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ACCOUNT RSPBINTED FROM THE N E W EXGLAND IIISTOBICAL AXD GESEALOG ICAL REGISTER, WITLI CORXLECTIOXS A K D ADDXTIOSS, BOSTON: PBINTED FOB PRIVATE CIBCULATXON OSLY, BY DUTTON No. 97, AND WENTWOnTII, C o ~ o ~ m sSTBEET. r 1856, IN issuing the accompanying record of the Temple and Bowdoin families, I acknowledge with pleasure that I am irdebtcd to Hon. R. C. WXSTHROP for some of the materials from which these records are compiled, and to him and to Hon. JAMES SAVAGE, for correctins some errors in the Bowdoin pedigree, which have never before been rectified. BOSTON, January 28, 1856. AN ACCOUST OF THE TEMPLE FAMILY. 1. LEOFRIC, Earl of Mercia, husband of the famous Countess Godivn, and founder of tllc prmt ~ ~ ~ o n n s tat c r Coventry, v was chidl v instrumental in raising Edrw rtl t llc G I I I ~ ' ~ P S O & the tllrone, as also his successor king Harold 11. IIc dicd 31 Aug., 1027. 2. A L G ~Earl , of the Enst Pnsons, son and ilcir, took that title upon Harold's qrtitting it for t ! ~E:\r!Jorn of tllc West Snsons, after Earl Godwin's death. He d i d , lOS!L 3. Enwrn, Earl of the L i s t S:rsocls, son nntl lwir, was dcprivcd of his Earldo~uhv thc C ~ l l ~ j ~ i c and r t . ~liil!cd ~, in dcfcnding himself' against the Normans, h i . 4. EDWIX or I-T~snr.son and I~cir,sornotime stvled Earl of Lcicester and Coventry, is s:titI 10 h a w nsxu~ncti the nnmd of T c ~ ~ ~ p from l c the manor of ~ c m ~ l near c , I\-cllcsboro~~gh, co~m ty Leiccstcr, nnd is supposed to be Hcnry dc Temple, lord of Temple and Little Shcpey, temp. King U'illiatn I. 5. GEOFFREY DE TEIIPLE, son and heir of Ncnry dc Temple. 6. JOHN TEXPLE, son and heir, temp. King Henry I. 7. HENRY DE TEN PLE, son and heir, m. Maud, dnu. of Sir John Ribbcsford. 8. HENRYDE TEZIPLE, son ant1 heir, temp. K. John. 9. RICHARDDE TEXPLE, son and hcir, married Katherine, d m . of Thomas Langley, Esq. Living 1295. 10. NICHOLAS DE TEXPLE, son and heir, married BIorpret, dau. of Sir Robert Corbet of Sibton, co. Leicester. Living 1322. 11. RICHARD DE TEZIPLE, son and heir, married Agnes, dau. of Sir Ralph Stanley. Living 13-46. DE - 12. NICHOLAS DE TEZIPLE, son and heir, married Maud, dau. of John Burguillon of Newton, co. Leiccstcr. 13. RICHARD DE TEIIPLE, son and heir, married Joan, dau. of William Shepey of Grcnt Sheyev, co. Leicesier. 14. THOMAS TEMPLE, of Witney, co. Oxford, third son, married Mary, dm. of Thomas Gedncx, Esq. 15. WILLIAM TE?IPLE, son and heir, married Isabel, dau. and hcir of Esq. 16. T H O ~TEYPLE, S son and hcir, married Alice, dau. and heir Henry Everton, John Heritage of Burton Dorset, co. Warwick. of 1 PETERTE~IPLE, of Stow and of Burton Dorsct, seco?zd son, m. Jlclicent, dau. of IVilliam J c k d of Sc\vington, co. hfiddlcscx, and llad issue18. i. John, of w11on~prc.scll!ly. 19. ii. Anthony. Petcr Temple, Esq., died 29 May, 1577. 20. SIRWILLIAMTEWLE, son a ~ dhcir, who murried hfudln, dm. of Robert Harrison, co. l%:rbv, nnd dictl clgctl 73, 15 Jiln. 1W7. Ilc was n learned and elnincllt pcrson in the rcigl~of Queen Elizubcth, and fillcd numerous oficcs of i ~ q m r a ~ ~ c c . 