Saint Martin de Porres
Saint Martin de Porres
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2016 Saint Martin de Porres 615 Dunn Road Hazelwood, MO 63042 Phone (314) 895-1100 Website: Fax: 314-895-5992 Pastor Rev. Joseph RajPaul Sundararaj E-mail: [email protected] Office: (314) 895-1100 Ext. 8 Priests’ Residence: (314) 895-0172 Deacon Deacon Rev. Mr. David Pacino Rev. Mr. Ed Beirne (314) 895-1100 Ext. 4 (314) 895-1100 Ext. 5 Parish Music Coordinator Mr. Al Vigland Sacramental Coordinator and C.R.E. Marilyn Saunders (314) 895-1100 Ext. 6 Parish Office Sr. Stephanie Turck E-mail: [email protected] (314) 895-1100 Ext. 2 St. Ferdinand Grade School Office: (314) 921-2201 Schedule of Holy Eucharist Saturday Vigil - 4:30 pm Sunday - 8 am and 10:30 am Weekdays - Monday through Friday ~ 8 am Holy Days - 8 am and 7 pm “Youth Music” Mass ~ 1st Sunday of month-10:30 am “Gospel Music” Mass 3rd Saturday of month-4:30pm “Children’s Liturgy” Mass ~ every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month -10:30 am Perpetual Help Devotions Tuesdays following 8 am Mass Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 8:30 am-6 pm ~ Benediction at 6 pm Anointing of the Sick Karah ~ Children’s Liturgy 1st Friday of the month following the 8 am Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:15-4:00 pm or by appointment Beyond 50 ... Next 25 Synergize! Energize! Evangelize! S I Sacrament of Baptism Sunday after the 10:30 am Mass or by appointment after participation in Baptism Preparation Program. Our next Baptism Preparation Class is on Wed., February 17, 7:00 PM in the school to explain the sacraments and requirements. If you’ve never had a child baptized at St. Martin’s, you must attend a class before scheduling a baptism. Call the office to sign up: 895-1100. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least six months prior to wedding to begin preparations. P LITURGICAL ROLES FOR JAN 23 – JAN 24 Saturday, January 23rd - 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, January 24th - 8:00 am Mass Sunday, January 24th - 10:30 am Mass Lectors.........................................Gerald Griffith, Pat Wiswall Eucharistic Ministers............William Bahan, Don Lancaster, Steve McDonald, Robert Raftery, Rose Reddy, Betsey Schaper, Jessica Schnell, Patricia Stallings Ushers..........................................Tony Clawson, Eugene Eller Server....................................James Stallings, Jayden Stallings Greeters..........................................Rich Van Well, Keith Frye Music ...................................................Al Vigland, Steve Kish Liturgy Schedule Error Please disregard all emails that are sent to you through March 26/27 Weekend. PICK UP A LITURGY SCHEDULE IN BACK OF CHURCH OR USE THE BULLETIN’S LITURGY SCHEDULE. THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME. M I I Y P F ... A Bobby Baker, Josh Bohr, Johnny Frye, Mitchell Frye, Spencer Frye, Daniel Halley III, Jeffrey Kimball, Neil Klump, Matthew Klump, Matt Leahart, Salvatore Lodato, Joe Maloney and Robert Berry Wooldridge, Jr. Children’s Liturgy January 24 – Jamily Maloney and Earl Arseneau January 31 - Chris Miller and Vicki Bahan February 7 -First Sunday PSR Mass, No Children’s Liturgy R Monday, Jan 18, 8:00 am Tim Dunn 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday, Jan 19, 8:00 am Eunice Carbrey 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday, Jan 20, 8:00 am David Farquharson 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday, Jan 21, 8:00am Rick Kennedy 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13; Mk 3:7-12 Friday, Jan. 22, 8:00 am Rick Kennedy 1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday, Jan. 23, 4:30 pm Sunday, Jan. 24, 8:00 am Sunday, Jan. 24, 10:30 am Carolee Lang Rick Kennedy Larry Millowski ... Fred Abrolat, Ed and Larine Ashenfelter, Mary Jo Baker, Virginia Bathe, Thad Bethel, Wanda Bogle, James Brslik, Joe Caito, Jim Catalano, Sheila David, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Delarossa, Annie Eck, Robert Fink, Melissa Finkeldei, Steven Finkeldei, Pam Goldstein, Martha Grein, Mary Hausermann, Dennis Henessy, Chuck Herrmann, Mike Korte, Tina Lewis, Pam Margenau, Kathy Miller, Wyatt Nichols, J. Okasaki, B. Piel, B.J. Piel, Andrew Prince, Susie Richmann, Billy Rose, Susan Shuey, Kathleen Siegler, Carol Sutton, Daphne Szczuka, Peggy and Gary (Frank) Wilson, Melinda Yaeger, and Bill Young. Lectors................................................Joan Klump, Ed Krings Eucharistic Ministers........Lucy Beirith, Wanda and Louis Fennewald, Florence Grau, Roy Kuhn, Norma and Ray Pawloski, James Steed Ushers...................................Lawrence Weber, Ron Goymerac Servers ..................................Amber Davis, Peyton Vasquez Greeters.........................Marge Heinzman, Wanda Fennewald Music...............................................................Charlotte Brown Lectors...........................................Barb Krings, Steve Moeller Eucharistic Ministers......................................Bob Engemann, Patricia Kistenmacher, Bob Moeller, Dan and Kim