St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Peter Claver Parish Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets Parish Mission Statement Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza email: [email protected] Associate Pastor: Rev. Adrian M. San Juan Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements, and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora Auxiliary Priest: Rev. John Gouldrick, C.M. PARISH SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español) Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before; Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday) DEVOTIONS: Perpetual Help Novena, Wednesdays, 7pm, Mass on first Wednesdays, 7pm; Adoration every Friday, 7pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturdays, 3 - 4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day & Thursday before first Friday, 4 - 4:45pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm; 4th Sunday - Spanish Baptism BAPTISM INSTRUCTION: Second Monday of each month, 7pm SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: 6 months prior notification needed We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver, are a Catholic faith community within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the example of our patron, we proclaim the kingdom of God to embrace everyone in love without discrimination of any kind. We are devoted to worship, to witness, and joyful service in the Spirit. PARISH INFORMATION Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St. Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525 Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday) 9am-12noon, & 1-5pm Phone: (805) 526-6499 Fax: (805) 526-7233 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Bulletin e-mail: [email protected] Pre-School & Kindergarten: Katelyn Colvin, Principal (805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225 Website: Office of Faith Formation: Bianca Langlois, Director (805) 526-0680 email: [email protected] Jon Teague, Coordinator Middle School Youth Ministry email: [email protected] Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office: Andrew Gafvert, Director (805) 526-7975 email: [email protected] Parish Information Safeguard the Children Committee: Chito Coronel, Chair email: [email protected] Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499 Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742 Becoming Catholic (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Office of Faith Formation, 526-0680 Parish Vocation Animator: Ken Ward, 526-6499 Annulment Assistance: Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499 Lector Coordinator: Jim Small, (805) 390-7260 Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466 Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home: Joni Egan, 527-2444 Bereavement Ministry: Dcn. Melecio Zamora, 526-6499 Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109 Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member: Chuck Gebert, 908-2000 email: [email protected] Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617 Couples for Christ: Chito & Beth Coronel, 285-7453 Filipino Catholic Comm. Group: Joseph Redublo, 581-0932 Hispanic Catholic Community Group: Dcn. Melecio Zamora, (818) 262-1090 Las Guadalupanas: Pilar Osorio, (310) 597-9548 Isabel Zamora, (805) 285-8652 Knights of Columbus: Rick Lepore, (805) 218-5703 Parish Library: Sue Marron, (805) 584-5620 BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781 1st SAN FERNANDO’S DIVINE MERCY REGIONAL CONGRESS FOR THE FAMILY PREPARES US FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY (December 8th, 2015 – November 20th, 2016) December 5th, 2015 ♦ 8am – 6pm THEME: Come, Experience and Witness God’s Mercy GUEST SPEAKERS Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC ♦ Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC ♦ Fr. Adrian San Juan 5 PM HOLY MASS VIGIL ♦ CELEBRANT: Bishop Gerald Wilkerson ST. GENEVIEVE CHURCH 14061 Roscoe Blvd. Panorama City, CA 91402 Come listen to the message of god’s merciful love! Seating is limited. Pre-register for $10 to reserve your seat and boxed lunch. The cost will be $20 after November 1st. For complete program details and registration form, see the black pamphlet racks in the back of