Where every kid counts.


Where every kid counts.
Mercy Foundation
Spring/Summer 2015
Where every kid counts.
President’s Message
Transitions, choices and changes...oh my!
Our lives are in a constant state of transition from the day we are born
to the day we pass on. But what really matters are the transitions in
between! Life happens, forcing us to leave some things behind in order to
embrace the new. The way we process challenges forces us to make
choices. The irony is when it’s most difficult we more often fear ruin
rather than anticipation of change that will bring fresh promise and a new
beginning. Yet more times than not, the new direction is the right one.
Like people, organizations face much of these same transitions, choices
and changes. Which is why, as we transition at Mercy Foundation, we are
heading in a new direction and are concentrating our efforts on making
healthier choices. Healthier choices for the people and communities we
serve. Choices that will take us down a path that is all about prevention.
While outcomes may live far into the future, we believe this transition
then ever to giving local children the chance to grow up and become
healthy adults. This is why you will see more of our focus and energy on
projects related to oral health, hygiene and nutrition education, child
abuse and neglect, and providing a safe environment for
children to grieve. Our objective is a simple one - to ensure that every
child in our county has an equal playing field and chance to become a
healthy, productive adult.
A Mission of Giving
Mercy Foundation
and this new direction is the right one. We are even more committed
Which is where you come in. Without you, none of this work is possible.
By traveling this road of prevention with us, as our funders and
supporters, you are helping to meet the very real needs our children
have today. Needs that if addressed now, can positively affect their entire
lives. Through your gifts, we are able to inspire hope, drive real change,
and enrich the lives of our Douglas County children. One dental screen,
hygiene lesson and nutrition class at a time!
Thank you for your continuous support. Because of you, we can truly
ensure that every kid will count.
Lisa Platt
Healthy Kids
Dental Program
By The Numbers
Since the program began in 2011:
$1.3 million in services has been provided
at 1/3 the cost
Mercy Foundation wishes
to thank the Following
individuals who
volunteer their tiMe
serving on the
Mercy Foundation
Board oF directors:
Gary Wayman, Chair
Paul Kremser, MD, Vice Chair
Syndi Beavers
John Blodgett, Treasurer
Pete Carhart
Elizabeth Droscher, Secretary
69% reduction in dental related visits to ER
for ages 12 and under
Jerry Duncan
Gary Eads
Cheryl Ford
Reduced dental caries by 53%
Tony Haber
Jeff Johnson
$275 in services are provided at a cost of
$8.53 per student
Average participation from schools is 86%
Dave Leonard
Jerry Moneke
Lt. Det. Patrick Moore
Kelly Morgan
Kathleen Nickel
Shari Notenboom
Lisa Platt
Tammy Rondeau
Christine Seals, MD
David Sutton, DDS
Your Donations
Do Make A Difference
✓ Six lessons on healthy meals and nutrition education along with physical
activity for a family of four
✓ 120 oral hygiene kits including toothpaste, tooth brush, and floss
✓ Six weeks of violence prevention lessons for one classroom of students
✓ A hands-on nutrition lesson for 175 students, complete with food samples
along with take-home materials and parent education
✓ Dental screening, fluoride varnish and sealants for 15 students along with
connections for further care/dental homes
✓ Approximately 150 children’s teeth treated with a preventative dental sealant
✓ Fuel for our school-based dental van for two months
✓ Dental screening, fluoride varnish and sealants for 20 students along with
connections for further care/dental home
✓ Fund an entire school to receive an eight-week series on nutrition/physical
activity education along with parent outreach
✓ Provide an entire rural school with dental clinic screening, fluoride varnish,
sealant, and connections to care
What Local Teachers Are Saying
About the Healthy Kids Outreach
“Students are taking the time to wash their hands”
“Nice to have happy adults presenting fun inspiration to
our children”
“The information is presented in an engaging and
developmentally appropriate way”
“I hear students talking about making healthier choices”
“Instrumental in identifying students that need care and
directing help to schools that have the greatest oral
healthcare needs”
Generous Support From Other Foundations
Helps Mercy Foundation Serve Our Community
Mercy Foundation’s Healthy Kids Dental Program Receives Ford Family Grant of $65,000
Mercy Foundation’s Dental Program was selected by the Ford Family Foundation to receive a $65,000 grant for
two years. The program received $40,000 this year and $25,000 next year. This generous funding will allow for the
dental program to expand and serve more children throughout Douglas County.
The foundation’s Healthy Kids Outreach Program
is an innovative health care delivery model that
reaches children and families in need in Douglas
County through outreach in the schools. HKOP
Health Resource nurses function as health
educators, working alongside school staff to bring
health education on topics such as hygiene,
communicable disease prevention, nutrition and
healthy choices to children grade levels K-12.
Our HKOP van - Thank You, Festival of Trees
Frenzy Contributors!
HKOP nurses also assess children with acute or
ongoing health care needs and assist families with
referrals to health care providers.
Mercy Foundation’s UP2US Now Child Abuse Prevention Coalition Receives $45,000 Grant
From Ford Family Foundation
Mercy Foundation was notified that our violence prevention coalition, UP2USNOW, has been selected to receive
a $45,000, two-year grant, from the Ford Family Foundation!
The grant funding will be used by the UP2USNOW Child Abuse
Prevention Coalition to continue efforts to prevent child abuse
as well as raise awareness about abuse and neglect in Douglas
County. Congratulations to Marion Kotowski, UP2USNow grant
coordinator, and the UP2USNow coalition team for their efforts
to help build a healthier community through prevention. Kudos
also to Katy Rowlands, grant writer, for her assistance and
perseverance with this
In April, Mercy Foundation was awarded the
Community Values Youth award by the Build Our
Kids 40 Developmental Assets Campaign.
