Newsletter - Davison Area Senior Center
Newsletter - Davison Area Senior Center
Volume 36 • Issue 1 • January 2016 Davison News & Views Remember~ We are CLOSED Friday, January 1st, 2016 & Monday, January 18th, 2016 Davison Area Senior Center 10135 Lapeer Rd. Davison 810.658.1566 The Mission of the Davison Area Senior Center is to provide, with the help of its staff and volunteers, information and a range of services, activities and volunteer opportunities which promote personal growth, health, friendship and independence for those 50 years and older in the Genesee County. Staff Index Page 3…………………………….Kathy’s Connection Page 4-5…….………………..………..Coming Events Page 5……………………….….Games & Recreations Page 6……………………..….……Food for Thought Page 6…………………………………………..Classes Page 7…………………….…………...Red Hat Group Page 8 & 13………..……………….Monthly Calendar Page 9-12……………………….……...Advertisements Page 14………………………………Health & Fitness Page 15………..……………….………….Information Page 16………………………………..Center Services Page 17-18…………………………...………….Travel Page 19……………...………………...Did You Know? Page 20………..……………………..Newsletter Form Kathy Davis, Executive Director Joie Hitchcock, Assistant Director June Vert, Morning Office Assistant Brenda Baucus, Afternoon Office Assistant Authority Board Joan Snyder, City of Davison Rep., Chairperson Karen Miller, Davison Twp. Rep., Treasurer Maxine Koch, City of Davison Rep. Wanda Brown-Konieczka, Davison Twp. Rep. Dona Jenks, Davison Twp. Rep. Advisory Board Beth Brancheau, Chairperson Stanley Cohoon, Vice Chairperson Esther Bendall, Secretary Tom Hilgendorf, Director Dan Johnson, Director Dorothy LaFave, Director Ann Lee, Director Joan Teise, Director Debby Wilson, Director Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Hours of Operation Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m. Evenings as Scheduled We would like to thank the businesses that are helping support our Newsletter by advertising in our booklet please call on these businesses when looking for products and services and mention to them that you saw their advertisement & please thank them for their support! Memorial Donations Flowers, although pretty for a short time, are gone far too soon. A memorial donation instead of flowers is a way to remember a friend or family member who has been a part of the Senior Center. This will benefit the Center for a long time. Rental The Davison Area Senior Activity Center Can be rented for certain activities. Please call the Center for more information at 810.658.1566 Davison Area Senior Activity Center Funding Sources Include ~ Genesee County and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, City of Davison, Davison Township, Contributions, Memorial Donations & Fundraisers. We appreciate all who have made a difference. This Newsletter is fully or partially funded by The Genesee County Senior Millage Funds. Your tax dollars at work! 2 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views •January 2016 Kathy’s Connection~ I hope everyone is all rested up from the holidays and ready to get their game on. If you have not already signed up for any Genesee County Senior Winter Games events please take a look at all that is offered. Applications and all information are available in the front office and throughout the building. The last day to sign up is fast approaching. This is a fun-filled extravaganza with so much to do. Remember it is all about FUN!!!!!! On January 12th we are holding a wonderful dinner / entertainment event. The dinner event is sponsored by: Heritage Arbor #771 of Gleaners Life Insurance Society. The entertainment is provided by The Brothers in Song. The theme for this event is: “Let’s Kick Off the New Year!” You must RSVP NOW in order to attend. More information is available in the newsletter. Just a reminder Tax Season is here. If you are planning on getting your taxes done here at the center PLEASE make your appointment by calling June or Brenda. The schedule will be available after January 2nd. The time slots for appointments go very quickly. Our wonderful tax preparers give so graciously of their time. These hard working VOLUNTEERS make so many people lives worry free when it comes to TAXES. Please make sure you have all the necessary information when you come so that you do not have to make a repeat visit. I wish for everyone to have a safe, healthy & positive New Year. Attitude & tone set the pace for the way we see people. I hope that everyone who is reading this or who participates in the senior center knows that we CARE ABOUT YOU. It is our every intent to be there for YOU. Happy New Year and THANK YOU for your continued support, Kathy 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 3 Coming Events Generation Band Dance @ The Davison Area Senior Center Wednesdays, January 6, 13 & 20, 2016 7:00—10:00 p.m. $5.00 cover charge at the door! Open Microphone! Stone Country Dance Sunday, January 10, 2016 @ 1:00-5:00 p.m. $5.00 pp at the door! Includes Dancing & Fun! Let’s Kick Off the New Year! Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Dinner @ 4:00 p.m. ;ΖΟΦͫ͑ ;ΖΟΦͫ͑ @ Davison Area Senior Center 10135 Lapeer Rd., Davison 810.658.1566 ΒΞ͑͝ʹΙΚΔΜΖΟ͑͝ ΄ΔΒΝΝΠΡΖΕ͑ ΠΥΒΥΠΖΤ͑͝ʹΠΥΥΒΘΖ͑ ʹΙΖΖΤΖ͑͝ʹΠΝΖΤΝΒΨ͑͝ ;ΚΩΖΕ͑·ΖΘΘΚΖΤ͑͝ ΦΞΡΜΚΟ͑ΚΖ͑͝ ͲΡΡΝΖ͑ʹΒΜΖ͑͝ ʹΠΗΗΖΖ͑͝΅ΖΒ͑͗͑ ΈΒΥΖΣ͑ Entertainment: Brothers in Song MUST R.S.V.P. by January 4th by picking up a ticket from the front office! Space is Limited. ΄ΡΠΟΤΠΣΖΕ͑ΓΪͫ͑͑ ΖΣΚΥΒΘΖ͑ͲΣΓΠΣ͔͑ͨͨ͑͢ ΠΗ͑ΝΖΒΟΖΣΤ͑ͽΚΗΖ͑ ͺΟΤΦΣΒΟΔΖ͑΄ΠΔΚΖΥΪ͑ Ask a Lawyer—FREE ͺΟΔΠΞΖ͑΅ΒΩ͑ͲΡΡΠΚΟΥΞΖΟΥΤ͒͑ ͺΟΔΠΞΖ͑΅ΒΩ͑ͲΡΡΠΚΟΥΞΖΟΥΤ͒͑ ΅ΙΖ͑ʹΖΟΥΖΣ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΥΒΜΚΟΘ͑ ΒΡΡΠΚΟΥΞΖΟΥΤ͑ΗΠΣ͑ΥΒΩ͑ΤΖΒΤΠΟ͑ ΤΥΒΣΥΚΟΘ͑ͻΒΟΦΒΣΪ͑ͥ͑ͣͧ͑͢͟͝͡ͲͲ͑ ΤΥΒΣΥΚΟΘ͑ͻΒΟΦΒΣΪ͑ͥ͑ͣͧ͑͢͟͝͡ ͲͲ͑ ·ΠΝΦΟΥΖΖΣΤ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΙΖΣΖ͑ΠΟ͑ΈΖΕΟΖΤΕΒΪΤ͑͝ ΗΣΠΞ͑ͪͫ͑͡͡Β͟Ξ͑͟ΥΠ͑ͤͫ͑͡͡Ρ͟Ξ͑͟ͷΖΓΣΦΒΣΪ͑ͤΣΕ͑ ΥΙΣΦ͑ͲΡΣΚΝ͑ͤ͢ΥΙ͑ͣͧ͑͢͝͡ΥΠ͑ΕΠ͑ΚΟΔΠΞΖ͑ ΥΒΩΖΤ͑ΗΠΣ͑ͣͦ͑͑͢͟͡΅ΙΚΤ͑ΤΖΣΧΚΔΖ͑ΚΤ͑ΠΟΝΪ͑ ΗΠΣ͑ΤΚΞΡΝΖ͑ΥΒΩ͑ΣΖΥΦΣΟΤ͒͑͑ΊΠΦ͑ΞΦΤΥ͑ΔΒΝΝ͑ ΗΠΣ͑ΒΟ͑ΒΡΡΠΚΟΥΞΖΟΥ͑ΒΥ͑ͩͧͦͩͦͧͧ͑͑͢͟͟͢͡ ΗΠΣ͑ΒΟ͑ΒΡΡΠΚΟΥΞΖΟΥ͑ΒΥ͑ͩͧͦͩͦͧͧ͢͟͟͢͡ Art a la Carte Is a series of informative programs focusing on the arts. It is offered free of charge on Wednesdays @ 12:15 pm. Visitors are encouraged to bring lunch; coffee, tea and cookies are provided. The Flint Institute of Arts-1120 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 810.234.1695 or January 6 ~ The Mystic Lamb January 13 ~ Florence & the Spirit of the Renaissance January 20 ~ Leonardo da Vinci: Mind of the Renaissance January 27 ~ The Mona Lisa Mystery Lori Tallman, PLC Sunday Bash Practices Law in Wills & Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Probate, Real Estate, Family Law, General Civil, Landlord/Tenant, Traffic & Criminal 2nd Wednesday of the month January 13, 2016 ~ 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Let’s Dance with Andy Williams Saturday, January 16, 2016 6:30-10:30 p.m. Line Dance, Couples Dance & Clogging $8.00 pp at the door 4 Davison Area Senior Center Variety Music By Jim & Betty Hedrich Sunday, January 31, 2016 ~ 4:00—6:30 p.m. $8.00 pp at the Door Includes: Light Lunch, Snacks & Beverages, Music for your listening & dancing enjoyment. You don’t need a ticket in advance! For more information call Jim & Betty Hedrich at 810.659.2240 •News & Views •January 2016 Coming Events ~ Games & Recreation Senior Winter Games of Genesee County 38th Annual Genesee County Senior Winter Games Programs Registration Fee of $12 includes an unlimited number of events, Banquet & T-Shirt. Cost for Banquet guest is $12 and includes a T-shirt. You must be at least 50 yrs. of age by Jan. 7th, 2016. THE EVENTS Bowling Leagues Wednesday & Friday, 12:30 p.m. We have two fun Senior Bowling Leagues that meet at Rollaway Lanes. For more information call 810.653.2011 Bridge Tuesday, 11:30 am—Teaching Bridge Tuesday & Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. Monday, February 1st –Opening Ceremony 1:00 p.m. @ Davison S. C. - Pie Eating 2:00 p.m. @ Davison Senior Center Bunco 2nd Tuesday of Month November—May (No April) 5:30-9:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 2nd—Bowling-Morning 9:00 a.m. @ Richfield Bowl Bowling-Afternoon 12:30 p.m. @ Richfield Bowl Wednesday, February 3rd—Jigsaw Puzzle 9:00 a.m. @ Eastside S. C. Spades 1:00 p.m. @ Eastside Senior Center Thursday, February 4th—Softball Toss 11:00 a.m. @ Soccer Zone Lawnbowling 12:00 p.m. @ Soccer Zone Soccer—Free Kick 2:00 p.m. @ Soccer Zone Chess & Checkers Friday, 11:30 a.m. Friday, February 5th—Cribbage 10:00 a.m. @ Davison Senior Center Pinochle 1:00 p.m. @ Davison Senior Center Cribbage Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. Monday, February 8th—Sudoku 10:00 a.m. @ Hasselbring Senior Center Darts (Electronic) 1:00 p.m. @ Forest Twp. S.C. Bean Bag Toss 2:30 p.m. @ Forest Twp. S.C. Double Deck Pinochle Monday, 12:30 p.m. Friday, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 9th—Shuffleboard (Men) 9:00 a.m. @ Davison S.C. Shuffleboard (Women) 1:00 p.m. @ Davison S.C. Wednesday, February 10th—Baking 1:00 p.m. @ Burton Senior Center Thursday, February 11th—Fitness Walk 8:30 a.m. @ Kettering University Volleyball 10:00 a.m. @ Kettering University Free Throw 11:30 a.m. @ Kettering University Pickleball 12:30 p.m. @ Kettering University Euchre Monday & Thursday, 12:30 p.m. Friday, 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 12th—Water Walk 9:30 a.m. @ YMCA Archery 10:00 a.m. @ Flint Bowmen, Inc. Euchre 1:00 p.m. @ Grand Blanc Senior Center Hand & Foot Monday, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 16th—Checkers 10:00 a.m. @ Flushing Senior Center Dominoes 1:00 p.m. @ Flushing Senior Center Karaoke Monday, 1:00—3:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 17th—Pool (Men) 10:00 a.m. @ Sharky’s Sports Bar Pool (Women) 2:00 p.m. @ Sharky’s Sports Bar Mah Jong Monday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (American) Wednesday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (Chinese) Friday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (American & Chinese) Thursday, February 18th—Line Dancing 10:00 a.m. @ Grand Blanc S.C. Karaoke 1:00 p.m. @ Grand Blanc Senior Center Friday, February 19th—Scrabble 9:00 a.m. @ Swartz Creek Senior Center Textiles Jewelry, Painting/Drawing, Metal, Wood, Glass, Mixed Media, Basketry, Pottery, Paper Art, Photography 1:00 p.m. @ Swartz Creek S.C. Monday, February 22nd—Frisbee Toss 10:00 a.m. @ Carman Ainsworth SC Hand & Foot 1:00 p.m. @ Carman Ainsworth S.C. Mexican Train Dominoes Monday, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 23rd—Spelling Bee 9:00 a.m. @ County Admin. Bldg. Poker Monday & Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. Thursday, February 25th—Closing Ceremony 10:00 a.m. @ Davison K of C Hall The Senior Winter Games Board of Directors appreciates your participation in the 38th Annual Genesee County Senior Winter Games