St. Joseph Parishes - Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish


St. Joseph Parishes - Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish
Catholic Communities serving the Upper Allegheny Valley
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament ~ St. Joseph Parishes
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of the
Most Blessed
Sacrament Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Church - LPH
11th and Carolina Street
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Sunday Mass Schedule
Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m.
Weekday Mass Schedule
Tuesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Following the Tuesday evening
Our Lady of the
Most Blessed Sacrament
Parish - MBS
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
800 Montana Avenue
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Saturday Afternoon Vigil
4:00 p.m.
8:00 & 11:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m.
Weekday Mass Schedule
See Weekday Schedule Inside
Holy Day
See Schedule in Bulletin
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 11:00 a.m.-11:45am
Administration Center
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
June 5, 2016
When the Lord saw her, he
was moved with pity for her and
said to her, "Do not weep." He
stepped forward and touched
the coffin; at this the bearers
halted, and he said, "Young
man, I tell you, arise!" The dead
man sat up and began to speak,
and Jesus gave him to his
mother. - Lk 7:13-15
Excerpts from the Lectionary for
Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
"Sacrament of Baptism”
Held on the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the Month.
Baptisms are scheduled by calling the Administrative Office.
Baptisms will be scheduled
after parents have completed the
baptismal class and obtained
godparent sponsor letters..
Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact one of the priests at
least 6 months before a
suggested date. No wedding
date will be reserved until the
couple has met with the priest.
St. Joseph Parish - STJ
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
St. Ladislaus Church
48 Spruce Street
Natrona, PA 15065
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Holy Day
See Schedule in Bulletin
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday Evening 5:30-5:45 p.m.
Administration Center
Office Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Monday thru Thursday
Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick
Two anointing Masses are
held annually—one in the
spring and one in the fall. If you
or your loved one is in need of
this Sacrament, please call the
Administrative Office so that a
date and time can be arranged.
Persons who are not baptized
and those who were baptized in
another faith or those with no
religious education are prepared
for full membership in the
Catholic Church in the RCIA
process. Call the Religious
Education Office.
Administration Center
1526 Union Avenue, Natrona Heights, PA 15065
MBS Main Number
MBS Website
STJ Main Number
STJ Website
Rev. James K. Mazurek
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Nicholas A. Spirko
[email protected]
Permanent Deacon:
Patrick G. Wood
[email protected]
MBS Secretary:
STJ Secretary:
Ms. Patricia DeWitt
[email protected]
Ms. Debbie Wichrowski
[email protected]
MBS & STJ Religious Education Program Manager:
Mrs. Heather Wygonik
Phone :
[email protected]
MBS & STJ Safe Environment Coordinator:
Mrs. Maureen Wood
[email protected]
MBS Music Minister:
STJ Music Minister:
Mrs. Deborah Mialki
[email protected]
Mrs. Diane Pleva
[email protected]
MBS & OLMBSS Advancement:
Mrs. Heather Wygonik
[email protected]
MBS Council Chair:
STJ Council Chair:
David Wygonik
[email protected]
Joseph Sadecky
[email protected]
OLMBS School:
Main Office Phone:
Sean T. Davis, Principal
[email protected]
STJ High School:
Main Office Phone:
Mrs. Beverly Kaniecki, Principal
[email protected]
Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline
Child PSL Abuse Hotline
June 4 - June 12, 2016
Saturday, June 4, Vigil
4:00 pm MBS Adeline Chilia - Luca & JoAnne Bianco
6:00 pm STJ Neal Jankosky - Family
Sunday, June 5, Tenth Sunday on Ordinary Time
8:00 am MBS Suzanne Friel Wozniak
BJ & Amy Swartzlander
9:30 am LPH Lawrence Szafranski - Wife & Family
10:00 am STJ Anna Mae Conroy - Bob Conroy
11:00 am MBS Kerry J Liti
Wife, Children & Grandchildren
6:00 pm MBS For the People
Monday, June 6, Weekday
7:30 am MBS NO Mass
9:00 am MBS Regis Milberger - Family
8:30 am STJ Maria Filomena Potocnak
M/M Jeff Pacek
Tuesday, June 7, Weekday
7:50 am MBS Alexander Kostewicz
Judy & Mary Beth
8:30 am STJ For the People
7:00 pm LPH Dec’d Family Members - T Ziemianski
Wednesday, June 8, Weekday
7:30 am MBS Milo Humphrey
Dr & Mrs Lawrence Ferlan
8:30 am STJ Sophie Rozewicz
Richard & Gloria Symkiewicz
Thursday, June 9, Weekday
7:30 am MBS Marlene Duffy - John & Renee Duffy
8:30 am STJ Dorothy A Skradski - Helen Cedzo
Friday, June 10, Weekday
7:30 am MBS Henrietta Kostewicz
Deb & Pete Cordera
8:30 am STJ Joseph Arduini - Sandra Rhoden
11:00 am MBS John Salvatora Memorial Mass
Saturday, June 11, Vigil
4:00 pm MBS Henry & Cecelia Konopka - Family
6:00 pm STJ Robert & Margaret Bock
Margaret Solomon
Drs. John & Roberta Malobicky
Sunday, June 12, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am MBS Masa Myers - Schmitt Family
9:30 am LPH Kosakowski Fam - Wm Kosakowski
10:00 am STJ James F Collins - Family
11:00 am MBS Jack & Mary DiGirolamo
Ellen & Anthony DiGirolamo
6:00 pm MBS For the People
Weekly Devotions
7:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:30 am
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
Rosary for Life
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Novena to St. Joseph
This weekend, all parishes throughout the diocese are publically
introducing the names of the On Mission for the Church Alive! Parish Mission
Team. We have already done so or perhaps you may have already read their
names in the Pittsburgh Catholic.