Mercy Foundation’s Healthy Kids Dental Program Receives Walmart Grant of $40,000
Mercy Foundation received a $40,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation to support its Healthy Kids Outreach
Program in Douglas County schools. A check presentation took place at Tri City Elementary School in Myrtle Creek.
“We are so excited to receive this generous funding
from Walmart,” states Lisa Platt, Mercy Foundation
president. “It will allow us to provide richer education
around nutrition and violence prevention as well as
enhance our dental preventative services for almost
2,700 students in nine schools.”
The Healthy Kids Outreach Program provides
comprehensive health education - including a focus
on dental health, nutrition and physical education
classes - and connects students and their families
with appropriate community healthcare resources,
when needed. Since 2006, the Mercy Foundation has
served approximately 240,000 students in Douglas
County through the HKOP.
“This grant serves a real need here in Douglas County,” said Madeleine Havener, Walmart vice president and regional general manager. “We want to celebrate the great work of the Mercy Foundation in increasing the health and
wellness programs for our students and access to resources for their families.”
Mercy Foundation’s Healthy Kids Dental Program Receives Oregon Grant Community Fund of
Mercy Foundation received a $50,000 grant from the
Oregon Grant Community Fund to support its Healthy Kids
Outreach Program in Douglas County schools.
Special thanks to the foundation’s dental team of Trina, Emily,
Kim, and Katie for all they do to serve children’s dental health
needs in Douglas County and to Lisa Platt and Katy Rowland
for all of their support with grant writing.
Mercy Foundation’s dental program for kids
also has many supporters and partners who
help provide these needed dental services,
including Advantage Dental, the Tooth Taxi,
and the 16 local dental providers who
generously give of their time to assist local
children who have serious dental issues that
need immediate care. Thank you!
Healthy Kids Dental
Program: Making A Difference:
✺ Providing on-site school-based clinics
- Clinics provide dental screenings, fluoride varnish, sealants, and connections to
care for students with urgent or immediate dental needs.
✺ Delivering Dental Learning Labs for kids in grades K-3, 4-6 and 7-8:
- Our teams provide hands on innovative stations for students to learn about oral
hygiene and care. Promoting oral hygiene skills, lessening anxiety about dental
screenings, and make healthy choices fun.
Delivering Outcomes - Reducing Children’s Visits to Mercy’s Emergency Room For
Urgent Dental Issues:
- Mercy ER has reported seeing a 69% reduction in dental related ER visits for
children ages 12 and under.
Working with Partners We’ve Built a Strong Network of Community Providers
and Supporters:
- Collaboration with the Tooth Taxi has allowed comprehensive care to be delivered
directly to students with urgent needs both in elementary schools in Douglas
County and at a pilot collaboration with one local high school.
- Working together and combining resources has allowed us to reduce our costs
while serving more children. As partners we are able to deliver care to Head Start
students for an average of $3.43 per student and for an average of $8.53 per
student at other schools.
- By networking with sixteen local Douglas County dentists in our community, kids
served by our program have received urgent care and no charge visits, expedited
appointments, and their families have received help with enrollment in ODS
children’s dental programs and so much more.
Advancing Dental Care Statewide for Kids
- Healthy Kids is set to receive a certification (anticipated May 2015) from the
Oregon Health Authority that will allow us to share the success of HKOP Dental
Program with other Oregon Health Authority schools.
Douglas County Shrine Club
Kareema Radford
Karen Jacobs
We gratefully
Karl Hancock Trucking
Karla Roady
acknowledge the
Katie Follmar
donations made
Kristin Hellenthal
between January and
Lisa Platt
December 2014.
Louise Helleck
Mark Vincent
Mary Jane Fitzgerald
Administrative Fund
Maureen and Jim Moriarty
BNY Mellon
Michael and Joy Owens
Roseburg Forest Products
Nancy Anthony
The Benevity Community
O'Toole's Pub
Impact Fund
Pizazz Hairstyling
The Oregon Community
Prints Charming
Foundation - Crane Creek
Family Fund - Jim and Jane
Robert Grant
Robert Zuver
The Oregon Community
Rodney and Jeanne
Foundation - The Dr. John
Wm. and Betty Long Unruh
Roseburg Fire Fighters
Ruth Walden
The Paul and Lory Utz Fund
Scoreboard Tavern
Amar Sai Electrophysiology Fund
Sherm's Thunderbird
American College of
Steven and Toni Triplett
Cardiology Foundation
Ted Glick
Douglas County IPA Inc.
The Kodiak Bar and Grill
Cardiac Rehab Fund
Two Rabbits Cattle Company
Gerry Phelps
Tyrell Allgood
John Benjamin
Virginia and Lewis Howe
Lori Hettman
Wild Rose
Richard Phelps Shaw Heart
Winchester Pub and Grill
Center Patient Rehab Fund
Winston Realty and Insurance
Gift News
Cardiology Equipment Fund
All System's H.V.A.C, Inc.
Candace Cameron
Joann Despain
John and Jean Loosley
The Walden W. and Jean
Young Shaw Foundation
Chapel Fund
Vic and Regina Fresolone
Children’s Healthcare Fund
Allgood Horse Shoeing
Bari Isaacson
BJ Webster
C & M Tavern
Carl Ireland, LLC
Charles and Mary Chasteen
Delia Lester
Dennis and Shannon Archer
Diana Davidson
Donald and Annette
Douglas County Refrigeration
and Ice, Inc.