Programs. These events have been partially funded by the Genesee County Senior Services Millage. Your tax dollars at work. 810.658.1566 Quiddlers Card Game Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. • 810.658.8044 Fax • 5 Food For Thought ~ “The Lunch Bunch” Daily Lunch 12:00 Noon each weekday GCCARD luncheon program. Call the Center one day in advance by 1:00 p.m. to sign-up for lunch. The suggested donation is $2.00 for anyone 60 years and over that lives in Genesee County. The cost for under 60 or anyone that lives outside of Genesee County is $3.00 Birthday Lunch Day Monday, January 11, 2016 @ 12:00 Noon We honor anyone celebrating a birthday with Birthday Cake donated from Davison Bakery and a flower provided by Rayola Florist of Davison. Also, Lorraine Provost from Pro-Hearing Center, Inc. has graciously offered to pay for the lunches of our guests who are celebrating their birthday with us during our Birthday Lunch get together. When you call in to make your reservation, make sure to let us know it is your birthday month! Commodity Supplemental Food Friday, January 15, 2016 9:00—11:00 a.m. ONLY This senior food program follows the federal income guideline of a Family of 1= $1,276 & a Family of 2 + $1,726. Available to people 60 years or older. You must fill out an application and prove your income and get the approval before receiving it. Ask the front office for the applications. TeFAP Commodity Program Given out quarterly—4 Times a year March, June, September & December This is an additional food program with income eligibility guidelines for 60 years of age and older with a household size of 1 = $1,962 a month and a household size of 2 = $2,655 a month Home Delivered Meals GCCARD provides a hot lunch and a cold snack to homebound seniors 60 years and older who are unable to cook and have no one to prepare meals. Call 810.239.7671 to schedule it Classes Card Making & Scrapbooking Thursday, 1:00 p.m. Come join in, enjoy the company, help each other, & bring your own supplies Davison Decorative Art Guild Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Beginner to Intermediate & Advanced Registration is required—Call Toni @ 810.742.5510 Hand Chimes Choir– FREE Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. Come join us & learn to make music with hand chimes Painting is Fun—FREE Painting Help Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Painting watercolor, acrylic or oil Polymer Clay Class Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Instruction on bake-able clay-making jewelry and treasures. Drop-ins are welcome! Sit & Stitch Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. Socialize while sharing ideas, patterns, skills and currant projects. Don’t sit home alone, join this great group to work on your project or learn a new one while meeting new friends. Wood Carving Monday, 9:00 a.m. This group of knowledge carvers share their talents with anyone wishing to learn the art of carving. pGGGG GGGG GGG G GUUU~G GGGG GGG GGGGGGGUGG GGGGGGGU ͺΗ͑ΥΙΖ͑͵ΒΧΚΤΠΟ͑΄ΔΙΠΠΝΤ͑ΒΣΖ͑ʹͽ΄Ͷ͵͑ΕΦΖ͑ΥΠ͑ΓΒΕ͑ ͺΗ͑ΥΙΖ͑͵ΒΧΚΤΠΟ͑΄ΔΙΠΠΝΤ͑ΒΣΖ͑ʹͽ΄Ͷ͵͑ΕΦΖ͑ΥΠ͑ΓΒΕ͑ ΨΖΒΥΙΖΣ͟͟͟΅ΙΖ͑͵ΒΧΚΤΠΟ͑΄ΖΟΚΠΣ͑ʹΖΟΥΖΣ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΔΝΠΤΖΕ͒͑͑ ΨΖΒΥΙΖΣ͟͟͟ ΅ΙΖ͑͵ΒΧΚΤΠΟ͑΄ΖΟΚΠΣ͑ʹΖΟΥΖΣ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΔΝΠΤΖΕ͒͑͑ ͳΖΗΠΣΖ͑ΧΖΟΥΦΣΚΟΘ͑ΠΦΥ͑͝ΓΖ͑ΤΦΣΖ͑ΥΠ͑ΥΦΟΖ͑ΚΟ͑ΥΠ͑ΥΙΖ͑΅·͑ ΤΥΒΥΚΠΟΤ͑ʹΙΒΟΟΖΝ͑ͣ͑͗͑ͣͦ͑͢ΒΟΕ͑ΔΙΖΔΜ͑ΥΙΖ͑ΔΝΠΤΚΟΘ͑ΝΚΤΥ͒͑ 6 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views •January 2016 Red Hat ~ Red Hatting at the Center— We have Red Hat Groups at our Center having fun each month. Red Hatters are a “Fun Only” group that plans events and outings for their members. January Events~ Red Hat Mad Hatters ~ For information on this group contact Kay Beebe at [email protected] Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter During winter, keep the gas tank near full to help avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Winter Survival Kit for Your Car Equip your car with these items: • Blankets • First Aid Kit • A can & waterproof matches (to melt snow for water) • Windshield scraper • Booster cables • Road maps • Mobile phone • Compass • Tool kit • Paper towels • Bag of sand or cat litter (to pour on ice or snow for added traction) • Tow rope • Tire chains (in areas with heavy snow) • Collapsible shovel • Container of water & high-calorie canned or dried foods and a can opener • Flashlight & extra batteries • Canned compressed air with sealant (for emergency tire repair) • Brightly colored cloth Ramblin’ Rose ~ ‘Nashville’ - Hosted by Grande’ Chapeau Affaire & Ramblin’ Rose. Wednesday, June 8, 2016. All Ladies will be invited. More information coming later. Please call or text Toni Toth @ 810.869.5322. OPERATION Rx Keep Our Communities Safe! Take all unused medications to a drug disposal site near you! Your Unused Medication doesn’t always go unused… Preventing abuse, addiction and overdose! What to Do if You Get Stranded Staying in your vehicle when stranded is often the safest choice if winter storms create poor visibility or if roadways are ice covered. These steps will increase your safety when stranded: Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna as a signal to rescuers and raise the hood of the car (if it is not snowing), Move anything you need from the trunk into the passenger area, Wrap your entire body, including your head, in extra clothing, blankets, or newspapers, Stay awake, Run