Fr. Jim`s Journal Fr. James McNulty
Fr. Jim`s Journal Fr. James McNulty
MAY 15, 2016 15089 NEWBURGH ROAD LIVONIA, MICHIGAN 48154 (734) 464-1222 / 464-1223 • Fax: (734) 464-7582 Fr. Jim’s Journal Fr. James McNulty HE IS RISE, ALLELUIA! I WANT TO CONGRATULATE ALL OF OUR YOUNG PEOPLE WHO MADE THEIR FIRST COMMUNION LAST SATURDAY AT ST. EDITH! It was a joyful day that you will remember for the rest of your life. It is very important that you come to Mass each weekend and receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Praying together as a community and receiving the Eucharist strengthens us spiritually. We become more like the Jesus that we receive. It helps us spiritually to live a Christian life all week, loving and serving God by loving and serving one another. The following young people made their First Communion last Saturday at St. Edith: Maxwell Altheide Elsa Anderson Svea Anderson Grace Apligian Jake Bogdas Anthony Bono Giselle Burlingame Colin Coole Luca Dipasquo Ella Dziobak Noah Farris Jose Ferreira Aiden Flaherty Julia Grech Layla Grech Noah Habel Annalee Hass Christian Hollow Emma Howes Aubrey Huyghe Derek Isele Abigail Jonca Neha Jose Philip Keenan Isabella Kelly Bryce Klatt Matthew Klimczak Calvin Kopacko Clara Kwiatkowski Isabella Laity Madison Lauer Kendra Lewis Alexander Lipski Sarah Marry Devin Maston Claire Miller Henry Miller Rebecca Miller Emma Mioduszewski Mariam Missaoui Ava Nienus Logan Pajor Sarah Pajor Kaitlyn Paterni Thomas Petit Kylie Pfeifer Nathan Redge Olivia Richmond Mason Russell Joseph Schertzer Luke Serina Clark Smith Avery Socia Tatum Socia Dominic Terenzi Eliana Terenzi Alexander Thibault Brayden Ulfig Benjamin Van Koughnet Autumn Vitkay Kaitlyn Whitney Logan Wissmueller Jack Woods Thomas Wyroba Joseph Yee ALL ST EDITH VOLUNTEERS ARE INVITED TO THE VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DINNER ON SATURDAY MAY 21ST AFTER THE 5:00 MASS. I highly value all of our volunteers. We could not do a fraction of the things we do at St. Edith without all of you. The number of volunteers we have in the Parish continues to grow each year. I am continually amazed by the generosity of our Parishioners with their time and talent. We all have busy lives and they continue to grow busier every day. I am so grateful that so many of you are so selfless when it comes to volunteer activities. It is our committed Parishioners that make St. Edith a great Parish! This is a small attempt on behalf of me and the staff at St. Edith to say thank you to all of our many volunteers. We will have drinks and appetizers at 6:16 and dinner at 7:00. If you plan to attend, please RSVP at the Parish Office. Love and Peace, Fr. Jim Calling All St. Edith Alumni We want to connect with you! Email [email protected] to be added to our communication list. And don't worry - we won't bombard your inbox. You can also "like" us on Facebook, "St. Edith Catholic School Alumni". Gospel of Life Rosary Please join us every Wednesday at 6:15pm in the Chapel to pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Prayers for Life. 2#4+5*/+55+1056#6'/'06 Nourished by the celebration of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, St. Edith parish is called to build a welcoming community of faith and service, Continuing the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. St. Edith Parish MASS INTENTIONS FOR WEEK page 2 For those in need of healing let us pray to the Lord MONDAY, May 16 9:00AM † Michaelina Muscat, Parishioners Family Parishioners Friends of req. by Joe & Angie Muscat Members Eugene Banka Parishioners Celeste Bowman TUESDAY, May 17 Garrett Bazany Frances Amico Bruno Ciavattone Aeliana Bobrowski 9:00AM † George Weible, req. by Grace Weible Joseph Ballard Scott Douglas Michael Bodak WEDNESDAY, May 18 James Boyer Mary Anne Ennis Virginia Carozza Grace Erspamer 9:00AM † Deceased of St. Edith Diane Chybowski Stacy Cromie Donna Eskelinen John Chybowski SATURDAY, May 21 Andrew Daoust Gerald Eskeliinen Bill Forrester Joseph Dressell 5:00PM † Angeline & Stanley Kowal & Sons Ann Lenehan Carolyn Hartgrove Karen Gartrell David Meyers † Betty Helliesen, Catherine Lafferty Fr. Peter Granzotto Eleanor Morris req. by Mary Anne Dressell Cheryl Nagel Nancy Niemenski Jordan Holiday † Joseph Vettraino (9th Anniversary), Elaine Pucher Steven Newton Kimberly Holiday Anthony Salah req. by The Family Mark Humphrey Clark Paull Pat Stanton Johanna McCallion † Norman & Virginia McLean, Chloe Photsios Mike Stepleton Cheryl McEvoy Mark Reznik req. by Their Sons Madge Tell Charles Myers Fred Swider Carol Tervo † Antonio & Giuseppe Moroncelli, Joe Myers Renee Wood Pa Young req. by Graziano Canini Tom O’Meara, Jr. † Vernon Stubbe & Walter Mazur, Hadley Schoenborn Annette Siese req. by The Allie Family Fred Stanton SUNDAY, May 22 Allen Thibault 8:30AM † Antonio & Giuseppe Moroncelli, Emil Winnicker req. by Graziano Canini Ronald Wysocki † Damon Sivick req. by St. Edith Adult Choir 11:00AM † Teresa Orsucci, req. by Vincenzo & Rosaria Campo † Marty Keck, req. by Bob & Colleen † Antonino & Giovanna Chirco, req. by Daughter, Paula Gattis † Antonio & Giuseppe Moroncelli, req. by Graziano Canini Please notify Parish Office (464-1222) when a parishioner enters the hospital. To have the Eucharist brought to anyone homebound, call 464-1222. Please remember † Baby Jasmine Grace Deradourian to contact the Parish Office when a family member/friend no longer needs inclusion & Family, req. by Your Loving Aunts & Uncles on the prayer list. Schedule for Weekend of May 21/22, 2016 Sat. 3:30 Fr. Jim Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM CELEBRANT Fr. Jim Fr. Jim Fr. Jim LECTOR Marie Canzoneri/ Rita Howell John Martin/Linda Bodnar Cindy Wishart/Pat Andersen CANTOR (Monthly Music Calendar is on Web Site.) Bill Harnish/Hand Bells Bill Harnish/Adult Choir Bill Harnish DAY & TIME Reconciliation: ALTAR SERVERS Check Sign-up Genius Check Sign-up Genius Check Sign-up Genius EUCHARISTIC SACRISTAN Dorothy Korzym Marilyn Parko Al Rivard Mike Magoulick (C) Tom Rist Jack McLean Richard McGraw Richard Johnston (C) Adam Mitchell John Winnicker Bill Kushner Darrell Korzym (C) Darrell Nelson Tony Carozza Richard Fullmerhouser Andy Magoulick Jerry Stewart Suzanne Nelson Kathy Tuttle Jeanne Magoulick John Mieczkowski Tony Covitz Stephen Covitz Stephen Szczygielski USHERS Richard Olenzek May they rest in peace. Pray for the souls of: Robert Thurner PENTECOST SUNDAY SCRIPTURE STUDY/DISCUSSION 3:00 – 4:00 PM in the Parish Meeting Room (PMR) Sunday, May 15 John 7:37-39 We use commentaries from the Workbook for Lectors; from The Liturgical Year by Adrian Nocent, OSB; from commentaries on Sunday Scriptures by Fr. Jack Castelot, and others. Facilitator: Celeste Bowman page 3 St. Edith Parish Readings for the Week of May 15, 2016 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/Ez 37:1-14/ Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30/ Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/Rom 8:8-17 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:1516, 23b-26 or Jn 20:19-23 Monday: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-11, 23/Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-11/Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-20/Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12/ Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-3, 8/Mk 10:13-16 Next Sunday: Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-9/ Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Please Keep These Members of the Military In Your Prayers: Brandon M. Chavis Trevor J. Chavis Lucas Drake Nicole Drake Robert Fraser C. J. Gustitus David Gustitus Brian Hada Karolyn Hooper Scott Hooper Ben LeClerc Michael Morrissey Kristen Mudge Allison B. Murray Katherine Murray Damian T. Orslene David Petruska Steven Schenk Dylan Serwatka Michael Taylor Matthew Williams Jeff Willman II Jeremy Yono The following are tentative dates for Anointing of the Sick: June 4 5 PM July 3 8:30 AM Aug 7 11 AM Sept 3 5 PM Oct 2 8:30 AM Nov 6 11 AM Dec 3 5 PM St. Edith welcomed the following families to the St. Edith Parish Community during the month of April: Ralph & Rebcca Adams Harold & Kathleen Beasley John & Mary Chakkalamuriyil & Family David Colley & Family Joseph & Ellen Files &Family Francoise Gaines Jeff & Amanda Kinsvater Erich & Kelly Klostermeyer & Family Marion & Delphine Kujawa Joseph & & Angela Michalsen & Family Todd Miner & Family Patricia Owen Donald & Kathryn Ray James & Emma Scholten Kyle & Samantha Smart & Family John Smith Eugene & Denise Smoter Fedor & Veronica Stepkova Allen & Martha Stortz Welcome! our visitors. We are happy to have you join us today for worship. If you wish to join our parish, please stop by the Parish Office or complete the form on our Parish web site, OUR OFFERINGS Blood Pressure Screening The parish nurses will be screening blood pressures in the parish hall on ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕ DĂLJ ϮϮ, after the ϭϭĂŵ Mass. A dietitian will also be available to address any dietary questions or concerns. Weekend of April 30/May 1 WEEKLY FISCAL YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED $20,169 $749,454 BUDGETED AMOUNT $15,769 $693,836 DIFFERENCE $ 4,400 $ 55,618 St. Edith Parish page 4 Family Ministries & More! Check out Acquire Y o u t h G r o u p meetings! If you love time with friends, having fun and want to be inspired along the way then Acquire is the place for you. Invite any friends or family of high school age. All are welcome! What a beautiful First Communion, last weekend! Thank-you to EVERYONE who made it a special time! And thank you to all of our parents and catechists who helped our children understand the specialness of receiving Eucharist. If you are interested in, and have not yet ordered a photo, or DVD please contact the Religious Formation Office at (734) 464-2020, or email Religious [email protected]. Don’t Put the First Communion Clothes Away Yet!!! Sunday, May 29th is the Feast of Corpus Christi Celebration! On Sunday, May 29th, the Feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Jim is inviting all of our First Communicants to come to 11 AM Mass to help celebrate this Feast Day! The children are encouraged to wear their Communion attire. We would love the children to process in and sit together! Want to connect with us and know what’s happening? Twitter: follow @EdithsLivoniaYM Visit: www.stedithyouthgroup. org for more information or call Mike @ 248.504.7811 A New Dawn for Widows and Widowers Companionship for those who have lost a spouse To pray, meet, laugh, and have a meal together Call Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 5/18 Wednesday Meeting/ Social Hall; 6:00 pm; catered by Nicole. 5/26 Thursday Dinner/Rocky’s; 5:00 pm; 41127 7 Mile Road west of Haggerty; Call Millie 734-420-3468. 6/7 Tuesday Lunch/Senate Coney Island; 1:00 pm; 29403 Haggerty between 5 & 6 Mile Road; Call Eileen at 248-3449710. 6/22 SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 20th ANNIVERSARY DINNER; “Invite will be mailed.” TRIPS OPEN TO THE PARISH CALL - BARBARA BECHARD, 248-/476-2866 me Parent and Teen Text Blasts: To receive messages via text, text @edithsLT to 81010. You can unsubscribe at anytime by replying, “ u n s u b s c r i b e @edithsLT”.Website: we work hard to keep the website up to date and relevant. Please visit: "A New Dawn" Widows & Widowers Vacation Bible School “Cave Quest!” This year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) starts on Monday, August 1st and runs thru Thursday, August 4th from 9:30 am until noon. Our theme this year is “Cave Quest,” an over the top underground adventure that will ground our children in God’s “Rock Solid” love! This is always a great week for kids and volunteers alike! Each day will be a new experience in a fun and unforgettable way! Register early to be a part of this year’s VBS! Registration forms are at, the Religious Formation, or Parish Offices, or at the Welcoming Desk. Sign up today! Needed! VBS Volunteers Contact [email protected], or (734) 464-2020 if you are interested in helping out at this year’s VBS. It’s a great experience! At a Glance • Graduation Mass, June 12th, 11 am Mass • Sunday, May 29th, Feast of Corpus Christi – all First Communicant’s Celebration 11 am Mass. • Now taking VBS Registrations “Faith formation is more than a subject to be taught, it is an invitation to a way of life!” 5/15 & 9/18 Belle Isle Park & D.I.A, Aquarium & Conservatory, Dossin Great Lakes Museum; $10.00 gift card for lunch at the D.I.A. $47.00 pick up at Costco. 