21. SIRJOHXTEYPLE, \ ) u r n 1G00, son and heir of this lust, marricd Mary, dm. of Jo111l I I : ~ ~ l ~ m oof o d CI~(:rtsrv,co. Surrey, and died 1677. He was Master of tllc Rolls, and Joint ~omrnissioncrof the Great Scal, in Ireland, 16-18. Children : 22. i, SIRW~LLI-IX, Bart., who mnrricd Dorothy, dm. of Sir Petcr Osbornc, and had a n onlv son JOHX, Sccrctary of War, n~:lrricd BIorv de Plcssis, nut1 rlir*(i 1 ; who Icfi two tlnus., Eliz:ctdl, married-~ohnTcrnplc, 1.)orothy, rn:rrricd Nicholas nitcon, of Shr~hlimtl Hall, Co. Sufill;. Hc wns Privy Councillor, untl hl:lstcr of the Rolls. As o stntcsmm he is best hewn as the author of thc 'I'riplo Alliance, and a schcme concerning the Privy Council. Hc \vils a skilful florist, and p~~rfl:ips thc most emincot patron of tllc d:lv of that science. 1\Incaul:tv gives the following character to Sir Wiliiam Temple :-&I Of a l l t11E oficiol men of that ngc, Temple had prcserved the filirest cl~nracter. Thc Triple ~ l i i a n c ehad bccn his work. * * * * His private life, though not austere, won dccorous ; his manners were populitr ; and he was not to be corrupted either by titles or by money. Something, however, was wanting to the character of this respcctablc statesman. The temperature of his pntriotisrn was lukewarm. I Ie prizcd his case and his personal diqnitv too much, and s l w d i f r n ~ nrcsponsibiiity with a p~~sillnnimous fear." [Harper's 8vo. ad., p. 22k-1 Hc died aged 71, Jan. 27, 1699. 23. ii. Sir John. Chambers. iii. Henry, m. iv. Martha, b. 1639, d. 1722, m. April 21, 1666, Thomas Gifford, of Castle Jerdan, Co. Kildore. - 23. SIRJOHS TEHPLE, sccond son, mnrried Jane, dau. of Sir Abraham b r n e r , of Dublin, and Ilod24. i. Henry. ii. John, mnrried Elizabeth Temple, his second cousin, and had no surviving issoc. He was Attorney General and S p k e r of the Irish House of Cornmons ; died, ngcd 75, 10 h r c h , 170.4. 24. HESRY,First Visc.ount Palmerston, son and heir, born 1673, m. lst, Anne, dau. of Abraham Houblon, Esq., of London, and hod by hcr, who died 1735, issue25. Hcnry. He marricd Od, 1738, Isnbello, dnu. of Sir Francis Gerard of Hnrrosv, CO. Middlescx, b u t , and widow of Sir John Fryer, bart., but had no issue. Hc was crcated nnron Tcri~plcof h u n t Temple, and Viscount Palmer. ston, 1722, and tliccl agcd 81, 10 June, 1757. 25. I - ~ R Y marrid , lit, N i s s Lec ; nnd by Jnnc, d m . of Sir John Bernard, bnrt., Lord 3I:lr.or of London, his 2d wife, had issue26. Hcnry. He dicd vita patris, 1740. 26. HENRY, S C C O I ~ Yiaco~int, born 1739, married lst, in 1767,Fnna ces, dau. of Sir Francis Poolc, hart., and shc clving without issue, h e married secondly in 1753, JInry, daughter of B, I\'icc, Esq. Hc died in 1802 ; iris clrildmn w r c , 27. i. Henry John. ii. Willi:cln, now Sir Wlliam. iii. Fmoccs, marrid C:ipt. h w l e s , R. N., now Raur Admiral. iv. Elizubeth, married Kt. Ilon. Lawrcncc Sullivan. 27. HENRYJorrx TEXPLE, born 10 Aug. 1744, third Viscount Pillnlerston, the prcscnt head of IIcv Jfnjrstv's ndininistration, m. Emily, dau. of Viscount hlclbounw o l d widow of Carl Corvpcr. To rcturn to thc cldcr LnncIl. 