Torch and Trefoil - Alpha Phi Omega Archive
Torch and Trefoil - Alpha Phi Omega Archive
AUka phi Q4na(fa'l Torch and Trefoil Fingerprinting of students, as an Alpha Phi Omega project in cooperalion wilh Ihe Federal Bureau of Investigation, was started in the spring of 1938 at the University of Nebraska. In the years that have followed, In many places this is an annual event ihis important activity has been conducted by sixty-two chaplers. for fhe benefit of new students. The prints are made available to Ihe FBI lor use in the civil files. They are in no way connected with the criminal files, and Ihere is no stigma attached lo having prints recorded. Fingerprints provide a posi tive means of identification in coses ol fire, loss of memory, and such disasters where olher means of identificalion are obliterated. Mr, J. Edgar Hoover has extended his furnished by the FBI and by local and slate to the campus fingerprinting work. Materials are Further details are available from Ihe national office of the personal support police. fiaternity. Fingerprinting is recommended as an interesting and worlhwhile projecl for every Alpha Phi Omega Chapler this Fall. VOLUME 20 - NUMBER 7 OCTOBER, 1945 TORCH AND TREFOIL Q A NEW PLEDGING SYSTEM IN ALPHA PHI CHAPTER Doll By Frank has taken Alpha Phi Chapter toward step insuring and forceful to present lo representative organisation progressive a more a our reluming brothers. For the it all started al the close of the in June when semesler each social well as other idea introduced to an fraterniiy on the campus, as organizations, the opporlunity give to Irom their ranks appoint in interested of thoise edification methods, our two men as candi dates for membeiship in Alpha Phi Omega. Naturally ihe selection of these men was gov erned nol only by the requirements of APO^ but also, by the academic standards of the university. This idea In sJ was acted form by upon lelleis sen! to the presidents and advisors of those organiMlionSj all of whom acted spon taneously, cording lo Addison �. Mi' .�lipiia Con grain la lion from ate William Jewell standing Europe, Hia in sejvice Marshall Smulson Beta Gamma Chapter Sharp Chapter extended lo Ibis biolWer College the upon his Air Force 8 th out in oi Clu^tec, Oak Leat, Silver Oak Leaf Bronze live equivalenl Clusters, the European Theatre Ribbon wilh battle stars tepresenling the campaigns of Noimandy, Northern Rhineland France, and Central Europe. Upon tomplalion missions in certificaJe a B-24 of his tour Liberator, he combat oi was awarded ol valor loi his successtui work General signed W R. Peck. by Brigadier Aller completing his required tours^ Sgl. volunteered lo ily ^^ Navigator with Shaip his group because of an existing shortage of men at Ihal timer Following V-E Day he was honorably discharged. No. Secretary Beta lirst Gamma From ^he enlered She 1. man military service, Marshall has kepi in Touch ot his chapler. By monthly mimeographed news letter, he has kepi the bfofheis informed of each other's whereabouts, supplying up-todate addressee, and iostering correspondence. Even while in Ihe Army he somehow kept up with the huge volume oJ lelter- writing iLfceded !/:> gather material ior Ihe regular alumnus every means one Ihe the include decoiaticms and Alumni the with awards Air Medal wilh a He is time ot a newsletter. interest deep i^embers h�Ls oJ received lurning jihapter Chicago. All most ferve in his and in was done APO and his in Ihe ot his individual Now^ Marshall honorable discharge and i^ efforts toward reactivating his forming an alumni chapter in an We salute efficient our chapier. because Marshall alumni Smulson secretary evei being gratifying. Ac procedures oi our order the many men nominated by their respective organizations were then voted upon by the collegiate chapter of APO, and Ihose who planned lo attend the summer semester, aJ the universily were immediately pledged at a meeting in our beauliful Brown Lounge, the ceremony being conducted by out able chap ler advisor, Mr. Kettelkamp, The remainder of Ihe men pasted on by the chapter were held over, to be pledged