Schmidt Dhonau Kucner Funeral Homes
Schmidt Dhonau Kucner Funeral Homes
ST. MICHAEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH July 13, 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Membership: We welcome new members and would like to get to know you better. Please stop in the Parish Office any weekday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. WEEKDAYS (MONDAY—FRIDAY): 8:15 a.m. Adult Inquiry Sessions (RCIA): Adults considering membership in the Catholic Church should call the Parish Office for information. Please see inside the bulletin for more information. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. in the Reconciliation Room. Other times by appointment. Special Advent and Lenten Reconciliation Services. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office during the last three months of pregnancy. Preparation session is required. Marriage: Please call the Parish Office before making any arrangements for the reception, etc. A minimum of six months is required. Ministry to the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to let us know about parishioners confined to home or hospital, or in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Call Deacon Ken at 563-6377 ext. 302. Funerals: Please call the Parish Office. Funerals are held at 10:00 a.m. In the event of a weekday funeral, the 8:15 Mass is typically canceled. LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH HOLY COMMUNION — MONDAY-FRIDAY, except for Holydays: 6:15 a.m. PARISH DIRECTORY Rev. Thomas P. DiFolco, Pastor ....................................................... 563-6377 Scott Hungler, Business Manager ..................................................... Ext. 304 Deacon Kenneth DeHanes, Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Ministry and Care ......................................................... Ext. 302 Lori Anne Fothergill, Youth Faith Formation Minister ............................ Ext. 303 Brian Bisig, Director of Music and Worship .......................................... Ext. 301 Bridget Zentmeyer, Preschool Religious Education Coordinator ................................. 900-9103 Kaylene Schwab, Communications Coordinator .................................. Ext. 305 Mary Jo Lemmer, Bookkeeper .......................................................... Ext. 306 Teri Lemmer, Parish Secretary .......................................................... Ext. 341 Patty DeBlasio, Receptionist ............................................................. Ext. 307 Jack Hall, Maintenance Supervisor .................................................... Ext. 324 St. Vincent de Paul Society .............................................................. Ext. 353 Prayer Chain Line ........................................................................... Option 6 SCHOOL OFFICE: 554-3555 (Grades K-8) Shelly Kahny ................................................................................. Principal Gail Florea ......................................................................... School Secretary Kay Clark .......................................................................... School Secretary Jody Shafer ....................................................................... School Secretary MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Michael Catholic Church seek to celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ by sharing His message of love, peace, justice and compassion. We are called to teach and evangelize, to praise and worship God, through prayer and service to our community and beyond. 11144 SPINNER AVENUE ! SHARONVILLE, OHIO 45241 PHONE: 513-563-6377 ! FAX: 513-554-3543 OFFICE HOURS: WEEKDAYS 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. July 13, 2014 St. Michael Church—Sharonville, Ohio This Week Week of July 14, 2014 (Rosary is said Monday-Friday at 7:45 a.m.) Monday, July 14 Mass 8:15 a.m. Intention: Amy Sicker (Birthday) - Jules Sicker 6:00 p.m. Exposition in Church 7:00 p.m. Evensong in Church 7:30 p.m. Worship Commission in Conference Room Tuesday, July 15 8:15 a.m. Mass Intention: Bill Finley - Joe and Jo-Anne Schwaegerle 7:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul in Library Wednesday, July 16 8:15 a.m. Mass Intention: Vincent Walter - Pat and Dick Wysong Thursday, July 17 8:15 a.m. Mass Intention: Jeff Elmlinger - J. Elmlinger 12:00 noon Bible Study in Ministries Room Friday, July 18 8:15 a.m. Mass Intention: Enrollees in Memorial Endowment Fund 6:30 p.m. Brian Rissover and Gloria Burkhart Wedding Saturday, July 19 7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study in Ministries Room 10:00 a.m. K of C Officers’ Meeting in Ministries Room 5:00 p.m. Mass Intention: Ed Elmlinger - J. Elmlinger Sunday, July 20 8:00 a.m. Mass Intention: For the Parish 9:30 a.m. Mass Intention: Mary Duccilli – Madeleine Dressing 11:30 a.m. Mass Intention: John Owsiany - The Wyche Family 6:00 p.m. YM Pool Party at Windwood Regularly Scheduled Meetings and Activities YOUTH FAITH FORMATION (REL. ED.) CLASSES Preschool (Sept.