the church. Page Three October 4, 2015 Dear St. Peter Claver Parishioners, Greetings and blessings from Philadelphia, city of brotherly love and sisterly affection! I am so blessed to attend and participate in the World Meeting of Families and to witness Pope Francis’ presence in the United States. I would like to share with you tidbits of inspiration that struck me personally during this grace-filled week. Revive and deepen devotion and prayer in our homes and everywhere. “The family that prays together stays together.” Living out the Sacrament of Matrimony is an affirmation and proclamation that spouses are of God and leads to conversion of society. Statistics show that fathers of families are prime leaders of values and faith in our homes. Let us pray for their continual conversion. With their leadership and firm faith, the whole family shall experience conversion. A society without God and the values of Faith is directed towards corruption, destruction and death of human Fr. Adrian with Fr. Robert (El Segundo) and progress. Emmanuela Molla (daughter of St. Gianna Molla) Love is our mission. Love is our vocation. Love is our life as Christians because God has loved us first. A home is a place of healing, a “factory of hope”. What makes a house a home is the loving relationship of members. A house without the presence of love is not a home. Take good care of our common home. A healthy earth creates a healthy humanity. All leaders of the world and religions are instruments in fostering reconciliation, peace and justice. A respectful dialogue is necessary. When a country is determined to remain true to its founding principles, based on respect for human dignity, it is strengthened and renewed. In families there are always difficulties, but those difficulties are overcome by love. Hatred is not capable of dealing with any difficulty... Only love is able to overcome them. Encourage and inspire young men and women to embrace the beauty of commitments towards the fullness of life. Life means “getting our feet dirty” from the dust-filled roads of life and history. All of us are being sought out by the Teacher, who wants to help us resume our journey. He washes our feet so we can come back to the table. “Pray for me. If you are not a believer, wish me well.” (Rece por mi; si usted no es un creyente, deseeme cosas buenas.) This is Pope Francis’ usual ending in his speeches. Prayer is power. Prayer is strength. Respect is prayer. We continue to pray for one another and please keep sending me your intentions at [email protected] as I continue my pilgrimage – now to the Holy Land! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! FR. ADRIAN Page Four St. Peter Claver Offer this day to the Lord Parish Activities This Week Monday, October 5th 3:20 pm Conversations of Faith (YC) 6:00 pm Contemplative Prayer Group (PC) 7:00 pm Las Guadalupanas Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Bereavement Team Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm MSYM Edge Night (YC) 7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR) Tuesday, October 6th 3:20 pm Conversations of Faith (YC) 5:30 pm Apostle’s Kitchen (PC) 7:00 pm Yr. II Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC) 7:00 pm K of C Officers Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Hispanic Comm. Prayer Group (PC) 7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C) 7:00 pm Genesis to Jesus: A Journey Through Scripture (H) Wednesday, October 7th 9:30 am Adult Women’s Bible Study (CLR) 3:20 pm Conversations of Faith (YC) 6:00 pm 3 - 5 Club (PC) 6:30 pm School Casino Night Meeting (S) 7:00 pm Adult Women’s Bible Study (PC) 7:00 pm Yr. I Confirmation Planning Meeting (YC) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H) 7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena (C) 8:00 pm Filipino Community Meeting (K) Thursday, October 8th 3:20 pm Conversations of Faith (YC) 6:00 pm Children’s Choir (C) 6:30 pm BINGO 7:00 pm Noon Choir (C) 7:30 pm Year I Confirmation Retreat Parent Meeting (YC) 7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR) Friday, October 9th 12(noon) Fingerprinting (YC) 5:00 pm Altar Server Training (C) 6:30 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (C) 7:00 pm Holy Hour (C) 7:00 pm Hispanic Couples for Christ (PC) 