in the fall, al which lime those who had previously been pledged will be The the results Ihe usual initialed. results of this Jdea have not only broughl fresh and able material inlo our order, hut also have given APO ihe distinc tion of that has, being the Ihe representa all social and eKtiacurricuiat groups. Thus the potential strenglh and inlluence thai APO wields in ihe management activities is greatly increased. By the use of thia membership our brothers plan, while lo ler versity, its men ol city. fair and ol campus have fortified of our duty. All more many will find the humble and ab'.e our we answering the call are returning brothers TULANE MEN ENROUTE TO BLOOD BANK organize lion campus roster, tion ol as fraterniiy. sole its among to Alpha Fhi chap servant faculty, of the uni and the youth We recommend this system for the ton sidPralion of all Alpha Phi Omega chapters. WE REJOICE Horace Oslerman of Gamma Omega Chapter has been reporled libeiated from a German prison camp ahei being reporled missing in aclion since December 20, 19.44. TORCH and TUEFOIL The Magazine of (Alplja pl]i �mega Issued regularly eigh! timai a year in Seplember, October, November, December, Fehiuary, Marqh, April and May, Subscription price Si .00 a year On Hospilal donors in New service - to the Red Cross plasma bank. lervices lo Charity Hospital, and given its A, this group ai Navy men al Tulane University gave blood at Charity The blood Orleans blood to be used for the aid ol indigenl patients. of Gamma Upsilon Chapter was started during the war, with donations September When was the war needs teiminaled, readily accepled- the chaptei offered Eniered as IMS, Ihe al under aol licaiion, Missoufi. second class mattsr February 5, post oliica at Kansas Cily, Mo., oi Maroh 3, 1879, Oilice of Pub- 407 Land Bank Bldg., Kansas Cily, 3 TORCH AND TREFOIL How Alpha Phi Omega 'Clicks' By Pioiessor On the banks of the Wabash Daniel Den Seni'.n' l-'ai idiv Adaisor .�ilpha Gamma Chapler Uyl al zations. University, Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega car Purdue such on Purdue have also are campus other but many organiied bers who have real and ity program Now of the fraterniiy. what has been our rience al Purdue? done In Ihe we keep our chapter strong? First o! all, we have attempted lo our to make standards for member We do not ers. much time spend but strive most of give time and effort our in servic-e to the university and the all community, utilizing who are willing to service. short of we have leaders. be but all in all objectives always had To impossible the officers of ter would not because has much been member or real some ihem all would name lo name some of Alpha Gamma chap be inclusive enough of ^ven real the by possessing our more service ordinary than ordi nary interest. Some of are men our outstanding leaders training on in uniform in campus and for whom APO has offered real opportunities for serv our ice, while others dents. grams war The on years service our did civilian stu are training pro campus bring during to us the many good members who much to keep up-and-coming a our paf'C sive program Piiidue. is at nily\ outstanding and loyalty His jaclors in the one this a^^res- oj the jralcr- Adi-isors. hai^e been slroni; I- acidly Senun- jailhjiilness .uie/css on oj his chapter. helped very chapler on an basis. We have endeavored to promote spirit of friendship both among be have we things which Many of ihe organized such as groups the Reamers members our versity and students. ways been an wilh other uni This has nol al easy task because in any group of is a and college students there tendency tow^ard individual selfishness. group college On some and university campuses certain groups have sometimes ex ercised loo much influence in the seleclion of APO officers. This prob Although have we spon sored many campus activities as do other APO chapters, some of our activities have in recent years tered around the of such We have sometimes fallen our to do those ing. them. Uyl. mho nice! ns the ii.