August 9, 2015 - St. Ann`s Catholic Church
August 9, 2015 - St. Ann`s Catholic Church
Church of St. Paul 82 Lake Road West Congers, NY 10920 Church of St. Ann 16 Jefferson Street Nyack, NY 10960 [email protected] Parish Office: 82 Lake Road West, Congers, NY 10920 Phone: (845) 268-4464/-4465 Fax: -6790 Current Email: [email protected] Rev. Vladimir Chripko, C.O. Pastor Rev. Roman Dominik Palecko, C.O. Assistant Pastor Rev. Raju Arogya, Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter Bujdos, Parochial Vicar Rev. George Torok, C.O. Provost—Weekend Assistant Deacon Dominic Buonocore, Parish Mgr. Deacon Mark Czerwinski, Dir. RCIA Deacon Luke Conroy Deacon Charles DeGroat Deacon Gerald Fenton Religious Education Program - Mariana Dalsass (845)268-5442 Julie LePore 358-3758 Cantor & Music Program: James Russell Vincent Green Parish Office Hours: (SP)9:00 am-4:45 pm M-F — Laraine Payne; (SA) 9-4 Mon-Fri—Julia St. Paul Regional School: 268-6506 — Sr. Stephen Gerard, O.P. Sunday Masses Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:30 pm—both churches Spanish Mass: 7:15 pm on 2nd Sat./month (SP) Sunday: St. Paul—8 & 10 am, 12:00 & 6:00 pm; St. Ann—7:30, 9:00, 11:30 am & 5:30 pm Weekday Masses Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 9 am (SP); 7:30 am & 12:10 pm (SA) Saturday: 7:30 am (SP) & 9:00 am—both Morning Prayer: Weekday mornings 8:45 am SP Rosary: Following Weekday Mass St Paul’s Holy Days: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm; 6:30 & 9 am; 12 & 7:30 pm Confessions: Saturdays: 4:30—5:15 pm Anytime by request. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 1:45 pm, in the Church. Parents are asked to register their child for the Baptism at least two weeks before the intended date. Instructional classes are on the last Thursday of the month, in the Rectory. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged couples should contact the Rectory at least six months in advance in order to arrange for their participation in the marriage preparation program. Anointing of the Sick If someone is homebound or in the hospital, please notify the Rectory. Arrangements can be made for the sick person to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Holy Communion is brought to the homebound by our Ministers of Holy Communion. The mission of St. Paul St Ann Parish is to build Community around the Eucharist and proclaim Jesus’ Gospel of Life and Love, through participation in liturgy, education and service. August 9, 2015 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 9, 2015 St. PAUL Church St. ANN Church Saturday 5:30 PM Saturday Rick Torres 5:30 PM Sunday Mary Cornetta Sunday 8:00 AM Alfred Leteria 3rd Anniv 7:30 AM For the People 10:00 AM James Fitzgerald 9:00 AM Enrico Zoccoli (A) 12:00 PM Walter & Mary Holmes 11:30 AM Joseph Corbett 6:00 PM Elaine Notaro 5:30 PM Mary Pietrantonio Monday Monday 6:30 AM Harold Clyde 7:30 AM Christine Pamphile (Living) 9:00 AM Rosemary Brady Urban 12:10 PM The Hohenberger Family Tuesday Tuesday 6:30 AM Festa Family 7:30 AM Maria Teresa Rechani & Diana Ramirez 9:00 AM Guido Falsetti 12:10 PM Stefan Connelly Wednesday Wednesday 6:30 AM Emma Marie Heaney 7:30 AM Ashley Lagrenade (Living) 9:00 AM Vittorina Zanella 12:10 PM Carl Nau ( Living) Thursday Thursday 6:30 AM Elyn O’Connell 7:30 AM Robert E. Farrelly 9:00 AM Brian Hanrahan 1st Anniv 12:10 PM Kevin Russell Friday Friday 6:30 AM Edwin Beck 8th Anniv 7:30 AM John F. Pullen 9:00 AM Tim McLoughlin 10th Ann 12:10 PM John Franco Saturday Saturday 7:30 AM Margaret Tham 9:00 AM McCabe, Egan & Nevin Families 9:00 AM Bernard L. Hines, Jr. 5:30 PM Josephine & Joseph Vidovich 5:30 PM Melissa Doresca ( Living) Sunday 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday 8:00 AM Ryan & Burns Families 7:30 AM Angelina Raso 10:00 AM Margaret Tham 9:00 AM For the People 12:00 PM Alan Gracia 11:30 AM Assunta Cecere, William Thomas & William James Shordone 6:00 PM Sally A. Brady 5:30 PM Carmine Baviello ——————————————————–— ——————————————————–— SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK IS FOR INSURANCE SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK IS FOR MAINTENANCE 2 #438 PARISH FUN DAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP DEVOTIONS Wednesday Noon Adoration 6:45 PM Benediction 7:00 PM Novena Friday aft. 9AM Mass Divine Mercy Daily after 9:00 AM Mass/Rosary Anyone who has attended a Parish Fun Day can appreciate how many good people are needed to assume responsibility, at some level, for planning, preparation, and operation of this day long event. If you or your organization, society or group volunteered your time and talent in past years, and are willingly to contributed to this years event please help again. We are also in great need of new volunteers and new groups. We also welcome new ideas! We are an equal opportunity employer ( women, men, boys & girls ). No experience necessary. All you need is a love of our parish and the desire to help our parishioners and their families and friends enjoy a “ FUN DAY“ . Again, please contact the office if interested at 2684464. follows ——————————————————— (SP)SANCTUARY LAMP This week the St. Paul Sanctuary Lamp is available (SA)TABERNACLE CANDLES Frank & Della Toto (Church) Dominick Mormile (Chapel) —————————————————————— SUMMER VACATION MONTHS BANNS OF MARRIAGE III II II I Many thanks for making up for those weekly contributions which may have been missed because of vacations. Your goodness is greatly appreciated. Megan Campbell & Matthew Gullo Melanie Howat & Justin Henze Janice Garingo & Jonathan Taylor Gina Guerra & Joseph Cotone + FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION + IS NOT A HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION THIS YEAR BECAUSE IT IS ON SATURDAY FOOD CUPBOARD Volunteers are needed to assist in the unloading of the food truck. This is done on the first Wednesday of the month during the day. Your help would be appreciated. Please contact the Parish office at 268-4464. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE As part of their celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill invite women high school age and older to join the Sisters for an afternoon of prayer and reflection on September 13, 2015. The theme will be: “In the Stillness You Will Know.” The afternoon includes Mass and will take place at Dominican Convent in Sparkill, beginning at 1:00 PM and concluding at 5:00 PM. Please come and share this time with us. (Moms, this might be a perfect experience to share with your daughter!) To register, call Sr. Maureen at 845-359-4207. To learn more about the Sisters, visit or their Facebook page: SparkillDominicans WEEKLY UPCOMING EVENTS MONDAY August 10th: Prayer Group - 7:30 pm in the school; K of C meetings at 7:30 pm sharp on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of month. TUESDAY August 11th: AA 5:30 to 9:30 pm meeting room school. WEDNESDAY August 12th: Adoration noon in church; Benediction in church at 6:45 pm & Novena 7pm in the Church. THURSDAY August 13th: Shawl Making in the Parish Center 10am. FRIDAY August 14th: Making Rosaries Conference Center at 7pm.. SATURDAY August 15th: AA Meeting - 6:30 pm & 8pm classroom; Spanish Prayer Group Mass 7:15pm in the Church on 2nd Sat. of the month. SUNDAY August 16th: AA Meeting—5pm (cap rm.); NA Meeting—7:30pm; Second Collection is for Insurance; Line Dancing every other Sunday starting at 2:30pm in the Parish Center. ———————————————————————- WEEKLY COLLECTION EVERYONE MUST GIVE ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS INWARDLY DECIDED; NOT SADLY, NOT GRUDGINGLY, FOR GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. St. Paul COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY, August 5, 2014 was: $8,631.00 COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY, August 2, 2015 was: COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY August 2, 2015 was: St. Ann $5,434.00 300 Club The winner is # J. Dosch Friere 3 #438 CATHOLIC NEW YORK NEWSPAPER CRISIS PREGNANCY RESOURCE NUMBERS If you would like to have the Catholic New York Newspaper delivered too your door, please contact the Parish Office (268-4464). Free subscription. Keep up with what’s happening in our church around the world and locally. Call and sign up today. ___________________________________________ Birthright --------------------623-9098 Good Counsel Home-----356-0517 (Spring Valley) Rockland Pregnancy Counseling