Cost vs. capacity The first hard drive in 1956 was the IBM 305
Cost vs. capacity The first hard drive in 1956 was the IBM 305
Cost vs. capacity The first hard drive in 1956 was the IBM 305 RAMAC, and cost $10,000 per MB - it had a capacity of 5MB! In PCs it’s normally on the motherboard, although there are also controller cards. Multiple disks are connected to a computer system through a controller Controller functionality (checksum, bad sector remapping) often carried out by individual disks reduced load on controller Disk interface standards families ATA (AT adaptor), today called PATA SATA (Serial ATA) SCSI (Small Computer System Interconnect) range of standards SAN (Storage Area Network), e.g. Fibre Channel For external disks: USB FireWire (P)ATA vs. SATA Review of performance measures Disk performance measures: Seek time 2-30 ms 10 ms Rotational latency time 4-11.1 ms/rotation 5 ms Data transfer rate 25-100 Mbyte/s 50 Mbyte/s MTTF 1,200,000 hours = 136 years! Application performance measures: Response time Throughput Availability Example disk scheduling algorithms (not in text) Further improvement is possible by writing to disk out-of-order 11.3 RAID 1. Redundancy availability E.g. RAID level 1 (mirroring) → theoretical MTTF absurdly large, practical 1,000,000 h 2.Parallel access throughput + response time E.g. RAID level 0 (striping) Read over lightly the rest of 11.3 Read and take notes: 11.4 Tertiary Storage For tr For ts Toss-immediate Most recently used (MRU) Both types of blocks must be pinned while in use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Week 13, Lect.1 Recap of buffer replacement policies: LRU MRU Toss-immediate What’s the difference beteen MRU and toss-immediate? Numerical example: Buffer capacity is 5 blocks r and s each have 5 blocks Solve with either policy above Example of join algorithm that is compatible with LRU: Sort each table based on join attribute Duplicate attributes can “straddle” multiple blocks Solve example above in this scenario, with LRU. Other factors impacting buffer management in DBMS: Statistical knowledge about usage a. e.g. dictionary/catalog, index Concurrency Crash-recovery 11.6 File organization Problems: Deletion o Locally mark deleted records w/a special code o Free list A record straddling two blocks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz: Consider the following file, that is being used to store fixed-length records: Show how the file changes as a result of the following insertions and deletions: INSERT A-42 INSERT A-43 DELETE A-102 INSERT A-44 INSERT A-45 INSERT A-46 Quiz: Consider again the fixed-length record file: Reorganize it as a slotted page. Assume the entire page is stored in a 4 KB block. Problem: large objects (e.g. blob, clob, image) can extend over many blocks! 11.7 Organization of records inside the files Heap files → see all the previous examples Not necessarily the PK Pluses: … Minuses: Quiz: Sequential files Show the structure of this file (including the overhead block) after the following insertions: INSERT (A-042, Cedar Ridge, 100) INSERT (A-043, Citrus Ridge, 100) INSERT (A-044, Copper Ridge, 100) INSERT (A-045, Tardyridge, 100) How to add a free list to a sequential file. To test your ideas, show what happens when you DELETE (A-043, Citrus Ridge, 100) after the insertions at above. Hint: The overhead block does not need a free list – explain why! Homework: end-of-chapter 4, 5, 6, 17. Extra-credit: 15 Review material: Quiz: Heap files Show the structure of this file (including the header and the free list!) after the following DB operations have been performed: DELETE (A-305, Round Hill, 350) DELETE (A-215, Mianus, 700) DELETE (A-110, Downtown, 600) INSERT (A-042, Dublin, 100) INSERT (A-042, Dublin, 200) INSERT (A-042, Dublin, 300) INSERT (A-042, Dublin, 400)