Parish of Baulkham Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church


Parish of Baulkham Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Parish of Baulkham Hills
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
1 Canyon Rd Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
02 9639 8385  [email protected] 
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
1 Canyon Rd,
Baulkham Hills
Saturday Vigil 6.00pm
Sunday 9.30am
Korean 7.30pm Vigil/11.00am
St Michael’s Church
Chapel Lane
Baulkham Hills
Saturday Vigil 5.30pm
Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm
Wednesday - Friday 9.15am
Adoration of Blessed Eucharist
Friday 8.30am
Prior to 9.15am Mass
1st Friday
Mass of Blessing of the Sick
Saturday 5.30pm
By Appointment
4th Saturday of the month 11.15am
Our Lady of Lourdes Office
1.00pm -4.30pm
Wednesday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
Parish Priest
Fr. Wim Hoekstra
Assistant Priests
Fr. Zvonimir Gavranovic
Fr. Pio Yong Ho Jang
Parish Secretary
Louise Ryall
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary
Mr. Steven Haskins
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
16th October 2016
“There was a judge in a certain town who
neither feared God nor respected any human
being. And a widow in that town used to come
to him and say: ‘Render a just decision for me
against my adversary.’”
Luke 18, 1-8
While Jon Hassler is a rather obscure American
writer, his novels have recently been republished.
His stories explore the moral
dilemmas with which people often struggle in the
ordinary decision-making of their lives. His
writing, which is characterised by gently satiric
humour, explores some of the contradictions he
experienced within the Catholic Church. Agatha
McGee is a character who appears in several of
his novels. In an interview Hassler gave not long
before he died in 2008, he stated that Agatha’s complaining about the Church’s
excesses relieved him from having to do the complaining himself.
In his novel, The Green Journey, Agatha McGee is very much like the widow in
today’s gospel parable. Agatha was one of those primary school teachers who
become legends to generations of their students. She taught grade six in St
Isidore’s parish school, Staggerford. She would not allow injustice to go
unchallenged, especially when it was inflicted by the powerful on the powerless.
The Green Journey begins with Agatha welcoming into her home an unmarried,
pregnant teenager by the name of Janet Raft. It was Christmas Eve, and the
weather forecast was for heavy snow. Janet’s family lived in a rural area, far from
the nearest hospital, and her family had asked Agatha to take their daughter in and
get her to the hospital if she went into labour during the expected snow-storm.
Knowing that her former teacher would not approve of the conduct that resulted in
her pregnancy, Janet arrived at Agatha’s door ashamed and embarrassed. She
replied to Agatha’s welcome with her eyes cast down and an almost inaudible:
“Hello, Miss McGee.”
In her characteristic, school-teacher manner, and with the spirit of the widow in
today’s gospel, Agatha responds: “Please look me in the eye and say that, Janet.”
When Janet replies to the reprimand, Miss McGee says: “Oh, that’s ever so much
better. You see, this is no time for hangdog expressions. This is a time for
strength. You’re about to give birth in a blizzard, and the poor baby’s father is a
thousand miles away, and God alone knows if he’ll come home and marry you.
Janet’s son was the first child born in the town on New Year’s day. However, this
accolade, a newspaper story and the accompanying gifts were bestowed on the son
of the owner of the furniture shop in the town. Agatha McGee was so outraged that
she would not be satisfied until justice was delivered. She draggged Janet and
Janet’s reluctant father (also one of her former pupils) down to the furniture store
where she confronted the father with the “mistake”. Through a combination of
cunning, persuasion and threat, she convinced the shop-keepers of the town to
provide an identical set of gifts for Janet’s baby.
This picture of a white-haired retired school teacher with an inflexible and
persistent sense of justice making grown men squirm as she calls them to account
mirrors the story of the widow in today’s gospel. So, the God-like figure in this
parable is the widow. Anyone who persistently names and denounces injustice,
and then works to dismantle it is acting as God acts.
Adapted from Julian McDonald cfc. AO
Sunday Mass
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ YEAR C
Entrance Antiphon
To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words.
Guard me as the apple of your eye; in the shadow of your wings protect me.
1st Reading
Ex 17:8-13
Responsorial Psalm
Our help is from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
The word of God is living and active;
it probes the thoughts and motives of our heart. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon
Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
who hope in his merciful love, to rescue their souls from death,
to keep them alive in famine.