-Ierc-lin^ account of APO's Den Professor members render then can ice APO co-operates with them but has not attempted to compete with all active work membership problems on to them college spirit Club, Gimlets and several others have specific service which they give to the Uni versity and in those fields of serv ship by carefully selecting the best men. This in turn has provided us with very good leadership. We have two classes of members, the leaders and the followers, but we try other wilh other organi''ed groups do not and apparently are not interested in do lo maintain an any maintain can the field of service attempted expe Whal have as fostered. abil m long of students groups and con been not As students organized friendship mem leadership interested deeply are well under relationships friendly groups officers and of group we keep lo managed important problem. who do their best to serve the needs of the studeni body. Therefore our chapter requires We have things pretty trol and thus far it has its program of service. The opporlunities for service on Ihe ries at Purdue our Scouting local council. Here bers have such as served in cen program our many mem ways conducting first-aid classes, swimming classes, health and safely camping activities, merit programs, badge counseling and many others. One of the most helpful ways in which our has been members by have their active served participa tion in local Scout troop activities. Especially during the war years when for manpower such Scout lem has been pretty well taken care of here by having a w^ell-balanced programs was so badly needed, the services of many APO members was membership consisting of inde pendent students and Greek-letter especially helpful, fralernity At the presenl time men. half of men and the others our Through cil and officers our by fraternity not. interfraternity the coun mainlenance strong independent Purdue are are groups of the have have on ol APO been indeed fortunate to escaped much of the petty jealousy and bickering that too oflen dis campus, we rupts friendship in various organi I have in attempted a general way lo point out fhe activities and aims of Alpha Garama Chapter. Even through the have maintained largely because out in our war a we we years slrong chapler have carried way the purposes of our fraternity. Now in the years ahead Alpha Phi Omega must face for ward and continue to has always done in the Scout Oath and Law. serve as ii spirit of the TORCH AND TREFOIL 4 * Five More Gold Star Brothers Ensign Burl on W. McCormick Ensign Jack Adlcins .llpha He training was reporled in 1944, LST an on (he later year Chapler Gamma program in through Jhe Octobar, 1943, and mi: sing in action received V-7 Rho his commission Mediterranean en lie route v.'as to in Ihealel. He leJl One dead. many and received awards numerous at Western Michigan for training in Naval received his commission in he He Phi Chapter junior leil As a ilighr instructor at Oclober, 1942. Peru, Indiana, he and a student were killed inslantly in a training crash. He died doing Iho thing he most wanted to do^ in a world and Texas a when Aviahon. v;as friends at the Universily of especially in Alpha Rho Chapter He v^as an excellent of Alpha Phi Omega, sludent wilh highest qualities of leadership He was College Febrnary, Aniio, Italy. otlicially declared Eurfon cau^e he v^anled lo serve. for outstand ing service. Lt. Durward Marshall Rht> Alpha Durward in and 1540j at was in active vei/ Ihe two ye^rs of Tex^as he enlisted Ihe University oi Cadet in July, Air commission 19^2, School 9. (Texas) High Kermll compleling Aller Scouls, Novembei bom was troni graduated Chapter as a and 194a, line firsl Boy study as an received his pilot August ^0, 1943. He and sion, ]a senl to England in Maich, 1944, reported missing on his third mis raid over Merseburgf Germany, May was was oi word a thai he His plane weni out lions. other killed was over and flak The Major Frsd was Redmond, Frederic Gamma Nii killed in an Oregon, Zamboni Chapter airplane crash at 1944. Septambsr 20, While al Ihs Universify of Idaho, he vjas in the SOTC and was commissioned a Second He advanced rap in June, 1940. t^Butenent idly and received the rank of majoi in the target and two molos coming in all direclo bail out. the crew hit was and soon None was of the the olher wounded. It is that , July, Fred serve 1544. was in one Alpha John was raid over Austria, fitsl pilot on a Liberator bomber. He had completed Q4 missions. Holder of a Rec tor scholarship, he was graduated Phi Beta iiom in puffing devoted found Chapter. a was active inleresl into the work of Gamma Nu in Ha was wearer of the \7, 1944. Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, and Kappa ever killed October lo of the finest leaders Phi Omega, It. John C, Fassnacht Alpha Vpsilot! Chapter Durward spuller. Durward gave his life foi iiis creWj exhibiting the highest form of loyalty and service beliaved A. ol aclion was began gave orders lo parents received on thai da.te. his in tank gas motors members Later year. was in DePauw many time to Alpha Phi He was University, organizations, bul outstanding le^deiship campus give Omega, TORCH AND TREFOIL COLLEGE LAFAYETTE the was Seoul UNIVEHSITY OF GEORGIA fremendous a iirst all-college sponsored by the was was campus iield meet Beta under the chairmanship of Many organizations entered ZeSa John Ibn on Backendoif. sixth." ATO �Tlu- UNIVERSITY "Lt. and Bhuk. MINNESOTA DeBuhr (jg) Wally months in tho Iwenly-one lold OF Red back came from European Area and quite a few interfiling things aboul Navy, He seemed pleased to see the old outfit going and fold us lo stay Ln there and keep her going. I can't say enough for the work of Dr. Mil'er, our senior faculty advisorr He has stuck by us when Ihiiigs were the roughest and is helping gel our chapter buil! back to ladeus the U- S, quafe standardSr" �Cordon Anderson, P. AS. USNR IOWA after hospitalized STATE Hospital in Springiield, Missourr^ and am returning to school a I Iowa Stale this fall. 1 hope lo find Xi Chapter Eli 11 funcSioning, bul ii it has become a war casualty, I am inlet:;sted, in getting Ihe ball rolling again, I ieel we' have ing a General O'Reilly at program Ihat will interest veterans. former scouts �lohfi the return ot six the members left immediately we Al! program. campus were invited which faculty appreciation holding the Dr. tions the on select E. H. sludent have campus candidate a election our Bolyard, for been gueen, will be noliiied and held. We to all- the plans for spending a weekend at Camp ll is a very fine Boy Scout Thisfleway. Camp, and we are all sure we will hava a fine time there again this year, "Each month newsletters are prepared and all to service men Everyone members of are working members our in on service. in the chapter is co-operating, and profiting through our association Alpha Phi Omega." all we are we Also board of picture that with "Gamma meetings and is COLLEGE, NYU Chapter held regular Omega throughout the planning now Among program. of semesler summer extensive tall an will proj-rcl^ our serv be publication directory directory of all university employees. We are also planning lo run lours oi the student a fnd MISSOURI TEACHERS Kappa Chapter held an over-night camping trip Eep'ember S2, with plenty of good food and some tall tales." � Claude H. Brown. Senior Piicuhy Adi'isor. Dr. BROOKLYN "Gamma a to as serve Welfare Bureau, host, at college the Studenl Social Lounges, and There Orienlalion Committee. greal deal ities get to more report as a freshman will oui fall be a activ underway." ferome B. Kat-. Preside?it. � have "Things here. We nine new since our who men June period has initiation really is been 15 been now � buzzing say have installation. num smoker those who we are in earEy are in planning the the fall armed to that around there been Their compleled and the being planned." are pledged pledge formal Bill Cummins. Scirftary. Mai fin iine Chapter is looking forward to iall pledge group since our contacts lota have revealed many of affiliation wilh the utmost. freshman activities and will distribute the in university as and pledge ot constantly on the alert to secure more members and thereby Al further the cause of Alpha Phi Omega. pective in the