At my invitation, the following parishioners have agreed to serve our
parishes as On Mission Parish Team Leaders:
For: OL Most Blessed Sacrament
For: St. Joseph, Natrona
Mr. Verne Bergstrom
Mr. Jacob Heasley
Mr. Jonathan Love
Mrs. Justine Long-Meyers
Mr. Larry Mialki
Mr. Dave Pawlak
Mrs. Jane Ann Posney
Mr. Don Turowski
Mr. Dave Wygonik
Collaborating with me and the councils of the parish, the On Mission Team will serve as primary
ambassadors of the On Mission for the Church Alive! planning initiative to you, their fellow
parishioners. Their primary responsibilities include: Participating in consultation sessions to generate
feedback on proposed district models and engaging and collecting your feedback on future models of
parish life.
They will summarize the feedback from you, their fellow parishioners using the tools provided so
that the On Mission Commission can benefit from the insights of parishioners.
In the fall, there will be parish wide town meetings where a facilitator from the diocese along with
me and our Parish Mission Team Leaders will outline what models are being considered for our district
and give anyone an opportunity to give their personal feedback.
Feel free to approach any of them but keep in mind that we all are very early in this process and
may not have all the answers that you are seeking. If they answer you, “I really don’t know,” that means
they really do not know! No one will be hiding anything here and contrary to what you might think,
NOTHING has been decided.
Please pray for the On Mission Parish Team Leaders as they serve Bishop Zubik, our parish and
the entire diocese as we journey on Mission for the Church Alive!
God Bless.
Fr. Jim
Ambassadors Club
The Ambassadors Club will have the June Father’s Day
luncheon on Tuesday, June 14th 12 Noon at OLPH Social
Hall. Reservations are due by Wednesday, June 8th and
cancellations by Sunday, June 12th by calling Mary Lou at
All bulletin announcements must be received by
Monday at 9 am in written form or e-mail.
2016 Parish Share
OLMBS Received to date - $39,168.01
STJ Received to date - $11,767.00
Parish Share
The OLMBS Ladies of Charity are seeking assistance in
identifying parishioners who are confined to their home or in
an assisted living center and would enjoy an occasional visit
by the Ladies of Charity. If you know someone who might
benefit from these visits, encourage them to call the
Administration Center.
The 2016 Parish Share draws together all Catholics in
the Diocese of Pittsburgh in a unique way in the service of
the Lord. Every financial gift to the PSP helps sustain
programs that would not otherwise be possible through one
individual or parish to keep “The Church Alive!” In a time
when our world is becoming increasingly secularized, these
works of evangelization, charity and education carry a
renewed importance, in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene,
Lawrence and Washington Counties and throughout the
world. We humbly ask that you continue to prayerfully
consider your gift for this 2016 appeal.
St. Joseph Ladies of Charity
On Mission for the Church Alive!
OLMBS Ladies of Charity Meeting
The Ladies of Charity will meet on June 9th at 4 pm at the
OLPH Social Hall. Women of the parish are welcome.
OLMBS Ladies of Charity
The St. Joseph Ladies of Charity will meet today, June 5th
in the church hall after 10:00 AM Mass . New members are
always welcome!
Rumors, Rumblings and Realities:
What’s Really Happening in the Diocese of Pittsburgh?
Maybe you’ve been hearing about On Mission for The
Alive! and maybe you have not heard much.
St. Joseph Parish Raffle
you’ve heard a lot or a little, this summer you are
The tickets have been mailed out for
come and find out what On Mission for The
the Pre-Father’s Day Work and Play
Church Alive! is all about. There are eighteen information
Raffle. Please have your tickets turned in
sessions scheduled around the diocese from June-August.
by next week, Sunday, June 12. The
Please see today’s Pittsburgh Catholic for a listing of
drawing will be after 10 AM Mass. We
will also have our popular “Second Chance” drawing for all locations.
in attendance, light refreshments and fellowship! Don’t miss
St. Vincent de Paul Society
out on the great prizes!!
The St. Vincent de Paul Society received $1,125 in
donations in May. They helped 18 families with housing,
Summerfest 2016
utilities, and furniture in the amount of $2,541.20.
Summerfest is July 13-16. The planning has
May was a busy month and they have almost run out of
begun and a big part of the Festival is the
funds with a balance of $189 as of May 31st. All of the
Basket Raffle. We welcome your donations to
financial help is greatly appreciated.
fill these baskets, so whenever you are out and
about pick up a few household pieces, baby supplies, garden
Friends of the Festival
tools, toys, sports items, summer fun, gift cards, etc. Please
Instead of sponsoring a booth for the Summer Festival, we
send your donations to the Administration Center. Any
are once again offering “Friend of the Festival” to
questions, contact Heather at 724-226-4900 or
businesses and/or families. For $25 you can get your name
[email protected].
posted on a group banner at the festival. By becoming a
“Friend”, these funds can help to offset some of the festival
Volunteer T-Shirts
We are looking for individuals and/or businesses to help costs. Please fill out the form below and return to the
sponsor VOLUNTEER T-Shirts for OLMBS events such as Admin. Office with check made out to OLMBS. Any
festival, fish fry, etc. Interested, please contact Heather at 724 q u e s t i o n s c o n t a c t H e a t h e r W y g o n i k a t
[email protected] or 724-226-4900.
-226-4900 or [email protected].
Festival - Stuffed Cabbage Making
For those interested, we will be making stuffed cabbage for
the Festival on June 7, 8, & 9. Please contact Heather at
[email protected]
Festival Raffle Tickets
Summer Festival raffle tickets are
available in the vestibule of the church for
pickup. Please be sure to pick up your
Name:_____________________________________ _
Contact Phone:_______________________________
Contact e-mail:_______________________________
Mission Statement
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Roman Catholic Community with rich
historical connections. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, together we celebrate Word and
Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ in each other through evangelization, leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout our faith journey to touch the lives of
all God’s children so that we may give glory to the Almighty Father.
Saturday, June 11
Sunday, June 12
4:00 PM MBS
Servers: Molly & Connor Coleman, Mallory Zawart
Lector: J Kania
Eucharistic Ministers: J Rykaczewski, R Celecki, Jr.,
J Wislie, L Misejka, C Lewandowski, 1 Volunteer
9:30 AM LPH
Servers: Renee Cebula, Madeline Cincala, Michael Imler
Lector: JA Posney
Eucharistic Ministers: L & K Kiselica, R Celecki, Sr.
11:00 AM MBS
Servers: Hannah & Erika Cook, Vinny Putignano
Lector: T Ross
Eucharistic Ministers: L Cook, A Mennow, MJ Milberger,
J Schiebel, M O’Dell
6:00 PM MBS
Servers: Camille Piskor, AJ Demharter, Noelle Bigenho
Lector: MA Heilman
Eucharistic Ministers: D Demharter, 2 Volunteers
Sunday, June 12
8:00 AM MBS
Servers: Alli, Sam, Amelia Wygonik
Lector: P Wygonik
Eucharistic Ministers: H Wygonik, J Ferlan,
E Wozniak, B & C Berenson
Saint Joseph Parish in Natrona is a Roman Catholic Community with rich history. Empowered by
the Holy Spirit, we celebrate Word and Eucharist. As disciples, we are called to serve Jesus Christ
in each other through evangelization, leadership and stewardship. We strive throughout our faith
journey to touch the lives of all God’s children so that we may give glory to the Almighty Father.
Saturday, June 11
6:00 PM
Server: Volunteer
Lector: Justine Long-Meyers
Eucharistic Ministers: Dave & Paula Pawlak,
Lorraine Lionelli
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Stewardship: Time - Talent - Treasure
Sunday, May 29, 2016
$ 6,714.00
$ 8,664.00
Parishioners receiving envelopes 1388 - 371 envelopes used
Please remember OLMBS in your will.
This assures the parish of continued financial strength.