Center---352-6108 Rachel Ministry---492-6709 (Post Abortion Healing) All information strictly confidential. SACRAMENTAL SPONSOR LETTERS PRAYER FOR THE SICK We pray that the sick of our parish, our relatives and friends, will experience God’s healing love, especially Stephanie Scalisi, Elaine Wylie, Dan Cella, John Griffin, Devin Dineen, Peggy Byelick, Betty Totero, Eileen Gerz, Carol Butler, Frances Cooney, Jessica Guzman, Michael Doria, Adrianna Gutierrez, Michelle Powell, Maria DeMaio, Emily Kryger, Deidre Sullivan-Beirne, Christine Adams, Mike Weber, Michelle Benson, Edward Reynolds, Deacon Hopkins, Jim Dixon, Brian Mullen, Marie Fleming, Angela Rush, Patricia Widmaer, Phyllis O’Brien, Daniel Alicea, Dorothy Cooney, Tyler Joseph Gaudio, Jeff Nepola, Gary Baisely, Thomas Swift, Msgr. Patrick McCabe, Jessica Vergara, Marie Kennedy, Linda Polen, Kevin McCormack, William & Bridie Van Slyck, Mary Dwyer, Valentina Santos, Carole Bailey, Joan Will, Patricia Iannucelli, Neal Sullivan, Daniella Laquidara, Angelina Perrenoib, John Griffin, Charles Westwater, Joanie Buto, Joseph Depoto & Joshua Kanterman. When considering someone for the privilege as well as responsibility of serving as a sponsor for your child’s baptism or confirmation, please consider the following: * If married, was the sponsor candidate married in the Catholic Church? * Is the sponsor candidate at least 14 years old? * Has the sponsor candidate received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation in the catholic Church? * Can the sponsor candidate attest that he/she attends Mass regularity on Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation? ____________________________________________ LATIN AMERICA Your generosity to the Collection for the Church in Latin America is invaluable to the future of the Church in these regions. Your donations will help support catechesis, youth ministry programs, religious and lay leaders. Please support this special collection. ___________________________________________ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PLEDGE Why not make it your own? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it Stands, One Nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all...Born and Unborn…. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY WEDNESDAY “Can you not spend even one hour with Me?” THE KNIGHTS OF THE EUCHARIST EXPOSITION “Attention, single Catholic men 18-30 years: The Knights of the Holy Eucharist, a community of lay brothers faithful to Holy Mother Church and dedicated to fostering reverent devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, invite you to discern your Vocation at their House of Formation, located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more at" At noon, the Blessed Sacrament is place in the glass window of the monstrance for public viewing on our altar. BENEDICTION At 6:45pm, Adoration concludes with some special prayers and benediction. ____________________________________ Please try your best to stop by our church for a visit during the day. Jesus invites you to spend some quality time with Him. NATIVITY SET Anyone wishing to make a donation toward the pieces left. There are envelopes in the back of Church to make a donation . Drop off at Parish Office or in Collection basket. Thank you. ____________________________________ Vendors Wanted Vendors selling Unique Merchandise Wanted for our Annual Catholic Daughters Christmas Boutique. Held at our own Parish Center, Congers, on Sat. Dec. 5 from 10am to 3pm Please contact Cathy at 845-7215784. SUMMER VACATION MONTHS Many thanks for making up for those weekly contributions which may have been missed because of vacations. Your goodness is greatly appreciated. 