members who reap blood the of our the donors volun leered to future. near fruils when for this are On of all of cause efforts those will Charily Hospital here. summer pledges will September more pros expected lo pledge September 6 we our in who give The be ihe have blood initiation conducted 22." D. Caiv.e-. {r., AS. USNR. Secretary. �Ralph special the be carried out, and we are building a tie-up with Ihe Scout troops in this serv closer neigh borhood." /. Ctissel, i'u-ide':'. Howard � anticipate "We of and veterans OF MISSOURI increased an this civilians enrollment fall, and our a large mem chapter expects to build up bership. Again in the coming year the paign for the Infantile Paralysis Fund receive greatest our include again has which annual our and support, proved ball will this in successful so cam will January in past years." Charlet President. Decker. MEMORIAM IN "The a is have several and newspaper Our sponsorship of the Hall edition. Dislricl school in the Missouri Oiarks will ice we TULANE active member we college administration, our to also UNIVERSITY Upsilon Chapter anxious to are co-operate wilh them to We will continue our assistance intend we who men We have the finesl kind iraternity. our semester. forces - � Gamma UNIVERSITY YORK NEW "Bela Pre.fident. Vice Brown, run chapfer newsletter," HotJ/ard S^olnic^, Secretarv. "Every for something was brothers have recently left for the our pledge shall TECH proudly can ber oi the present time ILLINOIS A publish 'The Alumni News,' and we periodically publish The APO Trail COLLEGE Studenl Council Soldier committee ireshmen. incoming armed services and For lola � and lold also are � a Chapter has sevetal service projects planned to aid the college, includ ing a special committee to co-operate with fhe campus for the be APO of members He UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS a CENTRAL wilh Schierman, Secretary, Ger.'e UNIVERSITY the "Beta we are � were organized, and the kind oi The rally was closed doing. taps played by a Scout bugler. work a the to rally. of how APO join have scores ing tabulated the assembled Scouts sang sev eral songs. The winning troop was then presented a handsome plaque by PresidenI Fred A, Magley of Alpha Chapter. Certifi cates were also presented to all troops parScout Execulive ticipaling in ihe rally. Walter E, Culpepper then expressed his explained to them ihe fundamentals of Alpha Phi Omega. To dale we have pledged eight boys and expect [o pledge several more. We decided to hold the final Victory Ball this semes ler. The Victory Ball idea was originaied by Bela Phi Chapter several years ago. EkTensive plans are already under way to make il a huge success. All girl's organisa at meeting, a advisor, ice D. Evans. good a While Ihe and team knots. pledge the on to beginning so j extensive attend to a my discharge from the wounded in Europe and being semester an the only were off got At Bela Phi Chapter, "1 have received Army last started sent Sccrettii y. Ihere semester from The Institufe this semester. slait high scoring organization was Milledge Anrr-A, winning vjith a score of 57 points. Chi Phi fraternity was second^ Old College Dormitory third, Sigma Chi fourth, SAE fifth and Louisiana ern Chapter contestants. balcony. Following Ihe opening ceremonieSj competitive events were held in fire by friction, flint and steel fire lighling, Morse and semaphore signaling, first aid, the SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA INSTITUTE "The Bela Phi Chapfer here al Soutftwest- This success. Easton's of eleven and parenis many and Scouts hundred two Phi Alpha by sponsored troops were present, while friends looked on from Scout Ihirleen CORRESPONDENCE "G'Day Over Alpha annual first Rally, representing Scouleis CHAPTER the of scene Omega Chapter, PftOM Lafayette College gymnasium fhe "Recently Richard Rev. Gerald Rall'^, Alpha Mu Chapter aclive in formerly William Jewell died College, July S2, 1945, following an extended at He had served rural churches jllness. Clay \\\ County, Missouri, and was pastor of the Paradise Baptist Church Ihe in and