Employee Relief Fund
Amanda Huntley
Bob Monger
Bonnie Goyen
Carol Busenbark
Deb Boswell
Dorinda and Anthony Miller
Dr. Jason Gray
Evelyn and Keith Klemmer
Genia Blanchard
James and Laura Beans
Jennifer Reasoner
Joanie Vendetti-Axford
Julie and Michael Hall
Julie Pressel
Kimber Nutter
Lauryn Frye
Linda Rice
Lisa Wilson
Memorie Sconce
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center
Paige Fisher
Patricia Kagele
Rhonda Janky
Richard Schneider
Shelly Collins
Suzanne Mellor
Festival of Trees Fund
Abacela Vineyards
Abby's Legendary Pizza
Advantage Professional
Management, LLC
Allyn and Cheryl Ford
American Home Lending, LLC
AmericanWest Bank
Andrea Wallace
Angie Painter
Angie Tustin
Anindor Vineyards
Anita and Kenneth Cox
Architrave Family of Companies
Arnold and Judy Morton
Ashley Stout
Associated Cellars
ATRIO Health Plans
Barbara Dimock
Barbara Hagedorn
Barbara Kanady
bbg Marketing
Becker Vineyard
Becky Bright-Jones
Becky Day
Ben Tatone
Benjamin Byrd
Bernis Wagner
Beth Ellis
Betty Schultz
Betty Tamm
Big O Tires
Big Foot Beverages - Pepsi
Bill and Elin Miller
Bill Deremer
Bill Roth
Bill Schnautz
Bob and Mary Berch
Bob Jewell
Bonnie Leonard
Bonnie Reed
Bonnie Wageman
Booster Juice
Brad Hatley
Bradley Vineyards
Brandborg Vineyard and
Brandi McGuire
Brenda Meyer
Briggs Loosley Foundation
Brooke Communications, Inc
Bruce Family
Bruce Family Properties
Bruce Hanna
Bunnell’s Overhead Door Inc.
C & D Lumber Company
C.W. Lebengood and R.
Theiss, PTR
Carl and Irene Jones
Carmen and Don Wells
Carol Dalu
Carol Ferguson
Carrie Dating
Caryn Hein
Casey and Sandy Wertz
Catholic Health Initiatives
Chad Partington
Char Roma
Charles and Nancy Dana
Charley and Rachel
Charlotte Roma
Chateau NonChalant
Cheryl Wood
Christine Yarbrough
Christy Melvin
Chuck Schnautz
Chuck the Balloon Guy
Cindy and Leon Gilbreath
Cindy Rose
Cinni Giuliany
Circle of Friends
Claudia and Dick Wagner
Collette and Jac Metcalf
Collier Woodworking, LLC
Community Cancer Center
Connie and George Kinman
Cooper Ridge Vineyards
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua
Tribe of Indians
Craig and Kim Ball
Create and Sip Studio
Crystal Unrue
Dan Snyder
Dana Gardin
Darby and Dorena Guido
Darci Blackford
Dave and Kathleen Brink
David and Debbie Gregory
David and Misty Price
Deb Boswell
Debbie Kline
Deborah Asmus
Deborah Parson
Debra Seymour
Delfino Vineyards
Denise Aaron
Denise Jones
Dennis and Charlene Stutes
Dennis and Laila Eberhardt
Diana Brown
Diana Lamar
“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service.
I served and I saw that all service is joy.” ― Kahlil Gibran
Diane and Bob Dunas
Don and Stephanie Ramberg
Don Smith
Donald and Lynne Ralls
Donald and Marylin Patston
Donna and Glenn Mitchell
Donna Boak
Donna Hendrickson
Doris Newey
Douglas County Fairgrounds
Douglas County Forest
Douglas County Senior
Resource Coalition
Douglas Electric CoOperative
Douglas Fir Printing
Dr. Alan Liesinger
Dr. Alanson M. Randol
Dr. Alexis Atchinson
Dr. Angela Jones
Dr. Bob and Ann
Dr. Christine Seals
Dr. David Soder
Dr. Doug and Janet Bitter
Dr. Frances Munkenbeck
Dr. George and Linda
Dr. Howard and Marjorie
Dr. Jay and Sandra Gade
Dr. John Gardin
Dr. Joshua Weese
Dr. Kaylan Weese
Dr. Laurence and Marilyn
Dr. Laurence Putman
Dr. Linda and Jason Sewell
Dr. Luke and Barbara
Dr. Michael Allen
Dr. Randy and Kelly Moore
Dr. Shawn Lemert
Dr. Srividya Venigalla
Dr. Stewart and Sharon
Drs. Paul and Cynthia
Drs. William and Maureen
Dr. Vanessa and David Vu
Duncan & Associates with
D.A. Davidson - Jerry and
Sherry Duncan
Ed and Laura Cox
Eads Enterprises, Inc
Elaine and Mel Cheney
Elaine Peteresen
Eldora Ladd
Elizabeth Droscher
Ellen Brown
Erika Russell
Evelyn and Keith Klemmer
Family Development Center
Family Tree Medical Clinic
Ferne Healy
First Call Resolution, LLC
Fisher's Hearth and Home
Flegel Moving and Storage Casey and Sandy Wertz
Foley Hill Estates
Frances Orr
Fred Meyer
Freed Estate Vineyards
Garey and Terry Kelley
Gary and Tammy Hunt
Gary and Charlotte Wayman
Gary Bronstein