-Apr.) Sundays 9:30 a.m. Grades 1-8 (Sept.-Apr.) Mondays 7-8:15 p.m. High School (SHARING) Alternating Sundays 6:00 p.m. OTHER St. Michael K of C 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Altar Society 2nd & 4th Fridays 10:00 a.m. Athletic Boosters President: Doug Jacobs 777-6795 Meets 3rd Monday - 8:00 p.m. PTO Co-Presidents: Stephanie Broughton 779-9340 Diana Telles 759-6645 Meets 3rd Thursday (usually) - 7:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society 1st & 3rd Tues. 7:00 p.m. Council and Commissions Parish Pastoral Council - President: Jim Konves Will be scheduled as needed 779-2863 Worship Commission - Chair: Jack Hornsberger Meets 2nd Monday - 7:30 p.m. 769-4233 Finance Council - Chair: Jerry Mussari Meets last Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. Jan./Mar./May/July/Sept./Nov. 891-4043 Community Outreach - Chair: Mary Heilers Meets every 3rd Monday - 7:30 p.m. 779-4626 Youth Commission - Chair: Aimee Moore Will be scheduled monthly 759-4826 Next Sunday Readings for July 19 - 20 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time! Readings for the Upcoming Week Monday: /ƐĂŝĂŚϭ͗ϭϬͲ17/Mahew 10:34Ͳϭϭ͗ϭ Tuesday: Isaiah ϳ͗ϭͲ9/Mahew 11:20ͲϮϰ Wednesday: Isaiah ϭϬ͗ϱͲϳ͕ϭϯďͲ16/Mahew 11:25ͲϮϳ Thursday: Isaiah Ϯϲ͗ϳͲϵ͕ϭϮ͕ϭϲͲ19/Mahew 11:28ͲϯϬ Friday: Isaiah ϯϴ͗ϭͲϲ͕ϮϭͲϮϮ͕ϳͲ8/Mahew 12:1Ͳϴ 2 First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19 Romans 8:26-27 Matthew 13:24-43 Celebrant Schedule for July 19 - 20 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Tom DiFolco Tom DiFolco Norm Langenbrunner Norm Langenbrunner (Presider subject to change without notice) Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time In Today’s Gospel... Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time "Hear then the parable of the sower." With his analogy of the sower and the seed, Jesus gives us four images to help us gauge the depth of our spiritual maturity. What kind of "soil" does our faith exist in? Are we fruitful Christians? Does our seed yield as much as it could? The first image is of the seed that fell on the path. This describes those who hear about Christianity "without understanding it." Nothing can grow, nothing can blossom at this level. We should ask ourselves if we have taken the time to be sure we understand the faith we practice. Are we stuck at a superficial level, allowing stereotypes, popular opinion, or media distortions to "steal away" the richness of the Catholic faith? Perhaps we have been properly educated in the teachings of the faith, but our commitment has been fickle. Are we the seed on the rocky ground, that "has no root and lasts only for a time"? Have we experienced difficulties in the practice of our faith that have led us to become indifferent? Have we found it just too troublesome to bring our faith into our everyday lives? Or have we heard the word, but allowed it to be choked by "worldly anxiety and the lure of riches"? Do we appreciate Christianity but fail to make the sacrifices that it requires? Are we more interested in a comfortable life than anything else? Many of us have sampled these stages at different times. But ultimately, our goal as Christians is to be "the seed sown on rich soil." We are called to be open to hearing the word, to seek to understand it, and to allow it to take firm root in our hearts. When we do this, the seed of our own faith can produce a rich harvest for the world. ©2011 Liturgical Publications Inc. Please Remember in Your Prayers... Security Notice Parishioners Bill Finley and Dick Hagee, father of parishioner Maureen Surkamp, who died recently. For safety and security reasons, please notify the Parish Office when you cancel a previously-scheduled meeting on church grounds, or change to a different location. This applies to both one-time meetings and recurring meetings. Thank you. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Festival Appreciation Picnic All Festival Committee members, booth chairs, festival Parking Lot Visitors Next week, the city of Sharonville will be hosting the NSSL Swim Team Championships, and will be expecting a lot of visitors on Monday and Tuesday. Because of the limited parking in Sharonville, these visitors may be using our parking lot during these days. workers, and their families are invited to attend our annual appreciation picnic. Food and drink will be provided, along with door prizes. Wednesday, July 23 6:00 p.m. We Remember Our Deceased Relatives and Friends Evendale Community Center July 14 Pauline Seibert 16 Grace Rossignol-Dillon Cletus Juenke 20 Ed Elmlinger Arnold Neumayer William Burke Our picnic will be held in the Flex Room (Community Room) at the Evendale Recreation Center — not the outdoor one on top of the hill we've used in previous years.! 