The Marymount School of Nursing Sudbury General Hospital of the
The Marymount School of Nursing Sudbury General Hospital of the
The Marymount School of Nursing Sudbury General Hospital of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 1957 Yearbook Source: Archives of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie Copyright: Public Domain Digitized: January 2014 ./ Mhi/* SUDBURY GENERAL rMMAculot."'"lllr qq ,I Q,5'.I HOSPITAL oF MARY -9nifio/ prnoentatio, "/ JL" T/lo,ymount s|srERS SF $T.JSSEF!4 A R e F f{ v f i $ tu!CIfrdEnHCIUgH sT. JosEP'-*'S 2*25 fr'iai;tliireel. vVest illOATH SAY, Onlariq, {lanaiia. flB EX6 The Closs of 1957 MARYMOUNTSCHOOL OF NURSING bnltotion - A word of dedicotion is grotefuly extended to the sisters of st. Joseph who gove so generously of their plonning crrd thinking in building this hospitol. Due loud is extended for the spirit of co-operotion cnrd teconwork necessory for ony such undertcking ond for cr hospitcl such qs ours whose worth is excelledonly by its beouty. Here, the spirit of co-operctionwcrs not only o necessity but crn actuolity. To sister focn ond sister Mory Alice, we express our grotitude crnd prqise. A word olso of oppreciation is extended to sister sheilcr, our first Director of Nursing. The inlont school hos quickly grown up in its few yeors ol existence, qnd now boqsts of o totol of one hundred crnd fourteen ^ -r v uq 1 , q. 9 ^ + ^ ^ LYD. To oll who contributed in estcblishing our becrutiful hospitol crrd nurses' residences, we extend o humble, prcryerful "Thcrrk you.,, 31"" St*lr^k "f //looy^oont ,! l Rnr.K. JJ. b;gn&frt sD' ?Woot My Decrr Friends: Iwishtoo{{ermycongrcrtulationstotheMorymountSchoolof in publishing <r Yeqr Book, setting forth Nursing for your rpt""alJ'.ilortsthe wo-nderful cchievements ol youi greoi institution' Although the Mcrrymount school of Nursing is but beginning its for itself crn outstqnding nome in the etoblished cqreer, it fi"r Llr.oJy ccrre of the sick' the ond nuising oi field import*tt qb.undqnce oi God's we wish you continued success qnd crn Ior the ill ond afflicted. choicest blessings in your noble vocqtion ol coring Icm Yours foithfullY, R. iI. DIGNAN D.D. Bishop of Sault Ste. Mffie. Soh,'/n.Pohrao My dear Students: The mqster delineqtor hcs limned in bold c'nd striking lines the chcncrcter of the perfect nurse in the {ollowing oft-quoted lines: "And it must follow os night the dcry Thou cqnst not then be fqlse to cmy mcrn." "Be true to thyself" is q mqndote, brood in its significonce to the world in generol. For the nurse, however, it hos c pcrrticulor ond specific crppliccrtion, The keynote in o nurse's psolm of life is loyolty. within these words is embodied c complete epitome of thot cherished virtue. To. be true to one's self postulcrtes o{ very necessity loyolty to God, Ioyolty to mon, loyclty to self. As you lecrve your Aimc Mcrter to enter your chosen bronch of nursing mcry Loyolty be the compcss by which you chcrrt each yeor o{ your life. Mcry Loyolty shining so steodily qnd so clecrly on your horizon find expression in your competence, your confidence crnd Iidelity, qnd most of oll in your cheer{uh:ess. SISTER M. PATRICIA, Administrcrtor. Sub,St. Jiuio My decr Students: "servite Domino in loetitio" - serve the Lord tarith Joy. This triune thougrht summqrizes the totol picture ol your vocqtion in nursing. The thought is threefold - ot the hecrd ol the triongle is God Himself, christ's sul{ering member of His Mysticol Body Christ ociuolly for in ccring for the sick, it is whom you cre serving. The second thought refers. to the crttitude which you, qs nurses, should hqve in your deolings with the sick - 61n <rttitude of kindness, of undersicmding, o{ fidelity sumrnqrized in the word "service." The finql expression in this trinity Trinity, is the Spirit which qnimcrtes your of thought, qs in the Biessed ministrqtions to the sick. This spirit produces joy crs the result ol the giving your tosks light, becouse love's lqbour of yourself, is olwcrys a joy. SISTER ST. LOUS, Drector of Nursing. which mqkes /{1,0.Cot/,n,inn W. Wl"r/" Decn Friends: It is with inexpressible pride ond delight, thcrt we extend. sincere congrotulotions to you on the occqsion of your newest achievement. compiling ond editing q yeor Book for the Morymount school of Nursing with your doily duties must hqve been guite o tcrsk. we owe o deep debt of grotitude to you girls for the outstcrnding work you ore doing lor our community. your choice of vocqtion is one of the highest. From oll the members of the women's Auxiliory of the sudbury General Hospitol, qlso our mony units who work so dirigently with us, please cccept our wqrm felicitcrtions. 'w'e extend to you our prqyers ond. best wishes lor mony fruitful cmd hoppy yeors in the noble lile you hqve chosen - the nursing profession. Foithfully yours, MRS. CATHERINEM. MOYLE, President,Women's Auxiliory o{ the Sudbury Generql Hospital. Jnonor,r Coro//in Deqr Students: It is with grecrt pleosure thqt I extend hecrrtiest congrotulotions to the clcrssof 1957on behalf oi the Mcnymount School of Nursing Alumnae' Mcry we oller our best wishes for your luture success' Also to be congrotuloted qre those responsible lor this lirst Yeor Book. You hove experienced the joy of the first successfql crttempt. To quote Emerson, "The rewcrrd of cr thing well done, is to hove done it." sincere wishes to our Almo Moter for continued progress ond even grecrter crchievement. LEONORA CAVALLIN, kesident, Mcrymount School ol Nursing Alumnoe. .T :: .,". -. "-d%,h *. iM-."a"*F "".,j@_ ,%*.' SJiuria/ c _.;x; "In oll thy woys think of Him - And He wilr direct thy steps" These words permeote throughout our thoughts crrd octions during this hoppy, though solemn period of our lives, when our stud.ent dcrys ore ending' As we orgcnize our present doily duties, qnd qs we moke plons Ior our future endeqvours, we look to our heovenly Fqther for guidonce. Now, more thqn ever, do we see the vqlue qnd necessity of spirituol qid in doily living. our sincerest thcrnks ore extended to the sisters ol st. ]oseph for their potience crnd guidcrnce which enobled us to recrch our qocl. At this time I would like to express my grctitude to sister st. Louis for mcny hours ol direction ond. inspired help towords the success of our Yecrbook. To the executive, mqny thqnks qre extended for your determinotion and loyolty towcnds the compiling ond completion of ,'The Morymount." we qre oll deeply grcrteiul Ior the excellent photogrophy done by Mr. M. Dudowich ond the helpfulness of Mr. L. Doneqon. The joy ol occomplishment hqs been ours. Through this project we hcve shored ideqs, pictures, time crrd work. we hope thcrt our humble ochievement will be q source of joy to mony, by building memories for the future. IDA CICCI, Editor. l- lwmw:w SJiu-i*lSt'ff Sittinq from left to right: Roselyne Phillion, Publicity Convenor; Idq Cicci, Editor; Stellc Purich, Cortoonist; Bemodine Chcrpeskie, Designer. Stcnding from lelt to right: Morincr Bettiol, Photogrcrphe4 Rose Motichuk, Typist; Bcrrbcro Quilty, Photogrophel Glorio Scrmborsky, Typist; Cqrole Mcnkusson, Typist; Delmo Cooper, Ccrioonist. TIIE STTDBT'RYGENENAT HOSPITAT Towqrds the close o{ world wor II, the need of qdditionol hosoitol focilities for Sudbury ond district become qcute. To meet this vitol situcrtion in the Iife of the rcrpidly growing community, crnd to mcrintcrinthe stondcnds of heolth qrnong the people; The sudbury Generql Hospitol wcrs built on the outskirts _9,flhe city overlooking beoutiful Lcrke Romscy. With the sqnction of His Excellency, Most Reverend R. H. Dignon, Flqlrop of scuit Ste. Mcnie, the sisters ol st.