreover the
implementation and modernization of networks to
integrate renewable energy sources and to bring power
from the most distant generating plants to the population
centers in Europe.
Onshore wind farms should primarily receive support
in regions that can demonstrate appropriately high and
sustained wind activity. Talking about wind park projects,
it is worth mentioning actual project Wind Park Krnovo
which is of similar nature.
Push innovative technologies, such as battery storage
systems through investment incentives supporting the
efficient use of renewable energy. Currently the barriers
for investments for such technologies are too high due to
the fact that the costs for these innovative technologies
cannot be allocated to the network charges.
Electricity is the only form of energy which makes
renewable energy usable without any transformation
losses. An alternative use for renewable energy should
be taken into account: surplus renewable energy could
be used to support heating in times of energy exceeds
on the demand side.
HVDC-connections: The power transmission market is
facing three major challenges:
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
osiromašenju prirodnih resursa i proporcionalno količini
struje koju proizvedu - a koje je moguće predvidjetu tokom
dugoročnog perioda. Osim toga, i uvođenje i modernizacija
mreža da bi se integrisali obnovljivi izvori energije i dovela
električna struja od najudaljenijih proizvodnih postrojenja
do centara stanovanja u Evropi.
Kopnene vjetroelektrane treba prvenstveno da imaju podršku u regionima koji su u mogućnosti da dokažu da postoji prikladno visoka i održiva aktivnost vjetra. Kada se govori o projektima vjetroelektrana, vrijedno je napomenuti
aktuelni projekat vjetroelektrane na Krnovu koji je slične
→ Podstaći korišćenje inovativnih tehnologija, kao što su
baterijski sistemi za skladištenje energije, putem investicionih inicijativa koje podržavaju efikasno korišćenje obnovljive energije. Trenutno su prepreke ulaganjima za potrebe
ovakvih tehnologija prevelike zbog činjenice da troškove
ovih inovativnih tehnologija nije moguće rasporediti po
mrežnim troškovima.
→ Struja je jedini oblik energije koji omogućava korišćenje
obnovljive energije bez ikakvih transformacionih gubitaka.
Alternativno korišćenje obnovljive energije treba uzeti u
obzri, t.j. višak obnovljive energije mogao bi se koristiti kao
pomoć za grijanje, tokom perioda kada prevagne potražnja
za energijom.
HVDC priključci: Tržište prenosa struje suočava se sa tri
glavna izazova:
• izgradnjom novih mreža za snabdijevanje, da bi se
zadovoljila rastuća potražnja za strujom
• modernizovanjem sve starijih mreža elektorsnabdijevanja
• efikasnim integrisanjem energije koja se proizvodi
iz obnovljivih izvora energije.
Prenos visoko-voltažne direktne struje (HVDC) omogućava
prenos velikih količina struje sa 30 do 40% manje gubitaka tokom prenosa nego uporedivi trofazni sistem prenosa
naizmjenične struje na udaljenostima višim od 1.000 kilometara.
→ Podržati međunarodne HVDC priključke da bi se povećala sigurnost napajanja energijom širom Evrope. Projekat sličnog tipa je HVDC između Crne Gore i Italije.
→ Distribucija hidroelektrične energije ili vjetroenergije
(putem podmorskih kablova).
Da bi se povećala energetska efikasnost i na minimum sveli gubici unutar distributivne mreže, potrebno je povećati
voltažu. Ova povećanja su tehnički i u praksi izvodljiva u
velikom broju postojećih distributivnih mreža.
Pametne mreže: Glavni pokretač ove vrste inteligentne
energije je stalno rastuća potražnja za strujom, u kombinaciji sa ograničenjima današnjih već prerasporostranjenih
mreža elektrosnabdijevanja. Presudno važne koristi pametnih mreža obuhvataju sposobnost proširenja energetske
efikasnosti unutar mreže i poboljšanje pouzdanosti i sigurnosti lanca snabdijevanja energijom – preko sljedećih kom-
• infrastruktura inteligentne energije i prateći sistemi kontrole (inteligencija mreže)
• iteligentno obračunavanje potrošnje energije (pametno mjerenje)
• inteligentno upravljanje podacima (IT-a usluga), i
• proizvodnja i čuvanje distiribuirane energije.
4.3 Mobilnost
’’Potpuna mobilnost’’: gradska: Na osnovu onog što smo
saznali tokom proteklih nekoliko dekada, sve veće proširivanje prisustva kombinovanih rješenja za mobilnost u gradovima – zasnovanih na privlačnom šinskom saobraćaju
– je najodrživiji oblik gradskog prevoza od koga sve zaintereseovane strane imaju koristi.
Hibridni i elektro-autobusi: Potreba za mobilnošću u gradskim područjima vodi do značajnog povećanja saobraćaja
u glavnim gradovima Evrope. Da bi se pozabavili izazovima
koji se na to odnose, gradovi doživljavaju povećanu potražnju za inovativnim alternativama.
’’Brzi’’: međugradski: Stalno proširivanje mreža brzih pruga potrebno je slijediti kako je planirano, da bi se ponudila
visokokvalitetna, održiva alternativa vazdušom putovanju.
Ovim se, takođe, unapređuju gradovi i regioni uz željezničke pruge.
→ Ovo se posebno primjenjuje na povezivanje perifernih
gradova srednje veličine (u radijusu od 500 km) sa glavnim,
odnosno gradovima srednje veličine u nekoj drugoj zemlji.
4.4 Zdravstvena zaštita
Očekuje se da će ljudi u Evropi živjeti duže. U vezi sa ovim
produženjem životnog vijeka, broj slučajeva oboljenja koja
su povezana sa starošću, poput demencije, moždanog udara i drugih, nastaviće da raste i dovesti do viših rashoda za
zdravstvenu zaštitu. Uporedo, potražnja za visoko-kvalitetnim zdravstvenim uslugama postaće izvjesnija. Koheziona
politika je instrument za podizanje životnog standarda za
sve građane Evrope.
Pacijenti u Evropi sreću se sa značajno velikim razlikama
u korišćenju zdravstvenih usluga, a široku pristupačnost
moguće je obezbijediti ako je nacionalna infrastruktura
zdravstvene zaštite solidna. Štaviše, u vremenima u kojima
su kvlaitet medicinskog liječenja i istraživačke institucije još
uvijek različiti širom Evrope, od interesa je dalje ispitivati
patološki mehanizam nekih od najčešćih oboljenja kao što
su, primjera radi, neurološki poremećaji.
Aktivno smo angažovani u borbi protiv najopasnijih oboljenja, kroz poboljšanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta u zdravstvenoj zaštiti kao i kroz proširenje pristupa zdravstvenim
Borba protiv najopasnijih bolesti i promovisanje socijalnog uključivanja preko održivih proizvoda zdravstvene
• Developing new grids to meet the rising demand
for electricity
• Modernizing aging power grids
• Efficiently integrating power generated by
renewable energy sources.
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission enables
large quantities of electricity to be transmitted with 30
to 40 % less transmission loss than a comparable threephase AC transmission connection over great distances
of more than 1,000 kilometers.
Support international HVDC-connections to increase
energy-security throughout the EU. The project of the
similar type is HVDC cable Montenegro-Italy.
Distribution of hydroelectric power or wind energy (via
submarine cables).
To increase energy efficiency and minimize losses within
the distribution grid, the voltage level would have to
be raised. These elevations are technically feasible and
practicable for large parts of the existing distribution
Smart Grid: Main driver for this type of intelligent
power grid is the constantly growing demand for
electricity combined with the limitations of today’s
already overstretched power grids. The critical benefits
of a Smart Grid include the ability to enhance energy
efficiency within the network, and improve the reliability
and security of the power supply chain – via the following
• Intelligent power grid infrastructure and the
associated control systems (Grid Intelligence),
• Intelligent billing of power consumption (Smart
• Intelligent data management (Utility IT), and
• Distributed power generation and storage
“Complete mobility”: Intra-city: Based on what we have
learned over the past few decades, expanding intermodal
mobility solutions in the cities – based on attractive rail
traffic – is the most sustainable form of urban transport
that benefits all stakeholders.
Hybrid & Electro Buses: The need for mobility in urban
areas is leading to a significant increase of traffic in
Europe’s major cities. To tackle the related challenges,
cities are experiencing an increasing demand for
innovative alternatives.
“High-speed”: Inter-city: The continuous expansion of
high-speed rail networks should be pursued as planned
to offer a high-quality, sustainable alternative to air
travel. This will also upgrade the cities and regions along
the rail lines.
This applies particularly to connecting medium-sized
peripheral cities (in a 500-km radius) with the capital
and/or medium-sized cities in another country.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
People in Europe are expected to live longer in the future.
Linked to this increase in life-expectancy, the incidence
of age related diseases like dementia, stroke and others
will continue to increase, leading to higher healthcare
expenditures. In parallel, the demand for high-quality
health services will become more imminent. Cohesion
Policy is instrumental in raising living standards for all
European citizens.
There is a considerable disparity for patients in Europe
to profit from health services and a broad access can
only be ensured if the national healthcare infrastructure
is solid. Moreover, in times, where quality of medical
treatment and research institutions are still very variable
throughout Europe, it is of interest to further study in
detail pathomechanism of some of the most important
diseases, e.g. neurological disorders.
We are actively involved in fighting the most threatening
diseases, improving productivity and quality in healthcare
as well as enhancing the access to health services.
Fighting the most threatening diseases and promoting
social inclusion through sustainable healthcare
products: Significant reductions in healthcare budgets
due to austerity measures risk creating new inefficiencies,
undermining access to and the quality of care, decreasing
health outcomes and ultimately jeopardizing the
sustainability of the health system and patients rights.
Nevertheless, not all Europeans have the choice to get
state of the art diagnosis and treatment, when they
enter hospitals in EU Member States.
Provide funding for innovative cost-efficient technologies
which enable tailored diagnostics and treatment of the
most threatening diseases at a high quality level. This
will lead to a reduction of healthcare inequalities by
reducing the healthcare spending used for acquisition
of healthcare technology as well as in reducing the
socioeconomic burden of the disease caused from
disease related disability.
Further invest in infrastructure that fosters
transformational change in the health system.
Major research efforts are required in order to reduce
the socioeconomic burden of
age related diseases like dementias.
Innovative treatment concepts and accessible
healthcare by infrastructure and eHealth concepts:
Access to high quality of care is important in several
life-threatening diseases but is often reduced in remote
areas leading to increased disease related mortality or
Montenegro has undertaken a series of reforms to
strengthen the business environment in recent years.
However, there are still environmental and infrastructure
needs, energy security and efficiency measures to be
performed, to promote sustainable development and
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
zaštite: Značajno smanjenje budžeta za zdravstvenu zaštitu
zbog teških uslova izazvanih državnim mjerama za smanjenje javnih rashoda rizikuju stvaranje dodatne neefikasnosti, podrivajući pristup ovoj zaštiti i kvalitet iste, umanjujući
dobre zdravstvene izglede i, konačno, ugrožavajući održivost zdravstvenog sistema i prava pacijenata.
Pri svemu tome, nemaju svi Evropljani taj izbor da dobiju
najsavremeniju dijagnostiku i liječenje u bolnicama u državama članicama Evropske unije.
Obezbijediti novčana sredstva za inovativne ekonomične
tehnologije, koje omogućavaju da dijagnostika i liječenje
po mjeri za najopsanija oboljenja budu visokokvalitetni.
Ovo dovodi do smanjenja nejednakosti u zdravstvenoj
zaštiti, smanjenjem izdataka za zdravstvenu zaštitu za potrebe nabavke tehnologije za zdravstvenu zaštitu, kao i do
smanjenja socioekonomskog opterećenja koje nastaje iz
invalidnosti izazavanih oboljenjima.
Dalje ulagati u infrastrukturu koja podstiče transformativne promjene u sistemu zdravstva.
Velika istraživačka nastojanja su neophodna da bi se
smanjilo socioekonomsko opterećenje nastalo po osnovu
staračkih oboljenja kakva je demencija.
Koncepti inovativnog liječenja i pristupačna zdravstvena
zaštita putem infrastrukture i koncepata elektronskog
zdravstva (eHealth): Pristup visokokvalitetnoj zaštiti je važan kod nekoliko oboljenja koja su opasna po život, ali je često smanjen u udaljenim područjima, što vodi do povećane
stope mortaliteta zbog oboljenja ili do onvalidnosti.
Crna Gora je skorijih godina preduzela jednu seriju reformi da bi osnažila poslovno okruženje. Međutim, još uvijek
postoje potrebe u kontekstu zaštite životne sredine i infrastrukture i mjere sigurnosti snabdijevanja energijom i
energetske efikasnosti, koje je potrebno sprovesti, da bi se
unaprijedili razvoj i rast države.
Iz grafikona u daljem tekstu, koji prikazuje važnost koju
fondovi Evropske unije daju javnim ulaganjima, a posebno
onima u Jugo-istočnoj Evropi za period od 2010. do 2020.
godine, moguće je vidjeti da učešće Kohezione politike
Evropske unije i iznos domaćeg sufinansiranja u iznosu do
90,00% ukupnih javnih ulaganja (države sa najvećim učešćem su Slovačka, Mađarska i Bugarska). Primjera radi, Slovenija je koristila fondove Evropske unije u iznosu od nekih
40,00% od javnog ulaganja, a Hrvatska , kao nova članica,
još uvijek nije prikazana.
Dakle, jasno je vidljivo koliko su važna ova sredstva za sveukupni razvoj država.
Međutim, koji su to izazovi za jednu kompaniju koja pokušava da pristupi fondovima Evropske unije:
• razumijevanje procesa
• postojanje inovativnih / interesantnih ideja za projekte
• pronalaženje partnera - istomišljenika
Osim koncepata i rješenja koji su ovdje prikazani, Siemens
je voljan, ako je potrebno, da podijeli iskustva u vezi posebnih projekata koji su prikladni za finansiranje iz Evropske unije.
1. The future programming period 2014-2020,
(Buduće programiranje, za period 2014. – 2020.)
2. Press Release: EU enlargement: priorities for 2014,
(Saopštenje za štampu: Proširenje Evropske unije: prioriteti za 2014.) http://www.delmne.ec.europa.eu/code/
3. Europe 2020, Europe’s growth strategy,
(Evropa 2020. Strategija rasta Evrope)
4. A reformed Cohesion Policy for Europe,
(Reformisana Koheziona politika za Evropu)
5. Montenegro, financial assistance,
(Crna Gora, finansijska pomoć)
6. Siemens internal documents
(Interna dokumenta kompanije Siemens)
growth of the country.
From the table showing EU funds’ importance for
public investments, particularly for Eastern & Southern
Europe for the period 2010-2012, it is visible that the
participation of EU Cohesion Policy and national cofinancing amount up to 90% of total public investment
(the countries with highest portion are Slovakia, Hungary
and Bulgaria). Slovenia, for example used EU funds for
around 40% of public investment. Croatia, as a newcomer
is not presented yet.
So, it is clearly visible how important these funds are for
the overall development of the countries.
But, what are the challenges for a company trying to
approach the EU funds:
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
• understanding of the process
• having innovative/interesting ideas for programs
• finding like minded partners
Besides concepts and solutions presented here, Siemens
is willing, if needed, to share experiences about specific
projects convenient for EU financing.
1. The future programming period 2014-2020,
2. Press Release: EU enlargement: priorities for 2014,
3. Europe 2020, Europe’s growth strategy,
4. A reformed Cohesion Policy for Europe,
5. Montenegro, financial assistance,
6. Siemens internal documents
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Urušene u svom cjelokupnom sadržaju, materijalnom i
duhovnom, ekonomskom i kulturnom, većina država Balkana,
a posebno države sa ex YU prostora, ušle su u XXI vijek. Nesposobne da shvate simboliku i značaj pada Berlinskog zida, bez
minimuma spoznaje da je postojeći društveni model potrošen,
bez novih ideja i potrebnog kapaciteta političkih elita, pritisnute ogromnim problemima, iako uglavnom neblagovremeno,
započele su promjene afirmišući nove politike, demokratizaciju
društva, ekonomske reforme i politiku saradnje i suživota.
Uvidjevši potpunu rastočenost društva i njegovih temeljnih
vrijednosti, podstaknute entuzijazmom i željom za razvojem
i napretkom, Evropsku uniju su prepoznale kao veliku ideju,
koja istovremeno nudi alternativu, izlaz, novu nadu i šansu da
krenu iz početka. Želja svih zemalja Balkana da postanu članice
Evropske unije oživotvorena je na velikoj međunarodnoj sceni kada je postala obostrana, kada je Evropska unija poslala
poruke podrške i podsticaja, i time procesima na Balkanu i
samoj Evropi dala sasvim novu vrijednosnu dimenziju.
Formalno pravno posmatrano, proširenje je birokratski proces
donošenja novih i usaglašavanja sa evropskim zakonodavstvom postojećih sopstvenih propisa, dok suštinski ono predstavlja cjelovitu sadržajnu promjenu društva u svim njegovim segmentima, kao i činjenicu da je to put stabilnosti i prosperiteta
regiona Balkana u cjelini.
Perspektiva je, dakle, pred svima onima koji vjeruju u ideju Evropske unije i sebe. Od sposobnosti adekvatnog suočavanja sa
samim sobom i spremnosti na rješavanje sopstvenih slabosti
i unutrašnjih problema, te ispunjavanja postavljenih uslova
zavisiće dalji napredak i brzina približavanja Evropskoj uniji,
svake zemlje Balkana pojedinačno. Očekivanja su velika, a put
koji predstoji dug i težak.
Ruined in their entire contents, material and spiritual, economic and cultural, most of the Balkan countries, especially
countries from the ex-Yugoslavia, have entered the XXI century.
Incapable of understanding the symbolism and significance of
the fall of the Berlin Wall, with no minimum realization that
the existing social model depleted, with no new ideas, and the
required capacities of political elites, pressed by huge problems, although pretty untimely, they still initiated changes affirming the new policies, democratization of society, economic
reforms and the policy of cooperation and coexistence.
Realizing the full squandering of society and its core values,
driven by enthusiasm and a desire to develop and progress, the
European Union was recognized as a great idea, which at the
same time offers an alternative, exit, a new hope and a chance
to start over. The desire of all the Balkan countries to join the
European Union was brought to life on the big international
stage when it became mutual, when the European Union sent
messages of support and encouragement, and thus gave to
the processes in the Balkans and Europe a whole new value
From a formal-legal point of view, the enlargement is the bureaucratic process of adopting new and harmonization of the
existing regulations with the European legislation, while essentially it represents a complete meaningful change of the
society in all its segments, and the fact that this is the path to
stability and prosperity in the Balkan region as a whole.
The perspective is, therefore, in front of all those who believe
in the idea of the European Union and themselves. The future
progress and the speed of convergence with the European
Union of each Balkan country respectively will depend on the
ability to adequately cope with oneself and the readiness to resolve ones’ own weaknesses and internal problems and to fulfil the set conditions. The expectations are high, and the road
ahead is long and difficult.
Panel II
Pogled na EU sa balkana
A view at the EU from the balkans
Aleksandar Vlahović
Predsjednik Saveza ekonomista Srbije
President of the Serbian Association of Economists
Svetlana Cenić
Ekonomista iz Bosne i Hercegovine
Economist from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gordana Đurović
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Professor at the Faculty of Economics
at the University of Montenegro
Predrag Ivanović
Predsjednik Odbora direktora Luke Bar
President of the Board of Directors of the Port of Bar
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Prof. dr Gordana Đurović
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Pogled na EU sa Balkana: izazovi pristupanja
Politika proširenja je jedna od najintenzivinijih i za mnoge jedna od najuspješnijih politika Unije koja je do danas
izgradila razvijen nadnacionalni sistem evropskih država
koji obuhvata gotovo cijeli kontinent, bilo direktno kroz
integraciju, bilo u veoma bliskim trgovinskim, ekonomskim i bezbjednosnim aspektima saradnje evropskih država. Za zemlje našeg regiona, evropska integracija je
ključno spoljnopolitičko opredjeljenje, kompatibilno sa
ostalim. Evropska politika proširenja za region simbolizuje politiku reformi kroz pristupanje Uniji, ona je više od
prostog kumuliranja ispunjenosti pojedinih uslova. Fokus
politike proširenja u ovoj dekadi svakako će biti na zemljama kadidatima i potencijalnim kandidatima za članstvo u Uniji, koje se nalaze u tzv. “balkanskom prstenu”,
okružene državama članicama. Polazeći od navedenog,
u ovom radu daje se sažet prikaz ekonomske atraktivnosti integracija regiona, osnovna ekonomska slika zemalja
regiona na putu ka EU, kao i ključni politički, institucionalni i ekonomski izazovi koji očekuju zemlje Zapadnog
Balkana u narednom periodu. Na bazi sprovedenog istraživanja, možemo zaključiti da magnetna privlačnost integracija ostaje, iako je zlatno dobra proširenja zamijenjeno umjerenim evrorealizmom, a evrointegracije postale
ključna agenda demokratskih i ekonomskih reformi, koje
smanjuju diskreciona prava izvršne vlasti. Politika evropskih integracija za naš region ostaje strateško spoljnopolitičko opredjeljenje koje će obilježiti drugu dekadu ovoga
vijeka, kao trasa koja nema realnu alteranativu. Ne zato
što je to najbolji put, već zato što, trenutno, nema boljeg.
A na taj put treba se dobro pripremiti za pregovore i ući
spreman. Brzina pristupa je bitna, ali nivo spremnosti je
još bitniji. A spremnost u ovom slučaju je dvodimenzionalna kategorija: za integraciju treba biti spremna i zemlja pristupnica i sama EU.
Ključne riječi: Zapadni Balkan, EU, politički i ekonomski
izazovi, evropske ekonomske integracije.
Evropska integracija predstavlja mnogostruko isprepleten i međuzavisan proces povezivanja evropskih zema-
lja u čijem fokusu su ekonomski, politički i bezbjednosni
motivi integracija, a čiju okosnicu predstavlja Evropska
unija i njena politika proširenja. Svu složenost odnosa
između evropskih država danas, kao i njihovo dalje pozicioniranje u odnosu na ključne partnere, može se grafički
predstaviti na sljedećem prikazu.
Grafik 1. Proces evropskih integracija
Najčvršći oblik integracija, Evropska monetarna unija,
danas predstavlja 17 EU država članica, a od januara pridružuje se i Latvia (Letonija). Ekonomske integracije sežu
i preko granica EU, kroz Evropski ekonomski prostor, te
posebno bliske odnose sa Švajcarskom i Norveškom, koje
su pristupile Šengenskom sporazumu, gdje su i Island i
Lihtenštajn (de facto u Šengenu su i ostale tzv. mikro države unutar EU, koje nemaju posebne granice, ali zato
imaju pravo koristiti valutu eurozone i proizvoditi kovanice eura, baš kao i članice Eurozone). Carinsku uniju simbolizuje blisko ekonomsko partnerstvo sa Turskom, kao
i više navedenih mikro država. Najšira ravan evropske
integracije je Savjet Evrope u čijem članstvu nisu Kosovo
i Bjelorusija (koja jeste članica UN). Važna ekonomska integracija je i naš sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini u regionu
– CEFTA, koja predstavlja svojevrsnu pripremu zemalja
regiona za buduću konkurenciju na zajedničkom tržištu
EU poslije ostvarivanja punopravnog članstva. Navedeno je, ukratko, slika evropske integracije danas, ali se tu
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Gordana Đurović, Dr.sc.oec.
Professor at the Faculty of Economics
at the University of Montenegro
View of the EU from the Balkans:
Accession Challenges
The enlargement is one of the most intensive and, for
the many, one of the most successful policies of the
Union, which has, so far, built a developed supranational
system of the European countries covering almost the
entire continent, either directly through the integration
or through a very close trade, economic and security
aspects of cooperation between European countries.
For the countries of our region, European integration is
a key foreign policy priority, compatible with the other.
The EU enlargement policy for the Region symbolizes
policy of reforms through the EU accession; it is more
than a simple aggregation of the fulfillment of certain
conditions. The focus of the enlargement policy in this
decade will certainly be on the countries that are the
candidates and potential candidates for EU membership
located in the so-called “Balkans ring “, surrounded by
the Member States. Following the above mentioned,
this paper presents concise review of the economic
attractiveness of the Region’s European integration, the
basic economics picture of the Western Balkans countries
on path towards the EU, as well as a key political,
institutional and economic challenges that await the
Western Balkans countries in the future. On the basis
of the conducted research, we can conclude that the
magnetic attraction of integration remains, although the
golden era of enlargement is replaced with moderate
eurorealism, and the European integration is essentially
become a key agenda of democratic and economic
reforms, which reduce the discretionary powers of the
executive. Politics of the European Integration in our
Region remains a key foreign policy priority that would
mark the second decade of this century, as the route that
has no real alternative. Not because it’s the best way,
but because, for now, there is no better. On that way we
should be well prepared for the accession negotiations
and enter into ready. The access speed is important,
but the level of preparedness is still more important.
Willingness in this case is two-dimensional category: for
the integration should be prepared both the acceding
country and the EU.
Key words: Western Balkans, EU, political and economic
challenges, European economic integration.
European integration stand for multiple intertwined
and mutually dependant processes of linking European
countries focused on economic and security integration
motives, the backbone of which is represented by the
European Union and the EU Enlargement Policy. All the
complexity of the relations between today’s European
countries and of their further positioning to key partners
can be presented graphically in the following graph.
Graph #1: European integration process
The most solid form of integrations, namely the
European Monetary Union, represents 17 EU member
states today, with Latvia that will be admitted in January.
Economic integrations go beyond the EU borders, i.e.
through European Economic Area as well as through
particularly close relations with Switzerland and Norway,
which acceded to the Schengen Area where Island and
Lichtenstein are as well (and also other European so
called microstates that do not have particular borders
but have the right - as same as the Eurozone members
do - to use the Eurozone currency and mint Euro coins
are de facto in the Schengen Area). The Customs Union
symbolizes close economic partnership with Turkey and
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
proces ne zaustavlja - politika proširenja ostaje konstanta
zajedničkih evropskih politika i ključna osovina evropske
integracije i u narednoj deceniji.
Jedna od najintenzivinijih i za mnoge jedna od najuspješnijih politika Unije je politika proširenja, koja je danas
izgradila razvijeni nadnacionalni sistem evropskih država
koji obuhvata gotovo cijeli kontinent, bilo direktno kroz
integraciju, bilo u veoma bliskim trgovinskim, ekonomskim i bezbjednosnim aspektima saradnje evropskih država. Proces proširenja, na bazi naučenih lekcija, i svoje
nesporne atraktivnosti za one zemlje koje nisu u “klubu”,
svakako će biti prepun izazova i u narednom periodu. U
fokusu naše analize je geografski zaokružena grupa zemalja jednog dijela Balkanskog poluostrva „zapadno od
Grčke, južno od Slovenije“, za koju se, postepeno, sa šireg konteksta zemalja Centralne i Istočne Evrope došlo
do pojma „Zapadni Balkan“ (Western Balkans). Pojam
„Jugoistočna Evropa“ je neutralniji odnosno manje političan (i naravno širi, jer pored ex-Yu zemalja bez Slovenije,
obuhvata i Rumuniju, Bugarsku, Moldaviju, kao i Grčku
i Tursku), ali se izraz Zapadni Balkan postepeno prihvatao u terminologiji integracija. Sam pojam kreiran je u
drugoj polovini ’90-ih godina prošlog vijeka, a postepeno je uveden i u zvanične dokumente Unije. Podsjetimo
se da se i odrednica Balkan (etimološki, stara planina),
kroz vjekove, često koristila u kontekstu koji je prevazilazio geografsko određivanje. Drugim riječima, često se, u
evropskom kontekstu, izraz Balkan koristio u pežorativnom značenju, u smislu nasilja, etničkih i vjerskih sukoba
(region je uvijek simbolizovao bezbjednosno trusno tle,
a u novijoj istoriji, ta simbolika je potvrđena kroz raspad
zemlje i građanski rat na prostorima bivše SFRJ). I ranije,
međutim, izraz Balkan se koristio sa primjesama emocija,
koje variraju od proneutralne do uvredljive. Izraz “balkanizacija” često se koristio u kontekstu predstavljanja
teritorije koju karakterišu konflikti i podjele [Todorova,
2009]. Zaustavljanjem ratnih sukoba i postepenim procesom obnove i rekonstrukcije regiona, nastao je novi izraz
– Zapadni Balkan. Invencija imena Zapadni Balkan bila
je, međutim, praćena prethodno objašnjenim imidžom
„Balkana”, pa je novi izraz bio svojevrstan post-Balkanski
fenomen (sa jedne strane snovi, opsesije, mitovi i fantazije Balkana, a sa druge strane definisana teritorija, nove
države i prema njima postavljeni jasni politički zahtjevi).
Zapadni Balkan postaje geopolitički regon i u dokumentima Unije još 1998. godine na Samitu u Beču, kao novi
region, koji, kao takav, nije egzistirao ranije, tako da je
to svojevrstan čin “invencije” Unije. Teritorija okružena
zemljama EU koja predstavlja novi tip polarizacije [Topuzovski, 2009]. Na svim sljedećim sastancima EU, u različitim formatima, kada su se definisali zaključci za zemlje
regiona, korišćen je ovaj termin, koji je 2000. godine od
regionalnog pristupa postao poseban model integracije
– proces stabilizacije i pridruživanja. Termin se postepe-
no raširio u svakodnevnoj upotrebi, a zvanično je dobio
status na samitu u Solunu, 2003. godine, kada su se kroz
Solunsku agendu, definisale smjernice za novi talas proširenja, za zemlje ovog regiona („Budućnost Zapadnog Balkana je u Evropskoj uniji“, naravno onda kada konkretna
zemlja ispuni standarde).
Grafik 2. Novembar 2013: preostali „balkanski pristen” ili
„politika zaokruživanja” Unije na Balkanu
Zapadni Balkan postao je odrednica za grupu zemalja našeg regiona koje nijesu članice, ali su izrazile spremnost
i ušle u proces pridruživanja, odnosno pristupanja Uniji.
Geografski, ovaj region obuhvata zemlje zapadno od Grčke, južno od Slovenije, dok ga na istoku graniče nove (balkanske) članice EU, Rumunija i Bugarska. Pošto je u stvari
sa svih strana okružen Unijom, možemo ga zvati i „balkanski prsten“, pa je sasvim logično i prirodno da su se
zemlje regiona okrenule evropskoj integraciji kao svom
ključnom spoljnopolitičkom prioritetu, koji simbolizuje
mir, bezbjednost, ekonomski prosperitet i demokratske
vrijednosti [Đurović, 2012]. Danas je ovaj prsten znatno
smanjen, što se može prikazati i grafički. Navedenih godina, SSP je stupio na snagu u Albaniji, Crnoj Gori, Makedoniji i Srbiji, u BiH je potpisan, a na Kosovu su počeli
pregovori o istom.
I pored dva ozbiljna “udara” u 2013. godini (odluke Islanda da zamrzne pregovore u junu, i iznenadne i neočekivane odluke Ukrajine da otkaže svečano potpisivanje sporazuma o slobodnoj trgovini sa EU sredinom novembra
ove godine i najavi okretanje Carinskoj uniji sa Rusijom,
koja ima ambicije da kreira Evroazijsku uniju u drugoj
polovini ove dekade), politika proširenja ima svoju dinamiku i ciljeve, a to je puna integracija regiona Zapadnog
Balkana. Simbolično, politika proširenja postaje za naš
region – politika “zaokruživanja” jednog dijela Evrope,
with several mentioned microstates. The broadest forum
of the European integration is the Council of Europe
the membership of which does not comprise Kosovo
and Belarus (that are members of the UN). A important
economic integration is our Free Trade Agreement, i.e.
CEFTA relating to the region, with the integration that
stands for a specific preparation of the regional countries
for the future competitiveness in the EU Common Market
- after gaining full membership status. The portrait of the
European integration today has been already described
briefly, but the process does not stop there, i.e. the
Enlargement Policy remains constant common European
policy and the key axis of the European integration in the
approaching decade.
The enlargement is one of the most intensive and for
the many one of the most successful policies of the
Union, which has, so far, built a developed supranational
system of the European countries covering almost the
entire continent, either directly through the integration
or through a very close trade, economic and security
aspects of cooperation between European countries.
Enlargement process based on the lessons learned and
its undisputable attractiveness to those countries that
are not “in the club” will by all means be more than
full of challenges in the upcoming period. The focus
of our analysis is the geographically encircled group of
countries on one part of the Balkan Peninsula, i.e. “west
of Greece, south of Slovenia” , for which the notion of
the Western Balkans was arrived to gradually and from
a broader context of the countries of Central and Eastern
Europe. The notion of Southeast Europe is more neutral,
i.e. it is less political (and broader, naturally, because
- in addition to ex YU countries excluding Slovenia - it
comprises also Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Greece
and Turkey as well), but the notion of the Western Balkans
has been gradually adopted by integration terminology.
The very notion was created in the second half of
the 90s of the last century, and it has been gradually
introduced into the official documents of the European
Union. Let us remind ourselves that the determiner
Balkan {etymology: The Balkan Mountains / The Balkan
mountain range (Bulgarian and Montenegrin: Stara
Planina, T.N.)}, throughout centuries, was frequently
used to refer to the context beyond the geographic
determination. In other words, in the European context,
the name Balkan was frequently used with pejorative
meaning, i.e. in terms of violence, ethnic and religious
conflicts (the region had always been a symbol of a
shaking security zone, and, in more recent history, that
representation was reasserted by the collapse of and the
civil war within the ex Yugoslavia regions). Even earlier,
however, the notion of Blakan had been used combined
with emotions ranging from proneutral to offensive. The
term balkanization frequently referred to representing
the territories characterized by conflicts and separations
[Todorova, 2009]. Upon bringing the wars to the end
and through gradual process of the region renewal
and reconstruction, a new name emerged, namely the
Western Balkans. However, the invention of the name
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Western Balkans was followed by previously explained
image of Balkan, so the new name was post-Balkan
phenomenon in itself (Balkan’s dreams, obsessions,
myths and fantasies on the one hand and, on the other
hand, the demarcated territory, new countries and to
them posed clear political requirements). The Western
Balkans became a geopolitical region in the Union’s
documents already in 1998, in the Vienna Summit, as
a new region that, as such, had not existed earlier, so
that it was the act of the Union’s invention of its own
kind. It became by the EU countries surrounded territory
that represented a new type of polarization [Topuzovski,
2009]. In all the following meetings of the EU, during
defining conclusions for the regional countries, the said
name was used in different formats, and, as of 2000, it
has developed from the regional approach to a special
integration model, i.e. stabilization and accession
process. The notion had gradually been spreading into
everyday use, while officially it got its status in the
Thessaloniki Summit in 2003 during defining - through
the Thessaloniki Agenda - the guidelines for the new
enlargement cycle designed for the countries of this
region (The Future of the Balkans is in the European
Union; however, as soon as a country concerned has met
the standards).
Graph # 2: November 2013: The remaining “Balkans
Ring” or “The EU Political Encircling” within the Balkans
The Western Balkans has developed into the attribute
given to the group of our regional countries that are not
the EU members, but expressed their readiness and has
entered into the EU accession, i.e. integration process. In
geographical terms, this region comprises the countries
west of Greece and south of Slovenia, while new members
(from the Balkans) such as Romania and Bulgaria border
it in the east. Since it is actually surrounded by the EU
on all sides, we can call it also the Balkans Ring, so it is
entirely rational and natural that the regional countries
are dedicated to the European integration as to their key
foreign policy priority that symbolizes peace, security,
economic prosperity and democratic values [Đurović,
2012]. Nowadays, this Ring is significantly smaller, and
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
koji prirodno pripada velikoj evropskoj porodici naroda.
Konačno, važno je napomenuti u kontekstu ove analize,
da je Zapadni Balkan do 1. jula 2013. godine obuhvatao
Albaniju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Hrvatsku, Makedoniju
(FYRoM), Crnu Goru, Srbiju i Kosovo. U drugoj polovini
2013. Zapadni Balkan se značajno “smanjuje”, jer Hrvatska postaje punopravna članica Unije.
Zapadni Balkan nije samo geografska odrednica, već ima
i svoj geopolitički, bezbjednosni, ali i ekonomski aspekt,
koji su veoma važni za dalji proces širenja Unije na Balkan. Regionalna slika Zapadnog Balkana predstavlja mozaik onih „koji proizvode probleme“ i relativno „dosadnih“ zemalja, gdje se, međutim, uloge često smjenjuju.
Danas, regionalna evropska integracija ima promjenljivu
dinamiku, proces se odvija znantno sporije od očekivanja
sa početka ovog milenijuma, bremenit je mnogim ograničenjima koja su kompleksne političke i ekonomske prirode, sa skromnim pozitivnim efektom prelivanja (tzv.
negativni spillover još uvijek suvereno vlada u regionu,
pogoršanje situacije u jednoj zemlji automatski se preliva
i na sve druge zemlje, bilo da je riječ o bezbjednosnim, širim političkim ili ekonomskim izazovima sa kojima se suočavaju svaka od zemalja pojedinačno). Drugim riječima,
konkurencija u integracionoj brzini nije kreirala regionalnu sinergiju kojom možemo biti zadovoljni. Stvarno unapređenje dobrosusjedskih odnosa i otvorena i efikasna
regionalna saradnja još uvijek nije na željenom nivou.
Kao što se iz navedenog pregleda može vidjeti, ekonomska atraktivnost regiona je znatno manja, nego što je to
bio slučaj sa zemljama petog proširenja Unije. Po podacima 2004. godine, 12 novih država članica donosilo je Uniji više od četvrtine stanovništva i petine teritorije, iako
svega 5,4% BDP-a proširene zajednice. Danas, 10 godina
kasnije, 7 zemalja našeg regiona, hipotetički, donijeli bi
Uniji svega 4,5% stanovništva, 6,4% teritorije i manje od
1% BDP-a (svega 0,9%, jer se radi o budućim neto primaocima pomoći iz budžeta EU, sa BDP/pc u paritetu kupovne moći ispod 75%). Ekonomska atraktivnost WB 6 (bez
Hrvatske) svodi se na svega 0,5% dodatog BDP-a iz 2012.
godine, dok je kupovna moć ovih zemalja ispod 50% EU
prosjeka (izražena u BDP/pc u paritetu kupovne moći).
Možemo zaključiti da se u isticanju značaja evrointegracija regiona za Uniju, više u vidu imaju širi, politički i bezbjednosni interesi, nego konkretne ekonomske koristi. U
prilog ovom zaključku je i činjenica da su tržišta zemalja
regiona već značajno liberaizovana kroz Sporazume o
stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, te je tržište regiona za kompanije iz Unije – gotovo u potpunosti otvoreno.
Tabela 2. Dinamika otvaranja tržišta zemalja Zapadnog
Balkana i integracioni gep (na sljedećoj strani)
Tabela prikazuje tzv. integracioni gep i on postoji ako postoji vremenska razlika između godine pune primjene
SSP-a i godine potpisivanja pristupnog ugovora o članstvu u EU. Tabela prikazuje da se, jedino u slučaju Hrvatske, planirana dinamika otvaranja tržišta, koja je navedena u Sporazumu o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju sa EU (odnosno rok/godina do koga je procjenjuje da je moguće u
potpunosti sprovesti sve odredbe Sporazuma) – poklapa sa godinom u kojoj je potpisan Ugovor o pristupanju
Uniji. Naime SSP je potpisan 2001. godine, a stupio je na
snagu 2005. godine. U samom Sporazumu navedeno je
da je period pune implementacije SSP – šest godina od
dana stupanja na snagu, a to je 2011. godina. Te godine
je i potpisan Ugovor o pristupanju, pa su se očekivanja o
internoj spremnosti za članstvo u Uniji poklopila sa godinom okončanja pregovora. Za Makedoniju, ta godina je
trebala biti 2014., jer je stavljen duži rok primjene SSP-a u dijelu otvaranja tržišta i ispunjenja političkih kriterijuma pristupanja, a znamo da pregovori nisu ni počeli,
pa je ovaj gep neminovan. Albanija u svom SSP-u takođe
ima duže rokove otvaranja za jedan mali dio tržišta, pa
integracioni gep, u ovom kontekstu, počinje tek od 2019.
godine. Pošto u BiH još i nije stupio na snagu SSP, ovaj rok
nije ni definisan, te nije ni počeo. U Srbiji, zbog problema
sa stupanjem na snagu SSP-a (proces ratifikacije, Litvanija), koji je stupio na snagu tek septembra 2013. godine,
integracioni gep počinje od 2019. godine. U Crnoj Gori,
integracioni gep počinje u drugoj polovini 2015. godine.
Ekonomska slika zemalja Regiona u uslovima sporog ekonomskog opravka, ukazuje na brojna razvojna ograničenja, koja ne zaobilaze ni državu koja je ostvarila punopravno članstvo u Uniji. Pristupanje Hrvatske pratile su
(i prate) intenzivne demokratske i ekonomske reforme,
ali direktni ekonomski benefiti ne mogu se osjetiti preko
noći, s obzirom da je recesija prisutna od 2009 do 2013,
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
can be represented also graphically. In the foregoing year,
the Stabilization and Accession Agreement entered into
force in Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia; it
was executed in Bosnia; its negotiations commenced in
challenges which each country faces individually). In
other words, competition in the integration run has not
created a synergy that can please us. Real improvement
in good neighborly relations and transparent and efficient
regional cooperation are not yet at desirable level.
Regardless of two serious attacks in 2013 (Island’s
decision to freeze negotiations in June, and sudden and
unexpected Ukraine’s decision to cancel the solemn
signing of the Free Trade Agreement with the EU in the
mid November of the current year and to announce
their turning to the Customs Union with Russia that has
ambitions to create the Euro-Asian Union in the second
half of the current decade), the Enlargement Policy has
stuck to the dynamic and goals that are the full integration
of the Western Balkans region. Metaphorically said, the
Enlargement Policy has been developing, for our region,
into the Policy of “Encircling” one part of the Europe,
with that part belonging, by the nature of things, to the
family of European people. Finally, it is important to
note, in terms of the present analysis, that the Western
Balkans, as of July 1st 2013, has encompassed Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia (i.e.
FYRoM), Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo. In the second
half of 2013, the Western Balkans has been reduced
considerably, since Croatia became a full member of the
As it is obvious from the foregoing review, the region’s
economic attractiveness is significantly lower than it was
in case of the countries of the Union’s fifth enlargement .
According to the data from 2004, 12 new member states
contributed to the Union more than one forth of the
population and one fifth of the territory, despite only
5.4 % GDP of the enlarged Community. Today, 10 years
later, 7 countries of our region, hypothetically, would
contribute to the Union only 4.5% of population, 6.4% of
the territory and less than 1.00% BDP (only 0.9%, since
it is about the future net recipients of assistance from
the EU Budget, with the GDP percentage at purchasing
power parity below 75%). Economic attractiveness of the
Western Balkans 6 (without Croatia) has been reduced
to only 0.5% added GDP from 2012, with the purchasing
power of these countries below 50% of the EU average
(expressed in GDP percentage at purchasing power
The Western Balkans is not a geographical attribute only,
but it has also its geopolitical, security and economic
aspects that are very important for a further Union’s
enlargement process within the Balkans. Regional image
of the Western Balkans represents the mosaic of those
awkward and rather bothersome countries where,
however, the roles are frequently rotated. Nowadays,
the regional European integration has a variable
dynamic. Its process is taking place considerably slower
than it was expected originally at the beginning of the
millennium. It is encumbered by numerous restrictions
that are of complex political and economic characters,
and it involves a modest effect of spilling over (socalled negative spillover is still the supreme ruler of the
region; any aggravation of situation in one country spills
automatically over into all other countries, whether
it is about security, broader political or economical
We can conclude that in emphasizing the importance
of the European integration to the Union, more
consideration is dedicated to broader political and
security interests than to particular economic benefits.
In favor of this conclusion, there is the fact that the
regional countries respective markets have already
been liberalized through Stabilization and Accession
Agreements, so the regional market has been almost
open to the EU companies.
The Table on the next page displays so-called integration
gap and it exists if there is a time difference between
the year of full enforcement of the SAA and the year
of signing the Agreement on the Accession to the EU
Membership. The Table shows that only in the case of
Croatia the planned market opening schedule stated
under the Stabilization and Accession Agreement entered
into with the EU (actually the deadline / year which was
projected as possible for the full enforcement of the
Agreement provisions) matches with the year in which
the Agreement on the Accession to the EU Membership
was signed. Namely, the SAA had been signed in 2001 and
it entered into force in 2005. The very Agreement states
that the period of the full implementation of the SAA was
to be six years as of the day of entering into force, i.e.
2011. In that year the Agreement on the Accession was
signed, so the expectations concerning the full internal
readiness for the EU membership matched with the
year of negotiation completion. For Macedonia, 2014
was projected to be that year, due to the extended
deadline for the implementation of the SAA relating to
the market opening and political criteria fulfilling, and
we know that negotiations have not commenced yet –
so this gap is inevitable. In their SAA, Albania was also
given extended deadlines for opening of a small portion
of the market, so the integration gap, in these terms,
is to start no earlier than in 2019. Since in Bosnia and
Herzegovina the SAA has not entered into force yet, this
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
koju obilježava pad potrošnje domaćinstava, kao i smanjenje FDI i izvoza. Problemi u oblasti nekonkurentnih industrija, nefleksibilnog tržišta rada i velikog, ali nedovoljno efikasnog javnog sektora su i dalje značajni. Međutim,
EU člnastvo će omogućiti državi benefite od slobodnog
pristupa zajedničkom tržištu i značajnim sredstvima
evropskih fondova, što treba da dovede do pozitivnog
rasta ekonomije u 2014. godini [EBRD, 2013].
Po ocjeni EBRD, ekonomije našeg regiona još uvijek
stagniraju ili bilježe manji rast. Domaća tražnja je niska
i investicioni tokovi su još uvijek znatno ispod onih prije krize. 60% izvoza ide na EU tržište, koje je (još uvijek)
najveći investitor u regionu. Finansijski sektor je umiren,
ali nivo “loših” kredita u mnogim zemljama i dalje raste
i blizu je, ili prelazi, 20% ukupnih kredita. Mnoge zemlje
u regionu suočavaju se sa ozbiljnim fiskalnim izazovima,
gdje smanjeni prihodi uslovljavaju oštre rezove u javnom
sektoru. Pozitivnu stranu predstavlja postepeni oporavak
izvoza, podstaknut blagim popravljanjem ekonomskih
performansi Eurozone i rastućim pristupom tržištima van
EU. Inflacija je, generalno, pod kontrolom, kao ključni cilj
centralnih banaka. Konačno, progres u dubljim strukturnim reformama još uvijek nije značajan, iako se zemlje
suočavaju sa ograničenjima postojećeg ekonomskog ambijenta za oporavak i rast [EBRD, 2013].
Albanija je veoma upućena na tržište Eurozone, te i zavisna od razvojnih performansi ključnih trgovinskih partnera kao što su Italija i Grčka. Posebno brine visok nivo loših
kredita (25%), javni dug koji je prešao 60%, kao i izazovi
fiskalne konsolidacije. U septembru 2012. Godine BiH je
dogovorila Stand-by aranžmen sa IMF-om i već je sprovedeno nekoliko misija. Međutim, kompleksna politička
situacija i slab biznis ambijent i dalje destimulativno djeluju na razvojnu perspektivu. Makedonija pokazuje neke
indikatore oporavka u 2013. godini, gdje je rast BDP-a
ostvaren prvenstveno rastom investicija i djelimično rastom izvoza. Značajni napori učinjeni su na unapređenju biznis ambijenta i privlačenju SDI, pa se ove godine
Makedonija pozicionirala na Doing bussines listi lakoće
poslovanja na zavidnom 35 mjestu (CG-44, KS-86, HR-89,
AL-90, RS-93, BA-131) [World Bank, 2013]. Ekonomija
Kosova ostvarila je najveći rast u regionu u 2012. godini,
ali ostaje najmanje razvijena zemlja regiona, sa rastućom
nezaposlenošću i siromaštvom. Makroekonomski ambijent je stabilan, praćen Stand-by aranžmanom IMF-a.
U Crnoj Gori postepeno se podiže nivo ekonomske aktivnosti u 2013. godini, posebno oporavkom izvoza, ali
ne metalnog sektora, već proizvodnje i izvoza električne energije, rastom sektora turizma i umjerenim oporavkom prometa u maloprodaji. Ipak, spoljnotrgovinski
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
deadline was neither set nor started. In Serbia, due to
difficulties with the SAA entering into force (due to the
ratification process, Lithuania) that was taken place no
sooner than in September 2013 , the integration gap is
to start in 2019. In Montenegro, the integration gap is to
start in the second half of 2015.
The economic portrait of the regional countries - under
the circumstances of slow economic recovery – points out
to numerous development restrictions that do not pass
by even a country that has attained the full membership
of the EU. Accession of Croatia was followed (and has
been followed) by intensive democratic and economic
reforms, but direct economic benefits cannot be felt
overnight taking into account that the recession was
present from 2009 to 2013 and that it was marked by
both a drop in household consumption and a shrink in
FDI and exports. Noncompetitive industries, inflexible
labor markets and large but inefficient public sector are
still facing considerable challenges. However, the EU
membership will ensure the state with benefits from the
free access to the Common Market and with considerable
resources from the EU funds, which all should lead to
positive growth of economy in 2014 [EBRD, 2013].
According to EBRD assessment, economies of our region
are still significantly stagnant or they record slight growth.
National demand is low and investment flows are still
below the ones prior to the crisis. Sixty percent (60.00%)
of exports go to the EU market that is (still) the biggest
investor in the region. Financial sector has been calmed
down, but the level of “bad” loans in many countries has
been constantly going up and it is near or exceeds 20.00%
of the total loans. Many regional countries face serious
fiscal challenges, with reduced revenues that induce
sharp cuts in public sector. Positive side is represented
by export recovery encouraged by a mild improvements
in economic performances in the Eurozone and by
increasing access to the markets outside the EU. Inflation
is, in general, under control as it is a key goal of central
banks. Finally, progress in deeper structural reforms is
still not so significant, despite countries face the existing
economic ambience with barriers for recovery and
growth [EBRD, 2013].
Albania is very oriented toward the Eurozone market
and dependant on the development performances
of key trade partners such as Italy and Greece. Of
particular concern is a high level of non-performing loans
(25.00%), public debt exceeding 60.00%, and challenges
in fiscal consolidation. In September 2012, Bosnia and
Herzegovina agreed the Stand–By Arrangement with
MFI, and several missions have already followed so far.
However, complex political situation and poor business
environment are still acting in a discouraging manner
upon the development prospective. Macedonia has
shown some indicators of recovery in 2013, with GDP
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
deficit je i dalje veoma visok (18,7%), najveći u regionu,
a fiskalna pozicija je oslabljena plaćanjem aktiviranih garancija KAP-a, što je značajno uticalo na rast nivoa zaduženosti poslednjih godina. Krediti blago rastu, a u njihovoj strukturi 17,45 je NPL. Konačno, projektovani snažan
rast investicione aktivnosti u narednom srednjem roku,
mogao bi djelovati kao stimulativni faktor rasta. Srbija
se fokusira na oporavak rastom izvoza, što pozitivno utiče na realnu stopu rasta ukupne ekonomske aktivnosti.
Izvoz se snažno opravlja, posebno oporavkom automobilske industrije, ali i dobrim uslovima za poljoprivredu.
Međutim, Srbija se i dalje suočava sa ozbiljnim izazovima
fiskalne konsolidacije (IMF je projektovao budžetski deficit između 7 do 8% BDP-a u 2013. godini i nivo javnog
duga koji prelazi 60% i nastavlja da raste). NPL krediti su
oko 20%, te predstavljaju značajan element ranjivosti za
ekonomiju zemlje [ EBRD, 2013].
U Strategiji proširenja 2013-2014 [EC, Enlargement strategy and main challenges, 2013] Komisija navodi da su
ključni izazovi za Zapadni Balkan: ekonomsko upravljanje
i konkurentnost, vladavina prava, funkcionisanje institucija koje garantuju demokratiju i prevazilaženje nasljeđa prošlosti (dalje jačanje dobrosusjedstva, sporazumi
o granicama, ekonomska saradnja i zajednički projekti).
Politički i institucionalni kriterijumi mogu se dalje specificirati za zemlje regiona, ali ekonomski, veoma su slični,
što se može vidjeti i na pregledu na sljedećoj strani.
Komisija će zemljama regiona pružati značajnu tehničku
podršku za uvođenje modela ekonomskog upravljanja
već u ovoj fazi integracija država kandidata za članstvo, a
podržavaće i sve regionalne incijative (RCC za ekonomske
i političke inicijative, WBIF za pripremu velikih infrastrukturnih, bankabilnih projekata, TEN-T za transport, TEN-E
za projekte energetike sa utvrđivanjem liste projekata od
interesa za Energetsku zajednicu, itd.).
Magnetna privlačnost integracija ostaje, iako je zlatno
dobra proširenja zamijenjeno umjerenim (pragmatičnim)
evrorealizmom, Politika evropskih integracija – za naš region, ostaje strateško spoljnopolitičko opredjeljenje koje
će obilježiti drugu dekadu ovoga vijeka, kao trasa koja
nema realnu alteranativu. Ne zato što je to najbolji put,
već zato što, trenutno, nema boljeg. A na taj put treba se
dobro pripremiti za pregovore i ući spreman.
Brzina pristupa je bitna, ali nivo spremnosti je još bitniji.
A spremnost u ovom slučaju je dvodimenzionalna kategorija – i zemlja regiona treba biti spremna za obaveze iz
članstva, nadnacionalno makroekonomsko upravljanje,
smanjenje diskrecionih nadležnosti vlade, podršku EU
fondova, jačanje vladavine prava i konsolidaciju institucija, dok, sa druge strane, i Unija treba da bude spremna
za nove države članice – konsolidovana, jasnih pravila i
političkog i ekonomskog konsenzusa o jos jednoj (ili više)
država članica.
growth reached primarily through investments increase
and, partially, through export growth. Significant efforts
have been made in improving the business environment
and attracting FDIs. Consequently, Macedonia’s this year
rank on the Ease of Doing Business List is the enviable
35th place (with Montenegro ranking as 44th, Kosovo as
86th, Croatia as 89th, Albania as 90th, Republic of Serbia
as 93rd, Bosnia as 131st) [World Bank, 2013]. Kosovo
economy attained the highest growth in the region in
2012, but has remained the least developed regional
country with increasing unemployment and poverty.
Macroeconomic environment is stable, followed by the
Stand-By Arrangement with IMF.
In Montenegro, there has been gradual increase in
economic stability in 2013 particularly through the
recovery of exports - not of metal sector , but of energy
generation and export , the growth in tourism sector and
debt exceeding 60.00% with increasing tendency). Nonperforming loans are around 20.00% and they present
a significant element of vulnerability of the country’s
economy [EBRD, 2013].
In the Enlargement Strategy 2013-2014 [EC, Enlargement
strategy and main challenges, 2013], the Commission
states that the key challenges faced by the Western
Balkans countries are economic governance, rule of law,
functioning of democratic institutions and overcoming
legacy of the past (further strengthening of good
neighborly relations, agreements concerning borders,
economic cooperation, and projects of joint interests).
Political and institutional criteria can be further specified
for the regional countries, and economic as well, since
they are quite similar as can be seen in the review below.
The Commission will provide the regional countries with
significant technical assistance for introducing the model
for economic governance already during this stage of
candidate countries integration and they will support
all regional initiatives {Regional Cooperation Council for
Economic and Political Initiatives (RCC), Western Balkans
Investment Framework (WBIF) for developing large
infrastructure bankable projects, TEN-T for transport,
TEN-E for energy projects, with establishing a list of
projects of the interest to Energy Community, etc.}.
Magnetic attractiveness of integrations remains,
despite the golden era of enlargement has been
replaced by a moderate (pragmatic) Eurorealism. The
European Integrations Policy – for our region – has
remained a strategic foreign policy commitment to mark
the second decade of the current century as the route
without an alternative - not because it is the best route,
but because currently no better one exists. To go along
the route, good preparations for negotiations should be
undertaken and be ready to get on it.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
a moderate recovery in retail sales. Nevertheless, foreign
trade deficit is still very high (18.7%), actually the highest
in the region, with fiscal position undermined due to
Aluminum Plant’s debt as activated guarantee payments
that considerably induced the increase in indebtedness
in the previous years. Credits have been going slightly up
and their structure comprises 17.45% attributed to nonperforming loans (NLPs). Finally, the projected strong
growth in investment activity in the coming middle-term
could act as a stimulating factor of growth. Serbia is
focused on the recovery through export expansion, which
has had positive effect on real growth rate of the overall
economic activity. Export has been recovering strongly,
particularly through recovery of car industry and through
favorable conditions for agriculture. However, Serbia has
still been facing serious challenges in fiscal consolidation
(IMF projected the Budget deficit to range between 7.00
and 8.00% of the GDP in 2013 and the level of public
Accession speed is very important, but the readiness
level is even more substantial. The readiness, in this case,
is two-dimensional category and any regional country
should be prepared for undertaking the membershiprelated obligations, supranational macroeconomic
governance, reduction in government’s discretionary
competences, support from the EU funds, strengthening
the rule of law, and consolidation of institutions, whereas,
on the other hand, also the Union should be ready to
new states, while being consolidated, with clear rules
and political and economic consensus concerning one
(or more) additional member states.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
1. DG ECOFIN (2013), Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs Candidate Countries Economic
Quarterly, Q3, November 2013: 4-7. (http://ec.europa.