Gary Eads
Gary Jackson
Gene and Patricia Keller
George Velez
Georgia Stiles
Gerald and Sue Colombo
Gillirose Vineyards
Girardet Wine Cellars
Glaser Estate Winery and
GMX International
Corporation - Sharon
Goodlife Brewery
Gordon Wood Insurance and
Financial Services
Great Northern Trailer Works
Greg Bryne
Gretchen Yaeger
Hal and Vicki Westbrook
Hannah Platz
Hanson Jewelers
Harold and Lory Huffman
Harold Phillips
Harvard Medical Park
Heather Voss
Heidi Woodruff - Everyday
Henry Estate Winery
Herbert Lumber Company
Hillcrest Winery and Distillery
Ingram Book
Jackie Bossuet
James A. Graf Trucking
James and Yvonne Wright
James Epley
James Myers
James Oleson
James Wright
Jan Barba Horn
Jane Yurk
Janet Beeby
Janet Doucette
Janice Light
Jannelle Hubbard
Jason Byers
Jay and Sheryl Starr
Jeff and Joni Byers
Jeff Johnson
Jennifer Giuliany
Jennifer Reasoner
Jennifer Sconce
Jerry and Barbara Wagner
Jerry and Sherry Duncan
Jill and Jeremy Fay
Jill Ferguson
Jill Furgerson - Rustic Retouch
Jim Allen Drywall and
Jim and Dotty Stapleton
Jim and Lorraine Fox
Jim Dirkson
Jim Servoss
Jo Lane Band
Jo Lane Choir
Joan Jeppeson
Jody Assmus
Joe and Karen Fiddy
Joey Keeran
John Adams
John and Charlotte Carter
John and Jean Loosley
John and Judy Warmerdam
John and Kim Blodgett
John Roeder
Jordan Zerbach
Joseph and Barbara Beatty
Joyce Ann Perham
Jozef and Helen Kliestik
Judith Linton
Judy Grove
Judy Miller
Julie Risorto
Julie Wright
June Grono
Justin Peterman
Karen Folk
Karen Volk
Karlyn Wagner
Karri Miller
Katherine Ray
Kathleen Nickel
Kathleen Ross
Katie Follmar
Katie Shook
Katy Rowlands
Kayla Smith
Kelly and Dixie Morgan
Kelsey Papp
Ken and Kathy McGinnis
Kenneth and Sherry Kearney
Kim Metcalf
Kim Rachwitz
Kim Swenson
Kinglsey Kelley
KMTR NewsSource 16
Knife River Materials
Knudtson’s Jewelers
La Bella Medique Spa
Larry and Maxine Durst
Laura Lusa
Laurie Cleveland
Lavone and Thomas Bennett
Leap of Faith Dance Studio
Lee and Robin Paterson
Leif Photography
Lendia Weinberg
Leon and Harriet Noel
Lesa and Robin Ray
Linda Broda
Linda Folk
Linda Holcomb
Lisa and Robert Levin
Lisa Platt
Lithia Roseburg Auto Centers
Lone Rock Timber Mngmt Co.
Long's Florist
Lonnie Rainville
Lori Ross
Lydia Ouellette
Lynda Vigue
Lynn Engle
M&M Printing
Makenna Beach Tanning
Mandee Anderson
Marco Fragoso
Mariah Zimmerman
Marian Palm
Marilyn Coxon
Marilyn Doe
Marisa Fink
Mark and Lori Salars
Mark Dwight
Marsha Leaptrott
MarshAnne Landing Winery
Mary and Jim Marshall
Mary Gilbert
Mary Heath
Mary Lee Hope
Mary Waechter
Matt Jackson
Maureen Short
MDU Resources Foundation
Melissa Garza
Melrose Vineyards
“Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”
― P.J. O'Rourke
Mercy Medical Center
Mercy Medical Center Facilities
Mercy Medical Center Food
Michael and Donna Follmar
Michael and Rosemary Brinkley
Michael and Susan Stansbury
Michael and Tammy Rondeau
Michael Broady
Michael Hamrick
Michaela Rickard
Michelle and Mark Lind
Michelle Bossuet
Michelle Lind
Michelle MacKenzie
Michelle Wagner
Mike and Marion Kotowski
Mike Tabor
Misty Oaks Vineyards
Moonlite Winery and Vineyard
Nancy and Jeff Lehrbach
Neal and Cassie Brown
Nelson and Pyle Woodworking
Company, Inc.
Neuner, Davidson and Cooley,
Nicholas and Nancy Thompson
Nora Fenringer
Nordic Veneer, Inc.
Northwest Community Credit
NW Studios
Old 99 Brewing Co.
Oleson Concrete Construction
Oregon Pacific Bank
OSU Extension
PacificSource Health Plans
Package Depot
Parkway Mobility and Supply
Pat Neuner
Patriot Plumbing, LLC
Paul and Mariah Beck
Paul L. Bentley, Architect, AIA PC
Paul O'Brien Winery
Penny Reed
Peter Alsen
Pinnacle Western, Inc
Ray Williams
Raymond and Patricia Dicks
Reach Air Medical Service
Reustle Prayer Rock Vineyards
Rex and Patricia Domaschofsky
Richard and Angela Tustin
Rick and Renee Coen
Rivers Edge Winery
Robert and Beverly Pearson
Robert Parnell
Robert Van Norman
Roland and Margie Theiss
Ronnie Bruce
Rosa Comellas
Roseburg Country Club
Roseburg Family Medicine, PC
Roseburg Forest Products
Roseburg Oncology PC
RPAK, Inc.