3 July 13, 2014 St. Michael Church—Sharonville, Ohio Kroger Rewards Financial Parish Financial Report Operating Funds Collection for June 27-28 $10,032.00 Online 476.00 Did you know that you can support St. Michael Parish just by shopping at Kroger? It is easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards. $10,508.00 Simply register your Kroger Rewards Card online at and choose 80104 (St. Michael Sharonville). June Stock Donation $3,261.82 480.13 You can also make this change online in your Kroger account under My Account/Community Rewards. Peter’s Pence $4,321.50 St. Michael Number 80104 must be linked to your Kroger Rewards card for us to receive credit. $79,000.00 72,773.00 3,741.95 76,514.95 -2,485.05 Kroger requires that all Kroger Plus Cards be registered each year ending April 30. Please register your card so that we can continue receiving the benefits from the program. Even if you have already registered your card last year, you must do it again for the current year’s program. Total Collection Income Budgeted for June, 2014 Collections + Online for June, 2014 Stock Contribution from June, 2014 Total Contributions for June, 2014 Amount Over/Under Budget for June, 2014 Total Income Budgeted 7/1/13-06/30/2014 $870,000.00 Total Contributions for 7/1/13-06/30/2014 916,268.34 Total Amount Over/Under Budget 06/30/2014 + 46,268.34 Please help us earn FREE money by registering your Kroger Plus Card today! Festival Sponsor Correction Donations of Stock Donations of stock made to St. Michael will be processed through Fifth Third Bank. The specific location information and delivery instructions are: Company Name: Fifth Third Bank DTC Number: 2116 Account Number: 010 4471751CI Account Name: St. Michael Sharonville Please note that it is imperative that the donor’s broker identify and the donor name be included in the delivery instructions. For P&G stock, please contact the Parish Office. Until further notice, physical stock certificates need to be brought to the Parish Office for Business Manager Scott Hungler to process. In our June 29th bulletin, we listed our many festival sponsors. We inadvertently left some of the sponsor names off the list, and we regret the error. These Stage Banner (Gold) Sponsors are listed below. Schmidt-Dhonau-Kucner Funeral Home SharonFest Sharonville Convention Center* Skyline Chili-Loehmann’s Plaza Thaman Rubber Company United Dairy Farmers/Queen City Ice Viox Services West Chester Orthodontics Susan Young Graphic Design & Marketing Bryan Wirtz/James Cryder, Orthodontists* Electronic Giving City of Sharonville Police & Fire Departments Did you know that you can make contributions electronically? It’s simple and no more writing checks. Here is how it works: These sponsors (* indicates new sponsor) provide support for our raffle expenses, high value bid & buy items, donations of services/set-up & tear-down equipment/ food and drink for our sales & workers, and cash to help us defray costs. Many of these businesses support other parish fundraisers and/or advertise in our weekly bulletin and most of them have been with us for years. We thank them for their generosity and hope you will too when you can support them! 1. Go to our website: 2. Click on the DONATE button on the bottom right side of the page. 3. Fill in the required information and submit. If you have any questions about electronic contributions, please contact the Parish Office. 4 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Day at the Theater St. Michael Parish is pleased to announce a presentation of Still Point Theatre Collective’s new play, Living Water: The Story of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church. Still Point also produced the acclaimed Haunted by God: The Life of Dorothy Day, which was presented at St. Michael Parish last September. This new theatrical piece tells the real-life resurrection story of a New Orleans parish that banded together to rebuild their church and their neighborhood after the massive devastation of the post-Katrina floods of 2005. Based on interviews with pastoral leaders and parishioners, the presentation integrates music and liturgical elements as it conveys this real-life resurrection story. The play will take place on August 3rd from 4:00-5:15 p.m., inside the church. Admission is free; donations are appreciated. For more information, please contact Anna Geoppinger at 733-4725. Did you participate in St. Michael Parish’ three year commitment to St. Gabriel Church in New Orleans? It’s time to reflect and celebrate! We hope to see you August 3rd at the play, Living Water: The Story of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church. St. Gabriel’s story is entwined with ours; our parish sent more than 100 volunteers and myriad donations to help rebuild St. Gabriel and the surrounding homes - six service groups over three years! Today, St. Gabriel Parish is once again thriving and active. After the play, the actors and audience will enjoy refreshments in the Gathering Space. We hope you’ll come prepared