2. Đurović Gordana, Evropska unija i Crna Gora: politika
proširenja, Ekonomski fakultet, Podgorica, 2012: 319323.
3. EBRD, Regional Economic Prospects in EBRD Countries
of Operations, November 2013: 8-14.
4. European Commission (2013), Enlargement strategy
and main challenges 2013-2013, COM (2013)700 final:
5. Eurostat, 2013, selected indicators (http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home).
6. Todorova Maria, Imagining the Balkans, Oxford University Press, New York, 2009: 3 i 21.
7. Topuzovski Tihomir, From the imagining of the Balkans to the invention of the Western Balkans, Reartikulacija, No. 6, Ljubljana, 2009; (http://www.reartikulacija.
8. Word Bank, IFC, (2013) Doing bussines report 2014;
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
1. DG ECOFIN (2013), Directorate General for
Economic and Financial Affairs Candidate Countries
Economic Quarterly, Q3, November 2013: 4-7. (http://
2. Đurović Gordana, European Union and Montenegro:
the Enlargement Policy, Faculty of Economics, Podgorica,
2012: 319-323.
3. EBRD, Regional Economic Prospects in EBRD Countries
of Operations, November 2013: 8-14.
4. European Commission (2013), Enlargement strategy
and main challenges 2013-2013, COM (2013)700 final:
5. Eurostat, 2013, selected indicators (http://epp.
6. Todorova Maria, Imagining the Balkans, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2009: 3 i 21.
7. Topuzovski Tihomir, From the imagining of the Balkans
to the invention of the Western Balkans, Reartikulacija,
No. 6, Ljubljana, 2009; (http://www.reartikulacija.
8. World Bank, IFC, (2013) Doing business report 2014;
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Prof. dr Predrag Ivanović
Predsjednik Odbora direktora Luke Bar
sa očekivanjima i zahtjevima tržišta.
Posmatrajući razvoj kvaliteta poslovnog okruženja u regionu, kroz opšte dimenzije modernizma (shvaćenog kao
proces temeljne reforme političkog, pravnog i ukupnog
socio-ekonomskog sistema) i modernizacije (u smislu rasta
i razvoja nacionalnih ekonomija) i njihove interakcije, kroz
»deduktivni lijevak», fokusira se važnost razvoja saobraćajne infrastrukture regiona, jedne od bazičnih potreba biznisa
i dimenzije kokurentnosti regiona.
Medjutim, kako je organizacija, kao složen sistem, dio još
većeg i složenijeg sistema, na konkurentsku sposobnost utiče i interakcija kompanije sa činiocima tog šireg okruženja.
Na ovoj pretpostavci, Porter (1) je razvio poznati model konkurentskih prednosti naroda (model počiva na interakciji
organizacije sa: uslovima tražnje, uslovima faktora poslovanja, razvijenosti povezanih djelatnosti, prikladnosti politike
vlada i same slučajnosti). Prema tome, konkurentnost organizacije zavisi i od konkurentnosti nacionalnog, odnosno
regionalnog razvojnog ambijenta.
Razvoj transportne infrastrukture, kao determinante razvojnog ambijenta, zahtijeva angažovanje «više ruku»: javnog
sektora, privatnog sektora, inostranih investitora i sistema
evropskih finansijskih institucija. S obzirom na «produženu»
ekonomsku recesiju u regionu, budžetske deficite i relativno
visoku zaduženost, te potrebu intenzivne reindustrijalizacije
regiona, veoma je bitan i pristup evropskim finansijskim institucijama. Koliko će biti snažno prisustvo «evropske ruke»
zavisi od «statusa» regionalnih saobraćajnica u razvojnim
strategijama Evrope.
Sljedstveno interesima regiona, ukazuje se na potrebu supstitucije postojećeg koncepta «koridora» u evropskom pristupu, širim i fleksibilnijim konceptom «transportnih aksi».
Koncept «transportnih osovina» obezbjedjuje ravnopravniji
i konkurentniji «status» nekih transportnih pravaca za koje
su zainteresovane zemlje regiona. Kao primjer, navodi se
transportni pravac od Bara prema Beogradu i dalje. Na kraju, pristup «deduktivnog lijevka» pokazuje stratešku važnost
ovog pitanja i za razvoj Luke – Bar, kao «pomorske kapije»
regiona i značajnog potencijala ekonomskog rasta i razvoja
Crne Gore.
U uslovima intenzivnih procesa globalizacije, presudnu ulogu u socio-ekonomskom razvoju države, organizacija i pojedinaca imaju konkurentske sposobnosti. Konkurentsku
sposobnost organizacije determinišu funkcionalne sposobnosti, odnosno kvalitet ulazne logistike, transformacionog
procesa i izlazne logistike, kao i upravljačke sposobnosti
koje su opredijeljene organizacionom kulturom, te kvalitetom strategije, strukture i sistema. Sve te komponente se
reflektuju na kvalitet ponude i stepen njene uskladjenosti
Osnovu nacionalnog razvojnog ambijenta čini: kvalitet
ekonomije, stepen njene internacionalizacije i stabilnosti
finansijskog sistema; razvijenost infrastrukture, osobito
saobraćajne; razvijenost nauke i tehnologije; kvalitet ljudskog resursa i menadžmenta u organizacijama; te kapacitet
i efikasnost državne administracije. Premda se posljednjih
godina u Crnoj Gori (i čitavom regionu) poboljšava opšta
konkurentnost, ona je i dalje ključan limit razvoja osobito
kada se, usljed nestašice domicilne akumulacije i dugog trajanja recesije, razvoj temelji na prilivu stranih direktnih investicija. Sljedstveno tome, u domenu unapredjenja kvaliteta
poslovnog okruženja postoje brojni zadaci, koje na opštem
nivou, možemo posmatrati kao dimenziju modernizma i
Proces temeljne reforme političkog, pravnog i ukupnog
socio-ekonomskog sistema Crne Gore i zemalja regiona,
možemo posmatrati kao dimenziju modernizma. Kroz proces pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji intenzivno se dogradjuje
implementiraje kopenhaških kriterijuma u domenu: stabilnosti demokratskih institucija, vladavine prava, poštovanja
ljudskih prava, sposobnosti preuzimanja obaveza, te uskladjivanja administrativnih, upravnih i pravosudnih struktura
društva, kao i institucionalno uredjenje funkcionalne tržišne
privrede. U ovoj dimenziji / dimenziji modernizma dominantna je odgovornost javnog sektora.
Posmatrajući tako shvaćeni modernizam kao dimenziju ra-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Professor Predrag Ivanović, PhD
President of the Board of Directors
at Port of Bar
Looking at the quality of business environment in the
region through general aspects of modernism (seen as a
process of thorough reform of political, legal and the whole
socio-economic system) and modernisation (in the sense
of growth and development of national companies) and
their interaction, it is through the “deductive funnel” that
the importance of the development of the regional traffic
infrastructure - as one of the basic requirements for and
an indicator of the regional business and competitiveness
respectively - is focused on.
Being the determining factor in the development
environment, transport infrastructure development
demands the involvement of “many hands”, such as public
sector, private sector, foreign investors and the system of
European financial institutions. Taking into account the
“prolonged” economic recession in the region, budget
deficits and relatively high levels of indebtedness, as well
as the need for intensive reindustrialisation of the region,
access to European financial institutions is very important
as well. How strong the presence of the “European hand”
is going to be depends on the “status” of the regional
roads in the development strategies of Europe.
In accordance with the interests of the region, the Europe’s
approach has highlighted the need for substitution of the
existing concept of “corridors” and its replacement with
a broader and more flexible concept of “transport axes”.
The concept of “transport axes” ensures more equal
and more competitive “status” of some transport routes
in which the countries from the region are interested .
Transport route from Bar to Belgrade and further on shall
be used as an example. Eventually, the “deductive funnel”
approach shows the strategic importance of this issue for
the development of the Port of Bar as well, as a “naval
gateway” of the region and an important potential for
economic growth and development of Montenegro.
In the environment of the intensive globalisation
processes, competitive skills have a principal role in the
socio-economic development of the state, organisations
and individuals. Competitive skills of an organisation are
determined by functional abilities, i.e. the quality of input
logistics, transformative processes and output logistics,
as well as management capabilities that are a result of
organisational culture and quality of the strategy, structure
and system. All of these components are reflected in the
quality of what is being offered and in the degree of offer’s
conformity with the expectations and demands of the
Nevertheless, since an organisation, it being a complex
system, is an integral part of a larger and even more
complex system, competitive ability is also influenced
by company’s interaction with entities of that broader
environment. Based on this presumption, Porter
(1) developed his well-known model of competitive
advantages of nations (this model relies on interaction of
an organisation with: conditions of demand, conditions
of business factors, development level of interconnected
activities, adequacy of government policies and pure
chance). According to that, competitiveness of an
organisation depends also on competitiveness of national,
as well as regional development environment.
The foundations of the national development
environment are made of: quality of the economy, degree
of its internationalisation and stability of the financial
system; development of infrastructure, especially
transport infrastructure; development of science and
technology; quality of human resources and management
in organisations and; capacities and efficiency of state
administration. Although in Montenegro (and the region
as a whole) general competitiveness has been improving
in the last few years, it is still one of principal limitations
for development, especially when, due to the lack of
domicile accumulations and a prolonged recession,
development is primarily founded on the influx of direct
foreign investments. Based on the aforementioned, there
are numerous tasks in the domain of improvement of
quality of business environment, which we can observe
on a general level as an aspect of modernism and
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
zvojnog ambijenta, javni sektor mora intenzivno unapredjivati kvalitet u domenu: kvaliteta upotrebe javnih sredstava,
poštovanja ugovora i dostupnosti imovine, dokidanja monopolskih i oligopolskih pozicija u nekim sektorima, povećanja
fleksibilnosti tržišta rada, dokidanja sive ekonomije i pojava
korupcije i sl. Posebno je bitna brzina odlučivanja državne
administracije i kvalitet rada pravosudnih organa u smislu
nepristrasnosti, brzine donošenja rješenja i efikasnosti izvršnog postupka. Nadalje, modernizam pretpostavlja i razvoj
savremenog sistema obrazovanja usmjerenog ka razvoju
funkcionalnih znanja, koja povećavaju fleksibilnost ljudskog
resursa. Svakako, modernizam pretpostavlja i razvoj nauke i
tehnologije, transfer naprednih tehnologija iz inostranstva i
stvaranja kulture inovacija i preduzetničkog ponašanja.
U dimenziji modernizma i privredni subjekti, dakako, moraju preuzeti svoj dio odgovornosti. Primjerom navodimo:
odgovornost privrednih subjekata u domenu usvajanja
medjunarodnih standarda svojstvenih pojedinim djelatnostima, razvoj sposobnosti medjusobne koperacije, jasno
profilisanje poslovnih strategija, razvoj organizacionih kultura i organizacionih struktura, kao i razvoj inovativnosti i
unapredjivanja tehnološke osnove poslovanja.
Ispunjavanje zahtjeva završne etape pridruživanja Evropskog uniji, kroz proces pregovaranja, intenzivira dogradnju
dimenzije modernizma, kroz sistem razudjenih serija instrukcija Evropske unije i «domaćih zadataka» javnog sektora i ostalih subjekata društva. No, održivost modernizma
pretpostavlja i dinamičan ekonomski razvoj. Ekonomski razvoj i njegove socijalne benefite možemo posmatrati kao
dimenziju modernizacije.
Modernizacija, svaćena u smislu rasta i razvoja nacionalnih
ekonomija i stepena njene internacionalizacije, te razvijenost infrastrukture, u smislu kvaliteta servisa bazičnih potreba biznisa, je bitna odrednica razvojnog ambijenta. U dimenziji modernizacije potrebno je «više ruku». Te «ruke» su
javni sektor, osobito privatni sektor i inostrane kompanije,
te njihova medjusobna kooperativnost. Naime, javni sektor
svojim aktivnostima kreira «brend» nacionalnog razvojnog
ambijenta, dok mu privatni sektor i inostrani investitori daju
realan ekonomski sadržaj. S obzirom na oskudnog domicilne akumulacije u regionu, ključan je ambijent privlačnosti
za inostrane investitore. Svakako, simbioza javnog i privatnog sektora i inostranih investitora pretpostavlja uvažavanje i kompromis različitih interesa.
Modernizam i modernizaciju možemo posmatratei kao
«dvije strane iste medalje», odnosno kao komplementarne
procese koji se samopodstiču. Dakle, modernizma, odnosno
održivog razvoja demokratskih institucija i demokratskog
socijalnog odnosa nema bez modernizacije, tj. ekonomskog razvoja i njegovih benefita. Modernizacija, odnosno
ekonomski razvoj predstavlja ključni instrument mijenjanja
tradicionalnih kulturnih matrica, tj «načina razmišljanja».
U sadržaju kulturne matrice posebno su bitne bazične pre-
tpostavke i sistem vrijednosti, koje se teško mijenjaju, a na
njima se temelje norme ponašanja. Kulturna matrica je determinanta modernizma.
Radi ilustracije kompatibilnosti modernizma i modernizacije navodimo interesantne nalaze statističke studije Prževorskog i Limongija koji su obuhvatili sve zemlje (135 država) u
periodu 1950-1990. godina i izračunali (USD iz 2000.god.):
a) da je demokratski režim u zemljama sa 1.500 USD po stanovniku imao prosječan vijek trajanja samo osam godina; b)
sa dohodkom izmedju 1.500 i 3.000 USD, demokratija «živi»
prosječno osamnaest godina; c) sa dohodkom preko 6.000
USD, demokratija je veoma izdržljiva. Naime, vjerovatnoća
propasti demokratije na ovom nivou dostignutog ekonomskog razvoja je 1:500. Dakle, istraživanje pokazuje se da će
tranzicija ka demokratiji, sa nivom GDP-a po stanovniku od
3-6.000 USD, biti vjerovatno uspješna (2).
Važno je naglasiti da je riječ samo o GDP-u koji nije rezultat
prodaje izdašnih prirodnih resursa, nego je rezultat realnog
ekonomskog razvoja. Prema tome, diskrepanca modernizma i modernizacije stvara «zamrznuti konflikt», koji će se
daljom dinamikom društvenog sistema «otvoriti» i riješiti ili
unapredjivanjem demokratskog sistema ili njegovim dokidanjem. Možemo dodati, da ishod «zamrznutog konflikta»
ili brzina uspješne tranzicije zavisi od stadijuma u razvoju savremene kulturne matrice jednog društva.
Naime, i paradigma «dijalektičkog materijalizma» je prepoznala važnost interakcije modernizma («produkcionog
odnosa») i modernizacije («proizvodnih snaga»), ali je ugradila i pogrešnu premisu socijalnog determinizma, tj. stav da
je novo stanje društvenog sistema uvijek progresivnije od
starog stanja i time neopravdano isključila uticaj kulturne
Interakciju dimenzija modernizma, modernizacije i dostignutog stadijuma u razvoju kulturne matrice, možemo vidjeti u aktulnim dešavanjima u zemaljama arapskog svijeta.1).
Aktuelan «odmznuti koflikt», na primjer, u Egiptu, pokazuje
potrebu snažne podrške vanjskog faktora u interakciji dimenzija: modernizma, modernizacije i potrebe rasta kvaliteta «prosjeka» kulturne matrice, kako bi se stvorile osnove
razvoja demokratskog društva. Razvijeni svijet tu podršku
mora tumačiti kao «investiciju», a ne kao nametnuti «trošak», jer je i sama globalizacija «sistemski» pristup stvarnosti i budućnosti. Kratkoročni interesni pristup, prirodno
zasnovan na svojinskom odnosu, može rezultirati strategijskom miopijom2).
Previranja u nekim arapskim zemljama, upravo, pokazuju nesklad
razvoja modernizacije i nedostatnosti modernizma. Taj «zamrznuti koflikt» se
odmrzava «arapskim proljećem». Medjutim, na ishod utiče i kulturna matrica, jer demokratski sistem kreira raspored moću u društvu saklasno kvalitetu
«prosjeka» kulturne matrice. Očegledno u nekim zemlja «prosjek» kulturne
matrice predstavlja problem, odnosno kritični faktor demokratske tranzicije.
Zato je potrebna «ruke sa strane», posebno u dimenziji modernizacije kao faktora promjena kulturne matrice. Zapadni Balkan se dramatično suočio devedesetih godina sa neskladom ove tri dimenzije socio-ekonomskog progresa.
Iskustvo globalne recesije razotkriva mogućnost nastanka «strate-
The process of thorough reform of political, legal and the
whole socio-economic system of Montenegro and other
countries of the region can be observed as an aspect
of modernism. Through the process of accession to the
European Union, implementation of the Copenhagen
Criteria has been intensively enhanced in the domain of:
stability of democratic institutions, rule of law, respect
of human rights, ability to assume responsibilities
and harmonisation of administrative, managing and
judicial structures of the society, as well as institutional
arrangement of functional market economy. Responsibility
of the public sector is dominant in this aspect – aspect of
By observing modernism interpreted in that manner, as
an aspect of development environment, the public sector
has to improve intensively the quality in the domain of:
quality of utilisation of public funds, respect for contracts
and the availability of property, the abolition of monopoly
and oligopoly positions in some sectors, increasing the
flexibility of labour markets, bringing an end to the
grey economy and the appearance of corruption, etc.
Particularly important is the speed of decision-making of
the state administration and the quality of work of judicial
bodies in terms of impartiality, swift decision making and
efficiency of the enforcement proceedings. Furthermore,
modernism also entails the development of contemporary
system of education that is focused on the development
of functional knowledge and skills, which increase the
flexibility of human resources. Surely, modernism also
entails the development of science and technology,
transfer of advanced technologies from abroad and
creation of culture of innovations and entrepreneurial
In the realm of modernism economic entities, of course,
must take their share of responsibility. Here are some
examples: responsibility of economic entities in the
domain of adoption of international standards relevant
to individual businesses, development of the ability for
mutual cooperation, clear profiling of business strategies,
development of organisational cultures and organisational
structures, as well as the development of innovativeness
and enhancement of technological foundations of
Fulfilment of the requirements of the final phase of EU
accession, through the negotiation process, intensifies the
enhancement of the aspect of modernism, through the
system of diffused sets of European Union’s instructions
and “home works” for the public sector and other entities
of the society. Nevertheless, sustainability of modernism
also entails dynamic economic development. Economic
development and its social benefits can be observed as an
aspect of modernisation.
Modernisation, in the sense of growth and development of
national economies and degree of its internationalisation,
as well as the development level of infrastructure, in
the sense of quality of services for businesses’ basic
needs, is an important determinant for the development
environment. “Several hands” are needed in the aspect
of modernisation. These “hands” are the public sector,
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
then especially the private sector and foreign companies,
and their mutual cooperation. Namely, public sector with
its activities creates a “brand” for national development
environment, whole private sector and foreign investors
provide a real economic content to it. Having in mind
the scarcity of domicile accumulations in the region, the
key is in creating an attractive environment for foreign
investors. Of course, symbiosis of public and private sector
and foreign investors entails respect and compromise on
diverse interests.
Modernism and modernisation can be observed as “two
sides of the same coin”, i.e. as complementary processes
that are stimulating each other. Hence, there is no
modernism or sustainable development of democratic
institutions and democratic social relationships without
modernisation, i.e. without economic development
and benefits it brings. Modernisation and economic
development represent key instruments for changing
traditional cultural matrices, i.e. “the way of thinking”.
Within the context of cultural matrix, basic presumptions
and system of values are especially relevant, since they
are hard to change and actually are the foundations for
the norms of behaviour. Cultural matrix is a determinant
of modernism.
In order to illustrate compatibilities in modernism and
modernisation, we shall list some interesting findings of
a statistical study made by A. Przeworski and F. Limongi,
which included all the states existing at the time (135 of
them) over the period 1950-1990 and calculated (using
the value of the US dollar in the year 2000) that: 1)
democratic regime in countries with 1500 USD per capita
had an average life span of only eight years; b) in those
with an average income between 1500 and 3000 USD,
democracy “lived” on average eighteen years; c) in those
with average income over 6000 USD democracy proved to
be very resilient. Namely, the odds for failure of democracy
at this level of achieved economic development was
1:500. Therefore, this study shows that the transition to
democracy, with a per capita GDP between 3000 and 6000
USD, shall probably be successful (2).
It is important to highlight that they have taken into
account only the GDP which was not a result of sale of
extensive natural resources, but a result of real economic
development. Therefore, the discrepancy of modernism
and modernisation creates a “frozen conflict”, which
can “open up” and be solved through further dynamic
of social system or through enhancement of the system
of democracy or its abatement. We may add that the
outcome of the “frozen conflict” or the speed of successful
transition depend on the stadium of development of
contemporary cultural matrix of a society.
Namely, the paradigm of “dialectic materialism” has also
recognised the importance of interaction of modernism
(“production forces”), but it also incorporated a wrong
premise of social determinism, i.e. the view that the new
state of the social system is always more progressive than
the old state and thus unduly excluded the impact of the
cultural matrix.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Shodno rečenom, jasno je da održiv razvoj modernizma,
shvaćen kao «mreža domaćih zadataka» zasnovana na instrukcijama Evropske unije u domenu razvoja demokratskih
institucija i demokratskog socijalnog odnosa, pretpostavlja
dinamičanu modernizaciju, tj. ekonomski razvoj, koji će generisati i realnu modernizaciju kulturne matrice, kao «vezivnog tkiva» demokratskog društva. Dakle, i u dimenziji
ekonomskog razvoja našeg regiona Evropska unija je jedna
od potrebnih «ruku». Naravno, Unija ima i nudi čitavi niz instrumenata podrške ekonomskom razvoju zemalja regiona.
Medjutim, aktuelno stanje produžene recesije, izraženih
budžetskih deficita, visoke realne zaduženosti, nestašice
domicilne akumulacije, devastirane industrije i sl., što su
atributi regiona, otvara pitanje i dovoljnosti snage «evropske ruke». Svakako, treba razumjeti da i Unija ima čitavi niz
svojih ograničenja.
Snažnija «evropska ruka» potrebna je regionu, prvenstveno, u domenu razvoja saobraćajne infrastrukture, kao jedne
od bazičnih odrednica razvojnog ambijenta. Ova odrednica
razvojnog miljea regiona, upravo zahtijeva «više ruku» (javnog sektora, privatnog sektora, medjunarodnih investitora
i sistema evropskih finansijskih organizacija). Koliko će biti
snažno prisustvo «evropske ruke» u razvoju mreže regionalnih saobraćajnica zavisi od njihovog «statusa» u razvojnim
strategijama Evrope. Upravo, u domenu «statusa» transportnih pravaca postoji prostor ravnopravnijeg tretmana
nekih prostora regiona.3) Riječju, u domenu statusa saobraćajnica potreban je širi i fleksibilniji, tj konkurentniji (čitaj
pravedniji), pristup Evropske unije.
Sljedstveno tome, u «pogledu regiona prema Evropskoj
uniji», fokusirajmo pitanje tzv. koridora «4B», kao primjer
potrebe angažovanja «više ruku» u razvoju realnog sadržaja
procesa modernizacije našeg regiona.
Kao što je poznato, na panevropskim konferencimama o
saobraćaju definisano je deset saobraćajnih koridora koji
povezuju zemlje centralne, istočne i jugoistočne Evrope,
sa svrhom integrisanja sa Transevropskom transportnom
mrežom (TEN-T) Evropske unije. Sljedstveno tome, status
«panevropskog koridora» obezbjedjuje prioritet i olakšano
finansiranja saobraćajnica u dugom roku. Dakle, «status» je
veoma bitan da bi se dao realan sadržaj i izvršila modernizacija transportne mreže.
ške miopije», uzrokovane interesnim spontanitetom. Naime, globalnoj recesiji
prethodila je serija ograničenih i regionalnih kriza (na primjer, štedno-kreditna
kriza 1989. god.; kriza u istočnoj Aziji 1997. godine).
U istorijskom nasledju Crne Gore, možemo vidjeti primjer važnosti
«statusa». Naime, bokeljska obalna naselja su prije nekoliko vijekova od Venecije tražila status «pomorske opštine». Taj status, kao pravo na prekomorsku
trgovinu, bio je ključni faktor razvoja baroknih gadova i gradića, čijoj se ljepoti
i raskošu i danas divimo.
Mapa trasa panevropskih koridora jasno pokazuje «nepokrivenost» prostora Crne Gore i nekih drugih djelova regiona, te Luka – Bar i kapitalne saobraćajne trase nemaju
željeni status. Sljedstveno tome, sredinom 2010. godine
pokrenuta je inicijativa za definisanje i uključivanje u panevropsku mrežu transportnog koridora 4B (Bukurešt-Beograd-Bar-Bari), kao jedanaestog koridora panevropske
mreže ili, pak, kao kraka postojećih koridora. To je interes ne
samo Crne Gore, nego i Srbije, Rumunije i Italije, s obzirom
da u zapadnom dijelu Rumunije ekzistira oko 60. 000 preduzeća iz Italije. Takav interes su predstavnici vlada navedenih
država artikulisali i na Medjunarodnoj konferenciji u Baru
2010. godine (3).
Sa aspakta interesa Crne Gore, ovaj koridor bi obezbijedio
znatno povoljnije uslove za finansiranje izgradnje dionica
auto-puta Bar – Beograd, te posebno povoljnije uslove za
imperativnu rekonstrukciju pruge Bar – Beograd. Predmetne saobraćajnice su ključne determinante ekonomske valorizacije potencijala Luke Bar i razvoja tzv. kratkih pomorskih veza sa Italijom, južnim i istočnim Mediteranom, kao i
ekonomskog razvoja gravitacionog prostora.
Poznato je da su ekonomska aktivnost i robni tokovi u direktnoj zavisnosti sa stepenom razvijenosti transportne infrastrukture i logističkih sistemima. Dakle, razvoj transportnog
koridora pretpostavlja prisustvo odredjenih gravitirajućih
robnih tokova i ekonomske aktivnosti, ali i transportni koridor ne može privući robne tokove, ako nije modernizovana
saobraćajna infrasturktura i razvijeni moderni logistički sistemi.
Prema podacima pomorskih istraživačkih centara (na primjer «Ocean Shipping Consultans»), kontejnerski prevoz
ima veoma dinamične stope rasta. U dugom roku, 19802008. godina, trgovina robom u kontejnerima rasla je po
stopi od 8,5% godišnje. Medjutim, luke koje gravitiraju koridoru «4B» ostvarile su svega 0,5% (oko 2,5 mil. TEU) učešća
u ukupnom kontejnerskom pretovaru u 2008. godini, što
«zorno» ilustruje njihovu nedovoljnu iskorišćenost.
Bez obzira što je globalna recesija imala negativne implikacije na transport i dalje se očekuju visoke stope rasta kontejnerskog transporta na globalnom nivou. Intenzivni procesi
kontejnerizacije transporta afirmisali su i značaj mediteranskih luka, s obzirom na pojavu efekta zakrčenja u sjevernoevropskim lukama. Shodno tome, na Mediteranu su se
intenzivno razvijali hab-centri (poput: Djoja Tauro, Malta,
Taranto, Pirej, Port Said, Haifa) i luke «kapije» za prekrcaj
uvozno-izvoznih kontejnera. Praksa pokazuje, da se negativni efekti zakrčenja luka počinju javljati na 70% stepena iskoriščenosti, te se realno očekuje rast značaja jadranskih luka.
Stepen iskorišćenosti tri najveće sjevernojadranske luke
(Kopar, Trst, Rijeka) prije globalne recesije procijenjen je na
oko 60%, dok su se očekivane stope rasta do 2015. godine procijenjivane na preko 15%. Sljedstveno tome, tržišno
Interaction of aspects of modernism, modernisation and
achieved stadium in the development of cultural matrix
can be seen in current events occurring in the countries
of the Arab world1). The current “unfrozen conflict”, for
example in Egypt, shows the need for strong support of
external factors in interaction of aspects: modernism,
modernisation and the need for increase of quality of
the “average” in the cultural matrix, in order to create
the foundations for the development of a democratic
society. Developed world must see this support as an
“investment”, not as an imposed “expense”, because
globalisation itself is a “systemic” approach to reality and
the future. Short-term interest-based approach, naturally
founded on property relations, can result in a strategic
According to that, it is clear that a sustainable development
of modernism, in the sense of a “network of home works”
based on European Union’s instructions in the domain of
development of democratic institutions and democratic
social relations, presupposes dynamic modernisation, as
well as economic development, which shall also generate a
real modernisation of the cultural matrix, like “connective
tissue” of a democratic society. Therefore, even from the
point of view of economic development of our region, the
European Union is one of the required “hands”. Of course,
the Union has and does offer a whole set of instruments
for support to economic development of the countries
from this region. Nevertheless, current situation with
prolonged recession, pronounced budget deficits, high
levels of real indebtedness, scarce domicile accumulation,
devastated industry and so on, which are characteristics
for the whole region, raises the question of adequacy of
strength of the “European hand”. Most definitely it should
be taken into account that even the Union has a whole set
of limitations of its own.
A stronger “European hand” is needed in the region, first
of all in the domain of development of transport structure,
it being one of the essential parameters of development
environment. This parameter of development environment
in the region actually requires “several hands” (public
sector, private sector, international investors and the
system of European financial organisations). How strong
the presence of the “European hand” is going to be in the
development of the network of regional traffic arteries
depends on their “status” in European development
strategies. Actually, it is in the domain of “status” of
transport routes where there is a space for a more equal
Turmoil in certain Arab countries actually shows the discrepancy between the development of modernisation and insufficiencies of modernism. This
“frozen conflict” got unfrozen by the “Arab Spring”. Nevertheless, outcome was also
influenced by the cultural matrix, because democratic system creates a division of
power in a society in accordance with the quality of the “average” in the cultural
matrix. Obviously, in some countries the “average” in the cultural matrix presents a
problem, or actually a critical factor in a democratic transition. This is why a “helping hand” is required, especially from the aspect of modernisation as a factor of
change of cultural matrix. During the 1990s, Western Balkans were dramatically
faced with the disaccord of these three aspects of socio-economic progress.
The experience of global recession has revealed the possibility of
occurrence of “strategic short-sightedness”, caused by interest-based spontaneity. Namely, the global recession was preceded by a series of limited and
regional crisis (for example, the savings and loan crisis in 1989, crisis in East
Asia in 1997, etc.)
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
treatment of certain areas in the region.3) In a word, in
the domain of traffic arteries’ status, a broader and more
flexible, i.e. more competitive (meaning fairer) approach
of the European Union is required.
According to the aforementioned, “in view of region and
the European Union”, we shall focus on the issue of the socalled “corridor 4B”, as an example of the need to involve
“more hands” in the development of real content for the
process of modernisation of our region.
As it is well known, 10 traffic corridors were defined at the
Pan-European conferences on transport, connecting the
countries of central, eastern and southeast Europe, with
the purpose of integration with the European Union’s
Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). In accordance
with that, the status of the “Pan-European Corridor”
ensures the priority and facilitates financing of traffic
arteries in the long term. Therefore, the “status” is very
important in order to provide real content and perform
the modernisation of the transport network.
Map of routes of Pan-European corridors clearly shows
“lack of coverage” on the Montenegrin territory and
in some other parts of the region, thus the Port of Bar
and the capital traffic routes do not have the required
status. Based on that, an initiative was launched in mid2010 to define and include the transport corridor 4B in
the Pan-European network (Bucharest – Belgrade- Bar
– Bari), as the eleventh corridor of the Pan-European
network or as a branch of one of the existing corridors.
That was of interest not only to Montenegro, but also
Serbia, Romania and Italy, having in mind that there are
about 60.000 enterprises from Italy operating in the
western part of Romania. Government representatives of
the aforementioned countries have also confirmed their
interest at the international conference held in 2010 in Bar
From the point of view of Montenegro’s interest, this
corridor would ensure significantly better conditions for
financing the construction of the Bar – Belgrade highway,
and significantly better conditions for the imperative
reconstruction of Bar – Belgrade railway. These traffic
routes are key determinants of economic valorisation
of Port of Bar’s potential and the development of the
so-called shortsea connections with Italy, southern
and eastern Mediterranean, as well as the economic
development of the gravitational area.
It is known that economic activities and commodity flows
are directly dependent on the degree of development of
transport infrastructure and logistics systems. Therefore,
the development of transport corridor entails the
We can see an example for the importance of the “status” in the
historic heritage of Montenegro. Namely, the coastal settlements in the Kotor Bay area requested from Venice several centuries ago for the status of
“maritime municipalities”. This status, giving its holder the right to organise
maritime trade, was the key development factor for baroque towns and villages, the beauty and splendour of which we admire even today.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
učešće južnojadranskih luka (Bar, Ploče, Drač) procijenjeno
je na 30% ukupnog jadranskog pretovara kontejnera - oko
350.000 TEU godišnje (4). Prema tome, iako su izražene
negativne posljedice globalne recesije i recesije regiona
jugoistoka Evrope sa «produženim trajanjem», jasno je da
južnojadranske luke imaju značajan potencijal rasta u kontejnerskom pretovaru.
tora, naglašavaju potrebu privatni investitori, posebno inostrani, kroz modele javno-privatnog partnerstva, odnosno
Evropske unije i njenih finansijskih organizacija.
Nadalje, strategijski pravac ekonomskog razvoja regiona jugoistoka Evrope je, svakako, dinamična reindustrijalizacija,
s obzirom da su dramatični politički procesi na zapadnom
Balkanu i procesi «puzajuće» ekonomske tranzicije devastirali industrijsku osnovu. Reidustrijalizacija će se pozitivno odraziti, ne samo na kontejnerski transport, nego i na
pretovar rasutih tereta i tečnih energenata, posebno preko
južnojadranskih luka (Ploče i Bar). Kao primjer, navodimo
uvozno-izvozni pretovar ruda preko Bara za potrebe fabrika Kosova i Srbije. Posebno naglašavamo da Luka-Bar, po
svojim prirodnim karakteristikama kao što su geo-prometni
položaj i dubina gaza, ima izražen potencijal i za razvoj pretovara i lagera tečnih energenata.
Artikulisani zahtjevi «zainteresovanih strana» nijesu rezultirali zvaničnim tretmanom pravca «4B» kao jedanaestog
koridora pan-evropske mreže koridora, jer postoje inicijative da se kreirana nova orijentacija Evrope. Naime, koncept
koridora je uzak i nefleksibilan koncept, koji daje stanovitu
prednost već «ozvaničenim» saobraćajnicama, u odnosu
na druge saobraćajnice u kontaktnom prostoru. Korisno je
napomenuti da ovakav uzak koncept može biti i osnov stvaranja neprincipijelnih koalicija investitora, izvodjača radova
i ostalih «zaiteresovanih strana», što «raubuje» načela konkurentnosti (princip modernizma).
Izrazit potencijal je dinamičan rast ro-ro transporta preko
jadranskih luka. Inače, trgovina «od vrata do vrata» u Mediteranu ima snažan ro-ro elemenat, usljed kratkih relacija
mnogih ruta i potrebe prevoza automobila, prikolica i putnika. Na Jadranu su osobito značajni terminali za pretovar
automobila u Kopru i od 2000. godine u Molfakoneu, koji
su povezani sa evropskom logističkom mrežom. Od 2012.
godine, sa proizvodnjom fabrike automobila u Kragujevcu
(FIAT-SRBIJA) intenzivno se razvija (nakon trideset godina) i
terminal za pretovar automobila u Baru. Primjerom navodimo da je za nešto više od godinu dana pretovareno 100.000
automobila u Baru, što jasno ukazuje na pozitivne efekte
procesa reindustrijalizacije regiona.
Možemo zaključiti da trendovi razvoja transporta u prostoru
Mediterana i Jadrana, postojeći robni potencijali, te posebno imperativni procesi reidustrijalizacije regiona jugoistoka
Evrope, zahtijevaju znatno kvalitetniju regionalnu «savladanost prostora» i modernizaciju transporta (za Crnu Goru
posebno interesantne transportne osovine «4B» i jadransko-jonske osovine), u smislu brzine i sigurnosti, tj. kvaliteta
usluge i adekvatnog uticaja na prirodnu i kulturnu okolinu.
Riječju, predmetnu transportnu osovinu «4B» treba modernizovati u skladu sa dramatičnim tehničko-tehnološkim i informatičkim promjenama transportne mreže Evrope.
Zemlje regiona su, razumljivo, prepoznale važnost ove transportne osovine, kroz svoje strategije razvoja saobraćaja,
kao komponente razvojnog ambijenta nacionalnih ekonomija i integralno ekonomije regiona. Posljednih godina imamo najavljene snažne napore javnog sektora u konkretnim
aktivnostima na modernizaciji ovog transportnog pravca.
No, ponavljamo da djejstvo faktora globalne i regionalne
recesije, budžetski deficiti i stepeni zaduženosti nacionalnih
ekonomija, objektivno ograničivaju mogućnosti javnog sek-
Shodno tome, artikulisan je interes i potreba da se koncept
«pan-evropskih saobraćajnih koridora», substituiše konceptom »transportnih osovina». Koncept «transportnih osovina» prostora susjedstva Evropske unije, kompatibilan sa
«aksama» zemalja EU, znači da «osovina» zahvata širi prostor, pa sve gravitacione saobraćajnice dobijaju ravnopravan
status. Koncept «transportnih osovina» otvara mogućnost
za snažnije i konkurentnije prisustvo potrebne «evropske
ruke» u modernizaciji regionalne saobraćajne mreže kao
faktora razvojnog ambijenta. Primjerom navodimo da se
sada luke Ploče i Drač nalaze na mreži pan-evropskih koridora, ali ne i Luka Bar i čitav prostor Crne Gore. Koncept transportnih osovina, kao širi prostorni zahvat, «prekriva» i Luka
Bar i Crnu Goru. Kroz ovaj koncept mogu se zadovoljiti već
artikulisani interese i ostalih zaintersovanih država na ranije
predloženom koridoru «4B».
Medjutim, koliko nam je poznatio, supstitucija «koridora»
sa «transportnim osama» još uvijek nije ozvaničena i nema
«institucionalizovanu snagu». Snaga institucionalizovanog
«statusa» i njegova ekonomska vrijednost, obavezuje javni
sektor da u partnerskom odnosu sa Evropskom unijom, u
izgradivanju kompatibilnih dimenzija modernizma i modernizacije regiona, obezbijedi usvajanje koncepta «transportnih osovina». To je obaveza javnog sektora, jer kao što je
rečeno, javni sektor «širi razvojni ambijent». U komponenti infrastrukture, kao bazične potrebe biznisa, javni sektor
kroz partnerstvo sa privatnim i stranim investitorima, stvara i realan sadržaj razvojnog ambijenta. Značajan doprinos
realnom sadržaju razvojnog ambijenta, Evropska unija daje
kroz vrijednost «statusa».
Ako fokus pristupa razvoja regiona «izoštrimo» do mikro
nivoa, možemo vidjeti stratešku važnost ovog pitanja za razvoj, na primjer, luke u Baru, kao jedne od «kapija» regiona.
Luka u Baru je značajan resurs ekonomskog razvoja, posebno Crne Gore, ali i čitavog gravitacionog prostora, jer je po-
presence of certain gravitating commodity flows and
economic activities, but a transport corridor cannot
attract commodity flows if the traffic infrastructure is
not modernised and modern logistics systems are not
According to the data of naval research centres (for
example “Ocean Shipping Consultants”), container
transport has highly dynamic growth rates. Over a long
period of time, between 1980 and 2008, our trade in
container goods has been growing at an average annual
rate of 8.5%. Still, the ports that gravitate to corridor “4B”
have only about 0.5% share (around 2.5 million TEU) in
the total container transshipment of containers in 2008,
which markedly illustrates their lack of utilisation.
Notwithstanding that the global recession had negative
implications on transport, high growth rates of container
transport are still expected at the global level. Intensive
processes of containerisation of transport have affirmed
the importance of Mediterranean ports, having in mind
the effect of congestion in the North European ports.
Based on that, several hub-centres (like Gioia Tauro,
Malta, Taranto, Piraeus, Port Said, and Haifa) were being
intensely developed, as well as “gateway” ports for the
handling of import-export containers. The practice shows
that negative effects of port congestion start appearing at
70% of their utilisation, so the increase in importance of
Adriatic coasts can be realistically expected.
Degree of utilisation of the three largest North Adriatic
ports (Kopar, Trieste and Rijeka) before the global recession
was estimated at 60%, while expected growth rates until
2015 were estimated at 15% annually. Based on that,
the market share of South Adriatic ports (Bar, Ploče and
Durres) was estimated at 30% of the total transshipment
of containers in the Adriatic – approximately 350.000 TEUs
annually (4). Thus, although there are clear and visible
negative consequences of the global recession and the
recession with the “prolonged duration” of the Southeast
Europe region, it is clear that South Adriatic ports
have a significant potential for growth when container
transshipment is in question.
Moreover, strategic direction of economic development of
the Southeast Europe region is most certainly a dynamic
reindustrialisation, due to the fact that dramatic political
processes in the Western Balkans and processes of a
“crawling” economic transition devastated its industrial
foundations. Reindustrialisation shall reflect positively not
only on the container transport, but on transshipment of
bulk cargoes and liquid fuels as well, especially through
South Adriatic ports (Ploče and Bar). As an example, we
can provide the export-import transshipment of ore
through Bar, for factories in Kosovo and Serbia. We would
like to especially highlight the fact that the Port of Bar,
according to its natural characteristics, like geo-traffic
position and wading depth, has an obvious potential for
the development of both transshipment and stocking of
liquid fuels.
An exceptional potential is also the dynamic growth of
ro-ro (Roll-on/roll-off) transport through Adriatic ports.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Also, “door to door” trading in the Mediterranean has
a strong ro-ro element, due to short distances of many
routes and the need for transportation of cars, trailers
and passengers. On the Adriatic coast are particularly
important transshipment terminals for cars in Koper
and, since 2000, in Molfacone, which are associated with
European logistics network. Since 2012, simultaneously
with increase of production of cars in the car factory in
Kragujevac (FIAT – SERBIA), the terminal for transshipment
of cars in Bar is being intensively developed (after thirty
years). For example, during a little bit over a year 100,000
cars were transshipped in Bar, which clearly shows the
positive effects of the process of reindustrialisation of the
We can conclude that the trends of growth of transport
in the Mediterranean and Adriatic region, existing
commodity capcities and especially imperative processes
of reindustrialisation of the region of Southeast Europe
require a much better regional “spatial management”
and modernisation of transport (transport axis “4B”
and Adriatic-Ionic axis are especially interesting for
Montenegro), primarily in the sense of speed and security,
as well as quality of service and adequate influence on the
environment and cultural surroundings. In a nutshell, the
aforementioned transport axis “4B” should be modernised
in accordance with the dramatic technical, technological
and information technology changes in the Europe’s
transport network.
Countries of the region understandably recognised the
importance of this transport axis, through their traffic
development strategies, as components of development
environment of their national economies and integrally
the economy of the region as a whole. In the last few years
we have had announcements of public sector’s strong
efforts concerning concrete activities on modernisation of
this traffic route. Still, we must reiterate that the effects of
global and regional recession factors, budget deficits and
levels of indebtedness of national economies objectively
limit the possibilities of the public sector, highlighting the
need for private investors, especially foreign ones, through
models of public-private partnerships, as well as for the
European Union and its financial organisations.
Articulated demands of the “interested parties” did
not result in an official treatment of the route “4B” as
the eleventh corridor of the Pan-European network
of corridors, because there are initiatives to create a
new orientation of Europe. Specifically, the concept
of a corridor itself is a narrow and rigid concept, which
provides significant advantage to the routes that were
already “made official” compared to other routes in the
contact area. It is useful to mention that such a narrow
concept can become the basis for creation of unprincipled
coalitions of investors, contractors and other “interested
parties”, thus abusing the principles of competitiveness
(the principle of modernism).
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
znato da luke imaju visok multiplikativan efekat na gravitirajući prostor. To je prepoznala i Evropska unija, te je preko
ranije Agencije za rekonstrukciju, pružila «ruku» podrške u
ekspertskom definisanju strategije transformacije i razvoja
Luke-Bar, po tzv. lend-lord modelu (5).
Sama tranzicija, kao dramatična faza svake transformacije,
izvedena je 2009. godine i imala je vidljive pozitivne efekte
kod novodefinisanih operatera luke u Baru, u smislu razvoja
novih poslova, poboljšavanja kvaliteta interne ekonomije i
privatizacije dijela operatera. Naravno, predstoje i dalji zadaci u optimizaciji operaterskih organizacija i unapredjivanja strateškog i operativnog lučkog menadžmenta ove luke.
Medjutim, kritičan faktor ekonomske valorizacije Luke i razvoja njenih multiplikativnih efekata je, upravo, kvalitet saobraćajne infrastrukture i tehničko-tehnološka modernizacija transportne mreže sa gravitacionom prostorom. Postojeći kvalitet trasportne veze Luke i gravitacionog prostora je
presudan limit rasta i razvoja. U tom smislu, posebno treba
fokusirati željeznički transport. Na primjer, željeznička pruga Bar – Beograd, ima dominantno «lučki» atribut. U njoj
su «zamrznute» velike ekonomske vrijednosti nekadašnjih
investicionih napora, uz sadašnji nizak nivo funkcionalnosti.
Shodno tome, njena rekonstrukcija i modernizacija je imperativ racionalnog pristupa.
Inicirana substitucija koncepta «transportnih koridora», fleksibilnijim konceptom «transportnih osovina», obezbjedjuje ravnopravan i povoljniji «status» izgradnje i rekonstrukci-
je saobraćajne infrastrukture regiona. To je posebno važno
za prostor Crne Gore i za ekonomsku valorizaciju potencijala
Povoljniji i ravnopravan tretman saobraćajnih pravaca regiona u evropskim strategijama, stvara uslove izdašnijeg prisustva evropskih finansijskih institucija u realiziji izgradnje
i rekonstrukcije kapitalnih saobraćajnica, koje su snažne
deteminate modernizacije regiona, a bez modernizacije,
shvaćene kao determinante razvojnog ambijenta, nema ni
željenog tempa napretka u modernizmu, koji se kroz proces
pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji stimuliše i razvija. Modernizam
i modernizacija su kompatibilne dimenzije, odnosno dimenzije u medjusobnoj interakciji.
1. Porter M.: The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Macmillan Press, 1990;
2. A. Przeworski, F. Limongi: «Modernization: Theories and
Facts», World Politics, Volume 49, No. 2 – 1997. (navedeno
prema: F. Zakarija: Budućnost slobode, str.64-65, Dan-Graf,
Beograd, 2004.);
3. Medjunarodna konferencija: «Strateški razvoj saobraćajnog koridora: Bukurešt-Beograd-Bar-Bari», Zbornik radova,
Bar, 2010.;
4. Indecon consulting: Port of Bar - Development Strategy,
5. Indecon consulting: Port of Bar – Program of the Reconstruction, 2007.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Consequently, there is an articulated interest and a need
that the concept of “Pan-European traffic corridors”
should be replaced with the concept of “transport axes”.
The concept of “transport axes” used in the European
Union’s neighbouring countries is compatible with the
EU countries’ “axes”, meaning that “axes” encompasses a
larger area, so all gravitational routes get equal status. The
concept of “transport axes” opens up the possibility for a
stronger and more competitive presence of the required
“European hand” in the modernisation of the regional
traffic network as a factor relevant for development
environment. We can use the Ports of Ploče and Durres
as an example, since they are now part of the network of
Pan-European corridors, but the Port of Bar and the whole
territory of Montenegro is not. The concept of transport
axes, as a broader spatial intervention, is “covering” both
the Port of Bar and the whole of Montenegro. Through
this concept the already articulated interests of other
interested countries relevant to the previously proposed
corridor “4B” could also be fulfilled.
still some tasks ahead when speaking about optimisation
of operator organisation and improvement of strategic
and operative port management of this port.
Still, as far as we are aware, the replacement of “corridors”
with “transport axes” has not yet been made official and
does not possess the “institutional strength” yet. The power
of institutionalised “status” and its economic value obliges
the public sector that, in partnership with the European
Union and by working on constructing compatible aspects
of modernism and modernisation of the region, it ensures
the adoption of the concept of “transport axes”. This is an
obligation of the public sector, because, as was previously
stated, public sector should “expand the development
environment”. In the infrastructure component, it being
the basic need of businesses, public sector also creates
real content for development environment through
partnerships with private and foreign investors. European
Union is providing an important contribution to real
content of development environment through the value
of the “status”.
The initiated replacement of the concept of “transport
corridors” with a more flexible concept of “transport
axes” ensures an equal and more favourable “status” for
construction and reconstruction of the traffic infrastructure
of the region. This is of particular importance to the
territory of Montenegro and to the economic valorisation
of Port of Bar’s capacities.
If we “sharpen up” the focus of the approach to the
development of the region to a micro level, we might see
the strategic relevance of this issue for the development
of, for example, the Port of Bar, as one of the “gateways”
of the region. The Port of Bar is a significant resource of
economic development, especially of Montenegro, but
also of the whole gravitational area, because it is well
known that ports have a high multiplying effect on the
gravitating areas. This has been recognised by the European
Union as well, so through the Agency for Reconstruction
it previously provided a helping “hand” to support the
expert definition of the strategy for the transformation
and development of the Port of Bar, according to the socalled land-lord model (5).
The transition itself, as the most dramatic phase of
any transformation, was performed in 2009 and it had
visible positive effects among newly-defined operators
in the Port of Bar, in the sense of development of new
activities, improvement of quality of internal economy
and privatisation of some operators. Naturally, there are
Still, a critical factor of the economic valorisation of the
Port and of development of its multiplicative effect is
actually the quality of traffic infrastructure and technical
and technological modernisation of the transport network
with the gravitational area. The existing level of quality of
transport links between the Port and the gravitational area
is the principal limiting factor of growth and development.
In that sense, a special focus on railway transport is
required. For example, the railway Bar – Belgrade has a
dominantly “port-like” character. In it are “frozen” huge
economic values of previous investment efforts, if you have
in mind the current low level of functionality. Accordingly,
its reconstruction and modernisation is an imperative of a
rational approach.
A more favourable and more equal treatment of traffic
routes of the region in the European strategies create
the conditions for more extensive presence of European
financial institutions in accomplishing the construction
and reconstruction of capital transport facilities, which are
powerful determinants of modernisation of the region;
and without modernisation, interpreted as a determinant
of the development environment, it will not be possible to
achieve the desired pace of progress in modernism that
is being stimulated and developed through the process
of accession to the European Union. Modernism and
modernisation are compatible aspects, i.e. aspects in
mutual interaction.
1. Porter M.: The Competitive Advantage of Nations,
Macmillan Press, 1990;
2. A. Przeworski, F. Limongi: «Modernization: Theories
and Facts», World Politics, Volume 49, No. 2 – 1997.
[Quoted from: F. Zakarija: The Future of Freedom, pp.6465, Dan-Graf, Belgrade, 2004]
3. International Conference: Strategic Development
of Transport Corridor Bucharest-Belgrade-Bar-Bari,
Conference proceedings, Bar, 2010
4. Indecon consulting: Port of Bar - Development Strategy,
5. Indecon consulting: Port of Bar – Program of the
Reconstruction, 2007.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Kada započnete svoje obrazovanje, kažu vam, znanje je moć;
Kada se upišete u školu koju volite i želite, kažu vam, mladi su
budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada se ne možete upisati u školu koju želite, kažu vam, mladi
su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada uopšte nema škole koju želite pohađati, kažu vam, mladi
su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada briljantno završite školu koju ste pohađali, kažu vam,
mladi su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada briljantno (summa cum laude) magistrirate i doktorirate
na prestižnim školama u zemlji ili inostranstvu, kažu vam, mladi su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada sa diplomom u ruci, sjajnim znanjima i vještinama obijate pragove raznih kompanija i državnih ustanova, ili šaljete
svoj CV po stotinu puta na stotine adresa, tražeći bezuspješno
posao godinama, kažu vam, mladi su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada tražite par eura od roditelja da izađete sa društvom na
piće, odete u bioskop, pozorište ili kupite knjigu, kažu vam,
mladi su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada konačno iscpljeni i nemoćni da bilo što učinite za sebe,
napustite svoj dom, porodicu i svoju zemlju, kažu vam, mladi
su budućnost svake zemlje;
Kada, naravno, prepušteni sami sebi, naoružani entuzijazmom,
ambicijama, znanjem i snažnom voljom da uspijete, u toj nekoj
stranoj zemlji, u nemilosrdnoj ogromnoj konkurenciji dođete na
vrh, do vas u početku polako, a onda svom silinom, kažu vam,
pa to je naš momak/djevojka, sjećam ga/je se još kao malog/e
i uvijek se nekako odvajao/la, znao sam da će postići nešto veliko u životu, no nije dobro što nije ovdje ostao/la, govorio sam
ja, mladi su budućnost svake zemlje;
A sve i ne mora da bude baš ovako, jer, tamo gdje je znanje
istinska moć i vrijednost, i gdje postoji svijest o tome, mladi su
budućnost svoje zemlje.
When you begin your studies, they say, knowledge is power;
When you enroll in a school that you prefer, they tell you, the
young people are the future of any country;
When you are unable to enroll in a school you prefer, they tell
you, the young people are the future of any country;
When there is no school you want to attend at all, they tell you,
the young people are the future of any country;
When you achieve a brilliant success in a school you attended,
they tell you, the young people are the future of any country;
When brilliantly/summa cum laude/ you defend your Masters
degree and a PhD in prestigious schools in the country or abroad,
they tell you, the young people are the future of any country;
When with a university degree in your hands, great knowledge
and skills you start camping on doorsteps of various companies
and government agencies, or you send your CV for hundred
times to hundred addresses, looking for a job unsuccessfully for
years, they tell you, the young people are the future of any country;
When you ask for a couple of Euros from your parents to go out
with friends for a drink, go to the cinema, theatre or buy a book,
they tell you, the young people are the future of any country;
When finally exhausted and unable to do anything for yourself, you leave your home, family and country, they tell you, the
young people are the future of any country;
When, of course, you are left to yourself, armed with enthusiasm, ambition, knowledge and a strong will to succeed, in some
foreign country, and in a relentless huge competition you reach
the top, first slowly, then with a full force, they tell you, that’s our
boy/girl, I remember him/ her as a child and he/she has somehow always differed, I knew he/she would achieve something
great in life, but it is not a good thing that they did not stay here,
I told you, the young people are the future of any country;
But it does not have to be like this, because, where knowledge
is a true power and value, and where there is awareness, the
young people are the future of their own country.
Panel III
Saša Popović
Profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Professor at the Faculty of Economics
at the University of Montenegro
Ivan Vukčević
Student Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Student at the Law Faculty
at the University of Montenegro
Mirjana Radović Marković
Profesor na Institutu ekonomskih nauka i
Fakultetu za PEP u Beogradu
Professor at the Institute of Economic Sciences and
BEE Faculty in Belgrade
Mladen Grgić
Saradnik na Evropskom institutu za
azijske studije u Briselu
Associate at the European Institute for
Asian Studies in Brussels
Guoda Lomanaite
Potpredsjednik Foruma mladih Evrope
Vice President of the European Youth Forum
Martin Ćalasan
Saradnik na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu
Univerziteta Crne Gore
Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering at the University of Montenegro
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković
Profesor na Institutu ekonomskih
nauka i Fakultetu za PEP u Beogradu
ne isključenosti mlade radne snage.
Cilj ovog rada je da se ukaže na kauzalitet izmedju obrazovanja ,zaposlenosti i preduzetničkih inicijativa mladih.
Koliko je ovo trojstvo od značaja kao i uspostavljanje njihove dobre koordinacije i usaglašenosti ,govori i činjenica
da nedavno objavljena Strategija razvoja EU do 2020. za
prioritetne ciljeve stavlja reformu obrazovnog sistema i
insistira na „novim znanjima za nova zanimanja“ ,unapredjenju privatnog preduzetništva i rešavanju visoke
nezaposlenosti,koja pogadja veliki broj zemalja u okviru
Evropske unije i šire. Shodno tome ,autorka objašnjava
da u najrazvijenijim zemljama u kojima postoji niža stopa nezaposlenosti mladih ,postoji tesnija povezanost izmedju obrazovnih institucija sa poslovnim okruženjem.