the motor (and heater) for about 10 minutes per hour, opening 1 window slightly to let in air. Make sure that snow is not blocking the exhaust pipe—this will reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, As you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to improve your circulation and stay warmer, Do not eat unmelted snow because it will lower your body temperature & huddle with other people for warmth. DROP OFF SITES Baker College of Flint Campus Safety—Available 24 hrs. Burton City Police Department– Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Clio City Police Department—Mon-Fri 8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm Davison City Police Department—Mon-Fri 8am-12pm & 1pm-4pm Fenton City Police Department—Available 24 hrs. Flint Police Department—Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Flint Township Police Department—Available 24 hrs. Flint Michigan State Police Post—Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Flushing City Police Department—Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm Grand Blanc Twp. Police Department—Available 24 hrs. Mott Community College Public Safety Mundy Township Police Department—Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Lapeer County Sheriff’s Department DAVISON AREA SENIOR CENTER IS A NON SMOKING, BOTH FACILITY AND GROUNDS. SMOKING IN VEHICLES IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY! 810.658.1566 Information • 810.658.8044 Fax • 7 8 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views •January 2016 10 3 Sun. 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Wood Carving 9:30 Ping Pong 9:30 Zumba Gold 9:45 Video Exercise 10:00 Mexican Train 10:45 Zumba Gold Chair 12:00 Liver & Onions 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Shuffleboard 1:00 Hand Chimes Choir 2:30 Quiddlers 4:00 Line Dance 12:00 Chili w/Ground Beef 4 8:30 Pickle Ball 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Davison Alumni 11:30 Teaching Bridge FOR A COPY OF A FULL LUNCH MENU ASK JUNE OR BRENDA AT THE FRONT DESK! Tuesday 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 11 8:30 Pickle Ball 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Davison Alumni 11:00 Book Club Mtg. 11:30 Teaching Bridge 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 Euchre 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Karaoke 1:15 Am. Mah Jong 2:30 Blood Pressure 3:30 Clogging 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 6:00 T.O.P.S. 7:00 Sweet Adeline's 12:00 Stuffed Chicken Breast 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Wood Carving 9:30 Ping Pong 9:30 Zumba Gold 9:45 Video Exercise 10:00 Watch Battery Day 10:00 Mexican Train 10:45 Zumba Gold Chair WEBSITE E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] Monday 10:30 Genesee County Park Series 12:00 Turkey & White Bean Soup 10:00 Alzheimer’s Association Support Group 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:00 Whitefish Burger 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 12:00 Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese 8 1 Yoga 14 9:00-11:00 Food Surplus Pick-up 15 Pool Table 9:00 Pool Table Beginner Line Dancing 9:45 Video Exercise Davison Decorative Art Guild 10:30 Ping Pong Line Dancing 11:30 Chess & Checkers 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 2:00 Penning the Past Class 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 7:00 Generation Band Dance 5:30 T.O.P.S. 12:00 Stuffed Cabbage 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 12:00 Bridge 12:30 Cribbage 12:30 Sit & Stitch 1:00 Ping Pong 1:15 Mah Jong 3:00 Advisory Broad Mtg. 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:30 CLOSED! Friday Yoga 7 9:00 Pool Table Pool Table 9:00 Veterans Services Beginner Line Dancing 9:45 Video Exercise Davison Decorative Art Guild 10:30 Ping Pong Line Dancing 11:30 Chess & Checkers 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:30 12:00 BBQ Short Ribs Thursday 9:00 Polymer Clay 6 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 12 9:00 Polymer Clay 13 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 11:00 Ask A Lawyer 5 Wednesday 8:00 am Yoga 16 8:00 am NO Yoga 9 8:00 am Yoga 2 Sat. 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 13 4:00 pm _______ 31 24 17 1:00 PM 5:30 Bunco 12:00 Swedish Meatballs 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 10:30 Genesee County Parks Series 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 7:00 Evening Star Quilters 12:00 Bridge 12:30 Cribbage 12:30 Sit & Stitch 1:00 Ping Pong 1:15 Mah Jong 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 12:00 Boiled Turkey Ham Dinner 9:00 Polymer Clay 27 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 10:45 Blood Pressure Yoga 28 9:00 Pool Table 29 9:45 Video Exercise Pool Table 10:30 Ping Pong Beginner Line Dancing 11:30 Chess & Checkers Davison Decorative Art Guild 12:00 Chicken & Dumpling Line Dancing 10:30 Genesee County Parks Series 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 1:15 Mah Jong 12:00 Western Style Crumb Steak 1:30 Qi Gong 12:30 Euchre 7:00 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 2:00 Penning the Past Class 4:30 Beginning Pick Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:30 Yoga 21 9:00 Pool Table 22 Pool Table 9:45 Video Exercise Beginner Line Dancing 10:30 Ping Pong Davison Decorative Art Guild 11:30 Chess & Checkers 12:00 