to share your memories, and photos from the service trips. You can also upload your photos to our Facebook event page. If you haven’t already done so, please like us on Facebook—”St. Michael Parish-Sharonville, Ohio”. Thank You to Youth Ministry Dea r S t. Mi chae l’ s Pa ri sh Fa mi ly , TEA Me ff or t want s t o th ank you r chu rch f or sen ding you r you th to se rv e on a mi s sion t rip in Blue R idge las t w eek. They r ep re se nted you r chu r ch we ll a s they pain ted dec k s, pu t in spind le s, a nd la nds caped fo r a couple in the ar ea. You can be ve ry p roud of the se a cco mpl i shm ent s. W e kno w man y liv e s we re c hanged by your you th s’ wo rds and action s. I t w as e xc it in g to se e you r yout h put thei r fa ith into a ct ion. Becau se of thei r wor k, li ve s w e re c hanged bo th in t he p eop le w e wo rk ed wi th an d as the par t icipa nt s in y our g roup. The T EA Me ffo r t s taf f th anks you fo r suppo rt ing you r youth g roup on t hei r su mm er mi s sion t r i p. W e enjoyed s e rving along s ide them . The TE AM ef fo rt S ta ff Shared Food Weekend Preparing for Sunday We will be collecting items for “Mercy Neighborhood Ministries” on July 26 and 27. Please place your items in the containers provided at the main doors of the church. The items they are requesting for July are cans of tuna, deodorant, and toilet paper. These items are provided to the poor and needy in the area around DeSales Corner. Summer Bible Study has resumed! We are meeting on Thursdays at noon, in the Ministries Room in the church. Bringing a Bible will be helpful, though not absolutely necessary (we will have some copies available). These Bible Study sessions are designed to help you prepare for and enrich your participation at Mass on Sunday. We’ll look at the readings for the following Sunday, and study in a prayerful way how they can help us celebrate our lives as followers of Christ and sharers of his Good News. Shared Food Weekend is a function of Community Outreach Commission. Thank you for your support. Celebration Pictures First Communion Pictures for the Religious Education Program (REP) students and Graduation Pictures for St. Michael Parish School are now available to be picked up in the Gathering Space. 5 July 13, 2014 St. Michael Church—Sharonville, Ohio Child Protection Reminders St. Michael Parish School News VIRTUS Training Summer Hours The next VIRTUS training class will be held at St. Michael Parish on Thursday, August 21, at 6:30 p.m. Class starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. It is extremely important that you arrive on time!" You must pre-register by going to The St. Michael Parish School office is closed for the month of July. • All volunteers must attend one of these training classes before interacting with children in any capacity at St. Michael Parish. Note: If the dates and times of the VIRTUS class offered at St. Michael do not meet your schedule, you can search for a different date/time/location that is more convenient for you at VIRTUS Monthly Training Bulletins If you have already taken the VIRTUS class, you should be reading the monthly training bulletins in order to keep your training current. These training bulletins are very important and informative. Please make sure you are reading these training bulletins! To keep your training current, sign into your account MONTHLY on, read the training bulletin, and take the quiz at the end of the training bulletin. The Archdiocese recommends setting a monthly personal reminder on or about the 15th day of each month. Suggested wording for the reminder: “Log into VIRTUS and check for most recent bulletin(s) under the ‘Training’ tab.” The picture below shows you where to check your training status in VIRTUS. Simply sign in to your account, and check the “Training Bulletin Report” on the right. Call Deacon Ken DeHanes at 563-6377 ext. 302 with questions. The office will reopen on Thursday, August 7. 9:00 a.m. — Noon New School Year Begins August 27, 2014 Used Uniform Sale There will be a Used Uniform Sale on Tuesday, August 5, in the school cafeteria from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Summer and winter clothing will be on sale. Uniforms are gently used and are priced to sell. If you have donations or questions, please contact Stephanie Sage at [email protected]. Catholic Inquiry Sessions Are you, or someone you know, interested in learning about the Catholic Faith? Our Catholic Inquiry Sessions may be for you. Participants share their questions and experiences of God on their journey of faith. Sessions are held on alternate Sunday mornings in the undercroft of the Church, at 9:30. Sessions continue year round, and you can come at any time. For more information, contact Deacon Ken DeHanes at 563-6377 ext. 302. Upcoming Dates: July 20 August 3 August 17 August 31 RCIA and the Catholic Inquiry Sessions will now be held on the same weekend starting at 9:30 a.m. in the cafeteria underneath the Church. Please look for the signs on the Church doors. 