Tome je u najvećoj meri doprinelo tradicionalno dobro
strukovno obrazovanje,koje je pomoglo da se i u uslovima ekonomske krize i umerenog privrednog rasta smanji
stopa nezaposlenosti mladih,kao i svih ostalih kategorija
nezaposlenih lica.Za razliku od ovih zemalja ,zemlje zapadnog Balkana karakteriše visoka stopa nezaposlenosti
mladih kao rezultanta ,pre svega,nedovoljne povezanosti
obrazovnih i naučnih institucija sa zahtevima privrede.Po
mišljenju autorke ovoga rada ,preduzetničko obrazovanje mora da bude važna komponenta ekonomske strategije, koja je usmerena na podsticanje otvaranja novih
radnih mesta i smanjenja visoke stope nezaposlenosti .
U daljoj analizi problema nezaposlenosti mladih , izdvaja se nepovoljno okruženje za razvoj privatnog sektora i
samozapošljavanja mlade radne snage.Autorka izdvaja i
veliku ekonomsku i finansijsku krizu,ali je stavlja na prvo
mesto po uticajnosti na visoku stopu nezaposlenosti mladih u regionu .Manji značaj joj daje zbog činjenice da se
zemlje zapadnog Balkana već više decenija teško nose sa
visokom stopom nezaposlenosti mladih ,tj. i pre početka
ekonomske krize krajem 2008. U skladu sa svojim razmatranjima ,autorka zaključuje da zemlje zapadnog Balkana
treba da se usredsrede na reformu obrazovne politike i
da poboljšaju poslovni ambijent koji bi olakšao ulaganja
u državama regije, kako bi one mogle sa većim uspehom
da rešavaju problem dugotrajne nezaposlenosti i socijal-
Ključne reči: preduzetničko obrazovanje, mladi, nezaposlenost, zemlje zapadnog Balkana.
Zapošljavanje ,preduzetništvo i obrazovanje predstavljaju važno trojstvo.Izmedju njih postoji kauzalitet ,koji se
ogleda u činjenici da je privatno preduzetništvo generator kreiranja novih poslova i zapošljavanja ,dok kroz preduzetničko obrazovanje se razvijaju preduzetničke kompetencije koje treba da biznis ideje pretvore u realnost
i preduzetničke aktivnosti učine uspešnijim.Medjutim,
pokazalo se da u mnogim zemljama ne postoji dobra
usaglašenost izmedju kompetencija mlade radne snage
i potreba na tržištu rada, što je jedan od uzroka njihove
velike stope nezaposlenosti. Pored toga ,postoje i drugi
uzroci visoke nezaposlenosti mladih,kao što su: nedostatak informacija u vezi mogućnosti sticanja odgovarajućih
veština, nedostatak radnog iskustva i ograničene mogućnosti za dobijanje posla u skladu sa planiranom karijerom. U skladu s tim, Međunarodna organizacija rada je
upozorila da je prošle godine globalna situacija u vezi visoke nezaposlenosti mladih bila “alarmantna”, sa malom
verovatnoćom da će se uskoro poboljšati [1] . Ova tvrdnja može se potkrepiti činjenicom da je stopa nezaposlenosti u celoj eurozoni dostigla 11,7% i 10,7% u EU-27 u
2012 [2]. Podaci EU govore da oko 7,5 milona Evropljana,
uzrasta od 15-24 godine nisu u radnom odnosu, niti su
uključeni u proces obrazovanja. Nezaposlenost mladih u
Evropskoj uniji iznosio je 23,6 posto u januaru 2013., što
je dvostruko više nego kod odraslih osoba [25]. Drugim
rečima, jedan od pet mladih Evropljana na tržištu rada
ne mogu da nadjui posao [26]. U Grčkoj i Španiji je taj
odnos još mnogo gori ,tj. jedan od dvoje mladih ljudi u
ove dve zemlje je bez posla. U poslednje četiri godine,
ukupna stopa zaposlenosti mladih pala je tri puta, isto
koliko i za odrasle. U tom kontekstu, neke procene pokazuju da će stopa nezaposlenosti u eurozoni i dalje rasti
sa 11,7 posto (prema najnovijim raspoloživim podacima)
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Mirjana Radović-Marković, Dr. sc. oec.
Professor at the Institute of
Economic Sciences and BEE
Faculty in Belgrade
The aim of the present paper is to highlight the causal
links between education, employment and youth entrepreneurial initiatives. The extent to which this trinity and
establishing good coordination and conformity between
them are of importance is demonstrated also by the fact
that the Europe 2020, i.e. the EU’s Growth Strategy was
published recently. The said Europe 2020 – Europe’s
Growth Strategy puts forward education system reform
as priority goal and insists on acquiring „new knowledge
in new vocations“ , enhancing private entrepreneurship and solving high unemployment rates that affects
a large number of states within the European Union and
broader. Consequently, the author is explaining that in
highly developed countries with lower youth unemployment rates closer link between educational institutions
and business environment exists. That was largely contributed by traditionally good vocational education that
has assisted - in circumstances of economic collapse and
moderate economic growth - the youth unemployment
and all the other categories of unemployment rates be
reduced. Unlike those countries, the Western Balkan
countries are characterized by high youth unemployment
rate as a consequence, primarily, of inadequate correlation between education and scientific institutions and
the economy’s demands / needs. In the opinion of the
author of this paper, entrepreneurship education must
be an important component of economy strategy dedicated to encouraging new job creations and high unemployment rate reducing. In a further analysis of the youth
unemployment challenge, unfavorable environment for
private sector development and the youth labor force
self-employment are sorted out. The author is sorting
out also the severe economic and financial crisis, putting it as the first ranked factor inducing high youth unemployment rate in the region. The author attributes it
less importance due to the fact that the Western Balkan
countries have already been endeavoring for several decades to solve high youth unemployment rates, i.e. they
did that even prior to the economic collapse of the late
2008. According to her considerations, the author concludes that the Western Balkan countries should focus on
education policy reform and on improving business environment to facilitate investments in the regional countries in order to make it possible for them to have more
success in solving the problem of long-lasting unemployment and social exclusion of the youth labor force.
Key words: entrepreneurship education, the youth, unemployment, the Western Balkan countries
Employment, entrepreneurship and education stand as
important trinity. There are causal links between them,
such causality being mirrored in the fact that private entrepreneurship is the generator of new jobs creation,
whereas entrepreneurship education offers the forum
for improving entrepreneurial competences that should
make business ideas true and entrepreneurial activities
more successful. However, it has appeared that in numerous countries there is no good conformity of youth labor
force’s competences with labor market demands, which
is one of the causes of the considerable youth unemployment rate. Besides, there are other causes of high youth
unemployment rates, such as lack of pieces of information
relating to acquiring appropriate skills; lack of working experience; and limited opportunities to get employment
according to career plan. Accordingly, the International
Labor Organization has warned that last year the global
situation in relation to youth unemployment was “alarming” , with little likelihood of getting the situation better
soon [1] . The said assertion can be supported by the fact
that the unemployment rate reached 11.7% and 10.7% in
the whole Eurozone and in the EU-27 respectively in 2012
[2]. The data from the EU say that some 7.5 million Europeans aged 15 to 24 were neither been in employment
nor in education. Youth unemployment rate in the European Union was 23.6 percent in January 2013, which was
twice as high as the adult one [25]. In other words, one
out of five young Europeans on the labor market cannot
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
na 12,5 posto do početka 2014 [3]. Prema istom izvoru,
najniže stope nezaposlenosti bile su zabeležene u Austriji (4,3%), Nemačkoj i Luksemburgu (obe 5,3%) i Holandiji (5,8%), a najviša u Grčkoj (26,8% u 2012) i Španiji
Prosek nezaposlenosti na nivou zemalja zapadnog Balkana iznosio je oko 22,8 procenata u četvrtom kvartalu
2012., što je dvostruko više od proseka od 11,2 procenta
za zemlje EU11 [4].Naime,iako je na Zapadnom Balkanu
došlo do izvesnog oporavka i privrednog rasta u prvih
šest meseci 2013., to se još nije odrazilo na smanjenje
visoke stope nezaposlenosti. To potvrdjuje da su uslovi na tržištu rada i dalje teški na Zapadnom Balkanu [5]
.Medjutim,kriza visoke nezaposlenosti mladih nije samo
zahvatila većinu zemalja Evrope i zemlje zapadnog Balkana ,već se ovaj problem širi i u mnoge druge regije
sveta na šta ukazuju podaci da je oko 35 % ili 75 miliona mladih nezaposleno u svetu [1] .Osim toga ,prema
procenama Medjunarodne organizacije rada, nezaposleni mladi čine oko 40 odsto ukupne globalne nezaposlenosti. Shodno ovim pokazateljima, nezaposlenost treba
smatrati ne samo nacionalnim i regionalnim,već i globalnim problemom.Imajući u vidu ovu činjenicu ,kao i da
se BRJ Makedonija ,Srbija ,Bosna i Hercegovina i Albanija
nalaze medju deset zemalja u svetu sa najvećom stopom
nezaposlenih mladih lica [27],cilj ovog rada je da ispita
karakteristike i uzroke ovako visoke nezaposlenosti u zemljama zapadnog Balkana, kao i da analizira mogućnosti
implementacije dobre prakse zemalja koje su rešile ovaj
problem.Pri tome,imali smo u vidu da zbog specifičnosti
regiona ,ne mogu se direktno iskoristiti sve mere koje su
koristile Austrija ,Nemačka ili Finska koje imaju punu zaposlenost , ali zato one mogu da pomognu da se bolje
odrede smernice efikasnije politike zapošljavanja u regionu.Pored pozitivnih praktičnih iskustava,u radu je korišćena i najnovija literatura,koja je problemu zapošljavanja pristupala sa različitih aspekata i kao takva može u
velikoj meri da bude dobra platforma za nalaženje novih
rešenja u ovom domenu .Takodje , poslužila su nam i istraživanja za davanje preporuka ,koja su uradjena ciljano
za potrebe ovoga rada.
Ranija istraživanja pokazuju da identifikovanje i negovanje preduzetničkih kompetencija kroz proces obrazovanja može u velikoj meri da doprinese dugoročnim ekonomskim benefitima [6],[7],[8].Pre svega ,podrška preduzetničkim aktivnostima preko preduzetničkog obrazovanja može da doprinese povećanju broja novih firmi i
smanjenju nivoa nezaposlenosti ,ali i smanjivanju grešaka u poslovanju firmi koje već egzistiraju. Preduzetničko
obrazovanje može takodje da bude važna komponenta
ekonomske strategije ,koja je usmerena na podsticanje
otvaranja novih radnih mesta [9].Takodje,ono ima poseban značaj u pripremi mladih da budu odgovorni i predu-
zimljivi pojedinci koji će postati preduzetnici ili će se baviti istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti i tako doprineti održivom
ekonomskom razvoju.Inače, obrazovanje u domenu preduzetništva se generalno odnosi na programe koji promovišu preduzetništvo kao opciju u izboru karijere i vrše
edukaciju za sticanje veština i znanja za osnivanje i razvoj
biznisa [10],[12].Osim toga ,mnoga istraživanja su pokazala da studenti koji su izučavali preduzetništvo tokom
studija kao glavni predmet ,u velikoj meri su birali zanimanje preduzetnika i pokretali su vlastite biznise. To su
činili mnogo češće nego oni studenti ,koji nisu bili posebno usmereni na studiranje preduzetništva .Medjutim,sve
se češće može naiči u literaturi na mišljenja da preduzetništvo ne treba izučavati samo u okviru visokoškolskog
obrazovanja,već da ono mora biti zastupljeno na svim
nivoima procesa edukacije [13].Ukazujući na visoki značaj preduzetništva u sastavu obrazovanja ,.Zioło [14] je
istaknuo da je za oblikovanje preduzetničkih stavova potrebno pored izučavanja preduzetništva na svim nivoima
institucionalnog obrazovanja i, nakon toga ,nastaviti sa
usavršavanjem u ovoj oblasti u procesu stručnog i profesionalnog osposobljavanja tokom čitavog razdoblja čovekovog delovanja na tržištu rada. Potreba za uvodjenjem
preduzetničkog obrazovanja je od posebnog značaja za
mlade, koji tek ulaze na tržište rada. Ona je pored istraživanja Ziola ,bila predmet analize i velikog broja drugih
autora [15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20] ,[21] .Po preporuci
Evropske komisije ,neophodno je preduzetničke programe uključiti ne samo u ekonomske škole i fakultete ,već i
na one tehničkog profila kao važan sastavni deo njihovih
kurikuluma .Oni treba da omoguće razvoj preduzetničkih
kompetencija ,koje moraju da se prilagodjavaju modernim privredama baziranim na znanju i novim izazovima
na tržištu rada.Tu se spontano postavlja jedno od važnih
pitanja ,tj.koja su to znaja i veštine koje treba obezbediti
studentima tokom procesa formalne i neformalne edukacije? U ovom pogledu u literaturi se može naiči na veliki broj različitih mišljenja. Jedno od takvih mišljenja , koje
su prezentovali naučnici McMullan i Long [9],zalaže se da
se u obrazovne preduzetničke programe uvrste metode
za podsticanje kreativnog mišljenja, sposobnosti pregovaranja, razvoj novih proizvoda i liderstvo .Preduzetnički
programi takodje treba da ponude znanja za detektovanje i ispitivanje poslovnih mogućnosti ,kao i njihovo inkorporiranje u dugoročne biznis planove [10],[11]. Osim
toga , programi treba da imaju multidisciplinarni i procesno orijentisani pristup ,tj.novi obrazovni programi za
preduzetnike moraju se bazirati na razmeni dobre prakse
preko studija i umrežavanja strateških partnera (istrazivača, preduzetnika, finansijera, kreatora politike,i drugih)
[24].Sva ova objedinjena mišljenja impliciraju potrebu za
reformom obrazovnog sistema i stvaranje nove kreativne obrazovne strategije ,koja će podsticati individualnost pojedinca,omogućiti mu slobodu mišljenja i razvoj
kreativnosti i staviti je u funkciju poslovnog okruženja i
njegovih zahteva [38].
find a job. In Greece and Spain, that ration is even worse,
i.e. one out of two young persons in these two countries
is without a job. Over the preceding four years, the total youth employment rate has dropped four times, as
same as the adult one. In terms of that, some estimations
have shown that unemployment rate in the Eurozone will
continue to go up, from 11.7 percent (according to the
most recent available data) to 12.5 percent as of the early
2014. [3]. According to the same source, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in Austria (4.3%), then
in Germany and Luxembourg (5.3% respectively) and in
the Netherlands (5.8%), with the highest unemployment
rate in Greece (26.8% in 2012) and Spain (26.1%).
The average unemployment rate at the level of the Western Balkan countries was around 22.8 percent in the
fourth quarter of 2012, which was double as compared
with the average equaling to 11.2 percent in the countries
of the EU 11 [4]. Namely, although the Western Balkans
experienced certain recovery and economic growth during the first six months in 2013, it has not yet mirrored
in a reduction of the high unemployment rate. That confirms the conditions prevailing within the Western Balkans’ labor market are still bad. [5] However, high youth
unemployment crisis has not embraced only the majority
of the European and the Western Balkans countries, but
this problem is spreading over numerous other world regions – this being indicated by the data that some 35.00%
or 75 million young persons in the world are unemployed
[1]. Besides, according to the estimations of the International labor Organization, unemployed young persons
make some 40 percent of the total global unemployment.
According to the said parameters, unemployment should
be deemed not only as national and regional, but also as
global challenge. Having in mind this fact and that Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are among ten world countries with the highest
youth unemployment rate [27], the aim of the present
paper is to study features and causes of such high unemployment in the Western Balkan countries and to analyze
possibilities of introducing the good practices from the
countries that have overcome this problem. At the same
time, we have had in mind that due to the regional specificities, not all the measures employed by Austria, Germany or Finland - which have full employment at stage - can
be directly undertaken, but they can assist better deciding
on the guidelines for attaining the regional employment
policy effectiveness. Besides positive practical experience,
this paper used also the most recent references that had
approached to the unemployment issue from a variety
of aspects and, as such, to a large extent it can be a good
platform for finding new solutions to this issue. Furthermore, researches that had been undertaken as targeted
ones for the purposes of this paper and design for giving
recommendation, also served us for this paper.
Earlier researches have shown that identifying and cherishing entrepreneurial competences through education
process can largely contribute to long-term economic
benefits [6], [7], [8]. First of all, support to entrepreneurial activities through entrepreneurship education can con-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
tribute to new companies number be larger and unemployment rate be lower, and mistakes in doing business by
already existing companies be reduced as well. Entrepreneurship education can also be an important component
of an economic strategy that is dedicated to encouraging
new job creations [9]. Besides, it has specific significance
in preparing the young to assume accountability and become venturous individuals who will either be entrepreneurs or engage themselves in researches in this domain
and, thereby, contribute to sustainable economic growth.
Anyway, entrepreneurship education refers generally to
the programs promoting entrepreneurship to be opted for
in choosing the career development and higher education
for acquiring skills and knowledge to serve a business setting up and development [10], [12]. Additionally, numerous researches have shown that students that had majored in entrepreneurship during their studies opted for
entrepreneurial occupations and set up their own businesses thereafter [13]. Drawing attention to a high importance of entrepreneurship within education system, Zioło
[14] emphasized that forming entrepreneurial attitudes
requires – in addition to entrepreneurship studying at all
levels of institutional education - also to keep on developing through the processes of vocational and professional
training over the entire on-the-labor market acting. A
need to introduce entrepreneurship education is of particular importance to the young that are to enter the labor
market. In addition to researches undertaken by Ziolo, it
was the subject matter of analyses done also by a large
number of other authors [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20],
[21]. As the European Commission recommended, it is required to include entrepreneurship subjects in not only
schools and faculties of economics, but also in those of
technical profiles, as a significant component part of their
respective curricula. They should ensure the development
of entrepreneurial competences that, in turn, must adjust
both to contemporary economies rooted in knowledge
and to new challenges within the labor market. One out of
important questions is spontaneously posed there, namely what knowledge and skills students should necessarily
be provided with during formal and informal education
processes? In terms of this question, references comprise
a large number of different opinions. One out of such
opinions was presented by scientists such as McMullan
and Long [9] and it advocates for introducing into entrepreneurship education curricula the methods of encouraging creative thinking, negotiation skills, new products
development and leadership. Entrepreneurship education
curricula should also offer knowledge for detecting and
testing business opportunities, as well as their incorporating in long-term business plans [10], [11]. Additionally,
the curricula should comprise multidisciplinary and process oriented approach, i.e. new education program for
entrepreneurs must be based on exchange of god practices through studying and networking strategic partners
(researches, entrepreneurs, financiers, policy makers and
alike) [24]. The foregoing consolidated opinions imply a
need for education system reform and developing a new
creative education strategy that will encourage the particularity of individual, provide him/her with the freedom of
opinion, and creativity development to be put in operation for business environment and its requirements [38].
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
U prvoj polovini 2013. godine , bez posla je bilo 2,5 miliona ljudi na zapadnom Balkanu [22] .U regiji, najvišu stopu
nezaposlenosti mladih imala je Hrvatska (55,4%) u drugoj
polovini 2013.Iza nje se sada nalaze Bosna i Hercegovina
i BJR Makedonija sa stopom nezaposlenosti mladih od 53
odsto, zatim slede Srbija sa 51,2 odsto i Crna Gora sa 43
,7 odsto [23] (Grafikon 1).
Navešćemo najvažnije karakteristike i prioritete kod zapošljavanja u regionu [28]:
• Za mnoga nezaposlena lica u regionu je karakteristično da više žele da rade u neformalnom sektoru i da primaju pomoć za nezaposlene ,nego da
se zaposle u formalnom sektoru privredjivanja;
• Zaposleni preferiraju da rade u javnim preduzećima bez obzira što su tu zarade manje ,s obzirom
da imaju redovnost i sigurnost plata;
• Kod zapošljavanja,poslodavci preferiraju osobe
s odgovarajućim radnim iskustvom i diskriminišu starije radnike ,žene,mlade i osobe sa nižim
• Relativno visoki troškovi rada smanjili su potencijalnu potražnju za radnom snagom;
• Mala mobilnost radne snage ;
• Neadekvatne sankcije za poslodavce ,koji zapošljavaju radnike na „crno“ i ne plaćaju za njih doprinose1.
Treba posebno naglasiti da se visoka nezaposlenost (pored mnogobrojnih uzroka) ,ne može dugovati na prvom
mestu uticaju velike ekonomske krize ,s obzirom da su se
sve zemlje zapadnog Balkana suočavale sa velikom nezaposlenošću mnogo pre njenog izbijanja. Naime, ekonomska kriza je samo pogoršala ovaj problem. Taj trend se i
dalje nastavlja , iako su mnoge zemlje iz regiona najavile
skorašnji izlazak iz recesije.Međutim, mišljenja smo da
bez rasta stope zaposlenosti , ne može se smatrati izglednim izlazak iz recesije zemalja zapadnog Balkana.
Napomena autora: Rad “na crno” obuhvata zaposlene u neregistrovanoj firmi, zaposlene u registrovanoj firmi, ali bez formalnog ugovora o
radu i bez socijalnog i penzionog osiguranja, i neplaćene pomažuće članove
Postoji veliki jaz između zemalja s najvišom i najnižom
stopom nezaposlenih mladih ljudi u okviru EU-28. Ta je
razlika od gotovo 50 odsto među državama članicama
s najnižom i najvišom stopom nezaposlenosti mladih –
Nemačke ( 7,7 % u septembru 2013 ) i Grčke (57,3 % u
julu 2013).Grčku slede Španija ( 56,5 % ) , Hrvatska ( 52,8
% ) , Kipar( 43,9 % ) , Italija ( 40,4 % ) i Portugal ( 36,9
% ) [29] . Na osnovu ovih podataka ,postavlja se pitanje
kako su pojedine zemlje uspešno zaposlile mladu radnu
snagu, dok drugi to ne mogu? Objašnjenje se ,pre svega ,može nači u dualnom sistemu obuke.Naime, studenti istovremeno obezbedjuju akademsko obrazovanje uz
sticanje radnog iskustva, a ne pohađaju samo nastavu
kao u mnogim drugim zemljama. Prednosti ovog sitema
obrazovanja uključuju dovođenje kandidata bliže tržištu
rada , čime se obezbedjuje da kvalifikacije budu u skladu sa postojećim poslovnim okruženjem. Dualni sistem
obrazovanja takođe omogućuje poslodavcima da provedu više vremena s potencijalnim zaposlenima ,kako bi se
dobio uvid u njihove sposobnosti i znanja, što smanjuje
rizik za poslodavce da donose loše kadrovske odluke.
„Evropa mora hitno da rešava nezaposlenost mladih , kako bi se spasle cele generacije mladih koje se
boje da neće naći posao „, izjasnili su se predstavnici
francuske,italijanske i nemačke vlada sredinom ove godine [34].Tom prilikom su predložene mešovite mere, uključujući pružanje pomoći malim fabrikama i jačanju nauke
i obrazovanja.U skladu s ovim opredelenjem , Evropska
komisija je predložila program pod nazivom “ Ulaganje u
mladost:Omladinske garancije“. Program Omladinske garancije ima za cilj da ponudi kvalitetan posao ili nastavak
školovanja svim mladim do 25 godina starosti u okviru
EU, u roku od četiri meseca posle završetka formalnog
obrazovanja ili nakon gubitka posla [29] . Ovaj Program
je usvojen aprila 2013. od strane Saveta ministara EU 22
na predlog Komisije EU.Njega moraju da uvedu sve zemlje članice EU u cilju rešavanja nezaposlenosti mladih.
On podrazumeva brzu reformu obrazovnog sistema koji
će biti više usmeren, nego do sada ,na praktična znanja
[26]. Program je zasnovan na iskustvima Austrije i Finske ,koje su pokazale da je ulaganje u mlade ljude veoma isplatljivo.Na primer,primena ovog Programa u Finskoj je znatno smanjila nezaposlenost medju mladima i
u periodu od tri meseca zbrinula 83.5% lica tako što su
dobila željeni posao ,oslužila pripravnički staž ili su uključena u neki od programa obuke [26]. Za neke zemlje EU
,sprovodjenje Programa iziskuje strukturne reforme.Na
primer,javne službe za zapošljavanje moraju da budu u
stanju da daju mladim nezaposlenim licima odgovarajući
savet za posao i usmere ih na obrazovne programe ,koji
su za njih najrelevantniji.U tom smislu neophodan je dija-
The first half of 2013 was marked by 2.5 million unemployed persons within the Western Balkans [22] . The
highest (55.4 percent) youth unemployment rate in the
region was faced by Croatia in the second half of 2013.
Now, it is followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with youth unemployment rate equaling to 53 percent each, followed
by Serbia with the rate equaling to 51.2 percent and
Montenegro with the rate equaling to 43.7 percent [23]
(Graph No. 1).
Now, we will list the most significant characteristics of and
priorities relating to employment in the region [28]:
• in the region, it is typical of many unemployed persons that they prefer working with informal sector
and receiving doles than working with formal sector
of economy;
• employed persons prefer working with public enterprises regardless of lower salaries there, taking into
account the salaries are regular and guaranteed;
• in recruiting, employers prefer persons with an
adequate working experience, but discriminate older persons, women, the young and persons with
lower qualifications;.
• rather high cost of labor;
limited mobility of labor force;
• inadequate sanctions imposed to employers recruiting labor force for “moonlighting” and do not pay
their mandatory contributions1.
Particular stress should be given to the fact that high unemployment (in addition to numerous causes) can not
be due primarily to economic collapse, having in mind
that all the Western Balkan countries used to face high
unemployment rates even prior to the outbreak thereof.
Namely, the economic collapse has just aggravated this
problem. The trend has been ongoing, despite many regional countries announced their soon going out of the
recession. However, our opinion is that without employment rate raise, likelihood for the Western Balkans countries to leave behind the recession is impossible.
Author’s note: “Moonlighting” refers to the employees of an
unregistered and registered company, without a formal employment contract
and payment of mandatory social and pension insurance, as well as not paid
supporting household members.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
IN THE Western Balkan countries
There is a large gap between the countries with the highest
and the ones with the lowest youth unemployment rates
within the EU-28. The discrepancy is almost 50 percent
between the member countries with the highest and the
lowest youth unemployment rates respectively, specifically Germany (.7 % in September 2013 ) and Greece (57.3 %
in July 2013). Greece is follow by Spain ( 56.5 % ) , Croatia
( 52.8 % ) , Cyprus ( 43.9 % ) , Italy ( 40.4 % ) and Portugal
( 36.9 % ) [29] . Based on the foregoing data, a question
is posed of how certain countries have succeeded to employ youth labor force, whereas other have not? An explanation can be found, primarily, in dual training system.
Namely, students of the former countries go for academic
education simultaneously to working, i.e. gaining working
experience, meaning that they are not engaged only in
attending lectures as students in the latter countries do.
Advantages of such an education system involve bringing
candidates closer to the labor market and, thereby, ensuring the qualifications are in conformity with the existing
business environment. The dual education system makes
it possible for employers to take more time with probable employees and get an insight in their capacities and
knowledge, which all reduces the employer’s risk to make
poor human resources-related decisions.
„Europe must urgently tackle youth unemployment, urging action to rescue an entire generation who fear they
will not find jobs“ the French, German and Italian Governments’ representatives made statement in the middle of
the current year. [34]. On that occasion, suggested were
heterogeneous measures, including also the ones to deliver assistance to small factories and to strengthen science and education. In line with the said commitment,
the European Commission recommended the Program:
Investing for Youth: The Youth Guarantee. The The Youth
Guarantee Program is aimed at offering appropriate jobs
or continuation of education to all the young up to the
age of 25, within the EU, in four-month time as of the
completion of their formal education or job loss [29]. The
Youth Guarantee Recommendation was adopted in April
2013 by the Council of Ministers of the EU 22, upon the
proposal by the EU Commission. It must be introduced by
all member countries of the EU with the aim of solving
youth unemployment. It connotes fast reform of education system to generate the system be more than it has
used to be so far oriented to practical skills. [26]. The Program is based on the experience of Austria and Finland
that have demonstrated that investing in young people is
very profitable. For example, application of the Program
in Finland resulted in considerable reduction in unemployment amongst young people, with 83.5% successfully
allocated a job, traineeship or apprenticeship within three
months of registering [26]. For many member countries
of the EU , the implementation of the Program will require structural reforms. For example, public employment
services must be able to ensure individual young people
receive appropriate advice on job, education and training opportunities most relevant to their own situation. In
terms of that, a dialogue between trade unions, unions of
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
log izmedju sindikata ,udruženja poslodavaca,obrazovnih
institucija i vlasti ,kako bi se obezbedila struktura i vrsta
edukacije od praktične koristi. Međunarodna organizacija rada procenjuje da će realizacija ovog Programa koštati zemlje članice oko 21 milijarde € godišnje.Značajnu
finansijsku podršku Programu obezbedio je Evropski socijalni fond (ESF) [1].
U svom nedavnom izveštaju o globalnim trendovima zapošljavanja ,Medjunarodna organizacija rada [1] , navodi pet ključnih područja delovanja politike zapošljavanja
1. Uticaj na povećanje agregatne potražnje i poboljšanja pristupa finansijama ;
2. Obuku za lakše premošćavanje prelaska iz procesa školovanja u proces rada, kako bi se smanjile neuskladjenosti na tržištu rada;
3. Delovanje u cilju zapošljavanja mladih, koji su u
najnepovoljnijem položaju;
4. Pružanje pomoći mladima kod pokretanja preduzetničkih poslova i kod samozapošljavanja;
5. Zaštita prava radnika u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima rada ,kako bi se osiguralo da
mladi ljudi dobijaju jednak tretman u svim zemljama;
Usredsredjivanje na mala i srednja preduzeća ,
koja su ključna tačka za ulazak na tržište rada za
većinu nezaposlenih lica.
Države članice koje imaju najvišu stopu nezaposlenosti
mladih moraće da krenu sa sprovodjenjem ovog Programa do kraja 2013. godine,a one druge najkasnije do
proleća 2014 [35].
4.1. Primeri dobre prakse: Austrija i Nemačka
Austrija ima najnižu stopu nezaposlenosti u Evropi od 4 odsto i samo 2,5 % fakultetski obrazovanih
su bez posla[32] .Nemačka je odmah iza Austrije
po najnižoj stopi nezaposlenosti od 5,7%.Čak i u
najgoroj godini recesije od 2008-9 u Nemačkoj i
Austriji , bio je minimalni porast nezaposlenosti
(0,3% i 1% respektivno) [32]. U austrijskom slučaju mlada nezaposlena lica koja su uključena u
programe obuke ,nisu ubrojena kao nezaposlena lica ,što nije slučaj sa drugim zemljama.Ako bi
se i oni uzeli u obzir ,stopa nezaposlenosti mladih
bi bila nešto veća , tj.za uzrast 15-24 bi porasla sa
7,3% (nacionalni slika) na 9,3% [33].Takodje ,prema istraživanjima Schweighofera [33] oko 15,5%
su nezaposlena lica izmedju 50 i 59 godina ,što
je duplo više od prosečne stope nezaposlenosti
u Austriji.
Nemačka ima izrazito regulisano tržište rada , što
znači da fabrike nisu u mogućnosti da lako otpuste svoje zaposlene To takodje govori da je teže
za mlade ljude da pronadju posao, s obzirom da
su poslodavci manje spremni da reskiraju i da
zaposle radnika koji nema radno iskustvo .Inače, Nemačka je problem nezaposlenosti mladih
uspela da reši usvajanjem sistema dualnog treninga. Bez dualnog sitema obrazovanja ,stopa
nezaposlenosti mladih bila bi slična u Nemačkoj kao i u Francuskoj ili Italiji.Iz tih razloga , u
Nemačkoj regulisano tržište rada se nalazi u tesnoj simbiozi sa dualnim obrazovnim sistemom.
Medjutim, postoji mišljenje da nije samo dualni
sistem obuke doprineo rešavanju problema zapošljavanja u Nemačkoj.To se objašnjava i činjenicom da je radna snaga podcenjena za 10% u
Nemačkoj , dok je u Grčkoj precenjena za više od
30% ( kada su zarade u pitanju)[32] .
Iskustva Austrije i Nemačke su teško primenjiva na zemlje
poput Grčke ,Španije ili zemlje zapadnog Balkana, koje su
u velikoj meri pogodjene ekonomskom krizom. Uprkos
tome, mogu se izvuči neke pozitivne pouke iz njihovih
rezultata .Pre svega ,treba uzeti u obzir da su u Austriji i
Nemačkoj nastavni planovi i programi relevantni i uskladjeni sa potrebama tržišta rada.Pore toga,obezbedjene su
različite mere i usmerene na one grupe ,koje su najviše
ugrožene. Takodje, ključni faktori uspeha sistema obuke
u ovim zemljama u potpunosti odgovaraju standardima
,koje je postavila Medjunarodna organizacija rada .Naime, prema Medjunarodnoj organizaciji rada [1] ,treba
provesti 3-4 godine obuke na poslu ,koristeći radno mesto kao ključni resurs za učenje 4 dana nedeljno u firmi
i 1 dan nedeljno u strukovnoj školi.Ova obuka je u funkciji potreba preduzeća.Takodje , ona je uskladjena i prati
nastavne planove i programe u strukovnim školama ,koji
vode do diplome .Osim toga ,treba spomenuti i nisku početnu platu od nekih 12 - 46% od prosečne plate kvalifikovanog osoblja u istoj struci .Tako je pripravnička plata
tokom prve godine treninga iznosila € 300-800, dok je
treće godine bila od € 550 do 1600. Slične plate su i u
Švajcarskoj i Nemačkoj za početnike [30][31].
4.2. Politika zapošljavanja mladih u zemljama Zapadnog
Balkana: mere i preporuke
Uspešne mere ekonomske politike treba da kombinuju
zahteve ponude i tražnje za radnom snagom i u skladu
sa tim da motivišu i osposobljavaju za rad nezaposlene
osobe .Motivacione mere uključuju informacije, savetovanje i usmeravanje, edukacijske mere podrške za samozapošljavanje , i druge oblike aktivacionih mera na tržištu
rada . Prava i odgovornosti lica koja traže posao jasno su
definisani.Njihovo nepridržavanje dovodi do smanjivanja
novčane pomoći nezaposlenima i brisanja iz registra.Takav sistem „ štapa i šargarepe“ ,pokazao se uspešnim
u mnogim zemljama EU.Medjutim ,u zemljama zapadnog Balkana se bitno razlikuju uslovi na tržištu rada.
Naime,zajednička karakteristika tržišta rada u zemljama
zapadnog Balkana je visoka neformalna zaposlenost
.Stoga ,mere na strani ponude i potražnje radne snage
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
employers, education instituion and the power is required
so as to ensure structure and education of practical benefit. The International Labour Organisation has estimated
the cost of setting up Youth Guarantees as €21 billion per
year. Significant financial support to the Program has
been provided by the European Social Fund (ESF) [1].
In their recent report on Global Employment Trends, the
International Labor Organization [1] lists five key areas of
youth employment policy acting, as follows:
1. stimulating aggregate demand increase and improving access to finance ;
2. training for building bridges between education
and the world of work, in order to reduce inconsistencies within the labor market;
3. acting with the aim of providing jobs to young
people in most unfavorable situation;
4. providing assistance to young people by supporting entrepreneurship and self-employment;
5. protecting the rights of laborers in line with the
international labor standards, in order to ensure
that young people in all countries receive equal
6. focusing on small- and medium-size enterprises
that are the key point for majority of unemployed
persons when entering the labor market.
The member countries with the highest youth unemployment rates will have to start implementing the program
by the late 2013, with the other ones will have to start it
by the spring of 2014 [35].
4.1. Examples of good practice: Austria and Germany
Austria is with the lowest unemployment rate in
Europe, amounting to 4 percent, and with only
2.5% of university graduates out of works [32] .
Germany is immediately behind Austria, by the
lowest unemployment rate that is 5.7%. Even
during the worst recession year as of 2008-9 in
Germany and Austria, unemployment increase
has been the lowest (0.3% and 1% respectively)
[32]. In case of Austria, young unemployed people involved in training programs have not been
counted as unemployed persons, which was not
the case in other countries. If they were taken
into consideration as well, youth unemployment
rate would be somewhat higher, i.e. for persons
aged 15 to 24 it would increase from 7.3% (national observation) to 9.3% [33]. Besides, according to the researches done by Schweighofera [33],
some 15.5% are unemployed persons aged 50 to
59, which is more than double than the average
unemployment rate in Austria.
Germany has the labor market distinctively regulated, meaning that factories are not in a position to dismiss their employees. That also speaks
about more difficulties for the young people to
find jobs, taking into account that employers are
less ready to risk and to recruit a worker who is
without working experience. Anyway, Germany
succeeded to solve the problem of youth unemployment by adopting the system of dual train-
ing. Without a system of dual training, Germany’s
youth unemployment rate would be similar to the
one of France or Italy. Due to those reasons, the
regulated German labor market is in close couple with the system of dual education. However,
there is an opinion that not only such system of
dual training was what contributed to solving employment-related problems in Germany. That is
explained by the fact that labor force in Germany
is roughly 10% undervalued and Greeks and Italians are more than 30% overpaid ( when it comes
to earnings) [32] .
Experience of Austria and Germany are hardly applicable
to those countries like Greece, Spain or the Western Balkan countries that have been affected to a large extent
by the economic crisis. Nevertheless, some positive messages can be taken out from their outcomes. Primarily,
Austrian and Germany curricula are relevant to and in
conformity with the labor market demands. Beforehand,
a variety of measure were provided for and dedicated to
the most vulnerable groups. Besides, the key factors of
the training system success in the two countries were entirely in conformity with the standards prescribed by the
International Labor Organization. To be exact, according
to the International Labor Organization [1] , it is required
to take 3 – 4 years of on-the-job training, taking advantage
of the job as the key resource for in-company learning 4
days and 1-day learning in a vocational school in a week.
This kind of training is in the function of enterprises. Besides, it has been in conformity with and follows the curricula of vocational schools, and leads to the secondary
school graduation as well. Additionally, it is required to
mention also the low starting salary amounting to some
12 – 46% of the average salary paid to qualified staff in
the same vocation/profession. Thus, the trainee salary
during the first year of training amounted to € 300-800,
whereas in the third year it was € 550 – 1,600. Similar
salaries are paid also in Switzerland and Germany to the
beginners [30][31].
4.2. Youth employment policy in the Western Balkan
countries: measures and recommendations
Successful economic policies should combine requirements posed by the labor force demand and supply, and,
in line with that, motivate and train unemployed persons
for work. Incentive measures include informing, advising
and guiding, educational measures to support self-employment, and other forms of incentive measures available within the labor market. The rights and responsibilities required by job positions are clearly defined. Failure
to abide by them leads to reducing money benefits paid
to unemployed persons and to deregistering them from
the registers. Such “carrot and stick” approach has appeared to be successful in many countries of the EU. However, in the Western Balkans countries, conditions within
the labor market differ. To be precise here, the common
characteristic of the labor markets in the Western Balkan
countries is a high informal employment rate. Therefore,
the measures on the labor force supply and demand side
should be for increasing employment rate and salary assurance, which is of paramount importance not only for
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
,trebalo bi da povećaju stope zaposlenosti i sigurnost zarada ,što je izuzetno važno ne samo za ekonomski razvoj
regiona,već i za ostvarivanje ciljeva socijalne inkluzije
nezaposlenih lica i onih koji rade u neformalnom sektoru privredjivanja. Faktori koji utiču na tražnju za radnom
snagom i samim tim na efikasnost politike aktivacije nezaposlenih lica obuhvataju ukupnu cenu rada ,pravne i
administrativne procedure za zapošljavanje ,moguće
sankcije za neregularne prakse zapošljavanja i druge
[28]. Osim toga, postoji potreba da se odredi ‘profil’ ljudi
koji su registrovani kao nezaposleni. Profiliranje strukture nezaposlenih lica pomaže kod dijagnostifikovanja
pojedinačne nezaposlenosti i proceni rizik od dugoročne
nezaposlenosti,i u skladu s tim ponudi pomoć [37]. Trenutno, samo Hrvatska i Crna Gora prave razliku između
onih lica ,koja imaju potrebne veštine i znanja kako bi se
odmah mogla da uključe u potragu za poslom u skladu
sa njihovim profesionalnim planom.
S obzirom da iskustva razvijenih ekonomija ukazuju na
značaj preduzetništva u procesu smanjivanja nezaposlenosti , uradili smo istraživanje s ciljem da utvrdimo koliko
su mladi ljudi uopšte zainteresovani da osnivaju svoje
firme i samozapošljavaju se. Istraživanje smo radili na
uzorku od 150 mladih ljudi između 20 i 30 godina starosti, koji su u najvećem broju (80%) studenti završnih
godina visokih poslovnih škola. Istraživanje u kome je
učestvovao gotovo podjednak broj ispitanika muškog i
ženskog pola (51% i 49% respektivno), rađeno je u Srbiji.
Ispitanici su odgovarali na deset pitanja[13].Pomenuto
istraživanje je pokazalo da mladi ispoljavaju interesovanje za samozapošljavanje i uplovljavanje u preduzetničke
vode ( 43 % ispitanika se izjasnilo da želi da pokrene vlastiti biznis). Naši ispitanici su na pitanje ,“Šta je od presudnog značaja za postizanje poslovnog uspeha preduzetnika“ u najvećem broju (47%) odgovorili da znanje ima
najvažniju ulogu.Takođe,čak 80% ispitanika ovo mišljenje potvrđuje odgovorom da je formalno preduzetničko
obrazovanje neophodno za podsticanje preduzetničkih
sposobnosti učenika i studenata ,ali da nema adekvatnih takvih programa. To ide u prilog našem mišljenju da
preduzetnički programi treba da se uvedu na svim nivoima edukacije učenika (od osnovnog do univerzitetskog
obrazovanja). Pri tome treba imati u vidu da kreativne
sposobnosti poseduje svaki pojedinac, ali u kom stepenu
će se ovi potencijali razviti umnogome zavisi od stepena
njihovog podsticanja. Naime, obrazovanje u ovom pogledu ima krucijalnu ulogu i od njega u mnogome zavisi da
li će se školovati “pasivni reproduktivci” ili “aktivni kreativci”. Naime,pomenuto i slična istraživanja zaključuju
da obuka u domenu preduzetništva i sticanje praktičnih
znanja direktno imaju uticaj na preduzetničke kompetencije.Shodno tome,ova saznanja mogu da budu veoma
podsticajna za obrazovne institucije da investiraju u ove
programe i vrše obuku na svim nivoima obrazovanja ,počevši još od najranijeg uzrasta dece.Na duži rok to može
da ima vrlo pozitivne efekte na ekonomski razvoj,preko
razvoja preduzetničke kulture medju mladima
Ogromne strukturne promene na tržištu rada u zemljama
zapadnog Balkana, koje su nastale kao rezultat procesa
tranzicije zajedno sa tromim i nereformisanim obrazovnim sistemom,uticali su na veliki raskorak izmedju ponude i tražnje za radnom snagom.Da bi se smanjio ovaj jaz
,neophodan je dobar obrazovni sistem i pružanje mogućnosti za celoživotno učenje .Oni su od vitalnog značaja za dugoročni privredni razvoj, a time i za smanjenje
nezaposlenosti. To podrazumeva reformisanje obrazovnog sistema uz korišćenje primera dobre prakse neke od
zemalja ,koje smo analizirali u ovom radu. Posebno je
od važnosti kod rešavanja nezaposlenosti mladih da se
preduzimaju stalno mere i paralelno vode na tri fronta :
preko aktivnih programa za mlade –sistema praktičnog
rada – kroz edukaciju na strukovnim školama i fakultetima – i preko tercijarnog strukovnog obrazovanja (visokim i stručnim školama) . Po mišljenju nekih naučnika ,to
su ujedno i ključni faktori uspeha u rešavanju problema
nezaposlenosti mladih [36].Osim toga ,neophodno je
otkloniti i visok stepen korupcije u obrazovanju ,koji karakteriše gotovo sve zemlje u regionu.Stoga , države regiona moraju da se uključe u sistemsko razračunavanje
sa problemom korupcije.Diplome koje za pokriće nemaju
znanje ,one direktno mogu da doprinesu daljem rastu
nezaposlenosti .Uklanjanjem postojećih prepreka i poboljšanjem poslovnog ambijenta , značajno bi se doprinelo rastu zapošljavanja i otvaranju novih radnih mesta ,
što bi dalo šansu i mladim nezaposlenim osobama da se
socijalno uključe .To sve iziskuje brze reforme ,koje treba
da prati politička volja i podrška civilnog društva.Naime ,
reformama treba pristupiti bez odlaganja i uprkos krizi .
Upravo , kriza najbolje može i da se pobedi novim inicijativama i aktivnom ekonomskom politikom zapošljavanja i
tako amortizuju socijalne i ekonomske posledice po mlade, koji predstavljaju jednu od socijalno najugroženijih
kategorija stanovništva .
1. ILO (2012), Global Employment Trends for Youth, Geneva.Na internetu: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/
2. Eurostat (2013),Youth in EU, http://ec.europa.eu/
3. Casert ,R. and Melvin,D. (2013), Unemployment risks
creating new divide in Europe ,Associated Press , January 8, 2013. Na internetu: http://www.boston.com/news/
4. World Bank-Montenegro (2013), Izvještaj Svjetske banke za dugoročni ekonomski oporavak Crne
economic development but for attaining the goals of
the social inclusion of unemployed persons and of those
working with informal sector of economy as well. Factors
that affect the labor force demand and, in so doing, efficient policy of activating unemployed persons include
the overall wage rate, legal and administrative procedure
costs incurred during recruitment process, possible fines
imposed due to irregular employment practices and alike
[28]. Besides, there is a need to determine the ‘profile’
of persons registered as unemployed. Profiling the structure of unemployed persons helps diagnosing individual
unemployed persons and assessing the risk of long-term
unemployment, whereas, in line with all of that, also assistance offering [37]. Currently, only Croatia and Montenegro make difference between the persons that have the
required skills and knowledge to be immediately involved
in seeking a job that matches with their career plans.
Taking into account that the experience of developed
economies indicates the importance of entrepreneurship to the process of unemployment reduction, we did a
research aimed at finding out to which extent the young
people are interested in setting up their own companies
and undertaking self-employment. The research was
done on the sample of 150 young persons aged 20 to 30,
who were mainly (80) students of the final years of higher
business schools. The research, which was taken part by
almost equal number of male and female respondents
(51% and 49% respectively), was undertaken in Serbia.
The respondents gave answers to ten questions [13]. The
foregoing research has shown that the young people express their interests in self-employment and in sailing into
entrepreneurial waters ( 43 % of the respondents stated
that they would like to start up their own business). To
he question: “What is of crucial importance to attaining
entrepreneurial business succeeds“, the majority (47%) of
our respondents answered that knowledge took the priority importance. In addition, even 80% of the respondents
confirmed this opinion by the answer that formal entrepreneurship education was required to encourage entrepreneurial competences of pupils and students, but there
were not appropriate curricula for the purpose. That is
what is in favor of our opinion that entrepreneurship curriculum should be introduced at all levels of education
- starting from the elementary and going to the university education. At the same time, it should be taken into
account that creative capacities are in every individual,
but the degree to which those potentials will be developed depends largely on how much they are encouraged.
Namely, in this regard the crucial role is played by education and whether the outcomes will be “passive reproducers” or “active creative personalities” depends largely
on it. Namely, the aforementioned and similar researches
have concluded that the entrepreneurship training and
acquiring practical know-how have direct effect on entrepreneurial competences. Accordingly, this awareness
can indeed inspire educational institutions to invest in the
said curricula and undertake training at all levels of education, starting from the earliest age of children . In the
long-term sense, that can also make positive effects on
economic development, via youth entrepreneurial culture
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Huge transition-induced changes within the Western Balkan countries’ labor markets hand in hand with inefficient
and non-reformed education system have entailed a large
discrepancy between labor force supply and demand.
In order to reduce the said gap, it is necessary to have
well designed education system and provided opportunities for lifelong learning. They are of crucial importance
for long-term economic development and, thereby, for
unemployment rate reduction. That implies education
reforming with using lessons learned from the practice
of one of the countries that we have analyzed under the
present paper. Of particular importance to solving youth
unemployment issue is to undertake ongoing measures at
three levels in parallel, i.e. via active programs designed
for the young - the system of practical work – and via education in vocational schools and faculties and via tertiary
vocational education (higher and vocational schools) too.
As some authors believe, those are - at the same time the key factors of success in solving youth unemployment
issue [36]. Besides, it is required to eliminate also a high
level of corruption in education, which is typical of almost
all the regional countries. Therefore, the regional countries must engage themselves in systematic fight with
problems posed by corruption. Diplomas not supported
by knowledge are capable of directly contributing to furthering the unemployment. Elimination of the existing
barriers and improving the business environment would
considerably contribute to employment rise and new job
positions creation, which would in turn give an opportunity also to young unemployed people to have their social
inclusion. All that requires fast reforms that should be followed by political will and civil society support. Namely,
reforms should be approached to without a delay and regardless of the crisis. To be exact, the crisis can be overcome by new initiatives and an active economic employment policy and thereby mitigate social and economic
adversities to the young people that are one of the most
vulnerable categories of population.
1. ILO (2012), Global Employment Trends for Youth, Geneva.Na internetu: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/
2. Eurostat (2013),Youth in EU, http://ec.europa.eu/
3. Casert ,R. and Melvin,D. (2013), Unemployment risks
creating new divide in Europe ,Associated Press , January 8, 2013. Na internetu: http://www.boston.com/news/
4. World Bank-Montenegro (2013), Izvještaj Svjetske banke za dugoročni ekonomski oporavak Crne
5. EurActiv ,(2012). Balkan napredovao sa reformom sektora malih preduzeća .Na internetu : http://www.euractiv.rs/eu-i-zapadni-balkan/4910-zapadni-balkan-napredovao-u-reformi-sektora-malih-preduzea6. McClelland, D. C. & Winter, D.G. (1969), Motivating
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
5. EurActiv ,(2012). Balkan napredovao sa reformom sektora malih preduzeća .Na internetu : http://www.euractiv.rs/eu-i-zapadni-balkan/4910-zapadni-balkan-napredovao-u-reformi-sektora-malih-preduzea6. McClelland, D. C. & Winter, D.G. (1969), Motivating
Economic Achievement. New York: the Free Press.
7. Hatten, T. & Ruhland (1995). Student attitudes toward
entrepreneurship as affected by participation in an SBI
program. Journal of Education for Business, 7(4), 224227.
8. Hansemark, O. (1998). The effects of an entrepreneurship programme on need for achievement and locus of
control of reinforcement. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behaviour and Research,4(1), 28-50.
9. McMullan, W.E., Long, W.A., & Graham, J.B. (1986).
Entrepreneurship education in the nineties.Journal of
Business Venturing, 2(3), 261-275.
10. Vesper, K.H., & McMullan, W.E. (1988), Entrepreneurship:
degrees?,Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
11. Plaschka, G.R. & Welsch, H.P. (1990). Emerging structures in entrepreneurship education:Curricular designs
and strategies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
14(3), 55-71.
12. Bechard, .P. & Tolouse, J.M. 1998. Validation of a didactic model for the analysis of training objectives in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing13.
13. Radovic-Markovic, M. (2012) Corruption in Education: A Major Issue, Op-ed.Journal No. 2, the World Academy of Art and Science, July, 2012.). On the Internet:
14. Zioło Z., 2006. Rola przedsiębiorczości w podnoszeniu
konkurencyjności społeczeństwa i gospodarki. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 2, 10-17.
15. Berger S., Canning R., Dolan M., Kurek S., Pilz M.,
Rachwał T., 2012. Curriculum-making in pre-vocational
education in the lower secondary school: A regional
comparative analysis within Europe, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44 (5), 679-701.
16. Cieślik J, 2007. Kształcenie w zakresie przedsiębiorczości na poziomie akademickim, [in:] Kształtowanie postaw przedsiębiorczych a edukacja ekonomiczna, eds. P.
Wachowiak, M. Dabrowski, B. Majewski, Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych, Warszawa, 71-80.
17. Jankowska B., Pietrzykowski M., 2012. Postawy proprzedsiębiorcze studentów a profil kształcenia - Polska
na tle innych krajów, Przegląd Organizacji, 8, 28-32.
18. Jankowska B., Pietrzykowski M., 2013, Pro-entrepreneurial attitudes of students in relation to their educational profile: Poland against the background of other
countries. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 2 (4), 83-102.
19. Juchnowicz M., 2005. Uwagi dotyczące realizacji
przedmiotu podstawy przedsiębiorczości. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 1, 189-193.
20. Juchnowicz M., 2007. Polityka edukacyjna wobec potrzeb rynku pracy [in:] Kształtowanie postaw przedsiębiorczych a edukacja ekonomiczna, eds. P. Wachowiak, M.
Dabrowski, B. Majewski, Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji
Kierunków Ekonomicznych, Warszawa, 40-46.
21. Kuratko D. F., 2005, The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Education: Development, Trends, and Challenges
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29 (5), 577–598.
22. Bez posla 2,5 miliona ljudi na zapadnom Balkanu
(2013) ,Centar za nove inicijative ,Sarajevo.Na internetu
23. The International Monetary Fund (2013), No. 13/02,
11 January 2013.
24. Radovic-Markovic, M. et. al. (2012), Nove obrazovne
strategije nasuprot tradicionalnim metodama, International Review No.1-2,2012. Fakultet za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo ,Beograd.
25. European Comission (2013) , Youth employment.
Na internetu : http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.
26. European Commission (2013 a) , EU measures to tackle youth unemployment, - MEMO/13/968 08/11/2013.
Na internetu : http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_
27. IndexMundi,(2012), Unemployment, youth ages
15-24.Na internetu: http://www.indexmundi.com/g/r.
28. Crnkovic-Pozaic ,S .and Feiler , L .(2011),Activating
the unemployed optimising activation policiesin the Western Balkans and Turkey,ETF,Brisel
29. Eugene Eteris, Dealing with youth unemployment: EU
measures, Copenhagen, 12.11.2013.Na internetu: http://
30. Ryan, Paul, Wagner, Karin, Teuber, Silvia, Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2010), Trainee Pay in Britain, Germany and
Switzerland: Markets and Institutions, in SKOPE Research
Paper No 96, July 2010.
31. Steedman, Hilary (2010), The State of Apprenticeship
in 2010, A Report for the Apprenticeship Ambassadors
Network, LSE.
32. Traynor,I. (2012), Spain looks to Vienna and Berlin for
answers to jobs crisis,The Guardian.Na internetu : http://
33. Schweighofer,J. (2013), Why Is Youth Unemployment So Low In Austria? A Critical Assessment,Social
Europe Journal.Na internetu: http://www.social-europe.
34. European countries vow to tackle youth
unemployment,Reuters,Pariz ,30.maj 2013. http://www.
35. World Bank (2013) ,Live Q&A - Tackling Unemployment in South Eastern Europe, 25 juli ,2013.Na inter-
Economic Achievement. New York: the Free Press.
7. Hatten, T. & Ruhland (1995). Student attitudes toward
entrepreneurship as affected by participation in an SBI
program. Journal of Education for Business, 7(4), 224227.
8. Hansemark, O. (1998). The effects of an entrepreneurship programme on need for achievement and locus of
control of reinforcement. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behaviour and Research,4(1), 28-50.
9. McMullan, W.E., Long, W.A., & Graham, J.B. (1986).
Entrepreneurship education in the nineties.Journal of
Business Venturing, 2(3), 261-275.
10. Vesper, K.H., & McMullan, W.E. (1988), Entrepreneurship: Today courses, tomorrow degrees? Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
11. Plaschka, G.R. & Welsch, H.P. (1990). Emerging structures in entrepreneurship education:Curricular designs
and strategies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
14(3), 55-71.
12. Bechard, .P. & Tolouse, J.M. 1998. Validation of a didactic model for the analysis of training objectives in entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing13.
13. Radovic-Markovic, M. (2012) Corruption in Education: A Major Issue, Op-ed.Journal No. 2, the World Academy of Art and Science, July, 2012.). On the Internet:
14. Zioło Z., 2006. Rola przedsiębiorczości w podnoszeniu
konkurencyjności społeczeństwa i gospodarki. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 2, 10-17.
15. Berger S., Canning R., Dolan M., Kurek S., Pilz M.,
Rachwał T., 2012. Curriculum-making in pre-vocational
education in the lower secondary school: A regional
comparative analysis within Europe, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44 (5), 679-701.
16. Cieślik J, 2007. Kształcenie w zakresie przedsiębiorczości na poziomie akademickim, [in:] Kształtowanie postaw przedsiębiorczych a edukacja ekonomiczna, eds. P.
Wachowiak, M. Dabrowski, B. Majewski, Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych, Warszawa, 71-80.
17. Jankowska B., Pietrzykowski M., 2012. Postawy proprzedsiębiorcze studentów a profil kształcenia - Polska
na tle innych krajów, Przegląd Organizacji, 8, 28-32.