6/23 Playhouse in Ontario; “Sister Act” is a musical comedy that gives the audience a reason to rejoice; Lunch at the Hessenlands Country Inn; Price $103.00; Pick up at Will’s. 6/27 “Detroit Fireworks”; A private room for the day at the Waterfront Hotel; sit down family dinner, 2 drink tickets & live musical entertainment $111.00; pick-up Costco. 7/11 “John Denver” at Soaring Eagle Casino reserved seating; $10.00 Premium Play; $5:00 food; $49:00 pick-up Costco. Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 To report sexual abuse of a minor in the Archdiocese of Detroit involving Catholic clergy or church personnel contact: Ms. Margaret Huggard Victim Assistance Coordinator Phone: (866) 343-8055 or write the Archbishop's Delegate (please mark envelope confidential) Rev. Msgr. G. Michael Bugarin Archdiocese of Detroit 1234 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48226 page 5 St. Edith Catholic Preschool for 4 year-olds Open House St. Edith Catholic Preschool for 4 year-olds has our first Open House on Thursday, May 19, 6:00 - 7:00 PM. All interested families are invited to attend. Come meet our Preschool Teacher, Mrs. Carrie Yessler. We are accepting registration for 4 year olds by September 1, 2016. Registration is $125. Our Preschool schedule is Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 - 11:00 AM starting September 7 to May 24, 2017. Cost is $140 per month. You may call Mrs. Wojciechowski at 734-464-1250 or check our website www.stedithschool,com for the registration form. St. Edith Parish Bulletin Deadline The bulletin deadline for the issues of May 29 and June 5 will be Wednesday May 18, 2015 at 9:00 AM. If your article for submission is ready prior to the deadline, feel free to e-mail it to [email protected]. Villa Marie Rummage & Bake Sale June 23, 24, & 25 Villa Marie needs your help! Now is the time to donate any of your unwanted items for our rummage sale. Villa Marie will be collecting items through June 10. Looking for clothing, shoes, appliances, housewares, furniture, games, sporting equipment, books, jewelry, etc. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Cuddington at 734-464-9494 Ext. 123 or [email protected]. GOSPEL OF LIFE MOPS THIS FRIDAY!! Are you a mother of a preschooler or younger? MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is an organization for moms focused on strong support, wellbeing, and friendship, allowing us to be the best version of ourselves possible! Come join us for brunch, a craft, and time to relax with other moms. Childcare provided! St. Edith/St. Colette MOPS meets this Friday from 9:3011:00am at St. Colette's Activity Center, located behind the church. 17600 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48152. We meet the first and third Friday of the month! Please contact [email protected] for any questions. Every Life is Worth Living from Conception to Natural Death Thank you to everyone that made a donation for the annual Right to Life-Lifespan Mother's Day Flower Sale. Your generous donations are most appreciated! “The Mosaic That Shows Us the Face of God" by Henri Nouwen: "A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself. That is what our life in community is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world. Nobody can say: "I make God visible." But others who see us together can say: "They make God visible." Community is where humility and glory touch." Respectfully submitted by Sandy Rogala, 734-421-7145. As a valuable volunteer of the St. Edith community, the Pastoral Staff invites you and your guest to the annual Volunteer Appreciation Party. Saturday, May 21, 2016 6:15 p.m. appetizers 7 p.m. dinner ~ “cuisine styles for every palate” RSVP to the St. Edith Parish Office by Tuesday, May 17. St. Edith CYO Fall Soccer We are accepting registrations for the fall 2016 St. Edith CYO soccer program. If you are a member of St. Edith, St. Aidan, St. Colette, or St. Kenneth parishes and are entering the 4th thru 8th grades in the fall, you are eligible to play in the St. Edith CYO soccer program. The program is open to both boys and girls. Practices begin in August and the season ends mid-October. Please register on line at We are also offering an intramural soccer program for boys and girls K thru 3rd grades. If interested or you have questions about either program, please contact Ron Wollenweber at 248-444-2256 or email [email