6 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Summer Schedule Changes Raise Your Voices in Celebration of the Lord! First Friday Benediction Family Choir – It’s back! First Friday Benediction will be suspended for the months of July and August, and will resume on Friday, September 5. Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandparents and kids … come take part in a great opportunity to make music and serve the Lord with others in your family on Sunday, July 20, at the 11:30 Mass. Community Outreach Women Together will not meet during July and August. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 4. We will have one practice on Sunday, July 13, from 10:45-11:15 a.m. Then on Sunday, July 20, we’ll again meet at 10:45 to prepare for singing at the 11:30 Mass. All ages are welcome (even those who can’t yet read), and no choir experience or musical training is necessary. Anyone can do this! If you are interested, please help me prepare by contacting me at 563-6377 ext. 301 or at [email protected]. Fall Prevention Workshop Who We Are and What We Do Do you know of a person who is at risk for a fall? Prevention is possible. “Fall Prevention” is a Caregiver Assistance Network workshop offered by Catholic Charities, in which participants will learn how to take steps to prevent falls. This program addresses ways to help seniors and their caregivers arrange their environment and lifestyle to ensure healthy living. They will be given a house safety checklist and a questionnaire to assess whether a family member is at risk. The workshop will be held here at St. Michael Parish on Thursday, July 24, from 7:008:30 p.m. Presented by Kim Nartker, PTA, owner of Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness. Program is free. Call Margaret Iannaci at 929-4483 for more information or to register. “Preaching [is] . . . a proclamation of God’s wonderful works in the history of salvation” The Community Outreach Commission will not meet in the month of July. The commission will meet again in August. Women Together This Fall Prevention Workshop replaces the July Caregiving Resource meeting at St. Michael. If you have questions about our groups, or about caregiving in general, please call the Caregiver CAREline at 929-4483 for more information. Young Families Playdate Sharon Woods — July 24 at 4:00 p.m. Bring your children and join other Young Families for a playdate at the playground at Sharon Woods. We will be on the playground by the Sharon Center off of Route 42. Rainy weather will cancel the event. Young Families is a group comprised of families (with both parents, single parents, or grandparents raising young children) that have at least one child 5 years of age or younger. Our mission is to provide a social, spiritual and supportive environment for these parishioners and their children. Please contact Katie Lavelle or Andrea Pellegrino ([email protected]) ([email protected]) with any questions or if you are interested in joining the Young Families Group. (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 35) P reach it, brother! Yes, there are Catholic assemblies that are free enough to make such exclamations. Have you ever been so excited that you wanted to make such a shout, or call out an “Amen”? People of many faiths flocked to houses of worship after the horror of September 11, 2001, looking to hear the Word of God and to hear it applied to that experience. When the homilist opens up God’s Word and proclaims “God’s wonderful works in the history of salvation,” the People of God are moved. The homilist seeks to open the Word and liturgical celebration and to apply it to the present time, place, and community. Finding our place in the midst of the grand story authored by God is one part of our lifelong quest, and the Homily is a moment in our journey where we find assistance in that search. The 50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: A Parish Celebration © 2013 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. Orders: 1-800-933-1800. Written by Kristopher W. Seaman. Text from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy © 1982, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). Imprimatur granted by the Reverend Monsignor John F. Canary, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago on June 5, 2013. 