WUKF Bulletin 12
WUKF Bulletin 12
WUKO - World Union of Karate Do Organizations WUKO Headquarters: Rua João Cachoeira n.º 519 - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo - SP Brazil - Zip Code: 04535-002 Phone - Fax - 00 55 11 3078.6014 - 3168.7249 Home Page - www.wuko-karate.org E-mail - [email protected] 世界空手道連合 Bulletin 12/2008 "2nd WUKO EUROPEAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS" T he WUKO World Union of Karate-do Organizations and LFKB Ligue Francophone de Karate Belgium showed the world that great Karate is possible with good organization and wonderful friendships. A very well organized event was held in Europe with Mr Michel Lelievre, President of LFKB, always available in the stadium. His team was comprised of Mr Pierre Nizet, Mr Michel Gobels, Mr Roberto Perri and their wives, and they gave a terrific example of excellent organization. The next European Senior Championships will be held in Portugal and the hosting Federation will be Amicale Portugal Martial Artes. The President, Mr Carlos Dias, is currently making preparations together with the Portuguese authorities and confirmation of the arrangements will follow in a few weeks. Present at the European Championships 2008 were the following Federations: 1 NORTHERN IRELAND - CW - CARNALEA WADO-KAI - President David Brashaw 2 NORTHERN IRELAND - UKF - ULSTER KARATE - DO FEDERATION - President Columba McLaughlin 3 IRELAND - IKKU - IRISH KENPO KARATE UNION - President Ambrose Maloney 4 IRELAND - KWKKA - KELLS WADO-KAI KARATE ASSOCIATION - President Eamonn Yore 5 IRELAND - NKFI - NATIONAL KARATE FEDERATION OF IRELAND - President Joe Smith 6 ENGLAND - SM - SCHOOL OF MASTERS - President Jacek Lipinski 7 ENGLAND - FEKOI FED. OF ENGLISH KARATE ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL 8 ENGLAND - SHI KON - SHI KON MARTIAL ARTS CENTRE - President Steve Browe 9 ENGLAND - EWSKA - WADO RYU SPORTS KARATE ORGANIZATION - President Clayton Murrain 10 SCOTLAND - SKA - SCOTTISH KARATE ALLIANCE - President Bill Hair 11 SCOTLAND - NKF - NATIONAL KARATE ASSOCIATION - President Derek Pollock 12 PORTUGAL - LPK - LIGA PORTUGUESA DE KARATE - President Vitor M.S.V.Barreiro 13 PORTUGAL - AMICALE KARATE PORTUGAL MARTIAL ARTS - President Carlos Dias 14 PORTUGAL - UNK - UNIÃO NACIONAL DE KARATE - President Henrique L. Silva 15 AUSTRIA - WA - WUKO AUSTRIA - President Alexis Hevesi 16 GERMANY - AJKAI - SRG - SHOTOKAN RYU GERMANY - President Jorg Kohl 17 HUNGARY - HWKO - HUNGARIAN WADO-RYU KARATE ORGANIZATION - President Tibor Rostás 18 HUNGARY - AJKAI - KARATE-DO SZOVETSEG - President Leslie B Safar 19 ITALY - FESIK - FEDERAZIONE EDUCATIVA SPORTIVA ITALIANA KARATE - President Carlo Henke 20 ROMANIA - FEDERATIA ROMANIA KARATE - President Liviu Crisan 21 RUSSIA - RKC - RUSSIAN KARATE CONFEDERATION - President Sergey Rostovtsev 22 BELGIUM - LFK - LIGUE FRANCOPHONE DE KARATÉ DE BELGIQUE - President Michel Lelievre 23 SPAIN - FEUAM - FEDERATION ESPANOLA UNIFICADA DE ARTES MARTIALES - President Angel M. Duato 24 SPAIN - FCK - FEDERATION CATALANA DE KARATE - President Joaquim Valcanera 25 UKRAINE - JFU - JUNDOKAN FEDERATION OF UKRAINE - President Valeriy Kusiy 26 BELARUS - SKB - SHITO-KAI BELARUS - President Tarasenko Vladimir 27 FRANCE - AFKA - ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DE KARATE AMATEUR - President Jacky Detaille There was a total of 297 Individual competitors and 79 Teams. Let us go to Portugal in 2010 where Mr Carlos Dias waits for us all in his marvelous country. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira WUKO President B razil Karate is proud to host Federations from five continents to participate in the WUKO Pan-American Championships and the WUKO International Open Championships. This event has the full support of the Secretary of State for Sports of São Paulo and the Municipal Bureau of Sports of São Paulo. When following the developments during the days from 3 to 6 July, a real show of force, organization, friendship and discipline is noted. The athletes showed a high technical level, which justifies the WUKO excellent prestige in the world of Karate. The Confederation of Brazilian Karate Interestilos, CBKI, was the host. Everything was perfect and the Organizers got the applause and praise from their good friends who participated. The Pan-American Congress was held on July 3. The International Seminar Arbitration Accreditation Continental received CBKI with a wonderful dinner and with tributes to those who were present. The 3 days in which the championships took place was a success. The Ibirapuera Gymnasium Mauro Pinheiro was filled with spectators. They applauded the athletes constantly and were always attentive to them. During the opening ceremony of the event everyone was entertained by the beautiful representation of the Taiko Group Yamabuki and the School of Samba Mocidade Alegre. All the athletes enjoyed the samba and joy conveyed by the members of these entertainers. The great Olympic Judo champion, Aurelio Miguel, squandering many efforts to ensure the realization of it, was the Guest of Honour of the event. On Sunday, July 6 there was a beautiful display of Capoeira Sea Itapoã, famous group of Capoeira in Brazil under the leadership of Little Master. Our farewell party was wonderful, with a dinner and free drinks for all the participants. There was lots of dancing, friendships were made and there was joy amongst the more than 300 people present at the party. All the participants could make use of the freely available transport. CBKI supplied 10 buses and 4 cars during the week of the event, from arrival to departure of all the participants, all in a free expression of hospitality and friendship of Brazil to the visitors. The CBKI offered a Coffee Break with a great breakfast and lunch for the referees, and leaders of the organizing committee. Participants included the following Federations in the Pan American Championships WUKO 2008: CBKI CNK FNKA ACKDA ASC TKIC FPKI UPKI UVKI Confederation Brazilian Karate Interestilos National Confederation of Karate Interestilos National Karate Federation of Argentina Asociacion Chilena de Atacama Karate Do Shobukai Association of Colombia Traditional Karate International Confederation Karate Federation Paraguayan Interestilos Union Peruvian Karate Interestilos Union Venezolana de Karate Interestilos BRAZIL ARGENTINA ARGENTINA CHILE COLOMBIA PANAMA PARAGUAY PERU VENEZUELA Participated in the WUKO OPEN INTERNATIONAL: CBKI CNKI FNKA ACKDA ASC TKIC FPKI UPKI SKB AIBKF TKF LJKA UNK FEUAM FRK KSSA SAKA SASKA SAKW UVKI Confederation Brazilian Karate Interestilos National Confederation of Karate Interestilos National Karate Federation of Argentina Asociacion Chilena de Atacama Karate Do Shobukai Association of Colombia Traditional Karate International Confederation Karate Federation Paraguayan Interestilos Union Peruvian Karate Interestilos Shitokai Karate Belarus Budokan Karate Federation of India Tehran Karate Federation Lithuania JKA National Union of Karate Federation Española Unified Martial Arts Karate Federation Romanian Karate Syndicate South Africa South Africa Karate Association South Africa Shotokan Karate-do Academy South Africa Karate Warriors Union Venezolana de Karate Interestilos BRAZIL ARGENTINA ARGENTINA CHILE COLOMBIA PANAMA PARAGUAY PERU BELARUS INDIA IRAN LITHUANIA PORTUGAL SPAIN ROMANIA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA VENEZUELA FOR MORE INFORMATIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT VISIT OUR SITE: Www.wuko-karate.org T he next Pan-American Championships was approved by the Pan-American Congress of WUKO is to be held in Panama City, Panama in 2010. TKIC under the leadership of President Juan Antonio de Leon M will host the event. The CBKI appreciates all the support it had from the Federations and the Executive Committee of WUKO Mr. Liviu Crisan of Romania, Angel M. Duato and Henrique Silva of Spain and Portugal. My sincere thanks to the athletes, families and the public who attended the event. Together we will make the best of World Karate. We will be in Jesolo, Italy in October for the Children, Cadets and Junior World Championships. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira President WUKO and CBKI 2nd WUKO WORLD CHILDREN, CADETS and JUNIORS KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2008 Jesolo - ITALY 15 to 19 OCTOBER, 2008 2nd WUKO World Children, Cadets and Juniors Karate Championships - 2008 15 to 19 October, 2008 Hosting: Carlo Henke FESIK - Federazione Sportiva Italiana de Karate Jesolo Lido ( 20 km from Venice ) Sport Hall Palazzo Del Turismo E-mail - [email protected] Sport Hall Palazzo Del Turismo OFFICIAL HOTEL Hotel Europa 4 stars: www.hoteleuropajesolo.it RESERVATIONS ONLY BY: PromoJesolo - Congress & Convention Bureau Piazza Brescia n°17/6 - 30016 Lido di Jesolo VE Tel: ++39-0421-382856 Fax ++39-0421-380019 Site - www.promojesolo.com E-mail - [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT VISIT OUR SITE: www.wuko-karate.org WUKO - ASIA OCEANIA INTERCONTINENTAL OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2008 Hyderabad - INDIA - 27 to 30 November, 2008 WUKO - Asia Oceania Intercontinental Open Karate Championships - 2008 27 to 30 November, 2008 Hyderabad - INDIA Hosting: Hannumantha Rao All India Budokan Karate Federation E-mail - [email protected] www.wacoku.com 3rd WUKO WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE 3rd WUKO World Karate Championships Seniors 18th to 21st June, 2009 Odessa - UKRAINE Hosting: Valeriy Kusiy JUNDOKAN FEDERATION OF UKRAINE SITE - www.jfu.org.ua E-mail - [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATIONS ABOUT THIS EVENT VISIT OUR SITE: www.wuko-karate.org "2nd WUKO EUROPEAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS" Anti Doping Controls Official Results Dear friends For the first time a World Organization of Karate publish a final test anti-doping, it proves that our competitors never need use any drug for do the Best Karate in World. Thank you very much to General Deputy R.Lonfils, of the Ministère de la Communauté française - Bruxelles for this support to WUKO. Osvaldo Messias de Oliveira President 3rd WUKO WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIORS 18th to 21th JUNE, 2009 ODESSA - UKRAINE Technical Seminar with Mr.Christophe Pinna It is a big pleasure to WUKO, present to all members Mr.Christophe Pinna, his Biographie says all about him. WUKO invited this big Champion for teach FREE KUMITE CLASS to all participants in the 3rd WUKO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS SENIOR in June 2009 in Odessa-Ukraine, all competitors, referees and coaches are our invitated for it. Rio de Janeiro. Tout simplement, HISTORIQUE ! Christophe PINNA NICE ELITE SPORT 21, bd Carnot 06300 Nice Tél. : +33 (0)6 08 45 80 07 Fax : +33 (0)4 93 56 78 77 Email : [email protected] RESULTATS SPORTIFS - 6 fois champion de France 2 fois vainqueur de la Coupe de France 2 fois vainqueur des Jeux Méditerranéens 6 fois champion d'Europe 2 fois vainqueur de la Coupe du Monde 4 fois champion du Monde Champion du monde toutes catégories DISTINCTIONS - Médaille d’Or de la Jeunesse et des Sports - Médaille de l’Assemblée Nationale Française - Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite BIOGRAPHIE Christophe PINNA a commencé la pratique des arts martiaux à l'âge de 5 ans, animé par un rêve: devenir le meilleur karatéka du monde. Il devient à 17 ans champion de France juniors. C'est en 1986 qu'il part effectuer son service militaire au célèbre bataillon de Joinville (Ecole Interarmées des Sports) il deviendra cette année-là champion de France militaire, champion de France et d'Europe juniors. Les années passent et il ne cesse d'accumuler les titres. En 1993, Christophe PINNA décroche son premier titre mondial à Alger en remportant la Coupe du Monde. En 1994 en Malaisie, la France, avec Christophe PINNA, remporte le titre de champion du monde par équipe. La France, toujours avec Christophe PINNA, renouvelle l'exploit en remportant pour la seconde fois le titre suprême à Sun City en 1996. Le 4 mai 1997 à Ténériffe, Christophe PINNA entre