18. Jankowska B., Pietrzykowski M., 2013, Pro-entrepreneurial attitudes of students in relation to their educational profile: Poland against the background of other
countries. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 2 (4), 83-102.
19. Juchnowicz M., 2005. Uwagi dotyczące realizacji
przedmiotu podstawy przedsiębiorczości. Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 1, 189-193.
20. Juchnowicz M., 2007. Polityka edukacyjna wobec potrzeb rynku pracy [in:] Kształtowanie postaw przedsiębiorczych a edukacja ekonomiczna, eds. P. Wachowiak, M.
Dabrowski, B. Majewski, Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji
Kierunków Ekonomicznych, Warszawa, 40-46.
21. Kuratko D. F., 2005, The Emergence of Entreprene-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
urship Education: Development, Trends, and Challenges
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29 (5), 577–598.
22. Bez posla 2,5 miliona ljudi na zapadnom Balkanu
(2013) ,Centar za nove inicijative ,Sarajevo.Na internetu
23. The International Monetary Fund (2013), No. 13/02,
11 January 2013.
24. Radovic-Markovic, M. et. al. (2012), Nove obrazovne
strategije nasuprot tradicionalnim metodama, International Review No.1-2,2012. Fakultet za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo ,Beograd.
25. European Comission (2013) , Youth employment.
Na internetu : http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.
26. European Commission (2013 a) , EU measures to tackle youth unemployment, - MEMO/13/968 08/11/2013.
Na internetu : http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_
27. IndexMundi,(2012), Unemployment, youth ages
15-24.Na internetu: http://www.indexmundi.com/g/r.
28. Crnkovic-Pozaic ,S .and Feiler , L .(2011),Activating
the unemployed optimising activation policiesin the Western Balkans and Turkey,ETF,Brisel
29. Eugene Eteris, Dealing with youth unemployment: EU
measures, Copenhagen, 12.11.2013.Na internetu: http://
30. Ryan, Paul, Wagner, Karin, Teuber, Silvia, Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2010), Trainee Pay in Britain, Germany and
Switzerland: Markets and Institutions, in SKOPE Research
Paper No 96, July 2010.
31. Steedman, Hilary (2010), The State of Apprenticeship
in 2010, A Report for the Apprenticeship Ambassadors
Network, LSE.
32. Traynor,I. (2012), Spain looks to Vienna and Berlin for
answers to jobs crisis,The Guardian.Na internetu : http://
33. Schweighofer,J. (2013), Why Is Youth Unemployment So Low In Austria? A Critical Assessment,Social
Europe Journal.Na internetu: http://www.social-europe.
34. European countries vow to tackle youth
unemployment,Reuters,Pariz ,30.maj 2013. http://www.
35. World Bank (2013) ,Live Q&A - Tackling Unemployment in South Eastern Europe, 25 juli ,2013.Na internetu:. http://live.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/archive/en/tackling-unemployment-south-eastern-europe
36. Lassnigg, L. (2013), Austria´s Success on the Youth
Labour Market – not Systemic but Voluntaristic, www.
37. Weber, T.(2011), Profiling systems for effective labour
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
netu:. http://live.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/archive/en/tackling-unemployment-south-eastern-europe
36. Lassnigg, L. (2013), Austria´s Success on the Youth
Labour Market – not Systemic but Voluntaristic, www.
37. Weber, T.(2011), Profiling systems for effective labour
market integration, Thematic synthesis paper for the European Commission Mutual Learning Programme of Public Employment Services,DG Employment, Social Affairs
and Inclusion, May 2011. Na internetu :http://ec.europa.
38. Radovic Markovic,M.(2012), A New Model of Education : Development of Individuality through the Freedom
of Learning. Eruditio, issue I, Part 3,World Academy of
Arts and Science, United States
market integration, Thematic synthesis paper for the European Commission Mutual Learning Programme of Public Employment Services,DG Employment, Social Affairs
and Inclusion, May 2011. Na internetu :http://ec.europa.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
38. Radovic Markovic,M.(2012), A New Model of Education : Development of Individuality through the Freedom
of Learning. Eruditio, issue I, Part 3,World Academy of
Arts and Science, United States
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Mladen Grgić
Saradnik na Evropskom institutu za azijske studije u Briselu
Zapošljavanje u državnoj administraciji:
lekcije iz istorije Kine
Autor je osnovne studije završio na Fakultetu političkih
nauka u Bariju. Kao stipendista italijanske vlade, upisuje specijalističke studije u Bolonji, nakon kojih završava
master studije na Katoličkom univerzitetu Svetog srca u
Milanu. Profesionalno iskustvo stiče u međunarodnim organizacijama (OEBS, UNHCR, Vijeće Evrope) i privatnim
kompanijama. Doktorant je na Fakultetu političkih nauka
u Podgorici, saradnik na Evropskom institutu za azijske
studije u Briselu i direktor kompanije ITI Computers. Kao
stipendista kineske vlade, proveo je godinu kao viši istraživač na univerzitetu Siamen u Kini. Učesnik je brojnih
konferencija i autor više članaka iz oblasti međunarodnih
odnosa, s fokusom na kinesku spoljnu politiku.
Dok je Evropa duboko tonula u „mračno doba“, karakterisano potpunom ekonomskom i kulturološkom stagnacijom, čestim ratovima, širenjem kuge i velikog siromaštva,
imperijalna Kina je pod dinastijamaSui (581–618) i Tang
(618-907) uvela sistem prijemnih ispita za rad u državnoj administraciji. Po mišljenju jednog od najuticajnijih
aziologa,Džona Kinga Ferbanka[1987, st. 27], ovaj izum
vrijedan je koliko i uvođenje predstavničke vlade.
Sistem koji je,uz manje prekide,u Kini trajao 1300 godina,
imao je za cilj stvaranje efikasne administracije čiji će zaposleni biti samo oni koji su ispunili stroge kriterijume ispita.Odabirani su, dakle, samo najsposobniji za odgovoran posao državne administracije. Takođe, kako je sistem
bio zasnovan na principu meritokratije, prema kome je
svakom kandidatu (u teoriji)1pružena jednaka šansa, trebalo je da prkosi monopolizaciji administracije od strane
određenih elita.
Poenta ovog teksta jeste predstavljanje ideje sistema prijemnih ispita kao efikasne metode za depolitizaciju ideklijentelizaciju administracije i stvaranje sistema koji se
zasniva na meritokratiji i koji svim mladim ljudima treba
da omogući jednake šanse za dobijanje državnog posla.
Dobro je poznato da državna administracija igra ključnu
ulogu u reformisanjujedne države i stvaranju ambijenta
koji omogućava ekonomski razvoj i sveobuhvatni napredak društva. Takve je temelje posebno važno graditi u
Podaci pokazuju da su predstavnici nižih slojeva društva, i pored
uvođenja sistema prijemnih ispita,veoma rijetko uspijevali da zauzmu mjesto
u državnoj administraciji (Elman, 2009, st. 405)
zemljama koje su u tranziciji i koje su imale turbulentan
prelaz sa jednog u drugi sistem (odnosno, iz jednopartijske vladavine u parlamentarnu demokratiju i iz socijalističkog privređivanja u kapitalizam) i nisu uspijele u potpunosti da reformišu administraciju koja, kako se često
čini, i dalje funkcioniše po starim principima i uz veliki
uticaj politike.
Sistem prijemnihispita,kao metod za biranje najboljeg kadra u državnoj upravi, nije karakterističan samo za kinesku administraciju u periodu od sedmog do početka 20.
vijeka. Naprotiv, taj metod se koristio i koristiu mnogim
drugim državama, pogotovo na Zapadu. Ovdje se kineski model navodi kao primijer jer se pretpostavlja da je
to prvi takav sistem poznat svjetskoj istoriji. Teng [1943,
str. 267] citira odlomak iz djela Sun Jat Sena,Ustav pet
snaga,u kojem „otac nacije“ navodi sljedeće:
„Danas,među zapadnim nacijama, prijemni ispiti za državnu administraciju uglavnom kopiraju engleski model.
Međutim, ako odemo dublje u istoriju, uvidjećemo da je
engleski sistem preuzet od Kine. Imamo dobre razloge da
vjerujemo da je kineski sistem prijemnih ispita najstariji i
najsofisticiraniji sistem u svijetu.“2
Sistem prijemnih ispita ostavio je snažan utisak na Sun
Jat Sena, ali će biti ukinut 1905. godine. Nakontoga, uslijedio je odlazak posljednje dinastije i stvaranje kineske
republike. Jat Sen, prvi kineski predsjednik, zalagaće se
za ponovno uvođenje sistema prijemnih ispita, međutim,
do potpunog povratka ovog izuma antičke Kine nikada
neće doći.
Džastin Kroužer,u tekstu „Unikatni eksperiment“ iz 2002.
godine, pominje dio knjige SamersetaMoma[Maugham,
1925, str. 153]u kojem jedan kineski filozof (kako sam
kaže „posljednji predstavnik stare Kine“) sistem prijemnih ispitasmatraza „eksperiment jedinstven u svjetskoj
U tekstu „Chinese Influence on The Western Examination System:
I Introduction“, Ssu-yü Têng istražuje eventualno postojanje sličnog sistema u
Rimskoj republici, Mesopotamiji, drevnom Egiptu, antičkoj Grčkoj itd, i dolazi
do zaključka da je kineski sistem prvi te vrste u istoriji. Kako sam autor zaključuje [Têng, 1943, str. 270]: „Izgleda, dakle, da nema dileme da kompetitivni
sistem prijemnih ispita, oralnih i pisanih, korišten u školama i za zapošljavanje
u državnoj administraciji, nije izmišljen na zapadu, već u Kini i najvjerovatnije
je isključivo kineskog porijekla“.
Mladen Grgić
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Associate at the European Institute for Asian Studies in Brussels
Employment with the state administration:
Lessons from China
The author completed his basic studies at the Faculty of
Political Science in Bari, as a scholar of the Italian Government; enrolled at the specialist studies in Bologna;
thereafter he earned his Master Degree at the Catholic
University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. He has gained
his professional experience in international organizations
(such as OSCE, UNHCR, and Council of Europe) and private companies. He earned his Doctoral Degree at the
Faculty of Political Sciences in Podgorica; he is an associate to the European Institute of Asian Studies in Brussels
and the CEO of ITI Computers. As a scholar of the Chinese
Government, he has spent one year as a senior researcher at Xiamen University in China. He has participated in
numerous conferences and is the author of a large number of articles concerning international relations with
the focus on Chinese foreign policy.
While Europe was sinking deeply down into the “dark
era” characterized by the complete economic and cultural stagnation, frequent wars, plague spreads, and immense poverty, imperial China ruled by the Sui Dynasty
(581-618) and the Tang Dynasty (618-907) introduced
the system of entry-level examinations for the service
with the state administration. According to an opinion of
one of the most prominent historian of Asia, John King
Fairbank [1987, p. 27] , this invention is worth equally as
introducing representative government.
The system that lasted, with short interruptions, for
1,300 years in China had been aimed at creating efficient
administration and employing only those individuals
with the strict examination criteria met. Selected were,
therefore, only the ones most competent to perform responsible duties with the state administration. Besides,
since the system had been grounded in meritocracy philosophy - according to which each candidate (in theory)1
was offered the same opportunity - it was required to resist the administration monopolization by certain elites.
The point of this text is to introduce the idea of entrylevel examination system as an effective method of depoliticizing of and eliminating clientilism from the admin1
Data has shown that representatives of lower classes of the
society, regardless of the introduction of entry-level examination system, had
rarely managed to take a position with the state administration (Elman, 2009,
p. 405)
istration, as well as of creating the system rooted in meritocracy and offering the young people equal chances for
attaining a job position with the state administration.
It is well known that the state administration plays key
role in reforming the state and creating an ambience that
ensures economic development and comprehensive social prosperity. It is particularly important to create such
foundations in the countries that are in transition and
that have had turbulent transit from one to another system (i.e. from one-party rule to parliamentary democracy, or from socialistic economy to capitalism) and have
not succeeded completely in reforming the administration that, as it is frequently the case, is still functioning
on old principles and under great political influence.
Over the period ranging from the 7th to the early 20th century, the entry-level examination system as a method of
recruiting the best human resources for the state administration was not a characteristics of Chinese administration only. On the contrary. The method used to be employed by numerous other states, while particularly in
the West. That is where the Chinese model was referred
to as the model, since it was assumed that it had been
the first system of that kind known to the world history.
Teng [1043, p. 267] quotes the fragment from the FivePower Constitution by Sun Yat-sen, in which “The Father
of the Nation” said the following:
“Nowadays western nations copy the entry-level examination model - while mainly the English one - for the state
administration service. However if we go further back to
history, we will realize that the English system was taken
over from China. We have good reasons to believe that
the Chinese entry-level examination system is the oldest
and most sophisticated one in the world.”2
Entry-level examination system had left a strong impression on Sun Yat-sen, but it was abandoned in 1905.
Thereafter, the last Dynasty leaved and the Chinese Republic was established. Sun Yat-sen, the first Chinese
President, advocated for the reintroduction of the entry2
In the text titles “Chinese Influence on The Western Examination
System: I Introduction“, Ssu-yü Têng had researched possible existence of
similar system in the Roman Republic, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient
Greece, etc. and he came to a conclusion that the Chinese system had been
the first of the sort in history. As the author himself concluded [Têng, 1943,
p. 270]: “it seems, therefore, that there is no dilemma that the competitive
entry-level examination system, both oral and written, used in schools and
for the employment with the state administration had not been invented in
the West but in China, and it is most likely it’s exclusively of Chinese origin”.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
istoriji“, čiji je cilj bio da velikom državom (Kinom) vlada
„mudrost“ (eng.: wisdom), umjesto sile. Upravo je to srž
ideje koju bespogovorno možemo svrstati u red najvećih
kineskih dostignuća, poput kompasa, papira, presa za
štampanje i baruta. Izabrati najmudrije u društvu putem kompleksnog sistema ispitivanja najbolji je put do
efikasne administracije, a predstavlja i najpravedniji način zapošljavanja. Samim tim, kroz jasan uređen sistem,
mladima je obezbijeđena šansa, bez obzira na njihovu
etničku, vjersku, političku ili društvenu određenost.Haifeng piše [2006, st. 302]: „bio je pravičan sistem jer su
ispiti, za obične ljude, bili put do privilegovanog života“.
Svako je imao jednake šanse i sve je zavisilo od pojedinca. Naravno, ne treba misliti da u tom sistemu nije bilo
problema, a ne može se tvrditi ni da su svi imali iste šanse
za uspjeh (primjera radi, ženama nije bilo omogućeno da
polažu ispit – posljedica specifičnog društvenog uređenja
toga doba. Sistem je doprinio snaženju ugleda administracije, koja je privlačila najveće talente u zemlji jer je
radno mjesto u državnom aparatu predstavljalo potvrdu
nečijeg uzvišenog položaja u društvu,a takav status bio je
posljedica superiornog obrazovanja.
Naravno, uvođenje sistema prijemnih ispita nije se desilo iznenada, niti na brzinu. Još tada je u Kini postojala duga birokratska tradicija, čiji je kontinuitet još tada
brojao dva miliona godina. Kako podsjeća Ferbank [1987,
str. 27], dok je Rim koristio privatne građaneza ubiranje poreza ili vođenje državnih poslova, dinastija Han je
imala razvijenu državnu administraciju. Takođe, u istom
razdoblju(za vrijeme dinastije Han) dolazi do uvođenja
prvih oblika sistema prijemnih ispita, koji će biti kombinovani sa zapošljavanjem po preporuci i poslije utvrđivanja moralne izvrsnosti kandidata. Karl Fridrih August Guclaf [1838, str. 325] piše da je biranje državnih službenika
putem javnih prijemnih ispita još jedna „sjajna“ institucija dinastije Han.Ipak, pretpostavlja se da je prije sedmog
vijeka i uvođenja pomenutog sistema, glavni način ulaska
u političku i društvenu elitu bio preko „mehanizma zvaničnih preporuka i rodbinskih veza“[Elman, 1991, str. 9],
što najbolje govori o tome koliko je sistem bio inovativan
za to doba.
Težnja da se državom vlada oslanjajući se na znanje, korijene nalazi u Konfučijevoj filozofiji koja naglašava potrebu učenja i moralnog uzdizanja, koji su praktično dio
istog procesa[Lai, 2008, str.5]. Učena osoba bi trebalo da
ima i visoke morale standarde, pretpostavlja se, te je samim tim i spremna da vodi narod (odnosno, državu).
„Da bi se spremio za ispitivanje, kineski će dječak početi da
uči sa sedam godina da bi poslije šest godina uspio da nauči Četiri knjige i Pet klasika3, što je ukupno činilo 431000
znakova. Da bi razvio radni vokabular od, otprilike, 8000
do 12000 znakova, dnevno je morao da memoriše,u pros3 Četiri knjige su tekstovi koji predstavljaju suštinske vrijednosti kofučijanizma, a izbor je sačinio Džu Si za vrijeme dinastije Song. Pet klasikasu djelo nastalo prije vremena dinastije Čin i predstavljaju tradicionalni konfučianizam.
jeku, 200 znakova. Pripremljen i u lijepom pisanju, odnosno kaligrafiji, mogao je da se prijavi za ispit u okrugu
koji se održavao u dvije od tri godine. U pet dana dugom
ispitivanju, bili bi eliminisani svi nesposobni da uče. Zatim
bi se nastavilo sa tri dana dugim ispitom na nivou prefekture, koji ga dovodi do četvorodnevnog kvalifikacionog
ispita. Sva ispitivanja su pratila stroga pravila: garanti i
učitelji su morali biti prisutni da podrže svakog kandidata, njegov identitet je detaljno utvrđivan, bio je temeljno
pretresan, njegovi testovi su bili označeni samo brojem
njegovog sjedišta, svaki njegov pokret je bio praćen. Bilo
mu je dozvoljeno da ode u toalet samo jednom dnevno...
U međuvremenu, ispitivači su bili držani pod striktnom
kontrolom danima, dok rezultati ne bi bili gotovi. Svečana
paljba i povorke su označavale početak ceremonije, banketi su je završavali, dok su počasti čekale one uspješne.
Nakon svega, dobili bi kvalifikaciju licensiranih i mogli su
da konkurišu za pravi ispitni sistem.“
[Ferbank, 1987, st: 28]
Prethodno navedeni redovi, koje je iznio Ferbank, najbolje opisuju i približavaju čitaocu ozbiljnost i pažnju koju
je sistem prijemnih ispita zahtijevao u tadašnjoj Kini.
Takođe, iz istih možemo shvatiti sam način ispitivanja i
koliko je zaista kreator htio da sve protekne tako da se
na kraju vrjednuju nečiji rezultati kao posljedica znanja
(čista meritokratija), i kako bi se eventualne zloupotrebe
svele na minimum.
Ovakav model odabira kadrova, državnu administraciju
učinio je profesionalnom i nezavisnom od toga ko vodi
državu. Stoga, ne treba da čudi što su i vladari iz dinastije
Čing iz Mančurije prepoznali imperijalni sistem prijemnih
ispita kao najbolji način vladavine, koji im je omogućavao
da mobilišu najspremnije među etničkim Kinezima da
vode državu kojom je vladala dinastija koja nije pripadala
tom podneblju.
Sistem prijemnih ispita će kasnije početi da se uvodi i u
Evropi. Prva primjena počinje u visokim školama (najvjerovatnije u Bolonji), a uglavnom se radi o usmenim
testovima. Tek kasnije i u manjem obimu, u 18. vijeku,
odnosno, konačno, u 19. vijeku sistem prijemnog ispitivanja počinje da se primjenjuje u Evropi i to u pismenom
obliku. Kada je riječ o prijemnim ispitima za državnu administraciju, Francuska je uvodi 1791. godine (prva revolucija), Njemačka negdje oko 1800. godine, a Engleska u
1870. godini [Têng, 1943].
Još od 16. vijeka, s povećanjem broja misionara koji putuju u Kinu i pišu tekstove u kojima pominju sistem prijemnih ispita, u Evropi se javnost i intelektualna elita
upoznaje sa istim, a ne fali ni onih koji kroz razne radove
pokušavaju da promovišu takav sistem i u Evropi [Têng,
1943]. Gonzales de Mendoza oduševljen je kineskim sistemom, pa u svom radu po povratku iz Kine, sredinom 16.
vijeka, piše [citiraoTêng, 1943, str. 277]: „ovim moćnim
level examination system; however, the full return of the
Chinese ancient invention was never taken place.
In his text titled “The Unique Experiment” from 2002,
Justin Krauser mentioned a segment of the book by
Somerset Maugham [1925, p. 153], in which a Chinese
philosopher (as the author himself said “the last representative of the Old China”) deemed entry-level examination system “the experiment unique in the world history” the aim of which was to have “wisdom” to rule the
great state (China) instead of force. Exactly that is the
core of the idea that we can classify without questioning
into the group of the biggest Chinese achievements such
as compass, paper, printing press and gunpowder. To select wisest ones in the society by complex examination
system is the best way to effective administration, and
it represents also the most equitable recruiting method.
Thereby, through clearly regulated system, the young
were ensured a chance regardless of their ethnic, religious, political or social affiliations. Haifeng wrote [2006,
p.302]: “the system was equitable since examinations,
for ordinary people, were the road to a privileged life”.
Everybody had equal chances and everything depended
on the individual. Naturally, it should not be taken that
the system did not face challenges and neither it is possible to assert that everybody had the equal chances
(for example, women were not provided with a chance
of sitting for the examination – it was due to a specific
social system of that time). The system contributed to
strengthening the reputation of the state administration that attracted the greatest talents from the country
since a post in the state apparatus was the recognition of
somebody’s distinguished status in the society, with such
status as the result of the superior education.
Naturally, introducing entry-level examination system
took place neither suddenly nor in a rush. Even at that
time, China had had a long bureaucratic tradition of
two million years standing even then. As reminded by
Fairbank [1987, p. 27], while Rome had employed private citizens to collect taxes or to administer state duties, the Han Dynasty had had the state administration
already developed. Besides, in the same period of time
(in the Han Dynasty time), introduction of the first forms
of entry-level examination systems had taken place,
which was thereafter combined with recruitment on
the recommendations despite of the established moral
excellence of candidates. Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff
(anglicized as Charles Gutzlaff) [1838, p. 325] wrote that
selecting civil servants by means of public entry-level examinations had been an another “great” institution of
the Han Dynasty. Nevertheless, it is assumed that prior
to the 7th century and introduction of the said system,
the major method of entering a political and social elite
had been through “mechanism of official recommendations and family relations” [Elman, 1991, p. 9], which all
indicates how innovative the system was at that time.
The aspiration to rule the state through relying on knowledge finds its roots in Confucius’ philosophy that stresses the need for learning and moral ascension that are
both actually a part of the same process [Lai, 2008, p.
5]. A scholar should be of high moral standards - it is as-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
sumed - and therewith also ready to lead the nation (i.e.
the state).
“With the aim of getting ready to sit for the exams, a Chinese boy would start learning at the age of seven in order to have, after six-year, the Four Books and Five Classics3 and 431,000 total signs learned. In order to develop
working vocabulary of approximately 8,000 to 12,000
signs, such boy had had to memorize 200 signs on average on daily basis. Prepared also in nice handwriting,
namely in calligraphy, the boy was allowed to register
for the county- level exam held every two or three years.
During five-day long examination, all incapable learners
were eliminated. Thereafter, prefecture-level three-day
long examination would take place, leading to the qualification examination. All the examinations were subject
to strict rules, namely guarantors and teachers had to be
present to support each candidate; the candidates’ identities would be verified and they would be searched for
hidden materials; their tests would be marked only by
their respective seats’ numbers; each movement of the
exam-takers would be monitored. Tthey were allowed to
go to the toilet only once daily… Meanwhile, examiners
would be kept under strict control for days until evaluations were complete. Solemn salvos and processions
used to mark the ceremony commencement, with banquets closing it and honors waiting for those successful
ones. After that all, they would be awarded the qualification of certified ones and they could compete for the
qualifying examination system.”
[Fairbank, 1987, p. 28]
The foregoing lines written by Fairbank are the best description of and they are introducing readers to the seriousness and care that the entry-level examination system required in the then China. Besides, from the lines
we can understand the very method of examining and
how far the creator’s intention went to make everything
regular to have both evaluations be the factual result of
somebody’s knowledge (definite meritocracy) and possible malpractices be reduced to the minimum.
Such a model of recruiting human resources made the
state administration professional and independent from
the country’s ruler. Therefore, it is not a surprise that rulers from the Qing Dynasty in Manchuria acknowledged
the entry-level examination system as the best method
of ruling, the one that ensured recruiting most prepared
from among ethnic Chinese to govern the country ruled
by the Dynasty that did not belong to that region.
Introducing entry-level examination system started also
in Europe later on. The first forum for it was in schools of
higher education (most probably in Bologna), and mainly
it was about oral tests. Only later and to a less degree, in
the 18th century, i.e. in the 19th century eventually, that
the application of entry-level examining started in Europe, while in the written form. When it comes to entrylevel examinations designed for the state administration
job positions, they were introduced in France in 1791
(the French Revolution), in Germany sometime around
1800 and in England in 1870 [Têng, 1943].
Already as of the 16th century, due to an increasing number of missioners traveling to China and writing texts
3 The Four Books are the texts illustrating the core values of Confucianism, selected by Zhu Xi in the time of Song Dynasty. The Five Classics are
five pre-Qin books that form part of the traditional Confucianism.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
kraljevstvom je bolje upravljano i vladano nego ijednim
do danas poznatim u svijetu“. Njegove impresije izrečene su nakon detaljnog opisa sistema prijemnih ispita. Čak
je i Monsteskjea i Voltera zaintrigiralo kinesko uređenje,
pa posljednji piše „naši misionari nam govore da ta velika imperija ima vladu vrijednu divljenja...“[citiraoTêng,
1943, str. 281], dok je Fransoa Kenepoželio da isti sistem
sprovede i u Evropi.
Su Ju Teng je u članku,objavljenom 1943. godine „Kineski uticaj na zapadni sistem prijemnih ispita“, pokušao
da istraži uticaj kineskog imperijalnog sistema ispita na
Evropu, odnosno, na kasniju pojavu sličnih sistema u
evropskim državama. Nakon sveobuhvatne analize dostupne literature, autor zaključuje da postoji dovoljno
dokaza da se može tvrditi da je sistem prijemnih ispita, primjenjivan u Engleskoj u 19. vijeku, izvorno kineski, odnosno,navodeći nesporne sličnosti između dva
sistema,da su njegovi tvorci bili inspirisani kineskim imperijalnim sistemom prijemnih ispita. Zato ne čudi što
je, nakon što su njegovo uvođenje predložili u Engleskoj,
sistem često kritikovan kao nešto što je uvezeno iz Kine,
paje samim tim i nepogodno za englesku realnost. U svakom slučaju, Engleska je u 19. vijeku uvela ovaj sistem,
koji je još ranije korišten u čuvenoj engleskoj Istočno-indijskoj kompaniji.
Sistem prijemnih ispita za rad u državnoj administraciji
postoji i u Crnoj Gori - naravno, u drugačijem obliku.
Jedan od uslova za rad u državnoj administraciji je i diploma o položenom tkz. državnom ispitukoji se sastoji od
polaganja više predmeta koji se smatraju važni za rad u
državnoj administraciji. Nekada je moguće ispit položiti
i u roku od godinu dana od stupanja na poziciju, što ga
ne čini klasičnim prijemnim ispitom. Takođe, ne radi se
o komplikovanom testu tako da ne predstavlja problem
kandidatima, već formalnost.
Prijemno ispitivanje, usmeno i pismeno se sprovodi tokom procesa zapošljavanja i regulisano je zakonom (Zakon o državnim službenicima i namještenicima) koji propisuje način na koji se zapošljava kadar u državnoj službi.
Sam proces polazi od objavljivanja javnog konkursa, zatim slijedi ispitivanje (usmeno ili pismeno, ili oba) kandidata, nakon čega svaki kandidat biva rangiran na osnovu
bodova koje dobije tokom ispitivanja i na osnovu njegove
biografije, da bi se na kraju starješina organa u kojem se
zasniva radni odnos odlučio, u idealnom slučaju,za najboljeg. U svom zvaničnom saopštenju, Uprava za kadrove (18/02/2013) navodi da:
„ovako postavljen postupak provjere sposobnosti... predstavlja jasan pokazatelj da je cjelokupan postupak, od
javnog oglašavanja pa do konačnog izbora, zasnovan
na principima kojima se garantuje jednaka dostupnost,
jednaki uslovi za sve kandidate, bez obzira na njihovu na-
cionalnu, vjersku, političku ili bilo koju drugu pripadnost“.
Provjera kandidata je utvrđena Pravilima za provjeru
sposobnosti kandidata za rad u organima državne upravekoji ima za cilj obezbjeđivanje „efikasnog, kvalitetnog,
politički neutralnog i profesionalnog obavljanja poslova“.
Ipak, čini se da to nije slučaj.
Naime, zakoni i pravilnici propisuju obaveznost ispitivanja kandidata, ali ostavljaju previše slobode u načinu odvijanja samog procesa. Tako se nudi mogućnost usmenog
i pismenog ispitivanja (pismeno u slučaju više kandidata, iako se ne precizira koji je to broj, a postavlja se kao
preduslov za usmeni dio ispitivanja) pred komisijom, u
kojoj osim predstavnika Uprave za kadrove sjede i predstavnici, odnosno starješina organa u kojem se zasniva
radni odnos. Dalje, pismeni dio testa sačinjava Uprava
za kadrove uz posebni dio koji se sastoji od pitanja vezanih za poslove organa u kojem se zasniva radni odnos
i koji sastavlja starješina tog organa. Inače, pisani testovi
se mijenjaju od oglasa do oglasa, te kandidatima niko ne
garantuje da će imati test iste težine ili pod istim uslovima. Takođe, čest je slučaj da isti kandidat, vremenom,
napredujući u službi, polaže isti test za različito rangirane
Ono što ostavlja i najviše prostora za zapošljavanje onih
koji su „podobni“, a ne najspremniji jeste činjenica da zadnju riječ ima upravo starješina određenog organa. Radi
se, prije svega, o subjektivnoj odluci. To, naravno, nije
tipično za Crnu Goru, već je slučaj i sa nekim drugim zemaljama koje karakteriše razvijeniiji demokratski sistem.
Ipak, kod nas, u dominantno klijentelističkom i partitokratskom društvu,takav način predstavlja veliki problem.
U privatnim intervjuima sa mladim ljudima zaposlenim u
državnoj službi, autoru je potvrđeno da obrazovanje nije
visoko kotirano prilikom zapošljavanja, a da je sam test
tek formalnost u slučaju da je kandidat sebi obezbijedio
Nacrtaj gladnom tortu, da mu zadovoljiš glad, glasi kineska poslovica koja najbolje opisuje propisane norme
za zapošljavanje u crnogorskoj državnoj administraciji.
Naime, čini se da procedure i pravila (često prateći neke
evropske standarde) predstavljaju samo formu kako bi se
zadovoljili kriterijumi, dok sistem sam po sebi nudi mnogo prostora za manipulaciju.
U najavljenim reformama može se uočiti tendencija da
se proces sve više prebacuje na Upravu za kadrove, kako
bi se isključila politička manipulacija u procesu zapošljavanja. To može biti rješenje samo u slučaju u kojem bi i
sama Uprava bila oslobođena političkog uticaja i dobila
drugačije zakonsko uređenje, kao i sami proces zapošljavanja.
Pravni okviri se mogu mijenjati i zakoni se mogu prila-
mentioning entry-level examination system , European
public and intellectual elite got acquainted with it, while
there was not a few number of those attempting to promote - via their respective papers - such system in Europe as well [Têng, 1943]. Juan González de Mendoza was delighted at the Chinese system and , in his paper
written after his return from China in the mid of the
16th century, he wrote [quoted by Têng, 1943, p. 277]:
“this powerful Kingdom has been governed and ruled
so far better than any other known to the world.” These
his words were expressed after a detailed description of
entry-level examination system. Even Montesquieu and
Voltaire were intrigued by the Chinese system, so the latter wrote the following: “our missioners talk us about the
fact that such a great Empire has the government worth
admiring…” [quoted by Têng, 1943, p. 281], while François Quesnay wished to implement the same system in
In his article written in 1943 and titled Chinese Influence on the Western Examination System, Su Yu Teng attempted to study the Chinese imperial examination system’s effects on Europe, namely on the later appearance
of similar systems in European countries. After a comprehensive analysis of the available references, the author
concluded that there were sufficient evidence to make
it possible for asserting the original Chinese entry-level
examination system had been in application in England
in the 19th century, i.e. by referring to undisputable similarities between the two systems, the author stated that
the creators thereof had been inspired by the Chinese
imperial entrance-level examination system. Therefore
it is not a wonder at all that, after the introduction thereof had been suggested to England, the system used to be
frequently exposed to criticizing as something that had
been imported from China and therefore not suitable for
the England reality. Anyway, in the 19th century, England
introduced the system that had been used even earlier in
a famous English Eastern Indian company.
Entry-level examination system for the state administration service exists also in Montenegro – naturally, in a
different format.
One of the requirements to get into service with the
state administration is to have certificate of the passed
so-called state examination that comprises sitting for
several examinations in the subjects considered relevant
to the state administration service. Sometimes it is possible to sit for the exam within one-year time as of assuming a job position, which makes the exam not so
standard entry-level examination. Besides, it is not about
a complex test, so, to candidates, it is not a challenge
but formality.
Entry-level oral and written examining is held during recruiting process and it is regulated by the law (namely by
The Law on Civil Servants and State Employees) prescribing the method followed in employing human resources
with the state administration. The very process starts
from announcing vacancies, followed by (oral or written
or both) examining of candidates and, thereafter, each
candidate is ranked based on the score attained during
the examining and on his/her biography. In the end, the
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
head of the authority with which employment is to commence decides on, ideally, the best candidate. In their official communication, Human Resources Administration
(February 18th 2013) stated that:
“such a set procedure of competences testing … reflects
a clear indication of the overall procedure - starting from
the public announcing and reaching to the final selection
- as grounded in principles guaranteeing the equal accessibility and requirements to all candidates, regardless
of their national, religious or any other affiliation.”
Testing the candidates’ competences has been provided for under The Rules on Testing the Competences of
Candidates for the State Administration Service, which is
aimed at ensuring “an efficient, high-quality, politically
neutral and professional discharge of duties.” Nevertheless, it seems that it is not the case.
Namely, laws and rule books prescribes obligatoriness of
candidates testing, but leave too much freedom as regards selecting the method fit for the very process. Thus,
opting is offered for oral and written testing (with written testing where there is a larger number of candidates
- despite no number is specified - and posing the requirement to sit for the oral part of examining) before a board
that comprises, in addition to the representatives of The
Human Resources Administration, also the representatives, i.e. the heads of authorities with which employments are to be. Furthermore, the written part of testing
is developed by Human Resources Administration and
is accompanied by a separate part that comprises questions relating to the operations and that is developed by
the head of the authority with which an employment is
to be. Anyway, the written tests varies from announcement to announcement, so candidate cannot be guaranteed they are going to sit for the same complexity tests
or under the same conditions. Besides, it is frequent
that one and the same candidate, as the time passes by
and he/she has advanced in the profession, sits for the
same examination for differently ranked functions.
What leaves the largest space for employing the ones
who are “eligible” and not most competent is the fact
tat the final decision is exactly on the head of particular authority. It is primarily about a subjective decision.
Naturally, that is not typical of Montenegro only, but is
taking place also in some other countries characterized
by more developed democracy systems. Nevertheless,
here, in dominantly clientelistic and patriotic society,
such occurrence posed a huge challenge. In private interviews with the young already employed with the state
administration, the author was given the affirmation of
knowledge being not highly valuated during employment process and that the test is just a pretend formality
if a candidate has ensured a “link”.
Draw a cake to satisfy one’s hunger is a Chinese saying
that gives the best description of the prescribed norms
for employment in Montenegro state administration.
Namely, it has appeared (based on frequent reading
some European standards) that the procedures and rules
represent just a pretend formality to satisfy criteria, while
the system itself offers a large space for manipulations.
It is possible to notice, in the announced reforms, the
tendency of an increasing transferring the employment
process to Human Resources Administration , so as to exclude political manipulations during it. That can be a so-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
gođavati nekim boljim standardima, ili, kako je to slučaj
sa svim sektorima,uvođenjemevropskih standarda.Ono
što je teže mijenjati, i što predstavlja veliki problem, jeste
crnogorska kultura koja ne poznaje meritokratiju i u kojojpreovladavaju rodbinske veze i klijentelizam (pojava koja
se često spočitava od strane međunarodnih institutcija).
Naravno, savršen sistem ne postoji, ali sistem koji daje
malo prostora manipulaciji utiče i na to da se vremenom
promijene i navike i kulturološke devijacije. Država treba dati primjer, jer kako je i sam Konfučije smatrao„za
državu, da pruža dobar primjer, važnije je od bilo kojeg
Veliki broj zaposlenih, na mjestima za koje plate i doprinose plaća država,ozbiljan je problem mnogih zemalja u
Evropi i šire. Na Balkanu, gdje se većina država još suočava sa dugom i teškom tranzicijom, nedovoljnim razvojem
ekonomije, sporim ekonomskim rastom i lošem standardu građana, ovaj problem postaje još veći. Sa njim se suočava većina bivših jugoslovenskih država, koje ne samo
da nisu smanjile obim javnog sektora, već su ga u poslednjoj deceniji još ipovećale. Jedan od najvećih razloga je
svakako političke prirode – težilo se zapošljavanju ljudi
lojalnihpartiji koja je na vlasti, zapošljavanju uoči izbora,
zapošljavanju koje je posljedica izbornih obećanja. Zapošljavanje u javnom sektoru zamaskiralo je neke realne
ekonomske probleme, a prije svega pojavu visoke stope
nezaposlenosti koja je bila neminovna u ekonomijama
koje su prošle traumu prelaska sa socijalističkog načina
privređivanja na liberal-kapitalizam, u kojem bi trebalo
da dominiraju privatnekompanije kod kojih tržište i profit
diktiraju volumen zapošljavanja.
Države, da bi smanjile nekontrolisan porast nezaposlenosti, nekada su bile primorane da ljude raspoređuju
po državnim i lokalnim službama ili, u krajnjem slučaju,
u državnim firmama. Posljedice takvog djelovanja su danas katastrofalne. Za zarade i razne druge troškove koje
uplaćuju zaposlenima u javnom sektoru, države troše
veliki dio budžeta na uštrb strateških investiranja koja bi
stvorila ambijent povoljan za razvoj privatnog sektora koji bi, opet, mogao da absorbuje radnu snagu i utiče na
smanjenje nezaposlenosti.
A Crna Gora nije izuzetak, pokazuju podaci Monstata.
UDržavnoj upravi i odbrani zaposleno je 19861, kojima
treba dodati još 13101 na radu u obrazovanju, 10869 u
Zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti, itd. Ova radna mjesta karakteriše stabilnost (ugovor na neodređeno), prosječna
ili nadprosječna primanja i ostale beneficije karakteristične za rad u javnom sektoru. Nije teško zaključiti da u zemljama sa nerazvijenim privatnim sektorom, stabilnost i
redovna primanja imaju još veću vrijednost.
Osim velikih izdataka države, problem glomazne admini-
stracije je i taj što istu ne prati kvalitet. Naime, zbog nedostatka jasnog i transparentnog procesa zapošljavanja,
ili izbjegavanja istog, u državnoj administraciji posao nisu
dobijali oni koji su svojim kvalitetom ispunjavali uslove,
već oni koji su bili u prednosti iz nekih drugih razloga.
Samim tim, i struktura kadra u državnoj administraciji se
čini nespremnom da ispuni izazove sa kojima se suočava
društvo u tranziciji. Tromost i neefikasnost su riječi kojima se najčešće opisuje državna administracija.
Uz sve te probleme, treba dodati da zaposleni nisu ravnopravno raspoređeni, pa u nekim sektorima postoji manjak kadra, dok ga je u drugim previše.
Potreba za efikasnijim i manjim državnim aparatom
je prepoznata od strane većine subjekata u državi, pa
i od same Vlade. To je potvrđeno i na okruglom stolu
na kojem se raspravljalo o reformi javne uprave[MUP,
„Reforma državne uprave u Crnoj Gori je jedna od krucijalnih tema za dalji društveni razvoj Crne Gore, a u narednom periodu će se obezbijediti kontinuitet u reformskim
nastojanjima da se sistem državne uprave učini efikasnim
i profesionalnim”
Na istom skupu je, osim profesionalizacije, najavljeno i
drastično smanjenje državne administracije u godinama
pred nama. Interesantno je da sa jedne strane imamo
Upravu za kadrove koja se bave zapošljavanjem u državnoj upravi, au kojoj tvrde da se sve odvija po pravilima
koja obezbjeđuju kvalitetan kadar kroz jedan transparentan proces, dok sa druge strane Vlada naglašava potrebu
za velikim promjenama, profesionalizacijom, smanjenjem broja zaposlenih i većom efikasnošću.
Reforme u sektoru se često najavljuju, kao i promjene ili
uvođenje novih procedura zapošljavanja, koje bi garantovale transparentnost i meritokratiju. Ipak, uz sve promjene, zloupotrebe ostaju moguće i teško rješive, sve dok
sistem ne doživi suštinsku i potpunu promjenu.
Takođe, rješavanje problema viška zaposlenih u administraciji stvoriće nove probleme, prije svih - problem nezaposlenosti. Činjenica da veliki broj ljudi radi u javnom
sektoru, i da bi velika većina mladih željela da radi u istom, nije posljedica samo različitih socio-kulturoloških
faktora karakterističnih za region. Ako ne glavni, onda jedan od važnijih razloga jeste nedostatak radnih mjesta u
privatnom sektoru. Odnosno, nedostatak odgovarajućih
mjesta za veliki broj visokoobrazovanih mladih ljudi. Smanjenjem državne administracije neće se smanjiti i broj
onih koji žele da rade u istoj. Imajući u vidu nerazvijeni
privatni sektor, nastavak privatizacije državnih preduzeća
kojidonosi nova otpuštanja, kao i razvoj sektora (kao što
su trgovina i turizam) sa malim prosječnim zaradama, uz
nepovoljne kredite za pokretanje privatnog biznisa, mo-
lution only if the very Human Resources Administration
and the process of employment alone are both free from
the political influence and get a different legal regulation.
Legal frameworks can be changed by means of and laws
can be adjusted to some better standards or - such as
the case in this sector - through bringing in the European
Standards. What is more difficult to change and what
poses huge challenge is Montenegrin culture that does
not recognize meritocracy and in which kinships and
clientelism (the manifestations frequently objected to
by international institutions) are prevailing. Naturally, a
perfect system does not exist, but a system with limited
space for manipulations induces also gradual changes in
habits and cultural deviations. The government should
give an example, since Confucius himself had deemed
that “for a state, demonstrating a good model of behavior is more important than laws.”
A huge number of persons employed at job positions for
which the government pays salaries and contributions is
faced as a serious challenge in Europe and broader. In the
Balkans, with the majority of countries still facing long
and difficult transitions, insufficiently developed economies, slow economic growth and poor standard of living
of citizens, this challenge is even bigger. It is faced by the
majority of ex Yugoslavia countries that not only have
reduced their public sectors but have augmented them
for the last decade. One of the major reasons is surely
of political nature – it has been tended to employ persons loyal to the ruling political party; employments in
the eve of elections; employments as a consequence of
election promises. Employments with public sector have
masked specific real economic problems, while primarily the high unemployment rate that has been inevitable
in economies that went through the transition from the
socialist economy to liberal capitalism in which private
companies pursuing employments dictated by markets
and generated profits should dominate.
In order to reduce uncontrolled unemployment rate
increase, countries were sometimes forced to deploy
employees to the state and local services or, eventually, to the state owned enterprises. Consequences of
such practice are catastrophic nowadays. Salaries/wages
and a variety of other benefits paid to public sector employees spend a large portion of national budget to the
detriment of strategic investments that would create an
ambience favorable for the development of private sector that could, in turn, absorb labor force and induce
decrease in unemployment.
According to the Monstat data, Montenegro is not an
exception at all. The state administration and national
defense employ 19,861 persons to which 13,101 persons
employed in education, 10,869 persons employed in
health and social protection, and alike should be added.
These job positions are characterized by stability (fulltime employment contracts), average or above average
income and other benefits that are typical of public sector service. It is not difficult to conclude that in countries
with the underdeveloped private sector, the stability and
regular payments are of higher value.
Besides high budget-funded expenditures, a problem
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
attributed to the giant administration is also in the fact
that it is not in company with efficiency. Namely, either
due to the lack of clear and transparent employment
process or due to avoiding it, the public administration
job positions have not been assigned to those who met
the competences-related requirements but to those that
had advantages due to some different reasons. Thereby,
also the structure of the state administration’s human
resources seems to be unready to cope with challenges
faced by a society in transition. Inactivity and inefficiency
are the words that most frequently describe the state
Along with all the foregoing, it should add that these
employees have not been evenly distributed, so in some
sectors human resources are short while in other sectors
they exceed the needs.
The need for an efficient and smaller state apparatus
was already acknowledged by the majority of entities
in the state, so did by the Government too. That was
confirmed also during the Round Table on the theme of
Public Administration Reform [Ministry of the Interior,
November 27th 2013]:
“The state administration reform is one of the crucial
matters intended for a further social development in
Montenegro, so, in the upcoming period, the continuity
in the reform efforts to make the state administration
system more effective and professional will be ensured.”
The same gathering voiced, besides professionalism, also
drastic cut in the state administration volume to take
place in the upcoming years. It is interesting that, on the
one hand, there is the Human Resources Administration
that is dealing with the employments with the state administration and that asserts everything is according to
the rules providing competent human resources through
one transparent process, while, on the other hand, the
need is stressed to undertake considerable changes, ensure professionalism, reduce the number of employees
and have higher competence level.
Reforms of the sector are frequently announced, as well
as changes in or the introduction of new employment
procedures to make certain transparency and meritocracy. Despite all the changes, abuses remain possible and
hard to solve all until the system does face the core and
full transformation.
Besides, solving problems of redundancy in administration will entail new problems, while primarily the unemployment one. The fact is that a large number of persons serve with public sector and that the majority of
the young wishes to work there is not only due to a
variety of social and cultural factors prevailing within the
region. If not the main, then one of the more significant
reasons is the lack of job positions in private sector. In
other words, it is the shortage of appropriate job positions for a large number of the young with higher education qualifications. Reducing the number of employees
with the state administration will not diminish also the
number of those wishing to work with it. Having in mind
underdeveloped private sector, resuming state-owned
enterprises privatization that entails new redundancies,
as well as the development of the sectors (such as retail
trade and tourism) with low average salaries, accompanied by unfavorable credit schemes for setting up private
businesses, we can expect huge number of persons with
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
žemo očekivati da će veliki broj visokoškolaca i dalje težiti
ka radnom mjestu u državnom sektoru. Takav je slučaj
bio tokom vladinog programa stručnog osposobljavanja
mladih visokoškolaca u 2013. godini, kada se gotovo dvije trećine od ukupnog broja prijavljenih oprijedijelilo za
rad u državnoj službi. Takođe, neka istraživanja međunarodnih organizacija, kao što je UNDP, pokazuju da bi veliki dio radne snage najradije radio u državnom sektoru,
makar i s manjom mjesečnom zaradom.
Možemo biti sigurni da će kontinuitet ovog tenda opstati,
ali i da će s optimizacijom kadra rasti broj kandidata za
manji broj mjesta u državnoj administraciji. Svakako, takva situacija pogoduje stvaranju rizika od manipulacije u
zapošljavanju, podsticanju zapošljavanja koje ne poštuje
princip meritokratije. Zbog toga, uvođenje kompetitivnog sistema prijemnih ispita predstavlja najbolji način da
se mladim visokoškolcima ponudi transparentan i predvidiv sistem, koji bi vrijednovao samo znanje, a koji će posljedično obezbijediti kvalitetan kadar za državnu upravu
čiji poslovi,na putu pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji, postaju
sve zahtjevniji. Takođe, takav kadar može sjutra dobro
predstavljati državu u institucijama Evropske unije.
Opisujući razdoblje tokom kojega su se dinastije u Kini
tako brzo smjenjivale- da se i stanovništvo znalo zapitati
ko vlada carstvom (906-970, razdoblje poznato kao period pet dinastija) - Turbjern Ferevik [2012, str. 210] piše:
„Čak i kada su se smjenjivali ministri i carevi, činovnički
aparat ostajao je na svom mjestu. Čak i u najteža vremena, on je uspijevao da vadi kestenje iz vatre i da održava
društvo u životu. Sastojao se od ljudi koji su svoje položaje dobili na osnovu svojih kvalifikacija, a ne u nasljeđe.“
Ovim redovima, norveški istoričar slikovito dočarava koliko je za jednu državu važno imati profesionalnu administraciju, koja je jedan od njenih nosećih stubova. Takva
administracija, sačinjena od ljudi koji su došli do položaja
zahvaljujući svojoj sposobnosti, osigurava autoritet institucija, stvarajući povjerenje kod građana.
Upravo je stvaranje takvih institucija ključ za oblikovanje
sredine koja će pogodovati razvoju raznih privrednih grana, unaprijeđenju obrazovanja na svim nivoima i stvara-
nju moralnih normi u tranzicionom društvu. Tek sa administracijom koja čini da država funkcioniše u svakom
trenutku, politika može da se razvija u demokratskom
smjeru, a politička previranja i borba za vlast koje se
rješavaju putem raspisivanja izbora, postaju tek suprostavljanje različitih ideja u utakmici u kojoj pobjednik ne
uzima sve, niti poraženi gubi sve. Samo u tim okolnostima građani su u stanju da izaberu vlast uzimajući u obzir
konkretne parametre i mijenjajući partiju onda kada ne
zadovolji njihova očekivanja.
Profesionalna administracija ne podrazumijeva postojanje demokratije po automatizmu, ali bespogovorno podstiče povjerenje u demokratski sistem i doprinosi poštovanju i ugledu demokratskih institucija.
1. Ferevik, T. (2012). Središnje kraljevstvo, putovanje u
istoriju Kine. Novi Sad: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića Sremski Karlovci.
2. Weerdt, H. D. (2006). Changing Minds through Examinations: Examination Critics in Late Imperial China. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 126 (3).
3. Cooke, F. L. (2003). Seven reforms in five decades, civil service reform and its human resource implications
in China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 8 (3), 380404.
4. Crozier, J. (2002). A unique experiment. China in Focus,
Summer (12).
5. Elman, B. A. (1991). Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service Examinations in Late Imperial
China. The Journal of Asian Studies, 50 (1), 7-28.
6. Fairbank, J. K. (1986). The Great Chinese Revolution
1800-1985. New York: Harper & Row.
7. Gützlaff, K. F. (1838). China Opened (Vol. II). London:
Smith, Elder & Co.
8. Haifeng, L. (2006). Rehabilitation of the imperial examination system. Frontiers of Education in China, 1 (2),
9. Lai, K. L. (2008). An introduction to Chinese philosophy.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
10. Maugham, S. (1922). On a Chinese Screen. London:
11. Têng, S.-y. (1943). Chinese Influence on The Western
Examination System: I. Introduction. arvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, 7 (4), 267-312.
higher education qualifications to still tend to be in job
positions with public sector. That was the case also during implementing the Government’s 2013 Professional
Competence Training Program for the young holders of
higher education degrees, when almost 2/3 out of the
total number of registered trainees opted for the state
administration. Besides, some researches done by international organizations, such as UNDP, have shown that
a large portion of the labor force prefer service with the
state sector, even though monthly salaries are lower.
We can be sure that the permanence of the trend will
continue, and that optimizing human resources will entail an increased number of candidates opting for fewer
job positions with the state administration. Anyhow,
such a situation is favorable for creating risks of manipulations during employment process and encouraging the
employments not respecting meritocracy principle. Due
to that, introducing a competitive entry-level system is
the best way to offer the young holders of higher education degrees a transparent and predictable system that
would valuate only knowledge and, consequently, generate more competent human resources for the state
administration service where more and more demanding duties have to be discharged as advancing in the accession process toward the European Union. Besides,
such human resources may represent our country in the
European Union institutions tomorrow.
Through describing the era during which Dynasties in
China had been taking the rule over that fast that the
population used to ask themselves who had ruled the
Empire (906-970, the era known as the History of the
Five Dynasties), Turbjern Ferevik [2012, p. 210] wrote:
„Even though ministers and emperors were revolving,
the clerical apparatus remained in its place. Even during the severest hardships, it managed to pull the chestnuts out of the fire and to maintain the society keep on
living. It comprised persons who had attained their job
positions based on their respective qualifications, and
net on legacy”.
By the foregoing lines, the Norway author gave a picturesque portrait of how much it is important to a country to have competent state administration that is one
of the country’s pillars. Such administration comprising
persons that have attained their job positions thanks to
their competences ensures the authoritative institutions, creating thereby the citizens’ confidence in them.
Exactly creating such institutions is the key to designing
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
an environment that is going to be favorable for a variety
of economy branches development, education system
improvement at all levels and creating moral norms in a
society in transition. No earlier than with an administration making it possible for the state be functional at any
moment a politics with democratic spirit can emerge,
with political turbulences and competing for the rule
through calling for elections appearing just as opposing
arguments put forward on different ideas in the game in
which neither the winner takes it all nor the looser loses
everything. Only under such circumstances, citizens are
capable both of electing the rule based on particular parameters and of changing one party in any case it has not
satisfied their expectations.
A efficient administration does not connote the existence
of democracy by automatism, yet it unquestioningly encourages confidence in democratic system and contributes to the respect for and the reputation of democratic
1. Ferevik, T. (2012). Središnje kraljevstvo, putovanje
u istoriju Kine. Novi Sad: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana
Stojanovića Sremski Karlovci.
2. Weerdt, H. D. (2006). Changing Minds through Examinations: Examination Critics in Late Imperial China. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 126 (3).
3. Cooke, F. L. (2003). Seven reforms in five decades, civil
service reform and its human resource implications in
China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 8 (3), 380-404.
4. Crozier, J. (2002). A unique experiment. China in Focus,
Summer (12).
5. Elman, B. A. (1991). Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service Examinations in Late Imperial
China. The Journal of Asian Studies, 50 (1), 7-28.
6. Fairbank, J. K. (1986). The Great Chinese Revolution
1800-1985. New York: Harper & Row.
7. Gützlaff, K. F. (1838). China Opened (Vol. II). London:
Smith, Elder & Co.
8. Haifeng, L. (2006). Rehabilitation of the imperial examination system. Frontiers of Education in China, 1 (2),
9. Lai, K. L. (2008). An introduction to Chinese philosophy.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
10. Maugham, S. (1922). On a Chinese Screen. London:
11. Têng, S.-y. (1943). Chinese Influence on The Western
Examination System: I. Introduction. arvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, 7 (4), 267-312.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
mr Martin Ćalasan
Saradnik na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore
Značaj energije u bilo kom obliku jeste i biće od velike
važnosti za razvoj čitavog društva nevezano za vremenski period u kome živimo. Crna Gora je sektor energetike
označila kao glavnu granu privrede u budućnosti, pa razvoj energetskog sektora, zajedno sa razvojem turizma i
poljoprivrede, predstavlja ključni pravac budućeg razvoja
crnogorskog društva. U ovom radu pokušano je da se odgovori na pitanje zašto mladi u Crnoj Gori treba da vide
svoju budućnost u razvoju energetike.
Sposobnost samostalnog zadovoljavanja energetskih potreba predstavlja strateško pitanje budućnosti i pitanje
opstanka svake zemlje. Najzastupljeniji i najčešće korišćeni oblik energije jeste električna energija. Ona ujedno
i predstavlja „workhorse“ savremene industrije. Savremene industrije, kao i transportni sistemi, komunikacije,
sve električne instalacije sa jedne strane i sve vrste usluga
sa druge strane, suštinski zavise od proizvodnje, prenosa,
distribucije i upotrebe električne energije. I danas, kao i
proteklih decenija, potrošnja električne energije po glavi
stanovnika bila je pokazatelj životnog standarda.
Energetska kriza kao i uticaj proizvodnje i potrošnje električne energije na okolinu stvaraju potrebu da se dalji
industrijski razvoj dovede na nivo koji je po svom obimu
i formi ekološki prihvatljiv i čist. Čistiji načini prozvodnje
električne energije uključuju obnovljive - alternativne izvore energije, dok koncept ekološki prihvatljivog razvoja
zahtijeva smanjenje gubitaka električne energije (npr.
korišćenje uređaja energetske elektronike, primjena računara i savremenih upravljačkih algoritama...) [1].