33 7 July 13, 2014 St. Michael Church—Sharonville, Ohio St. Vincent de Paul With the generous donations from our parishioners, in the last quarter (April – June 2014), our St. Michael SVDP conference assisted 28 families (70 people) from our Sharonville neighborhood. About 70% of this assistance was associated with providing emergency shelter. Unfortunately, the current economic situation has forced many folks to live in local hotels, paying their rent either day-to-day or week-to-week. With job opportunities being limited and sporadic, the threat of eviction and homelessness is ever present. We often encounter folks who live in their cars or in the woods. It is not uncommon for families of 4 to 6 people to live in single hotel room. Serious and/or chronic illness is also common. Many folks are too sick or too injured to work, and they do not have families to support them. They are alone and call St. Michael as a last resort. These are certainly stressful situations on individuals and families. Thanks to our generous parishioners, we are able to connect personally with our “homeless” neighbors and provide some aid. Even though our ability to help is limited, it is greatly appreciated by our clients. Recently, we helped a family with 6 children living in our area who had lost their home due to a fire. We were able to give them vouchers for furniture, clothes and beds from our thrift stores, as well as food to get them through this difficult time. The recent fifth Sunday collection of $5,631 will enable continued service to our neighbors in need and allow St. Michael Parish to continue to bear witness to Christ in the Sharonville area. We are thankful for the financial support of the parish; we also ask for your prayers, especially for the strengthening of families and jobs. St. Michael's St. Vincent de Paul Retreat - Renew - Rejoice! The Oldenburg Franciscan Center (OFC) is a supported ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis in Oldenburg, Indiana. Rooted in the Gospel, our retreat ministry provides a nurturing environment and resources for all who seek to grow in relationship with God. Through our Sisters' presence and programs, we foster the Franciscan values of peacemaking, reconciliation, and reverence for Earth and all people. For more information about the July programs described below, or to see other programs, please visit Contemplative Prayer Wednesday, July 16, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Guided by modern contemplatives like Merton, Keating, and Rohr, we practice contemplative prayer, share God’s movement in our lives, and reflect on our experiences through the process. All are welcome. Are you interested in learning more about contemplative prayer before coming? Two very good web resources include Fr. Thomas Keating's Contemplative Outreach and Fr. Richard Rohr's Center for Action and Contemplation. T'ai Chi Chih® and the Universe Story, with S. Claire Whalen, OSF Saturday, July 19, 9:30-11:45 a.m. Experience Earth’s evolutionary story from the big bang through its planetary development in our solar system and humanity’s journey with all other living beings through the T’ai Chi Chih® movements. Let this amazing story inspire you to care for our Mother Earth and use her gifts wisely. No TCC skills required; participants will learn a few of the 19 movements in the workshop. "This I Believe" Poetry Night Friday, July 25, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Acclaimed poet, professor, and literary arts activist M.L. Lieblier ( will direct this poetry workshop, featuring writing prompts like "This I Believe," as well as Native American music, poetry, and philosophy to help us grow new ideas of how everything is connected. This exercise is called "Sweeping Hearts." M.L. may also bring a few musicians from his band to help us set our new creations to music. Those interested may join the band on stage at the Batesville Library on Saturday the 26th! Transitions: Crossing Life Thresholds Saturday, July 26, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. We go through many transitions in our lives that can be compared to stepping through a door, or crossing a bridge into someplace new. Carl Jung uses the word liminality to describe this bridge-like space between a familiar place and an unknown future. Come learn how liminal changes can bring about growth and new life. 8 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For Your Marriage Host an Exchange Student Make the second half of the year even more fulfilling than the first half! The next Marriage Encounter weekends in this area are July 18-20 at the Holiday Inn Eastgate and September 19-21 at the Holiday Inn Express in Georgetown, KY. Weekends fill up quickly, so a prompt response is encouraged to avoid the waiting list. Look for upcoming weekends at For more details or reservations, call Dave and Jan Stockelman at 1800-547-1251 code 00 or on the web at High school exchange students who have earned a U.S. Department of State Scholarship will be with host families for two semesters, beginning in August, 2014. They have earned their scholarships in a competitive process. They must maintain a “B” average in their host high school, complete 30 hours of volunteer service, and join a leadership club or activity. They receive a monthly stipend for spending money and some funds for schoolrelated expenses. They come with full health coverage. SharonFest Sharonville’s annual SharonFest will be held July 25-26 at Gower Park. For many years, the city of Sharonville has supported our parish festival in several different ways. The Sharonville Police Department has been an extremely important part of our festival. They work many hours to help us put on a safe event. We have the opportunity to show Sharonville our appreciation by supporting their festival. For more information, please visit Other Area Festivals Immaculate Heart of Mary, Anderson Township Friday, July 18, 6:00 p.m.