Congratulation! You have been offered into our
Congratulation! You have been offered into our
IMPORTANT REMINDER Congratulation! You have been offered into our programme in Semester 2, 2011/2012. Please update your biodata and print all documents in the package of offer letter and admission booklet; Your original offer letter will be distributed to you on the second week of the semester or refer to the notice in the One Stop Centre. Admission Booklet SEMESTER 2, 2011/2012 For Undergraduate Programme (Ex-CFS Students- Malaysian) KUANTAN CAMPUS ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT AND ADMISSION DIVISION INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA JALAN GOMBAK, 53100 KUALA LUMPUR Tel: 603-6196 4047/4048/4040/3991 Fax: 603-6196 4724/ 4160 E-Mail: [email protected] Website IIUM: WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA “THE GARDEN OF KNOWLEDGE AND VIRTUE” TABLE OF CONTENTS NO. ITEM 1. Welcoming Note -From Dean of the Admissions and Records Division, International Islamic University Malaysia 2. Terms and Conditions of Offer for Admission Into Undergraduate Programme. 3. Registration Guidelines 4. 5. 6. REMARKS Refer to : Fees and Charges for Malaysian Undergraduate Students nce/ Circular from Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) Welcoming Notes & From The Chairman Of “Ta’aruf Week” 7. Car Sticker for Parents. 8. Reminder on Bank-in-slip 9. Check-list form 10. Kulliyyah check list form 11. Mahallah Registration Form 12. Internal Map IIUM Kuantan Campus To be printed & display on the front windscreen. To be submitted during Registration Day WELCOMING MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN OF ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT AND ADMISSION DIVISION Dear Students, I am so pleased to welcome you to the International Islamic University Malaysia. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on getting a place at the University. I can assure you that we have an exciting educational program awaiting you. I trust you will find your time here rewarding and complimentary to your personal and professional goals. At IIUM, we are blessed with beautiful surroundings. I am sure you will enjoy the beauty of our campus and appreciate the opportunity to study at this great university. The stateof-the-art program will equip you with the skills you need to gain control over your own destiny. Over the years, the University has built a strong reputation as one of the leading Universities in the Islamic world. We achieved this by exercising a tradition that fosters excellence and unity in diversity. We are delighted that you have selected the International Islamic University Malaysia. We look forward to greeting you in person. May Allah s.w.t bless all of us. ASST. PROF. DR. SHAMSUL JALIMI YEOB Dean, Academic Management and Admission Division International Islamic University Malaysia TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OFFER FOR ADMISSION INTO UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME. 1. ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION OF OFFER You are required to fill-in the on-line reply and biodata forms at the following url: Failing which this offer of admission will automatically be revoked. In case of need, you can contact the University’s Officers through the followings: Telephone Number : 03 – 6196 4000 Extension : 4048/4047/4040/3991 Fax No. : 03 – 6196 4724 2. NATION BUILDING COURSE Please note that all Malaysian students may be requested to undergo a Nation Building Course (Kursus Bina Negara) organised by the National Civic Bureau (Biro Tatanegara). Further details about the course will be informed by the Students Development Division, IIUM later. 3. FEES AND CHARGES Please refer to the following web-site for the details: 4. REGISTRATION For the purpose of registration, we enclose the additional information about the University. Kindly read them carefully before filling in any forms. Please note that a late registration fee of RM5.00 for each late day will be imposed if you report later than the date as stated in the offer letter. 5. CFS GRADUATION STATUS All students are required to fulfill the exit CGPA of CFS programmes as determined by kulliyyah before admission into Undergraduate Programme. 6. TA’ARUF (ORIENTATION) PROGRAMME (Compulsory to all new students) All students are required to attend Ta’aruf (Islamic Orientation Programme) conducted by the University and participate in all the programmes organized by various bodies of the University. 7. TILAWAH PLACEMENT TEST (TPT) All new students are required to sit for the Tilawah Placement Test (TPT) to determine their level of recitation and understanding of Taj’wid. There are two levels that students have to fulfill as their graduation requirements. The Test will be conducted during the first week of the orientation programme. Those who exempted from the first level may proceed to the second level. 8. DRESS CODE Please refer to the following web-site for the details: IMPORTANT NOTE If the University authorities discover any false declaration and the use of forged certificates and documents by any student to gain entry into the University, this offer of admission will be revoked. The University may at its absolute discretion take or cause any legal action to be taken against any student guilty of committing forgery of fraud. REGISTRATION GUIDELINES CONGRATULATIONS for being selected to join the International Islamic University Malaysia. All the information provided is to prepare you for registration at the Main Campus. Please read carefully and follow the instructions given 1. ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION OF OFFER i. If you accept or reject our offer, you are required to reply by filing-in the on-line form at the following url: otherwise this offer of admission will automatically be revoked. No further appeal will be entertained once you have rejected the offer. Important note: For deferment case, please submit an official letter before or by Registration Day to the following address: Dean, Academic Management and Admission Division, IIUM, P.O. BOX 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur (Attention: Madam Jamilah Saidin and email: [email protected]) 2. 3. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BRING ALONG THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS/ITEMS ON THE MAHALLAH REGISTRATION DAY. ORIGINAL i. Online Offer Letter ii. Two (2) of your recent photographs measuring 3cm X 3.5cm with your name, Matric No. and offered programme be written at the back of every photograph. You are required to submit them to the Mahallah. iii. Mahallah form iv. Copy of Bank-in-slip as proof of your payment of entrance fee. ATTIRE ON THE MAHALLAH’S REGISTRATION DAY AND TA’ARUF WEEK i. • • • MALE Long sleeve shirt. Dark coloured trousers Dark coloured shoes • • • FEMALE Wear ‘Mini Telekong’ or Head cover ‘Baju Kurung’ or dress which covers the aurah White ‘Sarong’ for special occasion during the Ta’aruf week. ii. WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA “THE GARDEN OF KNOWLEDGE AND VIRTUE” PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN PTPTN a. Pembiayaan pendidikan PTPTN terbuka kepada semua pelajar di IPTA yang mengikuti pengajian secara sepenuh masa, separuh masa dan jarak jauh di peringkat seperti berikut:i. ii. iii. iv. v. Diploma Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ijazah Sarjana Doktor Falsafah (PhD) Kursus Profesional b. Pelajar yang telah mendapat pembiayaan PTPTN untuk pengajian terdahulu tetapi gagal menamatkan pengajian boleh memohon pembiayaan kali kedua untuk meneruskan pengajian mereka setelah kesemua hutang terdahulu diselesaikan. Walau bagaimanapun, pertimbangan bagi pembiayaan kali kedua tertakluk kepada peruntukan kewangan yang mencukupi. c. Pelajar yang telah mendapat pembiayaan PTPTN dan berjaya menamatkan pengajian terdahulu boleh membuat permohonan untuk ke peringkat pengajian yang lebih tinggi. Permohonan untuk peringkat pengajian yang sama tidak akan dipertimbangkan. d. Pelajar yang telah menerima pinjaman PTPTN, tetapi mendapat pembiayaan daripada penaja lain boleh membuat permohonan kali kedua mengikut kategori di bawah:i. ii. Bagi pelajar yang menerima tajaan lain dan tidak bertindih pembiayaan (mendapat pembiayaan PTPTN dan penaja lain dalam semester yang berbeza):Pelajar boleh membuat permohonan kali kedua tetapi perlu mengemukakan rayuan beserta dokumen sokongan yang diperlukan dan disahkan bahawa tajaan peminjam tidak bertindih dengan PTPTN. Bagi pelajar yang menerima tajaan lain dan bertindih pembiayaan (mendapat pembiayaan PTPTN dan penaja lain dalam semester yang sama):Pelajar boleh membuat permohonan kali kedua tetapi perlu menyelesaikan jumlah pembiayaan yang bertindih secara sekaligus dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan. e. Pelajar yang membatalkan pembiayaan pendidikan PTPTN dan membiayai sendiri baki pengajian juga boleh membuat permohonan kali kedua tetapi perlu mengemukakan rayuan beserta dokumen sokongan yang diperlukan dan disahkan bahawa pelajar membiayai pengajiannya sendiri tanpa menerima pembiayaan daripada mana-mana penaja lain. f. Pembiayaan akan diberhentikan sekiranya pelajar gagal meneruskan pengajian pada peringkat jurusan atau IPT sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam permohonan pembiayaan. Pelajar dikehendaki membayar balik wang yang telah diperolehi daripada PTPTN sepanjang tempoh pengajian yang telah diikuti sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dalam perjanjian. SYARAT-SYARAT PERMOHONAN a. Pelajar layak memohon pembiayaan pendidikan sekiranya memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut:i. Pemohon adalah warganegara Malaysia; ii. Berumur tidak melebihi 45 tahun pada tarikh memohon; iii. Lulus Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dengan sekurang-kurangnya 3 kepujian dalam manamana mata pelajaran; iv. Lulus Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) bagi pelajar lepasan Sijil Kolej Komuniti dan Diploma Politeknik dengan syarat memperolehi CGPA 3.0 dan ke atas; v. Bagi pelajar-pelajar IPTA/IPTS/Politeknik, mereka hendaklah telah mendaftar untuk mengikuti kursus yang telah diluluskan oleh Jabatan Pengurusan IPT (IPTA/IPTS) atau Jabatan Pengurusan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi; vi. Bagi pelajar-pelajar IPTS, kursus yang diikuti mestilah telah mendapat Sijil Perakuan Akreditasi daripada Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dan belum tamat tempoh sah laku semasa permohonan dikemukakan; vii. Semua pelajar hendaklah mempunyai kelayakan masuk yang disyaratkan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk mengikuti kursus berkaitan. Bagi pelajar yang mempunyai kelayakan yang berbeza daripada yang disyaratkan, pengesahan bahawa kelayakan tersebut setaraf dengan kelayakan yang disyaratkan hendaklah diperolehi daripada jabatan atau agensi sebagaimana dinyatakan di perkara di atas; viii. Baki tempoh pengajian semasa permohonan dibuat hendaklah tidak kurang dari satu tahun; ix. Pembiayaan pendidikan PTPTN memerlukan dua (2) penjamin yang terdiri daripada ibu dan bapa kandung pemohon sahaja tanpa mengambil kira umur dan pendapatan penjamin; x. Tidak mempunyai penaja lain; dan xi. Jumlah keseluruhan pembiayaan pendidikan yang telah diperoleh pelajar dengan mengambil kira pembiayaan yang akan diluluskan hendaklah tidak melebihi RM 65,000. PERSEDIAAN SEBELUM MEMBUAT PERMOHONAN a. Sebelum membuat permohonan, pelajar perlu mendapatkan Nombor Pin di kaunter Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) bernilai RM 5.00. Nombor Pin BSN ini hanya sah digunapakai untuk tempoh 6 bulan daripada tarikh pembelian. b. Membuka akaun simpanan (persendirian) mengikut bank yang telah ditetapkan oleh IPT masingmasing. Bagi UIAM dan Cawangan menggunakan Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (BMMB). KAEDAH PERMOHONAN a. Permohonan boleh dibuat melalui laman web rasmi PTPTN iaitu Permohonan boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila masa selepas mendapat tawaran kemasukan ke IPT. Walau bagaimana pun, pemprosesan permohonan tersebut hanya akan dilakukan mengikut tarikh yang akan ditetapkan oleh PTPTN. b. Pemohon yang berjaya mendapat tawaran pembiayaan pendidikan PTPTN hendaklah mencetak dokumen tawaran dan perjanjian beserta dokumen jaminan dan menyerahkan dokumen tersebut beserta dokumen sokongan yang ditetapkan kepada Pegawai PTPTN melalui Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) di IPT masing-masing. c. Dokumen sokongan yang telah ditetapkan untuk permohonan Pembiayaan PTPTN adalah seperti berikut:i. ii. iii. iv. v. Salinan Kad Pengenalan pemohon (muka hadapan dan belakang dibuat salinan pada muka surat yang sama) Salinan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) (Nota: Bagi yang mengemukakan salinan slip keputusan peperiksaan SPM/SPMV, hanya slip yang tidak melebihi tempoh 2 tahun dari tahun peperiksaan diambil boleh diterima pakai) Salinan Surat Tawaran Kemasukan ke IPT (surat tawaran dari cetakan laman web IPT boleh diterima tetapi hendaklah disahkan oleh pegawai di IPT terbabit sahaja) Salinan Buku Akaun Bank (muka surat yang tercatat nombor akaun)/Salinan Slip Deposit/Salinan Pengesahan nombor akaun persendirian mengikut bank yang telah ditetapkan oleh PTPTN mengikut IPT masing-masing. Salinan tersebut mestilah mempunyai maklumat iaitu nama, nombor kad pengenalan dan nombor akaun pemohon. (Dokumen ini diperlukan sekiranya nombor akaun yang tercetak di Dokumen Tawaran pelajar salah) Salinan transkrip keputusan peperiksaan dan sijil kelayakan masuk lain. Contoh: STPM/DIPLOMA/MATRIKULASI/IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA/IJAZAH SARJANA (MASTER) vi. vii. viii. ix. x. (Nota: Sila sertakan surat pengesahan tamat pengajian dari IPT yang mengendalikan kelayakan masuk tersebut jika pemohon belum menerima sijil dan transkrip peperiksaan juga tidak dinyatakan bahawa pelajar telah menamatkan pengajian/layak dianugerahkan sijil) Salinan Slip Gaji (ketika permohonan dikemukakan)/Salinan Borang Cukai Pendapatan (Individu)/Salinan Kad Pesara/Salinan Pengesahan Tidak Bekerja-IBU BAPA/PENJAGA/PEMOHON/PASANGAN PEMOHON Salinan Kad Pengenalan/Salinan Paspot ibu dan bapa kandung sebagai penjamin Salinan Sijil Kematian/Surat Akuan Sumpah sekiranya ibu/bapa kandung telah meninggal dunia atau tidak dapat dikesan Salinan Surat Pengesahan/Surat Akuan daripada Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat/Pusat Zakat/sekiranya pemohon/ibu bapa kandung/penjaga merupakan penerima bantuan bulanan dari agensi berkenaan Dua (2) keping Setem Hasil bernilai RM10.00 setiap satu. Sila dapatkan di Pejabat Pos. d. Bagi pelajar-pelajar yang membuat permohonan Pembiayaan Pendidikan PTPTN pada semester ke 2 pengajian dan ke atas, dokumen sokongan tambahan (WAJIB) yang perlu dikemukakan oleh pelajar adalah seperti berikut:i. Salinan Surat Pengesahan Masih Belajar dari IPT. Pengesahan daripada Dekan/Ketua Program/Pegawai Hal Ehwal Pelajar. ii. Salinan keputusan peperiksaan setiap semester sebelumnya. e. Salinan dokumen sokongan di atas hendaklah disediakan pemohon dengan menggunakan kertas BERSAIZ A4 berwarna putih dan DISAHKAN oleh pegawai yang layak. f. Pegawai yang boleh menjadi saksi PELAJAR dan PENJAMIN dan untuk pengesahan dokumen sokongan di atas adalah seperti berikut:i. Wakil Rakyat/Senator ii. Pegawai Kerajaan (Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional) iii. Pengamal Undang-Undang iv. Pesuruhjaya Sumpah/Jaksa Pendamai v. Pengetua/Guru Besar (Sekolah kerajaan sahaja) vi. Pegawai Polis berpangkat ASP dan ke atas/Pegawai Tentera berpangkat Kapten atau setaraf dan ke atas vii. Ketua Kampung/Penggawa/Penghulu/Ketua Masyarakat/Sidang/Pegawai Pembangunan Mukim/Pengerusi JKKK (Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung) viii. Untuk Sabah dan Sarawak – Ketua Kaum/Ketua Anak Negeri/Kapitan/Pemanca/Pegawai Taman Sabah (Penting: Semua pegawai atau saksi hendaklah warganegara Malaysia yang bermastautin di Malaysia. Cop pegawai atau saksi hendaklah lengkap mempunyai Jawatan Pegawai dan Jabatan/Alamat di mana pegawai bertugas) PENGELUARAN PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN PTPTN a. Pengeluaran pembiayaan pendidikan akan dikreditkan terus ke akaun pelajar. Pengeluaran pembiayaan kali pertama hanya dibuat setelah perjanjian yang sempurna diterima oleh PTPTN. b. Bagi bayaran semester berikutnya, pengeluaran pembiayaan akan dibuat setelah PTPTN menerimapengesahan status pelajar daripada IPT