Ruth Bielenberg
Sandra and T.J. Brown
Sandra Wright
Sanna and Dan Hern
Sarah Stalie
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scott and Deb Lightcap
Scott and Syndi Beavers
Season Cellars
Selena Madsen
Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Shanna Cooley
Shari and Toby Notenboom
Sharon Goecke
Sharon Lee
Sharon Phillips
Sharon Stanphill
Shawn and Michael Lybarger
Shawn Ramsey-Watson
Sherry Conley
Sherry Cooley
Sherry McLaughlin
Shirley and Ronald Northcraft
Sienna Ridge Estate Winery
Sondra Williams
Spangler Vineyards
Spire Mountain Cellars
Stephanie Giles
Stephen and Gloria Reustle
Stephen and Toni Frack
Stephen Bernard
Steve and Marilyn Barnhart
Steve and Patti Grieb
Steve and Shelley Loosley
Steve Patterson
Steven Olson
Summer and Mychal Fox
Susan and Jeff Eggleston
Sutton Dental Arts, PC
Tamara Johnson
Telecommunications and
Management Services
Teresa Marshall
Terry and Frances Bounds
Terry Bancroft
Tesoaria Vineyard and Winery
The Cellars at Southern Oregon
Wine Institute
The News Review
Theodora and Marvin Hash
Theresa Solem
Thomas and Bonnie Tryon
Tim and Angelia Freeman
Tim Foley
Tim's Treehouse Nursery and
Toby and Christina Luther
Tom and Bille Davidson
Tom and Billie Rose
Tom and Janice Wimberly
Tom and Jo Anne Nelson
Tom and Jo Anne Nelson, D.A.
Tom Boggs
Tonka Excavation, LLC
Tony and Mary Haber
Tonya Theiss-Skrip
Travis Hill
Triple Oak Wine Vault
Tuxedo Warehouse
Two-Shy Brewing
Umpqua Bank
Umpqua Community College
Umpqua Community College
Umpqua Dairy Products Co.
Umpqua Insurance Agency
Umpqua Medical Group
Umpqua Valley Brewers Guild
Umpqua Valley Eye Associates
Umpqua Valley Tennis Center
U-Store Self Storage
Uva and Tami Kummrow
Valerie Knutson
Vernice Paterson
Vicki and Alex Nielson
Victoria Borden
Wildlife Safari
Willamette Dental Group
William and Deborah Asmus
William and Karla Roady
Wm. Lee Willis, D.D.S., I.B.O.
Your Kitchen and Bath, LLC
Zerbach Construction
Healthy Kids Outreach
Program Fund
Barbara Schultz
Betty Young
BJ Webster
C & M Tavern
Carl Ireland LLC
Catholic Health Initiatives
CHI Mission and Ministry
Deanna Mock
Dennis and Shannon Archer
Diana and John Davison
Douglas County Refrigeration
and Ice, Inc.
Douglas County Shrine Club
Gary Coelyn
Gerard and Sandra Gix
Herbert Gottfried
Janet Scott
Jerry and Sherry Duncan
Joseph and Maureen Padilla
Kareema Radford
Karen Jacobs
Karl Hancock Trucking
Katie Follmar
Kristin Hellenthal
Lisa Platt
Marion Kotowski
Mark Vincent
Mary and Robert Berch
Mary Jane Fitzgerald
Michael and Joy Owens
Nancy Anthony
Neva Robinson
Oral Health America
Oregon Community Foundation
- Ben Serafin Fund
Oregon Community Foundation
- Douglas Community Fund
O'Toole's Pub
Pat Neuner
Pizazz Hairstyling
Prints Charming
Rick and Nicki Studebaker
Robert Grant
Robert Zuver
Rodney and Jeanne Sherwood
Ronald and Linda Powell
Roseburg Fire Fighters
Scoreboard Tavern
Sherm's Thunderbird
Steven and Toni Triplett
Ted Glick
The Ford Family Foundation
The Kodiak Bar and Grill
The Oregon Community
Two Rabbits Cattle Company
Tyrell Allgood
Umpqua Gem and Mineral
Club, Inc
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wild Rose
Winchester Pub and Grill
Winston Realty and Insurance
Robert Zuver
“If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift.
It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give — the ability to influence.”
― Shannon L. Alder
Hospice Fund
Alfred and Shirley
Allen and Susan Acree
Barbara Aichele
Barbara Collier
Barbara Hicks
Barbara Thompson
Bernice Hansen
Betty Pinard
Blane and Danette Dye
Britton and Mary Weaver
Buddy and Anita Smith
Carl and Irene Jones
Carol Kube
Carol Olson-King
Carol Vandehei
Catherine Gatto
Cherry Snyder
Chloe McKinnis
Christina Federlein
Cindy and Leon Gilbreath
Cynthiayn Vymislicky
Darlene and Theodore Martch
Darrell and Nancy Engebretson
David and Denise Seibel
David and Lori Ayres