-Midnight Saturday, July 19, 6:00 p.m.-Midnight Sunday, July 20, 3:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. 7770 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45255 513-388-4646 St. Cecilia Family-Friendly Festival, Oakley Friday, July 18, 6:00 p.m.-Midnight Saturday, July 19, 5:00 p.m.-Midnight Sunday, July 20, 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. 3105 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45209 513-871-5757 Bible Institute Presentation Ministries is offering its 23rd Annual Bible Institute at Xavier University in Cincinnati for nine days from July 25th through August 2nd, 2014. Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr and Most Reverend Joseph Binzer will join us to celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy. Featured keynote speaker will be Martha Fernandez-Sardinia. There are 25 daytime seminars of various lengths, which are designed to teach, empower, and equip you to be a disciple of Jesus. You may attend one or any number of the daytime programs and evening general sessions. You can bring the victory of Christ to our weary and troubled world. There will be time for worship, prayer, and other special events as well. Cost is a free-will donation. Come and bring a friend! For more information, pick up a brochure in the Gathering Space, call 922-0923 or 588-0425 or visit their website at and click on “Bible Institute”. Host families must provide three meals per day, a place to sleep, a place to study, a comfortable home environment, and transportation to and from school and school activities (school bus is fine). Host families must be U.S. citizens and English needs to be the primary language used in the home. Who can host? Couples with or without children, singles, and empty nesters. Who to contact? James E. Kerr, Local Coordinator, American Councils for International Education. American Councils places only State Department Scholarship winners. Profiles of scholarship winners are available now and placements are taking place. Profiles are available of students from nations in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, countries of the former Soviet Union, Southeastern Europe, and Lithuania. Please contact James E. Kerr at 618-667-9858 or [email protected]. Theology on Tap @West Chester July 15 - “Serving the Stranger” with Tony Steritz, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Serving immigrants on their journey. July 22 - “Food for the Soul: Mission of Mary Farm” with David Weickert, Former Manager. Serving by providing healthy food affordable to the less fortunate. July 29 - “Local Services Focus Glenmary: Home Missioners” with Jodi Mott & Fr. Don Tranel from Glenmary. Serving the spiritual and materials needs in Mission Land, USA. “Serving those in difficult times: Putting help & hope into the hands of our community” with Reach Out Lakota‘s Lourdes Ward, Executive Director/ CEO. Brought to you by YACHT (Young Adult Catholics Hanging Together) Ministry, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and area parishes, including St. John Catholic Church. Each program takes place at Champps in The Streets of West Chester. Programs begin at 7:00 p.m. and speakers start at 7:30 p.m. If you have questions, contact Caitlyn Russell at [email protected] or 2532454. 9 July 13, 2014 St. Michael Church—Sharonville, Ohio Children’s Corner Grades K-1 Grades 2-3 Sharing the Gospel - Jesus is standing in a boat at the edge of a large lake. He is talking to you and a crowd on the shore. You are sitting on a blanket with your mother's picnic basket beside you. Jesus talks about sowing seed. You are like God's seed. You grow in God's way because you are baptized with the water of salvation and are given the nutrients that come from obeying God's commandments. Sharing the Gospel - The farmer is God. The seed is God's Word. That makes the soil your heart. If your heart is angry or stubborn, God's Word can't sink in. If your heart is shallow, God's Word can't take root. Instead, you will worry about getting power or riches. If your heart is discouraged by people who hate God, your faith will choke. If your heart is soft, God's Word will change your life, and it will show. Prayer - Lord, tell me how to grow closer to your ways of goodness. Something to Draw - Draw Jesus in a boat on the lake talking to you and your family. Mission for the Week - I will plant a seed in good dirt and water it for you, Lord. ©2007 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 1-800-950-9952 x2469 10 Prayer - God, help my heart to be soft. Help your Word to change my life. Something to Draw - Draw a picture of a seed growing in good soil. Mission for the Week - Visit a garden center. Learn why plants need good soil to grow. ©2007 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 1-800-950-9952 x2469 General Dentistry for Family, Friends & Cowards Dr. Robert Petrtyl, DDS !"