Beef Lasagna w/Cheese Line Dancing 10:30 Genesee County Parks Series 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 1:15 Mah Jong 12:00 Turkey Cutlet 1:30 Qi Gong 12:30 Euchre 7:00 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 2:00 Penning the Past Class 4:30 Beginning Pick Ball 7:00 Generation Band Dance 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:30 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 2:00 Penning the Past Class 7:00 Generation Band Dance 4:30 Beginning Pick Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 12:00 Bridge 12:30 Cribbage 12:30 Sit & Stitch 1:00 Ping Pong 1:15 Mah Jong 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 19 9:00 Polymer Clay 20 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 12:00 Oven Fried Chicken 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 12:00 Meatloaf 12:00 Bridge 1:00 Shuffleboard 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Hand Chimes Choir 12:30 Sit & Stitch 2:30 Quiddlers 1:00 Ping Pong 4:00 Line Dance 1:15 Mah Jong 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Davison Alumni 11:30 Teaching Bridge 9:00 Pool Table 25 8:30 Pickle Ball 26 9:00 Wood Carving 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Ping Pong 9:30 Davison Alumni 9:30 Zumba Gold 11:30 Teaching Bridge 9:45 Video Exercise 12:00 Grilled Chicken Sandwich 10:00 Mexican Train 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 10:45 Zumba Gold Chair 1:00 Shuffleboard 12:00 Veal in Spahetti Sauce 1:00 Hand Chimes Choir 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 2:30 Quiddlers 12:30 Euchre 4:00 Line Dance 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Karaoke 1:15 Am. Mah Jong 2:30 Blood Pressure 3:00 Authority Board Mtg. 3:30 Clogging 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 6:00 T.O.P.S. 7:00 Sweet Adeline's Martin Luther King Jr. Day! CLOSED NO Shuffleboard Hand Chimes Choir Quiddlers NO Line Dance 4:00 Let’s Kick Off New Year Dinner 1:00 1:00 2:30 4:00 18 8:30 Pickle Ball 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 Euchre 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Karaoke 1:15 Am. Mah Jong 2:30 Blood Pressure 3:30 Clogging 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 6:00 T.O.P.S. 7:00 Sweet Adelines 12:00 Chicken ala King 11:30 Pro-Hearing Center 23 30 8:00 am Yoga 8:00 am Yoga 6:30 pm Health & Fitness Clogging Monday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Cost: $1.00 per person Benny Dafonte helping you learn clogging. It’s all fun and great exercise! Come on in and see what it is all about! NEW Group on Mondays!… T.O.P.S.—Take Off Pounds Sensibly! Monday, 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Real People Lose Weight with TOPS Contact: Lois Johnson 810.658.8027 Line Dancing Intermediate-Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.-$4.00 pp Beginner-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.—$1.50 pp Intermediate-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.—$3.00 pp Video Exercise—FREE Monday & Friday, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Wednesday Exercise Class Wednesday, 10:00—10:45 a.m. Strengthening & stretching $1.00 pp each class Pickle-ball Regular Play -Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Beginning-Thursday, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Regular Play-Thursday, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Yoga Thursday, 8:00—9:15 a.m. $9.00 per hour 1 hour session workout with Lois Schneider with a 10-minute deep relaxation Ping Pong Monday, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. Pool Table Monday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. (Men’s Pool) Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. (Women’s Pool) For more information call Jean 810.813.4674 Room available when not scheduled Shuffleboard Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00 p.m. Tai Chi / Qi Gong Exercise—FREE Friday, 1:30 p.m. Improves balance & coordination T.O.P.S.—Take Off Pounds Sensibly! Thursday, 5:30 p.m.—Weigh-in 6:00 p.m.—Meeting Real People Lose Weight with TOPS TOPS is a nonprofit weight loss support and wellness education organization. TOPS provides you with the tools, information, support and accountability you need to be successful in your weight loss journey. Contact: Sandi Wilson 810.603.7054 14 Davison Area Senior Center Saturday Yoga— Saturday, 8:00—9:15 a.m. Except the 2nd Saturday of the month! $10.00 per hour 1 hour session workout with Lois Schneider with a 10-minute deep relaxation Zumba Gold Monday, 9:30—10:30 a.m. Zumba Gold Chair Monday, 10:40—11:25 a.m. Zumba Gold Toning Thursday, 11:30—12:30 p.m. Drop-in, Fee $5.00 per class Zumba Gold takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active, older participant. Massage Therapist ~ Emily Maurer, CMT Here at the Center doing 1 hour massages on Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Must call and make an appointment with the front office @ 810.658.1566 Cost per hour ~ $30.00—60 yrs. and older $35.00—Under 60 yrs. •News & Views •January 2016 Information G G G mT mTtGuGwGMGhG tGuGwGMGhG hSGu G hSGu G hGwGGhGvGhHG hGwGGhGvGhHG zGq G^SGYWX]GgGXWaZWT XXaZWGUUGG zGq G^SGYWX]GgGXWaZW TXXaZWGUU gkGhGzGjG gkGhGzGjG nGGGHGG{GGSGGGSG GGG]GGGGGG GSGSGGGGGG UGGwGG GGGSG GGSGSGGGG GO~GPSGGHGGl G GGGGGGG¡GGG GGGUGGpGGGG GG GGGG GHG t|z{Gyz}wG_XWU]\_UX\]]G t|z{Gyz}wG_XWU]\_UX\]]G Need A New Watch Battery 1st Monday of every month Starting at 10:00 a.m. Bonnie Weber is here at the Center changing watch batteries for $ 1.00 each (No Water Resistant Watches) Just Stop on By! Pennies for Projects We are collecting pennies at the Center! Everybody has pennies laying around, we are asking for you to donate them to the Center. The donation jar is on the front office counter, just drop them in! We will use the money for a new items we need around the Senior Center. Please feel free to donate pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters & bills. Thanks! to all the people that have donated so far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ü+RXVHKROG ü+RXVHKROG For more information, call Michigan Gas Utilities at 800-401-6402. A Bit of Sunshine… If you know someone whose spirits would be lifted by receiving a card or note, please stop by or call the front desk and tell us their name. 15 Davison Area Senior Center Winter Protection Plan •News & Views Supplies Wish List Our Center uses many supplies on a daily basis. At this time we welcome donations of 8-1/2” x 11” Copy Paper , Individual Wrapped Candy, White-Out Correction, Kleenex, Hand Soap, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes & Postage Stamps •January 2016 Center Services Alzheimer’s Support Group—FREE January 14, 2016 10:00-12:00 p.m. The Alzheimer’s Support Group is open to anyone caring for a family member of friend with Alzheimer’s Disease or some form of dementia. For more information contact Sue Purdy at 810.603.1974 Legal Services—FREE Legal Services of Eastern Michigan offers legal assistance to senior citizens in Genesee County. Call 810.234.2621 for an appointment here at the Center. MMAP ~ The Michigan Medicare/ Medicaid Assistance Program is a free service that can help you make health insurance decisions. MMAP’s mission is to educate, counsel, and empower Medicare beneficiaries and those who serve them so that they can make informed health decisions. 810.658.1566 or MMAP, INC @ 1.800.803.7174 for assistance all year round. Blood Pressure Checks—FREE Monday, 2:30 p.m. Walk-in blood pressure clinic is offered by volunteer nurses—Connie Chirich, Charlene DeLodge, & Pam Ferrell Blood Pressure Checks—FREE 4th Wednesday of the month 10:45 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Walk-in blood pressure checks are offered by Swartz Ambulance Paramedics MiCafe We will still process requests for the Food Assistance Program, for those who qualify, and redeterminations from DHS to continue your benefits. Call the Center for an appointment with Karen at 810.658.1566 Grief Support—FREE Friday, 2:00—4:00 p.m. If interested call 810.496.8625 and leave a message Genesee County Department of Veterans Services Friday, January 8, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ~ FREE A representative here at the Center to help with Veteran claims and Veterans benefit issues. The VA pension program can help wartime veterans pay for those high medical expenses if the veteran qualifies. Hearing Aid Assistance—FREE 2nd Monday of the Month @ 11:30 a.m. Cleaning & check-up for your hearing aids by Lorraine Provost from Pro-Hearing Center KISS—Keeping Independent Seniors Safe-FREE A program for seniors 62 and older For more information contact: Evelyn Harris 810.249.6530 or Toll Free 855.561.5477 Weekdays—8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Host Agency: Valley Area Agency on Aging Please call the Center for an appointment at 810.658.1566. Request a list of information to bring when you schedule your appointment! We are looking for volunteers to drive our Centers Van, to take our seniors places. If interested please call Brenda after 1:00 p.m. at 810.658.1566 Transportation—Monday—Friday only! We have a van available to bring you to and from the Center or around the Davison Area. Last ride scheduled at 3:00 p.m. You must call the day before to schedule a ride by 1:00 p.m. Cost: $2.50 each way. The van is NOT handicap accessible. Requirements for the transportation services ~ Must be 60 yrs. of age or older, Must be able to board the bus independently, Must complete a Senior Center Participation Form, Must reside in the Davison School District, Must pay total fee of the ride at the time of boarding. 810.658.1566 Loan Closet We have donated equipment available to borrow—Bath Seats, Canes, Crutches, Toilet Seats, Walkers, Wheelchairs. We ask for a $25.00 CASH deposit and you will receive your $25.00 back upon returning items. • 810.658.8044 Fax • 16 Traveling Program Soaring Eagle Casino with Route 23 Tuesday, March 22, 2016…………..……$37.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Mt. Pleasant with 4 hours of gaming at Soaring Eagle Casino. Get back $10 on player’s club card & $5 in food credit. Departs 9:00 a.m. The Davison Area Senior Center acts only as an agent for the independent suppliers that provide hotel accommodations, transportation, sightseeing activities, or other services connected with these tours. All such services are subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers. Davison Area Senior Center, its employees, agents, directors, and representatives are not responsible for any injury, damages, expenses, or losses of any kind sustained by any person as a result of participation in these tours. The Odd Couple at the Purple Rose Theatre Wednesday, March 23, 2016………..…..$84.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Chelsea Michigan, Lunch at The Common Grille in Chelsea, Tickets to see “The Odd Couple” at Purple Rose Theatre. Departs at 10:45 a.m. Cancellation Policy Cancellation of any trip if subject to a refund—will have a $5.00 cancellation fee from the Davison Area Senior Center. Cancellation on the day of the trips or NO SHOWS… No Refunds...No Exceptions! Trip flyers may be picked up at the Davison Senior Center. Overnight prices are based on double occupancy. Trip reservations are not guaranteed until payment is received. To avoid waiting lists or finding out that a trip has been cancelled, sign up early. Travel programs have registration deadlines! At deadline time, the trip will be cancelled if we do not have enough committed travelers or you may have to drive to a different pick-up spot! FireKeepers Casino & Wine Tasting Combo Tour With Route 23 Tuesday, May 17, 2016…………….…….$55.00 pp Trip includes deluxe round trip motor coach transportation to Battle Creek Michigan, Wine tasting at Sandhill Crane Vineyards, 4 Hours of gaming at Firekeepers Casino with $20 on Players Card & $5 in Food Credit. Departs at 9:30 a.m. Please arrive 15-20 minutes before departure time for all trips & Please park your vehicles in our trip parking lot, the bus will pick you up over there! St. Sabbas Russian Orthodox Monastery & Gardens with a Russian High Tea Luncheon at The Royal Eagle with Route 23 Tuesday, May 24, 2016…………………$70.00 pp Trip includes motor coach transportation to Harper Woods Michigan, Tour & Lecture at St. Sabbas Monastery & Gardens, Tea luncheon at The Royal Eagle located at St. Sabbas. Departs at 10:30 a.m. Note: All person traveling to Canada must have a passport or an enhanced driver’s license. All casino packages are subject to change without notice. Proper identification & Social Security Card are required to collect prizes over the amount of $1,199. TRIPS Historic Cities of the East Pennsylvania Amish Country, Sight & Sound Theatre, Baltimore, Gettysburg & Philadelphia ~ Featuring: 5 Nights in Lancaster, PA with Shoreline Tours May 22-27, 2016…………………$999.00 pp/dbl Tour includes modern motor coach transportation, 5 Nights at Lancaster, PA, 5 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners, Pennsylvania Amish Country Tour, Samson at Sight & Sound Theatre, Sightseeing Tour of Baltimore, Baltimore Harbor Cruise, Leisure Time on Inner Harbor, Sightseeing Tour of Philadelphia, Independence Hall & Liberty Bell Center, Sightseeing Tour of Gettysburg, Shoreline Tour Director, Luggage handling, Tax & tip on included meals. Deposit $100 with balance due April 1, 2016. Motor City Casino with Route 23 Tuesday, January 19, 2016……………$30.00 pp Trip Includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to Detroit, 5 hours of gaming at Motor City Casino, Get back $35 on player’s club card. Philadelphia Flower Show with Bianco Tours March 9-12, 2016…………………$604.00 pp/dbl Tour includes Round trip transportation, 3 Nights at Holiday Inn Express Penn’s Landing (Philadelphia, PA), 3 Breakfasts & 2 Dinners, Featuring Cavanaugh’s Head House (included dinner), Guided tour of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Flower Show, Guided tour of Eastern State Penitentiary, Reading Terminal Market (lunch on your own) & Chart House Restaurant (included dinner). 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 17 Travel Program Frederik Meijer Gardens Spring Rose Show with Route 23 Saturday, June 25, 2016 $64.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Grand Rapids Michigan, Lunch on own at Meijer Gardens Café, Admission to Frederik Meijer Gardens Spring Rose Show, Guided Indoor Tour, Narrated Tram Tour through the Gardens & Sculpture Park. Departs at 9:00 a.m. Discover Clare Amish Country with Route 23 Monday, July 18, 2016…….…………….$64.00 pp Trip includes: Round trip bus transportation to Clare, Michigan, Amish Family-Style luncheon with all the Fixins’ at Country Side Dinners, A stop at an Amish Quilt Shop, A stop at an Amish Bulk Food Store, A stop at an Amish Bakery. Departs at 8:30 a.m. Hollywood Casino with Route 23 Monday, July 18, 2016 $45.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Toledo Ohio, 4 hours of gaming at Hollywood Casino which is 100% Smoke Free Casino, Get back $10 in Free Slot Play. Departs at 9:00 a.m. Colorado Rocky Mountain Spectacular With Shoreline Tours July 24-August 2, 2016………….$1,999.00 pp/dbl From emerald-green national forest, fields of vibrant wildflowers, shores of crystalline lakes to 54 Rocky Mountain peaks that rise 14,000 feet, to red-rock formations that seem to rip from the earth, Colorado has one of the most dramatic and bold natural landscapes in the world! Tour includes: Modern motor coach transportation, 2 Nights to Colorado, 3 Nights—Westminster, Co, 2 Nights—Colorado Springs, 2 Nights—En Route Home, 9 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch & 4 Dinners, Tour of Boys Town USA, Great Plate River Road Archway, Rocky Mountain National Park, Visit to Estes Park, Sightseeing Tour of Denver, Coors Brewery, Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak Cog Railway, U.S. Air Force Academy, Royal Gorge Bridge, Sightseeing Tour of St. Louis, The Gateway Arch—St. Louis, Luggage Handling, Tax & Tip on included meals. Deposit $100.00 at time of registration with balance due May 30, 2016. 18 Davison Area Senior Center Great Canadian WestVancouver, Victoria & Whistler with Shoreline Tours August 14-20, 2016…………….$2,999.00 pp/dbl Tour includes Roundtrip Air, Roundtrip Detroit Airport Transportation, 1st Class Touring Motorcoach, Shoreline Tour Director, 3 NightsVancouver-Hampton Downtown, 2 Nights-VictoriaChateau Victoria, 1 Night-Whistler-Aava Hotel, 6 Breakfasts & 4 Dinners, Sightseeing Tour of Victoria, BC, Butchart Gardens, Roundtrip Ferry Crossings, Sightseeing Tour of Vancouver, Horse Carriage Through Stanley Park, Capilano Canyon & Suspension Bridge, Leisure Time in Whistler Mountain Village, Sea to Sky Gondola, Vancouver Harbor Dinner Cruise, Luggage Handling & All Airline Baggage Fees. Deposit $250 per person with a balance due 6-14-16. Coast of Maine with Shoreline Tours September 17-23, 2016 $1,399.00 pp/dbl A land of scenic byways, historic lighthouses, covered bridges, stunning sunsets, water adventure, dramatic coastlines, historic sites and interesting attractions awaits us on our new trip to the beautiful coast of Maine. Featuring 4 nights at Boothbay Harbor Inn. All guest rooms are harbor front with amazing views of the water, downtown and dozens of pleasure craft, fishing boats and yachts that dot the landscape on the harbor. Tour includes: Modern motor coach transportation, 6 Nights lodging, 6 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners, Shoreline Tour Director, Museum of Old York, Kennebunkport Trolley Tour, Sightseeing Tour of Portland, Maine, Day trip to Camden, Maine, Maine State Prison craft shop, Camden Hills State Park, Captain Fish Scenic Harbor Cruise, Leisure time in Boothbay Harbor, Boothbay Railway Village, Luggage handling, Tax & tip on included meals. Deposit $100 at time of registration with balance due 8-1-16. Parade company Studio & Pewabic Pottery Tour with Route 23 Wednesday, October 26, 2016…………$74.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Detroit Michigan, Lunch at Sindbad’s Restaurant, Guided Tour of the Parade Company Studio, Guided Tour of Pewabic Pottery. Departs at 8:30 a.m. •News & Views •January 2016 Travel Did You Know... Genitti’s Dinner Theatre & Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum with Route 23 Thursday, November 17, 2016 $84.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Northville Michigan, A 7 Course Italian Luncheon, Interactive Comedy Show after your meal, Stop at Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum. Departs at 9:00 a.m. Open Year Round Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 8110 E. Court St. Davison, MI 48423 810-412-5883 [email protected] Up Coming Events ~ January 16—Magic Show January 30—Taste of the Market February 13—Valentine’s Day Crafts For complete flyers of all our trips ~ stop into the Center and pick them up from our trip board! Young People’s Ballet Theatre Join the dancers of YPBT as they present their 28th annual ballet production. This year they are excited to present Coppelia, February 25-28th, at the University of Michigan-Flint Theatre. Coppelia is a ballet about a mysterious toy maker and his desire to bring his favorite doll to life. It also follows the feisty Swanhilda, and her betrothed Franz, as they get mixed up with the toy maker and his doll, causing hilarious situations for them and all their friends. Coppelia is a ballet filled with comedy, great dancing, and lots of fun for the whole family. Call 810.230.1355 for tickets! DID YOU KNOW… You will be able to pick up the ”NATURAL AWAKENINGS” PUBLICATION here at the Davison area senior center its free and every issue is a green issue! Healthy living-healthy planet. We get 25 issues only! ~oGnvvkGwyvnyhtzGMG {ypwzGhylGjhujlslkHGG {ypwzGhylGjhujlslkH uGGGGG G GGG GGGGUGG {GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG UGGzGG GG UUUylnpz{lyGlhysH ylnpz{lyGlhysHG ylnpz{lyGlhysH Special Event: Coppelia’s Doll Tea Party This tea will be a delightful way to spend a mother-daughter or grandmother-granddaughter afternoon. Tickets include private tea party refreshments and light lunch, photo opportunities with the dancers, and premium seating at the Sunday matinee performance of Coppelia. Sunday 12:00 p.m. at Blackstone’s Grill in downtown Flint. $35.00 per person. For more information call 810.230.1355 or Please let the front desk know if you have changed The 74th Annual 2016 Elf Khurafeh Shrine Circus @ Dort Federal Event Center your address, telephone number or emergency 3501 Lape e r Rd., Flint, MI 48503 January 14-18th, 2016 For Tickets & Information call 810.744.0580 810.658.1566 contacts! So we have the correct information in our systems! • 810.658.8044 Fax • 19 Davison Area Senior Center 10135 Lapeer Rd. Davison, MI 48423 Phone: 810.658.1566 Fax: 810.658.8044 We’re on the Web! DAVISON AREA SENIOR CENTER 2016 Newsletter Form 10135 LAPEER RD. DAVISON MI 48423 810.658.1566 FULL NAME:_____________________________________________________BIRTHDATE:____________________________ SPOUSES FULL NAME:____________________________________________BIRTHDATE:____________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:___________________________________________________________STATE:____________________ZIP:____________ COUNTY:__________________________________TOWNSHIP:____________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:______________________________________CELL PHONE:___________________________________________ SPOUSE CELL PHONE:_______________________________
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