DCIPA - The Physicians of
Douglas County
Debra Rinaker
Dennis and Arden Murphy
Diana Weekly
Diane Plummer
Dicky and Patsy Smith
Donald and J. Susan Bundren
Donald and Joyce West
Dr. Frances Munkenbeck
Edwin Hess
Eleanor Meyer
Elsie Soderberg
Ernest and Shirley Jones
Estate of William Burton
Esther Johnson
Ethel Rose
Gail and Marlene Gerlt
Gary and Judy McCormack
George Ambrosini
George and Kathleen Borynack
Greater Douglas United Way
Greg Garcia
Gregory Kuyper
Helmut Kummrow
Henry and Ilona Frost
Hucrest Community Church
Iris Smith
Jack and Joanne Boardman
Jackie and Audrey Jones
James Rose
Jesse Smith
Joan Osborne
John Couch
Joy Price
Joyce and Patrick O'Day
Joyce Morgan
Judi Hamilton
Judith Roberts
Judy Flory
Kathy Pinard
Kelly and Dixie Morgan
Kevin and Nancy Stephens
Kristy Cross
Laverne Bailey
Lawrence and Eileen Nichols
Lee and Loretta Swanson
Lewis and Beverly Paulson
Linda Lofrano
Lorna Holcomb
Lorraine Horn
Lorraine Warren
Louise Parkin
M. Angela Carter
M. Eileen Nichols
Margaret Gilbert
Marilyn Seehawer
Marjorie Brushe
Marjorie Powell
Marlene and Dennis Michel
Marlene Elstad Trust
Marvin Husen
Mary McMullin
Mary Moonier
Mary Pauletto
Melvin Federlein Fund of
The Oregon Community
Merton and Helen Peterson
Monte and Linda King
Murle McNaughton
Nancy Trueblood
Neil and Cathy Hummel
Nona Ringen
Ola Harris
Pat and Virginia Smith
Pat Neuner
Patrick and Dale Ball
Paula Morton
Perry and Victoria Murray
Phyllis Wilson
Richard Hughes
Richmond and Donnis Cooper
Rick and Betty Duncan
Robert and Gerri Behan
Robert and Mildred Murray
Robert Grant
Robin Johnson
Ronald Beamer
Rose Mary Mongiovi
Roseburg Forest Products
San Francisco Foundation-Melvin
Federline Fund
Sarah Johnson
Sharon Guilland
Shirley Triber
Stephen and Anna Brinkman
Stephen and Barbara Ritchie
Susan Bettis
Thomas and Sharon Goecke
Umpqua Bank Associate Giving
United Methodist Women Roseburg
Verna Mae Sands
Vic and Regina Fresolone
Wilhelm and Helen Wulff
William and Barbara Leary
William and Cora Fummerton
William and Debra Whitcomb
Wilson Family Trust
Yoko Iwata
Jean Hatfield - Zelma Taylor
Memorial Partner Fund
Addcox Heating Center
Allen Acree Construction
Andy Hatfield
Backside Brewing
Bagel Tree
Barb's Flowers/Premiere Tanning
Basco Logging, Inc.
bbg Marketing
Bigfoot Beverages - Pepsi
BJ Webster
Black and Bleu Bistro
BPOE Elks Lodge #326
Brian Anderson
Brian Blackford
Brian's Import Auto LLC
Bunnell's Overhead Door, Inc.
C & M Tavern
C.A. and Donna Douthit
Century 21 - The Neil
Company Real Estate
Cobart Mosaics
Cradar Enterprises, Inc.
D.A. Davidson and Co.
D.C. Sunshine Taxi and Courier,
Daily Grind
Dan and Yvonne O'Neil
Daniel and Sandra Fitzgerald
Dara and Donnie Moore
Dean and Merry Jones
Dean Hatfield
Dogbarrel Brewery and Home
Brew Supply
Don and Susan Acree
Douglas County, Oregon
Drapers Brewing
Elite Taxi and Limo Service
Eugene Beauty Supply
F3B Construction LLC
Floors by Design
Flury Supply
Gene's Brake and Alignment, Inc.
G Team
Geter Done
Hair Affair
Hatfield Family Trust
Herbert Lumber Company
Holiday Inn Express Roseburg
Idle Hour Inc.
J. Anderson McCall
Jeffrey Pugh
Jim Allen Drywall and
Construction, LLC
John and Loretta Stenbeck
John and Nance McKee
Joseph and Maureen Padilla
Kathleen Dusbiber
Kim and Company
Kodiak Bar and Grill
L. Lee Building Co.
Lithia Body and Paint Roseburg
Little Brothers Pub
Loggers Tap House, Inc.
Lonnie Hendrix – Hendrix
Lynn Lowboy
Marlene Braley
McMenamins, Inc.
MD/Partech Computer Services
Mike and Tina Oglesby
Mountain Man Fruit and Nut
Murray Services, Inc.
Mystic Earth
North River Retreat Day Spa
North Umpqua Plumbing, Inc.
Old 99 Brewing Co
O'Toole's Pub
Pizazz Hairstyling
Plouff's Excavating
R & H Masonry Construction
Racheal Schartner
Redbell Plastics, Inc.
Richard and Tracy Grubbs
Richard Rasmussen
Robert and Diana Pierce
Rob Rokenson
Ronald Byers
Roseburg Auto and Truck
Supply, Inc.