18. JOHNT ~ P L EEq. , of S t o w , who d. 1603, mnrricd Susan, dan. and heir of Thomas Spencer, Esq., of Evcrton, co. Northampton, and had, 28. SIRTaoms TENPLE, I<ni-ht of Stowe, was crcntcd n R:wonct ; his will is dated 4th F&, 163.1, ak1 provcd 13 Rlarch, lW7. Hc married Es?llcr, dnu. of .\liles P:ultlvs, Ey..of Lntimers, co. Buck, who dicd 1656, and had tllirtccn children: Of thcsc were 29. i. Sir Peter. 30. ii. Sir John of Biddlcson and Stnnton Bury. iii. Thomas. iv. Purbeck. 29. SIRPETERTEXPLE, Jf. P.. second baronet, mnrricd lst, Anne, dnu. and co-hcircss of Sir ,irtllur Throgmorton of Paulcrspury, co. Korthampton, by whom he had i. Anne mnrried Thomas Roper, Viscount Baltingluss. ii. Martha married Weston Ridgwoy, Earl of Londondcrry. He married sccondlv, Christian, sister and co-heircss of Sir Richard Levesoa, of ~rcnthnln,.co.Stnff., and had 31. iii. Riclurd, born 1634, and two daughters. 30. SIRJOHN of Stnnton Bun*, married Dorothy, dau. and co-heiress of Edmund Lee, and died 33 &pi., 1632, having hud 32. i. Peter. 33. ii. Edward. 34.iii. Purbcck. 35. iv. Thomas, GOY.of Sova Scotin, died s . p . 27 March, 1674. v. Dorothy, married John hlston, Esq. vi. Hestcr, married Etlivnrd l'nscd, Esq. vii. Mary, married Robert X:!son, Esq., of Gray's Inn. 31. SIRRICHARD TEZIPLE, third b:lronot of Storvc, who dicd 15 May, 1697, married Mary, dau. and 'hciress of Thomas Knap, Esq., co. Oxford, and had 36, i, Richard. ii. Hester, md. in 1710, Riclinrtl Grcnville, Esq.,of TVooton.* iii. Christian, mnrrictl Sir 'Tlrwlas Lvttlcton, Bart. iv. Mnrin, nwricd lst, Dr. \l't!st, lire bcndnry of Wincliester, 2d, Sir John L f i n p l ~ i Ilnrt. ~~~~. v. Penelope, nwricd 3 1 o ~ c sIkranger, Esq. 32. SIRPETERTEPPLE of Stnnton Rurv, married Eleanor, d m . of Sir Timothy Tyrrell of Okclv, co. Bucks, h h o rcmorried Ricl~iird Grcnville, grcnt-gmncifatl~crof' the first Earl Tcrnplc. She died 24 May, 1671, aged 57. Issue37. i. William. ii. John. rii. Eleanor, mnrricd Richard Grenville, Esq., her step-brothcr., 33. SIR EDWARD TEBIPLE of Selby ; his will was proved 30 March, 1668. 34. SIRPURDECK TEJIPLE, was the father (see note at the end) of 38. i. Thomas Tcmplc. 39. ii. Sir John Purbcck Temple, of Edscombe, co. Surry, who died 1694 35. SIRTHOXAS TEMPLE, Governor of Xova Scotin, died at Eding, co. Rliddlescx, 1614. 36. SIR RICHARD TEXPLE, fourth Bart., Lieutenant General undcr the Duke of Marlborough in Fl:ulders, was crenfcd n ~ o nCobham and Viscount and Baron Cubllam. Hc lnnrried Anne, 3d;lu. of Etlrnund Halsey, Esq., and dying without issue 15-19, the Viscounty dcrolvc~~l llpon his sister Hcster, and hcr heirs inale. She mnrried liichard Grcnvillc, son of Richard Grenville and Elmnor Temple (dilughter of Sir Peter, KO. 32, eide ante,) and her descendant, the Duke of Buckiughnm, now enjoys the dignity. 37. WILLIAJI TEXPLE of Lillingstone Dayrell, had issue 40. i. William. 41. ii. Peter. 38. THONAS TEJIPLE, had issue, 42. i. Robert Temple of Tcn I-?ills,fifass., oldest son. w w 43. ii. Rcbccca, m. Dr. Christopher Emmett, in Dublin, 142 A. 40. SIRWILLIAJITEMPLE, fifth baronet, mnrried Elizabeth, dou. and heiress of Peter Paston, Esq., and hod bv her i. Henrietta, married William ~ h x n Esq., , and hod issue John, who assumed the name of Tcmplc, 1796. He mnrried secondly, Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Etlieney, Esq., and had ii. Anna-Sophia, mnrricd Sir Riclnrd 'l'cmple, seventh baronet. He died 10 April, 1760. 