Northern Prancer - Ferrari Club of America
Northern Prancer - Ferrari Club of America
Northern Prancer Quarterly Publication of The Ferrari Club of America Canada East Region 1957 335S - s/n 0700 - driven by many great drivers, including Peter Collins, as seen at The 2010 National Meet in Millville, New Jersey. Zagato-bodied Ferrari 550 , one of three Barchettas, recently sold in England for £353,500. Photo by Clem Simmons Volume 21, Issue 4 - Winter 2010 The Marque of Automotive Excellence The Remo mo Ferri Group of Automobiles Ferrari of Ontario rio Ferrari of Toronto nto Ferrari of Alberta rta Maserati of Ontario ntario Maserati of Toronto oronto Maserati of Alberta berta If you’re looking for or a luxury or sport automobile, look no further than The Remo Ferri Group of Automobiles. Through his dealerships and over 35 years experience, Remo Ferri is pleased to offer the most extensive selection of luxury and sport automobiles in the city. Ferrari Maserati of Ontario, 200 Auto Park Circle, Vaughan 416 749 5325 Ferrari Maserati of Toronto, 101 Avenue Road, Toronto 416 962 5325 Ferrari Maserati of Alberta, 204 Meridian Road NE, Calgary 403 273 6060 European Autobody, 14 Goodmark Place, Etobicoke 416 679 8722 Dan O’Toole, Regional Director, says...... H ello everyone and welcome to our last quarterly publication for 2010. We had an event filled year in 2010 that was enhanced by fabulous weather and strong participation and I can’t wait to see what 2011 brings us. Our event calendar is firming up but I’d like to bring a couple of events to your attention as they may require some advance preparation on your part. Bloor Street Celebration `This past year our club had the opportunity to participate in the first Yorkville Exotic Car Show The event was a rousing success and together with the Porsche Club we were able to raise $20,000 for the SickKids Foundation. In 2011 things are stepping up. We're excited to announce that our club will be working with the Bloor Street Celebration event taking place on Sunday, June 19, 2011. This event will serve as the official launch of the revitalized neighbourhood following its multi-million dollar re-vamping. The theme of the event is "On the Red Carpet". During the event, Bloor Street will be open to foot-traffic only between Church St. and Avenue Road offering visitors the ultimate red carpet experience! An array of entertainment is being planned for visitors including a live concert, fabulous food offerings, exotic cars from the Ferrari Club of America and - of course - shopping! The Yorkville event this past summer featured cars from Ferrari and Porsche provided by club volunteers. There was limited space available which resulted in many club members not being able to display their cars at the inaugural event. If you’re interested in participating in 2011, watch for registration information in the next Northern Prancer. As with past BYBIA events, this event will include an important charitable component. As Toronto’s premier international neighbourhood, this charitable partnership will reflect concerns with global issues and reinforce our International presence. As such, we are looking to work with Artists for Peace and Justice (APJ) as our official charitable partner www. Established in 2008, Artists for Peace and Justice is a fund raising effort founded by Oscar winner and fellow Canadian Paul Haggis that works to improve the lives of children in Haiti by providing essential medical care, clean water, high-quality education and training. One of APJ's most recent successes has been the opening of Haiti's first free Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America secondary school, which welcomed its first class of 250 grade 7 students in October! Eventually this ground breaking school will educate, feed and care for 1,400 students each year in grades 7–13. It is important to note that 100% of funds raised by APJ are guaranteed to go back to the people of Haiti. 2011 National FCA Event in Savannah, Georgia The keystone event in the club calendar is reserved for our Annual Meet. Savannah, Georgia is the location this year and the place to be from June 8th to 12th. If you’ve attended one of the club’s annual events, you know what’s in store for you and if you’ve ever been to Savannah, you won’t need much persuading. However if you haven’t attended one of our annual events before, I urge you to consider the Savannah meet, you won’t be disappointed. We intend for this meet to be the one event that the spouse not only approves of but rather the one that she insists upon...and the sooner people can discuss with the family and put on the calendar, the better. Reservations are now open at the headquarters hotel, the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa. This year’s meet honours the Ferrari Challenge cars so if you were a driver or member of any Ferrari Challenge team, this event will be of special interest to you. Event information including registration and hotel reservations is currently available at; you can also view a special promotional video at Many club members drive their Ferraris to the annual event but if this location is out of reach to you or time doesn’t permit, we have organized transport with TFX International,, an FCA partner, to transport our vehicles in the same enclosed trailers they use to deliver new Ferraris to our dealerships in Canada. There is limited space available, should you wish to consider this option, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Dianne and I look forward to meeting you there. (See page 7 for details - Ed.) Ferrari Challenge at the Toronto Honda Indy Car Event For the first time in the history of the Toronto Indy, the Ferrari North American Challenge series will be featured. Montreal (F1 weekend) and Toronto are the only Canadian Northern Prancer page 1 locations for the 2011 series and will feature both the current 430 Challenge cars as well as the new 458 Challenge model. The event will be held the weekend of July 8th through 11th on the streets of Toronto. As quoted in the 2011 event announcement, “The Ferrari Challenge is a premium series with universal appeal,” said Kim Green, co-owner of Green Savoree Toronto, ULC, promoters of the Honda Indy Toronto. “Its addition to our schedule speaks volumes to the prestige and heritage of this Toronto hallmark event.” Our club will be working closely with Ferrari of Ontario to provide you with great access to the event. Look for more details in our 2011 Northern Prancer publications as well as at the Challenge series website Additional information can also be found at Event organizers have received a great number of requests and to optimize management of the event, they have decided to extend the deadline for entry applications to Sunday 16 January 2011. Additional information for this event can be found at the following site: http:// As you can see, there are a number of great opportunities to participate in events in 2011 both in Canada, the US and Europe in addition to our traditional regional and chapter activities. Our best wishes to you and your families during the holiday season! We’re looking forward to seeing you in 2011. Forza Ferrari! 2011 Ferrari Tribute to Mille Miglia For something a little further a field, you may be interested to know that the second Ferrari Tribute to Mille Miglia is gaining plenty of interest. The 2011 event is open to all owners of Ferraris constructed from 1958 until now; it will set out from Brescia on May 12th to open the revival of the historic Mille Miglia, following the same route as the original race arriving back in Brescia after stopovers in Bologna, Rome and Maranello on the evening of Saturday the 14th. Dan O’Toole Regional Director - Canada East Region On Saturday, the third and last day of the 2011 Ferrari Tribute to Mille Miglia, the cars will drive on the famous Via Cassia to Siena with a check point on the main square, seen here, where the Palio is held. The Palio di Siena is a horse race around the square in which ten horses and riders, bareback and dressed in the appropriate colours, represent ten of the seventeen city wards. The race is extremely dangerous and lasts only about 90 seconds page 2 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 A Special Welcome to the following New Members: Lorenz Cicconi, Mississauga Ontario Mario Calcagni, Kirkland, Quebec Ralph Magliaro, Hamilton, Ontario Lino Palumbo, St Lazare, Quebec Lucio Polsinelli, Toronto, Ontario William Rowley, Toronto, Ontario Paolo Tramontin, Weston, Ontario Howie Young, Oakville, Ontario Members are encouraged to take advantage of what your club has to offer - track events, rally, concours, technical matters, casual drives or social activities - something for the whole family. Any questions? Contact any of the executive names on page 5 or the names against the events on the calendar. We look forward to meeting you - come out and say ‘hello’. REMEMBER TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP ON TIME Call Chris Ahlgrim: 1-800-328-0444 and ensure that our Regional Membership Director has your correct e-mail address. Most event flyers, and now Northern Prancer, are e-mailed to members. For information, contact Vicki Reid at 905-895-6662 or [email protected] It’s important that we stay in touch! Canada East Regional Executive Regional Director: Treasurer: Secretary: Membership: Daniel O'Toole - (b) 416-777-6305 - e-mail: [email protected] Angela Davidson - (h/fax) 905-881-8094 - e-mail: [email protected] Julie Cory - (h) 416-494-7653 - e-mail: [email protected] Vicki Reid - (h) 905-895-6662 - e-mail: [email protected] Quebec Chapter - Other Key Contacts Track Chair: Evan Friedman (b) 905-850-0079 - e-mail: [email protected] Rally: Bill Coutts (h) 416-264-841 - e-mail: [email protected] Concours: Bob Reid (h) 905-895-6662 - e-mail: [email protected] Editor - Norther Prancer: Peter Davidson (h/fax) 905-881-8094 - e-mail: [email protected] Advertising Director: Ian Carlsen (b) 416-239-9966 - e-mail: [email protected] Website: Spencer Watson (cel) 519-500-0944 (b) 519-885-4540 ext 3056 e-mail: [email protected] Regional Photographer: Lucas Scarfone (c) 905-730-4359 - web site: President: Bernardo Pisarzewski (cel) 514-347-1973 - e-mail: [email protected] Vice President: Pasquale Sorella (h) 514-575-6897 - e-mail: [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer: Evange Destounis (h) 514-973-9200 - e-mail: [email protected] Events Chairman/Webmaster: Frederic Nguyen (h) 450-641-6481 - [email protected] Ottawa Chapter - President: Jody Meunier (h) 613-938-7383 - e-mail: [email protected] Vice President: Chuck Storry (h) 613-784-6903 - e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer/Festival Director: Giuseppe Castrucci (h) e-mail: [email protected] Secretary: Renato Pontello (h) 613-599-0885 - e-mail: [email protected] Rally: Hagen Hohn - 613-279-5273 The Editor reserves the right to edit all material, and to refuse or reject and/or return same when necessary. Neither the Ferrari Club of America nor Northern Prancer - it’s Editor or Publisher can be held responsible for advertising content. Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 3 Regional Event Calendar - 2010 and other Events of Interest (small type) February 18-27 April 16 May 14 May 29 June 8-12 June 10-12 June 17-19 June 19 June 30-July 3 Canadian International AutoShow, Toronto AGM/Dinner – Richard/Julie Cory - 416-494-7653 Tech Session – Dan O’Toole/Evan Friedman - 416-777-6305 Bernacci’s Drive – Rob/Carol Bernacci - 905-648-6735 FCA National, Savannah, Georgia – See The News Bulletin Canadian Grand Prix VARAC at Mosport Bllor Street Celebration – Jim Hyatt - 905-294-5070 Goodwood Festival of Speed July 6 Mosport Track Event – Evan Friedman - 905-850-0079 July 17 July 24 Cory’s Cancer Drive – Richard/Julie Cory - 416-494-7653 Concours d’Elegance – Bob/Vicki Reid - 905-895-6662 August 13 or 20 Regional Directors Drive - Dan O’Toole - 416-777-6305 Rodney’s Weekend – Rodney Ellis - 416966-8897 September 11 Rolly’s Mystery Drive – Rolly Astrom - 905-634-1432 July 8-10 Toronto Indy Weekend/Ferrari Challenge Race - Dan O’Toole - 416-777-6305 July 24 August 6 August 19-21 September 16-18 September 25 ALMS at Mosport Rolex Monterey Motorsports Re-union - Laguna Seca, California Goodwood Revival Europa Rally – Bill Coutts - 416-264-8411 October 16 Wine Tour – Ralph Shepherd - 416-441-2101 November 12 Children’s Aid Society Dinner - Richard/Julie Cory - 416-494-7653 November 26 Winter Dinner – Larry/Marilyn Pacht - 416-821-0909 Ottawa Chapter ( June 17/19 Ottawa Ferrari Festival – Giuseppe Castrucci - 613-253-7176 Contact: Hagen Hohn - 613-839-5643 Further details yet to be announced Quebec Chapter ( Bahrain Grand Prix viewing March 13 April 14 May 6 Tech Session at Ferrari-Maserati of Quebec Annual Dinner June 11 June 17-19 July 17 Canadian Grand Prix Party Ottawa Ferrari Festival Summer Run August 28 September 17 October 1 Ferrari Dream Drive Late Summer Run Fall Run May 22 August 13 Italian Car Rally* (to be confirmed) Italian Week Exposition* Contact: Bernardo Pisarzewski - 514-347-1973 e-mail: [email protected] or by consulting our website page 4 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Our Smart Home Services Include: 1. Consulting and Designing Whole House Integration 2. Pre-Wiring 3. Distributed Audio 4. Distributed Video 5. Music and Movie Management 6. Home Automation 7. Lighting Control Audio Excellence Inc. ter Systems The Best Music and Home Theater Incredible TV Deals-Lowest Price Samsung 50" Plasma HDTV Panasonic 50" 3D Plasma TV Reg: $1,170 Reg: $2,199 Sale: $949 This Samsung 50 inch plasma is a breakthrough in performance, price and size. Featuring Samsung's exclusive 600Hz Subfield Motion technology for unsurpassed movement smoothness, Clear Image Panel which eliminates dual images, and HyperReal Engine which delivers crisp and realistic images. Sale: $1,999 - FREE 3D-compatible Blu Ray Player worth $300 -FREE a pair of 3D glasses worth $100 Total value of $400! 8763 A Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill ON. L4B 3M7 Tel: (905) 881-7109 Anthem Ayre B&W BDI Cary Cleartaudio Crestron Denon HRT Magnepan Martin Logan McIntosh Musical Fidelity Monster Cable Pathos Pioneer Elite Lexicon Revel Rotel Sharp Wilson Audio Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 5 A Message from Remo Ferri, President Ferrari Maserati of Ontario W hile the winter weather is keeping our cars under wraps for now, spring is just around the corner. Our team at Ferrari of Ontario is busy working on plans for an active driving season. And remember, if you have any maintenance or restoration work needed on your car, now is the ideal time to get this done at our discounted winter rates and avoid the spring rush. Ferrari World opens in Abu Dhabi In early December, I traveled to Abu Dhabi to attend the grand opening of the new Ferrari World theme park in Abu Dhabi. It was my first trip to the Middle East and quite an eye opener. The new park is dedicated to everything Ferrari, with its center piece being the world’s fastest roller coaster which reaches 240 kmph. (No, I didn’t try it.) While there, I was able to meet with our Chairman Mr. Montezemolo and our CEO Mr. Felisa for an update on what’s happening at the Factory. Replacement for the 612 to be introduced in early 2011 The new Ferrari 2+2 promises to be a very significant evolution from the 612. It will be the fastest 2+2 on the market, much roomier with comfortable seating for 4 passengers and their luggage, a double-clutch gearbox and all-wheel drive. (The AWD mechanism was not outsourced – it was developed right at the Ferrari factory.) The car is simply gorgeous with a fully equipped interior. It will be a purpose-built all-season vehicle for the driver looking for the ultimate in performance, luxury and practical comfort. We will be communicating more details in early 2011 so mark July 8-10 on your calendar now – you won’t want to miss this spectacular event. The Challenge Race will be followed by the American Le Mans Series race at Mosport, July 22-24. Once again R. Ferri Competizione will be partnering with Risi Racing in this ALMS race. Our Facilities Remain at Your Disposal We remain committed to providing the best service available on all Ferraris and Maseratis – old and new. During the winter months our service facility offers a 15% discount on all parts and service. Ferrari of Ontario uses only genuine Ferrari parts to ensure your Ferrari runs correctly and risk free. You receive a full one year parts and service warranty on all new Ferrari parts Please stop in to visit any time at our dealership in Vaughan, our Downtown Toronto Showroom or our dealership in Calgary. From everyone at Ferrari of Ontario, please accept our very best wishes to you and your family for a prosperous and enjoyable 2011. Ciao! 458 Challenge Series ready to go! Ferrari of Ontario will again field the largest team in the North American Challenge series with as many as seven drivers – four in 458s and three in 430s. Ferrari Challenge returns to Toronto in July! I am very excited to announce that, after extensive negotiations with Ferrari North America, a Ferrari Challenge race will be held in conjunction with the Toronto Indy race, July 8-10, 2011. Plans are being developed to make this weekend the biggest Ferrari event of the year for Toronto, with plenty of opportunities for all Club members to get involved. We will have a Ferrari Challenge Hospitality Club overlooking the start/finish straight, a fully tented area for food and beverage, a special Ferrari parking corral, Ferrari parade laps and a private reception at our dealership. page 6 Ferrari Club of America Appraisal and Valuation of Classic & Modern Ferrari Maurice Bramhall & Associates 416-822-0096 [email protected] Northern Prancer Winter 2010 FCA 2011 Annual Meet 8-12 June 2011 Savannah, Georgia The meet honors the Challenge cars, drivers and teams as its theme. Historic Challenge cars will race wheel-towheel on Thursday afternoon. The Southeast Region of the FCA . . . . . . is hosting the 2011 FCA International Meet in Savannah, Georgia, a city full of southern hospitality and host to America’s first Grand Prix. Our headquarters hotel is the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa on Hutchinson Island, only a 5-minute free ferry ride to Savannah’s beautiful, historic downtown riverfront. Our track is the 2.0 mile Hutchinson Island course, only a short walk from the hotel. The track, built in 1997 for an Indy car race, has recently been renovated and much improved. It is the host track for the Schedule of Events Wednesday—Driver Education School, Registration Reception will be held on the Westin’s manicured golf course driving range, surrounded by the track. Thursday—Track day, Historic Challenge Car Race See our promo video at Friday—Track day, dinner You are encouraged to come early, stay late, as the Westin offers our club’s discounted rate Saturday—Concorso d’Eleganza, Concorso Historic Racing series in conjunction with the Hilton Head Island Concours. Our concours for three days before and after the meet and there is so much more to see and enjoy in Savannah, Hilton Head and the nearby Georgia and South Carolina beaches. The Westin is now taking reservations at the FCA rate luncheon Sunday—Rally, pleasure drive, low country boil and awards presentation [email protected] Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 7 Ferrari Maserati Québec Opens its New Facilities T he only factory authorized Ferrari and Maserati retailer in Québec and the Maritimes is proud to announce the grand opening of its new, fully integrated state-of-the-art dealership. terials such as leather and alcantara samples, steering wheels, carbon ceramic brake systems and wheels thus making the car building experience, a sensuous one. Mr. Marco Mattiacci, President and CEO of Ferrari North America, is delighted with the new dealership: “The evolution and relevance of our great brand rely not only upon the continued excellence of our products, but also the experience we create for customers at our showrooms. With the amenities created at this newly-constructed facility, combined with the ongoing dedication of its sales team, Ferrari Maserati Québec will deliver the very best experience to our valued clients,” Mattiacci continued. The new 44,000 sq. ft. facility, almost half of which is dedicated to the Service department, brings together all of the elements necessary to sell, service and repair Ferrari and Maserati vehicles under one roof, as well as provide the Ferrari Classiche programme for the restoration of older Ferrari models. Two exclusive Ferrari and Maserati “Atelier” rooms allow buyers to build their dream machine by selecting options and accessories they desire, using an interactive tactile screen. They also have the pleasure of touching actual ma- 2 photos courtesy Ferrari and Maserati dealers around the world are converting into the new corporate identity standards, and the Québec branch is proud to be amongst the first in North America to offer this experience to its clients. In addition to the new car showroom and a secondary showroom, showcasing pre-owned models, amenities include a lounge displaying a fabulous array of pictures and books depicting the history of Ferrari and Maserati, as well as a boutique. The furniture and decor have been designed exclusively for Ferrari and Maserati. For example, the lush leather couches and chairs are custom-designed by Poltrona Frau, Maserati’s leather manufacturer. Ferrari Maserati Québec President, Umberto Bonfa, is convinced that the time has come to offer this enhanced level of services to his clientele. “We know about the exciting cars that are coming in the near future from Ferrari and Maserati, and expect spectacular growth in Maserati sales and Ferrari service revenues in the coming years. With the new facility four times the size of our previous location, we now have the environment and the resources to take advantage of this potential and ensure that every buyer gets the full benefit of his investment. The Ferrari and Maserati names mean something special around the world, and our customers will now share that feeling every time they come to our new facility.” l to r: Umberto Bonfa, President Ferrari Maserati Quebec, Marco Mattiacci, President & CEO Ferrari North America and Lawrence Stroll. Marco Mattiacci presented this chrome-plated exhaust off the 2004 Ferrari F1 car, as a gift to Ferrari Maserati Quebec in honour of