de plein pied dans l'histoire du karaté en remportant son troisième titre consécutif de champion d'Europe "toutes catégories". Ce qui lui fait un total de six titres européens. Quelques mois plus tard à Manille, il décroche le titre mondial "toutes catégories". Un an plus tard, jour pour jour, la France remporte pour la troisième fois consécutive les championnats du Monde. C'était un vendredi, le 16 octobre 1998 à Dès son retour du Brésil, le Président de la République, Monsieur Jacques CHIRAC, nomme par décret au grade de Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite, Christophe PINNA, pour couronner sa brillante carrière sportive mais aussi pour les excellents services rendus à la cause de la jeunesse, ainsi que son engagement dans la lutte contre la drogue et la délinquance. Le 14 octobre 2000, à Munich, Christophe remporte le titre suprême de champion du Monde « toutes catégories » et décide de mettre fin à sa carrière de sportif de haut niveau. Il part aux U.S.A. pour entraîner l'équipe national, puis rentre en janvier 2001 en Europe pour être entraîneur national de l'équipe Grecque. En juin 2001, sous contrat de cadre d’Etat au Ministère des Sports, il rentre en France pour occuper le poste d’entraîneur national. En novembre 2001, il est nommé par la Fédération Mondiale de Karaté, Représentant Mondial des athlètes. En Aout 2005, Christophe PINNA quitte ses fonctions d'Entraîneur National des Equipes de France. Dans la foulée, il est sollicité par TF1 pour assurer les cours de sport auprès des élèves de la 5ème promotion de la Star Académy. En novembre, Christophe PINNA est promu Officier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite par le Président de la République. Actuellement, en qualité d'expert mondial de karaté, ce passionné partage son temps à enseigner le karaté de compétition à travers le monde et participe activement à son entrée en tant que sport Olympique. Parallèlement, Christophe est le "coach" personnel de différentes personnalités issus du monde sportif, de l'entreprise et du spectacle. … A MATTER OF "STYLE" "Invented” Kata. Various thoughts. The solution: tolerance and respect. By Carlo Henke I was not a kata champion but I had good masters, I arbitrated five World Championships and about fifty Continental Championships at a top-level and, first and foremost, my dojo gave rise to different experts and athletes, who are now famous all over the world. Therefore I believe, without false modesty, to have the necessary requirements to tackle a problem which is as knotty as current: "style's" wars between different schools. A long time ago, Shoto, Shito, Goju and Wado competed together. Since then a lot has changed. In Italy the experiment of the so-called "invented kata" was performed, other organizations divided the styles bypassing the comparison between charming and rude kata typologies. Let's start from what we consider to be an untrue cliché, the invented kata. I saw athletes following this line both live and on video. They performed style kata with slight variations. They performed them good, with a marked athleticism but with a considerable perfection and interpretation. Invented things were rare: but great athletic performances induce inevitably to leave out details connected with fundamentals. And the others? Some ultra-traditional organizations retreated on talebans positions: this is the way it must done, full stop! Who bends the finger more than the due is wrong. Other divided the styles avoiding that wado or shotokai athletes compete with shotokan, shito or goju: a valid system to allow everyone to aspire to a medal and to safeguard, with this stratagem, styles which are in visual crisis as far as the beauty of kata, end in itself, is concerned. This is the line I personally suggested years ago and which the Wuko of President Osvaldo Messias De Oliveira adopted with great satisfaction of the member nations. At first seemed that problems were over, competitions passed quickly with great satisfaction of everyone, the first impact brought a wave