41. SIRPETER TEMPLE, sixth baronet, succeeded hia brother, and died Fob., 1761, lcnving 44. Richard. * Ram this marriage deaeends tho pr&ient ducal howe of Buckinghm and Chondon. 42. ROBERTTEMPLE, Esq., of Ten Hills, married Mehitable, dnu. of John Nelson, Esq., v h s e mother was Nary, dau. of Sir John Temple, (No. 30, ante.) Clddrcn : 45. i. Robert, dicd 1781. 46. ii. John, born 1731, !)opt. April 16, 1732. iii. Rebecca, bnpt. April 13, 1729. iv. Mchitable, bept. Scpt. YO. 1530. 47. V. Williurn, morricd tli111. of Gov. Whipple. vi. Agnes, bapt. July 23, 1730. 48. vii. Blury. 49.viii. Bhrgarct, m. Xathaniel Dowse, and had six sons, (one of them Hon. Edward Dowsc, 31. C.,) and one dau., bfilnrv, who m. Corn. Samuel Xicholson, U. S. N., and hod three daus. 60. ix. Elizabeth. 44. SIRRICHARD TEMPLE, seventh baronet, m. his cousin Anna Sophia, but dying s. p. Nov. 10, 1787, hc was succeeded by hi3 relative, Joi111, (No. 46.) 45. ROBERT TENPLE, m. I-lilrrict, sccond dnu. of Gov. Shirlev, and had, i. Anne-Wcstcrn, m:lrricd Christopher Tcmplc ~rnmcti,a brotller of the Irish patriot. ii. Mehitable, married Hans Blackwood, Lord Dufferin. iii. Harriet. 46. SIRJOHNTESIPLE, eiql~thbaronet, also n baronet of Nova Scotia, married Elizabeth, dnu. of- Gov. Bowloin, 20 Jan., 1767, and died 17 Nov., 1798. Clddrcn : 51. i. Grenville, born 16 Oct, 1768. 52. ii. James-B., born 7 J u w , 1776, married $law, daughter of Thomas Dicknson of E'ulwcll Lodge, co. ~liddlescr,and died 184% 53. iii. Eliznbct11-B., m. IIon. Thonlns L. Wnthrop, of Mnss. 54. iv. Augusta, married W m . L. Palom, Esq., and died 18 Aug., 1852. 47. WILLIAXTEXPLE, third son of Robert Temple, Esq., of Ten Hills, m. first, a dau. of Gov. Whippic, and had, i. John, d. unm. Scibcls, Esq., of Gnnbv, S. C., and imd ii. Sarah, m. five children, one of whom was thc 'father of Hon. J. T. Seibels, American Minister at Brussels. He m. second, Amy, dnu. of Col. Elrnzer Fitch of Windham, and had, iii. Nelson, b. 1781, drowned, aged 11. 55. iv. Robert, b. Aug. 29, 1783. - 51. SIRGRENVILLE TENPLE, ninth baronet, marricd k t , Elizabeth, d ~ u of . George Wi~tson,Esq., of Plvmo~th,and widow of IIon. Thomas Russell, of BIassachusctts ; shc dicdd4 Nov. 1809, and hod issuc : 56. i. Grcnville, born 20 July, 1799. 67. ii. John, born 1801. iii. Elizabeth-Augusta, married in 1829, 1 . Ccn. Byam, British Army. .iv. AugustsGrcnville, d. June 22, 1798. r. Slatildn-Jfnrgarct, d. unm. Jna. 4,18%. He mnrricd, 2d, '3 J u w , lHl.', .\I:wi;l-.ltlcusta, widow of Sir Thomas Rumbold, and dim. of Frcdcrick Jlnnncis, E's~., and dicd in 1W9. 52. JAXES-TEMPLE m. h - y Diclinsou, April 26, 1808. He assumctl the name of Bo~vtloi~~, am1 I I : ~issr~c, i. James-Tcmplc, I). ,\larch 17, 1815. ii. Christine-Tc~nplo. iii. Laura-Temple. 