-Josephsecured the three ,i"a .i holl -crcreproperty of F. M. stofford, crdjoining Beri pcnk. on |uly rz, 1944, !!e Jond wos purchcsed ond the first sod wqs tumed. on Aprii to, tgag, Mr. Louis N. Fqbbro, B. Arch., M.R.I.C.,designed ond prepored ihe elqborote crnd intriccrte plons ond blue prints. The new hospitol wqs the lirst in Ontorio to hqve its qpplicqtion -Building approved for qssistqnceunder the Federol Govemment's Hospitcf Progromme. An importont phose in its construqtion wqs the lcying ol the comerstone on Mcry 29, 1949,conducted by His Excellency, Biihop Dgnon, who wos Prelented with q model metql trowel, by on of{iciate ol the Inlemotionol Nickel Compony, with which to loy the stone. The Iormol opening wqs on october lsth, lgs0. It wos the first hospitol formolly op9l9d by Hon. Mcrckinnon phillips, M.D., of ror"rrto, Frovincicl Minister of Heolth, since his oppointment &s Minister ol Heclth. -the cl.crting o spocious londmork in thriving centre of the *o.tJ;s lorg_estnickei mines, the hospitol opened its doors to pctients in November, I 950. Although responsible fo,r its construction, the sisters of st. loseph were not crlone in their endeqvour crnd it wqs q mcrtter of deep sotisiqetitn to them to know thot they hove received-encourogement qnd qctive support from the vqrious lcry groups ond individuols of tLe District. ITIE HISTORY OF THE tvLAByr\4OIrNT SCHOOT OF NURSING The lirst students to groduote hqd received their bosic troining in North Bcry, being trcrnsferred to the Morymount school of t'l"rsi"g .rt-trr. completion of their second yecr o{ trqininq. The second clqss cqme to the S-uauury Generql ofter completing their Preclinicql term ot North Bov. The lirst clsrs to elloll in the bosic course of nursing, groducrted in September, 1954. The pre'seni site of the school .l N;;il;-i"ir", is l6coted on the second iloor of the hospitol. It consists of cr l."t"r" l.rb;;;"t; qnd cr demonstrqtion room. The temporory home of our grtwing librcry is Ioccrtedin the Science room. e-.""-\ NT'RSFS' RESIDENCE Better known to present doy sudburicrns os "the old s,tofford property," the new nur€es" residence- hqd c distinguisLed ond colourful ror".. *otty yuot" belore the ownership wos invested in F. M. Stafford, one of Sudbury's earliest ond lorgest merchcrndisers. The pretentious structure which wcs to be occupied by hospitcl nurses, wos built by-ofthe British Americqn Nickel Corporotion in the booml9I3 when politics, diplomory, ond often intrigue ing, bustling dcrys enlered intJ the decllings of the rivol mining corporotions. This pretentious home overlooking beoutiful Loke Rqmsoy is fumished crnd equipped to provide the students with every home com{ort. But even with the Stof{ord Residence qnd one section of the hospitol - seventh fioor - which wqs vacoted of cll potients ond recon.r.rGd for nurses' use, the increOsed demand Ior more nurses hcrs mode the situation such thqt there wqs no room {or proper recreation ond' school Iccilities. Ecohomy, modemess ond style were the key words when plons for new nurses' quqrters cnd trcrining school crt Sudbury Generol Hospital were submitted to the hospitol bocrrd Ior considercrtion. The quorters v/ere locoted odjocent to the Sudbury Generol Hospitcl the Stcflord residence which wos clrecdy being used lor 61 nurses' beside residence. fumiture which Each one of the rooms is equipped with builfin includes q1counter type bosin, chest of drqwers crnd study desk in one unil, with woll-hung book shelves obove. Back rests ore provided obove ecrch bed so they mcry be used crs o chesterfield in "off hours" crnd the bed mcry be rolled out for sleeping. Eqch room is provided with q picture window modernistic crnd beoutifully desigrned compus oreo. opening on ct Mcureen H" Anderson Gciehell, Ontario Nicknqme: "Andy." Pet Scying: Well i don't ccrre. Proboble Destinqtion: I. S.'s oJfice nurse. Fcrvourite Postime: Deciding to wecr lipstick. loan A. Ar:nstrong Lively, Ontcnio Nickncrme: "Joonie." Pet Scrying: Tell him to coll bock. Proboble Destincrtion:M.R.S.Degree. Fovourite Pastime: Crocheting. Mildred M. .Anderson Sudbury, Ontcrio Nicknome: "Midge." Pet Soying: Reolly! Reoliy! Reolly! Probcble Destinqtion: Engineer's Nurse Fcrvourite Postime: Weckening to opposite sex. Lindc F. Argentin Conistoru Ontcrio Nickncnne: "Lu-Lu." Pet Scryingr:I don't give cr ki-dee-kiki. Proboble Destinqtion: Plonting trees in Coniston Fovourite Pcrstime: Avoiding men. Eeverley A. Amnstrongt $udbury, Ontcrio Nicknqme: "Army." Pet Soying: Fqbulous. R'obable Destincrtion:V.O.N. teoching pre-nctol clqsses. Fovourite Pcrstime:Readinq, Ada M. Ccicco North Bcry, Ontario Nickncrme: "Icryne." Pet Soying: I'm too neryous. Proboble Destinqtion: Clinicol instructress. Fqvourite Pqstime: Cclming her nurses. Idc Cicci Schumacher, Ontario. Nicknqme: "Chi-Chi." Pet Scying: Menogel Proboble Destincrtion: Working in the "wild west." Fqvourite Pcrstime:Doing the Sambq. Berncdine. I. Chcpeslde Bcory's Bcy, Ontcrio Nicknqme: "Bemie" Pet Soying: Is thqt right? hoboble Destinotion: Truvelling. Fqvourite Pqstime: Pcinting. Diqne L llcgger Blind River, Ortcuio Nicknqme: "HiSSy." Pet Soying: You don't mean it. Probcrble Destination: Working ot Blind River. Fcrvourite Pqstime: Driving ccas. Bertill,e Chcpeskie Bcrrry's Bcry, Ontcrio Nickncmre: "Bert." Pet Soying: Let's foce it. hobqble Destincrtion: Modelling? Fcrvourite Pqstime: Avoiding lectures. Anne Marie Jerome Sudbury, Ontcrio Nickncrme "Annie." Pet Saying: Does qnYone wcrnt to scry the rosory? Proboble Destinotion: A Mrs. Mike. Fqvourite Pqstime: Cultivcrting her voice. Pcrtricicr M. Maseon McKerrow, Ontario Nicknqme: "Potsy." Pet Sqying: Mon chou hoboble Destincrtion:Working the Yukon. Fovourite Postime: Sewing. rtt Anne A" Kotcnen Creighton Mine, Ontario Nicknome: "Anjo." Pet Scrying: I'm so lonesome. koboble Destinotion: Psychiotric nurse. Fovourite Psstime: Remembering to remember. Lorrcrine M, Metccll Bcrrie, Ontcrio Nicknqme: "Bunny." Pet Saying: AII right. Proboble Destinotion: Working in Bqmie. Fqvourite Pqstime: Doinq shiftwork. l; Mcrrlene I. Lcrine Sudbury, Ontcrrio Nicknome: "Liz." Pet Scryingr:I don't know. Proboble Destincrtion: Do tell. Fovourite Pcrstime:Wcshing her hair. {iir Vivicn McCoy Iron BridEe, Ontcrio Nicknome: "Mickey." Pet Soying: Ohl Yes! Proboble Destinqtion: Pcnt of q nurse in the movies. Fqvourite Postime: Lcughing. Gcyle I. Peterson Gcrrsbn, Ontcrrio Nicknome: "Pete." Pet Soying: Thot's the word. Proboble Destinotion: Westwcrd Ho! Fcrvourite Pcrstime:Picking up souvenirs. Mcrgcret V. Nowgcrbow Birch Islcnd, Ontcrio Nicknome: "Morgie." Pet Scrying: Did I get o phone ccil? Probcble Destinotion: High society. Fqvourite Pqstime: Borrowincr. Roselyne B. Phillion Amos, Quebec Nickncme: "Roz." Pet Soying: I see, I like, I tqke, It's mine. Proboble Destinotion:T.C.A. bound. Fcrvourite Pqstime: Tolking. Mcrrie E, Pelletier Sudbury, Ontcrrio Nicknqme: "Pelch." Pet Scrying: Oh! deorl Probqble Destinotion: O. R. ot the Sudbury General. Fqvourite Pqstime: Giggling. AUNE C. PHIIIIPSi Sturgcon Ftrlls, Ontario Nickncrme:"Lynn" Pet Soying: Oh! nol Proboble Destinotion: Cqlifomio? Favourite Pqstime: Polishing her ring. ' NOBERTAM. ST. GEORGE Sturgeon FaUs, Onicnio Nicknqme: "Bobbie" Pet Scrying: Well! Proboble Destinotion: Howoii Fovourite Pqstime: Doing the Mqmbo' !;il STEIJ.A W. PURICII Chcplecnr" Oatcrio Nickname: "S. P." Pet Soying: I've got next week-end off Proboble Destincrtion: Working ot Chcrpleou Fcrvourite Pastime: Printing. MANGARET A. WIIAI.EN Toronto, Ontcrrio Nicknome: "Morg" Pet Scrying: Who took my ---Proboble Destinotion: Working ot Sick Kids. Fqvourite Postime: Hurrying. CAROT M. STEPHEN Ontario Ilomqryae, Nickncme: "Steve" Pet Scrying: Rightl ProbcdrleDestinotion: B.C. here I come Fcrvourite Postime: Sleeping. A- -9nb**nliotno qffi" *ie"-' ," iq*- "%r-" @ ,rd' Muriel Bowol Gitreon" Ont. Idrrc Diclrson Tinnins, OnL lFivi-fnn Hcgglund Sudbury, Onl. Gwen Clqrk Schunqcber, Ont. Penny Evcrns Sudbury, Ont. Eilt Hadu Sudbury, Ont. Debnc Cooper Spccris,h, Ont. Bosenrcry Crydernqn S}ead, Ont. Bqrbartr Deycrmond Ftrlconbridge, Ont. Sbeilcr Facer Sudbury, Ont. Icrnisse Foutrr.ier Sudbury, Ont. Helen Gencris Burmrcrsh,Ont Evelyrr Ley Sudbury, Ont. Dorothy Longe . G<rrsol. Ont. Ar Bcrbcra McDoncld Sudbury, Ont. Bcrrbcrc Lynott Fclconbridge, Ont. -9nbr*nliotno Denise McCullough Sudbury, OnL Anne Mclsacc Creighton Mine, Ont. Sheilcr McKiuon Nlbrr Lislecrd, ODL Doreen PrevoEt Tinmins, Ont. Muriel Purcetrl Monetville, Ont. Ecrbrrc Quilty GcrsorL OnL L.:,1, :"' ry.; j,.',,. ffit'# i ,il, fre it".q."b.