August 14, 2016 - St. Anne Catholic Church
August 14, 2016 - St. Anne Catholic Church
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 EUCHARISTIC LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday 5:00 PM 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 AM Monday-Wednesday-Friday 8:00 AM Tuesday—Thursday 7:00 AM Wednesday 7:00 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM or by appt. 551 Boulder Hill Pass PO Box 670, Oswego, IL 60543 630-554-3331 630-554-0530 (FAX) PARISH OFFICES 630-554-3331 630-554-0530 (FAX) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Friday 8:30 AM-Noon RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 630-554-1425 630-554-9797 (FAX) RE OFFICE HOURS Summer Hours Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM-6:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM-Noon E-MAIL [email protected] Visit us on our website: Page Two Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 SHARING HIS REAL PRESENCE AS WE GO FORTH TO EVANGELIZE God is so good! I would like to thank you for all of your support for the Confirmation retreat last week. This Saturday it happens all again. We invite you to be an active prayer supporter of this day dedicated to God. Our young people are searching for what is real in their lives and in anticipation of their Confirmation we allow ourselves to be vessels of grace to them. We ask the Holy Spirit to shape our words and be present in our actions that all may be lifted up to a new awareness of God's presence. We offer God the opportunity to make His love, forgiveness and healing present to our Confirmation candidates and that all will receive that which God wants them to receive. This is a powerful day in our parish and we ask that you pray that God’s goodness will shine and define the lives of our future Church. All is needed. I am grateful to the many volunteers and for the direction of these days provided by Julie, our Jr. High/ Middle School Youth Minister. Next Sunday is Kick-Off Sunday for our Religious Education Program. We are very blessed to have a vibrant program that is the third largest in the diocese. All of this happens because of the investment of our volunteers. It is a huge commitment and we are blessed to have the core of believers that become the ambassadors for God each and every time a student walks through the door. We are still in need of volunteers. Say yes and God will bless you in abundant ways. Fr. John REFLECTIONS FROM YLC (Youth Leadership Conference) YLC is a life changer. When I first came to the last meeting of S.A.L.T, I didn't really know what I was doing. I knew how to be a leader but not to the extent of where I am now. YLC is a place where young leaders can come together and express themselves and their ideas without hesitation. I encountered God this weekend through my parish and my friends. Throughout the weekend I saw that God comes to people in different ways. The way that God impacts me is by giving me friends that don't judge others, but accepts them for who they are. YLC is an experience that I will be attending next year because it is one event that no one should miss. —Andy Jankowski It isn't always easy to find the right words to pray. Sometimes you're nervous, sometimes you're lost, sometimes you're angry, and sometimes you simply feel empty. Before YLC I felt all of those emotions, I was afraid, embarrassed, confused, and frustrated with my faith, and I couldn't find any words to ask God for help. At one breakout session my group of about 40 soon-to-be college freshmen were asked to pray for healing, mercy, and forgiveness. I went through the motions feeling like an imposter, and when it came time to have a conversation with God I just sat and starred straight ahead, completely unable to pray. That was when a boy I'd never met walked over and asked if he could pray for me. God worked through him to tell me that I wasn't alone, and as a stranger placed his hands on my shoulders and prayed for a girl who's name he didn't even know, I felt the Father's love flow through me. Slowly, I was able to pray again and reestablish the beautiful relationship with the Lord I had been missing. Without YLC, I never would have been inspired by other teens who lived the Gospel in all of their actions. —Sam Peters August14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three SETTING THE EARTH ON FIRE Every