4 #438 FATHER VLADIMIR’s HOMILY—Our Mission of Joy This August, is certainly a time for new beginnings. We begin together, bringing the best we all have to offer, building a new parish together. The best we have to offer, of course, is Jesus Christ. He is as alive and well in the parish of St. Paul and St. Ann as He ever was. Let’s let Him lead us at this new start together in gratitude. I know this is a time of sadness, too, for many of us. We are all leaving things behind. We are also bringing things together. We are coming together. We are uniting, in communion. We have the opportunity to share our experiences and talents, wisdom and love. This communion is a communion that is meant to mirror and participate in the life of the Trinity. Our Holy Father Pope Francis has said, “Our mission is to live in communion with God and with each other.” Speaking on Trinity Sunday this spring, he said, “We are not called to live without the other, above or against the other, but with the other, for the other and in the other.” This means welcoming and bearing witness to the beauty of the Gospel; loving each other, sharing joy and suffering, learning how to forgive. We have done this in our separate communities. Now, in the heart of the universal church, we come together, to help one another get to Heaven. This is the community we live for and in. This is what we make known, together, as we bring our past and present to one another in charity, moving toward a fruitful future. When one walks into St. Ann’s or St. Paul’s, one notices similarities. Both churches have a St. Ann statue. Both remember St. Paul as well. Our blessed Mother is prominent, as is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in both church buildings. There are holy men and women throughout both, reminding us that we are far from alone, that just as the Trinity overwhelms each one of us with love, a cloud of witnesses intercedes for us in our trials. They help us with our hope and faith and love in Christ and the Spirit. They help us to see ourselves and others as God the Father sees us. I know it’s easy to notice the differences, especially when our lives – and important milestones— have revolved around our beloved parish, centered in and around a church building. But a parish is so much more than that. And here is where our heart is, the heart of the new parish of St. Paul and St. Ann: The living God. The center of our parish is He Who lives with us, and in us, who strengthens us. I was meditating the other day on the stained glass window of St. Patrick in St. Ann’s church. He holds in his hand a cathedral. He is the patron saint of this Archdiocese, and so, spiritually holds each one of us, and in a very special way this new parish we are beginning together in his arms. In his arms, too, are we, the priests of the New York Oratory of St. Philip Neri whom the Archdiocese has chosen to care for this new parish. As you may know, we are largely priests from Slovakia who have been living in community here at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart [Tappan]. We were welcomed by the late Cardinal Egan into the Archdiocese here and have been embraced by Cardinal Dolan. St. Philip Neri was filled with the joy of knowing Jesus Christ, and brought that joy and the clarity of the light of faith to a troubled Rome - five centuries ago. He lived in gratitude. He saw all as grace. Let’s try together to do the same. Let’s pray to him together for help. We just celebrated St. Philip’s 500th birthday. And during Mass here in Rockland just two weeks ago, Bishop Halko from my homeland observed that the same Holy Spirit who called St. Philip to service in Christ’s name is quite active here in Rockland County. I do believe Jesus brought us here to be together. I do not believe it was a coincidence that our doorway into care for so many souls in Rockland County was a parish entrusted to Our Lady in the love of her Son’s heart. This is where we all live together. This is our doorway into the life of the Trinity – the heart of the Son of our Blessed Mother; the mother God has given each one of us for our spiritual care - that Immaculate daughter of St. Ann. Not only do you and I begin this new parish life together, but we do so with a wider community, a bigger family. This is what Pope Francis is talking about when he talks about our need to be more of a community, more of a family. It is not just St. Ann’s people and St. Paul’s people. We are the people of God and will live and love together more. Our community of St Philip Neri will be YOUR community too, and you will see some of Oratorians celebrating Mass here and ministering to and collaborating with you. This is a gift of rebirth – Baptized in the