* ; a\ ,iii Joqn O'Gormcrn Erplnolc, Ont. Jocnne Pcckota Coniston Ont Ilolen Rintamcki losver LcLE Beverley Boworth Fnlconbridge, Ont. Anne Yewchya Conieton, Ont. Shirley Young LocLerby, OnL -&rJ otlr ;*&:' 't. Et"l"* ; t'',...',ff' ';.' " tJ'n'o Jonquil Bcrry Sudbury, Ont. Ma:incr Bettiol Schumcrcher, Onl. Itcrgcnet Connorg McKerrow, Ont. Pctricicr Cormcck Sudbury, Ont. Pculct Bridgmcn Espcnolc, Ont. Donncr Cote Little Current, Ont. Lolr lurke Espcnrolc,Ont. Elizcrbeth Dixon Wcrren" Ont. Mcrgcret Clcrk MoqsE Factory, Ont. Shcilc Mcry Ennir Sudbury, Ont. ;:r::rlr::..# : it::ra?!r! 'd itr. ,if ,, Yvette Gcrecu Espcnolcr, Ont. Mcrrilyn Gotro Creighton Mine, Ont. Shirley Jensen Sudbury, Ont. Frcnces Kennedy Algomcr, Ont, Helen Kuchanq Lockerby, Oot. p \3 i Rcchelle{ Lcrlrcrnce Widdilield, Ont, Rore Mctichul Sudbury, Out Beverley Leclcir Coniston" Ont Elirqbeth Leicmbe Levtrck, Ont. Ctrrole MarkusEon Sudbury, Ont Gail MacKdlvic Iockerby, Ont. Eileen McGrqtb Spanis;h, Ont. M<rrgafot Mct{eil Tinntn* OnL Lillfurn lvtcscicngelo Sudbury, Oal. Tbsresc F*er Lvccl, ODL 'JW"i ". .i:l :,- lrtaric Pin Sudbury, OnL Victoricr Polcck Sudbury, Ont '{ 'k iii ,. Gloric Scunborgli Sudburr, Ont Notac Shei Worfnocth, Oat Violet Tokcryk €reighton Mina, Ont Elgidc Ven&crnin Copper Clifi, OnL F4; Elizsbetb S,nith Algon<r, Ont Helen Sogcnich $udbury, Ont' Dolores Thonson LevcrcL, Onl. Cnrn*ontr A'rpta'nce "/ ..Let the light of your lomps guide your {ootsteps to the perlect roqd of your voccrtion." Within the chopel of the Immcculote Hecrt of Mory, Sundoy eveningr, February 10th, 1957, thirtyJive preclinicol students nectly clod in blue uniforms crrd white cdps were occepted into our school when they were presented with the symbolic lomps of the nursing profession, The lcmps repkrced the trcditionol cupping ceremonies which took pJoce in the hospitol ot the end ol the precliniccl period' This impressive ceremony opened ot 7.00 p.m., when the students entered the chcpel as the choir song "Lody of Light." Hcrving tc*en their ploces ot the front ol the chopel, they were oddressed by Rev' Fother Fcnenzenc. At this time, Fcrther reminded them of the true quolities of c nurse: thot she is not the hard qnd selfish womqn, os olten referred to, but rother o wholesome, loving, ond understonding individuol who is endeqvouring to serve ond not to be served. To emphosize this, Fother relcrted the the pc.roble ol the Ten Virgins with their lomps, going lorth to meet the bridegroom. However, Iive lomps did not bum becqu'se ol insufficient fuel. In this wcry Fother brought home to us thot nurses ore ct selective group who connot do iustice to the nursing profession unless their lomps cre buming with love cmd chcnitY. Our speoker thonked the porents for the up-bringing of their children to the wonderlul profession. The silver lomps were then lit cnd presented to the students by the clinicql teqchers: Leonorcr Covollin ond Elizcrbeth Forbes. Holding the burning lomps before thern, the students recited the Jeonne Mqnce Pledge dediccting themselves to o life of devoted service. p*oiJ"nt'o Tilnooare Our formol education is indispensqble to the ottcrining of our scholostic gool. However, certoinly os importcnrt to our development os individuqls is the worm compcrrionship of our fellows ccndthe constcrrt guidqnce and aid of countless individuqls. I would therefore, like to extend our thonks to Sister St. Louis ond to the Sisters of St. Ioseph lor their pcrtient guidcrrce; to the Medicol Stoff; to oll within the community who hcrve helped to support the work oi the Students' Council; crrd to Mr. Gcinor who wos olwcrys so responsive to our need Ior q mccn's helping hond. It wqs o privilege to have been chosen hesident of the Students' Council. I thonk you not only for the honour of being your president but crlsofor the lesson in lecdership. I leomed not of the leoder's importcmce,but ol the importccnceo{ those who support her work. I only hope I wqs qble to give the student body even cr smcll portion ol oll thot you gcrve to me. It is time once ogoin in our student qovemment to be out with the old ond in with the new. Better still in with the new ideos which ore often strcnge but refreshing.To the new Students' Associcrtionwhich will reploce the previous form of government I wish the most successi.One mcry rest ossured thcrtthe wish is not in vcrin for the Associqtion is under the leodership ol o very oble crnd well chosen executive. The crttoinment of knowledge is the gool for which we hove struggled crnd qre struggling from doy to doy. Often, we lose sight of the sqlient loct thot in the process we qre mcrturing os individuqls os well, olten seemingly in spite of ourselves. It wcs just such q situotion which coused Andre Mourois to write the following quototion, ond in so doing point out the woy we crll must go in being true to ourselves ond to our common ultimote gool, both crs students cmd young women. "Leoming is nothing without cultivoted mcrnners, but when the two crre combined in s womqn you hove one ol the most exquisite products of civilizcrtion." ANNE A. KOTANEN, hesident, Student Council. Uo/n*'to*,tr, Three yeors ogo, we, the groduotes ol high schooli from vorious poris of the province, stood trqnslixed in wonder os the portols of the nursing profession opened to odmit us - opened to o lile of dedicotion ond service veiled in the mystery ol cr nurses' uniform. How eoger we were to begin our trcining, qnd now qs the three short yeors of our lormql nursing educqtion come to on end, we view in retrospect, not only our individuol progress but the progress ol nursing in its entirety. As we begcrn our coreer we were impressed by the becrutiful prolession of nursing with its mcny countless opportuhities and '!!." ' chl[eirges. Littl; did we recrlize then, the ;,"' breodth- of educqtion ond experiences which lcry ohead. Dazzled by the glomour of the ,rrrifo.* we foiled to Ioiesee th-ehours o{ tedious routine, the heavy schedule of clqsswork ond discipline imposed on the student nurse. All of these, we now reqlize, hcld their lormoiive inlluence in developing our self-control, our potience, qnd the high sense o{ duty required of the nurse. As the yeors of our trcrining drew to completion we sqw thot nursing c coreer. It is c vocoti6n by which we ossume responsibilities to thon more is the hospitol, to the physicions ond to our potients. In no other sphere -ol humcrn octivity is tru'e bh.ittiott Chority so ttu".ssoty, qs in the core o{ the the iu{fering. We begon to leel the thrill of success crt helping g .i"t ""a leqrned io occept lhe confidence he our growing skill ;;i";i;"J Wittr ttr. increosingsenseof responsibility,the true mecrningof our prolession groduclly downed ond the true dignity of the nurse took on more importcrnce i-hott *o" evidenced by the white uniforms cmd professioncrlbeoring. is no longer o simple proctice but cl highly complex pro{esNursing -germ-ridden hovels,-in which nursing begcrn,to the modern sion. From the joumey. New methods ol treotment hcve replcrced no"pit"t todcry ii o long tfreLta. Requirements o're more demqnding. Hospitol conditions cre dilferent too. But {un-domentolly there is no reol diiference. Vfhotever the crdvonce of of nursing remqins unchonged. There con be no crdvqncein science,the spirit 'Christicnr Chcnity. It is the wqrmth qnd sincerity ol ncrturol the spiiit of suffering. sympcthy lor humqn The modern hospitol hcrs grown out of this trodition. The soul ol true medicol qnd nursing ccie ccn never be other thon Christlike zeol for the sick ond deep humon sympothy {or one's neighbour. Upon this our trcrining hqs been pctterned. Duringr the post