55. ROBERT TEMPLE, m. Scpt. 1SO3, Clnn, only child of Joseph Hnw kins, Esq., and had, i. Clora, m. in 1W27, ITclirv Cl~npman,Esq, 58. ii. Robcrt-Emmett, I). Scpt. 2 I, 18011. iii. Mary, m. Scpt. 15W, Etl~i~urid Tnecdy, Esq., of Ncw York. iv. Charlotte, m. lst, Rljbcrt Swcenev, Esq., who d. Dcc. 1810, and 11ns isilc ; z'd, John R O W , Esq., Q. C., of Montrcnl, July, 1S13, and Ins issue. His wife dying, Dec. 1814, 11c m. 2d, Charlotte, dau. of Dr. Isaac Green, and had, v. George, b. April 2, 1820, I]. unm. 59. vi. Cl~arlcs,b. Sov. 1621. vii. Eliznbeth, d. young. GO. viii. i l i - i l l , . i h 1626. ir. Hclcn-Augusta, d. unm. Fcb. 18%. He died Oct. 6, lb33. 56. SIRGRENYILLE-TEJIPLE TEZIPLE, tenth baronet of Stowe, married 5 May, 15.79, JIiln., tliuc. of C h . Caring, Esq., brothcr of the late Lon1 Ashburton, dicd ~ h c 1847, , itnd h:d, 61. i. Grcxivillc-Lcol'ric, born 5 Feb., 1930. ii. George-Erwst--1.. h. 4 Jan., 1832,(1. young. iii. Algar-Bowtloin, b. 25 Jlnv, 1833. iv. Napolcon-Grcnvillc-~f~~~r~t~x, b. 2 July, 1639. v. George-Grcnrillc. vi. Blanche-,4tlcclah. vii. Rosalie-JIiliccnt. viii. Eleanor. 57. Sons TEXPLE, Esq., m. J u l ~19, 1828, Jmc Dorothcn, dau. of John Marsl~nll,Esq.,Jl. P., and had by her, (who d. Dec. 23, 1851), i. G ~ n d ~ e - 3 ~ 1.~ r s l d ii. Edwvn-Frcdcrick. iii. ~atifdn-~orothca. iv. hum-Cecilia. v. Gertrude. 58. ROBERT-EIIXETT. TEXPLE, late Adjutant General, N. 12, 1839, Cnthcrino 31. Jnmcu, and died 1851, lcavi~ig i. William, b. March, 184'2. ii. Catherine, b. Aup., 1843. iii. Mary, b. Dcc., 1845. iv. Clora, d. young. T.,m. June Charlotte, d. young. vi. Grcoville, d. yo\iilc. vii. Ellen, b. Oct., 1G0. viii. Henrietta, b. Junc, 1653. 59. CHARLES TEJIPLE, m. Jforgarct, dm. of &Iojor Lowe, U. S. A. and had, i. Edward. ii. Arthur. iii. Alice. iv. Charlotte. v. Eloisa. V. ,. 60. W I L L ~ A ~ - G R E N VTEDIFLE, I L L E I T . S. N., m. Oct. 10, 1851, Cutalina, dou. of Gen. Tottcn, U. S. A. 61. SIRGRENVILLE-LEOFRIC TEMPLE, CICVCD~I~ and pn?sCnt bamnct OF Stotve. Note on the Preceding. Burke's Pccragc, 1.954, ciws Erlwsrd Tcmplc [XI]as the fatller of Thomas [38], but n copy of the Tw nplc pcdigrcc from Johnson and Kimber's Bnroncmgc, now i l l tl~cpossession of IIon. H. C. IVintl~rop,formcrlv belonging to Sir Jollu Tcmplc [4G], and containing his own intcrli:lcatiorls, says as ibllows :I b Sir John, the plrscnt bnronct, is thc son of Robert, cldcst son of Thomas, thc son of Purbcck, who was second son of thc afbrcmcntioncd ?7 Sir Peter Tcrnple, Bart., of S t o w , -. 1. ROBERT NELSON,lnilrricd Jfnry, dou. of Sir Jolm Tcmple. (NO.30.) Will proved 4th Aug., 1698. Cl~ildrcn: i. John. ii. Temple, died s . p . 1651. iii. Mnrgarc t. Of these, JOHN NELSOX came to Ncw England previous to 1688, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Lt. Gov. Tailer, and had, i. Templc. ii. Pascal, died unmarried. Will proved 19 Scpt., 1760. iii. Mehitable, m. Robert Tcrnple, (No. 43, ante), and d. 1775. iv. Elizabeth, married Hubbnrd, E q . v. Rebecca, b. 1688, m. Ifcnry Lloyd, Esq., of Lloyd's Neck,N. Y. TEMPLE NELSON, son of John, marricd Mary, dau. of John Wcntworth, Esq., Governor of Ncw Hnmpshire, and hod, John, b. at Boston, d. on thc thc Island of Grenada, ngcd 51. REBECCA NELSON, youngest daughter of John and Elizabeth Xclson, m. in 1708, IIcnry Lloyd, Esq., of the Manor of Quccn's Villngc, Lloyd's Neck, L. I., (an estate still owned by his desccndnnts,) and had, i. Henry, who m. hl iss Hutchinson of .Boston, and d. in Englmd. .. ... 