Body of Christ we will get to know one another and our needs better. We will follow the Spirit where He leads us. Isn’t that what we see Pope Francis do? So, may we always remember to ask St. Ann and St. Paul to pray for us as we go about our mission of joy. ST. PAUL’S PREP ST. ANN SCHOOL OF RELIGION Please remember to register your children for next year’s PREP. Classes are filling up and specific days and times are on a first-come basis. Please contact our CRE Mariana Dalsass at the PREP Office at their direct number: 268-5442. We are planning for the 2015-2016 Religious Education school year. If you have a child going into First Grade, or if you are a new parishioner and are signing your child up for the first time, please call and make an appointment with Julie LePore. She can be reached at 845-358-3758. Returning Students: a registration form has been emailed to all families. Please fill out your form as soon as possible and return it to the Religious Education Office with payment. The First Day of Classes are on: Wednesday, September 16th and Sunday, September 20th. Ms. LePore will be available though out the month of August and will be available after morning Masses on Sunday. ST. ANN’S MASS BOOK Opens for the month of September…Please call St. Ann’s Rectory at 358-4707—or stop by the Office. [email protected] Please, use to ask the Pastor or the Pastoral Team any questions regarding the transition! 5 #438 If you are serious about selling your home, Why would you want to call anyone other than Cody or Frank? Cody C. VanCampen Frank Mancione (845) 558-5864 [email protected] (914) 953-0494 [email protected] 69 LAKE RD. CONGERS, NY EXTERIORS A Division of Tucek & Son Free Estimates • Fully Licensed & Insured 845-268-4817 “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! ✓ Residential Roofing ✓ Vinyl Siding ✓ Aluminum Trim Work ✓ Cedar & Hardi-Plank ✓ Window & Door Replacement ✓ Seamless Gutters & Leaders ✓ Repairs of All Types ✓ Garage Door Installations INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE TAX PREPARATION 251 WEST NYACK ROAD WEST NYACK, NY 845-623-8555 KOBLIN ‘S Breakfast & Lunch 96 Main Street, Nyack Congers Colonial Plaza 267-2656 285 Route 303 Fax: 267-2532 358-0688 PHARMACY 845.708.0700 OPEN 7 DAYS FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Nino & Rosa 35 Years Join today and get 30 days FREE BASED ON 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP Catering For All Occasions Gift Certificates Gluten Free Pizza & Pasta Gelato RESTAURANT -KING OF PIZZA- FREE ESTIMATES Mitch Taylor • Lic # 07872-18 845-268-4112 TURIELLO’S ITALIAN PIZZERIA & $ AFFORDABLE ROOFING $ COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL GAF-ELK CERTIFIED * EXPERT WORKMANSHIP SHINGLE ROOFING • FLAT ROOFING • RUBBER • BRAI SEAMLESS GUTTERS & LEADERS • CLEANING/MAINTENANCE SOFFIT INSTALLATION/REPAIRS • CHIMNEY FLASHING ROOF REPAIRS - ALL TYPES • SNOW & ICE REMOVAL TOM (845) 268-8269 Licensed • Bond • Insured • Fully Supervised Lic# H-8667 ROY H. ERIKSEN, MD, PC AZFAR K. CHAK, MD GERALD A. ANCHETA, MD AHMADUR RAHMAN, MD PIZZA • PASTA • CHICKEN • VEAL • SEAFOOD • HOT & COLD SUBS 311 North Midland Avenue • Suite #2 • Upper Nyack, NY 10960 OPEN 7 DAYS (845) 358-5440 FREE DELIVERY 76 Main Street (Corner of Broadway) • Nyack, NY 10960 Sandra Sadler Pediatrics PAINT. DRINK. HAVE FUN. The Best Wine and Painting Party in the Suburbs! LAWN MAINTENANCE • LANDSCAPING • FENCES PAVER PATIOS • PAVER WALKWAYS • RETAINING WALLS Fax: 845-267-4898 P ROFENNA AND D E B ELLIS CPA S PC 1-855-488-2149 69 S. Main Street, New City, NY 10956 Curves New City New York LANDSCAPING (845) 268-0914 • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care enrollment fee applies (Expires 5/31/15) R&M Su Doctora Latina Primera Visita Gratis Sin Obligaciones 26 New Main St., Haverstraw, NY 10927 845-786-0000 • Fax 866-520-3592 Office Hours by Appointment 845-358-5006 DONALD P. DIETRICH Allstate Insurance Company Dr. Sandra Fefer-Sadler, MD 240 N. Main Street Nyack, NY 10960-2440 353-2244 Girl’s Night Out • Date Night Children & Adult Birthday Parties Bachelorette & Private Holiday Parties Anniversary & Holiday Parties Corporate Team Building Event * No art experience required * 412 Market St., Nanuet, NY 845-623-8300 Beautifully Maintained in a “Park Like” Setting TRAVIS MONUMENTS Est. 1899 Specialists in Mausoleums & Monuments Expert Service, Cleaning & Repair 5 Generations of Expertise Quality Monuments for All Cemeteries, Nationwide. 