masing-masing bahawa pelajar berjaya meneruskan pengajian dan memperolehi keputusan GPA 2.0 dan ke atas. PENAHANAN PENGELUARAN PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN PTPTN a. b. c. Pelajar mendapat keputusan peperiksaan dengan GPA kurang daripada 2.00; Menangguhkan pengajian; dan Dikenakan tindakan tatatertib dan dijatuhkan hukuman gantung pengajian. PENAMATAN/PEMBATALAN PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN PTPTN a. Pemberhentian pengeluaran pembiayaan pendidikan akan dibuat apabila pelajar gagal/berhenti/mendapat penajaan lain/menukar kursus pengajian dengan mengulang semester/membatalkan tawaran PTPTN semasa di dalam tempoh perjanjian dengan PTPTN. Pelajar dikehendaki membayar balik pembiayaan yang telah diperoleh daripada PTPTN sepanjang tempoh pengajian yang telah diikuti sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan dalam perjanjian. b. Maklumat lanjut atau sebarang . pertanyaan boleh diperoleh daripada laman web PTPTN HOTLINE - 03-2080 4455 untuk sebarang kemusykilan. Sebarang aduan/pertanyaan sila email kepada: [email protected] Alamat Surat Menyurat PERBADANAN TABUNG PENDIDIKAN TINGGI NASIONAL Lot G2, Tingkat Bawah, Wisma Chase Perdana, Off Jalan Semantan, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur. INFO CENTER PTPTN - SARAWAK Bank Simpanan Nasional (Cawangan Utama Kuching), Bangunan Haji Abdul Rasit, Lot 173, 174, 175 Jalan Muda Hashim, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak. Telefon : 082-234081 INFO CENTER PTPTN - SABAH Bank Simpanan Nasional (Cawangan Utama Kota Kinabalu), Wisma BSN Sabah, Jalan Kemajuan, Karamunsing, 88000 Kota Kinablu, Sabah. Telefon : 088-230467 Kemudahan perkhidmatan kaunter berpusat yang disediakan kepada pelanggan adalah:i. Pertanyaan dan Aduan; ii. Rundingcara; iii. Bayaran balik pinjaman; iv. Pembukaan akaun SSPN; v. Penambahan deposit SSPN; dan vi. Kemudahan capaian internet bagi menjalankan aktiviti berkaitan dengan PTPTN. Waktu Urusan Isnin - Khamis 8.30 pagi - 5.00 Petang Jumaat 8.30 pagi -12.15 tengahari 2.45 petang - 5.00 petang Sabtu/Ahad/Cuti Umum – TUTUP Maklumat dikemaskini sehingga 19 Mei 2010 WELCOMING NOTES FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF “TA’ARUF SEMESTER 2, 2011 / 2012 FEBRUARY INTAKE” ّ السالم عليكم ورحمة ﷲ وبركاته Welcome/ Ahlan Wa Sahlan/ Salam Sejahtera Dear students, Congratulations and welcome to the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue. The day you register as a student of this University is the day you become a part of its big family. This is the place where you are able to experience diverse cultures from all over the world and meet with people from different backgrounds while pursuing your degree. The University‘s mission is to achieve Comprehensive Excellence in all aspects of education, through the process of Integration, Islamisation and Internationalisation (IIICE @ Triple ICE). Hence, we look forward to seeing you in the orientation programme called Ta’aruf (‘acquaintance’). Your intake will be our first students’ enrollment this year and we are expecting lot of new faces from all over the world to join us to. Around 25 staff and 60 senior students are ready to welcome and assist you during this time, so that you can familiarise yourself with the campus, its academic requirements and its college life. We have arranged various activities for you, such as The Welcoming Session, introductory briefing on academic matters, services and facilities, spiritual activities and many more. BEFORE YOU ARRIVE Remember to plan your journey accordingly to avoid the traffic peak time. Please help us to help you undergo a smooth enrollment process by following the instructions given to you. And remember; do check all your documents thoroughly before coming. WHAT TO BRING AND WHAT NOT TO You are advised to bring only the basic necessities that you may require to live as a student who will stay in one of the rooms at the mahallat. We are proud to say that the University provides comfortable accommodation for all students. You are provided with a bed, a mattress, a wardrobe, a study table and a bookshelf. So, please bring your own