Rosenthal, Bob Will Ushers.....................................................................Al Pohlman Servers..............................................................Barrett Lohman Greeters................................Gwen Neighbors, Joyce Rygelski Music ......................................................................Bill Benner R Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Your Parish Council Looks Back at the Years 2014 – 2016 The Parish Council wants to thank and congratulate Fr. RajPaul, Deacons Dave and Ed, Marilyn Saunders and all other parish employees (including retired Annamarie Sullivan), musicians and choir, those in every liturgical role, all ministries, each individual volunteer, and all the rest of us who participated in the amazing happenings at SMDP in the last sixteen months. Take a look and feel the energy! Father initiated his Vision 25 plan which concentrates on these three levels: 1) financial concerns; 2) stewardship of ministries, programs, buildings, and land; and 3) evangelization. Status: The first Vision 25 draft is due January 10, 2016 with a completion date set for June 2016. Pastoral home visits to all parishioners willing to participate will be implemented in 2016. Three items approved by the previous Council but which had not been implemented by the end of their tenure, have now been completed: Lighting improvements in the church; an audio /visual system for the church; and an electronic road-side signage. Bob Raftery assumed leadership of the Athletic Initiative. As a result baseball training leagues used the parish fields for their games this summer and Pop Werner’s Football teams used them for practice this fall. The concession stand was staffed by volunteers throughout the time of the baseball training leagues’ games. The parish held its first car raffle, its first three day Summerfest, its annual car show and the Youth Group sponsored its annual Trivia Night. Status: All four were very successful and are in the process of being planned again for 2016. The Social Committee and Seniors on the Go were revitalized with Pat David as their coordinator and liaison with the Parish Council. Betsy Schaper and Debbie Maassen co-chair the Social Committee. Eileen Zambruski and Betty Davisson co-chair Seniors on the Go. Status: The Social Committee sponsored the GOD IS NOT DEAD Munch and Movie Night, The Advent by Candlelight service, the Advent Angel practice and an Epiphany Potluck dinner in which the secret Advent Angels revealed themselves to the person or family for whom they were angels. A calendar of proposed events through May 2016 has been developed. Seniors on the Go sponsored a speaker on Alzheimer’s and provided a catered lunch, a trip to the Fairmont Race Track, a trip to the Air Force Museum in Portage De Sioux with lunch at a restaurant, and a trip to the Daniel Boone Home and Heritage Center in Defiance with lunch at a wine tasting restaurant. Parish Council members’ names and emails are now published in the weekly Bulletin to provide easy access for parishioners when they have concerns, should they choose not to use the Suggestion Box. Connie Costello put together a demographic picture of the parish using the Parish Directory listings A-L, and the Council felt the results were a good representation of the parish as a whole. A new parish website is up and running. Status: More Ministries need to submit write-ups about their operations to be posted on the website. Implementation of the posting of pictures by ministries is still needed, as well as, implementation of the On-Line Giving program. Parish Council Looks back continues on page 7.. Martin’s P C Monday, January 18 Martin Luther King Day Parish Office Closed -7:00 pm Fr. Raj Scripture Study - 11:30 am -Crafters—KH Tuesday, January 19 - Wii bowling - Wednesday, January 20 - 6:45 p.m. PSR Class- gym - 7:00 p.m. Women’s Faith Sharing—K.H. Thursday, January 21 -6:30 Rosary, Grotto/Church Friday, January 22 Saturday, January 23 -8:00 am Communion Service Sunday, January 24 - 6:30 pm N.A. mtg.—K.H. M R : Ministry reports scheduled for next week: Pro-Life, St. Vincent de Paul and Finance Committee. Please submit all reports to Parish Office by Monday - 9:00 am. [email protected] T R The rosary is prayed each weekday morning before the 8:00 am Mass. It usually starts at 7:35 am and finishes before Mass begins. Rosary is prayed at the grotto on Thursdays 6:30 pm (weather permitting) or in the baptistry. Y G Jan 10, 2016 Neighbor to Neighbor Ministry This month’s report will cover two months since last month we talked about the Certificate of Appreciation Award process. Helping Hands: We helped our neighbors with these tasks during the last two months: plumbing repair (3); raking leaves (5); cleaning gutters (4); and fall trimming of shrubbery (1). The weather was not cooperative at all and we don’t have very many volunteers signed up for outdoor work, but we were able to work around the weather and handle these requests. Martin’s Kitchen: We’re proud of how Martins automatically take care of each other regarding food. We hear people talking about how they