#$!!%$%&!'()(;;$<%=(6+81%>17''1 Central Tool Rental 19 Pleasant St., Reading 554-1969 563-1999 JAMES W. LOGEMAN, D.D.S., M.S. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Practice Limited to Orthodontics 10956 Reading Rd. 5240 E. Galbraith Rd. 513-563-1090 3FBEJOH3Et.BTPO !!!"#$%&'()*++,-'&*#."/'0 513.554.1797 Est. 1886 Open 7 Days! 9666 Reading Rd. 11114 Main 769-4168 Evendale HODAPP FUNERAL HOMES 8815 Cinti.-Columbus Rd. Rt. 42 West Chester 777-8433 Don & Ted Richter, Parishioners 733-2020 Pre Need Funeral Planning Lawn & Garden Equipment You Need It, We Rent It 791-0260 398-0133 WHEN YOU DEPEND ON TOOLS, DEPEND ON STIHL building on our excellent reputation! John Fricke, Owner Fricke & Company, LLC. Office: 513-733-5337 8JMMPX4U $FMM $JOUJ0) 'BY 513 347 1111 Reading Office Loveland Office (513) 554-1868 (513) 583-1549 Anthony J. Gertz, Esq. Susan Marie Allspach, Esq. Anthony J. Gertz II, Esq. t1SPCBUF"ENJOJTUSBUJPO&TUBUF1MBOOJOH8JMMT5SVTUT t%JWPSDF'BNJMZ-BX-JUJHBUJPO t#VTJOFTT$PSQPSBUF5SBOTBDUJPOT$POUSBDUT Ryan Bonaventura, AAMS ROHLFS PAINTING Parishioner / Financial Advisor SOUDERS FINANCIAL GROUP INC. [email protected] (513) 598-2400 COMPREHENSIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGIES FOR INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Advantage Investment Management a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial. Souders Financial Group and Advantage Investment Management are separate entities from LPL Financial. !"#$%#%&'('")%$**%# For Advertising Information, call VIC PREISEL at LPi today! (513) 769-3128 ~ PIZZA WITH PURPOSE ~ 1.800.477.4574 ext 6317 [email protected] A. ALL VALLEY PLUMBING Werling Inc. /ĖĨt3ĖġĒĚģt3ĖĞĠĕĖĝ 4ĖĨĖģ4ĖģħĚĔĖ WHEN INTEGRITY AND SERVICE MATTER State Lic. #20941 733-3311 ROOFING-SIDING Call 777-4422 +JN,SPFHFSt)PVS4FSWJDF Since 1890 Residential & Commercial SCHOTTMILLER’S AUTO BODY, LLC MOLLOY ROOFING SINCE 1900 QUALITY COLLISION REPAIR DALE SCHOTTMILLER, OWNER !!"#$%&'()*+,%&)-%.%/*+0*++(1* (513) 563-2006 2034115*66'7(8149:82'-+'1 791-7400 !"#$%"&'$()*+*,-.."/0$() Thomas T. 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Shanker Parishioner D.M.D., M.S.* D.D.S., M.S.* Specialists in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Diplomats American Board of Orthodontics t0SUIPEPOUJDTGPSBEVMUTDIJMESFO t4FSWJOH$JODJOOBUJGBNJMJFTTJODF t4UBUFPGUIFBSUEJHJUBMYSBZT and diagnostic software t5SBOTGFSQBUJFOUTXFMDPNFE t'MFYJCMFQBZNFOUQMBOT t*OWJTBMJHODFSUJGJFE West Chester Location 5ZMFST$PSOFS%St Cincinnati Location .POUHPNFSZ3Et #PBSE$FSUJGJFE0SUIPEPOUJDT1BSJTIJPOFSPG4U4VTBOOB.BTPO Visit for more information ADVISORS REALTY Westchester Towing Complete Auto Repair JOHN PITMON, Proprietor 513.777.6420 (513) 404-3920 !"!!#$%&&'())%$*+&,-./012, Commercial 1MBJOmFME3Et4VJUF%FFS1BSL XXXEPDUPSDPOPWFSDPNt $7 OFF 513-851-6644 24 Hour Commercial Service a3DULVKLRQHUa JANSEN Heating & Air Conditioning $BNBSHP3Et$JODJOOBUJ -JDFOTF0)t,: YourComfort Company $25 Off Spend $30 or More and Get $7.00 OFF with this ad Valid anytime. One coupon per table. Coupon may OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPòFS&YQJSFT Valid anytime. 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Saturday’s BUBN8%+0".SBEJP i5IF3PDL3PMM3FBM&TUBUF)PVSw Parish Member Alex G. Cassinelli GARY ROSSIGNOL (parishioner) PLUMBING, LLC 3FTJEFOUJBMt$PNNFSDJBM4BMFTt4FSWJDF 8#FOTPO4Ut$JODJOOBUJ0) 513-681-2501 St. Michael !"#$%&#'#()*+, 513.821.1633 XXX3FBEJOH)FBUJOHDPNt3FBEJOH)FBUJOH!NTODPN 0IJP)7"$-JD 513-605-2000 12100 Reed Hartman Hwy Cincinnati, OH 45241 %POBUFPOMJOF to St. Michael the Archangel Parish WE KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE 563-2426 11051 READING ROAD IUUQXXXTBJOUNJDIBFMDIVSDIOFU Paul Mitchell Signature Salon Schmidt Dhonau Kucner Funeral Homes 513-948-1113 3FBEJOH3Et3FBEJOH0) 3FBEJOH3Et4IBSPOWJMMF0) LISA M. SHAWVER ! ! ! ! Certified Public Accountant "!#$%!&'()$'$*+,-!.!/,-012*+-3!4!5-6+7+61$2!.!810+-(00 "!9+-$-:+$2!;*$*(<(-*0!4!/,<)+2$*+,-0!.!=(7+(>0 "!?16+*0!4!9+-$-:+$2!;*$*(<(-*@!ABC@!D,-4&',E+*!.!AF? "!G1+:H!8,,H0!&',?67+0,'I!!#'$+-+-3!.!;1)),'*!;('7+:(0 Parishioner 30 Years [email protected] 733-5144 3-D-4-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 XXXTDINJEUEIPOBVLVDOFSDPN XXXTDINJEUEIPOBVLVDOFSGVOFSBMTDPN ! "#$""!%&'()*+&,!-, Now Serving Sunday Brunch !"#$"%&'()%*' # -./#012#34.5/67#.8#9270#":;2/#<2=.4>:?#@:4AB 513-385-0511 Funeral Directors: Bob & Karen Mihovk, Frank Schmidt & Kurt Rosenacker 11060 Reading Road *#%+,!$-%./0(,."" f: (513) 769-5094 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0518/o