pillows, pillowcases, bed sheets and padlocks for your wardrobe. Convenience stores are plenty on the campus should you require anything else. You are also required to bring your sport/outdoor garments during the Ta’aruf Programme. So, don’t forget to bring along your sports shoes, plain collar T-shirts (for Male), long-sleeved & loose T-shirts (for Female) and your track bottom or tracksuit. You are allowed to bring personal computers, small radios and perhaps an iron. However, electrical items such as TV sets, hi-fi systems, and rice cookers are strictly prohibited. WHAT TO WEAR Being an Islamic institution, the University expects its students to adhere to the Muslim dress-code except for the non-Muslims who are required to dress with due respect to the Islamic environment of the University. Female students must cover their aurah and avoid tight-fitting clothes and garments. In short, all students should wear decent clothes and NO jeans are allowed. For male students, your hair must be kept neat and short. UPON ARRIVAL Our campus is serenely beautiful. You will be amazed at the breath-taking view of the green landscape and exotic location in which our University is set in; away from the business and chaotic life of the city. The campus is surrounded by green hills, with lakes and streams running through it. The first day on campus may be one of the most memorable days of your life. We welcome parents to send their beloved children during the registration period. Furthermore, please take note that the students will be placed at the permanent mahallat throughout the Ta’aruf programme and they will be no relocation to other mahallah as the Ta’aruf Programme ends. Please read all the instructions given to you so that you are well informed of the Ta’aruf Programme. If you have any further enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us at +609-571 6400 ext 2072 (Sr. Haryati Sahat, Secretariat for Ta’aruf 2011/2012 February Intake). THE DAYS BEYOND As an IIUM student, you can do lots of things besides your academic learning. Do join any of the various students’ associations, clubs and societies in IIUM. You can help those in need through community service programmes or even cultivate your talents through debates, arts and cultural activities, which are duly supported by the Student Development Division. We also have a wide range of sports facilities, from squash courts to Olympic-sized swimming pools readily available for all students to utilize both in the Male and Female Sport Complexes. We also welcome you to programmes related to spiritual enhancement. All of you can take part in various religious activities throughout your study life at the University. So take a deep breath, enjoy and have excitement. We look forward to meeting you at “TA’ARUF 2011/ 2012 FEBRUARY INTAKE.” والسالم, TN. HJ. MUHAMAD AZMI ISMAIL Director (Administration) Office of the Campus Director Cum Chairman of “Ta’aruf 2011/2012 February Intake” International Islamic University Malaysia Kuantan Campus. INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KUANTAN CAMPUS Please display on the front windscreen PARENT’S STICKER SEMESTER 2, 2011/2012 1st FEBRUARY 2012 REGISTRATION DAY DATE : 1st FEBRUARY 2012/ WEDNESDAY TIME : 8.30 A.M. – 12.00 NOON VENUE : BANQUET HALL, BLOCK A, OFFICE OF THE CAMPUS DIRECTOR IIUM, KUANTAN CAMPUS Important Reminder On Bank In Slip All students are required to bring along your copy of bank-in slip as proof of your payment of entrance fee on Mahallah Registration Day. Failing to do so may affect your registration process. Note: Kindly enter your new matric no as stated in on-line offer letter when do your payment of entrance fee. Thank you. INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KUANTAN CAMPUS REGISTRATION CHECKLIST Ahlan wasahlan and Welcome to the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan Campus. In order to assist you with the registration, kindly follow the checklist below: Name : ……………………………………………………… Matric No. : ………………… Programme : ……………………………………………………… Session : ………………… COUNTER NAME OF COUNTER / THINGS TO DO FINANCE 1 Registration Fee RM 