UP BEAT NEWS - United Parish


UP BEAT NEWS - United Parish
November 2013
A Time of Thanksgiving or A Time of Angst
By Pastor Deb
The thought of Thanksgiving quickly approaching, brings an overwhelming sense of worry to mind. Considerations of a home that needs cleaning,
food that needs buying and cooking and then there are all the people coming
over or, one might travel to see family and friends and with that brings concerns of being on the road or in the air. Add to this any health or money concerns and one might lose sight of the blessings and miss the opportunity to
live in gratefulness. Hold fast to Matt. 6:27 “27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
There is the practice of while sitting around the Thanksgiving dinner table
some take turns to say what they are thankful for in their lives. Gratitude is
awareness that, as things come to us, they are exactly what we need - be it
people, circumstance, or challenges. What? Challenges? We do not often
think of challenges as a blessing or something to add to our prayers of gratitude at Thanksgiving. ‘Dear Lord, thank you for all my challenges and hardships.’ Just a guess, but I am confident that this is not the typical way a prayer
of challenges and hardships is said. Most of the time, we want to change the
challenge or hardship to something in our favor. If the challenge is a person
then, we want that person to change because – they are wrong of course.
By holding firm to our own understanding of a situation or challenge, we
may miss the opportunity that God is granting us. An opportunity to learn, to
grow, to change in the way we practice our faith.
Matt. 5:43-47 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love
your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may
be sons and daughters of your Father who is in heaven. For he
makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on
the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you
have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do
the same? ...
Anger, worry, angst, or challenges do not prevent bad things from happening; it only prevents
you from accessing joy in this moment. Each day brings a multitude of opportunities to feel gratitude and appreciation. This Thanksgiving I would encourage everyone to consider the challenges
in our lives and pray for new perspectives, new understandings and if it is a person – pray for
new conversations with that person.
November Youth Group
We need a meal family for both of our November Youth Group Evenings.
Sunday, October 27th We need all our Youth and Young Adults to help serve at the church Fall
Wednesday, November 13th 6-8pm
Saturday, November 16th Our youth will, once again, serve lunch at the community Fall Craft
Fair. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our youth however; we need all our youth out to support
the event. Posted on the church bulletin board will be all the work shifts.
Wednesday, November 20th 6-8pm *NOTE: This is a change from the 11/27 date.
United Parish is responsible for
the Food Pantry this month on
November 6th at 8:30. Please
provide sandwiches & bars.
We need at least two workers.
Church office will be closed November 11th in
observance of Veterans Day and November 28 –
29 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Thank you sew much!
To the wonderful people who spent
many hours sewing the quilts that were
given to us. They add warmth and color
to our room. We are both doing much
better and would enjoy a visit when ever
you are in Minot. Thank you so much!
Gordon & Betty J. Greenwood
Thank you to everyone who sent
cards, called and kept us in your prayers.
Gary Kippen
is extended to the Mary
Elise and Family, and Vivian Paulson
and family.
Sympathy is extended to Howard
Church Staff and Volunteers
Rev. Deborah J. Burger
[email protected]
Office Manager, Marlys Kippen [email protected]
Church Organist, Leann Bremner
[email protected]
Church Custodian, Carrie Grindeland
Church Pianist, Sharon Marquardt
Please feel free to call Pastor Deb on
her cell phone (701-871-1705) if she
does not answer, please leave a message so she knows who called.
If you would like a home visit,, please
let the church office know. If there is
no answer, please leave word on the
answering machine. (name, telephone
#, etc.)
Beyer and family and Norma Amsbaugh
and family on their loss.
United Parish Memorial
Myron Bierman—Gerald and Joan
United Parish Building Fund
Lillian Beyer—Lorraine and Les
We Love Our Church
Lillian Beyer—Gary & Marlys Kippen
November Birthdays
4— Nora Bangs
5 – Will Mercer
19 – Evon Gravseth
24 – Dawn Patterson
25 – Marissa Pewe
27 – Les Patterson
27 – Levi Kippen
27 – Otto Stockburger
23 – Dwight & Gloria Olson
26 – Scott & Pat Kippen
28 – Jerry & Joan Wettlaufer
Sharing our Time, Talents and Treasures
November 2013 Missions
Save the date!!
The Alternative Market will be held on
Saturday, November 16th
at the Bottineau Armory!
Celebrating Christmas with Cheer Boxes!
While you are preparing for the Christmas season, please remember
those that are less fortunate than us. We will be gathering items for
Christmas Cheer Boxes for children on the Spirit Lake and Turtle Mountain Reservations. Items that should go into the Cheer Box include:
Winter hat, mittens, or gloves
Small gift
Wrap the bottom and top of the box separately. Place a rubber band
around the box and the top, then put the age group and gender of the
child on top of the box. Cheer Boxes are needed
for the following age groups: Infant, Toddler, 3-5,
6-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15 and up.
Please bring them to the church throughout October and November.
Christmas Eve Worship service
will be
at 5:00
4:00 Bible Study
Newsletter Deadline
8:00 A. A. Big Book
1:30 Worship at
St. Andrew’s
4:00 Bible Study
8:00 A. A. Big
Worship Service
6:00 Youth Group
5:30 UMW
6:00 Youth
11—1:00 Thanksgiving Dinner
Office closed.
Fall Craft Show
Alternate Market
& Lunch
Need to help to
Set up in armory
12:00 Quilters
Office closed
No Bible Study
8:00 A. A. Big
7:00 “Town Hall
Meeting” Independence Inc.
9:00 Mission
4:00 Bible Study
7:00 Staff Parish
8:00 A. A. Big
8:30 Food
3:30 PW
7:00 Parish
Daylight Savings
Time ends
1:00 Communion
at GSH & shut-in’s
United Parish
9:00 Confirmation
9:00 Sunday School
9:00 Fellowship
10:00 Worship Service
November 2013
The United Parish
801 Main
Box 175
Bottineau, ND 58318
Chas: What kind of music did the
Pilgrims listen to?
Tom: What kind?
Chas: Plymouth Rock!
www.Unitedparish Bottineau.com/
We are on the web at
Newsletter News info send to:
[email protected]
Deadline is November 25th, 2013
Submitted by Chas K., Appleton,
Sister: Mom wants your to help us
fix Thanksgiving dinner.
Brother: Why? Is it broken?
Submitted by Stephanie R., Chittenango, N.Y.
Pat: What’s the difference between
a pirate and a cranberry farmer?
Jerry: I don’t know. What?
Pat: A pirate buries his treasure, but
a cranberry farmer treasures his
Submitted by Patricia J., Warrens,

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