decdde nursing educrriion hqs been broqdened through speciilized iechniques mqde necessory by the_rupid progress of medisine. Mirocle drugs, mbdem surgery c6d new=tfends in thercrpy hove quickened the poce ol the nurses' routine. The nurse of todoy hcrs taken otr o new stqture. She now forms one ol c highly trqined teqm demonding new skills ond meticulous ccre. Serious though this responsibility moy be, there is c lighter side to the nurses' life cn well. The strong strcight fobric oI our student doys hos been interspersed with mony colorful threcrds - the friendships welded in doys ol stress - the escopodes ol iree time - the socicrl events. All these ond more woven into q meoningful pottern tell the story not of dull monotony but of chqrqcters iormed crnd chostened in the testing fires ol our nursing educqtion. With the p<.ssingyeors our poths will leqd us fcr opcrt, but whqtever the future mcry hold there will olwcrys be the obligcrtion of following the exomple which hos been" ours. In these doys ol boundless opportunity ond speciolizotion mqy we be consistent rother thcrn adoptable, steod{ost in chorqcter, united in principle. Mcry we do credit to the hospitol from whence we hove come. Now crswe rejoice in this doy of Groduation, we thonk you honoured doctors Ior the inspirotion ond pride of prolession you hcve given us. Mcry you too experiencesqtisfqctionin us - the products ol your prolessionolinterest. 'We wish to express our si.nce grcrtitude to the Reverend Sisters of St. Joseph, especioiiy to Reverend Sr. Potriciq, our Administrctor, ond to Reverend Sr. St. Louis, our Director o{ Nursing. To the instrudors, supervisors ond other stcrlf members go our sincere thonks for their potience crnd encourcgement. Eqch of you hos contributed something ond ony successor qchievement thcrt we mcry expedence in the future, will qlso be shored by you. Moy we extend o speciol thonks to the Reverend Fqthers for their direction, excellent teoching ond Sodolity counselling. Through our Sodqlity our nursing crpostolote hcrs been emphosized more {ully - thcrt is - to odminister to the spirituol needs of the potient qs well os to the physicul needs. The sick undersiqnd how humon crid groduolly slips crwcryfrom them. Even though they qre surrounded, comforted, qnd consoled no one ccrn reqch into their intimcrte depths. They must suffer their destiny olone. True help con come only from God - Irom Christ cn:cified, Who sustoins by His groce gnd elevqtes spirit qnd hecrrt.To ossist the zuffering in their pcrrticipcrtion of the Possion of Christ is our opostolote. 'We would like to express our gratitude in o speciol monner to our porents. You hqve supported us with foith, love, understcmding ond encourqgement. 'We owe cl li{etime to you qnd we qre most crppreciotive. We cre certoin thcrt you ore hoppy crnd proud to see us receive our diplomcs todcry. And now we fqce those portols ol our nursing profession once more. The drecrmy look of the high school student, dcrzzledby o white uniform has been replcrced by the cqlm qssured gaze of.the nurse. The portcls however, ore not opening in the some direction. Rqther they ore directing us outwcnd cnd forwqrd to embroce the world. vfe prcry thot you of Morymount School oi Nursing qre qs proud of us qs we ore proud to be cr port of you. Mcry God guide us so thqt we mcry be true to our noble profession, true to our beloved school ol nusing ond true to the ideols of womcrnhood. Together then we pledge ourselves to live this dedicotion os we fulfill our ihool motto - "SERVETHE LORD WrTH lOY" MARGARETA. WHALEhI. TO TIIOSE W}TO TIAVE SO GENEROI]SLY ASSISTED US DURING OUR NITRSING COTTRSE PI.EASE ACCEPT OITR .BEF":* T GRATITUDE tvIBS. A. WIIDE Assisttrnt Director o{ Nursing OUN TEACHING STAFF nffi-& mw:@ + .".0\ -\ ' 'i, :" ".;.' . ",;1! ! ' ."""''' ; c. ' . "*-"^\;!';src@! ,# the Assumption" Sitting from left to righi: Miss H. Roscoe, Sister Mcry ol and lvlrs' S. NexqndEa Miss A. Thorae' stcnding from left to righi: Ivlisb M. Collins, Mrs. O. Mcschio, Miss t. Ccrvallin, Ivliss M' Murrcry' Miss E Forbes' MEDICIIIE Mrs. W. Dormer Mrs. W. Wqrus I![rs. N. Mahon SITRGENY Mrs. R. Dincrn Sister St. Leo Miss C. OShcrughaessy OBS1ETRICS AIID FONMUTA BOOM Miss M. Hcnrahcrn Mrs. R. Gordon It4rs. l. Mcsih, Dietiticn GYNECOTOGYtrI{D PSYCHIATRY Miss E. Percrult Sister St. Icnnes PEDIATHCS Mrs. I. Pcryne Sister Miricm Miss M. Thomcs i,i t i rm '..:: EVENING AIID MG}TT ST'PERVISOBS Miss M. Horne Sister Louis JosePh Miss A. HcrYes IT tl { ACME PRINIERS UMIIED 164 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontorio With deepest grotitudr who so generously contributed Our thanks qre qlso , crnd whose nqmes hove not ber Your kindness wcts sr€ AMIL'S, SATON DE PARIS Tbo Institute ol BecutY 24 Elgin Street, North Sudbury, Ontsrio VIC AUGER EI^ECI?IC 146 Xovier Streei Sudbury, Ontqrio DEMARCO BNOS. Sporting Goods Ltd. 3l Elgin Street, North e,,rL,.-,, nrtcrio uuuvurl, vt BANNON BNOS. House Furnishings 123 Durhcrn Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio T}IE T. EATON CO. tTD. 65 DurhomStreet.S. HENRY BIRTS & SONS IJMITED Durham crt l,orch Sudbury, Ontorio EDWABDS SUDBTTRYIJMITED 69 Elm Street. West Sudbury, Ontorio BOBERT BNOWN IJMIIED 62 Cedor Street Sudbury, Ontcnio EVANS TTTMBERd BT'II^DERS' SUPPIY LTD. l2B Pine Street (ct Subwcy) Sudbury, Ontorio BBT'NTON STANI^EY R. d CO. Chcrrtered Accountant l0l Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio His Worship MAYOR I. I. FABBRO, Q.C. Sudbury, Ontorio CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 2 Elm Street West Sudbury, Ontcrio FACER, SHEA d MOSSOP Bqrristers 67 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontorio C^INADIAN UQT'ID AJR COMPAI{Y UMITED Kelly l.qke Road Sudbury, Ontorio CANHNGTON TIIMBER & BI'II.DERS' SUPPTY tTD. 82 Lome Street Sudbury, Ontorio CASSIo,S MOTOR HOTET & NEST.f,T'RANT Highwcry 17 I Mile West of Sudbury CASWEII MOTOR HOIEI Lockerby, Ontario CECT'TN'S BAIERY IJMITED 34 Fir l,crne Sudbury, Ontqrio CITY DRUG STONE 20 Elm Sireet, Eqsi Sudbury, Ontqrio COCIIBANEDTINTOP NETAIT STONE LTD. 23 Durhom Slreet, South Sudbury, Ortorio CBEDIT BITNEf,U OF SI'DBI'BY 22 Elm Streei, Eqst Sudbury, Oetario DTBOUS MEN'S WE,AR 96 Elm Street, Ecst 50 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontorio DICf,IE'S DBUG STORE 43 Durham Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio Srr.ll'\rrnr vsgvstf' tv r } r f t q f i O FAIRMOTINT SHOE STORE UMIIED 52 Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio FATCON SHOE STOBE 38 Elm Street. Eost Sudbury, Ontcrio GAMBTE ROBINSON I.TD. 63A' Elm Street, West Sudbury, Ontcrio HILL-CI,ARK.FNANCIS tID. Lumber 68 Lorne Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio HOLTYWOOD SHOPPE IJMIIED Ladies' Wecrr 64 Durhom-Street. South Sudbury, Ontorio IACKSON d BABNABD Limited 83 Lorch Street Sudbury, Ontqrio IACKSON IOHI.I, Photogrrcpher I0 Elm Street, Ecst Sudbury, Ontorio MN. I. E. IENOME Sudbury, Ontorio TADIES' AUXIIJARY OF TIIE SUDBURY GENERAI HOSPITAL O. R. TAINE - Insurcnce 47 Elgin Street, North Sudbury, Ontqrio a NOROI.IT STEET rld like to thonk oll the potrons tlcnymount." o those potrons who contributed cioted. tA MODE PARISIENNE 58 Cedcr Street Sudbury, Ontorio I.EVINE'S LADIES' WEAR 52 Durhcrm Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio TOUGHEED FLOWENS 60 Eyre Street Sudbury, Ontorio MARYMOT'NT SCHOOI OF NURSING AII'MNAE Sudbury Genercrl HosPitcl McTcMILLAN SPORTSWEAR 74 Cedor Street Sudbury, Ontcrio MARY'S TADIES' WEAN 83 Durhom itreet Sudbury, Ontorio McIEOD MOTORS 6 EQT'IPMENT tTD. 65 Lcrch Street Sudbury, Ontorio TIIE MEDICAT STAFF oI the Sudbury Generql HosPitcl METODY MUSIC RADIO & TEI.EVISION tTD. 45 Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio MEREDITH-CONNEIIY MOTORS tTD. 250 Frood Rocd Sudbury, Ontorio ROBERT MERNI^EES SHOES 9 Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontqrio MITCHELL T}IE DRUGGIST 69 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontcrrio MUIRHEAD STATIOIiIERS tTD. "Complete Office Outfitters" 9 Elm Street, Ecrst Sudbury, Ontcrio NATIONAT GROCERSCO. tTD. 18 Cedcr Street Sudbury, Ontcrrio TITE NURSERY 78 l.orch Street Sudbury, Ontcrio OMER NAULT Religious Goods 65 Beech Street Sudbury, Ontqrio coNsrRucTIoNco. ttD. 5I0 Whissell Street Sudbury, Ontorio NOBRIS TUGGAGE cmd LEITIIER NORRIS IUGGAGE AIVD I.EIfiIER 20 Durhom Street, North Sudbury, Ontqrio NOBTHERN EI^ECfiIC CO. LTD. 309 Douglos Street, West Sudbury, Ontario PICK FAJN'S I.ADIES' WEAN l3B Durhcrm Street, South ond 3 Elm Street, Eqst Sudbury, Ontqrio ROSETYN'S I.