RADIO PROGRAM “Where Heaven and Earth Join Hands” 350 Hayes Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-696-5110 www.starlightbaptist.com Volume 27 January 10, 2016 WELCOME VISITORS We are delighted you have come today to worship. If you have any questions, feel free to ask an usher. CELL PHONES Please put your cell phone on silent during services. ATTENTION Please do not bring food, drink, or pets into the auditorium. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Tonight at 4:45pm PACK THE PEW Sunday January 17th Dr. Dennis Corle MOTHERS WITH BABIES We recommend using our nursery. We have a wellequipped nursery with loving workers and a paging system. Nursery workers can contact you if needed. The nursery is there for your convenience. If you need to bring your baby out of the nursery, please sit in the cry room located across the hall from the nursery. If you need help, please ask an usher. Thanks for your cooperation. Sunday Bible Study AM Worship PM Worship Teachers Mtg. 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Monday Adult Soul-Winning 6:30 PM Wednesday Kids Clubs Youth Class Bible Study Bus Meeting 5:45 PM 5:45 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM We are extremely excited about Pastor’s radio program. He is on WTLN 94.9FM/950 AM Monday Friday from 4:00 - 4:30 pm. He can also be heard at WTLN.com. BOOKSTORE and CAFE The Bookstore will be open after each service for 1 hour and 30 minutes before church on Wednesday evenings. STREET MINISTRY Would you be willing to donate a case of soda or water once a month? The street ministry needs some people to donate cases of water and soda for the Saturday homeless lunch. See Bro. Tim or Pam Jordon if you can help or need more information. This once -a-month donation will be a huge help!! Gordon Jones Jacob Martinez Pastor & Carolyn Riggs Pastoral Staff SAFETY CLASS Pastor Dr. Glenn C. Riggs Reminder for those that have signed up: The Gun Safety Class will be on Saturday, January 16th at 2:00pm. See John Bailey with any questions. Associate Pastor Sam Riggs Assistant Pastor Larry Stephen Assistant Pastor Mike Carringer Assistant Pastor Tim Jordon Carl Savage GIRLS CLUB There will be a sewing class for the Girls Club on Saturday, January 16th from 2:30pm-4:30pm in the Girls Club classroom. See Kelly Peyton with any questions. DIRECTORY CHANGES January 10 Romans 15 January 17 Combine Sunday School January 24 Romans 16 Please fill out a directory change slip in the foyer with any address/phone number updates and birthdays or anniversaries that were missed. Please drop the slip into the offering plate. Next Sunday, January 17th, will be the last Sunday for changes. JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES John and Emma Clark, Bob and Jan Fast, Dan and Susan Frye, Mike and Debbie Goodall, Stewart and Judy Green, Jim and Paula Oglesbee, Ron and Linda Webb. Congratulations! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating birthdays this week are: Raymond Carringer, Siva Dellamotta, Jennifer Frye, Michael Goodall, Kelli Jenkins, Wendell Jimerson, Frank Mignone, Taylor Patterson, and Nathan Phillips. PRAYER LIST Pastor and Carolyn Riggs ∙ Graham Frye may have to have knee surgery. NURSERY SCHEDULE Sunday AM: Candy Barrows, Emily Smith Sunday PM: Susan Riggs, Allie Riggs Wednesday PM: Liz Martinez, Lisa Gonzalez Week of January 17th Sunday AM: Nancy Wilson, Phoebe Wilson Sunday PM: Carolyn Allen, Sarah Cash Wednesday PM: Leona Englander, Theresa Rodgers WORSHIP SERVICE Please do NOT disturb others by leaving early during the invitation in the worship service. Please keep your phones on silent during the service and there should be NO TEXTING during the service. Be considerate of those around you in the service. RIVERLAND CONFERENCE Pastor Rex Carringer’s church, Riverland Baptist Church, in Dunnellon, FL will be having services on Monday and Tuesday evenings, January 11th and 12th. Pastor Riggs will be speaking both evening. A van will be leaving Monday night at 4:45pm sharp. Contact the church if you are riding the van Monday night. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children’s Choir will resume TONIGHT, January 10th at 4:45pm. New 2nd-6th grade children are welcome. See Brenda Whitwam with any questions. PACK THE PEW SUNDAY Next Sunday, January 17th will be Pack the Pew Sunday. Evangelist Dennis Corle will be speaking in the combine Adult Sunday School hour and the morning service. Make sure you invite your family and friends to help you “pack” your pew! BIBLE READING SCHEDULE Week of January 10th CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS January 11-12 Riverland Conference January 16 Gun Safety Class January 17 Pack the Pew Sunday Dr. Dennis Corle February 6 Youth Activity February 7 Prove the Tithe February 9 SIS Meeting February 14 “I Love My Church” Sunday 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Job 24-28 Job 29-31 Job 32-34 Job 35-37 Job 38-39 Job 40-42 Genesis 12-15 Genesis 16-18 TITHES & OFFERINGS January 3 Budget Missions Bus Camp $ 16,262.68 $ 17,909.85 $ 554.65 $ 83.60 $ 90.50 2015 contribution statements should be available by the middle of January. Contact church office with questions. Catch the Vision Too Building Fund SINGING SCHEDULE STUDENT MINISTRIES January 10 Chris Hall January 13 Cindy Sederopoulos January 17 The Cornells $3,491.00 Total $796,011.31 Youth Class/Outreach Wednesday 5:45 pm Youth Calendar Make sure to pick up a new Youth Calendar! _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
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“Where Heaven and Earth Join Hands”
350 Hayes Road
Winter Springs, FL 32708