Revista de Prensa


Revista de Prensa
O.J.D.: No hay datos
E.G.M.: No hay datos
Sección: VIAJES
Páginas: 49-51
Tarifa (€): 134260
Five Reasons
to Visit Cádiz.
Thinkhistory, culture and
somerather fine sherry
ot the end of high-speedtrain
lines bare]y three hours from
pay bythe biflions to I~re
Madrid. Compressedinto one
t rade andtu]tute. Thenthel e
organic wholeof 13o,ooosouls
ate thosecities of the world
on a liny spit of península
forgedso naturaliyti’tot t hey
jutting into the Atlantic, a
don’t seek or need]abels. One magi¢almix of influences-of these is Spain’sCádizmsti]i Phoenician, Roman,Arabic,
a lesser-knownEu ropean
Napoleonic--stili brewswith
desfination and until recently in the narrowlamplit streets
one of the marefar-flung,
of this port town.There’seven
t houghit nowsfls accessibEy a hint of the Americasvia
explorations launc hed from
there, withaffinities to every
where from NewO fleans to
Valpara/so.Hereare five Cádiz
essentials. Bv I()HN KR]CH
grannies join a merryhubbub
that resemblesa moviedirec
tor’s dreamofstreet life.
D CasaManteca
Most renownedof many
[] PlazadeMina
robust local taverns, Casa
This is the most almospherie Manteca,tel: (3#956)2136o3,
andactiveof the old eit y’s
is the best spot for specia[
manypleasing squares, and
homs,bloodsausages, cheeses
the site ofa comprehensive
his andt he specialiy chkhar.
tory museum--fromancient
rónes (lemonflavored slices
coins to Mir6, ¢losed Mondays, of fatty pork), ali procured
tel: (34.956)203368.Butthe
fmmclosely guarde(] sources
real attractions ate the living
in provincial mountainvil
exhiliits of the squareitself, Ev lages and formingthe perfeet
ery evening,it’s transformed accompanLments
to sherries
lato a giant civie fmntroom,
fromthe barrel, Thewalis ore
whereeveryone from football
l ined withphotosof bul]flgli~
kicking tykes to contemplative ers and flamencoluminaries,
O.J.D.: No hay datos
E.G.M.: No hay datos
Sección: VIAJES
Páginas: 49-51
Tarifa (€): 134260
withfurther local flavor
pmvidedby a lively neigh.
borhoodcrowd, strolling
minstrels and sbowoff
[] Playa
dela Caleta
Cádizboasts plenty of
beaches along its southern
approaches,butthis single
sweepof sand, guardedby
ancientfortifications (castles
namedSan Sebastián and
SantaCatalina), offers decent
dipping anda glimpse of
brashly oversized and un
derdressed Andalusiansat
play--all barely five minutes’
walk from hushed university
classrooms and cathedral
naves. Theseafoodrestau
rants that front the changing
roomsoffer a major upgrade
to the usual beachside snack
ing, putting out deep-fried
specialties fmmsardines and
sea bass to cuttlefish.
~ El Vapor de El berro
A muchstoried, doubledecked woodensteamer, ever
rumoredto be phased out in
favor of soulless cata marans,
El Vaporde El Puerto(or El
Vaporcitolar shor t) lends
romanceat bargain ratos to
t he ¿,5 minutocrossingto El
Puerto de Santa Maria~
palmfringed yet pleasantly
decrepit marina town whose
atmosphere,like that of
Cádiz, often seems more New
Worldthan old Spanish. El
Vaporcito usually runs every
two hours. For the schedule,
call (34 6z9)468OI
The Click
Ciique. Find
and explore a
destmatmn by
signingup for a
photo walk
[] Baluarte Flamenco
it faces out to sea,
Cádiz remains smackin the
center of the gypsy famenco
heartland. The musicand
danceforro is showcasedin
concerta held in regal seaside
botanical gardens every
Thursdaynight through luly
and August.Concerts ate also
often held at the GranTeatro
Falla, namedfor that most
Spanishof classical composers and the favorite sonof
Cádiz. Manuelde Falla.
to rein in yourenthusiasmfor the craft at times. After all.
friends and family membersmaynot share your obsession,
particularly whenyou spend an entire vaeation squinting
through a viewfinderot at ah LCD.
I But on photo walks, the focus is unabashedlyon taking
pict ures. Shutterbugsjoin forces to comparephotos, eamoras and techniques while walkingtoget her through some
interesting place fora balgdayor so. Whetheryoutake a
point and shoot ora professional DSLI~,it’s an opportunity
to broaden your skflls and meohke mmdedsnappers--usually for free, Betterstill, it’s a greatwayfor travelersto meet
locals and geta clase up look at parts of a destination they might otherwise miss.