northwest assistant Baptist Church his illness part of at pastor in became the the Kansas counly Roanoke Cify before serious two years ago. Jerry enthusiastic leader was an Alpha Mu Chapler college Our fraternity '^q&.'ss. this good brolher. the loss oi throughout in his mourns TORCH AND TREFOIL 6 (Alpha Rho) A. Schiitzc, Jr. C. (jg) Lt. USS Mobile at Sea Writes: Q^^C$8 "There all BANTER Ail sSjjrd \L Betterley (Alpha) Seri/ice Marshall duties "My slatistical as "I plus officer demanding additional duties keep My first overseas duty in There are some pitiful was India. sights and plenty of opporlunity for 'serv ice.' The missionaries are up against a brick wall but their doggedness is help ing accorc\plish what the average person I was glad to receive the won't try. Alpha Phi Omega newsletter and lo learn how splendidly the fraternity is forging ahead. The fraternity has a bright and bration "We have been very busy of late pieparing our ship for the mosl anticipated the vresl coast on U. S A. ing, home 6th soil is lo reading Marine carried good to going took like about the Division a old sec of exploits the lo as seen any "The here. the on Writes: is snow a I had in when me 1 have countries tion because still here of happy fraternity newslelter and to know that APO the going strong despite posed by ihe war. I in mountains a of ravages condi war. days Wendell ago from Pi Chapter work," JVashington, D, /./. /.�' F.iiiii-- / USS Queens Write"We have "f pect an this next Phi arrival one Omega. ideals to swell in will daughter ex Seplember. be Perhaps eligible for Alpha Keep selling the college men with ihree APO's valuable of America!" am in now small a ioi crafl Iraining while waiting for the Arcadia to Mailin Brown has been completed. keeping wel! me informed the on news of 1 hope the Alpha Chapter. Alpha Phi Omega membership increases rap idly in every chapler now thai the war is over." i/c (Beta Sigma) Donald E. .Sloan S Treasure Island, San Writes: Fiancisco chapter No. success ior the swell fellow. Illinois to Here's 101. fall and have men a Tech and wishing much oi program every chapter," eighl monlhs CMi/c (Gamma Beta) Ernest L. Hamlin, fr. USS i-'elocity Writes: "1 intend to take Alpha Phi Omega college. At present Oregon Forestry. my Slate first My active an upon my year in New Orleans two years I have been 1 in During the my fo College speni sweeper in intentions was Pacific. part return in are major Ihe Navy and Ihe aboard Soulh fo to and last feel a Cenlral slay in New Orleans several enjoyed evenings with the president oi Ihe Tulane Chapfer, Brother Addley Gladden," founder and months of iront at iBetj Cpl. Ray Freeman (Beta Ganuna) Muroc, California Lambda) Writes: Sea 'One sending my belated application life membership. Il is a bil of busi ness days Navy thai al in went and on my way have been in the service am I have had in Indiana State. mind After September, at Ensign my since to and after sea my the joining 1941, T spent Naval Academy the directly Detroit one thirty- day to rejoin a Writes: received C. }/c (Alplia Chapter) combat." months Capt. Her.i'y S. hlowison (Tan) Military Personnel Dii'isi.ii ASF Alpha the alumni contacts." attend a Williams, our president. He jusl past returned recently from piloting a B-24 1 trust il won't be too long over Italy. before we can all get together again. hi the meantime, keep up the good few line You 1950. more iGamma Pi) am I months, including overseas im lelter 4, The town terrible completed iifly over is still handicaps received July will discuss many good times Rho Chaptet. More power to that awaiting am are the just and furlough receive the Orleans, we Congratulations the on Badeon my division. to in mine have had jusl cele lovely hotels. Lasl week tea with the King of Bulgaria. is certainly a lot oi work to be over the enlire globe. Some of the "I Writes: was bet be wilh resorl light a nol you have heard of the "Sloppy a rendezvous al Anloinne's New can in Field. Boise, Idaho "\ in "i try the winter sports. lo is on have center I have skiis and Cpl. Donald IL In Redeployment Clcn E. Cline (Pi) Gowen and Writes: Writes: Ll. still am Allen .V. Dumas RT USS Arcadia (Bela Pi) the good old USA and am al present awaiting orders. My previous duly wd^ in Ihe Philippines." I Pacific the really numbers of noise." amount Writes: (Eta) in never place. W. Green Austria There arrived back lake Keith Lt. done "Have the "1 have met many APO lo find one who isn't Dnken, D-Day." E. Swartfioiil it ! cruiser in in We APO. yet We part of their tank balEalion in Capt. Waltei have confided not will snow Okina'wa I I year. have I suppose you us. Ihe excitement and cele to of Alter twenty monlhs of wander ond heaven been oi the noth brated my first year overfeas. Best wishes fot all the fralernity's undertakings this Writes: beach jubilation was Tau event that the was Sam has have made thus far, of Day, but it glad to hear the good word Fitleen new men Chapter, sounds like a good-sized pledge class. As for my returning to the Stat:;:s, that is still a Uncle question in the future. "I aboul (Alpha Kho) tn the Pacific we V-J 'Netherlands East indies Writer: fulure," invasion somewhat on here. appreciate national brothers the wilh contact -perhaps Sli^iiot.l( (Tau) T-,ii! It. keeping iew a up the glad am Six"� have thing like it either participating or the Marvin R. Lipp man (jg) heard ing compared plenty busy. St long Lt. (Alpha Eta) I.ovett. in the Stales several me R. Writes: Writes: office is I much chance fo meet up wilh old friends. Five other Alpha Rho alumni and myself Ar.'chorage, Alasf^a Overseas Group but service in biing will This problems, and fiaternity the into back my school to return lo fit to want members like oi lof a plan program. FROM BROTHEl^Blsi tf Capt. George are who self � four aboard Iha ! USS twenty-seven months was ordered lo the USS Queens on which I have been since. I am now complet ing my 401h meantime I cisco in month of was sea married November, 1942, have two fine daughters." In the duty. in San and we Beta Camma's men, Dave Northwestern University," and commission, s of Rotter, is living 95 miles from here in Beverly Hills. We see each other occa sionally. I am going back to school aiter being discharged and have selected Fran now Cpl. fames Bank,s (Gamma R/io) 2oth Weather Sqdn., /^ the Pacific Writes: "While in tion, I saw Manila, jusl Charles Bush, and my fellow roommate is now head arlist for the Education Headquarters nected with all after a its libera brother APO in college. Intelligence and is the USO shows." He and con 7 TORCH AND TREFOIL ILLINOIS NORTHERN STATE A PIAQUE IS PRESENTED TO WINNING TROOP IN ALPHA CHAPTER'S SCOUT RAUY "Wilh ten aclive members on ihe campus during the past summer, our group con Ihe administration and decided to sulted Having I held live crowd at every one. local orchestra school dances in age oi the huge a were commu in the months. summei and success greatly appreciated by the community such is decidedly lacking in DeKalb cially we young of this kind certain thai recreation am We large aliendance a high of The nity. large a popular a attracted quite people dances. of sponsor a series dances and drew was since espe This fall men Chapter will be on the campus before [he Ireshmen begin lo arrive and we will help new Etudents become acquainted with the campus and assist ihem Ln gelling ori We plan lo help ented iiitD college lite. wilh the regislralion of freshmen and uppercUssmen. AlsOj our plans are proceeding for the ansiual homecoming dance." of Ela Robert � COLLEGE WESTMINSTER chaptet recently had a school gymnasium ior "Our the in We had game. Piesidem Bitrf{c, get -together baskelball a swell time and 1 a am ail sure In enioyed il very much the Euture we hope to have special speakeis at several oi our meetings on topics of cur iellows presenl inleresl." rent - � Richard Wiihelni, Treasurer. OF UNIVEKSIFY "Beta Zeta its leadership on the are endeavoring to present iall. We 'President tion of ecta on Roosevelt organizations in addition "We Io mads expect oum a Ihis establish as a ETA CHAPTER CARRIES ON WITH FULL FORCE DURING recogni a thus TIME OF LOW ENROLLMENT encourage award losses the by