866-6-TRAVIS Catholic Cemetery in The Archdiocese of N.Y. Pre-Need In-Ground Burial Space • Double Depth Graves Mausoleum Crypts Space~Single, Double or Triple Crypts Holy Family Garden Columbarium for Cremated Remains 650 SADDLE RIVER ROAD • AIRMONT, NY 845-352-7220 FREE Batteries • Crystals Large Selection Of Quality Straps Vintage Watches Repaired, Standard Watch Restored, Bought & Sold Battery 159 S. Main St., New City Watch Cleaning & Refinishing No Purchase Necessary (Parking In The Rear) limit one per customer • w/ coupon Watch Display Boxes exp. 9/5/15 • not combinable 845-709-6461 Travel Cases • Watch Winders Excludes Premium Watches All Repair Done On Premises Accessories • Gifts 438 St. Paul, Congers (3rd) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • JOSEPH W. SORCE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Family Owned & Operated for over 30 years Our Family Serving Your Family FUNERAL DIRECTORS: DIRECTORS: Joseph W. Sorce, Marlene A. Sorce, John A. DeNicola Jr., Melissa A. Sorce-DeNicola, Joseph P. Sorce 728 West Nyack Road, West Nyack, NY • • 845-358-4433 Congers 845/268/9752 MARIAN SHRINE Designers and Wine & Liquor BOOKSTORE Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry 174 Filors Lane Stony Point, NY 10980 845-947-2200 ext 7 73 LAKE ROAD CONGERS, NY BETTER Medicaid is a must Insurance Accepted Fidelis • Centerligh • Wellcare Elant • VNS • Centers • Private Pay MEDICAID IS NECESSARY Gary & Louise Colonna Parishioners NYACK MANOR Family Restaurant & Pizzeria Specializing in Authentic Old Fashioned Italian Favorites Gourmet Style Pizza & Calzones 482 Kings Highway, Valley Cottage, NY Catering Available for All Occasions 268-5291 Providing a social adult daycare to the elderly that will help keep each individual active within his/her community through a friendly environment. 47 Lake Road Congers, NY 845-268-6100 (Specializing in Short Term Rehab & Long Term Care) 476 Christian Herald Road Valley Cottage, NY 10989 845-268-6861 Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-3pm DAYS Nursing ADULT DAYCARE Personalized Health Care Service Hair Care • Manicure and Pedicure Hot Breakfast & Lunch Door to Door Transportation 130 NORTH MAIN STREET NEW CITY, NY 10956 845.499.2165 Activities Yoga • Arts • Music Bingo • Zumba Trivia • Word Games Karaoke • Trips DANCEWORKS (845) 877-7333 Energized Electric, Inc. SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES FENCING CHAIN LINK WOOD GUIDE RAIL LICENSED & FULLY INSURED 845-268-2300 Tom Fredeman, Jr. ~ Parish Member Residential • Commercial WHOLESALE • RETAIL 845.358.0118 95 W. Nyack Way • W. Nyack, NY ROCKLAND COUNTY BODY INC. DIRECT REPAIR SHOP FOR MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANIES • • • Insurance Estimates • • • Children Our Specialty Mommy & Me, Creative Dance, Ballet, Tap, & Hip-Hop Adult Ballet Workout 268-4669 845-429-4747 157 Route 9W (Between Gurnee & Westside Ave., Haverstraw) 69 Lake Road, Congers The place for all your landscape and hard-scape needs 15 Horseshoe Dr., New City NY 10956 • 845-638-0208 • Fax 845-639-1626 Pat Maddamma • Email: [email protected] • Web Site: HANNEMANN FUNERAL HOME, INC. Lic.#H-11750-A6-00-00 Keith R. Taylor Brian J. Knecht 88 South Broadway, Nyack, New York 10960 Shaun M. Cassidy Independently Owned & Operated • 358-0573 ~ Parishioners of Saint Ann’s ~ • residential • commercial • industrial • OGO We Provide Containers for ACUPUNCTURE Cardboard & Paper Recycling Daily • Weekly • Monthly Service Available P.O. Box 495, Valley Cottage, NY 10989 Tel: 845-268-5747 • Fax 845-268-0352 217 Rt 303 Valley Cottage, NY relief of pain, stress, anxiety and much more 614 Corporate Way Valley Cottage, NY 10989 “Not Your Typical Thrift Store!” Clean & Organized Clothing, Home Goods, Furniture, etc. 845-267-4800 845.893.2747 insurance accepted based on plan SHOP • DONATE • VOLUNTEER 580 Route 303 South $50 OFF (bring ad to receive discount) 50% OFF (bring ad to receive