their grand opening. page 8 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Ferrari Maserati Québec Opening 2 centre photos courtesy All others by Bernardo Pisarzewski l to r: Richard Gaglewicz, Maserati Sales Manager Umberto Bonfa, President Sabrina D'Amico, Marketing and Events Manager Serge Moniz, Ferrari Sales Manager Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 9 ‘THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN’ by Garth Stein Book Review by Lindsay Gillespie B ack in May, at the Track Day at Mosport, I found myself saying something to my instructor as I rounded corner #7 that I had recently read in a book: "The car goes where the eye goes". His words of agreement through the headset indicated that this maxim was indeed true. I neglected at the time to tell him that those words I had quoted were written by a dog. OK, maybe not actually written by a dog, but written in the voice of the dog who narrates 'The Art of racing in the Rain', a novel written in the form of a memoir. What does a memoir narrated by a dog have to do with Ferrari, or racing for that matter? Well, for one thing, the dog's name is Enzo. (Yes, he is named after 'that' Enzo.) For another, Enzo's owner, Denny Swift, is an aspiring race car driver who lives for nothing more than racing, with the possible exception of his wife, his daughter, and Enzo himself. The author of 'The Art of Racing in the Rain', Garth Stein, is either a racer himself, a real racing fan, or at the very least has done some genuine research. When Denny's daughter is born, he is absent, away racing at Daytona in the Rolex 24 Hours, driving a Porsche 993 Cup Car. Not a fictitious race car or a generic 911, as most people would identify it, but a Porsche 993, specifically. This guy Stein knows his cars, and racing. Even the use of terms such as HANS device lend credence to Stein's knowledge of racing. But the book is not a racing instruction manual. It's is the story of a man's life as seen through the eyes of faithful friend, his dog, Enzo. Racing in the rain becomes a metaphor for not just Denny's survival, but his emergence from personal tragedy, trials (literally) and tribulations, to greatness in the sport which he loves. Denny's driving, especially his proclivity to win in the rain catches the eye of a certain sports car company which we all know and love, and he is invited to join their drivers development program in Italy. Of course, the company's faith is well placed, and Denny goes on to great success. page 10 Ferrari Club of America Enzo, the narrator, is a dog, and ultimately a dog's life is but a fraction of the life span of a man. It is said that when a dog dies it is reincarnated, sometimes as a man, but to say that Enzo lives on beyond his mortal life would give too much of the story away. With a quote from Ayrton Senna prefacing the story, beyond being a great novel, this book is an especially wonderful read for anyone who can relate to cars, racing, triumph and, well, dogs. The Ferrari connection just brings it closer to home. Highly recommended. Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Formula 1 Grand Prix Calendar - 2011 13 March 27 March 10 April 17 April 8 May 22 May 29 May 12 June Bahrain GP Australian GP Malaysian GP Chinese GP Turkish GP Spanish GP Monaco GP Canadian GP 26 June 10 July 24 July 31 July 28 August 11 September 25 September 9 October 16 October 30 October 13 November 27 November European GP British GP German GP Hungarian GP Belgian GP Italian GP Singapore GP Japanese GP Korean GP Indian GP Abu Dhabi GP Brazilian GP Transform your garage TOLL FREE 1 888 920 0615 Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 11 QUEBEC CHAPTER - Tour of The Valley September 18, 2010 by Bernardo Pisarzewski O n a crisp but pleasant late summer morning, about 10 FCA members gathered in the south Shore to take a “Tour of the Valley”. This run took its participants through some of the most scenic routes of the Châteauguay River valley. The first “pit” stop was Ormstown, a small municipality nestled in the heart of the Châteauguay River valley. This town is known for its quaint gift and antique shops. The final stop was at the Rockburn Pub. For those of you that aren’t familiar with this jewel, this is a typical English pub located in Franklin County. Specializing in beers and ales from the UK, it also serves authentic English cuisine. The owner, Mr. Gordon Clark, was one of the original founders of the FCA in Canada back in 1972 (in Toronto) and was the owner of a 275GTB/4 (s/n 09285). What’s more, the Rockburn is a favourite hub for many British car clubs and motorcycle clubs. It was amusing to look upon the gazes and leers of the regulars, when a herd of Cavallinos came stampeding in. Our return trip took us to the foot of Covey Hill, which is the first mountain of the Adirondacks. This vantage point offered breath-taking views of the St-Lawrence and Richelieu river valleys, as well as the island of Montreal. Chemin Covey Hill is also the first road north of the US-Canada border. What a tour!!! Photos by Bernardo Pisarzewski The second “scenic” stop was at the Powerscourt Covered Bridge. Built in 1861, it is one of the last wooden covered bridges in Quebec, and the second oldest covered bridge in Canada. It spans the Chateauguay River between Hinchinbrooke and Elgin, and is the only remaining example of a McCallum Truss bridge in the world. This location was also a wonderful photo opportunity. page 12 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 QUEBEC CHAPTER - Fall Colors Tour ... an Off Road Experience! October 2, 2010 by Bernardo Pisarzewski in Frelighsburg, for a nature break and a photo op. The real adventure began as I led the caravan out of Frelighsburg. A wrong left turn in itself is not a punishable offence. However, a wrong left turn, an over inflated pride, refusing to admit you’re lost, and a sudden gravel road, can be considered a felony. After a futile 30 minutes of mindless trekking, I finally decided to stop and confess to the troops that I was lost. Luckily for me, some members were armed with GPSs and a sense of humour. Soon enough, we were plowing our way back to more Ferrarifriendly roads…or so I thought. the gravel roads that we were previously travelling on were slightly better. Our scheduled and final stop was to have been the Auberge Quilliam in Knowlton. However, a reservation mishap, and an unyielding and pretentious maitre-d’ forced us to improvise alternate plans. In the end, the members elected to rough it at an East Side Mario’s in Bromont. It wasn’t four star cuisine, but the service was relatively quick. As a means of redemption for my transgressions, I offered a few pitchers of beer to my brethren. And as we sat down to eat, Fred Nguyen, our new events director, turned to me and said with an impish smile: “You’re allowed one mistake a year”, echoing a rule adopted by Michael Schumacher during his stay with Ferrari. Thank goodness my mistake took place on the final run of 2010. Phew!! Photos by François Racicot U nder an overcast and breezy sky, a handful of diehard Québec Chapter tifosi punctually gathered and braved the elements to set off on the final run of 2010. Our caravan unceremoniously enjoyed the autumn foliage and made its way through Farhman, Mystic and Bedford, before stopping As we finally reached highway 139 (just north of the US border), we were treated to another surprise, courtesy of the Quebec ministry of transport: a freshly de-asphalted road until Sutton!!! How bad was it? Let’s just say that Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 13 The 2010 National Meet - New Jersey 29 September - 3 October, 2010 by Clem Simmons W elcome to the Ferrari Club of America’s 2010 International Meet in Millville, New Jersey Celebrating the Road and Racing Cars of Sergio Scaglietti. The primary event for the Ferrari Club of America each year is the Annual Meet. Having been involved in a few from various aspects, from helping to organize one, to judging at the Concours and helping with the creation of the program, I can assure you that it is a lot of work, and there are many others among us who have done a lot more work on them than I have. My hat is always off to those who are willing to step up and tackle the running of a Ferrari Club National Meet. In 2010, it was the Penn-Jersey Region that stepped up to the plate under the capable leadership of Regional Director, Pietro Castiglioni, and Event Chairman, Mike Sassaman. Millville, New Jersey, doesn’t sound like much of a place, and after having been there, I can tell you that it is a lot like hundreds of other little American towns that were once vibrant and teaming with small factories and businesses, but are now becoming sleepy places and homes for older folks trying to slow the pace of life a bit. Most of the time, the location for a Ferrari Club of America Annual Meet is largely chosen for its proximity to a race track and Millville, New Jersey, has a dandy. Situated at 47 Warbird Drive, the New Jersey Motorsports Park is a large place that can host several events all at one time. With a good deal of support from local, county, state and federal officials beginning in 2003, the ground was finally broken to start construction on May 29, 2007. Just 13 months later, the 707 acre facility was open for business with the 2.25 mile Thunderbolt race track and a shorter 1.9 mile Lightning race track. In addition to those there is a 1.1 mile go kart track, and all of this is surrounded by 20 buildings including a Clubhouse, timing tower, media centre, medical and safety centres, an Officer’s Club and Ballroom, a drivers pro-shop not to mention a nice set of track garages and even condo’s to rent for race weekends. there was my long time Ferrari pal, David Seielstad, who had arrived minutes before from Hawaii. David had arranged for our rental car, a Chevy Aveo. Good grief! With map in hand, we headed out for the very short hop over to the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum over on Norwitch Drive. Recently relocated into an old factory and office complex, the collection was well spread out with plenty to see. The collection includes a large number of old racing cars including prewar Alfas, BMWs, Mercedes, Cunninghams, Maseratis, Jaguars, Astons, Porsches, Corvettes, Ford GT40s and a Cobra Daytona coupe, but what David and I had come to see were Ferraris, and the Simeone Collection has two of the best. After a brief stroll, there before us, parked side by side, were the 1958 250 Testa Rossa, 0710TR, and a 1954 375MM Spyder, 0412. Shortly after, we engaged in some conversation with the Museum’s staff, and we were soon over the wall with doors open and hoods off for some detailed inspection and photo taking. David and I were both thrilled to pieces to be able to get this up close opportunity to eyeball some real Ferrari history. The 375MM was a great car with some nice history, having been once owned by Actor, William Holden, but what I came to see was 0710TR. This is the very first production edition of the customer Testa Rossa, the very first of nineteen examples. This car literally drips with history - raced extensively by John Von Neumann and Richie Ginther, not to mention Von Neumann’s Stepdaughter, Josie. 