U predhodnih nekoliko godina država Crna Gora je sektor
energetike označila kao ključnu privrednu granu na kojoj
bi se temeljio dalji razvoj crnogorskog društva. Po strategiji razvoja energetike do 2030. godine, koji je usvojen na
Vladi, energetika predstavlja najvažniji zamajac ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja Crne Gore [2-7]. Po ovoj strategiji razvoj energetskog sektora dovešće do strukturnih
promjena u razvoju energetske infrastrukture, što će
imati značajan pozitivan uticaj na kvalitet snabdijevanja
potrošača energijom, sa jedne strane, i na ukupni makro-
-ekonomski razvoj Crne Gore sa druge strane. Revitalizacijom i izgradnjom novih energetskih postrojenja stvoriće se nova radna mjesta, angažovati domaća operativa
(radna snaga) i industrija. Ukoliko energetika bude stabilan, moderan i kvalitetno organizovan sektor, dobrobit za
čitavu privredu će biti veoma vidljiv.
U ovom radu, u drugom poglavlju, dat je pregled (ne)
iskorišćenog energetskog potencijala Crne Gore (prije
svega izvora električne energije). Nakon toga, u trećem
poglavlju navedeni su planovi za izgradnju najznačajnijih
energetskih objekata u Crnoj Gori. U četvrtom poglavlju
navešće se konkretan primjer kako planovi u energetskom sektoru utiču na povećanje broja studenata koji
žele studirati studije Energetike [8], kao i to kako razvoj
energetike iziskuje školovanje kadrova različitih profila.
Na kraju, u formi zaključka, daće se kratak osvrt na cjelokupan rad.
Voda je trenutno najveći obnovljivi izvor električne energije i u svjetskim razmjerama učestvuje sa preko 15%. U
Crnoj Gori taj odnos je veći i kreće se do oko 60%, jer u
našem elektroenergetskom sistemu imamo dvije velike
hidroelektrane (HE), sedam malih hidroelektrana (mHE),
a samo jednu termoelektranu (TE) [9-12].
Crna Gora raspolaže HE potencijalom koji po indeksu ISP
(Indeks Strateškog Prioriteta) spada u sam svjetski vrh
[11, 12]. U Tabeli I dat je teorijski hidroenergetski potencijal i iskorišćeni hidropotencijal Crne Gore. Procjena
iznosa tehnički iskoristivog potencijala glavnih vodotokova u prirodnom pravcu oticanja kreće se u rasponu
od 5400 do 6300GWh (zavisno od varijanti korišćenja
voda), s tim da je oko 1700GWh već u eksploataciji
u do sada izgrađenim hidroelektranama (HE Perućica
i HE Piva). Ukupni teorijski i tehnički potencijal voda u
Crnoj Gori dat je u Tabeli II.
Kao što je već navedeno, u našem energetskom sistemu
funkcionišu dvije hidroelektrane – Piva (sa instalisanom
snagom od 342MW – 762GWh) i Perućica (sa instalisanom snagom od 285MW - 903-950GWh), kao i sedam
Martin Ćalasan, MA
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
at the University of Montenegro
The importance of energy in any of its forms is and will
be of paramount significance for the development of the
whole society, irrespectively of the times in which we live.
Montenegro has marked the enegry sector as crucial for
the future economy, and, hence, its development, along
with the development of tourism and agriculture, is the
key direction for the future development of the Montenegrin society. This paper attempts to answer the question
why the young people of Montenegro should see their
future in the energy development.
The capacity to meet the energy needs independently
is a strategic question regarding the future and development of every country. Electrical energy is the most
widely spread and used form of energy. It is also the
workhorse of the modern industry. Modern industries,
as well as the transport systems, communications, and
all electrical installations from one side, and different
types of services from the other, essentially depend on
the production, transmission, distribution and use of
electrical energy. Even today, as it has been the case in
the previous decades, the consumption of electrical energy per capita was an indicator of the standard of living.
Energy crisis, as well as the influence of production and
consumption on the environment, create the need to
take further industrial development to the level which
would be ecologically acceptable and clean in terms of
the volume and form. The cleaner ways of electrical energy production include renewable (alternative) energy
sources, whereas the concept of ecologically acceptable
development requires reduction in the loss of electrical
energy (e.g. the use of power electronics, computers and
modern control algorithms...) [1].
In recent years, Montenegro has marked the energy
sector as the crucial one in the economy on which the
future development of Montenegrin society would be
based. According to the Energy Development Strategy
by 2030, which was adopted by the Government, energy
is the most important trigger for economic and social
growth of Montenegro [2-7]. According to this strategy,
the development of the energy sector will lead to structural changes in the development of energy infrastructure, which will result in a significant positive influence
both on the quality of energy supply for the customers,
and the overall macroeconomic development of Montenegro. Revitalization and development of new power
plants will open new posts, employ local operational
manpower and industry. If this sector becomes stable,
modern and well-organized, it will bring benefits to
whole economy.
The second chapter of this paper gives an overview of
(un)used energy potential of Montenegro (primarily in
terms of electrical energy sources). After that, the third
chapter outlines the plans for the construction of the
most important energy facilities in Montenegro. The
fourth chapter covers a specific example that shows the
influence of plans in the energy sector on the increase
in the number of students who wish to enroll in the Energy Studies program [8], and the need for education of
professionals in various fields. Finally, in the form of a
conclusion, we give a brief review of the whole paper.
Water is currently the biggest renewable source for electrical energy and in global terms, with its share of more
than 15%. This ratio is higher in Montenegro, ca. 60%,
since we have two large hydropower plants (HPP), seven
small hydropower plants (sHPP), and only one thermal
power plant (TPP) in our electric power system [9 - 12].
The HPP potential of Montenegro, according to the ISP
(Index of Strategic Priority), is among the very world top
[11, 12]. Table I shows the theoretical as well as the used
hydropower potential of Montenegro. The estimation of
the amount of technically usable potential of the main
watercourses in the natural flow direction is within the
span from 5400 to 6300 GWh (depending on the ways
of using the water), of which 1700GWh is already being
exploited in the extant HPPs (HPP Perućica and Piva). The
overall theoretical and technical water potential of Montenegro is given in Table II.
As already indicated, there are two HPPs in our electric
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Čovječanstvo će u bliskoj budućnosti morati pronaći
ekološki prihvatljivije izvore energije kojima će pokrivati
svoje energetske potrebe. Trenutno se kao ekološki prihvatljivo rješenje, pored HE, nude drugi obnovljivi izvori
energije, ali ipak nije realno očekivati da će se ti izvori
energije dovoljno razviti i komercijalizovati da u nekoj
većoj mjeri zadovolje rastuće energetske potrebe čovječanstva. Međutim, udio obnovljivih izvora energije u
ukupnom udjelu korišćenja energije se mora povećavati jer se zalihe neobnovljivih izvora energije konstantno
smanjuju. Sa druge strane, u svijetu postoji bojazan od
gradnje nuklearnih elektrana (NE), zbog prošlih dešavanja (NE Černobil - Ukarajina), ali i ovih trenutnih, koji još
uvijek nijesu sanirani (NE u Japanu).
malih hidroelektrana: Glava Zete, Slap Zete, Rijeka Mušovića, Šavnik, Rijeka Crnojevića, Podgor i Lijeva Rijeka
(njihova ukupna instalisana snaga iznosi 9,025MW, a godišnja proizvodnja do oko 17.5 do 21GWh).
Poslije hidropotencijala, ugalj je drugi najznačajniji izvor energije u Crnoj Gori. Najznačajnija nalazišta uglja
pozicionirana su u Pljevaljskom području (Pljevaljski basen, Ljuće-Šumanski basen i basen Maoče) i Beranskom
području (baseni Polica, Petnjik i Zagorje). Procijenjene
ukupne rezerve uglja u svim basenima su oko 200 miliona tona [10].
U elektroenergetskom sistemu Crne Gore funkcioniše Termoelektrana Pljevlja čija je instalisana snaga 218.5MW.
Za elektroenergetski sistem Crne Gore, čijem stabilnom
radu u znatnoj mjeri doprinosi, Termoelektrana „Pljevlja”
predstavlja baznu elektranu koja najveći značaj ima u pokrivanju konstantnog dijagrama opterećenja.
Prema zvaničnim podacima Crna Gora ne raspolaže sa
rezervama nafte i prirodnog gasa, mada su u planu istraživanja crnogorskog podmorja. Prema istraživanju iz
2007. godine ukupan bruto kapacitet vjetroelektana koji
može biti instalisan na teritoriji Crne Gore iznosi približno 400MW. Najatraktivnije lokacije za izgradnju vjetroparkova su Krnovo (opština Nikšić) i Možur (opština
Ulcinj), na kojima su započete određene instalacione aktivnosti. Što se tiče solarne energije, teorijski potencijal
sunčevog zračenja u Crnoj Gori se procijenjuje na oko
20 PWh/god. Procjena vrijednosti potencijala biomase
(260-411GWh-ogrevna drva), biomase iz poljoprivrede
(492-667GWhGWh; energetski usjevi) i biomase iz otpada (197-280GWh) ima značajne varijacije i nemogućnost
tačnog proračuna [3-4, 9].
Što se tiče Crne Gore, Ministarstvo ekonomije sprovodi
brojne podsticajne mjere za realizaciju energetske efikasnosti i korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije (projekat
elektrifikacije katuna – npr. Opština Danilovgrad, projekat “Energy Wood” i slično) [2, 13].
Elektroprivreda Crne Gore konstantno vrši ispitivanja i
analizu povećanja snage postojećih elektrana. Tako se u
HE Perućica planira povećanje proizvodnje nakon revitalizacije i ugradnje osmog agregata za oko 20GWh, dok bi
se revitalizacijom HE Piva (prije svega čišćenjem korita)
povećala proizvodnje za oko 38GWh. Isto tako, planira
se povećanje snage mHE Slap Zete sa 1.2MW na 3.2MW,
(godišnja proizvodnja sa sadašnjih 3.5GWh na 14.8GWh),
mHE Glava Zete snaga bi ostala 5MW a proizvodnja bi se
povećala sa 12GWh na 15GWh, dok bi u se preostalih 5
mHE snaga povećala sa 2.5MW na 3.2MW a proizvodnja
sa 5.5GWh na 7.8GWh [11].
Nacrtom strategije razvoja energetike definisana su glavna strateška opredjeljenja i projekti, među kojima najznačajnije mjesto pripada projektima izgradnje HE na
Morači, HE Komarnica, TE Pljevlja II i Maoče [3-6].
Na osnovu pripremnih istraživanja i aktivnosti do sada,
identifikovane velike HE koje su pogodne za moguću izgradnju poslije 2020. godine su: HE Koštanica, HE Buk
Bijela, HE Ljutica, HE Kruševo, HE Boka, HE na Morači,
Limu, Ćehotini... Zbog Deklaracije o Tari iz 2004. godine
i međudržavnih dogovora o korišćenju hidropotencijala,
Crna Gora za postizanja nacionalnog cilja korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije ima prilično ograničen broj opcija za valorizaciju hidropotencijala [11].
Najznačajniji planovi razvoja energetskog sektora su:
 Projekat izgradnje HE na Morači
Prva varijanta: gradnja četiri elektrane HE Andrijevo, HE
Raslovići, HE Milunovići i HE Zlatica, ukupne instalisane
snage 238 MW i procijenjene prosječne godišnje proi-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
offered as an acceptable solution, but, still, it is not realistic
to expect that they will be developed and commercialized
sufficiently enough to meet the ever-increasing energy demands of mankind to a greater extent. However, the share
of renewables in the overall share of energy consumption
has to increase since the supplies of non-renewable energy sources are constantly decreasing. On the other hand,
there is a fear in the world of constructing nuclear power
plants (NPP) due to the past events (the Chernobyl NPP in
Ukraine) and the current ones which still haven’t been remediated (the NPP in Japan).
As for Montenegro, the Ministry of Economy is taking numerous measures to encourage the implementation of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources (the
project of electrification of summer pasture lands – e.g. the
municipality of Danilovgrad, Energy Wood project, etc.) [2,
power system – Piva (with the installed capacity of 342MW
– 762GWh) and Perućica (with the installed capacity of
285MW – 903-950GWh), as well as seven sHPPs: Glava
Zete, Slap Zete, Rijeka Mušovića, Šavnik, Rijeka Crnojevića,
Podgor and Lijeva Rijeka (their overall installed capacity is
9,025 MW, and annual production from ca. 17.5 to 21GWh).
After the hydropower potential, coal is the second most important energy source in Montenegro. The most significant
coal mines are located within the region of Pljevlja (Pljevlja basin, Ljuće-Šumani basin, and Maoč basin) and Berane
(Polica, Petnjik and Zagorje basin). The estimated overall
coal reserves in all basins are ca. 200 million tons [10].
TPP Pljevlja operates within the electric power system of
Montenegro with the installed capacity of 218.5MW. This
TPP presents the base power plant for the electric power
system of Montenegro as it contributes significantly to the
stability of operations and, most importantly, covers the
constant load diagram.
According to the official data, Montenegro does not have
oil and natural gas reserves, though research of the Montenegrin sea bed is planned. A study from 2007 shows that
the overall gross capacity of the wind power plants that
can be installed within the territory of Montenegro is ca.
400MW. The most attractive locations for the construction
of wind parks are Krnovo (the municipality of Nikšić) and
Možur (the municipality of Ulcinj) on which certain installment activities have already started. As for the solar energy,
theoretical potential of solar radiation in Montenegro is
estimated to be ca. 20 PWh/yr. The estimated value of potential biomass (260-411GWh – firewood), biomass from
agriculture (492-677GWh – energy crops), and waste biomass (197-280 GWh) has significant variations and it is not
possible to have an accurate estimate [3-4, 9].
In the future, mankind will have to find ecologically acceptable energy sources which will meet our needs. Currently,
apart from the HPPs, other renewable energy sources are
Electric Power Company of Montenegro constantly examines and analyzes the increase in capacity of the existing
power plants. Thus, it is planned to increase the production by 20GWh in HPP Perućica after the revitalization process and installment of the eighth aggregate, whereas the
revitalization of HPP Piva (primarily by cleaning the water
bed), would increase the production by 38GWh. Likewise,
it is planned the increase of capacity of sHPP Slap Zete from
1.2MW to 3.2MW (annual production from current 3.5GWh
to 14.8GWh), the capacity of sHPP Glava Zete would remain
at 5MW but the production would increase from 12GWh
to 15GWh, while the capacity of the remaining five sHPP
would increase from 2.5MW to 3.2MW, and production
from 5.5GWh to 7.8GWh [11].
The draft of the Energy Development Strategy defines major strategic orientations and projects, among which the
highest importance is given to the projects of the construction of the HPP on the rivers Morača, and Komarnica, TPP
Pljevlja II and Maoče [3 - 6].
The completed surveys and activities have identified large
HPP that could potentially be constructed after 2020: HPP
Koštanica, HPP Buk Bijela, HPP Ljutica, HPP Kruševo, HPP
Boka, HPPs on the rivers Morača, Lim, Ćehotina, etc. Due to
Tara Declaration from 2004 and international agreements
on the use of hydropower potential, Montenegro has a
rather limited number of options for valorizing hydropower
potential to meet the national goal of using renewable energy sources [11].
The most important plans for the development of energy
sector are the following:
HPP Morača Construction Project
First option: construction of four HPPs: Andrijevo, Raslovići,
Milunovići, and Zlatica, with the overall installed capacity
of 238MW and estimated average annual production 694
Second option: diverting of 22.2 m3/s of water from the Tara
river to Morača, which would result in the power plant capacity of 552MW, and the annual production in 1332GWh.
As the studies show, the influence on the river Drina would
be ca. 5%.
HPP Komarnica Construction Project
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
zvodnje 694GWh.
Druga varijanta: Prevođenje 22,2 m3/s vode iz Tare u Moraču, pri čemu bi snaga elektrana bila 552MW, a godišnja
proizvodnja 1332GWh. Po ispitivanjima, uticaj na Drinu
bi iznosio oko 5%.
 Projekat izgradnja HE na Komarnici
Crna Gora je razvila tehničko rješenje za korišćenje hidropotencijala rijeke Komarnice, koji predviđa izgradnju velike HE ukupne instalisane snage od 168 MW i očekivane
godišnje proizvodnje od 232 GWh.
 Projekat izgradnja HE na Ćehotini
Prva varijanta: predviđa izgradnju HE Mekote i HE Gradac
– tehnički potencijal: 136 GWh.
Druga varijanta: predviđa izgradnju HE Gradac i HE Milovci – tehnički potencijal: 222-218GWh.Druga varijanta
nije vezana samo na teritoriju Crne Gore, pa zbog toga
postoji potreba o postizanju dogovora o podjeli potencijala Ćehotine sa Republikom Srpskom.
 HE Kruševo (Piva) i HE Boka (Trebišnjica)
Ove dvije varijante su takođe mogući kandidati za izgradnju. Međutim, njihov razvoj je povezan sa posebnim
problemima koji se odnose na realizaciju (prostorni/uticaj na životnu sredinu u BiH i podjela hidropotencijala
Bilećkog jezera i HE Kruševo) koje je potrebno rješiti sa
susjednim zemljama.
Prema strategiji razvoja eneregetike, posebna pažnja se
posvećuje i razvoju mHE. Do sada je potpisan veći broj
ugovora o koncesijama (Tabela III), dok je u toku tender
za davanje koncesija za izgradnju mHE na 9 vodotoka.
Osim korišćenja hidropotencijala, strategijom razvoja
energetike planira se i izgradnja II bloka TE Pljevlja i korišćenje basena Maoče:
 Projekat izgradnje TE Pljevlja II
Na osnovu idejnog projekta snaga II bloka TE Pljevlja bi
bila 220 MW. Prema istraživanju smatra se da oko Pljevalja postoje dovoljne količine uglja (najudaljeniji je novi
kop Otilovići), dok bi se njegovom realizacijom riješio i
problem toplifikacije Pljevalja.
 Projekat Maoče
Projekat Maoče ima za cilj valorizaciju najznačajnijeg i
najvećeg do sada otkrivenog prirodnog mineralnog bogatstva Crne Gore. Nacrtom strategije razvoja energetike
Crne Gore do 2030. godine predviđene su dvije varijante
TE Maoče - izgradnja jednog bloka snage 350MW, odnosno dva bloka ukupne snage 500MW (2x250 MW). Na
osnovu postojeće dokumentacije procijenjeno je da ukupne geološke rezerve uglja u ležištu Maoče iznose 123,3
miliona tona mrkolignitnog uglja, odnosno eksploatacione rezerve 112,9 miliona tona.
Osim gradnje novih energetskih objekata, dogovoreno je
da se između Crne Gore i Italije postavi podmorski kabal,
kapaciteta 1.000MW, koji će Crnu Goru učiniti važnim
čvorištem regiona sa snažnom prenosnom mrežom. Takođe, u toku je priprema za izgradnju 400kV dalekovoda Tivat-Pljevlja, kojim će se ojačati dalekovodna mreža
Crne Gore. Izgradnja podmorskog kabla učiniće Crnu
Goru značajnom energetskom-tranzitnom rutom.
Opšte gledano, Crna Gora je država koja nije iskoristila
ni polovinu energetskih potencijala, posebno u hidroenergiji, ali i u korišćenju novih energija - sunca, vjetra i
biomase. Svi ti resursi i Crne Gore i drugih zemalja regiona dobijaju na atraktivnosti sa realizacijom investicije
interkonektivnog kabla između Crne Gore i Italije.
Kao što je već naglašeno, država Crna Gora je sektor
energetike označila kao ključnu privrednu granu na kojoj
će se temeljiti dalji razvoj crnogorskog društva i uopšte
makroekonomska politika. Zbog toga se gotovo svakodnevno sa svim medijima može čuti o raznim projektima
iz oblasti energetike, koji su započeli, ili koji treba da započnu, svoju realizaciju.
Upravo ta činjenica utiče na mlade ljude da se oni sve
više okreću studijama Energetike, konkretno na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici. Naime, na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici, osnovanom 1965. godine,
od osnivanja do novembra 2013. godine ukupno je diplomirao 1061 student na odsjeku Energetika i automatika
(EA), i 1154 studenta na odsjeku Elektronika, telekomunikacije i računari (ETR) (Tabela IV). Međutim, nakon otvaranja studija ETR (osmadesetih godina) uglavnom su bolji
studenti (studenti sa boljim uspjehom iz srednje škole)
upisivali odsjek ETR. Međutim, situacija je počela značajnije da se mijenja u toku nekoliko posljednjih godina.
Naime, posljednje nekolike godine značajno bolji učenici
iz srednje škole su počeli da upisuju odsjek Energetike,
što se najbolje može vidjeti na osnovu broja studenta koji
su imali diplomu Luča u toku osnovnog i srednjoškolskog
obrazovanja (Tabele V i VI). U Tabeli VII prikazan je broj
studenta koji je diplomirao na odsjeku EA u posljednjih
nekoliko godina. Uočava se konstantan rast broja stude-
Montenegro has developed a technical solution for using
hydropower potential of the river Komarnica, which envisages the construction of a large HPP with the overall installed capacity of 168MW and expected annual production
of 232 GWh.
HPP Ćehotina Construction Project
First option: Envisages the construction HPP Mekote and
Gradac – technical potential: 136GWh.
Second option: Envisages the construction of HPP Gradac
and Milovci – technical potential: 222-218 GWh. Since this
option is not limited to the territory of Montenegro, there is
the need to reach an agreement on the division of potential
of the river Ćehotina with the Republic of Srpska.
HPP Kruševo (Piva) and HPP Boka (Trebišnjica)
Construction Project
These are also two potential construction candidates. However, their development is connected to specific issues related to the realization (space/influence on the environment
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the division of hydropower
potential of Bileća lake and HPP Kruševo) which need to be
settled with the neighboring countries.
According to the Energy Development Strategy, special attention is dedicated to the development of sHPPs. So far,
quite a number of concession agreements have been signed
(Table III), while bidding for concessions is under process for
the construction of sHPPs on nine watercourses.
Apart from using the hydropower potential, the Energy Development Strategy envisages the construction of the second block of TPP Pljevlja and exploitation of Maoče basin:
TPP Pljevlja II Construction Project
Based on the preliminary design, the capacity of the second
block of Pljevlja TPP would be 220MW. The studies show
that there is a sufficient quantity of coal in this region (the
furthest is the Otilovići Pit), while its realization would also
solve the problem of the heating system of Pljevlja.
Maoče Project
Maoče project has as its goal to valorize the most significant
and, so far, the largest discovered natural, mineral resource
of Montenegro. The draft of the Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro by 2030 envisages two options for the
TPP Maoče – construction of one block with the capacity of
350MW, i.e. two blocks with the overall capacity of 500MW
(2x250 MW). Based on the existing documentation, it is estimated that the overall geological coal reserves in Maoče
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
basin are 123.3 million tons of brown-lignite coal, i.e. the
reserves for exploitation of 112.9 million tons.
Apart from the construction of new energy facilities, it has
been agreed to set a submarine cable between Montenegro and Italy with the capacity of 1,000MW, which will make
Montenegro an important regional junction with a powerful transmission network. Furthermore, it is currently being
worked on the preparations for the construction of 400kV
Tivat-Pljevlja transmission line, which will strengthen the
transmission line network of Montenegro. With the construction of the submarine cable, Montenegro will become
an important energetic transit route.
Generally speaking, Montenegro is a country which has not
used even half of its energy potentials, especially in terms
of hydropower, but also in exploitation of new energies –
solar, wind, and biomass. All these resources of Montenegro and other regional countries become more attractive
with the realization of investments in interconnective cable
between Montenegro and Italy.
As already indicated, Montenegro has marked the energy
sector as the crucial one in the economy on which the future development of Montenegrin society and the overall
macroeconomic policy would be based. For this reason, the
reports about the projects in the energy sector that have
started, or will soon start, their realization can be heard
from the media almost on a daily basis.
This very fact is the reason why more and more young people enroll in the Energy Studies, specifically at the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering in Podgorica. Namely, at this faculty in
Podgorica, from the year in which it was established, 1965,
until November 2013, the overall number of graduates
was 1061 at the Power Systems and Control Department
(PSC), and 1154 at the Electronics, Telecommunications and
Computer Engineering Department (ETC) (Table IV). However, after opening the ETC (during the 1980s) mostly the
more successful students (those with higher success scores
from high school) enrolled in this department. This situation, nevertheless, has begun to change significantly during
the recent years. Namely, students with significantly higher
score index from high schools started to enroll in the PSC
department during the last couple of years, which can best
be seen from the number of students with the Luča diploma obtained after finishing the elementary and secondary
school (Table V and VI). The Table VII shows the number of
students graduated from the PSC department in the last
couple of years. A constant increase in the number of students graduating from this department is evident [8]. The
graphic representation of the number of enrolled students
during the last couple of years in the PSC and ETC department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica is
shown in Figure 1.
During the course of studies, the PSC department of the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering educates electrical engineers who acquire general knowledge in electrical engineering as well as practical know-how and skills in the field
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
nata koji završavaju studije Energetike [8]. Grafički prikaz
broja upisanih studenata u posljednjih nekoliko godina
na odsjeku EA i ETR na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici prikazan je na Slici 1.
U proteklim godinama problem zagađenja okoline i nedostatak energije povećali su interes za energetiku i sa
njene druge projekcije – ekologije [5, 14]. Samim tim
planiranje, izgradnja i funkcionisanje nekog energetskog objekta mora da zadovoljava i ekološke standarde i
normative. Tu se prije svega misli na devastaciju životne
sredine, migracije životinja i ljudi, promjenu prostornih
planova i slično, kao i na zaštitu ljudi i životinja od nejonizujućeg zračenja (boravak ljudi i životinja u okolini energetskih objekata) [14].
Odsjek za Energetiku i automatiku ETF-a, obrazuje elektroinženjere koji u toku studija stiču opšta znanja iz
elektrotehnike kao i praktična znanja i vještine iz oblasti
energetike, ali i iz drugih srodnih disciplina. Inženjerska
znanja u polju proizvodnje, prenosa, distribucije, konverzije i potrošnje električne energije su sve potrebnija, što
zahteva sve veći broj dobro obučenih inženjera energetike. U zapadnom svijetu, potražnja za inženjerima energetike je značajno uvećana već duži niz godina, dok se
u poslednje vreme ovakav trend uočava i u našoj zemlji.
Energetika je jedna od najstabilnijih privrednih grana
koja iz decenije u deceniju zapošljava veliki broj elektroinženjera, pružajući im stručne i naučne izazove, šansu za
uspešnu karijeru i veoma dobro plaćen posao. Međutim,
rad u bilo kojoj energetskoj kompaniji ne mogu da obavljaju samo elektroinženjeri. Za uspješno funkcionisanje
pojedinih sektora energetskih kompanija potrebna su i
zanimanja drugih profila – ekonomije, prava, menadžmenta i slično.
Prema tome, i na osnovu ove priče, može se zaključiti da
izgradnja, planiranje i upravljanje bilo kojim energetskim
objektom mora okupiti veliki broj ljudi različitih struka.
Znači, razvoj energetskog sektora ne može se zasnivati
samo na stručnjacima iz oblasti energetike, već i na svim
drugim kadrovima koji indirektno ili direktno imaju veze
sa energetikom, pri čemu svi od nje imaju benefite.
Za energetski sektor Crne Gore se može reći da je “obećana zemlja” – toliko prostora, neotkrivenog i slobodnog.
Sa druge strane, razvoj energetskog sektora omogućava
širinu i kreativnost, ali i brojne mogućnosti i obaveze za
ljude različitih struka.
U ovom radu dat je pregled hidro,termo i obnovljivog
energetskog potencijala Crne Gore. Napravljen je pregled
trenutnog stanja i planovi definisani strategijom razvoja
energetike do 2030. godine. Poseban akcenat u radu dat
je analizi broja studenata koji upisuju studije Energetike
na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici. Jasno je pokazano da podizanje svijesti u oblasti značaja energetike
utiče na to da sve veći broj mladih ljudi u Crnoj Gori biva
zainteresovan za pomenute studije.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
surroundings of the energy facilities) [14].
Hence, based on what has been said, it can be concluded
that the construction, planning and management of any
energy facility calls for gathering a large number of people
of various professions. Thus, the development of the enrgy
sector cannot be based on the work of the experts from the
energy field, rather on the work of all the other professionals who either indirectly or directly are related to the energy
sector and benefit from it.
and other related disciplines. The engineering knowledge
within the field of production, transmission, distribution,
conversion and consumption of electrical energy are everso needed, which calls for a greater number of well-trained
electrical engineers. In the western world, the demand for
the specialists in this field increased significantly during the
last couple of years, while, recently, this trend has been evident in our country as well.
The energy sector is one of the most stable branches of
economy which has been employing a large number of
electrical engineers for decades, providing them with professional and scientific challenges, chance for a successful
career, and a well-paid job. However, the work in any energy company cannot be done by the electrical engineers
alone. For a successful functioning of certain sectors of
these companies, other professional profiles are required,
as well – those in the field of economics, law, management,
and alike.
During the recent years, the issue of enviromental pollution
and lack of energy has increased the interest for energy and
its other projections – ecology [5, 14]. This means that planning, construction and functioning of any energy facility has
to meet the ecological standards and norms. First of all, this
refers to the devastation of the environment, animal and
human migrations, change in spacial plans and alike, as well
as to the protection of humans and animals from the nonionizing radiation (the stay of people and animals within the
The energy sector of Montenegro could be labelled as the
”Promised land“ – with so much undiscovered and free
space. From the other hand, the development of the energy sector provides space and creativity, as well as numerous
possibilities and obligations for experts in different professions.
This paper has given an overview of hydro, thermal, and
renewable energy potential of Montenegro. We have outlined the current state of affairs and the plans defined by the
Energy Development Strategy by 2030. Special reference in
this paper has been made to the number of students who
enroll in the Energy Studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica. It has clearly been shown that the
raise of awareness about the importance of energy encourages an increasing number of young people in Montenegro
to become interested for the mentioned studies.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
1. Energetska politika Crne Gore oslanjajući se na lekcije
za oblikovanje održive budućnosti, Finalni izvještaj, decembar 2011. godine http://www.mek.gov.me/ministarstvo 2. Strategija razvoja energetike Crne Gore do 2030. godine (Zelena knjiga – nacrt)
3. Energetska politika Crne Gore do 2030. godine, Ministarstvo ekonomije Crne Gore, Podgorica, februar 2011.
4. Informacija o aktivnostima na pripremi Strategije razvoja energetike Crne Gore do 2030. godine sa Strateškom procjenom uticaja na životnu sredinu
5. Informacija o aktivnostima na projektima valorizacije
postojećih energetskih potencijala http://www.privrednakomora.me/saopstenja/nacrt-strategije-razvoja-energetike-do-2030
6. Podaci iz Studentske službe Elektrotehničkog fakulteta
u Podgorici
7. Strategija razvoja energetike Crne Gore do 2025. godine, Bijela knjiga, Podgorica, decembar 2007. godine
8. Strategija razvoja energetike Crne Gore do 2025. godine, Knjiga D, Plan razvoja elektroenergetskog sistema
Republike Crne Gore (master plan), Institut za istraživanja u energetici, ekologiji i tehnologiji, Energetski institut
Hrvoje Požar, LJubljana, februar 2006
9. M. Ostojić, “Importance of water in terms of energy – Hydropower of Montenegro,” Svjetski dani nauke –
Ministarstvo nauke Crne Gore u saradnji s UNESCO-om,
Podgorica, novembar, 2013. godine.
10. U. Karadžić, R. Vukadinović, “Hidropotencijal Crne
Gore – stanje, perspective iskorišćenja i zakonodavni
okvir”, Energija, Ekonomija, Ekologija, Broj 1-2, pp. 157161, mart, 2013. godine http://www.oie-res.me/
11. M. Ostojić, M. Ćalasan, B. Novosel, “Elektromagnetno zračenje dalekovoda i trafostanica”, Časopis Pogled Inženjerska komora Crne Gore, ISSN 2336-9175, jul 2013,
pp. 50-56.
1. The Energy Policy of Montenegro: Drawing on the Lessons to Shape a Sustainable Fututre, Final Report, December 2011. http://www.mek.gov.me/ministarstvo
2. Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro by 2030
(Green Paper – Draft)
3. The Energy Policy of Montenegro by 2030, Ministry of
Economy of Montenegro, Podgorica, February 2011.
4. Information on the activities of preparing Energy Development Strategy by 2030 with the Strategic Environmental
Impact Assessment
5. Information on the activities related to the projects of
valorization of the current energy potentials http://www.
6. Data obtained from the Office of the Registrar at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica.
7. Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro by 2025,
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
White Paper, Podgorica, December 2007.
8. Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro by 2025,
Book D, Plan for Electric Power System Development of
Montenegro (Master Plan), Institute for Research in Energy,
Ecology and Technology, Energy Institute “Hrvoje Požar”,
Ljubljana, February 2006.
9. M. Ostojić, “Importance of Water in Terms of Energy –
Hydropower of Montenegro,” World Science Day, Ministry
of Science of Montenegro in collaboration with UNESCO,
Podgorica, November, 2013.
10. U. Karadžić, R. Vukadinović, “Hydropower Potential of
Montenegro – Current state, Perspectives of Exploitation
and Legal Framework”, Energija, Ekonomija, Ekologija, Issue
1-2, pp. 157-161, March, 2013. http://www.oie-res.me/
11. M. Ostojić, M. Ćalasan, B. Novosel, “Electromagnetic
Radiation of Transmission Lines and Substations”, Journal
“Pogled” – Chamber of Engineering of Montenegro, ISSN
2336-9175, July 2013, pp. 50-56.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Ivan Vukčević
Student Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Hvala vam za priliku da govorim o mladima u Crnoj Gori,
njihovim problemima i načinima da se ti problemi riješe.
Govoriću i o mladima u regionu jer napredak naših država u svim starosnim strukturama i oblastima nije moguć
bez uspješne regionalne saradnje. Ta uspješna regionalna saradnja predstavlja mnogo više od slova na papiru
ili riječi zvaničnika o tome kako su bilateralni odnosi na
visokom nivou.
Da bi postupno stigli do onoga što se zove kontinuirani
napredak mladih, moramo se osvrnuti i na ono što mladi
rade i na ono što im sistem nudi. Zbog toga ću ja svoj
govor podijeliti na dva dijela. U prvom ću govoriti o mladima, a u drugom o sistemu. Konkretnije, predmet prvog
dijela biće samokritika, a drugog kritika. Da sve to ne bi
bili opisi stanja, daću i neke predloge, jer, slika društava u
regionu je različita, ali vjerujem da su nam problemi isti
i da u cilju njihovog rješavanja moramo uspostaviti dijalog, razmjenjivati iskustva kako bi našli načine i rješavali
probleme. Ako tako budemo radili bićemo bliži evropskim vrijednostima i bićemo međusobno bliži.
Ja tvrdim da mladi ljudi u mojoj državi treba da se mijenjaju. Pitate: zašto?
Prvo. Slobodno vrijeme. Mladi u Crnoj Gori mnogo vole
rituale u baštama kafića uz rješavanje globalnih tema.
Govore u brojkama. Postavljaju pitanja:”Koliko je potrošio/la te noći”, “Koliko koštaju ta kola, taj telefon?”. A o
izložbama, predstavama i knjigama skoro ni riječi! Kao da
je to nešto sporedno i nevažno, nešto što nije nužno za
napredak kako mladih, tako i cijele zemlje. Tužno je što
se slobodno vrijeme troši na besomučne sjedjeljke i što
se ne shvata da je racionalno iskorišteno vrijeme uslov za
stvaranje uspješnog čovjeka.
Drugo. Mladi ne rade na sebi onda kada to od njih niko ne
traži. Uzimam za primjer Škole retorike na FDES-u. Kada
bi pitali bivše polaznike za ocjenu ove škole, svaki će vam
reći da je mnogo naučio i napredovao u govorništvu, što
mogu potvrditi i ličnim primjerom. Ja vas pitam:Koliko
polaznika ima Škola retorike u ovoj generaciji? Odgovor
je 26. A broj studenata se u našoj zemlji je oko 30 000.
Uzimajući u obzir ove podatke sasvim je jasno da je broj
26 poraz kako naših studenata, tako i cijelog društva. Bo-
jim se da je taj omjer prisutan i u drugim oblastima.
Treće. Mladi su, kao i cijelo naše društvo duboko podijeljeni. Umjesto da učimo na greškama starijih, mi ih ponavljamo. U našem društvu, kao i među mladima ne postoji
podjela samo po jednom osnovu. Mi se dijelimo i regionalno, i vjerski, i nacionalno, i politički.
Kada kažem regionalno mislim na podjelu našeg društva
na ljude koji žive na sjeveru, u centralnom dijelu i na jugu.
Kao da nijesmo dovoljno mali, pa smo našli za shodno da
se podijelimo na još manje djelove što nas može učiniti
jedino slabijim nego što jesmo. Iz tog razloga, svako od
nas treba da voli svaki kamen ove gorde ljepotice. Dijelimo se i vjerski. Ni većina naroda, ni duhovni poglavari,
ne shvataju suštinu vjerovanja, jer ono ne podrazumijeva
sukobe, već razumijevanje. Kada je riječ o nacionalnim
podjelama, kada se predstavljate u Crnoj Gori, uz ime,
nekima je važna i nacionalnost. Crnogorac, Srbin, Bošnjak, Musliman, Hrvat ili Albanac? To je važno. O patriotizmu, o tome koliko poštujemo sopstvenu državu, koliko
radimo za nju - ni pomena. A trebalo bi, jer, nije patriotizam kada glasno uzvikujete ime svoje zemlje, s jedne
strane, a još manje kada ne poštujete državne simbole, s
druge strane. Patriotizam je kada u svakom trenutku razmišljamo kako možemo svojim radom da pomognemo
zemlji koju volimo. Na kraju, podjele koje su danas najviše promovisane su političke. Izgleda da je od važnosti da
li smo dio vladajuće koalicije ili opozicije. Od toga često
zavisi i naša promocija, napredovanje. Moramo priznati
- mi smo partitokratsko društvo i zato mladi teško uspijevaju da budu vjesnici promjena, graditelji neke nove
budućnosti, rušitelji starih, neispravnih stavova, oni svjesno prihvataju pogrešna shvatanja starijih, bez želje da
ih promijene. Ideja o građanskom društvu, društvu bez
podjela, za mlade je samo ustavna norma, a ne cilj za koji
se stalno treba boriti.
Govoreći o mladima, istakao sam da treba da se mijenjaju, da put kojim idu nije dobar. Ipak, za napredak
mladih, još važniji od njih je sistem. Sistem koji treba da
im ponudi obrazovanje, posao, jednake šanse. Sistemi
u zemljama regiona ne podstiču mlade da rade, već ih
sopstvenom politikom demotivišu. Da je tako, pokazaću
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Ivan Vukčević
Student at theLaw Faculty at University of Montenegro
The Young in Montenegro and in the Region
Thank you for the opportunity to talk about the young
people in Montenegro, their problems and the ways to
solve these problems. I will also talk about the young in
the region, because the progress of our countries in all
age structures and areas is not possible without the successful regional cooperation. Such regional cooperation
presents much more than words on the paper or speeches of the officials discussing about the bilateral relations
at a high level.
In order to get to something that is called continuous
progress of the young, we should take look at what the
young people do and is offered to them by the system.
Therefore, I will divide my speech into two parts. In the
first part, I will talk about the young, and in the second
one, I will refer to the system. More specifically, the subjects of the first and the second part will be self-criticism
and criticism respectively. Not to make it all just the description of the situation, I will give some suggestions,
because the picture of the society in the region is taken
differently, but I believe that the problems are similar
and that in order to solve them we need to establish the
dialogue, exchange the experience in order to find ways
and solve the problems. In such a way, we will be closer
to the European values and we will be closer to each
I suggest that the young people in my country should
change. If you ask me why, then:
First to mention the free time. The young in Montenegro are fond of the rituals in the outdoor cafes, where
they enjoy themselves and solve global issues. They talk
about numbers. They ask questions: “How much did he/
she spend during that evening”, “How much does a car,
or a telephone cost?” They almost never mention exhibitions, performances or books!, as if it is something irrelevant or not important, or something that is not needed
for the advancement of both the young and the whole
country. The sad thing is that they spend their time on
pointless sitting, and that they do not understand that
rationally spent time is the prerequisite for creation of a
successful person.
Secondly, the young do not improve their skills if they
are not required. Take, for example, School of Rhetoric at
the Faculty of State and European Studies (FDES). If you
asked former students about their opinion of the school,
each and every one would say that they learned a lot,
and advanced their rhetoric skills, which I could support
with my own example. I would like now to ask you how
many attendants are there in the School this year. The
answer is 26 only. Well, the number of students in our
country is around 30,000! This information taken into account, it is clear that this number presents the failure of
both the students and the entire society. I am afraid that
this ration is present in other areas as well.
Thirdly, the population of young people is divided, as
well as our society. Instead of learning on the mistakes
of previous generations, we repeat them. Our society, as
well as the young people, is divided on the regional, religious, ethnic and political grounds.
When I mention regional division, I mean people who
live in the north, in the central and in the southern part
of the country. As if our country is not small enough so
we deem necessary to get it divided into even smaller
parts, which only makes us weaker than we are. Exactly
for our proud beautiful country being small, each of us
should love every stone of it. We are also divided on the
religions grounds. The majority of the population and
the spiritual leaders do not understand the essence of
religion and that it does not imply conflicts, but understanding. When it comes to ethnic division, whenever
you introduce yourself in Montenegro, in addition to the
name, some people consider your ethnic background as
very important. Montenegrin, Serb, Bosnian, Muslim,
Croat or Albanian? That is what matters. The issue of patriotism, the fact how much we respect our country and
how much we work for it get no mention. They should,
because it is not patriotism when you loudly call out the
name of your country on the one hand, and do not respect the state symbols on the other hand. Patriotism is
if ,in every moment of our life, we think in which way we
can help the country we love. Finally, political divisions
are the most pronounced ones today . It seems to be important whether you belong to the ruling coalition or to
the opposition. Very often, it influences our promotion
and progress. We have to admit that we are partytocratic society and that is why the young cannot herald the
changes and be the creators of the future, destroyers of
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Prvo. Obrazovni sistem, kao što znamo, obrazovni sistem
je važan temelj svake države. Bez njega, nema ni kvalitetnih kadrova u zdravstvu, upravi, biznisu i svim drugim
oblastima koje su neophodne za razvoj države. Na kojem
su stupnju razvijenosti obrazovni sistemi u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, BiH, Makedoniji, Sloveniji i Crnoj Gori? Na niskom.
Kako ću ovo dokazati? Opštepoznatom činjenicom koja
glasi da među prvih 400 univerziteta na svijetu nema nijednog sa naših prostora. Ovaj je podatak poražavajući
za prostore koji su dali velike umove kao što su Tesla, Andrić, Njegoš, Krleža i drugi. Zbog ovog podatka ljudi napuštaju zemlju u potrazi za boljim. Ne zato što ne vole svoju
zemlju, već zato što im ona nije dala dovoljno prostora
da se ostvare i pokažu šta mogu. No, nameće se još važnije pitanje, kakvi mladi ljudi odlaze? Odgovor je: najbolji. Kao što reče Balašević: “Bajke da na kraju najbolji
ostaju kod razumnih ne prolaze”. Iz tog razloga, neophodno je poboljšati kvalitet nastavnog kadra, učiniti plan i
program rada boljim i uskladiti ga sa našim potrebama.
Ne forsirati Bolonju i prolaznost po svaku cijenu ako nijesu potkrijepljeni znanjem. Učešće visokoobrazovanih
od 30%- 40% u ukupnom broju stanovnika neće značiti
ništa ako te diplome ne oslikavaju znanje. Isto tako, ne
možemo se dičiti inflacijom magistara ili doktora nauka.
Naprotiv, stotine njih na zavodu za zapošljavanje su mjera našeg neuspjeha u planiranju.
Drugo. Zapošljavanje, kao gorući problem mladih. Ne
studiramo valjda da bi poboljšali kvalifikacionu strukturu butika, već da bi ostvarili sebe i tako dali doprinos
društvu. Brojka nezaposlenosti raste, a obrazovni nivo je
sve viši. Akcije volontiranja pripravnika su na određeno
vrijeme dobre, ali kratkoročne i nedovoljne. Treba nam
zaposlenje u privredi koja je zdrava, kroz strana ulaganja
i u okviru zajedničkih projekata u regionu i zajedničkih
nastupa na Trećim tržištima. U protivnom, prihodi će biti
manji, a budžet sve ranjiviji.
Da moja priča ne bi bila opis trenutnog stanja, daću i konkretne predloge da se postojeće stanje poboljša. Tražim
od vas, starijih i odgovornijih, da osmislite zajedničke
projekte kojima ćete otvoriti nova radna mjesta, da obnovite privredne veze koje smo ranije imali i učinite ih još
jačim. To će biti najbolja potvrda saradnje i prevencija sukoba koji su se dogodili 90- ih godina. Samo ekonomskim
razvojem možemo da zamijenimo “višak istorije” koji dokazujem činjenicom da smo moj đed, otac, stariji brat i
ja rođeni u četiri različite države. Ja sam rođen 1994. kad
je nestajala bivša država i nedavno sam postao punoljetan. Vjerujem da punoljetstvo u odnosima između država
regiona moraju opravdati stariji zvanicnici svojom zrelošću i stabilnošću. Vjerujem da punoljetstvo po godinama
mora opravdati i moja generacija, i to mukotrpnim radom, pružanjem ruke jedni drugima i korišćenjem svake
šanse za saradnju koju sistem pruži. Jedino zajedničkim
naporima starijih i iskusnijih, s jedne strane, i mlađih, koji
su najveća snaga jedne države, s druge strane, možemo
ostvariti uspješnu regionalnu saradnju i na taj način doprinijeti razvoju svake od zemalja pojedinačno.
the old, defective attitudes. The consciously accept the
misconceptions of the older generations, without any
desire to change them. The idea of the civil society, a
society without divisions for the young is just a constitutional norm; it is not the objective to fight for.
Speaking of young people, I have mentioned that they
should change and that the way they follow is not a good
one. However, what is needed for the progress of young
people and what is even more important is the system
itself. The system that should provide education, jobs
and equal opportunities. The systems in the countries
of the region do not encourage the young to work, but
demotivate them with their own policies. I will support it
through arguments.
Firstly, as we all know, the educational system is an important basis of any state. Without a good educational
system, we can not have high-quality professionals in
health care, administration, business and all other fields
that are necessary for the development of the country.
What is the development level of educational systems
in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia,
Slovenia and Montenegro? Very low. How shall I support
the statement? With the well-known fact that among
first 400 universities in the world there is not any from
the region. This data is embarrasing for the countries
which gave to the mankind such great minds as Tesla,
Andric, Njegos, Krleza and others. This is the reason why
people leave the country in search of better fortune. Not
because they do not love their country, but because it did
not give them enough chances to realize their potential.
However, there is even more important question, what
kinds of young people leave the country? The answer is:
the best. As Balasevic says: “The fairy tales saying that, in
the end, the best people stay do not work with the intelligent people”. For this reason, it is necessary to improve
the competences of teachers, enhance the curricula, and
bring them in line with our needs. We should not “push”
Bologna and exam pass rate by all means if they are not
substantiated by knowledge. The share of 30% - 40% of
highly educated people in the total number of population does not mean anything if the diplomas are not accompanied by knowledge. At the same time, we can not
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
be proud of the inflation of masters and doctors of science. On the contrary, hundreds of them registered with
the Employment Agency is the indicator of our failure in
Secondly, employment as the burning problem of the
young generation. I do not think we study in order to improve the knowledge structure of boutiques, but in order
to realize our ambitions and in this way to contribute to
the society. The unemployment rate rises while the level
of education is getting higher. Trainees’ volunteering is a
good thing for a definite period, but it is a short-term and
insufficient solution. We need jobs in a sound economy,,
through foreign investments and within joint regional
projects and joint presence at the third markets. Otherwise, the income will be lower, and the budget all the
more vulnerable.
Not to make this speech just a description of the current situation, I will provide particular proposals how to
improve the existing situation. I demand you the seniors
and more responsible ones, to come up with the common projects that will create new jobs, to resume economic relations that we used to have and to make them
even stronger. That will be the best proof of cooperation
and prevention of conflicts similar to those that took
place in the 90-s. Only with the economic development
can we replace the “excess of history”, which I am illustrating with the fact that my grandfather, father, older
brother and I were born in four different countries. I was
born in 1994, when the former country was disappearing
and I have recently reached the full age. I believe that
the full age in the relations between the countries of this
region should be proved by the maturity and stability of
older officials. I also believe that my generation should
prove that they are of full age by their engagement in
hard work, giving a hand to each other and taking every cooperation opportunity offered by the system. Only
through taking advantage of the joint efforts of the elder
and more experienced, on the one hand, and the younger ones as being the biggest strength of the state, on the
other hand, can we achieve a successful regional cooperation and thus contribute to the development of each
country separately.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Bivši Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
Former President of Republic of Croatia
Stjepan Mesić
Bivši Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
Former President of Republic of Croatia
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Stjepan Mesić
Bivši Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
Pogled na europsku uniju s Balkana
Uvaženi gosti i uzvanici,
gospođe i gospodo,
Rado prihvaćam svaku priliku da iznesem svoje viđenje odnosa regije u kojoj smo smješteni – jugoistočne
Europe – prema ujedinjenoj Europi i vrijednostima te
Europe u pogledu ljudskih prava, pravednosti, demokracije, javne politike kao i svih pitanja koja se tiču suživota ljudi.
Stoga sam se opredijelio za to da i danas ovdje s vama
podijelim neka svoja razmišljanja na tu temu. Prije
svega želio bih se koncentrirati na pitanje kako vidim
zemlje regije na njihovome putu prema Uniji, jesu li
one na tome putu rivali ili saveznici, ili možda i jedno,
i drugo.
Počet ću s konstatacijom u koju duboko vjerujem. Europsko je ujedinjavanje milenijski pothvat, a ujedinjena Europa nije samo naša želja, nego i naša sudbina.
To je osnova mojega razmišljanja.
No, ići ću i dalje. Evropsko ujedinjavanje ne može biti
završeno, ako ne obuhvati i zemlje jugoistoka Evrope,
i to sve njih.
Nema nikakve logike, ni političke, ni ekonomske, da
se proces evropskoga ujedinjavanje koji je tako daleko
odmakao, na bilo kojem stupnju odjednom zaustavlja i
da se njegovi protagonisti zadovolje s time da su nešto
započeli, ali da to nisu bili sposobni završiti. Siguran
sam da većina relevantnih političkih čimbenika u Europi to zna. Ako neki u ovome trenutku možda i ne znaju,
siguran sam da će kad-tad shvatiti.
Govorim to itekako svjestan problema u kojima se našla Europska unija.
Previše je investirano, u svakome pogledu, u projekt
evropskoga ujedinjavanja, a da bi bilo tko smio preuzeti rizik njegovoga dovođenje u pitanje. Zaustavljanje
proširivanja bilo bi jednako dovođenju u pitanje cijeloga projekta i njegovoga koncepta.
Pri čemu su sva pitanja otvorena za raspravu – pa čak i
pitanje nije li političko ujedinjavanje Europe plemenit
i svake hvale vrijedan cilj, dok je njezino monetarno
ujedinjavanje bilo preuranjeno. Kažem: o svemu se
može raspravljati, pa i o tome. Baš kao i o tome, postoji li zaista zamor od proširivanja, ili je to tek prazna
politička floskula.
Ponovit ću još jednom: mi trebamo Europu, ali i Europa treba nas. A ujedinjena Europa neće biti doista
ujedinjena bez zemalja svojega jugoistoka. To je nešto,
što Europa ne smije zaboraviti.
Naravno, regija ne očekuje prilikom svojega ulaska u
Uniju nikakav popust, nikakve povlastice.
Europska unija danas je najelitniji gospodarsko-politički klub koji ima svoje standarde i pravila, svoja civilizacijska dostignuća kojih se svi trebaju pridržavati.
Dapače, moramo biti svjesni toga da su u međuvremenu neki kriteriji i pooštreni, da se od nas traži u nekim
segmentima i više, no što se tražilo od zemalja koje su
se pridruživale Uniji proteklih godina. Hrvatska je to
iskusila na „vlastitoj koži“.
Kažem: svjesni smo toga i ne možemo poricati Uniji
pravo određivanja kriterija za članstvo, mada postojanje dvostrukih mjerila ne bi bilo dobro za vjerodostojnost Unije, niti bi pomoglo stupnju podrške za ulazak
u Uniju građana zemalja – pretendenata na članstvo.
A sada riječ – dvije o nama, o zemljama regije. Što smo
mi jedni drugima na našemu evropskome putu?
Jesmo li rivali, jesmo li čak protivnici, jesmo li saveznici, ili tek suputnici?
Moj je odgovor jasan: mi jesmo, mi možemo biti i mi
moramo biti samo i isključivo saveznici. Za mene tu
nikakve dileme nema, niti je može biti. Smatram, naime, da bismo se, i to svi, mada svaki svojom brzinom i u skladu sa svojim postignućima, trebali
Uniji pridružiti što prije i što brže.
Znači: svaka će zemlja biti primljena onda, kada zado-
Stjepan Mesić
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Former President of the Republic of Croatia
View of the European Union from the Balkans
Distinguished guests and guests of honor,
ladies and gentleman,
I am always keen to accept an opportunity to express
my observation of relations between the region we
live in, namely Southeast Europe, and the integrated
Europe and Europe’s values such as those concerning
human rights, equity, democracy, public policy and all
matters touching the co-existence of people.
Therefore, I have opted for sharing with you - here
and today - some of my deliberations on the topic.
First of all, I wish to focus on the matter of how I see
the regional countries on their road to the European
Union and whether, on their way thereto, they are rivals or allies, or maybe both.
I am going to start with a conclusion that I firmly believe in. The European integration is a millennium
project, and the integrated Europe is not only our
wish but also it is our destiny. That is the foundation
of my deliberation.
However, I am going to proceed even further. The
European integration cannot be completed if it does
not embrace also the Southeast European countries,
namely all of them.
There is no logic, either political or economic, that the
process of the European integration - which has got
as far as it is -stops suddenly at any level and that
its protagonists are satisfied with something that they
commenced but they have not been able to complete.
I am sure that the majority of relevant European political factors know that. However, if some of them do
not know that at the moment, I am certain they will
realize that sooner or later.
I am telling this being indeed to a great degree aware
of the problems in the middle of which the European
Union found themselves.
To many investments have been made - in all respects
- in the European integration project to find anybody
daring to undertake a risk of challenging it. Stopping
the enlargement would be equal to questioning both
the whole project and the project concept.
Simultaneously, all the matters stand open for discussion - even the one of whether the political integration of Europe is a generous and highly commendable
goal, while the monetary integration was too early. I
am saying actually that everything is debatable, and
event that too. Exactly as it is the case with that,
whether there is enlargement fatigue taking place, or
it also is an empty political phrase.
I will repeat once again: we need Europe and the Europe needs us likewise. Moreover, the integrated Europe will not be integrated indeed without the southeastern countries. That is something that Europe
must not forget.
Naturally, when joining the Union, the region does
not expect ether any exceptions or any preferences.
Nowadays, the European Union is the most exclusive
economic and political club following their standards
and rules and their civilization accomplishments with
which everybody must comply.
Yet, we have to be aware of the fact that some criteria have been tightened meanwhile, that we are required to do - in some segments - even more than
other countries that have joined the European Union
in previous years so far were required to do. Croatia
experienced that „personally“.
I am actually saying that we are aware of that and we
cannot deny the Union’s right to set criteria for the
membership, although the existence of double standards would make neither any good to the Union’s
credibility, nor any help to the level of the EU accession support provided to the citizens of the countries
pretending to be member ones.
Now, a couple of words about us, actually about the
regional countries. What are we to each other on our
European road?
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
volji postavljene kriterije, kada ispuni propisane standarde.
Ulazeći kratko u vrlo blizu povijest, moram reći kako je
tokom naših pristupnih pregovora s Unijom i u Hrvatskoj bilo pojedinaca i minornih skupina koji su pokušavale uvjeriti najprije sebe, a potom i cijeli svijet da
Hrvatska ne pripada regiji i da mi sa zemljama regije
nemamo ama baš ništa zajedničkoga. Neistina i glupost je i jedno, i drugo.
Mi smo tu – gdje jesmo i naši su susjedi tu, pri čemu
ne mislim samo na one neposredne. To je naprosto činjenica.
Baš kao što je i činjenica da zemlje regije povezuje
gotovo sedam desetljeća zajedničke povijesti u 20.
stoljeću, kao i dugotrajne veze koje su uspostavljane
i njegovane usprkos pripadnosti različitim civilizacijskim krugovima. Danas, povezuju nas naše evropske
ambicije i aspiracije. Naglašavam ovo: povezuju nas,
jer znam kako neki tvrde da su zemlje regije u ostvarivanju tih ambicija protivnici. To odlučno odbacujem.