111. John, b. 1'711, of whom prcscntlv. Margaret, m. Col. W m . Smith, oi' St. George Manor, L. I. iv. James. v. Joseph. I . J~EL~SCTI~ON-T \Froo~s~r, A I L E R Esq., of vi. Rebecca, b. 1 New Haven, Coon., (who wns b. 1717, and d. 1796. M. T.Wwlsev had THEODOSIA, Hon. Jamcs H. 11i1lhouse,) ~IELANCTHON-LLOYD, (b. 1758, d. m. A~ruaLIVITG~TOS, (b. 1758 and d. 1843,) whose ebccca Kclson Jholsrv m. .Tom RORLAND,Esq., of Boston. Mr. 31. T. W o o l s e ~had a brothcr, Wm. Wnlton m. Fnncis Bnynrd WinWoolscy, whose grand-tin~~qhtcr throp, Esq., nephew of Ilon. Thomas L. Winthrop, mentioned hc rcaftc r. John Borlnnd, Eaq., had issue, Samh-Lloyd, m. Ilcnry A. Coit, Esq. James L.,d. 3Iarch 2!j. 1849. M. Woolsev, m. Julio Gibson, April 17, 1849. John ~ c l s d n nl. , 3l:~dclincGibson. 11. Alida-livingst on. Filch, in England. vii. ... Elizabeth, m. - v111. IS* X. William. Nathaniel. Jamcs, b. hiarch 21, 1728, d. 1810; was n physician in Boston ; m. Sarah Corwin, and had six children, only two of whom reached maturitv, viz. : i. James, late sen:& in Congress, b. 1569, d. 1931, nl. Hannah Breck, (h. 1772, d. 18-16, s. p . ) ii. Sarah, b. 1568, d. 1S:39, m. Leonard Vassal1 Borlond, Esq., (b. 1759 and d. IS01 ,) wl~osconly son Jolln m. Rebecca Selson Woolsey above. JOHNLLOYD, 2d son of tlic above, m. in 1742, Snmh Woolscy, and had, i. Henry. ii. John, of whom prcscntlv. iii. Rebecca, m. John rook, Lt. Gov. of New York. iv. Theodosia. v. Abigail, m. James Cogswcll, Esq. vi. Sarah, m. John Hillhouse, Esq., of N e w Hwen. vii. Aaron. viii. Margaret. JOHNLLOYD, Jr., m. Amclio White, and had, i. John-Nelson, of Lloyd's Weck. ii. Angelina, m. ~ c o r W. ~ e Strong, Esq.,of New' York. iii. Mary-Amelia. ANGELIXA LLOYD, clde~ltdaughter of John Lloyd, Jr., m. George W. Strong, Esq., and had, i. Eloise-Lloyd. ii. bfary-Amelia. Of these, ELOISE-LLOYD STROSG m. in 1834, E.Hosket Derby, Esq., of Boston, and had, i. Hasket. .. ... 111. George-Strong, (1. young. Georgc-Strong. iv. Nelson-Lloyd, (1. young. v. Richat-d-I-Icnrv. vi. els son- lo^ d: vii. Lucy. 11. DR.CHRISTOPHER EFIZIETT m. Rcbccca Temple [43] in Dublin, 9 Feb., 1727, and d. 29 Aug., 17.13. He had issue, i. Thomas, b. 2 June, 1 Z S . ii. Robert. Of these, Thomas m. 30 Ynrch, 1752, Grace -, 1753, leaving iss~icall died June 28, 1755. and d. 27 June, only child, Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1753, and who ROBERT EXNETT, (h. 1 d. 1 , m. 16 Nov. 1760, Elizabeth, dau. of Jnmcs Nnson, of l<illur~irv,m d had, i. ~hristo~hcr-'rcln~~-lc, b. Srpt. 5, 1561, m. in 1794, Anna Western Tcmplc, [scc S o . 45,] and had Catherine, b. Oct. 17, 1787, who (1. unnl., 162-1. ii. l a m , . A 1 , 17ti2, d. young. iii. Thomas-Addis, b. p i 2 , 1i6.1, of whom presently. iv. Catherine, b. Julr 3, 1766, d. unm. v. Joseph-Mason, b: June 15, 1767. vi. Rebecca-Harriet, b. Julv 30, 1768. vii. Anne, b. July 96, 1769: viii. Eliznbcth, h. Aug. 8 , 1770. ix. Robert, b. Scpt. 8 , 1751, d. young. x. John, b. Scpt. 3, 1772. xi. Mnry-Ann. b. Oct. 10, 1773, m. Robert Holrnes. xii. Robert, b. hlarch 4, 1778, executed for high treason in 1603. THOMAS ADDISE ~ I E TEsq., T , an eminent la~vverof Ncw York, m. Jan. 11, 1791, Janc, dnu. of Hev. John Pattcn, oi' Clonmel, by his wife Margaret Colville, and had i. Robert. ii. Margaret. iii. Eliznbcth, m. Wm. II. Leroy, Esq. iv. John-Yattcn. v. Thomas-Addis. vi. Christopher-Temple, d. unm. vii. Jane-E rin, m. Brtchc NcEvers, Esq. viii. Catherinc. ix. Mary-Ann, m. Edward B. Gmves, Esq. x. William-Colvillc. . WILLIAN LANCEof Sandwich, co. Bent, England, married Mary Ternple (No. 48 ,and had, i. w i d , born 173, married d m . of William Fitz. ii. William, married dm. of Gawin Elliott of Blockhcotl~ iii. hfary, married John Paton of Grandhome. A - Hon. ROBERT-CHARLES WISTIIROP 111. Elizdhbot, dau. of Francis Blnnchord, Esq., Ahrch 12. 1 8 X , who (1. June 14, 1841,and had, i Robert-Chrlcs, b. Dcc. '7, lS35. He ii. Eliza-Cthot. iii. John. m. seco~~dlr, Nor. 6, 13 19, Lmra, d : ~ u .of John Derby, Esq., nntl ha9 hcld thc oficcs widow of ~ r n o l dF. Wcllcs. Esq. Mr. \\*it~tI~rop of U. S. Scnotor, and of Spcakcr of the U. S. House of Representatives. WILLIAX L. PALWER m:~rricd Augusta Temple, (No. 52), and had, .i John T.,d. s. p. ii. Charles C. lii. Frederick T. iv. William B. v. Anne E.,horn 1802, dicd 14 June, 1808. vi. Augusta T., married Rufus Prime, Esq., of N. Y.,and died Icnling Issue. vii Elizabeth, P E D I G R E E O F THE BOWDOIN FAMILY. PItnrr B A ~ D O rr, U Iof Rochelle, France,a settler mt C w o Bay, now Portland, Me.,IGM ; d. deyt. 1706. I d. 8 Sept.,=%, llannah Pea-dl, M c l ~ i ~ n l dI.& e aged 71. age. m. 15 Selbt , lie, IXL !!L Ajwil, 1714; d . Arrg. 23, 1Xi. 1726. I 1 - 1 Elizahe~h, Jam!s,b. 5 May, 1707; d. e b.27 June, 1708 ; d. 12 July, 1708. L 17d -- Mary, m. i{althazar Ilayard, Fdr. 12, 1729, and d. July, 1780. 1 William, d. UCitpt., 1831. = Uc bad 14 cbild'a. I Ficrre, b. 22 Aug. 1709; d. 21 1). I9 May, I711 ; h.30 July, 1712. h v . 1711. 1713; d. 25 E'cb. 1373. - I IS Jlec., 1772, aged 49. Elirabth. = d. h h r c 11 l 7 , a ~ I has tlt*scr.nOnrrt~. Sce nolcs, t t a q . S Elizitbe~h,= Jumes b. 25 Apr. I ;m 1717; d. 26 ( k t . W Oct. 173'2. 177 I. Sanlrrcl, Blrtrdock. d. I John, o f Virginia, I .5 J Jy, 1715; d , 1H Fept. 1316. ' I -I{ubiur. Mary, n'22 dug.,- S~cpbeaMU17GS. I b. 2 hlarclt. 17.35 ; d. 13 Sepi., 1759. I J b ME#, Goventor of Mass., 1 x 6 ; d. 5 Nov., 1790. J _' I Ware. J Jamcg, of N. Braiuttee. I Jobn, of d. 25 O c t . . 1809; agcd 53. Ware. I Sarah, 'eJ child. =George Sullivan, son scot I R. I.*=Frances Hamilb.. 19 or. 1809. ton, gr. dau. of t Alemuder H. Ce0rge.a GUV.S. I Sir Grcnville. I James Rowdoin.' 61th child. h. 53 Ju? 1793; d. AInrcb 1833, s. p. I I I Wal e! H.. of Springfield. I 1 Elizahe~h.='rhos. I,.\Yia- had 14ch. John 'r.*7th rhilrl, b. 14 l a y . 1796 ; d. 5 May, 18 13, r. p. I tirrop. 9Julg,li~. Jamo0!emple.*= Misg EliraImh Clay, 3d dau. of Sir W. Clay,lart. 31. P. dau. of Gay, 1C113. I agcd 72. C1 w &:l~zniwth,= Sir Jobn 1 W d h m , of =Elizabeth, Jehu Ervb. 7 Aug., i n d. ~5 I I 2d, llrnry b a r - = Silrah. =3 1st. Jas. Rowriain, Iroru, m. 10 Nov., b. OCI.17, b. 22 $ept.. 1753; 1813. 1761. d. 11 Urt., f 01 1. Sarah, rineau. I Jutitrh, b. = Thomaa 5 hl;rrc.h, Flucktr, 17l3. n~.12 June, 1~4.4. I I A daugh~c!, h. 24 July, 1740 ; d. 6 Aug. 174b. Jutre, Elizabe~b-,died in noston, (where rbe Tamily was scltled in 1 0 , ) 10 Aug, 17%; aged 77. I I Wil~iiim,= Phcbe h. I4 - Mary Dicka- Tern- pie, ban. I Augusta. #On. I 1'. Cbris~me I Isaura T. I un., b. 16 March, 1811. James,* * Assumed 111cname of Uowdoin, rgreeahly lo h e W i l l c of h v . U.'r son Jamcs avtf Sarah llir wife. NOTES OX THE BOWDOIN FAMILY. The following records rclote to the Virginia bmnch, descended from John, son of the imtni grant :At a Court ticld i)v l w r 31:tjcstic9s Justiccrc of the Peace for Northampton County, tllis .'!iday of .\I;~I-ch,1'109. Prcscnt Cap. \\'il!i:un liarmanson, Cnpt. Rcni:unin Sottingham, Mr. Hillary Stringer, Mr. John Harmnnson, Mr. ~ o i mPotr.d I. bb This dilyc \ P ~ S1'1.cse1ltol.lto this Court by John Dowtlcn, o latcr of Attorney to his i31-otl1cr,J:lines Uondcn, Murincr, living in noston in N e w Englnod, jvhich Lr?ter of rittorncy wns ncknowlctlgcd in open Court by the snit1 Jol~n l 3 t ,a.dcn, and provctl by the Corpord Oaths of Thomas Snvngc & Tllon1:ti Hnr~nnnson,Junior, and at the rcqucst of thc said John Bowdoin is ordered to be put upon Record." bb The power of Attornev is still on record, but only adds the fact that this John Bowdoin was &O n mariner. F m m o letter of Peter S. Bowdoin, Esq., of Cherrvstone, Northampton CO., Va., doted in 184-4,I 1c:lrn that his idher was i'cter Bowdoin, whc d. 1825, leaving three sons and two daughters. His youngcr sons are now living in Pliilotlcl pllia ; his ~ ; L I nhtr I rs married rcsprctivclv prof. in, of thc ~ n i v c r s i tof~ George Tucker, now of I ' l ~ i l a d r ~ l ~ ~ hformerly Virginia, and Dr. Smith of Sorthnmpton co., Vn. Balthazar Bayard, who d. Dcc., 1778, aged 71, had six children by his wife, filmy Bowdoin; the names of thrce of them were, Samuel, b. 23 March, 1735 ; l[clritnble, b. 26 April, 17/41; hfirry, m. hlclatiah Bourn, and had issue, Srlvnnus and a dan., wife of Col. Grcatton. For the descendants -of Hon. James Pitts and Eliznbetlr Bowdoin, see Bridgman's l r Biernorials of the Dead in Boston," pp. 274-6. . The u Dealings with the Dencl" says, (p. 508,) that Mr. Clnudc B o w doin was - godhiher to Peter ~ n n c u i l ;(the donor of Fnncuil Hall,) July 14, 1'700. The learned and accurate author followed exactly the original sword,, still extant, and which I have seen ; but there can be but little doubt that thc gotlfilther of Peter F;~ncuilwas Pierre Bowdoin, who niily hove had thc additional name of Clnudc. From tlic snrnc source, I icilrtl that Stcphen Bootincnu nnd Mary Bow(loin had a son Jil~llcs,who m. Susnnnrih Faneuil, third sistcr of thc abovcb mentioned Pctcr hncuil. This J;lmc.s Uouti~icnuwvus il lawycr at Boston, and, at the Rcwlution, n relicgcc. lIis widow writes from Ilristol, EIIC.. Feb. 20, 1784, to announce thc rcccnt tlcnth of her husband. I k Jivud it daughter who married John Robinson, Esq., a cornmissioncr of t l ~ ccustoms, and perpctnror of the infamous assault which deprived Wassaclinsetts of the services of her favorite son, James Otis.