0710 was the only Testa Rossa built with a detachable nose section and the car still has it. Although having left the Factory painted Silver I kicked off my participation by boarding US Air’s flight 3601 at 6:25 AM in Ottawa on A shot of part of the concours at track side in threatening weather. This September 29th. We touched down right on time 330 GT 2+2 has just shy of 4,000 original miles, and sat for many years at 8:20 AM in Philadelphia, PA. Waiting for me in the garage of the original owner in Montana. s/n 5701GT. page 14 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 with a Red stripe, the car is now Red. We will have to discuss 0710 at some other time, but now on to the National Meet. As the concours was taking shape outside the meeting room, the weather was not cooperating one bit. The sky was black. The winds were blowing hard and people were growing concerned. Some opted to not even place their cars into position and a make shift setup was put in place inside the paddock garages to house the open cars to protect them from the looming torrent of rain. There were 83 entries in 12 Classes. At the end of the day the show came off with a few hitches but without a drop of rain. In spite of a few no shows, and the very high, warm winds. I always get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I arrive at the registration desk for a Ferrari event. It is great to see old friends again and get caught up on what has happened since being together last. I stepped up to receive my registration kit and was taken aside by Pietro Castiglioni. We chatted and shook hands and he handed me a copy of his now famous English translation of the Giulio Schmidt book, The Roaring Races, The True Story of Enzo Ferrari as a Race Car Best of Show went to Retired Admiral Robert Philips Driver. Originally written in Italian, Pietro did his English and his 1955 500 Mondial Series II, s/n 0556. Robert also translation in 1988, but I did not get my copy until 1990. At took home the Outstanding Ferrari Competition Car award. first I just thought it would be nice to have a second copy to The 500 Mondial finished off the event by winning a major share with friends, but after I got to look it over, I realized that this one was special. It was autographed by one of my life time idols, the coach builder of many early Ferraris, Mr. Sergio Scaglietti. It also had a nice colour photo of Mr. Scaglietti signing the book, and beautiful cloisonné event badge affixed to the front cover. I will cherish it always. The Ferraris that I know and love are all the sum total of the parts that were hand made by the craftsman of Maranello. The men that built the cars are also responsible for the creation of these cars, and Mr. Scaglietti’s name is at the top of my list. Best of Show winning 500 Mondial s/n 0556(0446)MD owned by Robert Phillips. We had a very nice evening in the Officer’s Ballroom with food and drink and lots of talk. We retired early so we could be back at the track by 6am. to look around and be ready for the Judges pre-concours meeting and breakfast. We were handed our Judges shirts and with everyone seated and looking snappy in their purple shirts with the event logo nicely embroidered on the front, the meeting was called to order by Chief Concours Judge, Chris Current. After some discussion Chris called everyone to attention for some presentations, at which time I was delighted to receive my Senior IAC/PFA Judge’s badge. It was a wonderful moment and as some of the others stepped up to receive their badges, I looked at mine and reflected on all of the fabulous events I have judged at and remembered some of the fabulous cars I have seen and touched and driven and ridden in.. Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America award for the Best Scaglietti Designed Ferrari Race Car. In spite of all his show success, Robert did suffer some overheating problems at the track event on Saturday. The Most Outstanding Ferrari Road Car award was handed to noted Ferrari Collector, Lee Herrington, for his Ex: Prince Bertils owned 250 GT PF Coupe Speciale, s/n 0853GT. The car is one of only three special bodied PF coupes and is quite stunning in its bright blue paint and special coach work features. In spite of its special features, the car had sat for nearly 40 years at Charles Pozzi’s shop in Paris, apparently unwanted and unclaimed by Prince Bertils of Sweden. At one point in time, 0853GT was separated from its original engine but Herrington tracked down the other car where engine 0853 resided, bought it and car and engine were Northern Prancer page 15 reunited once again, this time for good. vallino a few years ago. Sadly, the car did not win any awards at the Concours. 0086E was once raced at Harewood back in the early 60’s by its New York State based owner. In fact, I believe Harewood was its very last race before being stored away for many years with mechanical problems. The event theme was twofold. First, it was the cars of Sergio Scaglietti, and secondly, to honour 50 years of the 250 GTE. There were several nice Scaglietti cars present. Two were for display only. One was a 1957 335S, s/n 0700. (See cover page.) This was the winning car at the 1957 Mille Miglia. Also on display was a beautiful 250 TdF, s/n 1357GT, owned by Bill Marriott. There were three very nice 250 GTEs entered in the Concours, and a very, very, nice and totally original one The award winning 1957 250 GT Speciale PF coupe, s/n 0853GT, formerly showed up out in the paddock parking lot. owned by Prince Bertils of Sweden, painted in the Swedish Blue of his Country. The owner managed to escape without telling anyone his name and I could not Hard to believe this car sat unclaimed for 40 years at Pozzi’s in Paris. get the serial number from the car. Philip Fecher’s 250 GTE, s/n 4897GT, won for the Best 250 GTE It was also nice to see the Ex: Marzotto 212 Export Spider, 0086E, restored by the Markowski’s RPM Restoration on show. A complete listing of all of the Concours winners in Vermont. The car had received a re-body that was not that has been posted in the Ferrari Market Letter, and in other publications outside of our own Prancing Horse. well received by some Judges, but it was a thrill to see the car looking fresh and new again after last seeing it in pieces at CaNot long after arriving at the meeting, I managed to bump into two old Ferrari friends from home. Bob Jaques and Don Ambrose had driven all the way from Toronto in Don’s 550 Maranello. Although getting on in years, they seemed to arrive in pretty good shape. Bob told me that once Ambrose had nodded off in the passenger seat, he could start making good time on the 700 mile jaunt. The boys buffed up the 550 and managed Platinum in Class 12 and Don also managed to achieve the coveted Coppa Bella Macchina Award on the track. This ain’t easy!! Congratulations Don!! The 212 Export Spider s/n 0086E of Peter Carlino - see also opposite page page 16 Ferrari Club of America When dawn showed its face on Friday morning, the weather picture was quite bad. A group of four friends convened early, jumped into a rental car and made tracks through the storm for Elizabeth, New Jersey, for a private tour of Oscar Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Davis’ vintage sports car collection. What a collection it is. There were four Ferraris on hand and the highlight was the 166MM Barchetta, s/n 0004M. This was the second Barchetta built and is in very original condition. Also on hand the 166/53 Spider, reportedly with a body designed by Dino Ferrari, and the first body built for Ferrari by Sergio Scaglietti. The Ferrari 275 GTB/4 with alloy body and the 275 GTS finished off the day for me. Due to the threat of poor weather for the concours, some cars were moved inside the garage area. Note this group of beauties. The 500 Mondial of Robert Phillips; the 212 Export Spider; the 275GTB/4 s/n 9337 shown by Greg Jones and in the back ground, the fabulous 1958 TR250 Testa Rossa s/n 0710TR set for display by Dr. Simeone. Saturday was a much better day with cooler temperatures and sunny skies. It was a great day at the track and several cars of all years and types were out there doing hot laps. Several retired Challenge Cars were out there and a few earlier three series cars that had been converted over for some track time. The Banquet on Saturday night was well presented. All of the Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America awards were presented and folks started thinking about heading for home. The committee for the 2011 event were introduced and gave a presentation on next year’s event to be stage at Savannah, Georgia, from June 8 to 12, 2011. You would all be well advised to be there. Northern Prancer page 17 And the 2010 National Meet - New Jersey - from another perspective by Bob Jaques W hile Clem Simmons has provided the dialogue on the cars that attended and the various car related events that took place, here’s a recap on the social side of the 2010 event. This was the first time that the Penn-Jersey Region hosted an International Meet and unlike some other regions they had little experience in organizing an event of this proportion. I attended the Meet with Don Ambrose who, on behalf of the National Board, had to impart his knowledge from organizing two ‘Nationals’ to the organizing committee from Penn-Jersey. They must have soaked up every bit of coaching from Don over the twelve months prior as a committee of about eight staged a wonderful event. The food venues for every day, including the banquet, were ‘10’s’. Friendlier people I have not met in my twenty years as an FCA member. Jackets and ties with this group was definitely ‘optional’. The rally was a casual drive to a rural area of New Jersey where everyone received a trophy - just for coming! I think the word ‘casual’ sums up the event. for entering his first International Meet Concours ever - been a member 28 years, but for being awarded a Platino followed by a Coppa Bella Machina for his 550. Good work Don. And that CBM is a toughie - everything 100% operative ex factory. The 550 next to Don had everything perfect except one simple item that separated this 550 from a CBM Award too. A defective wire or bad ground running to the light in the glove box. We changed bulbs and fuses for the owner but to no avail. The owner was a good sport about it and was the author of a new description for 550 and 575’s. To quote: ‘The 550’s and 575’s are the new 308’s of the Ferrari world. They are not that expensive and there are lots available.’ You know he is right on with this suggestion. This year there were about fifteen examples of 550/575 in that concours class and in the class for 308’s there were maybe 4 examples. Don and I cruised back to Toronto via Corning, NY site of the 2007 Meet and met up with our good friend Leon Bourdage, Regional Director for the Empire State Region. Another great Ferrari Club experience full of fond memories put behind us. Next year – Savannah - can’t wait. I know you will join me in congratulating Don, not just Jacques Swaters October 26, 1926 – December 10, 2010 Submitted by Clem Simmons T he last of the great factory backed racing team owners, Jacques Swaters, of Brussels, Belgium, died in his sleep on Friday December 10th. He was 84 years old. Swaters first entered International racing in 1948 at the 24 Hours of Spa in an MG. He later formed Ecurie Francorchamps with his friend, Charles de Tornaco in 1952 and at that time, became the Ferrari Importer for Belgium after arranging to show a Ferrari for Mr. Ferrari in Brussels. Swaters also helped set up the race team of Ecurie National Belge with some success. He later refocused on Ecurie Francorchamps in the early 1960’s and hired many great drivers who successfully raced great Ferrari cars of the greatest era for sports cars. He gave many wonderful Belgian driv- page 18 Ferrari Club of America ers their first good chance at winning. Those included Willy Mairesse and Jackie Ickx among many others. Swaters spent much of his time in his retirement years focusing on his collection of cars and memorabilia. It was reputed to be one of the finest collections of Ferrari lore in the world. Swaters was the last surviving member of that exclusive 1960’s club of Factory backed racing teams. He ran Ecurie Francorchamps, Luigi Chinetti Sr. ran NART, George Filipinetti ran Scuderia Filipinetti in Switzerland and Ronnie Hoar ran Maranello Concessionaires in Great Britian. All sadly, are now gone. Jacques, leaves behind his Daughter, Florence. Northern Prancer Winter 2010 A Little Bit of History ... by Peter Davidson with information provided by Clem Simmons L iving in Vancouver, BC in 1963, I visited Westwood Race Track whenever there was an opportunity. On one of these occasions I came across and photographed this Ferrari.. My slides have been sitting hidden until after I recently purchased a slide scanner. Little did I know what I was looking at! I sent these pictures to our own Ferrari historian, Clem Simmons, who has identified the car as follows: Ireland - car #26 - DNF at LeMans 1962 by Buck Fulp and Peter Ryan due to an accident - car #18 (blue and white livery) Sold to Dick Hahn of Yakima, Washington in Fall of 62. - 6th and 5th in heats at Westwood in 1963 Players 200 by Stan Burnett - car #78 (Photographed here! Ed.) - 3rd at Kent, Washington, in Northwest GP by Stan Burnett - car #78 This is the 250 TR1, or TR61, s/n 0794 - one of the truly historic Ferrari Testa Rossas of all time. 0794 was built as a factory TRI, the I standing for independant as it relates to the rear suspension. Two of these cars were built - 0792 and 0794. 0794 was the #10 car driven by Phil Hill and Olivier Gendebien to Phil’s second, and Olivier’s third Le Mans win. It was sold by Ferrari to Luigi Chinetti Sr., and after some body mods, it was raced by the Rodriquez Brothers in the fall of 1961 as follows: The car was later sold off to Bev Spencer who raced it in several West Coast and other US events painted white with red stripes before selling it on to Sir Anthony Bamford in the UK. Bamford sold it to Peter Sachs in the early 1983. The car was completely restored to it’s LeMans configuration and went on to become the most sensational Ferrari at the ‘06 Amelia Island Concours. - 2nd at Mosport in the Canadian GP by Pedro Rodriquez - car #2 - DNQ at Riverside Times GP by Ricardo Rodriquez car #68 - 1st at Nassau Governor’s Trophy by Pedro Rodriquez - car #2 - 3rd at Nassau Trophy race by Pedro Rodriquez - car #2 - 15th at Daytona 1962 by Pedro Rodriquez and Peter Ryan - car #50R - Disq. at Sebring in 1962 by Stirling Moss and Innes Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 19 OTTAWA CHAPTER - Ottawa Closes the Cruising Season with a Splash of Colour October 17, 2011 by Hagen Hohn F all is known as the season of construction for a reason. The day started out ominously enough: we had great sunshine (of course), nice cool temperatures for extra horsepower, a good group of drivers and a great selection of conversationalists. No, the problem was that the route to the meeting point was under construction. I swear it wasn't there the previous week. I should know, since I had taken the BMW Club on the same cruise, with the sole purpose of scoping the route for the Ferrari Club. I had even reworked the route to avoid some construction that the original route had farther on. All to no avail. More on construction later. 417 on its way to Almonte. Being a west-ender, I had failed to provide that necessary piece of info. Sorry guys. Leaving Almonte and heading in the opposite direction from the spring cruise, we wended our way deep into Ontario's golden-draped hills. The colours in this part of Ontario are particularly rich thanks to the rocky acidic soil along the south ridge of the Ottawa Valley. We had been on the #511 highway before, but heading from the east end near Almonte, you get some very nice downhill decreasing radius sweepers that make the cruise. We had arranged to meet Saul and Angela at Calabogie Motorsport Park (CMP), where several folks had also expressed an interest in seeing the new facilities. CMP has grown into a great facility. The track has always been world class, and this year, the grounds were expanded to include a 4 story main building with offices, rentable garages, lounge, hotel rooms and public bathrooms in addition to another two story building housing the local Ford dealer's 4 bay garage, a couple of speed merchant shops and a balcony/patio bar (yet to be occupied). Once we were all together and had stretched our legs while wandering and watching the Porsches and Corvettes roar by, we headed out on the second half of the morning route. PassAt the Granary: Maria Cassone, Chris Fox, Marco Valenti, Dan ing through Renfrew, all was well until I got in Fischer, Angela and Saul Caetano, Nancy Gerow, Marguerite Fox, the wrong lane for an intersection and we all had Dominic Cassone, Chuck and Marsha (not shown) Story. to turn around in the next parking lot. After that Despite the very late scheduling of the event, in the third though, everything went smoothly on the new pavement. The reason it was all smooth pavement, was that it was still week of October, we had a solid turnout. The day was definitely a 348 day though, with mine, Marco, and John's. Chris Fox brought his 512TR representing the 12 cylinder family and a few other members were able to attend despite their horses being lame due to mechanical reasons. Even though Chris and Marguerite live the farthest from this year's west end starting point, Saul and Angela came the farthest thanks to my directions to Almonte. Who knew that there are two March Road exits from the 417/ Queensway? Actually, the first is the Eagleson exit but it does list March Road on the sign. March Road then heads behind Kanata, out the Carp Ridge way, only to again cross the page 20 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 honestly that wasn't too hard to do, since I was there just the previous week. But you never know, especially given the track record for construction. The Granary is a very popular German restaurant serving 12 different kinds of Schnitzel. Well, two kinds really: veal and chicken. All the rest of the variations were based on stuffings, sauces and such. And for those dead-set on eating Italian while on a Ferrari cruise (the quintessential Italian symbol after all), there was Schnitzel Saltimbanco. With the return route being repaved, I had to fall back onto the alternate return route: straight back on the #17 highway. It was all good until we got close to Renfrew and there was a bridge under construction. Nooooo! Well, my concern was unfounded as the construction was limited to the other side of the highway. very fresh pavement. So fresh, they were still paving it - the next kilometre was being paved as we watched. My first thought was: ‘Oh, come on, this wasn't here last week!’ My second thought was: ‘Oh crap! How long will we be here?’ A reasonable thought since we were still 20 minutes from Eganville and the restaurant. Well, I was getting hungry. The third thought was: ‘Oh shoot! What king of garbage are they going to have us drive through and how messy are our steeds going to get?’ Turns out the answer to the second thought was 10 minutes: at the head of a long queue. None of the Ferraris had any problem with overheating. I suspect that some were even running their air conditioning. So once we were under way, I eased us along at 20 km/h hoping for the best and expecting the worst. Ultimately the majority of the kilometre long creep was perfect pavement. The only bit of any real concern, involved crossing the edge of the paved part, onto the newly tarred and soon to be paved part, and back again: a car length detour around a parked machine. Thanks guys. Overall, a great drive with the round trip covering almost 400km for those on the east end of Ottawa. The weather was perfect, the friends were great, conversation was interesting, a couple of hours with that mesmerizing Ferrari song and only 1 km of construction with a few feet of yuck. I look forward to the 2011 season: it'll be another great set of cruises in our Ferraris, with our friends (Ferrari owner or not, it really doesn't matter). See you then. Photos by Hagen Hohn I eased us back up to cruising speed slowly so that any grunge wouldn't get hammered into the cars. A quick inspection once at Eganville showed that only a few little drops of tar had adhered: nothing that some Orange Cleaner couldn't handle, thanks to our slow pace through the construction. Oh, did I also mention that we had to come back this way and there was no alternate route for this leg to Eganville? The Granary was everything I had hoped for: well, Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 21 There From the Start: Mike Louli Ref lects on His 17th Season of Ferrari Challenge Racing Reproduced with kind permission of Ferrari News, the official e-newsletter of Ferrari North America, in which this article originally appeared in the October 2010 issue. T he Ferrari Challenge wrapped up its 17th season in the U.S. with the anticipation of an exciting season ahead; the 458 Challenge will join its F430 Challenge sibling for a two-class 2011 series. Since its inauguration with the 348 Challenge, the series has linked the essence of the brand – racing – with its loyal clientele. In the Ferrari Challenge, drivers race their own cars. That is contrasted by other sports car brand racing series, in which pros or semi-pros do the driving for team owners. The Ferrari Challenge thus reflects the ultimate connection of a sports and GT car manufacturer to its clients. The Challenge also gives Ferrari enthusiasts the opportunity to watch current Ferraris in their natural environment – the racetrack. The Challenge cars are carefully prepared and maintained for competition by authorized Ferrari dealers, many of whom have formed racing teams for the series. The Ferrari Challenge is not open to professional race drivers or instructors. Integral to the spirit of the series, the Ferrari Challenge races on the country's best tracks, sanctioned by Grand Am Road Racing. Such venues as Infineon Raceway (formerly Sears Point), Lime Rock Park, Canada's Circuit Mont Tremblant and others test the limits of the Challenge cars and drivers. Ferrari News caught up with a fixture of the Challenge since its start, Mike Louli. A financial consultant to individuals and corporations for over 30 years, Louli races for the Ferrari of Ontario team. page 22 Ferrari