Next Week’s Readings
1st Reading:
2nd Reading
Sirach 35:12-14, 16-19
: 2 Tim 3:14-4:2
2nd Reading
2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18
Luke 18:1-8
Gospel: Luke 18:9-14
Liturgical Ministry Roster
15th/16th October
6.00pm Saturday
9.30am Sunday
Andrew Barnhill
Rodney Rosario
Roland Barros
22nd/ 23rd October
6.00pm Saturday
9.30am Sunday
Ken Sinclair
John Cavaleri
Tony Bracken
Altar Servers Servers are invited to serve at the Mass they are attending each weekend
Reader 1
Reader 2
Ministers of
Natasha Bryce
Fiona Mildren
Grace Yee
Maureen Steele
John Walker
Zelda Boot
Prem Mascarenhas
Helen Thomas
Maureen Steele
Janina Starkey
Madeleine Menasse,
Aileen Sinclair
Louise Ryall
Anne Mitchell,
Madeline Leslie
Angela Pigott
Madeline Leslie (A)
Pat Koff (A)
Group 3
Group 4
If you are unable to minister on your Rostered Day please arrange a replacement, particularly for Aminya
Prayer Requests
Recently Deceased: Eric Parkes, Brian Lees
Anniversary: Pat Ryall, Stephen Ford
Remembrance: Anthony Bertus,
James & Diana Rodgers
Please pray for our sick relatives and friends:
Carmel Byrne, Bob Daley, Barry McDonnell, Narelle
Fazzio, Cath Stutz, Des Balangue, John Walker,
Hayden (a sick little boy in need of our prayers), Keryn
Gersbach, Neville Yabsley, Marjorie Gee, Garry
Christian, Vic Uvero, Agnes, Judy, Marie, Rosham,
Maria Roche, Graeme Hardy, John Shiel, Pat
McManus, Ron Cross, Michelle Clapham, Lyn
Newson, Sr. Bridie O’Connell rsj, Shaun Hegarty,
Alana Reid, Stella D’Costa, Neil Smith, Peter Pang,
Holly Burns, Evan Garcia, Brian Roche, Warren
Moses, Carmel Willis, Mary Kingston, Matthew
Burke, Julie Bracks, Edward Beaini, Shane Feneley,
Richard Meagher.
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist will
take place in the Church each Friday
commencing at 8.30a.m, prior to 9.15am
You are welcome to come to spend some quiet time
in reflection with the Lord.
By Francis, Pope (Author)
$20.00 ~ only 2 copies
available at the Piety Stall
In this unprecedented book, questions from children
from across the world are presented to Pope Francis —
and the Pope himself answers each letter. All too often,
the big spiritual questions from children are ignored or
written off as quaint, but Pope Francis helps every
child feel God’s love and know that their voices are
valued and heard. With each question charmingly
illustrated by the child, Dear Pope Francis lets the Pope
respond directly to each child with inspiring,
meaningful answers. Pope Francis's joyful warmth and
wisdom shine through for parents, grandparents,
teachers and, of course, children.
Sacrament of 1st Eucharist
This weekend we welcome the
children of our Parish community and
their families who are preparing to
receive Jesus for the first time in the
Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion.
Please keep these children and their families in your
prayers at this very special time in their Faith Journey.
Children’s Liturgy News….
Liturgy of the Word for
Children of school age is held
during 9.30am Mass each
Sunday during school terms.
The children listen to the
Word of God at their own
level and participate in
different activities focusing on
the message of the Gospel.
The Children’s Liturgy program will be recommencing shortly, however in order to provide
adequately for the number of children who attend each
week we will need your help. The Children’s Liturgy
Team will be more than happy to teach and assist you
as you become more confident in the role. The
Liturgies are prepared at the beginning of each School
Term and you, along with other parents and young
people of the parish, act as facilitators each Sunday
during school terms.
A Working With Children Check is required by all
persons over the age of 18 working with children in
any capacity within the Diocese of Parramatta. We
will happily help you organise this if you do not
already have a WWCC Number.
Would you like to join this Team?
Contact: Angela Ryall on 0403 216 920 or via Email:
[email protected]
A meeting for all those interested in assisting with this
wonderful ministry will be held in the Parish Centre
following 9.30am Mass this Sunday 16th October.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Right of Christian Initiation of Adults
 Are you interested in learning more about the
Catholic Church and its Teachings?
 Do you have friends or family members who
are questining what being Catholic is all
This is a life-changing opportunity for those
considering becoming a Catholic or those Catholics
who wish to know more about their church, what we
believe and our Church teachings.
The Journey, which invites adults to discover the
richness of the Catholic Faith commences on
Wednesday 9 November in the Marian Centre,
St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill.
The gatherings are every Wednesday from 7:30pm to
If you are interested or you know someone who may
be interested please contact the Parish Office on 9639
8385 or [email protected]
by 28th October.
Hearing Loop
For those who are new to our Parish or
visiting we welcome you and advise
that there is a Hearing Loop installed in
the church in the right-hand central
block of pews as you walk into the
Please turn your hearing aid to the T-Loop setting.
A Prayer for our HSC students
Heavenly Father, we bring before
you our HSC students.
Give them the gifts of wisdom,
right judgement, knowledge and
courage. Bless them with calm
hearts and clarity of mind as they
sit for their exams.
May they be affirmed in their efforts and may they
know that you are there with them. We pray that
they will stay calm under pressure and perform to
the best of their ability.
May they feel your loving presence in their lives,
now and always, and may they be strengthened by
the prayerful support of us, their parish community.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen
Catholic Women’s League
The CWL will meet this Friday, 21st October in the
Parish Centre following Mass 9.15am Mass.
New members are always welcome.