Roseburg Donut & Bagel Factory
Roseburg Family Medicine, PC
Roseburg Hydroponics
Roseburg Optimist Club
Roseburg and Sutherlin Napa
“Being innovative in your philanthropy allows you to stride forward in your giving journey; you can marry your mind and 13
heart to turn charity into lasting impact; and you can become more ambitious in your giving.” ― Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
Salud Restaurant and Brewery
Salon Volta
Sawmill Tavern
Seven Feathers Hotel and
Casino Resort
Shawn Jensen Massage Therapy
Sheila Schoen
Silverback Bar and Grill
Southern Oregon Regional
Sunset Tavern
Super 8 Motel
Superior Carpet Cleaning LLC
The Kodiak Bar and Grill
Thomas and Catherine Songster
Two-Shy Brewing
Umpqua Valley Tractor
Virginia Sandahl
West Harvard Furniture
Wild Rose
Winchester Pub and Grill
Windmill Inn of Roseburg
Laboratory Fund
ims Shared Business Services
Jones Microbiology Institute
dba JMI Laboratories
Lance Emmons Musical
Scholarship Partner Fund
Gary and Charlotte Wayman
& Management Services
Linus Oakes
- Administrative Fund
The Paul and Lory Utz Fund
Mercy Express Fund
Albert and Elsie Mosley
Alice Poteet
Ana Tejeda
Anna Smith
Barbara Cummings
Beverly Hawks
Beverly Popp
Carl Matson
Carmen Piccolo
Carol Hanns
Carol Hawkins
Cesar Chavez
Charlie Smith
Cheryl Muir
Christine Lammert
Charles Rose
Daniel Weaver
David Conaway
Debbie Gray
Debbie Peters
Debora Ruiz
Deborah Moreland
Douglas Goodman
Douglas Hubbard
Douglas Teig
Eleanore Whitworth
Eugene Kellum
Eva Carpenter
Felicia Farnese
Georgia Fullerton
Gerald Myer
Gwendolyn Frost
Harold Johns
Harold Cross
Harold Kent
Helen Borigo
Henry Butler
Irmgard Brendel
Jean Laakeri-Miller
Jennifer Karn
Jerilee Johnson
Jesse Valero
Jessica Hickock
JoAnn Hubbell
John Dishman
Joyce Gibson
Juana Guilliams
Kali Thorburn
Karan Whitington
Kelly Ross
Kim Scevers
Larry Ennis
Larry Wait
Laverne Maxam
Lawrence Hawelu
Lela Johnson
Leslie Kress
Lewis and Beverly Paulson
Lila Baptista
Linda Taylor
Loghry Family Rev Trust
Lois Asher
Lynn Scheffer
Margaret Kehrwecker
Marilyn Drew
Marjorie Blake
Megan Mitchell
Merle O’hearn
Michael Zimmerman
Mike McCuen
Mildred Wallace
Nedra Moe
Norma Underwood
Opal Budd
Pat Aldous
Pat Oliver
Patricia Lauritzen
Patricia Swedberg
Patsy Ashburn
Pauline Shea
Penny Babcock
Priscilla Edwards
Richard Bahn
Richard Hedrick
Richard Zerbe
Rick Duerfeldt
Robert Scarborough
Roger Huff
Sharon Loomis
Shirley Dovel
Susan Epstein
Susanna Brown
Suzanne Madison
Tamara Nielsen
Terrance Hughes
Terri Carlisle
Theresa Dunning
Trina Byrd
Ursula Kosling
Velma Fromong
Victor Gregory
Vincent Portulano
Virginia Teagle
Wiladean Tapley
William Redmond
Molly McGinnis Memorial Fund
Donnell Schwarz
Mitchell and Tammi Wade
Patti LaFreniere and Robert
Reustle Prayer Rock Vineyard
Rob and Renee Cunningham
Munkenbeck Cardiology Fund
EPreward, Inc.
Medical Materials, Inc.
Sarah Beavers Partner Fund
Benjamin Kenfield
Douglas Electric Co-Operative
Gary and Terri Severson
International Assoc. of
Firefighters L1110
Leta Upton
Tim and Annette Rummel
TLC - The Learning Child
Arnold and Judy Morton
Barbara and Jonathan Clark
Barbara Kanady
Bari Isaacson
Barry Whitworth
Bernice Hansen
Betty Lashier
BJ Webster
C & M Tavern
Carl Ireland LLC
Carol Evenson
Catherine Gatto
Charles and Mary Chasteen
Charlotte Lutz
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua
Tribe of Indians
Coy and Doris Ledbetter
Cynthia Brewer
Darlene and Theodore Martch
David and Denise Seibel
David and Linda Leonard
Dennis and Shannon Archer
Diana and John Davison
Don and Carol Bentz
Don and Susanna Tolley
Donald and Annette Chasteen
Don and Katie Vigil
Douglas and Mollie LeFevre
Douglas and Phyllis Devitt
Douglas County Forest Products
Douglas County Law
Douglas County Refrigeration
and Ice, Inc.
Douglas County Shrine Club
Dr. Bret and Chantel Hansen
Dr. George and Linda
Dr. James and Vikki Hein
Dr. Jon and Jean Burpee
Dr. Luke and Barbara Herscher
Dr. Paul and Ruth Bilder
Dr. Bob and Ann Dannenhoffer
Dr. Robert and Jacquetta Varner
Dr. Sharon Thrall
Dr. Thomas Thompson
Dr. Timothy and Katherine Powell
Drs. Julee Richards and
Bradley Seely
Drs. Paul and Cynthia Kremser
Elaine Nevue
First Strike Environmental Co
Freda Harrell
Gary and Ann Kjensrud
Gary and Charlotte Wayman
Gaylene Lyda
Gerretsen Building Supply
Hawks and Co.
Ilse Ricketts
Jack and Barbara Nelson
Janet Travis
Jerry and Mary Griese
John and Jean Loosley
John and Mary Calvin
John and Terry Holing
Joseph and Maureen Padilla
Joyce Morgan
Kareema Radford
Karen Jacobs
Karl Hancock Trucking
Karlyn Wagner
Kathleen Bennett
Katie Follmar
Kelly and Dixie Morgan
Kristin Hellenthal
“Never respect men merely for their riches, but rather for their philanthropy;
we do not value the sun for its height, but for its use.” - Gamaliel Bailey
Les and Patricia Esparza
Lew and Alice Marks
Lewis and Beverly Paulson
Lisa and Jerome Sabol
Louis Melick
Lucy Todd
Marco Pharma International, LLC
Marion Kotowski
Marjorie Brushe
Mark Vincent
Mary and Tony Velho
Mary Ethridge
Mary Jane Fitzgerald
Mathis Investment Company
Michael and Joy Owens
Michael and Pamela Bober
Nancy Anthony
Nellie Rue
Nelson and Pyle Woodworking
Company, Inc.
Nicholas and Nancy Thompson
Nicki Lavin
Nordic Veneer, Inc.