Sunday, June 12
10:00 AM
Server: Jessica Haduch
Lector: Jake Heasley
Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Jo Kostka,
Joe Sadecky, Patty Babinsack
St. Joseph Parish
Stewardship: Time - Talent - Treasure
Sunday, May 29, 2016
$ 1,964.75
$ 2,067.75
Parishioners receiving envelopes 398 - 128 envelopes used
Maintenance & Repair $1,083.00 - 94 envelopes used
Cemetery Fund $481.00 - 39 envelopes used
Please remember STJ in your will.
This assures the parish of continued financial strength.
Attention Graduating Seniors
The graduating seniors from STJ & Highlands Senior High
School have received an invitation to attend a special liturgy
In your charity, please remember to pray for all those who on June 12th at the 11 AM Mass at Our Lady of the Most
Blessed Sacrament. Please call the office 724-226-4900 &let
have died, especially:
us know what school you are graduating from & if you will
Dolores Napierkowski, Edward Lubiniecki,
be able to attend the Special Mass on June 12th.
Joseph Krzeminski
May the angels lead you into paradise!
Cantor Meeting
There will be a Cantor meeting on Tuesday, June 7th at 6
pm in the music room.
Deepen Your Prayer Life;
Help Others Do the Same!
On June 24-25, 2016 St. Emma Retreat House in
Greensburg, PA will host a Facilitator Training Retreat for
the “Lord Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) prayer series. There
is no charge for the training itself or the materials (Retreat
House fees apply for overnight room and meals). It will be
conducted in a retreat setting and discernment atmosphere.
Come and discern if God is calling you to become a
facilitator! Or, if you are simply interested in finding out
more about Ignatian Prayer, you are also invited. Call Carol
Weiler at 504-439-5933 or download a registration form by
going to
Closing Centennial Banquet
Come and celebrate St. Joseph High School’s
Centennial Celebration at the Closing Banquet
at Lenape Heights Golf Resort on Saturday,
June 11th. Contact Jane Susa with any questions
at [email protected] or 724-226-7877.
St. Joseph H.S. Golf Outing
The annual Saint Joseph High School Spartan Scramble
Golf Outing will take place on Monday, June 13th at Lenape
Heights Golf Resort. The day begins with 18 holes of golf
followed by dinner and a live auction. The $20,000 Super
Raffle tickets are going fast, so get yours before they run
out. Contact Jane Susa for details: 724-226-7877 or
[email protected].
Pilgrimage to National Shrine
When: Saturday, October 8, 2016
Where: National Shrine, Washington, DC
Time: Leave at 6 AM from MBS Parking Lot and return
around 11 PM
Cost: $55 per person which covers the cost of the bus and
the liturgical materials used at the pilgrimage. Any
meals or purchases of items at the shrine gift store
will be on your own.
Bus Coordinator: Mary Anne Calfe at 724-226-1041; you
can pay in full when making your reservation or provide a
$25 deposit to hold your seat. First come, first serve.
SUMMERFEST 2016!!!!!!!
** Children under 16 yrs. of age who wish to volunteer must
be accompanied by an adult at all times**
Where would you like to volunteer?
Please indicate preference with 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice.
__Pre-festival Food Prep
(Mon., 7/11 & Tues. 7/12)
__Ticket Sales(ride/food/raffle)
__Kids Games
__Set-up (Days before)
__Instant Bingo
(Day & /or during Festival) __Card Dealers
__Food Tent
__Bingo (Patterson Hall)
__Funnel Cakes
__Post Festival Clean up
__Rebel Cafe
(Sunday Morning)
(tent outside, coffee /dessert) __Where Needed
June 24
July 13-16
July 25-29
August 28
October 10
October 17
December 15
From They Bounty Soup Service-STJ
Summer Festival
Vacation Bible School
STJ Parish Picnic
Parish Consultation Session - PH
Parish Consultation Session - PH
Advent Candlelite for Adult Women
Advertiser of the Week
Our advertisers make this bulletin possible. Think of them
first for your needs and services.
Czekalski Real Estate, Inc.
to advertize call LPi at 800-477-4574.
Indicate day/times You Are Available To Volunteer
___July 13 (Wed)
___July 14 (Thurs)
___5:30-8:00 PM
___5:30-8:00 PM
___8:00-10:30 PM
___July 15 (Fri)
___5:30-8:00 PM
___8:00-10:30 PM
___8:00-10:30 PM
____July 16 (Sat)
___3:00-7:00 PM
___7:00-11:00 PM
Please return to OLMBS School, Box in Vestibule
or Administration Center.
Direct questions to Dave & Heather Wygonik
@ 412-901-9789 or [email protected]