OLOL Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee will meet in
the Parish51$6"%,$6%#+$%)'$(%)*+"$(%+,-)%.$/-012*.+$
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If you have any ideas that you think would enhance
our Parish Liturgies you are welcome to come along
and share them with the liturgy group or email to 1"'#<;#<,%"03$31"I,$
Parish Office [email protected];0<1,(#,$
Perhaps you have seen something whilst visiting$ *%++)"1*0'1%"$:1'(1"$'(#$;
another parish that you think we could incorporate
into our own Liturgies. Your suggestions are always
most welcome.
OLOL Pastoral Advisory Group
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~ New members invited
The Pastoral Advisory Group has been supporting the
pastoral life of Our Lady of Lourdes for a number of
years and is looking forward to welcoming any
members from within the OLOL community who
would like to contribute to our faith community and its
pastoral needs.
Some of the priorities of the Pastoral Advisory Group
Strengthening and enhancing the liturgical and
sacramental life of the Parish.
Strengthening adult faith education opportunities
to cater for a range of different needs among
Providing pastoral / social opportunities for all
Providing support for the many existing groups
and ministries within the Parish.
Please register your interest through the OLOL Office
or phone Louise on 96398385.
Diocesan Family Sunday: 23rd October
Theme: ‘Family – An Oasis of Mercy’
Join the families of the Diocese for an afternoon family
gathering with Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv and
Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.
Time: 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Venue: Shrine of the Holy Innocents,
8 Greyfriar Place, Kellyville.
Be part of the Way of Mercy with the Mercy Cross and
relics of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and St Teresa
of Kolkata.
Hosted by: Life, Marriage & Family Office,
Family Sunday will also be celebrated at Masses
throughout the Diocese of Parramatta.
Inquiries: Tel (02) 8838 3441
Email: [email protected]
Younger Widowed Support Group
St Elisabeth’s Convent (Belarus) Visit
CCSS Solo Parent Services “Stepping Beyond”
Support Group, is held on the last Tuesday of each
month for those navigating their way through a
separation or divorce.
Friday 21st October
Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes,
We are delighted to invite you to see and purchase
handmade religious articles made by the Sisters of St.
Elisabeth Convent (Belarus).
The exhibition will take place on Friday, 21st
October at 9.15am Mass.
The Sisterhood of Saint Elisabeth was founded in
1996. For more than 15 years our sisters have been
rendering spiritual, social and financial support to the
sick and the suffering at the National Psychiatric
Clinic, the boarding home for children with special
needs and mentally challenged adults, a TB clinic.
In recent years a rehabilitation center for the homeless,
drug and alcohol addicts, ex-prisoners was established
20 miles away from the Convent. About 200 residents
live here today. Many lost and struggling people get a
chance to tackle their problems and start a new life
with God.
A rehabilitation facility for females was established in
2012. Women released from jail, the homeless and
mentally challenged women stay there. Today there are
11 women and one toddler at this farmstead.
To help these people workshops were established on
the grounds of the Convent. Many of these sick people
have a possibility to express themselves in art for God
working together with the nuns and sisters and making
beautiful articles (hand painted icons, crosses,
crucifixes, woodcarvings, embroidered and ceramic
gifts, vestments).
All these goods are made with love and prayer and
bring blessing to home. You will support many people
in need by purchasing items of devotions for
yourselves and your beloved ones.
With deep gratitude and love in Christ,
Sisters of St Elisabeth
Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Philippa Ford generously offers her services to the
parishioners and to the family and friends of
parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Baulkham Hills.
If you or someone close to you is struggling with
issues around grief and loss, anxiety, depression,
relationships or mental health and related issues please
contact Philippa on 0418 663 325 to make an
appointment. Sessions are strictly confidential.
Philippa Ford
BCHC / Member CAPA
CCSS Solo Parent Services’ Younger Widowed
Support Group is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each
month. The Support Group is for men and women
widowed at a younger age whether you are a parent
or not.
Next gathering: Tuesday 18th October.
Venue: DAC,
1-5 Marion St, Blacktown.
Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Cost: $5.00.
Registration: Rita Ph. 8822 2222 or
Email: [email protected]
Stepping Beyond: Support for those
Separated or Divorced
Next Gathering: 25th October
Venue: CCSS Centre,
38 Prince St, Blacktown.
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Cost: $5.00.
Registration: Rita Ph. 8822 2222
[email protected]
Annual CCD Mass:
21st October
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, together with
priests of the Diocese, will celebrate the 2016 CCD
Time: 11.00am
Venue: Padre Pio Parish, Glenmore Park.
The Mercy Cross and Relics will be part of our
celebration as we give thanks for blessings in our
special religious education ministry. All are
Dates for your Diaries !!!
Enrolment for 1st Communion
Children’s Liturgy Meeting
Liturgy Committee
Catholic Women’s League
Sr Elisabeth Convent Gifts
Annual CCD Mass
Diocesan Family Day
1st Communion
15th/16th October
16th October
20th October
21st October
21st October
21st October
23rd October
19 /20th November
Parish Bulletin is generously sponsored by: