November 22, 2015 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church


November 22, 2015 - St. John the Apostle Catholic Church
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
Saturday, November 21
5:00 PM
†Hermelinda Juarez – In Loving Memory of
her 13th Anniversary of Death (10-28-02) by
Leticia Juarez DeLeon
Sunday, November 22
8:00 AM
Pro Populo
Thanksgiving Day Masses are as follows:
8:30 AM – English
10:00 AM – Spanish
10:30 AM
†Thomas Ferguson – In Memory of his
Birthday (11-7) by Family
12:15 PM
†David Lorenzo Santiago Int. de Maria
Monday, November 23
8:00 AM
For an end to abortion and a greater respect
for Human Life at all Stages by Sherry
Goelden & Lucy Krouskop
Tuesday, November 24
8:00 AM
†Lucille Facey by Loretta Smith
Thursday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Day)
8:30 AM
For God’s Blessings upon our Country
The Church and Religious Education offices will be closed
Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th in
observance of Thanksgiving.
10:00 AM
En Acción de Gracias
Finance Meeting
Sunday, November 29
8:00 AM
†Deborah Dubcak Krueger by Sharon Price
The Parish Finance Committee will meet
Monday, November 23rd at 7:00pm in the
Parish Center.
10:30 AM
†Elizabeth McClure – In Memory of her 1st
Anniversary of Death (11-27-15) by Bud
12:15 PM
Pro Populo
Young Women’s Group
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered,
please visit the parish office or return to the office a completed Mass
intention card. Available cards are located in the foyer of the church.
Saturday, November 28
4:00 PM
†Robert A. Melton by Lucy Krouskop
We will participate in the Terrell Christmas Parade on
Saturday, December 12th at 10am. We are looking for young
men and women to help with a float to represent St. John the
Apostle Catholic Church. We also are in need of supplies or
cash donations and will appreciate anything you can offer.
If you would like to help with this event, please call
Michelle in the church office at 972-563-3643. Thank you
in advance for all your support.
During the month of November please call Norma in the
church office if you wish to keep the names of your
relatives or friends in the bulletin Sick List. The first week
in December we will start a new list.
Prayer Requests
Richard Collier
Laurie Lisius Kinkaid
Richard Lozano Sr.
Amalia Ibarra
Mike Gonzales
Kenneth Elliott
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Odilia Vargas
Patricia Reyes
Stanley Ewaniak
Sylvia Stenda
Lee Wilde
Rosario Rodríguez
Ma. Consolación González
Tommy Locour
Jackson Patterson
Mayra Anguiano
Michelle Elliott
Dolores Boyd
Elsie Rittmuller
Claire Taft
Ida Gunstanson
Soledad Valencia
Steven LaPoint
Bill Blankenship
Patti Sikors Garrett
Don Coleman
Elaine Kasper
Chris Stader
Rebecca Elliott
Warren Terry
Cindy Kinkaid
William Mellon
Nick Morales, Sr.
Jack Sikors
Stella Childers
Brenda Newburn
Raul Rivera
Martha Kasper
Tom Boyd
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Donna Lain
Margarito Soto
Colleen McNamara
Paul Gumler
Mike Beaty
Olivia Nicole Yates
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Nathan Wright
Henry Taft
Dennis Kiger
David Carmona
John “Sonny” Jones
Claire Vargas
Ginger Guthrie
George Lyon
Sheila Wages
Yamileth Martinez
Jerry Lain
Warren Soto
Rosann Kinkaid
Edgar Reyes
Frank Kasper
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
November 28/29
Sat. 4:00pm Cathy Burton/Debbie Patterson
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Linda Faulkner
Sun.10:30am Cynthia Rosales/Tammy Guerra
Sat. 4:00pm Paul Mathers*/Gary W./Debbie P./Sherry G.
Sun. 8:00am Wayne Meshell*/David B./Robert B./Rachel H.
Sun. 10:30am Lou Roberts*/Dennis C./Steve H./Kevin P.
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Deacon Jim/Michael Gumler/Rod Kinkaid
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Mary Pat Samuels
Sun. 10:30am Martha Aranda/Bill Bedrick/Argie Benavidez
Sheila Dean/Tammy Guerra/Bud McClure
Child Care
Child Care is available during the 10:30am Mass in the Parish
Center for children who have not reach the age of 4. The child
caregivers include Barbara and Wayne Meshell, Elvia Valle, and
Mary Robinson. Each caregiver has been screened through the
Safe Environment program.
Child care is available only on the Sundays that Religious
Education classes are held. Occasionally, Child Care is cancelled
when the number of caregivers is not sufficient to provide the
supervision required. Thank you for your patience and
Monday, November 23
8:00 AM Daily Mass
1:00 PM Crochet meeting at Casa St. John
7:00 PM Grupo de Oración – Casa St. John
7:00 PM Finance meeting in Parish Center
Tuesday, November 24
8:00 AM Daily Mass
Thursday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Day)
8:30 AM Mass (English)
10:00 AM Misa (Español)
Last Week’s Collection:
Diocesan Coll. (CCHD):
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 10/31/15: 6,148.18
Religious Education Classes for November:
This Sunday is the last RE class for November and then all
classes will have a break for Thanksgiving. Classes will
resume in December. Please refer to the December calendar
below for the schedule of classes.
Religious Education Classes for December:
Sunday classes: 6th and 13th. There will be no
classes on the 20th or 27th.
Tuesday classes: 1st, 8th, and 15th. There will be no
classes on the 22nd or 29th.
Wednesday classes: 2nd, 9th, 16th. There will be no
classes on the 23rd or 30th.
Thanks to everyone that donated to the
Thanksgiving Food Drive. The food items
that were collected will be distributed to
families that requested a food basket.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
The Confirmation students will assemble the Thanksgiving
Food Baskets this Sunday in the Parish Hall. Families that
requested a basket may pick them up on Monday at the
Parish Hall.
Special thanks to the Confirmation students and their
teachers for accepting the challenge of feeding the hungry as
Christ has commanded by putting together the Thanksgiving
Food Baskets. This is a daunting task that carries with it a
lot of responsibility. I am always pleased at the selfless and
service-oriented manner in which these students present
themselves. They are a credit to themselves, their parents
and teachers. Thank you!
Children’s Christmas Eve Mass and Pageant
The annual Children’s Christmas Eve Mass
and Pageant will take place on Thursday,
Dec. 24th, at 4pm, if we have enough children
interested in this event. After three weeks of
running this announcement, only 3 children
have signed up. We cannot have a pageant with one angel
and two shepherds. Children are encouraged to sign up to
be one of the characters in the pageant. The characters
include Mary, Joseph, the 3 Magi (wise men), angels and
shepherds. The children will dress in costume and participate
in the pageant as an adult narrates the Christmas story. The
children do not have speaking parts.
NOVEMBER 22, 2015
There will be two practices for the pageant, Sunday Dec. 20th
at 3pm, and Monday, Dec. 21st, at 6:30pm. The children
must attend both practices. Adults are also needed to help
with the following:
• Assist with costumes.
• Move the manger from the storage building to the
sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 20th, and return it to the
storage building after the pageant.
• Be a prompter for the shepherds, angels, and magi
during the practices and during the pageant.
• Move the costumes and props to the Parish Center
after the pageant.
• Remove props from the sanctuary after the pageant.
To sign up your child or volunteer to help, send an e-mail to
[email protected], or stop by the Religious
Education office during office hours or class time.
Thirty-Fourth Week of Ordinary Time
On the Thirty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, we
celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. In the first
reading from the Book of Daniel, we read of a vision he has
of “one like a Son of man coming, on the clouds of heaven.”
In John’s Gospel Jesus tells Pilate, “You say I am a king.
For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to
testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens
to my voice.”
Tuesday is the Memorial of Saint Andrew Dũng-Lac,
Priest, and Companions, Martyrs. Thursday in the US, it
is Thanksgiving Day, with its own set of readings.
The first reading this last week of the liturgical year is from
the Book of Daniel. These apocalyptic and mystical
readings were written to give encouragement to the Jewish
people in the face of persecution.
The stories in the Gospel of Luke this week offer a look at the
meaning of generosity as the poor widow offers her two small
coins. Jesus cautions against those who will come in his name
promising salvation: “Do not follow them!” The cost of following
his teaching is made clear, “You will be hated by all because of my
name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed.” In a dramatic
look at the end time, echoing the Daniel readings, Jesus says, “And
then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power
and great glory.” Jesus continues the “end time” message saying,
“Know that the Kingdom of God is near. Amen, I say to you, this
generation will not pass away until all these things have taken
place.” He cautions, “Beware that your hearts do not become
drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily
life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap.”
Clases Pre-Bautismales
v Reducido a la mínima expresión humana en esos
teporochos de la esquina…
v Estacionado –y olvidado- con tu enfermedad a
cuestas en esa sala de espera del Seguro Social o del
v Encaramado –por hambre- en el cofre de un
automóvil para limpiarle el parabrisas…
v Cobijado por unas cuantas láminas de cartón en un
lote baldío…
v Semidesnudo en esos niños que juguetean entre los
v Hambriento y humillado en cada uno de nuestros
v Angustiado
favor de llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia con Michelle 972-5633643. ¡Gracias!
No tendremos clases Pre-Bautismales en el
mes de diciembre. Tendremos pláticas
comenzando en enero cada primer sábado de
cada mes a las 6:00pm en el Salón Parroquial.
Favor de llamar a la oficina (972-563-3643)
para más información.
Calendario para el mes de diciembre:
Clases de los domingos: 6 y el 13. No hay clases el 20 y 27.
Clases de los martes: 1, 8 y el 15. No hay clases el 22 y 29.
Clases de los miércoles: 2, 9 y el 16. No hay clases el 23 y 30.
v Despreciado frente a tantas ventanillas publicas…
La Misa de Acción de
Gracias en español es el
jueves, 26 de noviembre a
las 10:00am.
Las oficinas de la Iglesia
estarán cerrada el jueves,
26 de noviembre y el
viernes, 27 de noviembre
en celebración del Día de
Acción de Gracias.
racias a toda la gente que donaron a la Campaña de
Comida. La comida que fue recaudada será
distribuida a las familias quienes solicitaron una
canasta de comida.
Anote: Durante el mes de noviembre favor de llamar a la oficina
de la Iglesia si desea mantener los nombres de sus familiares o
amigos en la lista de enfermos. La primera semana de diciembre
se iniciará una nueva lista.
Grupo de Muchachas Jóvenes
Vamos a participar en el desfile Navideño de Terrell el sábado, 12
de diciembre a las 10:00am. Necesitamos jóvenes para que nos
ayuden para el desfile. También necesitamos materiales o
donaciones de dinero. Toda ayuda será apreciada. Si gusta ayudar
La Misa y desfile Navideña de Niños será el jueves, 24 de
diciembre a las 4:00pm si es que tenemos suficiente niños
participando en el programa. Hasta hoy solamente tenemos
3 niños que se han escrito. Se les anima a los padres que
escriban a sus hijos. Tendremos dos ensayos: domingo, 20
de diciembre a las 3pm y el lunes, 21 de diciembre a las
6:30pm. Los niños deberán de a asistir a los dos ensayos.
También se van a necesitar adultos para que ayuden. Para
escribir a su hijo(a) o para ayudarle a Susan favor de venir a
la oficina y hablar con ella.
NOVEMBER 22, 2015