7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC) Saturday, October 10th 8:30 am Elementary Specialization (PC) 9:00 am Altar Server Training (C) 3:00 pm Confessions (C) 4:15 pm Choir Practice (C) 8:00 pm Las Guadalupanas Refreshments (P) RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY BUNDLE SUNDAY Lending Library after all Masses Respect Life Baby Bottle Fundraiser after all Masses Boy Scout Donut Sales after 8:00am, after 10:00am and 12(noon) Masses Faith Formation (1st Communion 1 & 2) 8:15am and 10:15am Sprouts, 8:30am and 10:00am Seeds, 9:00am Baptisms, 1:30pm Youth Usher and Greeter Training, 4:00pm Youth Choir, 4:15pm Youth First Eucharist Preparation, 6:00pm Year I Confirmation Candidate and Parent Session, 6:00pm Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, October 5th 7:30 am Pedro Barba Fernandez (INT) Jean DiCanio (RIP) Randy Ingersoll (RIP) Tuesday, October 6th 7:30 am Carlos Molina (RIP) Albert Bartolotti (RIP) Rachel McCracken (INT) Wednesday, October 7th 7:30 am Angelina Barroso (RIP) Phien Ana (RIP) Xuyen Petrus (RIP) Thursday, October 8th 7:30 am Clarence Ayers (RIP) Areo Agorrilla (RIP) Amadito Agorrilla (RIP) Friday, October 9th 7:30am Teodoro Orig (RIP) Eduardo Arandia (RIP) Edward Kondzielski (RIP) Thank you for your donations on Sunday, September 27th: $14,912.00. Page Five St. Peter Claver SPCFAITHFORMATION.ORG The Office of Faith Formation is open Monday - Thursday, 1-5pm and 6-8pm. Gospel Reading: Mark 10:13-16 - God wants us to depend on Him and to trust Him to take care of us. As a family, create a thankfulness prayer naming the special gifts God blessed your family with. With Much Gratitude, Thank you to an amazing team of dedicated Catechists who make the Faith Formation Community possible. Beginning with SEEDS, our Infant and Parent Community through our Adult Community our parish is blessed! TODAY is Faith Formation, please be aware of the many families walking across the parking lot. Tuesday, 10/06 - Genesis to Jesus, 'A Journey through the Scripture' continues in the West Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm, we begin at 7pm. Wednesday, 10/07 - 3-5 CLUB meets in Room 1 from 6-7:30pm. Saturday, 10/10 and Sunday, 10/11 - 8am - 5pm is Elementary Specialization in Rooms 5-7. Please register online at Log on to our website for year at a glance and for more information. Our Kickoff night will be on Monday, October 5th at 7pm in the Youth Center, hope to see you there! Be ready to start this year off in Hollywood style! Edge Night - Monday, October 19th in the Youth Center from 7-8:30pm. Any questions regarding MSYM, please email Jon Teague MSYM Coordinator at [email protected]. Many thanks to Katie DeCamp, her family and friends, all our volunteers and everyone who attended for helping make last weekend’s Jeremy and Ryan concert such a success! You rock! Please Note: We have concluded our Confirmation Orientation and Registration meetings for this year. Yr. 1 Confirmation registration forms will only be accepted from families that attended an orientation. Tonight, Sunday, October 4 - Yr. 1 Confirmation Parent and Candidate Session (6-8:30pm, West Hall) Yr. 1 Confirmation sessions begin tonight with our first Parent and Candidate Session. We are looking forward to beginning this journey of faith with you. See you after the 5pm Mass for dinner and our session. Candidates are not to attend without a parent. Tonight, Sunday, October 4 - Youth First Communion Preparation with Parents (6-8:30pm, Parish Hall) Preparation of youth (grades 6-12) for the sacrament of First Communion begins tonight. (Don’t forget that parent participation is required for all sessions.) We will begin with a combined dinner with the Confirmation families in the West Hall at 6pm and then move into the classrooms of the East Hall at 7pm. We look forward to your participation. Page Six St. Peter Claver Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. ~ Mark 10:14 From the beginning of creation, God intended for people to live together in relationship with one another. Much of scripture shows us how to do this as it illustrates and clarifies God’s plans. The readings this weekend guide us in the value and care of our relationships. Specifically, the Gospel focuses on the circumstances of failed relationships. Unlike the Pharisees, we would do well not to focus on the laws that pertain to failed relationships, but concentrate instead on what God really intended for us. Healthy bonds require a lot of our time and energy. They certainly require trust and honesty. Jesus demonstrated a deep commitment to His friends and to us. As our brother, He gave His very life for us. Children work hard at friendships. They trust, forgive, and love without conditions. The final words of today’s Gospel invite us to welcome Jesus and the people of our relationships with the fresh enthusiasm of a child. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. If you have been thinking about reserving a brick - “A Piece of the Walk” or would like to reserve another for someone special - now would be the perfect time, as we will be placing an order soon. Brick order forms are in the back of the church, or you may pick one up at the parish office. Please pray for the health of… Collin Dion; Carol Acker; Sylvia Asuncion; Wendy Beaulieu; Doris Small; Gregg Cassity; Marta Gomez; Dina Machica; Diane Calabro; Miles Go; Catherine Webster; Dottie Kellogg; Mike Parent; Rose Lampignano; Leonard Delling; Cliff Wirtz; Alice Ridge; Dorothy Scordia; Lupe Pina; Joe Ortega; Dan Zengierski; Marco Lira; Donald Cashion; Virginia Dalcoe; Joel Hicks; Vera Barker; Baby Cooper; Chris Bordeleau; Darlene Baumgartner; Bruce Vandelinder; Frank Cesario; Susan Womack; Ray Broderick; Helene ParlmsJackson; Shirley Zengierski; Maria Lozano; Theresa Guardino; Eddie Basham; Carolyn Currie; Ginger Trematore; Catherine Capaldi; Chelsea White; Pat Cain; Barbara Nespor; Mary Smart; Mimi McGilvray; Rick Schuler; Elaine Swieca; Isabel Oliva; Bill Waters; Marge Porterfield; Aaron Byron; Bob Bower; Jacqueline Sylvestre; Kittie Fidermutz; Martina Peters; Dillon Tunney; Barbara Pogorzelski; Martha Weatherall; Troy Weatherall; Heidi Frie; Sherry Estrella; Arlene Parker; Chase Dobson; (child) Tyler Evans; Loretta Payne; Barbara Knight; Thuong Tran; Suzanne Shaefer. We’d like to welcome our newest Christians through Baptism… Venus Michelle Marcos Joaquin Gabriel Cordero Please pray for the souls of… Gilbert Ramirez Jacobs, 9/24/15; Raymond Ador Dionisio, 10/5/13; Gregory Fountaine, 10/6/12; Lydia Garcia, 10/5/11; Mary Espana, 10/6/09; Ella Erbacher, 10/9/08; Robert Becerra, 10/9/07; Susan Sutcliffe, 10/9/07; Michael Russell, 10/10/06; Timothy McGovern, 10/9/06; Jean Genard, 10/6/06; Noreen Crawford, 10/7/02; Gloria Greve, 10/10/01; Veronica Chapan, 10/7/00; Deborah Hall, 10/5/99; Louis Maryland, Jr., 10/4/99; Josephine Milleson, 10/6/97; Renate Schmacker, 10/6/97; Ila Arnold, 10/4/96; Agostino Pugliese, 10/8/91; Virginia Chapan, 10/6/89; Hugh McGuire, 10/4/82; Arthur Chaisson, 10/7/79; Victoria Dario, 10/6/77; Florence Samuel, 10/8/74. Page Seven St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver Youth Ministry and Middle School Ministry invite your family and friends to TRUNK-OR-TREAT!! Adults, decorate your trunk, fill it with candy, and hand it out! There will be prizes for the best trunk - the categories are: SCARIEST, MOST ORIGINAL, MOST CREATIVE, BEST CANDY, MOST ANIMATED, AND FUNNIEST! There will be free games and prizes, and even a SPOOKY HAUNTED HOUSE! At 1pm, we will offer our famous $3 Meal Deal - a hamburger or hot dog, chips and lemonade! All are welcome to come and enjoy a safe afternoon of fun and games! The Knights of Columbus St Peter Claver Council 9410 will be hosting their 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Monday, November 9th, 2015 at Wood Ranch Country Club. Come and join in on the fun at this fabulous event! The price is $150 per player (includes lunch and dinner) if paid by October 15th; it will be $165 after. Sorry, no walk-ins. Corporate, Professional, Tee, Lunch and Putting Contest Sponsorships available. Sign up at The event is filling up quickly so please don't hesitate. For information or to register, please call Joe Gray at (818) 421-0170. The proceeds of the event will help support “Get On The Bus”, The Samaritan Center, Gold Coast Veterans Foundation, and other charities. Join the Sisters of Notre Dame for Taize Prayer, a beautiful prayer experience including candles, simple chants, scripture and periods of silence. All are welcome on Wednesday, October 14th, from 7- 8pm at