good Boy Scout or Girl Scout knows that for a fire to burn it needs a spark. That spark needs fuel to burn and oxygen to grow. The fuel is used to burn and allow the fire to get hotter, bigger and at times more intense. When Jesus says He wants to set the earth on fire, He is inviting the disciples and all of us to become the fuel for that fire. He is the spark, He is the energy that keeps it ablaze. The Holy Spirit is the oxygen that keeps the fire growing and seen, yet we are invited to become the fuel. To do this we must allow ourselves to surrender to God’s will. To become fuel for God’s fire we must allow ourselves to be used for God’s Kingdom to submit to His grace and allow Him to transcend our humanness to raise it to what He needs. This is a lifelong journey and yet at times the Holy Spirit allows us to catch glimpses of it. On one of the first Confirmation retreats we had, one of the college students came back to give a witness talk and I was stunned by her honesty. She spoke so frankly about her jealousy of her sibling and how it took precedence during her senior year. It was an awesome talk and God used her to directly proclaim to our Confirmation candidates the living of our faith in real situations. She had to confront the jealousy in her life and all that she thought she deserved. It was powerful and I remember it to this day, even though it was three years ago. Setting ourselves in a place to do God’s will goes back to the greatest surrender in the history of the world which took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. In that place Jesus surrendered. As He did, God the Father glorified Him and because of this, our sins are forgiven. This gift of forgiveness is not earned by anything we do, but by the sacrifice of His life, fully divine and fully human, the Son of God. We are to lay our lives down for the sake of His Kingdom. In fire building there are many kinds of fuel. The process begins with small tinder and then medium twigs are added. There is a process to build a blazing fire. Sometimes our issues are with what type of fuel we want to be. We all want to be the long lasting log that stays lit the longest. But a log cannot create the fire alone. It needs all of the other elements as well. Many of us do not want to give way to others and to bigger kindling. In a fire everything gets burned in the proper time. We struggle at times to just surrender to what God needs. To become fuel, we need to look into the Scriptures. Moses and the burning bush captured the attention of the future leader of Israel. He sees a fire that is not consuming the fuel. It doesn’t go out. At the Easter Vigil we proclaim Jesus as the Light that dispels the darkness and we use fire at the start of the celebration of the triumphant entrance of Jesus out of the tomb and into the world. In the prayer of the Exultet, the deacon sings of the importance of the wax of the Easter candle that allows itself to become such a holy symbol. This is the fire we are to become. We are to offer ourselves as fuel, as instruments, as humble servants to the will of God. May the fire of God never go out at St. Anne. Rev. John J. Ouper Page Four Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 Mass Intentions Meetings and Events Monday, August 15 8:00 AM-Mickey Casiello req. Felix & Annette Papa Tuesday, August 16 7:00 AM-Tom & Ethel Gutierrez req. Dan & Pam Gutierrez Family Wednesday, August 17 8:00 AM-Wayne & Joy Gutzwiler req. Pat Worley 7:00 PM-Linda Konczal req. Charismatic Prayer Group Thursday, August 18 7:00 AM-Purgatorial Society Friday, August 19 8:00 AM-Hilger & Schindlbeck Families req. Family Saturday, August 20 5:00 PM-Bob Gillingham req. Family Sunday, August 21 7:30 AM-Jeanne Spitz Raible req. Family 9:15 AM-Walter Sullivan req. Ron & Ann Wigton 11:00 AM-For the Parishioners MONDAY 10:00 AM-Prayer Shawl Ministry. 7:00 PM-Blue Army meets for Rosary and Holy Hour. All are invited. TUESDAY 9:30 AM-AFF: Women’s Scripture Study. 7:30 PM-Parish Council meeting. 7:30 PM-Charismatic Prayer Group. All are welcome to attend. 7:30 PM-Men’s Spirituality. WEDNESDAY 7:30 AM-Holy Hill Trip. 9:00 AM-Rosary. 7:30 PM-AFF: Baptism Preparation II. SATURDAY 12:00-6:00 PM-Freshman Confirmation retreat. 4:30-5:15 PM-PADS Food drop off. 6:30 PM-PADS Shift at Hesed House. SUNDAY 8:30 AM-12:30 PM-Religious Article Store. 12:30 PM-Baptisms. 