Club of America Ferrari News: When did you start in the Ferrari Challenge? Have you tried other kinds of racing? Mike Louli: This season marks my 17th year of racing in the Challenge. I've raced the 348, 355, 360 and the F430. I tried a World Challenge Corvette in 1999 and other assorted rides but always enjoyed the Ferrari Challenge experience the best. FN: What's your best season result? ML: I won the 360 Championship in 2006, plus had one Second and three Thirds. FN: For you, what's the best part of the Challenge? ML: It is hard to pick one part. It certainly is the cars, but really it is much more than that. It feels like a family – my crew, my dealer, the competitors and Ferrari's backing through Ferrari North America. Their people really make the Challenge. That, to me is the best part of the Ferrari Challenge Series. FN: How would you describe Challenge racing? ML: It's fun, thrilling. And it's tough, close racing. You can be having a hard race against somebody, maybe even some bumps, but when you get off the track, you all get along great. FN: What's your most memorable moment in the Challenge? Northern Prancer Winter 2010 ML: Winning the Championship was a fantastic feeling. But the most memorable was probably the first time I raced in the Finals in Italy, in 1998. It was in Pergusa, Sicily. [The Autodromo di Pergusa circuit that circles Pergusa Lake.] They had about 100,000 people for the F1 demonstration race. Schumacher came in by helicopter, and you could hear the crowd roar a mile away. Their enthusiasm is just fantastic. The track is at the bottom of a valley. You'd look up and see all the seats filled in red; up the valley, everywhere there was a ledge, there were people on it to watch the race. And in town, when the people heard you raced a Ferrari, they treated you like a king. FN: You've driven all the Challenge cars. What was it like to make the transitions from one model to the next? ML: Every time they do a new car, it's better than the previous car. The 355 was miles better than the 348, with power steering, better brakes, and so on. And the 360 was better still – lighter, more powerful, much more like a race car than the 355. The 360 was a challenge to master, if you'll excuse the pun. But once you figured it out – it took me over a year – it was a lot of fun. Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America The move from the 360 to the F430 was not as dramatic. The F430 was faster everywhere, and it favored more understeer than over steer. It also had the carbon ceramic brakes, so it had better stopping than the 360. I'd expect that the move to the 458 Challenge may be a big leap from the F430. I'm not yet decided if I'll drive a new 458 for 2011 or stay with my F430 for one more season. FN: What other Ferraris have you owned or driven? ML: I've driven dozens of Ferraris, from the P3 racer to the modern cars. I presently own an Enzo, F430 16M, 360C and 355C and a 1968 365 GT 2+2. My wife [auto writer Nika Rolczewski] owns a 1984 308 GTB. Past models were a Testarossa, 512TR, 360 Modena, 360 Spider, F430, F430 Spider and a 599 GTB. FN: Do you ever drive your previous Challenge cars on the track? ML: Yes I do, I recently had the 355 on the track, and it was a great ride. Northern Prancer page 23 2010 Saratoga Wine & Food & Fall Ferrari Festival 10/12, September 2010 by David Weeks S aratoga Springs, New York is famous for horse racing, with a storied history dating back more than 150 years. Lately, it has become known for a more modern type of sporting horse: the Ferrari road car. The weekend of September 10 to 12 saw Ferraris along with classic Alfa Romeos and a few Zagato-bodied Aston Martins roar into town for the 2010 edition of the Saratoga Wine and Food and Fall Ferrari Festival. This three day event brought Italian food and wine importers together with owners and aficionados of Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Maserati and other Italian-bodied automobiles. It truly was to be a celebration of Italian lifestyle and culture. The event was held on the grounds of SPAC (Saratoga Performing Arts Center), which is located just next to the Saratoga Automobile Museum. The Italian Trade Commission in New York City was the festival’s presenting partner and it was hosted by SPAC. The festivities got under way with the Adirondack Mountain Road Tour for Ferraris and Maseratis on Friday morning. Tour participants gathered at the Saratoga Automotive Museum for registration. Almost 30 cars, from a Lusso to the latest 599GTB Fiorano, to the final road-going prototype of the upcoming Zagato-bodied Superformance Perana, were in the lineup. Participants received a colour booklet with road maps, step-by-step instructions and historical information about the region. The tour was scheduled to finish at the Lake George Club on the shores of Lake George. Before leaving, everyone gathered on the concours field for welcoming words from a number of event organizers, including the Italian Trade Commissioner – Executive Director for the USA, Mr. Aniello Musella, and Andrea Zagato, honorary co-chairman of the event. Afterward, everyone immediately returned to their cars, eager to get going on the tour which left at 10:30 am. Within moments we were driving on two-laned country roads, passing quickly through picturesque countryside, villages, and wooded areas. The route wound its way back and forth and up and down the roads. There were very few straight sections, and the tour’s quick pace made it virtually impossible to take in the sights that were passing by. Many townspeople, on being confronted by the onslaught of Ferraris and Maseratis cars, stopped in their tracks and watched and listened to the incredible music of the tour as it sped by them and disappeared as quickly as it had appeared into the distance around the next corner. It was a great experi- page 24 Ferrari Club of America ence that demanded a lot of concentration to drive quickly on unfamiliar routes, as well as a good chance to experience one’s Ferrari’s performance capabilities. The late-model V-12 engined Ferraris required effort to keep up with, in a 31-year old 308. We arrived at our destination, the Lake George Club, approximately one and a half hours later, just before noon. The club’s empty parking lot was suddenly filled with all different coloured Ferraris and Aston Martins and other cars The tour participants were greeted on arrival to the Welcome Reception outside by waiters and waitresses bearing grissini wrapped with prosciutto di Parma DOP “Paolo Tanara”, Grana Padano DOP, and Quattro Mani Franciacorta The Lake George Club Brut DOCG. It was a tasty end to the tour, as we admired the cars while sampling the delicious Italian delights. Everyone moved into the club’s main dining room, which opened in 1909. The building’s architecture had an alpine look to it, and from the dock it could easily have been mistaken for a large house. Over the decades members and their guests have enjoyed tennis, golf, aquatic sports, boating, and sailing regattas at its facilities. The four course lunch showcased such Italian specialties as Speck Alto Aldige IGP “Recla”, wild mushroom risotto made with Vialone Nano Rice, “Cremonesi”, Robiola Bosina “Caseificio Alta Langa” paired with apple and fig mostarde “Lazzaris” and honey “Il Forteto”. No one left hungry! Later, after having had time to rest and digest, it was time for the Serata Italiana, which took place later that evening on the stage of the SPAC. At seven o’clock guests began arriving to the Italian Sparkling Wine reception. Opulent stations Northern Prancer Winter 2010 showcased wines and foods. There was so much to eat and drink, that it was difficult to know where to start. Chefs prepared fresh delicacies while wine importers and sometimes even winery owners themselves, poured glasses of their wares and discussed them with attentive participants. Questions were taken from the audience afterwards. It was unique to have the opportunity to listen to the head of one of the last family-run carrozzerie discuss his family firm’s innovations in automotive design. While everyone dined at the gourmet dinner stations, a silent auction was held and a band played music which created a special atmosphere. Laurence Harris sang an opera aria which was followed by welcoming words. Honoured event guests Lidia Bastianich and Andrea Zagato were present. After dinner there was live music to accompany dancing that coincided with the closing of the silent auction. It all made for a very memorable evening. There were also a couple of Italian wine seminars and an Italian cheese seminar presented by Grana Padano South Portico scheduled for that afternoon. The busy day ended fittingly with the After Party Apertivo which celebrated Italian cocktail culture with an outdoor lounge party, open bar and cocktails. Savoury, authentic Italian fare was expertly prepared while hungry diners watched and waited to sample the culinary creations. More Italian wines accompanied music played by local band The Accents. Saturday morning began sunny and early at 8 am with the placement of the cars on the concours field. The excellent selection of cars spanned many decades from the ‘40s to today. Judging began at 11 am. Beside the concours field Sunday was cloudy with light rain. It was fortunate that the concours the day before had been under bright, sunny skies all day. The festival’s closing event was the Italian Sparkling Jazz Brunch, which took place a few kilometres Concours field there were two large tents. Underneath were dozens of stalls housing companies that represented and/or imported hundreds of Italian wines, cheeses, and meats. Participants were free to stroll around to sample, eat, and discuss the wares on display, although nothing was for sale at the event. Wide World Ferrari Maserati displayed a stunning off-white over milk chocolate brown 458 Italia and matching Maserati Gran Turismo convertible as well as a Quattroporte. Concours field Alfa Romeo BAT 11 concept car by Stile Bertone away at the Saratoga Golf Course. It was an elegant brunch that brought together Italian specialties, wine and jazz music. It was the perfect finish to an interesting, memorable, and action-packed weekend. After party apertivo Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Photos by David Weeks Two interesting events that were scheduled during the afternoon were Lidia Bastianich’s book signing (Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy), and the Italian Auto Design Seminar with Andrea Zagato, Jason Castriota, and Piero Rivolta. Mr. Zagato conducted an overview of the family’s design history through the decades and added his own commentary on where auto design was headed in the future. He discussed one of the firm’s influential innovations, which was his grandfather Ugo’s pioneering application of aircraft construction techniques and materials to automobiles during the 1920s. Northern Prancer page 25 2010 Europa Rally September 26, 2010 by Bill Coutts W e had a record turnout for our rally this year! 37 cars and all numbers of participants: The driver/navigator configurations included, 1 person Dan Mance unexpectedly goes solo … 1.5 people As noted on the registration form by George Henne and young navigator, Serena 2 people