Notre Dame Center (1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks CA 91360). The event will be facilitated by Sister Mary Anncarla Costello and Sister Cristina Marie Buczkowski. For more information and to RSVP, contact Sister Marie Paul Grech at [email protected]. We are asking for donations of individually wrapped candy for Trunk-or-Treat! You may put your donation in the box at the back of the church or bring it to the parish office. Parish office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-12(noon) and 1pm-5pm. From all our little ghouls and ghosts, THANK YOU!! AB 2x-15 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in California. In Pope Francis’ recent address to Congress, he reminded us, “A political society endures when it seeks…to satisfy common needs…especially [of] those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people.” Take action now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Encourage quality end of life care, not suicide as a solution. Visit to learn more, and urge Governor Brown to veto AB 2x-15. Page Eight St. Peter Claver The Archdiocese requires that all those actively serving in parish ministries be trained in a “Safe Environment” program, and those ministries supervising minors be fingerprinted. Please take advantage of upcoming opportunities for training and fingerprinting in our parish: Our next fingerprinting session will be Friday, October 9th from 12 noon until 7:30pm. The next Safe Environment - VIRTUS - classes will be: Wednesday, November 4th - initial certification Protecting God’s Children: 6:30-9:30pm Wednesday, November 18th - recertification Keeping the Promise Alive: 6:30-8:30pm For more information or to sign-up/schedule an appointment, please call Mary at 526-6499 ext. 230. The St. Thomas More Society of Los Angeles invites you to a end the 33rd Annual Red Mass on Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 at 5:30pm, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels located at 555 West Temple Street in Los Angeles. The Red Mass in Los Angeles is an ecumenical celebra on sponsored by the Society, which honors Federal and State judges, lawyers, legislators, legal professionals and public officials. Members of all faiths and tradi ons are invited to a end and par cipate. Bishop Edward W. Clark will be the celebrant and Bishop David G. O’Connell will be the homilist. Representa ves of the judiciary and public officials will par cipate in the liturgy. To RSVP, please call (213) 761-7004 or email [email protected]. For more informa on, please visit Chaminade Family Spirit Night is being held on Friday, October 23rd, for middle school students and their families. This is a special evening of fun, food, fellowship, and football beginning at 5:15pm with pre-game performances of our Eagle Regiment Band and cheerleaders and a light supper. Families will be treated to a preview of the football game and a presentation on our Athletic programs. Our Ambassadors will give families a tour of the campus, and will escort them to reserved seats in our stadium to be our guests for the football game against Bishop Amat. Please RSVP to the Admissions Office at (818) 347-8300 ext. 355 or via email to [email protected]. The next meeting will be Friday, October 16th, "Dealing With Confusion After Divorce, Separation, or Loss of a Spouse," by Dr. Bennett Annan. All adults are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Jean Jenners at [email protected] or call the rectory at (805) 526-1732. MAGNIFICAT - A Ministry to Catholic Women Prayer Meal Saturday, October 10th at 10am Odyssey Restaurant, 15600 Odyssey Dr., Granada Hills, CA Dr. Ross Porter - Former Presbyterian Minister Now Catholic Convert Special message of Love and Hope for Today’s families Noted speaker, Dr. Ross Porter, shares his path of conversion, the graces of a special needs child and building loving families. Come and be inspired by this man of faith. Mail “Magnificat” check for $30 to Magnificat, P.O. Box 4057, West Hills, CA 91308. Questions? Contact Teri Thompson at (805) 527-3745. On-line reservations Page Nine St. Peter Claver La AB 2x-15 legalizaría el suicidio asistido por un médico en California. El Papa Francisco nos recuerda en su adres reciente por el Congreso: “una sociedad política perdura cuando