7:00 PM-HS Godparent Home Sessions. Readings for the Week Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Five PLEASE PRAY FOR Emma Bates Jeffrey Brooks Jordan Burch Betty Calhoon Laura Carson Micki Chambers Steve Davison Jarie Franczyk Norma Frieders Barbara Henning Barbara Hess Margaret Jagodzinski Ramiro Martinez Joe Mitchell Andrew Pemenko Barry Peters Julie Peters Ramona Plock Alfonso Ramirez Nick Rich Terry Ann Richmond Isabella Rominski Carmelita Schuster Richard Sierzega Amy Stahl-Valero Caryl Steimel Christine Thompson Kimberly Weisenborn Hayden Wheeler Janet Zakosek Josefina Zwerenz And all who are experiencing illness and are not listed by name. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Come and join us for our Prayer Shawl gathering on Monday, August 15 at 10:00 AM in the Joachim Center. Care and the love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort. Many blessings are knitted and crocheted into every shawl. If you do not know how to knit or crochet, join us anyway, there is always someone there that can show you how. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Bulin at 630-554-4806. FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Monday, August 15 The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurs this Monday, August 15. It is a holyday. However, when a holyday falls on a Monday, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. Even though there is no obligation to attend, we do invite and welcome everyone to join us for Mass this day to honor Mary. It will be held at 8:00 AM in the Chapel. Page Six Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 God’s Share All of us are recipients of many blessings from God. In return, He expects that we praise Him for His goodness and thank Him for His generous gifts. Thanking, however, is not done in word only, but in deed, also. Actual Budgeted Total Parish Offering Sunday Offering $26,366.84 $24,500.00 E-Giving $ 2,875.00 73 Transactions Children’s Offering $ 14.21 Money not in envelope but in above figure $ 1,215.35 Parishioners registered for envelopes as of July 31, 2016 2,811 Average Regular Envelope Users 577 21% Participation Number of envelopes used last Sunday 598 22% Participation Number of Children’s envelopes used 15 02% Participation E-Giving: If you would like to participate in E-Giving, please log on to the Saint Anne website: and click on the E-Giving link for under “Support Us”. Please follow link for instructions. STEWARDSHIP In today’s second reading, we hear the author of the letter to the Hebrews liken the daily life of the Christian steward to a race, a long-distance race perhaps, certainly not a sprint; requiring endurance and a single-minded focus on Jesus at the finish line. Good stewards are firmly committed to running the race, to live the Christian life to the fullest, to keep their eyes focused on Jesus. They don’t grow weary. They don’t lose heart. They know there is immense joy waiting for them at the finish line. Are you fully committed to living each day for Christ? Are you running the race, or are you simply jogging? Just walking? Sitting? Going backwards? Going nowhere? Some of us may want to reflect on what we can do to run the race with even more conviction. Others may want to reflect on how to simply enter the race and start running. 2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL Chosen by God’s Grace Pledge Report If you have not made your contribution to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, please consider doing so online at, via mail or by returning one of our Commitment envelopes found in the literature racks. Monthly pledge payments for CMAA pledges should be made in the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach our goal. Once we have reached goal in paid pledges, 65% of the additional funds received will be returned to the parish for our use. Parish Goal: $111,197.00 Amount Pledged: $125,381.00 Amount Paid: $100,470.00 Remaining Balance: $ 24,912.00 Rebate Amount: $ 8,510.40 (when pledges are paid in full) August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Seven R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a spiritual journey in faith to discover what it means to follow Jesus as a Catholic Christian and the joy and freedom that can result from journeying with Christ. Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through R.C.I.A.. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior. Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take My yoke upon your shoulders and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden light. Matthew 11:28-30 If you or anyone you know have any questions and are high school age or older, please contact Deacon David Brockman at 630-554-3331. WELCOME TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED We want to warmly welcome and congratulate the following children who were Baptized last Sunday by Deacon David Brockman: GASCA, PENELOPE ROSE Daughter of Hernando & Veronica KOCISKO, CHARLIE JOHN Son of Philip & Heather HASTINGS, AINE LYNCH Daughter of Brian & Amy PETRY, DAWSON KANE Son of Mathew & Amanda SCHELL-DRESEN, JOLEE HELEN Daughter of Justin & Christa SAINT ANNE RELIGIOUS GOODS STORE Sundays 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM We sell a variety of religious items for all ages including rosaries, bibles, prayer books, cards & jewelry. Be sure to stop in after mass! Page Eight Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 We are not alone. In this great mercy work, we are not alone. The Letter to the Hebrews (12:1-4) declares we can run the race, we can live the Christian life, we can keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. We are not alone. We who eat and drink Christ’s Blood and Body are “conformed to his image on earth” in order to not only look like him but also be like him. † Who is lonely, cut off, alone, and needs my visit? † Who can I surround with my witness and comfort? Let us say with Mary My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on his lowly servant. The following registered with Saint Anne Parish during the month of July. We welcome: Robert & Rebecca Blaisdell Jeffrey & Ivy Blasko Jason & Kimberly Bradley Marcos & Kelly Costa Meghan Fiene Carlos & Marzena Flores Kathleen Gallegos Allan Garcia & Crystal Bocher Randolph Gress Gerald & Tina Kalvaitis Elisa Kuri Brendan & Molly Mackey Liseth Manzo Charles & Josie Martinez, Sr. Harold Mendoza & Maria Palumbi Mattioli Kristen Millsap Jose & Maria Pagan, Jr. Frank & Jodie Petrozza Matthew & Kristine Pohlman Timothy & Michelle Schaefer David & Rebecca Schumacher David & Diane Skowronski August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Nine Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” ST. MONICA MIINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP The St. Monica Ministry is a group of women that meet weekly (Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 AM) during the school year for spiritual support and fellowship. Are you an active retiree (man or woman)? Are you a stay at home mom (or dad) with children in school? Do you remember when you could use some time away for “adult” conversation? x Are you willing to volunteer a couple hours each week for our young moms? x x x St. Monica Ministry needs your help…...We are looking for caring people who will help out with child care for our pre-school children during meetings beginning in the Fall of 2016. If you can assist with our need, please call Ana Galazin, 432-349-1595 or email at [email protected]. ATTENTION PADS VOLUNTEERS Please remember to bring your food items to the Joachim Center between the hours of 4:30 and 5:15 PM on Saturday, August 20, 2016. Volunteers will be present during this time to accept and transport your food items to Hesed House. The church kitchen is used for many activities during the week and on Saturdays thus making acceptance of food items prior to the designated drop off times not possible. Should you encounter problems with the drop off time, please contact Jim Cain, 630-234-0340. HIDDEN TREASURES LIBRARY Check out some great Reading! Did you know. . . Saint Anne Parish has not one but two libraries in the Joachim Center? The adult library is located across the hall from the Chapel. It has quite a large collection of books, as well as audio and VCR tapes. The children’s area is in the opposite hall. The libraries are open when the Joachim Center is open and we use a “self-check out” system. Why not check it out! Page Ten Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 RE Office Summer Hours—Now through September 2 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM 8:30 AM to Noon Registration for 2016-2017 It’s not too late to register for RE! Send in your forms, come to the RE Office during our regular office hours, or go to the St. Anne parish website at Under the “Learn the Faith” tab, click on “K-5 Religious Education” and/or “Junior High Youth Ministry.” Please print the appropriate forms, fill them in, and return them to the RE Office along with your tuition payment (note: the Late Fee rate now applies) and/or volunteer form ASAP. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need YOU to share your time and talent with the children of the parish as a Catechist, Aide, or Monitor! - You don’t have to have a child in the RE program to volunteer (although parents/grandparents are always welcome)! - You don’t have to be a teacher by profession or an expert in the faith. We provide training and lesson plans for Catechists and Aides! - You don’t have to be in a classroom to help. We need Nursery, Hallway, and Parking Lot Monitors as well to help keep everyone safe! Contact Cathy Gillooly for more information on how YOU can volunteer. Catholic Heart Workcamp. The teens say it all! “The Catholic Heart Workcamp was an amazing experience. I learned about myself and that I would like to include more prayer in my daily life. It was nice to get out and do something positive for a struggling community. It was wonderful to connect with a family that needed help. I would do it again, it is very regimented, but an excellent experience.” Mickayla L. (incoming Freshman) “…I absolutely loved working for the less fortunate. I met amazing people and we did amazing things. … Seeing how these people live really taught me what mattered. The residents had so much love to give, even though they didn’t have much. This showed me that when you have less, you show compassion towards the thing God has given you. … Camp was amazing, I learned so much about myself and God. I will remember and treasure this experience forever, I can honestly say I found Jesus at CHWC. Dominic B. (8th grade) DASH VOLUNTEERS: God is hearing lots of pleas recently as our volunteer numbers resemble a drought when instead I’m praying for a flood of Spirit-led adults to be mentors for our young teens for 18 Sunday sessions. Can this possibly be you? 4pm time: 7th grade needs 4 Leaders and 5 Co-Leaders; 8th grade needs 1 Small Group Leader and 3 Co-Leaders. 6:30pm time: 7th grade needs 1Leader and 4 Co-Leaders; 8th grade needs 3 Small Group Leaders and 3 Co-Leaders. Lesson plans are fully provided. Help is always present. From what I heard last year, the kids enjoyed coming and adults appreciated all that was given. What fears do you have about evangelizing/sharing your faith that I can help quell? Contact Julie Krakora. August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eleven 10 TOP REASONS TO BE A GODPARENT THEY NEED YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Welcome 10-15 teens into your home every Sunday (August-May) Learn to love and accept your group, and let them love and respect YOU as Christ would. Be a positive Christian role model for the youth in thought, words, and action. Share your own faith and struggles and encourage them to do the same. Work on your own spiritual growth. Support teens in all areas of their lives. Help them take ownership of their faith and begin a personal relationship with God. Share and teach faith, Christian traditions, social concerns, service and Christian love through a variety of projects and discussions to help foster a spiritual and social growth of our youth. Minister to the precious gifts God has sent to you. Have FUN WITH THEM !! Is God calling you to minister to teens, to grow in your faith, to be His hands and feet? If you need more info. Call Deacon Duane at 554-1425 ext. 116 WE ARE BOUND TOGETHER IN A COMMON HUMANITY: TEEN SPICE NEEDS YOUR HELP The deepest need of every human being is to love and to be loved – to know God. We all share a desire for friendship, community, and spiritual growth. Teen SPICE is an opportunity at St. Anne for any teen with any disability to learn and grow in faith with a community of other Catholic teens. SPICE is seeking compassionate, patient volunteers to be discussion leaders, activity leaders, prayer leaders, catechists, and catechist aides so we can start this vital ministry. Scripture tells us that it is in giving of our life that we find it. If you feel a nudge to consider giving of yourself for approximately 1-1/2 hours once or twice a month during