[DIES' WEAN 78 Cedor Street FA.E'S MIIJJNEBY ll3 D-rrham Street Sudbury, Ontcrio SCAI.ES d ROBERTS CO. tTD. 9.1 Lome Street Sudbury, Ontcnio SITVER BEACH INN Dcrncing cmd Diningr Long Loke Rocd Sudbury, Ontcrio SII\TERMANS STONE 19 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontorio SIMPSON.SEANS RETAIT STONE IJMII'ED 120 Durhcrn Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio SNIDER'S FII{E FABRICS 9 Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontqrio SIIDBI'RY DISTBICT MEDICAL SOCIETY Sudbury, Ontqrio ST'DBIIRY A![D COPPER CUFF MII.K DISTRIBUTOR'S ASSII SUDBTIRY MOTORS IJMITED 500 Regent Street, South Sudbury, Ontcnio TAMBTYN C. UI'IED DNUGSTORE 14 Elm Street, Ecrst Sudbury, Ontoric IJMTED FTIR COMPAT{Y 25 Elm Street, Eost Sudbury, Ontqdo WESTON BAXERIES IJMTTED 98 Edmund Street Sudbury, Ontorio WOITE'S STATIONERS 133 Durhom Street, South Sudbury, Ontorio I.OOKNG BACT OEN THE PAST - . . Since this is the Iirst Yeqrbook edition of The Morymount School of Nursing, we ore proud to hcrve with us the lormer Groduates qs c: memoire ol their trcrinings dcrys. \d' . '.'i-:.:.';'. 'ttr:.:':; ffi, ,iiiiii I1., 'iii ,!i :all :ii si ffitrwFp ru.m.ffiffiffi .t. g.*"* #LLAKS fi.s.rffi&sffiK "qu*tt,u.''I'0" ' ffi"w.mffiY& ffi# ry$&ffiYryX #gJzuT S#ffi##r*Y #ffi ru#ffis$ru# # ffi&t n&Ti*{.,if g{li{isliiI} cl^f,ss oF ,52 {^ASgi**: a*y,qL" sT LtL}r* * 5 #ps#{y As probies we stqrted in old North Bcry, But somebody soid "Go West" one dcry. So to Sudbury Generql we proudly ccrne, "The lirst to groduotg" - our claim to fame. i6' @ qE {qi q *i:; '"trr' \*l.,{ b' ' *.o"nur**,, o.uoo*, f Ar,rPBEtL B.M. {a- "*.*.a. e . A.EtRSte 6 .lrn*rrno^*i J.fdt'pRtNe E MARYMOUNT 0FNURSII{C' SCl"|00L :::r, ff::^:::;:::: :. d. F4ARTBL R,M.PIORRIS ctAss oF'53 Greetings from the Clcrss of '53! We started in North BcrY,You see. A few months lcrter we bestirred Ourselves to Sudbury, where we translerred; In CI-ESSOF',54 Once q month we meet crrew To exchcmgeour qlumnqe views, As former grcducrtes we reminisce On student dcrys - forgotten bliss. '54 we lelt the lold, The Iomp of leoming ours to hold; Three yeors lcrter, we're proud to scry We're doing our best in every wcry, q3f{?3$*1"13e{#r$}{ * 1 a "r r{ l* * $ a * n*X**s trrb3 s CLASSOF',55 m n*r ! rf\ lfirrrymuurll ]shnslllf-I iursing gr*Slnrrt'i*n xL**s nsB*' clrssi oF'56 We qre twenty-four Gruds All wishing you well, Three yecrs wcrs a long, long time. You've mcrde mcrny friends, And oll worked hcrd But now you're of the end ol the line. '57 Decn Grcrds we osk of you, Be proud of your colours of gray qnd blue, And never forget to be true To our decn Mcuymount. Srnnto in f)tturn ,.* -'t"'-tt' tfi 1WWWffiffiffiW wwwq@ffiffiffiffi#ffi ffiffiWrywwwsmsswltMffi WW .f- r& A- , { s's: & JJouon*otln*o FINST AID CLASS CITRISTMASPTNtr ST. PATRICK'S PI.AY Sr. parnlcx's DANcING Socr-Hop AT sr. cHAilJs FASHION SHOW Presenlction to ME. Wilson VII WIENER ROAST VIII CHBISTMAS BANQUET I II III iV V VI pr' Lg*,,'xu J IN THE GOOD OI.D SI'MMERTIME PICNIC: "{$ No summer is complete without cr picnic. We hod ours crt the compsite ol the Sisters ol St. Joseph, on Trout Lcke. Swimming, hiking qnd berry picking left us fomished ond reody to enjoy the delicious lunch provided by the Sisters. A wecry group of student nurses trudged bclck to the hospitol qfter qn enjoyoble dcry's outing. HAY DANCE: Flowered skirts ond plaid shirts were right in line lor the Hcry Dqnce lcrst summer. Virginio reels, squcre dcrncing ond o tosty lunch were included in qn eveninq of reql lun. CORN ROAST: Loke Romsoy's Moonliqht Beoch provided o perfect setting Ior the seniors' "Second Anniversory Pcnty." Sing-songs qround o blozing bonfire qnd roosting corn contributed to the evening's success. ANNMRSARY PARTY: The intermediates celebrqted their first onniversory lost {o1l with o combined "Colypso Porty ond Com Roost" held of cr summer comp on Loke Romsoy. Two members of the Alumnoe choperoned this goy pffty. '57, WELCOME TEA: We, the closs oI did receive o worm welcome to our new home. The welcome teo wos one of the mony wcys by which the sisters, instructors, stofl ond students mode us feel crt home here qt the Sudbury Generol Hospitcl. The ouditorium wos decorcrted in foll colours with crutumn leqves twining over the wolls crnd stoge curtoins. A poster inscribed wit6 the Jecnne Mqnce Pledge on one woll, the nurses' ccps with blue, grey cnd block bcrnds (ond the one minus c bond) ond the kind greetings of the other students mqde us more determined thqn ever to work os hord os possible to be pcnt of this hospitol's devoted teom. Anne Kotonen introduced to us Sister Superior, our house mothers ond q number ol our clinicol instructbrs who welcomed eoch of us individuoily ofterwcrrds. Mrs. Lodge ond Mrs. Cook poured teq ot the centre tcrble which wos bequti{ullv decorcrted with {lowers ond cqndles. Thus, the Iorty-four new "probies" ottended their first sociol event crt the Sudburv Generql. DENISEMcCULLOUGH. IOANNE PACKOTA. I . . . MOBE STTTDENTACTTVITIES HALLOWE'EN: Our first presentction to the other members ol the school wqs the progromme prepored lor l{ollowe'en. The mqin feqture wqs o pontomime, "An Old-FclshlonedMellerdrommer" followed by vcrriousnegro spirituols sung by q group of dcrrkened "probies." We even storred Pct "Libersce" Cormcrckwith csrdles, George, mother cnrd oll. Ccrrole. Morkusson expertly plcryed severql lovely violin selections for us. The highlight of the eveningt wqs the selection of the best costume winners. This intermediote clqss cqrried oll the most originol title, since the entire clcss come os o horem with Sheila Fqcer qs the rojoh! Dionne Hcrgger, crs qn old mqn, ond Mqrlene Lqine os the old-time bothing becruty, corried ofl prizes os well. The progrcumme '59. ended with the singino of the closs song by the clcss ol INITIATION OF THE CLASS OF'59: We knew it hod to ccme sooner or loter! Such things qre never lelt out! But how would those crcrfty intermediqtes qnd seniors go crbout it? It did not take long to find out. Our fcrte wqs to be determined the following Wednesdoy evening, we discovered. We were told thqt there wqs to be a meeting held in the Stcflord Residence lounge thot pcrticulcn evening ond the other students said thot we must crttend crrd roll ccll would be token Thot evening, unlnown to the residents ol the Stofford, we observed from our 7th lloor windows severol of the girls pulling iecrns over their bcthing suits (in October?). lhis, then, definitely wqs the nigrht of our initiction. Six ol us decided to put oll our drqwers crnd linen in our locked closets so thot invasion of our roorr.o would be minimized on this "night of nights." At the Stolford, we "probies" squotted on the floor, our seniors occupying the chcrirscrnd couches. A grcmd disploy lollowed crt our expense. Rememberthe egg shompoosond egg fociols (row eggs, no less!), the mud pocks (reol mud)? Then there were the stories, songrsond poems composed on the spur ol the moment, imitcrtions of our hero, Elvis, cmd so onl The intermediqtes hcrd cr testing ground in the bqsement of the Stafford, too. This included ice cdld showers, o porridge foot both, o quick crcrwl through cr bluish slush (seen through my blindfold) qnd o blind hop through thin air to hecrvenonly knows wherel Some ol us were co-operctive crnd screcrmedto terrify the others. Initicrtion