busca... para satisfacer necesidades comunes... especialmente [de] las situaciones de mayor vulnerabilidad o riesgo. Actividad legislativa siempre es basada en cuidado para la gente.” Es hora de tomar acción para proteger las personas de la tercera edad y con discapacidades. Visita la página de web: y urgir a Gobernador Brown vetar AB 2x-15. Desde comienzos de la creación, Dios tenía planeado que los seres humanos vivieran unidos llevándose bien unos con otros. Gran parte de la Sagrada Escritura nos muestra cómo hacerlo, a la vez que explica y clarifica el plan de Dios. Las lecturas este fin de semana ofrecen una guía para valorar y cuidar de nuestras relaciones humanas. Específicamente, el Evangelio se enfoca en las circunstancias de una relación que ha fallado. A diferencia de los fariseos, nos conviene no tanto enfatizar las leyes que se aplican a relaciones que fallan, sino más bien, dar prioridad a lo que en realidad Dios deseaba para nosotros. Los vínculos saludables requieren de nosotros mucho tiempo y dedicación. Ciertamente exigen confianza y honestidad. Jesús demostró un profundo compromiso con sus amigos y para con nosotros. Como un hermano, entregó hasta su vida por nosotros. Los niños se ocupan mucho de sus amistades. Ellos confían, perdonan, aman sin condiciones. Las palabras finales del Evangelio de hoy nos invitan a recibir a Jesús y a aquellos con quienes nos relacionamos, con el entusiasmo y la frescura de un niño. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co THURSDAY NIGHTS IN THE PARISH CENTER Doors open at 4:30pm - Games begin at 6:30pm All games always pay $250 - Visa and MasterCard accepted Phone: (805) 526-2781 Enseña a sus hijos como defenderse contra los acosadores o “bullies”- Muchas escuelas han comenzado iniciativas para eliminar el acoso o “bullying” y a enseñar a los niños cómo ser amables unos con otros y aprender juntos. Usted también puede enseñar a sus hijos cómo defenderse contra los acosadores y cómo usar palabras para comunicar en vez de la violencia. Hable con su hijo acerca de “bullying”. Pregúntales qué es lo que está pasando, quién lo está haciendo y hablen sobre cómo prevenir el acoso. Para obtener más información sobre el acoso o “bullying”, visite el sitio Teach your children how to handle bullies - Many schools have started initiatives focused on eliminating bullying, and teaching kids how to be kind to each other and learn together. At home, you can show your children how to defend themselves, friends or classmates with firm, polite statements, if others are teasing them. Talk with your kids about bullying – what’s happening, who’s doing it, and how to stop it. For more information on bullying and in-school conflicts, visit feelings/bullies.html. Counseling Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. LIZ DODGE 805.432.3084 LMFT#17142 Deborah Tucker, MA, MFT Local Parishioner 1633 Erringer Rd. #204, Simi Valley For further information, 805-583-3976 please call the Parish Office. email: [email protected] For All Your Real Estate Needs BUY OR SELL REALTOR CalBRE Lic. #01710044 PARISHIONER CA BRE License # 01949535 1 Year Tenant Guarantee! No Upfront Fees! Call Today for a FREE Quote! 818-458-8437 • Professional Property Managers With Over 20 Years Experience in Property Management and Leasing. Specializing in Single and Multi-Family Residential Properties. 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Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 913100 St Peter Claver Church (B) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 • Auto • Work Injuries Heridas del Trabajo • Slip and Fall A CCIDENT S? INJURY LAWYERS-MILLIONS COLLECTED NO 24/7 LIVE EMERGENCY HELP NO FEE/CONSULTA GRATIS! RECOVER Legal advertisement by Pacific Attorney Group. 805-545-9999 Piano Lessons Enjoy Music & Enhance Learning Skills Flerida “Jeanie” Garde Nolasco 323-559-9945 Masters in Music Education Proud Community Partner 1357 East Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065 Visit us today Plan your next big event with us! 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St. Peter Claver Parish
Glynn; Elizabeth Moreno; Dan Lang; Don Karl; Jack
Scroggins; Joe Ortega; Claire Keighley; Dan
Boland; Catherine Capaldi; Craig Turner; Gregg
Cassity; Alice Ridge; Lupe Pina; Dan Zengierski;