the school year, please contact either of these two people for further information: Jenine Boes, Coordinator: 630-554-2502, [email protected] Cathy Gillooly, DRE K-5: 630-554-1425, [email protected] PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN WORKSHOP Saturday, September 10 9:00 AM to Noon The Virtus Protecting God’s Children program is a 3-hour workshop open to anyone who would like to learn more about how to prevent child sexual abuse and keep children safe. Attendance at a workshop is mandatory for any parish volunteer working directly with children. Please call the St. Anne Religious Education Office at 630-554-1425 or go to to register to attend a workshop. Please Note: Participants must arrive on time or they will not receive credit for attendance. The workshop is for adults age 18 or older only. Child care is not provided. All workshops are held in the St. Anne Parish Joachim Center. Page Twelve Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 If they persecuted me, they will persecute you’. - John 15:20 The Peace and Justice Spiritual Work of Mercy for August is “Comfort the Sorrowful” More than 7,100 Christians were killed in 2015 for practicing their faith. Pope Francis has referred to the persecutions and slaughter as an “ecumenism of blood” which has not been seen since the persecution of Christians in the first century. Let us pray for the millions affected by this violence. Prayer for the Persecuted: Father in Heaven, You make your sun shine on good and bad alike. Your Son Jesus Christ died for us all and in His glorious Resurrection He still retains the five wounds of His Passion. With His divine power He now sustains all those who suffer persecution and martyrdom for the sake of their fidelity to the faith of the Church. Merciful and mighty Father, do not allow Cain to return again to murder helpless Abel, innocent Abel. May persecuted Christians around the world remain, like Mary, their Mother, together at the foot of the cross of Christ the Martyr. Comfort those menaced by violence and those oppressed by uncertainty. May your Holy Spirit of love make fruitful the witness and the blood of those who die forgiving. Amen. MEN’S SPIRITUALITY Tuesdays 7:30-8:30 PM Joachim Center † Read and share the Sunday Scripture readings. † Listen and share our spiritual experiences and challenges that the men of our parish are facing and relate personal stories as we feel comfortable doing so. Questions or more information, call or text Don Oblazney 630-518-7387. i i i i Please join us. No Commitments No Homework No Additional Burdens “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Thirteen DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP x Divorced for weeks or years x 12 week program coming this September x Topics: Shock — grief — denial — anger — guilt Forgiveness — money — annulments Dating — Marriage — staying single — much more! x Ministry offering insight for everyone Thursdays beginning September 8, 2016 7:30 PM—Joachim Center Registration required [email protected]; 630-518-7387 SAINT ANNE SENIORS —S.A.S. September 8 SAS meeting 1:00 PM. The program will be an interesting presentation of a religious pilgrimage. It is on Europe including Lourdes and Fatima. Ramona Plock and George Stefani will present. September 14 Wednesday 8:00 AM Mass for Living and Deceased Members of SAS. Coffee and fellowship to follow. SAS plans to have lunch at a local restaurant in the week following the monthly meeting. Please attend the meeting to find out where we are going! Saint Anne Seniors group meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 1:00 PM in the Joachim Center. Please join us for fun and companionship. All registered parishioners 55 and older are invited to join the Saint Anne Seniors (SAS) group. For more information please call Francis Slama, 630-897-2421. Page Fourteen Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 SAINT ANNE USHER MINISTRY—NEW USHERS NEEDED!!! Looking to get more involved at St. Anne Church??? Become an Usher! Do you meet these quali¿cations? x At least 18 years old? x Can volunteer one mass a month? If you said YES to all the preceding questions, you should be an Usher. The St. Anne Usher Ministry has immediate openings for: One (1) USHER at Saturday’s 5:00 PM Mass One (1) USHER at Sunday’s 7:30 AM Mass One (1) USHER at Sunday’s 9:15AM Mass Pray on your usher calling and then call/text Glen Grimm at 630-777-9406 or by email at [email protected] when you are ready to join the St. Anne Usher Ministry. "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." - Psalm 84:10 OFFICE MANAGER/DATABASE MANAGER – ST. PATRICK PARISH, YORKVILLE, IL St. Patrick Parish in Yorkville is seeking highly motivated and outgoing individual to take on the role of Office and Database Manager. In addition to overseeing the operations of the parish office and being responsible for maintaining the parish databases, this position will assist with the pastor’s scheduling and communication and handle front office tasks including answering phones and greeting parishioners and guests. Candidates must have previous office experience, good working knowledge of Microsoft Word, email and internet usage and database software. Knowledge of Excel, Publisher and Parish Data Systems software is a plus. This is a full-time exempt position with benefits available. To view a full job description, see posting on www.dioceseofjoliet/employment. . Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, resume and salary requirement to: St. Patrick Parish Human Resources at: [email protected] November 2015 August 14,22, 2016 Thirty-Third SundayininOrdinary OrdinaryTime Time Twentieth Sunday Page Page Fifteen Fifteen REV. JOHN J. OUPER, Pastor [email protected] Richard Jurevich, Director of Music Ministry [email protected] Jan Miriani, Business Manager [email protected] Sr. Margaret Anne Spagnola, OSM, Pastoral Associate [email protected] Deacon David Brockman, Director of R.C.I.A. [email protected] Deacon Duane Wozek [email protected] Deacon James Perry Cathy Gillooly, Director of Religious Education KN-5 [email protected] Julie Krakora, Director of Religious Education Gr. 6-8 [email protected] Deacon Duane Wozek, High School Youth Minister [email protected] Rev. Daniel F. Stempora, Pastor Emeritus MISSION STATEMENT God has called us to be Christian witnesses by the precious gift of our Catholic faith through Baptism. Just as Saint Anne had a role in God’s plan so do each of us. We are called to faithfully teach and live the message of Jesus. We listen to God’s word, grow in our understanding of it and respond to it through outreach and service in our own parish as well as the wider community. We exercise our responsibility to develop and see the gifts God has given us for the common good and to insure that our Eucharistic celebrations are truly joyful and meaningful. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are held the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 12:30 PM. Expectant parents are to call the Parish Office, six months before the birth of their child for preparation information. Please do not choose Godparents until you receive the established Church guidelines for Godparents. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage should call the parish office at least six months before the date of marriage. A wedding date may not be secured until meeting with the parish Deacon or Priest. At that time, the couple will be secured a date and begin the process of preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If there is anyone at home who cannot get to Mass and the Sacraments because of illness or age, please call the parish office at anytime to request the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Those interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more about the Catholic faith meet weekly. Call the parish office or e-mail [email protected] for more information. STEWARDSHIP PARISH We are a stewardship parish. This means that every parishioner with an income is asked to use a Sunday envelope, since we expect to meet our needs from the one collection at the Presentation of the Gifts. NEW PARISHIONERS All new families are warmly welcomed to Saint Anne Parish and we ask that you register your family through our website: Shannon Cangiano GET AWAY WITH TRAVEL SERVICES OF YORKVILLE DOOR COUNTY AUTUMN FOLIAGE OCT. 3-5, 2016 $699 PP dbl. Home Pickup/drop off! Travel Services of Yorkville 630-553-7200 $49 Service Call Not Valid with any other offers 630-553-7650 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Mike Niewinski 800.566.6170 ERIC FUTTERER High Energy Efficient Windows, Siding and Doors! Watch your energy bills go down and the value of your house go up! Call Today to set up a Free In-Home Estimate. 