is one thing no one con escrcrpebut it leoves the memory of o good time. This initiqtion gqve us the opportunity to meet other students with the reolization of the mcrry good times we would spend togelher in the coming yeqrs" MARGE CLARK. i $ r;F ST'MMER PRELT'DEOF FT,SHIONS On the evening of lvftcry2, 1957, qt 8.00 p.m., ot the Sudbury Librcuqg Auditorium, the Morymount School of Nursing presented o loshion show; "Summer Prelude ol Fcshions". Feqtured were gqy summer lrocks, cll weother cocrts, crnd sports weor from lrene's Lodies' Wecn; beoutiful fur stoles and jockets lrom United Furs; fcrshionoble motemity wecn from the Stork Shop; ond the show=steqler, the modern ond Fifth Avenue in children's wecr lrom the Nursery. A very interested cnd lorge qudience lilled the ouditorium, crpplouding the efforts of the models, crnd lcrughing ot the cntics o{ the children. hoceeds of this prdeds were deposited into the Student's Council Bcmk Account crnd will be used to send students to the vqrious conventions such os the R.N.A.O. Convention held in Toronto, Ontorio, ond the S.S.C.A. in Chicogo, in August. Mcry we extend cr most sincere thonk you to Mrs. B. Wilson, who guided us so expertly in our endecrvour, from the time our Foshion Show wcrs "just cnr idecl" We cne olso very grotelul for the generous contributions thouqht, plonning ond donotions on the port of Mrs. C. Moyle. ol time, Althougrh the fincrncicrl returns were not overwhelming, our united effort to provide omusement, singing, music crnd variety ol costume to cr receptive qudience wos most rewcrding. BEVERLEYROWOR.ITT, Convener. An integrcl pcrt of our musicloving life wcrs fostered by Mrs. Chrissie Nemis. Her weekly visit to our school with her refreshing, exhubercnrt mcrnner, mode our lcrynxes vibrcrte beyond their usual crbility. w e* Mony thcmks, Mrs. Nemis for guiding us through th9 glory of c: Christmcs seqson, with cqrols for every toste; for directing our energies T.V.-word with St. Potrick selections thot brought wqrmth to mony heqrts; for encourqging our {eeble crttempts at providing grcrducrtion music. We do sincerely crpprecicte your mcrry kindnesses to us, particulcrly in your becutiiul selections lor chopel singing. Indeed music hoth chorms, qnd our heorts vibrote in loving grotitude crs you,shqre those chcrrrs with us. ,'flk -.'j ': WINTEB EI'ENTS Christmcs Dtmce one higrhlight of every christmos seosons' Festivities is the Annuol Christmos Donce sponsored bi the Alumnqe. Dcmcing this yecrr wos qt the Copper Clifl ltolion Club to the music of Art Gimpoli qnd his orchestro. This dcnrceprovided one of the lew opportunities for the doctors, groducrte nuffies crnd students to minqle sociolly. Individuql clcrssporties olso odded to the Christmos excitement. At eoch porty, o Christmqs gift from the Sisters, wos just qnother ol their mony wonderlul gestures towords the students. IT'MOR CIIBISTMAS PARTY Following the trodition of former yeors crt Christmcrs, our clcss sponsored o porty for the underprivileged children of one of the city's seporcrteschools. The children ronged {rom those in grode one up to ubout five ond numbered neorly twenty. Enough gifts were donoted to pro' vide eqch child with three presents eoch. Dolis, clothing crrd sewing sets Ior the girls, guns cmd holsters crnd toys Iot the boys. Sqntq Clqus mqde cr surprise visit cmd there were spcrkling eyes crnd excitement gcrlore os he distributed the presents. Eqch student "odopted" one of our Iittle visitors ond the ice was broken immedicrtely. At the end ol the olterT noon there wqs c greot scromble for eocts, presents, qnd c little brother or sister. Finolly they were ushered bcck to school by two students, with prom: ises to return. who hod the most fun thqt oftemoon, the students It is debotoble 'We were reolly thrilled ot seeing their loces light up as they or the children. opened their griftsond plcyed with them. Giving is so much more sctisfying thon receiving. UNIFONM DANCE Streomers,cupids, ond heorts were the setting for our Annuql Dqnce which wos held this yeor on St. Vclentine's Day. The evening of festivity wqs held in honour ol the Junior Students following their Acceptcrrce Ceremony. Sing-songs, buffet lunch, doncing to the lotest records higrhlighted the evening. WINTOB SPORTS Sev'erql students, this yeor, were very interested ond crctive in bosketboll. hcrctice wos held every Mondoy ot 6.30 p.m. in the gryrnncrsium ot St. Chcnles' College, during the winter seqson. One gome took us to St, ]oseph's College in North Boy. Excitement wqs the key note of this gome. Former College graduotes were hcrppy to displcry their prowess on home ground, ond to ensure support, brouht other student nurses olong to pcrrticipcrte. It was debotoble which wqs enjoyed the most - the gome - the cheering lunch ofterwords - or the trip the :"i.,:',:ffiia@ wnr::..:.i: to North BcIy. Other sports-minded students porticipoted in bodminton, bowling ond skiing throughout the yeor. The gift ol o lovely ping pong toble from the Medicol Slcrffwos a grecrtqsset in providing lriendly chollenges in the Stofford Residence. SQUANE DANCING Sguore doncing wcrs held eoch week during_ the winter in the hospitql's beoutifully lurnished quditorium. Lessons in modem squcre-doncing were provided by Mr. ond Mrs. S. Croig. It wos cr novel experience for those students crnd theii escorts who porticipoted' LILLIAN MASCIANGELO. It qfie" **; '-::'. gJ ij i *&ir ,t :' ffii::i:"' ri l:ji li"''i il I i{ ;: f ,ii :l ::! iri i3 :f I i 1 :n u li :r'll: ';: . '' ll: ;9::"' ,iiii::,,,:',; E!i::i::t:ii:i;:titl .*l!#;::: ;hi:.'.'"....i ffffi1$l:r,; ,llllil: ':il"ili :::i:::; !li;:: trii!!.1 :'':;;;;;11 :l:;:::ilii! fffftr il ,il'ffi ai .i - id: {i:!tll i... ,r,,,," , $;i i ;r,gr*1ifli'iffi$i1i '::lli; :;ili l;!iii-i ffi :rLii,'i iti:[:i ffi 8$1.1; ffi ,€$.,' i ffi.'l' . ,'"'t;;: ' ;ils* lll rliiiililiir:;l: #&. . .':] ffir';3s# ffifuffi tu$T .*"ffiW .l:', &fu. 4ft.':...,r :;3:;iiiii; t*6e" {s? ?T,"-effi..*'l'.'' - 1tr w .i'" $ F" i $k -i: Ll: mf' ','tt' f 1,. u d-' f"vi q' ,::lrtr' ,.lrg H*,f,i,; ff$ll+:"'..";g' '# ff ealdoualltr, Rn,.3*tLn,C.l. S*//r,on Deqr Sodolists: It is the nqture of mqn to qdmire ond imitote others. Persons cre qdmired crnd imitoted sometimes becquse of their ingenuity or industry. This is very evident in the world todcy with its fon clubs, commerciol use ol nqmes ond outogrcphed pictures. For mony, these prominent Iigures of radio, television ond sport ore idols ond models. However, we know thct public {crvour is usuolly very short lived. Further we reqlize thot such populority is usuolly restricted to r)ne counrry, or even to one pcrt of the country. We olso reqlize thot oll too often their lives crre infcrmous, o positive disgrcce. The world is looking for o model ond idol. This model must cppeol to every rqce qnd country. This model must be such thot its populcrity must not be lost within o Iew short months. The world needs c model thqt will stond for crdmirqtion, cnd imitotion for oll people crnd for all time. You deor sodolists hove thot first Good Fridoy crt the {oot of the sodcrlists, we hqve been endeqvouring we know thqt it is the only woy thot ''TO model. She hos given to you on the Cross, "Son behold thy Mother." As to model our lives qlter hers becquse we con corry out the Sodolity motto, IESUSTHROUGHMARY." As the world is lost in its secrrchingfor o model, let us be loyol children ol Mcry. Let us stcy with our model Ior we know the only woy to be hoppy is to model our lives qlter hers. She is the one ond only model who cqn lecrd us to her Divine Son. She is "Our tqinted noture's solitqrv boost." FATHERG. J. SULLIVAN, REVEREND Drector. i. ti QUAIJTY, NOT QUANTITY This wos the oim o'f the Sodolity of the Immcrsulcrte Hecrrt o{ Mary in our school this yeor. Weekly meetings were held under the skilllul guidqnce oi Reverend Fother Sullivon, our Director. Although the membership wos smqller, the outstonding spirit crnd