up continue campus will be projchapter services. vigorous membership recent our lo a conduct worthwhile to our planning are and than Award' campus service, and the campus. This all drive, GEORGIA planning is Chapler Arthur Hatch, Senior Faculty Advisor of Alpha Chapler, is shown here plaque lo a representative ol the winning tioop in Ihe recent Alpha Fhi Omega Shown in Ihe pic Scout Rally. The gathering was lor all troops in Easton, PennsY'vania. Brothers Lew Joidan, Fred Wong, Roberl Bugglin, Fred Magley ture, lefl lo righl, arei (then president); Ihe troop representative; and Brolhers Herbert Engel, Alan Gale, Paul Kati, D. A. Haleh, Robert Smiley and Bob McLean [now president). Fiefessor D, presenting will be more we manpower new secuie." lo � D. jack UNIVERSITY CAROLINA NORTH OF President. Krasner, Chapler is making news every dey. We have arranged lo operate the '24 Below' Club which is a simulated night club on the campus Our campus is detinilely lack ing for a place tor students to gather tor Wp lun and this project will iill the need. are also making arrangements to have the "Rho state colors raised ing and will and Mosl recently in YMCA the assisting the campus each morn a party for the boys have dates. their been on soon we oiienling hava the freshmen and will repeat this al ihe be ginning of the November term. Our chapter new is the influx ol many growing wilh �Russell II. lor � T. "Psi Chapter and available we to hiiiii. L. BARBARA has now assist with the LSU football the SANTA Iall men. UNIVERSITY STATE LOUISIANA "Alpha Epsilon Chapter will pep rallies iall." new Batighman, NROTC Secrelary. been have this jr.. President. STATE reorganiied aboul activities get �William our games iilleen this men underway." Riitter, Secrelary. and one of the facully advisors who were aoUve in Ela Shown here are twelve members semesler duiing a lime when al Northern Illinois Slate Teachers College last only school. Tallest man in the back row is Dean men were enrolled in the enlire Chaptet forlv-five Ernest E. Hanson, faculty advisor, Robeil Burke. Ihe chapter president, in Ihe center of the front row, is TORCH AND TREFOIL mm ujhen Luas When Lue uje mere cWildrea. RneLO not the mean- Re inq of responsibLlity. member that niteyou Luere invested or your fir&t time at camp I Along came our teens and Scouting ex periences feKoLued. We learned the Oath &- Lauj. "We put them in practice a bit�there ujas a daily 'Good Turn' and the^ challenging motto 'Be Prepared'. Thenujeiuere Freshmen ai: colLege ^a big heipfuL Upperclassman gave us a boost ujLth our problems. And not lonq afteroiard vue ujere invited iniphfe Ftut. No, no purpling of our bot toms ujith hazing -paddles. We found A<pQ. UJas more then that, to and it UJas a good Heelinq i Those speat supporting the creed�be a leader, be a friend, be of setvice \ That ujas Yesterday. luere ujorthy days _ Loe the old chapter and tamiliar gang's at least temporarity scattered. Some ofus are still carrying on at schoolWith. luor-ujorR. SLiccessfully behind us &- a decnandinq peace- effort our job uoo) there's &Jen move to do. less bands to do it. Sorne of as are graduates, diqglng into tife, rearing ftiture Scouts (S-AcpJ^men, Andiiiere's plenty to be accomplished out of school, out oTunifomi� Others of us are still in. the services, Jsfo one knoius more Ueenly the precious value of our American Way' of living. \�S, be we. stilt inS> scliool, in. a ujar plant, teaching scliool, or lUGorlng 'doq^iags' lueVG learn ed. the butdea -S-joy of responsibility of doing our iuU rfiare, lOitKaa alert eye, a ready-hand, and ujlUlng smile to help the ne->ct feilou.'Tliat's lohere loe stand Today, 6- it's a mlgtity fine record � It? I Ves sin,ine hit on sometTatnq back tohert ine tuete. -tujelvte and on our honor to do our best. And ine .u)ere on the jmised promi' beam '^ aace >-^ more luhen me uJere -pledged to me prlnctc^es of UnooMbr uie proved todoy-toat It luosn't Hu. ciiU-CR it out �&� ujindouj. -If s the tnc-coy I Presldeat. Bartle caLLea^ltJ I '5plx^r InRtum: ( Whatever It Is Lt Let's isn 't .-. toe've^git gong . - li^p^To^