brought food to those who have just been released from the hospital. Our concern is for those who don’t have family here or who live in neighborhoods where people are very busy with their own lives and are unaware of what’s happening with their neighbors. Please notice these people, or if you bring Communion to the homebound and notice things are getting more difficult, ask if you can refer them to Martin’s Kitchen for a main meal now and then so they can “take a breath”. Then call me, Barb, and we’ll take it from there. Transportation: We provided rides to our faithful 8 people for weekend Masses, approximately 82 rides, (8x8 weekends(64)+2 Holidays (16) omitting Thanksgiving and Dec. 8 to account for any times some may not have been able to go to Mass + (2)new people who started 1/9/16. Other rides included: doctor’s appointments (8); dentist (3); eye doctor (1); Shoe Carnival (1); pharmacy (5); bank (3); dog grooming (1); hardware store (2); grocery shopping (1); This week two people will start receiving rides to choir practice for the rest of the winter months. We are so happy to help our dear seniors get to these very necessary places!!! Point of Interest: Some of you may ask, “With all this activity in N2N, why haven’t I been called to help?” Well, think back to when your regular doctor, dentist, etc. were out of town. You know you put off any service you needed until they got back into the office unless you were practically on your death bed because of the trust and comfort level that exists. That’s the way it is with our dear seniors. Once they start with someone and all goes well, we try to keep them together as much as possible. It gives them a comfort level in asking for help again. Whenever the regular volunteer is unable to help, we share information about the new volunteer to help the senior feel comfortable with the change. This is how it will work for you too when you get started. So please be patient and stay interested. We do need you. G Sunday Collection St. Vincent de Paul Beyond 50 Review Loose All Other Donations $2,964.00 $ 243.00 $ 404.00 $ 370.00 $ 455.03 $ 50.00 TOTAL $ 4,486.03 Fr. RajPaul’s Scripture Study Class will begin again tomorrow, Monday, January 18 ~ 7pm in the school classroom. Call office with any questions. 314-895-1100. Scripture and Growth Class with Pat Wiswall begins in February, please see post on the last page of this week’s bulletin to find out about this 10 week Scripture Study. 4 Ministries P Pat Wiswall...731-0933 Barb Krings...731-1893 Betty Wallisch...837-0446 SAVE THE DATE P Our Annual Trivia Night, put on by the youth group, has been moved to March this year! Mark your calendars for March 5th, 2016! You won’t want to miss this night of trivia, food, and fun! More info to come soon! Youth Group We hope that everyone had a blessed holiday season. We are looking forward to starting back up for the new year. Our events are open to any teen from 7th grade thru senior in high school. Our upcoming events are: Wed., Jan 13 - Youth Group Meeting from 8 - 9:15pm in the youth room Fri., Jan 15 - Movie Night - Meet in the youth room from 7-10 and bring a snack to share Wed., Jan 27 - Youth Group Meeting from 8 - 9:15pm in the youth room Thurs., Feb. 4- XLT (a night of worship, adoration, and fellowship) at St. Martins from 7-9pm A representative from the Quilt Club attended the meeting and requested they be allowed to moved the quilt drawing raffle to August in order not to conflict with the Summerfest raffles and activities. Please note that during the twelve years the Quilt Committee have held their raffles they have donated $39,422.00 to the parish. There was a discussion relating to the achievements and accomplishments that occurred in 2015 by the various parish ministries. In this discussion, the Parish Council set out various Goals for 2016 that it would like to have addressed and completed. First, reorganizing of the Social Committee in which more parishioners participate in that Committee and events that are planned. Also, review and explain Seniors on the Ministry, having more parishioners participate in the events. Review the current Athletic Association Programs and a possible ways to further the training leagues with the participation of the Pop Warner Leagues. Father discussed his Vision 25 Plan which concentrates on three levels, financial concerns, stewardship of ministry programs, buildings/land, and evangelization. It was also discussed the Archdiocese’s new program regarding Catholic Education. 