protected]. Calling All St. Edith Alumni We want to connect with you! Email [email protected] to be added to our communication list. And don't worry - we won't bombard your inbox. You can also "like" us on Facebook, "St. Edith Catholic School Alumni". St. Edith Parish page 6 Week-at-a-Glance Monday, May 16 9:00 AMPMass (Chapel) 7:00 PM...Youth Group (YR) 7:00 PM...CYO Board Meeting (PL) Tuesday, May 17 9:00 AM...Mass (Chapel) 10:00 AM...Eucharistic Exposition (Chapel) 7:00 PM...Finance Council Meeting (PL) 7:30 PM...In Praise (MR/C) Wednesday, May 18 9:00 AM...Mass (C) 9:30 AM...Mat Makers (A/V) 5:45 PM...Hand Bell Practice (C/MR) 6:00 PM...New Dawn (H) 6:15 PM...Gospel of Life Rosary (Chapel) 7:00 PM...Rediscover Jesus (SL) 7:00 PM...Music Ensemble (C/MR) Thursday, May 19 12:00 PM...Great Adventure Bible Study (PL) 7:00 PM...Great Adventure Bible Study (PL) 7:00 PM...Prayer Group (FR) Friday, May 20 7:30 PM...MOPS Meeting (FR) Saturday, May 21 9:00 AM...Alpha (A/V) 5:00 PM...Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion (C) 5:00 PM...Saturday Night Snacks (A/V) 6:15 PMPAppreciation Party (H) Sunday, May 22 8:30 AM...Coffee & Donuts (H) 11:00 AM...Liturgy of the Word 11:00 AM...Blood Pressure Screening/ Coffee & Donuts (H) 3:00 PM...Scripture Sharing (PL) Meeting Rooms Audio Visual Room Christian Service Library Church Conference Room Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Fireside Room Gathering Area Gym Hall Kitchen Music Room Parish Library Religious Education Office School School Library Stage Teachers’ Lounge Youth Room A/V CSL C CR CHAPEL FR GA G H K MR PL REO Sch SL S TL YR As a valuable volunteer of the St. Edith community, the Pastoral Staff invites you and your guest to the annual Volunteer Appreciation Party. Saturday, May 21, 2016 6:15 p.m. appetizers 7 p.m. dinner ~ “cuisine styles for every palate” RSVP to the St. Edith Parish Office by Tuesday, May 17. FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN Movie and Lunch in Livonia Tuesday, May 23, 2016 Widowed men and women are invited to join us for a pleasant afternoon at the movies followed by lunch and conversation. Meet at approximately 11:00 am at the beautiful Phoenix Theater in Laurel Park Place (6 Mile and Newburgh.) Movie TBD. Immediately following the movie, we will have lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen. RSVP by May 20 to Elaine at 734717-0303. Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our w e b s i t e a t Holy Land Pilgrimage Terra Sancta Pilgrimages, with Franciscan friar Fr. Alex Kratz, will be leading a Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land October 3-17, 2016. This life-changing experience walking in Jesus’ footsteps includes daily Mass and Rosary, biblical readings on site, time for prayer and spiritual guidance, and meeting local Christians. Cost is $4,299 (all expenses included, round trip from Detroit, 3 daily meals, all tips and taxes). $500 deposit due at registration. Call (313) 7279784 [email protected]. Summer Camp Attention all kids ages 8-14! St Vincent de Paul’s summer camp, Camp Ozanam is looking for kids interested in having fun at summer camp this summer. Camp sessions are week long, and are from July 5th-August 6th. The camp is FREE!!. For more information contact: St Vincent de Paul conference president Gary Malo at 734-968-7301. Spring is a GREAT TIME for reading! Visit the Parish Library. Read about the saints, your faith, and church history. It’s all exciting and waiting for you! Just select a book and sign it out. Submitted by Jim Vick. The current flag flying outside the school was donated by a parishioner in memory of a deceased loved one who served in the military. If you have a flag that you would like to donate, please drop it off at the Parish Office. Please include the name of the military veteran, date of service, branch of service, and any other vital information. We would be glad to honor them and their military service. page 7 St. Edith Parish St. Edith Parish page 8 ST. EDITH DIRECTORY 15089 Newburgh Road PARISH Office Phones............................................................(734) 464-1222 / (734) 464-1223 Office Fax ..................................................................