Noreen and Dwight Marburger
O'Toole's Pub
Pat Jannelli
Patricia Ireland
Patti LaFreniere and Robert
Peter and Sharon Pollaczek
Pizazz Hairstyling
Prints Charming
Ralph and Patricia Buono
Richard and Muriel Nichols
Richard McMahon
Rick and Jacky Sohn
Robert and Kristine Bennett
Robert Grant
Robert Zuver
Rodney and Jeanne Sherwood
Rodney and Barbara Antilla
Ronald and Doris Curry
Roseburg Bridge Club
Roseburg Family Medicine, PC
Roseburg Fire Fighters
Roseburg Forest Products
Russell and Virginia Getz
Scoreboard Tavern
Sherm's Thunderbird
Shirley Petterson
Steven and Toni Triplett
Ted Glick
Telecommunications and
Management Services
The Kodiak Bar and Grill
The Noble and Irene Bixby
Family Trust
The Rotary Club of Sutherlin
Timothy and Tracy Perry
Tony and Mary Haber
Two Rabbits Cattle Company
Tyrell Allgood
Umpqua Bank
Umpqua Medical Group - Dr.
Virginia and Lewis Howe
Whitworth Family Trust
Wild Rose
Winchester Pub and Grill
Winston Realty and Insurance
Yoko Iwata
Tree of Hope Fund
Advantage Professional
Management, LLC
Allyn and Cheryl Ford
Ann Jewell
Ann and Lloyd Shields
Beverly and Roger Brandt
Captivating Photography and
Cheryl Oleson
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua
Tribe of Indians
Dan and Sanna Hern
David and Kelley Trinchero
Deborah Moreland
Denny and Sarah Fowler
Denise Jones
Don and Stephanie Ramberg
Donna Hendrickson
Douglas Goodman
Driver Dentistry
Dr. Larry and Maxine Durst
Dr. Ryan Petersen
Dr. Stewart and Sharon Wilson
Gary and Donna Eads
Hans and Heather Notenboom
Harbor Wholesale Foods
Harvard Medical Park
Jeff and Joni Byers
Jeff and Tara Randall
Jim and Lorraine Fox
Joe Olson
John and Judy Warmerdam
John Marsh
Karlyn Wagner
Kellie Trenkle
Kelly and Dixie Morgan
Kevin and Pamela Bunnell
Kristi McGree
Laurie Cleveland and Perry
Linda and David Leonard
Lisa Platt
Lloyd and Ann Shields
Lynn Engle
Margie and Roland Theiss
Mark and Katherine Kralj
Mary and Bob Berch
Mary and Jeff Newcome
Matthew and Kristin Parks
Melanie Winders and Ernie
Michael and Tammy Rondeau
Morgan Peterson
Neil and Cathy Hummel
Nelson and Pyle Woodworking
Company, Inc.
Package Depot
Photo Frogg
Robert and Bev Hobi
Robin and Lesa Ray
Roland and Margie Theiss
Roseburg Forest Products
Saundra Aker
Seven Feathers River Rock Spa
Shari and Toby Notenboom
Steve and Jeri Feldkamp
Steve and Patti Grieb
Susan and Charles Knight
Sutton Dental Arts, PC
Tami and Uva Kummrow
Telecommunications and
Management Services
Terry Bancroft
The Katherine Estes Rogers
Foundation, Inc.
Tim and Angelia Freeman
Tom and Jo Anne Nelson
Tony and Mary Haber
Trinchero Estates
Umpqua Bank
Umpqua Tennis Center
Violence Prevention Grant
Abate of Douglas County
Alan and Kris Eichenbusch
Alexander's Greek Cuisine
Bay City Ambulance
Big Foot Beverages - Pepsi
Brix 526
Brooke Communications
Brutke’s Wagon Wheel
Carlo’s Mexican Restaurante
Christopher W. Peterman
Attorney At Law, P.C.
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua
Tribe of Indians
Dakota Street Pizza
Daniel and Michelle Allen
Douglas County Sheriff ’s Dept.
Dr. Melinda Tsuchiya
Drs. Paul and Cynthia Kremser
Glide Fire Dept.
Hyoungs Corp.
Jim and Frances Burge
Karen and Anthony Glassman
Karlyn Wagner
Kelly and Dixie Morgan
Kris and Alan Eichenbusch
Lynn Rooker
Munchies Original
Myrtle Creek Police Department
News Review
Palm Family Eyecare
Reach Emergency Airlift
Roseburg Police Department
Salud Restaurant and Brewery
Sandy's Place
Sutherlin Fire Dept.
Sutherlin Police Department
Teresa Goodman
Tri City Fire Dept.
Umpqua Sweets and Treats
Umpqua Valley Art Center –
Umpqua Valley Brewers Guild
VA Volunteer Coordinator: Kraig
Veteran - Jeff Parish
Veteran - Jennifer Stolberg
Vivid Frame Media
Waldron’s Tom Tom
Winston Fire Dept.
Winston Police Department
Wings of Hope Fund
Dr. Angela Jones
Rich and Lisa Thompson
Thank you to everyone who
supports Mercy Foundation
and our programs that serve
our community. We try our
very best to recognize all of
our donors, but if for some
reason we’ve left your name
out, please accept our sincere
apologies. We truly do
appreciate all of our
“ Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society, not simply maintaining the
status quo or filling basic social needs that were formerly the province of the public sector.” ― David Rockefeller
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Gifts to Mercy Foundation
Mercy Foundation’s ability to support stable healthcare in Douglas
County is dependent on the goodwill and support of its friends,
neighbors, businesses and other foundations. Financial gifts from
local citizens are vital, and allow for the enrichment of healthcare
needs in a multitude of areas. For more information about how
you can give, please call 541-677-4818 or send an email to:
[email protected]. Please call today.
Mercy Foundation
2700 Stewart Parkway
Roseburg, OR 97471
[email protected]
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