310.00 (ex-Matriculation) RM 560.00 / RM 585.00 (Direct Intake) Note: Kindly enclosed the Bank in Slip 2 MAHALLAT REGISTRATION Document to be submitted: Mahallah Registration Form Two (2) Photos 3 COLLECTION OF TA’ARUF KIT Please keep the form for your future reference. CONFIRMATION OF STAFF ON DUTY INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA KUANTAN CAMPUS KULLIYYAH CHECKLIST FORM Semester 2 Session 2011/2012 You are required to submit the following documents to the Kulliyyah counter. KULLIYYAH MEDICINE PHARMACY DENTISTRY NURSING ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES SCIENCE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) DOCUMENT REQUIRED A copy of biodata form A copy of declaration form A copy of offer letter A copy of SPM certificate A copy of Matriculation transcript 3 copies of passport-size photograph 1) A copy of biodata form 2) A copy of declaration form 3) A copy of Matriculation transcript 4) A copy of I/C 5) 2 copies of passport-size photograph 1) A copy of biodata form 2) A copy of declaration form 3) A copy of offer letter 4) A copy of SPM certificate 5) A copy of Matriculation transcript 6) Parent’s income statement 7) Parent’s income tax statement (if any) 8) Pension card of mother/father (if any) 9) 4 copies of passport-size photograph 1) A copy of biodata form 2) A copy of declaration form 3) 1 copy of passport-size photograph 1) A copy of biodata form 2) A copy of declaration form 3) 1 copy of passport-size photograph 1) A copy of biodata form 2) A copy of declaration form 3) 1 copy of passport-size photograph Version : 01 Revision No.: 01 Date of revision: 15/3/2010 Ref No.: IIUM/206/C/01/2/____________ STUDENT SERVICES DIVISION INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA PHOTO MAHALLAH REGISTRATION FORM MATRIC NUMBER: PROGRAMME / COURSE: 1. Name (Capital letters) : ________________________________________________________ 2. NRIC/Passport Number : ________________________________________________________ 3. Marital status 5. E-mail Address: 7. Contact No. : 9. Nationality/State: _____________________ 11. Home address : : ______________________ __________________________ __________________________ 4. Gender 6. Age 8. Religion : ____________________ : ___________________ : 10. Sponsorship: ___________________ ___________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Former secondary school : _________________________________________________________ 13. Please indicate club/sports team you had re-presented: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Hobbies and interests 15. Parent/Guardian Details : _________________________________________________________ a) Name : ________________________________________________________________ b) Address :________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) Tel. No. : ________________ (H) _________________ (Off) _______________(H/Phone) d) Occupation : _________________________________________________________ e) Income : _________________________________________________________ f) Name Occupation Name Occupation Mother No. 1. Siblings 2. (Brothers & Sisters) 3. 4. 5. * If space is insufficient, please use attachment 16 Name & address of next of kin who can be contacted during emergency a. Name : _____________________________________________________ b. Relationship : _____________________________________________________ c. Address : _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ d. Tel. No. : _____________________ (House) _____________________ (Office) ______________________(H/Phone) 17. 18. Medical background a. Illness : ______________________________________________ b. Allergies : ______________________________________________ c. Blood group : ______________________________________________ Declaration: I declare that the above information given is correct to the best of my knowledge and I agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the Mahallah and the University. _______________________________ Signature ____________ Date IMPORTANT NOTE: You are required to inform the Mahallah Office for any changes of particulars. TO IIUM KUANTAN CAMPUS