Kao protivnici mi bismo jedni druge usporavali, ometali i sprečavali, a to nikome ne bi koristilo.
Kao saveznici mi se možemo uzajamno pomagati, razmjenjivati iskustva i spoznaje.
Na zemljama je regije da se spreme i pripreme, a na
Evropi je da to prepozna i vrednuje.
Na nama je isto tako da strpljivo, ali i odlučno razgrađujemo tkivo nacionalističke uskogrudnosti, povijesnih mitova, te starih, kao i novovjekih predrasuda
uvjetovanih politikom i dnevnim političkim potrebama.
Na Evropi je da nam u tome pomaže - upozoravajući,
kritizirajući, pa ponekada čak i uvjetujući.
Činjenica je da živimo u postkonfliktnom društvu, poslije ratova za koje ključnu odgovornost snosi Slobodan Milošević i njegov režim.
No, činjenica je: da su zločini počinjeni na svim stranama. Zločine su počinili konkretni ljudi pa se krivnja
mora individualizirati. Samo individualizacija krivnje
oslobađa kolektivitete odgovornosti.
Narodi nisu krivi i ne mogu biti krivi. Pojedinci i skupine – mogu i jesu.
S time se moramo suočiti, to moramo prihvatiti, ako
želimo surađivati na našem evropskome putu.
Ne bez razloga uporno sam godinama inzistirao na po-
trebi suočavanja s istinom o prošlosti, s punom istinom, ma kakva ona bila i usprkos tome što je to suočavanje nerijetko i bolno.
Isto tako inzistirao sam i na borbi protiv povijesnog
revizionizma kakav je bio i još je i danas na djelu u
državama naše regije. Jedno su ekscesi neofašista i
neonacista. Njih ima posvuda. I tako dugo dok ih država sankcionira, mi nismo izašli iz okvira normale. No,
kada država počne takve ekscese tolerirati, vrijeme je
da se zvoni na uzbunu. Jer, koketiranjem s takvim pojavama ne stječe se evropska legitimacija.
Moram otvoreno reći da hrvatska država koja je u svojem Ustavu zapisala antifašizam kao jedan od svojih
temelja, nije u pravome trenutku dovoljno odlučno
reagirala, kada su civilizacijske vrijednosti antifašizma
bile ugrožene.
Usprkos nedavnoj nesretnoj prošlosti nema osnova da
se dovodi u pitanje mogućnost, ni utemeljenost dugoročne i konstruktivne suradnje u regiji. Upravo suprotno. Zemlje regije upućene su jedna na drugu – iz
mnogo razloga koje sada ovdje neću šire obrazlagati.
Osnovno je shvatiti, da što bolje i više surađujemo bit
ćemo poželjnije članice Europske unije.
Mi moramo surađivati, mi moramo biti saveznici, usprkos povremenim negativnim iskustvima iz prošlosti.
Mi možemo samo zajedno, dakle u suradnji, napredovati brže i uspješnije prema članstvu u Europskoj uniji.
I samo u suradnji možemo Europi dati onaj doprinos
što ga ona od nas s pravom očekuje.
Bit ćemo dio napora da cijela Europa postane, bez brisanja nacionalnih posebnosti, bez negiranja današnjih
država, jedan jedinstveni prostor na kojemu će vrijediti ista regulativa i u kojemu će svaki narod živjeti u
ukupnosti svojega kulturnog korpusa.
Uspostavit ćemo skladno jedinstvo različitosti u kojemu će zapravo svaka nacija biti manjina i u kojemu će
današnje nacionalne manjine napokon postati ono što
bi i trebale biti – mostovi spajanja i povezivanja. Je li
to utopija? Siguran sam da nije.
U povijesti je bilo više pokušaja ujedinjavanja Europe, ali kroz osvajanja, silom i u interesu onoga ili onih
koji su silom raspolagali. Europska unija prvi je projekt
evropskoga ujedinjavanja koji se ostvaruje na osnovi
interesa svih koji u njemu sudjeluju i na osnovi demokratski izražene volje većine u državama sudionicima.
To ga čini tako jedinstvenim i tako dragocjenim.
A ono što ga čini tako potrebnim, pa i nezaobilaznim,
to je činjenica da će samo ujedinjena Europa moći biti
pravi i punopravni partner Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama danas, a Rusiji, Kini, Indiji, Brazilu i drugim ve-
Whether we are rivals; whether we are even opponents; whether we are either allies, or we are just fellow travelers only?
My answer is clear: we are, we can be and we must
be allies only and exclusively. For me, there is no a
dilemma in this, neither can it be. My opinion, namely, is that we - all of us, while each
of us at and in harmony with our own paces and accomplishments respectively – should join the Union
as fast and as soon as possible.
Meaning that each country will be admitted at a time
it has both fulfilled the required criteria and met the
prescribed standards.
If we go, for a short, back to our very recent history,
we have to say that during our accession negotiations
with the Union there were, even in Croatia, individuals and minor groups attempting to convince themselves first and than the whole world that Croatia did
not belong to the region and that we did not have
anything at all in common with the regional countries.
Both are the untruth and the nonsense.
We are here - where we are – and our neighbors are
here; and I do not refer only to the immediate ones.
It is simply a fact.
Exactly as it is a fact that the regional countries are
tied by almost seven decades of shared history during
the 20th century, and the long-lasting relations that
were established and cherished despite the affiliation with different civilization circles. Nowadays, we
are related to each other by our European ambitions
and aspirations. I am stressing that we are related to
each other, because I know that the few assert that
the regional countries are opponents in accomplishing the said ambitions. I refuse decisively to acknowledge that. As opponents, we would slow down, hinder and prevent each other, which would be of good
to nobody.
As allies, we can assist each other, exchange experience and knowledge.
It is up to the regional countries to be willing and
get ready, and not to Europe to recognize and assess
It is up to us also to disintegrate patiently, but decisively , the tissue of nationalistic narrow-mindedness,
historical myths and fears, as well as new-age prejudices induced by politics and daily political needs.
It is up to Europe to assist us, through reminding and
criticizing us and, sometimes, through posing requirements to us.
It is a fact that we live in the post-conflict society, after experiencing wars for which the key accountability
is on Slobodan Milošević and his regime.
However ,a fact is also that crimes were committed
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
on all sides. The crimes were committed by particular
persons, so the guilt must be individualized. However
again, the individualization of guilt releases from collective responsibility.
Nations are not guilty and may no be guilty. Individuals and groups could be and they are guilty.
That is what we must face, that is what we must accept if we wish to cooperate while traveling along our
road to Europe.
Not without a reason and for years I have used to
urge the need of facing the truth about the past, i.e.
the whole truth regardless of what it was and despite
such facing is sometimes painful.
Likewise, I have urged also the need to fight against
historical revisionism that used to be and it is still
active in our regional countries. One side of the coin
are the outrages of neo-fascists and neo-nacists. They
are everywhere. As long as the government sanctions
them, we are not out of the normal course. However,
as soon as the government starts tolerating such outrages, it is the time to sound alarm bells. This because flirting with such occurrences does not acquire
the European legitimacy.
I have to say frankly that the Croatian State - with the
Constitution comprising the inscribed antifascism as
one of the fundamental principle - did not react decisively enough and at the right time when civilization
values of antifascism were endangered.
Even with recent miserable past, there is no ground
to question either the possibility or the reasonable
foundation for long-lasting and constructive cooperation in the region. Quite the contrary. The regional
countries are related to each other due to numerous
reasons that I will not explain in details now.
The essence is to understand that as better and more
we cooperate, more desirable as the EU member
states we will be.
We must cooperate; we must be allies, despite occasional negative experience in the past. Only if we are
together, meaning if we cooperate, we can progress
faster and more successfully to the EU membership. It
is only through cooperation that we can give Europe
the contribution that Europe is entitled to expect us
to give.
We are going to be a part of endeavors to make whole
Europe become - without abandoning our national
features, without denying the existing countries – one
and single space within which the same regulations
will be applicable and within which each nation will
live inside their respective cultural corpus totalities.
We are going to establish a harmonized diversity
union within which actually each nation will be minority and within which the current national minorities
will finally become what they would and should be,
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
likim akterima međunarodne scene – sutra.
Zemlje regije, zemlje jugoistočne Europe u tome projektu moraju sudjelovati - ako im je stalo do toga da
osiguraju vlastitu budućnost. A tu će budućnost moći
osigurati samo u uzajamnoj suradnji, samo kao saveznici.
Europska unija je milenijski projekt koji ekonomski
osnažuje sve zemlje članice, što je vrlo važno za sve, ali
od posebne je važnosti što udružena Europa isključuje
rat kao političko sredstvo.
Naime, u Uniji sve će zemlje otvoriti svoje granice pa
će pripadnici svakog naroda bez obzira s koje strane
granice bili, živjeti u svom ukupnom kulturnom korpusu.
Zato i kažem: na putu prema Evropskoj uniji zemlje regije moraju se ponašati i djelovati kao saveznici, čak
neovisno o tome sviđa li se to njima, ili ne. One moraju
biti saveznici, ako su odlučile – a jesu - svoje sutra graditi u ujedinjenoj Europi.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
i.e. they will become bridges that joint and connect.
Is it a utopia? I am sure it is not.
they can ensure only through mutual cooperation
and only as allies.
Over the history, several attempt to integrate Europe
took place, but through conquering, by force and in
the interest of the one or of the ones that used the
force. The European Union is the first project of the
European integration that is both implemented based
on the interests of the all that take part in it and
grounded in democratically expressed will of the majority in the participating countries. That makes the
project be that unique and that valuable.
The European Union is the millennium project that
strengthens economically all members states, which
is of paramount importance to the all, with particular
importance belonging to the fact that integrated Europe excludes warfare as an instrument of the politics.
What makes it that necessary, and even unavoidable,
is the fact that only integrated Europe could be the
right counterpart to the United States of America today, and to Russia, China, India, Brasil and to other big
actors on the international scene tomorrow.
The regional countries, i.e. the Southeast Europe
countries must take part in the Project if it is important to them to ensure their own future. That future
Namely, inside the Union, all countries will open their
respective borders so the members of each nation –
regardless on which side of the borders they are – will
live inside their respective cultural corpus totalities.
Therefore, I am saying: on the road toward the European Union, the regional countries must behave and
act as allies regardless of whether they like it or not.
They must be allies if they decided – and they have
already – to build their future within the integrated
Thank you!
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Zašto je u svjetskim diskursima Balkan stereotipiziran? Zašto
je pojam Balkan sinonim za ekonomsku nerazvijenost, nerad,
nasilje, nered, podvale, podmićivanje, neefikasnost, primitivizam i zaostalost? Da li je, kako neki tvrde, poslije raspada
Jugoslavije, jedna od rijetkih stvari koja je ostala zajednička
državama nastalim na njenom tlu, bio prezir prema Balkanu?
Da li je on žrtva neopravdane i nepravedne široke generalizacije?
Svakako da su sukobi na ovim prostorima, njihova surovost i
posledice, u istorijskom trajanju Balkana, traumatizovali kako
sopstvene narode tako i svjetsku javnost, i odgovornosti za sve
to ne nedostaje i niko nikoga od nje neće abolirati.
Balkanske države imaju potencijal razvoja i saradnje u svim
oblastima, počev od nauke i kulture do politike i ekonomije.
Imaju sposobnost prepoznavanja polja svojih vrlina i mana,
i mogućnost afirmacije istovjetnosti ali i čitavog spektra
različitosti kao posebne vrijednosti zajedničkog života odnosno
suživota. Multietničnost, multikulturalnost i multikonfesionalnost shvaćeni kao prednost i šansa, uz svijest o neophodnosti
saradnje, pojedinačni interes o ekonomskom prosperitetu
pretočiće u zajednicki interes opšteg dobra.
Prostor postoji. Nove ideje su uvijek podsticajne. Uslov je da su
neke važne lekcije iz prošlosti naučene.
Why is the Balkans stereotyped in global discourses? Why is the
term Balkan synonymous with the economic underdevelopment,
idleness, violence, disorder, deceits, bribery, inefficiency, primitivism and backwardness? Is a disdain for the Balkans, as some
claim, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, one of the few things that
remained common for the states born on its land? Was it the
victim of unjustified and unfair broad generalization?
Certainly, the conflicts in the region, their cruelty and consequences, in the historical existence of the Balkans, traumatized
their own people and the world public, and the responsibility for
all that is not missing and no one will abolish anyone from it.
The Balkan countries have the potential for development and cooperation in all fields, starting from science and culture to politics and economics. They have the ability to identify the fields of
their strengths and weaknesses, and the possibility to affirm the
identity and the entire spectrum of diversities as special values
of co-existence. The multi-ethnicity, multi-culturalism and multiconfessionallity, perceived as an advantage and opportunity,
with an awareness of the necessity of cooperation, will transform the individual interest of economic prosperity into the common interest of the common good.
The space exists. New ideas are always stimulating. The condition is that some important lessons from the past were learnt.
ekonomija zemalja regiona
regional economy
Panel IV
kako osnažiti postojeće veze
zemalja balkana
How to strengthen the existing ties
of the Balkan countries
Stanko Zloković
Predsjednik Odbora direktora Jadranskog
brodogradilišta Bijela
President of the Board of Directors
of the Adriatic Shipyard Bijela
Radoje Žugić
Ministar finansija u Vladi Crne Gore
Minister of Finance in the Government of Montenegro
Igor Lukšić
Potpredsjednik i Ministar vanjskih poslova i
evropskih integracija u Vladi Crne Gore
Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs and
European Integration in the Government of Montenegro
Milan Lakićević
Direktor Poreske uprave Crne Gore
Director of the Department of
Public Revenues of Montenegro
Ivan Simič
Direktor Poreske uprave Republike Srbije i Predsjednik
Evropske organizacije poreskih uprava IOTA
Director of the Tax Administration of the
Republic of Serbia and President of IOTA
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Dr Igor Lukšić
Potpredsjednik i Ministar vanjskih poslova i
evropskih integracija u Vladi Crne Gore
Ekonomija Crne Gore – Saradnjom do
Dozvolite mi najprije da vas sve pozdravim i zahvalim
Privrednoj komori na pozivu da učestvujem na jednom
ovakvom panelu, kao i da čestitam na jako dobro organizovanoj Konferenciji i vjerujem jako dobro tempiranoj,
s obzirom na sve izazove pred kojima se nalaze zemlje
regiona. Posebno bih pohvalio odabir teme konferencije.
Nikad ne možete reći da je dovoljno saradnje i zajedničkog rada, regionalne saradnje, povezivanja, traženja odgovora kako na najbolji mogući, najefikasniji, najefektivniji
način odgovoriti na izazove koji se postavljaju pred svaku
pojedinačnu zemlju, u ovom slučaju Crnu Goru i njeno
neposredno susjedstvo. U tom kontekstu, vjerujem da
živimo u vremenu u kojem svaku temu o kojoj govorimo
možemo povezati sa ekonomskim pitanjima, ekonomskim problemima.
Dakle, nadam se da smo u periodu kada smo za sobom
ostavili kao društvo, rekao bih, neke strateške dileme,
mislim da je danas tih strateških dilema jako malo i da
ih uopšte više nema i da sve ono što radimo kroz dnevni
angažman, odnosno kroz sprovođenje jedne srednjoročno-dugoročne vizije ima osnovni cilj, a to je poboljšanje
životnog standarda, stvaranje uslova da svako ko čini
naše društvo zaista bude zadovoljan ili percipira da postoje šanse koje odgovaraju njegovom profilu, koje može
iskoristiti. Vjerujem da je obaveza svih nas koji se bavimo
javnim poslom da dnevno pokušamo angažovati resurse
kako bi te obaveze shvatili na taj način i kako bi takav ambijent iznova kreirali i takvom ambijentu davali impulse.
Kad govorimo o temi izlaganja ili preciznije onom što
bi trebalo da bude moj doprinos, onda pod daljom integracijom, ipak, vidim samo napore zemalja regiona
da se priključe EU odnosno NATO. Naravno, one zemlje
koje su to profilisale kao svoj strateški cilj. Radije bih u
tom kontekstu govorio o nečemu što mislim da treba da
budu mehanizmi dalje regionalne saradnje kako bi iskoristili sve resurse i potencijale koje ovaj region ima. Zaista
vjerujem da ovaj region, kao dio Evrope, ima ogromnu
razvojnu mogućnost i vjerujem da je u narednom periodu potencijalni rast ovog regiona definitivno najveći u
Evropi. U tom smislu, potrebno je definisati mehanizme
ili iskoristiti mehanizme konsultacija i koordinacija kada
su određene politike u pitanju, da bi zaista valorizovali
sve resurse kojima raspolažemo.
Kada govorimo o potrebi dalje saradnje zemalja regiona
ili ovih šest zemalja koje još nijesu u EU, a sve su istakle
za ambiciju da budu članice EU, tada treba da postavimo, čini mi se, tri pitanja. Jedno je: zašto, mada vjerujem da je na to pitanje najlakše odgovoriti, potrebno je
pojasniti šta to nije i, svakako, naglasiti šta to jeste da bi
do kraja imali puno razumijevanje ili da bi do kraja mogli
definisati kvalitetan pristup saradnji u budućem periodu.
To, naravno, ne znači da u prethodnom periodu nijesmo
imali saradnju. Mislim da jesmo, ali mi se čini da je aktuelni trenutak takav da treba svi na kreativan način da
doprinesemo takvom cilju. Posmatrajući zemlje Zapadnog Balkana, koje još nijesu u EU, a na nivou su tržišta
od recimo 20 miliona eura, to je manje od rumunskog tržišta ili polovina poljskog tržišta, tako da je samo po sebi
neophodno raditi na dizajniranju različitih mehanizama
saradnje i krajnje pragmatično pristupiti suočavanju sa
takvim jednim izazovom. Mislim da je lajtmotiv ove konferencije dobar odgovor na pitanje: zašto regionalna saradnja? Mislim da je potreba za uočavanjem trenutka u
kojem u narednih sedam – osam godina najmanje neće
doći do daljeg proširenja EU naglašava potrebu da taj period iskoristimo na najbolji mogući način. Svaka od zemalja ima svoj individualni pristup, ima svoj put. Crna Gora
će otvoriti poglavlja 23 i 24, suočavajući se na taj način
sa ključnim izazovima koje evropski standardi postavljaju pred nas, a to je izgradnja vladavine prava. Srbija će
otpočeti pregovore krajem idućeg mjeseca ili najkasnije
u januaru, Albanija će dobiti status kandidata. Vjerujem,
takođe, da druge zemlje regiona traže način kako da ubrzaju svoj evropski put, tako da bez obzira što svaka zemlja u regionu ima svoj individualni put, te probleme sa
kojima se suočava. Ono što treba razumjeti jeste da je
najmanje sedam ili osam godina pred nama do narednog
proširenja i taj period treba, čini mi se, najracionalnije
moguće iskoristiti. Šta ovo nije? Ovo, svakako, nije obnavljanje nekih državotvornih struktura iz ranijeg perioda,
niti je to želja niti ima za tim potrebe.
Kada sam naglasio da ovo svoje učešće u panelu vidim
kao doprinos produbljivanju ideja o regionalnoj saradnji,
namjerno sam to postavio nasuprot onome što može biti
izvedenica iz naslova dalje integracije. Dalja integracija
Igor Lukšić, PhD
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs and
European Integration in theGovernment of Montenegro
Montenegrin Economy – Cooperating to
First of all, let me greet all of you and express my gratitude to the Chamber of Economy for their invitation to
participate at this panel. I would also like to congratulate
you on a very well organised conference and also a very
well-timed one, given all the challanges that the countries in the region face. I would especially like to compliment you on the selection of the topic of the conference.
You can never say that there has been enough cooperation, joint activities, regional cooperation, searching for
answers how to in the best, most efficient and most effective way respond to challanges which are set before
each particular country, in this case before Montenegro
and its immediate surrounding. In that context, we believe that we live in the time in which each topic we are
talking about may be related to economic issues, economic problems.
Therefore, I hope that we are now in the period when, I
would say, we have left behind some strategic dilemmas
as a society. I would say that there are very few strategic
dilemmas now or none at all, and that everything that
we are doing on a daily basis, i.e. through the implementation of a middle-long term vision has one basic objective. And this objective is the improvement of the life
standard, creation of conditions that each member of
our society should really be satisfied with and that he/
she may see his/her chances and use them according to
his/her profile. I believe that all of us who work in the
public sector should try to engage resources on a daily
basis in order to understand these obligations in this way
and keep creating such an environment and giving impulses to such an environment.
When speaking about the topic of the conference or, to
be more precise, my contribution to it, then under further integration I see only the efforts of the countries
from the region to join the EU or NATO. Of course, I
mean those countries which have opted for it as their
strategic objective. In that context, I would rather speak
of something I think should be the mechanisms of further regional cooperation in order to use all resources
and potentials that this region has. I really believe that
this region, as a part of Europe, has a great development
potential and I believe that in the next period the po-
tential for growth of this region is definitely the highest
in Europe. In that respect, there is a need to define the
mechanisms or use consultations and coordination regarding some policies in order to make the best use of
all our resources.
When we speak about the need for futrther cooperation among the countries in the region or these six countries which are not in the EU yet, and they all accented
their ambition to become EU members, it seems to me,
we need to ask three questions. One is: why, although
I believe this question is the easiest one to answer. It is
important to clarify what it is and, of course, what it is
not, in order to have a full understanding by the end or
to be able to define a good quality cooperation in the
future period. This, of course, does not mean that we
did not have cooperation in the past period. I think we
did but it seems to me that the current moment is such
that we need to provide contribution to this objective.
Taking into consideration the West Balkans countries,
which have not yet joined the EU, and on the level of
the market of say 20 million EUR, this is less than the
Romanian market or half of the Polish market. Therefore,
it is necessary to work on the design of different mechanisms of cooperation and take a highly pragmatic attitude in facing such a challenge. I think that the leitmotive
of this conference gives a good answer to the question:
why regional cooperation? I think that the need to identify the right moment when in the next seven-eight years
there are the least chances that there will not be further
enlargement of the EU, emphasizes the need to use that
period the best we can. Each of these countries has its
individual strategy, its way. Montenegro will open chapters 23 and 24, thus facing the key challanges that the
EU standards set before us, and that is the establishment
of the rule of law. Serbia shall start negotiations at the
beginning of the next month or in January at the latest.
Albania shall receive the candidacy status. I believe that
other countries in the region as well are searching ways
to accelerate their access to the EU. However, regardless
of the fact that each country has its individual path, the
probles they face are the same. What needs to be understood is that there are at least seven or eight years
ahead of us until the next enlargement and that period,
it seems to me, needs to be used most rationally. What
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
treba da bude prema NATO i EU, a kako mi sebi treba da
postavimo pitanje i mi možemo ubrzati evropsku integraciju kada su ove zemlje u pitanju. Poljska. Češka, Slovačka, Mađarska, početkom 90-tih, suočavajući se sa sličnim
pitanjm tada su oformile jednu asocijaciju - Višegradsku
četvorku koja je imala svoje razne periode prethodnih
dvadesetak godina, periode intenzivnije saradnje, periode manje intenzivne saradnje, tako da je suština da to
treba da zavisi od apetita zemalja u regionu, ali sam siguran da postoji minimum nekih zajedničkih interesa.
Da postoji prostor da u okviru već postojećih inicijativa,
ne kreirajući paralelne, ne duplirajući, ne praveći sekretarijate, birokratske institucije, to nam ne treba, jer već
imamo proces saradnje u jugoistočnoj Evropi, već imamo
Regionalni savjet za saradnju sa sjedištem u Sarajevu,
već imamo dovoljno formi koje možemo iskoristiti. Ali,
suština je kako da se nešto što se već dešava, nešto što
već živi, nešto što vi kao privrednici najbolje osjećate,
nešto što su ministri nauke skoro, rekao bih, pečatirali,
nešto što će narednih dana biti tema ministara koji će
se baviti životnom sredinom, pokazuje da potreba definisanja mehanizama saradnje, kako bi što bolje iskoristili resurse. Itekako postoji i ona nije supstituisana našim
individualnim putem prema članstvu u EU. Zato, to ne
treba doživljavati kao bilo kakvu podjelu regiona ne treba doživljavati kao prvu, drugu ligu, ne treba doživljavati
kao neku novu tvrdu strukturu, već treba doživljavati kao
mehanizam koji bi u raznim resorima trebao da pomogne
da ubrzamo naše evropske ambicije.
Nedavno smo imali prilike da prisustvujemo i Vlada Crne
Gore je to, takođe, odobrila i saglasila se sa dokumentom Strategijom razvoja JIE do 2020. Jugoistočna Evropa
za svoju radnu definiciju ima ovih šest zemalja plus Hrvatska. Hrvatska je najskorije ušla u EU i čija će iskustva će
biti, da kažem, najsličnija onome što je naš integracioni
put i, u tom smislu, to treba da bude jedan most kada je
zapadni Balkan u pitanju. Simbolično, prije deset godina
Solunska agenda je definisana i ona je otvorila evropsku
perspektivu zemljama regiona. Tada je to bilo zapadni
Balkan - sedam plus nula, danas je zapadni Balkan šest
plus jedan, a nadam se za koju godinu će biti zapadni Balkan nula plus sedam, pa makar to u međuvremenu bilo
pet plus dva ili četiri plus tri ili koja god vrsta računice, ali
suština je da sve zemlje nađu svoje mjesto u EU. Dakle
Strategija 2020 Jugoistočnoj Evropi se u suštini tiče naših
zemalja, drugo, ona proizilazi iz Strategije Evropa 2020,
ona, takođe, treba da bude kompatibilna sa strategjama
za makroregione, jadransko jonski i podunavski region.
Dakle, sve to treba da bude međusobno kompatibilno i
sve treba da vodi iskorišćavanju potencijala kojima raspolažemo u našem regionu, sa misijom da povećamo
BDP, te zaposlenost mladih ljudi.
U tom smislu, kroz ovu potrebu dalje saradnje identifikovali smo tri oblasti. Jedna je infrastruktura, dakle o njoj se
jako puno govori i mislim intuitivno da možemo veoma
brzo doći do toga šta su ključni infrastrukturni projekti.
Mi, u tom smislu, govorimo i o pruzi Bar- Beograd sa daljim nastavkom prema Budimpešti, spajamo na neki način Italiju sa Mađarskom. Govorimo i o auto-puti prema
Srbiji, govorimo o Jadransko – jonskom auto putu, koji
u suštini ima cilj da spoji dvije zemlje EU kroz BIH, Crnu
Goru, Albaniju prema Grčkoj, govorimo o novoj pruzi od
Pljevalja, prema Beranama, prema Prištini, odnosno prema Makedoniji, opet spajamo tri zemlje. Govorimo i o
koridoru 5 C od Luke Ploče prema Hrvatskoj i Mađarskoj,
govorimo i o auto-putu od Beograda prema Prištini, odnosno prema Tirani. Dakle, mislim da je jako važno da,
definišući nekih desetak projekata, pa dajući prioritet
nekim putnim odnosno željezničkim projektima da zaista
jednom u našem regionu prvo dogovorimo šta je to, a
drugo što je jako važno nastupamo zrelo i pragmatično
prema svim onim potencijalnim finansijerima tih projekata.
Dakle, sasvim logično je da je prva adresa povezivanja
Evropska unija, povezivanje različitih zemalja EU. Bez
ulaganja u infrastrukturu, to je aksiom, nema u suštini
ekonomskog rasta, a bez ekonomskog rasta i integraciona agenda će biti teže dostižna, teže ostariva, ali i interes
drugih djelova svijeta – Kine, koji je manifestovan prije
neki dan, sa željom da učestvuje u infrastrukturnim projektima regiona je, takođe, adresa sa kojom treba razgovarati. Svakako, smo mnogo ozbiljniji i efikasniji ukoliko
identifikujući desetak projekata zajednički nastupamo,
pa iako su to zajedniči tenderi, zajedničke procedure, te
inovativni mehanizmi koje bi mi, kroz zapadno balkanski
investicioni okvir, ako govorimo o EU, mogli nametnuti
i tada vjerujem da ćemo mnogo odgovornije i ozbiljnije
Druga ravan našeg interesovanja je poslovni ambijent u
regionu. Dakle, daleko od toga da možemo reći da je povoljan poslovni ambijent u našim zemljama. Mislim da
odgovornost svih vlada pojedinačno treba da bude kako
u daljem unapređivanju poslovnog ambijenta, smanjivanjem barijera, poboljšanjem međusobne komunikacije,
koja se ne ogleda samo kroz transport itd. Razgovarajući
skoro sa ljudima iz skandinavskog područja, oni sami koji
kao zajedničko tržište funkcionišu već skoro nekoliko decenija ili pedesetak godina, kažu da još nijesu otklonili sve barijere biznisa. Onda možete misliti koliko posla
pred našim zemljama stoji da bi smo do kraja mogli učiniti kompatibilnim pojedine resurse. U tom smislu, identifikovali smo, takođe, i nekoliko predloga. Da bi se carinske procedure mogle dalje unaprijediti, recimo, ustanovljavanjem mehanizma prethodne najave carinskom
organu značajno bi učinili propulzivnijim protokom roba.
Takođe, bi mogli raditi na zajedničkom ukidanju roming
tarifa.Vjerujem da to ne bi sa oduševljenjem prihvatile
telekomunikacione kompanije, ali sam siguran da bi biznis i građani imali mnogo uštede na godišnjem nivou, a
this is not? This, certainly, is not the reconstruction of
some state structures from the earlier period, neither is
there any need for it.
When I emphasized that I see my participation in the
panel as a contribution to the deepening of the idea on
regional cooperation, I deliberately set it like that as opposed to that which can be deduced from the title of further integration. Further integration needs to be towards
NATO and the EU and by the way we set this issue, we
may accelerate the EU integration of our countries. At
the beginning of the nineties, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary established an association – the
Visegrad Four, which passed through different periods in
the past twenty years, periods of more and less intensive
cooperation. Therefore, the essence is that it depends
on the appetites of the regional countries. However, I
am sure that there is a minimum of some joint interests.
Yes, there is space in the already existing initiatives, so
we do not need to create parallel ones. There is no need
for duplicating, establishing secretariats, bureaucratic institutions. We don’t need that because we already have
cooperation process in the south-east Europe and we already have the Regional Council for Cooperation with a
seat in Sarajevo. We already have enough forms that we
may use. However, the essence is that something that
is already happening, something that is alive, something
that you as businessmen feel best, something that the
ministers of science have already stamped, I would say,
something that the ministers of the environmental protection will deal with, indicate that there is a need to define mechanisms of cooperation in order to make best
use of the resources. And this need has not been substituted by our individual road to the EU membership. That
is why this should not be understood as a kind of divided
region, as the first, second league, nor as some new hard
structure. Instead, it should be understood as a mechanism which should help in different areas to accelerate
our European ambitions.
We have recently had an opportunity to attend and the
Government of Montenegro has also approved it and
consented to the document SEE Development Strategy until 2020. As its working definition South-East Europe has these six countries plus Croatia. Croatia has
entered the EU very recently, and its experiences shall
be most similar to our integration path. In that respect,
this should be a bridge when it comes to the western
Balkans. Symbolically, the agenda of Thessaloniki was
defined ten years ago and it opened the perspective to
the regional countries. At that time it was the Western
Balkans – seven plus zero, today it is the Western Balkans
– six plus one. And I hope that in several years, it will
be the Western Balkans – zero plus seven even if in the
meantime it is going to be five plus two or four plus three
or any other type of the calculation. The essence is that
all countries in the region should find their place in the
EU. Therefore, SEE Development Strategy 2020 mainly
concerns our countries and it comes from the Strategy
Europe 2020. In addition, it should be compatible with
the strategies for macroregions, the Adriatic, Ionian and
the Danube region. Therefore, all this needs to be mutually compatible and it should lead to the use of our
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
regional potentials with a mission to increase GDP and
the employment rate of young people.
In that respect, through this need for further cooperation we have identified three areas. One is the infrastructure. It is very much spoken of and it is my intuition that
we can make a very fast conclusion about what should
be our key infrastructure projects. In that respect, we
are talking about the railway Bar – Belgrade with the
extension towards Budapest. This way we connect Italy
with Hungary. We are talking about the highway towards
Serbia. We are talking about Adriatic – Ionian highway,
which aim is to connect two EU countries through Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania towards Greece.
We are talking about the new railroad from Pljevlja towards Berane, towards Pristina, i.e. towards Macedonia
– again we connect three countries. We are also talking
about the corridor 5 C from the Port Ploce towards Croatia and Hungary, and of the highway Belgrade – Pristina
– Tirana. Therefore, I think that it is very important to
define cca ten projects and to give priority to some, i.e.
railroad projects and to first really make an agreement
within the region what it is and then, what is very important, to take a mature and pragmatic stance towards all
those potential financiers of those projects.
Therefore, it is logical that the first address we need to
link to is the European Union. Without the investments
in the infrastructure, there is no economic growth and
that is an axiom. And without the economic growth, the
integration agenda shall be more difficult to access and
achieve. The interest of some other parts of the world,
China, which was expressed several days ago as a wish to
participate in infrastructure projects in the region, also
needs to be addressed. For sure, we will look much more
serious and efficient if we jointly identify 10 projects and
act together. Although these would be joint tenders,
joint procedures and innovative mechanisms which we
could put forward through the Western Balkan investment framework, if we are talking about the EU, I still
believe that it would give us a more responsible and serious image.
The second topic of our interest is the business climate in
the region. Therefore, speaking of business climate, our
countries can be considered far from favourable. However, I believe that each government should be responsible
for the improvement of the business climate, reduction
of barriers, improvement of mutual communication,
which is not reflected through transport only, etc. I have
recently held a conversation with the people from Scandinavia and they have told me that although they have
been functioning as a joint market for several decades or
some fifty years, they have not managed to eliminate all
business barriers. You can only imagine then how much
work lies ahead of our countries so that some of our resources could become compatible. In that respect, we
have identified several suggestions, as well. In order to
further improve customs procedures, we would need to
establish the mechanism of timely announcement before the customs office, which would make the flow of
goods much more propulsive. In addition, we could work
on the joint elimination of roaming tariffs. I believe that
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
taj novac bi mogli iskoristiti produktivnije i ulagati umjesto u tekuće u kapitalno ulaganje, što podstiče investicije.
Zatim, govorimo o potrebi da se dogovorimo u regionu o
ulaganju naših zajedničkih resursa u izgradnju kapaciteta
različitih laboratorija. Zašto bi svaka zemlja pojedinačno
ulagala u različite laboratorije koje predstavljaju evropski
standard. Zašto ne bi u regionu mogli podijeliti to, a onda
ne samo smanjivati pojedinačno naše troškove našoj privredi i vladama nego IPA sredstva usmjeriti u jednom koordinisanom pristupu za tako nešto.
Tu je ambicija da u oblasti obrazovanja podstaknemo
mobilnost mladih kroz npr. multilateralno priznavanje
diploma licenciranih univerziteta. U našem regionu nezaposlenost mladih je jako visoka i treba da tragamo
za mehanizmima kako da podstaknemo komunikaciju
otvaranja novih radnih šansi. To su sve vrlo pragmatični i praktični predlozi koji postoje, moguće je još mnogo
toga u toj oblasti uraditi kako bi naš sistem do kraja bio
I treće, je potreba da u našem regionu dodatno sarađu-
jemo kako bi unaprijedili vladavinu prava, primjenu zakona. Problemi korupcije su, ipak, vezani za pojedinačne sisteme i teško je tu, iako je naravno moguće, imati
efektivne regionalne mehanizme. Ali kada je u pitanju
organizovani kriminal, moguće je. Jer organizovani kriminal djeluje mimo granica nacionalne države, on djeluje
regionalno, kanali komunikacije su jako intenzivni i u tom
kontekstu je potrebno dodatno raditi na uspostavljanju i
efektnoj komunikaciji kako bismo ovom izazovu kroz dalje pristupanje EU adekvatno odgovorili. Dakle, kroz primjenu standarda vladavine prava, takođe, uz ekonomske
slobode podstičemo ekonomski rast.
Uvjeren sam da je u narednom periodu u tom kontekstu
puno uraditi i ,nadam se, da na jedan krajnje pragmatičan način možemo pristupiti uspostavljanju mehanizama
konsultacije i koordinacije, jer ono što nas očekuje u godinama koje slijede je grčevita borba za investitore. Grčevita borba za obnavljanje i jačanje konkurentnosti našeg
regiona. Samo tako, u cjelini posmatrano, možemo biti
uspješni u onome što je cilj, a to je da podstaknemo ekonomski rast, a iz ekonomskog rasta i rasta zaposlenosti
mnogo toga dobrog proizilazi.
telecommunication companies would not be happy with
this but I am sure that business and citizens would save
a lot on an annual level and use the saved money more
productively. Instead in the short-term investments, they
would invest in capital investments.
Next, we are talking about the need to make an agreement on a regional level to invest joint resources in building capacities of different laboratories. Why have separate investments in different laboratories in line with the
EU standard? Instead, why not share it regionally and not
only reduce costs of our economies and governments
but also take a coordinate action and direct IPA funds for
this cause?
When it comes to the education issue, there is an ambition to boost the mobility of young people through multilateral nostrification of diplomas from licensed universities. In our region the unemployment of youth is very
high and we need to search for the mechanisms how to
instigate communication of opening new job opportunities. These are all very pragmatic existing proposals. It is
possible to do many things in this area so that our system
can become more effective.
And the third is the need to have additional cooperation
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
in the region in order to improve the rule of law, the implementation of the law. Still, the problems of corruption
are linked to specific systems and it is difficult, although
it is possible of course, to have effective regional mechanisms. However, when organized crime is in question,
it is possible, because organized crime does not recognize national borders, it is regional, the communications
channels are very intensive and in that context it is necessary to invest additional efforts in the establishment
and effective communication and thus provide adequate
response to this challenge in the process of our accessing the EU. Therefore, with the implementation of the
rule of law, with the economic freedom, we boost the
economic growth.
I am convinced that we can do a lot in that context in
the next period and I hope that we may take a highly
pragmatic method to establish the consultations and coordination mechanisms because what stands before us
in the coming years is a fierce struggle for investors, a
fierce struggle for strengthening the competitiveness of
our region. Only in this way, taken as a whole, can we
achieve our objectives and that is to boost the economic
growth and the economic growth and increased employment result in many good things.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Dr Radoje Žugić
Prof. dr Milan Lakićević
Ministar finansija u Vladi Crne Gore
Direktor Poreske uprave Crne Gore
crnogorske ekonomije.
Finansijska stabilnost je osnovni preduslov razvoja svake
ekonomije. Za njeno ostvarenje, u našim uslovima, neophodna su tri ključna preduslova, i to: održivost fiskalnog sistema, bankarska stabilnost i kontinuitet u unapređenju konkurentnosti ekonomije. Ovo podrazumijeva vođenje opreznih
politika i adekvatno upravljanje rizicima i neizvjesnostima,
u smislu identifikovanja i minimiziranja najznačajnijih rizika
i obezbjeđivanja vitalnosti sistema kada se pojave krizne situacije.
Održive javne finansije i stabilan bankarski sistem jesu neophodni, ali ne i dovoljni uslovi za dinamičniji ekonomski
rast i razvoj. Kada je u pitanju podsticanje privrednog rasta,
mjere usmjerene na unapređenje konkurentnosti privrede
nemaju alternativu iako i bankarski sektor i poreska politika
snažno utiču na nivo konkurentnosti. U tom smislu, u vođenju ekonomske politike mora se posebna pažnja posvetiti jačanju produktivnosti i opšte konkurentnosti, jer jedino dobro
usmjerene politike unapređenja nacionalne konkurentnosti i
konkurentnosti na mikro nivou mogu osigurati željeni put ka
dinamičnijem razvoju i ukupnom društvenom blagostanju.
Jasno je da su, u uslovima eurizovane i male ekonomije, kao
što je crnogorska, instrumenti za prilagođavanje i raspoloživa sredstva u velikoj mjeri ograničeni. Stoga fiskalna politika
ima pretežni mandat za kontraciklično prilagođavanje ekonomskim prilikama. Uvažavajući ovu činjenicu, Crna Gora,
sa izuzetnim stepenom opreza i odgovornosti, vodi fiskalnu
politiku, čiji je osnovni cilj uravnoteženje javnih finansija, odnosno poboljšanje fiskalnih indikatora koji su u proteklih par
godina, usljed dejstva krize, pogoršani. Trajno ozdravljenje
javnih finansija može biti postignuto prvenstveno uspostavljanjem balansa javne potrošnje. Bez budžetske ravnoteže1
produbljuju se svi strukturni problemi i slabi izgled snažnijeg
rasta, uz jačanje recesionih pritisaka. U tom smislu, ravnoteža budžeta nije sama sebi cilj, već njeno dostizanje treba
da doprinese ekonomskoj ravnoteži, povećanju zaposlenosti
i uravnoteženju platnog bilansa.
Uz fiskalnu održivost, zdravlje bankarskog sistema je drugi
preduslov za uspostavljanje i održavanje finansijske stabilnosti. Stoga banke moraju nastaviti sa iščišćavanjem bilansa2, dok pravilna politika izdvajanja rezervacija ostaje
nezaobilazna kod upravljanja kreditnim rizikom. Još uvijek
je izražen visok udio kredita koji kasne u otplati što predstavlja rizik bankarskog sektora, ali indirektno, i fiskalni rizik. U
tom pravcu je pokrenuta realizacija projekta pod nazivom
„Podgorički pristup“, koji ima za cilj da, kroz neophodno unapređivanje kvaliteta kreditnih portfolija banaka, omogući
revitalizaciju bankarskog kreditiranja produktivnih sektora
Deficit u budžetu povećava nivo javnog duga, čime se ograničava
– sužava prostor za poreske podsticaje razvoju i rješavanju strukturnih problema.
Smanjivanje loše aktive – loših kredita u bankarskom sekoru ne
znači da je problem loših kredita riješean. Oni su ostali u kompanijama i u
faktoringu u vlasništvu banaka, koje nijesu u režimu supervizije Centralne
banke Crne Gore. Ova slabost se mora rješavati u najkraćem roku.
U nekoliko posljednjih godina zabilježeno je pogoršanje
osnovnih indikatora fiskalne stabilnosti, a to su bužetski deficit i nivo javnog duga. Zbog dostignutih limita ovih indikatora, u predstojećem periodu postoji prisustvo određenih
rizika koji jasno upućuju na neophodnost dodatnog opreza
u vođenju politike zaduživanja i ukupne fiskalne politike.
Istovremeno, takva situacija potvrđuje punu opravdanost
Vladinih mjera fiskalnog prilagođavanja i značaj realizacije
planova vezanih za srednjoročnu konsolidaciju.
Osim konsolidacije javnih finansija, za uspostavljanje fiskalne, makroekonomske i finansijske stabilnosti i održivosti na
dugi rok, jedini realan model smanjenja deficita i, njime generisanog, javnog duga je podsticanje stvaranja nove vrijednosti. Stoga je ekonomska politika Vlade Crne Gore, osim
prioritetnog stabilizovanja javnih finansija, usmjerena na
implementaciju mjera koje treba da doprinesu dinamiziranju rasta BDP-a. U tom smislu, neophodno je obezbijediti
kontinuitet u sprovođenju važnih strukturnih i reformi unaprijeđenja poslovnog okruženja.
2.1. Eurizacija Crne Gore kao temelj stabilnosti
Od kraja devedesetih, Vlada Crne Gore je tražila načine za
monetarno osamostaljenje, prije svega zbog nemogućnosti
uticanja na monetarnu politiku, koja je zloupotrebljavana
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Minister of Finance in the Government of Montenegro
Radoje Žugić, Dr. sc. oec.
Director of the Department of
Professor Milan Lakićević, Dr. sc. oec. Public
Revenues of Montenegro
Financial stability is the basic precondition for each economy
development. To accomplish it under circumstances prevailing here, there is a need to have three prerequisites fulfilled,
as follows: sustainability of fiscal system, banking stability,
and continuity in improving the economy competitiveness.
This means that prudent policies and an adequate risk and
contingencies management are to be followed in terms of
identifying and minimizing the most considerable risks and
ensuring the vitality of the system when a crisis circumstances emerge.
It is clear that, under the circumstances in an euroized and
small economy - such as the Montenegrin one is - instruments for the adjustment and available funds are limited for
the most part. Therefore, fiscal policy’s prevailing mandate
is to pursue countercyclical adjustments to economic circumstances. Having in mind this fact, while with an extreme caution and responsibility, Montenegro pursues fiscal policy the
major aim of which is to balance public revenues and public
expenditures and/or to improve fiscal indicators that, for a
couple of years so far and due to the crisis effects, have been
aggravated. Lasting recovery of public revenues and expenditures could be attained primarily through bringing public
consumption balance in place. Without the Budget balance1,
all structural challenges are deepened and prospects of a
stronger growth are weakened. In terms of that, the Budget
balance is not a goal per se, but attaining it should contribute
to economy equilibrium, higher employment rate and stabilizing the balance of payments.
Besides fiscal sustainability, sane banking system stands as
the second precondition for bringing about and maintaining financial stability. Therefore, banks should continue with
cleansing the balance2, while a suitable policy of allocation
to provisions has remained unavoidable when it comes to
credit risk management. There is still a pronounced high
share of non-performing loans, which poses a risk to bank1
The Budget deficit increases the level of public debt, thereby
restricting, i.e. narrowing the space for tax incentives designed for the development of and solving structural challenges.
Reducing delinquent assets, i.e. non-performing loans in banking
sector does not mean that non-performing loans-related challenges are
solved. They have remained also in companies and within factoring owned
by banks that are not subject to the supervising regime done by the Central
Bank of Montenegro. This weakness must be solved as soon as possible.
ing sector or, indirectly, a fiscal risk as well. In the light of
that, the implementation of the Project titled Podgorica Approach, aimed at ensuring - through necessary improving
banks’ credit portfolio quality – the revitalization of banks’
lending to productive sectors of the economy of Montenegro.
Sustainable public revenues and expenditures and banking
sector stability are required, but they are not at the same
time adequate prerequisites for a dynamic growth and development. When it comes to encouraging the growth of
economy, measures dedicated to improving competitiveness
thereof do not have an alternative although both strong
banking sector and fiscal policy effect strongly the competitiveness level. In terms of that, in pursuing economic policy
special attention has to be paid to strengthening productivity
and general competitiveness, since only well designed policies for improving national competitiveness and micro level
competitiveness are capable of ensuring desired avenue toward a dynamic development and overall social prosperity.
For several years so far, we have been recording the aggravation of basic fiscal stability indicators. They are the Budget
deficit and public debt level. Due to getting as far as to the
limits of these indicators, the upcoming period will face the
reality of certain risks involving obviously the necessity to
be more cautious in pursuing both indebtedness policy and
overall fiscal policy. Simultaneously, such situation confirms
the full reasonableness of the measures of fiscal adjustments made by the Government and the importance of the
implementation of plans associated with mid-term consolidation.
Besides the consolidation of public revenues and expenditures for bringing about fiscal, macro-economic and financial
stability and long-term sustainability, the only real model for
reducing the deficit and by-the-deficit generated public debt
is to encourage the creation of new value. Therefore, Montenegro Government’s economic policy is not aimed only
to the priority stabilization of public revenues and expenditures, but is aimed also to the implementation of measures
that should contribute to making GDP growth more dynamic. In terms of that, it is required to ensure continuity in
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
u političke svrhe i, u tom smislu, se odlučila za uvođenje
modela dolarizacije, sa korišćenjem njemačke marke. Ovaj
model se, na neki način, nametnuo sam po sebi jer su se i
građani i privreda Crne Gore, u prethodnom, dužem periodu, opredjeljivali za štednju i obavljanje transakcija u ovoj
valuti. Tako je crnogorska vlada, krajem 1999. godine, uvela
dvovalutni sistem sa njemačkom markom i dinarom, uz slobodno fluktuiranje dinara prema marki. Od januara 2001.
godine jedino platežno sredstvo postaje njemačka marka, a
od marta 2002. godine zvanično platežno sredstvo postaje
U periodu koji je uslijedio pokazalo se da je euroizacija imala
čitav niz pozitivnih efekata. Prije svega, ona je olakšala procese remonetizacije i uspostavljanja cjenovne stabilnosti.
Euroizacija je pozitivno uticala i na razvoj bankarskog sistema i, uz istovremenu realizaciju čitavog niza mjera na planu
reforme ovog sistema, uticala na rast i oživljavanje bankarskih aktivnosti. Euroizacija je imala uticaj i na unapređenje
budžetske discipline, s obzirom da uvođenjem režima euroizacije potencijalni izvori za pokriće deficita postaju ograničeni. Uvođenje stabilne valute, dalje, predstavljao je dobar
signal za strane investitore, jer su im, na taj način, unaprijed
garantovani stabilni uslovi poslovanja, što oni uvažavaju jer
preferiraju poslovanje sa “čvrstom” valutom, koja im smanjuje devizni rizik.
Pored navedenih, korišćenje eura imalo je, za Crnu Goru, i
niz drugih pozitivnih efekata:
• povratak kredibiliteta monetarne politike,
• zaustavljanje inflacije u zemlji sa visokim inflacionim očekivanjima,
• eliminisanje rizika deviznog kursa i kreiranje efekta
• rast spoljnotrgovinske razmjene,
• smanjenje transakcionih troškova u spoljnoj trgovini i dr.
2.2. Fiskalna politika u funkciji dodatnog jačanja stabilnosti
I pored brojnih pozitivnih efekata koji je prate, euroizacija
nije režim bez mana. Iako je njenim uvođenjem Crna Gora
dobila stabilnost, na drugoj strani je izgubljen značajan broj
instrumenata ekonomske politike. Funkcionisanje u uslovima eurizovane ekonomije malog i otvorenog tržišta, bez
emisione funkcije, sa ograničenim monetarnim instrumentima, zahtjeva posebnu opreznost u vođenju fiskalne politike. Monetarna politika i njeni instrumenti mogu doprinijeti
saniranju posljedica ekonomske krize, ali ne bez zajedničkog
djelovanja sa instrumentima fiskalne politike. U takvim uslovima, fiskalna održivost prepoznata je kao osnov finansijske
Uvažavajući ove činjenice i uzimajući u obzir neizvjesno
okruženje i nepredvidivost ekonomskih trendova, Crna
Gora, sa izuzetnim stepenom opreza i odgovornosti, vodi
fiskalnu politiku. U tom smislu, osnovni cilj je uravnoteženje
javnih finansija, odnosno poboljšanje fiskalnih indikatora
koji su u proteklih par godina, usljed dejstva krize, pogoršani. Takođe je snažan ekonomski rast i značajan priliv direktnih inostranih investicija u periodu 2005-2008. godine, sa
svim pozitivnim uticajima na ekonomsku i socijalnu situaciju
u Crnoj Gori, rezultirao i nerealnim očekivanjima u sistemu
javne potrošnje, a koji je iznad realnih trenutnih mogućnosti crnogorske privrede nakon smirivanja investicione ekspanzije. Prepoznali smo i prihvatili ovu realnost i intenzivno
sprovodimo aktivnosti kako bismo javnu potrošnju prilagodili poreskom kapacitetu stanovništva i privrede, u funkciji
dinamiziranja ekonomskog rasta, poboljšanja životnog standarda stanovništva i smanjenja spirale zaduživanja.
U tom smislu, osnovne smjernice fiskalne politike Crne Gore
• nastavak konsolidacije javne potrošnje i postepeno
smanjivanje učešća javnih rashoda u BDP-u3,
• unapređenje fiskalne kontrole i snaženje implementacije interne i eksterne revizije svih potrošačkih jedinica budžeta,
• suzbijanje sive ekonomije u cilju povećanja budžetskih prihoda,
• unapređenje poreske kulture obveznika,
• povećanje fiskalne discipline i smanjenje poreske
evazije i
• adekvatna politika domaćeg i inostranog zaduživanja kako se ne bismo izložili krizi javnog duga i produbljivanja strukturnih disproporcija.
Prateći pomenute smjernice, a u cilju zaustavljanja trenda
pogoršanja fiskalnih parametara, prvenstveno pada naplate prihoda i, posljedično, rasta deficita i nivoa javnog duga,
početkom 2013. godine u Crnoj Gori je uveden set kriznih
mjera fiskalnog prilagođavanja, usmjerenih na rashodnu, ali
i na prihodnu stranu budžeta.
Kada je riječ o rashodnoj strani, implementirane su sljedeće
mjere: zamrznuto je usklađivanje penzija, izvršena je racionalizacija troškova u javnoj upravi, u smislu smanjenja broja
radnih tijela Vlade čiji članovi primaju naknadu za rad, smanjeni su izdaci za zarade, kao i nivo diskrecionih troškova, u
preduzećima u kojima je Država većinski vlasnik, kao i u lokalnim samoupravama i regulatornim agencijama, sprovedena je racionalizacija troškova u državnoj upravi, u smislu
smanjenja broja službenih automobila i smanjenja troškova
zakupa za potrebe državnih organa.
Što se prihodne strane budžeta tiče, povećana je stopa PDV-a sa 17 na 19% i uveden je tzv. krizni porez, odnosno propisana je veća poreska stopa (od 15%, umjesto dosadašnjih
9%) na dohodak na prihode koji su iznad nivoa prosječne zarade u Crnoj Gori (u bruto iznosu, iznad 720 eura na mjesečnom nivou). Istovremeno je intenzivirana borba protiv sive
Učešće kapitalne potrošnje kao važne razvojne komponente često
se u teoriji i praksi ne smatra elementom ovih smjernica.
carrying out important structural and business environment
improving reforms.
2.1 Euroization in Montenegro as the foundation of stability
As of the late 90s, the Government of Montenegro was in
search of the methods of monetary autonomy, primarily
due to the impossibility to influence the monetary policy
that had been abused for political purposes. Therefore, they
decided to introduce the dolarization model along with using Deutsch Mark. This model was somehow imposed by
itself, since both the citizens and the economy of Montenegro, prior to that and over a longer period, had been opting for using the currency for their savings and transactions.
Thus, in the late 1999, Montenegro Government introduced
dual-currency system with Deutsche Mark and Dinar, with
free fluctuation of Dinar to the Mark. As of January 2001,
Deutsche Mark had been the only legal tender, whereas in
March 2002, EUR became the only legal tender.
Throughout the period thereafter, the euroization was demonstrating a series of positive effects. Firstly, it facilitated
both the re-monetization process and establishing price stability. Euroization entailed positive effects on banking sector
development as well and - along with simultaneous realization of a sequence of measures designed for the system reform - it also had effects on the growth and revival of banking activities. Euroization had effects also on improving the
budget discipline, taking into account that introducing the
regime of euroization had limited potential sources for covering the budget deficit. Furthermore, introducing the stable
currency represented a positive signal to foreign investors
since stable conditions were guaranteed thereby in advance
for their businesses – because they preferred doing business with a “strong” currency that was reducing their foreign
exchange risk.
In addition to the foregoing, using EUR entailed a variety of
other positive effects in Montenegro, as follows:
• resumption of monetary policy credibility,
• blocking inflation in the country with high inflation
• eliminating exchange rate risk and creating predictability effects,
• foreign trade growth,
• reduction in transaction costs in foreign trade, and
2.2 Fiscal policy serving additional stability strengthening
Notwithstanding numerous positive effects associated with
euroization, it is not about a regime that is without any imperfection. Although its introduction provided Montenegro
with stability, on the other hand a significant number of economic policy instruments were lost. Operating under the
circumstances of a small and open market, without national
currency printing function and with limited number of monetary instruments, requires a special caution in pursuing fiscal policy. Monetary policy and its instruments are capable
of providing a remedy for economic crisis outcomes, but not
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
without a joint acting with fiscal policy instruments. Under
such circumstances, fiscal sustainability was found as the
foundation of financial stability.
Respecting these facts and taking into account uncertain
environment and unpredictability of economic trends, Montenegro has been pursing fiscal policy extremely cautiously
and responsibly. In terms of that, the basic goal is to balance
public revenues and expenditures, i.e. to improve fiscal indicators that – for a couple of years so far and due to the
financial crisis – have been aggravated. Moreover, a strong
economic growth and a significant inflow of direct foreign
investments between 2005 and 2008, accompanied by
all the positive effects on economic and social situation in
Montenegro, have resulted also in unreal expectation within
the public consumption system that is beyond the real current capacities of Montenegrin economy after investment
expansion settling down. We have recognized and accepted
this fact and we are working intensively at adjusting public
consumption to the capacity of population and economy
to pay taxes, for the purposes of making economic growth
more dynamic, population’s standard of living improved,
and indebtedness spiral reduced.
In terms of that, the basic Montenegrin fiscal policy guidelines are:
• to continue public consumption consolidation and
have gradual reduction in public expenditure share
in GDP3,
• to improve fiscal control and to strengthen the
implementation of internal and external audit of all
the Budget spending units,
• to suppress gray market with the aim of increasing
the Budget revenues,
• to enhance payers tax culture,
• to enhance fiscal discipline and to diminish tax evasion, and
• to have an adequate policy of national and international borrowings, in order to avoid an exposure to
public debt crisis and to structural disproportions.
