A St. Boniface Weekly Publication
A St. Boniface Weekly Publication
March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent ~ 24 Hours for the Lord ~ Lenten Penance Services ~ Catholic Men’s & Women’s Prayer Breakfasts A St. Boniface Weekly Publication E V E R G R E E N 2 Issue 328 ~ March 1, 2015 RCIA and RCIC candidates and catechumens at the Cathedral in Springfield celebrating the Rite of Election with Bishop Paprocki. Weekly Liturgy Schedule Saturday Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15, 10:15 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. Sunday—Spanish Mass—12:15 p.m. Monday—5:45 p.m. Tuesday—8:00 a.m. Wednesday—6:45 p.m. Thursday—8:00 a.m. Friday— 8:00 a.m. (Recitation of the Rosary—weekdays 20 minutes before Mass) Sacrament of Penance Wednesday—6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Saturday—3:30 - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS February 16—$40 Dan & Barbara Martin— Edwardsville, IL February 17—$140 Dave Wasmuth—Glen Carbon, IL February 18—$40 Aaron & Michelle Lippoldt— Worden, IL February 19—$40 Michelle McKee*—Edwardsville, IL February 20—$40 Ryan Brown—Edwardsville, IL Febuary 21—$40 Betty Sanderlin—Virginia Beach, VA February 22—$40 Brian Stanhaus—Edwardsville, IL CONGRATULATIONS! * Denotes Bonus Entry winner Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone (618) 656-6450 SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOUR CHILD “What Your Kids Are Doing On-Line” Presented by Julie Smith, MS Professor of Social Media Tuesday, March 3, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. St. Boniface School, gymnasium Congratulations to Kristen Gray & Nicholas Latham who were married recently at St. Boniface. May God Bless You Always! Rest in Peace Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Karen Mateyka May God grant her eternal rest. Feed Your Body/Feed Your Soul with Sr. Kathleen Ann and Barb Leardi Saturday, March 7 10:00 a.m.—Noon Call the Parish Office to register 656-6450. There is a suggested donation of $5.00 to help defray the cost of the brunch, which will be substantial and yummy. Free Lunch Friday Our upcoming volunteer days to help serve are March 13 and April 10. st-boniface.com Contact Robin Black-Rubenstein if you would like to volunteer St. Boniface Catholic Church 110 North Buchanan Street Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Phone 618.656.6450 FAX 618.656.7669 www.st-boniface.com Very Reverend Jeffrey Goeckner VF Pastor Rev. Harold Fisher, O.M.I. Rev. Steve Arisman Spanish Ministry Deacon Daniel Corbett Permanent Deacon/Tribunal Advocate Mrs. Robin Black-Rubenstein Pastoral Associate Mrs. Linda Daniels, Mrs. Benna Denue, Mr. Jack Hake, Mr. Kurt Hylla, Mr. Martin Morrissey, Mrs. Sue Papajcik Pastor’s Cabinet Sister Anna Flanigan, OSF Principal, St. Boniface School Mr. Mike Scholz Principal, Father McGivney Catholic High School PARISH STAFF Mrs. Benna Denue Parish Office Manager and Administrative Assistant Mrs. Robin Hake Business Manager Mrs. Monica Zumwalt Assistant Business Manager Mr. Michael Joslyn Parish Campus Maintenance Manager Mr. Ryan Hentz Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Mr. Bill Doerr Parish Campus Maintenance Assistant Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF Director of RCIA/RCIC Mr. Tom Ohren Visitation Minister Coordinator Miss Jill Griffin Director of Worship & Music Dr. Marc Schapman Assistant Choir Director Mrs. Barb Stamer Parish School of Religion Coordinator Mr. John Lednicky Tech Specialist Mrs. Judy Frank Mrs. Cindy Zurliene Receptionists Mrs. Linda Daniels Tribunal Advocate Mrs. Sue Papajcik Safe Environment & Volunteer Coordinator Mr. Marcelo Nieto Spanish Community Coordinator Visit the diocesan website @www.dio.org S H E P H E R D ’ S N O T E S 3 Second Sunday of Lent + Reflection Peter wanted to hold on forever to the vision of the Transfiguration. Without challenging Peter, Jesus leads the disciples back down the mountain. We need “mountain moments” that provide a strong connection to the Lord, but more importantly, we have to come back down the mountain, to transfigure the routines of life into the extraordinary. Candidates and the Elect Emily Albertina, Brady Arview, Braden Arview, Bristol Arview, Bryer Arview, Alex Bennett, Allyson Buehne, Jon Daniel, Jeffrey Dobner, Michael Ezell, Jessica Grieshaber, Stacy Hayden, Taylor Knollhoff, Deanna Lester, Tyler Mackey, Emily Kay McCullough, Sarah Park, Serena Han, Ella Peeler, Crystal Reiff, Natalie Rosales, Magaly Sanchez, Oscar Sanchez, Kenneth Stryker, Steve Stryker, Abigail Winslow, Cindra Winslow, Cameron Yobby, Leah Yobby, and Davis Young Please remember them in your daily prayer Holy Week Schedule Chrism Mass at the Cathedral—March 31@ 6:30 PM Holy Thursday—April 2 @ 7 PM Good Friday— April 3—Service @ 3 PM Easter Vigil—April 4 @ 7 PM Easter Sunday—April 5 -@ 8:15 and 10:15 AM Pastoral Council Meeting ~ The parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, March 2 @ 6:30 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room. Agenda items include: Holy Week, 24 Hours for the Lord, Stewardship Council, preparation and celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage discussion, Feast of Saint Boniface celebration and much more! Lenten Penance Services ~ Parish School—March 17 @ 10 AM, Parish Penance Service—March 22 @ 2 PM and RCIA/ RCIC Penance Service—March 30 @ 6:30 PM Bona thanks to the Rockers and Rockettees for cleaning out the Acorn Room storage closet. A much needed job completed! Bona thanks to our parish maintenance team (Michael, Bill and Ryan) and Ron Schmidt for clearing the parking lots, sidewalks, stairs and ramps after the recent snowfall. Bona thanks to everyone who remembered me in prayers, cards and gifts on the occasion of my birthday last week. May God bless you for your kindness! Catholic Woman’s Prayer Breakfast ~ This year’s annual Catholic Woman’s Breakfast will be held at Saint Boniface on Saturday, March 28 beginning with Mass @ 8 AM. Breakfast will follow in the Lower Level of the Church. Patty Schneier is the featured speaker. Please contact the parish office for reservations. Catholic Men’s Prayer Breakfast ~ St. Elizabeth Church in Granite City will host the annual Catholic Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 28 beginning with Mass @ 8 AM. Breakfast will follow. Fr. Chris Comerford, Pastor of Saint Elizabeth is the featured speaker. Please contact the parish office for reservations. A note from the Campus Manager For the past couple of months you have surely noticed the lift that has sat proudly in the Church. Hopefully you have also noticed that there are no lights out (except for a couple I can’t reach) as well since that majestic lift was being used to change the 400 lamps hanging above your head. 160 of these lamps were new, extremely efficient, LED flood lights. With a life span of 20 years and the tremendous energy savings of 19 watts compared to the 250 before moving to LED from incandescent; it was an obvious choice. These lamps are possibly one of the best investments made by the Church in recent years, the savings in utilities and maintenance will be dramatic. 240 fluorescents were changed as well, along with the ballasts that drive them, paying attention to replacing the clips that hold them and the sockets that in some cases were failing. Beyond that, windows were loose, sockets were hanging by the wires and in general, the chandeliers were put back in good order for trouble free service in the future. Finally, the 28 spot lights in the Church were changed with many of the beam patterns being altered and then adjusted to present the sanctuary in its magnificent glory. The project took longer than I would have hoped but this is a terribly busy Church and times when the lift could be used were limited. That said, the finished product is illuminating the Church more evenly than before with less “hot spots”, is more energy efficient and, one of the main concerns, works with our dimmer panel. Michael Joslyn FMCHS OPEN HOUSE and SHADOW DAYS One great way to see Father McGivney High School and meet the faculty and staff is to attend the Open House on Sunday, March 1 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Another option is a Shadow Day for current 8th graders interested in being a Griffin for a day and experiencing our classes, students and technology. If you or your 8th grader would like to schedule a Shadow Day, please contact the school office @ 855.9010. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis invites us to spend 24 Hours for the Lord 24 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Beginning March 13 @ 2 PM through 2 PM on March 14 Friday—2 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Stations of the Cross (Church) 3 PM—6 PM—Confessions 6 PM—Stations of the Cross (Chapel) 7 PM—Song and Praise (Parish Choir) 11 PM—Night Prayer Saturday—6 AM Morning Prayer 9 AM—Noon—Confessions 2 PM—Closing and Benediction Adoration sign up sheets are available in the Main Lobby P A R I S H C A L E N D A R 4 March 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Financial RCIA Peace Univ. 6:30 p.m. (AR) 1:00 p.m. (AR); Tower Teens 6:30 pm (BL) Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 Nia 8:05 a.m. & 9:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); 8:45 a.m. (OR) & PSR 6:30 p.m. (S, 5:15 p.m. (AR); OR, AR); Handbell Adult Choir Rehearsal Rehearsal 6:30 pm (CH); 7:00 p.m. (CH) Pastoral Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (PO) Catholic Schools Marketing Mtg. 6:30 p.m. (PO); Theology on Tap 7:00 p.m. (BL) Stations of the Cross 1:50 p.m; Living Stations of the Cross 6:00 pm (CH) Feed Body/ Feed Soul 10:00 a.m. (AR); Secular Franciscans Fraternity Mtg 5:30 p.m. (AR) 12 Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Grief Support 8 9 10 11 Financial Peace Univ. 1:00 p.m. (AR); Steeple People/ Tower Teens 6:30 p.m. (BL) Children’s Choir Rehearsal 3:00 p.m. (CH); RCIA 6:30 p.m. (AR) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Rehearsal 6:30 pm (CH) Nia 8:05 a.m. & 9:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); PSR 6:30 p.m. (S, OR, AR); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH); St. Vincent DePaul Society 7:00 p.m. (PO) 15 16 17 18 Financial Peace Univ. 1:00 p.m. (AR); Living Stations of the Cross 6:00 pm (CH) Children’s Choir Rehearsal 3:00 p.m. (CH); RCIA 6:30 p.m. (AR) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Rehearsal 