815-814-2096 Infinity PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Wholesale • Retail 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 1½ Miles From Church At 4541 Rt. 71 (Washington Square) Naperville: 630-904-1017 NO ORDER TOO SMALL 512051 St Anne Church (B) Licensed Real Estate Broker Cell # 630-229-2698 Office # 630-788-5800 608 S Washington St. Naperville, IL 60540 [email protected] (630) 551-1003 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Check It Out Today! Mark Erickson The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes 630-251-4244 630-554-8800 Thinking About Selling Your Home? 72 W. WASHINGTON ST. OSWEGO, IL Call now for a free Market Analysis STONEHILL DENTAL We Make Great Smiles Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA WEIGHT LOSS AND COSMETIC CENTER Caleb Strader Agency Home • Auto • Life • Commercial Se Habla Español Oswego Vision, LTD. Caleb Strader 35 N. Broadway, Aurora Doctor of Optometry Parishioner 83 Templeton Dr. Unit F 630-554-8002 • JUST THREE DOLLARS A DAY That’s all you will need! PAM’S BOUTIQUE Individually Alarmed Units R.V. & Boat Storage Access 7 Days Climate Controlled Units Located on Rt. 34 Between Douglas Rd. & Rt. 30 2015 Rt. 34 Odgen Ave. 630-851-4055 PAUL L. BUDDY PLUMBING & HEATING 630-554-7725 60D Main St., Oswego 630-553-9596 630-800-2743 Alan E. Hein, O.D. JEFFREY HYNEK, DDS SHALINI MOHAN, DDS CHRISTINA REYNOLDS AGENCY • Our patients have lost over 3000 pounds in the last 12 months • Physicians Managed Weight Loss • Botox & Fillers • Laser Hair Removal & Leg Veins • Microdermabrasion, Fraxil, Chemical Peels 630-551-1784 8 W. Washington St. • Oswego, IL 60543 Hair Styling & Perming Pam Weaver 654 W. Veterans Pkwy. - Ste. A 19 Jefferson Street Yorkville, IL 60560 Oswego, IL 554-2515 River Upholstery & Canvas • All care is supervised and supported by RN’s • Personal Care COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL (Bathing, Dressing, Grooming, Ambulation) Car & Boat Interior - Antique Furniture • Medication Assistance Reupholster and Rejuvenate the Old! • Transportation 630-859-2180 • Meal Preparation 222-A South River St. Aurora • Housekeeping 630-896-4888 Licensed, Bonded, Insured Lic. No. 055-000368 624 W. Veterans Pkwy., Yorkville (630) 553-9662 Commerical • Residential “Over 32 Years of Experience” (630) 801-1230 Job Openings for Nurses & CNA’s Wall and Ceiling Specialists Since 1884 630-892-5612 939 Montgomery Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 [email protected] 1700 Industrial Drive Montgomery Houlihan’s Little Clan Daycare HETTS AutSoales • A licensed daycare group home in Oswego • A Home away from Home setting that provides love and care • Infant through school age • Before & After School programs • Openings for new friends are available Call Lori Houlihan Today Parishioner at 630-567-3961 Dieterle Memorial Home • Burial • Cremation 1120 S. Broadway Montgomery 630-897-1196 Pre-driven Quality Vehicles All Vehicles are Safety Inspected From 3K - 9K price range View our inventory at: LITTLE SHEPHERD PRESCHOOL TRITAN PLUMBING FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED “For All Your Plumbing Needs” Water Heater Installation 10% Off w/ad 815-630-1024 Lic. #055-043283 “Begin a Lifetime of Learning” Experience Makes the Difference! For all your insurance needs VAPORNOMICS Electronic Cigarettes #1 Alternative to Smoking Download App For $5 Discount 630-847-8457 1114 Douglas Rd., Oswego E NROLL N OW FOR FALL! Candace Kelty Director/Teacher and Parishioner 630-554-8831 630-554-3269 5 S. Main St. Oswego 5 W. Washington St., Oswego On Corner of Washington & Madison The Daleiden Mortuary Located in Downtown Oswego by the RXR tracks 69 W. Washington (Rt 34) 220 N. Lake Street • Aurora • 630-631-5500 630-554-9339 See our interactive website at Ed Hettinger - Parishioner ATTORNEY DAVID W. SENNEKE •Real Estate Sales & Purchases •Wills, Trusts & Probate •Living Directives •Parishioner & Veteran 630.357.8887 • 1730 PARK ST., STE. 203, NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 2083 Orchard Rd. Montgomery, IL Mason Square Plaza 2751 Rt. 34, Oswego 630 264-4410 630 551-1150 20% OFF on orders $15 or more Not valid with other offers If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 512051 St Anne Church (A) 800.393.9954 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170