Standard configuration – usually works well 2.5 people Additional spotter – black and furry, back seat of Jim and Bonnie’s black 400i golf club. (They did win a prize for it – Elsie’s new home.) Your ever vigilant rally organizers - Brad Golden and yours truly - were tasked with guarding our precious parking spot at the club, no easy feat – it seems that all manner of car clubs were out, NSX, Fiat, Corvette, Prius(?), plus a few determined gate crashers looking to make use of our reserved space at the golf course. Anthony Tersigni, the Alfa club president, brought his whole family, including baby! We even had one group – the Solmito family, choose a divide and conquer strategy with two entries. This paid off with the top prize in the non-Ferrari class. After our escape from the city, this year’s route took us through the rolling hills near Caledon … ending at the Caledon Golf and Country Club – thanks to Mario Zaina for the route! Along the way, participants were asked to identify numerous objects and landmarks, estimate the silo population on Humber Station Road….and choose a name for an ‘Asian Volkswagen’ … The prize winners this year: • • • • • 1st place - Rob and Carol Bernacci 2nd place - Riccardo and Johanne Leofanti 3rd place - Paul and Rob Calisi 1st Non-Ferrari - Connie and Laura Solmito Elsie the Cow - Jim and Linda Hyatt An Asian Volkswagen: • Hyundai • Panda • China Wagon • Phaeton • Beetle (correct answer) • Golf No one got lost! (that admitted it) - with the possible exception of Jim and Linda Hyatt, who thought an extra turn around the Boston Mills cemetery was in order before joining us at the page 26 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Photos by Devon Coutts Here are the results. - Thanks to everyone for participating, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Winter 2010 Rob and Carol Bernacci 550 M Riccardo and Johanne Leofanti TR Paul and Robert Calisi Dino 246 GT Mauro and Pia Galati F355 Mario and Giovanna Rocca 308 GTB Jim Klotz and Bonnie Shettler 400i Sergio and Tony DeCarvalho 599 GTB Paul and Annie Robbins F355 Tony and Jessica Masella 308 GTS Bob and Vicki Reid 400i Peter and Christa Kostandenou TR George and Serena Henne Dino 246 GT Ed Schinchariol & Marko Arsenic 550 M Luc Masella and Sam Plati 328 GTS Guy Shields and Carm Tucci Mondial John and Carol Peterson (not a member) Aston Martin Rapide Connie and Laura Solmito BMW 325i Gabriel Falcone and Jon Templeton 599 GTB Robert and Greg Macleod 91 TR Bill Rowley and Teresa Raponi Dino 308GT4 Rocco and Rebecca Solmito 308 GTB Bruno and Teresa Bonavitacola 328 GTB Tony Xynos F360 Oliver and Janice Silver Mondial Mario Zaina and Walter F355 Rick Taylor and Jenelle Ross 456M Paul and Carol Kinkley 360 M Brad and Angie Shaddick 360 M Dimitri Giannoulias & Caterina Conte F430 Sadi and Tim F355 Dan Mance 612 Scaglietti Jim and Linda Hyatt 308 GT John Grancaric (not a member) F355 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer 92 91 89 88 86 86 86 84 84 82 82 82 81 80 80 78 78 77 76 76 76 74 74 70 68 67 65 62 60 58 42 40 28 page 27 Photography by Mark Davidson Mosport Track Day - August 2010 page 28 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Annual Winter Dinner November 20, 2010 by Marilyn Pacht O ur winter dinner at Ruth's Chis Steak House was another great success. This year the setting was different, we had two long tables. We found it more sociable and easier to communicate with our other Ferrari Club members. Not only was the price at $59.00 for a full course Above - Marilyn Pacht, Anna D’Angelo, Lisa Star (Larry’s sister) and Julie Cory Below Left - organizer Larry Pacht; Right - long time member Allan Holman Photos by Larry Pacht dinner per person a great deal but the food is always fabulous. Everyone was very pleased. Next year we will choose a new venue. It is hard to believe another year has gone by so fast. On behalf of Larry and myself, we would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. Children’s Aid Christmas Dinner - the Story Behind It ... 6 November , 2010 by Julie Cory M y husband Richard was really touched by the help CAS gave to a woman with children who were abandoned by her husband just before the holiday season. Richard was showing their home and it was a very sad situation, they were left with very little to call their own. Richard was at their house when CAS came in and brought them food, clothing and Christmas gifts for the children. He was so impressed by their kindness and generosity towards this family that he then decided that he wanted to help this cause. Richard started this party 19 years ago. The attendance in the early years when the party was held at the Ploughman Restaurant was around 50-80 people, as the years passed the attendance grew to 150+ people and the party was moved to La Rosa Banquet Hall. We then outgrew La Rosa and moved to the Crystal Fountain Banquet Hall, we had over 330 people attending in 2004. The venue changed again and we have been holding Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America this event at the Premiere Ballroom. We have been successful in keeping the attendance level in the 300’s to date. The purpose of this party in the early years was to raise toys for the kids. As the party grew, people have been giving donations made out to the Children's Aid Society as well as giving toys. I believe it was in 2001, a young gentleman made a contribution of $20,000. As we continue to grow, people’s generosity has grown, this year we have toys for over 200 children along with donations in excess of $2,000 and additional funds raised at the event from ticket sales in excess of $5,000. We would like to thank the members of the Ferrari Club who have attended this event in the past years. Your support and generous donations have been greatly appreciated. Best Wishes for the New Year. Northern Prancer page 29 Annual Wine Tour, October 16, 2010 by Brad & Angie Shaddick T Photos by Angie Shaddick he last driving event of the season once again proved to be a very memorable day for all participants I’m sure. This is certainly one of the most - if the not the most - popular drives on our calendar. Ralph Shepherd was his usual gracious host by offering free coffee, bagels and donuts at our morning meeting location: the Tim Hortons on Hwy 25 in Milton. The coffee was extra appreciated as the morning was a bit chilly; however a beautiful The route was very similar to last year but no one was complaining as this sequence of roads has a special appeal to it. From tight windy roads, long stretches of county road and city freeways, it gave every driver some satisfying time behind the wheel. Leaving from Milton, we worked our way through the Hamilton area reaching up to the escarpment. The view from this area is beautiful, the best part being the length of run along the escarpment heading to our destination. Everyone of course fully observed posted speed limits. Ralph would stop at certain spots to allow all Prancing Horses to group together and then we would be off again. blue sky and bright sun was the beginning of what looked to be another great day for a run. The cars lined up in the Timmy’s lot with plenty of appreciative Saturday morning drive through patrons getting an eyeful, many pulling their cars over to get a closer look. Once we had our fill of coffee and carbs, Ralph gave some event instruction to the group with an emphasis on making sure we all started with a personal pit stop before we hit the road. We got started a bit late due to an accident or two on the 401 which caused some late arrivals but when all had arrived and Ralph called for the drivers to start em up, we were off. Twenty plus Ferraris participated in the day. page 30 Once we descended into wine country, and after a few more interesting roads travelled, we arrived at our destination, The Rockway Glen Estates which has fantastic views of the escarpment and miles of vineyards all around. As the cars arrived, we were instructed to park in the circular driveway of the estate taking up the entire driveway with two rows of beautiful Ferraris. Many visitors and a wedding party took in the sights of the cars with cameras clicking plenty. Once all arrived, we were gathered on the patio for the wine tasting. Plenty of samples of red and white were covered off. I Some of the participants - l to r: Brad Shaddick, Lindsay Gillespie, Ralph Shepherd, Barb and Eppie Wietzes Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 know I snuck more than a few. Cheese, crackers and fruit was offered as well. The building had a special European appeal suited well to a winery. We then headed downstairs in the main building where everyone was given a bit of a history lesson in wine production at Rockway and the Niagara peninsula in general. One point of interest being that barrels were initially brought over from Europe for wine storage to bring out particular flavors in the wine. We then were treated to a tasty lunch with great service from the staff. As we finished up the culinary delights, some purchased some of their favorite wine to take back with them. The group gathered out by the cars where we socialized reflecting on the great drive and wine tasting. We then dispersed heading back home. The weather stayed great all day. Perfect (slightly cool) temperatures for the cars. A big thanks to Ralph for organizing another “great” wine tour. Can’t wait for next year’s event. Happy New Year to everyone. Rolly’s Mystery Tour September 12, 2010 by Bob Jaques n my opinion the best events in the FCA are the rolling events. They bring out members and guests with one thing in mind – let’s get out and drive. Rolly Astrom has been organizing a “Mystery Drive” for several years now. No two events have ever been the same and this years “tour” on Sunday September 12th was a dandy. Twenty-two Ferraris and two non F cars made up the gang that met at Trafalgar Rd and 401. What makes these drives fun for everyone is that you are never lost as you dare not pass the leader/guide, Rolly. Unlike at the end of a rally, the driver and passenger are still talking to one another. Rolly led us over to Winston Churchill Blvd and north on perfect pavement through the villages of Terra Cotta and Belfountain to Erin. All of a sudden we pulled into a long driveway with a sign indicating that we had arrived at “Boot Hill Auto Restorations”. If you have never heard of this establishment you are in good company as few of us had. What a well kept secret in sleepy Erin. Here on manicured property sits a company that literally has the ability to restore every aspect of remanufacturing a vehicle. Like many shops of this nature, that some of us have visited across America, this one too was started by an enthusiast and is owned by Blaine Schmidt and his wife. They employ about 20 people full time. Blaine is not only a car nut, like the rest of us, but this is his second career. A twelve year career in the CFL as an all star lineman with the Eskimos, Tiger Cats and a Grey Cup ring with the Argos in 1991 round out his credentials and why my right hand is still smaller than my left. Boot Hill specialize in American iron - that’s where their market is. Blaine had just delivered a full nut and bolt body off 1963 Corvette split window to Paul