(734) 464-7582 E-mail Web Pastor ........................................................................Fr. James McNulty ([email protected]) Deacon/Pastoral Associate........................................Deacon Ric Misiak ([email protected]) Bookkeeper/Office Manager......................................Elaine Johnston ([email protected]) Receptionist/Secretary ..............................................Angela Baumler ([email protected]) ..................................................................................Barbara Kemp ([email protected]) Bulletin Editor/Secretary ............................................Elaine Johnston ([email protected]) Please submit all articles via e-mail no later than Monday at 9:00 AM. Director of Maintenance ............................................Robert Calleja 734-464-1222 R.C.I.A. OFFICE ..........................................(734) 464-1222 ([email protected]) CHRISTIAN SERVICE OFFICE ......(734) 464-1222 Coordinator...........................................................Toni Sheffield ([email protected]) YOUTH MINISTER OFFICE ...............(734) 464-1222 High School Youth Minister ..................................Michael Chamberland Jr. High Youth Ministry..........................................Colleen Misiak WORSHIP OFFICE ...................................(734) 464-1222 Ext. 314 Director of Music Ministries...................................Heather Nofar Shina ([email protected]) GRADE SCHOOL Office Phone................................................................ (734) 464-1250 Principal....................................................................... Georgene Wojciechowski .................................................................................... [email protected] Secretary/Bookkeeper ................................................. Dale Mary Orsucci .................................................... [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office Phone..............................................................(734) 464-2020 ..................................................................................([email protected]) Director of Religious Formation .................................Colleen Misiak ([email protected]) Section Heads ...........................................................Deb Herman/Carrie Yessler Secretary ...................................................................Deb Strautz SUNDAY EUCHARIST ..................................Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m., Sunday 8:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Monday through Wednesday 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ..Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and individual by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ......................Please call the Parish Office to arrange interview and a class for parents. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE ..................Please call the Parish Priest or Deacon SACRAMENT OF THE SICK at least six months in advance. Group Anointing 1st full weekend of Each month or by appointment PARISH REPRESENTATIVES & COMMISSION CHAIRPERSONS Pastoral Council Chairperson ....................................Kevin Prost Pastoral Council Co-chair ......................................... Pastoral Council Secretary ........................................ Parish Finance Council..............................................Ronald Rowe Worship CommissionAAAAAAAAAAAA...AJane DeRoo Christian Service Commission...................................Marlene Dahlin Education Commission..............................................Roberta Clemak Evangelization Commission.......................................Fred Billotto ..................................................................................Sandy Rogala Young Adult ...............................................................Renee Billotto Member-at-Large.......................................................Megan Szczypka Member-at-Large.......................................................Geoffrey Turbiak Member-at-Large.......................................................James DeWitt Member-at-Large.......................................................Mark