5 M C John Cira, Chairperson [email protected] 922-0605 James Cecil, Vice Chair [email protected] 731-1411 Connie Castillo [email protected] 831-2979 Marge Heinzman [email protected] 839-0939 Colleen Wiswall [email protected] 895-5939 Rita Cromer [email protected] Pat David [email protected] 895-1414 Parish Council Meeting There were two suggestions received from parishioners. One related to have the St. Martin prayer changed to the St. Michael the Arch Angel prayer. This was forwarded to the Liturgy Committee for their discussion. The other suggestion was turning the Men’s Restroom in the Gym into an approved ADA restroom and then converting the Ladies Restroom into an ADA restroom. This request was discussed and then forwarded to Deacon Dave for further action. C N N M To receive assistance, please call the coordinator for the ministry that fits your needs. M ’ K : Barb Krings Phone: 731-1893 T : Linda Spencer Phone: 731-0479 H H : Charles Wiswall Phone: 731-0933 “In this period of crisis today, it is im- portant not to turn in on ourselves, burying our own talent, our spiritual, intellectual, and material riches, everything that the Lord has given us; but, rather to open ourselves, to be supportive, to be attentive to others. Set your stakes on great ideals, the ideals that enlarge the heart, the ideals of service that make your talents fruitful. Life is not given to us to be jealously guarded for ourselves, but is given to us so that we may give it in turn..” Pope Francis Pope Francis S .F W S .M ’ G SCHOOL January 18- January 22, 2016 A warm welcome to all who have come to worship with us. If you are visiting, we are honored by your presence. If you would like to become a member of our Parish, please complete this form and place in the collection basket or send to the parish office. Monday- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday…no school Tuesday- 5th-8th grade attend mass…First Reconciliation for second graders Wednesday- 1st-4th grade attend Mass…Orchestra practice Thursday- Band Practice and Study Buddies after school Friday- all school Mass at 8:30 a.m Name______________________________________ Street______________________________________ If you would more information about St. Ferdinand Catholic School, please contact Mrs. Anna Davis at (314) 921-2201 or [email protected] City, State, Zip_______________________________ Phone_____________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________ Coming up: St. Ferdinand School Open House from 10 a.m.-noon on Sunday, January 31. Please come visit and tour the school. The teachers and staff will be available for your questions and information. We hope to see you there! Rest in Peace A funeral mass was celebrated on Tuesday, December 29 for St. Ferdinand School Student Council and the Men’s Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 6 from 4-7 p.m. Your favorite teachers will be serving and working the dinner. Presale tickets will be available on January 23/24 and January 30/31 after all the masses. Raffle basket tickets will also be available for purchase. Douglas Powers A Parishioner of St. Martin’s. Please keep Doug and his family in your prayers. Super Bowl Tailgate Party Feb. 7, 2016 Come join friends for a tailgate party celebrating the 2016 Super Bowl! Tailgating will be in the gym (table is the tailgate) so no need to worry about the weather. Game will be shown on big movie screen so all can easily watch. Men’s club will have chili for all – but attendees need to bring the “fixins” for the chili and any other favorite food and drink you want. Time and more details to follow after we receive the RSVPs. Event is subject to response. Please call Parish Office 314-895-1100 to RSVP how many will be attending by January 22, 2016. Hope to see you there! It’s that time of the year to start planning for the 2016 Summer Fest. Mark your calendar, the Sumer Fest will be held on May 20, 21 and 22 . The first planning meeting will be held on January 24th in the school gym after the 10:30am Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend this first meeting and help make this year’s Summer Fest a success. All volunteers mark your calendar, three days working the Summer Fest is a long time for only a few. 6 ..Parish Council Looks Back continued Various ministry representatives shared information at Council meetings about their respective ministries’ operation and accomplishments. Status: Now monthly reports from each ministry are included in the Bulletin so all parishioners can be informed. The Parish Council sponsored the Potluck Dinner in March 2015, the Memorial Day Special Celebration at Church followed by a donut social, as well as, the first Santa Claus visit in conjunction with Donut Sunday on December 6, 2015. Father RajPaul spearheaded a trip to the Holy Land and a number of parishioners accompanied him. Confirmation was administered this year in the SMDP church instead of the Cathedral. A special celebration in honor of St. Martin de Porres took place on November 1, 2015 with a procession before Mass and a luncheon afterwards. The number of handicap parking spots in front of Knobbe House has been increased to four. The Archdiocese Parish Planning Project was completed and the written report was submitted to the Archdiocese on November 3, 2015. The number of parishioners who participated in this project was 141. Our parish rating for both stability and viability were GOOD. SMDP parish had its first Lenten Mission in a long time and participated in the first Northeast Deanery multiparish Advent Novena during 2015. SMDP parish was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the Hazelwood Community Enrichment Commission in 2015 for the services provided by the N2N Ministry in enriching the lives of the people it serves in the parish and the broader community. Bids were secured for building a ramp in front of Knobbe House. The price was prohibitive so the project was rejected for now. However, it was decided that the back entrance of Knobbe House would be designated as the official front entrance for people with wheel chairs and walkers. The first Sunday of the month was designated as PSR Sunday and the mentoring of volunteers was started by having the PSR students perform all the ministries during Mass (serving, lecturing, bringing offertory gifts, distributing Bulletins), as well as, being Eucharistic ministers and ushers with adult assistance. Mass on the First Friday of the Month is now a Mass of Healing with the Sacrament of the Sick administered at the Mass. Contributions from generous parishioners made possible the purchase of new linens for the sanctuary, new servers’ surplices, new wall banners for the liturgical seasons and the establishment of the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund for emergencies, unexpected parish expenses and to help the poor when St. Vincent de Paul may not be able to assist. Father RajPaul taught two semesters of Scripture Study which have been attended by parishioners from several parishes. Status: The third semester begins January 18, 2016. Jesus, thank you and now we ask you to continue to lead, guide, strengthen and build us as a Eucharistic Community. We ask this through the intercession of St. Martin de Porres, St. Joseph & our Mother of Perpetual Help!!! Rita Cromer 7 Youth Group Trivia Basket Donations It's that time of year again! The youth group is collecting donations for the annual trivia night baskets. If you have any Christmas presents or impulse buys that you don't want to return, send them to us. No donation is too small. Any new/ unused item, gift card, etc is appreciated. There will be marked boxes in the back of church in the cabinets. You may also drop the donations off at the parish office. Please mark your donation "trivia night". Thank you so much for your generosity. If you have any questions, please call/email Theresa Wright at 314-570-7965 or [email protected]. Scripture and Growth The Prophets; Messengers of God’s Mercy A DVD presentation by Thomas Smith will begin the first week of February. It will last for 10 weeks and will consist of a 30-minute teaching followed with discussion based on the material presented and home study. It will be offered on Monday evenings, 7 pm, and Tuesday mornings, 9 am with both sessions being held in the Knobbe House. Sign up sheets will be put out at the church entrances. Please call Pat Wiswall 731-0933 to register or for more information. BABY IT’S COLD OUTSIDE There will be a coat drive for clean useable coats. From Sunday January 31 - Sunday, February 8th The Drop Off will be at the back of church. Please help the many poor people stay warm and thank you to the many good people of St. Martin’s who volunteer every week to help St. Augustine Wellston Center. God bless all the ones that give food faithfully every month and know we could use even more donations because we often run out.. ~Tom Hughes S S -U Recycle bin for aluminum cans is being picked up again on a regular basis. The proceeds are donated to our church. Please recycle at St. Martin’s. Thank you for your support. Wanted: Servers during the month January, training will begin in January. 4th grade or above, child, teen or adult who is interested in this ministry, contact the office with your name, phone # and email address. C St. Martin’s Crafters are getting ready for Summer Fest 2016! If you want to help, you can donate some supplies: buttons, old cd’s, hot glue sticks, wiggle eyes, beads, Styrofoam balls, felt, fleece, gift cards to craft stores, etc...Watch the bulletin for crafting dates. We are always welcoming new volunteers of any skill level. Any questions, call Anne at 314-691-5209 Monday, January 18, 2016- 10:00 AM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Observance The University of Missouri-St. Louis and the St. Louis community come together for this annual celebration of Dr. King's life and legacy. This event - which is free and open to the public will feature engaging speakers, as well as talented musicians and performers. A program for children ages 5 to 11 will run concurrently in the lobby. Brought to you by the Touhill Performing Arts Center located—One University Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63121. -T I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. 8 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Martin de Porres Church #530950 615 Dunn Road Parish Office/School Hazelwood, MO 63042 TELEPHONE 314 895-1100 CONTACT PERSON Sr. Stephanie or Sheila Weller EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE PRINTER MS Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 Epson XP-400 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 3:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 17, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES 1 through 9 Please don’t worry about page numbers