Coffee (former NHL Oiler’s star) and he was working on another project for an NHL player. To read up on the full details and their capabilities go Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America to Better still pay a visit to their shops and see their work in person. Following our tour at Boot Hill it was back in the cars and a quick trip over to Terra Cotta Inn where we enjoyed a wonderful four course luncheon served in their private sunroom all at a very reasonable cost. To Rolly, our host, organizer and guide -- thanks again for a very relaxing day served up with the cars and camaraderie that we all enjoy. Blaine Schmidt - 0wner of Boot Hill Auto Restorations Northern Prancer Photos by Rolly Astrom I page 31 First Impressions - Rolly’s Mystery Tour. by Jeff Moore W So I put an ad in the FCA newsletter looking for a late model 430 with low mileage and a one owner car. Within a few days of receiving the latest edition with my ad in it, a call arrived from a guy in Dallas, Tx who stated he had my car. I was thrilled! Long story short he sent me pictures, we made a deal, and off to Dallas I went two days later to inspect the car and write the cheque. What transpired from there was a spring, summer and fall that reminded of my youth back in New Brunswick when I took delivery of my first sports car, a 1971 MGB and experience I'll never forget. Photos by Rolly Astrom ell this year was the year of a lot of firsts for me. I turned 50, celebrated my 25 anniversary and probably the most exciting (don't send this to my wife! Just kidding honey!) was taking delivery of my first and hopefully not my last red Ferrari! My experiences since I took delivery have been outstanding in many ways. One of which has been the value that FCA has brought. I joined the club just over two years ago as a way to start to connect and learn about the Ferrari experience. I had just started my search for a top notch late model 360 then quickly became enamored with the 430 and set my course on finding a one owner, low mileage 430 example. One of my other passions is boating so the quick upgrade from 360 to 430 I'm used too, as I have suffered from Two-Foot-Itis (The never ending desire to get a bigger boat!) for quite some time, a disease that is basically incurable. Jeff Moore with Liz Astrom Unfortunately I wasn't able to make most of the FCA events this year due to scheduling but I did get to attend the fall mystery tour. It was my first meeting of like minded car enthusiasts. I'll never forget the roaring of 6, 8 and 12 cylinder ferrari's coming down the road to our starting point. We soon departed and took a beautiful drive on the roads and through small villages all over the Northern country side. At every stop I looked forward to hearing that beautiful sound as we all pulled away from stop signs. The mystery turned out to be an incredible visit to Boot Hill Auto Restorations where Blaine Schmidt and his team treated all of us like royalty as they toured us through their incredibly impressive facilities. Then to top it all off we stopped in beautiful Terra Cotta for a wonderful lunch at the Terra Cotta Inn and chatted amongst ourselves about the great morning of driving we had. A great hour and a half while looking outside at a sea of red with a few other splashes of yellow, blue, black and silver mixed in. Well my horse is tucked in for the winter in my heated garage now, but I was thinking the other day, it will only be a few more months before I can fire her back up and put that huge smile back on my face! Happy winter everyone! page 32 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Photo by Mario Zaina Photos by Winston Celik (with Mario Zaina) Rick Taylor inspects some future classics at Boot Hill ! Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 33 Definition of Acceleration Submitted by Bob Jaques O ne top fuel dragster 500 cubic inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower than the first 4 rows of stock cars at the Daytona 500. It takes just 15/100ths of a second for all 6,000+ horsepower of an NHRA Top Fuel dragster engine to reach the rear wheels. Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 1-1/2 gallons of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced. A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to drive the dragster's supercharger. With 3,000 CFM of air being rammed in by the supercharger on overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into a near-solid form before ignition. Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock at full throttle. At the stoichiometric (stoichiometry: methodology and technology by which quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions are determined) 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture of nitro methane, the flame front temperature measures 7,050 deg F. Nitro methane burns yellow... The spectacular white flame seen above the stacks at night is raw burning hydrogen, dissociated from atmospheric water vapor by the searing exhaust gases. Dual magnetos supply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is the output of an arc welder in each cylinder. Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass. After halfway, the engine is dieseling from compression, plus the glow of exhaust valves at 1,400 deg F. The engine can only be shut down by cutting the fuel flow. you have completed reading this sentence. Top fuel engines turn approximately 540 revolutions from light to light! Including the burnout, the engine must only survive 900 revolutions under load. The red line is actually quite high at 9,500 rpm. Assuming all the equipment is paid off, the crew worked for free, and for once NOTHING BLOWS UP, each run costs an estimate $1,000.00 per second. The current top fuel dragster elapsed time record is 4.428 seconds for the quarter mile (11/12/06, Tony Schumacher, at Pomona , CA ). The top speed record is 336.15 mph as measured over the last 66' of the run (05/25/05 Tony Schumacher, at Hebron , OH ). Putting all of this into perspective: You are driving the average $140,000 Lingenfelter 'twinturbo' powered Corvette Z06. Over a mile up the road, a top fuel dragster is staged and ready to launch down a quarter mile strip as you pass. You have the advantage of a flying start. You run the 'Vette hard up through the gears and blast across the starting line and pass the dragster at an honest 200 mph. The 'tree' goes green for both of you at that moment. The dragster launches and starts after you. You keep your foot down hard, but you hear an incredibly brutal whine that sears your eardrums and within 3 seconds, the dragster catches and passes you. He beats you to the finish line, a quarter mile away from where you just passed him. Think about it, from a standing start, the dragster had spotted you 200 mph and not only caught, but nearly blasted you off the road when he passed you within a mere 1,320 foot long race course. ...... and that my friends, is ACCELERATION! Photo by Peter Davidson archives If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up in the affected cylinders and then explodes with sufficient force to blow cylinder heads off the block in pieces or split the block in half. In order to exceed 300 mph in 4. 5 seconds, dragsters must accelerate an average of over 4G's. In order to reach 200 mph (well before half-track), the launch acceleration approaches 8G's. Dragsters reach over 300 miles per hour before page 34 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010 Ontario’s Highest Octane Winter 2010 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer page 35 The Classified Ads. Page FERRARI MASERATI of ONTARIO Ferrari: 2004 2004 2001 2008 2005 2006 360 Spider - Grey- 7,094 kms 360 Spider - Red - 7,016 kms 550 Barchetta - Red - 3,200 kms 599 GTB Fiorano Coupe - Yellow - 2,400 kms 612 Scaglietti - Grey - 7,800 kms 612 Scaglietti - Grey - 9,100 kms Maserati: 2009 - GranTurismo - Burgundy - 385 kms 2008 - GranTurismo - Silver - 36,759 kms 2008 - Quattroporte - Grey - 30, 104 kms 2009 - Quattroporte - Black - 19,800 kms Call the friendly staff at: Ferrari Maserati of Ontario, 200 Auto Park Circle, Vaughan, Ontario. Tel: (416) 749-5325 or Fax: (416) 749-9780 ~ FERRARI MASERATI QUEBEC Ferrari: Maserati: 2009 599 GTB Fiorano F1 - Rosso Corsa/ Beige - 13,411 kms 2008 Granturismo – Black/Beige interior - 7,200 kms 2008 Scuderia Spider 16 M - Grigio Silverstone Opaco/Tessuto Grigio 2009 Quattroporte - Blue Oceano/Cuoio - 7,500 kms - 2,614 km 2008 Granturismo - Grigio Touring/Red - 4,180 kms 2008 430 Scuderia - Rosso Corsa/Tessuto Nero - 5,589 km 2008 Quattroporte - Nero Carbonio/Nero- 31,000 kms 2008 F430 Coupe F1 - Nero Daytona/ Cuoio/Nero - 4,303 kms 2008 Granturismo - Grigio Touring/Beige - 20,062 kms 2007 599 GTB Fiorano F1 - Grigio Silverstone/Bordeaux - 11,000 kms 2008 Quattroporte - Grigio Touring/Beige - 8,700 kms 2007 F430 Coupe - Black/Black - 8,350 kms 2006 Quattroporte - Grigio Palladio/Beige - 43,000 kms 2007 F430 Spider F1 - Grigio Silverstone/Rosso/Nero - 9,000 kms 2005 Quattroporte - Grigio Touring/ Beige - 38,500 kms 2006 F430 Spider F1 - Grigio Titanio/Black - 10,000 kms 2011 Granturismo - Nero Carbonnio/black leather - 49 kms 2005 F430 Spider F1 - Rosso Corsa/Beige - 5,464 kms 2011 Quattroporte - Oceano Blue/Cuoio Leather 1998 355 - Rosso Corsa/Black - 28,000 kms 2011 Granturismo Convertible - Bianco Eldorado/Cuoio 1990 Testarossa - Rosso Corsa/Black - 30,839 kms - 36 kms Call: Sales Manager - Ferrari Maserati Quebec, 5155 De Sorel, Montreal, Quebec Tel.: (514) 337-7274 or Fax (514) 340-9188 FOR SALE: 1975 308 GT4 with 348 TB drive train. The car has a custom ATL fuel cell installed in the front of the car. Big brake kit on all 4 corners by Willwood, coil over adjustable shocks, high performance chips, custom ram air induction from K&N, Borla exhausts, high performance water and oil cooling systems. The car is used for club lapping. Over $60,000 invested. Will sell for $25,000. Call or e-mail for more info: Sam - 514.239.3993 - [email protected] 21/3 FOR SALE: 1983 308 QV - black with red interior - Euro spoiler - HRE 505 style 16” wheels - original owners manual, tools and jack - 67,000 miles. Car is in great condition and needs nothing but a new home! Serious inquiries only. Car is in Montreal. Major service done at 65,000 miles. Pictures available upon request. Contact: Eddie at 514-880-8559 or [email protected] 21/3 FOR SALE: Set of ignition wires for non-fuel injected 308's. Selling for $70. Contact: [email protected] 20/3 FOR SALE: 1995 F355B s/n: 0639 - yellow/black, many factory options and mofifications including spare set of mint white Speedline Challenge wheels, free flow Tubi exhaust with stainless Tubi headers. Al service records from new. Contact Bob Jaques - 416-888-8987 21/1 FREE ADVERTISING FOR MEMBERS - RIGHT HERE! Club members are invited to advertise cars, parts for sale or wanted at no charge for private sales only. For non-members, there is a charge of $10.00 per advertisement. Classified ads will run for two consecutive issues and can be renewed upon request. Send details to the Editor by the first day of March, June, September or December. page 36 Ferrari Club of America Northern Prancer Winter 2010
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