Tuttle Member-at-Large.......................................................Kevin Prost Members-at-Large .....................................................Katie Van Koughnet Seniors ......................................................................Joseph Bertrand Vicariate Representative ...........................................Suzy Spencer PRAYER LINE (734) 748-1474 (734) 462-1558 (734-464-2497 (734) 525-6508 (734) 420-3008 (734) 716-6603 (734) 421-7145 (313) 310-3095 (734) 674-5896 (248) 477-4629 (734) 522-3559 (734) 748-1474 (734) 261-6482 (734) 422-9940 Grace Weible........................................................(734) 464-1896 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS/GRAND KNIGHT Arthur Spencer .....................................................(734) 422-9940 CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION (CYO) John Szewc Athletic Director ................................(313) 673-4949 Marc Klatt Assistant Athletic Director....................(734) 812-4493 [email protected] NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! We’re happy to have you. Please register by stopping by at the Parish Office as soon as possible. PARISH CREDIT UNION Catholic Vantage Financial Federal Credit Union 734-432-0212 36111 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 ..................................................................................Revised (01/18/2015)) AAA PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER "Hope for Women with Unplanned Pregnancies" 32080 Schoolcraft Livonia, MI 48150 734-425-8060 RACHEL'S VINEYARD "Healing the Pain of Abortion--One Weekend at a Time" 1-877 HOPE 4 ME (1-877-467-3463) Stay connected with St. Edith Online! Website: Facebook: YouTube Channel: St. Edith Teens! There are two great ways to keep connected! Website: Facebook: WORSHIP COMMISSION Worship/Music Director: Heather Nofar Shina 734-464-1222 Chairperson: Joe Rashid Lectors: Linda Bodnar 734-462-1289 Sacristan:Joseph Rashid 248-348-8381 Prayers of the Faithful: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Eucharistic Ministers: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Ushers: Jim Vick 734-855-4773 Altar Servers: Lisa Smerdon 734-432-0055 Coffee / Donuts: Pete Moloney 734-464-2698 Leslie Colbeck 734-853-8107 Liturgical Environment: Jane DeRoo 734-464-2497 Cindy Coleman 734-464-8853 Prayer Group: Geri Soelz 734-464-8906 EDUCATION COMMISSION Religious Formation Director: Colleen Misiak Chairperson: Roberta Clemak 734-420-3008 Religious Education: Colleen Misiak 734-464-1222 Preschool - 8 Vacation Bible School Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sacramental Formation & Preparation: Young Adult Ministry Middle School Ministry Adult Formation Youth Ministry: Mike Chamberland Family Life: Jennifer Butts 734-516-0634 Sunday Scripture Sharing: Celeste Bowman RCIA: Deacon Ric Misiak Parish School K-8/Principal: Georgene Wojciechowski 734-464-1250 Bulletin Editor: Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Ext. 318 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION Chairperson: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 A New Dawn: Ann Lenehan 734-495-0441 Funeral Luncheons: Helen Ickes 734-693-3013 Blood Drive: Rita Howell 248-987-4276 St. Vincent de Paul: Gary Malo 734-522-9966 Meals Ministry: Toni Sheffield Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): Maria Kustra 734-306-0781 A Helping Hand — Skilled Trades: Toni Sheffield Gospel of Life Committee: Sandy Rogala 734-421-7145 Visiting the Homebound/Sick: Deacon Ric Misiak 734-464-1222 Knights of Columbus: Tony Carozza 734-464-3924 Holiday Outreach: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 Parish Nurse: Anne Eggers 734-464-0389 Missions: Deacon Ric Mat Making: Loraine Raniszewski 248-476-1433 Debbie Antosiewicz 734-266-2406 FINANCE COUNCIL Chairperson Ron Rowe 734-462—1558 Bookkeeper/Office Manager Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Maintenance Robert Calleja 743-464-1222 EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION Steve Cooper 248-348-8061 Alpha: Fred Billotto 734-522-0074 ChristLife: Valerie Cyburt 248-478-4737 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Deacon Ric