inierestlof the members brought obout vqried qnd extensive projects. Activities were cqrried out under two clqsses: the unit system qnd committees. The unit system, which was odopted this yeor, brought the Sodolists closer together, thus creqtinq vivid enthusiqsm. In this system, projects were subdivided into opostolic ond spirituol plctforms. The spirituol ospect those qround her. Reverend visited our school ond spoke Sodolist lives her dedicotion deolt with the soncti{icotion of the Sodalist crnd Fother Daly, Nationcl Director ol the Sodcrlity, on the Sodolity woy ol life, stressing how q true to Jesus through Mory. The opostolic plotlorm wcrs qctive under such projects cs collecting stqmps for foreign missions; selling religious Christmos cords with the theme of bringing Christ bock into Christmos, ond moking o study ol the Cotholic Concept ol leisure. Teoching the children on Pediotrics their proyers ond Cotechism provided o novel ond interesting lield for the cpostolote. The committees, consisting of the Apostolic, Social, Publicity, Our Lody's qnd Euchqristic committees held monthly meetings.'Results were seen in the publicotions of the "Sodclity Mirror," which seemed to be opprecioted by our qlumnqe qs well os by our students. An educqtionol feqture wcri provided by Reverend Fother Forrell's filrn, "White Feothers of Africc." The highlight of the yeqr wqs q week ol Sodclity Counselling held in our ouditorium in Morch. This inspiring week wqs culmincted by o dcy of recollection crnd Benediction of the Blessed Sqcrcrment. It wqs a pleosure to welcome guests from neighbouring sodclities to our evening lectures by distinguished sodolity directors qs well qs to our ciosing banquet. Moy we express our deepest groti.tude to Reverend Fothers Deloney, Sheq, Fqrenzenq, Donnelly, Silvester ond Sullivon {or their generosity, understonding und guidonce. The Queen of the Sodolity wqs crowned on Sundcy, May 12, prior to the reception o{ three new members into the Sodolity, who mqde their temporory qct of consecrqtion of this time. A proyerful welcome is extended to Morilyn Gotro, Helen Kuchmq ond Elgi Vendrqmin. A deiinite move to improve the quolity ol our Sodclity is the sending af two members to the Summer School ol Cotholic Action. We qre groteful to our Student Associqtion lor their generous finonciol contribution, in ossisting us to send Betty Smith ond Morilyn Gotro os delegotes. The future of the yeor hos been q ful ond those connected with it. Mosciongelo qnd Morilyn Sodolity looks very bright ond promising. This post successful one in the lives ol the members ond qll With our new executive Bettv Smith, Lillian Gotro, we hope to strengthen our spiritucl bonds. Through constont devotion to Our Blessed Mother's Sodolity, mcry we be brought closer to her Son ond to life everlcrsting. DOROTHY LONGE. HOSPITAL VISITORS This will every surgeon sqY "Visitors should stoY awcY' Don't stond whisperinq in the hcrll; Just now thot won't helP ot oll. Trust me. Soon cs I ccn tell, You will know thot cll is well. "This {or everyone is best Give the pctient needed rest. Alwoys keep remembering Tolk is o disturbing thing. Pen cr note or flowers serrd, Thot's the wcy to be q iriend. "Kindness ccrn be overdone Thon too much, is better none. If to visit you should go, Smile ond soy cr glad hello Then withoui explcining why, Just qs quickly soy good-bye. "Never try owoke to keep One who ought to go to sleep. In the room don't plccn to stoy; Greet your {riend ond go crwcry. Setter not to go ct crll, Thcrn too long to moke your coll." CYCIE THE BACTERIOTOGICAI BAIL The goy Bocillus,.to goin her glory, Once gove q Bcll in o Loborotory It doesn't dqte me when I scrY We didn't do that in mY doy, Thot student nurses whom I see Just oren't what they used to be' For I remernber it wcts so Thot older nurses, long ogo, Sighed to students whom they knew, "Whot is nursing coming to?" No doubt the students now qs well, Will somedoy find thot they must tell The students who will listen then "You ought to hcrve.known nursinq when!" NOTHING would be done ot oll il o mon woited until he could do it so well thot no one would find fqult with it. - Ccrdinot Newmon. TINTO THE TOST A strcnger, doshing into q house in qnswer to q womon's screoms, found, q frightened mother who exploined thcrt her son hqd swdllowed c nickel. The stronger $abbed the child by his leet qnd shook him vigorously. The coin fell from the boy's mouth. "Doqtor," the womon gcsped, "It certoinly wos lucky you hcppened by. You knew just how to get thot nickel out of him." ?w Mr. Mellor The Fete took ploce on o coverglcss 'Where vulgor germs could not hcrqss Only the cultured were invited For microbe cliques oll were united. They closely shut the Ballroom doors To cll the germs contoiningr Spores. The Stcphylococci lirst orrived, To stond in groups they oll contrived. The Diplococci ccme in twos; In they cqme two by two. The Streptococci took greot poins To secit themselves in grcceful choins. The.Pneumococci, stern ond horrghty Declcred the Gonocoe"rr" noug:hty-; $n-d sgid they would not come o:t qil, If the Gonos were present ot the Boll. The Fete begcn, the mirth rcrn hicrh Without c thought of donger nig:h. .bqch germ enjoyed himself that night. Without feor ol Phogocyte. 'Twqs getting lqte, crnd some were looded When, Bongl The Formoldehyde exploded, ;;':i And drenched the hoppy - -.A. Bcdgery _. doncing moss. Thqt swqrmed thct foted coverg-loss Not -one survived, but perished' oil, -Boll. At thot Bccteriologicol "l'm not q doctor, Modqm," replied the stronger. "I'm q collector of internql revenue." Dr. Wilson: "Nurse, hove you seen c cleft pclcte?" Junior Student: "No sir! But I'll look for one in the cupboard." E?OM BED TO WOBSIE The doctor's office woiting room Is smcll, compoct qnd so orronged Thot confidences, mogozines And viruses mcry be exchonged. BIENNI.AI CONVENITON OF TTIE CANADIAN NT'NSES' ASSOCIATION It wos my privilege to qccompony shirley wilson to the_Bienniol in June, 1956. With many other student nurses, we resided at the University ol Monitobo, where we shqred views, prepcred discussions Lor Buzz sessions, ond thoroughly enjoyed heoring qbout other troining schools. Mony impressions remoin with me of the wonderful speakers,-broad knowledge, interesting octivities, with which we cqme in contqct - of these I will mention just cr Iew. we were told thot "Good public relotions must begin ot the bedside, in order to interpret nursing to the nqtions" - olso "You rnoy wolk clone bUt you mqy never mqrch olone." One speoker exploined thct in our present dcry worfors we cre no longer lighting ogcrinst qtom bombs qnd H bombs, but rother ogoinst idecrs qnd ideols. He stressed clso the necessity of_developing c strong personol Philosophy of life to combot the donger of Communism which infiltrctes into our thinking ond weokens the Individuol's soul life. We wish to thcrnk the students who voted for us os representcrtives. We crre qlso most groteful to the Women's Auxiliory of the Sudbury Genercrl Hospitcl for linqncing the triP. ADA CAI@O. ANNUAT R.N.A.O. COI',I\IENTION On April lOth, 1957,we, qs representotivesof the Mcrry:noYntSchool of Nursing, *.." ott our wqy to the three doy Annucl R'N'A.O. Convention held ot the Royol York Hotel in Toronto. Throughout the full progrqmme we heqrd of the vcnious lields of nursing thot ore open to graduote nurses. The essentiolsof-a g-oodnurse wete summdrized {cr us in th}ee words - wormth, cqlm ond ef{icienry. A pcnel discussion ccrlled "Doors cqn be opened" gove c full history of c poropLgic potient, including her personol impressions of nurses. Other highlights *6.t o discussion on Hypothermis, the speciol student sessions, the ponel discussions on dilferent qreqs of nursing. Entertoinment wqs provided in the form of crn qlternoon tecr of St. Michoel's Nurses', Residence, followed by cr tour of the hospitol. we olso enjoyed the crnnuol bonquet, with Mr. Mox Ferguson os guest