Respecting the foregoing Guidelines, while with the aim of
arresting the trend of fiscal parameters aggravation that is
primarily due to the drop in the collection of revenues and,
consequently, to an increase in deficit and public debt level,
Montenegro introduced, in the early 2013, a set of fiscal
adjustment measures aimed at settling both the Budget expenditures and the budget revenues.
When it comes to the expenditures, the following measures:
freezing pension adjustments; reducing public administration costs, in terms of decreasing the number of the Government’s working bodies the members of which are paid
remunerations; lowering of salaries expense and of discretionary expenses, in companies with the State as majority
owner, in local self-governments and regulatory agencies;
reducing administrative costs in the state administration, in
terms of reducing the number of vehicles used; and cutting
the costs of leasing premises for the purposes of state authorities,
In theory and practice, it is often that the capital
expenditures share as an important development component
is not observed as an element of the mentioned Guideline.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
ekonomije, dok se visina akciza u kontinuitetu usklađuje sa
stopama koje predviđa zakonodavstvo Evropske unije.
Ostvareni efekti ovih mjera, u vidu bolje naplate budžetskih prihoda i evidentnog unapređenja poreske discipline,
potvrdili su da je fiskalna konsolidacija preduslov za trajni
oporavak javnih finansija i obezbjeđenje finansijske i makroekonomske stabilnosti. Imajući prethodno u vidu, namjera
je da se, kroz nastavak procesa fiskalne konsolidacije i kreiranje i vođenje konzistentne ekonomske politike, stvore
pretpostavke za ostvarivanje snažnijih stopa ekonomskog
rasta. U tom pravcu, Vlada Crne Gore je, na predlog Ministarstva finansija, nedavno usvojila set mjera sistemskog karaktera, čijom će se implementacijom značajno doprinijeti
daljem procesu fiskalne konsolidacije, odnosno održivosti
javnih finansija na dugi rok. Među najbitnijim je donošenje Zakona o zaradama u javnom sektoru, čiji cilj nije smanjivanje zarada, već uvođenje većeg stepena pravednosti i
objektivnosti. Zarade će, dominantno, zavisiti od osnovnih
makroekonomskih i fiskalnih parametara, prije svega od nivoa deficita i javnog duga. U ostale mjere spadaju strožije
sankcionisanje povratnika u prekršaju, proširenje poreske
osnovice kod oporezivanja imovine (ovo se, prije svega, odnosi na imovinu koja nije u funkciji sa ciljem njene bolje ekonomske valorizacije, zatim na bespravno izgrađene objekte,
neprodate stanove i dr.). Jedna od najvažnijih mjera fiskalnog prilagođavana odnosi se na davanje poreskih podsticaja
za nova zapošljavanja u sjevernim opštinama Crne Gore, u
smislu smanjivanja ili ukidanja poreza na zarade, kao i poreza na dobit pravnih lica. Ovim će se, svakako, podstaći zaposlenost i ekonomski rast i, time, obezbijediti ravnomjerniji
regionalni razvoj zemlje.
Pomenute mjere pratiće i oprezno pripremljen finansijski
plan Države, odnosno Budžet za narednu fiskalnu godinu.
U pripremi njegovog predloga uloženi su značajni napore
kkako bi bila održana konzistentnost politika, što, u prvom
redu, podrazumijeva nastavak konsolidacije javne potrošnje
i vođenje odgovorne i restiktivne fiskalne politike, u okviru
postojećeg makroekonomskog ambijenta.
Planiranje Budžeta za 2014. godinu izvršeno je na osnovu:
• izvršenja budžeta za 10 mjeseci tekuće godine,
• projekcije izvršenja za posljednja dva mjeseca 2013.
• ažuriranih makroekonomskih indikatora za sljedeću
• novih fiskalnih projekcija, urađenih na osnovu novog seta mjera fiskalnog prilagođavanja i
• zaključka Vlade o dodatnim mjerama štednje.
Ciljevi predloga Budžeta za narednu godinu ostaju slični, a
to su:
• dalje obuzdavanje prekomjerne potrošnje, što se
rashodne strane tiče, i
• uvođenje sistemskog reda na prihodnoj strani, kroz
unapređenje fiskalne discipline i pružanje podrške
konkurentnosti ekonomije.
Javna potrošnja se mora prilagoditi poreskom kapacitetu
privrede i stanovništva, dok njena konsolidacija ima za cilj
da doprinese dinamičnijem ekonomskom rastu, kako bi se
smanjile i najveće fiskalne ranjivosti – budžetski deficit i javni dug, uz očuvanje i dalje snaženje konkurentnosti ekonomije i poboljšanje životnog standarda.
Trajno ozdravljenje javnih finansija može biti postignuto
prvenstveno uspostavljanjem balansa javne potrošnje. Bez
budžetske ravnoteže produbljuju se svi strukturni problemi i
slabi izgled snažnijeg rasta, uz jačanje recesionih pritisaka. U
tom smislu, ravnoteža budžeta nije sama sebi cilj, već njeno
dostizanje treba da doprinese ekonomskoj ravnoteži, povećanju zaposlenosti i uravnoteženju platnog bilansa.
Efikasnost fiskalne politike slabi sa rastom zaduženosti. Izuzetak predstavlja zaduživanje usmjereno ka realizaciji kapitalnih projekata iz razloga što se, na taj način, doprinosi
stvaranju preduslova razvoja, izgradnji infrastrukture i otklanjanju uskih grla, te omogućava brži razvoj i efikasniju upotrebu resursa kojima raspolažemo.
Generalno, kreiranje i sprovođenje fiskalne politike u predstojećem periodu opredjeljivaće činjenica da javni dug odražava odluke prethodnih i sadašnjih generacija kojima se
ograničavaju odluke budućih generacija. U tom smislu, nastaviće se sa sprovođenjem fiskalne konsolidacije, čije mjere najmanje znače povećanje poreskih stopa, a znatno više
uvođenje principa pravednosti, discipline, objektivnosti i
2.3. Bankarska stabilnost
Uz fiskalnu održivost, zdravlje bankarskog sistema je drugi
preduslov za uspostavljanje i održavanje finansijske stabilnosti. Bankarski sektor je, u prethodnom periodu, stekao
bolno, ali dragocjeno iskustvo iz perioda kreditnog buma i
vremena saniranja posljedica. Međutim, taj period još uvijek nije okončan, a pritisak vrše i očekivanja za predstojeće
godine, pa banke moraju nastaviti s iščišćavanjem bilansa
svim raspoloživim sredstvima: prodajom, restrukturiranjem
i, u konačnom, otpisom. Naravno, pravilna politika izdvajanja rezervacija ostaje nezaobilazna kod upravljanja kreditnim rizikom. Takođe, za slučaj da bude neophodno, moraju
se unaprijed razraditi sve mogućnosti za zaduživanja i dokapitalizacije.
Trenutno, stanje u bankarskom sektoru karakteriše veća
stabilnost, ali visok nivo NPL-a i niska kreditna aktivnost još
uvijek predstavljaju i izvjesne rizike, kako za finansijski, tako i
za fiskalni sistem. Kontinuirani rast depozita čini da su odnosi kredita i depozita poboljšani, a poboljšani su i koeficijenti
likvidnosti i solventnosti. Još uvijek je izražen visok udio kredita koji kasne u otplati što predstavlja rizik bankarskog sek-
have been implemented.
As for the Budget revenues, the VAT rate was increased from
17.00% to 19.00% and the so called crisis tax, i.e. a higher
tax rate (15.00% instead of former 9.00%) on the personal
income exceeding the average wage (amounting to €720.00
in gross terms, monthly) paid in Montenegro has been introduced. Simultaneously, the suppression of gray economy
has been intensified, while the excise duty rate has been
continuously adjusted to those provided for by the EU legislation.
The foregoing measures’ effects attained in the form of better collection of the Budget revenues and an obvious fiscal
discipline improvement have confirmed that the fiscal consolidation is a precondition for both a lasting recovery of
public revenues and expenditures and the ensuring of financial and macroeconomic stability. Having in mind the foregoing, there is an intention to create - through the continuation of fiscal consolidation process and through making and
pursuing a consistent economic policy - preconditions for
attaining a stronger economic growth rate. In terms of that,
the Government of Montenegro adopted, upon a proposal
by the Ministry of Finance, a set of measures of organic character. Their implementation will significantly contribute to a
further fiscal consolidation, i.e. to long-term public revenues
and expenditures sustainability. Among the most important
activities stands the enacting of the Law on Public Sector
Salaries - which is not aimed at decreasing the salaries, but
to introduce a higher level of equity and objectivity. Salaries
will dominantly depend on the basic macroeconomic and
fiscal parameters, while primarily on the level of deficit and
public debt. Other measures accommodate a stricter sanctioning of those repeating infringements, property tax extension (this refers primarily to the property not in use and
is aimed to have a better valorization of such properties, and
then it refers to unauthorized building construction, unsold
apartments, and alike). One of the most significant fiscal
adjustment measures refers to allowing tax incentives to
new employments in northern Montenegro municipalities,
in terms of decreasing or abolishing the tax on personal income and the corporate tax. In any case, this will encourage
employments and economic growth and, thereby, the balanced regional development in the country will be ensured.
The mentioned measures will be followed by a carefully designed State’s financial projections, namely the following fiscal year Budget. In projecting the Proposal Budget, considerable efforts have been invested in order to have policy consistency maintained, which implies primarily the continuation of public consumption consolidation and pursuing the
restrictive fiscal policy within the existing macroeconomic
The 2014 budgeting was completed based on the :
• 10-month Budget execution in the current year,
• projections for the Budget execution in the last two
months of 2013,
• updated macroeconomic indicators for the following year,
• new fiscal projections made based on the new set
of measures for fiscal adjustment, and
• Government Conclusion on Additional Saving Mea-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
• The goals of the Proposal Budget for the following
year have remained similar, and they are:
• further restraining of the excessive spending, with
reference to the expenditures, and
• introducing the order in the system, with reference
to the revenues, through improving fiscal discipline
and delivering a support to economy competitiveness.
Public consumption must be adjusted to the capacities of
economy and population, while its consolidation is aimed
at contributing to a dynamic economic growth in order to
decrease even the major fiscal vulnerabilities - the Budget
deficit and public debt - along with maintaining and further
strengthening economy competitiveness and improving the
standard of living.
Lasting recovery of public revenues and expenditures could
be attained primarily through bringing public consumption
balance in place. Without the Budget balance, all structural
challenges are deepened and prospects of a stronger growth
are weakened. In terms of that, the Budget balance is not a
goal per se, but attaining it should contribute to economy
equilibrium, higher employment rate and stabilizing the balance of payments.
Fiscal policy efficacy is weakened by the indebtedness
increase. Exception is an indebtedness intended for the
implementation of capital investments, since in such manner contributions are made to the creation of development
preconditions, infrastructure development and bottle necks
elimination, and accelerated development and more efficient use of available resources are provided.
Generally speaking, the creation and pursuing of fiscal policy
in the upcoming period will be destined on the basis of the
fact that public debt reflects earlier and current generations’
decisions that limit the ones of the future generations. In
terms of that, striving to accomplish fiscal consolidation will
be continued through the measures least meant for increasing tax rates, but meant significantly more for introducing
the principles of equity, discipline, impartiality and sustainability.
2.3. Banking stability
Besides fiscal sustainability, a sound banking system is the
second precondition for resuming and maintaining financial
stability. In preceding years, banking sector faced a painful
but valuable experience in the credit boom and consequences remedying periods respectively. However, the period has
not been ended yet and the pressures are exerted through
expectations for coming years’ prospects, so banks must
continue with cleansing the balance by all available transactions such as sales, restructuring and, eventually, write-off.
Naturally, suitable policy of allocation to provisions has remained unavoidable when it comes to credit risk management. Besides, if required, all possibilities of indebting and
recapitalization must be worked out in advance.
Currently, the situation in banking sector is characterized by
better stability; however, higher non-performing loans num-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
tora, ali indirektno, i fiskalni rizik. U tom pravcu je pokrenuta
realizacija projekta pod nazivom „Podgorički pristup“, koji
implicira dobrovoljno restruktuiranje loših kredita banaka,
zasnovano na novim mjerama podsticaja za banke i kompanije da usklade procjenu njihovih kreditnih portfolija sa
post-kriznim ekonomskim uslovima njihovih dužnika. Projekat ima za cilj da, kroz neophodno unapređivanje kvaliteta
kreditnih portfolija banaka, omogući revitalizaciju bankarskog kreditiranja produktivnih sektora crnogorske ekonomije. Ovakav pristup je neophodan, kako bi privreda mogla da
razvije svoj ekonomski i društveni potencijal, a banke povratile svoju sklonost ka kreditiranju bez straha od preuzimanja
dodatnog rizika u njihovim naslijeđenim portfolijima. Ovo iz
razloga što niska kreditna aktivnost negativno utiče na likvidnost ukupne ekonomije i na mogućnost finansiranja potrošnje i investicija, a što indirektno povećava rizik neostvarenja planiranih stopa rasta i budžetskih prihoda.
Kako je manevarski prostor Centralne banke Crne Gore
sužen zbog eurizacije, najznačajnija poluga uticaja je, bez
dileme, supervizija banaka4. Iako je koncept finansijske stabilnosti i makroprudencione kontrole drugačiji u odnosu na
mikroprudencioni pristup, efikasna supervizija banaka je
ključ za ostvarivanje stabilnosti finansijskog sistema, jer je
preventiva najbolja politika.
2.4. Unapređenjem konkurentnosti do snažnijeg rasta
Održive javne finansija i stabilan bankarski sistem jesu neophodni, ali ne i dovoljni uslovi za dinamičniji ekonomski
rast i razvoj. Kada je u pitanju posticanje privrednog rasta,
mjere usmjerene na unapređenje konkurentnosti privrede
nemaju alternativu. U tom smislu, u vođenju ekonomske
politike mora se posebna pažnja posvetiti jačanju produktivnosti i opšte konkurentnosti, jer jedino dobro usmjerene
politike unapređenja nacionalne konkurentnosti mogu osigurati željeni put ka dinamičnijem razvoju i ukupnom društvenom blagostanju.
Na konkurentnost neke zemlje utiču mnogi direktni i indirektni faktori, a prije svega institucije, ljudski i prirodni resursi, infrastruktura, menadžment, kapital,... Ukoliko posmatramo poziciju Crne Gore nesumnjiv je progres koji je ostvaren
u nekoliko poslednjih godina. Napredak je prepoznat u svim
relevantnim međunarodnim izvještajima koji se bave pitanjem konkurentnosti. Međutim, na tome se ne smije stati,
već treba težiti ka konkurentnosti zasnovanoj na temeljima
pametnog, održivog i inkluzivnog rasta, preko ulaganja u
inovacije, digitalizaciju i mobilnost mladih ljudi, kao i kroz
poboljšanje efikasnosti korišćenja resursa, odnosno komparativnih prednosti u funkciji povećanja zaposlenosti, socijalne inkluzije i smanjenja siromaštva.
Neophodno je razviti novi model privređivanja, odnosno
strategiju održivog razvoja, koja će se zasnivati na rastu
U ostale monetarne instrumente spadaju: kreditni poslovi, kreditor u krajnjoj instanci, operacije na iotvorenom tržištu i obavezna rezerva.
domaće štednje, povećanju produktivnosti i poboljšanju
konkurentnosti. Potrebno je unaprijediti konkurentnost kreiranjem politika zasnovanih na produktivnosti, inovativnosti i razvoju preduzetništva i nastaviti sa implementacijom
strukturnih reformi u oblasti penzija, zdravstva, obrazovanja
i tržišta rada. Ove aktivnosti će se sprovoditi paralelno sa
unapređenjem poslovnog okruženja, imajući u vidu značaj
stranih direktnih investicija za malu i otvorenu ekonomiju
Crne Gore. Imperativ je izgradnja kvalitetne infrastrukture
koja će nas povezati sa državama regiona, a zatim šire i sa
Prethodni period bio je veoma izazovan za kreatore ekonomske i regulatorne politike u Crnoj Gori, kako sa aspekta
unutrašnjih ranjivosti, tako i sa aspekta prelivanja negativnih
eksternih šokova na privredni sistem zemlje. Ključni rizici su
povezani sa ranjivostima fiskalnog sistema, nelikvidnošću
realnog sektora i daljim povećanjem nivoa loše aktive bankarskog sektora.
Stoga su aktivnosti Ministarstva finansija, Vlade i drugih
nadležnih tijela bile usmjerene na uravnoteženje javnih finansija, stabilizaciju bankarskog sistema i kreiranje zdravih
osnova za predstojeći oporavak i razvoj privrede. Preduzete
aktivnosti dale su vidljive rezultate, posebno u dijelu fiskalne
konsolidacije. Za prvih deset mjeseci 2013. godine naplaćeno je 88 miliona eura više javnih prihoda u odnosu na isti
period prethodne godine ili 53,4 miliona eura više nego što
je bilo planirano. Ovakvoj naplati prihoda doprinio je kombinovani efekat sprovedenih mjera fiskalne konsolidacije, kao
i mjera na poboljšanju naplate, prije svega suzbijanju sive
ekonomije, te rast ekonomske aktivnosti ostvaren tokom
2013. godine. Istovremeni su postignuti i drugi ciljevi – očuvan je kreditni rejting, ostvaren je napredak u rangiranjima
međunarodnih agencija, održan je kontinuitet u sprovođenju strukturnih reformi u oblasti državnih finansija, administracije, tržišta rada, poslovnog ambijenta i dr.
Uz ostvarenje svih pomenutih ciljeva i implementacijom
pažljivo definisanih mjera ekonomske politike stvara se stabilna osnova za obezbijeđenje stabilnosti, koja je, u ovim kriznim i neizvjesnim vremenima, neophodna i koja će sistem
ojačati i učiniti otpornijim na eksterne šokove, a Crnu Goru
vratiti na put dinamičnog ekonomskog rasta i razvoja.
ber and low credit activity is still posing certain risks to both
financial and fiscal system. Steady deposit growth makes
loan-to-deposit ratios, liquidity ratio and solvency ratio improved. High share of past due loans is still present, which
represents the risk of banking sector and, indirectly, fiscal
risk as well. To that end, the implementation of Podgorica
Approach Project has been launched implying voluntary restructuring of delinquent loans granted by banks, based on
new measures for encouraging banks and companies to adjust their respective loan portfolio assessments to post-crisis
economic conditions prevailing at their debtors. The Project
aim is to ensure - through a necessary improving banks’ loan
portfolio quality – the revitalization of banks’ lending to productive sectors of the economy of Montenegro. Such an approach is required in order to make it possible for economy
to develop its potentials and social potential and for banks
to resume their tendency to lend without any fear of undertaking an additional risk in their respective legacy portfolios.
This because low credit activity has negative effects on the liquidity of the overall economy and on the possibility to have
the funding for consumption and investing, which indirectly
increases the risk of not attaining the planned growth rates
and budget revenues.
Since Montenegro Central Bank’s maneuver space has been
narrowed due to euroization, the most significant arm of influence is, no doubt, bank supervision4. Despite the concept
of financial stability and macroprudential regulation differs
from microprudential approach, an efficient bank supervision is the key to attaining financial system stability, since
prevention is the best policy.
2.4. Stronger growth by means of competitiveness improvement
Sustainable public revenues and expenditures and banking
sector stability are required, but they are not at the same
time adequate prerequisites for a dynamic growth and development. When it comes to encouraging the growth of
economy, measures dedicated to improving competitiveness thereof do not have an alternative. In terms of that, in
pursuing economic policy particular attention has to be paid
to strengthening productivity and general competitiveness,
since only well designed policies for improving national competitiveness are capable of ensuring desired avenue toward
a dynamic development and overall social prosperity.
The competitiveness of a country is under the influence of
numerous direct and indirect factors, among which primarily institutions, human and natural resources, infrastructure,
management, capital, … If we observe the position of Montenegro, the progress that has been reached to in several
years so far is certain. The progress has been acknowledged
in all international reports considering competitiveness
matters. However, that must not be the end destination,
but there should be ambitions of attaining a competitiveness grounded in smart, sustainable and inclusive growth,
through investments in innovations, digitalization, mobility
of the young, as well as through improving the efficiency of
engaging resources and/or through comparative advantages
serving an increase in employment, social inclusion and pov4
Other monetary instruments comprise credit transactions, lender
of last resort, open market transactions and reserve requirement.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
erty reduction.
It is required to develop a new model for doing business,
and/or a sustainable development strategy that will be
grounded in enhancing national savings , productivity and
competitiveness. It is necessary to advance competitiveness
through making policies based on efficacy, innovations and
entrepreneurship development, and to continue with the
implementation of structural reforms in pension, health,
education and labor market areas respectively. These activities will be carried out in parallel with improving the business environment, while having in mind the importance of
foreign direct investments to the small and open economy
of Montenegro. An imperative is to construct high quality infrastructure to link us with the regional countries and,
broader, to Europe.
The previous period was very challenging for economic and
regulatory policy makers in Montenegro, from the aspect of
both internal vulnerability and from spreading negative external shocks into the economy system of the country. The
key risks are associated with fiscal system vulnerability, real
sector illiquidity and further increase in delinquent assets of
banking sector.
Therefore, the activities of the Ministry of Finance, the Government and of other competent bodies were aimed at balancing public revenues and expenditures, banking system
stabilizing and creating sound grounds for the upcoming recovery and development of economy. The undertaken activities have produced obvious outcomes, while particularly in
the fiscal consolidation segment. Over the first ten months
of 2013, €88 million of public revenues more were collected
as compared with the ones collected over the same period
of the preceding year, or €53.4 million more than planned.
Such collection of revenues was contributed to by combined
effects of the implemented fiscal consolidation measures
and by the measures to improve the collection, while primarily by the suppression of gray economy and the economic activity growth attained in 2013.
In addition, at the same time, achieve were other goals,
among which: credit rating maintained; position on the lists
of international rating agencies moved forward; structural
reforms implementing continuity maintained in government
revenues and expenditures, administration, labor market
and business environment areas respectively; and alike.
Hand in hand with attaining all the aforementioned goals
and through enforcing carefully defined economic policy,
the steady foundation for ensuring the stability - which is
required in these crisis and uncertain times and which will
make the system stronger and more resistant to external
shocks and bring Montenegro back on the track of a dynamic economic growth and development – is created.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Među malim brojem izvjesnosti kojima je determinisan boravak na ovoj planeti, stoji i činjenica da je ljudski život odredjen
prirodom i njegovim odnosom prema okruženju.
Odnos čovjeka i prirode je kompleksan i višedimenzionalan,
a priroda tog odnosa pokazuje, između ostalog, stepen razvijenosti društvene zajednice, kako u njenim pojedinim važnim
sadržajima, tako i u zajednici kao cjelini. Kada kreira svoj
ekonomski razvoj na prirodnim resursima /zemljište, biljni i
životinjski svijet, voda, vazduh, rude i minerali, fosilna goriva
i drugo/ kao opštem dobru, u najširem smislu riječi, država iskazuje svoj stav, nivo potencijala, bogatstva i moći, ali i nivo
sopstvene razvijenosti u sociološkom, kulturološkom i naravno
ekonomskom smislu.
Nažalost, stanje životne sredine i prirodnih resursa ukazuje na
činjenicu da prirodni resursi nijesu dovoljno istraženi, da se ne
koriste u dovoljnoj mjeri, da se njima uglavnom gazduje bez
dužne pažnje i neracionalno, da su promjene u životnoj sredini
ogromne, i da su ponašanjem čovjeka, odredjena područja do
te mjere devastirana, da se može slobodno reći i zauvijek izgubljena.
Strateško planiranje i moderan pristup održivosti, uz primjenu
savremenih standarda i naučnih metoda u istraživanju i eksploataciji su najvažniji preduslovi kvalitetne ekonomske valorizacija prirodnih resursa. Ekonomska valorizacija je svakako
neophodnost, enormne vrijednosti i značaja za razvoj društva,
predstavljajući istovremeno čin odgovornosti prema savremenicima, prema sadašnjosti, prema potrebi višeg kvaliteta
života i životnog standarda, i izvjesno, smatrajući ga višim
nivoom istog procesa, kao čin odgovornosti prema generacijama koje dolaze, prema budućnosti.
U svojoj osnovi, ekonomska valorizacija prirodnih resursa mora
biti društveno odgovorna i ekonomski opravdana, a u moralnoj ravni utemeljena u vrijednosti društvenih elita i ravnoteži
ekoloških i ekonomskih zahtjeva.
Among the few certainties that determine our stay on this planet, is the fact that human life is determined by the nature and by
its relation towards the environment.
The relationship between humans and nature is complex and
multi-dimensional, and the nature of this relation shows, among
other things, the development degree of a community, both in
its respective important contents, and in the community as a
whole. By creating its own economic development on the basis of the natural resources/land, biodiversity, water, air, ores
and minerals, fossil fuels and others/as a common good, in the
broadest sense, the state expresses its standpoint, the level of
resources, wealth and power, but also the level of development
in the sociological, cultural and naturally economic terms.
Unfortunately, the state of the environment and natural resources outlines the fact that natural resources are not sufficiently explored, that they are not being used sufficiently, that they are
usually managed without due care and unreasonably, that the
changes in the environment are huge, and the human behaviour
made certain areas devastated to that extent that we can be
free to say they are lost forever.
The strategic planning and modern approach to sustainability,
with an implementation of contemporary standards and scientific methods in the exploration and exploitation are the major
prerequisites of high quality economic valorisation of natural resources. Economic valorisation is certainly a necessity of
enormous value and of importance for the development of the
society, representing at the same time an act of responsibility
towards contemporaries, towards the present, towards the need
for a higher quality of life and the living standard, and certainly,
considering it as a higher level of the same process, as an act
of responsibility towards the coming generations, towards the
In its essence, the economic valorisation of natural resources
must be socially responsible and economically viable, and in the
moral terms it must be grounded in the values of social elites and
the balance between environmental and economic demands.
ekonomija zemalja regiona
regional economy
Panel V
Kako staviti u funkciju prirodne resurse
How to put into function natural
Aleksandar Joksimović
Viši naučni saradnik Instituta za biologiju mora
Senior research associate at the
Institute of Marine Biology
Goran Barović
Profesor Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy
at the University of Montenegro
Michael Malvebo
Izvršni direktor, Telenor
General Manager, Telenor
James Wilson
Izvršni direktor, Azmont Investments
Executive Director, Azmont Investments
Vladimir Čvorović
Atlas Grupa
Atlas Group
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Doc. dr Goran Barović
Profesor Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore
Pregled prirodnih resursa Balkana i njihovo
Osnovni prirodni resursi su: zemljište, stijene, minerali,
fosilna goriva, voda, klima, flora i fauna. U radu će se dati
sažet prikaz najznačajnijih resursa i može predstavljati osnovu za detaljniju, opširniju i precizniju elaboraciju
veoma inspirativne teme. Prostor Balkanskog poluostrva
predstavlja jedno od tri velika poluostrva u južnom dijelu
Evrope. Karakteriše ga velika razuđenost obala i specifične geomorfološke karakteristike obodnog dijela. Zapadna, južna i istočna granica kao da je prirodan bedem koji
zaustavlja prodiranje toplih klimatskih uticaja u njegovu
unutrašnjost. Sa sjevera je otvoreno uticajima sa sjevera i istoka Evope koji posebno u zimskom dijelu godine
značajno utiče na klimu. Prema rezultatima istrazivanja
može se konstatovati da djelovi poluostrva koji pripadaju
starim gomadnim planinama i čiji je nastanak vezan za
starije geološke periode ima i značajno raznovrsnija rudna bogatstva. Zone mlađih vjenačnih planina, nastalih
u mlađim geološkim periodama odlikuju druge karakteristike sa rasursima različitim od onih onih starijih. Jedan
od najznačajnij resursa, voda, na prostru Balkana ima
značajan uticaj na kompletan geoprostor i u velikom broju slučajeva diktira ukupne uslove života.
Balkansko poluostrvo prema geografskom lociranju spada u jedno od tri velika poluostrva koja se nalaze u južnoj
Evropi. Ime je dobilo po istoimenoj planini koja se dužinom od više od 500km pruža od istočne Srbije, sjeverne
Bugarske do Crnog mora. Ime mu se u naučnoj i stručnoj
literaturi prvi put pominje od strane njemačkog istraživača Johana Cojne, početkom 19 vijeka. Ime poluostrva
se veže za Staru planinu koju su Turci nazvali Balkan (planina) misleći da je glavni planinski masiv kao što su Pirineji na Pirinejskom poluostrvu i Apenini na Apeninskom
poluostrvu. Kad je utvrđeno postojanje većih planinskih
vijenaca naziv Balkan je već bio odomaćen u svim sferama života. Raniji nazivi su mu bili: Ilirsko, Grčko, Rimsko, Vizantijsko, evropska Turska. Sa tri strane je okružen
morima: zapadnu obalu zapljuskuje Jadransko more, sa
južne strane je Egejsko more a sa istoka Mramorno i Crno
more. Sjevrna ili kopnena granica (od istoka prema zapadu) se kreće Dunavom, uzvodno od njegovog ušća u Crno
more do Beograda, zatim koritom rijeke Save do mjesta
njenog nastanka, a odatle preko prevoja Vršič do izvoriška rijeke Soče, čijim koritom se spušta do Tršćanskog
zaliva u Jadranskom moru. Zahvata površinu od oko 550
000 km2 ili oko 6% prostora Evrope. Duža osa mu je oko
1300 km (Varna - Trst) a kraća oko 480 km (Smederevo-Solun). Prilog 1. Planina Balkan
Ova geografska cjelina je dobro povezana sa matičnim
Evropskim kontinentom brojnim saobraćajnim koridorima. Takđe ima dobru vezu sa azijskim kontinentom.
Veliki broj mostova na Bosforu i Dardanelima dobro povezuje susjedne kopnene cjeline pa se stvara osjećaj o
prelasku neke velike rijeke a ne prelaska sa kontinenta
na kontinent. Veliki broj Grčkih ostrva duboko zalazi u
Sredozemno more, primičući se dijelu Afrike koji je bio
i ostao važan geostrategijski, geopolitički i ekonomski
centar od nastanka prvih civilizacija pa do danas. Sjeverna oblast je široko otvorena prema Panonskom basenu i
srednjoj Evropi.
U geografskom koordinatnom sistemu Balkansko poluostrvo je locirano od 130 do 290 istočne geografske dužine
i od 350 do 470 sjeverne geografske širine. Geografskom
dužinom definisani prostor je u zonama +1 i +2 časa u
odnosu na svjetsko vrijeme. Lokacija Balkana prema geografskoj širini definiše prostor u umjerenim geografskim
Goran Barović, RNDr
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the
University of Montenegro
The basic natural resources are land, rocks, minerals,
fossil fuels, water, climate, flora and fauna. The present
paper will give a summary review of the most significant
natural resources and it may be a foundation for a further, broader and more exact analysis of this very inspiring topic. The Balkan Peninsula is one out of the three
large peninsulas in the Southern Europe. It is characterized by very indented coast and specific geomorphologic
features of the perimeter area. Western, southern and
eastern borders stand as natural frontiers that prevent
penetration of warm climate impacts into its inland. On
the north, it is open to the impacts coming from the north
and the east of Europe that - particularly in the winter
season - have considerable effects on the climate. According to research findings, it can be concluded that the
Peninsula regions that belong to the old block mountains
and the origination of which is linked to the older geologic eras, has a significant variety of mineral resources. The zones of geologically younger mountain range,
originated in earlier geologic periods, are characterized
by unlike features encompassing resources different from
those found in geologically older mountains. One of the
most important resources within the Balkans region, i.e.
the water, has a significant effect on the entire geospace
and, in many cases, it dictates the life conditions on the
When the existence of the larger mounting ranges was
found out, the name Balkan had already been popularized in all life domains. Earlier names were Illyrian,
Greece, Roman, Byzantine (Peninsula), European Turkey.
The Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides: the
Adriatic Sea to the west, the Ionian Sea to the south, and
the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea to the east. Its northern, i.e. inland boundary (from the east to the west) is
often given as the River Danube, going upstream from
its mouth into the Black Sea to Belgrade, then along the
River Sava bed to the place of its vanishing and, from
there, via the saddle called Vršič, to the spring of the River Soca along the bed of which it goes down to the Gulf
of Trieste running into the Adriatic Sea. It stretches over
some 550,000 km² or some 6.00% of the European area.
The longer axis is about 1,300 km (stretching from Varna
to Trieste), whereas the shorter one is 480 km (stretching
from Smederevo to Thessaloniki).
As per its geographic positioning, the Balkan Peninsula
belongs to one out of the three large peninsulas that are
situated within Southern Europe. The region takes its
name after the same-name mountain that stretches over
500 km from Eastern Serbia and Northern Bulgaria to the
Black Sea. In scientific and expert references, its name
was mentioned for the first time by the German explorer, namely by Johann Zeune, in the early 19th century.
The name of the Peninsula refers to the Stara Planina
(the Balkan Mountain range), which the Turks named
as Balkan (mountain) believing that it represented the
major mountain massifs like Pyrenees on the Pyrenean
Peninsula and Apennines on the Apennine Peninsula.
Figure No. 1: The Balkan Mountain Range
This geographic entity is connected with the mother European continent through numerous transport corridors.
Besides, it has a good link with the Asian continent. Many
bridges across the Bosporus and Dardanelles serve as
good links with neighboring land entities, so there is a
sense of crossing a large river and not of crossing from
one continent to another. Numerous Greece islands go
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
širinama, koje garantuju povoljne klimatske uslove. Dodatan kvaltet ovoj geografskoj cjelini daje izloženost prostora pomenutim toplim morima koji značajno determinišu klimatske ali i ostale elemente cjeline.
Balkansko poluostrvo nema centralni planinski masiv koji
bi mu činio orografski skelet. Definisani prostor možemo
geološki podijeliti u tri velike planinske cjeline: Dinarske
planine sa Šarsko-Pindskim sistemom , Karpato-Balkanide i Rodopske planine koje se značajno razlikuju po morfološkom i geološkom sastavu. Između planinskih lanaca
pružaju se kraška polja, udoline istog pravca pružanja. U
unutrašnjosti poluostrva ima i starih gromadnih planina
Obale Balkanskog poluostrva su dobro razuđene sa brojnim zalivima: Tršćanki, Riječki, Bokokotorski, Solunski,
Dinarske planine zauzimaju zapadni i jugozapadni dio
Balkanskog poluostrva, koji predstavlja najizrazitiji kraški
reljef na svijetu. Imaju pravac pružanja, sjeverozapad-jugoistok, paralelno sa Jadranskom obalom, od poteza
Ljubljana – Gorica do Rta Mediterana, a južno od Šar planine zauzimaju pravac sjever – jug gdje se nazivaju Helenidi ili Pindi. Najširi su na potezu Split-Čačak a najuži na
relaciji Karlovac-Rijeka. Osnovu ovog planinskog sistema
čine paleozojski škrijci, preko kojih su nataloženi mezozojski krečnjaci. Debljina krečnjačkih slojeva na centralnom dijelu Dinarida kreće se oko 2000 m. U ovoj zoni
se ističu Velebit, Plješivica, Dinara (dužine oko 100km po
kojoj je cijeli sistem dobio ime). Najvisočija tačka ovog
dijela je Korab sa 2764 m.n.v. Planinski vijenac Dinarskih
i Šarsko-Pindskih planina imaju veliki značaj kao klimatska i vegetacijska granica i imaju izgled pregrade izmedju
mora i kontinentalnog dijela.
Balkanidi predstavljaju u geološkom smislu nastavak Dinarskih planina jer imaju istu geološku osnovu. Nastali su
u oligomiocenu, osnovu im čine paleozojske stijene koje
su u kasnijim geološkoim periodama a najviše u mezozoiku prekrivene debelim naslagama krečnjaka. Za razliku
od Dinarida imaju pravac pružanja istok – zapad, od istočne Srbije, preko Bugarske da bi se blago spuštili prema
Crnom moru. Ovaj pravac uslovile su im susjedne Rodopske mase koje su im sprečavale pružanje prema zapadu i
prema jugu.
Rodopske planine su nastale u arhajsko i kambrijsko
doba. Po geološkom sastavu se razlikuju od predhodna
dva planinska vijenca. Ove planine su izgrađene od granita, gnajsa, kristalnih škriljaca ali i od stijena vulkanskog
porijekla. Ova cjelina ima izgled trougla sa Beogradom na
jednoj, ostrvom Eubeje na drugoj i ušću rijeke Marica na
trećoj strani. U ovoj cjelini ističu se velike planine Olimp,
Pirin i Rila i dvije karakteristične udoline Moravsko-vardarska i Moravsko-marička.
Klimatske karakteristike Balkanskog poluostrva definiše
nekoliko važnih faktora. Najvažniji je svakako geografska
širina koja ovaj prostor „smješta“ na sjevrnu poluloptu
u umjereni klimatski pojas sa, kako je već pomenuto, tri
strane okružno toplim morima. Takođe je važno istaći i
otvorenost sjeverne granice prema, Panonskoj niziji i sjeveroistoku Evrope (Ruska ravnica), odakle, posebno tokom zimskog dijela godine haldne vazdušne mase utiču
na klimu poluostrva. Sa ostalih strana Dinarske, Rodopske i Balkanske planine sprečavaju prodiraje sredozemne
klime dublje u kontinent ali istovremeno zapadnu i južnu
obalu poluostrva štite od hladnih uticaja tokom zimskog
dijela godine. Tokom zimskog perioda godine u južnom
dijelu Rusije formira se anticiklon dok se u zonama Jadranskog i Srdozemnog mora stanje ciklona. Usled ovakve situacije dolazi do duvanja vjetrova iz pravca sjeveroistoka u vidu bure i košave, koji donose hladan vazduh,
vedro vrijeme i niske temperature. Tada je malo padavina (1,70) od 200 do 500 mm. U slučaju kada iz saharskog
anticiklonalnog područja duva vjetar onda u zoni Balkana duva jugo, koji tom području donosi visoku oblačnost,
padavine u opsegu od 600 do 3000mm, nešto više temperature i malo osunčavanja.
Prilog 2.Pružanje toplih(crvene) i hladnih(bijele) vazdušnih struja
Tokom ljetnjeg perioda na prostor Balkana uticaj imaju
anticikloni koji nastaju u Sredozemnom moru. Tada se javljaju topli vjetrovi, koji donose veliki broj sunčanih dana,
malo kiše, periode sa sušom koji traju od maja pa i do
Sa prostora Balkanskog poluostrva vode odlaze u četiri
mora: Crno more, Egejsko more, Jonsko more i Jadransko more. Može se reći da je bogato površinskim vodama
osim dijela Dinarida i dijela Grčke.
deeply into the Mediterranean Sea, getting closer to the
African region that used to be and has remained significant geostrategic, geopolitical and trade center as of beginning of the first civilizations so far. The northern region is widely open toward both the Panonina Basin and
Middle Europe.
In geographic coordinate system, the Balkan Peninsula
is situated between 13º and 29º of eastern longitude
and between 35º and 47º of northern latitude. According to its longitudinal determination, it is within the time
zones of +1 and + 2 hours as compared to the world time.
The Balkans location determined by the latitude makes
the region be in the areas of moderate latitudes guaranteeing favorable climate. Additional advantage of this
geographic entity is in the exposure to the before mentioned Seas that determine largely climate and all the
other entity’s elements.
The Balkan Peninsula does not have the central mountain massif that would make the orographic skeleton.
The said area can be divided geographically into three
large mountain entities, i.e. the Dinaric Alps together
with the system of the Šar (Sharr) Mountains and Pindus
mountain range, the Carpathian-Balkanides, and Rhodope Mountains, all different from each other by their
respective morphologic and geologic structures. Between the mountain chains, the karst fields, i.e. valleys
of the same stretch direction are accommodated. In the
inland of the Peninsula, there are old block mountains.
The coastline of the Balkan Peninsula is rather indented
by numerous gulfs such as Trieste, Rijeka, Boka Kotorska,
Thessaloniki, Orfano gulfs respectively.
The Dinaric Alps occupy the western and southeastern
region of the Balkan Peninsula and they are actually the
most pronounced landform in the world. They extend
northwest-southeast along the coast of the Adriatic Sea,
from the Ljubljana – Gorica stretch to the Mediterranean
Cape where they are Called Hellenides or Pindes. Te biggest width they reach in Split – Cacak stretch, whereas
they are narrowest in the Karlovac – Rijeka stretch. The
foundation of this mountain system is Paleozoic shales,
over which Mesozoic limestones were deposited. The
thickness of the limestone stratums in the central region of the Dinarides ranges to approximately 2,000 m.
Within this zone, Velebit, Pjesivica and Dinara mountains
(with the length of about 100 km, after which the whole
system was named) are distinguished respectively. The
highest elevation of this zone is the Mount Korab’s peak
at 2,764 m above sea level. The Dinaric Alps and the Šar
(Sharr) Mountains and Pindus mountain range are of
considerable importance as both climate and vegetation
boundaries, with their shape resembling the partition
wall between the sea and the continental region.
In terms of geology, the Balkanides represent the extension of the Dinaric Alps, given that they share the same
geologic substrata. They originated during the OligoMiocene epoch, and their substrata are Paleozoic rocks
that in later geologic periods – while mainly during the
Mesozoic era – were covered by thick strata of lime-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
stone. Unlike the Dinarides, they stretch east-westward
from the eastern Serbia, going via Bulgaria, and slightly
stepping down toward the Black Sea. This direction was
conditioned by the neighboring Rhodope massif that
prevented their westward and southward stretching.
The Rhodope Mountains originated during Archean eon
and Cambrian period . According to the geologic structure, they differ from the former two mountain ranges.
These mountains are structured from granite, gneiss,
crystal shale and also from volcanic rocks. This entity
looks like a triangle, with Belgrade on one, the Euboea
Island on the other and the River Marica mouth on the
third side. Within this entity, distinguished are large
mountains such as the Mount Olympus, the Pirin Mountains and the Rila Mountain range and two characteristic
valleys, namely Morava and Vardar Valley and Morava
and Marica Valley.
The Balkan Peninsula’s climate characteristics are induced by several important factors. The most significant
one is definitely the latitude that accommodates this region in the Northern Hemisphere and mild climate zone,
surrounded, as already mentioned, by warm seas on its
three sides. Besides, it is essential to emphasize its open
position toward the Panonina Basin and the northeast
of Europe (the Russian Valley), from where , while particularly over the winter time, cold air masses affect the
Peninsula’s climate. On the other sides, the Dinaric Alps,
the Rhodope Mountains and the Balkan Mountains prevent coming the Mediteraneean climate deeper into
the inland, but simultaneously protect the Peninsula’s
western and the southern coastline against cold impacts
during the winter season. In the southern Russia in the
winter time, anticyclone is formed while in the zones of
Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas cyclone is formed. Due
to such situations, from the northeast winds as Bora and
Košava blow bringing cold wind, clear weather and low
temperatures. They bring little precipitation (1.70) from
200 to 500 mm. During the Sahara anticyclone wind
blowing, the zone of the Balkans faces the Sirocco wind
that brings mostly cloudy sky, precipitations ranging between 600 to 3,000 mm, slightly higher temperatures
and short sunny intervals.
Figure 2 : Course of warm (red) and cold (white) air flows
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Najveću slivnu cjelinu čine vodotoci Save i Dunava koji
odvode vodotoke dijela zapdnog, centralnog i sjevernog
Balkana u Crno more (Kupa, Una, Bosna, Drina, Morava i dr.). Karakteristično je i to da su samo ove dvije rijeke plovne dok se na svim ostalim rijekama iz njihovog
sliva rječni transport ne može odvijati. Slivu Egejskog
mora pripadaju Vardar, Struma, Mesta, Marica, Pinios i
Aliakmon. U Jonsko i južni dio Jadranskog mora se ulivaju Aheloos, Škumbini, (Crni i Bijeli) Drim i Bojana (sa
Zetom i Moračom). Ovaj dio obale karakteriše veliki broj
vodotoka koratkog toka a bogatog vodom. Od Ušća Bojane u Jadransko more prema sjeveru rijeke su kratkog
toka, bogate vodom, brze, usječenih obala (zbog geološkog sastava zemljišta kroz koje protiču) od kojih je najveća Neretva. Karakteristično je za zapadnio dio Balkana
da se javlja veliki broj ponornica koje imaju veliki hidroenergetski potencijal. U ovoj zoni tokom ljeta na velikom
broju rijeka značajno opadne vodostaj zbog specifičnih
klimatskih uslova.
Na Balkanskom poluostrvu ima više jezera. Najveća su:
Skadarsko (391km2), Ohridsko (348km2), Prespansko
(274km2), Vegoritis (65km2), Dojransko (42,7km2). Pojedini djelovi Balkanskog poluostrva su stalno zamočvareni,
uz vodotoke Save i Dunava, Solunskom polju i povremeno plavljena brojna kraška polja tokom zimskih mjeseci.
Vrlo specifična geološka osnova, klimatske i hidrološke
karakteristike uslovili su formiranje dvije velike vegetacione regije: mediteranska i srednjoevropska. Granica
među njima se uslovno poklapa sa januarskom izotermom od 0o. Mediteransku vegetacijsku zonu karakteriše
makija, kao najizrazitiji predstavnik mediteranske flore.
Ona se prostire (1,70) od Istre, duž cijele Dalmatinske
obale, naše obale, djelimično obalom Albanije, cijelom
obalom Grčke (u Grčkoj se zove frigana), Peloponezu i
južnoj Grčkoj. U primrskim zonama rastu bor, čempres,
lovor i česmina. U prostorima sa višom nadmorskom visinom rastu grab i hrast a još više (iznad 1000 m.n.v.) raste bukva, i miješana crnogorična i bjelogorična šuma. U
ovoj zoni od „kulturnih“ biljaka najbolje uspijevaju biljke
sa dubokim korjenjem – maslina, loza i smokva. Srednjoevropska vegetaciona zona najviše se iskazuje na visinama do 1200 m u kontinentalnom i iznad 300 m u zonama
primorja. Listopadne i četinarske šume su vrlo često izmiješane, hrast raste do 1000m.n.v a iznad bukva. Kontinentalnu zonu karakterišu i brojni pašnjaci koji cijelom
prostoru daju specifičan izgled i dodatnu vrijednost. Sjeverni i istočni dio poluostrva pripada ovoj vegetacionoj
zoni i pretežno je poljoprivredni. Razvijeno je uzgajanje
žitarica, industrijskih biljaka, voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo.
teritorijom ili većinom teritorije su: Grčka, Makedonija,
Bugarska, Albanija, Srbija (bez Vojvodine), Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo, Crna Gora. Zemlje koje se manjim dijelom nalaze na Balkanskom poluostrvu: Hrvatska (teritorija južno od Save i Kupe), Slovenija oko 13% (kranji jug
Slovenije), Rumunija (pokraina Dobrudža), Turska (njen
dio na evropskom kontinentu).
Rudna bogastva Grčke su grupisana u tri rejona: Egejska
Makedonija sa Halkidikijem, zatim Atika sa ostrvom Erbejom i Kikladska ostrva. U pomenutim zonama se eksploatiše gvožđe (Halkidiki, Lavrion,Serifos), olovo, srebro,
cink i mangan (Lavrion), boksit (Atika), hrom (Tesalija),
magnezit (Halkidiki, Evbeja).Takođe, značajna je proizvodnja morske soli, dok je eksploatacija nafte mala iako su
otkrivene rezerve u sjevrozapadnom dijelu zemlje. Poljoprivredna proizvodnja: duvan, grožđe, masline, južno
voće. Ima razvijen ribolov.
Vode sa teritorije Grčke otiču u Egejsko, Jonsko i Jadransko more. Najveće su Marica, Mesta, Struma i Vardar
koje svojim donjim tokovima pripadaju Grčkoj i imaju stalan tok. Rijeke koje izviru u Grčkoj su kratkog toka i uskog
korita koja tokom ljeta presuše. Velike rijeke na ušćima
su uglavnom plitke, zamočvarene i prave lagune. U sjevernom dijelu je više planinskih jezera. Grčkoj pripadaju i
djelovi Dojranskog i Prespanskog jezera.
Osnova privrede je turizamu, poljoprivednoj proizvodnji
i pomorskoj floti.
Ruda gvožđa otkrivena je kod Slepča i Tajmišta. Gvozdena ruda sa primjesama nikla locirana je kod Kavadaraca,
Prilepa i Velesa. Rude nikla ima kod Kavadaraca, antimona ima na više mjesta ali se eksploatiše samo kod Lojana.
Hrom se takođe eksploatiše kod Lojana ali i kod Raduša.
Zletovo je najveći rudnik olovo-cinkane rude.
Rijeke Makedonije otiču u Egejski, Jadranski i Crnomorski
sliv. Vode su neravnomjerno raspoređene i u vremenu i
u prostoru. Naveći sliv pripada rijeci Vardar (80% ), druga rjeka po površini sliva je Crni Drim (13%), zatim rijeka
Strumica (6%) i poslednja Južna Morava (manje od 1%).
Makedonija ima i tri velika tektonska jezera Ohridsko,
Prespansko i Dorjansko. Makedonija koristi oko 30%
potencijala pa je zavisna od uvoza električne energije
(oko45%). Veliki problem Makedoniji predstavlja jaka
erozija koja bi u planovima trebalo da bude zaustavljena
izgradnjom vještačkih akumulacija ali je realizacija ovog
projekta strašno spora i zavisi od veoma loše ekonomske
situacije koja vlada u zemlji.(3,51)
Zemlje koje se nalaze na Balkanskom poluostrvu cijelom
U Makedoniji se najviše gaji pirinač u Kočanskoj kotlini.
For the period of the summer season, the effect of anticyclones originating from the Mediterranean sea are at
stage within the Balkans. Warm winds blow then, bringing a large number of sunny days, little rain, the draught
lasting from May even to October.
The water from the Balkan Peninsula runs into four
seas, namely into the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. It could be said that the
Peninsula is abundant with surface water, except for the
zone of the Dinaric Alps and a part of Greece.
The largest drainage basin entity are the watercourses
of the River Sava and the River Danube taking the watercourses from a part of the Western, Central and Northern Balkans into the Black Sea (i.e. the rivers like Kupa,
Una, Bosna, Drina, Morava, etc.). It is characteristic that
these two rivers only are navigable, whereas on all the
rest, which belong to their watershed, the river transport
cannot be performed. The Rivers Vardar, Struma, Mesta,
Marica, Pinios and Aliakmon respectively belong to the
Aegean Sea’s drainage basin. The Rivers Acheleous, the
(Black and White) Shkumbin, Drim and Bojana (together with Zeta and Moraca) flow into the Ionian Sea and
the Southern Adriatic. A large number of watercourses
running short, but abundant with water characterizes
this zone of the coastline. From the river delta where
the Bojana River flows into the Adriatic Sea toward the
north, rivers are of short watercourses, but abundant
with water; these rivers are fast, with their banks cutin the ground (due to geologic structure of the land
through which they flow) and with the River Neretva as
the largest one. A characteristic of the Western Balkans
is that there are a large number of sinking rivers with
huge hydropower potential. During the summer season,
the water level of numerous rivers within this zone falls
considerably, due to specific climate conditions.
There are many lakes within the Balkan Peninsula. The
largest ones are the Lake Skadar (391 km²), the Lake
Ohrid (348 km²), the Lake Prespa (274 km²), the Lake
Vegoritida (65 km²), the Lake Doiran (42.7 km²). Certain
zones of the Balkan Peninsula, such as those along the
watercourses of the River Sava and the River Danube,
and the Thessalonica Valley, are with permanent wetlands, whereas there are numerous karst fields periodically flooded during the winter season months.
Very specific geologic substratum, climate and hydrology
features conditioned the forming of two large vegetation
zones, namely the Mediterranean one and the Middle
European one. The boundary line between the two is
conditionally overlapping January isotherm of 0ºC. The
Mediterranean vegetation zone is characterized by macchia as being the most pronounced Mediterranean flora
specimen. It stretches (1.70) from Istria all along the
Dalmatian and our, while partly along the Albanian, and
along the whole Greece (where they call it phrygana)
coastlines respectively to the Peloponnesus in the Southern Greece. Pine trees, cypress trees, laurel shrubs, holm
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
oak trees grow in the seaside zones. Within the zones
at higher altitudes, hornbeam trees and oak trees grow,
while at higher (1,000 m) heights above the sea level also
beach trees and mixed temperate coniferous and deciduous forests grow. Within this zone and out of so-called
“cultural” plants, there are the ones with their roots going deep into the ground, namely olive trees, vines and
fig trees. The Middle European vegetation zone exists
mostly at heights up to 1,200 m above the sea level and
above 300 m in the seaside zones. Deciduous and coniferous forests are frequently mixed; oak trees grow at the
heights up to 1,000 m altitude and beech trees at heights
beyond that. Continental zone is characterized also by
numerous grazing lands that give the whole landscape
a specific look and added value. The northern and the
eastern regions of the Peninsula belong to this vegetation zone and they are mainly involved in agriculture.
Cereals and industrial crops, fruit and vegetable growing
are developed.
The countries with either their respective whole territories or their respective territory parts situated within the
Balkan Peninsula are Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia
(without Vojvodina), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,
Montenegro. The countries with their respective small
territory parts situated within the Balkan Peninsula are
Croatia (territories south of the River Sava and the River
Kupa), some 13.00% of Slovenia (the far south of Slovenia), Romania (Dobruja Region), Turkey (the European
Turkey, i.e. Eastern Thrace)
Greece’s mineral resources are distributed over the three
regions, i.e. in Macedonia (Traditional Region of Greece)
with Chalkidiki, then Attica with the island of Euboea
and the Cyclades Islands. In the aforementioned zones,
the exploitation of iron (in Chalkidiki, Laurium, Serifos),
lead, silver and manganese (in Laurium), bauxite (in Attica), chrome (in Thessaly), magnesite (in Chalkidiki and
Euboea) ores respectively is taking place. Besides, significant is also the production of sea salt, while the petroleum exploitation is of low intensity although reserves
in northwest zone of the country have been discovered.
Agriculture production: tobacco, grapes, olives, tropical
fruit. Fisheries is highly developed.
From the territory of Greece, the water runs to the Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. The biggest
rivers are the River Maritsa, the River Struma and the
River Vardar that, by their respective lower watercourses
belong to Greece and have steady water flow. The rivers
with their respective sources in Greece are of short watercourses and narrow beds that are dry during the summer season. At their respective mouths, big rivers are
mainly shallow and they form wetlands and lagoons. The
northern region accommodates several mountain lakes.
The respective portions of the Lake Doiran and the Lake
Prespa belong also to Greece.
The foundation of the country’s economy is tourism, ag-
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Takodje, značajna je proizvodnja duvana, maka, pamuka,
susama i dr. Zahvaljujući prostranim planinskim pašnjacima razvijeno je stočarstvo. Razvijena je industrija duvana, tekstila, drveta, metala, hemijska i dr.
Bugarska raspolaže značajnim rudnim bogatstvom. Uglja
(kameni, mrki i ljignit) ima u basenima Pernika, Bobov
dola, Burgasa i dolini Marice. Nafta se eksploatiše na
obali Crnog mora (Tulenova). Ruda gvožđa se eksploatiše
u rejonima Sofije i Elhova. Rudnici olova i cinka se nalze
na južnom dijelu Rodopa, Krdžaliji, a bakar u Vracama i
Srnenoj gori. U manjim količinama i na više mjesta ima
ruda mangana, pirita, hroma, boksita, srebra, zlata i uranijuma, a od nemetala, soli, azbesta, gipsa i kaolina.
Teritorija Bugarske je uslovno podijeljena u tri sliva: direktan sliv Dunava i Egejskog mora po 42% i Crnog mora
16%. Ova uslovna podjela ipak većinu teritorije veže za
Crno more 58% u odnosu na dio teritorije koja se odvodnjava prema Egejskom moru(42%). Vodni resursi su
neravnmjerno raspoređeni pa je na nekim lokacijama
ima previše a na drugim se javlja nedostatak. Do sada je
iskorišćeno oko 30% vodnih potencijala a njih 90% je locirano u jugoistočnoj regiji. Veliki dio teritorije prekriven
je sistemom za navodnjavanje ali njegovo funkcionisanje
je ugroženo propadanjem velikih poljoprivrednih kombinata koji su radili u vrijeme njegove izgradnje. Sistem
malih brana (oko 2000) je poslednjih decenija regulisao
poplave i donekle regulisao vodni režim.(3,31)
Privreda Bugarske se oslanja na poljoprivredu kroz proizvodnju: duvana, vinove loze, voća, povrća, industrijskog
bilja, koje i izvozi.
Albanija ima značajne rezerve nafte. Eksploatiše se kod
gradova Kučova i Patosa. U malim količinama se eksploatišu rude hroma, nikla, gvožđa, bakra i uglja. Poljoprivreda je i dalje najdominantnija privredna grana.
Albanija je zemlja bogata vodom. Neravnomjerno su raspoređeni u rijekama Drim, Mati, Ishmi, Erzeni, Shkumbini, Semani, Vjosa i Devolli. Većina njih je ugrožena erozijom, što predstavlja problem u njihovoj kontroli i iskorišćavanju. Jezera su Skadarsko, Ohridsko i Prespansko.
Albanija ima veliki broj planinskih jezera male zapremine
i nekoliko akumulacija duž rijeka Drim, Mati i Devolli koje
služe za proizvodnju električne energije, navodnjavanje i
zaštitu od poplava. (3,11)
U primorskom pojasu gaje se suptropske kulture: pamuk,
pirinač, duvan, južno voće, masline. Proizvodnja žitarica.
Tekstilna, prehrabena, hemjska, metaloprerađivačka industrija.
SRBIJA (bez Vojvodine)
Na teritoriji Srbije ležišta uglja su otkrivena na više lokacija: kameni ugalj otkriven je u Timočkom basenu, dolinama Ibra i Mlave, mrkog uglja u Resavsko-moravskom
a lignita u Kolubarskom, Mlavskom i Kosovskom basenu.
Srbija je bogata rudama. Ležišta rude gvožđa otkrivena
su na Kopaoniku, Zlatiboru i istočnoj Srbiji. Rude bakra
ima kod Bora, Majdanpeka i Velikog Krivelja. Ova ruda sadrži i zlato, srebro, selen i pirit. Srbija je jedan od najvećih
prizvođača bakra u Evropi. Kalaj je otkriven na Ceru i Bukulji. Otkrivene su i značajne rezerve gline koja se koristi
za građevinarstvo, cementnog materijala, kvarca, talka,
kaolina, feldspata idr. Antimon se eksploatiše kod Krupnja i Zajače, Volfram kod Blagojevog kamena (ist. Srb.),
nikla kod Vrnjačke banje, Trstenika i Cera.
Vodni resursi Srbije su veliki. Danas na njenoj teritoriji
ima pedesetak akumulavija (20 većih). Pojedinačno, najveća brana je ona na Đerdapu koju Srbija dijeli sa Rumunijom. Na Drini, graničnoj rijeci sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom takođe su izgrađene tri hidroelektrane, koje osim za
proizvodnju električne energije utiču na regulaciju voda
u slivnom području Drine ali i Save i Dunava. Hidroenergija predstavlja oko 37% instalirane proizvodnje u Srbiji.
(3,64) Morava je najznačajnija srpska rijeka, nastaje od
Zapane i Južne Morave sa velikom rječnim sistem koji je
sa preko 550 km dužine najveći na balkanu.
Srbija ima značajnu proizvodnju žita, industrijskog bilja,
povrća, stočnog bilja. Ima razvijeno stočarstvo, svinjogojstvo, ovčarstvo, i dr.
Najvažnija privredna grana je rudarstvo. Pronađene su
velike rezerve gvozdene rude u rejonu Vareš i Ljubija, a
ima ih i u rejnu Vranice. Olovo i cink je pronađen u rejonu
Srebrenice. Ležišta boksita ima u okolini Mostara, Bosanske krupe, Vlasenice i Jajca. Gipsa ima u okolini Donjeg
Vakufa i Volarima. Kamena so se eksploatiše u okolini
Tuzne. Ležišta bakra nelaze se u okolini Jajca, Bugojna i
Kreševa. Pirit i barit su pronađeni u rejonima Bakovića,
Jajca i Gornjrg vakufa. Na više lokaliteta su pronađena ležišta antimona, kaolina, žive, hroma, magnezita, azbesta
i drugih ruda. Ugalj (mrki i lignit) kopa se u pet basena:
Tuzlanski (Kreka, Banovići, Ugljevik, Mazgraja); Srednjobosanski (Kakanj, Zenica i Breza); Mostarski, Banjalučki
i Livanjski su manjeg značaja. Hidropotencijal je veliki i
dobro iskorišćen sa petnaestak hidrocentrala. Velika ležišta uglja uslovila su izgradnju desetak termoelektrana.
Prostor BiH je podijeljen u dva sliva Crnomorski (glavni
vodorok rijeka Sava) sa 76% i Jadranski 24% (vodotoci
Neretva, Trebišnjica i Cetina). Dio koji gravitira jadranskom slivnom podučju je iako manji po površini, bogatiji
je vodom. Prirodna jezera se nalaze na Plivi, Uni i Tre-
riculture production and maritime fleet.
Iron ore was discovered near Slepce and Tajmiste . The
iron ore containing nickel was found near Kavadarci,
Prilep and Veles. Nickel ore can be found near Kavadarci;
antimony can be found in several localities, but is dug
only near Lojan. Chrome ore is also dug near Lojan, but
also near Radus. Zletovo is the largest mine of lead-zinc
The Macedonian rivers run into the Aegean Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea drainage basins respectively.
The water is unevenly dispersed both in time and in
space. The biggest watershed is that of the River Vardar
(80.00%); the second largest by the area of watershed
is the Black Drin River (13.00%), followed by the River
Strumica (6.00%) and the last one, i.e. the South Morava
River (less than 1.00%). Macedonia accommodates also
three large tectonic lakes, namely the Lake Ohrid, the
Lake Prespa and the Lake Doiran. Macedonia exploits
some 30.00% of hydro power potential, so it is dependant on electricity import (approximately 45.00%). Huge
challenge of Macedonia is in the erosion that should be
blocked, as planned, upon the construction of an artificial lake; however, this project implementation has been
really slow due to indeed poor situation in the country’s
economy. (3.51)
Macedonia is mainly involved in rice growing, in Kočani
Valley . Besides, there is considerable production of tobacco, poppy, cotton and sesame, and alike. Thanks to
spacious mountain grazing lands, cattle breeding is developed. Also tobacco, textile, wood processing, metal
and chemical industries are developed, and alike.
There are considerable mineral resources in Bulgaria.
Coal (bituminous, subbituemnous and lignite) can be
found in Pernik, Bobov Dol and Burgas basins and in the
River Maritsa Valley. Petroleum is drilled at the shore
of the Black Sea (Tulenova). Iron ore is extracted in the
regions of Sofia and Elhovo. Lead and zinc mines are
located in the southern regions of the Rhodopes and
Kardzhali respectively, while copper in Vratsa and Sredna
Gora. Smaller quantities of mangane, chrome, bauxite,
silver, gold and uranium can be found at several localities, whereas non-metals, salts, asbestos, gypsum and
The Bulgarian territory is practically divided into three
drainage basins, out of which the direct Danube River
and the Aegean Sea ones are allocated 42.00% of the
territory apiece, and the Black Sea is given 16.00%.
Nevertheless, this practical division refers to the territory’s major part is drained to the Black Sea, i.e. 58.00%
thereof by comparison with the territory’s part (42.00%)
that is drained to the Aegean Sea. The water resources
are unevenly distributed, so there is either too much of
them at some localities or insufficient at other localities.
So far, 30.00% of the water resources have been exploit-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
ed, with 90.00% thereof located in the southeastern region. A large portion of the territory is covered by the
irrigation system; however, its functioning is hindered by
a decline of large agricultural complexes that used to be
in operation during the construction of the system. Over
the recent decades, the complex of small dams (some
2,000 of them) solved and has solved partly the flooding
problems and water regime respectively. (3.31) The Economy of Bulgaria relies on agriculture, through
the production of tobacco, grape vines, fruits, vegetables, industrial crops - which all are exported.
Albania has considerable reserves of petroleum. It is
drilled for in the towns of Kuçovë and Patos. Chrome,
nickel, iron, copper and coal are exploited in small quantities. Agriculture has remained the most prevailing
economy branch.
Albania is a country abundant with waters. They are
unevenly distributed, through the River Drin, the River
Mati, the River,the River Ishmi, the River Erzeni, the River
Shkumbini, the River Semani, the River Vjosa and the
River Devolli, which all serve electric energy generation,
irrigation and protection against flooding. (3.11)
In the seaside zone, subtropical species such as cotton,
rice, tobacco, tropical fruits, and olives are produced.
Textile, food, chemical, metal processing industries are
SERBIA (without Vojvodina)
Within the territory of Serbia, coal deposits have been
discovered at several localities, i.e. bituminuous coal
was discovered in Timok region, the River Ibar Valley and
the River Mlava valley; subbitumenous coal was discovered in Resava-Morava Coal Mines, whereas lignite was
discovered in Kolubara, Mlava basins and Kosovo Coal
Mines. Serbia is abundant with mineral resources. The
deposits of iron ore were discovered at Kopaonik and
Zlatibor mountains and in the Eastern Serbia. The towns
of Bor, Majdanpek and Veliki Krivelj are abundant with
copper. The said ore is with gold, silver, selenium and
pyrite concentrations. Serbia is one of the largest producers of copper in Europe. Tin was discovered in Cer
and Bukulj. Considerable reserves of clay that is used
in construction industry, cement materials, quartz, talc,
kaolin, feldspars, and alike were discovered. Antimony
is extracted near Krupanj and Zajecar, tungstone is extracted near Blagojev Kamen (eastern Serbia), nickel is
extracted near Vrnjacka Banja, Trstenik and Cer.
The water resources in Serbia are great. Nowadays, within Serbian territory, there are some fifty artificial lakes
(there are 20 larger ones). Individually listed, the largest
dam is that in the Đerdap Klisura (Iron Gates) which is
shared between Serbia and Romania. On the River Drina,
a river that borders Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are
three hydropower plants constructed and, in addition
to electric power generation, they have effect on water
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
bižatu. Na teritoriji BiH se nalazi oko 30 akumulacija na
rijekama Neretvi, Trebišnjici i Drini. Sve se koriste za proizvodnju hidroenergije, navodnjavanje i obezbjeđenje
vode za piće.(3,16)
morju je razvijeno maslinarstvo, gajenje vinove loze i južnog voća.
U dijelu Hrvatske koji teritorijalno pripada Balkanskom
poluostrvu evidentirani su značajni prirodni resursi. Na
nekoliko lokacija u Dalmaciji i Istri su otkrivena ležišta boksita i laporca, barita ima u Lici i Gorskom kotaru. Hrvatska ima male rezerve uglja, ali otkrivena su ležišta nafte
na više lokacija uz rijeku Savu nizvodno od Zagreba. So se
eksploatiše u solanama u Pagu, Ninu i Stonu.
Basen uglja (lignit) na potezu Obilić-Priština spadao je u
nejveća nalazišta lignita u SFRJ, dok su značajne rezerve
otkrivene i u Metohiji. Po ležištima olovo-cinkane rude
Kosovo je bilo na prvom mjestu u velikoj Jugoslaviji. U
ovoj rudi se nalaze i primjese zlata, srebra, bizmuta, germanijuma, sumpora i pirita. Locirana su i značajna ležišta
nikla, mangnezita, antimona i hroma. Olovo i cink, srebronosna i gvožđevita ruda otkrivena je u Kopaoničkom
reonu i Trepči. Hroma ima u zoni Šar-planine.
Vode Kosova otiču u tri mora: Jadransko, Egejsko i Crno
more. Bijeli Drim na zapadu Kosova otiče u Jadransko
more, zapadni dio Kosova odvodnjava se rijekom Ibar
ka Crnom moru a jug preko rijeke Lepenac pripada slivu
rijeke Vardar i Egejskom moru. Na Kosovu ima šest akumulacija koje služe za vodosnadbjevanje, navodnjavanje,
zaštitu od poplava i rekreaciju. Na jezeru Gazivoda smještena je jedina hidrocentrala malog kapaciteta. (3,80)
Plantažno voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo zastupljeno je u
Metohiji. Razvijena je i industrija građevinskog materijala, tekstila, prehrambena, drvna.
Od rudnih bogatstva u Crnoj Gori se eksploatiše: ugalj
(mrki i lignit) u zoni Pljevlja i Berana, boksit (crveni i bijeli) u okolini Nikšića. Olovo-cinkane rude ima kod Pljevalja (Šuplja stijena) i Brskovu kod Mojkovca. Morska so se
eksploatiše kod Ulcinja. Ima još cementnog bentonita i
laporca, barita i dr. ruda ali u malim količinama.
Crna Gora je veoma bogata vodama. Vode joj odlaze u
dva sliva koji su otprilike na pola podijelili njenu teritoriju. Po broju vodotoka znatno je veći Crnomorski sliv sa
pet slivnih cjelina (Ibar, Lim, Ćehotina, Piva i Tara) od Jadranskog koji se odvodnjava kroz tri slivne cjeline (Bojana
sa pritokama Skadarskog jezera, direktno slivno podruje Jadranskog mora i sliv Trebišnjice). Na teritoriji Crne
Gore rade dvije hidrocentrale, Perućica i Piva. Za potrebe
hidroelektrane Perućica, u slivnom području rijeke Zete,
izgrađena su vještačka jezera u Nikšićkom polju (Krupac,
Slano i Vrtac). Za potrebe hidrocentrale Piva, pregrađena je istoimena rijeka, izgradjena brana kod nekadašnjeg
naselja Mratinje. I na ostalim rijekama postoji značajan
hidroenergetski potencijal ali realizacija tih planova zavisi
od ukupne ekonomske situacije u zemlji. (3,64)
Više od polovine teritorije je pod šumama i pašnjacima.
Nekada je na sjeveru bila razvijena dvoprerada. U pri-
Hrvatski vodni resurs definisan je kroz 20 rijeka i 26 prirodnih i vještačkih jezera. Najveće rijeke teku ka Crnom
moru a manji dio Jadranskom moru. Procijenjeni hidroenergetski potencijal iskoristiv je oko 60% od čega je iskorišćeno oko 50%. Problem u iskorišćavanju voda u Hrvatskoj zavisnosi od prekogranične saradnje jer je najveći
broj vodotoka „dijeli“ sa susjedima. (3,40)
Slovenija, Rumunija i Turska, djelovima svojih teritorija
pripadaju Balkanskom poluostrvu u garnicama u kojima
je definisano na početku ovog rada. Međutim, ovi djelovi teritorija imaju mali značaj za obrađivanu temu pa
samim tim i neće biti elaborirani.
Rad je zbog ograničenog prostora prikazao samo dio najznačajnijih resursa. Iz izloženog možemo zaključiti: Balkansko poluostrvo gledano kao cjelina predstavlja veoma
zanimljiv prostor, sa svih geografskih aspekata. Geografski položaj, geološka osnova, uz specifične klimatske karakteristike uslovili su formiranje reljefnih oblika koji su
definisali niz drugih osobenosti prostora. Konstatovane
su značajne rezerve rudnih bogatstava koje imaju različit
stepen iskorišćenosti. Očigledno je da se u zonama planina veće geološke starosti nalaze i veća ležišta rudnih i
mineralnih sirovina (ugalj, gvožđe, olovo, cink,..), kao i da
u geološki mlađim planinama pronalazimo ležišta drugih
sirovina (boksiti crveni i bijeli,...). Hidrografske karakteristike prostora su veoma specifične. Na cijeloj površini
je konstatovana različitost u teritorijalnom i vremenskom rasporedu, sa velikim potencijalima i prosječnom
mogućnošću iskorišćenosti iznad 50%. Značajan prirodni
resurs jeste klima što je u velikoj mjeri i iskorišćeno. Na
cijelom potezu zapadne i južne granice Balkana, uz razuđenu obalu rezvijena je turistička privreda koja je i nosilac razvoja u zemljama koje se prostiru u ovim zonama.
Kada su u pitanju resursi moramo ih posmatrati sa nekoliko aspekata. Jedna od važnih podjela je na obnovljive i neobnovlive. Države regiona moraju voditi računa o
pravilnom postupanju pri eksploataciji i jednih i drugih.
Poseban akcenat treba staviti na grupu neobnovljivih resursa jer pravilnom i realno planiranom eksploatacijom
regulation in the River Drina watershed and also in the
River Sava and the River Danube respective watersheds.
Hydropower is 37.00% of the installed production in Serbia (3.64 ). The River Morava is most important Serbian
river, originating from the West and South Morava and is
with large river system that exceeds 550 km, which is the
longest in the Balkans.
Serbia is with considerable corn, industrial crops, and
vegetables and forages productions. In addition, cattle,
pig and sheep farming and alike are developed in Serbia.
Bosnia and herzegovina
The most important economy branch is mining. Considerable reserves of iron ore were found in the region
of Vares and Ljubija, as well as in the region of Vranica.
Lead and zinc were discovered in the region of Srebrenica. Bauxite deposits were found in the surroundings of
Mostar, Bosanska Krupa, Vlasenica and Jajce. Gypsum
is present near Donji Vakuf and Volari. Rock salt is extracted near Tuzla. Copper deposits are located near Jajce, Bugojno and Kresevo. Pyrite and barite were found
in the regions of Bakvic, Jajce and Gornji Vakuf. Several
localities are with deposits of antimony, kaolin, mercury,
chrome, magnesite, asbestos and other ores. Coals (subbitumenous and lignite) are extracted from five mines,
i.e. from Tuzla (Kreka, Banovici, Ugljevik, Mazgraja), Middle-Bosniani (Kakanj, Zenica and Breza) Mines, followed
by Mostar, Banjaluka and Livanjsko Mines that are of less
importance. Hydropower potential is huge and well exploited, with some fifteen hydropower plants. Affluent
deposits of coals conditioned the construction of some
ten thermal power plants.
The territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into
two watersheds, namely the Black Sea one (with the
River Sava as the main watercourse) with 76.00% of water potential, and the Adriatic Sea one with 24.00% of
water potential (with watercourses of the River Neretva,
the River Trebisnjica and the River Cetina). The territory’s
part that is drained to the Adriatic Sea , regardless of being smaller in area, is more abundant with waters. Natural lakes are run into it by the River Pliva, the River Una
and the River Trebizat. The territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina accommodates some 30 artificial lakes on the
River Neretva, the River Trebisnjica and the River Drina.
All of them are exploited for hydroelectricity generation,
irrigation and drinking water supplying. (3.16)
The (lignite) coal mine located within Obilic – Pristine
stretch used to be the largest lignite deposit in the SFRY,
accompanied by considerable resaves discovered also in
Metohija. Kosovo used to take the first place in the former great Yugoslavia by the deposits of lead and zinc.
This ore is with gold, silver, bismuth, germanium, sulfur
and pyrite concentrations. Considerable deposits of nickel, magnesite, antimony and chrome were discovered
also. Lead and zinc as silver-bearing and iron-bearing
ore was discovered in Kopaonik Region and in Trepca.
Chrome is in Šar (Sharr) Mountains.
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Kosovo’s water runs to three seas, i.e. to the Adriatic Sea,
the Aegean Sea and the Black sea. The White Drin River
in western Kosovo is drained through the river Ibar to
the Black Sea, while the south is drained through the
River Lepenac to the River Vardar and to the Aegean Sea
drainage basins. There are six artificial lakes in Kosovo,
all serving water supplying, irrigation, protection against
flooding and recreation. The Lake Gazivoda accommodates one hydropower plant of small capacity (3.80).
Metohija is involved in plantation fruit-growing and viticulture. Building materials, textile, food and tobacco
industries are developed.
When it comes to mineral resources, Montenegro extracts colas (subbitumenous and lignite) in the region of
Pljevlja and Berane, bauxite (red and white) is extracted
in the surroundings of Niksic. Lead –zinc ore is found
near Pljevlja (Suplja Stijena) and Brskovo near Mojkovac.
Sea salt is extracted near Ulcinj. There is cement-bentonite and marl and barite ores, etc, but in small quantities.
Montenegro is abundant with waters. The water runs to
two watersheds that divide Montenegro’s territory into
two fairly equal halves. By the number of watercourses,
the Black Sea drainage basin is larger - with five rivers
(the River Ibar, the River Lim, the River Piva and the River
Tara) in it – than the Adriatic Sea drainage basin that is
with three drainage entities (i.e. the River Bojana with
the Lake Skadar tributaries; direct Adriatic Sea drainage basin; and the River Trebisnjica watershed). There
are Perucica and Piva, two fully operational hydropower
plants within Montenegro’s territory. For the purposes
of Perucica Hydropower Plant, that is within the River
Zeta watershed , artificial lakes were developed in the
Niksic Field (namely, Krupac, Slano and Vrtac). For the
purposes of Piva Hydropower plant, the River Piva had
been partitioned, and the dam was constructed near
the former settlement of Mratnije. Other rivers also have
considerable hydropower potential, but implementing
those projects depend on the overall economic situation
in the country. (3.64).
More than a half of the territory is under forests and
grazing lands. In the past, there was wood processing
developed in the north of the country. Olive-, grape vineand tropical fruit-growing is developed within the seaside region.
CROATIA The part of Croatia that by its territory belongs to the
Balkan Peninsula, considerable natural resources exist.
At several localities in Dalmatia ad Istria, bauxite and
marl were discovered, while barite can be found in Lika
and Gorski Kotar. Croatia has small reserves of coals, but
petroleum deposits have been found at several localities
by the River Sava, downstream to Zagreb. Salt is exploited in Salt Plants in Pag, Nino and Ston.
Croatian water resources are embodied in 20 rivers and
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
stepen iskorišćenosti se može podići na veči nivo. Važna
nampomena mora se staviti kod iskorišćavanja i jednih
i kod drugih resursa je njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu.
Svjedoci smo da plilikom eksploatacije vrlo često prave
veliki problemi u geoprostoru, čije šteta možda nekad
bude i veća od koristi koja se ostvari od dobijenih resursa. Usklađenost ovih važnih činilaca značajno se mora
povećati, čime će i iskorišćenost biti podignuta na veći
1. Ivo Rubić; GEOGRAFIJA SVIJETA, južna Evropa i Sovjetski savez, Zagreb, 1958.
2. Rade Davidović, REGIONALNA GEOGRAFIJA, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, PMF, Novi Sad, 1999.
3. Upravljanje vodnim resursima u Jugoistočnoj Evropi,
Tom II.Međunarodna banka za obnovu i razvoj, Svjetska
banka, Vašington. 2003.
26 natural and artificial lakes. The biggest rivers run to
the Black Sea, with a smaller number running to the
Adriatic Sea. The evaluated usable hydropower potential is 60.00% , out of which 50.00% has been exploited.
The difficulty with taking advantage of waters in Croatia is dependant on the cross-border cooperation, since
the major number of watercourses is “shared” with the
neighbors (3.40)
Slovenia, Romania and Turkey; by their respective territories’ parts, belong to the Balkan Peninsula to the extent as said in the beginning of this presentation. However, those territorial parts are of little significance to the
given topic, so I will not talk about them.
Due to the restriction in extent, the present paper has
displayed just a portion of most significant natural resources. The foregoing can serve to conclude that the
Balkan Peninsula , observed as an entity, stands for a
very interesting region from all geographic aspects.
Geographic position and geologic substrata, along with
specific climate characteristics, conditioned the surface
shapes and features that have induced a series of other
region’s specificities. Considerable reserves of mineral
resources exploited to different extents respectively are
obvious. It is visible that within the mountain zones dating more back on geologic time scale accommodate
larger deposits of ores and minerals (such as colas, iron,
lead, zinc, …) and that the geologically younger ones
keep the deposits of other raw materials (such as red
and white bauxite,…). Hydrographic characteristics of
the region are rather specific. The whole area embraces
diversity in terms of territory and time arrangements,
with large potentials but average capacity to make use
of them more than 50.00%. Climate is a considerable
natural resource that has been largely used. The whole
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
stretch of the Balkans’ west and south boundary, in company with indented coast, accommodates developed
tourism industry that is a locomotive of development in
the countries situated within these zones.
When it comes to resources, we must consider them
from several points of view. One of the major classification is that we have them as renewable and nonrenewable resources. The regional countries must take care of
the accession rules as regards exploitation of both. Particular accent must be placed on the nonrenewable resources, as proper and real planning of exploitation can
elevate the level of their usability. Important note should
be given to taking advantage of both these resources
with reference to their impact on environment. We are
witnesses that exploitation frequently has made detriments the adverse consequences of which sometimes
exceed benefits from obtained resources. The coherence
of these significant factors must be increased and, thereby, the usability will be at an elevated degree.
1. Ivo Rubić: GEOGRAFIJA SVIJETA, Južna Evropa i Sovjetski savez [The World geography:South Europea and
the Soviet Union] , Zagreb, 1958.
2. Rade Davidović, REGIONALNA GEOGRAFIJA, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, PMF [REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY, Faculty of Natura Sciences and Mathematcis, University of
Novi Sad], Novi Sad, 1999.
3. Upravljanje vodnim resursima u Jugoistočnoj Evropi,
Tom II. Međunarodna banka za obnovu i razvoj, Svjetska banka, Wašington [Water Resources Management in
South Eastern Europe, Volume II, the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, the Word Bank,
Washington] 2003.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
Aleksandar Joksimović
Viši naučni saradnik Instituta za biologiju mora
Prirodni, dobro očuvani resusri su veliki potencijal
Crne Gore. Morsko ribarstvo, i resursi kvalitetne ribe iz
mora, mogu biti značajna komponenta snadbijevanja
stanovništva zdravim proteinima. Ulovom bentoske i
pelagične ribe, kao i proizvodima marilulture, moguće
je ostvariti prihod od preko 20 milona eura godišnje.
Uz modernizovanje postojće ribarske flote i poboljšanja
još nekih karika u sistemu izlov-tržište ribe i ribljih
proizvoda, pred Crnom Gorom je velika šansa, koju ne
smije propustiti. Ako su predviđanja da će snadbijevanje
stanovništva hranom, biti kljućni problem budućnosti,
onda ovu šansu treba shavtiti ozbiljno i već sjutra krenuti
u njenu potpunu relizaciju.
će ciljani ulov adultnih, odraslih jedinki. Upravo se uloga
nauke ogleda u primjeni inovativnih metoda, njihov
transfer prema ribarima, uključujući njihovu edukaciju u
dijelu odgovornog ribarstva, koje će svakako dugoročno
obezbeđivati egzistenciju njihovih porodica. Ovo je samo
jedan primjer, kako naučni rad može naći aplikativnu
primjenu, i biti nosilac prosperiteta jedne značajne
privredne djelatnosti u našem društvu.
Crna Gora je usvojila Nacionalnu strategiju održivog
razvoja koja je dala viziju budućeg ekonomskog,
socijalnog, ekološkog, etičkog i kulturnog razvoja
Crne Gore, odnosno dugoročno i održivo korišćenje i
upravljanje resursima, pri tome imajući u vidu pravo
budućih generacija na kvalitatan život, kao osnovni cilj
ovog dokumenta [1].
Približno ¾ planete je prekriveno vodom, a iz mora se
koristi samo nekoliko procenata hrane za ljudsku ishranu.
Ljudska populacija sada broji oko 6 milijardi, a vrlo brzo
će dostići i 10 milijardi. Stoga će veliki izazov novog
Milenijuma biti kako obezbijediti dovoljno hrane za sve.
To će biti moguće intezivnijim korišćenjem hrane iz mora.
Prema podacima FAO početkom devedestih godina broj
stanovnika mediteranskih zemalja bio je oko 360 miliona,
a predviđa se da će do 2025. godine on dostići cifru između
520 i 570 miliona. Prema procjeni iste organizacije, tada
će Mediteranskom bazenu biti potrebno 5 do 6 miliona
tona priozvoda morskog ribarstva [1].
Pod ribarstveno-biološkim resursima okeana, mora ili
nekog užeg područja podrazumijevaju se populacije
jestivih organizama ili populacije organizama koji služe
za neku drugu privrednu svrhu (za dobijanje sirovina za
hemijsku i farmaceutsku industriju, za upotrebu u nekim
drugim industrijskim granama, izradu nakita i slično).
Ribarstveno-biološke resurse u svjetskom ribolovu
sačinjavaju najvećim dijelom populacije raznih vrsta riba,
mekušaca i rakova koji se love različitim ribolovnim alatima
i različitim tipovima ribolova. Upravo resursi morskog
ribarstva nude dovoljnu količinu zdrave hrane iz mora.
Uloga nauke u ovoj oblasti jeste da predloži konstrukciju
modernih alata za izlov ribe i drugih morskih orgnizama,
ali takvih alata koji će biti selektivni. To podrazumijeva
da će ti alati štititi nedorasli dio populacije, a omogući
Da bi govorili o korišćenju morskih bioloških resursa
moramo definisati ribolovno more Crne Gore. Prema
važećem Zakonu o morskom ribarstvu i marikulturi
Crne Gore, [2] ribolovno more Crne Gore obuhvata dio
obalnog mora i epikontinentalni pojas koji se nalazi u
granicama Crne Gore. Granicom ribolovnog mora u
rijekama koje se ulivaju u more smatra se linija na kojoj
voda prestaje biti postojano slana. Za lov i sakupljanje
bentoskih i semipelagičnih vrsta najvažniji su obalni
pojas unutrašnjeg mora i područje šelfa (dubina do 200
metara), koje je, kao i u čitavom južnom Jadranu, usko.
U visini ulaza u Boku Kotorsku granica šelfa se nalazi na
oko 9.5 NM, a kod ušća Bojane oko 34 NM od obale.
Osim šelfa, lov bentoskih vrsta se (prema italijanskim
podacima) isplati i na kontinentalnoj padini do dubina
od 500 - 600 m, jer se tu nalaze naselja škampa. Za
razliku od lova bentoskih vrsta, područje lova pelagičnih
vrsta je ekonomski isplativo sve do granica italijanskih
teritorijalnih voda.
Crnoj Gori pripada oko 6 000 km2 mora, (teritorijalno
more i epikontinentalni pojas) onda znamo da je to
skoro 50% kopnene teritorije [3,4,5]. Upravo u moru
leže značajni biološki resursi, koji su na sreću nedovoljno
Aleksandar Joksimović
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Senior research associate at the Institute of Marine Biology
Natural and well-preserved resources are the great potential of Montenegro. Marine fisheries and the resources of the quality sea fish can be an important component
of supplying the population with healthy proteins. By
means of benthic and pelagic fish catches, as well as the
aquaculture production it is possible to achieve revenues
of over Euro 20 million per year. With the modernization
of the existing fishing fleet and the improvement of other
links in the system catch – fish and fish products market,
Montenegro has a great opportunity, which should not
be missed. Considering the fact that food supply in the
future seems to be the key problem, this chance should
be taken seriously and we should start with its complete
realization immediately.
Approximately ¾ of the planet is covered by water, and
only a few percent of foodstuff for human consumption
are used from the sea. The human population is about
6 billion and, very soon, it is expected to reach about 10
billion. Therefore, the major challenge of the new millennium will be the provision of sufficient amounts of
food for everyone. It will be possible only by more intense usage of food from the sea. According to the FAO
data, at the beginning of the nineties the population of
the Mediterranean countries was about 360 million, and
according to the predictions by the 2025 it is expected
to reach between 520 and 570 million. According to the
estimates made by the same Organization, the Mediterranean basin will need about 5-6 million tons of marine
fishery products [1].
Fishery and biological resources of the ocean, sea or other specific wter area are the populations of edible organisms or populations of organisms used for some other
industrial purpose (obtaining raw materials for chemical,
and pharmaceutical industry, for use in some other industries, jewelry production, etc.). Fishery and biological
resources in the world’s fishing industry are constituted
by the populations of various species of fish, molluscs and
crustaceans which are caught by means of different fishing gears and different fishing methods. The resources
of marine fishery provide a sufficient amount of healthy
food from the sea. The role of science in this area is to
stimulate the construction of modern tools for fish and
other marine organisms catching, but such tools should
be selective. It means that such tools should protect the
immature part of the population, and shall enable the
targeted catch of the adult species. The role of science is
reflected in the application of innovative methods, their
transfer to the fishermen/anglers, including their education in the area of responsible fishing, which shall certainly provide long-term existence for their families. This
is just one example of how scientific work can be applied
practically and be the bearer of prosperity of significant
economic activity in our society.
Montenegro has adopted the National Sustainable Development Strategy, which has provided the vision of the
future economic, social, ecological, ethical and cultural
development of Montenegro, and of long-term and sustainable use and management of resources, thereby taking into account the right of future generation for quality
life as the main objective of this document [1].
In order to speak about the use of marine biological resources, we should define the fishing waters of Montenegro. Under the applicable Law on Marine Fishery and
Mariculture of Montenegro, [2] the fishing waters of
Montenegro cover the part of costal sea and epicontinental shelf located within the borders of Montenegro.
The border of the fishing sea in the rivers, which flow
into the sea, is considered to be the line where the water
ceases to be constantly salty. For fishing and collecting
the benthic and semi-pelagic species the most important
is the coastal area of the inland sea and the shelf area
(depth up to 200 meters), which is very narrow, as it is
on the territory of the entire southern Adriatic Sea. On
the level of the entrance to the Bay of Kotor, the shelf
boundary is at the distance of about 9.5 NM, whereas at
the mouth of the Bojana river it is about 34 NM from the
coast. In addition to the shelf, fishing of benthic species
(in accordance with the Italian data) is profitable on the
continental slope to the depth of 500-600 m, because
there are the shrimp habitats there. Unlike fishing of
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
biologiji, izračunat je i maksimalni biološki dozvoljeni
nivo korišćenja ovih resursa MSY (Maximum sustainable
yield) koji iznosi 600 tona godišnje. Objektivna analiza
prostorne distribucije biomase, izvršena KRIGING
metodom, (Slika 2.) pokazala je da postoje dva područja
na kojim je ona veća nego na ostalim područjima. Ta se
područja nalaze između Budve i Petrovca do izobate od
100 m, i ispred ulaza u zaliv Boke Kotorske, do izobate
od 150 m. Po svoj prilici su ove koncetracije posljedica
posebnih hidrografskih uslova i to najverovatnije
postojanja stalne frontalne zone na prvom području
i dotoka vode iz Bokokotorskog zaliva koja je bogatija
nutrijentima nego otvoreno more [8].
Slika 1. Površine teritorijalnog mora i epikontinentalnog
pojasa Crne Gore
Načini privrednog ribolova koji se primenjuju na
ribolovnom području Crnogorskog primorja su:
• lov demersalnih (pridnenih) vrsta riba, rakova i
glavonožaca pridnenim povlačnim mrežama - kočama
• lov pelagičnih riba (male i velike plave ribe)
mrežama plivaricama, potegačama (letnjom tratom
i polandarom potegačom) i stajaćicama (uglavnom
• lov priobalnih, pelagičnih, semipelagičnih i pridnenih
vrsta riba, rakova i glavonožaca mrežama stajaćicama
(prosticama, popunicama, tonotama i sl.), obalnim
potegačama (šabakunom i migavicom), ciplarama,
kalimerom, pridnenim parangalima i raznim drugim
vrstama udičarskih alata, ostima sa upotrebom
vejštačkog svjetla, vršama, kogolima [6].
U sektoru ribarstva Crne Gore zaposleno je 638 radnika,
od toga 443 radnika u slatkovodnom ribarstvu (437 stalno
i 6 povremeno zaposlenih) 159 u morskom ribarstvu (91
stalno i 68 povremeno zaposlen) i 36 u marikulturi. Učešće
sektora ribarstva u bruto društvenom proizvodu iznosi
0,5% i 3,1% u bruto proizvodu sektora poljoprivrede.
Sektor morskog ribarstva u Crnoj Gori predstavlja 0,3
% ukupnog sektora ribarstva Evropske zajednice na
Mediteranu (561,288 t). Potrošnja ribe u Crnoj Gori je
među najnižima u Evropi (oko 4.5 kg po glavi stanovnika).
Cijene ribe su enormno visoke i znatno su više od onih u
drugim djelovima Zapadne Evrope [7].
Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja i Institut
za biologiju mora od 1997. godine realizuju projekat
monitoringa i procjene biomase demersalnih resursa
na šelfu Crnogorskog primorja. Biomasa se procenjuje
metodom probnih površina, pri čemu se koriste
komercijalni kočari.
Procijenjena biomasa bentoskih vrsta (kočarski ribolov) u
dugogodišnjem prosjeku iznosi 2 700 tona, a primejenom
matematičkih modela koji se koriste u ribarstvenoj
Slika 2. Prostorna raspodela srednjih vrednosti biomase
za period od 1999. do 2012. godine
Slika 3. Procentualno učešće vrsta u ukupnom
kočarskom ulovu
Sva sprovedena istraživanja biomase bentoskih resursa
kao i parametri populacione dinamike ekonomski važnih
benthic species, the area of fishing of pelagic species is
extremely profitable from the economic point of view to
the border of Italian territorial waters.
Approximately 6,000 sq.km of the sea belongs to Montenegro (territorial sea and epicontinental shelf), and that
makes almost 50% of the land territory [3, 4, 5]. Significant biological resources exist in the sea, but unfortunately they have not been sufficiently used.
Figure No. 1: The territorial waters and epicontinental
shelf of Montenegro
Methods of commercial fishing, which are used in the
fishing area of the Montenegrin coast are:
• fishing of demersal (bottom) fish species, crustaceans
and cephalopods by near-bottom fishing nets –
• fishing of pelagic fish (small and large bluefish) by
purse seine nets, seines (drift net) and static nets
• fishing of coastal, pelagic, semi-pelagic and demersal
species of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods by
static nets, coastal seine nets and various other types
of fishing tools with the use of artificial light, coops,
gillnets [6].
• catch coastal, pelagic, semi-pelagic and demersal
fish, crustaceans and cephalopods by gillnets
(gillnet, tramelnet, gillnet for lobsters,etc..), beach
seines (beach seines for bonito and tuna, common
beach seine), encircling net for grey mullets, shore
operated lift net, bottom longlines and various other
types of hook tools, harpoons with light, traps, cogol
type trap. [6].
The number of employees in the fisheries sector of Montenegro counts 638 people, out of whom 443 employees
in freshwater fishery (437 people are employed on the
permanent and 6 on the temporary basis), 159 in marine
fishing (91 people are employed on the permanent basis
and 68 are employed periodically) and 36 in mariculture.
The share of the fisheries sector in GDP is 0.5% and 3.1%
of the gross product of the agricultural sector. Marine
fisheries sector in Montenegro represents 0.3% of the
total fisheries sector of the European Union in the Mediterranean (561,288 t). Fish consumption in Montenegro
is among the lowest in Europe (about 4.5 kg per capita).
Fish prices are extremely high and are much higher than
the ones in other parts of Western Europe [7].
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the
Institute of Marine Biology have implemented the project of monitoring and evaluation of demersal biomass
resources on the shelf of the Montenegrin coast. The
Biomass is estimated by the method of surface sample
tests, where the commercial trawlers are used.
The estimated biomass of benthic species (fishing by
trawler) in the long-term period constituted on average
2,700 tons and, by the application of mathematical models that are used in the fishery biology, the maximum
biological permitted level of the use of all the resources
(MSY - Maximum sustainable yield) was calculated as
amounting to 600 tons per year. The objective analysis
of the spatial distribution of biomass, made by KRIGING
method (Figure No. 2) has indicated that there are two
areas in which it is greater than in other areas. Those
areas are between Budva and Petrovac to the isobath of
100 m, and in front of the entrance to the Bay of Kotor to
the isobath at150 m. Presumably those concentrations
are the consequence of the specific hydrographic conditions while most likely of the existence of permanent
frontal zone in the first area and the flow of water from
the Bay of Kotor, which is richer in nutrients than the
open sea [8].
Figure No. 2: The spatial distribution of mean values of
biomass for the period from 1999 to 2012.
Figure No. 3: The percentage share of species in the total
trawl catch.
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
vrsta riba, oslića Merluccius merluccius, barbuna, Mullus
barbatus, arbuna, Pagellus erythrinus i rakova, kozice
Parapenaeus longirostris pokazuju da su bentoska
naselja Crnogorskog primorja u ovom trenutku u dobrom
stanju i da postoji potencijala za racionalno dugoročno
Poslednjih godina pod okriljem ministarstva za
poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj kao i uz pomoć FAO
Adriamed projekta, od strane Instituta za biologiju mora,
vršena su istraživanja biomase mala plave ribe, sdrele i
inćuna, metodom ehosondiranja. Na osnovu preciznih
metoda, procijenjene biomase male plave ribe u
crnogorskim vodama, iznose u prosjeku između 30 000100 000 tona.
Na osnovu matematičkih modela izračunat je makismalno
dozvoljeni nivo korišćenja ovih resursa koji iznosi oko od
10 000 do 35 000 tona na godišnjem nivou, u zavisnosto
od godišnjih migracija i fluktuacija biomase ovih vrsta,
(Slika 4). Za sada ovi resursi su nedovoljno iskorišćeni [9].
O biomasi priobalnih vrsta riba, rakova i glavonožaca
nedostaju relevantni podaci zbog izostanka monitoringa
ovog načina ribolova u Crnoj Gori. Naime, dugoročni
statistički podaci o kočarskom ulovu i ulovu priobalnih
vrsta na istočnoj obali Jadrana pokazuju da je njihov
odnos bio 1 prema 1.5. Prema tome bi se moglo grubo
predpostaviti da bi se biomasa priobalnih vrsta mogla
kretati oko iznosa od oko 7000 tona [10].
Priobalno more Crne Gore, s obzirom na geomorfološke i
hidrografske karakteristike, predstavlja pogodne zone za
razvoj marikulture a posebno lokaliteti u Bokokotorskom
zalivu. Program bi u suštini predstavljao primjenu
dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja, kao i kroz proces
proizvodnje stalno praćenje većeg broja značajnih
parametara vezanih za poboljšanje tehničko-tehnoloških
uslova i ekonomske opravdanosti vještačke proizvodnje
školjki i riba.. Za sada u Crnoj Gori, u Bokokotorskom
zalivu postoje 20 uzgajališta školjki i dva uzgajališta ribe
sa godišnjom proizvodnjom od oko 200 tona školjki i oko
150 tona ribe. Gaje se dagnje, Mytilis galloprovincialis,
a od riba brancin, Dicentrarchus labrax i orada, Sparus
aurata [11].
Istraživanja koja su sprovedena u ovoj oblasti pokazuju
da na crnogorskom primorju, na otvorenom dijelu
mora postoje značajni potencijali za razvoj marikulture.
Ulcinjska regija, ušće Bojane, takođe predstavljaju
značajnje potencijale. Ova aktivnost bi se mogla proširiti
i na uzgoj još nekih vrsta školjki, kao što su jadranska
kamenica, Ostrea edulis, japanska kamenica, Crassostrea
gigas, neke vrste riba, pagar, Pagrus pagrus, gof, Seriola
dumerili, tunj, Thunus thynus, kao i rakove, gambore,
Peneus japonicus [12].
Slika 4. Mapa distribucije pelagičnih resusra, srdele i
inćuna na Crnogorskom primorju
Na osnovu procijenjene biomase resura morskog
ribarstva, a na osnovu proračunatog biloški dozvoljenog
nivoa korištenja, te na osnovu ekonomske vrijednosti
pojedinih vrsta ulova, nesporna je činjenica da Crna Gora
može na ovaj način prihodovati preko 20 miliona eura,
na godišnjem nivou [13]. Naravno za tačnije podatke
neophodno je uraditi studiju ekonomske isplativosti
morskog ribarstva, koja nažalost do sada nije urađena.
Osnovne prednosti koje kandiduju ovu oblast za buduću
važnu privrednu granu su:
1. ostvarivanje pozitivnih ekonomskih efekata kroz
proizvodnju kvalitetne hrane u moru;
2. zapošljavanje i obuku većeg broja radnika;
3. iskorištavanje potencijalnih i komparativnih
vrijednosti priobalnog mora Crne Gore, koje može
da pruži srazmjerno velike mogućnosti u proizvodnji
i izvozu hrane;
4. smanjuje uvoz smrznute ribe, utiče na devizni deficit,
a povećava kvalitet;
5. obezbeđuje neophodne količine kvalitetne hrane za
domaće stanovništvo i turizam, povećavajući veoma
niski nivo potrošnje hrane iz mora, što je značajno i
sa zdrastvenog aspekta;
6. podstiče razvoj grane i područja koja su do sada iz
All conducted researches in the biomass of benthic resources, as well as the parameters of the population dynamics of economically important species of fish, hake
Merluccius merluccius, red mullet Mullus barbatus, sea
bream Pagellus erythrinus and crabs, shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris show that the benthic habitats of the
Montenegrin coast at this point are in good condition
and that there are potentials for rational long-term use
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
and crabs, shrimp, Peneus japonicus [12].
In recent years, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and with the assistance
by FAO Adriamed project, the Institute of Marine Biology has researched the biomass of small pelagic fish, sardines and anchovies by using the method of echo sounding. According to the precise methods, the estimated
biomass of the small pelagic fish in Montenegrin waters
averages between 30,000 and 100,000 tons.
Based on the mathematical models, the maximum allowable level of the use of these resources has been calculated and it amounts approximately to 10,000 - 35,000
tons on annual basis, depending on the annual migrations and fluctuation in biomass of these species (Figure
No. 4). So far, these resources have not been sufficiently
used [9].
There is insufficient relevant data on the biomass of
coastal species of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods due
to the lack of monitoring such fishing method in Montenegro. The long-term statistical data on trawling catches
and the catches of coastal species on the eastern Adriatic coast have shown that their ratio was 1 to 1.5. Thus,
it could be generally assumed that the biomass of the
coastal species could vary around the amount to 7,000
tons [10].
Due to geomorphologic and hydrological characteristics,
the coastal waters of Montenegro is a suitable zone for
mariculture development, in particular the sites in the
Bay of Kotor. The program would essentially represent
the application of recent research findings and, through
the production process, constant monitoring a larger
number of important parameters related to the improvement of the technical and technological requirements
and economic feasibility of the shellfish and fish farming.
So far, there are 20 shellfish farms and two fish farms in
the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro, with ,the annual production of about 200 tons of shells and about 150 tons of
fish. Currently mussels Mytilis galloprovincialis, and such
fish as sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, and dorado Sparus
aurata are grown on the farms [11].
The researches conducted in this area have shown that
the Montenegrin seaside zone, i.e. the open sea, is abundant with resources for the development of mariculture. Ulcinj region, the mouth of the Bojana River also
represent substantial resources. This activity could be
extended also to the farming of some species of shells,
such as the Adriatic oyster Ostrea edulis, Japanese oyster
Crassostrea gigas, some species of fish, bream Pagrus
pagrus, yellowtail, Seriola dumerili, tuna, Thunus thynus,
Figure No. 4: The map of the distribution of pelagic resources, sardines and anchovies on the Montenegrin
Based on the estimated biomass of marine fishery resources, and based on the calculated biologically permitted level of use, as well as based on the economic value
of certain types of catches, it is indisputable that Montenegro can receive in such way the income of more than
euro 20 million annually [13]. Of course, in order to get
more accurate data, it is necessary to conduct a study
of economic viability of marine fisheries, which unfortunately has not been conducted so far.
The main benefits, which make this area an important
industry in the future, are:
1. obtaining positive economic effects through the
production of quality food in the sea;
2. recruiting and training of a large number of workers;
3. exploiting the potential and comparative values of
the coastal sea of Montenegro, which can provide
relatively large opportunities in producing and
exporting of food;
4. reducing the level of frozen fish imports, affecting the
foreign exchange deficit, while improving the quality;
5. providing the necessary amounts of quality food for
the local population and tourism, and thus increasing
very low level of consumption of the sea food, which
is significant from the health point of view;
6. encouraging the development of industries and areas
that have so far been neglected for various reasons;
Konferencija ekonomija Crne Gore 2013| Zbornik konferencije
raznih razloga bila zapostavljena
7. u prostorno-urbanističkom pogledu ne ugrožava
nijednu drugu oblast, ne zauzima poljoprivredne
površine, ne remeti urbanističke planove niti
izgradnju turističkh objekata, nego naprotiv, svojom
proizvodnjom nadopunjuje i podstiče razvoj drugih
Da bi postigli ove ciljeve mora se obezbijediti kontinuitet
sljedećih aktivnosti, iniciranih i projektovanih od
strane države, a sprovođenih od strane Ministarstva
poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja i Instituta za biologiju
Težište razvoja ribolova treba stimulativnim
mjerama usmjeriti na lov male plave ribe plivaricama i/ili
lebdećim koćama na otvorenom moru.
Organizovati prikupljanje statističkih podataka
o svim tipovima ribolova na način koji će omogućiti
izračunavanje ulova po jedinici napora. Takođe bi trebalo
da nadležni organi koji izdaju dozvole za privredni i
sportski ribolov redovno dostavljaju statističkoj službi i
naučnim ustanovama popis pravnih i fizičkih lica kojima
su izdane dozvole.
Na osnovu procenjenog MSY treba regulisati
ribolovni napor na godišnjem nivou i to tako što će se
utvrditi početne godišnje kvote ulova, ribolovna područja,
optimalne tehnike ribolova, i procjeniti neophodne
kapacitete infrastrukture (luke, nabavu ribarskih alata,
remontna postrojenja, hladnjače, kapacitete za preradu
i slično).
Što prije treba ispitati rentabilnost razvoja i
nekih drugih vrsta ribolova, kao što su na primer tunolov
plivaricama tunolovkama na otvorenom moru, lov
tuna i sabljarki plivajućim parangalima, lov dubinskim
parangalima u Južnojadranskoj kotlini, mogućnost
razvoja koćarskog ribolova ili ribolova vršama, u prvom
redu škampa na kontinentalnoj padini, i procijeniti
optimalni ribolovni napor za ove vrste ribolova.
Oformiti Fond za razvoj ribarstva koji bi bio pod
ingerencijom Javnog preduzeća „Morsko ribarstvo”
odnosno Ministartsva za poljoprivredu, a realizovao bi se
preko Agrobanke.
1. Vlada Crne Gore, Ministrastvo poljoprivrede,
šumarstva i vodoprivrede, 2008. Razvoj ribarskog sektora
Crne Gore, 2009-2013, Nacionalni strategijski plan.
2. Vlada Crne Gore, Zakon o morskom ribarstvu i
marikulturi. Sl. list CG 56/09
3 . Vlada Crne Gore, Prostorni plan Crne Gore do 2020.
4. Vlada Crne Gore, Zakon o moru, Sl.list CG 17/07
5. Konvencija o pravu mora UN , Montego Bay, 1982
6. Ana Pešić, Milica Mandić, Olivera Kasalica, Mirko
Đurović, Zdravko Ikica and Aleksandar Joksimović,, 2011.
Marine Fisheries In Montenegro in the last decade (20002010), Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 51 (05) (1-4): 51-59,
7. Vlada Crne Gore, Ministrastvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva
i vodoprivrede, 2008. Strategija razvoja ribarstva Crne
Gore i jačanje kapaciteta za implementaciju Zajedničke
politike ribarstva EU.
8. Joksimović, A.,Vrgoč, N., Krstulović-Šifner, S.,
Isajlović,I., Ikica, Z., Marković, O. 2013. International
Cooperations Projects in the Research ff the Adriatic Sea.
VI International Conference »Water & Fishery«. June,
12-14, 2013. Zemun-Belgrade. Conference proceedings:
9. Aleksandar Joksimović, 2007. Najpoznatije ribe
Crnogorskog primorja. Crnogorska Akademija nauka
i umjetnosti, Posebna izdanja (Monografije i studije),
Knjiga 58, Odeljenje prirodnih nauka, knjiga 30., str. 140.
(ISBN: 978-86-7215-198-5).
10. Radović, I., Stevanović, V., Bulić, Z., Joksimović, A.,
Radović, D., Regner, S., Mandić, S. 2013. Biodiversity and
sustainability of the Mediterranean part of Montenegro.
International Science Confernece „Reporting for
sustainability“, 7-10. May 2013. Bečići, Montenegro.
Conference Procedings: 83-89.
11. Regner, S., Mandić, S., Joksimović, A. 2005. Aktivnosti
za sprovođenje mera zaštite u svrhu optimalnog
korišćenja morskih bioloških resursa Crnogorskog
primorja. 34 Jugoslovenska Konferencija o o zaštiti voda
»VODE 2005«, 3-7. jun, 2005. Kopaonik. Zbornik radova:
12. Kovačević, N., Regner, S., Mandić, S., Vukanić, D.
1994. Strategija razvoja morskog ribarstva, Institut za
biologiju mora. Kotor.
13. Aleksandar Joksimović, 2010. „Biološka istraživanja
Jadranskog mora, stanje, perspektive i pravci razvoja“
Crna Gora u XXI vijeku – u eri kompetitivnosti. Nauka
i tehnologija, urednik Jovan Mirković; Crnogorska
akademija nauka i umjetnosti, posebna izdanja
(monografije i studije), knjiga 73, sveska 11, Podgorica:
Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti 2010, str. 549558. (ISBN 978-86-7215-249-4)
7. in terms of spatial and urban planning it does
not threaten any other area, does not occupy
agricultural land, does not disturb the zoning plans
or construction of facilities for tourism, but, on
the contrary, its production complements and
encourages the development of other areas.
To achieve these objectives, there should be an ensured
continuity of the following activities, indicated and designated by the state and being conducted by the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Institute
of Marine Biology:
1. The focus of fishing industry should be made on the
incentive measures directing to the methods of fishing of small blue fish by purse seine nets and /or
floating trawlers in the open sea.
2. To organize the collection of statistical data on all
types of fishing, in a manner that will allow the calculation of catch per unit effort. The authorities that issue permits for commercial and sport fishing should
regularly provide statistical agencies and research
institutions with the list of natural and legal persons
who have been issued those permits.
3. Based on the estimated MSY the fishing effort should
be regulated annually, by determining the initial
annual quota of catch, fishing areas, optimal fishing techniques and by evaluating the necessary infrastructure capacities (ports, purchase of fishing
equipment, repairing units, cold storage, processing
facilities and the like).
4. As soon as possible, the profitability of development
of some other types of fishing should be assessed,
such as, for example, purse seining of tuna in the
open sea; catching tuna and swordfish by the pelagic
longlines; demersal longline fishing in the Southern
Basin; the possibility of development of trawling or
fishing traps, primarily of shrimp on the continental
slope; and the optimal fishing effort for these kinds
of fishing should be estimated.
5. To establish a Fund for fisheries development which
would be under the competence of the Marine Fisheries Public Enterprise and the Ministry of Agriculture, and would be realized via Agrobanka.
1. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of
the Government of Montenegro, 2008: Development
of Fishery Sector in Montenegro, 2009 – 2013. National
Strategy Plan
2. Government of Montenegro: The Law on Marine fish-
Conference Proceedings | Conference Economy of Montenegro 2013
ery and Mariculture (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No.
3 . Government of Montenegro: Spatial Plan of Montenegro by 2020
4. Government of Montenegro: The Law of the Sea (Official Gazette of Montenegro, NO. 17/07
5. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
Montego Bay, 1982
6. Ana Pešić, Milica Mandić, Olivera Kasalica, Mirko
Đurović, Zdravko Ikica and Aleksandar Joksimović,, 2011.
Marine Fisheries in Montenegro in the last decade (20002010), Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 51 (05) (1-4): 51-59,
7. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and water Management of the Government of Montenegro: Strategy for
Developing the Fisheries of Montenegro and Strengthening the Capacities for the EU Common Fishery Policy
8. Joksimović, A.,Vrgoč, N., Krstulović-Šifner, S., Isajlović,I.,
Ikica, Z., Marković, O. 2013. International Cooperation
Projects in the Research ff the Adriatic Sea. VI International Conference »Water & Fishery«. June, 12-14, 2013.
Zemun-Belgrade. Conference proceedings: 176-184.
9. Aleksandar Joksimovi;, 2007. The Commonest Fish of
the Montenegrin Seaside. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences ad Arts, Special Editions (Monographs and Studies), Volume 58, Department of Natural Sciences, Book
30, p. 140] (ISBN: 978-86-7215-198-5)
10. Radović, I., Stevanović, V., Bulić, Z., Joksimović, A.,
Radović, D., Regner, S., Mandić, S. 2013. Biodiversity and
sustainability of the Mediterranean part of Montenegro.
International Science Conference „Reporting for sustainability“, 7-10. May 2013. Bečići, Montenegro. Conference Proceedings: 83-89.
11. Regner, S., Mandic, S., Joksimovic, A. 2005. Activities
for Implementing Protection Measures for an Optimum
Use of the Sea Biological Resources of the Montenegrin
Seaside. »VODE 2005« The 34th Yugoslav Water Conference, 3-7 June, 2005, Kopaonik. Conference Proceedings: 238-243.
12. Kovacevic, N., Regner, S., Mandic, S., Vukanic, D.
1994. Strategy for Marine Fishery Development, Marine
Biology Institute, Kotor
13. Aleksandar Joksimović, 2010. Biological Researches
in the Adriatic Sea: Status, Prospects and Development
Trends, Montenegro in the 21st Century, i.e. in the Competitiveness Era. Science and Technology, Editor in Chief:
Jovan Mirković; Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and
Arts, Special Editions (Monographs and Studies),Volume
73, Book 11, Podgorica: Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts, 2010, pp. 549-558. (ISBN 978-86-7215249-4)