6:30 pm (CH) Nia 8:05 a.m. & 9:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); PSR 6:30 p.m. (S, OR, AR); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH) 22 23 24 25 Confirmation Retreat (OR, CA, BL); Penance Service 2:00 p.m. (CH) Children’s Choir Rehearsal 3:00 p.m. (CH); RCIA 6:30 p.m. (AR) Martha & Mary Group 8:30 a.m. (AR); Handbell Rehearsal 6:30 pm (CH) Nia 8:05 a.m. & 9:15 a.m. (OR); Quilters 8:30 a.m. (EV); PSR 6:30 p.m. (S, OR, AR); Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. (CH); St. Vincent DePaul Society 7:00 p.m. (PO) Day of Abstinence 13 14 Stations of the 24 Hours for Cross 1:50 p.m. the Lord and 6:00 p.m.; 24 Hours for the Lord Liturgy This Week March 2-8 Monday @ 5:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Communion Service Tuesday @ 8:00 a.m. ~ Church Lenten Weekday Communion Service Wednesday @ 6:45 p.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Esther Watts Thursday @ 8:00 a.m. ~ Church Lenten Weekday Carmelita Johnson Friday 8:00 a.m. ~ Chapel Lenten Weekday Raymond Dittman Day of Abstinence 19 20 21 Stations of the Cross 1:50 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.; Day of Abstinence 26 27 28 Stations of the Women’s Cross 1:50 p.m. Prayer Brakfast and 6:00 p.m.; 8:00 a.m. (CH, OR, AR) Day of Abstinence AR—Acorn Room / BL—Bona Lounge / BR—Bride’s Room / CA—Chapel / CH—Church / EV—Evergreen Room / OR—Oak Room / PC—Parish Center / PO—Parish Office / S—School Knights of Columbus Bar-B-Que The Edwardsville Knights of Columbus invite you to come to the KC Hall, 7132 Marine Rd., Edwardsville, for a Bar-B-Que on Sunday, March 1 from 11:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Mark your calendars for the annual Easter Egg Hunt which will be held Palm Sunday, March 29 at 1:00 p.m. at the KC Hall. Ages newborn to 10 years old welcome. The Easter Bunny will be there to meet the kids and pass out candy; bring your cameras. Refreshments immediately following the hunt. For more info. contact Scott Bayless, [email protected]. Third Sunday of Lent Saturday Vigil ~ Church 4:15 p.m. Rita Wilson Sunday ~ Church 8:15 a.m. Henry Haarmann 10:15 a.m. James Heth 12:15 p.m. Spanish Mass ~ Chapel Helen St. John 5:15 p.m. St. Boniface Parishioners Sacred Scripture This Week Readings for the Week of March 1, 2015 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15 -18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 Monday: Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1 -12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:1931 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Next Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/ Jn 2:13-25 ©Liturgical Publications Inc P A R I S H S C H O O L S Dear Parishioners, There is NO school next Monday, March 2, in honor of Casimir Saint Boniface Pulaski Day. Casimir Pulaski Day is Parish School a legal holiday in Illinois, in the (Pre-K—8) 128 North Buchanan United States, on the first Monday Edwardsville, IL 62025 of March. It celebrates the birthday Phone-618.656.6917 FAX-618.692.8385 of Casimir Pulaski, a Polish born [email protected] soldier who contributed to the United States' independence. St. Boniface School, is hosting Social Media and Your Child: What Your Kids Are Doing On-Line on Tuesday, March 3, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., in the St. Boniface School gym. Julie Smith, Professor of Social Media at SIUE and Webster University, will be the presenter. There is no cost and all parents are invited and encouraged to attend. The eighth grade Confirmation Retreat is Sunday, March 22. Please remember to save the date for this important event. God bless, Sr. Anna Spring Brunch & Fashion Show Fashion show presented by Christopher & Banks and CJ Banks at the Collinsville K.C. Hall, Hwy. 157, Collinsville, Saturday, March 28, 2015, 10:00 a.m. Doors open 9:30 a.m. Cost is $15.00, includes brunch and fashion show. 5 Parish School of Religion Wednesday Evenings 6:30—7:45 p.m. Reminder that PSR will be cancelled if District 7 schools are cancelled. PSR Calendar Wed., March 4, 2015 Wed., March 11, 2015 Wed., March 18, 2015 Wed., April 1, 2015 April 17, 2015 Class 6:30-7:45 p.m. Class 6:30-7:45 p.m. Class 6:30-7:45 p.m. NO CLASS, Spring Break Confirmation Alton Deanery Council of Catholic Women Please join us for the meeting of the Alton Deanery Council of Catholic Women on Thursday, March 5 at St. Boniface Church in Edwardsville. We will begin with Mass at 8:00 am followed by a continental breakfast. Our meeting speaker Deacon Dan Corbett will encourage us in our Lenten journey. All are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there. For further information, contact Mary Ann Renken at 618-656-7802. Father McGivney Catholic High School 142 Wilma Drive ~ Maryville, IL 62062 phone: 618-855-9010 ~ fax: 618-855-9011 email: [email protected] World Day of Prayer Hosted by Collinsville Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary. For reservation information, contact Vicki at 618345!4343, Ext 306, or [email protected]. Church Women United ~ Winter Celebration St. John’s U.M.C. Rt. 143 ~ Edwardsville, IL Friday, March 6, 2015 ~ 9:15 a.m. PARISHIONER INFORMATION FORM Written by the women of the Bahamas (Please bring personal care items) Please complete and place in the collection basket or mail to: 110 N. Buchanan St., Edwardsville, IL 62025 NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ _______________________________________________ TELEPHONE___________________________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________ Please check the appropriate item(s): ____ Change of address ____ New baby ____ New phone/e-mail ____ Leaving parish ____ Send electronic giving information ____ Send new parishioner form Catholic Men’s Prayer Breakfast “Batter Up: Baseball, Faith and the Church” Saturday, March 28, 2015 St. Elizabeth Church 2300 Pontoon Rd, Granite City, IL Mass with Bishop Paprocki at 8 a.m. followed by breakfast. Guest Speaker: Father Chris Comerford, Catholic Chaplin for the St. Louis Cardinals Master of Ceremonies: Zip Rzeppa Cost: $15.00/person (seating is limited) Contact: Tom Cholevik 789-0337/[email protected] Registration forms available in the church lobby and at the parish office. Please return reservations by March 17. F A I T H F O R M A T I O N 6 MINISTRY MINUTES Reflection ~ Robin Black-Rubenstein Should Every Prison Sentence be a Life Sentence? Romans 8:31b “If God is for us, who can be against us? On some days I might want to respond, “Here is my list.” Although an honest feeling some days, it isn’t the life-giving response of a hope filled follower. At least it does not seem it on the surface. However, how long was Jesus’ list of those who were against him? The Sadducees, Pharisees, Romans, Zealots and even sometimes His own Apostles were on the list of those who opposed Jesus’ message. Yet we know what happened at Jesus’ Baptism, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” We hear what God said at the Transfiguration “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” To be followers of Jesus sometimes means that we are working against the social norm. When we read the Gospels, we read of people that, after encountering Him, radically changed. God did not spare Jesus’ human flesh. Jesus allowed God’s will to be done. Jesus rose from the dead transfigured to a new life. Each day we have the opportunity to see forms of new life; a sunrise, a baby, the stars, an act of kindness, a second chance. These simple daily experiences help us to see beyond our list of dissenters and look towards shared life in Christ. God is for us! Once, during a St. Vincent de Paul home visit by members of our parish conference to a person seeking our help, the visitors asked that person who was familiar to them and who had asked for help each year for a number of years why that person was not working in the field which they were trained to work. In tears, that person admitted to those visitors that there was a felony conviction for drug possession in their past and that person could never work in their chosen field unless that conviction was expunged. It seemed like that person was continuing to pay a debt to society for many years after they had fulfilled the terms of their conviction. I often wonder how many others are living in a kind of desperation because wrong choices in their youth have condemned them to a life without opportunity. Theology on Tap Thursday, March 5, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Bona Lounge Topic: “Catholic Calisthenics: Sit, Stand, Kneel. Why Mass Isn’t Really Boring!” Presenter: John Bouc, Master of Arts Pastoral Studies, Liturgy Campus Minister ACHS, Dad of six Catholic Women’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, March 28, 2015 The annual Catholic Women's Prayer Breakfast will be held on March 28 at St. Boniface Church in Edwardsville. All women of our parish are invited to attend. The day will begin with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by breakfast and guest speaker Patty Schneier, who will speak on the impact that women from the bible can have on our daily lives. Tickets are $15.00 and reservations are required. Please contact Emily Gates at 618-656-3566 for more information or to make a reservation. There are also reservation forms in the Parish Office. St. Boniface RCIA-RCIC Monday, March 2 @ 6:30 p.m., Acorn Room in the Lower Level of the Church Topic: Holy Orders and Call to Community Presenter: Deacon Dan Each morning during the month of February, I have thought about that home visit when I pray for this month’s Papal intentions as a part of my morning offering. That intention is – That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. In our country, in our own city of Edwardsville we do have a subclass of citizens who will have great difficulty finding gainful employment on their return to society. One out of every 28 children has a parent in that category and those children will also live substandard lives. The Most Reverend Dennis J. Madden, the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore wrote an article about this very issue for the February 23, 2015 edition of America magazine. In that article he presented some dramatic statistics about the number of persons incarcerated in the United States. The United States has 5 percent of the world’s population and nearly 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. Today there are roughly 700 people in prison or in jail for every 100,000 Americans. The next highest incarceration rate occurs in the Russian Federation, which incarcerates 474 people for every 100,000 of its citizens. We are not more evil than the Russians! We simply choose to lock people up for nonviolent behaviors that other countries do not imprison people for. Our Holy Father recently spoke about the challenges faced by inmates returning to society and the need for them to have hope. He asked that our prisons make strong efforts to prepare people for their reinsertion into society and he emphasized that the dignity of human persons must be at the center of all we do. During this Lenten season we need to quietly ask ourselves if the dignity of all persons is, indeed, at the center of our attitude of tolerance and forgiveness of others. If each of us were to be truly tolerant and vocally tolerant of others then, perhaps, our own United States would be putting less people into prison. Think about it because it starts with you and me. ~ Deacon Dan M U S I C 7 NOTES FROM JILL UPCOMING EVENTS EVENING PRAYER Sunday, March 1 @ 4:30 p.m. Every Sunday of Lent in the Chapel, All are welcome! TEEN/YOUNG ADULT CHOIR Sunday, March 1 @ 5:15 p.m. Mass Rehearsal @ 3:30 p.m. All in Grades 6 through Adult are welcome! TOWER TEENS MEETING Sunday, March 1 @ 6:3 0 - 8:00 p.m. We will be baking cookies for Hospice. Meet in the school kitchen. All are welcome! CHILDREN’S CHOIR Saturday, March 7 @ 4:15 p.m. Mass Warm up @ 3:30 p.m. TOWER TEENS / STEEPLE PEOPLE MEETING Sunday, March 8 @ 6:30 p.m. Vocations Panel & Dinner. All Jr. High & High School students are welcome! YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES EVENING PRAYER DURING LENT Sundays of Lent (Feb. 22 - Mar. 29) Join Tower Teens & Steeple People for Evening Prayer every Sunday of Lent from 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Come enrich your Lenten journey with song, singing the Psalms, Proclaiming Sacred Scripture and personal reflections written and presented by the teens. All are welcome! LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, Mar. 6 - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 15 - 7:00 p.m. Tower Teens & Steeple People present Living Stations of the Cross. Come pray with us with prayer, song, and reflection as we act out each of the stations of the cross in full costume. Liturgical Music for Next Weekend BAKE COOKIES FOR HOSPICE TOWER TEENS SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Tower Teens will be baking cookies for Hospice during our regular March meeting on Sunday, March 1 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Meet in the school kitchen (enter through main school doors by the gym) and be ready to mix, bake, taste, and have some fun while helping others. All children in Grades 6-8 are welcome!! Third Sunday of Lent March 7-8, 2015 Gathering Song: I Heard the Voice of Jesus - #466 Kyrie: from “Mass of Remembrance” Psalm: Respond & Acclaim - p. 48 Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim - p. 49 Preparation of the Gifts: Your Words Are Spirit&Life #601 Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation Communion Song: You Are Near -#436 Closing Song: Change Our Hearts -#668 Please Pray for our Military Men & Women Kyle Boeser, grandson of Jacqueline Kamp and Jerry & Audrey Boeser Steve Jones, Michael Porter, grandson of John & Bunny Beausang son of Mary Porter Dan Boone, Kraig Kline, Parishioner Major Eldridge Browne, son of Dallas & Imelda Browne Lars Engeberg, brother of Kasey Johnes Patrick Kohler, nephew of Shari & Bryce Renken son-in-law of Jerry & Sharon Hengehold Andrew Kolakowski, Brandon Effler, James Lavelle, son of Lewis & Mary Effler Mark Federspiel, nephew of Floyd and Darrell Frey Nathan Henning grandson of Theresa Lavelle, son of Kate & Jeff Geisen Aaron Hines, son of Joseph & Connie Hines son of Cindy Kolakowski son of Theresa Lavelle Erin Long, granddaughter of Ann Hans Nick McKenney, grandson of Jerry & Judy Davis, brother of Emma & Logan Adam Mitchell, nephew of Josh & Tracy McDonald Ricky Ricciardi, Sam Terry, son of Joe & Betsy Meyer Nickolas Varady, son of Richard Ricciardi and son-in-law of David & Kathy Viox son of Steve & Julia Varady grandson of Martha Hilt Brian, Stephen, and Peter Sambor, son of Thomas & Kimberly Velez sons of Frank & Gayle Sambor son of Donna & Kevin Wendel, brother of Amanda Wendel Kyle & Jake Schaake Thomas Velez, Adam Wendel sons of Mark & Patti Schaake Evan Zeller, Beth McBride Shockey son of Laren & Elsa Zeller and grandson of Ed McCarthy and the late Janet McCarthy daughter of Pat McBride and the late Ron McBride Abe Stroot, nephew of Tim & Cheryl Green Kevin Sullivan, son of Dennis & Catherine Sullivan Jake Svoboda, son of Paul & Denise Svoboda S T E W A R D S H I P 8 Weekly Financial Report February 16-22, 2015 Operating Income and Expenses Stewardship Should Be a Way of Life in the School Since stewardship is a way of life to embrace rather than a subject to study, we must handle it differently than any other curriculum item. Stewardship cannot be just one more report to write, test to pass, or service project to complete. The ultimate goal is to have students become God’s stewards, not just learn about stewardship. Students must see that stewardship is something we do constantly. Every decision we make is a stewardship decision. To make stewardship a pervasive “way of life” lesson in the classroom, we must regularly reinforce several key stewardship concepts using a wide variety of strategies. We must talk about it in every circumstance, not just in religion class, or PSR class. Church & School Income Envelopes 16,272.95 Loose 920.53 Electronic 4,045.00 Stock Dividend/Matching 500.00 Misc Income (Baptisms, weddings, etc.) 468.00 Pre-School Tuition 660.00 Tuition 9,969.00 School Fees 6,100.00 Hot Lunch 950.60 Extended Care 994.50 Three Critical Stewardship Concepts to Teach Gift Shop 1. Everything we have is a gift from God. Children Total Operating Income must recognize that every single thing they have comes from God. God is in charge; they are not. Thus, God gets credit for what they have or do not have. As children fully understand this, some of the pressure they feel to have will begin to wane. We can reinforce this concept by always reminding children that God gets credit for all they have. Asking children to bring in pictures or write stories about the gifts God has given them is one way to teach this concept. There are no wrong answers here. Everything is a gift from God! 2. We must be grateful for the gifts we receive. Gratitude is a forgotten virtue today. We are so busy thinking about what we want next that we forget to be grateful for what we have now. Yet, contentment comes only when we are grateful. Children must be reminded constantly to be grateful to God and to others for the blessings they have. We have a responsibility to share our gifts. Jesus said, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much and more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more” (Lk 12:48). Compared to children throughout the world, most children in our country today have been entrusted with “much” if not with “more.” By learning about the poor and needy throughout the world, children will recognize how blessed they are and see that they have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. They also are capable of understanding the concept of the tithe and our Lord’s numerous parables on giving, sharing, and caring for others. 82.35 40,962.93 Church & School Expenses Utilities 5,514.07 Repairs & Maintenance 2,141.47 Hot Lunch Program Costs 0.00 Ext Daycare Program Costs 0.00 Misc Operating Expenses 2,334.56 Insurance-Property & Liability, WC, Auto Athletic Expense 11,160.09 105.00 Gift Shop 0.00 Payroll & Fringes 13,103.50 School Supplies 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 34,358.69 Net Surplus/(Shortfall) 6,604.24 Other Collections (Restricted Funds) ACSA 429.00 Angel Fund 178.00 St. Vincent de Paul 1,275.00 FMCHS Tuition Fund 20.00 CCIF (building improvements) 0.00 Building (debt reduction) 335.00 Diocesan Collections - Sent to Diocese February 16-22, 2015 376.00 Weekly Sales YTD Profit July 2014-Present $5,260.00 $12,172.79 Robin Hake, Business Manager, [email protected] SCRIP Funeral Lunch Volunteers March 2015 ~ Committee #2 Team Leader Betty Franke with Julie Davis, Carole Grapperhaus, Ned & Denise Guetterman, Kay Fisher, Cindy Kolakowski, Theresa Lavelle & Judy Vieth COLLECTION COUNTERS Monday, March 2, 2015 – Shirley Lanham, Sue Papajcik and Cay Hartnagel E V E R G R E E N A N N O U N C E M E N T S 9 Circle of Moms—Upcoming Events Mom’s Evening Circle ~ Wednesday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. ~ Art with Allie – in the Bona Lounge ~ Come paint a spring canvas with us! Cost $20 for an evening of fun with friends. Don’t worry if you have never painted before. It’s super easy and Allie brings everything you need! Kid’s Play Circle ~ Tuesday, March 17 at 10:00 a.m. ~ Edwardsville Children’s Museum. Other Event ~ Saturday, March 14 ~ Hearts at Home Conference – Bloomington, IL ~ One day conference cost is $98, which includes 3 or 4 workshops, two general sessions, and lunch. Workshops on everything from dealing with tantrums to teens who think they rule the world, as well as spouse relationships and single parenting. There are workshops for any mom! Stillwater Senior Living Edwardsville's newest option for assisted living is having a community-wide open house, Sunday March 1 from 11:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at 1111 University Drive. All are welcome to stop by, take a tour, enjoy some refreshments and sign up for attendance prizes. For more information 618-692-2273 or email: info@stillwaterseniorliving. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND —MARCH 7-8, 2015 Ministries Vigil—4:15 p.m. Sunday—8:15 a.m. Sunday—10:15 a.m. Sunday—5:15 p.m. Ministers of Holy Communion John and Jenny Sanford 692-9815 Linda Daniels Lesia Frey Terry Frey Marc Kamp Barb Leardi Melissa Litterst Jeff Litterst Ed McCarthy Jeff Papajcik Kate Watts Michael Watts Robin Black-Rubenstein Elliot Frey Linda Gamboa Dan Gamboa Sheila LeGate Jim McCracken Diana McCracken Kara McGarrahan Andrew McGarrahan Angela Paul Alan Rubenstein Jerry Davis Michael Gray (sub req.) Emma Lee Heinz Marilee Heinz Mary Metz Adam Milburn Jenny Milburn Kit Morrissey Sister Kathleen Mourisse Mary Westerhold Volunteer Needed Peggy Pace Scott Pace Barb Stamer Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Readers Barb Leardi 656-3917 Ushers David & Susie Knetzer 960-5677 Andrew Otrembiak Jackie Dezort Phillip Daniels Brian Jones Kevin Kretzer Randy Otrembiak Greg Stovall Keith Sutorius James Trebing Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Dan Gamboa Tiffany Brase Mark Luchtefeld Ray Kerkemeyer William Lanham Bill Schwarz Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Christy Lombardi Kelli Bishop Joe Lombardi Dan Boner Floyd Frey Don Lange Bryce Renken Debbie Ross Gary Ross Jeff Wiedman Daniel Willis Pat Oser Ingrid Lozowski Charlene Dupent Diane Jacober Hunter Klette Dave Knetzer Joe Lautner Sadie Lautner Craig Riley Albert Schug Volunteer Needed Altar Servers Fr. Jeff 656-6450 Owen Davis Joshua Otrembiak Jack Perulfi Kurt Brase Shivani Greene Zachary Paul Madeleine Grimes Anna Lombardi Ben Lombardi Philip Dillier Eleanor Stamer Sydney Weedman Sacristan Mary Westerhold 656-6536 Jeff Litterst Sharon Hengehold Mary Westerhold Barb Stamer Greeters Nora Meyer 656-5248 Betty Franke Anna Jaworski Tim Harr Mary Jo Schmidt Verna Fears Barb Gieseking Craig Riley Volunteer Needed Scrip Sales Liz Lane Jamie Leardi Andrea Lueking Regina Svoboda Jenny Etcheson Jennifer Winfield Janice Gallaher Sarah Kolesa Cheryl Green Tim Green No Children’s Liturgy Nicole Schapman Sarah Garman Barb Stamer Emily Cecil Children’s Choir Celeste Korte Emily Moore Brandon Kozak Cheryl Green Children’s Liturgy of the Word Barb Stamer 692-0991 Cantors Jill Griffin 610-6972 D I R E C T O R Y—I N F O R M A T I O N 10 FINANCE COUNCIL SACRAMENTS Cindy Clark, Louis Carnoali, Pete Deakos, Chris Gelsinger, Robin Hake, Brian Jones, Celeste Korte, Mark Luchtefeld, Randy Uebinger & Kay Wasmuth Baptisms ~ Please contact the Parish Office for registration information. Prior to baptism, parents are required to attend a one-hour seminar. Parents may attend the seminar before their child is born. Penance ~ Saturday 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Or by appointment. Communal services are celebrated during Advent and Lent. Marriage ~ If you are considering marriage, a minimum of six months is required for preparation. A wedding date cannot be set until after the first meeting with the pastor. At that time, the diocesan and parish guidelines will be explained. Anointing of the Sick ~ Parishioners who are seriously or critically ill, or having surgery, should contact the pastor for the celebration of the sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ~ The R.C.I.A. is an ongoing formation process for adults who are interested in becoming a Catholic and would like to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. Call the Parish Office for additional information. PASTORAL COUNCIL Robin Black-Rubenstein, Maria Carrion, Cindy Clark, Deacon Dan Corbett, Lacey Gelsinger, Rich Hahn, Jim Jatcko, Arthur Langston, Georgann Lautner, Jeff Litterst, Marisa Nieto, Sue Papajcik, Lauren Serfas & Mary Westerhold SCHOOL BOARD Karen Burkart, Celeste Korte, Sarah Kreke, Louis Carnoali, David Dempsey, Kip Heinle, Kurt Hylla & Brianna Oller MEETINGS Pastoral Council .....................................1st Tuesday School Board ................................................Monthly Finance Council ......................................... Quarterly St. Vincent de Paul .............2nd & 4th Wednesday OTHER EVENTS Quilters ................. Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. P.S.R. ................ Wed. 6:30-7:45 p.m. (school year) R.C.I.A. ............................... Monday 6:30-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal .....................Wednesday 7:00 p.m. CHURCH is open for prayer and visits: Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m.—6:30 p.m. PARISH REGISTRATION New parishioners are always welcome! You may register in person or by calling the Parish Office. Forms are on the counter in the gathering area. ST. BONIFACE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION Our Parish cemetery is located one mile north of the church on Frederick Street. Contact the Parish Office or Jerry Hengehold at 656-2550 for additional information. ***** BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 4 p.m. ***** Contact Cindy Zurliene at the parish office 656-6450 or [email protected] (email preferred) Victim Assistance Coordinator Patricia Kornfeld Life • Disability • Long Term Care re • Annuities Michael M. Sullivan, FICF [email protected] 618-692-0538 or 618-363-9395 9395 cell (618) 656-4949 3 Sunset Hills Professional Center Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.westcpa.com There is no more highly rated insurer in North America Steven J. Hyten, D.M.D., M.S. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon X 618-656-3100 1005 Plummer Drive • Edwardsville, IL 62025 www.edwardsvilleoralsurgery.com Steve Woll Owner Edwardsville Glass (618) 656-9500 1 Schwarz Street Plaza (618) 656-9505 Edwardsville, IL 62025 Fax (618) 656-1522 Xcursions Salon, Inc. Hair Care For The Whole Family 440 E. Vandalia St. Edwardsville, Il 62025 618-656-7202 TOTAL EYEWEAR OUTLET, Inc. AUTO ELECTRIC PLUS LINED BIFOCALS PROGRESSIVE NO-LINE 903 Hillsboro Ave • Edwardsville, IL VISION package package package SINGLE 618-655-0766 $3995 $7995 $11995 “STICK WITH THE BEST” 618-288-2288 Calcott Roofing & Siding over 1,700 frames • Designer Frames also available Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2612 MAC’S 4260 S. State Route 159, Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Mon-Fri 9:00 to 5:30 and Saturdays 9:00 to 4:30 SECOND LOCATION IN FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS! 618-628-8868 F OR A D INFO CALL MIKE ANDERSON A T 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LP I . COM Residential & Commercial Serving Madison County Since 1974 FREE ESTIMATES 781-4444 • 655-9648 License #104-002391 ST . B ONIFACE, EDWARDSVILLE, IL C 2C 01-0503 02-12-2015 09:15:53 Edward T. McCarthy ATTORNEY AT LAW Parishioner 3 Ginger Creek Parkway Glen Carbon, IL www.swillaw.com Helping seniors and the disabled live independently in their homes. STEVEN C. STOLTE WOODWORKING Custom Made Mantels • Bookcases • Cabinets Entertainment Centers Computer Work Stations www.visitingangels.com 618-307-9610 We offer special veterans’ pricing EDWARDSVILLE COUNCIL 1143 www.kofc1143.com HALL RENTALS AVAILABLE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 618-656-4985 Currently Hiring Angels ~ FLEXIBLE HOURS/ COMPETITIVE PAY/REWARDING EXPERIENCE FISH FRYS - 1ST & 3RD FRIDAYS Top $$$ Paid For Junk Cars PAINTING interior/exterior METRO EAST TREE SERVICE DECKS/FENCES We’ll beat any price, call us and we’ll prove it! Stain/Paint • Powerwashing • FREE ESTIMATES • LICENSED & INSURED • SATISFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE *No job too small *Insured *Local SENIOR CITIZENS 10% DISCOUNT 692-1600 Phone & Fax: (618) 656-6351 DAN GRAY 618-451-2726 656-9600 910-7874 | 656-8806 482-7959 • 779-3567 Skilled Nursing Facility • Medicare/Medicaid • Rehab to Home • Activities 7 days a week • 15 Minutes from Highland BROWN REALTORS® DODIE LADD LEVI BROKER ASSOCIATE 618-960-9166 CELL [email protected] 2205 S. State Route 157, Edwardsville www.alhambracarecenter.com 417 E. Main St., Alhambra, IL (618) 488-3565 Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated. A funeral home “Honoring Life” 1071 S. Highway 157, Edwardsville, IL (618) 655-9920 1-270 & IL 159 • 288-9500 !"#$%&'"('')"*+,-.&/0*1'/213"$4 Outdoor Services !"#$%&'"('')"*+,-3'%* • Spring Clean-up • Mowing • Shrub/Hedge Care • Mulch 5637680379'3:;,<=,,>?;@ Mon-Thur: 11am-12am • Fri-Sat: 11am-1am • Sun: 11am-11pm D.B. PLUMBING New Installation-Water Heaters-Remodeling Water Lines-Repairs-Gas Lines 618-656-6183 DANIEL L. BONER, Lifetime Parishioner Guy Brown • (618) 520-0077 Licensed-Bonded-Insured Carpet | Area Rugs | Tile & Stone | Hardwood | Laminate | Resilient | IL. LIC. NO. 058-134883 www.garwoodsheating.com BOB’S HANDYMAN SERVICE shawfloors.com • Remodeling • Drywall • Finished Carpentry • Painting • Ceramic Tile • Decks • Exterior House and Deck Washing • Landscaping • Blinds & Draperies • Light Fixture and Ceiling Fans Insured Call Bob Rose 618-978-8697 Dr. David Hyten General Dentistry 618-656-1914 2110-A Troy Road, Edwardsville Cindy’s Critter Camp ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs www.sahc.org Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Pet Boarding • Grooming Training • Adoption Daycare & Playtime Pet Behaviorist On Staff www.cindyscrittercamp.com Maryville, IL • 344-4096 Join us for Trivia Night every Wednesday starting at 8pm Since 1970 FREE ESTIMATES www.dawsonroofing.com 656-9055 132 N. Main St. Edwardsville, IL We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 www.kettleriverfurn.com 618-656-9706 Discounted Party Packages for all your Party needs PRESENT THIS AD FOR 15% OFF YOUR MEAL (alcohol not included) $5 off your next $25 purchase with this ad Sunset Hills Country Club Receptions • Rehearsals Dinners Corporate Events www.sunsethillscountryclub.com 618-656-9380 F OR A D INFO CALL MIKE ANDERSON A T 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LP I . COM ST . B ONIFACE, EDWARDSVILLE, IL B 2C 01-0503 02-12-2015 09:15:53 C Cathleen Keasey HOLIDAY CLEANERS Realtor Elite Properties 618-660-2615 61 [email protected] ck HAGEN OUTDOOR SERVICES Tree Trimming & Removal Bush Trimming & Removal Free Estimates • F lly Insured D.J. Neese-Parishioner 618-659-9306 618-339-0762 112 Hillsboro • 656-0202 3 1500 Troy Road • 656-4393 Edwardsville Frozen Foods Retail Meat Market Homemade Sausages Deer Processing www.kofc.org 246 N. Main St. Edwardsville Collinsville, Il. 346-8806 (618) 656-1477 IL Lic 058-134230 All your protection under one roof. PREFERRED PARTNERS RTNERS Kathleen M Goclan Agency 1600 Mid Rivers Industrial Dr. St. Peters, MO An Outstanding Customer Experience J.D. Power and Associates certified Distinguished Insurance Agency (618) 659-2483 American Family Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries. American Family Insurance Company. 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Now Open Call Us For A Tour & Lunch is On Us!… 618-692-2273 www.stillwaterseniorliving.com F OR A D INFO CALL MIKE A NDERSON A T 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LP I . COM ST . B ONIFACE, EDWARDSVILLE, IL A 4C 01-0503 02-12-2015 09:15:53
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