discount) select smartphones accessories 438 St. Paul, Congers (inside) Leona Ogo Devin, LAc (West Shore Plaza) Blauvelt NY • (845) 848-2073 West Haverstraw 32-38 Route 9W S. West Haverstraw, NY 10993 (845) 271-4855 Mention This Ad For A Discount Va l e n t i n e Electric Inc. (845) 398-1339 NEW YORK CITY ROCKLAND • NEW JERSEY WESTCHESTER, CT, VERMONT Your Wireless Premium Wireless Retailer Offers are exclusive to Your Wireless Inc. West Haverstraw location 374 Greenbush Road. Blauvelt, NY 10913 Licensed & Insured John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • MICHAEL J. HIGGINS Respect. Joseph P. Damonti, General Manager Michael A. Wicks, Manager Value. Monica Damonti, Funeral Director Richard Romangnoli, Funeral Director Simplicity. Leanna Wegielski, Funeral Director Gerard Macri, Funeral Director 100% Service Guarantee™ • 24 Hour Compassion HelplineSM • Prearranged Service (Nationally Transferable) FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. GREG’S AUTO BODY Quality Auto Body Work • FREE ESTIMATES • 268-7656 160 N. Rt. 9W • Congers Greg Zurla art lessons for kids graphic design portraits Licensed & Insured • Commercial & Residential • References & Financing Available Established 1993 Authentic Salumeria Italian Deli & Catering 268-6088 FREE s Estimate 69 Lake Rd., Congers (845) 267-4143 Full Grounds Maintenance Programs • Snow Plowing Landscape Design & Installation • Tree Removal Stump Grinding & Removal • Firewood • Drainage Fence Installation • Walkways & Patios Decorative Stone & Paver Walls • Water Features Auto Body & Collision Inc. Frank Zaccaro ~ Owner • 191 North Route 9W, Congers, NY • Licensed & Insured 268-1790 GLASS SPECIALISTS • WE WORK WITH ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES FRAME STRAIGHTENING • CAR RENTAL AVAILABLE ANTONIO F. REDA ATTORNEY AT LAW 845.708.2988 Estate Planning & Administration • Wills & Trusts Tax • Real Estate • Corporate Lic. Real Estate Salesperson 845-709-3633 217 Route 303 Valley Cottage, NY 1 Lake Road • Congers, NY 10920 • (845) 268-7000 Lawn Care, Tree Care & Landscape Inc. Stella Ambrosio General Dentistry Orthodontics / Endodontics Auto, Home, Business, Life MAJESTIC SELLING • BUYING • RENTING I am just a phone call away for a free consultation Stephen Giordano, D.D.S. Bella Vita (845) 721-9529 • Congers, NY [email protected] New City 786-3500 634-6110 268-6665 Joseph R. Holland, III CLT, Owner Route 9 W., Stony Point 321 S. Main St., New City 113 Lake Road East, Congers FULL SERVICE REALTY Bob Henderson, Owner St. Francis of Assisi, Parishioner 212 S. Main Street New City, NY 845-271-8151 [email protected] 20 South Main St.• New City, NY 10956 Rockland’s Newest Funeral Facility Alphonso E. Brown III, Manager/Funeral Director Aminata A. Brown, Owner/Administrator FUNERAL HOME Traditional Funerals • Affordable Cremations International Shipments • Family Owned and Catholic Operated Pre-planning • Ample Parking (845) 425-1911 • (845) 589-0997 201 N. Rte 9W • Congers, NY 10920 Plots Available Great Locations Starting at $1,350 Call 845-358-0012 [email protected] 140 North Highland Avenue Nyack, NY 10960 BOLZANO FAMILY RESTAURANT DINING ROOM & LAKESIDE DINING 75 North Route 9W • Congers, NY 10920 845-268-9671 Tues-Thurs 11am to 10pm • Fri & Sat 11am to 11pm • Sun 12pm to 10pm Dine In •Take Out • Free Delivery Private Parties For All Occasions 438 St. Paul, Congers (back) Email:[email protected] Knights of Columbus Council 2320 Supports St. Ann’s Church Welcoming Good Catholic Men to Join Meetings 1st Tuesday of every month 8pm at St. Ann’s School KEVIN’S ACE REPAIR 52 Main St. Nyack 845.358.4975 Call Tom Sullivan 845-358-7221 PODIATRIST FAMILY FOOT CARE • DENIS LEBLANG, D.P.M. • Diplomate, American Board of Ambulatory Foot Surgery 285 Route 303 • Congers 845-268-8282 Tolstoy Foundation & Rehabilitation Nursing Center Kevin STOKES Dorothy Corbett, Administrator / Acting CEO Excavating, Inc. •Specialty pipe contractor •Sewer, water, drainage, waterproofing •Sump pump diversions 845-735-4096 Lic.#H-07827-10 100 Lake Road • Valley Cottage New York, 10989 845-268-6813 ex 112 • 845-268-4458 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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