Suchwalksaro gainingpopulafity, if attendanceat the
annual Scott KelbyWorldwidePhoto Walkis any guide
In July, the loosely organized
/s a rermwned
global event saw more than 33,ooo photographersjoining
photowalksin overz,zoo cities. But whywait for it to roll
aroundagain? Manycities have regular photo walks and
fi nding one can be as simple as Googlingphotowalkwitha lo
cation name,or doinga similar search on sites like Facebook,
Twitter, Flickr ot
Hereare a fewgroupswe like.
!~ TheBars
~,~ Indonesia has always beeneasy,
_~ ¿ but a decentbar of chocolate?
"~ That s another stoty--never
E~mind that the natlon is a majar
~ exporte¢ of coceabeans, Just aak
~ Thierry Detoemay,the Bel~dan
fourlder of ChocolateMonggo,
~ choColatemonggo,cem.
"Makingchocolate is a very
Iong process," saya Detoumay.
And that about sumaop bis
ownslow drift into the trade. He
to Java’scult~ tal capital
YOgyakartaabout 10 years ego
es a dr~fter, then emlDarked
sti~ts es a socifll workerand
Frenchlectore~ Bei he wasso
aghastat the quality of local
c~ocolatesm~nd the Oea~hof
decent iml~orted O~eSmt
hat he
began maki~g bis own at hamo
out of desperation
Ffiends encouragedhito to
sell them, and soerl he was
seen around town disolaying bis
instantly pOpulartreats on a pink
Vespa that doubied asa sales
booth. After a few starts and
stops, in 2005 he founded what
Js today Chocolate Monggowith
a team of three. The company
new employs around 80 workers
and its products ate found in
over 400ouUet$in Javaatld ~3ali
It uses only properly fermentba,
t~igh-quality beansfrom Sumatra
and Java, and rea~ cocoa butter
tather than vegetableot palmOil
o¢ someother ¢heapsubstitute.
Therearo around10 llavera,
sueh es eashewnut praline and
gmger, with mangoanda tongue
blistering chili in the works,
Detoumayeventually plana
to expandi~lto ol/erseas markets
but lar newhe is moreinterested
in dispelling the notionthat
high-quafity producta madein
Indonesiaare oniy fof expor[.
There’s certainly Jots of room
fo¢ growthin the local market-accerdingto Euromofiitor, in
2009the por capita chocolate
consumption in Indonesia was
)ust 03 kg, comparedwith
whopping116 kg in the U.K,
O.J.D.: No hay datos
E.G.M.: No hay datos
Sección: VIAJES
Páginas: 49-51
Tarifa (€): 134260
I Grand Scheme
unveiled the SoboG~andin 1996,
I he sparkeda newera of boutlquehotel construction In downtown
NewYorkClty. SOhO
GrandI~lstantly became
a favorito of the
I clty’s fashion andentortalnmoof
ellt~, andpart of Its endurlng
channstemsf~omt houghtful
that d~~wInspleal]on
the su~roundlng
Theconcretop~lla rs, glaSSIbOt~le
staircase andIntdcate cast-leon
d~r~~lit~gin the Iobbys~~mto splll
Me~ ~roup
group, foundedabout
four years ago and
rl(~w with ayer 2.500
members,o(le~ meet
ata train statior~ an(~
ve~Iureout sido the city
togethe~ in the summeL
trips wereor~nized
to histodc p~aces
such as Rye(lhink
cobbleds~ree;s, Tudor
~o~Jsesand wir]dswept
beaches)and Arundel
Iwhich bOaSI$
a Gothic
Castle wlth a photo~nic
rosa garden), Within
London, snappers haya
3 summer.solstice
¡aunt thai lasted flora
9:20 pro, (the time
of Lhelote sunset)
unlil sur~rise Sec
Undeterredby the he~t
and hum~dity, member~
~is 600 plus group
~¿ularly trek a~und
the city’s traditional
and modern~ocale$
Earherlh~s ~31. a gro~p
shot pics amundthe
Sri Srinivasa PerumaL
Templein LiRie India
durlng lhe annualHir)du
festival Thaipusam.
On a ~cent eve~ing
str~l~ of MarinaBay.
35 snappersst r(~Je to
capturothe fUtUIFstic
outli~esof the Helix
Br)d~. glowi~ neon
bluein front of the
sleek rlew M~rir~aBay
Sand$hotel. Learrl
~]~ut u~omingwalks
Shoots (Team HWS)
This group in Hyder
abad,india, haswalks
(usually on SundaysI
settlnri off to lhe bo
t anical ga~ens,anc~ent
cit ~dels andother
polnts of the city ~ndits
Bul it ~sr~l
~ust aboutprelty pic
lLUíSA few dozo~Frlel}l
bers t~ent~y ioined
fo~cs to photoriraph
lhe Increaslngly polluted
state of the citys other
Sariar lake, contfibutmri
Io arl aw~~ness
r ~isinri
canlpairin everl a$ they
inlprov~dthelr skilE$
a~d shared a hobby¸
NewYork Cit~ Dil~tal
mmtograp~ Meetup
Wi~h over 3.000
members,this group
producesplenty of
walks aroLJr~done
of the wofld’s mo$t
cilies PIeviou~ walks
haM~beer~ over Ih~
B~okly~l Bridge,
throurih Manhattan’s
Chl~atowr~and ~round
the East Villa~. One
of the illo~ popular
~cenl w31ks was alon~
the High Lino. a park
on Manhattan’$ We~t
riide that openedlast
~ar offerlng eievaled
rigen space and
int~[estlRri street views
ViSl{ rTleetup com/
wlth chic andmeldlngindustrial
materlalswith the sybadticsc~t.
ness of tuxury accommoclaí~on.
Fourteenyearslatet. SOfle]d--whe has also designeri
boUt~luesrol Guccia~cl Yves
Saint Laurent--has workedbis
maglcon the hotel onceageln.
In August,he deb4Jted10 Ioftqke
sultes onthe 1Gthfloor, each
offedr~ expansivovlewsof the
NewYork City skyrine. Me~sudng
I sepa~te
up to 74living
~1 m, the
sultes f~ítu~
and sleeping
quartets and ma$sLve bath~s. Ti~e
bl~md of g~ ~d gro.ce ~mains,
I wlth ~bdcs rike ~P,~t and sllk
Jux~~sed agalnst ~llri st~l
cabinet~, ash plank fl~’lng and
With ah eye toward attracting
removea~r bubblesi’We dofl’t
ag~l leatl~r
local $hoppers,Monririo’s
se[I ali, wesell chocolate,"
"The In~d~ am Idi~yncretlc
recycledpapar pacB~ginriis
a×p~alrl$ DetournayI Then
~t r~lned," S~41eld tells TIME.
3domedwith J~vanesemorir5 At
eve~yo[]eru$hes~o huya SOu~#erlll
~Tn~ ~ally ~ the ve~~eular
lne sF~me ~3f and’$local
bar fres~ from ~he workshop
of ¿~~~~ Manh~n al~l the
"I lexl~ ~í~ Its a~istlc ¢~mun~.
identit y ha~madeit attlactive to
Ir you¢ar3"ii~lal~eit lo
[aurists ii7 scarchof a t~~~y~r~d
Yogyakarla, the best place {o
That’s ~~lally t~e In the l~th.
t astefLiI nlemer]to.Touroperator~ hnd Ihe full range of Monggo
I ~ wall covedngs, whlch come
frorn NewYorkerillustratc~ Saul
now incIude U3e Monggo
bars IS In Jakarta at the Kem
workshop~s a s[op orl tarJaS
Stelnberg, and In ~at tOUches
Chlcks rioumlel ~upermarketin
of Kota Gedethe Yoriyakarta
the ritzy Paeific Placema~l.nexl
I llke coffeerabies partiy fashlofled
to the stock exchangeBut it’s
k/]o~¿nlar iI~ silver wofkshOps
irE reaSLT3rilycomrTlor~
Io ~~e,~I
andpicturosqueold buildinris.
least ona OrtWoMonggovarletie~
with newanos: the sultes boast
Visriors watchth~ourih a glass
in caros, b~keries ~nd even
I wall-mounteriflat-scr een t elevldlVlder a$ wo~kerswearlng
Convenie{]cestores [3e[ournay
~, 27-t,. IM~ desktop ¢omput.
mask$,c~p~and rilove5 ~~jec ~
ers, IPod docksand IPads Ioaded
sectas deIermiT3edla salvag~
chocolaI~Sh~l~sWllh p{ alirle
lhe repuIaliot~ of Indorlesi3~
wlth the hOtel’s owngulde to New
pas{eot rloislly pour)dtrays of
chocol~to,o£}ei)utre[ at a time
I Yo~ Clty. See fer
recently pou~odchocolate to