of new ideas and a flush of enthusiasm: styles were no longer mixed among them, everyone had the same opportunities competing within the ambit of a sole style: their style. Praises were wasted but in the last Championships things started to go wrong again. Let's see how and why. After an initial euphoria the various styles began to raise complaints again forgetting that today in the Shotokan exist substantial differences between kata taught by Nishiyama and those taught by Kanazawa or Shirai, that in the Shito the great Keiji Ogasahara and the departed Teruo Hayashi promoted two different systems, that in the Wado the kata by Suzuki are different in comparison with the ones of other schools: only the clever Kando Shibamori, emerging leader of the Wado, showed himself to be tolerant towards the teaching methods of the various schools. Even the Okinawa goju has substantial variations, not only in comparison with the Japanese goju of Gogen Yamaguchi's (called "the cat") heirs, but also in comparison with other goju schools: in the Jkf, Japan Karate Federation, athletes perform the kata they want. Wakai Atzuko, female World Champion in the Goju ryu style, in her competitions performs the kata of master Sakumoto's school. The World Union of Karate do Organizations has an explicit rule: the Wuko recognizes the small variations of all karate schools in the world provided that the kata bunkai is respected. A logic solution, which is not always considered. To many experts lobbys referees trying to enhance the features of their "schools" regarding small, irrelevant variations. In the kata absolute certainties do not exist, masters are different, athletes are different: nobody, as good as can be, can arrogate to him/herself the right to claim "I'm the sole repository of truth". Which are the possible solutions to be adopted before that the situation gets worse? First of all to follow the rules: if it is fixed, that the major world schools have to be respected, this has to be done. Which are the assessment criteria to observe? Always the ones set out by the rules, avoiding to get lost in questions about being open-handed or tight-fisted. And the criteria to value the best athlete? First of all interpretation and martial expertise, then the athletic performance based on power, rhythm, kime, precision and so on, following every point of Wuko rules. Last but not least, the common sense. It's easy to identify the champion without being afflicted by personal advantages connected with schools or self-interests but it is even easier to identify the champion with a good deal of sense, moderation and tolerance towards other people. Sympathy and respect to the work done by others are the basis of concordance and good harmony. Little would be enough to give to the discipline of karate a stimulus, to unite instead of dividing. Yes, but only if financial selfinterests, once and for all, are packed away forever. After all, it's just a matter of www.wacoku.com style………. Open AJKA-I Eurocup 2008 14th to 16th November, 2008 Special Opportunity for Shobu-Ippon Open AJKA-I Eurocup 2008 14th to 16th November, 2008 Sportforum . Berlin . Germany Weißenseer Weg 53 Hosting: AJKA-I Germany (Shotokan Ryu Germany) Jörg Kohl, Chief-Instructor Dr. Arnfried Krause, President Patron: Sensei Leslie B. Safar, 9th Dan email: [email protected] W UKO is recommending the AJKA-I Eurocup 2008 as special Shobu-Ippon event following the tradition of classical Shotokan-Shiai. Brown-belts and black-belts who seek fair, intense and challenging competition on the highest level must not miss this event in the German capital city. Patron of the Eurocup will be Sensei Leslie B. Safar, 9th Dan, Technical Director of AJKA-I. Sensei Safar is practicing Shotokan Karate since 1958. As one of the first non-japanese graduate from the famous JKA-Instructor-School he is respected worldwide for his outstanding dedication to build excellent instructors, examiners and referees. For further details including available partner hotels check out: www.shotokanryu.de.