speoker. Our trip wqs most memorqble ond profitcble. We would like to extend our thonks to oll those who mcrde it possible. CAROL STEPHEN SHEILAMcKINNON. TO TIIE SISTERS OF ST. IOSEPII To the Sisters we owe our deepest thqnks For oll the help through the yeors Potient they were, when we were up to our pronks; To them we give three cheers Their kindness, pcrtience, qnd guidonce too, Hcve helped us olong the wcry To you crll we scry I'mqy God Bless You," For our hoppiness todoy. THE GRADUATES OF '57 TO OUA DOCTORS ffi Dr. Bruce loclficrrt cnd Dr. Ccmreron Dr. Myctt Some doctors hove a speciol trqit So often used for womon boit A few ol these stond out so clecrr Thct we'll remember'tho' fcn or necrr. DR. MYATT - os our fqvourite medic To him we run to remove our oppendix The lolliest mqn we hqve ever known Our thonks to you for the kindness you've snown. DR. WALKER - olthough gone, the smile qnd the wink ore not forgotten. DR. DAVIDSON - for his kind mqnner ond thot shrugging shoulder. DR. POWER - its those long eyeloshes. DR. FYFE - for his humour cnd big eyes enhonced when viewed over the qnesthetist's mcrsk. DR. MITCHELL - we'll olwcrys picture him in his rqccoon coqt. DR. LONGMORE - Ior his quorterbock shoulders ond long postponed S.M.R. DR. KYLE - Ior his grecrtness - o greot heart, o greot mind, sheltered in on equolly greot humcm physique. DR. CAMERON * no need for qnoesthesic Your voice olone puts them in ectqsia "And in q dreom they rocrm." DR. MADOR - for his blinking eyes. DR. WILSON - os Sudbury's onswer to Hollywood's Yule Bryner. DR. PEARSALL - for keeping us hcrppy with his whistling cnd singing. DR. DIXON - for the honours yrnr shored with us qt Grqducrtion. DR. FOERSTER- his peoceJoving,noture. DR. BRUCE LOCKHART - his mcrvellous closses - and methods of study. |I I TO OUN DOCTORS Doctors ore exceptionol people. They cqn love everyone ond no one. They con diognose qt cr miie distonce, <rnd still be the iirst to scy "I don't know." Doctors rqnge in size from lorge economy to short cuts in vqrious directions. They like most things; dogs, children, books, Iishing, sport cors, the odd pcrty ond lots of potients. They ore usuolly in q rush, dither, temper tqntrum, good mood, new cor or white coor. They olwcys hcrndsome. qppeqr to be disgusted, thinking, busy, tired or They like the leost - people who know just o little obout medicine, drug solesmen, neurotics crnd night colls. They usuolly hove nice homes, smori children, q heqdqche or heqrt condition crnd a loving wife. They ore in doubt os to li{e in generol, the use of nurses, peoples' sickness, whot doy it is ond if they cqn or not. They ore omused ot Bob Hope, crobby supervisors, true stories, George Bernqrd Show cnd students. They ore conlused by foreign lcrngucges, boby P.S.l., stonding orders ond politics. tolk, ontibiotics, They remember the nome ol their best friend, good jokes, medicql terminology ond their iroternity yell. In {uture they would like io iind a cure lor everything, own q Ccdillqc, remember the wife's birthdoy, go to Floridcr, be chief of stofl crnd have more children. Doctors ore not only exceptionol, they ore the one hope in on emergency. They ore the only confidont ol our deepest secrets. Our doctors are the most potient, kind, sympothetic ond underpcid people in the world. THE INTERMEDIATES. h $ .## .\ Dn. KYLE qnd DR. ORANGE DR. MAGA :;:s ,ffi. lii$e '1.*!i,e dir:; . ilf$ :4; '.{t *"-d*:' GNADUATION SONG (Tune 'Ilello, Young Lovers") Our eyes ore misty As we soy {crewell To the troining thot's flown, Now is the time when we reolize The hoppy moments we've known. Deor Mcrrymount qs we follow our stqr We'll be lqithful qnd true And remember wherever we qre How proud we cre ol you. 5ffi *s I -s?,q F ,,ii:j .t' I 'i;l '' ats; %ffi MW-4 - l9s7 We'll know how it feels to hove wings on our heels And to fly out in life on our own But our thoughts will remain When the clouds tum to rain With the ploce we've so often called home. Through the yeors qll'of our souvenirs lVill be corried clong Whct we've Ieomed here Will not discrppeor After we've gone All our thcnks we would like to soy To those who hqve shown us the woy. '* 'i\ '# .;'*p :l siii!l:F$i.i:i r..ti. ' "s& t,.l t*"- tqa* ".1 THE DIVINE PAflETiIT otee Fridcry on Colvory, qs in o hospitol word, Three men loy dying - omong them, our Lord. 'Twas the worst case ol neglect that wcs ever recorded, These potients whose pcin Pilote hcd ordered. On three hord beds in the shcpe of c Cross, Without pillow or blcrnket, no nurse would endorse. Now the One in the center our qttention should claim; Jesus of Nqzqreth, the chort gove His nctrne. A ccrrdioc condition, exqminers find Excessive love for the whole ol mqnkind. Now you who qre nurses, just listen to this; Unsterilized noils pierced His leet cnd His wrists, And whqt crbout this for cruel medication? Vinegor ond goil were His lips' levicrtion. His bock men wounded by blows ond welts, Yet no soothing ointment relieved the hurts, No cold compress wos cpplied to His eyes; The world's greotest lover just hongs ihere ond dies. Not cr groin of morphine, not a toumiquet set As Mcry's Son slowly bleeds to deoth. The chort then concluded, cs further we see, "The sod Mqn from Nozcneth died about three." His loved ones rnournfully went their wcry His Mother, Mogdolene, qnd ]ohn so they soy. Now don't blome the Jews for this lrightful neglect; rOur sins did it qll; our sins do it yet. This treatment of Christ demonds repcrotion, It fqlls to you nurses of this generotion. Whenever you see qnyone in pcin Just mcke believe it is Colvcry <rgoin. And do for the potient whot you wish they hcrd done For the Mqn in the center, the Innocent One. It wil thrill His ongels, it will plecse Him too; 'til life's work is through. |ust keep at it girls, And when ofter deqth your soul mounts on high God will "cqp" you ogcin in His home in the sky. And on Judgement Dcry then heoven you'll win Becouse nursing your po'tient you re<rlly nursed Him. _ FATHERDELANEY. r THE NTTBSE'SDINY To give c hcnd to those in distress To smooth cr pillow to oid them in rest To lcry cr cool hond on cr fevered brow -this is our duty. To walk upright when others moy loll To be loithlul in things both greqt ond smqll To go quickly when the pctients mcry coll -this is our duty. To help dry sorrow's teqrs <rwqy To mcke hoppier someone's life today To scqtter llowers - not thorns on the woy -this is our duty. To greet the infont when iirst he sees lisht To show him the love thqt will stcnt him out right To gucnd cnd protect him with oll of our might -this is our duty. To whisper cl proyer for q lile nearly spent To soy the right word of comfort -well meont To closp the hcnd when God's messenger'ssent -this is our duty. _- HAZEL M. iONES, R.N, a -i ,j rrr-ttfrrr-' r rrfr Opporlunitles fcr grcducle n u ftct In rhr Afmy Unusual opportunities with new experiencel and interesting carreersare op€n to Graduate Nurses in the Canadian Army. They will be enrolled as Nursing Sistersand will be stationed at Army estirblishmentsboth here in Canada and overseas. Army nursing, in addition to regular staff duties,permitsspecializationin the various fields, such as teaching and supervision, nursing administration, public health, and operating room technique and management. Applicants who are acceptedby the Army will be granted regular or short servicecommissions in the Royal Canadial Army Medical Corps and will receiveRegular officer pay rates, allowances for officers' uniforms, food, living accommodation, 30 days' annual leave with pay, and other benefits. If you are a RegisteredNurse, under 35 preferably,with one year's graduateexperience,and a Canadiancitizen or British subject,write now for full information to: Area Medical Officer Central Ontario Area Ortoaa Barracks, Oakville, Ont. f; .il. : l' ' l:l !--.*". i ' :'..*. ': *'"."' , . . , : :. : -- l,iliogncpied Ir Candda By Aeae Priateic. !td,, . Sudburi', Oltarto t -. * - . ._._l l: